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authorPaul Phillips <>2012-01-06 07:29:20 -0800
committerPaul Phillips <>2012-01-06 12:01:17 -0800
commitdd14b6a9b8b3355fae847f7fc8c1fc7d41babaa5 (patch)
parent3192048a4bfb59966f93bb87a3c4f6b7ccfc80b2 (diff)
TypeVar tracing.
% scala -Dscalac.debug.tvar scala> class Foo[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] { def bar[T](xs: CC[T]) = xs.head } defined class Foo scala> new Foo bar List(1,2,3) [ create] ?CC ( In Foo[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] ) [ create] ?CC ( In Foo[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] ) [ setInst] Nothing ( In Foo[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]], CC=Nothing ) [ create] ?CC ( In Foo[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] ) [ create] ?T ( In Foo[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]]#bar[T] ) [ create] ?A ( In List#apply[A] ) [ create] ?A ( In List#apply[A] ) [ setInst] Int ( In List#apply[A], A=Int ) [ create] ?CC ( In Foo[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] ) [ create] ?T ( In Foo[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]]#bar[T] ) [ create] ?CC ( In Foo[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] ) [ applyArgs] ?CC ( In Foo[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]], apply args ?T to CC ) [ setInst] List ( In Foo[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]], CC=List ) [ setInst] Int ( In Foo[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]]#bar[T], T=Int ) res0: Int = 1 Also, I gave TypeVar some polymorphism. Review by @moors.
3 files changed, 163 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Importers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Importers.scala
index 6683778671..38f808cef9 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Importers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Importers.scala
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ trait Importers { self: SymbolTable =>
case from.AntiPolyType(pre, targs) =>
AntiPolyType(importType(pre), targs map importType)
case x: from.TypeVar =>
- new TypeVar(importType(x.origin), importTypeConstraint(x.constr0), x.typeArgs map importType, x.params map importSymbol)
+ TypeVar(importType(x.origin), importTypeConstraint(x.constr0), x.typeArgs map importType, x.params map importSymbol)
case from.NotNullType(tpe) =>
case from.AnnotatedType(annots, tpe, selfsym) =>
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala
index 6b5ba05c6d..b26c78677d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ trait Types extends api.Types { self: SymbolTable =>
private final def decr(depth: Int) = if (depth == AnyDepth) AnyDepth else depth - 1
private final val printLubs = sys.props contains "scalac.debug.lub"
+ private final val traceTypeVars = sys.props contains "scalac.debug.tvar"
/** In case anyone wants to turn off lub verification without reverting anything. */
private final val verifyLubs = true
@@ -2431,51 +2432,56 @@ A type's typeSymbol should never be inspected directly.
// but pattern-matching returned the original constr0 (a bug)
// now, pattern-matching returns the most recent constr
object TypeVar {
- // encapsulate suspension so we can automatically link the suspension of cloned
- // typevars to their original if this turns out to be necessary
- def Suspension = new Suspension
- class Suspension {
- private val suspended = mutable.HashSet[TypeVar]()
- def suspend(tv: TypeVar): Unit = {
- tv.suspended = true
- suspended += tv
- }
- def resumeAll(): Unit = {
- for (tv <- suspended) {
- tv.suspended = false
+ @inline final def trace[T](action: String, msg: => String)(value: T): T = {
+ if (traceTypeVars) {
+ val s = msg match {
+ case "" => ""
+ case str => "( " + str + " )"
- suspended.clear()
+ Console.err.println("[%10s] %-25s%s".format(action, value, s))
+ value
- def unapply(tv: TypeVar): Some[(Type, TypeConstraint)] = Some((tv.origin, tv.constr))
- def apply(origin: Type, constr: TypeConstraint) = new TypeVar(origin, constr, List(), List())
- // See pos/tcpoly_infer_implicit_tuple_wrapper for the test which
- // fails if I initialize the type constraint with the type parameter
- // bounds. It seems that in that instance it interferes with the
- // inference. Thus, the isHigherOrderTypeParameter condition.
- def apply(tparam: Symbol) = {
- val constr = (
- if (tparam.isAbstractType && tparam.typeParams.nonEmpty) {
- // Force the info of a higher-order tparam's parameters.
- // Otherwise things don't end well. See SI-5359.
- val info =
- if (info.bounds exists (t => t.typeSymbol.isHigherOrderTypeParameter)) {
- log("TVar(" + tparam + ") receives empty constraint due to higher order type parameter in bounds " + info.bounds)
- new TypeConstraint
- }
- else {
- log("TVar(" + tparam + ") constraint initialized with bounds " + info.bounds)
- new TypeConstraint(info.bounds)
- }
- }
+ /** Create a new TypeConstraint based on the given symbol.
+ */
+ private def deriveConstraint(tparam: Symbol): TypeConstraint = {
+ // Force the info of a higher-order tparam's parameters.
+ // Otherwise things don't end well. See SI-5359. However
+ // we can't force all info, so we have to discriminate
+ // carefully.
+ val isHigher = tparam.isAbstractType && tparam.typeParams.nonEmpty
+ // See pos/tcpoly_infer_implicit_tuple_wrapper for the test which
+ // fails if I initialize the type constraint with the type parameter
+ // bounds. It seems that in that instance it interferes with the
+ // inference. Thus, the isHigherOrderTypeParameter condition.
+ val isExclude = isHigher &&
+ def message = "" + + " in " + tparam.owner + (
+ if (isExclude) ", empty due to higher order type parameter in bounds"
+ else ""
+ )
+ /*TypeVar.trace[TypeConstraint]("constr", message)*/(
+ if (isHigher && !isExclude) new TypeConstraint(
else new TypeConstraint
- new TypeVar(tparam.tpeHK, constr, Nil, tparam.typeParams)
- def apply(origin: Type, constr: TypeConstraint, args: List[Type], params: List[Symbol]) =
- new TypeVar(origin, constr, args, params)
+ def unapply(tv: TypeVar): Some[(Type, TypeConstraint)] = Some((tv.origin, tv.constr))
+ def apply(origin: Type, constr: TypeConstraint): TypeVar = apply(origin, constr, Nil, Nil)
+ def apply(tparam: Symbol): TypeVar = apply(tparam.tpeHK, deriveConstraint(tparam), Nil, tparam.typeParams)
+ /** This is the only place TypeVars should be instantiated.
+ */
+ def apply(origin: Type, constr: TypeConstraint, args: List[Type], params: List[Symbol]): TypeVar = {
+ val tv = (
+ if (args.isEmpty && params.isEmpty) new TypeVar(origin, constr)
+ else if (args.size == params.size) new AppliedTypeVar(origin, constr, params zip args)
+ else if (args.isEmpty) new HKTypeVar(origin, constr, params)
+ else throw new TypeError("Invalid TypeVar construction: " + ((origin, constr, args, params)))
+ )
+ trace("create", "In " + tv.originLocation)(tv)
+ }
// TODO: I don't really know why this happens -- maybe because
@@ -2502,22 +2508,53 @@ A type's typeSymbol should never be inspected directly.
+ /** Precondition: params.nonEmpty. (args.nonEmpty enforced structurally.)
+ */
+ class HKTypeVar(
+ _origin: Type,
+ _constr: TypeConstraint,
+ override val params: List[Symbol]
+ ) extends TypeVar(_origin, _constr) {
+ require(params.nonEmpty, this)
+ override def isHigherKinded = true
+ override protected def typeVarString ="[", ", ", "]=>" + originName)
+ }
+ /** Precondition: zipped params/args nonEmpty. (Size equivalence enforced structurally.)
+ */
+ class AppliedTypeVar(
+ _origin: Type,
+ _constr: TypeConstraint,
+ zippedArgs: List[(Symbol, Type)]
+ ) extends TypeVar(_origin, _constr) {
+ require(zippedArgs.nonEmpty, this)
+ override def params: List[Symbol] = zippedArgs map (_._1)
+ override def typeArgs: List[Type] = zippedArgs map (_._2)
+ override protected def typeVarString = (
+ zippedArgs map { case (p, a) => + "=" + a } mkString (origin + "[", ", ", "]")
+ )
+ }
/** A class representing a type variable: not used after phase `typer`.
* A higher-kinded TypeVar has params (Symbols) and typeArgs (Types).
* A TypeVar with nonEmpty typeArgs can only be instantiated by a higher-kinded
* type that can be applied to those args. A TypeVar is much like a TypeRef,
* except it has special logic for equality and subtyping.
+ *
+ * Precondition for this class, enforced structurally: args.isEmpty && params.isEmpty.
class TypeVar(
val origin: Type,
- val constr0: TypeConstraint,
- override val typeArgs: List[Type],
- override val params: List[Symbol]
+ val constr0: TypeConstraint
) extends Type {
- // params are needed to keep track of variance (see mapOverArgs in SubstMap)
- assert(typeArgs.isEmpty || sameLength(typeArgs, params),
- "%s / params=%s / args=%s".format(origin, params, typeArgs))
+ override def params: List[Symbol] = Nil
+ override def typeArgs: List[Type] = Nil
+ override def isHigherKinded = false
/** The constraint associated with the variable */
var constr = constr0
@@ -2525,7 +2562,38 @@ A type's typeSymbol should never be inspected directly.
/** The variable's skolemization level */
val level = skolemizationLevel
+ /** Two occurrences of a higher-kinded typevar, e.g. `?CC[Int]` and `?CC[String]`, correspond to
+ * ''two instances'' of `TypeVar` that share the ''same'' `TypeConstraint`.
+ *
+ * `constr` for `?CC` only tracks type constructors anyway,
+ * so when `?CC[Int] <:< List[Int]` and `?CC[String] <:< Iterable[String]`
+ * `?CC's` hibounds contains List and Iterable.
+ */
+ def applyArgs(newArgs: List[Type]): TypeVar = (
+ if (newArgs.isEmpty && typeArgs.isEmpty)
+ this
+ else if (newArgs.size == params.size) {
+ val tv = TypeVar(origin, constr, newArgs, params)
+ TypeVar.trace("applyArgs", "In " + originLocation + ", apply args " + newArgs.mkString(", ") + " to " + originName)(tv)
+ }
+ else
+ throw new TypeError("Invalid type application in TypeVar: " + params + ", " + newArgs)
+ )
+ // newArgs.length may differ from args.length (could've been empty before)
+ //
+ // !!! @PP - I need an example of this, since this exception never triggers
+ // even though I am requiring the size match.
+ //
+ // example: when making new typevars, you start out with C[A], then you replace C by ?C, which should yield ?C[A], then A by ?A, ?C[?A]
+ // we need to track a TypeVar's arguments, and map over them (see TypeMap::mapOver)
+ // TypeVars get applied to different arguments over time (in asSeenFrom)
+ // -- see pos/tcpoly_infer_implicit_tuplewrapper.scala
+ // thus: make new TypeVar's for every application of a TV to args,
+ // inference may generate several TypeVar's for a single type parameter that must be inferred,
+ // only one of them is in the set of tvars that need to be solved, but
+ // they share the same TypeConstraint instance
// When comparing to types containing skolems, remember the highest level
// of skolemization. If that highest level is higher than our initial
// skolemizationLevel, we can't re-use those skolems as the solution of this
@@ -2536,26 +2604,6 @@ A type's typeSymbol should never be inspected directly.
private var encounteredHigherLevel = false
private def shouldRepackType = enableTypeVarExperimentals && encounteredHigherLevel
- /** Two occurrences of a higher-kinded typevar, e.g. `?CC[Int]` and `?CC[String]`, correspond to
- * ''two instances'' of `TypeVar` that share the ''same'' `TypeConstraint`.
- *
- * `constr` for `?CC` only tracks type constructors anyway,
- * so when `?CC[Int] <:< List[Int]` and `?CC[String] <:< Iterable[String]`
- * `?CC's` hibounds contains List and Iterable.
- */
- def applyArgs(newArgs: List[Type]): TypeVar =
- if (newArgs.isEmpty) this // SubstMap relies on this (though this check is redundant when called from appliedType...)
- else TypeVar(origin, constr, newArgs, params) // @M TODO: interaction with undoLog??
- // newArgs.length may differ from args.length (could've been empty before)
- // example: when making new typevars, you start out with C[A], then you replace C by ?C, which should yield ?C[A], then A by ?A, ?C[?A]
- // we need to track a TypeVar's arguments, and map over them (see TypeMap::mapOver)
- // TypeVars get applied to different arguments over time (in asSeenFrom)
- // -- see pos/tcpoly_infer_implicit_tuplewrapper.scala
- // thus: make new TypeVar's for every application of a TV to args,
- // inference may generate several TypeVar's for a single type parameter that must be inferred,
- // only one of them is in the set of tvars that need to be solved, but
- // they share the same TypeConstraint instance
// <region name="constraint mutators + undoLog">
// invariant: before mutating constr, save old state in undoLog
// (undoLog is used to reset constraints to avoid piling up unrelated ones)
@@ -2564,7 +2612,8 @@ A type's typeSymbol should never be inspected directly.
undoLog record this
// if we were compared against later typeskolems, repack the existential,
// because skolems are only compatible if they were created at the same level
- constr.inst = if (shouldRepackType) repackExistential(tp) else tp
+ val res = if (shouldRepackType) repackExistential(tp) else tp
+ constr.inst = TypeVar.trace("setInst", "In " + originLocation + ", " + originName + "=" + res)(res)
def addLoBound(tp: Type, isNumericBound: Boolean = false) {
@@ -2641,11 +2690,10 @@ A type's typeSymbol should never be inspected directly.
* type parameter we're trying to infer (the result will be sanity-checked later).
def unifyFull(tpe: Type) = {
- // Since the alias/widen variations are often no-ops, this
- // keenly collects them in a Set to avoid redundant tests.
+ // The alias/widen variations are often no-ops.
val tpes = (
- if (isLowerBound) Set(tpe, tpe.widen, tpe.dealias, tpe.widen.dealias)
- else Set(tpe)
+ if (isLowerBound) List(tpe, tpe.widen, tpe.dealias, tpe.widen.dealias).distinct
+ else List(tpe)
tpes exists { tp =>
val lhs = if (isLowerBound) tp.typeArgs else typeArgs
@@ -2745,33 +2793,54 @@ A type's typeSymbol should never be inspected directly.
|| !containsSkolemAboveLevel(tp) // side-effects tracking boolean
|| enableTypeVarExperimentals // -Xexperimental: always say we're relatable, track consequences
- override val isHigherKinded = typeArgs.isEmpty && params.nonEmpty
- override def normalize: Type =
+ override def normalize: Type = (
if (constr.instValid) constr.inst
// get here when checking higher-order subtyping of the typevar by itself
// TODO: check whether this ever happens?
else if (isHigherKinded) typeFun(params, applyArgs(params map (_.typeConstructor)))
else super.normalize
+ )
override def typeSymbol = origin.typeSymbol
override def isStable = origin.isStable
override def isVolatile = origin.isVolatile
+ private def tparamsOfSym(sym: Symbol) = match {
+ case PolyType(tparams, _) if tparams.nonEmpty =>
+ tparams map (_.defString) mkString("[", ",", "]")
+ case _ => ""
+ }
+ def originName = {
+ val name = origin.typeSymbolDirect.decodedName
+ if (name startsWith "_$") origin.typeSymbol.decodedName else name
+ }
+ def originLocation = {
+ val sym = origin.typeSymbolDirect
+ val owner = sym.owner
+ val clazz = owner.enclClass
+ val ownsString = (
+ if (owner.isMethod) "#" + + tparamsOfSym(owner)
+ else if (owner.isAbstractType) "#" + owner.defString
+ else ""
+ )
+ clazz.decodedName + tparamsOfSym(clazz) + ownsString
+ }
private def levelString = if (settings.explaintypes.value) level else ""
+ protected def typeVarString = originName
override def safeToString = (
- if (constr eq null) "TVar<%s,constr=null>".format(origin)
- else if (constr.inst eq null) "TVar<%s,constr.inst=null>".format(origin)
- else if (constr.inst eq NoType) "?" + levelString + origin + typeArgsString(this)
- else "" + constr.inst
+ if ((constr eq null) || (constr.inst eq null)) "TVar<" + originName + "=null>"
+ else if (constr.inst ne NoType) "" + constr.inst
+ else "?" + levelString + originName
override def kind = "TypeVar"
def cloneInternal = {
// cloning a suspended type variable when it's suspended will cause the clone
// to never be resumed with the current implementation
- assert(!suspended)
- TypeVar(origin, constr cloneInternal, typeArgs, params) // @M TODO: clone args/params?
+ assert(!suspended, this)
+ TypeVar.trace("clone", originLocation)(
+ TypeVar(origin, constr cloneInternal, typeArgs, params) // @M TODO: clone args/params?
+ )
@@ -3326,10 +3395,18 @@ A type's typeSymbol should never be inspected directly.
- override def toString =
- (loBounds map (_.safeToString)).mkString("[ _>:(", ",", ") ") +
- (hiBounds map (_.safeToString)).mkString("| _<:(", ",", ") ] _= ") +
- inst.safeToString
+ override def toString = {
+ val boundsStr = (
+ if (loBounds.isEmpty && hiBounds.isEmpty) "[]"
+ else {
+ val lostr = if (loBounds.isEmpty) "" else loBounds map (_.safeToString) mkString("_>:(", ", ", ")")
+ val histr = if (hiBounds.isEmpty) "" else hiBounds map (_.safeToString) mkString("_<:(", ", ", ")")
+ List(lostr, histr) filterNot (_ == "") mkString ("[", " | ", "]")
+ }
+ )
+ if (inst eq NoType) boundsStr
+ else boundsStr + " _= " + inst.safeToString
+ }
trait AnnotationFilter extends TypeMap {
diff --git a/test/files/neg/names-defaults-neg.check b/test/files/neg/names-defaults-neg.check
index 01ef54e0ea..01bbe2de4e 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/names-defaults-neg.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/names-defaults-neg.check
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ names-defaults-neg.scala:76: error: no type parameters for method test4: (x: T[T
--- because ---
argument expression's type is not compatible with formal parameter type;
found : List[Int]
- required: ?T[?T[List[?T[X forSome { type X }]]]]
+ required: ?T
Error occurred in an application involving default arguments.