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authorIain McGinniss <>2012-10-17 22:18:13 +0100
committerIain McGinniss <>2012-10-17 22:18:13 +0100
commit5e2a7881337e008a7de79914646ebe3b4fcd993e (patch)
preface and lexical syntax chapter converted, other chapters
split into their own files
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+% The Scala Language Specification, Version 2.9
+% Martin Odersky;
+ Philippe Altherr;
+ Vincent Cremet;
+ Gilles Dubochet;
+ Burak Emir;
+ Philipp Haller;
+ Stéphane Micheloud;
+ Nikolay Mihaylov;
+ Michel Schinz;
+ Erik Stenman;
+ Matthias Zenger
+% 24th May 2011
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+Scala is a Java-like programming language which unifies
+object-oriented and functional programming. It is a pure
+object-oriented language in the sense that every value is an
+object. Types and behavior of objects are described by
+classes. Classes can be composed using mixin composition. Scala is
+designed to work seamlessly with two less pure but mainstream
+object-oriented languages -- Java and C#.
+Scala is a functional language in the sense that every function is a
+value. Nesting of function definitions and higher-order functions are
+naturally supported. Scala also supports a general notion of pattern
+matching which can model the algebraic types used in many functional
+Scala has been designed to interoperate seamlessly with Java (an
+alternative implementation of Scala also works for .NET). Scala
+classes can call Java methods, create Java objects, inherit from Java
+classes and implement Java interfaces. None of this requires interface
+definitions or glue code.
+Scala has been developed from 2001 in the programming methods
+laboratory at EPFL. Version 1.0 was released in November 2003. This
+document describes the second version of the language, which was
+released in March 2006. It acts a reference for the language
+definition and some core library modules. It is not intended to teach
+Scala or its concepts; for this there are other documents
+Scala has been a collective effort of many people. The design and the
+implementation of version 1.0 was completed by Philippe Altherr,
+Vincent Cremet, Gilles Dubochet, Burak Emir, Stéphane Micheloud,
+Nikolay Mihaylov, Michel Schinz, Erik Stenman, Matthias Zenger, and
+the author. Iulian Dragos, Gilles Dubochet, Philipp Haller, Sean
+McDirmid, Lex Spoon, and Geoffrey Washburn joined in the effort to
+develop the second version of the language and tools. Gilad Bracha,
+Craig Chambers, Erik Ernst, Matthias Felleisen, Shriram Krishnamurti,
+Gary Leavens, Sebastian Maneth, Erik Meijer, Klaus Ostermann, Didier
+Rémy, Mads Torgersen, and Philip Wadler have shaped the design of
+the language through lively and inspiring discussions and comments on
+previous versions of this document. The contributors to the Scala
+mailing list have also given very useful feedback that helped us
+improve the language and its tools.
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+Lexical Syntax
+Scala programs are written using the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane
+(_BMP_) character set; Unicode supplementary characters are not
+presently supported. This chapter defines the two modes of Scala's
+lexical syntax, the Scala mode and the _XML_ mode. If not
+otherwise mentioned, the following descriptions of Scala tokens refer
+to Scala mode, and literal characters ‘c’ refer to the ASCII fragment
+In Scala mode, \textit{Unicode escapes} are replaced by the corresponding
+Unicode character with the given hexadecimal code.
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
+UnicodeEscape ::= \{\\}u{u} hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit
+hexDigit ::= ‘0’ | … | ‘9’ | ‘A’ | … | ‘F’ | ‘a’ | … | ‘f’
+To construct tokens, characters are distinguished according to the following
+classes (Unicode general category given in parentheses):
+#. Whitespace characters. `\u0020 | \u0009 | \u000D | \u000A`{.grammar}
+#. Letters, which include lower case letters(Ll), upper case letters(Lu),
+ titlecase letters(Lt), other letters(Lo), letter numerals(Nl) and the
+ two characters \\u0024 ‘$’ and \\u005F ‘_’, which both count as upper case
+ letters
+#. Digits ` ‘0’ | … | ‘9’ `{.grammar}
+#. Parentheses ` ‘(’ | ‘)’ | ‘[’ | ‘]’ | ‘{’ | ‘}’ `{.grammar}
+#. Delimiter characters `` ‘`’ | ‘'’ | ‘"’ | ‘.’ | ‘;’ | ‘,’ ``{.grammar}
+#. Operator characters. These consist of all printable ASCII characters
+ \\u0020-\\u007F which are in none of the sets above, mathematical symbols(Sm)
+ and other symbols(So).
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
+op ::= opchar {opchar}
+varid ::= lower idrest
+plainid ::= upper idrest
+ | varid
+ | op
+id ::= plainid
+ | ‘\`’ stringLit ‘\`’
+idrest ::= {letter | digit} [‘_’ op]
+There are three ways to form an identifier. First, an identifier can
+start with a letter which can be followed by an arbitrary sequence of
+letters and digits. This may be followed by underscore ‘_’
+characters and another string composed of either letters and digits or
+of operator characters. Second, an identifier can start with an operator
+character followed by an arbitrary sequence of operator characters.
+The preceding two forms are called _plain_ identifiers. Finally,
+an identifier may also be formed by an arbitrary string between
+back-quotes (host systems may impose some restrictions on which
+strings are legal for identifiers). The identifier then is composed
+of all characters excluding the backquotes themselves.
+As usual, a longest match rule applies. For instance, the string
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+decomposes into the three identifiers `big_bob`, `++=`, and
+`def`. The rules for pattern matching further distinguish between
+_variable identifiers_, which start with a lower case letter, and
+_constant identifiers_, which do not.
+The ‘$’ character is reserved
+for compiler-synthesized identifiers. User programs should not define
+identifiers which contain ‘$’ characters.
+The following names are reserved words instead of being members of the
+syntactic class `id` of lexical identifiers.
+abstract case catch class def
+do else extends false final
+finally for forSome if implicit
+import lazy match new null
+object override package private protected
+return sealed super this throw
+trait try true type val
+var while with yield
+_ : = => <- <: <% >: # @
+The Unicode operators \\u21D2 ‘⇒’ and \\u2190 ‘←’, which have the ASCII
+equivalents ‘=>’ and ‘<-’, are also reserved.
+(@) Here are examples of identifiers:
+ x Object maxIndex p2p empty_?
+ + `yield` αρετη _y dot_product_*
+ __system _MAX_LEN_
+(@) Backquote-enclosed strings are a solution when one needs to
+access Java identifiers that are reserved words in Scala. For
+instance, the statement `Thread.yield()` is illegal, since
+`yield` is a reserved word in Scala. However, here's a
+work-around: `` Thread.`yield`() ``{.scala}
+Newline Characters
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
+semi ::= ‘;’ | nl {nl}
+Scala is a line-oriented language where statements may be terminated by
+semi-colons or newlines. A newline in a Scala source text is treated
+as the special token “nl” if the three following criteria are satisfied:
+#. The token immediately preceding the newline can terminate a statement.
+#. The token immediately following the newline can begin a statement.
+#. The token appears in a region where newlines are enabled.
+The tokens that can terminate a statement are: literals, identifiers
+and the following delimiters and reserved words:
+this null true false return type <xml-start>
+_ ) ] }
+The tokens that can begin a statement are all Scala tokens _except_
+the following delimiters and reserved words:
+catch else extends finally forSome match
+with yield , . ; : = => <- <: <%
+>: # [ ) ] }
+A `case`{.scala} token can begin a statement only if followed by a
+`class`{.scala} or `object`{.scala} token.
+Newlines are enabled in:
+#. all of a Scala source file, except for nested regions where newlines
+ are disabled, and
+#. the interval between matching `{` and `}` brace tokens,
+ except for nested regions where newlines are disabled.
+Newlines are disabled in:
+#. the interval between matching `(` and `)` parenthesis tokens, except for
+ nested regions where newlines are enabled, and
+#. the interval between matching `[` and `]` bracket tokens, except for nested
+ regions where newlines are enabled.
+#. The interval between a `case`{.scala} token and its matching
+ `=>`{.scala} token, except for nested regions where newlines are
+ enabled.
+#. Any regions analyzed in [XML mode](#xml-mode).
+Note that the brace characters of `{...}` escapes in XML and
+string literals are not tokens,
+and therefore do not enclose a region where newlines
+are enabled.
+Normally, only a single `nl` token is inserted between two
+consecutive non-newline tokens which are on different lines, even if there are multiple lines
+between the two tokens. However, if two tokens are separated by at
+least one completely blank line (i.e a line which contains no
+printable characters), then two `nl` tokens are inserted.
+The Scala grammar (given in full [here](#scala-syntax-summary))
+contains productions where optional `nl` tokens, but not
+semicolons, are accepted. This has the effect that a newline in one of these
+positions does not terminate an expression or statement. These positions can
+be summarized as follows:
+Multiple newline tokens are accepted in the following places (note
+that a semicolon in place of the newline would be illegal in every one
+of these cases):
+- between the condition of an
+ conditional expression ([here](#conditional-expressions))
+ or while loop ([here](#while-loop-expressions)) and the next
+ following expression,
+- between the enumerators of a
+ for-comprehension ([here](#for-comprehensions-and-for-loops))
+ and the next following expression, and
+- after the initial `type`{.scala} keyword in a type definition or
+ declaration ([here](#type-declarations-and-type-aliases)).
+A single new line token is accepted
+- in front of an opening brace ‘{’, if that brace is a legal
+ continuation of the current statement or expression,
+- after an infix operator, if the first token on the next line can
+ start an expression ([here](#prefix-infix-and-postfix-operations)),
+- in front of a parameter clause
+ ([here](#function-declarations-and-definitions)), and
+- after an annotation ([here](#user-defined-annotations)).
+(@) The following code contains four well-formed statements, each
+on two lines. The newline tokens between the two lines are not
+treated as statement separators.
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+if (x > 0)
+ x = x - 1
+while (x > 0)
+ x = x / 2
+for (x <- 1 to 10)
+ println(x)
+ IntList = List[Int]
+(@) The following code designates an anonymous class:
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+new Iterator[Int]
+ private var x = 0
+ def hasNext = true
+ def next = { x += 1; x }
+With an additional newline character, the same code is interpreted as
+an object creation followed by a local block:
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+new Iterator[Int]
+ private var x = 0
+ def hasNext = true
+ def next = { x += 1; x }
+(@) The following code designates a single expression:
+~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ x < 0 ||
+ x > 10
+With an additional newline character, the same code is interpreted as
+two expressions:
+~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ x < 0 ||
+ x > 10
+(@) The following code designates a single, curried function definition:
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+def func(x: Int)
+ (y: Int) = x + y
+With an additional newline character, the same code is interpreted as
+an abstract function definition and a syntactically illegal statement:
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+def func(x: Int)
+ (y: Int) = x + y
+(@) The following code designates an attributed definition:
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+protected class Data { ... }
+With an additional newline character, the same code is interpreted as
+an attribute and a separate statement (which is syntactically
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+protected class Data { ... }
+There are literals for integer numbers, floating point numbers,
+characters, booleans, symbols, strings. The syntax of these literals is in
+each case as in Java.
+<!-- TODO
+ say that we take values from Java, give examples of some lits in
+ particular float and double.
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
+Literal ::= [‘-’] integerLiteral
+ | [‘-’] floatingPointLiteral
+ | booleanLiteral
+ | characterLiteral
+ | stringLiteral
+ | symbolLiteral
+ | ‘null’
+### Integer Literals
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
+integerLiteral ::= (decimalNumeral | hexNumeral | octalNumeral) [‘L’ | ‘l’]
+decimalNumeral ::= ‘0’ | nonZeroDigit {digit}
+hexNumeral ::= ‘0’ ‘x’ hexDigit {hexDigit}
+octalNumeral ::= ‘0’ octalDigit {octalDigit}
+digit ::= ‘0’ | nonZeroDigit
+nonZeroDigit ::= ‘1’ | $\cdots$ | ‘9’
+octalDigit ::= ‘0’ | $\cdots$ | ‘7’
+Integer literals are usually of type `Int`{.scala}, or of type
+`Long`{.scala} when followed by a `L` or
+`l` suffix. Values of type `Int`{.scala} are all integer
+numbers between $-2^{31}$ and $2^{31}-1$, inclusive. Values of
+type `Long`{.scala} are all integer numbers between $-2^{63}$ and
+$2^{63}-1$, inclusive. A compile-time error occurs if an integer literal
+denotes a number outside these ranges.
+However, if the expected type [_pt_](#expression-typing) of a literal
+in an expression is either `Byte`{.scala}, `Short`{.scala}, or `Char`{.scala}
+and the integer number fits in the numeric range defined by the type,
+then the number is converted to type _pt_ and the literal's type
+is _pt_. The numeric ranges given by these types are:
+--------------- -----------------------
+`Byte`{.scala} $-2^7$ to $2^7-1$
+`Short`{.scala} $-2^{15}$ to $2^{15}-1$
+`Char`{.scala} $0$ to $2^{16}-1$
+--------------- -----------------------
+(@) Here are some integer literals:
+0 21 0xFFFFFFFF 0777L
+### Floating Point Literals
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
+floatingPointLiteral ::= digit {digit} ‘.’ {digit} [exponentPart] [floatType]
+ | ‘.’ digit {digit} [exponentPart] [floatType]
+ | digit {digit} exponentPart [floatType]
+ | digit {digit} [exponentPart] floatType
+exponentPart ::= (‘E’ | ‘e’) [‘+’ | ‘-’] digit {digit}
+floatType ::= ‘F’ | ‘f’ | ‘D’ | ‘d’
+Floating point literals are of type `Float`{.scala} when followed by
+a floating point type suffix `F` or `f`, and are
+of type `Double`{.scala} otherwise. The type `Float`{.scala}
+consists of all IEEE 754 32-bit single-precision binary floating point
+values, whereas the type `Double`{.scala} consists of all IEEE 754
+64-bit double-precision binary floating point values.
+If a floating point literal in a program is followed by a token
+starting with a letter, there must be at least one intervening
+whitespace character between the two tokens.
+(@) Here are some floating point literals:
+0.0 1e30f 3.14159f 1.0e-100 .1
+(@) The phrase `1.toString`{.scala} parses as three different tokens:
+`1`{.scala}, `.`{.scala}, and `toString`{.scala}. On the
+other hand, if a space is inserted after the period, the phrase
+`1. toString`{.scala} parses as the floating point literal
+`1.`{.scala} followed by the identifier `toString`{.scala}.
+### Boolean Literals
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
+booleanLiteral ::= ‘true’ | ‘false’
+The boolean literals `true`{.scala} and `false`{.scala} are
+members of type `Boolean`{.scala}.
+### Character Literals
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
+characterLiteral ::= ‘'’ printableChar ‘'’
+ | ‘'’ charEscapeSeq ‘'’
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
+A character literal is a single character enclosed in quotes.
+The character is either a printable unicode character or is described
+by an [escape sequence](#escape-sequences).
+(@) Here are some character literals:
+'a' '\u0041' '\n' '\t'
+Note that `'\u000A'` is _not_ a valid character literal because
+Unicode conversion is done before literal parsing and the Unicode
+character \\u000A (line feed) is not a printable
+character. One can use instead the escape sequence `'\n'` or
+the octal escape `'\12'` ([see here](#escape-sequences)).
+### String Literals
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
+stringLiteral ::= ‘\"’ {stringElement} ‘\"’
+stringElement ::= printableCharNoDoubleQuote | charEscapeSeq
+A string literal is a sequence of characters in double quotes. The
+characters are either printable unicode character or are described by
+[escape sequences](#escape-sequences). If the string literal
+contains a double quote character, it must be escaped,
+i.e. `"\""`. The value of a string literal is an instance of
+class `String`{.scala}.
+(@) Here are some string literals:
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+"This string contains a \" character."
+#### Multi-Line String Literals
+stringLiteral ::= ‘"""’ multiLineChars ‘"""’
+multiLineChars ::= {[‘"’] [‘"’] charNoDoubleQuote} {‘"’}
+A multi-line string literal is a sequence of characters enclosed in
+triple quotes `""" ... """`{.scala}. The sequence of characters is
+arbitrary, except that it may contain three or more consuctive quote characters
+only at the very end. Characters
+must not necessarily be printable; newlines or other
+control characters are also permitted. Unicode escapes work as everywhere else, but none
+of the escape sequences [here](#escape-sequences) are interpreted.
+(@) Here is a multi-line string literal:
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ """the present string
+ spans three
+ lines."""
+This would produce the string:
+the present string
+ spans three
+ lines.
+The Scala library contains a utility method `stripMargin`
+which can be used to strip leading whitespace from multi-line strings.
+The expression
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ """the present string
+ |spans three
+ |lines.""".stripMargin
+evaluates to
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+the present string
+spans three
+Method `stripMargin` is defined in class
+Because there is a predefined
+[implicit conversion](#implicit-conversions) from `String`{.scala} to
+`StringLike`{.scala}, the method is applicable to all strings.
+### Escape Sequences
+The following escape sequences are recognized in character and string
+------ ------------------------------
+`\b` `\u0008`: backspace BS
+`\t` `\u0009`: horizontal tab HT
+`\n` `\u000a`: linefeed LF
+`\f` `\u000c`: form feed FF
+`\r` `\u000d`: carriage return CR
+`\"` `\u0022`: double quote "
+`\'` `\u0027`: single quote '
+`\\` `\u005c`: backslash `\`
+------ -------------------------------
+A character with Unicode between 0 and 255 may also be represented by
+an octal escape, i.e. a backslash ‘\’ followed by a
+sequence of up to three octal characters.
+It is a compile time error if a backslash character in a character or
+string literal does not start a valid escape sequence.
+### Symbol literals
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
+symbolLiteral ::= ‘'’ plainid
+A symbol literal `'x`{.scala} is a shorthand for the expression
+`scala.Symbol("x")`{.scala}. `Symbol` is a [case class](#case-classes),
+which is defined as follows.
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+package scala
+final case class Symbol private (name: String) {
+ override def toString: String = "'" + name
+The `apply`{.scala} method of `Symbol`{.scala}'s companion object
+caches weak references to `Symbol`{.scala}s, thus ensuring that
+identical symbol literals are equivalent with respect to reference
+Whitespace and Comments
+Tokens may be separated by whitespace characters
+and/or comments. Comments come in two forms:
+A single-line comment is a sequence of characters which starts with
+`//` and extends to the end of the line.
+A multi-line comment is a sequence of characters between
+`/*` and `*/`. Multi-line comments may be nested,
+but are required to be properly nested. Therefore, a comment like
+`/* /* */` will be rejected as having an unterminated
+XML mode
+In order to allow literal inclusion of XML fragments, lexical analysis
+switches from Scala mode to XML mode when encountering an opening
+angle bracket '<' in the following circumstance: The '<' must be
+preceded either by whitespace, an opening parenthesis or an opening
+brace and immediately followed by a character starting an XML name.
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
+ ( whitespace | ‘(’ | ‘{’ ) ‘<’ (XNameStart | ‘!’ | ‘?’)
+ XNameStart ::= ‘_’ | BaseChar | Ideographic $\mbox{\rm\em (as in W3C XML, but without }$ ‘:’
+The scanner switches from XML mode to Scala mode if either
+- the XML expression or the XML pattern started by the initial ‘<’ has been
+ successfully parsed, or if
+- the parser encounters an embedded Scala expression or pattern and
+ forces the Scanner
+ back to normal mode, until the Scala expression or pattern is
+ successfully parsed. In this case, since code and XML fragments can be
+ nested, the parser has to maintain a stack that reflects the nesting
+ of XML and Scala expressions adequately.
+Note that no Scala tokens are constructed in XML mode, and that comments are interpreted
+as text.
+(@) The following value definition uses an XML literal with two embedded
+Scala expressions
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+val b = <book>
+ <title>The Scala Language Specification</title>
+ <version>{scalaBook.version}</version>
+ <authors>{scalaBook.authors.mkList("", ", ", "")}</authors>
+ </book>
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+Identifiers, Names and Scopes
+Names in Scala identify types, values, methods, and classes which are
+collectively called {\em entities}. Names are introduced by local
+definitions and declarations (\sref{sec:defs}), inheritance (\sref{sec:members}),
+import clauses (\sref{sec:import}), or package clauses
+(\sref{sec:packagings}) which are collectively called {\em
+Bindings of different kinds have a precedence defined on them:
+\item Definitions and declarations that are local, inherited, or made
+available by a package clause in the same compilation unit where the
+definition occurs have highest precedence.
+\item Explicit imports have next highest precedence.
+\item Wildcard imports have next highest precedence.
+\item Definitions made available by a package clause not in the
+compilation unit where the definition occurs have lowest precedence.
+There are two different name spaces, one for types (\sref{sec:types})
+and one for terms (\sref{sec:exprs}). The same name may designate a
+type and a term, depending on the context where the name is used.
+A binding has a {\em scope} in which the entity defined by a single
+name can be accessed using a simple name. Scopes are nested. A binding
+in some inner scope {\em shadows} bindings of lower precedence in the
+same scope as well as bindings of the same or lower precedence in outer
+Note that shadowing is only a partial order. In a situation like
+val x = 1;
+{ import p.x;
+ x }
+neither binding of \code{x} shadows the other. Consequently, the
+reference to \code{x} in the third line above would be ambiguous.
+A reference to an unqualified (type- or term-) identifier $x$ is bound
+by the unique binding, which
+\item defines an entity with name $x$ in the same namespace as the
+identifier, and
+\item shadows all other bindings that define entities with name $x$ in that namespace.
+It is an error if no such binding exists. If $x$ is bound by an
+import clause, then the simple name $x$ is taken to be equivalent to
+the qualified name to which $x$ is mapped by the import clause. If $x$
+is bound by a definition or declaration, then $x$ refers to the entity
+introduced by that binding. In that case, the type of $x$ is the type
+of the referenced entity.
+\example Assume the following two definitions of a objects named \lstinline@X@ in packages \lstinline@P@ and \lstinline@Q@.
+%ref: shadowing.scala
+package P {
+ object X { val x = 1; val y = 2 }
+package Q {
+ object X { val x = true; val y = "" }
+The following program illustrates different kinds of bindings and
+precedences between them.
+package P { // `X' bound by package clause
+import Console._ // `println' bound by wildcard import
+object A {
+ println("L4: "+X) // `X' refers to `P.X' here
+ object B {
+ import Q._ // `X' bound by wildcard import
+ println("L7: "+X) // `X' refers to `Q.X' here
+ import X._ // `x' and `y' bound by wildcard import
+ println("L8: "+x) // `x' refers to `Q.X.x' here
+ object C {
+ val x = 3 // `x' bound by local definition
+ println("L12: "+x) // `x' refers to constant `3' here
+ { import Q.X._ // `x' and `y' bound by wildcard import
+// println("L14: "+x) // reference to `x' is ambiguous here
+ import X.y // `y' bound by explicit import
+ println("L16: "+y) // `y' refers to `Q.X.y' here
+ { val x = "abc" // `x' bound by local definition
+ import P.X._ // `x' and `y' bound by wildcard import
+// println("L19: "+y) // reference to `y' is ambiguous here
+ println("L20: "+x) // `x' refers to string ``abc'' here
+A reference to a qualified (type- or term-) identifier $e.x$ refers to
+the member of the type $T$ of $e$ which has the name $x$ in the same
+namespace as the identifier. It is an error if $T$ is not a value type
+(\sref{sec:value-types}). The type of $e.x$ is the member type of the
+referenced entity in $T$.
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+ Type ::= FunctionArgTypes `=>' Type
+ | InfixType [ExistentialClause]
+ FunctionArgTypes ::= InfixType
+ | `(' [ ParamType {`,' ParamType } ] `)'
+ ExistentialClause ::= `forSome' `{' ExistentialDcl {semi ExistentialDcl} `}'
+ ExistentialDcl ::= `type' TypeDcl
+ | `val' ValDcl
+ InfixType ::= CompoundType {id [nl] CompoundType}
+ CompoundType ::= AnnotType {`with' AnnotType} [Refinement]
+ | Refinement
+ AnnotType ::= SimpleType {Annotation}
+ SimpleType ::= SimpleType TypeArgs
+ | SimpleType `#' id
+ | StableId
+ | Path `.' `type'
+ | `(' Types ')'
+ TypeArgs ::= `[' Types `]'
+ Types ::= Type {`,' Type}
+We distinguish between first-order types and type constructors, which
+take type parameters and yield types. A subset of first-order types
+called {\em value types} represents sets of (first-class) values.
+Value types are either {\em concrete} or {\em abstract}.
+Every concrete value type can be represented as a {\em class type}, i.e.\ a
+type designator (\sref{sec:type-desig}) that refers to a
+a class or a trait\footnote{We assume that objects and packages also implicitly
+define a class (of the same name as the object or package, but
+inaccessible to user programs).} (\sref{sec:class-defs}), or as a {\em
+compound type} (\sref{sec:compound-types}) representing an
+intersection of types, possibly with a refinement
+(\sref{sec:refinements}) that further constrains the types of its
+\comment{A shorthand exists for denoting function types (\sref{sec:function-types}). }
+Abstract value types are introduced by type parameters (\sref{sec:type-params})
+and abstract type bindings (\sref{sec:typedcl}). Parentheses in types can be used for
+Non-value types capture properties of identifiers that are not values
+(\sref{sec:synthetic-types}). For example, a type constructor (\sref{sec:higherkinded-types}) does not directly specify a type of values. However, when a type constructor is applied to the correct type arguments, it yields a first-order type, which may be a value type.
+Non-value types are expressed indirectly in Scala. E.g., a method type is described by writing down a method signature, which in itself is not a real type, although it gives rise to a corresponding method type (\sref{sec:method-types}). Type constructors are another example, as one can write \lstinline@type Swap[m[_, _], a,b] = m[b, a]@, but there is no syntax to write the corresponding anonymous type function directly.
+ Path ::= StableId
+ | [id `.'] this
+ StableId ::= id
+ | Path `.' id
+ | [id '.'] `super' [ClassQualifier] `.' id
+ ClassQualifier ::= `[' id `]'
+Paths are not types themselves, but they can be a part of named types
+and in that function form a central role in Scala's type system.
+A path is one of the following.
+The empty path $\epsilon$ (which cannot be written explicitly in user programs).
+\lstinline@$C$.this@, where $C$ references a class.
+The path \code{this} is taken as a shorthand for \lstinline@$C$.this@ where
+$C$ is the name of the class directly enclosing the reference.
+\lstinline@$p$.$x$@ where $p$ is a path and $x$ is a stable member of $p$.
+{\em Stable members} are packages or members introduced by object definitions or
+by value definitions of non-volatile types
+\lstinline@$C$.super.$x$@ or \lstinline@$C$.super[$M\,$].$x$@
+where $C$ references a class and $x$ references a
+stable member of the super class or designated parent class $M$ of $C$.
+The prefix \code{super} is taken as a shorthand for \lstinline@$C$.super@ where
+$C$ is the name of the class directly enclosing the reference.
+A {\em stable identifier} is a path which ends in an identifier.
+\section{Value Types}\label{sec:value-types}
+Every value in Scala has a type which is of one of the following
+\subsection{Singleton Types}
+ SimpleType ::= Path `.' type
+A singleton type is of the form \lstinline@$p$.type@, where $p$ is a
+path pointing to a value expected to conform (\sref{sec:expr-typing})
+to \lstinline@scala.AnyRef@. The type denotes the set of values
+consisting of \code{null} and the value denoted by $p$.
+A {\em stable type} is either a singleton type or a type which is
+declared to be a subtype of trait \lstinline@scala.Singleton@.
+\subsection{Type Projection}
+ SimpleType ::= SimpleType `#' id
+A type projection \lstinline@$T$#$x$@ references the type member named
+$x$ of type $T$.
+% The following is no longer necessary:
+%If $x$ references an abstract type member, then $T$ must be a stable type (\sref{sec:singleton-types}).
+\subsection{Type Designators}
+ SimpleType ::= StableId
+A type designator refers to a named value type. It can be simple or
+qualified. All such type designators are shorthands for type projections.
+Specifically, the unqualified type name $t$ where $t$ is bound in some
+class, object, or package $C$ is taken as a shorthand for
+\lstinline@$C$.this.type#$t$@. If $t$ is
+not bound in a class, object, or package, then $t$ is taken as a
+shorthand for \lstinline@$\epsilon$.type#$t$@.
+A qualified type designator has the form \lstinline@$p$.$t$@ where $p$ is
+a path (\sref{sec:paths}) and $t$ is a type name. Such a type designator is
+equivalent to the type projection \lstinline@$p$.type#$t$@.
+Some type designators and their expansions are listed below. We assume
+a local type parameter $t$, a value \code{maintable}
+with a type member \code{Node} and the standard class \lstinline@scala.Int@,
+ t $\epsilon$.type#t
+ Int scala.type#Int
+ scala.Int scala.type#Int
+ data.maintable.Node data.maintable.type#Node
+\subsection{Parameterized Types}
+ SimpleType ::= SimpleType TypeArgs
+ TypeArgs ::= `[' Types `]'
+A parameterized type $T[U_1 \commadots U_n]$ consists of a type
+designator $T$ and type parameters $U_1 \commadots U_n$ where $n \geq
+1$. $T$ must refer to a type constructor which takes $n$ type
+parameters $a_1 \commadots a_n$.
+Say the type parameters have lower bounds $L_1 \commadots L_n$ and
+upper bounds $U_1 \commadots U_n$. The parameterized type is
+well-formed if each actual type parameter {\em conforms to its
+bounds}, i.e.\ $\sigma L_i <: T_i <: \sigma U_i$ where $\sigma$ is the
+substitution $[a_1 := T_1 \commadots a_n := T_n]$.
+Given the partial type definitions:
+ class TreeMap[A <: Comparable[A], B] { $\ldots$ }
+ class List[A] { $\ldots$ }
+ class I extends Comparable[I] { $\ldots$ }
+ class F[M[_], X] { $\ldots$ }
+ class S[K <: String] { $\ldots$ }
+ class G[M[ Z <: I ], I] { $\ldots$ }
+the following parameterized types are well formed:
+ TreeMap[I, String]
+ List[I]
+ List[List[Boolean]]
+ F[List, Int]
+ G[S, String]
+\example Given the type definitions of \ref{ex:param-types},
+the following types are ill-formed:
+ TreeMap[I] // illegal: wrong number of parameters
+ TreeMap[List[I], Int] // illegal: type parameter not within bound
+ F[Int, Boolean] // illegal: Int is not a type constructor
+ F[TreeMap, Int] // illegal: TreeMap takes two parameters,
+ // F expects a constructor taking one
+ G[S, Int] // illegal: S constrains its parameter to
+ // conform to String,
+ // G expects type constructor with a parameter
+ // that conforms to Int
+\subsection{Tuple Types}\label{sec:tuple-types}
+ SimpleType ::= `(' Types ')'
+A tuple type \lstinline@($T_1 \commadots T_n$)@ is an alias for the
+class ~\lstinline@scala.Tuple$n$[$T_1 \commadots T_n$]@, where $n \geq
+Tuple classes are case classes whose fields can be accessed using
+selectors ~\code{_1}, ..., \lstinline@_$n$@. Their functionality is
+abstracted in a corresponding \code{Product} trait. The $n$-ary tuple
+class and product trait are defined at least as follows in the
+standard Scala library (they might also add other methods and
+implement other traits).
+case class Tuple$n$[+T1, ..., +T$n$](_1: T1, ..., _$n$: T$n$)
+extends Product$n$[T1, ..., T$n$] {}
+trait Product$n$[+T1, +T2, +T$n$] {
+ override def arity = $n$
+ def _1: T1
+ ...
+ def _$n$:T$n$
+\subsection{Annotated Types}
+ AnnotType ::= SimpleType {Annotation}
+An annotated type ~$T$\lstinline@ $a_1 \ldots a_n$@
+attaches annotations $a_1 \commadots a_n$ to the type $T$
+\example The following type adds the \code{@suspendable}@ annotation to the type
+ String @suspendable
+\subsection{Compound Types}
+ CompoundType ::= AnnotType {`with' AnnotType} [Refinement]
+ | Refinement
+ Refinement ::= [nl] `{' RefineStat {semi RefineStat} `}'
+ RefineStat ::= Dcl
+ | `type' TypeDef
+ |
+A compound type ~\lstinline@$T_1$ with $\ldots$ with $T_n$ {$R\,$}@~
+represents objects with members as given in the component types $T_1
+\commadots T_n$ and the refinement \lstinline@{$R\,$}@. A refinement
+\lstinline@{$R\,$}@ contains declarations and type definitions.
+If a declaration or definition overrides a declaration or definition in
+one of the component types $T_1 \commadots T_n$, the usual rules for
+overriding (\sref{sec:overriding}) apply; otherwise the declaration
+or definition is said to be ``structural''\footnote{A reference to a
+structurally defined member (method call or access to a value or
+variable) may generate binary code that is significantly slower than
+an equivalent code to a non-structural member.}.
+Within a method declaration in a structural refinement, the type of
+any value parameter may only refer to type parameters or abstract
+types that are contained inside the refinement. That is, it must refer
+either to a type parameter of the method itself, or to a type
+definition within the refinement. This restriction does not apply to
+the function's result type.
+If no refinement is given, the empty refinement is implicitly added,
+i.e.\ ~\lstinline@$T_1$ with $\ldots$ with $T_n$@~ is a shorthand for
+~\lstinline@$T_1$ with $\ldots$ with $T_n$ {}@.
+A compound type may also consist of just a refinement
+~\lstinline@{$R\,$}@ with no preceding component types. Such a type is
+equivalent to ~\lstinline@AnyRef{$R\,$}@.
+\example The following example shows how to declare and use a function which parameter's type contains a refinement with structural declarations.
+ case class Bird (val name: String) extends Object {
+ def fly(height: Int) = ...
+ ...
+ }
+ case class Plane (val callsign: String) extends Object {
+ def fly(height: Int) = ...
+ ...
+ }
+ def takeoff(
+ runway: Int,
+ r: { val callsign: String; def fly(height: Int) }) = {
+ tower.print(r.callsign + " requests take-off on runway " + runway)
+ + " is clear f%%or take-off")
+ }
+ val bird = new Bird("Polly the parrot"){ val callsign = name }
+ val a380 = new Plane("TZ-987")
+ takeoff(42, bird)
+ takeoff(89, a380)
+Although ~\lstinline@Bird@ and ~\lstinline@Plane@ do not share any parent class other than ~\lstinline@Object@, the parameter ~\lstinline@r@ of function ~\lstinline@takeoff@ is defined using a refinement with structural declarations to accept any object that declares a value ~\lstinline@callsign@ and a ~\lstinline@fly@ function.
+\subsection{Infix Types}\label{sec:infix-types}
+ InfixType ::= CompoundType {id [nl] CompoundType}
+An infix type ~\lstinline@$T_1\;\op\;T_2$@~ consists of an infix
+operator $\op$ which gets applied to two type operands $T_1$ and
+$T_2$. The type is equivalent to the type application $\op[T_1,
+T_2]$. The infix operator $\op$ may be an arbitrary identifier,
+except for \code{*}, which is reserved as a postfix modifier
+denoting a repeated parameter type (\sref{sec:repeated-params}).
+All type infix operators have the same precedence; parentheses have to
+be used for grouping. The associativity (\sref{sec:infix-operations})
+of a type operator is determined as for term operators: type operators
+ending in a colon `\lstinline@:@' are right-associative; all other
+operators are left-associative.
+In a sequence of consecutive type infix operations $t_0; \op_1; t_1;
+\op_2 \ldots \op_n; t_n$, all operators $\op_1 \commadots \op_n$ must have the same
+associativity. If they are all left-associative, the sequence is
+interpreted as $(\ldots(t_0;\op_1;t_1);\op_2\ldots);\op_n;t_n$,
+otherwise it is interpreted as $t_0;\op_1;(t_1;\op_2;(\ldots\op_n;t_n)\ldots)$.
+\subsection{Function Types}
+ Type ::= FunctionArgs `=>' Type
+ FunctionArgs ::= InfixType
+ | `(' [ ParamType {`,' ParamType } ] `)'
+The type ~\lstinline@($T_1 \commadots T_n$) => $U$@~ represents the set of function
+values that take arguments of types $T_1 \commadots T_n$ and yield
+results of type $U$. In the case of exactly one argument type
+~\lstinline@$T$ => $U$@~ is a shorthand for ~\lstinline@($T\,$) => $U$@.
+An argument type of the form~\lstinline@=> T@
+represents a call-by-name parameter (\sref{sec:by-name-params}) of type $T$.
+Function types associate to the right, e.g.
+~\lstinline@$S$ => $T$ => $U$@~ is the same as
+~\lstinline@$S$ => ($T$ => $U$)@.
+Function types are shorthands for class types that define \code{apply}
+functions. Specifically, the $n$-ary function type
+~\lstinline@($T_1 \commadots T_n$) => U@~ is a shorthand for the class type
+\lstinline@Function$n$[$T_1 \commadots T_n$,$U\,$]@. Such class
+types are defined in the Scala library for $n$ between 0 and 9 as follows.
+package scala
+trait Function$n$[-$T_1 \commadots$ -$T_n$, +$R$] {
+ def apply($x_1$: $T_1 \commadots x_n$: $T_n$): $R$
+ override def toString = "<function>"
+Hence, function types are covariant (\sref{sec:variances}) in their
+result type and contravariant in their argument types.
+\subsection{Existential Types}
+ Type ::= InfixType ExistentialClauses
+ ExistentialClauses ::= `forSome' `{' ExistentialDcl
+ {semi ExistentialDcl} `}'
+ ExistentialDcl ::= `type' TypeDcl
+ | `val' ValDcl
+An existential type has the form ~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@~
+where $Q$ is a sequence of type declarations \sref{sec:typedcl}.
+Let $t_1[\tps_1] >: L_1 <: U_1 \commadots t_n[\tps_n] >: L_n <: U_n$
+be the types declared in $Q$ (any of the
+type parameter sections \lstinline@[$\tps_i$]@ might be missing).
+The scope of each type $t_i$ includes the type $T$ and the existential clause $Q$.
+The type variables $t_i$ are said to be {\em bound} in the type ~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@.
+Type variables which occur in a type $T$ but which are not bound in $T$ are said
+to be {\em free} in $T$.
+A {\em type instance} of ~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@
+is a type $\sigma T$ where $\sigma$ is a substitution over $t_1 \commadots t_n$
+such that, for each $i$, $\sigma L_i \conforms \sigma t_i \conforms \sigma U_i$.
+The set of values denoted by the existential type ~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@~
+is the union of the set of values of all its type instances.
+A {\em skolemization} of ~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@~ is
+a type instance $\sigma T$, where $\sigma$ is the substitution
+$[t'_1/t_1 \commadots t'_n/t_n]$ and each $t'_i$ is a fresh abstract type
+with lower bound $\sigma L_i$ and upper bound $\sigma U_i$.
+\subsubsection*{Simplification Rules}\label{sec:ex-simpl}
+Existential types obey the following four equivalences:
+Multiple for-clauses in an existential type can be merged. E.g.,
+~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$} forSome {$\,Q'\,$}@~
+is equivalent to
+~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$;$\,Q'\,$}@.
+Unused quantifications can be dropped. E.g.,
+~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$;$\,Q'\,$}@~
+where none of the types defined in $Q'$ are referred to by $T$ or $Q$,
+is equivalent to
+~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@.
+An empty quantification can be dropped. E.g.,
+~\lstinline@$T$ forSome { }@~ is equivalent to ~\lstinline@$T$@.
+An existential type ~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@~ where $Q$ contains
+a clause ~\lstinline@type $t[\tps] >: L <: U$@ is equivalent
+to the type ~\lstinline@$T'$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@~ where $T'$ results from $T$ by replacing every
+covariant occurrence (\sref{sec:variances}) of $t$ in $T$ by $U$ and by replacing every
+contravariant occurrence of $t$ in $T$ by $L$.
+\subsubsection*{Existential Quantification over Values}\label{sec:val-existential-types}
+As a syntactic convenience, the bindings clause
+in an existential type may also contain
+value declarations \lstinline@val $x$: $T$@.
+An existential type ~\lstinline@$T$ forSome { $Q$; val $x$: $S\,$;$\,Q'$ }@~
+is treated as a shorthand for the type
+~\lstinline@$T'$ forSome { $Q$; type $t$ <: $S$ with Singleton; $Q'$ }@, where $t$ is a fresh
+type name and $T'$ results from $T$ by replacing every occurrence of
+\lstinline@$x$.type@ with $t$.
+\subsubsection*{Placeholder Syntax for Existential Types}\label{sec:impl-existential-types}
+ WildcardType ::= `_' TypeBounds
+Scala supports a placeholder syntax for existential types.
+A {\em wildcard type} is of the form ~\lstinline@_$\;$>:$\,L\,$<:$\,U$@. Both bound
+clauses may be omitted. If a lower bound clause \lstinline@>:$\,L$@ is missing,
+is assumed. If an upper bound clause ~\lstinline@<:$\,U$@ is missing,
+\lstinline@<:$\,$scala.Any@~ is assumed. A wildcard type is a shorthand for an
+existentially quantified type variable, where the existential quantification is implicit.
+A wildcard type must appear as type argument of a parameterized type.
+Let $T = p.c[\targs,T,\targs']$ be a parameterized type where $\targs, \targs'$ may be empty and
+$T$ is a wildcard type ~\lstinline@_$\;$>:$\,L\,$<:$\,U$@. Then $T$ is equivalent to the existential
+ $p.c[\targs,t,\targs']$ forSome { type $t$ >: $L$ <: $U$ }
+where $t$ is some fresh type variable.
+Wildcard types may also appear as parts of infix types
+(\sref{sec:infix-types}), function types (\sref{sec:function-types}),
+or tuple types (\sref{sec:tuple-types}).
+Their expansion is then the expansion in the equivalent parameterized
+\example Assume the class definitions
+class Ref[T]
+abstract class Outer { type T } .
+Here are some examples of existential types:
+Ref[T] forSome { type T <: java.lang.Number }
+Ref[x.T] forSome { val x: Outer }
+Ref[x_type # T] forSome { type x_type <: Outer with Singleton }
+The last two types in this list are equivalent.
+An alternative formulation of the first type above using wildcard syntax is:
+Ref[_ <: java.lang.Number]
+\example The type \lstinline@List[List[_]]@ is equivalent to the existential type
+List[List[t] forSome { type t }] .
+\example Assume a covariant type
+class List[+T]
+The type
+List[T] forSome { type T <: java.lang.Number }
+is equivalent (by simplification rule 4 above) to
+List[java.lang.Number] forSome { type T <: java.lang.Number }
+which is in turn equivalent (by simplification rules 2 and 3 above) to
+\section{Non-Value Types}
+The types explained in the following do not denote sets of values, nor
+do they appear explicitly in programs. They are introduced in this
+report as the internal types of defined identifiers.
+\subsection{Method Types}
+A method type is denoted internally as $(\Ps)U$, where $(\Ps)$ is a
+sequence of parameter names and types $(p_1:T_1 \commadots p_n:T_n)$
+for some $n \geq 0$ and $U$ is a (value or method) type. This type
+represents named methods that take arguments named $p_1 \commadots p_n$
+of types $T_1 \commadots T_n$
+and that return a result of type $U$.
+Method types associate to the right: $(\Ps_1)(\Ps_2)U$ is
+treated as $(\Ps_1)((\Ps_2)U)$.
+A special case are types of methods without any parameters. They are
+written here \lstinline@=> T@. Parameterless methods name expressions
+that are re-evaluated each time the parameterless method name is
+Method types do not exist as types of values. If a method name is used
+as a value, its type is implicitly converted to a corresponding
+function type (\sref{sec:impl-conv}).
+\example The declarations
+def a: Int
+def b (x: Int): Boolean
+def c (x: Int) (y: String, z: String): String
+produce the typings
+a: => Int
+b: (Int) Boolean
+c: (Int) (String, String) String
+\subsection{Polymorphic Method Types}
+A polymorphic method type is denoted internally as ~\lstinline@[$\tps\,$]$T$@~ where
+\lstinline@[$\tps\,$]@ is a type parameter section
+~\lstinline@[$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1 \commadots a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]@~
+for some $n \geq 0$ and $T$ is a
+(value or method) type. This type represents named methods that
+take type arguments ~\lstinline@$S_1 \commadots S_n$@~ which
+conform (\sref{sec:param-types}) to the lower bounds
+~\lstinline@$L_1 \commadots L_n$@~ and the upper bounds
+~\lstinline@$U_1 \commadots U_n$@~ and that yield results of type $T$.
+\example The declarations
+def empty[A]: List[A]
+def union[A <: Comparable[A]] (x: Set[A], xs: Set[A]): Set[A]
+produce the typings
+empty : [A >: Nothing <: Any] List[A]
+union : [A >: Nothing <: Comparable[A]] (x: Set[A], xs: Set[A]) Set[A] .
+\subsection{Type Constructors} %@M
+A type constructor is represented internally much like a polymorphic method type.
+~\lstinline@[$\pm$ $a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1 \commadots \pm a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$] $T$@~ represents a type that is expected by a type constructor parameter (\sref{sec:type-params}) or an abstract type constructor binding (\sref{sec:typedcl}) with the corresponding type parameter clause.
+\example Consider this fragment of the \lstinline@Iterable[+X]@ class:
+trait Iterable[+X] {
+ def flatMap[newType[+X] <: Iterable[X], S](f: X => newType[S]): newType[S]
+Conceptually, the type constructor \lstinline@Iterable@ is a name for the anonymous type \lstinline@[+X] Iterable[X]@, which may be passed to the \lstinline@newType@ type constructor parameter in \lstinline@flatMap@.
+\subsection{Overloaded Types}
+More than one values or methods are defined in the same scope with the
+same name, we model
+An overloaded type consisting of type alternatives $T_1 \commadots
+T_n (n \geq 2)$ is denoted internally $T_1 \overload \ldots \overload T_n$.
+\example The definitions
+def println: Unit
+def println(s: String): Unit = $\ldots$
+def println(x: Float): Unit = $\ldots$
+def println(x: Float, width: Int): Unit = $\ldots$
+def println[A](x: A)(tostring: A => String): Unit = $\ldots$
+define a single function \code{println} which has an overloaded
+println: => Unit $\overload$
+ (String) Unit $\overload$
+ (Float) Unit $\overload$
+ (Float, Int) Unit $\overload$
+ [A] (A) (A => String) Unit
+\example The definitions
+def f(x: T): T = $\ldots$
+val f = 0
+define a function \code{f} which has type ~\lstinline@(x: T)T $\overload$ Int@.
+\section{Base Types and Member Definitions}
+Types of class members depend on the way the members are referenced.
+Central here are three notions, namely:
+\item the notion of the set of base types of a type $T$,
+\item the notion of a type $T$ in some class $C$ seen from some
+ prefix type $S$,
+\item the notion of the set of member bindings of some type $T$.
+These notions are defined mutually recursively as follows.
+1. The set of {\em base types} of a type is a set of class types,
+given as follows.
+The base types of a class type $C$ with parents $T_1 \commadots T_n$ are
+$C$ itself, as well as the base types of the compound type
+~\lstinline@$T_1$ with $\ldots$ with $T_n$ {$R\,$}@.
+The base types of an aliased type are the base types of its alias.
+The base types of an abstract type are the base types of its upper bound.
+The base types of a parameterized type
+~\lstinline@$C$[$T_1 \commadots T_n$]@~ are the base types
+of type $C$, where every occurrence of a type parameter $a_i$
+of $C$ has been replaced by the corresponding parameter type $T_i$.
+The base types of a singleton type \lstinline@$p$.type@ are the base types of
+the type of $p$.
+The base types of a compound type
+~\lstinline@$T_1$ with $\ldots$ with $T_n$ {$R\,$}@~
+are the {\em reduced union} of the base
+classes of all $T_i$'s. This means:
+Let the multi-set $\SS$ be the multi-set-union of the
+base types of all $T_i$'s.
+If $\SS$ contains several type instances of the same class, say
+~\lstinline@$S^i$#$C$[$T^i_1 \commadots T^i_n$]@~ $(i \in I)$, then
+all those instances
+are replaced by one of them which conforms to all
+others. It is an error if no such instance exists. It follows that the reduced union, if it exists,
+produces a set of class types, where different types are instances of different classes.
+The base types of a type selection \lstinline@$S$#$T$@ are
+determined as follows. If $T$ is an alias or abstract type, the
+previous clauses apply. Otherwise, $T$ must be a (possibly
+parameterized) class type, which is defined in some class $B$. Then
+the base types of \lstinline@$S$#$T$@ are the base types of $T$
+in $B$ seen from the prefix type $S$.
+The base types of an existential type \lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@ are
+all types \lstinline@$S$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@ where $S$ is a base type of $T$.
+2. The notion of a type $T$
+{\em in class $C$ seen from some prefix type
+$S\,$} makes sense only if the prefix type $S$
+has a type instance of class $C$ as a base type, say
+~\lstinline@$S'$#$C$[$T_1 \commadots T_n$]@. Then we define as follows.
+ \item
+ If \lstinline@$S$ = $\epsilon$.type@, then $T$ in $C$ seen from $S$ is $T$ itself.
+ \item
+ Otherwise, if $S$ is an existential type ~\lstinline@$S'$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@, and
+ $T$ in $C$ seen from $S'$ is $T'$,
+ then $T$ in $C$ seen from $S$ is ~\lstinline@$T'$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@.
+ \item
+ Otherwise, if $T$ is the $i$'th type parameter of some class $D$, then
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ If $S$ has a base type ~\lstinline@$D$[$U_1 \commadots U_n$]@, for some type parameters
+ ~\lstinline@[$U_1 \commadots U_n$]@, then $T$ in $C$ seen from $S$ is $U_i$.
+ \item
+ Otherwise, if $C$ is defined in a class $C'$, then
+ $T$ in $C$ seen from $S$ is the same as $T$ in $C'$ seen from $S'$.
+ \item
+ Otherwise, if $C$ is not defined in another class, then
+ $T$ in $C$ seen from $S$ is $T$ itself.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Otherwise,
+ if $T$ is the singleton type \lstinline@$D$.this.type@ for some class $D$
+ then
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ If $D$ is a subclass of $C$ and
+ $S$ has a type instance of class $D$ among its base types,
+ then $T$ in $C$ seen from $S$ is $S$.
+ \item
+ Otherwise, if $C$ is defined in a class $C'$, then
+ $T$ in $C$ seen from $S$ is the same as $T$ in $C'$ seen from $S'$.
+ \item
+ Otherwise, if $C$ is not defined in another class, then
+ $T$ in $C$ seen from $S$ is $T$ itself.
+ \end{itemize}
+ If $T$ is some other type, then the described mapping is performed
+ to all its type components.
+If $T$ is a possibly parameterized class type, where $T$'s class
+is defined in some other class $D$, and $S$ is some prefix type,
+then we use ``$T$ seen from $S$'' as a shorthand for
+``$T$ in $D$ seen from $S$''.
+3. The {\em member bindings} of a type $T$ are (1) all bindings $d$ such that
+there exists a type instance of some class $C$ among the base types of $T$
+and there exists a definition or declaration $d'$ in $C$
+such that $d$ results from $d'$ by replacing every
+type $T'$ in $d'$ by $T'$ in $C$ seen from $T$, and (2) all bindings
+of the type's refinement (\sref{sec:refinements}), if it has one.
+The {\em definition} of a type projection \lstinline@$S$#$t$@ is the member
+binding $d_t$ of the type $t$ in $S$. In that case, we also say
+that \lstinline@$S$#$t$@ {\em is defined by} $d_t$.
+share a to
+\section{Relations between types}
+We define two relations between types.
+\em Type equivalence & $T \equiv U$ & $T$ and $U$ are interchangeable
+in all contexts.
+\em Conformance & $T \conforms U$ & Type $T$ conforms to type $U$.
+\subsection{Type Equivalence}
+Equivalence $(\equiv)$ between types is the smallest congruence\footnote{ A
+congruence is an equivalence relation which is closed under formation
+of contexts} such that the following holds:
+If $t$ is defined by a type alias ~\lstinline@type $t$ = $T$@, then $t$ is
+equivalent to $T$.
+If a path $p$ has a singleton type ~\lstinline@$q$.type@, then
+~\lstinline@$p$.type $\equiv q$.type@.
+If $O$ is defined by an object definition, and $p$ is a path
+consisting only of package or object selectors and ending in $O$, then
+~\lstinline@$O$.this.type $\equiv p$.type@.
+Two compound types (\sref{sec:compound-types}) are equivalent if the sequences of their component
+are pairwise equivalent, and occur in the same order, and their
+refinements are equivalent. Two refinements are equivalent if they
+bind the same names and the modifiers, types and bounds of every
+declared entity are equivalent in both refinements.
+Two method types (\sref{sec:method-types}) are equivalent if they have equivalent result types,
+both have the same number of parameters, and corresponding parameters
+have equivalent types. Note that the names of parameters do not
+matter for method type equivalence.
+Two polymorphic method types (\sref{sec:poly-types}) are equivalent if they have the same number of
+type parameters, and, after renaming one set of type parameters by
+another, the result types as well as lower and upper bounds of
+corresponding type parameters are equivalent.
+Two existential types (\sref{sec:existential-types})
+are equivalent if they have the same number of
+quantifiers, and, after renaming one list of type quantifiers by
+another, the quantified types as well as lower and upper bounds of
+corresponding quantifiers are equivalent.
+\item %@M
+Two type constructors (\sref{sec:higherkinded-types}) are equivalent if they have the
+same number of type parameters, and, after renaming one list of type parameters by
+another, the result types as well as variances, lower and upper bounds of
+corresponding type parameters are equivalent.
+The conformance relation $(\conforms)$ is the smallest
+transitive relation that satisfies the following conditions.
+\item Conformance includes equivalence. If $T \equiv U$ then $T \conforms U$.
+\item For every value type $T$,
+ $\mbox{\code{scala.Nothing}} \conforms T \conforms \mbox{\code{scala.Any}}$.
+\item For every type constructor $T$ (with any number of type parameters),
+ $\mbox{\code{scala.Nothing}} \conforms T \conforms \mbox{\code{scala.Any}}$. %@M
+\item For every class type $T$ such that $T \conforms
+ \mbox{\code{scala.AnyRef}}$ and not $T \conforms \mbox{\code{scala.NotNull}}$
+ one has $\mbox{\code{scala.Null}} \conforms T$.
+\item A type variable or abstract type $t$ conforms to its upper bound and
+ its lower bound conforms to $t$.
+\item A class type or parameterized type conforms to any of its
+ base-types.
+\item A singleton type \lstinline@$p$.type@ conforms to the type of
+ the path $p$.
+\item A singleton type \lstinline@$p$.type@ conforms to the type $\mbox{\code{scala.Singleton}}$.
+\item A type projection \lstinline@$T$#$t$@ conforms to \lstinline@$U$#$t$@ if
+ $T$ conforms to $U$.
+\item A parameterized type ~\lstinline@$T$[$T_1 \commadots T_n$]@~ conforms to
+ ~\lstinline@$T$[$U_1 \commadots U_n$]@~ if
+ the following three conditions hold for $i = 1 \commadots n$.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ If the $i$'th type parameter of $T$ is declared covariant, then $T_i \conforms U_i$.
+ \item
+ If the $i$'th type parameter of $T$ is declared contravariant, then $U_i \conforms T_i$.
+ \item
+ If the $i$'th type parameter of $T$ is declared neither covariant
+ nor contravariant, then $U_i \equiv T_i$.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item A compound type ~\lstinline@$T_1$ with $\ldots$ with $T_n$ {$R\,$}@~ conforms to
+ each of its component types $T_i$.
+\item If $T \conforms U_i$ for $i = 1 \commadots n$ and for every
+ binding $d$ of a type or value $x$ in $R$ there exists a member
+ binding of $x$ in $T$ which subsumes $d$, then $T$ conforms to the
+ compound type ~\lstinline@$U_1$ with $\ldots$ with $U_n$ {$R\,$}@.
+\item The existential type ~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@ conforms to
+ $U$ if its skolemization (\sref{sec:existential-types})
+ conforms to $U$.
+\item The type $T$ conforms to the existential type ~\lstinline@$U$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@
+ if $T$ conforms to one of the type instances (\sref{sec:existential-types})
+ of ~\lstinline@$U$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@.
+\item If
+ $T_i \equiv T'_i$ for $i = 1 \commadots n$ and $U$ conforms to $U'$
+ then the method type $(p_1:T_1 \commadots p_n:T_n) U$ conforms to
+ $(p'_1:T'_1 \commadots p'_n:T'_n) U'$.
+\item The polymorphic type
+$[a_1 >: L_1 <: U_1 \commadots a_n >: L_n <: U_n] T$ conforms to the polymorphic type
+$[a_1 >: L'_1 <: U'_1 \commadots a_n >: L'_n <: U'_n] T'$ if, assuming
+$L'_1 \conforms a_1 \conforms U'_1 \commadots L'_n \conforms a_n \conforms U'_n$
+one has $T \conforms T'$ and $L_i \conforms L'_i$ and $U'_i \conforms U_i$
+for $i = 1 \commadots n$.
+\item Type constructors $T$ and $T'$ follow a similar discipline. We characterize $T$ and $T'$ by their type parameter clauses
+$[a_1 \commadots a_n]$ and
+$[a'_1 \commadots a'_n ]$, where an $a_i$ or $a'_i$ may include a variance annotation, a higher-order type parameter clause, and bounds. Then, $T$ conforms to $T'$ if any list $[t_1 \commadots t_n]$ -- with declared variances, bounds and higher-order type parameter clauses -- of valid type arguments for $T'$ is also a valid list of type arguments for $T$ and $T[t_1 \commadots t_n] \conforms T'[t_1 \commadots t_n]$. Note that this entails that:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ The bounds on $a_i$ must be weaker than the corresponding bounds declared for $a'_i$.
+ \item
+ The variance of $a_i$ must match the variance of $a'_i$, where covariance matches covariance, contravariance matches contravariance and any variance matches invariance.
+ \item
+ Recursively, these restrictions apply to the corresponding higher-order type parameter clauses of $a_i$ and $a'_i$.
+ \end{itemize}
+A declaration or definition in some compound type of class type $C$
+{\em subsumes} another
+declaration of the same name in some compound type or class type $C'$, if one of the following holds.
+A value declaration or definition that defines a name $x$ with type $T$ subsumes
+a value or method declaration that defines $x$ with type $T'$, provided $T \conforms T'$.
+A method declaration or definition that defines a name $x$ with type $T$ subsumes
+a method declaration that defines $x$ with type $T'$, provided $T \conforms T'$.
+A type alias
+$\TYPE;t[T_1 \commadots T_n]=T$ subsumes a type alias $\TYPE;t[T_1 \commadots T_n]=T'$ if %@M
+$T \equiv T'$.
+A type declaration ~\lstinline@type $t$[$T_1 \commadots T_n$] >: $L$ <: $U$@~ subsumes %@M
+a type declaration ~\lstinline@type $t$[$T_1 \commadots T_n$] >: $L'$ <: $U'$@~ if $L' \conforms L$ and %@M
+$U \conforms U'$.
+A type or class definition that binds a type name $t$ subsumes an abstract
+type declaration ~\lstinline@type t[$T_1 \commadots T_n$] >: L <: U@~ if %@M
+$L \conforms t \conforms U$.
+The $(\conforms)$ relation forms pre-order between types,
+i.e.\ it is transitive and reflexive. {\em
+least upper bounds} and {\em greatest lower bounds} of a set of types
+are understood to be relative to that order.
+\paragraph{Note} The least upper bound or greatest lower bound
+of a set of types does not always exist. For instance, consider
+the class definitions
+class A[+T] {}
+class B extends A[B]
+class C extends A[C]
+Then the types ~\lstinline@A[Any], A[A[Any]], A[A[A[Any]]], ...@~ form
+a descending sequence of upper bounds for \code{B} and \code{C}. The
+least upper bound would be the infinite limit of that sequence, which
+does not exist as a Scala type. Since cases like this are in general
+impossible to detect, a Scala compiler is free to reject a term
+which has a type specified as a least upper or greatest lower bound,
+and that bound would be more complex than some compiler-set
+limit\footnote{The current Scala compiler limits the nesting level
+of parameterization in such bounds to be at most two deeper than the maximum
+nesting level of the operand types}.
+The least upper bound or greatest lower bound might also not be
+unique. For instance \code{A with B} and \code{B with A} are both
+greatest lower of \code{A} and \code{B}. If there are several
+least upper bounds or greatest lower bounds, the Scala compiler is
+free to pick any one of them.
+\subsection{Weak Conformance}\label{sec:weakconformance}
+In some situations Scala uses a more genral conformance relation. A
+type $S$ {\em weakly conforms}
+to a type $T$, written $S \conforms_w
+T$, if $S \conforms T$ or both $S$ and $T$ are primitive number types
+and $S$ precedes $T$ in the following ordering.
+Byte $\conforms_w$ Short
+Short $\conforms_w$ Int
+Char $\conforms_w$ Int
+Int $\conforms_w$ Long
+Long $\conforms_w$ Float
+Float $\conforms_w$ Double
+A {\em weak least upper bound} is a least upper bound with respect to
+weak conformance.
+\section{Volatile Types}
+Type volatility approximates the possibility that a type parameter or abstract type instance
+of a type does not have any non-null values. As explained in
+(\sref{sec:paths}), a value member of a volatile type cannot appear in
+a path.
+A type is {\em volatile} if it falls into one of four categories:
+A compound type ~\lstinline@$T_1$ with $\ldots$ with $T_n$ {$R\,$}@~
+is volatile if one of the following two conditions hold.
+\item One of $T_2 \commadots T_n$ is a type parameter or abstract type, or
+\item $T_1$ is an abstract type and and either the refinement $R$
+ or a type $T_j$ for $j > 1$ contributes an abstract member
+ to the compound type, or
+\item one of $T_1 \commadots T_n$ is a singleton type.
+Here, a type $S$ {\em contributes an abstract member} to a type $T$ if
+$S$ contains an abstract member that is also a member of $T$.
+A refinement $R$ contributes an abstract member to a type $T$ if $R$
+contains an abstract declaration which is also a member of $T$.
+A type designator is volatile if it is an alias of a volatile type, or
+if it designates a type parameter or abstract type that has a volatile type as its
+upper bound.
+A singleton type \lstinline@$p$.type@ is volatile, if the underlying
+type of path $p$ is volatile.
+An existential type ~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@~ is volatile if
+$T$ is volatile.
+\section{Type Erasure}
+A type is called {\em generic} if it contains type arguments or type variables.
+{\em Type erasure} is a mapping from (possibly generic) types to
+non-generic types. We write $|T|$ for the erasure of type $T$.
+The erasure mapping is defined as follows.
+\item The erasure of an alias type is the erasure of its right-hand side. %@M
+\item The erasure of an abstract type is the erasure of its upper bound.
+\item The erasure of the parameterized type \lstinline@scala.Array$[T_1]$@ is
+ \lstinline@scala.Array$[|T_1|]$@.
+ \item The erasure of every other parameterized type $T[T_1 \commadots T_n]$ is $|T|$.
+\item The erasure of a singleton type \lstinline@$p$.type@ is the
+ erasure of the type of $p$.
+\item The erasure of a type projection \lstinline@$T$#$x$@ is \lstinline@|$T$|#$x$@.
+\item The erasure of a compound type
+~\lstinline@$T_1$ with $\ldots$ with $T_n$ {$R\,$}@ is the erasure of the intersection dominator of
+ $T_1 \commadots T_n$.
+\item The erasure of an existential type ~\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@
+ is $|T|$.
+The {\em intersection dominator} of a list of types $T_1 \commadots
+T_n$ is computed as follows.
+Let $T_{i_1} \commadots T_{i_m}$ be the subsequence of types $T_i$
+which are not supertypes of some other type $T_j$.
+If this subsequence contains a type designator $T_c$ that refers to a class which is not a trait,
+the intersection dominator is $T_c$. Otherwise, the intersection
+dominator is the first element of the subsequence, $T_{i_1}$.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2e32ffd06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+Basic Declarations and Definitions
+ Dcl ::= `val' ValDcl
+ | `var' VarDcl
+ | `def' FunDcl
+ | `type' {nl} TypeDcl
+ PatVarDef ::= `val' PatDef
+ | `var' VarDef
+ Def ::= PatVarDef
+ | `def' FunDef
+ | `type' {nl} TypeDef
+ | TmplDef
+A {\em declaration} introduces names and assigns them types. It can
+form part of a class definition (\sref{sec:templates}) or of a
+refinement in a compound type (\sref{sec:refinements}).
+A {\em definition} introduces names that denote terms or types. It can
+form part of an object or class definition or it can be local to a
+block. Both declarations and definitions produce {\em bindings} that
+associate type names with type definitions or bounds, and that
+associate term names with types.
+The scope of a name introduced by a declaration or definition is the
+whole statement sequence containing the binding. However, there is a
+restriction on forward references in blocks: In a statement sequence
+$s_1 \ldots s_n$ making up a block, if a simple name in $s_i$ refers
+to an entity defined by $s_j$ where $j \geq i$, then for all $s_k$
+between and including $s_i$ and $s_j$,
+\item $s_k$ cannot be a variable definition.
+\item If $s_k$ is a value definition, it must be lazy.
+Every basic definition may introduce several defined names, separated
+by commas. These are expanded according to the following scheme:
+\VAL;x, y: T = e && \VAL; x: T = e \\
+ && \VAL; y: T = x \\[0.5em]
+\LET;x, y: T = e && \LET; x: T = e \\
+ && \VAL; y: T = x \\[0.5em]
+\DEF;x, y (ps): T = e &\tab\mbox{expands to}\tab& \DEF; x(ps): T = e \\
+ && \DEF; y(ps): T = x(ps)\\[0.5em]
+\VAR;x, y: T := e && \VAR;x: T := e\\
+ && \VAR;y: T := x\\[0.5em]
+\TYPE;t,u = T && \TYPE; t = T\\
+ && \TYPE; u = t\\[0.5em]
+All definitions have a ``repeated form'' where the initial
+definition keyword is followed by several constituent definitions
+which are separated by commas. A repeated definition is
+always interpreted as a sequence formed from the
+constituent definitions. E.g.\ the function definition
+~\lstinline@def f(x) = x, g(y) = y@~ expands to
+~\lstinline@def f(x) = x; def g(y) = y@~ and
+the type definition
+~\lstinline@type T, U <: B@~ expands to
+~\lstinline@type T; type U <: B@.
+If an element in such a sequence introduces only the defined name,
+possibly with some type or value parameters, but leaves out any
+additional parts in the definition, then those parts are implicitly
+copied from the next subsequent sequence element which consists of
+more than just a defined name and parameters. Examples:
+The variable declaration ~\lstinline@var x, y: Int@~
+expands to ~\lstinline@var x: Int; var y: Int@.
+The value definition ~\lstinline@val x, y: Int = 1@~
+expands to ~\lstinline@val x: Int = 1; val y: Int = 1@.
+The class definition ~\lstinline@case class X(), Y(n: Int) extends Z@~ expands to
+~\lstinline@case class X extends Z; case class Y(n: Int) extends Z@.
+The object definition ~\lstinline@case object Red, Green, Blue extends Color@~
+expands to
+case object Red extends Color
+case object Green extends Color
+case object Blue extends Color .
+\section{Value Declarations and Definitions}
+ Dcl ::= `val' ValDcl
+ ValDcl ::= ids `:' Type
+ PatVarDef ::= `val' PatDef
+ PatDef ::= Pattern2 {`,' Pattern2} [`:' Type] `=' Expr
+ ids ::= id {`,' id}
+A value declaration ~\lstinline@val $x$: $T$@~ introduces $x$ as a name of a value of
+type $T$.
+A value definition ~\lstinline@val $x$: $T$ = $e$@~ defines $x$ as a
+name of the value that results from the evaluation of $e$.
+If the value definition is not recursive, the type
+$T$ may be omitted, in which case the packed type (\sref{sec:expr-typing}) of expression $e$ is
+assumed. If a type $T$ is given, then $e$ is expected to conform to
+Evaluation of the value definition implies evaluation of its
+right-hand side $e$, unless it has the modifier \lstinline@lazy@. The
+effect of the value definition is to bind $x$ to the value of $e$
+converted to type $T$. A \lstinline@lazy@ value definition evaluates
+its right hand side $e$ the first time the value is accessed.
+A {\em constant value definition} is of the form
+final val x = e
+where \lstinline@e@ is a constant expression
+The \lstinline@final@ modifier must be
+present and no type annotation may be given. References to the
+constant value \lstinline@x@ are themselves treated as constant expressions; in the
+generated code they are replaced by the definition's right-hand side \lstinline@e@.
+Value definitions can alternatively have a pattern
+(\sref{sec:patterns}) as left-hand side. If $p$ is some pattern other
+than a simple name or a name followed by a colon and a type, then the
+value definition ~\lstinline@val $p$ = $e$@~ is expanded as follows:
+1. If the pattern $p$ has bound variables $x_1 \commadots x_n$, where $n > 1$:
+val $\Dollar x$ = $e$ match {case $p$ => {$x_1 \commadots x_n$}}
+val $x_1$ = $\Dollar x$._1
+val $x_n$ = $\Dollar x$._n .
+Here, $\Dollar x$ is a fresh name.
+2. If $p$ has a unique bound variable $x$:
+val $x$ = $e$ match { case $p$ => $x$ }
+3. If $p$ has no bound variables:
+$e$ match { case $p$ => ()}
+The following are examples of value definitions
+val pi = 3.1415
+val pi: Double = 3.1415 // equivalent to first definition
+val Some(x) = f() // a pattern definition
+val x :: xs = mylist // an infix pattern definition
+The last two definitions have the following expansions.
+val x = f() match { case Some(x) => x }
+val x$\Dollar$ = mylist match { case x :: xs => {x, xs} }
+val x = x$\Dollar$._1
+val xs = x$\Dollar$._2
+The name of any declared or defined value may not end in \lstinline@_=@.
+A value declaration ~\lstinline@val $x_1 \commadots x_n$: $T$@~
+is a
+shorthand for the sequence of value declarations
+~\lstinline@val $x_1$: $T$; ...; val $x_n$: $T$@.
+A value definition ~\lstinline@val $p_1 \commadots p_n$ = $e$@~
+is a
+shorthand for the sequence of value definitions
+~\lstinline@val $p_1$ = $e$; ...; val $p_n$ = $e$@.
+A value definition ~\lstinline@val $p_1 \commadots p_n: T$ = $e$@~
+is a
+shorthand for the sequence of value definitions
+~\lstinline@val $p_1: T$ = $e$; ...; val $p_n: T$ = $e$@.
+\section{Variable Declarations and Definitions}
+ Dcl ::= `var' VarDcl
+ PatVarDef ::= `var' VarDef
+ VarDcl ::= ids `:' Type
+ VarDef ::= PatDef
+ | ids `:' Type `=' `_'
+A variable declaration ~\lstinline@var $x$: $T$@~ is equivalent to declarations
+of a {\em getter function} $x$ and a {\em setter function}
+\lstinline@$x$_=@, defined as follows:
+ def $x$: $T$
+ def $x$_= ($y$: $T$): Unit
+An implementation of a class containing variable declarations
+may define these variables using variable definitions, or it may
+define setter and getter functions directly.
+A variable definition ~\lstinline@var $x$: $T$ = $e$@~ introduces a
+mutable variable with type $T$ and initial value as given by the
+expression $e$. The type $T$ can be omitted, in which case the type of
+$e$ is assumed. If $T$ is given, then $e$ is expected to conform to it
+Variable definitions can alternatively have a pattern
+(\sref{sec:patterns}) as left-hand side. A variable definition
+ ~\lstinline@var $p$ = $e$@~ where $p$ is a pattern other
+than a simple name or a name followed by a colon and a type is expanded in the same way
+as a value definition ~\lstinline@val $p$ = $e$@, except that
+the free names in $p$ are introduced as mutable variables, not values.
+The name of any declared or defined variable may not end in \lstinline@_=@.
+A variable definition ~\lstinline@var $x$: $T$ = _@~ can appear only
+as a member of a template. It introduces a mutable field with type
+\ $T$ and a default initial value. The default value depends on the
+type $T$ as follows:
+\code{0} & if $T$ is \code{Int} or one of its subrange types, \\
+\code{0L} & if $T$ is \code{Long},\\
+\lstinline@0.0f@ & if $T$ is \code{Float},\\
+\lstinline@0.0d@ & if $T$ is \code{Double},\\
+\code{false} & if $T$ is \code{Boolean},\\
+\lstinline@{}@ & if $T$ is \code{Unit}, \\
+\code{null} & for all other types $T$.
+When they occur as members of a template, both forms of variable
+definition also introduce a getter function $x$ which returns the
+value currently assigned to the variable, as well as a setter function
+\lstinline@$x$_=@ which changes the value currently assigned to the variable.
+The functions have the same signatures as for a variable declaration.
+The template then has these getter and setter functions as
+members, whereas the original variable cannot be accessed directly as
+a template member.
+\example The following example shows how {\em properties} can be
+simulated in Scala. It defines a class \code{TimeOfDayVar} of time
+values with updatable integer fields representing hours, minutes, and
+seconds. Its implementation contains tests that allow only legal
+values to be assigned to these fields. The user code, on the other
+hand, accesses these fields just like normal variables.
+class TimeOfDayVar {
+ private var h: Int = 0
+ private var m: Int = 0
+ private var s: Int = 0
+ def hours = h
+ def hours_= (h: Int) = if (0 <= h && h < 24) this.h = h
+ else throw new DateError()
+ def minutes = m
+ def minutes_= (m: Int) = if (0 <= m && m < 60) this.m = m
+ else throw new DateError()
+ def seconds = s
+ def seconds_= (s: Int) = if (0 <= s && s < 60) this.s = s
+ else throw new DateError()
+val d = new TimeOfDayVar
+d.hours = 8; d.minutes = 30; d.seconds = 0
+d.hours = 25 // throws a DateError exception
+A variable declaration ~\lstinline@var $x_1 \commadots x_n$: $T$@~
+is a
+shorthand for the sequence of variable declarations
+~\lstinline@var $x_1$: $T$; ...; var $x_n$: $T$@.
+A variable definition ~\lstinline@var $x_1 \commadots x_n$ = $e$@~
+is a
+shorthand for the sequence of variable definitions
+~\lstinline@var $x_1$ = $e$; ...; var $x_n$ = $e$@.
+A variable definition ~\lstinline@var $x_1 \commadots x_n: T$ = $e$@~
+is a
+shorthand for the sequence of variable definitions
+~\lstinline@var $x_1: T$ = $e$; ...; var $x_n: T$ = $e$@.
+Type Declarations and Type Aliases
+\todo{Higher-kinded tdecls should have a separate section}
+ Dcl ::= `type' {nl} TypeDcl
+ TypeDcl ::= id [TypeParamClause] [`>:' Type] [`<:' Type]
+ Def ::= type {nl} TypeDef
+ TypeDef ::= id [TypeParamClause] `=' Type
+A {\em type declaration} ~\lstinline@type $t$[$\tps\,$] >: $L$ <: $U$@~ declares
+$t$ to be an abstract type with lower bound type $L$ and upper bound
+type $U$. If the type parameter clause \lstinline@[$\tps\,$]@ is omitted, $t$ abstracts over a first-order type, otherwise $t$ stands for a type constructor that accepts type arguments as described by the type parameter clause.
+If a type declaration appears as a member declaration of a
+type, implementations of the type may implement $t$ with any type $T$
+for which $L \conforms T \conforms U$. It is a compile-time error if
+$L$ does not conform to $U$. Either or both bounds may be omitted.
+If the lower bound $L$ is absent, the bottom type
+\lstinline@scala.Nothing@ is assumed. If the upper bound $U$ is absent,
+the top type \lstinline@scala.Any@ is assumed.
+A type constructor declaration imposes additional restrictions on the
+concrete types for which $t$ may stand. Besides the bounds $L$ and
+$U$, the type parameter clause may impose higher-order bounds and
+variances, as governed by the conformance of type constructors
+The scope of a type parameter extends over the bounds ~\lstinline@>: $L$ <: $U$@ and the type parameter clause $\tps$ itself. A
+higher-order type parameter clause (of an abstract type constructor
+$tc$) has the same kind of scope, restricted to the declaration of the
+type parameter $tc$.
+To illustrate nested scoping, these declarations are all equivalent: ~\lstinline@type t[m[x] <: Bound[x], Bound[x]]@, ~\lstinline@type t[m[x] <: Bound[x], Bound[y]]@ and ~\lstinline@type t[m[x] <: Bound[x], Bound[_]]@, as the scope of, e.g., the type parameter of $m$ is limited to the declaration of $m$. In all of them, $t$ is an abstract type member that abstracts over two type constructors: $m$ stands for a type constructor that takes one type parameter and that must be a subtype of $Bound$, $t$'s second type constructor parameter. ~\lstinline@t[MutableList, Iterable]@ is a valid use of $t$.
+A {\em type alias} ~\lstinline@type $t$ = $T$@~ defines $t$ to be an alias
+name for the type $T$. The left hand side of a type alias may
+have a type parameter clause, e.g. ~\lstinline@type $t$[$\tps\,$] = $T$@. The scope
+of a type parameter extends over the right hand side $T$ and the
+type parameter clause $\tps$ itself.
+The scope rules for definitions (\sref{sec:defs}) and type parameters
+(\sref{sec:funsigs}) make it possible that a type name appears in its
+own bound or in its right-hand side. However, it is a static error if
+a type alias refers recursively to the defined type constructor itself.
+That is, the type $T$ in a type alias ~\lstinline@type $t$[$\tps\,$] = $T$@~ may not
+refer directly or indirectly to the name $t$. It is also an error if
+an abstract type is directly or indirectly its own upper or lower bound.
+\example The following are legal type declarations and definitions:
+type IntList = List[Integer]
+type T <: Comparable[T]
+type Two[A] = Tuple2[A, A]
+type MyCollection[+X] <: Iterable[X]
+The following are illegal:
+type Abs = Comparable[Abs] // recursive type alias
+type S <: T // S, T are bounded by themselves.
+type T <: S
+type T >: Comparable[T.That] // Cannot select from T.
+ // T is a type, not a value
+type MyCollection <: Iterable // Type constructor members must explicitly state their type parameters.
+If a type alias ~\lstinline@type $t$[$\tps\,$] = $S$@~ refers to a class type
+$S$, the name $t$ can also be used as a constructor for
+objects of type $S$.
+\example The \code{Predef} object contains a definition which establishes \code{Pair}
+as an alias of the parameterized class \code{Tuple2}:
+type Pair[+A, +B] = Tuple2[A, B]
+object Pair {
+ def apply[A, B](x: A, y: B) = Tuple2(x, y)
+ def unapply[A, B](x: Tuple2[A, B]): Option[Tuple2[A, B]] = Some(x)
+As a consequence, for any two types $S$ and $T$, the type
+~\lstinline@Pair[$S$, $T\,$]@~ is equivalent to the type ~\lstinline@Tuple2[$S$, $T\,$]@.
+\code{Pair} can also be used as a constructor instead of \code{Tuple2}, as in:
+val x: Pair[Int, String] = new Pair(1, "abc")
+\section{Type Parameters}\label{sec:type-params}
+ TypeParamClause ::= `[' VariantTypeParam {`,' VariantTypeParam} `]'
+ VariantTypeParam ::= {Annotation} [`+' | `-'] TypeParam
+ TypeParam ::= (id | `_') [TypeParamClause] [`>:' Type] [`<:' Type] [`:' Type]
+Type parameters appear in type definitions, class definitions, and
+function definitions. In this section we consider only type parameter
+definitions with lower bounds ~\lstinline@>: $L$@~ and upper bounds
+~\lstinline@<: $U$@~ whereas a discussion of context bounds
+~\lstinline@: $U$@~ and view bounds ~\lstinline@<% $U$@~
+is deferred to Section~\ref{sec:context-bounds}.
+The most general form of a first-order type parameter is
+~\lstinline!$@a_1\ldots@a_n$ $\pm$ $t$ >: $L$ <: $U$!.
+Here, $L$, and $U$ are lower and upper bounds that
+constrain possible type arguments for the parameter. It is a
+compile-time error if $L$ does not conform to $U$. $\pm$ is a {\em
+variance}, i.e.\ an optional prefix of either \lstinline@+@, or
+\lstinline@-@. One or more annotations may precede the type parameter.
+The upper bound $U$ in a type parameter clauses may not be a final
+class. The lower bound may not denote a value type.\todo{Why}
+\comment{@M TODO this is a pretty awkward description of scoping and distinctness of binders}
+The names of all type parameters must be pairwise different in their enclosing type parameter clause. The scope of a type parameter includes in each case the whole type parameter clause. Therefore it is possible that a type parameter appears as part of its own bounds or the bounds of other type parameters in the same clause. However, a type parameter may not be bounded directly or indirectly by itself.\
+A type constructor parameter adds a nested type parameter clause to the type parameter. The most general form of a type constructor parameter is ~\lstinline!$@a_1\ldots@a_n$ $\pm$ $t[\tps\,]$ >: $L$ <: $U$!.
+The above scoping restrictions are generalized to the case of nested type parameter clauses, which declare higher-order type parameters. Higher-order type parameters (the type parameters of a type parameter $t$) are only visible in their immediately surrounding parameter clause (possibly including clauses at a deeper nesting level) and in the bounds of $t$. Therefore, their names must only be pairwise different from the names of other visible parameters. Since the names of higher-order type parameters are thus often irrelevant, they may be denoted with a `\lstinline@_@', which is nowhere visible.
+\example Here are some well-formed type parameter clauses:
+[S, T]
+[@specialized T, U]
+[Ex <: Throwable]
+[A <: Comparable[B], B <: A]
+[A, B >: A, C >: A <: B]
+[M[X], N[X]]
+[M[_], N[_]] // equivalent to previous clause
+[M[X <: Bound[X]], Bound[_]]
+[M[+X] <: Iterable[X]]
+The following type parameter clauses are illegal:
+[A >: A] // illegal, `A' has itself as bound
+[A <: B, B <: C, C <: A] // illegal, `A' has itself as bound
+[A, B, C >: A <: B] // illegal lower bound `A' of `C' does
+ // not conform to upper bound `B'.
+\section{Variance Annotations}\label{sec:variances}
+Variance annotations indicate how instances of parameterized types
+vary with respect to subtyping (\sref{sec:conformance}). A
+`\lstinline@+@' variance indicates a covariant dependency, a
+`\lstinline@-@' variance indicates a contravariant dependency, and a
+missing variance indication indicates an invariant dependency.
+A variance annotation constrains the way the annotated type variable
+may appear in the type or class which binds the type parameter. In a
+type definition ~\lstinline@type $T$[$\tps\,$] = $S$@, or a type
+declaration ~\lstinline@type $T$[$\tps\,$] >: $L$ <: $U$@~ type parameters labeled
+`\lstinline@+@' must only appear in covariant position whereas
+type parameters labeled `\lstinline@-@' must only appear in contravariant
+position. Analogously, for a class definition
+~\lstinline@class $C$[$\tps\,$]($\ps\,$) extends $T$ { $x$: $S$ => ...}@,
+type parameters labeled
+`\lstinline@+@' must only appear in covariant position in the
+self type $S$ and the template $T$, whereas type
+parameters labeled `\lstinline@-@' must only appear in contravariant
+The variance position of a type parameter in a type or template is
+defined as follows. Let the opposite of covariance be contravariance,
+and the opposite of invariance be itself. The top-level of the type
+or template is always in covariant position. The variance position
+changes at the following constructs.
+The variance position of a method parameter is the opposite of the
+variance position of the enclosing parameter clause.
+The variance position of a type parameter is the opposite of the
+variance position of the enclosing type parameter clause.
+The variance position of the lower bound of a type declaration or type parameter
+is the opposite of the variance position of the type declaration or parameter.
+The type of a mutable variable is always in invariant position.
+The prefix $S$ of a type selection \lstinline@$S$#$T$@ is always in invariant position.
+For a type argument $T$ of a type ~\lstinline@$S$[$\ldots T \ldots$ ]@: If the
+corresponding type parameter is invariant, then $T$ is in
+invariant position. If the corresponding type parameter is
+contravariant, the variance position of $T$ is the opposite of
+the variance position of the enclosing type ~\lstinline@$S$[$\ldots T \ldots$ ]@.
+\todo{handle type aliases}
+References to the type parameters in object-private values, variables,
+or methods (\sref{sec:modifiers}) of the class are not checked for their variance
+position. In these members the type parameter may appear anywhere
+without restricting its legal variance annotations.
+\example The following variance annotation is legal.
+abstract class P[+A, +B] {
+ def fst: A; def snd: B
+With this variance annotation, type instances
+of $P$ subtype covariantly with respect to their arguments.
+For instance,
+P[IOException, String] <: P[Throwable, AnyRef] .
+If the members of $P$ are mutable variables,
+the same variance annotation becomes illegal.
+abstract class Q[+A, +B](x: A, y: B) {
+ var fst: A = x // **** error: illegal variance:
+ var snd: B = y // `A', `B' occur in invariant position.
+If the mutable variables are object-private, the class definition
+becomes legal again:
+abstract class R[+A, +B](x: A, y: B) {
+ private[this] var fst: A = x // OK
+ private[this] var snd: B = y // OK
+\example The following variance annotation is illegal, since $a$ appears
+in contravariant position in the parameter of \code{append}:
+abstract class Sequence[+A] {
+ def append(x: Sequence[A]): Sequence[A]
+ // **** error: illegal variance:
+ // `A' occurs in contravariant position.
+The problem can be avoided by generalizing the type of \code{append}
+by means of a lower bound:
+abstract class Sequence[+A] {
+ def append[B >: A](x: Sequence[B]): Sequence[B]
+\example Here is a case where a contravariant type parameter is useful.
+abstract class OutputChannel[-A] {
+ def write(x: A): Unit
+With that annotation, we have that
+\lstinline@OutputChannel[AnyRef]@ conforms to \lstinline@OutputChannel[String]@.
+That is, a
+channel on which one can write any object can substitute for a channel
+on which one can write only strings.
+Function Declarations and Definitions
+Dcl ::= `def' FunDcl
+FunDcl ::= FunSig `:' Type
+Def ::= `def' FunDef
+FunDef ::= FunSig [`:' Type] `=' Expr
+FunSig ::= id [FunTypeParamClause] ParamClauses
+FunTypeParamClause ::= `[' TypeParam {`,' TypeParam} `]'
+ParamClauses ::= {ParamClause} [[nl] `(' `implicit' Params `)']
+ParamClause ::= [nl] `(' [Params] `)'}
+Params ::= Param {`,' Param}
+Param ::= {Annotation} id [`:' ParamType] [`=' Expr]
+ParamType ::= Type
+ | `=>' Type
+ | Type `*'
+A function declaration has the form ~\lstinline@def $f\,\psig$: $T$@, where
+$f$ is the function's name, $\psig$ is its parameter
+signature and $T$ is its result type. A function definition
+~\lstinline@def $f\,\psig$: $T$ = $e$@~ also includes a {\em function body} $e$,
+i.e.\ an expression which defines the function's result. A parameter
+signature consists of an optional type parameter clause \lstinline@[$\tps\,$]@,
+followed by zero or more value parameter clauses
+~\lstinline@($\ps_1$)$\ldots$($\ps_n$)@. Such a declaration or definition
+introduces a value with a (possibly polymorphic) method type whose
+parameter types and result type are as given.
+The type of the function body is expected to conform (\sref{sec:expr-typing})
+to the function's declared
+result type, if one is given. If the function definition is not
+recursive, the result type may be omitted, in which case it is
+determined from the packed type of the function body.
+A type parameter clause $\tps$ consists of one or more type
+declarations (\sref{sec:typedcl}), which introduce type parameters,
+possibly with bounds. The scope of a type parameter includes
+the whole signature, including any of the type parameter bounds as
+well as the function body, if it is present.
+A value parameter clause $\ps$ consists of zero or more formal
+parameter bindings such as \lstinline@$x$: $T$@ or \lstinline@$x: T = e$@, which bind value
+parameters and associate them with their types. Each value parameter
+declaration may optionally define a default argument. The default argument
+expression $e$ is type-checked with an expected type $T'$ obtained
+by replacing all occurences of the function's type parameters in $T$ by
+the undefined type.
+For every parameter $p_{i,j}$ with a default argument a method named
+\lstinline@$f\Dollar$default$\Dollar$n@ is generated which computes the default argument
+expression. Here, $n$ denotes the parameter's position in the method
+declaration. These methods are parametrized by the type parameter clause
+\lstinline@[$\tps\,$]@ and all value parameter clauses
+~\lstinline@($\ps_1$)$\ldots$($\ps_{i-1}$)@ preceeding $p_{i,j}$.
+The \lstinline@$f\Dollar$default$\Dollar$n@ methods are inaccessible for
+user programs.
+The scope of a formal value parameter name $x$ comprises all subsequent parameter
+clauses, as well as the method return type and the function body, if
+they are given.\footnote{However, at present singleton types of method
+parameters may only appear in the method body; so {\em dependent method
+types} are not supported.} Both type parameter names
+and value parameter names must be pairwise distinct.
+\example In the method
+def compare[T](a: T = 0)(b: T = a) = (a == b)
+the default expression \code{0} is type-checked with an undefined expected
+type. When applying \code{compare()}, the default value \code{0} is inserted
+and \code{T} is instantiated to \code{Int}. The methods computing the default
+arguments have the form:
+def compare$\Dollar$default$\Dollar$1[T]: Int = 0
+def compare$\Dollar$default$\Dollar$2[T](a: T): T = a
+\subsection{By-Name Parameters}\label{sec:by-name-params}
+ParamType ::= `=>' Type
+The type of a value parameter may be prefixed by \code{=>}, e.g.\
+~\lstinline@$x$: => $T$@. The type of such a parameter is then the
+parameterless method type ~\lstinline@=> $T$@. This indicates that the
+corresponding argument is not evaluated at the point of function
+application, but instead is evaluated at each use within the
+function. That is, the argument is evaluated using {\em call-by-name}.
+The by-name modifier is disallowed for parameters of classes that
+carry a \code{val} or \code{var} prefix, including parameters of case
+classes for which a \code{val} prefix is implicitly generated. The
+by-name modifier is also disallowed for implicit parameters (\sref{sec:impl-params}).
+\example The declaration
+def whileLoop (cond: => Boolean) (stat: => Unit): Unit
+indicates that both parameters of \code{whileLoop} are evaluated using
+\subsection{Repeated Parameters}\label{sec:repeated-params}
+ParamType ::= Type `*'
+The last value parameter of a parameter section may be suffixed by
+``\code{*}'', e.g.\ ~\lstinline@(..., $x$:$T$*)@. The type of such a
+{\em repeated} parameter inside the method is then the sequence type
+\lstinline@scala.Seq[$T$]@. Methods with repeated parameters
+\lstinline@$T$*@ take a variable number of arguments of type $T$.
+That is, if a method $m$ with type ~\lstinline@($p_1:T_1 \commadots p_n:T_n,
+p_s:S$*)$U$@~ is applied to arguments $(e_1 \commadots e_k)$ where $k \geq
+n$, then $m$ is taken in that application to have type $(p_1:T_1
+\commadots p_n:T_n, p_s:S \commadots p_{s'}S)U$, with $k - n$ occurrences of type
+$S$ where any parameter names beyond $p_s$ are fresh. The only exception to this rule is if the last argument is
+marked to be a {\em sequence argument} via a \lstinline@_*@ type
+annotation. If $m$ above is applied to arguments
+~\lstinline@($e_1 \commadots e_n, e'$: _*)@, then the type of $m$ in
+that application is taken to be
+~\lstinline@($p_1:T_1\commadots p_n:T_n,p_{s}:$scala.Seq[$S$])@.
+It is not allowed to define any default arguments in a parameter section
+with a repeated parameter.
+\example The following method definition computes the sum of the squares of a variable number
+of integer arguments.
+def sum(args: Int*) = {
+ var result = 0
+ for (arg <- args) result += arg * arg
+ result
+The following applications of this method yield \code{0}, \code{1},
+\code{6}, in that order.
+sum(1, 2, 3)
+Furthermore, assume the definition:
+val xs = List(1, 2, 3)
+The following application of method \lstinline@sum@ is ill-formed:
+sum(xs) // ***** error: expected: Int, found: List[Int]
+By contrast, the following application is well formed and yields again
+the result \code{6}:
+sum(xs: _*)
+ FunDcl ::= FunSig
+ FunDef ::= FunSig [nl] `{' Block `}'
+Special syntax exists for procedures, i.e.\ functions that return the
+\verb@Unit@ value \verb@{}@.
+A procedure declaration is a function declaration where the result type
+is omitted. The result type is then implicitly completed to the
+\verb@Unit@ type. E.g., ~\lstinline@def $f$($\ps$)@~ is equivalent to
+~\lstinline@def $f$($\ps$): Unit@.
+A procedure definition is a function definition where the result type
+and the equals sign are omitted; its defining expression must be a block.
+E.g., ~\lstinline@def $f$($\ps$) {$\stats$}@~ is equivalent to
+~\lstinline@def $f$($\ps$): Unit = {$\stats$}@.
+\example Here is a declaration and a definition of a procedure named \lstinline@write@:
+trait Writer {
+ def write(str: String)
+object Terminal extends Writer {
+ def write(str: String) { System.out.println(str) }
+The code above is implicitly completed to the following code:
+trait Writer {
+ def write(str: String): Unit
+object Terminal extends Writer {
+ def write(str: String): Unit = { System.out.println(str) }
+\subsection{Method Return Type Inference}\label{sec:meth-type-inf}
+Functions that are members of a class $C$ may define parameters
+without type annotations. The types of such parameters are inferred as
+follows. Say, a method $m$ in a class $C$ has a parameter $p$ which
+does not have a type annotation. We first determine methods $m'$ in
+$C$ that might be overridden (\sref{sec:overriding}) by $m$, assuming
+that appropriate types are assigned to all parameters of $m$ whose
+types are missing. If there is exactly one such method, the type of
+the parameter corresponding to $p$ in that method -- seen as a member
+of $C$ -- is assigned to $p$. It is a compile-time error if there are
+several such overridden methods $m'$, or if there is none.
+A class member definition $m$ that overrides some other function $m'$
+in a base class of $C$ may leave out the return type, even if it is
+recursive. In this case, the return type $R'$ of the overridden
+function $m'$, seen as a member of $C$, is taken as the return type of
+$m$ for each recursive invocation of $m$. That way, a type $R$ for the
+right-hand side of $m$ can be determined, which is then taken as the
+return type of $m$. Note that $R$ may be different from $R'$, as long
+as $R$ conforms to $R'$.
+\example Assume the following definitions:
+trait I[A] {
+ def f(x: A)(y: A): A
+class C extends I[Int] {
+ def f(x)(y) = x + y
+Here, the parameter and return types of \lstinline@f@ in \lstinline@C@ are
+inferred from the corresponding types of \lstinline@f@ in \lstinline@I@. The
+signature of \lstinline@f@ in \lstinline@C@ is thus inferred to be
+ def f(x: Int)(y: Int): Int
+\example Assume the following definitions:
+trait I {
+ def factorial(x: Int): Int
+class C extends I {
+ def factorial(x: Int) = if (x == 0) 1 else x * factorial(x - 1)
+Here, it is OK to leave out the result type of \lstinline@factorial@
+in \lstinline@C@, even though the method is recursive.
+For any index $i$ let $\fsig_i$ be a function signature consisting of a function
+name, an optional type parameter section, and zero or more parameter
+sections. Then a function declaration
+~\lstinline@def $\fsig_1 \commadots \fsig_n$: $T$@~
+is a shorthand for the sequence of function
+declarations ~\lstinline@def $\fsig_1$: $T$; ...; def $\fsig_n$: $T$@.
+A function definition ~\lstinline@def $\fsig_1 \commadots \fsig_n$ = $e$@~ is a
+shorthand for the sequence of function definitions
+~\lstinline@def $\fsig_1$ = $e$; ...; def $\fsig_n$ = $e$@.
+A function definition
+~\lstinline@def $\fsig_1 \commadots \fsig_n: T$ = $e$@~ is a shorthand for the
+sequence of function definitions
+~\lstinline@def $\fsig_1: T$ = $e$; ...; def $\fsig_n: T$ = $e$@.
+\section{Overloaded Definitions}
+An overloaded definition is a set of $n > 1$ value or function
+definitions in the same statement sequence that define the same name,
+binding it to types ~\lstinline@$T_1 \commadots T_n$@, respectively.
+The individual definitions are called {\em alternatives}. Overloaded
+definitions may only appear in the statement sequence of a template.
+Alternatives always need to specify the type of the defined entity
+completely. It is an error if the types of two alternatives $T_i$ and
+$T_j$ have the same erasure (\sref{sec:erasure}).
+\todo{Say something about bridge methods.}
+%This must be a well-formed
+%overloaded type
+\section{Import Clauses}
+ Import ::= `import' ImportExpr {`,' ImportExpr}
+ ImportExpr ::= StableId `.' (id | `_' | ImportSelectors)
+ ImportSelectors ::= `{' {ImportSelector `,'}
+ (ImportSelector | `_') `}'
+ ImportSelector ::= id [`=>' id | `=>' `_']
+An import clause has the form ~\lstinline@import $p$.$I$@~ where $p$ is a stable
+identifier (\sref{sec:paths}) and $I$ is an import expression.
+The import expression determines a set of names of importable members of $p$
+which are made available without qualification. A member $m$ of $p$ is
+{\em importable} if it is not object-private (\sref{sec:modifiers}).
+The most general form of an import expression is a list of {\em import
+{ $x_1$ => $y_1 \commadots x_n$ => $y_n$, _ } .
+for $n \geq 0$, where the final wildcard `\lstinline@_@' may be absent. It
+makes available each importable member \lstinline@$p$.$x_i$@ under the unqualified name
+$y_i$. I.e.\ every import selector ~\lstinline@$x_i$ => $y_i$@~ renames
+\lstinline@$p$.$x_i$@ to
+$y_i$. If a final wildcard is present, all importable members $z$ of
+$p$ other than ~\lstinline@$x_1 \commadots x_n,y_1 \commadots y_n$@~ are also made available
+under their own unqualified names.
+Import selectors work in the same way for type and term members. For
+instance, an import clause ~\lstinline@import $p$.{$x$ => $y\,$}@~ renames the term
+name \lstinline@$p$.$x$@ to the term name $y$ and the type name \lstinline@$p$.$x$@
+to the type name $y$. At least one of these two names must
+reference an importable member of $p$.
+If the target in an import selector is a wildcard, the import selector
+hides access to the source member. For instance, the import selector
+~\lstinline@$x$ => _@~ ``renames'' $x$ to the wildcard symbol (which is
+unaccessible as a name in user programs), and thereby effectively
+prevents unqualified access to $x$. This is useful if there is a
+final wildcard in the same import selector list, which imports all
+members not mentioned in previous import selectors.
+The scope of a binding introduced by an import-clause starts
+immediately after the import clause and extends to the end of the
+enclosing block, template, package clause, or compilation unit,
+whichever comes first.
+Several shorthands exist. An import selector may be just a simple name
+$x$. In this case, $x$ is imported without renaming, so the
+import selector is equivalent to ~\lstinline@$x$ => $x$@. Furthermore, it is
+possible to replace the whole import selector list by a single
+identifier or wildcard. The import clause ~\lstinline@import $p$.$x$@~ is
+equivalent to ~\lstinline@import $p$.{$x\,$}@~, i.e.\ it makes available without
+qualification the member $x$ of $p$. The import clause
+~\lstinline@import $p$._@~ is equivalent to
+~\lstinline@import $p$.{_}@,
+i.e.\ it makes available without qualification all members of $p$
+(this is analogous to ~\lstinline@import $p$.*@~ in Java).
+An import clause with multiple import expressions
+~\lstinline@import $p_1$.$I_1 \commadots p_n$.$I_n$@~ is interpreted as a
+sequence of import clauses
+~\lstinline@import $p_1$.$I_1$; $\ldots$; import $p_n$.$I_n$@.
+\example Consider the object definition:
+object M {
+ def z = 0, one = 1
+ def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
+Then the block
+{ import M.{one, z => zero, _}; add(zero, one) }
+is equivalent to the block
+{ M.add(M.z, } .
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+Classes and Objects
+ TmplDef ::= [`case'] `class' ClassDef
+ | [`case'] `object' ObjectDef
+ | `trait' TraitDef
+Classes (\sref{sec:class-defs}) and objects
+(\sref{sec:object-defs}) are both defined in terms of {\em templates}.
+ ClassTemplate ::= [EarlyDefs] ClassParents [TemplateBody]
+ TraitTemplate ::= [EarlyDefs] TraitParents [TemplateBody]
+ ClassParents ::= Constr {`with' AnnotType}
+ TraitParents ::= AnnotType {`with' AnnotType}
+ TemplateBody ::= [nl] `{' [SelfType] TemplateStat {semi TemplateStat} `}'
+ SelfType ::= id [`:' Type] `=>'
+ | this `:' Type `=>'
+A template defines the type signature, behavior and initial state of a
+trait or class of objects or of a single object. Templates form part of
+instance creation expressions, class definitions, and object
+definitions. A template
+~\lstinline@$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ {$\stats\,$}@~
+consists of a constructor invocation $sc$
+which defines the template's {\em superclass}, trait references
+~\lstinline@$mt_1 \commadots mt_n$@~ $(n \geq 0)$, which define the
+template's {\em traits}, and a statement sequence $\stats$ which
+contains initialization code and additional member definitions for the
+Each trait reference $mt_i$ must denote a trait (\sref{sec:traits}).
+By contrast, the superclass constructor $sc$ normally refers to a
+class which is not a trait. It is possible to write a list of
+parents that starts with a trait reference, e.g.
+~\lstinline@$mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$@. In that case the list
+of parents is implicitly extended to include the supertype of $mt_1$
+as first parent type. The new supertype must have at least one
+constructor that does not take parameters. In the following, we will
+always assume that this implicit extension has been performed, so that
+the first parent class of a template is a regular superclass
+constructor, not a trait reference.
+The list of parents of every class is also always implicitly extended
+by a reference to the \code{scala.ScalaObject} trait as last
+mixin. E.g.\
+$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ {$\stats\,$}
+$mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ with ScalaObject {$\stats\,$}.
+The list of parents of a template must be well-formed. This means that
+the class denoted by the superclass constructor $sc$ must be a
+subclass of the superclasses of all the traits $mt_1 \commadots mt_n$.
+In other words, the non-trait classes inherited by a template form a
+chain in the inheritance hierarchy which starts with the template's
+The {\em least proper supertype} of a template is the class type or
+compound type (\sref{sec:compound-types}) consisting of all its parent
+class types.
+The statement sequence $\stats$ contains member definitions that
+define new members or overwrite members in the parent classes. If the
+template forms part of an abstract class or trait definition, the
+statement part $\stats$ may also contain declarations of abstract
+members. If the template forms part of a concrete class definition,
+$\stats$ may still contain declarations of abstract type members, but
+not of abstract term members. Furthermore, $\stats$ may in any case
+also contain expressions; these are executed in the order they are
+given as part of the initialization of a template.
+The sequence of template statements may be prefixed with a formal
+parameter definition and an arrow, e.g.\ \lstinline@$x$ =>@, or
+~\lstinline@$x$:$T$ =>@. If a formal parameter is given, it can be
+used as an alias for the reference \lstinline@this@ throughout the
+body of the template.
+If the formal parameter comes with a type $T$, this definition affects
+the {\em self type} $S$ of the underlying class or object as follows: Let $C$ be the type
+of the class or trait or object defining the template.
+If a type $T$ is given for the formal self parameter, $S$
+is the greatest lower bound of $T$ and $C$.
+If no type $T$ is given, $S$ is just $C$.
+Inside the template, the type of \code{this} is assumed to be $S$.
+The self type of a class or object must conform to the self types of
+all classes which are inherited by the template $t$.
+A second form of self type annotation reads just
+~\lstinline@this: $S$ =>@. It prescribes the type $S$ for \lstinline@this@
+without introducing an alias name for it.
+\example Consider the following class definitions:
+class Base extends Object {}
+trait Mixin extends Base {}
+object O extends Mixin {}
+In this case, the definition of \code{O} is expanded to:
+object O extends Base with Mixin {}
+%The type of each non-private definition or declaration of a
+%template must be equivalent to a type which does not refer to any
+%private members of that template.
+\todo{Make all references to Java generic}
+\paragraph{\em Inheriting from Java Types} A template may have a Java class as
+its superclass and Java interfaces as its mixins.
+\paragraph{\em Template Evaluation}
+Consider a template ~\lstinline@$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $mt_n$ {$\stats\,$}@.
+If this is the template of a trait (\sref{sec:traits}) then its {\em
+mixin-evaluation} consists of an evaluation of the statement sequence
+If this is not a template of a trait, then its {\em evaluation}
+consists of the following steps.
+First, the superclass constructor $sc$ is evaluated (\sref{sec:constr-invoke}).
+Then, all base classes in the template's linearization
+(\sref{sec:linearization}) up to the
+template's superclass denoted by $sc$ are
+mixin-evaluated. Mixin-evaluation happens in reverse order of
+occurrence in the linearization.
+Finally the statement sequence $\stats\,$ is evaluated.
+\paragraph{\em Delayed Initializaton}
+The initialization code of an object or class (but not a trait) that follows the superclass
+constructor invocation and the mixin-evaluation of the template's base
+classes is passed to a special hook, which is inaccessible from user
+code. Normally, that hook simply executes the code that is passed to
+it. But templates inheriting the \lstinline@scala.DelayedInit@ trait
+can override the hook by re-implementing the \lstinline@delayedInit@
+method, which is defined as follows:
+ def delayedInit(body: => Unit)
+\subsection{Constructor Invocations}
+ Constr ::= AnnotType {`(' [Exprs] `)'}
+Constructor invocations define the type, members, and initial state of
+objects created by an instance creation expression, or of parts of an
+object's definition which are inherited by a class or object
+definition. A constructor invocation is a function application
+~\lstinline@$x$.$c$[$\targs$]($\args_1$)$\ldots$($\args_n$)@, where $x$ is a stable identifier
+(\sref{sec:stable-ids}), $c$ is a type name which either designates a
+class or defines an alias type for one, $\targs$ is a type argument
+list, $\args_1 \commadots \args_n$ are argument lists, and there is a
+constructor of that class which is applicable (\sref{sec:apply})
+to the given arguments. If the constructor invocation uses named or
+default arguments, it is transformed into a block expression using the
+same transformation as described in (\sref{sec:named-default}).
+The prefix `\lstinline@$x$.@' can be omitted. A type argument list
+can be given only if the class $c$ takes type parameters. Even then
+it can be omitted, in which case a type argument list is synthesized
+using local type inference (\sref{sec:local-type-inf}). If no explicit
+arguments are given, an empty list \lstinline@()@ is implicitly supplied.
+An evaluation of a constructor invocation
+consists of the following steps:
+\item First, the prefix $x$ is evaluated.
+\item Then, the arguments $\args_1 \commadots \args_n$ are evaluated from left to right.
+\item Finally, the class being constructed is initialized by evaluating the
+ template of the class referred to by $c$.
+\subsection{Class Linearization}\label{sec:linearization}
+The classes reachable through transitive closure of the direct
+inheritance relation from a class $C$ are called the {\em
+base classes} of $C$. Because of mixins, the inheritance relationship
+on base classes forms in general a directed acyclic graph. A
+linearization of this graph is defined as follows.
+\newcommand{\uright}{\;\vec +\;}
+\newcommand{\lin}[1]{{\cal L}(#1)}
+\begin{definition}\label{def:lin} Let $C$ be a class with template
+~\lstinline@$C_1$ with ... with $C_n$ { $\stats$ }@.
+The {\em linearization} of $C$, $\lin C$ is defined as follows:
+\lin C &=& C\ , \ \lin{C_n} \uright \ldots \uright \lin{C_1}
+Here $\uright$ denotes concatenation where elements of the right operand
+replace identical elements of the left operand:
+\{a, A\} \uright B &=& a, (A \uright B) &{\bf if} a \not\in B \\
+ &=& A \uright B &{\bf if} a \in B
+\example Consider the following class definitions.
+abstract class AbsIterator extends AnyRef { ... }
+trait RichIterator extends AbsIterator { ... }
+class StringIterator extends AbsIterator { ... }
+class Iter extends StringIterator with RichIterator { ... }
+Then the linearization of class \lstinline@Iter@ is
+{ Iter, RichIterator, StringIterator, AbsIterator, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any }
+Trait \lstinline@ScalaObject@ appears in this list because it
+is added as last mixin to every Scala class (\sref{sec:templates}).
+Note that the linearization of a class refines the inheritance
+relation: if $C$ is a subclass of $D$, then $C$ precedes $D$ in any
+linearization where both $C$ and $D$ occur.
+\ref{def:lin} also satisfies the property that a linearization
+of a class always contains the linearization of its direct superclass
+as a suffix. For instance, the linearization of
+\lstinline@StringIterator@ is
+{ StringIterator, AbsIterator, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any }
+which is a suffix of the linearization of its subclass \lstinline@Iter@.
+The same is not true for the linearization of mixins.
+For instance, the linearization of \lstinline@RichIterator@ is
+{ RichIterator, AbsIterator, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any }
+which is not a suffix of the linearization of \lstinline@Iter@.
+\subsection{Class Members}
+A class $C$ defined by a template
+~\lstinline@$C_1$ with $\ldots$ with $C_n$ { $\stats$ }@~
+can define members in its statement sequence
+$\stats$ and can inherit members from all parent classes. Scala
+adopts Java and C\#'s conventions for static overloading of
+methods. It is thus possible that a class defines and/or inherits
+several methods with the same name. To decide whether a defined
+member of a class $C$ overrides a member of a parent class, or whether
+the two co-exist as overloaded variants in $C$, Scala uses the
+following definition of {\em matching} on members:
+A member definition $M$ {\em matches} a member definition $M'$, if $M$
+and $M'$ bind the same name, and one of following holds.
+\item Neither $M$ nor $M'$ is a method definition.
+\item $M$ and $M'$ define both monomorphic methods with equivalent argument
+ types.
+\item $M$ defines a parameterless method and $M'$ defines a method
+ with an empty parameter list \code{()} or {\em vice versa}.
+\item $M$ and $M'$ define both polymorphic methods with
+equal number of argument types $\overline T$, $\overline T'$
+and equal numbers of type parameters
+$\overline t$, $\overline t'$, say, and $\overline T' = [\overline t'/\overline t]\overline T$.
+%every argument type
+%$T_i$ of $M$ is equal to the corresponding argument type $T'_i$ of
+%$M'$ where every occurrence of a type parameter $t'$ of $M'$ has been replaced by the corresponding type parameter $t$ of $M$.
+Member definitions fall into two categories: concrete and abstract.
+Members of class $C$ are either {\em directly defined} (i.e.\ they appear in
+$C$'s statement sequence $\stats$) or they are {\em inherited}. There are two rules
+that determine the set of members of a class, one for each category:
+A {\em concrete member} of a class $C$ is any concrete definition $M$ in
+some class $C_i \in \lin C$, except if there is a preceding class $C_j
+\in \lin C$ where $j < i$ which directly defines a concrete member $M'$ matching $M$.
+An {\em abstract member} of a class $C$ is any abstract definition $M$
+in some class $C_i \in \lin C$, except if $C$ contains already a
+concrete member $M'$ matching $M$, or if there is a preceding class
+$C_j \in \lin C$ where $j < i$ which directly defines an abstract member $M'$ matching
+This definition also determines the overriding relationships between
+matching members of a class $C$ and its parents (\sref{sec:overriding}).
+First, a concrete definition always overrides an abstract definition. Second, for
+definitions $M$ and $M$' which are both concrete or both abstract, $M$
+overrides $M'$ if $M$ appears in a class that precedes (in the
+linearization of $C$) the class in which $M'$ is defined.
+It is an error if a template directly defines two matching members. It
+is also an error if a template contains two members (directly defined
+or inherited) with the same name and the same erased type (\sref{sec:erasure}).
+Finally, a template is not allowed to contain two methods (directly
+defined or inherited) with the same name which both define default arguments.
+The type of a member $m$ is determined as follows: If $m$ is defined
+in $\stats$, then its type is the type as given in the member's
+declaration or definition. Otherwise, if $m$ is inherited from the
+base class ~\lstinline@$B$[$T_1$, $\ldots$. $T_n$]@, $B$'s class declaration has formal
+parameters ~\lstinline@[$a_1 \commadots a_n$]@, and $M$'s type in $B$ is $U$, then
+$M$'s type in $C$ is ~\lstinline@$U$[$a_1$ := $T_1 \commadots a_n$ := $T_n$]@.
+Members of templates have internally qualified names $Q\qex x$ where
+$x$ is a simple name and $Q$ is either the empty name $\epsilon$, or
+is a qualified name referencing the module or class that first
+introduces the member. A basic declaration or definition of $x$ in a
+module or class $M$ introduces a member with the following qualified
+If the binding is labeled with an ~\lstinline@override $Q$@\notyet{Override
+ with qualifier} modifier,
+where $Q$ is a fully qualified name of a base class of $M$, then the
+qualified name is the qualified expansion (\sref{sec:names}) of $x$ in
+If the binding is labeled with an \code{override} modifier without a
+base class name, then the qualified name is the qualified expansion
+of $x$ in $M$'s least proper supertype (\sref{sec:templates}).
+An implicit \code{override} modifier is added and case (2) also
+applies if $M$'s least proper supertype contains an abstract member
+with simple name $x$.
+If no \code{override} modifier is given or implied, then if $M$ is
+labeled \code{qualified}, the qualified name is $M\qex x$. If $M$ is
+not labeled \code{qualified}, the qualified name is $\epsilon\qex x$.
+\example Consider the trait definitions:
+trait A { def f: Int }
+trait B extends A { def f: Int = 1 ; def g: Int = 2 ; def h: Int = 3 }
+trait C extends A { override def f: Int = 4 ; def g: Int }
+trait D extends B with C { def h: Int }
+Then trait \code{D} has a directly defined abstract member \code{h}. It
+inherits member \code{f} from trait \code{C} and member \code{g} from
+trait \code{B}.
+\todo{Explain that classes cannot override each other}
+A member $M$ of class $C$ that matches (\sref{sec:members})
+a non-private member $M'$ of a
+base class of $C$ is said to {\em override} that member. In this case
+the binding of the overriding member $M$ must subsume
+(\sref{sec:conformance}) the binding of the overridden member $M'$.
+Furthermore, the following restrictions on modifiers apply to $M$ and
+$M'$ must not be labeled \code{final}.
+$M$ must not be \code{private} (\sref{sec:modifiers}).
+If $M$ is labeled ~\lstinline@private[$C$]@~ for some enclosing class or package $C$,
+then $M'$ must be labeled ~\lstinline@private[$C'$]@~ for some class or package $C'$ where
+$C'$ equals $C$ or $C'$ is contained in $C$. \todo{check whether this is accurate}
+If $M$ is labeled \code{protected}, then $M'$ must also be
+labeled \code{protected}.
+If $M'$ is not an abstract member, then
+$M$ must be labeled \code{override}.
+Furthermore, one of two possibilities must hold:
+\item either $M$ is defined in a subclass of the class where is $M'$ is defined,
+\item or both $M$ and $M'$ override a third member $M''$ which is defined
+ in a base class of both the classes containing $M$ and $M'$
+If $M'$ is incomplete (\sref{sec:modifiers}) in $C$ then $M$ must be
+labeled \code{abstract override}.
+If $M$ and $M'$ are both concrete value definitions, then either none
+of them is marked \code{lazy} or both must be marked \code{lazy}.
+A special rule concerns parameterless methods. If a paramterless
+method defined as \lstinline@def $f$: $T$ = ...@ or
+\lstinline@def $f$ = ...@ overrides a method of
+type $()T'$ which has an empty parameter list, then $f$ is also
+assumed to have an empty parameter list.
+Another restriction applies to abstract type members: An abstract type
+member with a volatile type (\sref{sec:volatile-types}) as its upper
+bound may not override an abstract type member which does not have a
+volatile upper bound.
+An overriding method inherits all default arguments from the definition
+in the superclass. By specifying default arguments in the overriding method
+it is possible to add new defaults (if the corresponding parameter in the
+superclass does not have a default) or to override the defaults of the
+superclass (otherwise).
+Consider the definitions:
+trait Root { type T <: Root }
+trait A extends Root { type T <: A }
+trait B extends Root { type T <: B }
+trait C extends A with B
+Then the class definition \code{C} is not well-formed because the
+binding of \code{T} in \code{C} is
+~\lstinline@type T <: B@,
+which fails to subsume the binding ~\lstinline@type T <: A@~ of \code{T}
+in type \code{A}. The problem can be solved by adding an overriding
+definition of type \code{T} in class \code{C}:
+class C extends A with B { type T <: C }
+\subsection{Inheritance Closure}\label{sec:inheritance-closure}
+Let $C$ be a class type. The {\em inheritance closure} of $C$ is the
+smallest set $\SS$ of types such that
+If $T$ is in $\SS$, then every type $T'$ which forms syntactically
+a part of $T$ is also in $\SS$.
+If $T$ is a class type in $\SS$, then all parents (\sref{sec:templates})
+of $T$ are also in $\SS$.
+It is a static error if the inheritance closure of a class type
+consists of an infinite number of types. (This restriction is
+necessary to make subtyping decidable
+\subsection{Early Definitions}\label{sec:early-defs}
+ EarlyDefs ::= `{' [EarlyDef {semi EarlyDef}] `}' `with'
+ EarlyDef ::= {Annotation} {Modifier} PatVarDef
+A template may start with an {\em early field definition} clause,
+which serves to define certain field values before the supertype
+constructor is called. In a template
+{ val $p_1$: $T_1$ = $e_1$
+ ...
+ val $p_n$: $T_n$ = $e_n$
+} with $sc$ with $mt_1$ with $mt_n$ {$\stats\,$}
+The initial pattern definitions of $p_1 \commadots p_n$ are called
+{\em early definitions}. They define fields
+which form part of the template. Every early definition must define
+at least one variable.
+An early definition is type-checked and evaluated in the scope which
+is in effect just before the template being defined, augmented by any
+type parameters of the enclosing class and by any early definitions
+preceding the one being defined. In particular, any reference to
+\lstinline@this@ in the right-hand side of an early definition refers
+to the identity of \lstinline@this@ just outside the template. Consequently, it
+is impossible that an early definition refers to the object being
+constructed by the template, or refers to one of its fields and
+methods, except for any other preceding early definition in the same
+section. Furthermore, references to preceding early definitions
+always refer to the value that's defined there, and do not take into account
+overriding definitions. In other words, a block of early definitions
+is evaluated exactly as if it was a local bock containing a number of value
+Early definitions are evaluated in the order they are being defined
+before the superclass constructor of the template is called.
+\example Early definitions are particularly useful for
+traits, which do not have normal constructor parameters. Example:
+trait Greeting {
+ val name: String
+ val msg = "How are you, "+name
+class C extends {
+ val name = "Bob"
+} with Greeting {
+ println(msg)
+In the code above, the field \code{name} is initialized before the
+constructor of \code{Greeting} is called. Therefore, field \lstinline@msg@ in
+class \code{Greeting} is properly initialized to \code{"How are you, Bob"}.
+If \code{name} had been initialized instead in \code{C}'s normal class
+body, it would be initialized after the constructor of
+\code{Greeting}. In that case, \lstinline@msg@ would be initialized to
+\code{"How are you, <null>"}.
+ Modifier ::= LocalModifier
+ | AccessModifier
+ | `override'
+ LocalModifier ::= `abstract'
+ | `final'
+ | `sealed'
+ | `implicit'
+ | `lazy'
+ AccessModifier ::= (`private' | `protected') [AccessQualifier]
+ AccessQualifier ::= `[' (id | `this') `]'
+Member definitions may be preceded by modifiers which affect the
+accessibility and usage of the identifiers bound by them. If several
+modifiers are given, their order does not matter, but the same
+modifier may not occur more than once. Modifiers preceding a repeated
+definition apply to all constituent definitions. The rules governing
+the validity and meaning of a modifier are as follows.
+The \code{private} modifier can be used with any definition or
+declaration in a template. Such members can be accessed only from
+within the directly enclosing template and its companion module or
+companion class (\sref{def:companion}). They
+are not inherited by subclasses and they may not override definitions
+in parent classes.
+The modifier can be {\em qualified} with an identifier $C$ (e.g.
+~\lstinline@private[$C$]@) that must denote a class or package
+enclosing the definition. Members labeled with such a modifier are
+accessible respectively only from code inside the package $C$ or only
+from code inside the class $C$ and its companion module
+(\sref{sec:object-defs}). Such members are also inherited only from
+templates inside $C$.
+An different form of qualification is \code{private[this]}. A member
+$M$ marked with this modifier can be accessed only from within
+the object in which it is defined. That is, a selection $p.M$ is only
+legal if the prefix is \code{this} or \lstinline@$O$.this@, for some
+class $O$ enclosing the reference. In addition, the restrictions for
+unqualified \code{private} apply.
+Members marked private without a qualifier are called {\em
+class-private}, whereas members labeled with \lstinline@private[this]@
+are called {\em object-private}. A member {\em is private} if it is
+either class-private or object-private, but not if it is marked
+\lstinline@private[$C$]@ where $C$ is an identifier; in the latter
+case the member is called {\em qualified private}.
+Class-private or object-private members may not be abstract, and may
+not have \code{protected} or \code{override} modifiers.
+The \code{protected} modifier applies to class member definitions.
+Protected members of a class can be accessed from within
+\item the template of the defining class,
+\item all templates that have the defining class as a base class,
+\item the companion module of any of those classes.
+A \code{protected} modifier can be qualified with an
+identifier $C$ (e.g. ~\lstinline@protected[$C$]@) that must denote a
+class or package enclosing the definition. Members labeled with such
+a modifier are also accessible respectively from all code inside the
+package $C$ or from all code inside the class $C$ and its companion
+module (\sref{sec:object-defs}).
+A protected identifier $x$ may be used as a member name in a selection
+\lstinline@$r$.$x$@ only if one of the following applies:
+\item The access is within the template defining the member, or, if
+ a qualification $C$ is given, inside the package $C$,
+ or the class $C$, or its companion module, or
+\item $r$ is one of the reserved words \code{this} and
+ \code{super}, or
+\item $r$'s type conforms to a type-instance of the
+ class which contains the access.
+A different form of qualification is \code{protected[this]}. A member
+$M$ marked with this modifier can be accessed only from within
+the object in which it is defined. That is, a selection $p.M$ is only
+legal if the prefix is \code{this} or \lstinline@$O$.this@, for some
+class $O$ enclosing the reference. In addition, the restrictions for
+unqualified \code{protected} apply.
+The \code{override} modifier applies to class member definitions or declarations. It
+is mandatory for member definitions or declarations that override some other concrete
+member definition in a parent class. If an \code{override}
+modifier is given, there must be at least one overridden member
+definition or declaration (either concrete or abstract).
+The \code{override} modifier has an additional significance when
+combined with the \code{abstract} modifier. That modifier combination
+is only allowed for value members of traits.
+We call a member $M$ of a template {\em incomplete} if it is either
+abstract (i.e.\ defined by a declaration), or it is labeled
+\code{abstract} and \code{override} and
+every member overridden by $M$ is again incomplete.
+Note that the \code{abstract override} modifier combination does not
+influence the concept whether a member is concrete or abstract. A
+member is {\em abstract} if only a declaration is given for it; it is
+{\em concrete} if a full definition is given.
+The \code{abstract} modifier is used in class definitions. It is
+redundant for traits, and mandatory for all other classes which have
+incomplete members. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated
+(\sref{sec:inst-creation}) with a constructor invocation unless
+followed by mixins and/or a refinement which override all
+incomplete members of the class. Only abstract classes and traits can have
+abstract term members.
+The \code{abstract} modifier can also be used in conjunction with
+\code{override} for class member definitions. In that case the
+previous discussion applies.
+The \code{final} modifier applies to class member definitions and to
+class definitions. A \code{final} class member definition may not be
+overridden in subclasses. A \code{final} class may not be inherited by
+a template. \code{final} is redundant for object definitions. Members
+of final classes or objects are implicitly also final, so the
+\code{final} modifier is generally redundant for them, too. Note, however, that
+constant value definitions (\sref{sec:valdef}) do require an explicit \code{final} modifier,
+even if they are defined in a final class or object.
+\code{final} may
+not be applied to incomplete members, and it may not be combined in one
+modifier list with \code{sealed}.
+The \code{sealed} modifier applies to class definitions. A
+\code{sealed} class may not be directly inherited, except if the inheriting
+template is defined in the same source file as the inherited class.
+However, subclasses of a sealed class can be inherited anywhere.
+The \code{lazy} modifier applies to value definitions. A \code{lazy}
+value is initialized the first time it is accessed (which might never
+happen at all). Attempting to access a lazy value during its
+initialization might lead to looping behavior. If an exception is
+thrown during initialization, the value is considered uninitialized,
+and a later access will retry to evaluate its right hand side.
+\example The following code illustrates the use of qualified private:
+package outerpkg.innerpkg
+class Outer {
+ class Inner {
+ private[Outer] def f()
+ private[innerpkg] def g()
+ private[outerpkg] def h()
+ }
+Here, accesses to the method \lstinline@f@ can appear anywhere within
+\lstinline@OuterClass@, but not outside it. Accesses to method
+\lstinline@g@ can appear anywhere within the package
+\lstinline@outerpkg.innerpkg@, as would be the case for
+package-private methods in Java. Finally, accesses to method
+\lstinline@h@ can appear anywhere within package \lstinline@outerpkg@,
+including packages contained in it.
+\example A useful idiom to prevent clients of a class from
+constructing new instances of that class is to declare the class
+\code{abstract} and \code{sealed}:
+object m {
+ abstract sealed class C (x: Int) {
+ def nextC = new C(x + 1) {}
+ }
+ val empty = new C(0) {}
+For instance, in the code above clients can create instances of class
+\lstinline@m.C@ only by calling the \code{nextC} method of an existing \lstinline@m.C@
+object; it is not possible for clients to create objects of class
+\lstinline@m.C@ directly. Indeed the following two lines are both in error:
+ new m.C(0) // **** error: C is abstract, so it cannot be instantiated.
+ new m.C(0) {} // **** error: illegal inheritance from sealed class.
+A similar access restriction can be achieved by marking the primary
+constructor \code{private} (see \ref{ex:private-constr}).
+\section{Class Definitions}
+ TmplDef ::= `class' ClassDef
+ ClassDef ::= id [TypeParamClause] {Annotation}
+ [AccessModifier] ClassParamClauses ClassTemplateOpt
+ ClassParamClauses ::= {ClassParamClause}
+ [[nl] `(' implicit ClassParams `)']
+ ClassParamClause ::= [nl] `(' [ClassParams] ')'
+ ClassParams ::= ClassParam {`,' ClassParam}
+ ClassParam ::= {Annotation} [{Modifier} (`val' | `var')]
+ id [`:' ParamType] [`=' Expr]
+ ClassTemplateOpt ::= `extends' ClassTemplate | [[`extends'] TemplateBody]
+The most general form of class definition is
+class $c$[$\tps\,$] $as$ $m$($\ps_1$)$\ldots$($\ps_n$) extends $t$ $\gap(n \geq 0)$.
+$c$ is the name of the class to be defined.
+\item[] $\tps$ is a non-empty list of type parameters of the class
+being defined. The scope of a type parameter is the whole class
+definition including the type parameter section itself. It is
+illegal to define two type parameters with the same name. The type
+parameter section \lstinline@[$\tps\,$]@ may be omitted. A class with a type
+parameter section is called {\em polymorphic}, otherwise it is called
+{\em monomorphic}.
+\item[] $as$ is a possibly empty sequence of annotations
+ (\sref{sec:annotations}). If any annotations are given,
+they apply to the primary constructor of the class.
+\item[] $m$ is an access modifier (\sref{sec:modifiers}) such as
+\code{private} or \code{protected}, possibly with a qualification. If
+such an access modifier is given it applies to the primary constructor
+to the class.
+$(\ps_1)\ldots(\ps_n)$ are formal value parameter clauses for the {\em primary
+constructor} of the class. The scope of a formal value parameter includes
+all subsequent parameter sections and the template $t$. However, a formal value
+parameter may not form
+part of the types of any of the parent classes or members of the class
+template $t$.
+It is illegal to define two formal value parameters with the same name.
+If no formal parameter sections are given,
+an empty parameter section \lstinline@()@ is assumed.
+If a formal parameter declaration $x: T$ is preceded by a \code{val}
+or \code{var} keyword, an accessor (getter) definition
+(\sref{sec:vardef}) for this parameter is implicitly added to the
+class. The getter introduces a value member $x$ of class $c$ that is
+defined as an alias of the parameter. If the introducing keyword is
+\code{var}, a setter accessor \lstinline@$x$_=@ (\sref{sec:vardef}) is also
+implicitly added to the class. In invocation of that setter \lstinline@$x$_=($e$)@
+changes the value of the parameter to the result of evaluating $e$.
+The formal parameter declaration may contain modifiers, which then
+carry over to the accessor definition(s). A formal parameter prefixed
+by \code{val} or \code{var} may not at the same time be a call-by-name
+parameter (\sref{sec:by-name-params}).
+$t$ is a
+template (\sref{sec:templates}) of the form
+$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_m$ { $\stats$ } $\gap(m \geq 0)$
+which defines the base classes, behavior and initial state of objects of
+the class. The extends clause ~\lstinline@extends $sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_m$@~
+can be omitted, in which case
+~\lstinline@extends scala.AnyRef@~ is assumed. The class body
+~\lstinline@{$\stats\,$}@~ may also be omitted, in which case the empty body
+\lstinline@{}@ is assumed.
+This class definition defines a type \lstinline@$c$[$\tps\,$]@ and a constructor
+which when applied to parameters conforming to types $\ps$
+initializes instances of type \lstinline@$c$[$\tps\,$]@ by evaluating the template
+\example The following example illustrates \code{val} and \code{var}
+parameters of a class \code{C}:
+class C(x: Int, val y: String, var z: List[String])
+val c = new C(1, "abc", List())
+c.z = c.y :: c.z
+The following class can be created only from its companion
+object Sensitive {
+ def makeSensitive(credentials: Certificate): Sensitive =
+ if (credentials == Admin) new Sensitive()
+ else throw new SecurityViolationException
+class Sensitive private () {
+ ...
+For any index $i$ let $\csig_i$ be a class signature consisting of a class
+name and optional type parameter and value parameter sections. Let $ct$
+be a class template.
+Then a class definition
+~\lstinline@class $\csig_1 \commadots \csig_n$ $ct$@~
+is a shorthand for the sequence of class definitions
+~\lstinline@class $\csig_1$ $ct$; ...; class $\csig_n$ $ct$@.
+A class definition
+~\lstinline@class $\csig_1 \commadots \csig_n: T$ $ct$@~
+is a shorthand for the sequence of class definitions
+~\lstinline@class $\csig_1: T$ $ct$; ...; class $\csig_n: T$ $ct$@.
+\subsection{Constructor Definitions}\label{sec:constr-defs}
+ FunDef ::= `this' ParamClause ParamClauses
+ (`=' ConstrExpr | [nl] ConstrBlock)
+ ConstrExpr ::= SelfInvocation
+ | ConstrBlock
+ ConstrBlock ::= `{' SelfInvocation {semi BlockStat} `}'
+ SelfInvocation ::= `this' ArgumentExprs {ArgumentExprs}
+A class may have additional constructors besides the primary
+constructor. These are defined by constructor definitions of the form
+~\lstinline@def this($\ps_1$)$\ldots$($\ps_n$) = $e$@. Such a
+definition introduces an additional constructor for the enclosing
+class, with parameters as given in the formal parameter lists $\ps_1
+\commadots \ps_n$, and whose evaluation is defined by the constructor
+expression $e$. The scope of each formal parameter is the subsequent
+parameter sections and the constructor
+expression $e$. A constructor expression is either a self constructor
+invocation \lstinline@this($\args_1$)$\ldots$($\args_n$)@ or a block
+which begins with a self constructor invocation. The self constructor
+invocation must construct a generic instance of the class. I.e.\ if the
+class in question has name $C$ and type parameters
+\lstinline@[$\tps\,$]@, then a self constructor invocation must
+generate an instance of \lstinline@$C$[$\tps\,$]@; it is not permitted
+to instantiate formal type parameters.
+The signature and the self constructor invocation of a constructor
+definition are type-checked and evaluated in the scope which is in
+effect at the point of the enclosing class definition, augmented by
+any type parameters of the enclosing class and by any early
+definitions (\sref{sec:early-defs}) of the enclosing template.
+The rest of the
+constructor expression is type-checked and evaluated as a function
+body in the current class.
+If there are auxiliary constructors of a class $C$, they form together
+with $C$'s primary constructor (\sref{sec:class-defs})
+an overloaded constructor
+definition. The usual rules for overloading resolution
+(\sref{sec:overloading-resolution}) apply for constructor invocations of $C$,
+including for the self constructor invocations in the constructor
+expressions themselves. However, unlike other methods, constructors
+are never inherited. To prevent infinite cycles of constructor
+invocations, there is the restriction that every self constructor
+invocation must refer to a constructor definition which precedes it
+(i.e.\ it must refer to either a preceding auxiliary constructor or the
+primary constructor of the class).
+\example Consider the class definition
+class LinkedList[A]() {
+ var head = _
+ var tail = null
+ def isEmpty = tail != null
+ def this(head: A) = { this(); this.head = head }
+ def this(head: A, tail: List[A]) = { this(head); this.tail = tail }
+This defines a class \code{LinkedList} with three constructors. The
+second constructor constructs an singleton list, while the
+third one constructs a list with a given head and tail.
+Case Classes
+ TmplDef ::= `case' `class' ClassDef
+If a class definition is prefixed with \code{case}, the class is said
+to be a {\em case class}.
+The formal parameters in the first parameter section of a case class
+are called {\em elements}; they are treated
+specially. First, the value of such a parameter can be extracted as a
+field of a constructor pattern. Second, a \code{val} prefix is
+implicitly added to such a parameter, unless the parameter carries
+already a \code{val} or \code{var} modifier. Hence, an accessor
+definition for the parameter is generated (\sref{sec:class-defs}).
+A case class definition of ~\lstinline@$c$[$\tps\,$]($\ps_1\,$)$\ldots$($\ps_n$)@~ with type
+parameters $\tps$ and value parameters $\ps$ implicitly
+generates an extractor object (\sref{sec:extractor-patterns}) which is
+defined as follows:
+ object $c$ {
+ def apply[$\tps\,$]($\ps_1\,$)$\ldots$($\ps_n$): $c$[$\tps\,$] = new $c$[$\Ts\,$]($\xs_1\,$)$\ldots$($\xs_n$)
+ def unapply[$\tps\,$]($x$: $c$[$\tps\,$]) =
+ if (x eq null) scala.None
+ else scala.Some($x.\xs_{11}\commadots x.\xs_{1k}$)
+ }
+ $\Ts$ stands for the vector of types defined in the type
+parameter section $\tps$,
+each $\xs_i$ denotes the parameter names of the parameter
+section $\ps_i$, and
+$\xs_{11}\commadots \xs_{1k}$ denote the names of all parameters
+in the first parameter section $\xs_1$.
+If a type parameter section is missing in the
+class, it is also missing in the \lstinline@apply@ and
+\lstinline@unapply@ methods.
+The definition of \lstinline@apply@ is omitted if class $c$ is
+If the case class definition contains an empty value parameter list, the
+\lstinline@unapply@ method returns a \lstinline@Boolean@ instead of an \lstinline@Option@ type and
+is defined as follows:
+ def unapply[$\tps\,$]($x$: $c$[$\tps\,$]) = x ne null
+The name of the \lstinline@unapply@ method is changed to \lstinline@unapplySeq@ if the first
+parameter section $\ps_1$ of $c$ ends in a repeated parameter of (\sref{sec:repeated-params}).
+If a companion object $c$ exists already, no new object is created,
+but the \lstinline@apply@ and \lstinline@unapply@ methods are added to the existing
+object instead.
+A method named \code{copy} is implicitly added to every case class unless the
+class already has a member (directly defined or inherited) with that name. The
+method is defined as follows:
+ def copy[$\tps\,$]($\ps'_1\,$)$\ldots$($\ps'_n$): $c$[$\tps\,$] = new $c$[$\Ts\,$]($\xs_1\,$)$\ldots$($\xs_n$)
+Again, $\Ts$ stands for the vector of types defined in the type parameter section $\tps$
+and each $\xs_i$ denotes the parameter names of the parameter section $\ps'_i$. Every value
+parameter $\ps'_{i,j}$ of the \code{copy} method has the form \lstinline@$x_{i,j}$:$T_{i,j}$=this.$x_{i,j}$@,
+where $x_{i,j}$ and $T_{i,j}$ refer to the name and type of the corresponding class parameter
+Every case class implicitly overrides some method definitions of class
+\lstinline@scala.AnyRef@ (\sref{sec:cls-object}) unless a definition of the same
+method is already given in the case class itself or a concrete
+definition of the same method is given in some base class of the case
+class different from \code{AnyRef}. In particular:
+\item[] Method ~\lstinline@equals: (Any)Boolean@~ is structural equality, where two
+instances are equal if they both belong to the case class in question and they
+have equal (with respect to \code{equals}) constructor arguments.
+Method ~\lstinline@hashCode: Int@ computes a hash-code. If the hashCode methods
+of the data structure members map equal (with respect to equals)
+values to equal hash-codes, then the case class hashCode method does
+\item[] Method ~\lstinline@toString: String@~ returns a string representation which
+contains the name of the class and its elements.
+\example Here is the definition of abstract syntax for lambda
+class Expr
+case class Var (x: String) extends Expr
+case class Apply (f: Expr, e: Expr) extends Expr
+case class Lambda(x: String, e: Expr) extends Expr
+This defines a class \code{Expr} with case classes
+\code{Var}, \code{Apply} and \code{Lambda}. A call-by-value evaluator for lambda
+expressions could then be written as follows.
+type Env = String => Value
+case class Value(e: Expr, env: Env)
+def eval(e: Expr, env: Env): Value = e match {
+ case Var (x) =>
+ env(x)
+ case Apply(f, g) =>
+ val Value(Lambda (x, e1), env1) = eval(f, env)
+ val v = eval(g, env)
+ eval (e1, (y => if (y == x) v else env1(y)))
+ case Lambda(_, _) =>
+ Value(e, env)
+It is possible to define further case classes that extend type
+\code{Expr} in other parts of the program, for instance
+case class Number(x: Int) extends Expr
+This form of extensibility can be excluded by declaring the base class
+\code{Expr} \code{sealed}; in this case, all classes that
+directly extend \code{Expr} must be in the same source file as
+ TmplDef ::= `trait' TraitDef
+ TraitDef ::= id [TypeParamClause] TraitTemplateOpt
+ TraitTemplateOpt ::= `extends' TraitTemplate | [[`extends'] TemplateBody]
+A trait is a class that is meant to be added to some other class
+as a mixin. Unlike normal classes, traits cannot have
+constructor parameters. Furthermore, no constructor arguments are
+passed to the superclass of the trait. This is not necessary as traits are
+initialized after the superclass is initialized.
+Assume a trait $D$ defines some aspect of an instance $x$ of
+type $C$ (i.e.\ $D$ is a base class of $C$). Then the {\em actual
+supertype} of $D$ in $x$ is the compound type consisting of all the
+base classes in $\lin C$ that succeed $D$. The actual supertype gives
+the context for resolving a \code{super} reference in a trait
+(\sref{sec:this-super}). Note that the actual supertype depends
+on the type to which the trait is added in a mixin composition; it is not
+statically known at the time the trait is defined.
+If $D$ is not a trait, then its actual supertype is simply its
+least proper supertype (which is statically known).
+\example\label{ex:comparable} The following trait defines the property
+of being comparable to objects of some type. It contains an abstract
+method \lstinline@<@ and default implementations of the other
+comparison operators \lstinline@<=@, \lstinline@>@, and
+trait Comparable[T <: Comparable[T]] { self: T =>
+ def < (that: T): Boolean
+ def <=(that: T): Boolean = this < that || this == that
+ def > (that: T): Boolean = that < this
+ def >=(that: T): Boolean = that <= this
+\example Consider an abstract class \code{Table} that implements maps
+from a type of keys \code{A} to a type of values \code{B}. The class
+has a method \code{set} to enter a new key / value pair into the table,
+and a method \code{get} that returns an optional value matching a
+given key. Finally, there is a method \code{apply} which is like
+\code{get}, except that it returns a given default value if the table
+is undefined for the given key. This class is implemented as follows.
+abstract class Table[A, B](defaultValue: B) {
+ def get(key: A): Option[B]
+ def set(key: A, value: B)
+ def apply(key: A) = get(key) match {
+ case Some(value) => value
+ case None => defaultValue
+ }
+Here is a concrete implementation of the \code{Table} class.
+class ListTable[A, B](defaultValue: B) extends Table[A, B](defaultValue) {
+ private var elems: List[(A, B)]
+ def get(key: A) = elems.find(._1.==(key)).map(._2)
+ def set(key: A, value: B) = { elems = (key, value) :: elems }
+Here is a trait that prevents concurrent access to the
+\code{get} and \code{set} operations of its parent class:
+trait SynchronizedTable[A, B] extends Table[A, B] {
+ abstract override def get(key: A): B =
+ synchronized { super.get(key) }
+ abstract override def set((key: A, value: B) =
+ synchronized { super.set(key, value) }
+Note that \code{SynchronizedTable} does not pass an argument to
+its superclass, \code{Table}, even though \code{Table} is defined with a
+formal parameter. Note also that the \code{super} calls
+in \code{SynchronizedTable}'s \code{get} and \code{set} methods
+statically refer to abstract methods in class \code{Table}. This is
+legal, as long as the calling method is labeled
+\code{abstract override} (\sref{sec:modifiers}).
+Finally, the following mixin composition creates a synchronized list table
+with strings as keys and integers as values and with a default value \code{0}:
+object MyTable extends ListTable[String, Int](0) with SynchronizedTable
+The object \code{MyTable} inherits its \code{get} and \code{set}
+method from \code{SynchronizedTable}. The \code{super} calls in these
+methods are re-bound to refer to the corresponding implementations in
+\code{ListTable}, which is the actual supertype of \code{SynchronizedTable}
+in \code{MyTable}.
+\section{Object Definitions}
+ ObjectDef ::= id ClassTemplate
+An object definition defines a single object of a new class. Its
+most general form is
+~\lstinline@object $m$ extends $t$@. Here,
+$m$ is the name of the object to be defined, and
+$t$ is a template (\sref{sec:templates}) of the form
+$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ { $\stats$ }
+which defines the base classes, behavior and initial state of $m$.
+The extends clause ~\lstinline@extends $sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$@~
+can be omitted, in which case
+~\lstinline@extends scala.AnyRef@~ is assumed. The class body
+~\lstinline@{$\stats\,$}@~ may also be omitted, in which case the empty body
+\lstinline@{}@ is assumed.
+The object definition defines a single object (or: {\em module})
+conforming to the template $t$. It is roughly equivalent to the
+following definition of a lazy value:
+lazy val $m$ = new $sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ { this: $m.type$ => $\stats$ }
+Note that the value defined by an object definition is instantiated
+lazily. The ~\lstinline@new $m\Dollar$cls@~ constructor is evaluated
+not at the point of the object definition, but is instead evaluated
+the first time $m$ is dereferenced during execution of the program
+(which might be never at all). An attempt to dereference $m$ again in
+the course of evaluation of the constructor leads to a infinite loop
+or run-time error.
+Other threads trying to dereference $m$ while the
+constructor is being evaluated block until evaluation is complete.
+The expansion given above is not accurate for top-level objects. It
+cannot be because variable and method definition cannot appear on the
+top-level outside of a package object (\sref{sec:pkg-obj}). Instead,
+top-level objects are translated to static fields.
+Classes in Scala do not have static members; however, an equivalent
+effect can be achieved by an accompanying object definition
+abstract class Point {
+ val x: Double
+ val y: Double
+ def isOrigin = (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0)
+object Point {
+ val origin = new Point() { val x = 0.0; val y = 0.0 }
+This defines a class \code{Point} and an object \code{Point} which
+contains \code{origin} as a member. Note that the double use of the
+name \code{Point} is legal, since the class definition defines the
+name \code{Point} in the type name space, whereas the object
+definition defines a name in the term namespace.
+This technique is applied by the Scala compiler when interpreting a
+Java class with static members. Such a class $C$ is conceptually seen
+as a pair of a Scala class that contains all instance members of $C$
+and a Scala object that contains all static members of $C$.
+Generally, a {\em companion module} of a class is an object which has
+the same name as the class and is defined in the same scope and
+compilation unit. Conversely, the class is called the {\em companion class}
+of the module.
+Let $ct$ be a class template.
+Then an object definition
+~\lstinline@object $x_1 \commadots x_n$ $ct$@~
+is a shorthand for the sequence of object definitions
+~\lstinline@object $x_1$ $ct$; ...; object $x_n$ $ct$@.
+An object definition
+~\lstinline@object $x_1 \commadots x_n: T$ $ct$@~
+is a shorthand for the sequence of object definitions
+~\lstinline@object $x_1: T$ $ct$; ...; object $x_n: T$ $ct$@.
+\example Here's an outline of a module definition for a file system.
+object FileSystem {
+ private type FileDirectory
+ private val dir: FileDirectory
+ trait File {
+ def read(xs: Array[Byte])
+ def close: Unit
+ }
+ private class FileHandle extends File { $\ldots$ }
+ def open(name: String): File = $\ldots$
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..928b56868b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1876 @@
+ Expr ::= (Bindings | id | `_') `=>' Expr
+ | Expr1
+ Expr1 ::= `if' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [[semi] else Expr]
+ | `while' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr
+ | `try' `{' Block `}' [`catch' `{' CaseClauses `}']
+ [`finally' Expr]
+ | `do' Expr [semi] `while' `(' Expr ')'
+ | `for' (`(' Enumerators `)' | `{' Enumerators `}')
+ {nl} [`yield'] Expr
+ | `throw' Expr
+ | `return' [Expr]
+ | [SimpleExpr `.'] id `=' Expr
+ | SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs `=' Expr
+ | PostfixExpr
+ | PostfixExpr Ascription
+ | PostfixExpr `match' `{' CaseClauses `}'
+ PostfixExpr ::= InfixExpr [id [nl]]
+ InfixExpr ::= PrefixExpr
+ | InfixExpr id [nl] InfixExpr
+ PrefixExpr ::= [`-' | `+' | `~' | `!'] SimpleExpr
+ SimpleExpr ::= `new' (ClassTemplate | TemplateBody)
+ | BlockExpr
+ | SimpleExpr1 [`_']
+ SimpleExpr1 ::= Literal
+ | Path
+ | `_'
+ | `(' [Exprs] `)'
+ | SimpleExpr `.' id s
+ | SimpleExpr TypeArgs
+ | SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs
+ | XmlExpr
+ Exprs ::= Expr {`,' Expr}
+ BlockExpr ::= `{' CaseClauses `}'
+ | `{' Block `}'
+ Block ::= {BlockStat semi} [ResultExpr]
+ ResultExpr ::= Expr1
+ | (Bindings | ([`implicit'] id | `_') `:' CompoundType) `=>' Block
+ Ascription ::= `:' InfixType
+ | `:' Annotation {Annotation}
+ | `:' `_' `*'
+Expressions are composed of operators and operands. Expression forms are
+discussed subsequently in decreasing order of precedence.
+Expression Typing
+The typing of expressions is often relative to some {\em expected
+type} (which might be undefined).
+When we write ``expression $e$ is expected to conform to
+type $T$'', we mean: (1) the expected type of $e$ is
+$T$, and (2) the type of expression $e$ must conform to
+The following skolemization rule is applied universally for every
+expression: If the type of an expression would be an existential type
+$T$, then the type of the expression is assumed instead to be a
+skolemization (\sref{sec:existential-types}) of $T$.
+Skolemization is reversed by type packing. Assume an expression $e$ of
+type $T$ and let $t_1[\tps_1] >: L_1 <: U_1 \commadots t_n[\tps_n] >: L_n <: U_n$ be
+all the type variables created by skolemization of some part of $e$ which are free in $T$.
+Then the {\em packed type} of $e$ is
+$T$ forSome { type $t_1[\tps_1] >: L_1 <: U_1$; $\ldots$; type $t_n[\tps_n] >: L_n <: U_n$ }.
+ SimpleExpr ::= Literal
+Typing of literals is as described in (\sref{sec:literals}); their
+evaluation is immediate.
+\section{The {\em Null} Value}
+The \code{null} value is of type \lstinline@scala.Null@, and is thus
+compatible with every reference type. It denotes a reference value
+which refers to a special ``\lstinline@null@'' object. This object
+implements methods in class \lstinline@scala.AnyRef@ as follows:
+\lstinline@eq($x\,$)@ and \lstinline@==($x\,$)@ return \code{true} iff the
+argument $x$ is also the ``null'' object.
+\lstinline@ne($x\,$)@ and \lstinline@!=($x\,$)@ return true iff the
+argument x is not also the ``null'' object.
+\lstinline@isInstanceOf[$T\,$]@ always returns \code{false}.
+\lstinline@asInstanceOf[$T\,$]@ returns the ``null'' object itself if
+$T$ conforms to \lstinline@scala.AnyRef@, and throws a
+\lstinline@NullPointerException@ otherwise.
+A reference to any other member of the ``null'' object causes a
+\code{NullPointerException} to be thrown.
+ SimpleExpr ::= Path
+ | SimpleExpr `.' id
+A designator refers to a named term. It can be a {\em simple name} or
+a {\em selection}.
+A simple name $x$ refers to a value as specified in \sref{sec:names}.
+If $x$ is bound by a definition or declaration in an enclosing class
+or object $C$, it is taken to be equivalent to the selection
+\lstinline@$C$.this.$x$@ where $C$ is taken to refer to the class containing $x$
+even if the type name $C$ is shadowed (\sref{sec:names}) at the
+occurrence of $x$.
+If $r$ is a stable identifier
+(\sref{sec:stable-ids}) of type $T$, the selection $r.x$ refers
+statically to a term member $m$ of $r$ that is identified in $T$ by
+the name $x$. \comment{There might be several such members, in which
+case overloading resolution (\sref{overloading-resolution}) is applied
+to pick a unique one.}
+For other expressions $e$, $e.x$ is typed as
+if it was ~\lstinline@{ val $y$ = $e$; $y$.$x$ }@, for some fresh name
+The expected type of a designator's prefix is always undefined. The
+type of a designator is the type $T$ of the entity it refers to, with
+the following exception: The type of a path (\sref{sec:paths}) $p$
+which occurs in a context where a stable type
+(\sref{sec:singleton-types}) is required is the singleton type
+The contexts where a stable type is required are those that satisfy
+one of the following conditions:
+The path $p$ occurs as the prefix of a selection and it does not
+designate a constant, or
+The expected type $\proto$ is a stable type, or
+The expected type $\proto$ is an abstract type with a stable type as lower
+bound, and the type $T$ of the entity referred to by $p$ does not
+conform to $\proto$, or
+The path $p$ designates a module.
+The selection $e.x$ is evaluated by first evaluating the qualifier
+expression $e$, which yields an object $r$, say. The selection's
+result is then the member of $r$ that is either defined by $m$ or defined
+by a definition overriding $m$.
+If that member has a type which
+conforms to \lstinline@scala.NotNull@, the member's value must be initialized
+to a value different from \lstinline@null@, otherwise a \lstinline@scala.UnitializedError@
+is thrown.
+\section{This and Super}
+ SimpleExpr ::= [id `.'] `this'
+ | [id '.'] `super' [ClassQualifier] `.' id
+The expression \code{this} can appear in the statement part of a
+template or compound type. It stands for the object being defined by
+the innermost template or compound type enclosing the reference. If
+this is a compound type, the type of \code{this} is that compound type.
+If it is a template of a
+class or object definition with simple name $C$, the type of this
+is the same as the type of \lstinline@$C$.this@.
+The expression \lstinline@$C$.this@ is legal in the statement part of an
+enclosing class or object definition with simple name $C$. It
+stands for the object being defined by the innermost such definition.
+If the expression's expected type is a stable type, or
+\lstinline@$C$.this@ occurs as the prefix of a selection, its type is
+\lstinline@$C$.this.type@, otherwise it is the self type of class $C$.
+A reference ~\lstinline@super.$m$@~ refers statically to a method or type $m$
+in the least proper supertype of the innermost template containing the
+reference. It evaluates to the member $m'$ in the actual supertype of
+that template which is equal to $m$ or which overrides $m$. The
+statically referenced member $m$ must be a type or a
+%explanation: so that we need not create several fields for overriding vals
+If it is
+a method, it must be concrete, or the template
+containing the reference must have a member $m'$ which overrides $m$
+and which is labeled \code{abstract override}.
+A reference ~\lstinline@$C$.super.$m$@~ refers statically to a method
+or type $m$ in the least proper supertype of the innermost enclosing class or
+object definition named $C$ which encloses the reference. It evaluates
+to the member $m'$ in the actual supertype of that class or object
+which is equal to $m$ or which overrides $m$. The
+statically referenced member $m$ must be a type or a
+method. If the statically
+referenced member $m$ is a method, it must be concrete, or the innermost enclosing
+class or object definition named $C$ must have a member $m'$ which
+overrides $m$ and which is labeled \code{abstract override}.
+The \code{super} prefix may be followed by a trait qualifier
+\lstinline@[$T\,$]@, as in \lstinline@$C$.super[$T\,$].$x$@. This is
+called a {\em static super reference}. In this case, the reference is
+to the type or method of $x$ in the parent trait of $C$ whose simple
+name is $T$. That member must be uniquely defined. If it is a method,
+it must be concrete.
+Consider the following class definitions
+class Root { def x = "Root" }
+class A extends Root { override def x = "A" ; def superA = super.x }
+trait B extends Root { override def x = "B" ; def superB = super.x }
+class C extends Root with B {
+ override def x = "C" ; def superC = super.x
+class D extends A with B {
+ override def x = "D" ; def superD = super.x
+The linearization of class \code{C} is ~\lstinline@{C, B, Root}@~ and
+the linearization of class \code{D} is ~\lstinline@{D, B, A, Root}@.
+Then we have:
+(new A).superA == "Root",
+ (new C).superB = "Root", (new C).superC = "B",
+(new D).superA == "Root", (new D).superB = "A", (new D).superD = "B",
+Note that the \code{superB} function returns different results
+depending on whether \code{B} is mixed in with class \code{Root} or \code{A}.
+\example Consider the following class definitions:
+class Shape {
+ override def equals(other: Any) = $\ldots$
+ $\ldots$
+trait Bordered extends Shape {
+ val thickness: Int
+ override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
+ case that: Bordered =>
+ super equals other && this.thickness == that.thickness
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ $\ldots$
+trait Colored extends Shape {
+ val color: Color
+ override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
+ case that: Colored =>
+ super equals other && this.color == that.color
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ $\ldots$
+Both definitions of \code{equals} are combined in the class
+trait BorderedColoredShape extends Shape with Bordered with Colored {
+ override def equals(other: Any) =
+ super[Bordered].equals(that) && super[Colored].equals(that)
+\section{Function Applications}
+ SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs
+ ArgumentExprs ::= `(' [Exprs] `)'
+ | `(' [Exprs `,'] PostfixExpr `:' `_' `*' ')'
+ | [nl] BlockExpr
+ Exprs ::= Expr {`,' Expr}
+An application \lstinline@$f$($e_1 \commadots e_m$)@ applies the
+function $f$ to the argument expressions $e_1 \commadots e_m$. If $f$
+has a method type \lstinline@($p_1$:$T_1 \commadots p_n$:$T_n$)$U$@, the type of
+each argument expression $e_i$ is typed with the
+corresponding parameter type $T_i$ as expected type. Let $S_i$ be type
+type of argument $e_i$ $(i = 1 \commadots m)$. If $f$ is a polymorphic method,
+local type inference (\sref{sec:local-type-inf}) is used to determine
+type arguments for $f$. If $f$ has some value type, the application is taken to
+be equivalent to \lstinline@$f$.apply($e_1 \commadots e_m$)@,
+i.e.\ the application of an \code{apply} method defined by $f$.
+The function $f$ must be {\em applicable} to its arguments $e_1
+\commadots e_n$ of types $S_1 \commadots S_n$.
+If $f$ has a method type $(p_1:T_1 \commadots p_n:T_n)U$
+we say that an argument expression $e_i$ is a {\em named} argument if
+it has the form $x_i=e'_i$ and $x_i$ is one of the parameter names
+$p_1 \commadots p_n$. The function $f$ is applicable if all of the follwing conditions
+\item For every named argument $x_i=e'_i$ the type $S_i$
+ is compatible with the parameter type $T_j$ whose name $p_j$ matches $x_i$.
+\item For every positional argument $e_i$ the type $S_i$
+is compatible with $T_i$.
+%\item Every parameter $p_j:T_j$ which is not specified by either a positional
+% or a named argument has a default argument.
+%\item The named arguments form a suffix of the argument list $e_1 \commadots e_m$,
+% i.e.\ no positional argument follows a named one.
+%\item The names $x_i$ of all named arguments are pairwise distinct and no named
+% argument defines a parameter which is already specified by a
+% positional argument.
+%\item Every formal parameter $p_j:T_j$ which is not specified by either a positional
+% or a named argument has a default argument.
+\item If the expected type is defined, the result type $U$ is
+compatible to it.
+If $f$ is a polymorphic method it is applicable if local type
+inference (\sref{sec:local-type-inf}) can
+determine type arguments so that the instantiated method is applicable. If
+$f$ has some value type it is applicable if it has a method member named
+\code{apply} which is applicable.
+%Class constructor functions
+%(\sref{sec:class-defs}) can only be applied in constructor invocations
+%(\sref{sec:constr-invoke}), never in expressions.
+Evaluation of \lstinline@$f$($e_1 \commadots e_n$)@ usually entails evaluation of
+$f$ and $e_1 \commadots e_n$ in that order. Each argument expression
+is converted to the type of its corresponding formal parameter. After
+that, the application is rewritten to the function's right hand side,
+with actual arguments substituted for formal parameters. The result
+of evaluating the rewritten right-hand side is finally converted to
+the function's declared result type, if one is given.
+The case of a formal parameter with a parameterless
+method type ~\lstinline@=>$T$@~ is treated specially. In this case, the
+corresponding actual argument expression $e$ is not evaluated before the
+application. Instead, every use of the formal parameter on the
+right-hand side of the rewrite rule entails a re-evaluation of $e$.
+In other words, the evaluation order for
+\code{=>}-parameters is {\em call-by-name} whereas the evaluation
+order for normal parameters is {\em call-by-value}.
+Furthermore, it is required that $e$'s packed type (\sref{sec:expr-typing})
+conforms to the parameter type $T$.
+The behavior of by-name parameters is preserved if the application is
+transformed into a block due to named or default arguments. In this case,
+the local value for that parameter has the form \lstinline@val $y_i$ = () => $e$@
+and the argument passed to the function is \lstinline@$y_i$()@.
+The last argument in an application may be marked as a sequence
+argument, e.g.\ \lstinline@$e$: _*@. Such an argument must correspond
+to a repeated parameter (\sref{sec:repeated-params}) of type
+\lstinline@$S$*@ and it must be the only argument matching this
+parameter (i.e.\ the number of formal parameters and actual arguments
+must be the same). Furthermore, the type of $e$ must conform to
+~\lstinline@scala.Seq[$T$]@, for some type $T$ which conforms to
+$S$. In this case, the argument list is transformed by replacing the
+sequence $e$ with its elements. When the application uses named
+arguments, the vararg parameter has to be specified exactly once.
+A function application usually allocates a new frame on the program's
+run-time stack. However, if a local function or a final method calls
+itself as its last action, the call is executed using the stack-frame
+of the caller.
+\example Assume the following function which computes the sum of a
+variable number of arguments:
+def sum(xs: Int*) = (0 /: xs) ((x, y) => x + y)
+sum(1, 2, 3, 4)
+sum(List(1, 2, 3, 4): _*)
+both yield \code{10} as result. On the other hand,
+sum(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
+would not typecheck.
+\subsection{Named and Default Arguments}
+If an application might uses named arguments $p = e$ or default
+arguments, the following conditions must hold.
+\item The named arguments form a suffix of the argument list $e_1 \commadots e_m$,
+ i.e.\ no positional argument follows a named one.
+\item The names $x_i$ of all named arguments are pairwise distinct and no named
+ argument defines a parameter which is already specified by a
+ positional argument.
+\item Every formal parameter $p_j:T_j$ which is not specified by either a positional
+ or a named argument has a default argument.
+If the application uses named or default
+arguments the following transformation is applied to convert it into
+an application without named or default arguments.
+If the function $f$
+has the form \lstinline@$p.m$[$\targs$]@ it is transformed into the
+{ val q = $p$
+ q.$m$[$\targs$]
+If the function $f$ is itself an application expression the transformation
+is applied recursively on $f$. The result of transforming $f$ is a block of
+the form
+{ val q = $p$
+ val $x_1$ = expr$_1$
+ $\ldots$
+ val $x_k$ = expr$_k$
+ q.$m$[$\targs$]($\args_1$)$\commadots$($\args_l$)
+where every argument in $(\args_1) \commadots (\args_l)$ is a reference to
+one of the values $x_1 \commadots x_k$. To integrate the current application
+into the block, first a value definition using a fresh name $y_i$ is created
+for every argument in $e_1 \commadots e_m$, which is initialised to $e_i$ for
+positional arguments and to $e'_i$ for named arguments of the form
+\lstinline@$x_i=e'_i$@. Then, for every parameter which is not specified
+by the argument list, a value definition using a fresh name $z_i$ is created,
+which is initialized using the method computing the default argument of
+this parameter (\sref{sec:funsigs}).
+Let $\args$ be a permutation of the generated names $y_i$ and $z_i$ such such
+that the position of each name matches the position of its corresponding
+parameter in the method type \lstinline@($p_1:T_1 \commadots p_n:T_n$)$U$@.
+The final result of the transformation is a block of the form
+{ val q = $p$
+ val $x_1$ = expr$_1$
+ $\ldots$
+ val $x_l$ = expr$_k$
+ val $y_1$ = $e_1$
+ $\ldots$
+ val $y_m$ = $e_m$
+ val $z_1$ = q.$m\Dollar$default$\Dollar$i[$\targs$]($\args_1$)$\commadots$($\args_l$)
+ $\ldots$
+ val $z_d$ = q.$m\Dollar$default$\Dollar$j[$\targs$]($\args_1$)$\commadots$($\args_l$)
+ q.$m$[$\targs$]($\args_1$)$\commadots$($\args_l$)($\args$)
+\section{Method Values}\label{sec:meth-vals}
+ SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr1 `_'
+The expression ~~\lstinline@$e$ _@~~ is well-formed if $e$ is of method
+type or if $e$ is a call-by-name parameter. If $e$ is a method with
+parameters, \lstinline@$e$ _@~~ represents $e$ converted to a function
+type by eta expansion (\sref{sec:eta-expand}). If $e$ is a
+parameterless method or call-by-name parameter of type
+\lstinline@=>$T$@, ~\lstinline@$e$ _@~~ represents the function of type
+\lstinline@() => $T$@, which evaluates $e$ when it is applied to the empty
+parameterlist \lstinline@()@.
+\example The method values in the left column are each equivalent to the
+anonymous functions (\sref{sec:closures}) on their right.
+Math.sin _ x => Math.sin(x)
+Array.range _ (x1, x2) => Array.range(x1, x2)
+List.map2 _ (x1, x2) => (x3) => List.map2(x1, x2)(x3)
+List.map2(xs, ys)_ x => List.map2(xs, ys)(x)
+Note that a space is necessary between a method name and the trailing underscore
+because otherwise the underscore would be considered part of the name.
+\section{Type Applications}
+ SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr TypeArgs
+A type application \lstinline@$e$[$T_1 \commadots T_n$]@ instantiates
+a polymorphic value $e$ of type ~\lstinline@[$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1
+\commadots a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$S$@~ with argument types
+\lstinline@$T_1 \commadots T_n$@. Every argument type $T_i$ must obey
+the corresponding bounds $L_i$ and $U_i$. That is, for each $i = 1
+\commadots n$, we must have $\sigma L_i \conforms T_i \conforms \sigma
+U_i$, where $\sigma$ is the substitution $[a_1 := T_1 \commadots a_n
+:= T_n]$. The type of the application is $\sigma S$.
+If the function part $e$ is of some value type, the type application
+is taken to be equivalent to
+~\lstinline@$e$.apply[$T_1 \commadots$ T$_n$]@, i.e.\ the application of an \code{apply} method defined by
+Type applications can be omitted if local type inference
+(\sref{sec:local-type-inf}) can infer best type parameters for a
+polymorphic functions from the types of the actual function arguments
+and the expected result type.
+ SimpleExpr ::= `(' [Exprs] `)'
+A tuple expression \lstinline@($e_1 \commadots e_n$)@ is an alias
+for the class instance creation
+~\lstinline@scala.Tuple$n$($e_1 \commadots e_n$)@, where $n \geq 2$.
+The empty tuple
+\lstinline@()@ is the unique value of type \lstinline@scala.Unit@.
+\section{Instance Creation Expressions}
+ SimpleExpr ::= `new' (ClassTemplate | TemplateBody)
+A simple instance creation expression is of the form
+~\lstinline@new $c$@~
+where $c$ is a constructor invocation
+(\sref{sec:constr-invoke}). Let $T$ be the type of $c$. Then $T$ must
+denote a (a type instance of) a non-abstract subclass of
+\lstinline@scala.AnyRef@. Furthermore, the {\em concrete self type} of the
+expression must conform to the self type of the class denoted by $T$
+(\sref{sec:templates}). The concrete self type is normally
+$T$, except if the expression ~\lstinline@new $c$@~ appears as the
+right hand side of a value definition
+val $x$: $S$ = new $c$
+(where the type annotation ~\lstinline@: $S$@~ may be missing).
+In the latter case, the concrete self type of the expression is the
+compound type ~\lstinline@$T$ with $x$.type@.
+The expression is evaluated by creating a fresh
+object of type $T$ which is is initialized by evaluating $c$. The
+type of the expression is $T$.
+A general instance creation expression is of the form
+~\lstinline@new $t$@~ for some class template $t$ (\sref{sec:templates}).
+Such an expression is equivalent to the block
+{ class $a$ extends $t$; new $a$ }
+where $a$ is a fresh name of an {\em anonymous class} which is
+inaccessible to user programs.
+There is also a shorthand form for creating values of structural
+types: If ~\lstinline@{$D$}@ is a class body, then
+~\lstinline@new {$D$}@~ is equivalent to the general instance creation expression
+~\lstinline@new AnyRef{$D$}@.
+\example Consider the following structural instance creation
+new { def getName() = "aaron" }
+This is a shorthand for the general instance creation expression
+new AnyRef{ def getName() = "aaron" }
+The latter is in turn a shorthand for the block
+{ class anon$\Dollar$X extends AnyRef{ def getName() = "aaron" }; new anon$\Dollar$X }
+where \lstinline@anon$\Dollar$X@ is some freshly created name.
+ BlockExpr ::= `{' Block `}'
+ Block ::= {BlockStat semi} [ResultExpr]
+A block expression ~\lstinline@{$s_1$; $\ldots$; $s_n$; $e\,$}@~ is
+constructed from a sequence of block statements $s_1 \commadots s_n$
+and a final expression $e$. The statement sequence may not contain
+two definitions or declarations that bind the same name in the same
+namespace. The final expression can be omitted, in which
+case the unit value \lstinline@()@ is assumed.
+%Whether or not the scope includes the statement itself
+%depends on the kind of definition.
+The expected type of the final expression $e$ is the expected
+type of the block. The expected type of all preceding statements is
+The type of a block ~\lstinline@$s_1$; $\ldots$; $s_n$; $e$@~ is
+\lstinline@$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}@, where $T$ is the type of $e$ and $Q$
+contains existential clauses (\sref{sec:existential-types})
+for every value or type name which is free in $T$
+and which is defined locally in one of the statements $s_1 \commadots s_n$.
+We say the existential clause {\em binds} the occurrence of the value or type name.
+A locally defined type definition ~\lstinline@type$\;t = T$@~
+is bound by the existential clause ~\lstinline@type$\;t >: T <: T$@.
+It is an error if $t$ carries type parameters.
+A locally defined value definition~ \lstinline@val$\;x: T = e$@~ is
+bound by the existential clause ~\lstinline@val$\;x: T$@.
+A locally defined class definition ~\lstinline@class$\;c$ extends$\;t$@~
+is bound by the existential clause ~\lstinline@type$\;c <: T$@~ where
+$T$ is the least class type or refinement type which is a proper
+supertype of the type $c$. It is an error if $c$ carries type parameters.
+A locally defined object definition ~\lstinline@object$\;x\;$extends$\;t$@~
+is bound by the existential clause \lstinline@val$\;x: T$@ where
+$T$ is the least class type or refinement type which is a proper supertype of the type
+Evaluation of the block entails evaluation of its
+statement sequence, followed by an evaluation of the final expression
+$e$, which defines the result of the block.
+Assuming a class \lstinline@Ref[T](x: T)@, the block
+{ class C extends B {$\ldots$} ; new Ref(new C) }
+has the type ~\lstinline@Ref[_1] forSome { type _1 <: B }@.
+The block
+{ class C extends B {$\ldots$} ; new C }
+simply has type \code{B}, because with the rules in
+(\sref{sec:ex-simpl} the existentially quantified type
+~\lstinline@_1 forSome { type _1 <: B }@~ can be simplified to \code{B}.
+Prefix, Infix, and Postfix Operations
+ PostfixExpr ::= InfixExpr [id [nl]]
+ InfixExpr ::= PrefixExpr
+ | InfixExpr id [nl] InfixExpr
+ PrefixExpr ::= [`-' | `+' | `!' | `~'] SimpleExpr
+Expressions can be constructed from operands and operators.
+\subsection{Prefix Operations}
+A prefix operation $\op;e$ consists of a prefix operator $\op$, which
+must be one of the identifiers `\lstinline@+@', `\lstinline@-@',
+`\lstinline@!@' or `\lstinline@~@'. The expression $\op;e$ is
+equivalent to the postfix method application
+\todo{Generalize to arbitrary operators}
+Prefix operators are different from normal function applications in
+that their operand expression need not be atomic. For instance, the
+input sequence \lstinline@-sin(x)@ is read as \lstinline@-(sin(x))@, whereas the
+function application \lstinline@negate sin(x)@ would be parsed as the
+application of the infix operator \code{sin} to the operands
+\code{negate} and \lstinline@(x)@.
+\subsection{Postfix Operations}
+A postfix operator can be an arbitrary identifier. The postfix
+operation $e;\op$ is interpreted as $e.\op$.
+\subsection{Infix Operations}
+An infix operator can be an arbitrary identifier. Infix operators have
+precedence and associativity defined as follows:
+The {\em precedence} of an infix operator is determined by the operator's first
+character. Characters are listed below in increasing order of
+precedence, with characters on the same line having the same precedence.
+ $\mbox{\rm\sl(all letters)}$
+ |
+ ^
+ &
+ < >
+ = !
+ :
+ + -
+ * / %
+ $\mbox{\rm\sl(all other special characters)}$
+That is, operators starting with a letter have lowest precedence,
+followed by operators starting with `\lstinline@|@', etc.
+There's one exception to this rule, which concerns
+{\em assignment operators}(\sref{sec:assops}).
+The precedence of an assigment operator is the same as the one
+of simple assignment \code{(=)}. That is, it is lower than the
+precedence of any other operator.
+The {\em associativity} of an operator is determined by the operator's
+last character. Operators ending in a colon `\lstinline@:@' are
+right-associative. All other operators are left-associative.
+Precedence and associativity of operators determine the grouping of
+parts of an expression as follows.
+\item If there are several infix operations in an
+expression, then operators with higher precedence bind more closely
+than operators with lower precedence.
+\item If there are consecutive infix
+operations $e_0; \op_1; e_1; \op_2 \ldots \op_n; e_n$
+with operators $\op_1 \commadots \op_n$ of the same precedence,
+then all these operators must
+have the same associativity. If all operators are left-associative,
+the sequence is interpreted as
+Otherwise, if all operators are right-associative, the
+sequence is interpreted as
+$e_0;\op_1;(e_1;\op_2;(\ldots \op_n;e_n)\ldots)$.
+Postfix operators always have lower precedence than infix
+operators. E.g.\ $e_1;\op_1;e_2;\op_2$ is always equivalent to
+The right-hand operand of a left-associative operator may consist of
+several arguments enclosed in parentheses, e.g. $e;\op;(e_1,\ldots,e_n)$.
+This expression is then interpreted as $e.\op(e_1,\ldots,e_n)$.
+A left-associative binary
+operation $e_1;\op;e_2$ is interpreted as $e_1.\op(e_2)$. If $\op$ is
+right-associative, the same operation is interpreted as
+~\lstinline@{ val $x$=$e_1$; $e_2$.$\op$($x\,$) }@, where $x$ is a fresh
+\subsection{Assignment Operators} \label{sec:assops}
+An assignment operator is an operator symbol (syntax category
+\lstinline@op@ in [Identifiers](#identifiers)) that ends in an equals character
+``\code{=}'', with the exception of operators for which one of
+the following conditions holds:
+\item[(1)] the operator also starts with an equals character, or
+\item[(2)] the operator is one of \code{(<=)}, \code{(>=)},
+ \code{(!=)}.
+Assignment operators are treated specially in that they
+can be expanded to assignments if no other interpretation is valid.
+Let's consider an assignment operator such as \code{+=} in an infix
+operation ~\lstinline@$l$ += $r$@, where $l$, $r$ are expressions.
+This operation can be re-interpreted as an operation which corresponds
+to the assignment
+$l$ = $l$ + $r$
+except that the operation's left-hand-side $l$ is evaluated only once.
+The re-interpretation occurs if the following two conditions are fulfilled.
+The left-hand-side $l$ does not have a member named
+\code{+=}, and also cannot be converted by an implicit conversion (\sref{sec:impl-conv})
+to a value with a member named \code{+=}.
+The assignment \lstinline@$l$ = $l$ + $r$@ is type-correct.
+In particular this implies that $l$ refers to a variable or object
+that can be assigned to, and that is convertible to a value with a member named \code{+}.
+\section{Typed Expressions}
+ Expr1 ::= PostfixExpr `:' CompoundType
+The typed expression $e: T$ has type $T$. The type of
+expression $e$ is expected to conform to $T$. The result of
+the expression is the value of $e$ converted to type $T$.
+\example Here are examples of well-typed and illegally typed expressions.
+ 1: Int // legal, of type Int
+ 1: Long // legal, of type Long
+ // 1: string // ***** illegal
+\section{Annotated Expressions}
+ Expr1 ::= PostfixExpr `:' Annotation {Annotation}
+An annotated expression ~\lstinline^$e$: @$a_1$ $\ldots$ @$a_n$^
+attaches annotations $a_1 \commadots a_n$ to the expression $e$
+ Expr1 ::= [SimpleExpr `.'] id `=' Expr
+ | SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs `=' Expr
+The interpretation of an assignment to a simple variable ~\lstinline@$x$ = $e$@~
+depends on the definition of $x$. If $x$ denotes a mutable
+variable, then the assignment changes the current value of $x$ to be
+the result of evaluating the expression $e$. The type of $e$ is
+expected to conform to the type of $x$. If $x$ is a parameterless
+function defined in some template, and the same template contains a
+setter function \lstinline@$x$_=@ as member, then the assignment
+~\lstinline@$x$ = $e$@~ is interpreted as the invocation
+~\lstinline@$x$_=($e\,$)@~ of that setter function. Analogously, an
+assignment ~\lstinline@$f.x$ = $e$@~ to a parameterless function $x$
+is interpreted as the invocation ~\lstinline@$f.x$_=($e\,$)@.
+An assignment ~\lstinline@$f$($\args\,$) = $e$@~ with a function application to the
+left of the `\lstinline@=@' operator is interpreted as
+~\lstinline@$f.$update($\args$, $e\,$)@, i.e.\
+the invocation of an \code{update} function defined by $f$.
+Here are some assignment expressions and their equivalent expansions.
+x.f = e x.f_=(e)
+x.f() = e x.f.update(e)
+x.f(i) = e x.f.update(i, e)
+x.f(i, j) = e x.f.update(i, j, e)
+\example \label{ex:imp-mat-mul}
+Here is the usual imperative code for matrix multiplication.
+def matmul(xss: Array[Array[Double]], yss: Array[Array[Double]]) = {
+ val zss: Array[Array[Double]] = new Array(xss.length, yss(0).length)
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < xss.length) {
+ var j = 0
+ while (j < yss(0).length) {
+ var acc = 0.0
+ var k = 0
+ while (k < yss.length) {
+ acc = acc + xss(i)(k) * yss(k)(j)
+ k += 1
+ }
+ zss(i)(j) = acc
+ j += 1
+ }
+ i += 1
+ }
+ zss
+Desugaring the array accesses and assignments yields the following
+expanded version:
+def matmul(xss: Array[Array[Double]], yss: Array[Array[Double]]) = {
+ val zss: Array[Array[Double]] = new Array(xss.length, yss.apply(0).length)
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < xss.length) {
+ var j = 0
+ while (j < yss.apply(0).length) {
+ var acc = 0.0
+ var k = 0
+ while (k < yss.length) {
+ acc = acc + xss.apply(i).apply(k) * yss.apply(k).apply(j)
+ k += 1
+ }
+ zss.apply(i).update(j, acc)
+ j += 1
+ }
+ i += 1
+ }
+ zss
+Conditional Expressions
+ Expr1 ::= `if' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [[semi] `else' Expr]
+The conditional expression ~\lstinline@if ($e_1$) $e_2$ else $e_3$@~ chooses
+one of the values of $e_2$ and $e_3$, depending on the
+value of $e_1$. The condition $e_1$ is expected to
+conform to type \code{Boolean}. The then-part $e_2$ and the
+else-part $e_3$ are both expected to conform to the expected
+type of the conditional expression. The type of the conditional
+expression is the weak least upper bound (\sref{sec:weakconformance})
+of the types of $e_2$ and
+$e_3$. A semicolon preceding the \code{else} symbol of a
+conditional expression is ignored.
+The conditional expression is evaluated by evaluating first
+$e_1$. If this evaluates to \code{true}, the result of
+evaluating $e_2$ is returned, otherwise the result of
+evaluating $e_3$ is returned.
+A short form of the conditional expression eliminates the
+else-part. The conditional expression ~\lstinline@if ($e_1$) $e_2$@~ is
+evaluated as if it was ~\lstinline@if ($e_1$) $e_2$ else ()@.
+While Loop Expressions
+ Expr1 ::= `while' `(' Expr ')' {nl} Expr
+The while loop expression ~\lstinline@while ($e_1$) $e_2$@~ is typed and
+evaluated as if it was an application of ~\lstinline@whileLoop ($e_1$) ($e_2$)@~ where
+the hypothetical function \code{whileLoop} is defined as follows.
+ def whileLoop(cond: => Boolean)(body: => Unit): Unit =
+ if (cond) { body ; whileLoop(cond)(body) } else {}
+\example The loop
+ while (x != 0) { y = y + 1/x ; x -= 1 }
+Is equivalent to the application
+ whileLoop (x != 0) { y = y + 1/x ; x -= 1 }
+Note that this application will never produce a division-by-zero
+error at run-time, since the
+expression ~\lstinline@(y = 1/x)@~ will be evaluated in the body of
+\code{while} only if the condition parameter is false.
+\section{Do Loop Expressions}
+ Expr1 ::= `do' Expr [semi] `while' `(' Expr ')'
+The do loop expression ~\lstinline@do $e_1$ while ($e_2$)@~ is typed and
+evaluated as if it was the expression ~\lstinline@($e_1$ ; while ($e_2$) $e_1$)@.
+A semicolon preceding the \code{while} symbol of a do loop expression is ignored.
+For Comprehensions and For Loops
+ Expr1 ::= `for' (`(' Enumerators `)' | `{' Enumerators `}')
+ {nl} [`yield'] Expr
+ Enumerators ::= Generator {semi Enumerator}
+ Enumerator ::= Generator
+ | Guard
+ | `val' Pattern1 `=' Expr
+ Generator ::= Pattern1 `<-' Expr [Guard]
+ Guard ::= `if' PostfixExpr
+A for loop ~\lstinline@for ($\enums\,$) $e$@~ executes expression $e$
+for each binding generated by the enumerators $\enums$. A for
+comprehension ~\lstinline@for ($\enums\,$) yield $e$@~ evaluates
+expression $e$ for each binding generated by the enumerators $\enums$
+and collects the results. An enumerator sequence always starts with a
+generator; this can be followed by further generators, value
+definitions, or guards. A {\em generator} ~\lstinline@$p$ <- $e$@~
+produces bindings from an expression $e$ which is matched in some way
+against pattern $p$. A {\em value definition} ~\lstinline@$p$ = $e$@~
+binds the value name $p$ (or several names in a pattern $p$) to
+the result of evaluating the expression $e$. A {\em guard}
+~\lstinline@if $e$@ contains a boolean expression which restricts
+enumerated bindings. The precise meaning of generators and guards is
+defined by translation to invocations of four methods: \code{map},
+\code{withFilter}, \code{flatMap}, and \code{foreach}. These methods can
+be implemented in different ways for different carrier types.
+\comment{As an example, an implementation of these methods for lists
+ is given in \sref{cls-list}.}
+The translation scheme is as follows. In a first step, every
+generator ~\lstinline@$p$ <- $e$@, where $p$ is not irrefutable (\sref{sec:patterns})
+for the type of $e$ is replaced by
+$p$ <- $e$.withFilter { case $p$ => true; case _ => false }
+Then, the following rules are applied repeatedly until all
+comprehensions have been eliminated.
+A for comprehension
+~\lstinline@for ($p$ <- $e\,$) yield $e'$@~
+is translated to
+~\lstinline@$e$.map { case $p$ => $e'$ }@.
+A for loop
+~\lstinline@for ($p$ <- $e\,$) $e'$@~
+is translated to
+~\lstinline@$e$.foreach { case $p$ => $e'$ }@.
+A for comprehension
+for ($p$ <- $e$; $p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) yield $e''$ ,
+where \lstinline@$\ldots$@ is a (possibly empty)
+sequence of generators, definitions, or guards,
+is translated to
+$e$.flatMap { case $p$ => for ($p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) yield $e''$ } .
+A for loop
+for ($p$ <- $e$; $p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) $e''$ .
+where \lstinline@$\ldots$@ is a (possibly empty)
+sequence of generators, definitions, or guards,
+is translated to
+$e$.foreach { case $p$ => for ($p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) $e''$ } .
+A generator ~\lstinline@$p$ <- $e$@~ followed by a guard
+~\lstinline@if $g$@~ is translated to a single generator
+~\lstinline@$p$ <- $e$.withFilter(($x_1 \commadots x_n$) => $g\,$)@~ where
+$x_1 \commadots x_n$ are the free variables of $p$.
+A generator ~\lstinline@$p$ <- $e$@~ followed by a value definition
+~\lstinline@$p'$ = $e'$@ is translated to the following generator of pairs of values, where
+$x$ and $x'$ are fresh names:
+($p$, $p'$) <- for ($x @ p$ <- $e$) yield { val $x' @ p'$ = $e'$; ($x$, $x'$) }
+The following code produces all pairs of numbers
+between $1$ and $n-1$ whose sums are prime.
+for { i <- 1 until n
+ j <- 1 until i
+ if isPrime(i+j)
+} yield (i, j)
+The for comprehension is translated to:
+(1 until n)
+ .flatMap {
+ case i => (1 until i)
+ .withFilter { j => isPrime(i+j) }
+ .map { case j => (i, j) } }
+class List[A] {
+ def map[B](f: A => B): List[B] = match {
+ case <> => <>
+ case x :: xs => f(x) ::
+ }
+ def withFilter(p: A => Boolean) = match {
+ case <> => <>
+ case x :: xs => if p(x) then x :: xs.withFilter(p) else xs.withFilter(p)
+ }
+ def flatMap[B](f: A => List[B]): List[B] =
+ if (isEmpty) Nil
+ else f(head) ::: tail.flatMap(f)
+ def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit =
+ if (isEmpty) ()
+ else (f(head); tail.foreach(f))
+abstract class Graph[Node] {
+ type Edge = (Node, Node)
+ val nodes: List[Node]
+ val edges: List[Edge]
+ def succs(n: Node) = for ((p, s) <- g.edges, p == n) s
+ def preds(n: Node) = for ((p, s) <- g.edges, s == n) p
+def topsort[Node](g: Graph[Node]): List[Node] = {
+ val sources = for (n <- g.nodes, g.preds(n) == <>) n
+ if (g.nodes.isEmpty) <>
+ else if (sources.isEmpty) new Error(``topsort of cyclic graph'') throw
+ else sources :+: topsort(new Graph[Node] {
+ val nodes = g.nodes diff sources
+ val edges = for ((p, s) <- g.edges, !(sources contains p)) (p, s)
+ })
+\example For comprehensions can be used to express vector
+and matrix algorithms concisely.
+For instance, here is a function to compute the transpose of a given matrix:
+% see test/files/run/t0421.scala
+def transpose[A](xss: Array[Array[A]]) = {
+ for (i <- Array.range(0, xss(0).length)) yield
+ for (xs <- xss) yield xs(i)
+Here is a function to compute the scalar product of two vectors:
+def scalprod(xs: Array[Double], ys: Array[Double]) = {
+ var acc = 0.0
+ for ((x, y) <- xs zip ys) acc = acc + x * y
+ acc
+Finally, here is a function to compute the product of two matrices.
+Compare with the imperative version of \ref{ex:imp-mat-mul}.
+def matmul(xss: Array[Array[Double]], yss: Array[Array[Double]]) = {
+ val ysst = transpose(yss)
+ for (xs <- xss) yield
+ for (yst <- ysst) yield
+ scalprod(xs, yst)
+The code above makes use of the fact that \code{map}, \code{flatMap},
+\code{withFilter}, and \code{foreach} are defined for instances of class
+\section{Return Expressions}
+ Expr1 ::= `return' [Expr]
+A return expression ~\lstinline@return $e$@~ must occur inside the body of some
+enclosing named method or function. The innermost enclosing named
+method or function in a source program, $f$, must have an explicitly declared result type,
+and the type of $e$ must conform to it.
+The return expression
+evaluates the expression $e$ and returns its value as the result of
+$f$. The evaluation of any statements or
+expressions following the return expression is omitted. The type of
+a return expression is \code{scala.Nothing}.
+The expression $e$ may be omitted. The return expression
+~\lstinline@return@~ is type-checked and evaluated as if it was ~\lstinline@return ()@.
+An \lstinline@apply@ method which is generated by the compiler as an
+expansion of an anonymous function does not count as a named function
+in the source program, and therefore is never the target of a return
+Returning from a nested anonymous function is implemented by throwing
+and catching a \lstinline@scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnException@. Any
+exception catches between the point of return and the enclosing
+methods might see the exception. A key comparison makes sure that
+these exceptions are only caught by the method instance which is
+terminated by the return.
+If the return expression is itself part of an anonymous function, it
+is possible that the enclosing instance of $f$ has already returned
+before the return expression is executed. In that case, the thrown
+\lstinline@scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnException@ will not be caught,
+and will propagate up the call stack.
+\section{Throw Expressions}
+ Expr1 ::= `throw' Expr
+A throw expression ~\lstinline@throw $e$@~ evaluates the expression
+$e$. The type of this expression must conform to
+\code{Throwable}. If $e$ evaluates to an exception
+reference, evaluation is aborted with the thrown exception. If $e$
+evaluates to \code{null}, evaluation is instead aborted with a
+\code{NullPointerException}. If there is an active
+\code{try} expression (\sref{sec:try}) which handles the thrown
+exception, evaluation resumes with the handler; otherwise the thread
+executing the \code{throw} is aborted. The type of a throw expression
+is \code{scala.Nothing}.
+\section{Try Expressions}\label{sec:try}
+ Expr1 ::= `try' `{' Block `}' [`catch' `{' CaseClauses `}']
+ [`finally' Expr]
+A try expression is of the form ~\lstinline@try { $b$ } catch $h$@~
+where the handler $h$ is a pattern matching anonymous function
+ { case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$ } .
+This expression is evaluated by evaluating the block
+$b$. If evaluation of $b$ does not cause an exception to be
+thrown, the result of $b$ is returned. Otherwise the
+handler $h$ is applied to the thrown exception.
+If the handler contains a case matching the thrown exception,
+the first such case is invoked. If the handler contains
+no case matching the thrown exception, the exception is
+Let $\proto$ be the expected type of the try expression. The block
+$b$ is expected to conform to $\proto$. The handler $h$
+is expected conform to type
+~\lstinline@scala.PartialFunction[scala.Throwable, $\proto\,$]@. The
+type of the try expression is the weak least upper bound (\sref{sec:weakconformance})
+of the type of $b$
+and the result type of $h$.
+A try expression ~\lstinline@try { $b$ } finally $e$@~ evaluates the block
+$b$. If evaluation of $b$ does not cause an exception to be
+thrown, the expression $e$ is evaluated. If an exception is thrown
+during evaluation of $e$, the evaluation of the try expression is
+aborted with the thrown exception. If no exception is thrown during
+evaluation of $e$, the result of $b$ is returned as the
+result of the try expression.
+If an exception is thrown during evaluation of $b$, the finally block
+$e$ is also evaluated. If another exception $e$ is thrown
+during evaluation of $e$, evaluation of the try expression is
+aborted with the thrown exception. If no exception is thrown during
+evaluation of $e$, the original exception thrown in $b$ is
+re-thrown once evaluation of $e$ has completed. The block
+$b$ is expected to conform to the expected type of the try
+expression. The finally expression $e$ is expected to conform to
+type \code{Unit}.
+A try expression ~\lstinline@try { $b$ } catch $e_1$ finally $e_2$@~
+is a shorthand
+for ~\lstinline@try { try { $b$ } catch $e_1$ } finally $e_2$@.
+\section{Anonymous Functions}
+ Expr ::= (Bindings | [`implicit'] id | `_') `=>' Expr
+ ResultExpr ::= (Bindings | ([`implicit'] id | `_') `:' CompoundType) `=>' Block
+ Bindings ::= `(' Binding {`,' Binding} `)'
+ Binding ::= (id | `_') [`:' Type]
+The anonymous function ~\lstinline@($x_1$: $T_1 \commadots x_n$: $T_n$) => e@~
+maps parameters $x_i$ of types $T_i$ to a result given
+by expression $e$. The scope of each formal parameter
+$x_i$ is $e$. Formal parameters must have pairwise distinct names.
+If the expected type of the anonymous function is of the form
+~\lstinline@scala.Function$n$[$S_1 \commadots S_n$, $R\,$]@, the
+expected type of $e$ is $R$ and the type $T_i$ of any of the
+parameters $x_i$ can be omitted, in which
+case~\lstinline@$T_i$ = $S_i$@ is assumed.
+If the expected type of the anonymous function is
+some other type, all formal parameter types must be explicitly given,
+and the expected type of $e$ is undefined. The type of the anonymous
+is~\lstinline@scala.Function$n$[$S_1 \commadots S_n$, $T\,$]@,
+where $T$ is the packed type (\sref{sec:expr-typing})
+of $e$. $T$ must be equivalent to a
+type which does not refer to any of the formal parameters $x_i$.
+The anonymous function is evaluated as the instance creation expression
+new scala.Function$n$[$T_1 \commadots T_n$, $T$] {
+ def apply($x_1$: $T_1 \commadots x_n$: $T_n$): $T$ = $e$
+In the case of a single untyped formal parameter,
+~\lstinline@($x\,$) => $e$@~
+can be abbreviated to ~\lstinline@$x$ => $e$@. If an
+anonymous function ~\lstinline@($x$: $T\,$) => $e$@~ with a single
+typed parameter appears as the result expression of a block, it can be
+abbreviated to ~\lstinline@$x$: $T$ => e@.
+A formal parameter may also be a wildcard represented by an underscore \lstinline@_@.
+In that case, a fresh name for the parameter is chosen arbitrarily.
+A named parameter of an anonymous function may be optionally preceded
+by an \lstinline@implicit@ modifier. In that case the parameter is
+labeled \lstinline@implicit@ (\sref{sec:implicits}); however the
+parameter section itself does not count as an implicit parameter
+section in the sense of (\sref{sec:impl-params}). Hence, arguments to
+anonymous functions always have to be given explicitly.
+\example Examples of anonymous functions:
+ x => x // The identity function
+ f => g => x => f(g(x)) // Curried function composition
+ (x: Int,y: Int) => x + y // A summation function
+ () => { count += 1; count } // The function which takes an
+ // empty parameter list $()$,
+ // increments a non-local variable
+ // `count' and returns the new value.
+ _ => 5 // The function that ignores its argument
+ // and always returns 5.
+\subsection*{Placeholder Syntax for Anonymous Functions}\label{sec:impl-anon-fun}
+ SimpleExpr1 ::= `_'
+An expression (of syntactic category \lstinline@Expr@)
+may contain embedded underscore symbols \code{_} at places where identifiers
+are legal. Such an expression represents an anonymous function where subsequent
+occurrences of underscores denote successive parameters.
+Define an {\em underscore section} to be an expression of the form
+\lstinline@_:$T$@ where $T$ is a type, or else of the form \code{_},
+provided the underscore does not appear as the expression part of a
+type ascription \lstinline@_:$T$@.
+An expression $e$ of syntactic category \code{Expr} {\em binds} an underscore section
+$u$, if the following two conditions hold: (1) $e$ properly contains $u$, and
+(2) there is no other expression of syntactic category \code{Expr}
+which is properly contained in $e$ and which itself properly contains $u$.
+If an expression $e$ binds underscore sections $u_1 \commadots u_n$, in this order, it is equivalent to
+the anonymous function ~\lstinline@($u'_1$, ... $u'_n$) => $e'$@~
+where each $u_i'$ results from $u_i$ by replacing the underscore with a fresh identifier and
+$e'$ results from $e$ by replacing each underscore section $u_i$ by $u_i'$.
+\example The anonymous functions in the left column use placeholder
+syntax. Each of these is equivalent to the anonymous function on its right.
+_ + 1 x => x + 1
+_ * _ (x1, x2) => x1 * x2
+(_: Int) * 2 (x: Int) => (x: Int) * 2
+if (_) x else y z => if (z) x else y x => + 1) x => => y + 1)
+\section{Constant Expressions}\label{sec:constant-expression}
+Constant expressions are expressions that the Scala compiler can evaluate to a constant.
+The definition of ``constant expression'' depends on the platform, but they
+include at least the expressions of the following forms:
+\item A literal of a value class, such as an integer
+\item A string literal
+\item A class constructed with \code{Predef.classOf} (\sref{cls:predef})
+\item An element of an enumeration from the underlying platform
+\item A literal array, of the form
+ \lstinline^Array$(c_1 \commadots c_n)$^,
+ where all of the $c_i$'s are themselves constant expressions
+\item An identifier defined by a constant value definition (\sref{sec:valdef}).
+ BlockStat ::= Import
+ | {Annotation} [`implicit'] Def
+ | {Annotation} {LocalModifier} TmplDef
+ | Expr1
+ |
+ TemplateStat ::= Import
+ | {Annotation} {Modifier} Def
+ | {Annotation} {Modifier} Dcl
+ | Expr
+ |
+Statements occur as parts of blocks and templates. A statement can be
+an import, a definition or an expression, or it can be empty.
+Statements used in the template of a class definition can also be
+declarations. An expression that is used as a statement can have an
+arbitrary value type. An expression statement $e$ is evaluated by
+evaluating $e$ and discarding the result of the evaluation.
+\todo{Generalize to implicit coercion?}
+Block statements may be definitions which bind local names in the
+block. The only modifier allowed in all block-local definitions is
+\code{implicit}. When prefixing a class or object definition,
+modifiers \code{abstract}, \code{final}, and \code{sealed} are also
+Evaluation of a statement sequence entails evaluation of the
+statements in the order they are written.
+Implicit Conversions
+Implicit conversions can be applied to expressions whose type does not
+match their expected type, to qualifiers in selections, and to unapplied methods. The
+available implicit conversions are given in the next two sub-sections.
+We say, a type $T$ is {\em compatible} to a type $U$ if $T$ conforms
+to $U$ after applying eta-expansion (\sref{sec:eta-expand}) and view applications
+\subsection{Value Conversions}
+The following five implicit conversions can be applied to an
+expression $e$ which has some value type $T$ and which is type-checked with
+some expected type $\proto$.
+\paragraph{\em Overloading Resolution}
+If an expression denotes several possible members of a class,
+overloading resolution (\sref{sec:overloading-resolution})
+is applied to pick a unique member.
+\paragraph{\em Type Instantiation}
+An expression $e$ of polymorphic type
+[$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1 \commadots a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$T$
+which does not appear as the function part of
+a type application is converted to a type instance of $T$
+by determining with local type inference
+(\sref{sec:local-type-inf}) instance types ~\lstinline@$T_1 \commadots T_n$@~
+for the type variables ~\lstinline@$a_1 \commadots a_n$@~ and
+implicitly embedding $e$ in the type application
+~\lstinline@$e$[$T_1 \commadots T_n$]@~ (\sref{sec:type-app}).
+\paragraph{\em Numeric Widening}
+If $e$ has a primitive number type which weakly conforms
+(\sref{sec:weakconformance}) to the expected type, it is widened to
+the expected type using one of the numeric conversion methods
+\code{toShort}, \code{toChar}, \code{toInt}, \code{toLong},
+\code{toFloat}, \code{toDouble} defined in \sref{cls:numeric-value}.
+\paragraph{\em Numeric Literal Narrowing}
+If the expected type is \code{Byte}, \code{Short} or \code{Char}, and
+the expression $e$ is an integer literal fitting in the range of that
+type, it is converted to the same literal in that type.
+\paragraph{\em Value Discarding}
+If $e$ has some value type and the expected type is \code{Unit},
+$e$ is converted to the expected type by embedding it in the
+term ~\lstinline@{ $e$; () }@.
+\paragraph{\em View Application}
+If none of the previous conversions applies, and $e$'s type
+does not conform to the expected type $\proto$, it is attempted to convert
+$e$ to the expected type with a view (\sref{sec:views}).\bigskip
+\paragraph{\em Dynamic Member Selection}
+If none of the previous conversions applies, and $e$ is a prefix
+of a selection $e.x$, and $e$'s type conforms to class \code{scala.Dynamic},
+then the selection is rewritten according to the rules for dynamic
+member selection (\sref{sec:dyn-mem-sel}).
+\subsection{Method Conversions}
+The following four implicit conversions can be applied to methods
+which are not applied to some argument list.
+\paragraph{\em Evaluation}
+A parameterless method $m$ of type \lstinline@=> $T$@ is always converted to
+type $T$ by evaluating the expression to which $m$ is bound.
+\paragraph{\em Implicit Application}
+ If the method takes only implicit parameters, implicit
+ arguments are passed following the rules of \sref{sec:impl-params}.
+\paragraph{\em Eta Expansion}
+ Otherwise, if the method is not a constructor,
+ and the expected type $\proto$ is a function type
+ $(\Ts') \Arrow T'$, eta-expansion
+ (\sref{sec:eta-expand}) is performed on the
+ expression $e$.
+\paragraph{\em Empty Application}
+ Otherwise, if $e$ has method type $()T$, it is implicitly applied to the empty
+ argument list, yielding $e()$.
+\subsection{Overloading Resolution}
+If an identifier or selection $e$ references several members of a
+class, the context of the reference is used to identify a unique
+member. The way this is done depends on whether or not $e$ is used as
+a function. Let $\AA$ be the set of members referenced by $e$.
+Assume first that $e$ appears as a function in an application, as in
+\lstinline@$e$($e_1 \commadots e_m$)@.
+One first determines the set of functions that is potentially
+applicable based on the {\em shape} of the arguments.
+\newcommand{\shape}{\mbox{\sl shape}}
+The shape of an argument expression $e$, written $\shape(e)$, is
+a type that is defined as follows:
+For a function expression \lstinline@($p_1$: $T_1 \commadots p_n$: $T_n$) => $b$@:
+\lstinline@(Any $\commadots$ Any) => $\shape(b)$@, where \lstinline@Any@ occurs $n$ times
+in the argument type.
+For a named argument \lstinline@$n$ = $e$@: $\shape(e)$.
+For all other expressions: \lstinline@Nothing@.
+Let $\BB$ be the set of alternatives in $\AA$ that are {\em applicable} (\sref{sec:apply})
+to expressions $(e_1 \commadots e_n)$ of types
+$(\shape(e_1) \commadots \shape(e_n))$.
+If there is precisely one
+alternative in $\BB$, that alternative is chosen.
+Otherwise, let $S_1 \commadots S_m$ be the vector of types obtained by
+typing each argument with an undefined expected type. For every
+member $m$ in $\BB$ one determines whether it is
+applicable to expressions ($e_1 \commadots e_m$) of types $S_1
+\commadots S_m$.
+It is an error if none of the members in $\BB$ is applicable. If there is one
+single applicable alternative, that alternative is chosen. Otherwise, let $\CC$
+be the set of applicable alternatives which don't employ any default argument
+in the application to $e_1 \commadots e_m$. It is again an error if $\CC$ is empty.
+Otherwise, one chooses the {\em most specific} alternative among the alternatives
+in $\CC$, according to the following definition of being ``as specific as'', and
+``more specific than'':
+%% question: given
+%% def f(x: Int)
+%% val f: { def apply(x: Int) }
+%% f(1) // the value is chosen in our current implementation
+%% why?
+%% - method is as specific as value, because value is applicable to method's argument types (item 1)
+%% - value is as specific as method (item 3, any other type is always as specific..)
+%% so the method is not more specific than the value.
+A parameterized method $m$ of type \lstinline@($p_1:T_1\commadots p_n:T_n$)$U$@ is {\em as specific as} some other
+member $m'$ of type $S$ if $m'$ is applicable to arguments
+\lstinline@($p_1 \commadots p_n\,$)@ of
+types $T_1 \commadots T_n$.
+A polymorphic method of type
+~\lstinline@[$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1 \commadots a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$T$@~ is
+as specific as some other member of type $S$ if $T$ is as
+specific as $S$ under the assumption that for
+$i = 1 \commadots n$ each $a_i$ is an abstract type name
+bounded from below by $L_i$ and from above by $U_i$.
+A member of any other type is always as specific as a parameterized method
+or a polymorphic method.
+Given two members of types $T$ and $U$ which are
+neither parameterized nor polymorphic method types, the member of type $T$ is as specific as
+the member of type $U$ if the existential dual of $T$ conforms to the existential dual of $U$.
+Here, the existential dual of a polymorphic type
+~\lstinline@[$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1 \commadots a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$T$@~ is
+~\lstinline@$T$ forSome { type $a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1$ $\commadots$ type $a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$}@.
+The existential dual of every other type is the type itself.
+The {\em relative weight} of an alternative $A$ over an alternative $B$ is a
+number from 0 to 2, defined as the sum of
+\item 1 if $A$ is as specific as $B$, 0 otherwise, and
+\item 1 if $A$ is defined in a class or object which is derived
+ from the class or object defining $B$, 0 otherwise.
+A class or object $C$ is {\em derived} from a class or object $D$ if one of
+the following holds:
+\item $C$ is a subclass of $D$, or
+\item $C$ is a companion object of a class derived from $D$, or
+\item $D$ is a companion object of a class from which $C$ is derived.
+An alternative $A$ is {\em more specific} than an alternative $B$ if
+the relative weight of $A$ over $B$ is greater than the relative
+weight of $B$ over $A$.
+It is an error if there is no alternative in $\CC$ which is more
+specific than all other alternatives in $\CC$.
+Assume next that $e$ appears as a function in a type application, as
+in \lstinline@$e$[$\targs\,$]@. Then all alternatives in
+$\AA$ which take the same number of type parameters as there are type
+arguments in $\targs$ are chosen. It is an error if no such alternative exists.
+If there are several such alternatives, overloading resolution is
+applied again to the whole expression \lstinline@$e$[$\targs\,$]@.
+Assume finally that $e$ does not appear as a function in either
+an application or a type application. If an expected type is given,
+let $\BB$ be the set of those alternatives in $\AA$ which are
+compatible (\sref{sec:impl-conv}) to it. Otherwise, let $\BB$ be the same as $\AA$.
+We choose in this case the most specific alternative among all
+alternatives in $\BB$. It is an error if there is no
+alternative in $\BB$ which is more specific than all other
+alternatives in $\BB$.
+\example Consider the following definitions:
+ class A extends B {}
+ def f(x: B, y: B) = $\ldots$
+ def f(x: A, y: B) = $\ldots$
+ val a: A
+ val b: B
+Then the application \lstinline@f(b, b)@ refers to the first
+definition of $f$ whereas the application \lstinline@f(a, a)@
+refers to the second. Assume now we add a third overloaded definition
+ def f(x: B, y: A) = $\ldots$
+Then the application \lstinline@f(a, a)@ is rejected for being ambiguous, since
+no most specific applicable signature exists.
+\subsection{Local Type Inference}
+Local type inference infers type arguments to be passed to expressions
+of polymorphic type. Say $e$ is of type [$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1
+\commadots a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$T$ and no explicit type parameters
+are given.
+Local type inference converts this expression to a type
+application ~\lstinline@$e$[$T_1 \commadots T_n$]@. The choice of the
+type arguments $T_1 \commadots T_n$ depends on the context in which
+the expression appears and on the expected type $\proto$.
+There are three cases.
+\paragraph{\em Case 1: Selections}
+If the expression appears as the prefix of a selection with a name
+$x$, then type inference is {\em deferred} to the whole expression
+$e.x$. That is, if $e.x$ has type $S$, it is now treated as having
+type [$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1 \commadots a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$S$,
+and local type inference is applied in turn to infer type arguments
+for $a_1 \commadots a_n$, using the context in which $e.x$ appears.
+\paragraph{\em Case 2: Values}
+If the expression $e$ appears as a value without being applied to
+value arguments, the type arguments are inferred by solving a
+constraint system which relates the expression's type $T$ with the
+expected type $\proto$. Without loss of generality we can assume that
+$T$ is a value type; if it is a method type we apply eta-expansion
+(\sref{sec:eta-expand}) to convert it to a function type. Solving
+means finding a substitution $\sigma$ of types $T_i$ for the type
+parameters $a_i$ such that
+None of inferred types $T_i$ is a singleton type \sref{sec:singleton-types}
+All type parameter bounds are respected, i.e.\
+$\sigma L_i <: \sigma a_i$ and $\sigma a_i <: \sigma U_i$ for $i = 1 \commadots n$.
+The expression's type conforms to the expected type, i.e.\
+$\sigma T <: \sigma \proto$.
+It is a compile time error if no such substitution exists.
+If several substitutions exist, local-type inference will choose for
+each type variable $a_i$ a minimal or maximal type $T_i$ of the
+solution space. A {\em maximal} type $T_i$ will be chosen if the type
+parameter $a_i$ appears contravariantly (\sref{sec:variances}) in the
+type $T$ of the expression. A {\em minimal} type $T_i$ will be chosen
+in all other situations, i.e.\ if the variable appears covariantly,
+non-variantly or not at all in the type $T$. We call such a substitution
+an {\em optimal solution} of the given constraint system for the type $T$.
+\paragraph{\em Case 3: Methods} The last case applies if the expression
+$e$ appears in an application $e(d_1 \commadots d_m)$. In that case
+$T$ is a method type $(p_1:R_1 \commadots p_m:R_m)T'$. Without loss of
+generality we can assume that the result type $T'$ is a value type; if
+it is a method type we apply eta-expansion (\sref{sec:eta-expand}) to
+convert it to a function type. One computes first the types $S_j$ of
+the argument expressions $d_j$, using two alternative schemes. Each
+argument expression $d_j$ is typed first with the expected type $R_j$,
+in which the type parameters $a_1 \commadots a_n$ are taken as type
+constants. If this fails, the argument $d_j$ is typed instead with an
+expected type $R_j'$ which results from $R_j$ by replacing every type
+parameter in $a_1 \commadots a_n$ with {\sl undefined}.
+In a second step, type arguments are inferred by solving a constraint
+system which relates the method's type with the expected type
+$\proto$ and the argument types $S_1 \commadots S_m$. Solving the
+constraint system means
+finding a substitution $\sigma$ of types $T_i$ for the type parameters
+$a_i$ such that
+None of inferred types $T_i$ is a singleton type \sref{sec:singleton-types}
+All type parameter bounds are respected, i.e.\
+$\sigma L_i <: \sigma a_i$ and $\sigma a_i <: \sigma U_i$ for $i = 1 \commadots n$.
+The method's result type $T'$ conforms to the expected type, i.e.\
+$\sigma T' <: \sigma \proto$.
+Each argument type weakly conforms (\sref{sec:weakconformance})
+to the corresponding formal parameter
+type, i.e.\
+$\sigma S_j \conforms_w \sigma R_j$ for $j = 1 \commadots m$.
+It is a compile time error if no such substitution exists. If several
+solutions exist, an optimal one for the type $T'$ is chosen.
+All or parts of an expected type $\proto$ may be undefined. The rules for
+conformance (\sref{sec:conformance}) are extended to this case by adding
+the rule that for any type $T$ the following two statements are always
+ \mbox{\sl undefined} <: T \tab\mbox{and}\tab T <: \mbox{\sl undefined} .
+It is possible that no minimal or maximal solution for a type variable
+exists, in which case a compile-time error results. Because $<:$ is a
+pre-order, it is also possible that a solution set has several optimal
+solutions for a type. In that case, a Scala compiler is free to pick
+any one of them.
+\example Consider the two methods:
+def cons[A](x: A, xs: List[A]): List[A] = x :: xs
+def nil[B]: List[B] = Nil
+and the definition
+val xs = cons(1, nil) .
+The application of \code{cons} is typed with an undefined expected
+type. This application is completed by local type inference to
+~\lstinline@cons[Int](1, nil)@.
+Here, one uses the following
+reasoning to infer the type argument \lstinline@Int@ for the type
+parameter \code{a}:
+First, the argument expressions are typed. The first argument \code{1}
+has type \code{Int} whereas the second argument \lstinline@nil@ is
+itself polymorphic. One tries to type-check \lstinline@nil@ with an
+expected type \code{List[a]}. This leads to the constraint system
+List[b?] <: List[a]
+where we have labeled \lstinline@b?@ with a question mark to indicate
+that it is a variable in the constraint system.
+Because class \lstinline@List@ is covariant, the optimal
+solution of this constraint is
+b = scala.Nothing .
+In a second step, one solves the following constraint system for
+the type parameter \code{a} of \code{cons}:
+Int <: a?
+List[scala.Nothing] <: List[a?]
+List[a?] <: $\mbox{\sl undefined}$
+The optimal solution of this constraint system is
+a = Int ,
+so \code{Int} is the type inferred for \code{a}.
+\example Consider now the definition
+val ys = cons("abc", xs)
+where \code{xs} is defined of type \code{List[Int]} as before.
+In this case local type inference proceeds as follows.
+First, the argument expressions are typed. The first argument
+\code{"abc"} has type \code{String}. The second argument \code{xs} is
+first tried to be typed with expected type \code{List[a]}. This fails,
+as \code{List[Int]} is not a subtype of \code{List[a]}. Therefore,
+the second strategy is tried; \code{xs} is now typed with expected type
+\lstinline@List[$\mbox{\sl undefined}$]@. This succeeds and yields the argument type
+In a second step, one solves the following constraint system for
+the type parameter \code{a} of \code{cons}:
+String <: a?
+List[Int] <: List[a?]
+List[a?] <: $\mbox{\sl undefined}$
+The optimal solution of this constraint system is
+a = scala.Any ,
+so \code{scala.Any} is the type inferred for \code{a}.
+\subsection{Eta Expansion}\label{sec:eta-expand}
+ {\em Eta-expansion} converts an expression of method type to an
+ equivalent expression of function type. It proceeds in two steps.
+ First, one identifes the maximal sub-expressions of $e$; let's
+ say these are $e_1 \commadots e_m$. For each of these, one creates a
+ fresh name $x_i$. Let $e'$ be the expression resulting from
+ replacing every maximal subexpression $e_i$ in $e$ by the
+ corresponding fresh name $x_i$. Second, one creates a fresh name $y_i$
+ for every argument type $T_i$ of the method ($i = 1 \commadots
+ n$). The result of eta-conversion is then:
+ { val $x_1$ = $e_1$;
+ $\ldots$
+ val $x_m$ = $e_m$;
+ ($y_1: T_1 \commadots y_n: T_n$) => $e'$($y_1 \commadots y_n$)
+ }
+\subsection{Dynamic Member Selection}\label{sec:dyn-mem-sel}
+The standard Scala library defines a trait \lstinline@scala.Dynamic@ which defines a member
+\@invokeDynamic@ as follows:
+package scala
+trait Dynamic {
+ def applyDynamic (name: String, args: Any*): Any
+ ...
+Assume a selection of the form $e.x$ where the type of $e$ conforms to \lstinline@scala.Dynamic@.
+Further assuming the selection is not followed by any function arguments, such an expression can be rewitten under the conditions given in \sref{sec:impl-conv} to:
+If the selection is followed by some arguments, e.g.\ $e.x(\args)$, then that expression
+is rewritten to
+$e$.applyDynamic("$x$", $\args$)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1caef761ed
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+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+Implicit Parameters and Views
+\section{The Implicit Modifier}\label{sec:impl-defs}
+ LocalModifier ::= `implicit'
+ ParamClauses ::= {ParamClause} [nl] `(' `implicit' Params `)'
+Template members and parameters labeled with an \code{implicit}
+modifier can be passed to implicit parameters (\sref{sec:impl-params})
+and can be used as implicit conversions called views
+(\sref{sec:views}). The \code{implicit} modifier is illegal for all
+type members, as well as for top-level (\sref{sec:packagings})
+The following code defines an abstract class of monoids and
+two concrete implementations, \code{StringMonoid} and
+\code{IntMonoid}. The two implementations are marked implicit.
+abstract class Monoid[A] extends SemiGroup[A] {
+ def unit: A
+ def add(x: A, y: A): A
+object Monoids {
+ implicit object stringMonoid extends Monoid[String] {
+ def add(x: String, y: String): String = x.concat(y)
+ def unit: String = ""
+ }
+ implicit object intMonoid extends Monoid[Int] {
+ def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
+ def unit: Int = 0
+ }
+\section{Implicit Parameters}\label{sec:impl-params}
+An implicit parameter list
+~\lstinline@(implicit $p_1$,$\ldots$,$p_n$)@~ of a method marks the parameters $p_1 \commadots p_n$ as
+implicit. A method or constructor can have only one implicit parameter
+list, and it must be the last parameter list given.
+A method with implicit parameters can be applied to arguments just
+like a normal method. In this case the \code{implicit} label has no
+effect. However, if such a method misses arguments for its implicit
+parameters, such arguments will be automatically provided.
+The actual arguments that are eligible to be passed to an implicit
+parameter of type $T$ fall into two categories. First, eligible are
+all identifiers $x$ that can be accessed at the point of the method
+call without a prefix and that denote an implicit definition
+(\sref{sec:impl-defs}) or an implicit parameter. An eligible
+identifier may thus be a local name, or a member of an enclosing
+template, or it may be have been made accessible without a prefix
+through an import clause (\sref{sec:import}). If there are no eligible
+identifiers under this rule, then, second, eligible are also all
+\code{implicit} members of some object that belongs to the implicit
+scope of the implicit parameter's type, $T$.
+The {\em implicit scope} of a type $T$ consists of all companion modules
+(\sref{sec:object-defs}) of classes that are associated with the
+implicit parameter's type. Here, we say a class $C$ is {\em
+associated} with a type $T$, if it is a base class
+(\sref{sec:linearization}) of some part of $T$. The {\em parts} of a
+type $T$ are:
+if $T$ is a compound type ~\lstinline@$T_1$ with $\ldots$ with $T_n$@, the
+union of the parts of $T_1 \commadots T_n$, as well as $T$ itself,
+if $T$ is a parameterized type ~\lstinline@$S$[$T_1 \commadots T_n$]@,
+the union of the parts of $S$ and $T_1 \commadots T_n$,
+if $T$ is a singleton type ~\lstinline@$p$.type@, the parts of the type
+of $p$,
+if $T$ is a type projection ~\lstinline@$S$#$U$@, the parts of $S$ as
+well as $T$ itself,
+in all other cases, just $T$ itself.
+If there are several eligible arguments which match the implicit
+parameter's type, a most specific one will be chosen using the rules
+of static overloading resolution (\sref{sec:overloading-resolution}).
+If the parameter has a default argument and no implicit argument can
+be found the default argument is used.
+\example Assuming the classes from \ref{ex:impl-monoid}, here is a
+method which computes the sum of a list of elements using the
+monoid's \code{add} and \code{unit} operations.
+def sum[A](xs: List[A])(implicit m: Monoid[A]): A =
+ if (xs.isEmpty) m.unit
+ else m.add(xs.head, sum(xs.tail))
+The monoid in question is marked as an implicit parameter, and can therefore
+be inferred based on the type of the list.
+Consider for instance the call
+ sum(List(1, 2, 3))
+in a context where \lstinline@stringMonoid@ and \lstinline@intMonoid@
+are visible. We know that the formal type parameter \lstinline@a@ of
+\lstinline@sum@ needs to be instantiated to \lstinline@Int@. The only
+eligible object which matches the implicit formal parameter type
+\lstinline@Monoid[Int]@ is \lstinline@intMonoid@ so this object will
+be passed as implicit parameter.\bigskip
+This discussion also shows that implicit parameters are inferred after
+any type arguments are inferred (\sref{sec:local-type-inf}).
+Implicit methods can themselves have implicit parameters. An example
+is the following method from module \code{scala.List}, which injects
+lists into the \lstinline@scala.Ordered@ class, provided the element
+type of the list is also convertible to this type.
+implicit def list2ordered[A](x: List[A])
+ (implicit elem2ordered: A => Ordered[A]): Ordered[List[A]] =
+ ...
+Assume in addition a method
+implicit def int2ordered(x: Int): Ordered[Int]
+that injects integers into the \lstinline@Ordered@ class. We can now
+define a \code{sort} method over ordered lists:
+def sort[A](xs: List[A])(implicit a2ordered: A => Ordered[A]) = ...
+We can apply \code{sort} to a list of lists of integers ~\lstinline@yss: List[List[Int]]@~
+as follows:
+The call above will be completed by passing two nested implicit arguments:
+sort(yss)(xs: List[Int] => list2ordered[Int](xs)(int2ordered)) .
+The possibility of passing implicit arguments to implicit arguments
+raises the possibility of an infinite recursion. For instance, one
+might try to define the following method, which injects {\em every} type into the \lstinline@Ordered@ class:
+implicit def magic[A](x: A)(implicit a2ordered: A => Ordered[A]): Ordered[A] =
+ a2ordered(x)
+Now, if one tried to apply
+\lstinline@sort@ to an argument \code{arg} of a type that did not have
+another injection into the \code{Ordered} class, one would obtain an infinite
+sort(arg)(x => magic(x)(x => magic(x)(x => ... )))
+To prevent such infinite expansions, the compiler keeps track of
+a stack of ``open implicit types'' for which implicit arguments are currently being
+searched. Whenever an implicit argument for type $T$ is searched, the
+``core type'' of $T$ is added to the stack. Here, the {\em core type}
+of $T$ is $T$ with aliases expanded, top-level type annotations (\sref{sec:annotations}) and
+refinements (\sref{sec:refinements}) removed, and occurrences
+of top-level existentially bound variables replaced by their upper
+bounds. The core type is removed from the stack once the search for
+the implicit argument either definitely fails or succeeds. Everytime a
+core type is added to the stack, it is checked that this type does not
+dominate any of the other types in the set.
+Here, a core type $T$ {\em dominates} a type $U$ if $T$ is equivalent (\sref{sec:type-equiv})
+to $U$, or if the top-level type constructors of $T$ and $U$ have a
+common element and $T$ is more complex than $U$.
+The set of {\em top-level type constructors} $\ttcs(T)$ of a type $T$ depends on the form of
+the type:
+For a type designator, \\
+$\ttcs(p.c) ~=~ \{c\}$; \\
+For a parameterized type, \\
+$\ttcs(p.c[\targs]) ~=~ \{c\}$; \\
+For a singleton type, \\
+$\ttcs(p.type) ~=~ \ttcs(T)$, provided $p$ has type $T$;\\
+For a compound type, \\
+\lstinline@$\ttcs(T_1$ with $\ldots$ with $T_n)$@ $~=~ \ttcs(T_1) \cup \ldots \cup \ttcs(T_n)$.
+The {\em complexity} $\complx(T)$ of a core type is an integer which also depends on the form of
+the type:
+For a type designator, \\
+$\complx(p.c) ~=~ 1 + \complx(p)$ \\
+For a parameterized type, \\
+$\complx(p.c[\targs]) ~=~ 1 + \Sigma \complx(\targs)$ \\
+For a singleton type denoting a package $p$, \\
+$\complx(p.type) ~=~ 0$ \\
+For any other singleton type, \\
+$\complx(p.type) ~=~ 1 + \complx(T)$, provided $p$ has type $T$;\\
+For a compound type, \\
+\lstinline@$\complx(T_1$ with $\ldots$ with $T_n)$@ $= \Sigma\complx(T_i)$
+\example When typing \code{sort(xs)} for some list \code{xs} of type \code{List[List[List[Int]]]},
+the sequence of types for
+which implicit arguments are searched is
+List[List[Int]] => Ordered[List[List[Int]]],
+List[Int] => Ordered[List[Int]]
+Int => Ordered[Int]
+All types share the common type constructor \code{scala.Function1},
+but the complexity of the each new type is lower than the complexity of the previous types.
+Hence, the code typechecks.
+\example Let \code{ys} be a list of some type which cannot be converted
+to \code{Ordered}. For instance:
+val ys = List(new IllegalArgumentException, new ClassCastException, new Error)
+Assume that the definition of \code{magic} above is in scope. Then the sequence
+of types for which implicit arguments are searched is
+Throwable => Ordered[Throwable],
+Throwable => Ordered[Throwable],
+Since the second type in the sequence is equal to the first, the compiler
+will issue an error signalling a divergent implicit expansion.
+Implicit parameters and methods can also define implicit conversions
+called views. A {\em view} from type $S$ to type $T$ is
+defined by an implicit value which has function type
+\lstinline@$S$=>$T$@ or \lstinline@(=>$S$)=>$T$@ or by a method convertible to a value of that
+Views are applied in three situations.
+If an expression $e$ is of type $T$, and $T$ does not conform to the
+expression's expected type $\proto$. In this case an implicit $v$ is
+searched which is applicable to $e$ and whose result type conforms to
+$\proto$. The search proceeds as in the case of implicit parameters,
+where the implicit scope is the one of ~\lstinline@$T$ => $\proto$@. If
+such a view is found, the expression $e$ is converted to
+In a selection $e.m$ with $e$ of type $T$, if the selector $m$ does
+not denote a member of $T$. In this case, a view $v$ is searched
+which is applicable to $e$ and whose result contains a member named
+$m$. The search proceeds as in the case of implicit parameters, where
+the implicit scope is the one of $T$. If such a view is found, the
+selection $e.m$ is converted to \lstinline@$v$($e$).$m$@.
+In a selection $e.m(\args)$ with $e$ of type $T$, if the selector
+$m$ denotes some member(s) of $T$, but none of these members is applicable to the arguments
+$\args$. In this case a view $v$ is searched which is applicable to $e$
+and whose result contains a method $m$ which is applicable to $\args$.
+The search proceeds as in the case of implicit parameters, where
+the implicit scope is the one of $T$. If such a view is found, the
+selection $e.m$ is converted to \lstinline@$v$($e$).$m(\args)$@.
+The implicit view, if it is found, can accept is argument $e$ as a
+call-by-value or as a call-by-name parameter. However, call-by-value
+implicits take precedence over call-by-name implicits.
+As for implicit parameters, overloading resolution is applied
+if there are several possible candidates (of either the call-by-value
+or the call-by-name category).
+\example\label{ex:impl-ordered} Class \lstinline@scala.Ordered[A]@ contains a method
+ def <= [B >: A](that: B)(implicit b2ordered: B => Ordered[B]): Boolean .
+Assume two lists \code{xs} and \code{ys} of type \code{List[Int]}
+and assume that the \code{list2ordered} and \code{int2ordered}
+methods defined in \sref{sec:impl-params} are in scope.
+Then the operation
+ xs <= ys
+is legal, and is expanded to:
+ list2ordered(xs)(int2ordered).<=
+ (ys)
+ (xs => list2ordered(xs)(int2ordered))
+The first application of \lstinline@list2ordered@ converts the list
+\code{xs} to an instance of class \code{Ordered}, whereas the second
+occurrence is part of an implicit parameter passed to the \code{<=}
+\section{Context Bounds and View Bounds}\label{sec:context-bounds}
+ TypeParam ::= (id | `_') [TypeParamClause] [`>:' Type] [`<:'Type]
+ {`<%' Type} {`:' Type}
+A type parameter $A$ of a method or non-trait class may have one or more view
+bounds \lstinline@$A$ <% $T$@. In this case the type parameter may be
+instantiated to any type $S$ which is convertible by application of a
+view to the bound $T$.
+A type parameter $A$ of a method or non-trait class may also have one
+or more context bounds \lstinline@$A$ : $T$@. In this case the type parameter may be
+instantiated to any type $S$ for which {\em evidence} exists at the
+instantiation point that $S$ satisfies the bound $T$. Such evidence
+consists of an implicit value with type $T[S]$.
+A method or class containing type parameters with view or context bounds is treated as being
+equivalent to a method with implicit parameters. Consider first the case of a
+single parameter with view and/or context bounds such as:
+def $f$[$A$ <% $T_1$ ... <% $T_m$ : $U_1$ : $U_n$]($\ps$): $R$ = ...
+Then the method definition above is expanded to
+def $f$[$A$]($\ps$)(implicit $v_1$: $A$ => $T_1$, ..., $v_m$: $A$ => $T_m$,
+ $w_1$: $U_1$[$A$], ..., $w_n$: $U_n$[$A$]): $R$ = ...
+where the $v_i$ and $w_j$ are fresh names for the newly introduced implicit parameters. These
+parameters are called {\em evidence parameters}.
+If a class or method has several view- or context-bounded type parameters, each
+such type parameter is expanded into evidence parameters in the order
+they appear and all the resulting evidence parameters are concatenated
+in one implicit parameter section. Since traits do not take
+constructor parameters, this translation does not work for them.
+Consequently, type-parameters in traits may not be view- or context-bounded.
+Also, a method or class with view- or context bounds may not define any
+additional implicit parameters.
+\example The \code{<=} method mentioned in \ref{ex:impl-ordered} can be declared
+more concisely as follows:
+ def <= [B >: A <% Ordered[B]](that: B): Boolean
+\newcommand{\Mobj}{\mbox{\sl Mobj}}
+Manifests are type descriptors that can be automatically generated by
+the Scala compiler as arguments to implicit parameters. The Scala
+standard library contains a hierarchy of four manifest classes,
+with \lstinline@OptManifest@
+at the top. Their signatures follow the outline below.
+trait OptManifest[+T]
+object NoManifest extends OptManifest[Nothing]
+trait ClassManifest[T] extends OptManifest[T]
+trait Manifest[T] extends ClassManifest[T]
+If an implicit parameter of a method or constructor is of a subtype $M[T]$ of
+class \lstinline@OptManifest[T]@, {\em a manifest is determined for $M[S]$},
+according to the following rules.
+First if there is already an implicit argument that matches $M[T]$, this
+argument is selected.
+Otherwise, let $\Mobj$ be the companion object \lstinline@scala.reflect.Manifest@
+if $M$ is trait \lstinline@Manifest@, or be
+the companion object \lstinline@scala.reflect.ClassManifest@ otherwise. Let $M'$ be the trait
+\lstinline@Manifest@ if $M$ is trait \lstinline@Manifest@, or be the trait \lstinline@OptManifest@ otherwise.
+Then the following rules apply.
+If $T$ is a value class or one of the classes \lstinline@Any@, \lstinline@AnyVal@, \lstinline@Object@,
+\lstinline@Null@, or \lstinline@Nothing@,
+a manifest for it is generated by selecting
+the corresponding manifest value \lstinline@Manifest.$T$@, which exists in the
+\lstinline@Manifest@ module.
+If $T$ is an instance of \lstinline@Array[$S$]@, a manifest is generated
+with the invocation \lstinline@$\Mobj$.arrayType[S](m)@, where $m$ is the manifest
+determined for $M[S]$.
+If $T$ is some other class type $S\#C[U_1 \commadots U_n]$ where the prefix type $S$
+cannot be statically determined from the class $C$,
+a manifest is generated
+with the invocation \lstinline@$\Mobj$.classType[T]($m_0$, classOf[T], $ms$)@
+where $m_0$ is the manifest determined for $M'[S]$ and $ms$ are the
+manifests determined for $M'[U_1] \commadots M'[U_n]$.
+If $T$ is some other class type with type arguments $U_1 \commadots U_n$,
+a manifest is generated
+with the invocation \lstinline@$\Mobj$.classType[T](classOf[T], $ms$)@
+where $ms$ are the
+manifests determined for $M'[U_1] \commadots M'[U_n]$.
+If $T$ is a singleton type ~\lstinline@$p$.type@, a manifest is generated with
+the invocation
+If $T$ is a refined type $T' \{ R \}$, a manifest is generated for $T'$.
+(That is, refinements are never reflected in manifests).
+If $T$ is an intersection type
+\lstinline@$T_1$ with $\commadots$ with $T_n$@
+where $n > 1$, the result depends on whether a full manifest is
+to be determined or not.
+If $M$ is trait \lstinline@Manifest@, then
+a manifest is generated with the invocation
+\lstinline@Manifest.intersectionType[T]($ms$)@ where $ms$ are the manifests
+determined for $M[T_1] \commadots M[T_n]$.
+Otherwise, if $M$ is trait \lstinline@ClassManifest@,
+then a manifest is generated for the intersection dominator
+of the types $T_1 \commadots T_n$.
+If $T$ is some other type, then if $M$ is trait \lstinline@OptManifest@,
+a manifest is generated from the designator \lstinline@scala.reflect.NoManifest@.
+If $M$ is a type different from \lstinline@OptManifest@, a static error results.
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+Pattern Matching
+ Pattern ::= Pattern1 { `|' Pattern1 }
+ Pattern1 ::= varid `:' TypePat
+ | `_' `:' TypePat
+ | Pattern2
+ Pattern2 ::= varid [`@' Pattern3]
+ | Pattern3
+ Pattern3 ::= SimplePattern
+ | SimplePattern {id [nl] SimplePattern}
+ SimplePattern ::= `_'
+ | varid
+ | Literal
+ | StableId
+ | StableId `(' [Patterns] `)'
+ | StableId `(' [Patterns `,'] [varid `@'] `_' `*' `)'
+ | `(' [Patterns] `)'
+ | XmlPattern
+ Patterns ::= Pattern {`,' Patterns}
+%For clarity, this section deals with a subset of the Scala pattern language.
+%The extended Scala pattern language, which is described below, adds more
+%flexible variable binding and regular hedge expressions.
+A pattern is built from constants, constructors, variables and type
+tests. Pattern matching tests whether a given value (or sequence of values)
+has the shape defined by a pattern, and, if it does, binds the
+variables in the pattern to the corresponding components of the value
+(or sequence of values). The same variable name may not be bound more
+than once in a pattern.
+\example Some examples of patterns are:
+The pattern ~\lstinline@ex: IOException@ matches all instances of class
+\lstinline@IOException@, binding variable \verb@ex@ to the instance.
+The pattern ~\lstinline@Some(x)@~ matches values of the form ~\lstinline@Some($v$)@,
+binding \lstinline@x@ to the argument value $v$ of the \code{Some} constructor.
+The pattern ~\lstinline@(x, _)@~ matches pairs of values, binding \lstinline@x@ to
+the first component of the pair. The second component is matched
+with a wildcard pattern.
+The pattern ~\lstinline@x :: y :: xs@~ matches lists of length $\geq 2$,
+binding \lstinline@x@ to the list's first element, \lstinline@y@ to the list's
+second element, and \lstinline@xs@ to the remainder.
+The pattern ~\lstinline@1 | 2 | 3@~ matches the integers between 1 and 3.
+Pattern matching is always done in a context which supplies an
+expected type of the pattern. We distinguish the following kinds of
+\subsection{Variable Patterns}
+ SimplePattern ::= `_'
+ | varid
+A variable pattern $x$ is a simple identifier which starts with a
+lower case letter. It matches any value, and binds the variable name
+to that value. The type of $x$ is the expected type of the pattern as
+given from outside. A special case is the wild-card pattern $\_$
+which is treated as if it was a fresh variable on each occurrence.
+\subsection{Typed Patterns}
+ Pattern1 ::= varid `:' TypePat
+ | `_' `:' TypePat
+A typed pattern $x: T$ consists of a pattern variable $x$ and a
+type pattern $T$. The type of $x$ is the type pattern $T$, where
+each type variable and wildcard is replaced by a fresh, unknown type.
+This pattern matches any value matched by the type
+pattern $T$ (\sref{sec:type-patterns}); it binds the variable name to
+that value.
+\subsection{Pattern Binders}
+ Pattern2 ::= varid `@' Pattern3
+A pattern binder \lstinline|$x$@$p$| consists of a pattern variable $x$ and a
+pattern $p$. The type of the variable $x$ is the static type $T$ of the pattern $p$.
+This pattern matches any value $v$ matched by the pattern $p$,
+provided the run-time type of $v$ is also an instance of $T$,
+and it binds the variable name to that value.
+\subsection{Literal Patterns}
+ SimplePattern ::= Literal
+A literal pattern $L$ matches any value that is equal (in terms of
+$==$) to the literal $L$. The type of $L$ must conform to the
+expected type of the pattern.
+\subsection{Stable Identifier Patterns}
+ SimplePattern ::= StableId
+A stable identifier pattern is a stable identifier $r$
+(\sref{sec:stable-ids}). The type of $r$ must conform to the expected
+type of the pattern. The pattern matches any value $v$ such that
+~\lstinline@$r$ == $v$@~ (\sref{sec:cls-object}).
+To resolve the syntactic overlap with a variable pattern, a
+stable identifier pattern may not be a simple name starting with a lower-case
+letter. However, it is possible to enclose a such a variable name in
+backquotes; then it is treated as a stable identifier pattern.
+\example Consider the following function definition:
+def f(x: Int, y: Int) = x match {
+ case y => ...
+Here, \lstinline@y@ is a variable pattern, which matches any value.
+If we wanted to turn the pattern into a stable identifier pattern, this
+can be achieved as follows:
+def f(x: Int, y: Int) = x match {
+ case `y` => ...
+Now, the pattern matches the \code{y} parameter of the enclosing function \code{f}.
+That is, the match succeeds only if the \code{x} argument and the \code{y}
+argument of \code{f} are equal.
+\subsection{Constructor Patterns}
+ SimplePattern ::= StableId `(' [Patterns] `)
+A constructor pattern is of the form $c(p_1 \commadots p_n)$ where $n
+\geq 0$. It consists of a stable identifier $c$, followed by element
+patterns $p_1 \commadots p_n$. The constructor $c$ is a simple or
+qualified name which denotes a case class
+(\sref{sec:case-classes}). If the case class is monomorphic, then it
+must conform to the expected type of the pattern, and the formal
+parameter types of $x$'s primary constructor (\sref{sec:class-defs})
+are taken as the expected types of the element patterns $p_1\commadots
+p_n$. If the case class is polymorphic, then its type parameters are
+instantiated so that the instantiation of $c$ conforms to the expected
+type of the pattern. The instantiated formal parameter types of $c$'s
+primary constructor are then taken as the expected types of the
+component patterns $p_1\commadots p_n$. The pattern matches all
+objects created from constructor invocations $c(v_1 \commadots v_n)$
+where each element pattern $p_i$ matches the corresponding value
+A special case arises when $c$'s formal parameter types end in a
+repeated parameter. This is further discussed in
+\subsection{Tuple Patterns}
+ SimplePattern ::= `(' [Patterns] `)'
+A tuple pattern \lstinline@($p_1 \commadots p_n$)@ is an alias
+for the constructor pattern ~\lstinline@scala.Tuple$n$($p_1 \commadots
+p_n$)@, where $n \geq 2$. The empty tuple
+\lstinline@()@ is the unique value of type \lstinline@scala.Unit@.
+\subsection{Extractor Patterns}\label{sec:extractor-patterns}
+ SimplePattern ::= StableId `(' [Patterns] `)'
+An extractor pattern $x(p_1 \commadots p_n)$ where $n \geq 0$ is of
+the same syntactic form as a constructor pattern. However, instead of
+a case class, the stable identifier $x$ denotes an object which has a
+member method named \code{unapply} or \code{unapplySeq} that matches
+the pattern.
+An \code{unapply} method in an object $x$ {\em matches} the pattern
+$x(p_1 \commadots p_n)$ if it takes exactly one argument and one of
+the following applies:
+$n=0$ and \code{unapply}'s result type is \code{Boolean}. In this case
+the extractor pattern matches all values $v$ for which
+\lstinline@$x$.unapply($v$)@ yields \code{true}.
+$n=1$ and \code{unapply}'s result type is \lstinline@Option[$T$]@, for some
+type $T$. In this case, the (only) argument pattern $p_1$ is typed in
+turn with expected type $T$. The extractor pattern matches then all
+values $v$ for which \lstinline@$x$.unapply($v$)@ yields a value of form
+\lstinline@Some($v_1$)@, and $p_1$ matches $v_1$.
+$n>1$ and \code{unapply}'s result type is
+\lstinline@Option[($T_1 \commadots T_n$)]@, for some
+types $T_1 \commadots T_n$. In this case, the argument patterns $p_1
+\commadots p_n$ are typed in turn with expected types $T_1 \commadots
+T_n$. The extractor pattern matches then all values $v$ for which
+\lstinline@$x$.unapply($v$)@ yields a value of form
+\lstinline@Some(($v_1 \commadots v_n$))@, and each pattern
+$p_i$ matches the corresponding value $v_i$.
+An \code{unapplySeq} method in an object $x$ matches the pattern
+$x(p_1 \commadots p_n)$ if it takes exactly one argument and its
+result type is of the form \lstinline@Option[$S$]@, where $S$ is a subtype of
+\lstinline@Seq[$T$]@ for some element type $T$.
+This case is further discussed in (\sref{sec:pattern-seqs}).
+\example The \code{Predef} object contains a definition of an
+extractor object \code{Pair}:
+object Pair {
+ def apply[A, B](x: A, y: B) = Tuple2(x, y)
+ def unapply[A, B](x: Tuple2[A, B]): Option[Tuple2[A, B]] = Some(x)
+This means that the name \code{Pair} can be used in place of \code{Tuple2} for tuple
+formation as well as for deconstruction of tuples in patterns.
+Hence, the following is possible:
+val x = (1, 2)
+val y = x match {
+ case Pair(i, s) => Pair(s + i, i * i)
+\subsection{Pattern Sequences}\label{sec:pattern-seqs}
+ SimplePattern ::= StableId `(' [Patterns `,'] [varid `@'] `_' `*' `)'
+A pattern sequence $p_1 \commadots p_n$ appears in two
+contexts. First, in a constructor pattern
+$c(q_1 \commadots q_m, p_1 \commadots p_n$), where $c$ is a case
+class which has $m+1$ primary constructor parameters,
+ending in a repeated parameter (\sref{sec:repeated-params}) of type
+$S*$. Second, in an extractor pattern
+$x(p_1 \commadots p_n)$ if the extractor object $x$ has an
+\code{unapplySeq} method with a result type conforming to
+\lstinline@Seq[$S$]@, but does not have an \code{unapply} method that
+matches $p_1 \commadots p_n$.
+The expected type for the pattern sequence is in each case the type $S$.
+The last pattern in a pattern sequence may be a {\em sequence
+wildcard} \code{_*}. Each element pattern $p_i$ is type-checked with
+$S$ as expected type, unless it is a sequence wildcard. If a final
+sequence wildcard is present, the pattern matches all values $v$ that
+are sequences which start with elements matching patterns
+$p_1 \commadots p_{n-1}$. If no final sequence wildcard is given, the
+pattern matches all values $v$ that are sequences of
+length $n$ which consist of elements matching patterns $p_1 \commadots
+\subsection{Infix Operation Patterns}
+ Pattern3 ::= SimplePattern {id [nl] SimplePattern}
+An infix operation pattern $p;\op;q$ is a shorthand for the
+constructor or extractor pattern $\op(p, q)$. The precedence and
+associativity of operators in patterns is the same as in expressions
+An infix operation pattern $p;\op;(q_1 \commadots q_n)$ is a
+shorthand for the constructor or extractor pattern $\op(p, q_1
+\commadots q_n)$.
+\subsection{Pattern Alternatives}
+ Pattern ::= Pattern1 { `|' Pattern1 }
+A pattern alternative ~\lstinline@$p_1$ | $\ldots$ | $p_n$@~
+consists of a number of alternative patterns $p_i$. All alternative
+patterns are type checked with the expected type of the pattern. They
+may no bind variables other than wildcards. The alternative pattern
+matches a value $v$ if at least one its alternatives matches $v$.
+\subsection{XML Patterns}
+XML patterns are treated in \sref{sec:xml-pats}.
+\subsection{Regular Expression Patterns}\label{sec:reg-pats}
+Regular expression patterns have been discontinued in Scala from version 2.0.
+Later version of Scala provide a much simplified version of regular
+expression patterns that cover most scenarios of non-text sequence
+processing. A {\em sequence pattern} is a pattern that stands in a
+position where either (1) a pattern of a type \lstinline+T+ which is
+conforming to
+\lstinline+Seq[A]+ for some \lstinline+A+ is expected, or (2) a case
+class constructor that has an iterated formal parameter
+\lstinline+A*+. A wildcard star pattern \lstinline+_*+ in the
+rightmost position stands for arbitrary long sequences. It can be
+bound to variables using \lstinline+@+, as usual, in which case the variable will have the
+type \lstinline+Seq[A]+.
+ Pattern ::= Pattern1 { `|' Pattern1 }
+ Pattern1 ::= varid `:' Type
+ | `_' `:' Type
+ | Pattern2
+ Pattern2 ::= [varid `@'] Pattern3
+ Pattern3 ::= SimplePattern [ `*' | `?' | `+' ]
+ | SimplePattern { id' SimplePattern }
+ SimplePattern ::= `_'
+ | varid
+ | Literal
+ | `null'
+ | StableId [ `(' [Patterns] `)' ]
+ | `(' [Patterns] `)'
+ Patterns ::= Pattern {`,' Pattern}
+ id' ::= id $\textit{ but not }$ '*' | '?' | '+' | `@' | `|'
+We distinguish between tree patterns and hedge patterns (hedges
+are ordered sequences of trees). A {\em tree pattern} describes
+a set of matching trees (like above). A {\em hedge pattern} describes
+a set of matching hedges. Both kinds of patterns may contain {\em
+variable bindings} which serve to extract constituents of a tree or hedge.
+The type of a patterns and the expected types of variables
+within patterns are determined by the context and the structure of the
+patterns. The last case ensures that a variable bound
+to a hedge pattern will have a sequence type.
+The following patterns are added:
+A {\em hedge pattern} $p_1 \commadots p_n$ where $n \geq 0$ is a
+sequence of patterns separated by commas and matching the hedge described
+by the components. Hedge patterns may appear as arguments to constructor
+applications, or nested within another hedge pattern if grouped with
+parentheses. Note that empty hedge patterns are allowed. The type of tree
+patterns that appear in a hedge pattern is the expected type as
+determined from the enclosing constructor.
+A {\em fixed-length argument pattern} is a special hedge pattern where
+where all $p_i$ are tree patterns.
+A {\em choice pattern} $p_1 | \ldots | p_n$ is a choice among several
+alternatives, which may not contain variable-binding patterns. It
+matches every tree and every hedge matched by at least one of its
+alternatives. Note that the empty sequence may appear as an alternative.
+An {\em option pattern} $p?$ is an abbreviation for $(p| )$. A choice is
+a tree pattern if all its branches are tree patterns. In this case, all
+branches must conform to the expected type and the type
+of the choice is the least upper bound of the branches. Otherwise,
+its type is determined by the enclosing hedge pattern it is part of.
+An {\em iterated pattern} $p*$ matches zero, one or more occurrences
+of items matched by $p$, where $p$ may be either a tree pattern or a hedge pattern. $p$ may not
+contain a variable-binding. A {\em non-empty iterated pattern} $p+$ is an
+abbreviation for $(p,p*)$.
+The treatment of the following patterns changes with to the
+previous section:
+A {\em constructor pattern} $c(p)$ consists of a simple type $c$
+followed by a pattern $p$. If $c$ designates a monomorphic case
+class, then it must conform to the expected type of the pattern, the
+pattern must be a fixed length argument pattern $p_1 \commadots p_n$
+whose length corresponds to the number of arguments of $c$'s primary
+constructor. The expected types of the component patterns are then
+taken from the formal parameter types of (said) constructor. If $c$
+designates a polymorphic case class, then there must be a unique type
+application instance of it such that the instantiation of $c$ conforms
+to the expected type of the pattern. The instantiated formal parameter
+types of $c$'s primary constructor are then taken as the expected
+types of the component patterns $p_1\commadots p_n$. In both cases,
+the pattern matches all objects created from constructor invocations
+$c(v_1 \commadots v_n)$ where each component pattern $p_i$ matches the
+corresponding value $v_i$. If $c$ does not designate a case class, it
+must be a subclass of \lstinline@Seq[$T\,$]@. In that case $p$ may be an
+arbitrary sequence pattern. Value patterns in $p$ are expected to conform to
+type $T$, and the pattern matches all objects whose \lstinline@elements()@
+method returns a sequence that matches $p$.
+The pattern $(p)$ is regarded as equivalent to the pattern $p$, if $p$
+is a nonempty sequence pattern. The empty tuple $()$ is a shorthand
+for the constructor pattern \code{Unit}.
+A {\em variable-binding} $x @ p$ is a simple identifier $x$
+which starts with a lower case letter, together with a pattern $p$. It
+matches every item (tree or hedge) matched by $p$, and in addition binds
+it to the variable name. If $p$ is a tree pattern of type $T$, the type
+of $x$ is also $T$.
+If $p$ is a hedge pattern enclosed by constructor $c <: $\lstinline@Seq[$T\,$]@,
+then the type of $x$ is \lstinline@List[$T\,$]@
+where $T$ is the expected type as dictated by the constructor.
+%A pattern consisting of only a variable $x$ is treated as the bound
+%value pattern $x @ \_$. A typed pattern $x:T$ is treated as $x @ (_:T)$.
+Regular expressions that contain variable bindings may be ambiguous,
+i.e.\ there might be several ways to match a sequence against the
+pattern. In these cases, the \emph{right-longest policy} applies:
+patterns that appear more to the right than others in a sequence take
+precedence in case of overlaps.
+\example Some examples of patterns are:
+The pattern ~\lstinline@ex: IOException@~ matches all instances of class
+\code{IOException}, binding variable \code{ex} to the instance.
+The pattern ~\lstinline@Pair(x, _)@~ matches pairs of values, binding \code{x} to
+the first component of the pair. The second component is matched
+with a wildcard pattern.
+The pattern \ \code{List( x, y, xs @ _ * )} matches lists of length $\geq 2$,
+binding \code{x} to the list's first element, \code{y} to the list's
+second element, and \code{xs} to the remainder, which may be empty.
+The pattern \ \code{List( 1, x@(( 'a' | 'b' )+),y,_ )} matches a list that
+contains 1 as its first element, continues with a non-empty sequence of
+\code{'a'}s and \code{'b'}s, followed by two more elements. The sequence of 'a's and 'b's
+is bound to \code{x}, and the next to last element is bound to \code{y}.
+The pattern \code{List( x@( 'a'* ), 'a'+ )} matches a non-empty list of
+\code{'a'}s. Because of the shortest match policy, \code{x} will always be bound to
+the empty sequence.
+The pattern \code{List( x@( 'a'+ ), 'a'* )} also matches a non-empty list of
+\code{'a'}s. Here, \code{x} will always be bound to
+the sequence containing one \code{'a'}.
+\subsection{Irrefutable Patterns}
+A pattern $p$ is {\em irrefutable} for a type $T$, if one of the following applies:
+\item $p$ is a variable pattern,
+\item $p$ is a typed pattern $x: T'$, and $T <: T'$,
+\item $p$ is a constructor pattern $c(p_1 \commadots p_n)$, the type $T$
+ is an instance of class $c$, the primary constructor
+ (\sref{sec:class-defs}) of type $T$ has
+ argument types $T_1 \commadots T_n$, and each $p_i$ is irrefutable for $T_i$.
+%%% new patterns
+\section{Type Patterns}\label{sec:type-patterns}
+ TypePat ::= Type
+Type patterns consist of types, type variables, and wildcards.
+A type pattern $T$ is of one of the following forms:
+\item A reference to a class $C$, $p.C$, or \lstinline@$T$#$C$@. This
+type pattern matches any non-null instance of the given class.
+Note that the prefix of the class, if it is given, is relevant for determining
+class instances. For instance, the pattern $p.C$ matches only
+instances of classes $C$ which were created with the path $p$ as
+The bottom types \code{scala.Nothing} and \code{scala.Null} cannot
+be used as type patterns, because they would match nothing in any case.
+A singleton type \lstinline@$p$.type@. This type pattern matches only the value
+denoted by the path $p$ (that is, a pattern match involved a
+comparison of the matched value with $p$ using method \code{eq} in class
+A compound type pattern \lstinline@$T_1$ with $\ldots$ with $T_n$@ where each $T_i$ is a
+type pattern. This type pattern matches all values that are matched by each of
+the type patterns $T_i$.
+A parameterized type pattern $T[a_1 \commadots a_n]$, where the $a_i$
+are type variable patterns or wildcards $\_$.
+This type pattern matches all values which match $T$ for
+some arbitrary instantiation of the type variables and wildcards. The
+bounds or alias type of these type variable are determined as
+described in (\sref{sec:type-param-inf-pat}).
+A parameterized type pattern \lstinline@scala.Array$[T_1]$@, where
+$T_1$ is a type pattern. This type pattern matches any non-null instance
+of type \lstinline@scala.Array$[U_1]$@, where $U_1$ is a type matched by $T_1$.
+Types which are not of one of the forms described above are also
+accepted as type patterns. However, such type patterns will be translated to their
+erasure (\sref{sec:erasure}). The Scala
+compiler will issue an ``unchecked'' warning for these patterns to
+flag the possible loss of type-safety.
+A {\em type variable pattern} is a simple identifier which starts with
+a lower case letter. However, the predefined primitive type aliases
+\lstinline@unit@, \lstinline@boolean@, \lstinline@byte@,
+\lstinline@short@, \lstinline@char@, \lstinline@int@,
+\lstinline@long@, \lstinline@float@, and \lstinline@double@ are not
+classified as type variable patterns.
+\section{Type Parameter Inference in Patterns}\label{sec:type-param-inf-pat}
+Type parameter inference is the process of finding bounds for the
+bound type variables in a typed pattern or constructor
+pattern. Inference takes into account the expected type of the
+\paragraph{Type parameter inference for typed patterns.}
+Assume a typed pattern $p: T'$. Let $T$ result from $T'$ where all wildcards in
+$T'$ are renamed to fresh variable names. Let $a_1 \commadots a_n$ be
+the type variables in $T$. These type variables are considered bound
+in the pattern. Let the expected type of the pattern be $\proto$.
+Type parameter inference constructs first a set of subtype constraints over
+the type variables $a_i$. The initial constraints set $\CC_0$ reflects
+just the bounds of these type variables. That is, assuming $T$ has
+bound type variables $a_1 \commadots a_n$ which correspond to class
+type parameters $a'_1 \commadots a'_n$ with lower bounds $L_1
+\commadots L_n$ and upper bounds $U_1 \commadots U_n$, $\CC_0$
+contains the constraints \bda{rcll} a_i &<:& \sigma U_i & \gap (i = 1
+\commadots n)\\ \sigma L_i &<:& a_i & \gap (i = 1 \commadots n) \eda
+where $\sigma$ is the substitution $[a'_1 := a_1 \commadots a'_n :=
+The set $\CC_0$ is then augmented by further subtype constraints. There are two
+\paragraph{Case 1:}
+If there exists a substitution $\sigma$ over the type variables $a_i
+\commadots a_n$ such that $\sigma T$ conforms to $\proto$, one determines
+the weakest subtype constraints $\CC_1$ over the type variables $a_1
+\commadots a_n$ such that $\CC_0 \wedge \CC_1$ implies that $T$
+conforms to $\proto$.
+\paragraph{Case 2:}
+Otherwise, if $T$ can not be made to conform to $\proto$ by
+instantiating its type variables, one determines all type variables in
+$\proto$ which are defined as type parameters of a method enclosing
+the pattern. Let the set of such type parameters be $b_1 \commadots
+b_m$. Let $\CC'_0$ be the subtype constraints reflecting the bounds of the
+type variables $b_i$. If $T$ denotes an instance type of a final
+class, let $\CC_2$ be the weakest set of subtype constraints over the type
+variables $a_1 \commadots a_n$ and $b_1 \commadots b_m$ such that
+$\CC_0 \wedge \CC'_0 \wedge \CC_2$ implies that $T$ conforms to
+$\proto$. If $T$ does not denote an instance type of a final class,
+let $\CC_2$ be the weakest set of subtype constraints over the type variables
+$a_1 \commadots a_n$ and $b_1 \commadots b_m$ such that $\CC_0 \wedge
+\CC'_0 \wedge \CC_2$ implies that it is possible to construct a type
+$T'$ which conforms to both $T$ and $\proto$. It is a static error if
+there is no satisfiable set of constraints $\CC_2$ with this property.
+The final step consists in choosing type bounds for the type
+variables which imply the established constraint system. The process
+is different for the two cases above.
+\paragraph{Case 1:}
+We take $a_i >: L_i <: U_i$ where each
+$L_i$ is minimal and each $U_i$ is maximal wrt $<:$ such that
+$a_i >: L_i <: U_i$ for $i = 1 \commadots n$ implies $\CC_0 \wedge \CC_1$.
+\paragraph{Case 2:}
+We take $a_i >: L_i <: U_i$ and $b_i >: L'_i <: U'_i$ where each $L_i$
+and $L'_j$ is minimal and each $U_i$ and $U'_j$ is maximal such that
+$a_i >: L_i <: U_i$ for $i = 1 \commadots n$ and
+$b_j >: L'_j <: U'_j$ for $j = 1 \commadots m$
+implies $\CC_0 \wedge \CC'_0 \wedge \CC_2$.
+In both cases, local type inference is permitted to limit the
+complexity of inferred bounds. Minimality and maximality of types have
+to be understood relative to the set of types of acceptable
+\paragraph{Type parameter inference for constructor patterns.}
+Assume a constructor pattern $C(p_1 \commadots p_n)$ where class $C$
+has type type parameters $a_1 \commadots a_n$. These type parameters
+are inferred in the same way as for the typed pattern
+~\lstinline@(_: $C[a_1 \commadots a_n]$)@.
+Consider the program fragment:
+val x: Any
+x match {
+ case y: List[a] => ...
+Here, the type pattern \lstinline@List[a]@ is matched against the
+expected type \lstinline@Any@. The pattern binds the type variable
+\lstinline@a@. Since \lstinline@List[a]@ conforms to \lstinline@Any@
+for every type argument, there are no constraints on \lstinline@a@.
+Hence, \lstinline@a@ is introduced as an abstract type with no
+bounds. The scope of \lstinline@a@ is right-hand side of its case clause.
+On the other hand, if \lstinline@x@ is declared as
+val x: List[List[String]],
+this generates the constraint
+~\lstinline@List[a] <: List[List[String]]@, which simplifies to
+~\lstinline@a <: List[String]@, because \lstinline@List@ is covariant. Hence,
+\lstinline@a@ is introduced with upper bound
+Consider the program fragment:
+val x: Any
+x match {
+ case y: List[String] => ...
+Scala does not maintain information about type arguments at run-time,
+so there is no way to check that \lstinline@x@ is a list of strings.
+Instead, the Scala compiler will erase (\sref{sec:erasure}) the
+pattern to \lstinline@List[_]@; that is, it will only test whether the
+top-level runtime-class of the value \lstinline@x@ conforms to
+\lstinline@List@, and the pattern match will succeed if it does. This
+might lead to a class cast exception later on, in the case where the
+list \lstinline@x@ contains elements other than strings. The Scala
+compiler will flag this potential loss of type-safety with an
+``unchecked'' warning message.
+Consider the program fragment
+class Term[A]
+class Number(val n: Int) extends Term[Int]
+def f[B](t: Term[B]): B = t match {
+ case y: Number => y.n
+The expected type of the pattern ~\lstinline@y: Number@~ is
+~\lstinline@Term[B]@. The type \code{Number} does not conform to
+~\lstinline@Term[B]@; hence Case 2 of the rules above
+applies. This means that \lstinline@b@ is treated as another type
+variable for which subtype constraints are inferred. In our case the
+applicable constraint is ~\lstinline@Number <: Term[B]@, which
+entails \lstinline@B = Int@. Hence, \lstinline@B@ is treated in
+the case clause as an abstract type with lower and upper bound
+\lstinline@Int@. Therefore, the right hand side of the case clause,
+\lstinline@y.n@, of type \lstinline@Int@, is found to conform to the
+function's declared result type, \lstinline@Number@.
+\section{Pattern Matching Expressions}
+ Expr ::= PostfixExpr `match' `{' CaseClauses `}'
+ CaseClauses ::= CaseClause {CaseClause}
+ CaseClause ::= `case' Pattern [Guard] `=>' Block
+A pattern matching expression
+e match { case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$ }
+consists of a selector expression $e$ and a number $n > 0$ of
+cases. Each case consists of a (possibly guarded) pattern $p_i$ and a
+block $b_i$. Each $p_i$ might be complemented by a guard
+~\lstinline@if $e$@~ where $e$ is a boolean expression.
+The scope of the pattern
+variables in $p_i$ comprises the pattern's guard and the corresponding block $b_i$.
+Let $T$ be the type of the selector expression $e$ and let $a_1
+\commadots a_m$ be the type parameters of all methods enclosing
+the pattern matching expression. For every $a_i$, let $L_i$ be its
+lower bound and $U_i$ be its higher bound. Every pattern $p \in
+\{p_1, \commadots p_n\}$ can be typed in two ways. First, it is attempted
+to type $p$ with $T$ as its expected type. If this fails, $p$ is
+instead typed with a modified expected type $T'$ which results from
+$T$ by replacing every occurrence of a type parameter $a_i$ by
+\mbox{\sl undefined}. If this second step fails also, a compile-time
+error results. If the second step succeeds, let $T_p$ be the type of
+pattern $p$ seen as an expression. One then determines minimal bounds
+$L'_1 \commadots L'_m$ and maximal bounds $U'_1 \commadots U'_m$ such
+that for all $i$, $L_i <: L'_i$ and $U'_i <: U_i$ and the following
+constraint system is satisfied:
+ L_1 <: a_1 <: U_1\;\wedge\;\ldots\;\wedge\;L_m <: a_m <: U_m
+ \ \Rightarrow\ T_p <: T
+If no such bounds can be found, a compile time error results. If such
+bounds are found, the pattern matching clause starting with $p$ is
+then typed under the assumption that each $a_i$ has lower bound $L'_i$
+instead of $L_i$ and has upper bound $U'_i$ instead of $U_i$.
+The expected type of every block $b_i$ is the expected type of the
+whole pattern matching expression. The type of the pattern matching
+expression is then the weak least upper bound
+of the types of all blocks
+When applying a pattern matching expression to a selector value,
+patterns are tried in sequence until one is found which matches the
+selector value (\sref{sec:patterns}). Say this case is $\CASE;p_i
+\Arrow b_i$. The result of the whole expression is then the result of
+evaluating $b_i$, where all pattern variables of $p_i$ are bound to
+the corresponding parts of the selector value. If no matching pattern
+is found, a \code{scala.MatchError} exception is thrown.
+The pattern in a case may also be followed by a guard suffix \
+\code{if e}\ with a boolean expression $e$. The guard expression is
+evaluated if the preceding pattern in the case matches. If the guard
+expression evaluates to \code{true}, the pattern match succeeds as
+normal. If the guard expression evaluates to \code{false}, the pattern
+in the case is considered not to match and the search for a matching
+pattern continues.
+In the interest of efficiency the evaluation of a pattern matching
+expression may try patterns in some other order than textual
+sequence. This might affect evaluation through
+side effects in guards. However, it is guaranteed that a guard
+expression is evaluated only if the pattern it guards matches.
+If the selector of a pattern match is an instance of a
+\lstinline@sealed@ class (\sref{sec:modifiers}),
+the compilation of pattern matching can emit warnings which diagnose
+that a given set of patterns is not exhaustive, i.e.\ that there is a
+possibility of a \code{MatchError} being raised at run-time.
+ Consider the following definitions of arithmetic terms:
+abstract class Term[T]
+case class Lit(x: Int) extends Term[Int]
+case class Succ(t: Term[Int]) extends Term[Int]
+case class IsZero(t: Term[Int]) extends Term[Boolean]
+case class If[T](c: Term[Boolean],
+ t1: Term[T],
+ t2: Term[T]) extends Term[T]
+There are terms to represent numeric literals, incrementation, a zero
+test, and a conditional. Every term carries as a type parameter the
+type of the expression it representes (either \code{Int} or \code{Boolean}).
+A type-safe evaluator for such terms can be written as follows.
+def eval[T](t: Term[T]): T = t match {
+ case Lit(n) => n
+ case Succ(u) => eval(u) + 1
+ case IsZero(u) => eval(u) == 0
+ case If(c, u1, u2) => eval(if (eval(c)) u1 else u2)
+Note that the evaluator makes crucial use of the fact that type
+parameters of enclosing methods can acquire new bounds through pattern
+For instance, the type of the pattern in the second case,
+~\lstinline@Succ(u)@, is \code{Int}. It conforms to the selector type
+\code{T} only if we assume an upper and lower bound of \code{Int} for \code{T}.
+Under the assumption ~\lstinline@Int <: T <: Int@~ we can also
+verify that the type right hand side of the second case, \code{Int}
+conforms to its expected type, \code{T}.
+\section{Pattern Matching Anonymous Functions}
+ BlockExpr ::= `{' CaseClauses `}'
+An anonymous function can be defined by a sequence of cases
+{ case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$ }
+which appear as an expression without a prior \code{match}. The
+expected type of such an expression must in part be defined. It must
+be either ~\lstinline@scala.Function$k$[$S_1 \commadots S_k$, $R$]@~ for some $k > 0$,
+or ~\lstinline@scala.PartialFunction[$S_1$, $R$]@, where the
+argument type(s) $S_1 \commadots S_k$ must be fully determined, but the result type
+$R$ may be undetermined.
+If the expected type is ~\lstinline@scala.Function$k$[$S_1 \commadots S_k$, $R$]@~,
+the expression is taken to be equivalent to the anonymous function:
+($x_1: S_1 \commadots x_k: S_k$) => ($x_1 \commadots x_k$) match {
+ case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$
+Here, each $x_i$ is a fresh name.
+As was shown in (\sref{sec:closures}), this anonymous function is in turn
+equivalent to the following instance creation expression, where
+ $T$ is the weak least upper bound of the types of all $b_i$.
+new scala.Function$k$[$S_1 \commadots S_k$, $T$] {
+ def apply($x_1: S_1 \commadots x_k: S_k$): $T$ = ($x_1 \commadots x_k$) match {
+ case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$
+ }
+If the expected type is ~\lstinline@scala.PartialFunction[$S$, $R$]@,
+the expression is taken to be equivalent to the following instance creation expression:
+new scala.PartialFunction[$S$, $T$] {
+ def apply($x$: $S$): $T$ = x match {
+ case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$
+ }
+ def isDefinedAt($x$: $S$): Boolean = {
+ case $p_1$ => true $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+Here, $x$ is a fresh name and $T$ is the weak least upper bound of the
+types of all $b_i$. The final default case in the \code{isDefinedAt}
+method is omitted if one of the patterns $p_1 \commadots p_n$ is
+already a variable or wildcard pattern.
+\example Here is a method which uses a fold-left operation
+\code{/:} to compute the scalar product of
+two vectors:
+def scalarProduct(xs: Array[Double], ys: Array[Double]) =
+ (0.0 /: (xs zip ys)) {
+ case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c
+ }
+The case clauses in this code are equivalent to the following
+anonymous funciton:
+ (x, y) => (x, y) match {
+ case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c
+ }
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+Top-Level Definitions
+\section{Compilation Units}
+ CompilationUnit ::= {`package' QualId semi} TopStatSeq
+ TopStatSeq ::= TopStat {semi TopStat}
+ TopStat ::= {Annotation} {Modifier} TmplDef
+ | Import
+ | Packaging
+ | PackageObject
+ |
+ QualId ::= id {`.' id}
+A compilation unit consists of a sequence of packagings, import
+clauses, and class and object definitions, which may be preceded by a
+package clause.
+A compilation unit
+package $p_1$;
+package $p_n$;
+starting with one or more package
+clauses is equivalent to a compilation unit consisting of the
+package $p_1$ { $\ldots$
+ package $p_n$ {
+ $\stats$
+ } $\ldots$
+Implicitly imported into every compilation unit are, in that order :
+the package \code{java.lang}, the package \code{scala}, and the object
+\code{scala.Predef} (\sref{cls:predef}). Members of a later import in
+that order hide members of an earlier import.
+ Packaging ::= `package' QualId [nl] `{' TopStatSeq `}'
+A package is a special object which defines a set of member classes,
+objects and packages. Unlike other objects, packages are not introduced
+by a definition. Instead, the set of members of a package is determined by
+A packaging ~\lstinline@package $p$ { $\ds$ }@~ injects all
+definitions in $\ds$ as members into the package whose qualified name
+is $p$. Members of a package are called {\em top-level} definitions.
+If a definition in $\ds$ is labeled \code{private}, it is
+visible only for other members in the package.
+Inside the packaging, all members of package $p$ are visible under their
+simple names. However this rule does not extend to members of enclosing
+packages of $p$ that are designated by a prefix of the path $p$.
+\example Given the packaging
+package {
+ ...
+all members of package \ are visible under their
+simple names, but members of packages \code{org} or \code{} require
+explicit qualification or imports.
+Selections $p$.$m$ from $p$ as well as imports from $p$
+work as for objects. However, unlike other objects, packages may not
+be used as values. It is illegal to have a package with the same fully
+qualified name as a module or a class.
+Top-level definitions outside a packaging are assumed to be injected
+into a special empty package. That package cannot be named and
+therefore cannot be imported. However, members of the empty package
+are visible to each other without qualification.
+\section{Package Objects}
+ PackageObject ::= `package' `object' ObjectDef
+A package object ~\lstinline@package object $p$ extends $t$@~ adds the
+members of template $t$ to the package $p$. There can be only one
+package object per package. The standard naming convention is to place
+the definition above in a file named \lstinline@package.scala@ that's
+located in the directory corresponding to package $p$.
+The package object should not define a member with the same name as
+one of the top-level objects or classes defined in package $p$. If
+there is a name conflict, the behavior of the program is currently
+undefined. It is expected that this restriction will be lifted in a
+future version of Scala.
+\section{Package References}
+ QualId ::= id {`.' id}
+A reference to a package takes the form of a qualified identifier.
+Like all other references, package references are relative. That is,
+a package reference starting in a name $p$ will be looked up in the
+closest enclosing scope that defines a member named $p$.
+The special predefined name \lstinline@_root_@ refers to the
+outermost root package which contains all top-level packages.
+Consider the following program:
+package b {
+ class B
+package a.b {
+ class A {
+ val x = new _root_.b.B
+ }
+Here, the reference \code{_root_.b.B} refers to class \code{B} in the
+toplevel package \code{b}. If the \code{_root_} prefix had been
+omitted, the name \code{b} would instead resolve to the package
+\code{a.b}, and, provided that package does not also
+contain a class \code{B}, a compiler-time error would result.
+A {\em program} is a top-level object that has a member method
+\code{main} of type ~\lstinline@(Array[String])Unit@. Programs can be
+executed from a command shell. The program's command arguments are are
+passed to the \code{main} method as a parameter of type
+The \code{main} method of a program can be directly defined in the
+object, or it can be inherited. The scala library defines a class
+\code{scala.Application} that defines an empty inherited \code{main} method.
+An objects $m$ inheriting from this class is thus a program,
+which executes the initializaton code of the object $m$.
+\example The following example will create a hello world program by defining
+a method \code{main} in module \code{test.HelloWorld}.
+package test
+object HelloWord {
+ def main(args: Array[String]) { println("hello world") }
+This program can be started by the command
+scala test.HelloWorld
+In a Java environment, the command
+java test.HelloWorld
+would work as well.
+\code{HelloWorld} can also be defined without a \code{main} method
+by inheriting from \code{Application} instead:
+package test
+object HelloWord extends Application {
+ println("hello world")
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+XML Expressions and Patterns
+{\bf By Burak Emir}\bigskip\bigskip
+This chapter describes the syntactic structure of XML expressions and patterns.
+It follows as closely as possible the XML 1.0 specification \cite{w3c:xml},
+changes being mandated by the possibility of embedding Scala code fragments.
+\section{XML expressions}
+XML expressions are expressions generated by the following production, where the
+opening bracket `<' of the first element must be in a position to start the lexical
+[XML mode](#xml-mode).
+XmlExpr ::= XmlContent {Element}
+Well-formedness constraints of the XML specification apply, which
+means for instance that start tags and end tags must match, and
+attributes may only be defined once, with the exception of constraints
+related to entity resolution.
+The following productions describe Scala's extensible markup language,
+designed as close as possible to the W3C extensible markup language
+standard. Only the productions for attribute values and character data
+are changed. Scala does not support declarations, CDATA
+sections or processing instructions. Entity references are not
+resolved at runtime.
+Element ::= EmptyElemTag
+ | STag Content ETag
+EmptyElemTag ::= `<' Name {S Attribute} [S] `/>'
+STag ::= `<' Name {S Attribute} [S] `>'
+ETag ::= `</' Name [S] '>'
+Content ::= [CharData] {Content1 [CharData]}
+Content1 ::= XmlContent
+ | Reference
+ | ScalaExpr
+XmlContent ::= Element
+ | CDSect
+ | PI
+ | Comment
+If an XML expression is a single element, its value is a runtime
+representation of an XML node (an instance of a subclass of
+\lstinline@scala.xml.Node@). If the XML expression consists of more
+than one element, then its value is a runtime representation of a
+sequence of XML nodes (an instance of a subclass of
+If an XML expression is an entity reference, CDATA section, processing
+instructions or a comments, it is represented by an instance of the
+corresponding Scala runtime class.
+By default, beginning and trailing whitespace in element content is removed,
+and consecutive occurrences of whitespace are replaced by a single space
+character \U{0020}. This behavior can be changed to preserve all whitespace
+with a compiler option.
+Attribute ::= Name Eq AttValue
+AttValue ::= `"' {CharQ | CharRef} `"'
+ | `'' {CharA | CharRef} `''
+ | ScalaExpr
+ScalaExpr ::= Block
+CharData ::= { CharNoRef } $\mbox{\rm\em without}$ {CharNoRef}`{'CharB {CharNoRef}
+ $\mbox{\rm\em and without}$ {CharNoRef}`]]>'{CharNoRef}
+XML expressions may contain Scala expressions as attribute values or
+within nodes. In the latter case, these are embedded using a single opening
+brace `\{' and ended by a closing brace `\}'. To express a single opening braces
+within XML text as generated by CharData, it must be doubled. Thus, `\{\{'
+represents the XML text `\{' and does not introduce an embedded Scala
+BaseChar, Char, Comment, CombiningChar, Ideographic, NameChar, S, Reference
+ ::= $\mbox{\rm\em ``as in W3C XML''}$
+Char1 ::= Char $\mbox{\rm\em without}$ `<' | `&'
+CharQ ::= Char1 $\mbox{\rm\em without}$ `"'
+CharA ::= Char1 $\mbox{\rm\em without}$ `''
+CharB ::= Char1 $\mbox{\rm\em without}$ '{'
+Name ::= XNameStart {NameChar}
+XNameStart ::= `_' | BaseChar | Ideographic
+ $\mbox{\rm\em (as in W3C XML, but without }$ `:'
+\section{XML patterns}\label{sec:xml-pats}
+XML patterns are patterns generated by the following production, where
+the opening bracket `<' of the element patterns must be in a position
+to start the lexical [XML mode](#xml-mode).
+XmlPattern ::= ElementPattern
+Well-formedness constraints of the XML specification apply.
+An XML pattern has to be a single element pattern. It %expects the type of , and
+matches exactly those runtime
+representations of an XML tree
+that have the same structure as described by the pattern. %If an XML pattern
+%consists of more than one element, then it expects the type of sequences
+%of runtime representations of XML trees, and matches every sequence whose
+%elements match the sequence described by the pattern.
+XML patterns may contain Scala patterns(\sref{sec:pattern-match}).
+Whitespace is treated the same way as in XML expressions. Patterns
+that are entity references, CDATA sections, processing
+instructions and comments match runtime representations which are the
+the same.
+By default, beginning and trailing whitespace in element content is removed,
+and consecutive occurrences of whitespace are replaced by a single space
+character \U{0020}. This behavior can be changed to preserve all whitespace
+with a compiler option.
+ElemPattern ::= EmptyElemTagP
+ | STagP ContentP ETagP
+EmptyElemTagP ::= `<' Name [S] `/>'
+STagP ::= `<' Name [S] `>'
+ETagP ::= `</' Name [S]`>'
+ContentP ::= [CharData] {(ElemPattern|ScalaPatterns) [CharData]}
+ContentP1 ::= ElemPattern
+ | Reference
+ | CDSect
+ | PI
+ | Comment
+ | ScalaPatterns
+ScalaPatterns ::= `{' Patterns `}'
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+User-Defined Annotations
+ Annotation ::= `@' SimpleType {ArgumentExprs}
+ ConstrAnnotation ::= `@' SimpleType ArgumentExprs
+User-defined annotations associate meta-information with definitions.
+A simple annotation has the form \lstinline^@$c$^ or
+\lstinline^@$c(a_1 \commadots a_n)$^.
+Here, $c$ is a constructor of a class $C$, which must conform
+to the class \lstinline@scala.Annotation@.
+Annotations may apply to definitions or declarations, types, or
+expressions. An annotation of a definition or declaration appears in
+front of that definition. An annotation of a type appears after
+that type. An annotation of an expression $e$ appears after the
+expression $e$, separated by a colon. More than one annotation clause
+may apply to an entity. The order in which these annotations are given
+does not matter.
+@serializable class C { ... } // A class annotation.
+@transient @volatile var m: Int // A variable annotation
+String @local // A type annotation
+(e: @unchecked) match { ... } // An expression annotation
+The meaning of annotation clauses is implementation-dependent. On the
+Java platform, the following annotations have a standard meaning.\bigskip
+Marks a field to be non-persistent; this is
+equivalent to the \lstinline^transient^
+modifier in Java.
+\begin{quote}Marks a field which can change its value
+outside the control of the program; this
+is equivalent to the \lstinline^volatile^
+modifier in Java.
+\begin{quote}Marks a class to be serializable; this is
+equivalent to inheriting from the
+\lstinline^^ interface
+in Java.
+\begin{quote}Attaches a serial version identifier (a
+\lstinline^long^ constant) to a class.
+This is equivalent to a the following field
+definition in Java:
+ private final static SerialVersionUID = <longlit>
+A Java compiler checks that a program contains handlers for checked exceptions
+by analyzing which checked exceptions can result from execution of a method or
+constructor. For each checked exception which is a possible result, the \code{throws}
+clause for the method or constructor must mention the class of that exception
+or one of the superclasses of the class of that exception.
+\begin{quote} Marks a definition as deprecated. Accesses to the
+ defined entity will then cause a deprecated warning mentioning the
+ message \code{<stringlit>} to be issued from the compiler. Deprecated
+ warnings are suppressed in code that belongs itself to a definition
+ that is labeled deprecated.
+When prefixed to a definition of some variable \code{X}, this
+annotation causes getter and setter methods \code{getX}, \code{setX}
+in the Java bean style to be added in the class containing the
+variable. The first letter of the variable appears capitalized after
+the \code{get} or \code{set}. When the annotation is added to the
+definition of an immutable value definition \code{X}, only a getter is
+generated. The construction of these methods is part of
+code-generation; therefore, these methods become visible only once a
+classfile for the containing class is generated.
+This annotation is equivalent to \code{scala.reflect.BeanProperty}, but
+the generated getter method is named \code{isX} instead of \code{getX}.
+When applied to the selector of a \lstinline@match@ expression,
+this attribute suppresses any warnings about non-exhaustive pattern
+matches which would otherwise be emitted. For instance, no warnings
+would be produced for the method definition below.
+def f(x: Option[Int]) = (x: @unchecked) match {
+ case Some(y) => y
+Without the \lstinline^@unchecked^ annotation, a Scala compiler could
+infer that the pattern match is non-exhaustive, and could produce a
+warning because \lstinline@Option@ is a \lstinline@sealed@ class.
+When applied a value declaration or definition, it allows the defined
+value to appear in a path, even if its type is volatile (\sref{volatile-types}).
+For instance, the following member definitions are legal:
+type A { type T }
+type B
+@uncheckedStable val x: A with B // volatile type
+val y: x.T // OK since `x' is still a path
+Without the \lstinline^@uncheckedStable^ annotation, the designator \code{x}
+would not be a path since its type \code{A with B} is volatile. Hence,
+the reference \code{x.T} would be malformed.
+When applied to value declarations or definitions that have non-volatile types,
+the annotation has no effect.
+When applied to the definition of a type parameter, this annotation causes the compiler
+to generate specialized definitions for primitive types. An optional list of primitive
+types may be given, in which case specialization takes into account only those types.
+For instance, the following code would generate specialized traits for \lstinline@Unit@,
+\lstinline@Int@ and \lstinline@Double@
+trait Function0[@specialized(Unit, Int, Double) T] {
+ def apply: T
+Whenever the static type of an expression matches a specialized variant of a definition,
+the compiler will instead use the specialized version. See \cite{spec-sid} for more details
+of the implementation.
+Other annotations may be interpreted by platform- or
+application-dependent tools. Class \code{scala.Annotation} has two
+sub-traits which are used to indicate how these annotations are
+retained. Instances of an annotation class inheriting from trait
+\code{scala.ClassfileAnnotation} will be stored in the generated class
+files. Instances of an annotation class inheriting from trait
+\code{scala.StaticAnnotation} will be visible to the Scala type-checker
+in every compilation unit where the annotated symbol is accessed. An
+annotation class can inherit from both \code{scala.ClassfileAnnotation}
+and \code{scala.StaticAnnotation}. If an annotation class inherits from
+neither \code{scala.ClassfileAnnotation} nor
+\code{scala.StaticAnnotation}, its instances are visible only locally
+during the compilation run that analyzes them.
+Classes inheriting from \code{scala.ClassfileAnnotation} may be
+subject to further restrictions in order to assure that they can be
+mapped to the host environment. In particular, on both the Java and
+the .NET platforms, such classes must be toplevel; i.e.\ they may not
+be contained in another class or object. Additionally, on both
+Java and .NET, all constructor arguments must be constant expressions.
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+The Scala Standard Library
+The Scala standard library consists of the package \code{scala} with a
+number of classes and modules. Some of these classes are described in
+the following.
+\caption{Class hierarchy of Scala.}
+\section{Root Classes}
+Figure~\ref{fig:class-hierarchy} illustrates Scala's class
+The root of this hierarchy is formed by class \code{Any}.
+Every class in a Scala execution environment inherits directly or
+indirectly from this class. Class \code{Any} has two direct
+subclasses: \code{AnyRef} and \code{AnyVal}.
+The subclass \code{AnyRef} represents all values which are represented
+as objects in the underlying host system. Every user-defined Scala
+class inherits directly or indirectly from this class. Furthermore,
+every user-defined Scala class also inherits the trait
+\code{scala.ScalaObject}. Classes written in other languages still
+inherit from \code{scala.AnyRef}, but not from
+The class \code{AnyVal} has a fixed number of subclasses, which describe
+values which are not implemented as objects in the underlying host
+Classes \code{AnyRef} and \code{AnyVal} are required to provide only
+the members declared in class \code{Any}, but implementations may add
+host-specific methods to these classes (for instance, an
+implementation may identify class \code{AnyRef} with its own root
+class for objects).
+The signatures of these root classes are described by the following
+package scala
+/** The universal root class */
+abstract class Any {
+ /** Defined equality; abstract here */
+ def equals(that: Any): Boolean
+ /** Semantic equality between values */
+ final def == (that: Any): Boolean =
+ if (null eq this) null eq that else this equals that
+ /** Semantic inequality between values */
+ final def != (that: Any): Boolean = !(this == that)
+ /** Hash code; abstract here */
+ def hashCode: Int = $\ldots$
+ /** Textual representation; abstract here */
+ def toString: String = $\ldots$
+ /** Type test; needs to be inlined to work as given */
+ def isInstanceOf[a]: Boolean
+ /** Type cast; needs to be inlined to work as given */ */
+ def asInstanceOf[A]: A = this match {
+ case x: A => x
+ case _ => if (this eq null) this
+ else throw new ClassCastException()
+ }
+/** The root class of all value types */
+final class AnyVal extends Any
+/** The root class of all reference types */
+class AnyRef extends Any {
+ def equals(that: Any): Boolean = this eq that
+ final def eq(that: AnyRef): Boolean = $\ldots$ // reference equality
+ final def ne(that: AnyRef): Boolean = !(this eq that)
+ def hashCode: Int = $\ldots$ // hashCode computed from allocation address
+ def toString: String = $\ldots$ // toString computed from hashCode and class name
+ def synchronized[T](body: => T): T // execute `body` in while locking `this`.
+/** A mixin class for every user-defined Scala class */
+trait ScalaObject extends AnyRef
+The type test \lstinline@$x$.isInstanceOf[$T$]@ is equivalent to a typed
+pattern match
+$x$ match {
+ case _: $T'$ => true
+ case _ => false
+where the type $T'$ is the same as $T$ except if $T$ is
+of the form $D$ or $D[\tps]$ where $D$ is a type member of some outer
+class $C$. In this case $T'$ is \lstinline@$C$#$D$@ (or
+\lstinline@$C$#$D[tps]$@, respectively), whereas $T$ itself would
+expand to \lstinline@$C$.this.$D[tps]$@. In other words, an
+\lstinline@isInstanceOf@ test does not check for the
+The test ~\lstinline@$x$.asInstanceOf[$T$]@ is treated specially if $T$ is a
+numeric value type (\sref{sec:cls-value}). In this case the cast will
+be translated to an application of a conversion method ~\$T$@
+(\sref{cls:numeric-value}). For non-numeric values $x$ the operation will raise a
+\section{Value Classes}
+Value classes are classes whose instances are not represented as
+objects by the underlying host system. All value classes inherit from
+class \code{AnyVal}. Scala implementations need to provide the
+value classes \code{Unit}, \code{Boolean}, \code{Double}, \code{Float},
+\code{Long}, \code{Int}, \code{Char}, \code{Short}, and \code{Byte}
+(but are free to provide others as well).
+The signatures of these classes are defined in the following.
+\subsection{Numeric Value Types} \label{cls:numeric-value}
+Classes \code{Double}, \code{Float},
+\code{Long}, \code{Int}, \code{Char}, \code{Short}, and \code{Byte}
+are together called {\em numeric value types}. Classes \code{Byte},
+\code{Short}, or \code{Char} are called {\em subrange types}.
+Subrange types, as well as \code{Int} and \code{Long} are called {\em
+integer types}, whereas \code{Float} and \code{Double} are called {\em
+floating point types}.
+Numeric value types are ranked in the following partial order:
+Byte - Short
+ \
+ Int - Long - Float - Double
+ /
+ Char
+\code{Byte} and \code{Short} are the lowest-ranked types in this order,
+whereas \code{Double} is the highest-ranked. Ranking does {\em not}
+imply a conformance (\sref{sec:conformance}) relationship; for
+instance \code{Int} is not a subtype of \code{Long}. However, object
+\code{Predef} (\sref{cls:predef}) defines views (\sref{sec:views})
+from every numeric value type to all higher-ranked numeric value types. Therefore,
+lower-ranked types are implicitly converted to higher-ranked types
+when required by the context (\sref{sec:impl-conv}).
+Given two numeric value types $S$ and $T$, the {\em operation type} of
+$S$ and $T$ is defined as follows: If both $S$ and $T$ are subrange
+types then the operation type of $S$ and $T$ is \code{Int}. Otherwise
+the operation type of $S$ and $T$ is the larger of the two types wrt
+ranking. Given two numeric values $v$ and $w$ the operation type of
+$v$ and $w$ is the operation type of their run-time types.
+Any numeric value type $T$ supports the following methods.
+Comparison methods for equals (\code{==}), not-equals (\code{!=}),
+less-than (\code{<}), greater-than (\code{>}), less-than-or-equals
+(\code{<=}), greater-than-or-equals (\code{>=}), which each exist in 7
+overloaded alternatives. Each alternative takes a parameter of some
+numeric value type. Its result type is type \code{Boolean}. The
+operation is evaluated by converting the receiver and its argument to
+their operation type and performing the given comparison operation of
+that type.
+Arithmetic methods addition (\code{+}), subtraction (\code{-}),
+multiplication (\code{*}), division (\code{/}), and remainder
+(\lstinline@%@), which each exist in 7 overloaded alternatives. Each
+alternative takes a parameter of some numeric value type $U$. Its
+result type is the operation type of $T$ and $U$. The operation is
+evaluated by converting the receiver and its argument to their
+operation type and performing the given arithmetic operation of that
+Parameterless arithmethic methods identity (\code{+}) and negation
+(\code{-}), with result type $T$. The first of these returns the
+receiver unchanged, whereas the second returns its negation.
+Conversion methods \code{toByte}, \code{toShort}, \code{toChar},
+\code{toInt}, \code{toLong}, \code{toFloat}, \code{toDouble} which
+convert the receiver object to the target type, using the rules of
+Java's numeric type cast operation. The conversion might truncate the
+numeric value (as when going from \code{Long} to \code{Int} or from
+\code{Int} to \code{Byte}) or it might lose precision (as when going
+from \code{Double} to \code{Float} or when converting between
+\code{Long} and \code{Float}).
+Integer numeric value types support in addition the following operations:
+Bit manipulation methods bitwise-and (\code{&}), bitwise-or
+{\code{|}}, and bitwise-exclusive-or (\code{^}), which each exist in 5
+overloaded alternatives. Each alternative takes a parameter of some
+integer numeric value type. Its result type is the operation type of
+$T$ and $U$. The operation is evaluated by converting the receiver and
+its argument to their operation type and performing the given bitwise
+operation of that type.
+A parameterless bit-negation method (\lstinline@~@). Its result type is
+the reciver type $T$ or \code{Int}, whichever is larger.
+The operation is evaluated by converting the receiver to the result
+type and negating every bit in its value.
+Bit-shift methods left-shift (\code{<<}), arithmetic right-shift
+(\code{>>}), and unsigned right-shift (\code{>>>}). Each of these
+methods has two overloaded alternatives, which take a parameter $n$
+of type \code{Int}, respectively \code{Long}. The result type of the
+operation is the receiver type $T$, or \code{Int}, whichever is larger.
+The operation is evaluated by converting the receiver to the result
+type and performing the specified shift by $n$ bits.
+Numeric value types also implement operations \code{equals},
+\code{hashCode}, and \code{toString} from class \code{Any}.
+The \code{equals} method tests whether the argument is a numeric value
+type. If this is true, it will perform the \code{==} operation which
+is appropriate for that type. That is, the \code{equals} method of a
+numeric value type can be thought of being defined as follows:
+def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
+ case that: Byte => this == that
+ case that: Short => this == that
+ case that: Char => this == that
+ case that: Int => this == that
+ case that: Long => this == that
+ case that: Float => this == that
+ case that: Double => this == that
+ case _ => false
+The \code{hashCode} method returns an integer hashcode that maps equal
+numeric values to equal results. It is guaranteed to be the identity for
+for type \code{Int} and for all subrange types.
+The \code{toString} method displays its receiver as an integer or
+floating point number.
+\example As an example, here is the signature of the numeric value type \code{Int}:
+package scala
+abstract sealed class Int extends AnyVal {
+ def == (that: Double): Boolean // double equality
+ def == (that: Float): Boolean // float equality
+ def == (that: Long): Boolean // long equality
+ def == (that: Int): Boolean // int equality
+ def == (that: Short): Boolean // int equality
+ def == (that: Byte): Boolean // int equality
+ def == (that: Char): Boolean // int equality
+ /* analogous for !=, <, >, <=, >= */
+ def + (that: Double): Double // double addition
+ def + (that: Float): Double // float addition
+ def + (that: Long): Long // long addition
+ def + (that: Int): Int // int addition
+ def + (that: Short): Int // int addition
+ def + (that: Byte): Int // int addition
+ def + (that: Char): Int // int addition
+ /* analogous for -, *, /, % */
+ def & (that: Long): Long // long bitwise and
+ def & (that: Int): Int // int bitwise and
+ def & (that: Short): Int // int bitwise and
+ def & (that: Byte): Int // int bitwise and
+ def & (that: Char): Int // int bitwise and
+ /* analogous for |, ^ */
+ def << (cnt: Int): Int // int left shift
+ def << (cnt: Long): Int // long left shift
+ /* analogous for >>, >>> */
+ def unary_+ : Int // int identity
+ def unary_- : Int // int negation
+ def unary_~ : Int // int bitwise negation
+ def toByte: Byte // convert to Byte
+ def toShort: Short // convert to Short
+ def toChar: Char // convert to Char
+ def toInt: Int // convert to Int
+ def toLong: Long // convert to Long
+ def toFloat: Float // convert to Float
+ def toDouble: Double // convert to Double
+\subsection{Class \large{\code{Boolean}}}
+Class \code{Boolean} has only two values: \code{true} and
+\code{false}. It implements operations as given in the following
+class definition.
+package scala
+abstract sealed class Boolean extends AnyVal {
+ def && (p: => Boolean): Boolean = // boolean and
+ if (this) p else false
+ def || (p: => Boolean): Boolean = // boolean or
+ if (this) true else p
+ def & (x: Boolean): Boolean = // boolean strict and
+ if (this) x else false
+ def | (x: Boolean): Boolean = // boolean strict or
+ if (this) true else x
+ def == (x: Boolean): Boolean = // boolean equality
+ if (this) x else x.unary_!
+ def != (x: Boolean): Boolean // boolean inequality
+ if (this) x.unary_! else x
+ def unary_!: Boolean // boolean negation
+ if (this) false else true
+The class also implements operations \code{equals}, \code{hashCode},
+and \code{toString} from class \code{Any}.
+The \code{equals} method returns \code{true} if the argument is the
+same boolean value as the receiver, \code{false} otherwise. The
+\code{hashCode} method returns a fixed, implementation-specific hash-code when invoked on \code{true},
+and a different, fixed, implementation-specific hash-code when invoked on \code{false}. The \code{toString} method
+returns the receiver converted to a string, i.e.\ either \code{"true"}
+or \code{"false"}.
+\subsection{Class \large{\code{Unit}}}
+Class \code{Unit} has only one value: \code{()}. It implements only
+the three methods \code{equals}, \code{hashCode}, and \code{toString}
+from class \code{Any}.
+The \code{equals} method returns \code{true} if the argument is the
+unit value \lstinline@()@, \code{false} otherwise. The
+\code{hashCode} method returns a fixed, implementation-specific hash-code,
+The \code{toString} method returns \code{"()"}.
+\section{Standard Reference Classes}
+This section presents some standard Scala reference classes which are
+treated in a special way in Scala compiler -- either Scala provides
+syntactic sugar for them, or the Scala compiler generates special code
+for their operations. Other classes in the standard Scala library are
+documented in the Scala library documentation by HTML pages.
+\subsection{Class \large{\code{String}}}
+Scala's \lstinline@String@ class is usually derived from the standard String
+class of the underlying host system (and may be identified with
+it). For Scala clients the class is taken to support in each case a
+def + (that: Any): String
+which concatenates its left operand with the textual representation of its
+right operand.
+\subsection{The \large{\code{Tuple}} classes}
+Scala defines tuple classes \lstinline@Tuple$n$@ for $n = 2 \commadots 9$.
+These are defined as follows.
+package scala
+case class Tuple$n$[+a_1, ..., +a_n](_1: a_1, ..., _$n$: a_$n$) {
+ def toString = "(" ++ _1 ++ "," ++ $\ldots$ ++ "," ++ _$n$ ++ ")"
+The implicitly imported \code{Predef} object (\sref{cls:predef}) defines
+the names \code{Pair} as an alias of \code{Tuple2} and \code{Triple}
+as an alias for \code{Tuple3}.
+\subsection{The \large{\code{Function}} Classes}
+Scala defines function classes \lstinline@Function$n$@ for $n = 1 \commadots 9$.
+These are defined as follows.
+package scala
+trait Function$n$[-a_1, ..., -a_$n$, +b] {
+ def apply(x_1: a_1, ..., x_$n$: a_$n$): b
+ def toString = "<function>"
+There is also a module \code{Function}, defined as follows.
+package scala
+object Function {
+ def compose[A](fs: List[A => A]): A => A = {
+ x => fs match {
+ case Nil => x
+ case f :: fs1 => compose(fs1)(f(x))
+ }
+ }
+A subclass of \lstinline@Function1@ represents partial functions,
+which are undefined on some points in their domain. In addition to the
+\code{apply} method of functions, partial functions also have a
+\code{isDefined} method, which tells whether the function is defined
+at the given argument:
+class PartialFunction[-A, +B] extends Function1[A, B] {
+ def isDefinedAt(x: A): Boolean
+The implicitly imported \code{Predef} object (\sref{cls:predef}) defines the name
+\code{Function} as an alias of \code{Function1}.
+\subsection{Class \large{\code{Array}}}\label{cls:array}
+The class of generic arrays is given as follows.
+final class Array[A](len: Int) extends Seq[A] {
+ def length: Int = len
+ def apply(i: Int): A = $\ldots$
+ def update(i: Int, x: A): Unit = $\ldots$
+ def elements: Iterator[A] = $\ldots$
+ def subArray(from: Int, end: Int): Array[A] = $\ldots$
+ def filter(p: A => Boolean): Array[A] = $\ldots$
+ def map[B](f: A => B): Array[B] = $\ldots$
+ def flatMap[B](f: A => Array[B]): Array[B] = $\ldots$
+If $T$ is not a type parameter or abstract type, the type Array[$T$]
+is represented as the native array type \lstinline{[]$T$} in the
+underlying host system. In that case \code{length} returns
+the length of the array, \code{apply} means subscripting, and
+\code{update} means element update. Because of the syntactic sugar for
+\code{apply} and
+%\code{update} operations (\sref{sec:impl-conv}, \sref{sec:assignments}),
+\code{update} operations (\sref{sec:impl-conv},
+we have the following correspondences between Scala and Java/C\# code for
+operations on an array \code{xs}:
+$\mbox{\em Scala}$ $\mbox{\em Java/C\#}$
+ xs.length xs.length
+ xs(i) xs[i]
+ xs(i) = e xs[i] = e
+Arrays also implement the sequence trait \code{scala.Seq}
+by defining an \code{elements} method which returns
+all elements of the array in an \code{Iterator}.
+Because of the tension between parametrized types in Scala and the ad-hoc
+implementation of arrays in the host-languages, some subtle points
+need to be taken into account when dealing with arrays. These are
+explained in the following.
+First, unlike arrays in Java or C\#, arrays in Scala are {\em not}
+co-variant; That is, $S <: T$ does not imply
+~\lstinline@Array[$S$] $<:$ Array[$T$]@ in Scala.
+However, it is possible to cast an array
+of $S$ to an array of $T$ if such a cast is permitted in the host
+For instance \code{Array[String]} does not conform to
+\code{Array[Object]}, even though \code{String} conforms to \code{Object}.
+However, it is possible to cast an expression of type
+~\lstinline@Array[String]@~ to ~\lstinline@Array[Object]@, and this
+cast will succeed without raising a \code{ClassCastException}. Example:
+val xs = new Array[String](2)
+// val ys: Array[Object] = xs // **** error: incompatible types
+val ys: Array[Object] = xs.asInstanceOf[Array[Object]] // OK
+Second, for {\em polymorphic arrays}, that have a type parameter or
+abstract type $T$ as their element type, a representation different
+\lstinline@[]T@ might be used. However, it is guaranteed that
+\code{isInstanceOf} and \code{asInstanceOf} still work as if the array
+used the standard representation of monomorphic arrays:
+val ss = new Array[String](2)
+def f[T](xs: Array[T]): Array[String] =
+ if (xs.isInstanceOf[Array[String]]) xs.asInstanceOf[Array[String])
+ else throw new Error("not an instance")
+f(ss) // returns ss
+The representation chosen for polymorphic arrays also guarantees that
+polymorphic array creations work as expected. An example is the
+following implementation of method \lstinline@mkArray@, which creates
+an array of an arbitrary type $T$, given a sequence of $T$'s which
+defines its elements.
+def mkArray[T](elems: Seq[T]): Array[T] = {
+ val result = new Array[T](elems.length)
+ var i = 0
+ for (elem <- elems) {
+ result(i) = elem
+ i += 1
+ }
+Note that under Java's erasure model of arrays the method above would
+not work as expected -- in fact it would always return an array of
+Third, in a Java environment there is a method \code{System.arraycopy}
+which takes two objects as parameters together with start indices and
+a length argument, and copies elements from one object to the other,
+provided the objects are arrays of compatible element
+types. \code{System.arraycopy} will not work for Scala's polymorphic
+arrays because of their different representation. One should instead
+use method \code{Array.copy} which is defined in the companion object
+of class \lstinline@Array@. This companion object also defines various
+constructor methods for arrays, as well as
+the extractor method \code{unapplySeq} (\sref{sec:extractor-patterns})
+which enables pattern matching over arrays.
+package scala
+object Array {
+ /** copies array elements from `src' to `dest'. */
+ def copy(src: AnyRef, srcPos: Int,
+ dest: AnyRef, destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit = $\ldots$
+ /** Concatenate all argument arrays into a single array. */
+ def concat[T](xs: Array[T]*): Array[T] = $\ldots$
+ /** Create a an array of successive integers. */
+ def range(start: Int, end: Int): Array[Int] = $\ldots$
+ /** Create an array with given elements. */
+ def apply[A <: AnyRef](xs: A*): Array[A] = $\ldots$
+ /** Analogous to above. */
+ def apply(xs: Boolean*): Array[Boolean] = $\ldots$
+ def apply(xs: Byte*) : Array[Byte] = $\ldots$
+ def apply(xs: Short*) : Array[Short] = $\ldots$
+ def apply(xs: Char*) : Array[Char] = $\ldots$
+ def apply(xs: Int*) : Array[Int] = $\ldots$
+ def apply(xs: Long*) : Array[Long] = $\ldots$
+ def apply(xs: Float*) : Array[Float] = $\ldots$
+ def apply(xs: Double*) : Array[Double] = $\ldots$
+ def apply(xs: Unit*) : Array[Unit] = $\ldots$
+ /** Create an array containing several copies of an element. */
+ def make[A](n: Int, elem: A): Array[A] = {
+ /** Enables pattern matching over arrays */
+ def unapplySeq[A](x: Array[A]): Option[Seq[A]] = Some(x)
+\example The following method duplicates a given argument array and returns a pair consisting of the original and the duplicate:
+def duplicate[T](xs: Array[T]) = {
+ val ys = new Array[T](xs.length)
+ Array.copy(xs, 0, ys, 0, xs.length)
+ (xs, ys)
+\section{Class Node}\label{cls:Node}
+package scala.xml
+trait Node {
+ /** the label of this node */
+ def label: String
+ /** attribute axis */
+ def attribute: Map[String, String]
+ /** child axis (all children of this node) */
+ def child: Seq[Node]
+ /** descendant axis (all descendants of this node) */
+ def descendant: Seq[Node] = child.toList.flatMap {
+ x => x::x.descendant.asInstanceOf[List[Node]]
+ }
+ /** descendant axis (all descendants of this node) */
+ def descendant_or_self: Seq[Node] = this::child.toList.flatMap {
+ x => x::x.descendant.asInstanceOf[List[Node]]
+ }
+ override def equals(x: Any): Boolean = x match {
+ case that:Node =>
+ that.label == this.label &&
+ that.attribute.sameElements(this.attribute) &&
+ that.child.sameElements(this.child)
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ /** XPath style projection function. Returns all children of this node
+ * that are labeled with 'that'. The document order is preserved.
+ */
+ def \(that: Symbol): NodeSeq = {
+ new NodeSeq({
+ match {
+ case "_" => child.toList
+ case _ =>
+ var res:List[Node] = Nil
+ for (x <- child.elements if x.label == {
+ res = x::res
+ }
+ res.reverse
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ /** XPath style projection function. Returns all nodes labeled with the
+ * name 'that' from the 'descendant_or_self' axis. Document order is preserved.
+ */
+ def \\(that: Symbol): NodeSeq = {
+ new NodeSeq(
+ match {
+ case "_" => this.descendant_or_self
+ case _ => this.descendant_or_self.asInstanceOf[List[Node]].
+ filter(x => x.label ==
+ })
+ }
+ /** hashcode for this XML node */
+ override def hashCode =
+ Utility.hashCode(label, attribute.toList.hashCode, child)
+ /** string representation of this node */
+ override def toString = Utility.toXML(this)
+\section{The \large{\code{Predef}} Object}\label{cls:predef}
+The \code{Predef} object defines standard functions and type aliases
+for Scala programs. It is always implicitly imported, so that all its
+defined members are available without qualification. Its definition
+for the JVM environment conforms to the following signature:
+package scala
+object Predef {
+ // classOf ---------------------------------------------------------
+ /** Returns the runtime representation of a class type. */
+ def classOf[T]: Class[T] = null
+ // this is a dummy, classOf is handled by compiler.
+ // Standard type aliases ---------------------------------------------
+ type String = java.lang.String
+ type Class[T] = java.lang.Class[T]
+ // Miscellaneous -----------------------------------------------------
+ type Function[-A, +B] = Function1[A, B]
+ type Map[A, +B] = collection.immutable.Map[A, B]
+ type Set[A] = collection.immutable.Set[A]
+ val Map = collection.immutable.Map
+ val Set = collection.immutable.Set
+ // Manifest types, companions, and incantations for summoning ---------
+ type ClassManifest[T] = scala.reflect.ClassManifest[T]
+ type Manifest[T] = scala.reflect.Manifest[T]
+ type OptManifest[T] = scala.reflect.OptManifest[T]
+ val ClassManifest = scala.reflect.ClassManifest
+ val Manifest = scala.reflect.Manifest
+ val NoManifest = scala.reflect.NoManifest
+ def manifest[T](implicit m: Manifest[T]) = m
+ def classManifest[T](implicit m: ClassManifest[T]) = m
+ def optManifest[T](implicit m: OptManifest[T]) = m
+ // Minor variations on identity functions -----------------------------
+ def identity[A](x: A): A = x // @see `conforms` for the implicit version
+ def implicitly[T](implicit e: T) = e // for summoning implicit values from the nether world
+ @inline def locally[T](x: T): T = x // to communicate intent and avoid unmoored statements
+ // Asserts, Preconditions, Postconditions -----------------------------
+ def assert(assertion: Boolean) {
+ if (!assertion)
+ throw new java.lang.AssertionError("assertion failed")
+ }
+ def assert(assertion: Boolean, message: => Any) {
+ if (!assertion)
+ throw new java.lang.AssertionError("assertion failed: " + message)
+ }
+ def assume(assumption: Boolean) {
+ if (!assumption)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("assumption failed")
+ }
+ def assume(assumption: Boolean, message: => Any) {
+ if (!assumption)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(message.toString)
+ }
+ def require(requirement: Boolean) {
+ if (!requirement)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("requirement failed")
+ }
+ def require(requirement: Boolean, message: => Any) {
+ if (!requirement)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("requirement failed: "+ message)
+ }
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ // tupling ---------------------------------------------------------
+ type Pair[+A, +B] = Tuple2[A, B]
+ object Pair {
+ def apply[A, B](x: A, y: B) = Tuple2(x, y)
+ def unapply[A, B](x: Tuple2[A, B]): Option[Tuple2[A, B]] = Some(x)
+ }
+ type Triple[+A, +B, +C] = Tuple3[A, B, C]
+ object Triple {
+ def apply[A, B, C](x: A, y: B, z: C) = Tuple3(x, y, z)
+ def unapply[A, B, C](x: Tuple3[A, B, C]): Option[Tuple3[A, B, C]] = Some(x)
+ }
+ // Printing and reading -----------------------------------------------
+ def print(x: Any) = Console.print(x)
+ def println() = Console.println()
+ def println(x: Any) = Console.println(x)
+ def printf(text: String, xs: Any*) = Console.printf(text.format(xs: _*))
+ def readLine(): String = Console.readLine()
+ def readLine(text: String, args: Any*) = Console.readLine(text, args)
+ def readBoolean() = Console.readBoolean()
+ def readByte() = Console.readByte()
+ def readShort() = Console.readShort()
+ def readChar() = Console.readChar()
+ def readInt() = Console.readInt()
+ def readLong() = Console.readLong()
+ def readFloat() = Console.readFloat()
+ def readDouble() = Console.readDouble()
+ def readf(format: String) = Console.readf(format)
+ def readf1(format: String) = Console.readf1(format)
+ def readf2(format: String) = Console.readf2(format)
+ def readf3(format: String) = Console.readf3(format)
+ // Implict conversions ------------------------------------------------
+ ...
+\subsection{Predefined Implicit Definitions}
+The \lstinline@Predef@ object also contains a number of implicit definitions, which are available by default (because \lstinline@Predef@ is implicitly imported).
+Implicit definitions come in two priorities. High-priority implicits are defined in the \lstinline@Predef@ class itself whereas low priority implicits are defined in a class inherited by \lstinline@Predef@. The rules of
+static overloading resolution (\sref{sec:overloading-resolution})
+stipulate that, all other things being equal, implicit resolution
+prefers high-priority implicits over low-priority ones.
+The available low-priority implicits include definitions falling into the following categories.
+For every primitive type, a wrapper that takes values of that type
+to instances of a \lstinline@runtime.Rich*@ class. For instance, values of type \lstinline@Int@
+can be implicitly converted to instances of class \lstinline@runtime.RichInt@.
+For every array type with elements of primitive type, a wrapper that
+takes the arrays of that type to instances of a \lstinline@runtime.WrappedArray@ class. For instance, values of type \lstinline@Array[Float]@ can be implicitly converted to instances of class \lstinline@runtime.WrappedArray[Float]@.
+There are also generic array wrappers that take elements
+of type \lstinline@Array[T]@ for arbitrary \lstinline@T@ to \lstinline@WrappedArray@s.
+An implicit conversion from \lstinline@String@ to \lstinline@WrappedString@.
+The available high-priority implicits include definitions falling into the following categories.
+An implicit wrapper that adds \lstinline@ensuring@ methods
+with the following overloaded variants to type \lstinline@Any@.
+ def ensuring(cond: Boolean): A = { assert(cond); x }
+ def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: Any): A = { assert(cond, msg); x }
+ def ensuring(cond: A => Boolean): A = { assert(cond(x)); x }
+ def ensuring(cond: A => Boolean, msg: Any): A = { assert(cond(x), msg); x }
+An implicit wrapper that adds a \lstinline@->@ method with the following implementation
+to type \lstinline@Any@.
+ def -> [B](y: B): (A, B) = (x, y)
+For every array type with elements of primitive type, a wrapper that
+takes the arrays of that type to instances of a \lstinline@runtime.ArrayOps@
+class. For instance, values of type \lstinline@Array[Float]@ can be implicitly
+converted to instances of class \lstinline@runtime.ArrayOps[Float]@. There are
+also generic array wrappers that take elements of type \lstinline@Array[T]@ for
+arbitrary \lstinline@T@ to \lstinline@ArrayOps@s.
+An implicit wrapper that adds \lstinline@+@ and \lstinline@formatted@ method with the following implementations
+to type \lstinline@Any@.
+ def +(other: String) = String.valueOf(self) + other
+ def formatted(fmtstr: String): String = fmtstr format self
+Numeric primitive conversions that implement the transitive closure of the following
+ Byte -> Short
+ Short -> Int
+ Char -> Int
+ Int -> Long
+ Long -> Float
+ Float -> Double
+Boxing and unboxing conversions between primitive types and their boxed versions:
+ Byte <-> java.lang.Byte
+ Short <-> java.lang.Short
+ Char <-> java.lang.Character
+ Int <-> java.lang.Integer
+ Long <-> java.lang.Long
+ Float <-> java.lang.Float
+ Double <-> java.lang.Double
+ Boolean <-> java.lang.Boolean
+An implicit definition that generates instances of type \lstinline@T <:< T@, for
+any type \lstinline@T@. Here, \lstinline@<:<@ is a class defined as follows.
+ sealed abstract class <:<[-From, +To] extends (From => To)
+Implicit parameters of \lstinline@<:<@ types are typically used to implement type constraints.
+\subsection{Base Classes}
+For every template, class type and constructor invocation we define
+two sets of class types: the {\em base classes} and {\em mixin base
+classes}. Their definitions are as follows.
+The {\em mixin base classes} of a template
+~\lstinline@$sc$ with $mt_1$ with $\ldots$ with $mt_n$ {$\stats\,$}@~
+the reduced union (\sref{sec:base-classes-member-defs}) of the base classes of all
+mixins $mt_i$. The mixin base classes of a class type $C$ are the
+mixin base classes of the template augmented by $C$ itself. The
+mixin base classes of a constructor invocation of type $T$ are the
+mixin base classes of class $T$.
+The {\em base classes} of a template consist are the reduced union of
+the base classes of its superclass and the template's mixin base
+classes. The base classes of class \lstinline@scala.Any@ consist of
+just the class itself. The base classes of some other class type $C$
+are the base classes of the template represented by $C$ augmented by
+$C$ itself. The base classes of a constructor invocation of type $T$
+are the base classes of $T$.
+The notions of mixin base classes and base classes are extended from
+classes to arbitrary types following the definitions of
+If two types in the base class sequence of a template refer to the
+same class definition, then that definition must define a trait
+(\sref{sec:traits}), and the type that comes later in the sequence must
+conform to the type that comes first.
+Consider the following class definitions:
+class A
+class B extends A
+trait C extends A
+class D extends A
+class E extends B with C with D
+class F extends B with D with E
+The mixin base classes and base classes of classes \code{A-F} are given in
+the following table:
+\begin{quote}\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline
+ \ & Mixin base classes & Base classes \\ \hline
+A & A & A, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any \\
+B & B & B, A, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any \\
+C & C & C, A, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any \\
+D & D & D, A, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any \\
+E & C, D, E & E, B, C, D, A, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any \\
+F & C, D, E, F & F, B, D, E, C, A, ScalaObject, AnyRef, Any \\ \hline
+Note that \code{D} is inherited twice by \code{F}, once directly, the
+other time indirectly through \code{E}. This is permitted, since
+\code{D} is a trait.
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+Scala Syntax Summary
+==================== \ No newline at end of file
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+Scala Language Reference as Pandoc Markdown - Notes
+- All files must be saved as UTF-8: ensure your editors are configured
+ appropriately.
+- Use of the appropriate unicode characters instead of the latex modifiers
+ for accents, etc. is necessary. For example, é instead of \'e. Make use of
+ the fact that the content is unicode, google the necessary characters if
+ you don't know how to type them directly.
+- Leave two empty lines between each section, regardless of level of nesting.
+ Leave two empty lines at the end of every markdown file that forms a part
+ of the main specification when compiled.
+Conversion from LaTeX - Guidelines
+### Code
+Code blocks using the listings package of form
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+ val x = 1
+ val y = x + 1
+ x + y
+ \end{lstlisting}
+can be replaced with pandoc code blocks of form
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{#ref-identifier .scala .numberLines}
+ val x = 1
+ val y = x + 1
+ x + y
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+Where `#ref-identifier` is an identifier that can be used for producing links
+to the code block, while `.scala` and `.numberLines` are classes that get
+applied to the code block for formatting purposes. At present we propose to
+use the following classes:
+- `.scala` for scala code.
+- `.grammar` for EBNF grammars.
+It is important to note that while math mode is supported in pandoc markdown
+using the usual LaTeX convention, i.e. $x^y + z$, this does not work within
+code blocks. In most cases the usages of math mode I have seen within
+code blocks are easily replaced with unicode character equivalents. If
+a more complex solution is required this will be investigated at a later stage.
+#### Inline Code
+Inline code, usually `~\lstinline@...some code...@` can be replaced with
+the pandoc equivalent of
+ `...some code...`{<type>}
+where `<type>` is one of the classes representing the language of the
+code fragment.
+### Macro replacements:
+- The macro \U{ABCD} used for unicode character references can be
+ replaced with \\uABCD.
+- The macro \URange{ABCD}{DCBA} used for unicode character ranges can be
+ replaced with \\uABCD-\\uDBCA.
+- There is no adequate replacement for `\textsc{...}` (small caps) in pandoc
+ markdown. While unicode contains a number of small capital letters, it is
+ notably missing Q and X as these glyphs are intended for phonetic spelling,
+ therefore these cannot be reliably used. For now, the best option is to
+ use underscore emphasis and capitalise the text manually, `_LIKE THIS_`.
+- `\code{...}` can be replaced with standard in-line verbatim markdown,
+ `` `like this` ``.
+### Unicode Character replacements
+- The unicode left and right single quotation marks (‘ and ’)
+ have been used in place of ` and ', where the quotation marks are intended
+ to be paired. These can be typed on a mac using Option+] for a left quote
+ and Option+Shift+] for the right quote.
+- Similarly for left and right double quotation marks (“ and ”) in
+ place of ". These can be typed on a mac using Option+[ and Option+Shift+].
+### Enumerations
+Latex enumerations can be replaced with markdown ordered lists, which have
+ #. first entry
+ #. ...
+ #. last entry \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb91c46418
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@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+%% Article
+ author = {Robin Milner},
+ title = {A {T}heory of {T}ype {P}olymorphism in {P}rogramming},
+ journal = {Journal of Computer and System Sciences},
+ year = {1978},
+ month = {Dec},
+ volume = {17},
+ pages = {348--375},
+ folder = { 2-1}
+ author = "Niklaus Wirth",
+ title = "What can we do about the unnecessary diversity of notation
+for syntactic definitions?",
+ journal = "Comm. ACM",
+ year = 1977,
+ volume = 20,
+ pages = "822-823",
+ month = nov
+%% Book
+ author = {Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman and Julie Sussman},
+ title = {The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, 2nd
+ edition},
+ publisher = {MIT Press},
+ address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts},
+ year = {1996},
+ url = {}
+ author = "Adele Goldberg and David Robson",
+ title = "{Smalltalk-80}; The {L}anguage and Its {I}mplementation",
+ publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
+ year = "1983",
+ note = "ISBN 0-201-11371-6"
+ author = {Yukihiro Matsumoto},
+ title = {Ruby in a {N}utshell},
+ publisher = {O'Reilly \& Associates},
+ year = "2001",
+ month = "nov",
+ note = "ISBN 0-596-00214-9"
+ author = {Guido van Rossum and Fred L. Drake},
+ title = {The {P}ython {L}anguage {R}eference {M}anual},
+ publisher = {Network Theory Ltd},
+ year = "2003",
+ month = "sep",
+ note = {ISBN 0-954-16178-5\hspace*{\fill}\\
+ \verb@}
+ title = {The {S}cala {L}anguage {S}pecification, Version 2.4},
+ author = {Martin Odersky},
+ organization = {EPFL},
+ month = feb,
+ year = 2007,
+ note = {}
+ ALTauthor = {Martin Odersky},
+ ALTeditor = {},
+ title = {The {S}cala {L}anguage {S}pecification, Version 2.4},
+ publisher = {},
+ year = {},
+ OPTkey = {},
+ OPTvolume = {},
+ OPTnumber = {},
+ OPTseries = {},
+ OPTaddress = {},
+ OPTedition = {},
+ OPTmonth = {},
+ OPTnote = {},
+ OPTannote = {}
+%% InProceedings
+ author = {Martin Odersky and Vincent Cremet and Christine R\"ockl
+ and Matthias Zenger},
+ title = {A {N}ominal {T}heory of {O}bjects with {D}ependent {T}ypes},
+ booktitle = {Proc. FOOL 10},
+ year = 2003,
+ month = jan,
+ note = {\hspace*{\fill}\\
+ \verb@}
+%% Misc
+ author = {W3C},
+ title = {Document Object Model ({DOM})},
+ howpublished = {\hspace*{\fill}\\
+ \verb@}
+ author = {W3C},
+ title = {Extensible {M}arkup {L}anguage ({XML})},
+ howpublished = {\hspace*{\fill}\\
+ \verb@}
+ author = {Martin Odersky and al.},
+ title = {An {O}verview of the {S}cala {P}rogramming {L}anguage},
+ institution = {EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland},
+ year = 2004,
+ number = {IC/2004/64}
+ author = {Martin Odersky and Matthias Zenger},
+ title = {Scalable {C}omponent {A}bstractions},
+ booktitle = {Proc. OOPSLA},
+ year = 2005
+ author = {Martin Odersky and Vincent Cremet and Christine R\"ockl and Matthias Zenger},
+ title = {A {N}ominal {T}heory of {O}bjects with {D}ependent {T}ypes},
+ booktitle = {Proc. ECOOP'03},
+ year = 2003,
+ month = jul,
+ series = {Springer LNCS}
+ author = {Vincent Cremet and Martin Odersky},
+ title = {{PiLib} - A {H}osted {L}anguage for {P}i-{C}alculus {S}tyle {C}oncurrency},
+ booktitle = {Domain-Specific Program Generation},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ year = 2005,
+ volume = 3016,
+ series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}
+ author = {Martin Odersky and Matthias Zenger},
+ title = {Independently {E}xtensible {S}olutions to the {E}xpression {P}roblem},
+ booktitle = {Proc. FOOL 12},
+ year = 2005,
+ month = jan,
+ note = {\verb@}
+ author = {Martin Odersky},
+ title = {The {S}cala {E}xperiment -- {C}an {W}e {P}rovide {B}etter {L}anguage {S}upport for {C}omponent {S}ystems?},
+ booktitle = {Proc. ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages},
+ year = 2006
+ author = {Andrew J. Kennedy and Benjamin C. Pierce},
+ title = {On {D}ecidability of {N}ominal {S}ubtyping with {V}ariance},
+ year = {2007},
+ month = jan,
+ note = {FOOL-WOOD '07},
+ short = {}
+ author = {Iulian Dragos},
+ title = {Scala Specialization},
+ year = 2010,
+ note = {SID-9}
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new file mode 100755
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+find . -name "*.md" | \
+cat \
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+ > build/
+# \
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+# \
+# \
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+ -t html5 \
+ --standalone \
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+ --number-sections \
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+ --template=resources/scala-ref-template.html5 \
+ --self-contained \
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+ -o build/ScalaReference.html \
+ build/
+# pdf generation - not working yet
+#pandoc -f markdown \
+# --standalone \
+# --toc \
+# --chapters \
+# --number-sections \
+# --bibliography=Scala.bib \
+# --self-contained \
+# --latex-engine=xelatex \
+# -o build/ScalaReference.pdf \
+# build/ScalaReference.panmd \ No newline at end of file
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+ Blueprint CSS Framework 1.0.1
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-Present. See LICENSE for more info.
+ * See README for instructions on how to use Blueprint.
+ * For credits and origins, see AUTHORS.
+ * This is a compressed file. See the sources in the 'src' directory.
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
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diff --git a/resources/blueprint-screen.css b/resources/blueprint-screen.css
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..593609aa45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/blueprint-screen.css
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Blueprint CSS Framework 1.0.1
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-Present. See LICENSE for more info.
+ * See README for instructions on how to use Blueprint.
+ * For credits and origins, see AUTHORS.
+ * This is a compressed file. See the sources in the 'src' directory.
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* reset.css */
+html {margin:0;padding:0;border:0;}
+body, div, span, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, code, del, dfn, em, img, q, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, dialog, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section {margin:0;padding:0;border:0;font-size:100%;font:inherit;vertical-align:baseline;}
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+input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=url], input[type=email], input.text, input.title, textarea, select {margin:0.5em 0;}
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+textarea {width:390px;height:250px;padding:5px;}
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+form.inline p {margin-bottom:0;}
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+.prepend-19 {padding-left:760px;}
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+.prepend-21 {padding-left:840px;}
+.prepend-22 {padding-left:880px;}
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+.pull-21 {margin-left:-840px;}
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+.push-12 {margin:0 -480px 1.5em 480px;}
+.push-13 {margin:0 -520px 1.5em 520px;}
+.push-14 {margin:0 -560px 1.5em 560px;}
+.push-15 {margin:0 -600px 1.5em 600px;}
+.push-16 {margin:0 -640px 1.5em 640px;}
+.push-17 {margin:0 -680px 1.5em 680px;}
+.push-18 {margin:0 -720px 1.5em 720px;}
+.push-19 {margin:0 -760px 1.5em 760px;}
+.push-20 {margin:0 -800px 1.5em 800px;}
+.push-21 {margin:0 -840px 1.5em 840px;}
+.push-22 {margin:0 -880px 1.5em 880px;}
+.push-23 {margin:0 -920px 1.5em 920px;}
+.push-24 {margin:0 -960px 1.5em 960px;}
+.push-1, .push-2, .push-3, .push-4, .push-5, .push-6, .push-7, .push-8, .push-9, .push-10, .push-11, .push-12, .push-13, .push-14, .push-15, .push-16, .push-17, .push-18, .push-19, .push-20, .push-21, .push-22, .push-23, .push-24 {float:left;position:relative;}
+div.prepend-top, .prepend-top {margin-top:1.5em;}
+div.append-bottom, .append-bottom {margin-bottom:1.5em;} {padding:1.5em;margin-bottom:1.5em;background:#e5eCf9;}
+hr {background:#ddd;color:#ddd;clear:both;float:none;width:100%;height:1px;margin:0 0 17px;border:none;} {background:#fff;color:#fff;visibility:hidden;}
+.clearfix:after, .container:after {content:"\0020";display:block;height:0;clear:both;visibility:hidden;overflow:hidden;}
+.clearfix, .container {display:block;}
+.clear {clear:both;} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/grid.png b/resources/grid.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4ceb110426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/grid.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/resources/ie.css b/resources/ie.css
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f01539959a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/ie.css
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Blueprint CSS Framework 1.0.1
+ * Copyright (c) 2007-Present. See LICENSE for more info.
+ * See README for instructions on how to use Blueprint.
+ * For credits and origins, see AUTHORS.
+ * This is a compressed file. See the sources in the 'src' directory.
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ie.css */
+body {text-align:center;}
+.container {text-align:left;}
+* html .column, * html .span-1, * html .span-2, * html .span-3, * html .span-4, * html .span-5, * html .span-6, * html .span-7, * html .span-8, * html .span-9, * html .span-10, * html .span-11, * html .span-12, * html .span-13, * html .span-14, * html .span-15, * html .span-16, * html .span-17, * html .span-18, * html .span-19, * html .span-20, * html .span-21, * html .span-22, * html .span-23, * html .span-24 {display:inline;overflow-x:hidden;}
+* html legend {margin:0px -8px 16px 0;padding:0;}
+sup {vertical-align:text-top;}
+sub {vertical-align:text-bottom;}
+html>body p code {*white-space:normal;}
+hr {margin:-8px auto 11px;}
+img {-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic;}
+.clearfix, .container {display:inline-block;}
+* html .clearfix, * html .container {height:1%;}
+fieldset {padding-top:0;}
+legend {margin-top:-0.2em;margin-bottom:1em;margin-left:-0.5em;}
+textarea {overflow:auto;}
+label {vertical-align:middle;position:relative;top:-0.25em;}
+input.text, input.title, textarea {background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #bbb;}
+input.text:focus, input.title:focus {border-color:#666;}
+input.text, input.title, textarea, select {margin:0.5em 0;}
+input.checkbox, {position:relative;top:.25em;}
+form.inline div, form.inline p {vertical-align:middle;}
+form.inline input.checkbox, form.inline, form.inline input.button, form.inline button {margin:0.5em 0;}
+button, input.button {position:relative;top:0.25em;} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/scala-ref-template.html5 b/resources/scala-ref-template.html5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33d6b26ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/scala-ref-template.html5
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html$if(lang)$ lang="$lang$"$endif$>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <meta name="generator" content="pandoc">
+ <meta name="author" content="$author-meta$">
+ <meta name="" content="$date-meta$">
+ <title>$if(title-prefix)$$title-prefix$ - $endif$$if(pagetitle)$$pagetitle$$endif$</title>
+ <!--[if lt IE 9]>
+ <script src=""></script>
+ <![endif]-->
+ <style type="text/css">
+ q { quotes: "“" "”" "‘" "’"; }
+ </style>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ </style>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="$css$">
+ $math$
+ $header-includes$
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/blueprint-screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/blueprint-print.css" type="text/css" media="print">
+ <!--[if lt IE 8]>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/blueprint-ie.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection">
+ <![endif]-->
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="resources/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection"/>
+<div class="container">
+<h1 class="title">$title$</h1>
+<h3 class="date">$date$</h3>
+<nav id="$idprefix$TOC">
diff --git a/resources/style.css b/resources/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04e953658e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+header h1 {
+ text-align: center;
+header .date {
+ text-align: center;
+.container > h1 a,
+.container > h2 a,
+.container > h3 a,
+.container > h4 a,
+.container > h5 a,
+.container > h6 a {
+ text-decoration: none;
+ color: #111;
+pre {
+ margin-left: 3em;
+ padding: 1em;
+ background-color: #EEE;
+ border: 1px solid #333;
+code {
+ background-color: #EEE;