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authorAdriaan Moors <>2012-05-22 11:16:03 +0200
committerAdriaan Moors <>2012-05-22 12:04:02 +0200
commit3f7b8b58748eb70aec4269f1ef63853b5ad4af60 (patch)
parent0497c1513b9c8e561e16ebb56a004b5baabf8ecd (diff)
Exhaustivity: TreeMakers as boolean propositions
We check exhaustivity by representing a match as a formula in finite-domain propositional logic (FDPL) that is false when the match may fail. The variables in the formula represent tested trees in the match (type tests/value equality tests). The approximation uses the same framework as the CSE analysis. A matrix of tree makers is turned into a DAG, where sharing represents the same value/type being tested. We reduce FDPL to Boolean PL as follows. For all assignments, V_i = c_i_j, we introduce a proposition P_i_j that is true iff V_i is equal to the constant c_i_j, for a given i, and all j, P_i_j are mutually exclusive (a variable cannot have multiple values). If the variable's domain is closed, we assert that one of P_i_j must be true for each i and some j. The conjunction of these propositions constitutes the equality axioms. After going through negational normal form to conjunctive normal form, we use a small SAT solver (the DPLL algorithm) to find a model under which the equational axioms hold but the match fails. The formula: EqAxioms /\ -MatchSucceeds. Note that match failure expresses nicely in CNF: the negation of each case (which yields a disjunction) is anded. We then turn this model into variable assignments (what's the variable (not) equal to, along with recursive assignments for its fields). Valid assignments (no ill-typed field assignments) are then presented to the user as counter examples. A counter example is a value, a type test, a constructor call or a wildcard. We prune the example set and only report the most general examples. (Finally, we sort the output to yield stable, i.e. testable, warning messages.) A match is only checked for exhaustivity when the type of the selector is "checkable" (has a sealed type or is a tuple with at least one component of sealed type). We consider statically known guard outcomes, but generally back off (don't check exhaustivity) when a match has guards or user-defined extractor calls. (Sometimes constant folding lets us statically decide a guard.) We ignore possibly failing null checks (which are performed before calling extractors, for example), though this could be done easily in the current framework. The problem is false positives. People don't usually put nulls in tuples or lists. To improve the exhaustivity checks, we rewrite `List()` to Nil. TODO: more general rewrite of List(a, b, ..., z) to `a :: b :: ... :: z`. When presenting counter examples, we represent lists in the user-friendly List(a,...,z) format. (Similarly for tuples.) There are no exhaustivity checks for a match-defined PartialFunction. misc notes: - fix pure case of dpll solver impure set (symbol that occurs both as a positive and negative literal) was always empty since I was looking for literals (which are not equal if positivity is not equal) but should have been looking for symbols - FDPL -> BoolPL translation collects all syms in props since propForEqualsTo generates an Or, must traverse the prop rather than assuming only top-level Syms are relevant... also, propForEqualsTo will not assume Or'ing a whole domain is equivalent to True (which it isn't, since the type test may fail in general) - improve counter example description - treat as constructor call when we either have definite type information about a real class, or we have no equality information at all, but the variable's type is a class and we gathered constraints about its fields (typically when selector is a tuple) - flatten a :: b :: ... :: Nil to List(a, b, ...) - don't print tuple constructor names, so instead of "Tuple2(a, b)", say "(a, b)" - filter out more statically impossible subtypes the static types convey more information than is actually checkable at run time this is good, as it allows us to narrow down the subtypes of a sealed type, however, when modeling the corresponding run-time checks we need to "erase" the uncheckable parts (using existentials so that the types are still well-kinded), so that we can use static subtyping as a sound model for dynamic type checks - experimental java enum handling seals enum class before, we created a refinement class as the placeholder for the sealed children it seems more direct to use the enum class for that this way, the new pattern matcher's exhaustiveness checker just works for java enums
31 files changed, 882 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Constants.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Constants.scala
index 135d18d5ad..861bc870a7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Constants.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Constants.scala
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ trait Constants extends api.Constants {
case ClazzTag => "classOf[" + signature(typeValue) + "]"
case CharTag => "'" + escapedChar(charValue) + "'"
case LongTag => longValue.toString() + "L"
+ case EnumTag =>
case _ => String.valueOf(value)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
index 0612dcdfd4..6e07e6b04b 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
@@ -609,6 +609,7 @@ trait Definitions extends reflect.api.StandardDefinitions {
def isTupleTypeOrSubtype(tp: Type) = isTupleType(tp)
def tupleField(n: Int, j: Int) = getMember(TupleClass(n), nme.productAccessorName(j))
+ // NOTE: returns true for NoSymbol since it's included in the TupleClass array -- is this intensional?
def isTupleSymbol(sym: Symbol) = TupleClass contains unspecializedSymbol(sym)
def isProductNClass(sym: Symbol) = ProductClass contains sym
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
index 7c61ec032e..7373a610d7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
@@ -615,12 +615,11 @@ abstract class ClassfileParser {
// sealed java enums (experimental)
if (isEnum && opt.experimental) {
- // need to give singleton type
- sym setInfo info.narrow
- if (!sym.superClass.isSealed)
- sym.superClass setFlag SEALED
+ val enumClass = sym.owner.linkedClassOfClass
+ if (!enumClass.isSealed)
+ enumClass setFlag (SEALED | ABSTRACT)
- sym.superClass addChild sym
+ enumClass addChild sym
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternMatching.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternMatching.scala
index d12b8f848f..18529a061b 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternMatching.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternMatching.scala
@@ -1554,6 +1554,698 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
+ //
+ //
+ trait Logic extends Prettification {
+ class Prop
+ case class Eq(p: Var, q: Const) extends Prop
+ type Const
+ type Var <: AbsVar
+ trait AbsVar {
+ // if the domain is enumerable, at least one assignment must be true
+ def domainEnumerable: Boolean
+ def domain: Option[Set[Const]]
+ // for this var, call it V, turn V = C into the equivalent proposition in boolean logic
+ def propForEqualsTo(c: Const): Prop
+ def equalitySyms: Set[Sym]
+ }
+ // would be nice to statically check whether a prop is equational or pure,
+ // but that requires typing relations like And(x: Tx, y: Ty) : (if(Tx == PureProp && Ty == PureProp) PureProp else Prop)
+ case class And(a: Prop, b: Prop) extends Prop
+ case class Or(a: Prop, b: Prop) extends Prop
+ case class Not(a: Prop) extends Prop
+ case object True extends Prop
+ case object False extends Prop
+ private def nextSymId = {_symId += 1; _symId}; private var _symId = 0
+ // symbols are propositions
+ case class Sym(val variable: Var, val const: Const) extends Prop {
+ override val toString = variable +"="+ const +"#"+ nextSymId
+ }
+ trait PropTraverser {
+ def apply(x: Prop): Unit = x match {
+ case And(a, b) => apply(a); apply(b)
+ case Or(a, b) => apply(a); apply(b)
+ case Not(a) => apply(a)
+ case Eq(a, b) => applyVar(a); applyConst(b)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ def applyVar(x: Var): Unit = {}
+ def applyConst(x: Const): Unit = {}
+ }
+ trait PropMap {
+ def apply(x: Prop): Prop = x match { // TODO: mapConserve
+ case And(a, b) => And(apply(a), apply(b))
+ case Or(a, b) => Or(apply(a), apply(b))
+ case Not(a) => Not(apply(a))
+ case p => p
+ }
+ }
+ // plan: (aka TODO)
+ // convert finite domain propositional logic to boolean propositional logic
+ // for all c in C, there is a corresponding (meta-indexed) proposition Qv(c) that represents V = c,
+ // the only property of equality that is encoded is that a variable can at most be equal to one of the c in C:
+ // thus, for each distinct c, c', c'',... in C, a clause `not (Qv(c) /\ (Qv(c') \/ ... \/ Qv(c'')))` is added
+ def removeVarEq(prop: Prop): Prop = {
+ val vars = new collection.mutable.HashSet[Var]
+ object dropEquational extends PropMap {
+ override def apply(p: Prop) = p match {
+ case Eq(v, c) => vars += v; v.propForEqualsTo(c)
+ case _ => super.apply(p)
+ }
+ }
+ // dropEquational populates vars, and for each var in vars. var.equalitySyms
+ val pure = dropEquational(prop)
+ // X = C is translated to P_X=C
+ // X = C' is translated to P_X=C'
+ // need to enforce X cannot simultaneously equal C and C'
+ // thus, all equality syms are mutually exclusive
+ // X = A, B, C, D --> Not(And(A, B)) /\ Not(And(A, C)) /\ Not(And(A, D))
+ // /\ Not(And(B, C)) /\ Not(And(B, D))
+ // /\ Not(And(C, D))
+ // equivalently Or(Not(A), Not(B)) /\ Or(...)
+ var eqAxioms: Prop = True
+ def mutex(a: Sym)(b: Sym) =
+ eqAxioms = And(eqAxioms, Or(Not(a), Not(b)))
+ // at least one assignment from the domain must be true
+ def assigned(dom: Set[Sym]) =
+ eqAxioms = And(eqAxioms, dom.reduceLeft(Or))
+ // println("vars: "+ vars)
+ vars.foreach { v =>
+ // is the domain enumerable? then create equality syms for all elements in the domain and
+ // assert at least one of them must be selected
+ // if v.domain.isEmpty, we must consider the domain to be infinite
+ v.domain foreach { dom =>
+ // get the Syms for the constants in the domain (making fresh ones for those not encountered in the formula)
+ val domProps = dom map {c => v.propForEqualsTo(c)}
+ val domSyms = new collection.mutable.HashSet[Sym]()
+ object collectSyms extends PropTraverser {
+ override def apply(p: Prop) = p match {
+ case domSym: Sym => domSyms += domSym
+ case _ => super.apply(p)
+ }
+ }
+ domProps foreach collectSyms.apply
+ // TODO: an empty domain means involved type tests can never be true --> always non-exhaustive?
+ if (domSyms.nonEmpty) assigned(domSyms.toSet)
+ }
+ // recover mutual-exclusivity (a variable can never be assigned two different constants)
+ var syms = v.equalitySyms.toList
+ while (syms.nonEmpty) {
+ syms.tail.foreach(mutex(syms.head))
+ syms = syms.tail
+ }
+ }
+ // println("eqAxioms:\n"+ cnfString(conjunctiveNormalForm(negationNormalForm(eqAxioms))))
+ // println("pure:\n"+ cnfString(conjunctiveNormalForm(negationNormalForm(pure))))
+ And(eqAxioms, pure)
+ }
+ // convert propositional logic formula to CNF
+ //
+ def negationNormalForm(p: Prop): Prop = p match {
+ case And(a, b) => And(negationNormalForm(a), negationNormalForm(b))
+ case Or(a, b) => Or(negationNormalForm(a), negationNormalForm(b))
+ case Not(And(a, b)) => negationNormalForm(Or(Not(a), Not(b)))
+ case Not(Or(a, b)) => negationNormalForm(And(Not(a), Not(b)))
+ case Not(Not(p)) => negationNormalForm(p)
+ case Not(True) => False
+ case Not(False) => True
+ case True
+ | False
+ | (_ : Sym)
+ | Not(_ : Sym) => p
+ }
+ // CNF: a formula is a conjunction of clauses
+ type Formula = List[Clause] ; def formula(c: Clause*): Formula = c.toList
+ // a clause is a disjunction of distinct literals
+ type Clause = Set[Lit] ; def clause(l: Lit*): Clause = l.toSet
+ // a literal is a (possibly negated) variable
+ case class Lit(sym: Sym, pos: Boolean = true) {
+ override def toString = if (!pos) "-"+ sym.toString else sym.toString
+ def unary_- = Lit(sym, !pos)
+ }
+ val TrueF = formula()
+ val FalseF = formula(clause())
+ def lit(s: Sym) = formula(clause(Lit(s)))
+ def negLit(s: Sym) = formula(clause(Lit(s, false)))
+ def conjunctiveNormalForm(p: Prop): Formula = {
+ def distribute(a: Formula, b: Formula): Formula = (a, b) match {
+ // true \/ _ = true
+ case (TrueF, _) => TrueF
+ // _ \/ true = true
+ case (_, TrueF) => TrueF
+ // lit \/ lit
+ case (List(a), List(b)) => formula(a ++ b)
+ // (c1 /\ ... /\ cn) \/ d = ((c1 \/ d) /\ ... /\ (cn \/ d))
+ case (cs, d) if cs.tail nonEmpty => cs flatMap (c => distribute(formula(c), d))
+ // d \/ (c1 /\ ... /\ cn) = ((d \/ c1) /\ ... /\ (d \/ cn))
+ case (d, cs) if cs.tail nonEmpty => cs flatMap (c => distribute(d, formula(c)))
+ }
+ p match {
+ case True => TrueF
+ case False => FalseF
+ case s: Sym => lit(s)
+ case Not(s: Sym) => negLit(s)
+ case And(a, b) => conjunctiveNormalForm(a) ++ conjunctiveNormalForm(b)
+ case Or(a, b) => distribute(conjunctiveNormalForm(a), conjunctiveNormalForm(b))
+ }
+ }
+ def normalize(p: Prop) = conjunctiveNormalForm(negationNormalForm(removeVarEq(p)))
+ def cnfString(f: Formula) = alignAcrossRows(f map (_.toList) toList, "\\/", " /\\\n")
+ // adapted from (original by Hossein Hojjat)
+ type Model = Map[Sym, Boolean]
+ val EmptyModel = Map.empty[Sym, Boolean]
+ // returns all solutions, if any (TODO: better infinite recursion backstop -- detect fixpoint??)
+ def fullDPLL(f: Formula): List[Model] = {
+ // the negation of a model -(S1=True/False /\ ... /\ SN=True/False) = clause(S1=False/True, ...., SN=False/True)
+ def negateModel(m: Model) = clause({ case (sym, pos) => Lit(sym, !pos) } : _*)
+ def findAllModels(f: Formula, models: List[Model], recursionDepthAllowed: Int = 20): List[Model]=
+ if (recursionDepthAllowed == 0) models
+ else {
+ val (ok, model) = DPLL(f)
+ // if we found a solution, conjunct the formula with the model's negation and recurse
+ if (ok) findAllModels(f :+ negateModel(model), model :: models, recursionDepthAllowed - 1)
+ else models
+ }
+ findAllModels(f, Nil)
+ }
+ def DPLL(f: Formula): (Boolean, Model) = {
+ @inline def withLit(res: (Boolean, Model), l: Lit) = (res._1, res._2 + (l.sym -> l.pos))
+ @inline def orElse(a: (Boolean, Model), b: => (Boolean, Model)) = if (a._1) a else b
+// println("dpll\n"+ cnfString(f))
+ if (f isEmpty) (true, EmptyModel)
+ else if(f exists (_.isEmpty)) (false, EmptyModel)
+ else f.find(_.size == 1) map { unitClause =>
+ val unitLit = unitClause.head
+// println("unit: "+ unitLit)
+ val negated = -unitLit
+ // drop entire clauses that are trivially true
+ // (i.e., disjunctions that contain the literal we're making true in the returned model),
+ // and simplify clauses by dropping the negation of the literal we're making true
+ // (since False \/ X == X)
+ val simplified = f.filterNot(_.contains(unitLit)).map(_ - negated)
+ withLit(DPLL(simplified), unitLit)
+ } getOrElse {
+ // partition symbols according to whether they appear in positive and/or negative literals
+ val pos = new HashSet[Sym]()
+ val neg = new HashSet[Sym]()
+ f.foreach{_.foreach{ lit =>
+ if (lit.pos) pos += lit.sym else neg += lit.sym
+ }}
+ // appearing in both positive and negative
+ val impures = pos intersect neg
+ // appearing only in either positive/negative positions
+ val pures = (pos ++ neg) -- impures
+ if (pures nonEmpty) {
+ val pureSym = pures.head
+ // turn it back into a literal
+ // (since equality on literals is in terms of equality
+ // of the underlying symbol and its positivity, simply construct a new Lit)
+ val pureLit = Lit(pureSym, pos(pureSym))
+// println("pure: "+ pureLit +" pures: "+ pures +" impures: "+ impures)
+ val simplified = f.filterNot(_.contains(pureLit))
+ withLit(DPLL(simplified), pureLit)
+ } else {
+ val split = f.head.head
+// println("split: "+ split)
+ orElse(DPLL(f :+ clause(split)), DPLL(f :+ clause(-split)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Represent a match as a formula in propositional logic that encodes whether the match matches (abstractly: we only consider types)
+ *
+ */
+ trait SymbolicMatchAnalysis extends TreeMakerApproximation with Logic { self: CodegenCore =>
+ object Var {
+ private var _nextId = 0
+ def nextId = {_nextId += 1; _nextId}
+ private val uniques = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Tree, Var]
+ def apply(x: Tree): Var = uniques getOrElseUpdate(x, new Var(x, x.tpe))
+ }
+ class Var(val path: Tree, fullTp: Type, checked: Boolean = true) extends AbsVar {
+ // when looking at the domain, we only care about types we can check at run time
+ val domainTp: Type = checkableType(fullTp)
+ // case None => domain is unknown,
+ // case Some(List(tps: _*)) => domain is exactly tps
+ // we enumerate the subtypes of the full type, as that allows us to filter out more types statically,
+ // once we go to run-time checks (on Const's), convert them to checkable types
+ // TODO: there seems to be bug for singleton domains (variable does not show up in model)
+ val domain = if (checked) enumerateSubtypes(fullTp).map( else None
+ def describe = toString + ": "+ fullTp +" ::= ", " | ", "")).getOrElse(" ::= ??") +" // = "+ path
+ def domainEnumerable = domain.nonEmpty
+ private val domMap = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Const, Sym]
+ private def symForEqualsTo(c: Const) = {
+ domMap getOrElseUpdate(c, {
+ // println("creating symbol for equality "+ this +" = "+ c)
+ Sym(this, c)
+ })
+ }
+ // for this var, call it V, turn V = C into the equivalent proposition in boolean logic
+ // over all executions of this method on the same Var object,
+ def propForEqualsTo(c: Const): Prop = {
+ domain match {
+ case None => symForEqualsTo(c)
+ case Some(domainConsts) =>
+ val domainTps = domainConsts map (
+ val checkedTp =
+ // find all the domain types that could make the type test true
+ // if the checked type is a supertype of the lub of the domain,
+ // we'll end up \/'ing the whole domain together,
+ // but must not simplify to True, as the type test may also fail...
+ val matches = domainTps.filter(_ <:< checkedTp).map{ tp => symForEqualsTo(Const(tp)) }
+ // println("type-equals-prop for "+ this +" = "+ c +": "+ (checkedTp, domainTp, domainTps) +" matches: "+ matches)
+ if (matches isEmpty) False else matches.reduceLeft(Or)
+ }
+ }
+ def equalitySyms: Set[Sym] = domMap.values.toSet
+ private[this] val id: Int = Var.nextId
+ override def toString = "V"+ id
+ }
+ // all our variables range over types
+ // a literal constant becomes ConstantType(Constant(v)) when the type allows it (roughly, anyval + string + null)
+ // equality between variables: SingleType(x) (note that pattern variables cannot relate to each other -- it's always patternVar == nonPatternVar)
+ case class Const(tp: Type) {
+ override def toString = tp.toString
+ def toValueString = tp match {
+ case ConstantType(c) => c.escapedStringValue
+ case _ => tp.toString
+ }
+ }
+ // make sure it's not a primitive, else (5: Byte) match { case 5 => ... } sees no Byte
+ // TODO: domain of feasibly enumerable built-in types (enums, char?)
+ def enumerateSubtypes(tp: Type): Option[List[Type]] =
+ tp.typeSymbol match {
+ case BooleanClass =>
+ // println("enum bool "+ tp)
+ Some(List(ConstantType(Constant(true)), ConstantType(Constant(false))))
+ // TODO case _ if tp.isTupleType => // recurse into component types
+ case sym if !sym.isSealed || isPrimitiveValueClass(sym) =>
+ // println("enum unsealed "+ (tp, sym, sym.isSealed, isPrimitiveValueClass(sym)))
+ None
+ case sym =>
+ val subclasses = (
+ sym.sealedDescendants.toList sortBy (_.sealedSortName)
+ // symbols which are both sealed and abstract need not be covered themselves, because
+ // all of their children must be and they cannot otherwise be created.
+ filterNot (x => x.isSealed && x.isAbstractClass && !isPrimitiveValueClass(x)))
+ // println("subclasses "+ (sym, subclasses))
+ val tpApprox = typer.infer.approximateAbstracts(tp)
+ val pre = tpApprox.prefix
+ // valid subtypes are turned into checkable types, as we are entering the realm of the dynamic
+ val validSubTypes = (subclasses flatMap {sym =>
+ // have to filter out children which cannot match: see ticket #3683 for an example
+ // compare to the fully known type `tp` (modulo abstract types),
+ // so that we can rule out stuff like: sealed trait X[T]; class XInt extends X[Int] --> XInt not valid when enumerating X[String]
+ // however, must approximate abstract types in
+ val subTp = appliedType(pre.memberType(sym), => WildcardType))
+ val subTpApprox = typer.infer.approximateAbstracts(subTp) // TODO: needed?
+ // println("subtp"+(subTpApprox <:< tpApprox, subTpApprox, tpApprox))
+ if (subTpApprox <:< tpApprox) Some(checkableType(subTp))
+ else None
+ })
+ // println("enum sealed "+ (tp, tpApprox) + " as "+ validSubTypes)
+ Some(validSubTypes)
+ }
+ def narrowTypeOf(p: Tree) = p match {
+ case Literal(c) => ConstantType(c)
+ case Ident(_) if p.symbol.isStable => singleType(p.tpe.prefix, p.symbol)
+ case x => x.tpe.narrow
+ }
+ // approximate a type to the static type that is fully checkable at run time,
+ // hiding statically known but dynamically uncheckable information using existential quantification
+ // TODO: this is subject to the availability of TypeTags (since an abstract type with a type tag is checkable at run time)
+ def checkableType(tp: Type): Type = {
+ // TODO: this is extremely rough...
+ object toCheckable extends TypeMap {
+ def apply(tp: Type) = tp match {
+ case TypeRef(pre, sym, a :: as) if sym ne ArrayClass =>
+ // replace type args by existentials, since they can't be checked
+ // TODO: when type tags are available, we will check -- when this is implemented, can we take that into account here?
+ // TODO: don't reuse sym.typeParams, they have bounds (and those must not be considered)
+ newExistentialType(sym.typeParams, sym.tpe).asSeenFrom(pre, sym.owner)
+ case _ => mapOver(tp)
+ }
+ }
+ val res = toCheckable(tp)
+ // println("checkable "+(tp, res))
+ res
+ }
+ // a type is "uncheckable" (for exhaustivity) if we don't statically know its subtypes (i.e., it's unsealed)
+ // we consider tuple types with at least one component of a checkable type as a checkable type
+ def uncheckableType(tp: Type): Boolean = {
+ @inline def tupleComponents(tp: Type) = tp.normalize.typeArgs
+ val checkable = (
+ (isTupleType(tp) && tupleComponents(tp).exists(tp => !uncheckableType(tp)))
+ || enumerateSubtypes(tp).nonEmpty)
+ // if (!checkable) println("deemed uncheckable: "+ tp)
+ !checkable
+ }
+ def exhaustive(prevBinder: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type): List[String] = if (uncheckableType( Nil else {
+ // customize TreeMakersToConds (which turns a tree of tree makers into a more abstract DAG of tests)
+ // - approximate the pattern `List()` (unapplySeq on List with empty length) as `Nil`,
+ // otherwise the common (xs: List[Any]) match { case List() => case x :: xs => } is deemed unexhaustive
+ // - back off (to avoid crying exhaustive too often) when:
+ // - there are guards -->
+ // - there are extractor calls (that we can't secretly/soundly) rewrite
+ var backoff = false
+ object exhaustivityApproximation extends TreeMakersToConds(prevBinder, cases) {
+ override def treeMakerToCond(tm: TreeMaker): Cond = tm match {
+ case p@ExtractorTreeMaker(extractor, Some(lenCheck), testedBinder, _) =>
+ p.checkedLength match {
+ // pattern: `List()` (interpret as `Nil`)
+ // TODO: make it more general List(1, 2) => 1 :: 2 :: Nil
+ case Some(0) if testedBinder.tpe.typeSymbol == ListClass => // extractor.symbol.owner == SeqFactory
+ EqualityCond(binderToUniqueTree(p.prevBinder), unique(Ident(NilModule) setType NilModule.tpe))
+ case _ =>
+ super.treeMakerToCond(tm)
+ }
+ case ExtractorTreeMaker(_, _, _, _) =>
+// println("backing off due to "+ tm)
+ backoff = true
+ super.treeMakerToCond(tm)
+ case GuardTreeMaker(guard) =>
+ guard.tpe match {
+ case ConstantType(Constant(true)) => Top
+ case ConstantType(Constant(false)) => Havoc
+ case _ =>
+// println("can't statically interpret guard: "+(guard, guard.tpe))
+ backoff = true
+ Havoc
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ super.treeMakerToCond(tm)
+ }
+ }
+ def symbolic(t: Cond): Prop = t match {
+ case AndCond(a, b) => And(symbolic(a), symbolic(b))
+ case OrCond(a, b) => Or(symbolic(a), symbolic(b))
+ case Top => True
+ case Havoc => False
+ case TypeCond(p, pt) => Eq(Var(p), Const(checkableType(pt)))
+ case EqualityCond(p, q) => Eq(Var(p), Const(narrowTypeOf(q)))
+ case NonNullCond(p) => True // ignoring nullness because it generates too much noise Not(Eq(Var(p), Const(NullClass.tpe)))
+ }
+ def symbolicCase(tests: List[Test]) = {
+ val testsBeforeBody = tests.takeWhile(t => !t.treeMaker.isInstanceOf[BodyTreeMaker])
+ => symbolic(t.cond)).foldLeft(True: Prop)(And)
+ }
+ val tests = exhaustivityApproximation.approximateMatch
+ if (backoff) Nil else {
+ val symbolicCases = tests map symbolicCase
+ val prevBinderTree = exhaustivityApproximation.binderToUniqueTree(prevBinder)
+ // TODO: null tests generate too much noise, so disabled them -- is there any way to bring them back?
+ // assuming we're matching on a non-null scrutinee (prevBinder), when does the match fail?
+ // val nonNullScrutineeCond =
+ // assume non-null for all the components of the tuple we're matching on (if we're matching on a tuple)
+ // if (isTupleType(prevBinder.tpe))
+ // prevBinder.tpe.typeArgs.mapWithIndex{case (_, i) => NonNullCond(codegen.tupleSel(prevBinderTree)(i))}.reduceLeft(AndCond)
+ // else
+ // NonNullCond(prevBinderTree)
+ // val matchFails = And(symbolic(nonNullScrutineeCond), Not(symbolicCases reduceLeft (Or(_, _))))
+ // when does the match fail?
+ val matchFails = Not(symbolicCases reduceLeft (Or(_, _)))
+ // debug output:
+ // println("analysing:")
+ // showTreeMakers(cases)
+ // showTests(tests)
+ //
+ // def gatherVariables(p: Prop): Set[Var] = {
+ // val vars = new HashSet[Var]()
+ // (new PropTraverser {
+ // override def applyVar(v: Var) = vars += v
+ // })(p)
+ // vars.toSet
+ // }
+ // val vars = gatherVariables(matchFails)
+ // println("\nvars:\n"+ (vars map (_.describe) mkString ("\n")))
+ //
+ // println("\nmatchFails as CNF:\n"+ cnfString(normalize(matchFails)))
+ // find the models (under which the match fails)
+ val matchFailModels = fullDPLL(normalize(matchFails))
+ val scrutVar = Var(prevBinderTree)
+ val counterExamples =
+ CounterExample.prune(counterExamples).map(_.toString).sorted
+ }
+ }
+ object CounterExample {
+ def prune(examples: List[CounterExample]): List[CounterExample] = {
+ val distinct = examples.filterNot(_ == NoExample).toSet
+ distinct.filterNot(ce => distinct.exists(other => (ce ne other) && ce.coveredBy(other))).toList
+ }
+ }
+ // a way to construct a value that will make the match fail: a constructor invocation, a constant, an object of some type)
+ class CounterExample {
+ protected[SymbolicMatchAnalysis] def flattenConsArgs: List[CounterExample] = Nil
+ def coveredBy(other: CounterExample): Boolean = this == other || other == WildcardExample
+ }
+ case class ValueExample(c: Const) extends CounterExample { override def toString = c.toValueString }
+ case class TypeExample(c: Const) extends CounterExample { override def toString = "(_ : "+ c +")" }
+ case class NegativeExample(nonTrivialNonEqualTo: List[Const]) extends CounterExample {
+ override def toString = {
+ val negation =
+ if (nonTrivialNonEqualTo.tail.isEmpty) nonTrivialNonEqualTo.head.toValueString
+ else"in (", ", ", ")")
+ "<not "+ negation +">"
+ }
+ }
+ case class ListExample(ctorArgs: List[CounterExample]) extends CounterExample {
+ protected[SymbolicMatchAnalysis] override def flattenConsArgs: List[CounterExample] = ctorArgs match {
+ case hd :: tl :: Nil => hd :: tl.flattenConsArgs
+ case _ => Nil
+ }
+ protected[SymbolicMatchAnalysis] lazy val elems = flattenConsArgs
+ override def coveredBy(other: CounterExample): Boolean =
+ other match {
+ case other@ListExample(_) =>
+ this == other || ((elems.length == other.elems.length) && (elems zip other.elems).forall{case (a, b) => a coveredBy b})
+ case _ => super.coveredBy(other)
+ }
+ override def toString = elems.mkString("List(", ", ", ")")
+ }
+ case class TupleExample(ctorArgs: List[CounterExample]) extends CounterExample {
+ override def toString = ctorArgs.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
+ override def coveredBy(other: CounterExample): Boolean =
+ other match {
+ case TupleExample(otherArgs) =>
+ this == other || ((ctorArgs.length == otherArgs.length) && (ctorArgs zip otherArgs).forall{case (a, b) => a coveredBy b})
+ case _ => super.coveredBy(other)
+ }
+ }
+ case class ConstructorExample(cls: Symbol, ctorArgs: List[CounterExample]) extends CounterExample {
+ override def toString = cls.decodedName + (if (cls.isModuleClass) "" else ctorArgs.mkString("(", ", ", ")"))
+ }
+ case object WildcardExample extends CounterExample { override def toString = "_" }
+ case object NoExample extends CounterExample { override def toString = "??" }
+ // return constructor call when the model is a true counter example
+ // (the variables don't take into account type information derived from other variables,
+ // so, naively, you might try to construct a counter example like _ :: Nil(_ :: _, _ :: _),
+ // since we didn't realize the tail of the outer cons was a Nil)
+ def modelToCounterExample(scrutVar: Var)(model: Model): CounterExample = {
+ // x1 = ...
+ // x1.hd = ...
+ // = ...
+ // x1.hd.hd = ...
+ // ...
+ val varAssignment = model.toSeq.groupBy{f => f match {case (sym, value) => sym.variable} }.mapValues{ xs =>
+ val (trues, falses) = xs.partition(_._2)
+ (trues map (_._1.const), falses map (_._1.const))
+ // should never be more than one value in trues...
+ }
+ // println("var assignment:\n"+
+ // varAssignment.toSeq.sortBy(_._1.toString).map { case (v, (trues, falses)) =>
+ // val assignment = "== "+ (trues mkString("(", ", ", ")")) +" != ("+ (falses mkString(", ")) +")"
+ // v +"(="+ v.path +": "+ v.domainTp +") "+ assignment
+ // }.mkString("\n"))
+ // chop a path into a list of symbols
+ def chop(path: Tree): List[Symbol] = path match {
+ case Ident(_) => List(path.symbol)
+ case Select(pre, name) => chop(pre) :+ path.symbol
+ case _ => println("don't know how to chop "+ path); Nil
+ }
+ // turn the variable assignments into a tree
+ // the root is the scrutinee (x1), edges are labelled by the fields that are assigned
+ // a node is a variable example (which is later turned into a counter example)
+ object VariableAssignment {
+ private def findVar(path: List[Symbol]) = path match {
+ case List(root) if root == scrutVar.path.symbol => Some(scrutVar)
+ case _ => varAssignment.find{case (v, a) => chop(v.path) == path}.map(_._1)
+ }
+ private val uniques = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Var, VariableAssignment]
+ private def unique(variable: Var): VariableAssignment =
+ uniques.getOrElseUpdate(variable, {
+ val (eqTo, neqTo) = varAssignment.getOrElse(variable, (Nil, Nil)) // TODO
+ VariableAssignment(variable, eqTo.toList, neqTo.toList, HashMap.empty)
+ })
+ def apply(variable: Var): VariableAssignment = {
+ val path = chop(variable.path)
+ val pre = path.init
+ val field = path.last
+ val newCtor = unique(variable)
+ if (pre.isEmpty) newCtor
+ else {
+ findVar(pre) foreach { preVar =>
+ val outerCtor = this(preVar)
+ outerCtor.fields(field) = newCtor
+ }
+ newCtor
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // node in the tree that describes how to construct a counter-example
+ case class VariableAssignment(variable: Var, equalTo: List[Const], notEqualTo: List[Const], fields: collection.mutable.Map[Symbol, VariableAssignment]) {
+ private lazy val ctor = (equalTo match { case List(Const(tp)) => tp case _ => variable.domainTp }).typeSymbol.primaryConstructor
+ private lazy val ctorParams = if (ctor == NoSymbol || ctor.paramss.isEmpty) Nil else ctor.paramss.head
+ private lazy val cls = if (ctor == NoSymbol) NoSymbol else ctor.owner
+ private lazy val caseFieldAccs = if (cls == NoSymbol) Nil else cls.caseFieldAccessors
+ def allFieldAssignmentsLegal: Boolean =
+ (fields.keySet subsetOf caseFieldAccs.toSet) && fields.values.forall(_.allFieldAssignmentsLegal)
+ private lazy val nonTrivialNonEqualTo = notEqualTo.filterNot{c => val sym =; sym == AnyClass } // sym == NullClass ||
+ // NoExample if the constructor call is ill-typed
+ // (thus statically impossible -- can we incorporate this into the formula?)
+ // beBrief is used to suppress negative information nested in tuples -- it tends to get too noisy
+ def toCounterExample(beBrief: Boolean = false): CounterExample =
+ if (!allFieldAssignmentsLegal) NoExample
+ else {
+// println("describing "+ (variable, equalTo, notEqualTo, fields, cls, allFieldAssignmentsLegal))
+ val res = equalTo match {
+ // a definite assignment to a value
+ case List(eq@Const(_: ConstantType)) if fields.isEmpty => ValueExample(eq)
+ // constructor call
+ // or we did not gather any information about equality but we have information about the fields
+ // --> typical example is when the scrutinee is a tuple and all the cases first unwrap that tuple and only then test something interesting
+ case _ if cls != NoSymbol &&
+ ( equalTo.nonEmpty
+ || (fields.nonEmpty && !isPrimitiveValueClass(cls) && equalTo.isEmpty && notEqualTo.isEmpty)) =>
+ @inline def args(brevity: Boolean = beBrief) = {
+ // figure out the constructor arguments from the field assignment
+ val argLen = (caseFieldAccs.length min ctorParams.length)
+ (0 until argLen).map(i => fields.get(caseFieldAccs(i)).map(_.toCounterExample(brevity)) getOrElse WildcardExample).toList
+ }
+ cls match {
+ case ConsClass => ListExample(args())
+ case _ if isTupleSymbol(cls) => TupleExample(args(true))
+ case _ => ConstructorExample(cls, args())
+ }
+ // a definite assignment to a type
+ case List(eq) if fields.isEmpty => TypeExample(eq)
+ // negative information
+ case Nil if nonTrivialNonEqualTo.nonEmpty =>
+ // negation tends to get pretty verbose
+ if (beBrief) WildcardExample else NegativeExample(nonTrivialNonEqualTo)
+ // not a valid counter-example, possibly since we have a definite type but there was a field mismatch
+ // TODO: improve reasoning -- in the mean time, a false negative is better than an annoying false positive
+ case _ => NoExample
+ }
+// println("described as: "+ res)
+ res
+ }
+ override def toString = toCounterExample().toString
+ }
+ // slurp in information from other variables
+ varAssignment.keys.foreach{ v => if (v != scrutVar) VariableAssignment(v) }
+ // this is the variable we want a counter example for
+ VariableAssignment(scrutVar).toCounterExample()
+ }
+ }
trait CommonSubconditionElimination extends TreeMakerApproximation { self: OptimizedCodegen =>
/** a flow-sensitive, generalised, common sub-expression elimination
@@ -1999,8 +2691,18 @@ trait PatternMatching extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL
trait MatchOptimizations extends CommonSubconditionElimination
with DeadCodeElimination
with SwitchEmission
- with OptimizedCodegen { self: TreeMakers =>
+ with OptimizedCodegen
+ with SymbolicMatchAnalysis { self: TreeMakers =>
override def optimizeCases(prevBinder: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, unchecked: Boolean): (List[List[TreeMaker]], List[Tree]) = {
+ val counterExamples = if (unchecked) Nil else exhaustive(prevBinder, cases, pt)
+ if (counterExamples.nonEmpty) {
+ val ceString =
+ if (counterExamples.tail.isEmpty) "input: " + counterExamples.head
+ else "inputs: " + counterExamples.mkString(", ")
+ typer.context.unit.warning(prevBinder.pos, "match may not be exhaustive.\nIt would fail on the following "+ ceString)
+ }
val optCases = doCSE(prevBinder, doDCE(prevBinder, cases, pt), pt)
val toHoist = (
for (treeMakers <- optCases)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
index e40a567f1d..2ad9cba935 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
@@ -2327,7 +2327,7 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Taggings {
val methodBodyTyper = newTyper(context.makeNewScope(context.tree, methodSym)) // should use the DefDef for the context's tree, but it doesn't exist yet (we need the typer we're creating to create it)
paramSyms foreach (methodBodyTyper.context.scope enter _)
- val match_ = methodBodyTyper.typedMatch(selector, cases, mode, ptRes)
+ val match_ = methodBodyTyper.typedMatch(gen.mkUnchecked(selector), cases, mode, ptRes)
val resTp = match_.tpe
val methFormals = paramSyms map (_.tpe)
@@ -2367,7 +2367,7 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Taggings {
val methodBodyTyper = newTyper(context.makeNewScope(context.tree, methodSym)) // should use the DefDef for the context's tree, but it doesn't exist yet (we need the typer we're creating to create it)
paramSyms foreach (methodBodyTyper.context.scope enter _)
- val match_ = methodBodyTyper.typedMatch(selector, cases, mode, ptRes)
+ val match_ = methodBodyTyper.typedMatch(gen.mkUnchecked(selector), cases, mode, ptRes)
val resTp = match_.tpe
anonClass setInfo ClassInfoType(parentsPartial(List(argTp, resTp)), newScope, anonClass)
@@ -2394,7 +2394,7 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Taggings {
paramSyms foreach (methodBodyTyper.context.scope enter _)
methodSym setInfoAndEnter MethodType(paramSyms, BooleanClass.tpe)
- val match_ = methodBodyTyper.typedMatch(selector, casesTrue, mode, BooleanClass.tpe)
+ val match_ = methodBodyTyper.typedMatch(gen.mkUnchecked(selector), casesTrue, mode, BooleanClass.tpe)
val body = methodBodyTyper.virtualizedMatch(match_ withAttachment DefaultOverrideMatchAttachment(FALSE_typed), mode, BooleanClass.tpe)
DefDef(methodSym, body)
diff --git a/test/files/neg/exhausting.check b/test/files/neg/exhausting.check
index 0bef21e077..7140b99428 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/exhausting.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/exhausting.check
@@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
-exhausting.scala:20: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination * Nil
+exhausting.scala:21: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: List(_, _, _)
def fail1[T](xs: List[T]) = xs match {
-exhausting.scala:24: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination Nil
+exhausting.scala:27: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: Nil
def fail2[T](xs: List[T]) = xs match {
-exhausting.scala:27: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination Bar3
+exhausting.scala:32: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: List(<not in (1, 2)>)
+ def fail3a(xs: List[Int]) = xs match {
+ ^
+exhausting.scala:39: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: Bar3
def fail3[T](x: Foo[T]) = x match {
-exhausting.scala:31: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination Bar2 Bar2
+exhausting.scala:47: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following inputs: (Bar1, Bar2), (Bar1, Bar3), (Bar2, Bar1), (Bar2, Bar2)
def fail4[T <: AnyRef](xx: (Foo[T], Foo[T])) = xx match {
-exhausting.scala:36: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination Bar1 Bar2
-missing combination Bar1 Bar3
-missing combination Bar2 Bar1
-missing combination Bar2 Bar2
+exhausting.scala:56: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following inputs: (Bar1, Bar2), (Bar1, Bar3), (Bar2, Bar1), (Bar2, Bar2)
def fail5[T](xx: (Foo[T], Foo[T])) = xx match {
-5 errors found
+6 errors found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/exhausting.flags b/test/files/neg/exhausting.flags
index b7eb21d5f5..85d8eb2ba2 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/exhausting.flags
+++ b/test/files/neg/exhausting.flags
@@ -1 +1 @@
--Xfatal-warnings -Xoldpatmat
diff --git a/test/files/neg/exhausting.scala b/test/files/neg/exhausting.scala
index 14b05695aa..5554ee2671 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/exhausting.scala
+++ b/test/files/neg/exhausting.scala
@@ -16,30 +16,46 @@ object Test {
def ex3[T](xx: (Foo[T], Foo[T])) = xx match {
case (_: Foo[_], _: Foo[_]) => ()
+ // fails for: ::(_, ::(_, ::(_, _)))
def fail1[T](xs: List[T]) = xs match {
case Nil => "ok"
case x :: y :: Nil => "ok"
+ // fails for: Nil
def fail2[T](xs: List[T]) = xs match {
case _ :: _ => "ok"
+ // fails for: ::(<not in (2, 1)>, _)
+ def fail3a(xs: List[Int]) = xs match {
+ case 1 :: _ =>
+ case 2 :: _ =>
+ case Nil =>
+ }
+ // fails for: Bar3
def fail3[T](x: Foo[T]) = x match {
case Bar1 => "ok"
case Bar2 => "ok"
+ // fails for: (Bar1, Bar2)
+ // fails for: (Bar1, Bar3)
+ // fails for: (Bar2, Bar2)
+ // fails for: (Bar2, Bar1)
def fail4[T <: AnyRef](xx: (Foo[T], Foo[T])) = xx match {
case (Bar1, Bar1) => ()
case (Bar2, Bar3) => ()
case (Bar3, _) => ()
+ // fails for: (Bar1, Bar2)
+ // fails for: (Bar1, Bar3)
+ // fails for: (Bar2, Bar1)
+ // fails for: (Bar2, Bar2)
def fail5[T](xx: (Foo[T], Foo[T])) = xx match {
case (Bar1, Bar1) => ()
case (Bar2, Bar3) => ()
case (Bar3, _) => ()
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- }
diff --git a/test/files/neg/pat_unreachable.flags b/test/files/neg/pat_unreachable.flags
index ba80cad69b..cb8324a345 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/pat_unreachable.flags
+++ b/test/files/neg/pat_unreachable.flags
@@ -1 +1 @@
+-Xoldpatmat \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.check b/test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.check
index 5426d61d31..6172811e13 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.check
@@ -1,54 +1,41 @@
-patmatexhaust.scala:7: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination Baz
+patmatexhaust.scala:7: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: Baz
def ma1(x:Foo) = x match {
-patmatexhaust.scala:11: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination Bar
+patmatexhaust.scala:11: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: Bar(_)
def ma2(x:Foo) = x match {
-patmatexhaust.scala:23: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination Kult Kult
-missing combination Qult Qult
+patmatexhaust.scala:23: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following inputs: (Kult(_), Kult(_)), (Qult(), Qult())
def ma3(x:Mult) = (x,x) match { // not exhaustive
-patmatexhaust.scala:49: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination Gp
-missing combination Gu
+patmatexhaust.scala:49: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following inputs: Gp(), Gu
def ma4(x:Deep) = x match { // missing cases: Gu, Gp
-patmatexhaust.scala:53: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination Gp
- def ma5(x:Deep) = x match { // Gp
+patmatexhaust.scala:53: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: Gp()
+ def ma5(x:Deep) = x match {
-patmatexhaust.scala:59: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination Nil
+patmatexhaust.scala:59: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: Nil
def ma6() = List(1,2) match { // give up
-patmatexhaust.scala:75: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination B
+patmatexhaust.scala:75: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: B()
def ma9(x: B) = x match {
-patmatexhaust.scala:100: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination C1
+patmatexhaust.scala:100: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: C1()
def ma10(x: C) = x match { // not exhaustive: C1 is not sealed.
-patmatexhaust.scala:114: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination D1
-missing combination D2
+patmatexhaust.scala:114: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following inputs: D1, D2()
def ma10(x: C) = x match { // not exhaustive: C1 has subclasses.
-patmatexhaust.scala:126: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination C1
+patmatexhaust.scala:126: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: C1()
def ma10(x: C) = x match { // not exhaustive: C1 is not abstract.
10 errors found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.flags b/test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.flags
index b7eb21d5f5..85d8eb2ba2 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.flags
+++ b/test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.flags
@@ -1 +1 @@
--Xfatal-warnings -Xoldpatmat
diff --git a/test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.scala b/test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.scala
index 9297e09d0d..ceb960ee97 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.scala
+++ b/test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.scala
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class TestSealedExhaustive { // compile only
case Ga =>
- def ma5(x:Deep) = x match { // Gp
+ def ma5(x:Deep) = x match {
case Gu =>
case _ if 1 == 0 =>
case Ga =>
diff --git a/test/files/neg/sealed-java-enums.check b/test/files/neg/sealed-java-enums.check
index 9303c2df9c..20d00c8e91 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/sealed-java-enums.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/sealed-java-enums.check
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
-sealed-java-enums.scala:5: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination BLOCKED
-missing combination State
-missing combination TERMINATED
-missing combination TIMED_WAITING
+sealed-java-enums.scala:5: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following inputs: BLOCKED, TERMINATED, TIMED_WAITING
def f(state: State) = state match {
one error found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/sealed-java-enums.flags b/test/files/neg/sealed-java-enums.flags
index 312f3a87ec..e709c65918 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/sealed-java-enums.flags
+++ b/test/files/neg/sealed-java-enums.flags
@@ -1 +1 @@
--Xexperimental -Xfatal-warnings -Xoldpatmat
+-Xexperimental -Xfatal-warnings
diff --git a/test/files/neg/switch.check b/test/files/neg/switch.check
index 7212c1a22b..8955c94b32 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/switch.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/switch.check
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
switch.scala:28: error: could not emit switch for @switch annotated match
def fail1(c: Char) = (c: @switch) match {
- ^
+ ^
switch.scala:38: error: could not emit switch for @switch annotated match
def fail2(c: Char) = (c: @switch @unchecked) match {
- ^
+ ^
switch.scala:45: error: could not emit switch for @switch annotated match
def fail3(c: Char) = (c: @unchecked @switch) match {
- ^
+ ^
three errors found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/switch.flags b/test/files/neg/switch.flags
deleted file mode 100644
index 809e9ff2f2..0000000000
--- a/test/files/neg/switch.flags
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
- -Xoldpatmat
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t3098.check b/test/files/neg/t3098.check
index 403da281c8..85829747b9 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/t3098.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/t3098.check
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-b.scala:3: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination C
+b.scala:3: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: (_ : C)
def f = (null: T) match {
one error found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t3098.flags b/test/files/neg/t3098.flags
index b7eb21d5f5..85d8eb2ba2 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/t3098.flags
+++ b/test/files/neg/t3098.flags
@@ -1 +1 @@
--Xfatal-warnings -Xoldpatmat
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t3683a.check b/test/files/neg/t3683a.check
index 18e80dd5e8..3de3ad784e 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/t3683a.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/t3683a.check
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-t3683a.scala:14: error: match is not exhaustive!
-missing combination XX
+t3683a.scala:14: error: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: XX()
w match {
one error found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t3683a.flags b/test/files/neg/t3683a.flags
index b7eb21d5f5..85d8eb2ba2 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/t3683a.flags
+++ b/test/files/neg/t3683a.flags
@@ -1 +1 @@
--Xfatal-warnings -Xoldpatmat
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t3692-new.flags b/test/files/neg/t3692-new.flags
index 82becdfbfd..cb8324a345 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/t3692-new.flags
+++ b/test/files/neg/t3692-new.flags
@@ -1 +1 @@
- -Xoldpatmat \ No newline at end of file
+-Xoldpatmat \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t3692-old.flags b/test/files/neg/t3692-old.flags
index 82becdfbfd..cb8324a345 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/t3692-old.flags
+++ b/test/files/neg/t3692-old.flags
@@ -1 +1 @@
- -Xoldpatmat \ No newline at end of file
+-Xoldpatmat \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/pos/exhaust_alternatives.flags b/test/files/pos/exhaust_alternatives.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8fb65d50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/exhaust_alternatives.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-Xfatal-warnings \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/pos/exhaust_alternatives.scala b/test/files/pos/exhaust_alternatives.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc81d0be7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/exhaust_alternatives.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+sealed abstract class X
+sealed case class A(x: Boolean) extends X
+case object B extends X
+object Test {
+ def test(x: X) = x match {
+ case A(true) =>
+ case A(false) | B =>
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/pos/exhaustive_heuristics.scala b/test/files/pos/exhaustive_heuristics.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6bea455a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/exhaustive_heuristics.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// tests exhaustivity doesn't give warnings (due to its heuristic rewrites kicking in or it backing off)
+object Test {
+ // List() => Nil
+ List(1) match {
+ case List() =>
+ case x :: xs =>
+ }
+ // we don't look into guards
+ val turnOffChecks = true
+ List(1) match {
+ case _ if turnOffChecks =>
+ }
+ // TODO: we back off when there are any user-defined extractors
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t3097.scala b/test/files/pos/t3097.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a034b960f7..0000000000
--- a/test/files/pos/t3097.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-package seal
-sealed trait ISimpleValue
-sealed trait IListValue extends ISimpleValue {
- def items: List[IAtomicValue[_]]
-sealed trait IAtomicValue[O] extends ISimpleValue {
- def data: O
-sealed trait IAbstractDoubleValue[O] extends IAtomicValue[O] { }
-sealed trait IDoubleValue extends IAbstractDoubleValue[Double]
-case class ListValue(val items: List[IAtomicValue[_]]) extends IListValue
-class DoubleValue(val data: Double) extends IDoubleValue {
- def asDouble = data
-object Test {
- /**
- * @param args the command line arguments
- */
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- val v: ISimpleValue = new DoubleValue(1)
- v match {
- case m: IListValue => println("list")
- case a: IAtomicValue[_] => println("atomic")
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/virtpatmat_exhaust.scala b/test/files/pos/virtpatmat_exhaust.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2f47c88c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/virtpatmat_exhaust.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+sealed trait Option {}
+case class Choice(a: Option, b: Option) extends Option;
+case class Some(x: Boolean) extends Option;
+case object None extends Option;
+object test {
+// drop any case and it will report an error
+// note that booleans are taken into account
+ def f(opt: Option) = opt match {
+ case Choice(None, None) => 1;
+ case Choice(None, Some(_)) => 1;
+ case Choice(None, Choice(_, _)) => 1;
+ case Choice(Some(true), None) => 1;
+ case Choice(Some(false), None) => 1;
+ case Choice(Some(_), Some(_)) => 1;
+ case Choice(Some(_), Choice(_, _)) => 1;
+ case Choice(Choice(_, _), None) => 1;
+ case Choice(Choice(_, _), Some(_)) => 1;
+ case Choice(Choice(_, _), Choice(_, _)) => 1;
+ case Some(b) => 4;
+ case None => 5;
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/virtpatmat_exhaust_unchecked.flags b/test/files/pos/virtpatmat_exhaust_unchecked.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85d8eb2ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/virtpatmat_exhaust_unchecked.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/files/pos/virtpatmat_exhaust_unchecked.scala b/test/files/pos/virtpatmat_exhaust_unchecked.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..641f2b4f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/virtpatmat_exhaust_unchecked.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+sealed trait Option {}
+case class Choice(a: Option, b: Option) extends Option;
+case class Some(x: Boolean) extends Option;
+case object None extends Option;
+object test {
+// drop any case and it will report an error
+// note that booleans are taken into account
+ def f(opt: Option) = (opt: @unchecked) match {
+ case Choice(None, None) => 1;
+ case Choice(None, Some(_)) => 1;
+ case Choice(None, Choice(_, _)) => 1;
+ case Choice(Some(true), None) => 1;
+ // case Choice(Some(false), None) => 1;
+ case Choice(Some(_), Some(_)) => 1;
+ case Choice(Some(_), Choice(_, _)) => 1;
+ case Choice(Choice(_, _), None) => 1;
+ case Choice(Choice(_, _), Some(_)) => 1;
+ case Choice(Choice(_, _), Choice(_, _)) => 1;
+ case Some(b) => 4;
+ case None => 5;
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/run/t3097.check b/test/files/run/t3097.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63695f771b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t3097.check
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/files/run/t3097.scala b/test/files/run/t3097.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4aaf8056ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t3097.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+sealed trait ISimpleValue
+sealed trait IListValue extends ISimpleValue
+sealed trait IAtomicValue[O] extends ISimpleValue
+sealed trait IAbstractDoubleValue[O] extends IAtomicValue[O]
+sealed trait IDoubleValue extends IAbstractDoubleValue[Double]
+case class ListValue(val items: List[IAtomicValue[_]]) extends IListValue
+class DoubleValue(val data: Double) extends IDoubleValue
+object Test extends App {
+ // match is exhaustive
+ (new DoubleValue(1): ISimpleValue) match {
+ case m: IListValue => println("list")
+ case a: IAtomicValue[_] => println("atomic")
+ }