diff options
authormichelou <>2005-10-12 12:25:50 +0000
committermichelou <>2005-10-12 12:25:50 +0000
commit9272651e533e54ec2a3cd64d2ebca16be97d3027 (patch)
parent8970fdfe0362405665ea2cf3a686320369087a47 (diff)
- corrected if-test in log "Compiling...".
- removed leading tabs. - (partially) changed indentation for 4 to 2 chars.
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 413 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/nsc/ant/NSC.scala b/sources/scala/tools/nsc/ant/NSC.scala
index 4f7bd6969e..1fdaa249b7 100644
--- a/sources/scala/tools/nsc/ant/NSC.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/nsc/ant/NSC.scala
@@ -65,392 +65,376 @@ package {
class NSC extends MatchingTask {
- private val SCALA_PRODUCT: String =
- System.getProperty("scala.product", "Scalac Ant compiler");
- private val SCALA_VERSION: String =
- System.getProperty("scala.version", "Unknown version");
- /** The unique Ant file utilities instance to use in this task. */
- private val fileUtils = FileUtils.newFileUtils();
- // ###################################################################
- // ##### Ant Properties #####
- // ###################################################################
- abstract class PermissibleValue {
- val values: List[String];
- def isPermissible (value: String): Boolean = (value == "") || values.exists(v:String=>(v.compareToIgnoreCase(value) == 0));
- }
- /** Defines valid values for the logging property. */
- object LoggingLevel extends PermissibleValue {
- val values = List("none", "verbose", "debug");
- }
- /** Defines valid values for properties that refer to compiler phases. */
- object CompilerPhase extends PermissibleValue {
- val values = List("namer", "typer", "pickler", "uncurry", "tailcalls", "transmatch", "explicitouter", "erasure", "lambdalift", "flatten", "constructors", "mixin", "icode", "jvm");
- }
- /** The directories that contain source files to compile. */
- private var origin: Option[Path] = None;
- /** The directory to put the compiled files in. */
- private var destination: Option[File] = None;
- /** The class path to use for this compilation. */
- private var classpath: Option[Path] = None;
- /** The source path to use for this compilation. */
- private var sourcepath: Option[Path] = None;
- /** The boot class path to use for this compilation. */
- private var bootclasspath: Option[Path] = None;
- /** The external extensions path to use for this compilation. */
- private var extpath: Option[Path] = None;
- /** The text encoding of the files to compile. */
- private var encoding: Option[String] = None;
- /** How much logging output to print. Either none (default), verbose or debug. */
- private var logging: Option[String] = None;
- /** Whether to use implicit predefined values or not. */
- private var usepredefs: Boolean = true;
- /** Whether to implicitly import or not. */
- private var useimports: Boolean = true;
- /** Whether to force compilation of all files or not. */
- private var force: Boolean = false;
- /** After which phase the compilation should stop. */
- private var stop: Option[String] = None;
- /** Which compilation phases should be skipped during compilation. */
- private var skip: List[String] = Nil;
- /** Which compilation phases results should be checked for consistency. */
- private var check: List[String] = Nil;
- // ###################################################################
- // ##### Properties setters #####
- // ###################################################################
- /**
- * Sets the srcdir attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value of <code>origin</code>.
- */
- def setSrcdir (input: Path) = {
- if (origin.isEmpty) {
- origin = Some(input);
- } else {
- origin.get.append(input);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the <code>origin</code> as a nested src Ant parameter.
- * @return An origin path to be configured.
- */
- def createSrc (): Path = {
- if (origin.isEmpty) {
- origin = Some(new Path(getProject()));
- }
- origin.get.createPath();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the <code>origin</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
- * @param input A reference to an origin path.
- */
- def setSrcref (input: Reference) = {
- createSrc().setRefid(input);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value of the origin attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
- * @returns The origin path as a list of files.
- */
- private def getOrigin: List[File] = {
- if (origin.isEmpty)
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Member 'origin' is empty.");
- else List.fromArray(origin.get.list()).map(nameToFile("src"));
- }
- /**
- * Sets the destdir attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value of <code>destination</code>.
- */
- def setDestdir (input: File) = {
- destination = Some(input);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value of the destination attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
- * @returns The destination as a file.
- */
- private def getDestination: File = {
- if (destination.isEmpty)
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Member 'destination' is empty.");
- else testReadableFile("destdir")(getProject().resolveFile(destination.get.toString()));
- }
- /**
- * Sets the classpath attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value of <code>classpath</code>.
- */
- def setClasspath (input: Path) = {
- if (classpath.isEmpty) {
- classpath = Some(input);
- } else {
- classpath.get.append(input);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the <code>classpath</code> as a nested classpath Ant parameter.
- * @return A class path to be configured.
- */
- def createClasspath (): Path = {
- if (classpath.isEmpty) {
- classpath = Some(new Path(getProject()));
- }
- classpath.get.createPath();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the <code>classpath</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
- * @param input A reference to a class path.
- */
- def setClasspathref (input: Reference) = {
- createClasspath().setRefid(input);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value of the classpath attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
- * @returns The class path as a list of files.
- */
- private def getClasspath: List[File] = {
- if (classpath.isEmpty)
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Member 'classpath' is empty.");
- else List.fromArray(classpath.get.list()).map(nameToFile("classpath"));
- }
- /**
- * Sets the sourcepath attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value of <code>sourcepath</code>.
- */
- def setSourcepath (input: Path) = {
- if (sourcepath.isEmpty) {
- sourcepath = Some(input);
- } else {
- sourcepath.get.append(input);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the <code>sourcepath</code> as a nested sourcepath Ant parameter.
- * @return A source path to be configured.
- */
- def createSourcepath (): Path = {
- if (sourcepath.isEmpty) {
- sourcepath = Some(new Path(getProject()));
- }
- sourcepath.get.createPath();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the <code>sourcepath</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
- * @param input A reference to a source path.
- */
- def setSourcepathref (input: Reference) = {
- createSourcepath().setRefid(input);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value of the sourcepath attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
- * @returns The source path as a list of files.
- */
- private def getSourcepath: List[File] = {
- if (sourcepath.isEmpty)
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Member 'sourcepath' is empty.");
- else List.fromArray(sourcepath.get.list()).map(nameToFile("sourcepath"));
- }
- /**
- * Sets the boot classpath attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value of <code>bootclasspath</code>.
- */
- def setBootclasspath (input: Path) = {
- if (bootclasspath.isEmpty) {
- bootclasspath = Some(input);
- } else {
- bootclasspath.get.append(input);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the <code>bootclasspath</code> as a nested sourcepath Ant parameter.
- * @return A source path to be configured.
- */
- def createBootclasspath (): Path = {
- if (bootclasspath.isEmpty) {
- bootclasspath = Some(new Path(getProject()));
- }
- bootclasspath.get.createPath();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the <code>bootclasspath</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
- * @param input A reference to a source path.
- */
- def setBootclasspathref (input: Reference) = {
- createBootclasspath().setRefid(input);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value of the bootclasspath attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
- * @returns The boot class path as a list of files.
- */
- private def getBootclasspath: List[File] = {
- if (bootclasspath.isEmpty)
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Member 'bootclasspath' is empty.");
- else List.fromArray(bootclasspath.get.list()).map(nameToFile("bootclasspath"));
- }
- /**
- * Sets the external extensions path attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value of <code>extpath</code>.
- */
- def setExtdirs (input: Path) = {
- if (extpath.isEmpty) {
- extpath = Some(input);
- } else {
- extpath.get.append(input);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the <code>extpath</code> as a nested sourcepath Ant parameter.
- * @return An extensions path to be configured.
- */
- def createExtdirs (): Path = {
- if (extpath.isEmpty) {
- extpath = Some(new Path(getProject()));
- }
- extpath.get.createPath();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the <code>extpath</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
- * @param input A reference to an extensions path.
- */
- def setExtdirsref (input: Reference) = {
- createExtdirs().setRefid(input);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value of the extpath attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
- * @returns The extensions path as a list of files.
- */
- private def getExtpath: List[File] = {
- if (extpath.isEmpty)
- throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Member 'extdirs' is empty.");
- else List.fromArray(extpath.get.list()).map(nameToFile("extdirs"));
- }
- /**
- * Sets the encoding attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value of <code>encoding</code>.
- */
- def setEncoding (input: String) = {
- encoding = Some(input);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the logging level attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value for <code>logging</code>.
- */
- def setLogging (input: String) = {
- if (LoggingLevel.isPermissible(input))
- logging = Some(input);
- else error("Logging level '" + input + "' does not exist.");
- }
- /**
- * Sets the use predefs attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value for <code>usepredefs</code>.
- */
- def setUsepredefs (input: Boolean) = {
- usepredefs = input;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the use imports attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value for <code>useimport</code>.
- */
- def setUseimports (input: Boolean) = {
- useimports = input;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the force attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value for <code>force</code>.
- */
- def setForce (input: Boolean) = {
- force = input;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the force attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value for <code>force</code>.
- */
- def setStop (input: String) = {
- if (CompilerPhase.isPermissible(input)) {
- if (input != "")
- stop = Some(input);
- } else error("Phase '" + input + "' in stop does not exist.");
- }
- /**
- * Sets the force attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value for <code>force</code>.
- */
- def setSkip (input: String) = {
- skip = List.fromArray(input.split(",")).flatMap(s:String=>{
- val st = s.trim();
- if (CompilerPhase.isPermissible(st)) (if (input != "") List(st) else Nil)
- else {error("Phase '" + st + "' in skip does not exist."); Nil}
- });
- }
- /**
- * Sets the force attribute. Used by Ant.
- * @param input The value for <code>force</code>.
- */
- def setCheck (input: String) = {
- check = List.fromArray(input.split(",")).flatMap(s:String=>{
- val st = s.trim();
- if (CompilerPhase.isPermissible(st)) (if (input != "") List(st) else Nil)
- else {error("Phase " + st + " in check does not exist."); Nil}
- });
- }
- // ###################################################################
- // ##### Compilation and support methods #####
- // ###################################################################
- /**
- * Creates a file from a given string.
- * @param test A method to test whether the file is valid.
- * @param name The path of the file as a string.
- * @return The file corresponding to the provided name.
- */
- private def nameToFile (test: File=>File) (name: String): File = {
- test(getProject().resolveFile(name));
- }
- /**
- * Creates a file from a given string.
- * @param test A method to test whether the file is valid.
- * @param name The path of the file as a string.
- * @return The file corresponding to the provided name.
- */
- private def nameToFile (test: File=>File, origin: File) (name: String): File = {
- test(fileUtils.resolveFile(origin, name));
- }
+ private val SCALA_PRODUCT: String =
+ System.getProperty("scala.product", "Scalac Ant compiler");
+ private val SCALA_VERSION: String =
+ System.getProperty("scala.version", "Unknown version");
+ /** The unique Ant file utilities instance to use in this task. */
+ private val fileUtils = FileUtils.newFileUtils();
+ // ###################################################################
+ // ##### Ant Properties #####
+ // ###################################################################
+ abstract class PermissibleValue {
+ val values: List[String];
+ def isPermissible (value: String): Boolean =
+ (value == "") ||
+ values.exists(v: String => v.compareToIgnoreCase(value) == 0);
+ }
+ /** Defines valid values for the logging property. */
+ object LoggingLevel extends PermissibleValue {
+ val values = List("none", "verbose", "debug");
+ }
+ /** Defines valid values for properties that refer to compiler phases. */
+ object CompilerPhase extends PermissibleValue {
+ val values = List(
+ "namer", "typer", "pickler", "uncurry", "tailcalls",
+ "transmatch", "explicitouter", "erasure", "lambdalift",
+ "flatten", "constructors", "mixin", "icode", "jvm");
+ }
+ /** The directories that contain source files to compile. */
+ private var origin: Option[Path] = None;
+ /** The directory to put the compiled files in. */
+ private var destination: Option[File] = None;
+ /** The class path to use for this compilation. */
+ private var classpath: Option[Path] = None;
+ /** The source path to use for this compilation. */
+ private var sourcepath: Option[Path] = None;
+ /** The boot class path to use for this compilation. */
+ private var bootclasspath: Option[Path] = None;
+ /** The external extensions path to use for this compilation. */
+ private var extpath: Option[Path] = None;
+ /** The text encoding of the files to compile. */
+ private var encoding: Option[String] = None;
+ /** How much logging output to print. Either none (default), verbose or debug. */
+ private var logging: Option[String] = None;
+ /** Whether to use implicit predefined values or not. */
+ private var usepredefs: Boolean = true;
+ /** Whether to implicitly import or not. */
+ private var useimports: Boolean = true;
+ /** Whether to force compilation of all files or not. */
+ private var force: Boolean = false;
+ /** After which phase the compilation should stop. */
+ private var stop: Option[String] = None;
+ /** Which compilation phases should be skipped during compilation. */
+ private var skip: List[String] = Nil;
+ /** Which compilation phases results should be checked for consistency. */
+ private var check: List[String] = Nil;
+ // ###################################################################
+ // ##### Properties setters #####
+ // ###################################################################
+ /**
+ * Sets the srcdir attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>origin</code>.
+ */
+ def setSrcdir (input: Path) =
+ if (origin.isEmpty)
+ origin = Some(input);
+ else
+ origin.get.append(input);
+ /**
+ * Sets the <code>origin</code> as a nested src Ant parameter.
+ * @return An origin path to be configured.
+ */
+ def createSrc (): Path = {
+ if (origin.isEmpty) {
+ origin = Some(new Path(getProject()))
+ }
+ origin.get.createPath()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the <code>origin</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
+ * @param input A reference to an origin path.
+ */
+ def setSrcref (input: Reference) =
+ createSrc().setRefid(input);
+ /**
+ * Gets the value of the origin attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
+ * @returns The origin path as a list of files.
+ */
+ private def getOrigin: List[File] =
+ if (origin.isEmpty)
+ throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Member 'origin' is empty.");
+ else
+ List.fromArray(origin.get.list()).map(nameToFile("src"));
+ /**
+ * Sets the destdir attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>destination</code>.
+ */
+ def setDestdir (input: File) =
+ destination = Some(input);
+ /**
+ * Gets the value of the destination attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
+ * @returns The destination as a file.
+ */
+ private def getDestination: File =
+ if (destination.isEmpty)
+ throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Member 'destination' is empty.");
+ else
+ testReadableFile("destdir")(getProject().resolveFile(destination.get.toString()));
+ /**
+ * Sets the classpath attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>classpath</code>.
+ */
+ def setClasspath (input: Path) =
+ if (classpath.isEmpty)
+ classpath = Some(input);
+ else
+ classpath.get.append(input);
+ /**
+ * Sets the <code>classpath</code> as a nested classpath Ant parameter.
+ * @return A class path to be configured.
+ */
+ def createClasspath (): Path = {
+ if (classpath.isEmpty) {
+ classpath = Some(new Path(getProject()))
+ }
+ classpath.get.createPath()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the <code>classpath</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
+ * @param input A reference to a class path.
+ */
+ def setClasspathref (input: Reference) =
+ createClasspath().setRefid(input);
+ /**
+ * Gets the value of the classpath attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
+ * @returns The class path as a list of files.
+ */
+ private def getClasspath: List[File] =
+ if (classpath.isEmpty)
+ throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Member 'classpath' is empty.");
+ else
+ List.fromArray(classpath.get.list()).map(nameToFile("classpath"));
+ /**
+ * Sets the sourcepath attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>sourcepath</code>.
+ */
+ def setSourcepath (input: Path) =
+ if (sourcepath.isEmpty)
+ sourcepath = Some(input);
+ else
+ sourcepath.get.append(input);
+ /**
+ * Sets the <code>sourcepath</code> as a nested sourcepath Ant parameter.
+ * @return A source path to be configured.
+ */
+ def createSourcepath (): Path = {
+ if (sourcepath.isEmpty) {
+ sourcepath = Some(new Path(getProject()))
+ }
+ sourcepath.get.createPath()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the <code>sourcepath</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
+ * @param input A reference to a source path.
+ */
+ def setSourcepathref (input: Reference) =
+ createSourcepath().setRefid(input);
+ /**
+ * Gets the value of the sourcepath attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
+ * @returns The source path as a list of files.
+ */
+ private def getSourcepath: List[File] =
+ if (sourcepath.isEmpty)
+ throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Member 'sourcepath' is empty.");
+ else
+ List.fromArray(sourcepath.get.list()).map(nameToFile("sourcepath"));
+ /**
+ * Sets the boot classpath attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>bootclasspath</code>.
+ */
+ def setBootclasspath (input: Path) =
+ if (bootclasspath.isEmpty)
+ bootclasspath = Some(input);
+ else
+ bootclasspath.get.append(input);
+ /**
+ * Sets the <code>bootclasspath</code> as a nested sourcepath Ant parameter.
+ * @return A source path to be configured.
+ */
+ def createBootclasspath (): Path = {
+ if (bootclasspath.isEmpty) {
+ bootclasspath = Some(new Path(getProject()))
+ }
+ bootclasspath.get.createPath()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the <code>bootclasspath</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
+ * @param input A reference to a source path.
+ */
+ def setBootclasspathref (input: Reference) =
+ createBootclasspath().setRefid(input);
+ /**
+ * Gets the value of the bootclasspath attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
+ * @returns The boot class path as a list of files.
+ */
+ private def getBootclasspath: List[File] =
+ if (bootclasspath.isEmpty)
+ throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Member 'bootclasspath' is empty.");
+ else
+ List.fromArray(bootclasspath.get.list()).map(nameToFile("bootclasspath"));
+ /**
+ * Sets the external extensions path attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>extpath</code>.
+ */
+ def setExtdirs (input: Path) =
+ if (extpath.isEmpty)
+ extpath = Some(input);
+ else
+ extpath.get.append(input);
+ /**
+ * Sets the <code>extpath</code> as a nested sourcepath Ant parameter.
+ * @return An extensions path to be configured.
+ */
+ def createExtdirs (): Path = {
+ if (extpath.isEmpty) {
+ extpath = Some(new Path(getProject()))
+ }
+ extpath.get.createPath()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the <code>extpath</code> as an external reference Ant parameter.
+ * @param input A reference to an extensions path.
+ */
+ def setExtdirsref (input: Reference) =
+ createExtdirs().setRefid(input);
+ /**
+ * Gets the value of the extpath attribute in a Scala-friendly form.
+ * @returns The extensions path as a list of files.
+ */
+ private def getExtpath: List[File] =
+ if (extpath.isEmpty)
+ throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("Member 'extdirs' is empty.");
+ else
+ List.fromArray(extpath.get.list()).map(nameToFile("extdirs"));
+ /**
+ * Sets the encoding attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value of <code>encoding</code>.
+ */
+ def setEncoding(input: String): Unit =
+ encoding = Some(input);
+ /**
+ * Sets the logging level attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value for <code>logging</code>.
+ */
+ def setLogging (input: String) =
+ if (LoggingLevel.isPermissible(input))
+ logging = Some(input);
+ else
+ error("Logging level '" + input + "' does not exist.");
+ /**
+ * Sets the use predefs attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value for <code>usepredefs</code>.
+ */
+ def setUsepredefs (input: Boolean): Unit =
+ usepredefs = input;
+ /**
+ * Sets the use imports attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value for <code>useimport</code>.
+ */
+ def setUseimports (input: Boolean): Unit =
+ useimports = input;
+ /**
+ * Sets the force attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value for <code>force</code>.
+ */
+ def setForce (input: Boolean): Unit =
+ force = input;
+ /**
+ * Sets the force attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value for <code>force</code>.
+ */
+ def setStop (input: String) =
+ if (CompilerPhase.isPermissible(input)) {
+ if (input != "")
+ stop = Some(input);
+ }
+ else
+ error("Phase '" + input + "' in stop does not exist.");
+ /**
+ * Sets the force attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value for <code>force</code>.
+ */
+ def setSkip (input: String) = {
+ skip = List.fromArray(input.split(",")).flatMap(s: String => {
+ val st = s.trim();
+ if (CompilerPhase.isPermissible(st)) (if (input != "") List(st) else Nil)
+ else {error("Phase '" + st + "' in skip does not exist."); Nil}
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the force attribute. Used by Ant.
+ * @param input The value for <code>force</code>.
+ */
+ def setCheck (input: String) = {
+ check = List.fromArray(input.split(",")).flatMap(s: String => {
+ val st = s.trim();
+ if (CompilerPhase.isPermissible(st)) (if (input != "") List(st) else Nil)
+ else {error("Phase " + st + " in check does not exist."); Nil}
+ });
+ }
+ // ###################################################################
+ // ##### Compilation and support methods #####
+ // ###################################################################
+ /**
+ * Creates a file from a given string.
+ * @param test A method to test whether the file is valid.
+ * @param name The path of the file as a string.
+ * @return The file corresponding to the provided name.
+ */
+ private def nameToFile(test: File=>File) (name: String): File =
+ test(getProject().resolveFile(name));
+ /**
+ * Creates a file from a given string.
+ * @param test A method to test whether the file is valid.
+ * @param name The path of the file as a string.
+ * @return The file corresponding to the provided name.
+ */
+ private def nameToFile (test: File=>File, origin: File) (name: String): File =
+ test(fileUtils.resolveFile(origin, name));
* Creates a file from a given string and tests its validity using the <code>testReadableFile</code> method.
@@ -537,23 +521,26 @@ package {
// If force is false, only files were the .class file in destination is older than
// the .scala file will be used.
val sourceFiles: List[File] =
- for (val originDir <- getOrigin;
- val originFile <- {
- var includedFiles = getDirectoryScanner(originDir).getIncludedFiles();
- if (!force) {
- includedFiles = new SourceFileScanner(this).restrict(includedFiles, originDir, destination.get, mapper)
- }
- (List.fromArray(includedFiles)).map(nameToFile("srcdir", originDir))
- }
- ) yield {
- log(originFile.toString(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
- originFile
- }
+ for (val originDir <- getOrigin;
+ val originFile <- {
+ var includedFiles = getDirectoryScanner(originDir).getIncludedFiles();
+ if (!force) {
+ includedFiles = new SourceFileScanner(this)
+ .restrict(includedFiles, originDir, destination.get, mapper)
+ }
+ (List.fromArray(includedFiles)).map(nameToFile("srcdir", originDir))
+ }
+ ) yield {
+ log(originFile.toString(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
+ originFile
+ }
if (sourceFiles.length == 0)
log("No files selected for compilation")
- log("Compiling " + sourceFiles.length + " source file" + (if (sourceFiles.length == 1) "s" else "") + (" to " + getDestination.toString()));
+ log("Compiling " + sourceFiles.length + " source file"
+ + (if (sourceFiles.length > 1) "s" else "")
+ + (" to " + getDestination.toString()));
System.setProperty("scala.library.class.path", "");
System.setProperty("scala.library.source.path", "");
@@ -568,10 +555,11 @@ package {
if (!extpath.isEmpty) settings.extdirs.value = asString(getExtpath);
if (!encoding.isEmpty) settings.encoding.value = encoding.get;
if (!logging.isEmpty && logging.get == "verbose") {
- settings.verbose.value = true;
- } else if (!logging.isEmpty && logging.get == "debug") {
- settings.verbose.value = true;
- settings.debug.value = true;
+ settings.verbose.value = true;
+ }
+ else if (!logging.isEmpty && logging.get == "debug") {
+ settings.verbose.value = true;
+ settings.debug.value = true;
settings.noimports.value = !useimports;
settings.nopredefs.value = !usepredefs;
@@ -587,20 +575,28 @@ package {
// Compiles the actual code
val compiler = new Global(settings, reporter);
try {
- (new compiler.Run).compile(>f.toString()));
- if (reporter.errors() > 0)
- error("Compile failed with " + reporter.errors() + " error" + (if (reporter.errors() == 1) "" else "s") + "; see the compiler error output for details.");
- } catch {
- case exception @ FatalError(msg) => {
- if (settings.debug.value) exception.printStackTrace();
- error("Compile failed because of an internal compiler error (" + msg + "); see the error output for details.");
- }
+ (new compiler.Run).compile(>f.toString()));
+ if (reporter.errors() > 0)
+ error("Compile failed with "
+ + reporter.errors() + " error"
+ + (if (reporter.errors() > 1) "s" else "")
+ + "; see the compiler error output for details.");
+ }
+ catch {
+ case exception @ FatalError(msg) => {
+ if (settings.debug.value) exception.printStackTrace();
+ error("Compile failed because of an internal compiler error ("
+ + msg + "); see the error output for details.");
+ }
if (reporter.warnings() > 0)
- log("Compile suceeded with " + reporter.errors() + " warning" + (if (reporter.warnings() == 1) "" else "s") + "; see the compiler output for details.");
+ log("Compile suceeded with "
+ + reporter.errors() + " warning"
+ + (if (reporter.warnings() > 1) "s" else "")
+ + "; see the compiler output for details.");
-} \ No newline at end of file