diff options
authorJosh Suereth <>2011-12-09 21:45:52 -0500
committerJosh Suereth <>2011-12-09 21:45:52 -0500
commitc6f57d77009a7995234f17b7a94fb970128c29de (patch)
parent47d7bde18831de58b7099a1edbb684c7142bb163 (diff)
Fixed Emit*Page to write to file.
The EmitHtmlPage and EmitManPage utilities now write to a file if there is more than one argument on the command line. This allows the SBT build to fork them and still generate a file without having to capture the output stream.
2 files changed, 17 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/src/manual/scala/tools/docutil/EmitHtml.scala b/src/manual/scala/tools/docutil/EmitHtml.scala
index ddfb8cb0f2..43d097a137 100644
--- a/src/manual/scala/tools/docutil/EmitHtml.scala
+++ b/src/manual/scala/tools/docutil/EmitHtml.scala
@@ -201,164 +201,26 @@ object EmitHtml {
out println "</body>"
out println "</html>"
-/* */
- private def group(ns: Iterable[NodeSeq]): NodeSeq = {
- val zs = new NodeBuffer
- for (z <- ns) { zs &+ z }
- zs
- }
- def emitSection(section: Section, depth: int): NodeSeq = {
- def emitText(text: AbstractText): NodeSeq = text match {
- case seq:SeqText =>
- group( => emitText(item)))
- case Text(text) =>
- scala.xml.Text(escape(text))
- case MDash =>
- scala.xml.Text("&#8212;")
- case NDash =>
- scala.xml.Text("&#8211;")
- case Bold(text) =>
- <b>{emitText(text)}</b>
- case Italic(text) =>
- <i>{emitText(text)}</i>
- case Emph(text) =>
- <em>{emitText(text)}</em>
- case Mono(text) =>
- <code>{emitText(text)}</code>
- case Quote(text) =>
- emitText("\"" & text & "\"")
- case DefinitionList(definitions @ _*) =>
- <ins><dl>
- { =>
- <dt>{emitText(d.term)}</dt>
- <dd>{emitText(d.description)}</dd>
- )}
- </dl></ins>
- case Link(label, url) =>
- <a href={url}>{emitText(label)}</a>
- case _ =>
- error("unknown text node " + text)
- }
- def emitParagraph(para: Paragraph): NodeSeq = para match {
- case TextParagraph(text) =>
- <p>{emitText(text)}</p>
- case BlockQuote(text) =>
- <blockquote>{emitText(text)}</blockquote>
- case CodeSample(text) =>
- <blockquote><pre>{escape(text)}</pre></blockquote>
- case lst:BulletList =>
- <ul>
- { => <li>{emitText(item)}</li>)}
- </ul>
- case lst:NumberedList =>
- <ol>
- { => <li>{emitText(item)}</li>)}
- </ol>
- case TitledPara(title, text) =>
- <p><strong>{escape(title)}</strong></p>
- {emitText(text)}
- case EmbeddedSection(sect) =>
- {emitSection(sect, depth + 1)}
- case _ =>
- error("unknown paragraph node " + para)
- }
- val name = section.title.replaceAll("\\p{Space}", "_").toLowerCase()
- <h3 id={name}>{section.title}</h3>.concat(
- group( => emitParagraph(p))))
- }
- private def emit3columns(col1: String, col2: String, col3: String): NodeSeq =
- <div style="float:left;">{col1}</div>
- <div style="float:right;">{col3}</div>
- <div style="text-align:center;">{col2}</div>
- <div style="clear:both;"></div>
- private def emitHeader(col1: String, col2: String, col3: String): NodeSeq =
- <div style="margin: 0 0 2em 0;">
- {emit3columns(col1, col2, col3)}
- </div>
- private def emitFooter(col1: String, col2: String, col3: String): NodeSeq = {
- scala.xml.Comment("footer")
- <div style="margin: 2em 0 0 0;">
- {emit3columns(col1, col2, col3)}
- </div>
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = args match{
+ case Array(classname) => emitHtml(classname)
+ case Array(classname, file, _*) => emitHtml(classname, new
+ case _ => sys.exit(1)
- def emitDocument(document: Document, addDocType: Boolean) = {
- val name = document.title + "(" + + ")"
- val doc =
- <html xml:lang="en">
- <head>
- <title>{document.title}</title>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"/>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content={"text/html; charset=" + document.encoding}/>
- <meta name="Author" content={}/>
- <style type="text/css">
- {" blockquote, pre { margin:1em 4em 1em 4em; }\n" +
- " p { margin:1em 2em 1em 2em; text-align:justify; }\n"}
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- {emitHeader(name, "" + document.category, name)}
- { => emitSection(s, 2))}
- {emitFooter("version " + document.version,, name)}
- </body>
- </html>
- out.println(doc)
- val w = new
- val id = scala.xml.dtd.PublicID("PUBLIC", null)
- val dtd = null //scala.xml.dtd.DEFAULT(true, "")
- val doctype = scala.xml.dtd.DocType("html", id, null) //List(dtd))
- XML.write(w, doc, document.encoding, true/ *xmlDecl* /, doctype)
- out.println(w.toString())
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- if (args.length < 1) {
- System.err println "usage: EmitHtml <classname>"
- sys.exit(1)
- }
+ def emitHtml(classname: String, outStream: = out.out) {
+ if(outStream != out.out) out setOut outStream
try {
val cl = this.getClass.getClassLoader()
- val clasz = cl loadClass args(0)
+ val clasz = cl loadClass classname
val meth = clasz getDeclaredMethod "manpage"
val doc = meth.invoke(null).asInstanceOf[Document]
} catch {
case ex: Exception =>
- System.err println "Error in EmitHtml"
+ System.err println "Error in EmitManPage"
- def emitHtml(classname: String, outStream: {
- out setOut outStream
- main(Array(classname))
- }
diff --git a/src/manual/scala/tools/docutil/EmitManPage.scala b/src/manual/scala/tools/docutil/EmitManPage.scala
index 4a66e2ed07..3e0b02a415 100644
--- a/src/manual/scala/tools/docutil/EmitManPage.scala
+++ b/src/manual/scala/tools/docutil/EmitManPage.scala
@@ -163,10 +163,17 @@ object EmitManPage {
doc.sections foreach (s => emitSection(s, 1))
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = args match{
+ case Array(classname) => emitManPage(classname)
+ case Array(classname, file, _*) => emitManPage(classname, new
+ case _ => sys.exit(1)
+ }
+ def emitManPage(classname: String, outStream: = out.out) {
+ if(outStream != out.out) out setOut outStream
try {
val cl = this.getClass.getClassLoader()
- val clasz = cl loadClass args(0)
+ val clasz = cl loadClass classname
val meth = clasz getDeclaredMethod "manpage"
val doc = meth.invoke(null).asInstanceOf[Document]
@@ -177,9 +184,4 @@ object EmitManPage {
- def emitManPage(classname: String, outStream: {
- out setOut outStream
- main(Array(classname))
- }