diff options
authorIulian Dragos <>2004-06-21 14:00:09 +0000
committerIulian Dragos <>2004-06-21 14:00:09 +0000
commit910d3045ec004a3379da49adf2d21ec8b23adec8 (patch)
parent4761c438954f0f1bdbf39023585c14853e3fa205 (diff)
Added wholeprog phase sources
6 files changed, 1894 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/MyCompilerPhases.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/MyCompilerPhases.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43431a80ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/MyCompilerPhases.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
+** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
+** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL **
+** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
+\* */
+** The Global analysis phase.
+** We add a new phase in the compiler, WholeProgPhase.
+** [iuli] 3.03.2004 */
+// import scalac.{CompilerPhases => scalac_CompilerPhases}
+import{CompilerPhases => old_CompilerPhases}
+import scalac.{Global => scalac_Global}
+import scalac.transformer.{ICodePhase => scalac_ICodePhase}
+import scalac.PhaseDescriptor;
+import scalac.{Unit => scalac_Unit}
+import scalac.atree._;
+//import scalac.ast._;
+import scalac.util.Name;
+package {
+ * We add our phase to the compiler phases. To do this, we derive
+ * from the current CompilerPhases class and insert our phase after
+ * the tail call phase.
+ *
+ */
+class MyCompilerPhases extends old_CompilerPhases {
+ var WHOLEPROG: PhaseDescriptor = new PhaseDescriptor(
+ "wholeprog",
+ "analyze class hierarchy",
+ "Find final classes, unused code and monomorphic call-sites",
+ protected def WHOLEPROG_PHASE: Class =
+ Class.forName("$class");
+ * This phase analyzes the whole program and tries to derive some
+ * useful facts about it: which classes can be marked final, what
+ * methods, fields are never used, and monomorphic call-sites.
+ *
+ * TODO: Maybe the parent should be something other than ICodePhase!!
+ */
+class WholeProgPhase(global: scalac_Global, descriptor: PhaseDescriptor)
+ extends scalac_ICodePhase (global, descriptor) {
+ // ##################################################
+ // Public methods
+ /* Apply the global analysis phase to the given units */
+ override def apply(units: Array[scalac_Unit]): unit = {
+ if (!global.args.XdotFile.value.equals("$")) {
+ val dotFilePrinter = new PrintDotFile(units);
+ dotFilePrinter.makeDotFile(global.args.XdotFile.value);
+ }
+ if (!global.args.XrootClass.value.equals("$")) {
+ var builder: ApplicationBuilder = new ApplicationBuilder(global);
+ builder.buildApplication(global.args.XrootClass.value, units);
+ }
+ if (!global.args.XdotFile.value.equals("$")) {
+ val dotFilePrinter = new PrintDotFile(units);
+ dotFilePrinter.makeDotFile(global.args.XdotFile.value + "2");
+ }
+ }
+ /** visit each method of a class
+ * and log Apply cases */
+ def visitClass(cl: AClass): unit = {
+ val methods = cl.methods();
+ var i: int = 0;
+ while (i < methods.length) {
+ visitCode (methods(i).code());
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /** try to find call-sites and print them out */
+ def visitCode(code: ACode): unit = {
+ code match {
+ case ACode$Apply(AFunction$Method(obj, method, style),_,_) => {
+ visitCode(obj);
+ global.log(" Apply method: " + obj.toString() + "/" + method + " style: " + style);
+ }
+ case ACode$Apply(_, _, _) => global.log(" Apply something: " + code);
+ case ACode$Block(_, stats, _) => {
+ stats.foreach( (stat: ACode) => { visitCode(stat) } );
+ }
+ case ACode$Drop(value, _) => visitCode(value);
+ case _ => ();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/ApplicationBuilder.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/ApplicationBuilder.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39a6bb8868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/ApplicationBuilder.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+import scalac.{Global => scalac_Global}
+import scalac.{Unit => scalac_Unit}
+import scalac.atree._;
+import scalac.symtab._;
+import scalac.util.Name;
+import scalac.util._;
+import scala.collection.mutable._;
+import scalac.ast._;
+package {
+ * This class builds the set of classes included in the Application (whole
+ * program), starting with a root class, given from the outside (usually
+ * the user).
+ *
+ */
+class ApplicationBuilder(globall: scalac_Global) {
+ private val global = globall;
+ var rootClassName: Name = Name.fromString("");
+ //var map: SymbolMap = null;
+ // algorithm data
+ var worklist: Set[Symbol] = new HashSet[Symbol];
+ var app: Set[Symbol] = new HashSet[Symbol];
+ val chGraph = new ClassHierarchy(global);
+ def finalClasses(app: Set[Symbol], units: Array[scalac_Unit]): Unit = {
+ val m = new MonomorphicCallSites(global, app);
+ m.buildClassHierarchy;
+ m.hierarchy.visitDFS( (n) => {
+ if (m.hierarchy.inEdges( == 0) {
+// Console.println("Final class: " +;
+ = | Modifiers.FINAL;
+ }
+ });
+// val transf: GenTransformer = new GenTransformer(global);
+// units.foreach( (u) => {
+// u.body.foreach( (b) => transf.transform(b) );
+// });
+ m.monomorphicCallsites;
+ }
+ /** find the whole application that is referenced by the root class */
+ def buildApplication(root: String, units: Array[scalac_Unit]): unit = {
+ rootClassName = Name.fromString(root);
+ var rootClass: Symbol = null;
+ try {
+ rootClass = global.definitions.getModule(root).moduleClass();
+ } catch {
+ case _ => global.error(root + " is not the name of an object");
+ }
+ if (rootClass == Symbol.NONE)
+ global.error(root + " is not an object");
+ // build the map from Symbol's to AST nodes
+ buildCodeMap(units);
+// Console.println(SymbolMap);
+ worklist += rootClass;
+ while (!worklist.isEmpty)
+ visitClass(worklist.toList.head);
+ dumpApplication;
+ // now we call from here the final-classes analysis,
+ // but we should really move it to a more sensible place, like a
+ // whole-program anlysis controller, or "plan", the same way the
+ // compiler phases are structured
+ finalClasses(app, units);
+ }
+ // where
+ def buildCodeMap(units: Array[scalac_Unit]): Unit = {
+ //val map = new SymbolMap();
+ def mapTree(t: Tree): unit = {
+ t match {
+ case Tree$PackageDef(pack, impl) => {
+ mapTree(pack);
+ mapTree(impl);
+ }
+ case Tree$ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, vparams, tpe, impl) => {
+ SymbolMap.addSymbol(t.symbol(), t);
+ mapTree(impl);
+ }
+ case Tree$Template(parents, body) => {
+ body.foreach( (b) => mapTree(b) );
+ }
+ case _ => ;
+ };
+ }
+ units.foreach( (u: scalac_Unit) =>
+ u.body.foreach( (b) => mapTree(b) ));
+ }
+ def dumpApplication: Unit = {
+ val outputFile = new;
+ val writer: = new;
+ app.foreach( (s: Symbol) => {
+ writer.write( + "\n");
+ });
+ // if we don't flush, nothing gets written?!!
+ writer.flush();
+ }
+ def visitClass(clsSym: Symbol): unit = {
+ if (clsSym.isExternal())
+ visitExternalClass(clsSym);
+ else
+ visitInternalClass(clsSym);
+ }
+ def visitExternalClass(clsSym: Symbol): unit = {
+ assert(clsSym.isClass(), "Not a class symbol? " + clsSym);
+ app += clsSym;
+ worklist -= clsSym;
+ // parents
+ addTypesToWorklist(List.fromArray(clsSym.parents(), 0, clsSym.parents().length));
+ updateClassHierarchy(clsSym);
+ // members
+ clsSym.members().elements().foreach( (s: Symbol) => {
+ if (s.isClass())
+ visitClass(s);
+ else if (s.isValue() || s.isVariable()) {
+ // a field
+ } else if (s.isMethod()) {
+ // a method
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Visit a class declaration.. Walk all its methods and add to the Application set
+ * all classes referenced by a method call, instantiation or assignment. We have to
+ * have a source represenation of this class (it is not Java code/or external class).
+ *
+ * What we include for each class:
+ * - superclasses
+ * - field types (actually their classes)
+ * - return and argument types for methods (actually their classes)
+ * - receiver type for method calls (actually its class)
+ * - receiver and field type for foreign field accesses (same obs as before)
+ */
+ def visitInternalClass(clsSym: Symbol): unit = {
+ var cls: Tree = null;
+ app += clsSym;
+ worklist -= clsSym;
+ SymbolMap.getDefinition(clsSym) match {
+ case Some(c) => cls = c;
+ case None => {
+ Console.println("Could not find symbol " + clsSym + " in code map");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ val parents = clsSym.parents();
+ updateClassHierarchy(clsSym);
+ // superclasses
+ addTypesToWorklist(List.fromArray[Type](parents, 0, parents.length));
+ addReferences(cls);
+ }
+ // where
+ def updateClassHierarchy(cls: Symbol): Unit = {
+ val parents = cls.parents();
+ var i = 1;
+ val subclass: Node = chGraph.getNode(cls);
+ def typeToSymbol(t: Type): Symbol = {
+ t match {
+ case Type$TypeRef(_, s, _) => s;
+ case _ => { global.error("Cannot handle base type " + t + " for " + cls ); null }
+ }
+ }
+ if (parents.length > 0) {
+ chGraph.addBaseClass(subclass, chGraph.getNode(typeToSymbol(parents(0))));
+ while (i < parents.length) {
+ chGraph.addMixin(subclass, chGraph.getNode(typeToSymbol(parents(i))));
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Walk the tree and add to the worklist any class symbol that is
+ * referenced from this tree.
+ */
+ def addReferences(t: Tree): unit = {
+ t match {
+ case Tree$ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, vparams, tpe, impl) => {
+ tparams.foreach( (tpar) => addReferences(tpar) );
+ vparams.foreach( (varray) => varray.foreach( (v) => addReferences(v) ) );
+ addReferences(tpe);
+ addReferences(impl);
+ }
+ case Tree$PackageDef(packaged, impl) => {
+ addReferences(packaged);
+ addReferences(impl);
+ }
+ case Tree$ModuleDef(mods, name, tpe, impl) => {
+ addReferences(tpe);
+ addReferences(impl);
+ }
+ case Tree$ValDef(mods, name, tpe, rhs) => {
+ assert(t.hasSymbol());
+ val s = t.symbol().getType();
+ addTypesToWorklist(s :: Nil);
+ addReferences(tpe);
+ addReferences(rhs);
+ }
+ case Tree$PatDef(mods, pat, rhs) => {
+ assert(t.hasSymbol());
+ val s = t.symbol().getType();
+ addTypesToWorklist(s :: Nil);
+ addReferences(pat);
+ addReferences(rhs);
+ }
+ case Tree$DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparams, tpe, impl) => {
+ assert(t.hasSymbol());
+ val s = t.symbol().getType();
+ addTypesToWorklist(s :: Nil);
+ tparams.foreach( (tpar) => addReferences(tpar) );
+ vparams.foreach( (varray) => varray.foreach( (v) => addReferences(v) ) );
+ addReferences(tpe);
+ addReferences(impl);
+ }
+ case Tree$AbsTypeDef(mods, name, rhs, lobound) => {
+ addReferences(rhs);
+ addReferences(lobound);
+ if (t.hasSymbol())
+ addTypesToWorklist(t.symbol().getType() :: Nil);
+ }
+ case Tree$AliasTypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) => {
+ tparams.foreach( (tt) => addReferences(tt) );
+ addReferences(rhs);
+ }
+ case Tree$Import(expr, selectors) => ;
+ case Tree$CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => {
+ addReferences(pat);
+ addReferences(guard);
+ addReferences(body);
+ }
+ case Tree$Template(parents, body) => {
+ body.foreach( (b) => addReferences(b) );
+ }
+ case Tree$LabelDef(name, params, rhs) => {
+ params.foreach( (p) => addReferences(p) );
+ addReferences(rhs);
+ }
+ case Tree$Block(stats, expr) => {
+ stats.foreach( (stat) => addReferences(stat) );
+ addReferences(expr);
+ }
+ case Tree$Sequence(trees) => {
+ trees.foreach( (t) => addReferences(t) );
+ }
+ case Tree$Function(vparams, body) => {
+ vparams.foreach( (vpar) => addReferences(vpar) );
+ addReferences(body);
+ }
+ case Tree$Assign(lhs, rhs) => {
+ addReferences(lhs);
+ addReferences(rhs);
+ }
+ case Tree$If(cond, thenp, elsep) => {
+ addReferences(cond);
+ addReferences(thenp);
+ addReferences(elsep);
+ }
+ case Tree$Switch(test, tags, bodies, otherwise) => {
+ addReferences(test);
+ bodies.foreach( (b) => addReferences(b) );
+ addReferences(otherwise);
+ }
+ case Tree$Return(expr) => addReferences(expr);
+ case Tree$Throw(expr) => addReferences(expr);
+ // the only place where new references can be added
+ case Tree$New(template) => {
+ addReferences(template);
+// Console.println("<new> template with type! " + template.getType());
+ addTypesToWorklist(template.getType() :: Nil);
+ }
+ case Tree$Typed(expr, tpe) => {
+ addReferences(expr);
+ addReferences(tpe);
+ }
+ case Tree$TypeApply(fun, args) => {
+ addReferences(fun);
+ args.foreach( (a) => addReferences(a) );
+ }
+ case Tree$Apply(fun, args) => {
+ addReferences(fun);
+ addTypesToWorklist(fun.getType() :: Nil);
+ args.foreach( (a) => addReferences(a) );
+ }
+ case Tree$Super(qualifier, mixin) => ;
+ case Tree$This(qualifier) => ;
+ case Tree$Select(qualifier, selector) => {
+ addTypesToWorklist(qualifier.getType() :: Nil);
+ addReferences(qualifier);
+ }
+ case Tree$Ident(name) => ;
+ case Tree$Literal(value) => ;
+ case Tree$TypeTerm() => {
+ addTypesToWorklist(t.getType() :: Nil);
+ }
+ case Tree$SingletonType(ref) => {
+ addReferences(ref);
+ }
+ case Tree$SelectFromType(qualifier, selector) => addReferences(qualifier);
+ case Tree$FunType(argTypes, restpe) => {
+ argTypes.foreach( (a) => addReferences(a) );
+ addReferences(restpe);
+ }
+ case Tree$CompoundType(parents, refinements) => {
+ parents.foreach( (p) => addReferences(p) );
+ refinements.foreach( (r) => addReferences(r) );
+ }
+ case Tree$AppliedType(tpe, args) => {
+ addReferences(tpe);
+ args.foreach( (a) => addReferences(a) );
+ }
+ case Tree$Try(block, catcher, finalizer) => {
+ addReferences(block);
+ addReferences(catcher);
+ addReferences(finalizer);
+ }
+ case _ => ;
+ }
+ }
+ def addReferencesList(trees: List[Tree]) = {
+ trees.foreach( (t) => addReferences(t));
+ }
+ def typeToSymbol(t: Type): Symbol = {
+ t match {
+ case Type$TypeRef(_, s, _) => if (s.isAbstractType()) typeToSymbol(t.bound()) else s;
+ case Type$SingleType(pre, sym) => typeToSymbol(sym.getType());
+ case Type$ThisType(sym) => sym;
+ case Type$PolyType(tparams, result) => typeToSymbol(result); // attention!
+ case Type$ConstantType(base, value) => typeToSymbol(base);
+ case Type$MethodType(vparams, result) => typeToSymbol(result);
+ case Type$CompoundType(_, _) => t.symbol();
+ case _ => { global.error("Cannot handle base type " + t); null }
+ }
+ }
+ def addTypesToWorklist(types: List[Type]): unit = {
+ types.foreach( (t) => addSymbolToWorklist(typeToSymbol(t)) );
+ }
+ // where
+ def addTypesToWorklist2(types: List[Type]): unit = {
+ // types have to be TypeRef really, actually class types so that we
+ // can identify the corresponding class and add it to our processing list
+ types.foreach( (t: Type) => {
+ t.match {
+ case Type$TypeRef(pre, s, args) => {
+ addTypesToWorklist(List.fromArray[Type](args, 0, args.length));
+ addSymbolToWorklist(s);
+ }
+ case Type$CompoundType(parts, members) => Console.println("CompoundType " + t);
+ case Type$ThisType(sym) => Console.println("ThisType " + t);
+ case Type$SingleType(pre, sym) => Console.println("SingleType " + t);
+ case Type$ConstantType(base, value) => Console.println("ConstantType " + t);
+ case Type$MethodType(vparams, result) => {
+ val xs = List.fromArray[Symbol](vparams, 0, vparams.length);
+ addTypesToWorklist(xs map { (s) => s.getType() });
+ addTypesToWorklist(result :: Nil);
+ }
+ case Type$PolyType(tparams, result) => {
+ val xs = List.fromArray[Symbol](tparams, 0, tparams.length);
+ addTypesToWorklist(xs map { (s) => s.getType() });
+ addTypesToWorklist(result :: Nil);
+ }
+ case Type$OverloadedType(alts, alttypes) => Console.println("OverloadedType " + t);
+ case Type$LazyType() => Console.println("LazyType " + t);
+ case Type$TypeVar(origin, constr) => Console.println("TypeVar " + t);
+ case Type$UnboxedType(tag) => Console.println("UnboxedType " + t);
+ case Type$UnboxedArrayType(elempt) => Console.println("UnboxedArrayType " + t);
+ case _ => Console.println("[worklist] Could not handle type " + t.toString());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /** the specified symbol has to be a class symbol. It adds its corresponding
+ * Class symbol to the worklist if the necessary conditions are met */
+ def addSymbolToWorklist(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
+ if (sym != null && sym.isClass())
+ if (!app.contains(sym) && !worklist.contains(sym)) {
+ global.log("Adding type " + sym + " to worklist");
+ worklist += sym;
+ }
+ }
+ * A map from Symbol values to AClass values. It is used by the ApplicationBuilder
+ * in order to resolve class name symbols (to find their definition)
+ */
+object SymbolMap {
+ private var map: Map[Symbol, Tree] = new HashMap[Symbol, Tree]();
+ def addSymbol(s: Symbol, definition: Tree): unit =
+ map.update(s, definition);
+ /** Return the atree for the class definition of this symbol, if
+ * there is one, or None otherwise */
+ def getDefinition(s: Symbol): Option[Tree] = {
+ map.get(s);
+ }
+ def getDefinition1(s: Symbol): Tree = {
+ getDefinition(s) match {
+ case Some(t) => t;
+ case _ => null;
+ }
+ }
+ def elements = map.elements;
+ override def toString(): String = {
+ var str: String = "";
+ elements.foreach( (tuple: Tuple2[Symbol, Tree]) => {
+ str = str.concat(SymbolPrinter.fullName(tuple._1));
+ str = str.concat(" -> ");
+ //str = str.concat(tuple._2.toString());
+ str = str.concat("\n");
+ });
+ str;
+ }
+} // package
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/Inline.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/Inline.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b21617d069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/Inline.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
+** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
+** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2004, LAMP/EPFL **
+** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
+\* */
+** Inline methods in monomoprhic callsites
+** [iuli] 12.05.2004 */
+import scalac.{Global => scalac_Global}
+import scalac.{Unit => scalac_Unit}
+import scalac.symtab._;
+import scalac.util._;
+import scala.collection.mutable._;
+import scalac.ast._;
+import{Node => GNode};
+package {
+/** Perform inlining of the sites passed as parameter */
+class InlineMethods(sites: List[Tuple3[GNode[Symbol, MethodNode], GNode[Symbol, MethodNode], CallSite]],
+ global: scalac_Global)
+ extends Transformer(global) {
+ var inlines: int = 0;
+ var inlinedThis: Symbol = null;
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ tree match {
+ case Tree$Apply(fun, args) => {
+ val s = sites.find( tuple => tree == tuple._3.t);
+ s match {
+ case Some(Tuple3(cl, ce, s)) => expand(tree, cl, ce)
+ case _ => super.transform(tree);
+ }
+ }
+ case _ => super.transform(tree);
+ }
+ }
+ def expand(tree: Tree, caller: GNode[Symbol, MethodNode], callee: GNode[Symbol, MethodNode]): Tree = {
+ val expr: Tree = null;
+ val Tree$DefDef(_, name, _, vparams, _, rhs) =;
+ val subst = new HashMap[Symbol, Symbol];
+ def createLocals(tree: Tree, calleeDef: Tree): Array[Tree] = {
+ val Tree$Apply(fun, args) = tree;
+ val Tree$DefDef(_, name, _, vparams, _, rhs) = calleeDef;
+ val res: Array[Tree] = new Array[Tree](args.length + 1); // make room for $this
+ assert(args.length == vparams(0).length,
+ "Call site has different nr. of arguments than def " + fun.symbol());
+ res(0) = makeThisDef(fun);
+ var i: int = 1;
+ while (i < res.length) {
+ // duplicate the formal parameter of the method and create a symbol for this def
+ val arg = vparams(0)(i-1).duplicate().asInstanceOf[Tree$ValDef];
+ val sym =, 0, Name.fromString("$" + i));
+ // set the type of the parameter to the type of the *actual* argument
+// sym.setType(args(i-1).getType());
+ // or the formals?
+ sym.setType(arg.tpe.getType());
+// Console.println("Type: actual " + sym.getType() + " : formal "
+// + arg);
+ arg.tpe.setType(sym.getType());
+ // add the mapping to the substitution table of symbols
+ subst += arg.symbol() -> sym;
+ // set the initial value to the actual parameter
+ arg.rhs = args(i - 1).duplicate();
+ arg.setSymbol(sym);
+ arg.rhs.setType(sym.getType());
+ res(i) = arg;
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ res
+ }
+ def makeThisDef(fun: Tree): Tree = {
+ val Tree$Select(qualifier, selector) = fun;
+// val tpe = make.TypeTerm(fun.pos);
+ val sym =, 0, Name.fromString("inthis"));
+// sym.setType(qualifier.getType().singleDeref()); // it was .singleDeref() but unneded?
+ sym.setType(;
+ Logger.log("[inthis] Set type to " + sym.getType());
+// val t = make.ValDef(fun.pos, 0, Name.fromString("inthis"), tpe, qualifier.duplicate());
+ val t = gen.ValDef(sym, qualifier.duplicate());
+// tpe.setType(qualifier.getType().deconst());
+// t.setSymbol(sym);
+ inlinedThis = sym;
+ t
+ }
+ val locals = createLocals(tree,;
+ val updater = new UpdateAccesses(subst,;
+ val newRhs = updater.transform(rhs.duplicate());
+ Logger.log("[inline] expand reached");
+ if (updater.touchedPrivate)
+ tree
+ else {
+ Logger.log("Inlining at " +
+ + "." +
+ + " [" + Position.toString(tree.pos) + "] with " +
+ + "." +
+ inlines = inlines + 1;
+ gen.mkBlock(locals, newRhs);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Update accesses to symbols that have been replaced according to the map */
+ class UpdateAccesses(subst: HashMap[Symbol, Symbol], hostMethod: Symbol)
+ extends GenTransformer(global) {
+ var touchedPrivate: boolean = false;
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ tree match {
+ case Tree$This(qualifier) => {
+ assert(inlinedThis != null, "<this> is null for " + tree);
+ gen.Ident(tree.pos, inlinedThis);
+ }
+ // create a new symbol for the new declaration in this method
+ case Tree$ValDef(mods, name, tpe, rhs) => {
+ val newSym = hostMethod.newVariable(tree.pos, mods, name);
+ newSym.setType(tpe.getType());
+ subst += tree.symbol() -> newSym;
+ tree.setSymbol(newSym);
+ gen.ValDef(newSym, transform(rhs));
+ }
+ case Tree$Super(_, _) => {
+ Logger.log("[inline] Touched super.");
+ touchedPrivate = true; // not private, but still we cannot inline this function
+ super.transform(tree);
+ }
+ case Tree$Return(_) => {
+ Logger.log("[inline] Touched return.");
+ touchedPrivate = true; // not private, but still we cannot inline this function
+ super.transform(tree);
+ }
+ case Tree$LabelDef(name, params, rhs) => {
+ val newSym = hostMethod.newLabel(tree.pos, name);
+ newSym.setInfo(tree.symbol().info());
+ subst += tree.symbol() -> newSym;
+ gen.LabelDef(newSym, super.transform(params), transform(rhs));
+ }
+ case Tree$PatDef(mods, pat, rhs) => {
+ Console.println("new pattern definition in inlined class");
+ tree
+ }
+ case Tree$DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) => {
+ assert(false, "We should be after lambda lift, so no inner function allowed");
+ tree;
+ }
+ case _ => super.transform(tree);
+ }
+ }
+ override def getSymbolFor(tree: Tree): Symbol = {
+ if (tree.symbol().isPrivate()) {
+ touchedPrivate = true;
+ Logger.log("[inline] touched private symbol " +
+ SymbolPrinter.fullName(tree.symbol()));
+ }
+ if (subst.contains(tree.symbol())) {
+ Logger.log("[inline] Substituted " + tree.symbol() + " with " + subst(tree.symbol()));
+ subst(tree.symbol());
+ }
+ else
+ super.getSymbolFor(tree);
+ //tree.symbol();
+ }
+ }
+object Logger {
+ var file: = null;
+ def setFile(name: String): Unit = {
+ file = new;
+ }
+ def log(s: String): Unit = {
+ file.write(s + "\n");
+ }
+ def log(s1: String, s2: String): Unit = {
+ file.write(s1 + " " + "\n");
+ }
+ def flush: unit = {
+ file.flush();
+ }
+} // package
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/MonomorphicCS.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/MonomorphicCS.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4b40c884b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/MonomorphicCS.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
+** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
+** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2004, LAMP/EPFL **
+** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
+\* */
+** The Whole Program analysis phase.
+** Identify monomorphic call sites in classes (where the receiver
+** can always be statically determined).
+** [iuli] 2.05.2004 */
+import scalac.{Global => scalac_Global}
+import scalac.{Unit => scalac_Unit}
+import scalac.symtab._;
+import scalac.util._;
+import scala.collection.mutable._;
+import scalac.ast._;
+import{Node => GNode};
+package {
+class MonomorphicCallSites(globall: scalac_Global, application: Set[Symbol]) {
+ type CallGraph = Graph[Symbol, MethodNode, CallEdge];
+ type CallGraphNode = GNode[Symbol, MethodNode];
+ type CallGraphEdge = Edge[Symbol, CallEdge];
+ private val global = globall;
+ val hierarchy = new Graph[Symbol, Symbol, String];
+ val callGraph = new CallGraph;
+ var instantiatedClasses = new HashSet[Symbol];
+ var inlinable: List[Tuple3[CallGraphNode, CallGraphNode, CallSite]] = Nil;
+ /** create the class inheritance hierarchy */
+ def buildClassHierarchy: Unit = {
+ application.foreach( (sym) => {
+ hierarchy.addNode(new GNode(sym, sym));
+ });
+ application.foreach( (sym) => {
+ val parents = sym.parents();
+ // the first "parent" is always the superclass? seems to be like that
+ val superclass = if (parents.length > 0) parents(0) else null;
+ parents.foreach( (p) => {
+ val e = new Edge[Symbol, String](sym, typeToSymbol(p));
+ = if (p == superclass) "extends" else "with";
+ hierarchy.addEdge(e);
+ });
+ });
+ if (!global.args.XdotFile.value.equals("$")) {
+ val file: = new"");
+ file.write(hierarchy.toDotString);
+ file.flush();
+ }
+ }
+ def typeToSymbol(t: Type): Symbol = {
+ t match {
+ case Type$TypeRef(_, s, _) => if (s.isAbstractType()) typeToSymbol(t.bound()) else s;
+ case Type$SingleType(pre, sym) => typeToSymbol(sym.getType());
+ case Type$ThisType(sym) => sym;
+ case Type$PolyType(tparams, result) => typeToSymbol(result); // attention!
+ case Type$ConstantType(base, value) => typeToSymbol(base);
+ case Type$MethodType(vparams, result) => typeToSymbol(result);
+ case Type$CompoundType(_, _) => t.symbol();
+ case _ => { global.error("* Cannot handle base type " + t); null }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Identify and print monomoprhic callsites */
+ def monomorphicCallsites: Unit = {
+ val cg = callGraph;
+ var nr: int = 0;
+ var views: Int = 0;
+ var closures: Int = 0;
+ def logStatistics(e: CallGraphEdge): Unit = {
+ if (SymbolPrinter.fullName(cg.getNode("scala.Function"))
+ closures = closures + 1;
+ if (cg.getNode("view"))
+ views = views + 1;
+ }
+ def inlineCallSite(e: CallGraphEdge): Unit = {
+ val caller = cg.getNode(e.from);
+ val callee = cg.getNode(;
+ if (canInline(caller, callee))
+ inlinable = new Tuple3(caller, callee, :: inlinable;
+ }
+ def canInline(caller: CallGraphNode, callee: CallGraphNode): boolean =
+ ! &&
+ != null &&
+ != null &&
+ ! &&
+ application.contains( &&
+ application.contains(;
+ Logger.setFile("inlining.log");
+ Console.println("[start build callgraph]");
+ buildCallGraph;
+ Console.println("[end build callgraph]");
+ if (global.args.Xrta.value) {
+ // perform additional pruning
+ Console.println("[start RTA]");
+ rapidTypeAnalysis(instantiatedClasses);
+ Console.println("[end RTA]");
+ }
+ if (!global.args.XdotFile.value.equals("$"))
+ dumpCallGraph;
+ Console.println("[start Monomorphic call site identification]");
+ cg.nodes.foreach( (id, n) => {
+ (site) => {
+ val mcs = cg.getOutEdges(id).filter( e => == site );
+ if (mcs.length == 1) {
+ inlineCallSite(mcs.head);
+// Console.println("Monomorphic call-site: " + mcs.head.from + " " +;
+ logStatistics(mcs.head);
+ nr = nr + 1;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ Console.println("[end Monomorphic call site identification]");
+ Console.println("We identified " + nr + " monomorphic call-sites. ("
+ + inlinable.length + " inlinable).");
+ Console.println("[closures = " + closures + ", views = " + views + "]");
+ if (global.args.Xinline.value) {
+ Console.println("[start inlining]");
+ doInline(inlinable);
+ Console.println("[end inlining]");
+ }
+ }
+ /** Perform a (buggy) form of rapid type analysis, as described in Sundaresan 99
+ The idea is that the call graph can be signifficanly pruned if all edges that go
+ into a method of a class that was never instantiated in the program are removed.
+ The assumption is that all "new" statements are known, and there is no other way to
+ instantiate classes. While the first one may be true for whole-program analysis
+ (and the -separate:no flag for scalac), the second might not hold: object classes
+ (singletons) are created "magically", and no "new" statement is parsed.
+ */
+ def rapidTypeAnalysis(instances: Set[Symbol]): Unit = {
+ /** instantiated classes include singleton classes */
+ def isInstatiated(s: Symbol): boolean =
+ instances.contains(s) ||
+ s.getType().isSubType(global.definitions.ANYVAL_TYPE()) ||
+ s.isModuleClass();
+ Console.println("Printing instantiated classes");
+ Logger.log("[RTA] Instantiated classes: ");
+ instantiatedClasses.foreach( s => Logger.log("[RTA] " + SymbolPrinter.fullName(s)));
+// callGraph.visitDFS( (n: CallGraphNode) => {
+// if ( != null &&
+// !isInstatiated( {
+// callGraph.removeEdges(callGraph.getInEdges(;
+// Logger.log("[RTA] Removed inedges for " + SymbolPrinter.fullName(;
+// }
+// });
+ Console.println("[Visiting call graph]");
+ callGraph.nodes.foreach( (id, n) => {
+ (site) => {
+ val targets = callGraph.getOutEdges(id).filter( e => == site );
+ if (targets.length > 1) {
+ // test for instantiation
+ targets.foreach( (t) => if ( !isInstatiated(callGraph.getNode( ) {
+ callGraph.removeEdge(t);
+ Logger.log("[RTA] Removed edge to " + SymbolPrinter.fullName(;
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ /** perform inlines */
+ def doInline(sites: List[Tuple3[CallGraphNode, CallGraphNode, CallSite]]): Unit = {
+ val transformer: Transformer = new InlineMethods(sites, global);
+ global.units.foreach( (u) => {
+ u.body = transformer.transform(u.body);
+ });
+ Console.println("We inlined " + transformer.asInstanceOf[InlineMethods].inlines + " callsites");
+ Logger.flush;
+ }
+ def buildCallGraph: Unit = {
+ createNodes(callGraph);
+ createEdges(callGraph);
+ // print call graph size
+ var nodes = 0;
+ var edges = 0;
+ var callsites = 0;
+ callGraph.nodes.foreach( (id, n) => {
+ nodes = nodes + 1;
+ callsites = callsites +;
+ edges = edges + callGraph.getOutEdges(id).length;
+ });
+ Console.println("Call graph: " + nodes + " nodes, " +
+ edges + " edges, [" /* + callGraph.edges.length */ + "]" +
+ callsites + " callsites.");
+ }
+ def dumpCallGraph: Unit = {
+ val file: = new"");
+ file.write(callGraph.toDotString);
+ file.flush();
+ }
+ def createNodes(cg: CallGraph): Unit = {
+ val trav: Traverser = new MethodNodeCreator(cg);
+ global.units.foreach( (u) => trav.traverse(u.body) );
+ }
+ def createEdges(cg: CallGraph): Unit = {
+ val trav: Traverser = new CallGraphEdgeTraverser(cg);
+ global.units.foreach( (u) => trav.traverse(u.body) );
+ }
+ /** Walk the nodes in the AST tree and creates nodes in the callgraph
+ corresponding to each method */
+ class MethodNodeCreator(cg: CallGraph) extends Traverser {
+ override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = {
+ tree match {
+ case Tree$DefDef(_, name, _, _, _, _) => {
+ val methSym = tree.symbol();
+ cg.addNode(new CallGraphNode(methSym, new MethodNode(methSym, methSym.enclClass(), tree)));
+ }
+ case _ => ;
+ }
+ super.traverse(tree);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Walk all source code and create the call graph edges. */
+ class CallGraphEdgeTraverser(cg: CallGraph) extends Traverser {
+ var enclMethod: Symbol = null;
+ override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = {
+ var oldMethod: Symbol = enclMethod;
+ tree match {
+ case Tree$DefDef(_, name, _, _, _, _) => {
+ oldMethod = enclMethod;
+ enclMethod = tree.symbol();
+ super.traverse(tree);
+ }
+ case Tree$Create(qualifier, targs) => {
+// Console.println("Create: " + tree.symbol());
+ assert(tree.symbol().isClass());
+ instantiatedClasses += tree.symbol();
+ traverse(qualifier);
+ }
+ case Tree$Apply(fun, args) => {
+ if (enclMethod != null) {
+ val targetMeth = fun.symbol();
+ //assert(targetMeth != null, "Null target method for " + tree);
+ if (targetMeth != null)
+ createEdges(targetMeth, tree);
+// else
+// Console.println("Null symbol: " + tree);
+// fun match {
+// case Tree$Select(qualifier, selector) => {
+// val target = typeToSymbol(qualifier.getType());
+// if (target != null)
+// createEdges(target, qualifier, selector, tree);
+// }
+// case _ => ;
+// } /* else
+// Console.println("No f***ing enclosing method - " + fun); */
+ }
+ traverse(fun);
+ args.foreach( a => traverse(a));
+ };
+ case _ => super.traverse(tree);
+ }
+ enclMethod = oldMethod;
+ }
+ /** Add edges between the callsite and all possible targets. Possible
+ * targets are methods in the target class (or "nearest" superclass)
+ * or subclasses that override the specific method */
+ def createEdges(targetMeth: Symbol, t: Tree): Unit = {
+ val site: CallSite = new CallSite(t);
+ def createEdgesForSubclasses(cls: Symbol): Unit = {
+ // walk all subclasses
+ hierarchy.getInEdges(cls).foreach( (e) => {
+ val c = hierarchy.nodes(e.from).info;
+ val it = c.members().iterator(true);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ val m =;
+ if (m.overrides(targetMeth)) {
+ if (cg.getNode(m) == null)
+ cg.addNode(new CallGraphNode(m, new MethodNode(m, c, null)));
+ cg.addEdge(enclMethod, m).info = new CallEdge(t, site);
+ }
+ }
+// else Console.println("Found a subclass that is not a subtype: " +
+// SymbolPrinter.fullName(c) + "[" + c.getType() + "] not <: " +
+// targetCls + "[" + refType + "]");
+ createEdgesForSubclasses(c);
+ });
+ }
+ // add callsite to node
+ if (cg.getNode(enclMethod) == null)
+ cg.addNode(new CallGraphNode(enclMethod, new MethodNode(enclMethod, enclMethod.enclClass(), null)));
+ cg.getNode(enclMethod).info.callSites = site :: cg.getNode(enclMethod).info.callSites;
+ if (targetMeth != Symbol.NONE) {
+ if (cg.getNode(targetMeth) == null)
+ cg.addNode(new CallGraphNode(targetMeth, new MethodNode(targetMeth, targetMeth.enclClass(), null)));
+ cg.addEdge(enclMethod, targetMeth).info = new CallEdge(t, site);
+ }
+ createEdgesForSubclasses(targetMeth.enclClass());
+ }
+ }
+// def makeNodeId(meth: Symbol): String = SymbolPrinter.fullName(meth);
+/** Class that maintains information about nodes in the callgraph */
+case class MethodNode(method: Symbol, classz: Symbol, code: Tree) {
+ var callSites: List[CallSite] = Nil;
+ override def toString(): String = SymbolPrinter.fullName(method);
+case class CallSite(t: Tree) {
+class CallEdge(code: Tree, s: CallSite) {
+ val site = s;
+ override def toString() = "\"" + s.hashCode() + "\"";
+object SymbolPrinter {
+ def fullName(s: Symbol): String = {
+ def fullName2(post: String, s: Symbol): String =
+ if (s.owner().isRoot())
+ + "." + post
+ else
+ fullName2( + "." + post, s.owner());
+ fullName2(, s.owner())
+ }
+} // package wholeprog
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/PrintDotFile.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/PrintDotFile.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..706274d52f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/PrintDotFile.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+import scalac.{Unit => scalac_Unit}
+import scalac.ast._;
+import scalac.util.Name;
+package {
+ * Print the AST into a dot file, which can be used by
+ * the graphviz "dot" tool to build a graph image. Useful for
+ * understanding the Abstract Syntax Tree.
+ */
+class PrintDotFile(_units: Array[scalac_Unit]) {
+ private val units = _units;
+ private var writer: = null;
+ def makeDotFile(output: String): unit = {
+ val outputFile = new;
+ writer = new;
+ writer.write("digraph tree {\nnode [style=filled, color=cadetblue2];\n");
+ units.foreach( (u:scalac_Unit) =>
+ u.body.foreach ( (t: Tree) => walk(t, null) ) );
+ writer.write("}\n");
+ writer.close();
+ }
+ def makeDotFile(output: String, tree: Tree): unit = {
+ writer = new;
+ writer.write("digraph tree {\nnode [style=filled, color=cadetblue2];\n");
+ walk(tree, null);
+ writer.write("}\n");
+ writer.close();
+ }
+ def printNode(t: Object, label: String): unit = {
+ writer.write(t.hashCode().toString() + " [label = \"" + label + "\"];\n");
+ }
+ def printEdge(t1: Object, t2: Object, label: String): unit = {
+ if (t1 != null)
+ writer.write(t1.hashCode().toString() + " -> " + t2.hashCode().toString() +
+ "[label= \"" + label + "\"];\n");
+ }
+ def printEdge(t1: Object, t2: Object): unit = printEdge(t1, t2, "");
+ def walk(t: Tree, parent: Tree, l: String): unit = {
+ t match {
+// case Tree$Empty => {
+// printNode(t, "Empty");
+// printEdge(parent, t);
+// }
+ case Tree$DocDef(comment, definition) => {
+ printNode(t, "DocDef");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(definition, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, vparams, tpe, template) => {
+ printNode(t, "ClassDef: " + name.toString());
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ tparams.foreach( (p: Tree) => {
+ walk(p, t);
+ });
+ vparams.foreach( (arr) => {
+ (p: Tree) => walk(p, t);
+ });
+ walk(tpe, t);
+ walk(template, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$PackageDef(packaged, impl) => {
+ printNode(t, "PackageDef");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(packaged, t);
+ walk(impl, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$ModuleDef(_, name, tpe, impl) => {
+ printNode(t, "ModuleDef: " + name.toString());
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(tpe, t);
+ walk(impl, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$ValDef(_, name, tpe, rhs) => {
+ printNode(t, "ValDef: " + name.toString());
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(tpe, t);
+ walk(rhs, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$PatDef(_, pat, rhs) => {
+ printNode(t, "PatDef");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(pat, t);
+ walk(rhs, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$DefDef(_, name, tparams, vparams, tpe, rhs) => {
+ printNode(t, "DefDef: " + name.toString());
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ tparams.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ vparams.foreach( (at) => at.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) ) );
+ walk(tpe, t);
+ walk(rhs, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$AbsTypeDef(_, name, rhs, lobound) => {
+ printNode(t, "AbsTypeDef: " + name.toString());
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(rhs, t);
+ walk(lobound, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$AliasTypeDef(_, name, tparams, rhs) => {
+ printNode(t, "AliasTypeDef: " + name.toString());
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ tparams.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ walk(rhs, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$Import(expr, selectors) => {
+ printNode(t, "Import");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(expr, t);
+ selectors.foreach( (n: Name) => {
+ printNode(n, "Name: " + n);
+ printEdge(t, n);
+ });
+ }
+ case Tree$CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => {
+ printNode(t, "CaseDef");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(pat, t);
+ walk(guard, t);
+ walk(body, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$Template(parents, body) => {
+ printNode(t, "Template");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ parents.foreach( (tt) => {
+ walk(tt, t, "parent");
+ });
+ body.foreach( (tt) => {
+ walk(tt, t, "body");
+ });
+ }
+ case Tree$LabelDef(name, params, rhs) => {
+ printNode(t, "LabelDef: " + name.toString());
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ params.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ walk(rhs, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$Block(stats, expr) => {
+ printNode(t, "Block");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ stats.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ walk(expr, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$Sequence(trees) => {
+ printNode(t, "Sequence");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ trees.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ }
+ case Tree$Alternative(trees) => {
+ printNode(t, "Alternative");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ trees.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ }
+ case Tree$Bind(name, rhs) => {
+ printNode(t, "Bind: " + name.toString());
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(rhs, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$Visitor(cases) => {
+ printNode(t, "Visitor");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ cases.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ }
+ case Tree$Function(vparams, body) => {
+ printNode(t, "Function");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ vparams.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ walk(body, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$Assign(lhs, rhs) => {
+ printNode(t, "Assign");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(lhs, t);
+ walk(rhs, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$If(cond, thenp, elsep) => {
+ printNode(t, "If");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(cond, t);
+ walk(thenp, t);
+ walk(elsep, t);
+ }
+ // we ignore the "tags" array...
+ case Tree$Switch(test, _, bodies, otherwise) => {
+ printNode(t, "Switch");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(test, t);
+ bodies.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ walk(otherwise, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$Return(expr) => {
+ printNode(t, "Return");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(expr, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$Throw(expr) => {
+ printNode(t, "Throw");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(expr, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$New(template) => {
+ printNode(t, "New");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(template, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$Create(qualifier, targs) => {
+ printNode(t, "Create");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(qualifier, t);
+ targs.foreach( (a) => walk(a, t) );
+ }
+ case Tree$Typed(expr, tpe) => {
+ printNode(t, "Typed");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(expr, t);
+ walk(tpe, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$TypeApply(fun, args) => {
+ printNode(t, "TypeApply");
+ printEdge(parent, t, l);
+ walk(fun, t);
+ args.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ }
+ case Tree$Apply(fun, args) => {
+ printNode(t, "Apply");
+ printEdge(parent, t, l);
+ walk(fun, t, "fun");
+ args.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t, "arg") );
+ }
+ case Tree$Super(qualifier, mixin) => {
+ printNode(t, "Super");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ printNode(qualifier, "Qualifier: " + qualifier.toString());
+ printNode(mixin, "Mixin: " + mixin.toString());
+ printEdge(t, qualifier);
+ printEdge(t, mixin);
+ }
+ case Tree$This(qualifier) => {
+ printNode(t, "This");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ printNode(qualifier, "Qualifier: " + qualifier);
+ printEdge(t, qualifier);
+ }
+ case Tree$Select(qualifier, selector) => {
+ printNode(t, "Select");
+ printEdge(parent, t, l);
+// printNode(qualifier, "Qualifier: " + qualifier.toString());
+// printEdge(t, qualifier);
+// printNode(qualifier, "Qualifier");
+// Console.println("--qualifier: " + qualifier + " : " + selector);
+ walk(qualifier, t);
+ printNode(selector, "Selector: " + selector.toString());
+ printEdge(t, selector);
+ }
+ case Tree$Ident(name) => {
+ printNode(t, "Ident");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ printNode(name, "Name: " + name);
+ printEdge(t, name);
+ }
+ case Tree$Literal(value) => {
+ printNode(t, "Literal");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ printNode(value, "Value: " + value);
+ printEdge(t, value);
+ }
+ case Tree$TypeTerm() => {
+ printNode(t, "TypeTerm: " + t.getType());
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$SingletonType(ref) => {
+ printNode(t, "SingletonType");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(ref, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$SelectFromType(qual, selector) => {
+ printNode(t, "SelectFromType");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(qual, t);
+ printNode(selector, "Selector: " + selector);
+ printEdge(t, selector);
+ }
+ case Tree$FunType(argtypes, restpe) => {
+ printNode(t, "FunType");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ argtypes.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ walk(restpe, t);
+ }
+ case Tree$CompoundType(parents, refinements) => {
+ printNode(t, "CompoundType");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ parents.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ refinements.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ }
+ case Tree$AppliedType(tpe, args) => {
+ printNode(t, "AppliedType");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(tpe, t);
+ args.foreach( (tt) => walk(tt, t) );
+ }
+ case Tree$Try(block, catcher, finalizer) => {
+ printNode(t, "Try");
+ printEdge(parent, t);
+ walk(block, t);
+ walk(catcher, t);
+ walk(finalizer, t);
+ }
+ case _ => {
+// Console.println(t.toString());
+// assert(false, t.toString());
+// printNode(t.symbol().name.toString(), "Unknown");
+// if (parent != null)
+// printEdge(parent.symbol().name.toString(), t.symbol().name.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def walk(t: Tree, parent: Tree): unit = walk(t, parent, "");
+} // class PrintDotFile
+} // package
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/graph/Graph.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/graph/Graph.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59c6f3ffdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/wholeprog/graph/Graph.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
+** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
+** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL **
+** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
+\* */
+// $Id$
+import scala.collection.mutable._;
+package {
+/** Defualt implementation for Node objects, which can have any
+ * identifier */
+class Node[id_t, info_t](i: id_t, nn: info_t) {
+ var info: info_t = nn;
+ val id: id_t = i;
+ override def toString(): String = "\"" + id.hashCode() +
+ "\"[ label = \"" + info + "\" ]";
+/** Default implementation for edges. It takes two parameters, the
+ * start and the end identifiers for the nodes it connects */
+class Edge[id_t, info_t](start: id_t, end: id_t) {
+ val from = start;
+ val to = end;
+ var info: info_t = _;
+ override def toString(): String = "\"" + start.hashCode() + "\" -> " + "\""
+ + end.hashCode() + "\"[ label = \"" + info + "\" ]";
+class InvalidEdgeException(from: String, to: String) extends java.lang.Exception {
+ override def toString(): String = "Edge [" + from + " -> " + to +
+ "] references non existent nodes";
+/** The Graph class, parameterized with the node and edge types
+ * The id_t is the type of the identifier of nodes. This is used
+ * when retrieving nodes from the graph. The node_t is the type of
+ nodes, which have to subtype the Node trait. edge_t is the type
+ of edges, which again is a subtype of Edge. */
+class Graph[id_t, node_info_t, edge_info_t] {
+ type node_t = Node[id_t, node_info_t];
+ type edge_t = Edge[id_t, edge_info_t];
+ var nodes: HashMap[id_t, node_t] = new HashMap[id_t, node_t];
+ var edges: List[edge_t] = Nil;
+ val inEdges: HashMap[id_t, List[edge_t]] = new HashMap[id_t, List[edge_t]];
+ val outEdges: HashMap[id_t, List[edge_t]] = new HashMap[id_t, List[edge_t]];
+ def addNode(n: node_t): Unit = {
+ nodes += -> n;
+ inEdges += -> Nil;
+ outEdges += -> Nil;
+ }
+ def addEdge(from: id_t, to: id_t): edge_t = addEdge(new Edge(from, to));
+ def addEdge(e: edge_t): edge_t = {
+ if ((nodes contains e.from) && (nodes contains {
+ edges = e :: edges;
+ addEdgeToIncidenceMap(outEdges, e, getNode(e.from));
+ addEdgeToIncidenceMap(inEdges, e, getNode(;
+ } //else
+// throw new InvalidEdgeException(e.start, e.end);
+ e
+ }
+ def removeEdge(e: edge_t): edge_t = {
+ edges = edges.remove( ee => e == ee );
+ outEdges += e.from -> getOutEdges(e.from).remove( ee => e == ee);
+ inEdges += -> getInEdges( => e == ee);
+ e
+ }
+ def removeEdges(es: List[edge_t]): Unit = es match {
+ case Nil => ();
+ case e :: ee => { removeEdge(e); removeEdges(ee) }
+ }
+ def addEdgeToIncidenceMap(map: HashMap[id_t, List[edge_t]], e: edge_t, n: node_t): Unit = {
+ map.get( match {
+ case Some(l) => map += -> (e :: l);
+ case None => map += -> (e :: Nil);
+ }
+ }
+ def getOutEdges(node: id_t): List[edge_t] = outEdges.get(node) match {
+ case Some(l) => l;
+ case None => Nil;
+ }
+ def getInEdges(node: id_t): List[edge_t] = inEdges.get(node) match {
+ case Some(l) => l;
+ case None => Nil;
+ }
+ def visitDFS(f: (node_t) => Unit): Unit = {
+ val visited = new HashSet[node_t];
+ var i = nodeIterator;
+ while (i.hasNext) {
+ visitDFS(, f, visited);
+ }
+ }
+ private def visitDFS(currentNode: node_t, f: (node_t) => Unit, visited: Set[node_t]): Unit = {
+ if (!visited.contains(currentNode)) {
+ visited += currentNode;
+ f(currentNode);
+ getOutEdges( foreach { (e) => {
+ visitDFS(getNode(, f, visited);
+ }}
+ }
+ }
+ def getNode(id: id_t): node_t = nodes.get(id) match {
+ case Some(n) => n;
+ case None => null;
+ }
+ def getRootNodes: Iterator[node_t] = {
+ for (val elem <- nodes.elements; getInEdges( == Nil)
+ yield elem._2;
+ }
+ /** Remove all nodes with degree 0. Return the graph. */
+ def prune: Graph[id_t, node_info_t, edge_info_t] = {
+ nodes.filter( (id, n) => inEdges(id) != Nil || outEdges(id) != Nil );
+ this
+ }
+ /* graph visualization */
+ override def toString(): String = {
+ var s = "";
+ edges.foreach( (e) => s = s + e + "\n" );
+ s
+ }
+ def toDotString: String = {
+ var str = "digraph grph {\n";
+ val it = nodeIterator;
+ while (it.hasNext) {
+ val node =;
+ str = str + node + "\n";// + " [label = \"" + + "\"];\n";
+ }
+ // edges
+ edges.foreach( (e) => str = str + e + "\n" );
+ str + "}\n";
+ }
+ def nodeIterator: GraphIterator = new GraphIterator();
+ /** Iterator for graph nodes */
+ class GraphIterator extends Iterator[node_t] {
+ val elem = nodes.elements;
+ override def hasNext: Boolean = elem.hasNext;
+ override def next: node_t =;
+ }
+ def consistencyCheck: Unit = {
+ edges.foreach( (e) => {
+ if ( !(getOutEdges(e.from) contains e) )
+ Console.println("Edge " + e + " not found in out edges of " + e.from);
+ if ( !(getInEdges( contains e) )
+ Console.println("Edge " + e + " not found in in edges of " +;
+ });
+ }
+} // graph package