diff options
authormichelou <>2003-10-13 16:00:48 +0000
committermichelou <>2003-10-13 16:00:48 +0000
commitecb8e40fb5e68b8b73af3126d29632e6c9c22823 (patch)
parent3242f383e05f2dd7197ea72ae7b2c8c7ff893a26 (diff)
- the main scalatest class
1 files changed, 697 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalatest/ b/sources/scala/tools/scalatest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3208e8cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scalatest/
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+/* ___ ____ ___ __ ___ _____
+** / _// __// _ | / / / _ |/_ _/ Scala test
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | / / (c) 2003, LAMP/EPFL
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ |_//_/
+** $Id$
+import java.text.MessageFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ListIterator;
+ *
+ */
+public class Main {
+ //########################################################################
+ // Private Constants
+ private final static String PRODUCT = "scalatest";
+ private final static String VERSION = "1.02";
+ private final static String COPYRIGHT = "(C)2003 LAMP/EPFL";
+ private final static String AUTHORS =
+ "Philippe Altherr & Stephane Micheloud";
+ private static String SCALA_RUNTIME =
+ System.getProperty("scala.runtime");
+ private static String SCALA_BINPATH =
+ System.getProperty("scala.binpath");
+ private static String SCALA_TESTPATH =
+ System.getProperty("scala.testpath");
+ private final static String NAME_DTDFILE = "dtd";
+ private final static String SUFFIX_OBJDIR = "-obj";
+ private final static String SUFFIX_CHECKFILE = ".check";
+ private final static String SUFFIX_DTDFILE = ".dtd";
+ private final static String SUFFIX_LOGFILE = ".log";
+ private final static String SUFFIX_SCALAFILE = ".scala";
+ private final static String SUFFIX_XMLFILE = ".xml";
+ private final static String HEADER_TESTING = "testing: ";
+ private final static String HEADER_VERBOSE = "debug: ";
+ /**
+ * Color modes
+ */
+ private final int NONE = 0;
+ private final int SOME = 1;
+ private final int MANY = 2;
+ /**
+ * Test types
+ */
+ private final int AUTO = 0;
+ private final int RUN = 1;
+ private final int INT = 2;
+ private final int JVM = 3;
+ private final int XML = 4;
+ private final int POS = 5;
+ private final int NEG = 6;
+ //########################################################################
+ // Private Variables
+ private boolean noRun = false;
+ private boolean showLog = false;
+ private boolean showDiff = false;
+ private boolean failed = false;
+ private int verbose = 0;
+ private int errors = 0;
+// private int successCount = 0;
+ private boolean testAll = true;
+ private int testType = AUTO;
+ /**
+ * Test files grouped by type
+ */
+ private List/*String*/ filesRUN = new ArrayList();
+ private List/*String*/ filesINT = new ArrayList();
+ private List/*String*/ filesJVM = new ArrayList();
+ private List/*String*/ filesXML = new ArrayList();
+ private List/*String*/ filesPOS = new ArrayList();
+ private List/*String*/ filesNEG = new ArrayList();
+ /**
+ * Used to format output
+ */
+ private Console console = new Console();
+ private StringBuffer blanks = new StringBuffer(" ");
+ private String colorOutline;
+ private String colorSuccess;
+ private String colorFailure;
+ private String colorWarning;
+ private String colorNormal;
+ private String statusSuccess = " OK ";
+ private String statusFailed = "FAILED";
+ /**
+ * Test paths
+ */
+ private String objDir = getTempDirectory(SCALA_TESTPATH);
+ private final String filesDir = "files" + FileUtils.FILE_SEP;
+ private final String runDir = filesDir + "run" + FileUtils.FILE_SEP;
+ private final String jvmDir = filesDir + "jvm" + FileUtils.FILE_SEP;
+ private final String xmlDir = filesDir + "xml" + FileUtils.FILE_SEP;
+ private final String posDir = "pos" + FileUtils.FILE_SEP;
+ private final String coursDir = "cours" + FileUtils.FILE_SEP;
+ private final String negDir = "neg" + FileUtils.FILE_SEP;
+ /**
+ * Scala tools
+ */
+ private String scalac = getExecutable("scalac");
+ private String scalarun = getExecutable("scalarun");
+ private String dtd2scala = getExecutable("dtd2scala");
+// private String scalainfo = getExecutable("scala-info");
+ private String scalapath = SCALA_RUNTIME;
+ /**
+ * Command lines executed in the tests
+ */
+ private MessageFormat scalacCmdLine;
+ private MessageFormat scalarunCmdLine;
+ private MessageFormat dtd2scalaCmdLine;
+ private MessageFormat javaCmdLine;
+ /**
+ * Test options
+ */
+ private String flags = "";
+ private int color = MANY;
+ //########################################################################
+ // Private Static Functions
+ private static String getExecutable(String name) {
+ return SCALA_BINPATH + FileUtils.FILE_SEP + name;
+ }
+ private static String getTempDirectory(String defaultDir) {
+ String tempDir = defaultDir;
+ File dir = FileUtils.getTempDir();
+ if (dir != null) {
+ dir = new File(dir, PRODUCT);
+ try {
+ dir.mkdir();
+ tempDir = dir.getCanonicalPath() + FileUtils.FILE_SEP;
+ } catch (Exception e) {}
+ }
+ return tempDir;
+ }
+ //########################################################################
+ // Private Functions
+ private void abort(String message) {
+ console.println(message);
+ System.exit(1);
+ }
+ private void printUsage() {
+ console.println("Usage: " + PRODUCT + " [OPTION]...");
+ }
+ private void printHelp() {
+ printUsage();
+ console.println();
+ console.println("--auto use filenames to select the test to run");
+ console.println("--run next files test the interpreter and all backends");
+ console.println("--int next files test the interpreter");
+ console.println("--jvm next files test the jvm backend");
+ console.println("--xml next files test the dtd2scala tool");
+ console.println("--pos next files test a compilation success");
+ console.println("--neg next files test a compilation failure");
+ console.println("--no-run run no test, use results of last run");
+ console.println("--show-log show output of failed tests");
+ console.println("--show-diff show differences between actual and expected output");
+ console.println("--failed test only files that failed last time");
+ console.println("--verbose=LEVEL display debug information (LEVEL=0|1|2)");
+ console.println("--errors=<int> specify the number of expected errors");
+ console.println("--socos=<path> specify the socos command");
+ console.println("--surus=<path> specify the surus command");
+ console.println("--scala=<path> specify the scala runtime class path");
+ console.println("--flags=<flags> specify flags to pass on to the executable");
+ console.println("--color=USAGE control the color usage (USAGE=none|some|many)");
+ console.println("--objdir=<dir> specify where to place generated files");
+ console.println("--help, -? display this help and exit");
+ console.println("--version output version information and exit");
+ }
+ private void printVersion() {
+ console.println(PRODUCT + " " + VERSION + ", " + COPYRIGHT);
+ console.println("Written by " + AUTHORS);
+ }
+ private void printOutline(String s) {
+ console.print(colorOutline + s + colorNormal);
+ }
+ private void printSuccess(String s) {
+ console.print(colorSuccess + s + colorNormal);
+ }
+ private void printFailure(String s) {
+ console.print(colorFailure + s + colorNormal);
+ }
+ private void printStatus(String message, boolean success) {
+ int n = 70 - message.length();
+ while (blanks.length() < n) blanks.append(" ");
+ if (n > 0)
+ console.print(blanks.substring(blanks.length() - n));
+ console.println((success) ? statusSuccess : statusFailed);
+ }
+ private void printLog(File log) {
+ try {
+ BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(log));
+ String s;
+ while ((s = rd.readLine()) != null)
+ console.println(s);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // FileNotFoundException or IOException
+ }
+ }
+ private class InterpretationCommand extends Command {
+ InterpretationCommand(Console console) { super(console); }
+ public boolean run(String arg) {
+ String name = arg.substring(0, arg.lastIndexOf('.'));
+ String cmdLine = scalarunCmdLine.format(new Object[]{ flags, arg });
+ if (verbose > 0)
+ console.println(HEADER_VERBOSE + cmdLine);
+ String message = HEADER_TESTING + arg;
+ printOutline(message);
+ boolean success = false;
+ File logFile = null;
+ try {
+ logFile = new File(objDir, name + SUFFIX_LOGFILE);
+ success = execute(cmdLine, new FileOutputStream(logFile));
+ if (success) {
+ File checkFile =
+ success = ! checkFile.isFile() ||
+ FileUtils.compareFiles(logFile, checkFile, showDiff);
+ }
+ if (success)
+ logFile.delete();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ success = false;
+ }
+ printStatus(message, success);
+ if (logFile != null && showLog)
+ printLog(logFile);
+ return success;
+ }
+ }
+ private class InterpretationTest extends Test {
+ InterpretationTest(List[] groups) {
+ super("Testing interpreter", groups);
+ }
+ public int run() {
+ return filesCount - run(new InterpretationCommand(console));
+ }
+ }
+ private class CompilationCommand extends Command {
+ CompilationCommand(Console console) { super(console); }
+ public boolean run(String arg) {
+ String name = arg.substring(0, arg.lastIndexOf('.'));
+ File out = new File(objDir, name + SUFFIX_OBJDIR);
+ FileUtils.createDir(out);
+ String outpath = objDir + name + SUFFIX_OBJDIR;
+ String cmdLine1 =
+ scalacCmdLine.format(new Object[]{ outpath , flags, "", arg });
+ String cmdLine2 = javaCmdLine.format(new Object[]{ outpath, "" });
+ if (verbose > 0) {
+ console.println(HEADER_VERBOSE + cmdLine1);
+ console.println(HEADER_VERBOSE + cmdLine2);
+ }
+ String message = HEADER_TESTING + arg;
+ printOutline(message);
+ boolean success = execute(cmdLine1);
+ if (success) {
+ try {
+ File logFile = new File(objDir, name + SUFFIX_LOGFILE);
+ success = execute(cmdLine2, new FileOutputStream(logFile));
+ if (success) {
+ File checkFile =
+ success = ! checkFile.isFile()
+ || FileUtils.compareFiles(logFile, checkFile, showDiff);
+ }
+ if (success)
+ logFile.delete();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ FileUtils.deleteDir(out);
+ printStatus(message, success);
+ return success;
+ }
+ }
+ private class CompilationTest extends Test {
+ CompilationTest(List[] groups) {
+ super("Testing jvm backend", groups);
+ }
+ public int run() {
+ return filesCount - run(new CompilationCommand(console));
+ }
+ }
+ private class XMLCommand extends Command {
+ XMLCommand(Console console) { super(console); }
+ public boolean run(String arg) {
+ String name = arg.substring(0, arg.lastIndexOf('.'));
+ File out = new File(objDir, name + SUFFIX_OBJDIR);
+ FileUtils.createDir(out);
+ String outpath = objDir + name + SUFFIX_OBJDIR;
+ String dtdFile = name + SUFFIX_DTDFILE;
+ String objFile =
+ String xmlFile =
+ String cmdLine1 =
+ dtd2scalaCmdLine.format(new Object[]{ outpath, dtdFile });
+ String cmdLine2 =
+ scalacCmdLine.format(new Object[]{ outpath, flags, objFile, arg });
+ String cmdLine3 = javaCmdLine.format(new Object[]{ outpath, xmlFile });
+ if (verbose > 0) {
+ console.println(HEADER_VERBOSE + cmdLine1);
+ console.println(HEADER_VERBOSE + cmdLine2);
+ console.println(HEADER_VERBOSE + cmdLine3);
+ }
+ String message = HEADER_TESTING + arg;
+ printOutline(message);
+ boolean success = execute(cmdLine1) && execute(cmdLine2);
+ if (success) {
+ try {
+ File logFile = new File(objDir, name + SUFFIX_LOGFILE);
+ success = execute(cmdLine3, new FileOutputStream(logFile));
+ if (success) {
+ File checkFile =
+ success = ! checkFile.isFile()
+ || FileUtils.compareFiles(logFile, checkFile, showDiff);
+ }
+ if (success)
+ logFile.delete();
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ FileUtils.deleteDir(out);
+ printStatus(message, success);
+ return success;
+ }
+ }
+ private class XMLTest extends Test {
+ XMLTest(List/*String*/ files) {
+ super("Testing dtd2scala", new List[]{ files });
+ }
+ public int run() {
+ return filesCount - run(new XMLCommand(console));
+ }
+ }
+ private class SuccessCommand extends Command {
+ SuccessCommand(Console console) { super(console); }
+ public boolean run(String arg) {
+ String name = arg.substring(0, arg.lastIndexOf('.'));
+ File out = new File(objDir, name + SUFFIX_OBJDIR);
+ FileUtils.createDir(out);
+ String outpath = objDir + name + SUFFIX_OBJDIR;
+ String cmdLine =
+ scalacCmdLine.format(new Object[]{ outpath, flags, "", arg });
+ if (verbose > 0)
+ console.println(HEADER_VERBOSE + cmdLine);
+ String message = HEADER_TESTING + arg;
+ printOutline(message);
+ boolean success = false;
+ try {
+ File logFile = new File(objDir, name + SUFFIX_LOGFILE);
+ success = execute(cmdLine, null, new FileOutputStream(logFile))
+ && logFile.length() == 0;
+ if (success)
+ logFile.delete();
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {}
+ FileUtils.deleteDir(out);
+ printStatus(message, success);
+ return success;
+ }
+ }
+ private class SuccessTest extends Test {
+ SuccessTest(List/*String*/ files) {
+ super("Testing compiler "
+ + "(on files whose compilation should succeed)",
+ new List[]{ files });
+ }
+ public int run() {
+ return filesCount - run(new SuccessCommand(console));
+ }
+ }
+ private class FailureCommand extends Command {
+ FailureCommand(Console console) { super(console); }
+ public boolean run(String arg) {
+ String name = arg.substring(0, arg.lastIndexOf('.'));
+ File out = new File(objDir, name + SUFFIX_OBJDIR);
+ FileUtils.createDir(out);
+ String outpath = objDir + name + SUFFIX_OBJDIR;
+ String cmdLine =
+ scalacCmdLine.format(new Object[]{ outpath, flags, "", arg });
+ if (verbose > 0)
+ console.println(HEADER_VERBOSE + cmdLine);
+ String message = HEADER_TESTING + arg;
+ printOutline(message);
+ boolean success = false;
+ try {
+ File logFile = new File(objDir, name + SUFFIX_LOGFILE);
+ success = execute(cmdLine, null, new FileOutputStream(logFile))
+ && logFile.length() > 0;
+ if (success)
+ logFile.delete();
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {}
+ FileUtils.deleteDir(out);
+ printStatus(message, success);
+ return success;
+ }
+ }
+ private class FailureTest extends Test {
+ FailureTest(List/*String*/ files) {
+ super("Testing compiler "
+ + "(on files whose compilation should fail)",
+ new List[]{ files });
+ }
+ public int run() {
+ return filesCount - run(new FailureCommand(console));
+ }
+ }
+ private void testAll() {
+ console.println("Test configuration");
+ console.println("socos executable: " + scalac);
+ console.println("surus executable: " + scalarun);
+ console.println("scala runtime : " + scalapath);
+ Test.setConsole(console);
+ int failure = 0;
+ failure += new InterpretationTest(new List[]{ filesRUN, filesINT}).run();
+ failure += new CompilationTest(new List[]{ filesRUN, filesJVM}).run();
+ failure += new XMLTest(filesXML).run();
+ failure += new SuccessTest(filesPOS).run();
+ failure += new FailureTest(filesNEG).run();
+ console.println();
+ if (failure == 0)
+ printSuccess("All tests were successful");
+ else if (failure == 1)
+ printFailure("There was 1 test that failed");
+ else
+ printFailure("There were " + failure + " tests that failed");
+ console.println();
+ }
+ private void addFile(String name) {
+ testAll = false;
+ switch (testType) {
+ case AUTO: break;
+ case RUN: filesRUN.add(name); break;
+ case INT: filesINT.add(name); break;
+ case JVM: filesJVM.add(name); break;
+ case XML: filesXML.add(name); break;
+ case POS: filesPOS.add(name); break;
+ case NEG: filesNEG.add(name); break;
+ default: abort("unknown test type " + testType);
+ }
+ }
+ private void addFiles(List/*String*/ fileList, String subDir) {
+ File f = new File(SCALA_TESTPATH, subDir);
+ if (f.isDirectory()) {
+ String[] files = f.list(new FilenameFilter() {
+ public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
+ return name.endsWith(SUFFIX_SCALAFILE);
+ }
+ });
+ for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
+ fileList.add(subDir + files[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ private void addFiles(List/*String*/ fileList, String[] subDirs) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < subDirs.length; i++)
+ addFiles(fileList, subDirs[i]);
+ }
+ private String getOptionValue(String option, String regex) {
+ int inx = option.indexOf('=');
+ assert inx > 0;
+ String name = option.substring(0, inx);
+ String value = option.substring(inx + 1);
+ if (value.length() == 0)
+ abort("illegal empty value for option --" + name);
+ else if (! (regex == null || value.matches(regex)))
+ abort("unknown value for option --" + name + ": " + value);
+ return value;
+ }
+ private int getColorOption(String option, String regex) {
+ String value = getOptionValue(option, regex);
+ return "nsm".indexOf(value.charAt(0)); // hack !
+ }
+ private String getPathOption(String option, String regex) {
+ String value = getOptionValue(option, regex);
+ File dir = new File(value);
+ if (! dir.isDirectory())
+ abort("Could not access directory '" + value + "'");
+ return value;
+ }
+ private void initializeColors() {
+ switch (color) {
+ case MANY:
+ colorOutline = Console.COLOR39;
+ colorSuccess = Console.GREEN;
+ colorFailure = Console.RED;
+ colorWarning = Console.YELLOW;
+ colorNormal = Console.RESET;
+ break;
+ case SOME:
+ colorOutline = Console.BOLD;
+ colorSuccess = Console.RESET;
+ colorFailure = Console.BOLD;
+ colorWarning = Console.BOLD;
+ colorNormal = Console.RESET;
+ break;
+ default:
+ colorOutline = "";
+ colorSuccess = "";
+ colorFailure = "";
+ colorWarning = "";
+ colorNormal = "";
+ }
+ statusSuccess = "[" + colorSuccess + statusSuccess + colorNormal + "]";
+ statusFailed = "[" + colorFailure + statusFailed + colorNormal + "]";
+ }
+ public Main(String[] args) {
+ console.setOut(System.out);
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+ String opt = null, arg = null;
+ if (args[i].matches("--[a-z]+(-[a-z]*)?(=.*)?"))
+ opt = args[i].substring(2);
+ else if (args[i].equals("-?"))
+ opt = "help";
+ else if (! args[i].startsWith("-"))
+ arg = args[i];
+ else
+ abort("illegal argument " + args[i]);
+ if (opt == null) addFile(arg);
+ else if (opt.equals("auto")) testType = AUTO;
+ else if (opt.equals("run")) testType = RUN;
+ else if (opt.equals("int")) testType = INT;
+ else if (opt.equals("jvm")) testType = JVM;
+ else if (opt.equals("xml")) testType = XML;
+ else if (opt.equals("pos")) testType = POS;
+ else if (opt.equals("neg")) testType = NEG;
+ else if (opt.equals("no-run")) noRun = true;
+ else if (opt.equals("show-log")) showLog = true;
+ else if (opt.equals("show-diff")) showDiff = true;
+ else if (opt.equals("failed")) failed = true;
+ else if (opt.startsWith("verbose="))
+ verbose = Integer.parseInt(getOptionValue(opt, "(0|1|2)"));
+ else if (opt.startsWith("errors="))
+ errors = Integer.parseInt(getOptionValue(opt, "[0-9]*"));
+ else if (opt.startsWith("socos="))
+ scalac = getOptionValue(opt, null);
+ else if (opt.startsWith("surus="))
+ scalarun = getOptionValue(opt, null);
+ else if (opt.startsWith("scala="))
+ scalapath = getOptionValue(opt, null);
+ else if (opt.startsWith("flags="))
+ flags = getOptionValue(opt, null);
+ else if (opt.startsWith("color="))
+ color = getColorOption(opt, "(none|some|many)");
+ else if (opt.startsWith("objdir="))
+ objDir = getPathOption(opt, null);
+ else if (opt.equals("help")) {
+ printHelp();
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ else if (opt.equals("version")) {
+ printVersion();
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ else
+ abort("unknown option " + opt);
+ }
+ initializeColors();
+ scalacCmdLine = /* 0:outpath, 1:flags, 2:objfile 3:arg */
+ new MessageFormat(scalac + " -d {0} {1} {2} "
+ + SCALA_TESTPATH + FileUtils.FILE_SEP + "{3}");
+ scalarunCmdLine = /* 0:flags, 1: arg */
+ new MessageFormat(scalarun + " {0} "
+ + SCALA_TESTPATH + FileUtils.FILE_SEP + "{1} -- Test");
+ dtd2scalaCmdLine = /* 0:outpath, 1:arg */
+ new MessageFormat(dtd2scala + " -d {0} "
+ javaCmdLine = /* 0:outpath, 1:arg */
+ new MessageFormat("java -cp "
+ + scalapath + FileUtils.PATH_SEP + "{0} Test {1}");
+ if (testAll) {
+ if (testType == RUN)
+ addFiles(filesRUN, runDir);
+ if (testType == AUTO || testType == INT)
+ addFiles(filesINT, runDir);
+ if (testType == AUTO || testType == JVM)
+ addFiles(filesJVM, new String[]{ runDir, jvmDir });
+ if (testType == AUTO || testType == XML)
+ addFiles(filesXML, xmlDir);
+ if (testType == AUTO || testType == POS)
+ addFiles(filesPOS, new String[]{ posDir, coursDir });
+ if (testType == AUTO || testType == NEG)
+ addFiles(filesNEG, negDir);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ new Main(args).testAll();
+ }