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authorMartin Odersky <>2003-07-31 09:57:59 +0000
committerMartin Odersky <>2003-07-31 09:57:59 +0000
commit03449ed20a3cca9e8d974c7efeff6b4e01ecb66d (patch)
parentbe21ca1267f48e8fd14d5e32f3c7a4d814005eef (diff)
*** empty log message ***
93 files changed, 1100 insertions, 750 deletions
diff --git a/doc/reference/reference.verb.tex b/doc/reference/reference.verb.tex
index b01683df8a..d7737dd004 100644
--- a/doc/reference/reference.verb.tex
+++ b/doc/reference/reference.verb.tex
@@ -189,6 +189,16 @@ inherited abstract members.
translated to method calls of their operand.
+class List[a <: AnyRef](x: a, xs: List[a]) {
+ def head = x;
+ def tail = xs;
+ def this(x: a) = { ... ; this(x, Nil); ... }
+ def this() = this(null, Nil);
% 16 Jul 2003 Regular pattern matching (Chapter 8)
\subsection*{Status of This Document}
@@ -254,13 +264,13 @@ The following names are reserved words instead of being members of the
syntactic class \verb@id@ of lexical identifiers.
-abstract as case class constr
-def do else extends final
-false for if is import
-new null object override package
-private protected sealed super this
-trait true type val var
-with yield
+abstract case catch class def
+do else extends false final
+finally for if import new
+null object override package private
+protected return sealed super this
+trait try true type val
+var while with yield
_ : = => <- <: >: # @
@@ -343,13 +353,9 @@ are collectively called {\em entities}. Names are introduced by
definitions, declarations (\sref{sec:defs}) or import clauses
(\sref{sec:import}), which are collectively called {\em binders}.
-There are three different name spaces, one each for types
-(\sref{sec:types}), terms (\sref{sec:exprs}), and constructors
-(\sref{sec:constrs}). The same name may designate a type, a term, and
-a constructor, depending on the context where the name is used. A
-class definition (\sref{sec:classes}) defines conceptually both a type
-and a constructor, so its defined name is introduced in both name
+There are two different name spaces, one for types (\sref{sec:types})
+and one for terms (\sref{sec:exprs}). The same name may designate a
+type and a term, depending on the context where the name is used.
A definition or declaration has a {\em scope} in which the entity
defined by a single name can be accessed using a simple name. Scopes
@@ -362,24 +368,25 @@ bindings introduced by other import clauses in outer blocks.
-A reference to an unqualified identifier $x$ of kind $K$ where $K$ is
-either term, type or constructor, is bound by the unique binder, which
+A reference to an unqualified (type- or term-) identifier $x$ is bound
+by the unique binder, which
-\item defines an entity $x$ with name $x$ and kind $K$, and
-\item shadows all other binders that define entities with name $x$
-and kind $K$.
+\item defines an entity with name $x$ in the same namespace as the
+identifier, and
+\item shadows all other binders that define entities with name $x$ in that namespace.
It is an error if no such binder exists. If $x$ is bound by an import
clause, then the simple name $x$ is taken to be equivalent to the
qualified name to which $x$ is mapped by the import clause. If $x$ is bound by a definition or declaration,
-then $x$ refers to the entity of kind $K$ introduced by that
+then $x$ refers to the entity introduced by that
binder. In that case, the type of $x$ is the type of the referenced
-A reference to a qualified identifier $e.x$ of kind $K$ refers to the
-member of kind $K$ of the type $T$ of $e$. It is an error if $T$ is
-not an object type (\sref{def:object-type}). The type of $e.x$ is the
-member type of the referenced entity in $T$.
+A reference to a qualified (type- or term-) identifier $e.x$ refers to
+the member of the type $T$ of $e$ which has the name $x$ in the same
+namespace as the identifier. It is an error if $T$ is not an object type
+(\sref{def:object-type}). The type of $e.x$ is the member type of the
+referenced entity in $T$.
@@ -1391,12 +1398,11 @@ makes available each member \verb@p.x$_i$@ under the unqualified name
\verb@p@ other than \verb@x$_1$, ..., x$_n$@ are also made available
under their own unqualfied names.
-Import selectors work in the same way for members in all three name
-spaces. For instance, an import clause \verb@import p.{x => y}@
-renames the term name \verb@p.x@ to the term name \verb@y@, the type
-name \verb@p.x@ to the type name \verb@y@, and the constructor name
-\verb@p.x@ to the type name \verb@y@. At least one of these three
-names must reference a member of \verb@p@.
+Import selectors work in the same way for type and term members. For
+instance, an import clause \verb@import p.{x => y}@ renames the term
+name \verb@p.x@ to the term name \verb@y@ and the type name \verb@p.x@
+to the type name \verb@y@. At least one of these three names must
+reference a member of \verb@p@.
If the destination in an import selector is a wildcard, the import
selector hides access to the source member. For instance, the import
@@ -1489,12 +1495,14 @@ Java interface as a superclass.
Constructor invocations define the type, members, and initial state of
objects created by an instance creation expression, or of parts of an
object's definition which are inherited by a class or module
-definition. A constructor invocation is a function application
+definition. A constructor invocation is a function application
\verb@x.c(args)@, where \verb@x@ is a stable identifier
-\sref{sec:stable-ids}), \verb@c@ is a constructor name, and
-\verb@(args)@ is an argument list. The prefix \verb@x.@ can be
-omitted. The argument list \verb@(args)@ can also be omitted, in which
-case an empty argument list \verb@()@ is implicitly added.
+\sref{sec:stable-ids}), \verb@c@ is a type name which either
+designates a class or defines an alias type for one, and \verb@(args)@
+is an argument list, which matches one of the constructors of that
+class. The prefix \verb@x.@ can be omitted. The argument list
+\verb@(args)@ can also be omitted, in which case an empty argument
+list \verb@()@ is implicitly added.
\subsection{Base Classes}
@@ -1509,14 +1517,14 @@ concatenating, for each $i = 1 \commadots n$, the mixin base classes
of the mixin \verb@mc_i@. The mixin base classes of a class type \verb@C@ are
the mixin base classes of the template represented by \verb@C@, followed by
\verb@C@ itself. The mixin base classes of a constructor invocation of type
-\verb@class T@ are the mixin base classes of class \verb@T@.
+\verb@T@ are the mixin base classes of class \verb@T@.
The {\em base classes} of a template consist of the base classes of
its superclass, followed by the template's mixin base classes. The
base classes of class \verb@scala.Any@ consist of just the
class itself. The base classes of some other class type \verb@C@ are the
base classes of the template represented by \verb@C@, followed by \verb@C@
-itself. The base classes of a constructor invocation of type \verb@class T@
+itself. The base classes of a constructor invocation of type \verb@T@
are the base classes of \verb@T@.
The notions of mixin base classes and base classes are extended from
@@ -1662,20 +1670,17 @@ in addition to the members inherited from class \verb@Any@.
-A template member
-\verb@M@ that has the same \ifqualified{qualified}
-name as a non-private member \verb@M'@
-of a base class (and that belongs to the same namespace) is said to
-{\em override} that member. In this case the binding of the
-overriding member
-\verb@M@ must be more specific (\sref{sec:subtyping}) than the
-binding of the overridden member \verb@M'@.
-Furthermore, the overridden definition may not be a class or class
-constructor definition. Method definitions may only override other
-method definitions (or the methods implicitly defined by a variable
-definition). They may not override value let definitions. Finally,
-the following restrictions on modifiers apply to
-\verb@M@ and \verb@M'@:
+A template member \verb@M@ that has the same \ifqualified{qualified}
+name as a non-private member \verb@M'@ of a base class (and that
+belongs to the same namespace) is said to {\em override} that member.
+In this case the binding of the overriding member \verb@M@ must be
+more specific (\sref{sec:subtyping}) than the binding of the
+overridden member \verb@M'@. Furthermore, the overridden definition
+may not be a class definition. Method definitions may only override
+other method definitions (or the methods implicitly defined by a
+variable definition). They may not override value let definitions.
+Finally, the following restrictions on modifiers apply to \verb@M@ and
\verb@M'@ must not be labelled \verb@final@.
@@ -1819,7 +1824,7 @@ object; it is not possible for clients to create objects of class
ClsDef \=::=\= class ClassDef {`,' ClassDef}
ClassDef \>::=\> Id [TypeParamClause] [ParamClause] [`:' SimpleType]
- \> \> ClassTemplate {[`;'] ConstrDef}
+ \> \> ClassTemplate
ClassTemplate \>::=\> extends Template
\> |\> TemplateBody
\> |\>
@@ -1864,28 +1869,31 @@ can be omitted, in which case
\verb@{stats}@ may also be omitted, in which case the empty body
\verb@{}@ is assumed.
-This class definition defines both a type \verb@c[tps]@ and a constructor
+This class definition defines a type \verb@c[tps]@ and a constructor
which when applied to parameters conforming to typles \verb@ps@
-initializes instances of type \verb@c[tps]@ by evaluating the template \verb@t@.
+initializes instances of type \verb@c[tps]@ by evaluating the template
\subsection{Constructor Definitions}
- ConstrDef \=::=\= constr [ParamClause] `=' ConstrExpr
+ FunDef \=::=\= this ParamClause `=' ConstrExpr
ConstrExpr \>::=\> this ArgumentExpr
- \> |\> `{' { BlockStat `;' } ConstrExpr `}'
-A class definition may be followed by additional constructor
-definitions. Each of these takes the form \verb@constr (ps) = e@.
-This defines an additional constructor for the preceding class, with
-parameters as given in the formal parameter list \verb@ps@, and whose
-evaluation is defined by the constructor expression \verb@e@. The
-formal parameter list \verb@(ps)@ may be omitted, in which case
-\verb@()@ is assumed. The scope of each formal parameter is the
-constructor expression \verb@e@. A constructor expression is either a
-self constructor invocation \verb@this(args)@ or a block which ends in
-a constructor expression.
+ \> |\> `{' {BlockStat `;'} ConstrExpr {`;' Blockstat} `}'
+A class may have additional constructors besides the primary
+constructor. These are defined by constructor definitions of the form
+\verb@def this(ps) = e@. Such a definition introduces an additional
+constructor for the enclosing class, with parameters as given in the
+formal parameter list \verb@ps@, and whose evaluation is defined by
+the constructor expression \verb@e@. The scope of each formal
+parameter is the constructor expression \verb@e@. A constructor
+expression is either a self constructor invocation \verb@this(args)@
+or a block which contains a constructor expression as one of its
+statements. A constructor expression may not refer to \verb@this@,
+nor to any of the value parameters or members of the object being
+constructed, until after the self constructor has been called.
If there are auxilary constructors of a class \verb@C@, they define
together with \verb@C@'s primary constructor an overloaded constructor
@@ -1893,7 +1901,7 @@ value. The usual rules for overloading resolution
\sref{sec:overloading} apply for constructor invocations of \verb@C@,
including the self constructor invocations in the constructor
expressions themselves. To prevent infinite cycles of constructor
-invocations there is the restriction that every self constructor
+invocations, there is the restriction that every self constructor
invocation must refer to a constructor definition which precedes it
(i.e. it must refer to either a preceding auxiliary constructor or the
primary constructor of the class). The type of a constructor
@@ -1920,7 +1928,7 @@ its basetypes.
A case class definition of \verb@c[tps](ps)@ with type
parameters \verb@tps@ and value parameters \verb@ps@ implicitly
-generates the a function definition of a {\em case class factory}
+generates a function definition for a {\em case class factory}
def c[tps](ps): c[tps] = new c[tps](ps)
@@ -2083,19 +2091,21 @@ final class m$\Dollar$class: s extends t;
final val m: s = new m$\Dollar$class;
(The \verb@final@ modifiers are omitted if the definition occurs as
-part of a block). The class name \verb@m$\Dollar$class@ is not
-accessible for user programs.
-Unlike value definitions, object definitions may appear
-as top-level definitions in a compilation unit.
-Also, unlike for value definitions, modules are instantiated lazily.
-The \verb@new m$\Dollar$class@ constructor is evaluated not at the
-point of the value definition, but is instead evaluated the first time
-$m$ is dereferenced during execution of the program (which might be
-never at all). An attempt to dereference $m$ again in the course of
-evaluation of the constructor leads to a infinite loop or run-time error.
-threads trying to dereference $m$ while the constructor is being
-evaluated block until evaluation is complete.
+part of a block. The class name \verb@m$\Dollar$class@ is not
+accessible for user programs.)
+There are however two differences between a module definition and a
+pair of class and value definition as the one given above. First,
+object definitions may appear as top-level definitions in a
+compilation unit, whereas value definitions cannot. Second, modules
+are instantiated lazily. The \verb@new m$\Dollar$class@ constructor
+is evaluated not at the point of the value definition, but is instead
+evaluated the first time $m$ is dereferenced during execution of the
+program (which might be never at all). An attempt to dereference $m$
+again in the course of evaluation of the constructor leads to a
+infinite loop or run-time error. Other threads trying to dereference
+$m$ while the constructor is being evaluated block until evaluation is
Classes in Scala do not have static members; however, an equivalent
@@ -2111,11 +2121,11 @@ object Point {
val origin = new Point() with { val x = 0.0, y = 0.0 }
-This defines a type \verb@Point@, a constructor \verb@Point()@, and an
-object \verb@Point@ which contains \verb@origin@ as a member.
-Note that the double use of the name \verb@Point@ is lgel, since the class
-definition defines the name \verb@Point@ in the type and constructor name spaces,
-whereas the object definition defines a name only in the term namespace.
+This defines a class \verb@Point@ and an object \verb@Point@ which
+contains \verb@origin@ as a member. Note that the double use of the
+name \verb@Point@ is lgel, since the class definition defines the name
+\verb@Point@ in the type name space, whereas the object definition
+defines the name in the term namespace.
\example Here's an outline of a module definition for a file system.
@@ -2141,117 +2151,60 @@ module FileSystem with {
- Expr \=::=\= if `(' Expr `)' Expr [[`;'] else Expr]
- \> |\> for `(' Enumerator `)' [do | yield] Expr
- \> |\> Designator `=' Expr
+ Expr \=::=\= [Bindings `=>'] Expr
+ \> |\> if `(' Expr `)' Expr [[`;'] else Expr]
+ \> |\> try Expr [`;'] (except Expr | finally Expr)
+ \> |\> while '(' Expr ')' Expr
+ \> |\> do Expr [`;'] while `(' Expr ')'
+ \> |\> for `(' Enumerators `)' (do | yield) Expr
+ \> |\> [SimpleExpr `.'] Id `=' Expr
\> |\> SimpleExpr ArgumentExpr `=' Expr
- \> |\> Expr1
- Expr1 \>::=\> Expr2 [`:' Type]
- Expr2 \>::=\> Expr3 [Id]
- Expr3 \>::=\> Expr4
- \> |\> Expr3 Id Expr3
- Expr4 \>::=\> SimpleExpr
- \> |\> op Expr4
- \> |\> new Template
- SimpleExpr \>::=\> Designator
- \> |\> literal
- \> |\> null
- \> |\> this
- \> |\> super `.' Id
- \> |\> outer `.' Id
- \> |\> outer `.' this
- \> |\> `[' [Exprs] `]'
- \> |\> ArgumentExpr
- \> |\> BlockExpr
- \> |\> SimpleExpr ArgumentExpr
- \> |\> SimpleExpr BlockExpr
- \> |\> SimpleExpr TypeArgs
- Exprs \>::= \> Expr {`,' Expr}
+ \> |\> PostfixExpr [`:' Type1 | as Type1 | is Type1]
+ PostfixExpr \>::=\> InfixExpr [Id]
+ InfixExpr \>::=\> PrefixExpr
+ \> |\> InfixExpr Id InfixExpr
+ PrefixExpr \>::=\> [`-' | `+' | `~' | `!'] SimpleExpr
+ SimpleExpr \>::=\> literal
+ \> |\> Path
+ \> |\> `(' [Expr] `)'
+ \> |\> BlockExpr
+ \> |\> new Template
+ \> |\> SimpleExpr `.' Id
+ \> |\> SimpleExpr TypeArgs
+ \> |\> SimpleExpr ArgumentExpr
+ Exprs \>::= \> Expr {`,' Expr}
Expressions are composed of operators and operands. Expression forms are
discussed subsequently in decreasing order of precedence.
+ SimpleExpr \=::= \= literal
+Typing and evaluation of literals are analogous to Java.
- Designator \=::= \= Id
+ Designator \=::= \= Path
\> | \> SimpleExpr `.' Id
A designator refers to a named term. It can be a {\em simple name} or
-a {\em selection}.
-A {\em potential term binder} of an occurrence of simple name $x$ is:
-\item A parameter named $x$ which has the identifer use in scope,
-\item a term definition or declaration of $x$ in some enclosing block,
-\item a term member of an enclosing module or class which is identified
- by the simple name $x$ (\sref{sec:names}),
-\item an import clause in an enclosing block or template that introduces
- a term alias for $x$ and that textually precedes the identifier use.
-A simple name $x$ is {\em bound} by a potential term binder of $x$
-which shadows (\sref{sec:names}) all other potential term binders of
-$x$. It is an error if no such binder exists.
-If $x$ is bound by an import clause whose right hand side is the
-stable identifier (\sref{sec:stableids}) $r$, then the simple name $x$
-refers to the same entity as $r.x$. If $x$ is bound by a declaration
-or definition of a class member, then $x$ refers to the same entity as
-\verb@this.x@. If $x$ is bound by some other term binder, then $x$
-refers to the value, function, or class introduced by that binder.
-Evaluation of $x$ is immediate.
-A simple name $x$ refers to one of the following:
-\item A parameter named $x$ which has the identifer use in scope.
-\item A definition or declaration of $x$ in some enclosing block.
-\item A term member of some enclosing module or class $M$ identified
-by the simple name $x$ (\sref{sec:names}).
-In each case, it is required that there is no other scope
-which also defines an entity with simple name $x$
-and which is nested between
-the reference to $x$ and the scope defining $x$.
-The type of $x$ is the declared type of the referenced
-entity. Evaluation of $x$ is immediate.
-If $r$ is a stable identifier of type $T$, the
+a {\em selection}. If $r$ is a stable identifier of type $T$, the
selection $r.x$ refers to the term member of $r$ that is identified in
-$T$ by the simple name $x$. For other expressions $e$, $e.x$ is typed
-as if it was $(\VAL;x=e\semi x.a)$ for some fresh name $x$.
+$T$ by the name $x$. For other expressions $e$, $e.x$ is typed as if
+it was $(\VAL;y=e\semi y.x)$ for some fresh name $y$. The typing rules
+for blocks implies that in that case $x$'s type may not refer to any
+abstract type member of \verb@e@.
The selection $e.x$ is evaluated by first evaluating the qualifier
-expression $e$. Then, if the value of $e$ is an as yet completely
-unevaluated \verb@let@-bound object, the value's definition is
-evaluated (\sref{sec:letdef}). The selection's result is the value to
-which the selector identifier is bound in the selected object
-designated by $e$.
-\section{Stable Identifiers}
- StableId \=::= \= QualId
-A stable identifier is an expression that is known to evaluate to the
-same object each time it is evaluated. Formally, a qualified
-identifier $x_1.;\ldots;.x_n$ is a stable identifier if for each $i =
-1 \commadots n$ the prefix $x_1.; \ldots ;.x_i$ identifies a value
-(i.e.\ it does not have an overloaded type or method type).
- SimpleExpr \=::= \= literal
-Typing and evaluation of literals are analogous to Java.
+expression $e$. The selection's result is then the value to which the
+selector identifier is bound in the selected object designated by $e$.
\section{The $\NULL$ Reference}
@@ -4348,18 +4301,17 @@ grammar.
VarDef \>::=\> Id [`:' Type] `=' Expr
\> |\> Id `:' Type `=' `_'
FunDef \>::=\> Id [FunTypeParamClause] {ParamClause} [`:' Type] `=' Expr
+ | this ParamClause `=' ConstrExpr
TypeDef \>::=\> Id `=' Type
ClsDef \>::=\> ([case] class | trait) ClassDef {`,' ClassDef}
\> |\> [case] object ObjectDef {`,' ObjectDef}
- ClassDef \>::=\> Id [TypeParamClause] [ParamClause] [`:' SimpleType]
- \> \> ClassTemplate {[`;'] ConstrDef}
+ ClassDef \>::=\> Id [TypeParamClause] [ParamClause] [`:' SimpleType] ClassTemplate
ObjectDef \>::=\> Id [`:' SimpleType] ClassTemplate
ClassTemplate \>::=\> extends Template
\> |\> TemplateBody
\> |\>
- ConstrDef \>::=\> constr [ParamClause] `=' ConstrExpr
ConstrExpr \>::=\> this ArgumentExpr
- \> |\> `{' { BlockStat `;' } ConstrExpr `}'
+ \> |\> `{' {BlockStat `;'} this ArgumentExpr {`;' BlockStat} `}'
CompilationUnit \>::=\> [package QualId `;'] [{TopStat `;'} TopStat]
TopStat \>::=\> {Modifier} ClsDef
diff --git a/sources/meta/scalac/ast/ b/sources/meta/scalac/ast/
index 74ddd49657..3ae0c9970d 100644
--- a/sources/meta/scalac/ast/
+++ b/sources/meta/scalac/ast/
@@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ public class MetaTree extends AbstractTreeExpander {
writer.indent().print("return ");
switch (kind) {
case TreeKind.Type:
- writer.print("name.isTypeName() || name == Name.ERROR");
+ writer.print("name.isTypeName() && (symbol() == null || !symbol().isConstructor()) || name == Name.ERROR");
case TreeKind.Term:
- writer.print("!name.isTypeName()");
+ writer.print("name.isTermName() || (symbol() != null && symbol().isConstructor())");
throw new Error("unexpected kind " + kind);
diff --git a/sources/meta/scalac/ast/ b/sources/meta/scalac/ast/
index 10948ef5d1..611054180e 100644
--- a/sources/meta/scalac/ast/
+++ b/sources/meta/scalac/ast/
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ public class Tree {
setDescription("Type application").
setRange(Phase.PARSER, Phase.END).
- addField(t_TermTree, "fun").
+ addField(t_Tree, "fun").
addField(t_TypeTrees, "args");
diff --git a/sources/scalac/ b/sources/scalac/
index b5ef83b8ab..36c25ce503 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/
+++ b/sources/scalac/
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ public class Global {
make.Ident(0, Names.scala),
- Names.Object.toConstrName()),
+ Names.Object.toTypeName()),
new Tree[0])},
diff --git a/sources/scalac/ast/ b/sources/scalac/ast/
index f890a63a61..051c067b5a 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/ast/
+++ b/sources/scalac/ast/
@@ -188,7 +188,12 @@ public class TreeGen implements Kinds, Modifiers {
public Tree mkParentConstr(int pos, Type parentType, Tree[] parentArgs) {
switch (parentType) {
case TypeRef(Type pre, Symbol sym, Type[] args):
- Tree ref = mkRef(pos, pre, sym.constructor());
+ Tree ref = mkRef(pos, pre, sym.allConstructors());
+ switch (ref.type) {
+ case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, Type[] alttypes):
+ infer.methodAlternative(
+ ref, alts, alttypes, Tree.typeOf(parentArgs), Type.AnyType);
+ }
Tree constr = (args.length == 0) ? ref
: TypeApply(ref, mkTypes(sym.pos, args));
return Apply(constr, parentArgs);
@@ -206,14 +211,14 @@ public class TreeGen implements Kinds, Modifiers {
public Tree[] mkParentConstrs(int pos, Type[] parents, Tree[][] parentArgs) {
Tree[] constrs = new Tree[parents.length];
for (int i = 0; i < parents.length; ++i)
- constrs[i] = (parentArgs == null ?
+ constrs[i] = (parentArgs.length == 0 ?
mkParentConstr(pos, parents[i])
- : mkParentConstr(pos, parents[i], parentArgs[i]));
+ : mkParentConstr(pos, parents[i], parentArgs[i]));
return constrs;
public Tree[] mkParentConstrs(int pos, Type[] parents) {
- return mkParentConstrs(pos, parents, null);
+ return mkParentConstrs(pos, parents, new Tree[][]{});
/** Build parameter sections corresponding to type.
@@ -344,7 +349,7 @@ public class TreeGen implements Kinds, Modifiers {
public Tree New(int pos, Type pre, Symbol clazz,
Type[] targs, Tree[] args) {
- Tree constr = mkRef(pos, pre, clazz.constructor());
+ Tree constr = mkRef(pos, pre, clazz.primaryConstructor());
if (targs.length != 0)
constr = TypeApply(constr, mkTypes(pos, targs));
Tree base = Apply(constr, args);
@@ -511,7 +516,7 @@ public class TreeGen implements Kinds, Modifiers {
public Tree ClassDef(int pos, Symbol clazz, Template template) {
- Type constrtype = clazz.constructor().info();
+ Type constrtype = clazz.primaryConstructor().info();
return make.ClassDef(
@@ -615,7 +620,7 @@ public class TreeGen implements Kinds, Modifiers {
pos, Names.ANON_CLASS_NAME.toTypeName(), owner, 0);
clazz.setInfo(Type.compoundType(new Type[]{definitions.OBJECT_TYPE, ft},
new Scope(), clazz));
- clazz.constructor().setInfo(
+ clazz.allConstructors().setInfo(
Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, clazz.typeConstructor()));
Symbol applyMeth = new TermSymbol(pos, Names.apply, clazz, FINAL)
@@ -639,7 +644,7 @@ public class TreeGen implements Kinds, Modifiers {
pos, Names.ANON_CLASS_NAME.toTypeName(), owner, 0);
clazz.setInfo(Type.compoundType(new Type[]{definitions.OBJECT_TYPE, pft},
new Scope(), clazz));
- clazz.constructor().setInfo(
+ clazz.allConstructors().setInfo(
Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, clazz.typeConstructor()));
Tree classDef = ClassDef(clazz, new Tree[]{
diff --git a/sources/scalac/ast/parser/ b/sources/scalac/ast/parser/
index 3d88b2decf..afb5d8abbe 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/ast/parser/
+++ b/sources/scalac/ast/parser/
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public class Parser implements Tokens {
boolean isDefIntro() {
switch (s.token) {
- case VAL: case VAR: case DEF: case CONSTR: case TYPE:
+ case VAL: case VAR: case DEF: case TYPE:
return true;
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public class Parser implements Tokens {
boolean isDclIntro() {
switch (s.token) {
- case VAL: case VAR: case DEF: case CONSTR: case TYPE:
+ case VAL: case VAR: case DEF: case TYPE:
return true;
return false;
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ public class Parser implements Tokens {
Tree scalaObjectConstr(int pos) {
return make.Apply(
- pos, scalaDot(pos, Names.Object.toConstrName()), Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY);
+ pos, scalaDot(pos, Names.Object.toTypeName()), Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY);
/** Create tree for for-comprehension <for (enums) do body> or
@@ -403,9 +403,9 @@ public class Parser implements Tokens {
Tree convertToConstr(Tree t) {
switch (t) {
case Ident(Name name):
- return make.Ident(t.pos, name.toConstrName());
+ return make.Ident(t.pos, name.toTypeName());
case Select(Tree qual, Name name):
- return make.Select(t.pos, qual, name.toConstrName());
+ return make.Select(t.pos, qual, name.toTypeName());
return syntaxError(t.pos, "class constructor expected", false);
@@ -413,12 +413,11 @@ public class Parser implements Tokens {
/** Convert this(...) application to constructor invocation
- Tree convertToSelfConstr(Tree t, Name constrname) {
+ Tree convertToSelfConstr(Tree t) {
switch (t) {
case Block(Tree[] stats):
if (stats.length > 0) {
- stats[stats.length - 1] = convertToSelfConstr(
- stats[stats.length - 1], constrname);
+ stats[stats.length - 1] = convertToSelfConstr(stats[stats.length - 1]);
return t;
@@ -426,7 +425,7 @@ public class Parser implements Tokens {
switch (fn) {
case This(TypeNames.EMPTY):
return make.Apply(
- t.pos, make.Ident(t.pos, constrname), args);
+ t.pos, make.Ident(t.pos, Names.this_.toTypeName()), args);
return syntaxError(t.pos, "class constructor expected", false);
@@ -928,6 +927,7 @@ public class Parser implements Tokens {
* | BlockExpr
* | new Template
* | SimpleExpr `.' Id
+ * | Id `#' Id
* | SimpleExpr TypeArgs
* | SimpleExpr ArgumentExprs
@@ -989,6 +989,16 @@ public class Parser implements Tokens {
case DOT:
t = make.Select(s.skipToken(), t, ident());
+ case HASH:
+ switch (t) {
+ case Ident(Name name):
+ t = make.SelectFromType(
+ s.skipToken(), convertToTypeId(t), ident());
+ break;
+ default:
+ return t;
+ }
+ break;
switch (t) {
case Ident(_):
@@ -1581,7 +1591,6 @@ public class Parser implements Tokens {
* Dcl ::= val ValDcl {`,' ValDcl}
* | var ValDcl {`,' ValDcl}
* | def FunDcl {`,' FunDcl}
- * | constr ConstrDcl {`,' ConstrDcl}
* | type TypeDcl {`,' TypeDcl}
Tree[] defOrDcl(int mods) {
@@ -1696,41 +1705,31 @@ public class Parser implements Tokens {
/** FunDef ::= Id [FunTypeParamClause] {ParamClauses} [`:' Type] `=' Expr
+ * | this ParamClause `=' ConstrExpr
* FunDcl ::= Id [FunTypeParamClause] {ParamClauses} `:' Type
Tree funDefOrDcl(int mods) {
int pos = s.pos;
- Name name = ident();
- TypeDef[] tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(false);
- ValDef[][] vparams = paramClauses();
- Tree restype = typedOpt();
- if (s.token == EQUALS || restype == Tree.Empty)
- return make.DefDef(pos, mods, name, tparams, vparams,
- restype, equalsExpr());
- else
- return make.DefDef(pos, mods | Modifiers.DEFERRED, name,
- tparams, vparams, restype, Tree.Empty);
- }
- /* ConstrDef ::= [ParamClause] `=' ConstrExpr
- * ConstrExpr ::= this `(' [Exprs] `)'
- * | `{' { BlockStat `;' } ConstrExpr `}'
- */
- Tree constrDef(int mods, Name clazzname, TypeDef[] tparams) {
- Name constrname = clazzname.toConstrName();
- int pos = s.pos;
- ValDef[][] vparams = paramClauseOpt();
- accept(EQUALS);
- Tree restype = make.Ident(pos, clazzname.toTypeName());
- if (tparams.length != 0) {
- Tree[] targs = new Tree[tparams.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < tparams.length; i++)
- targs[i] = make.Ident(pos, ((TypeDef) tparams[i]).name);
- restype = make.AppliedType(pos, restype, targs);
+ if (s.token == THIS) {
+ s.nextToken();
+ ValDef[][] vparams = new ValDef[][]{paramClause()};
+ accept(EQUALS);
+ return make.DefDef(
+ pos, mods, Names.this_.toTypeName(),
+ Tree.TypeDef_EMPTY_ARRAY, vparams, Tree.Empty,
+ convertToSelfConstr(expr()));
+ } else {
+ Name name = ident();
+ TypeDef[] tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(false);
+ ValDef[][] vparams = paramClauses();
+ Tree restype = typedOpt();
+ if (s.token == EQUALS || restype == Tree.Empty)
+ return make.DefDef(pos, mods, name, tparams, vparams,
+ restype, equalsExpr());
+ else
+ return make.DefDef(pos, mods | Modifiers.DEFERRED, name,
+ tparams, vparams, restype, Tree.Empty);
- return make.DefDef(
- pos, mods | Modifiers.FINAL, constrname,
- tparams, vparams, restype, convertToSelfConstr(expr(), constrname));
/** TypeDef ::= Id `=' Type
@@ -1754,23 +1753,16 @@ public class Parser implements Tokens {
- /** ClassDef ::= Id [TypeParamClause] [ParamClause] [`:' SimpleType]
- * ClassTemplate { [`;'] constr ConstrDef }
+ /** ClassDef ::= Id [TypeParamClause] [ParamClause] [`:' SimpleType] ClassTemplate
- Tree[] classDef(int mods) {
+ Tree classDef(int mods) {
int pos = s.pos;
Name clazzname = ident().toTypeName();
TypeDef[] tparams = typeParamClauseOpt(true);
ValDef[][] params = paramClauseOpt();
TreeList result = new TreeList();
- result.append(
- popComment(make.ClassDef(pos, mods, clazzname, tparams, params,
- simpleTypedOpt(), classTemplate())));
- while (s.token == CONSTR) {
- s.nextToken();
- result.append(popComment(constrDef(mods, clazzname, tparams)));
- }
- return result.toArray();
+ return popComment(make.ClassDef(pos, mods, clazzname, tparams, params,
+ simpleTypedOpt(), classTemplate()));
/** ObjectDef ::= Id [`:' SimpleType] ClassTemplate
diff --git a/sources/scalac/ast/parser/ b/sources/scalac/ast/parser/
index c747fc1bcc..4b070006bc 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/ast/parser/
+++ b/sources/scalac/ast/parser/
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ public class Scanner extends TokenData {
int prevpos = pos;
switch (token) {
- case CONSTR:
case ELSE: case EXTENDS: case WITH:
case YIELD: case CATCH: case FINALLY:
case COMMA: case SEMI: case DOT:
@@ -163,7 +162,7 @@ public class Scanner extends TokenData {
} else if (token == SEMI) {
- if (token != ELSE || token == CONSTR) {
+ if (token != ELSE) {
@@ -237,7 +236,7 @@ public class Scanner extends TokenData {
case '_':
- getIdentOrOperatorRest(index);
+ getIdentRest(index);
case '0':
@@ -815,7 +814,6 @@ public class Scanner extends TokenData {
enterKeyword("case", CASE);
enterKeyword("class", CLASS);
enterKeyword("catch", CATCH);
- enterKeyword("constr", CONSTR);
enterKeyword("def", DEF);
enterKeyword("do", DO);
enterKeyword("else", ELSE);
diff --git a/sources/scalac/ast/parser/ b/sources/scalac/ast/parser/
index 9ec7878918..9da23bc7e3 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/ast/parser/
+++ b/sources/scalac/ast/parser/
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public interface Tokens {
FALSE = 42,
OBJECT = 43,
CLASS = 44,
- CONSTR = 45,
IMPORT = 46,
AS = 48,
diff --git a/sources/scalac/ast/printer/ b/sources/scalac/ast/printer/
index 8773c7e72e..664957e79a 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/ast/printer/
+++ b/sources/scalac/ast/printer/
@@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ public class TextTreePrinter implements TreePrinter {
protected static final Text KW_ABSTRACT = Text.Keyword("abstract");
protected static final Text KW_CASE = Text.Keyword("case");
protected static final Text KW_CLASS = Text.Keyword("class");
- protected static final Text KW_CONSTR = Text.Keyword("constr");
protected static final Text KW_DEF = Text.Keyword("def");
protected static final Text KW_DO = Text.Keyword("do");
protected static final Text KW_ELSE = Text.Keyword("else");
@@ -322,9 +321,10 @@ public class TextTreePrinter implements TreePrinter {
Tree tpe,
Tree rhs):
- if (name.isConstrName()) print(KW_CONSTR); else print(KW_DEF);
+ print(KW_DEF);
- printSymbolDefinition(tree.symbol(), name);
+ if (name.isTypeName()) print(KW_THIS);
+ else printSymbolDefinition(tree.symbol(), name);
printOpt(TXT_COLON, tpe, false);
diff --git a/sources/scalac/backend/ b/sources/scalac/backend/
index d7e6ba3a5e..05549c7133 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/backend/
+++ b/sources/scalac/backend/
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ public class Primitives {
- Symbol[] boxes = getTerm(RUNTIME, BOX_N).alternatives();
+ Symbol[] boxes = getTerm(RUNTIME, BOX_N).alternativeSymbols();
this.BOX_UVALUE = getBoxUnit(boxes);
this.BOX_ZVALUE = getBoxValue(boxes, definitions.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
this.BOX_BVALUE = getBoxValue(boxes, definitions.BYTE_TYPE);
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ public class Primitives {
Name name = Names.ADD;
Symbol symbol = clasz.lookup(name);
assert symbol != Symbol.NONE : + "." + name;
- Symbol[] alts = symbol.alternatives();
+ Symbol[] alts = symbol.alternativeSymbols();
// !!! assert count + 2 == alts.length : (count + 2) + " != " + alts.length;
boolean pos = false;
boolean concat = false;
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ public class Primitives {
Name name = Names.SUB;
Symbol symbol = clasz.lookup(name);
assert symbol != Symbol.NONE : + "." + name;
- Symbol[] alts = symbol.alternatives();
+ Symbol[] alts = symbol.alternativeSymbols();
// !!! assert count + 1 == alts.length : (count + 1) + " != " + alts.length;
boolean pos = false;
for (int i = 0; i < alts.length; i++) {
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ public class Primitives {
private void addAll(Symbol clasz,Name name,Primitive primitive,int count) {
Symbol symbol = clasz.lookup(name);
assert symbol != Symbol.NONE : + "." + name;
- Symbol[] alts = symbol.alternatives();
+ Symbol[] alts = symbol.alternativeSymbols();
assert count == alts.length : count + " != " + alts.length;
for (int i = 0; i < alts.length; i++) addPrimitive(alts[i], primitive);
diff --git a/sources/scalac/backend/msil/ b/sources/scalac/backend/msil/
index 8d7c4fa1a5..5a4a8e84a5 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/backend/msil/
+++ b/sources/scalac/backend/msil/
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ public final class TypeCreator
scalac.symtab.Type[] paramTypes)
Symbol[] methods = clazz.members().
- lookup(Name.fromString(name)).alternatives();
+ lookup(Name.fromString(name)).alternativeSymbols();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
switch (methods[i].info()) {
diff --git a/sources/scalac/checkers/ b/sources/scalac/checkers/
index a129aa0236..9529a6b088 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/checkers/
+++ b/sources/scalac/checkers/
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ public class CheckNames extends Checker {
"class " + +
"should have a type name");
- Symbol constr = tree.symbol().constructor();
+ Symbol constr = tree.symbol().primaryConstructor();
"name kinds",
"the class constructor " +
- + " should have a constructor name");
+ + " should have a type name");
diff --git a/sources/scalac/checkers/ b/sources/scalac/checkers/
index cabe120708..8ebd0b9f8f 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/checkers/
+++ b/sources/scalac/checkers/
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public class CheckOwners extends Checker {
protected void traverse(Template templ, Symbol owner) {
Symbol prevOwner = currentOwner;
if (owner.kind == Kinds.CLASS)
- currentOwner = owner.constructor();
+ currentOwner = owner.primaryConstructor();
currentOwner = owner;
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ public class CheckOwners extends Checker {
Tree tpe,
Template impl): {
- traverse(tparams, tree.symbol().constructor());
- traverse(vparams, tree.symbol().constructor());
+ traverse(tparams, tree.symbol().primaryConstructor());
+ traverse(vparams, tree.symbol().primaryConstructor());
traverse(impl, tree.symbol());
} break;
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public class CheckOwners extends Checker {
if (sym != null && sym != Symbol.NONE) {
checkOwner(tree, sym);
if (sym.kind == Kinds.CLASS)
- checkOwner(tree, sym.constructor());
+ checkOwner(tree, sym.primaryConstructor());
diff --git a/sources/scalac/symtab/ b/sources/scalac/symtab/
index 6760dbaa28..648e253380 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/symtab/
+++ b/sources/scalac/symtab/
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public class Definitions {
ANY_TYPE = ANY_CLASS.typeConstructor();
ANY_CLASS.setInfo(Type.compoundType(Type.EMPTY_ARRAY, new Scope(), ANY_CLASS));
- ANY_CLASS.constructor().setInfo(
+ ANY_CLASS.primaryConstructor().setInfo(
Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, ANY_TYPE));
// the java.lang.OBJECT class
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ public class Definitions {
ALL_TYPE = ALL_CLASS.typeConstructor();
ALL_CLASS.setInfo(Type.compoundType(new Type[]{ANY_TYPE}, new Scope(), ALL_CLASS));
- ALL_CLASS.constructor().setInfo(Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, ALL_TYPE));
+ ALL_CLASS.primaryConstructor().setInfo(Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, ALL_TYPE));
// the scala.ALLREF class
ALLREF_CLASS = new ClassSymbol(
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ public class Definitions {
ALLREF_TYPE = ALLREF_CLASS.typeConstructor();
ALLREF_CLASS.setInfo(Type.compoundType(new Type[]{ANYREF_TYPE}, new Scope(), ALLREF_CLASS));
- ALLREF_CLASS.constructor().setInfo(Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, ALLREF_TYPE));
+ ALLREF_CLASS.primaryConstructor().setInfo(Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, ALLREF_TYPE));
// the primitive types
DOUBLE_CLASS = getClass(Names.scala_Double);
diff --git a/sources/scalac/symtab/ b/sources/scalac/symtab/
index b8ae7c2d7a..ed1d089641 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/symtab/
+++ b/sources/scalac/symtab/
@@ -14,24 +14,23 @@ public interface EntryTags {
* Symbol table attribute format:
* Symtab = nentries_Nat {Entry}
* Entry = 1 TERMNAME len_Nat NameInfo
- * | 2 CONSTRNAME len_Nat NameInfo
- * | 3 TYPENAME len_Nat NameInfo
- * | 4 NONEsym len_Nat
- * | 5 TYPEsym len_Nat SymbolInfo lobound_Ref
- * | 6 ALIASsym len_Nat SymbolInfo
- * | 7 CLASSsym len_Nat SymbolInfo thistype_Ref constrsym_Ref
- * | 8 VALsym len_Nat SymbolInfo [classsym_Ref]
- * | 9 EXTsym len_Nat name_Ref [owner_Ref]
- * | 10 EXTMODCLASSsym len_Nat name_Ref [owner_Ref]
- * | 11 NOtpe len_Nat
- * | 12 THIStpe len_Nat sym_Ref
- * | 13 SINGLEtpe len_Nat type_Ref sym_Ref
- * | 14 TYPEREFtpe len_Nat type_Ref sym_Ref {targ_Ref}
- * | 15 COMPOUNDtpe len_Nat classsym_Ref {tpe_Ref}
- * | 16 METHODtpe len_Nat tpe_Ref {tpe_Ref}
- * | 17 POLYTtpe len_Nat tpe_Ref {sym_Ref}
- * | 18 OVERLOADEDtpe len_Nat {sym_Ref} {tpe_Ref}
- * | 21 FLAGGEDtype len_Nat flags_Nat tpe_Ref
+ * | 2 TYPENAME len_Nat NameInfo
+ * | 3 NONEsym len_Nat
+ * | 4 TYPEsym len_Nat SymbolInfo lobound_Ref
+ * | 5 ALIASsym len_Nat SymbolInfo
+ * | 6 CLASSsym len_Nat SymbolInfo thistype_Ref constrsym_Ref
+ * | 7 VALsym len_Nat SymbolInfo [classsym_Ref]
+ * | 8 TERMref len_Nat name_Ref [owner_Ref]
+ * | 9 TYPEref len_Nat name_Ref [owner_Ref]
+ * | 10 NOtpe len_Nat
+ * | 11 THIStpe len_Nat sym_Ref
+ * | 12 SINGLEtpe len_Nat type_Ref sym_Ref
+ * | 13 TYPEREFtpe len_Nat type_Ref sym_Ref {targ_Ref}
+ * | 14 COMPOUNDtpe len_Nat classsym_Ref {tpe_Ref}
+ * | 15 METHODtpe len_Nat tpe_Ref {tpe_Ref}
+ * | 16 POLYTtpe len_Nat tpe_Ref {sym_Ref}
+ * | 17 OVERLOADEDtpe len_Nat {sym_Ref} {tpe_Ref}
+ * | 20 FLAGGEDtype len_Nat flags_Nat tpe_Ref
* SymbolInfo = name_Ref owner_Ref flags_Nat info_Ref
* NameInfo = <character sequence of length len_Nat in Utf8 format>
* Ref = Nat
@@ -40,27 +39,26 @@ public interface EntryTags {
int TERMname = 1,
- CONSTRname = 2,
- TYPEname = 3,
- NONEsym = 4,
- TYPEsym = 5,
- ALIASsym = 6,
- CLASSsym = 7,
- VALsym = 8,
- EXTsym = 9,
- EXTMODCLASSsym = 10,
- NOtpe = 11,
- THIStpe = 12,
- SINGLEtpe = 13,
- TYPEREFtpe = 14,
- COMPOUNDtpe = 15,
- METHODtpe = 16,
- POLYtpe = 17,
- OVERLOADEDtpe = 18,
- UNBOXEDtpe = 19,
- FLAGGEDtpe = 21,
- ERRORtpe = 22;
+ TYPEname = 2,
+ NONEsym = 3,
+ TYPEsym = 4,
+ ALIASsym = 5,
+ CLASSsym = 6,
+ VALsym = 7,
+ TERMref = 8,
+ TYPEref = 9,
+ NOtpe = 10,
+ THIStpe = 11,
+ SINGLEtpe = 12,
+ TYPEREFtpe = 13,
+ COMPOUNDtpe = 14,
+ METHODtpe = 15,
+ POLYtpe = 16,
+ OVERLOADEDtpe = 17,
+ UNBOXEDtpe = 18,
+ FLAGGEDtpe = 20,
+ ERRORtpe = 21;
int firstSymTag = NONEsym, lastSymTag = VALsym;
int firstTypeTag = NOtpe, lastTypeTag = FLAGGEDtpe;
diff --git a/sources/scalac/symtab/ b/sources/scalac/symtab/
index 477144cd3a..c9daf10c5a 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/symtab/
+++ b/sources/scalac/symtab/
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public class Scope {
public final Scope owner;
- Entry(Symbol sym, Scope owner) {
+ public Entry(Symbol sym, Scope owner) {
this.sym = sym;
this.owner = owner; = owner.elems;
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public class Scope {
return s;
- private Scope enter(Entry e) {
+ public Scope enter(Entry e) {
elems = e;
elemsCache = null;
if (hashtable != null) {
@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ public class Scope {
/** enter a symbol
public Scope enter(Symbol sym) {
+ assert !sym.isConstructor();
return enter(new Entry(sym, this));
diff --git a/sources/scalac/symtab/ b/sources/scalac/symtab/
index 0044beeb2c..585bc5de95 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/symtab/
+++ b/sources/scalac/symtab/
@@ -119,7 +119,10 @@ public abstract class Symbol implements Modifiers, Kinds {
assert symbol != Symbol.NONE;
assert symbol != Symbol.ERROR;
if (symbol.isModule()) setOwner(symbol.moduleClass(), owner);
- if (symbol.isClass()) setOwner(symbol.constructor(), owner);
+ if (symbol.isClass()) {
+ Symbol[] alts = symbol.allConstructors().alternativeSymbols();
+ for (int i = 0; i < alts.length; i++) setOwner(alts[i], owner);
+ }
symbol.owner = owner;
@@ -132,19 +135,22 @@ public abstract class Symbol implements Modifiers, Kinds {
public Symbol setInfo(Type info, int limit) {
assert !isConstructor()
|| info instanceof Type.LazyType
+ || info == Type.NoType
|| info == Type.ErrorType
|| info instanceof Type.MethodType
|| info instanceof Type.OverloadedType
|| info instanceof Type.PolyType &&
((Type.PolyType)info).result instanceof Type.MethodType
: "illegal type for " + this + ": " + info;
+ //if ((flags & (INITIALIZED | LOCKED)) != (INITIALIZED | LOCKED)) {
if (infos == TypeIntervalList.EMPTY) {
infos = new TypeIntervalList(TypeIntervalList.EMPTY);
infos.limit = limit; = info;
- }
+ if (info instanceof Type.LazyType) flags &= ~INITIALIZED;
+ else flags |= INITIALIZED;
+ //}
return this;
@@ -173,12 +179,14 @@ public abstract class Symbol implements Modifiers, Kinds {
throw new ApplicationError("setLoBound inapplicable for " + this);
-// Symbol classification ----------------------------------------------------
- public final boolean isDefined() {
- return !(rawInfoAt(FIRST_ID) instanceof Type.LazyType);
+ /** Add an auxiliary constructor to class; return created symbol.
+ */
+ public Symbol addConstructor() {
+ throw new ApplicationError("addConstructor inapplicable for " + this);
+// Symbol classification ----------------------------------------------------
/** Does this symbol denote a type? */
public final boolean isType() {
return kind == TYPE || kind == CLASS || kind == ALIAS;
@@ -377,13 +385,13 @@ public abstract class Symbol implements Modifiers, Kinds {
/** Is this symbol a constructor? */
- public final boolean isConstructor() {
- return name.isConstrName();
+ public boolean isConstructor() {
+ return false;
/** Is this symbol the primary constructor of a type? */
public final boolean isPrimaryConstructor() {
- return isConstructor() && this == primaryConstructorClass().constructor();
+ return isConstructor() && this == primaryConstructorClass().primaryConstructor();
public boolean isGenerated() {
@@ -451,8 +459,13 @@ public abstract class Symbol implements Modifiers, Kinds {
+ /** Get all constructors of class */
+ public Symbol allConstructors() {
+ return NONE;
+ }
/** Get primary constructor of class */
- public Symbol constructor() {
+ public Symbol primaryConstructor() {
return NONE;
@@ -474,7 +487,7 @@ public abstract class Symbol implements Modifiers, Kinds {
public Symbol classOwner() {
Symbol owner = owner();
Symbol clazz = owner.primaryConstructorClass();
- if (clazz.constructor() == owner) return clazz;
+ if (clazz.primaryConstructor() == owner) return clazz;
else return owner;
@@ -501,6 +514,19 @@ public abstract class Symbol implements Modifiers, Kinds {
return this;
+ /** Return first alternative if this has a (possibly lazy)
+ * overloaded type, otherwise symbol itself.
+ * Needed only in ClassSymbol.primaryConstructor()
+ */
+ Symbol firstAlternative() {
+ if ( instanceof Type.OverloadedType)
+ return[0];
+ else if ( instanceof LazyOverloadedType)
+ return ((LazyOverloadedType);
+ else
+ return this;
+ }
/* If this is a module, return its class.
* Otherwise return the symbol itself.
@@ -508,6 +534,22 @@ public abstract class Symbol implements Modifiers, Kinds {
return this;
+ /** if type is a (possibly lazy) overloaded type, return its alternatves
+ * else return array consisting of symbol itself
+ */
+ public Symbol[] alternativeSymbols() {
+ Symbol[] alts = type().alternativeSymbols();
+ if (alts.length == 0) return new Symbol[]{this};
+ else return alts;
+ }
+ /** if type is a (possibly lazy) overloaded type, return its alternatves
+ * else return array consisting of type itself
+ */
+ public Type[] alternativeTypes() {
+ return type().alternativeTypes();
+ }
/** The symbol accessed by this accessor function.
public Symbol accessed() {
@@ -598,7 +640,7 @@ public abstract class Symbol implements Modifiers, Kinds {
flags &= ~SNDTIME;
} else {
assert !(rawInfoAt(id) instanceof Type.LazyType) : this;
- flags |= INITIALIZED;
+ //flags |= INITIALIZED;
//System.out.println("done: " +;//DEBUG
@@ -624,8 +666,8 @@ public abstract class Symbol implements Modifiers, Kinds {
/** get info at phase #id, without forcing lazy types.
public Type rawInfoAt(int id) {
- int nextid = infos.limit;
assert infos != TypeIntervalList.EMPTY : this;
+ int nextid = infos.limit;
if (nextid < id) {
PhaseDescriptor curphase = Global.instance.currentPhase;
do {
@@ -868,59 +910,43 @@ public abstract class Symbol implements Modifiers, Kinds {
/** A lazy type which, when forced computed the overloaded type
* of symbols `sym1' and `sym2'. It also checks that this type is well-formed.
- private static class LazyOverloadedType extends Type.LazyType {
+ public static class LazyOverloadedType extends Type.LazyType {
Symbol sym1;
Symbol sym2;
LazyOverloadedType(Symbol sym1, Symbol sym2) {
this.sym1 = sym1;
this.sym2 = sym2;
- private Symbol[] alts(Symbol sym) {
- if (sym == null) return Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY;
- switch (sym.type()) {
- case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, _): return alts;
- default: return new Symbol[]{sym};
- }
- }
- private Type[] alttypes(Symbol sym) {
- if (sym == null) return Type.EMPTY_ARRAY;
- switch (sym.type()) {
- case OverloadedType(_, Type[] alttypes): return alttypes;
- default: return new Type[]{sym.type()};
- }
- }
- public void complete(Symbol overloaded) {
- if (sym1 != null) sym1.initialize();
- if (sym2 != null) sym2.initialize();
- Symbol[] alts1 = alts(sym1);
- Symbol[] alts2 = alts(sym2);
+ public Symbol[] alternativeSymbols() {
+ Symbol[] alts1 = sym1.alternativeSymbols();
+ Symbol[] alts2 = sym2.alternativeSymbols();
Symbol[] alts3 = new Symbol[alts1.length + alts2.length];
System.arraycopy(alts1, 0, alts3, 0, alts1.length);
System.arraycopy(alts2, 0, alts3, alts1.length, alts2.length);
+ return alts3;
+ }
+ public Type[] alternativeTypes() {
+ Type[] alts1 = sym1.alternativeTypes();
+ Type[] alts2 = sym2.alternativeTypes();
+ Type[] alts3 = new Type[alts1.length + alts2.length];
+ System.arraycopy(alts1, 0, alts3, 0, alts1.length);
+ System.arraycopy(alts2, 0, alts3, alts1.length, alts2.length);
+ return alts3;
+ }
- Type[] alttypes1 = alttypes(sym1);
- Type[] alttypes2 = alttypes(sym2);
- Type[] alttypes3 = new Type[alttypes1.length + alttypes2.length];
- System.arraycopy(alttypes1, 0, alttypes3, 0, alttypes1.length);
- System.arraycopy(alttypes2, 0, alttypes3, alttypes1.length, alttypes2.length);
- overloaded.setInfo(Type.OverloadedType(alts3, alttypes3));
+ public void complete(Symbol overloaded) {
+ overloaded.setInfo(
+ Type.OverloadedType(
+ alternativeSymbols(), alternativeTypes()));
public String toString() {
return "LazyOverloadedType(" + sym1 + "," + sym2 + ")";
- /** All the alternatives of this symbol if it's overloaded, the
- * symbol alone otherwise.
- */
- public Symbol[] alternatives() {
- switch (type()) {
- case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, _): return alts;
- default: return new Symbol[]{this};
- }
- }
/** The symbol which is overridden by this symbol in base class `base'
* `base' must be a superclass of this.owner().
@@ -985,8 +1011,7 @@ public class TermSymbol extends Symbol {
public static TermSymbol newConstructor(Symbol clazz, int flags) {
TermSymbol sym = new TermSymbol(
- clazz.pos,, clazz.owner(),
- flags | FINAL);
+ clazz.pos,, clazz.owner(), flags | FINAL);
sym.clazz = clazz;
return sym;
@@ -1008,7 +1033,7 @@ public class TermSymbol extends Symbol {
int flags) {
ClassSymbol clazz = new ClassSymbol(
pos, name.toTypeName(), owner, flags | MODUL | FINAL);
- clazz.constructor().setInfo(
+ clazz.primaryConstructor().setInfo(
Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, clazz.typeConstructor()));
return newModule(pos, name, owner, flags, clazz);
@@ -1044,6 +1069,11 @@ public class TermSymbol extends Symbol {
else return super.fullName();
+ /** Is this symbol a constructor? */
+ public boolean isConstructor() {
+ return name.isTypeName();
+ }
/** Return a fresh symbol with the same fields as this one.
public Symbol cloneSymbol(Symbol owner) {
@@ -1129,6 +1159,16 @@ public class TypeSymbol extends Symbol {
return type().unalias().typeParams();
+ /** Get all constructors of class */
+ public Symbol allConstructors() {
+ return type().unalias().symbol().allConstructors();
+ }
+ /** Get primary constructor of class */
+ public Symbol primaryConstructor() {
+ return type().unalias().symbol().primaryConstructor();
+ }
public Type[] closure() {
if (kind == ALIAS) return info().symbol().closure();
int id = currentPhaseId();
@@ -1257,6 +1297,16 @@ public class AbsTypeSymbol extends TypeSymbol {
return Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ /** Get all constructors of class */
+ public Symbol allConstructors() {
+ return Symbol.NONE;
+ }
+ /** Get primary constructor of class */
+ public Symbol primaryConstructor() {
+ return Symbol.NONE;
+ }
public Type loBound() {
return lobound == null ? Global.instance.definitions.ALL_TYPE : lobound;
@@ -1279,7 +1329,7 @@ public class ClassSymbol extends TypeSymbol {
private Type template;
/** The primary constructor of this type */
- public final Symbol constructor;
+ private Symbol constructor;
/** The module belonging to the class. This means:
* For Java classes, its statics parts.
@@ -1328,27 +1378,38 @@ public class ClassSymbol extends TypeSymbol {
ClassSymbol other = new ClassSymbol(pos, name, owner, flags);
other.module = module;
- other.constructor.setInfo(
- fixClonedConstrType(
-, other.constructor),
- other));
+ other.primaryConstructor().setInfo(
+ fixConstrType(
+ primaryConstructor().info().cloneType(
+ primaryConstructor(), other.primaryConstructor()),
+ other));
+ Symbol[] alts = allConstructors().alternativeSymbols();
+ for (int i = 1; i < alts.length; i++) {
+ Symbol constr = other.addConstructor();
+ constr.setInfo(
+ fixConstrType(
+ alts[i].info().cloneType(alts[i], constr),
+ other));
+ }
other.mangled = mangled;
if (thisSym != this) other.setTypeOfThis(typeOfThis());
return other;
- private Type fixClonedConstrType(Type type, Symbol clone) {
+ private Type fixConstrType(Type type, Symbol clone) {
switch (type) {
case MethodType(Symbol[] vparams, Type result):
- result = fixClonedConstrType(result, clone);
+ result = fixConstrType(result, clone);
return new Type.MethodType(vparams, result);
case PolyType(Symbol[] tparams, Type result):
- result = fixClonedConstrType(result, clone);
+ result = fixConstrType(result, clone);
return new Type.PolyType(tparams, result);
case TypeRef(Type pre, Symbol sym, Type[] args):
assert sym == this : + " != " +;
return new Type.TypeRef(pre, clone, args);
+ case LazyType():
+ return type;
- throw Debug.abort("unexpected constructor type");
+ throw Debug.abort("unexpected constructor type:" + clone + ":" + type);
@@ -1356,6 +1417,9 @@ public class ClassSymbol extends TypeSymbol {
public void copyTo(Symbol sym) {
+ Symbol symconstr = ((ClassSymbol) sym).constructor;
+ constructor.copyTo(symconstr);
+ symconstr.setInfo(fixConstrType(symconstr.rawInfo(), sym));
if (thisSym != this) sym.setTypeOfThis(typeOfThis());
@@ -1404,21 +1468,11 @@ public class ClassSymbol extends TypeSymbol {
/** Get type parameters */
public Symbol[] typeParams() {
- // !!! For some Java classes, constructor() returns an
- // Overloaded symbol. This is wrong as constructor() should
- // return the primary constructor. Once this problem is
- // solved, the following switch can be removed.
- Type constrtype =;
- switch (constrtype) {
- case OverloadedType(_, _):
- return Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY;
- default:
- return constrtype.typeParams();
- }
+ return primaryConstructor().info().typeParams();
public Symbol[] valueParams() {
- return;
+ return primaryConstructor().info().valueParams();
/** Get type */
@@ -1453,9 +1507,22 @@ public class ClassSymbol extends TypeSymbol {
return this;
+ /** add a constructor
+ */
+ public Symbol addConstructor() {
+ Symbol constr = TermSymbol.newConstructor(this, flags & ~MODUL);
+ constructor = constructor.overloadWith(constr);
+ return constr;
+ }
/** Get primary constructor */
- public Symbol constructor() {
- return constructor;
+ public Symbol primaryConstructor() {
+ return constructor.firstAlternative();
+ }
+ /** Get all constructors */
+ public Symbol allConstructors() {
+ return constructor;
/** Return the next enclosing class */
@@ -1479,7 +1546,6 @@ public class ClassSymbol extends TypeSymbol {
public void reset(Type completer) {
- constructor().reset(completer);
template = null;
thisSym = this;
@@ -1520,7 +1586,7 @@ public final class ErrorSymbol extends Symbol {
/** Get primary constructor */
- public Symbol constructor() {
+ public Symbol primaryConstructor() {
return TermSymbol.newConstructor(this, 0).setInfo(Type.ErrorType);
diff --git a/sources/scalac/symtab/ b/sources/scalac/symtab/
index 7dcf109456..7b27647e22 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/symtab/
+++ b/sources/scalac/symtab/
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ public class Type implements Modifiers, Kinds, TypeTags, EntryTags {
public case TypeRef(Type pre, Symbol sym, Type[] args) {
assert pre.isLegalPrefix() || pre == ErrorType : pre + "#" + sym;
+ assert sym.kind == ERROR || sym.isType() : pre + "#" + sym;
/** parts_1 with ... with parts_n { members }
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ public class Type implements Modifiers, Kinds, TypeTags, EntryTags {
Position.NOPOS, Names.COMPOUND_NAME.toTypeName(), Symbol.NONE,
- res.tsym.constructor().setInfo(
+ res.tsym.primaryConstructor().setInfo(
Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, Type.NoType));
return res;
@@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ public class Type implements Modifiers, Kinds, TypeTags, EntryTags {
if (sym.kind == ALIAS)
return unalias().parents();
else if (sym.kind == CLASS) {
- assert sym.typeParams().length == args.length : sym + " " + ArrayApply.toString(args);//debug
+ assert sym.typeParams().length == args.length : sym + " " + ArrayApply.toString(args) + " " + sym.primaryConstructor().info();//debug
return subst(asSeenFrom(, pre, sym.owner()),
sym.typeParams(), args);
} else
@@ -508,7 +509,7 @@ public class Type implements Modifiers, Kinds, TypeTags, EntryTags {
/** If this type is overloaded, its alternative types,
* otherwise an array consisting of this type itself.
- public Type[] alternatives() {
+ public Type[] alternativeTypes() {
switch (this) {
case OverloadedType(_, Type[] alttypes):
return alttypes;
@@ -517,6 +518,18 @@ public class Type implements Modifiers, Kinds, TypeTags, EntryTags {
+ /** If this type is overloaded, its alternative symbols,
+ * otherwise an empty array.
+ */
+ public Symbol[] alternativeSymbols() {
+ switch (this) {
+ case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, _):
+ return alts;
+ default:
+ return Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY;
+ }
+ }
/** If type is a this type of a module class, transform to singletype of
* module.
@@ -2440,7 +2453,7 @@ public class Type implements Modifiers, Kinds, TypeTags, EntryTags {
else return sym.typeConstructor();
- default: throw new ApplicationError();
+ default: throw new ApplicationError(sym + " has wrong kind: " + sym.kind);
case CompoundType(Type[] parents, _):
if (parents.length > 0) return parents[0].erasure();
diff --git a/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/ b/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
index fe2264f594..4df2529b2d 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
+++ b/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
@@ -150,7 +150,9 @@ public class AttributeParser implements ClassfileConstants {
//System.out.println("parsing meta data for " + sym);
String meta = pool.readPool(in.nextChar()).toString().trim();
- sym.setInfo(new MetaParser(meta, tvars, sym, type).parse(), parser.phaseId);
+ sym.setInfo(
+ new MetaParser(meta, tvars, sym, type).parse(),
+ Symbol.FIRST_ID);
throw new RuntimeException("unknown classfile attribute");
@@ -176,7 +178,7 @@ public class AttributeParser implements ClassfileConstants {
private Symbol getTVar(String name) {
- return getTVar(name, parser.c.constructor());
+ return getTVar(name, parser.c.primaryConstructor());
private Symbol getTVar(String name, Symbol owner) {
@@ -195,7 +197,7 @@ public class AttributeParser implements ClassfileConstants {
- s.setInfo(parser.defs.ANY_TYPE, parser.phaseId);
+ s.setInfo(parser.defs.ANY_TYPE, Symbol.FIRST_ID);
return s;
} else
@@ -251,7 +253,7 @@ public class AttributeParser implements ClassfileConstants {
//System.out.println("new var " + s + ", " + token);//DEBUG
if (token.equals("<")) {
- s.setInfo(parseType(), parser.phaseId);
+ s.setInfo(parseType(), Symbol.FIRST_ID);
} while (token.equals(","));
@@ -259,36 +261,19 @@ public class AttributeParser implements ClassfileConstants {
Symbol[] smbls = (Symbol[])syms.toArray(new Symbol[syms.size()]);
//System.out.println("*** " + syms);//DEBUG
- Type constrtype = Type.appliedType(
- parser.ctype, Symbol.type(smbls));
- if ((parser.c.flags & Modifiers.INTERFACE) != 0) {
- parser.c.constructor().setInfo(
- Type.PolyType(
- smbls, Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, constrtype)),
- parser.phaseId);
- //System.out.println("info = " + parser.c.constructor().info());//DEBUG
- }
- Symbol[] constrs;
- switch (parser.c.constructor().rawInfo()) {
- case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, _):
- constrs = alts;
- break;
- default:
- constrs = new Symbol[]{parser.c.constructor()};
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < constrs.length; i++) {
- //System.out.println("info = " +;
- switch (constrs[i].rawInfo()) {
- case MethodType(Symbol[] vparams, _):
- constrs[i].setInfo(
- Type.PolyType(
- smbls, Type.MethodType(vparams, constrtype)),
- parser.phaseId);
- break;
- }
- //System.out.println("*** constructor " + e.sym + ": " +;//DEBUG
- }
+ Type clazztype = Type.appliedType(
+ parser.ctype, Symbol.type(smbls));
+ Symbol constr = parser.c.primaryConstructor();
+ switch (constr.rawInfo()) {
+ case MethodType(Symbol[] vparams, _):
+ constr.setInfo(
+ Type.PolyType(
+ smbls, Type.MethodType(vparams, clazztype)),
+ Symbol.FIRST_ID);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new ApplicationError(constr.rawInfo());
+ }
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
@@ -352,12 +337,12 @@ public class AttributeParser implements ClassfileConstants {
- s.setInfo(parser.defs.ANY_TYPE, parser.phaseId);
+ s.setInfo(parser.defs.ANY_TYPE, Symbol.FIRST_ID);
if (token.equals("<")) {
- s.setInfo(parseType(), parser.phaseId);
+ s.setInfo(parseType(), Symbol.FIRST_ID);
} while (token.equals(","));
@@ -381,7 +366,7 @@ public class AttributeParser implements ClassfileConstants {
Name.fromString("x" + (i++)),
- flags).setInfo(parseType(), parser.phaseId));
+ flags).setInfo(parseType(), Symbol.FIRST_ID));
//System.out.println(" + " + token);
} while (token.equals(","));
assert ")".equals(token);
@@ -434,7 +419,7 @@ public class AttributeParser implements ClassfileConstants {
Name.fromString("x" + (i++)),
- Modifiers.PARAM).setInfo(parseType(), parser.phaseId));
+ Modifiers.PARAM).setInfo(parseType(), Symbol.FIRST_ID));
//System.out.println(" + " + token);
} while (token.equals(","));
assert ")".equals(token);
diff --git a/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/ b/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
index 2272b6dc21..098be96b06 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
+++ b/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ public class ClassfileParser implements ClassfileConstants {
protected Type ctype;
protected Scope locals;
protected Scope statics;
- protected Scope constr;
protected JavaTypeFactory make;
protected Signatures sigs;
protected ConstantPool pool;
@@ -93,16 +92,16 @@ public class ClassfileParser implements ClassfileConstants {
Type[] basetpes = new Type[in.nextChar() + 1];
this.locals = new Scope();
this.statics = new Scope();
- this.constr = new Scope();
// set type of class
Type classType = Type.compoundType(basetpes, locals, c);
- c.setInfo(classType, phaseId);
+ c.setInfo(classType, Symbol.FIRST_ID);
// set type of statics
Symbol staticsClass = c.module().moduleClass();
Type staticsInfo = Type.compoundType(Type.EMPTY_ARRAY, statics, staticsClass);
- staticsClass.setInfo(staticsInfo, phaseId);
+ staticsClass.setInfo(staticsInfo, Symbol.FIRST_ID);
staticsClass, Type.EMPTY_ARRAY));
basetpes[0] = supertpe;
for (int i = 1; i < basetpes.length; i++)
basetpes[i] = readClassType(in.nextChar());
@@ -112,16 +111,14 @@ public class ClassfileParser implements ClassfileConstants {
int methodCount = in.nextChar();
for (int i = 0; i < methodCount; i++)
- // set constructor type to the declared type
- Symbol[] constrs = constr.elements();
- if (constrs.length != 0) {
- assert constrs.length == 1;
- c.constructor().setInfo(constrs[0].info(), phaseId);
- } else {
- Symbol[] cparams = ((c.flags & Modifiers.INTERFACE) != 0) ? Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY
- : new Symbol[]{Symbol.NONE};
- c.constructor().setInfo(Type.MethodType(cparams, ctype), phaseId);
- }
+ Symbol constr = c.primaryConstructor();
+ if (!constr.isInitialized()) {
+ constr.setInfo(
+ Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, ctype), Symbol.FIRST_ID);
+ if ((c.flags & Modifiers.INTERFACE) == 0)
+ constr.flags |= Modifiers.PRIVATE;
+ }
attrib.readAttributes(c, classType, CLASS_ATTR);
//System.out.println("dynamic class: " + c);
//System.out.println("statics class: " + staticsClass);
@@ -188,7 +185,7 @@ public class ClassfileParser implements ClassfileConstants {
if ((flags & 0x0008) != 0)
owner = c.module().moduleClass();
Symbol s = new TermSymbol(Position.NOPOS, name, owner, mods);
- s.setInfo(type, phaseId);
+ s.setInfo(type, Symbol.FIRST_ID);
attrib.readAttributes(s, type, FIELD_ATTR);
((flags & 0x0008) != 0 ? statics : locals).enterOrOverload(s);
@@ -215,16 +212,19 @@ public class ClassfileParser implements ClassfileConstants {
throw new ApplicationError();
- s.setInfo(type, phaseId);
+ s.setInfo(type, Symbol.FIRST_ID);
attrib.readAttributes(s, type, METH_ATTR);
+ Symbol constr = c.primaryConstructor();
+ if (constr.isInitialized()) constr = c.addConstructor();
+ s.copyTo(constr);
+ //System.out.println(c + " " + c.allConstructors() + ":" + c.allConstructors().info());//debug
//System.out.println("-- enter " + s);
- constr.enterOrOverload(s);
} else {
Symbol s = new TermSymbol(
Position.NOPOS, name,
((flags & 0x0008) != 0) ? c.module().moduleClass() : c,
- s.setInfo(type, phaseId);
+ s.setInfo(type, Symbol.FIRST_ID);
attrib.readAttributes(s, type, METH_ATTR);
((flags & 0x0008) != 0 ? statics : locals).enterOrOverload(s);
diff --git a/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/ b/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
index 80191c79ba..e523bc4dbb 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
+++ b/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ public class PackageParser extends Type.LazyType {
if (locals.lookup(n) == Symbol.NONE) {
ClassSymbol clazz = new ClassSymbol(n, p, classCompletion);
- clazz.constructor().setInfo(
+ // todo: needed?
+ clazz.allConstructors().setInfo(
// enter class
- locals.enter(clazz.constructor());
// enter module, except for scala.Object class
// todo: why not there also?.
if (!(n == Names.Object.toTypeName() &&
@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ public class PackageParser extends Type.LazyType {
sym.rawInfoAt(Symbol.FIRST_ID) instanceof ClassParser &&
!(sym.rawInfoAt(Symbol.FIRST_ID) instanceof SymblParser)) {
ClassSymbol clazz = new ClassSymbol(n, p, symblCompletion);
- clazz.constructor().setInfo(symblCompletion);
+ //todo: needed
+ clazz.allConstructors().setInfo(symblCompletion);
- locals.enter(clazz.constructor());
} else if (inclClasses && fname.endsWith(".scala")) {
@@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ public class PackageParser extends Type.LazyType {
SourceCompleter completer = new SourceCompleter(global,
dir.getPath() + File.separatorChar + fname);
ClassSymbol clazz = new ClassSymbol(n, p, completer);
- clazz.constructor().setInfo(completer);
+ //todo: needed?
+ clazz.allConstructors().setInfo(completer);
// enter class
- locals.enter(clazz.constructor());
diff --git a/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/ b/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
index 83d9851405..ded41362ea 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
+++ b/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
@@ -143,45 +143,38 @@ public class Pickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
* another symbol.
private void putSymbol(Symbol sym) {
- switch ( {
- case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, _):
- for (int i = 0; i < alts.length; i++)
- putSymbol(alts[i]);
- break;
- default:
- if (putEntry(sym)) {
- //System.out.println("put sym " + sym);//DEBUG
- if (isLocal(sym)) {
- putEntry(;
- putSymbol(sym.owner());
- putType(;
- switch (sym.kind) {
- case TYPE:
- putType(sym.loBound());
- break;
- case ALIAS:
- break;
- case CLASS:
- putType(sym.typeOfThis());
- putSymbol(sym.constructor());
- for (Scope.SymbolIterator it = sym.members().iterator();
- it.hasNext();)
- putSymbol(;
- break;
- case VAL:
- if (sym.isPrimaryConstructor())
- putSymbol(sym.primaryConstructorClass());
- else if (sym.isModule())
- putSymbol(sym.moduleClass());
- break;
- default:
- throw new ApplicationError();
- }
- } else if (sym.kind != NONE) {
- putEntry(;
- if (sym.owner() != Global.instance.definitions.ROOT_CLASS)
- putSymbol(sym.owner());
+ if (putEntry(sym)) {
+ //System.out.println("put sym " + sym);//DEBUG
+ if (isLocal(sym)) {
+ putEntry(;
+ putSymbol(sym.owner());
+ putType(;
+ switch (sym.kind) {
+ case TYPE:
+ putType(sym.loBound());
+ break;
+ case ALIAS:
+ break;
+ case CLASS:
+ putType(sym.typeOfThis());
+ putSymbol(sym.allConstructors());
+ for (Scope.SymbolIterator it = sym.members().iterator();
+ it.hasNext();)
+ putSymbol(;
+ break;
+ case VAL:
+ if (sym.isPrimaryConstructor())
+ putSymbol(sym.primaryConstructorClass());
+ else if (sym.isModule())
+ putSymbol(sym.moduleClass());
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new ApplicationError();
+ } else if (sym.kind != NONE) {
+ putEntry(;
+ if (sym.owner() != Global.instance.definitions.ROOT_CLASS)
+ putSymbol(sym.owner());
@@ -229,7 +222,8 @@ public class Pickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, Type[] alttypes):
- assert false : tp;
+ for (int i = 0; i < alts.length; i++)
+ putSymbol(alts[i]);
throw new ApplicationError();
@@ -308,7 +302,6 @@ public class Pickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
private void writeName(Name name) {
if (name.isTermName()) writeByte(TERMname);
- else if (name.isConstrName()) writeByte(CONSTRname);
else writeByte(TYPEname);
writeByte(0); // space for length
while (bp + name.length() > bytes.length) resizeTo(bytes.length * 2);
@@ -350,7 +343,7 @@ public class Pickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
case CLASS:
- writeRef(sym.constructor());
+ writeRef(sym.allConstructors());
case VAL:
if (sym.isPrimaryConstructor())
@@ -363,8 +356,7 @@ public class Pickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
writeByte(0); // space for length
} else {
- writeByte(((sym.flags & (MODUL | PACKAGE)) == MODUL)
- ? EXTMODCLASSsym : EXTsym);
+ writeByte((sym.isTerm() || sym.isModuleClass()) ? TERMref : TYPEref);
writeByte(0); // space for length
if (sym.owner() != Global.instance.definitions.ROOT_CLASS)
diff --git a/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/ b/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
index a0cc7eda31..ccc4fcf2fe 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
+++ b/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public class UnPickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
if (global.debug)
"unpickle " + root + " " + classroot + " " + moduleroot + " " +
- moduleroot.moduleClass() + moduleroot.moduleClass().constructor());
+ moduleroot.moduleClass() + moduleroot.moduleClass().primaryConstructor());
this.bytes = data;
this.bp = 0;
this.sourceName = sourceName;
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ public class UnPickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
System.out.print(tag + " ");
int len = readNat();
System.out.print(len + " ");
- if (tag == TERMname || tag == TYPEname || tag == CONSTRname)
+ if (tag == TERMname || tag == TYPEname)
SourceRepresentation.ascii2string(bytes, bp, len));
@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ public class UnPickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
Name name = Name.fromAscii(bytes, bp, len);
switch (tag) {
case TERMname : entries[n] = name; break;
- case CONSTRname: entries[n] = name.toConstrName(); break;
case TYPEname : entries[n] = name.toTypeName(); break;
default: throw new BadSignature(this);
@@ -156,25 +155,19 @@ public class UnPickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
String decode(Name name) {
if (name.isTypeName()) return "type " + NameTransformer.decode(name);
- else if (name.isConstrName()) return "constructor " + NameTransformer.decode(name);
else return "value " + NameTransformer.decode(name);
- Symbol extRef(Symbol owner, Name name, boolean modclass) {
- if (name.length() == 0 && owner == Symbol.NONE) {
- return Global.instance.definitions.ROOT_CLASS;
- } else if (modclass) {
- assert name.isTypeName() : name;
- Symbol module = extRef(owner, name.toTermName(), false);
- switch (module.type()) {
- case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, _):
- for (int i = 0; i < alts.length; i++)
- if (alts[i].isModule()) module = alts[i];
- }
- assert module.isModule();
- return module.moduleClass();
+ void enterSymbol(Symbol sym) {
+ Symbol owner = sym.owner();
+ Scope scope =;
+ Symbol other = scope.lookup(;
+ if (other == Symbol.NONE) {
+ if (global.debug)
+ global.log("entering " + sym + ":" + sym.type() + " in " + owner);//debug
+ scope.enter(sym);
} else {
- return;
+ assert sym.rawInfo() instanceof Type.OverloadedType : sym;
@@ -190,8 +183,8 @@ public class UnPickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
case NONEsym:
entries[n] = sym = Symbol.NONE;
- case EXTsym:
- case EXTMODCLASSsym:
+ case TERMref:
+ case TYPEref:
Name name = readNameRef();
if (bp == end) {
owner = Global.instance.definitions.ROOT_CLASS;
@@ -199,7 +192,22 @@ public class UnPickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
assert bp < end;
owner = readSymbolRef();
- entries[n] = sym = extRef(owner, name, tag == EXTMODCLASSsym);
+ if (name.length() == 0 && owner == Symbol.NONE) {
+ sym = Global.instance.definitions.ROOT_CLASS;
+ } else if (tag == TERMref && name.isTypeName()) {
+ Symbol module =;
+ switch (module.type()) {
+ case OverloadedType(Symbol[] alts, _):
+ for (int i = 0; i < alts.length; i++)
+ if (alts[i].isModule()) module = alts[i];
+ }
+ assert module.isModule();
+ sym = module.moduleClass();
+ } else {
+ assert (tag == TYPEref) == name.isTypeName();
+ sym =;
+ }
+ entries[n] = sym;
if (sym.kind == NONE) {
if (global.debug)
@@ -243,30 +251,30 @@ public class UnPickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
- Symbol constructor = readSymbolRef(); //will install itself!
+ Symbol constr = readSymbolRef();
+ constr.copyTo(sym.allConstructors());
+ if (sym.isCaseClass()) {
+ Symbol cf = new TermSymbol(
+ Position.NOPOS, name.toTermName(),
+ owner, flags | CASE);
+ cf.setInfo(setOwner(constr.type(), cf));
+ if (name == && owner == classroot.owner()) {
+ if (global.debug)
+ global.log("overwriting " + moduleroot);//debug
+ cf.copyTo(moduleroot);
+ cf = moduleroot;
+ } else {
+ enterSymbol(sym);
+ }
+ }
case VALsym:
- Symbol cf = Symbol.NONE;
if (bp < end) {
ClassSymbol clazz = (ClassSymbol) readSymbolRef();
- if (name.isConstrName()) {
- entries[n] = sym = clazz.constructor();
- if (global.debug)
- global.log("overwriting " + sym);//debug
- TermSymbol.newConstructor(clazz, flags).copyTo(sym);
- if (clazz.isCaseClass()) {
- cf = new TermSymbol(
- Position.NOPOS, name.toTermName(), owner, flags | CASE);
- if (name.toTypeName() == && owner == moduleroot.owner()) {
- if (global.debug)
- global.log("overwriting " + moduleroot);//debug
- cf.copyTo(moduleroot);
- cf = moduleroot;
- } else {
- }
- }
+ if (name.isTypeName()) {
+ entries[n] = sym = TermSymbol.newConstructor(
+ clazz, flags);
} else {
assert (flags & MODUL) != 0 : name;
entries[n] = sym = TermSymbol.newModule(
@@ -284,34 +292,20 @@ public class UnPickle implements Kinds, Modifiers, EntryTags {
Type tp = getType(inforef);
sym.setInfo(setOwner(tp, sym));
- if (cf.kind != NONE) cf.setInfo(setOwner(tp, cf));
throw new BadSignature(this);
- if (owner.kind == CLASS && !noEnter(sym)) {
- if (global.debug)
- global.log("entering " + sym + ":" + sym.type() + " in " + owner);//debug
- }
+ if (owner.kind == CLASS)
+ enterSymbol(sym);
bp = savedBp;
return (Symbol) entries[n];
- //where
- private boolean noEnter(Symbol sym) {
- return
- sym == classroot ||
- sym == moduleroot ||
- sym.isModuleClass() ||
- sym.isPrimaryConstructor() && noEnter(sym.primaryConstructorClass());
- }
Symbol readSymbolRef() {
return getSymbol(readNat());
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
index 5628bdb3fe..3d3c5a9ba8 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ public class AddAccessors extends Transformer {
Tree tpe,
Tree.Template impl): {
Symbol clsSym = tree.symbol();
- Symbol constrSym = clsSym.constructor();
LinkedList/*<Tree>*/ newBody =
new LinkedList(Arrays.asList(transform(impl.body)));
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
index bf7cd290c5..226b476dc5 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public class AddConstructors extends Transformer {
ArrayList constrBody2 = new ArrayList();
ArrayList classBody = new ArrayList();
Symbol constrSym =
- getConstructor(treeSym.constructor(), paramSyms, treeSym);
+ getConstructor(treeSym.primaryConstructor(), paramSyms, treeSym);
Scope classScope = new Scope();
@@ -216,9 +216,9 @@ public class AddConstructors extends Transformer {
classBody.add(gen.DefDef(tree.pos, constrSym, constrTree));
// strip off the class constructor from parameters
- switch (treeSym.constructor().info()) {
+ switch (treeSym.primaryConstructor().info()) {
case MethodType(_, Type result):
- treeSym.constructor().
+ treeSym.primaryConstructor().
updateInfo(Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, result));
default : assert false;
@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ public class AddConstructors extends Transformer {
Tree base = baseClasses[0];
switch (base) {
case Apply(Tree fun, Tree[] args):
+ //System.out.println(tree + " new " + fun.symbol());//DEBUG
return gen.New(copy.Apply
gen.Ident(base.pos, getConstructor(fun.symbol())),
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
index 3d11c5b019..ec18661c8c 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ class AddInterfaces extends Transformer {
// constructor, use the class constructor instead.
Symbol clsSym = sym.primaryConstructorClass();
if (phase.needInterface(clsSym))
- return gen.Select(transform(qualifier),
- phase.getClassSymbol(clsSym).constructor());
+ return gen.Select(qualifier,
+ phase.getClassSymbol(clsSym).primaryConstructor());
return super.transform(tree);
} else {
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class AddInterfaces extends Transformer {
// constructor, use the class constructor instead.
Symbol clsSym = sym.primaryConstructorClass();
if (phase.needInterface(clsSym))
- return gen.Ident(phase.getClassSymbol(clsSym).constructor());
+ return gen.Ident(phase.getClassSymbol(clsSym).primaryConstructor());
return super.transform(tree);
} else if (typeSubst != null) {
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ class AddInterfaces extends Transformer {
Map clsMap = new HashMap();
Symbol classSym = phase.getClassSymbol(ifaceSym);
clsMap.put(ifaceSym, classSym);
- clsMap.put(ifaceSym.constructor(), classSym.constructor());
+ clsMap.put(ifaceSym.primaryConstructor(), classSym.primaryConstructor());
SymbolSubstTypeMap clsSubst =
new SymbolSubstTypeMap(clsMap, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
index 18df3f4cee..77b9fdb5b2 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ public class AddInterfacesPhase extends PhaseDescriptor {
public Type transformInfo(Symbol sym, Type tp) {
- if (sym.isConstructor()) {
- Symbol clazz =sym.primaryConstructorClass();
+ if (sym.isPrimaryConstructor()) {
+ Symbol clazz = sym.primaryConstructorClass();
if (clazz.isPackage() || !needInterface(clazz)) return tp;
// The symbol is a constructor of a class which needs
// an interface. All its value arguments have to be
@@ -165,7 +165,6 @@ public class AddInterfacesPhase extends PhaseDescriptor {
uniqueName(sym, buf);
Name newName = Name.fromString(buf.toString());
if ( return newName.toTypeName();
- else if ( return newName.toConstrName();
else return newName;
@@ -192,7 +191,6 @@ public class AddInterfacesPhase extends PhaseDescriptor {
protected Name className(Name ifaceName) {
Name className = Name.fromString(ifaceName.toString() + CLASS_SUFFIX);
if (ifaceName.isTypeName()) return className.toTypeName();
- else if (ifaceName.isConstrName()) return className.toConstrName();
else return className;
@@ -206,7 +204,7 @@ public class AddInterfacesPhase extends PhaseDescriptor {
protected Symbol getClassSymbol(Symbol ifaceSym) {
if (ifaceSym.isPrimaryConstructor())
return getClassSymbol(ifaceSym.primaryConstructorClass())
- .constructor();
+ .primaryConstructor();
if (!needInterface(ifaceSym))
return ifaceSym;
@@ -217,13 +215,13 @@ public class AddInterfacesPhase extends PhaseDescriptor { = className(;
classSym.flags &= ~Modifiers.INTERFACE;
- Symbol ifaceConstrSym = ifaceSym.constructor();
- Symbol classConstrSym = classSym.constructor();
+ Symbol ifaceConstrSym = ifaceSym.primaryConstructor();
+ Symbol classConstrSym = classSym.primaryConstructor(); = className(;
Scope ifaceOwnerMembers = ifaceSym.owner().members();
- ifaceOwnerMembers.enter(classConstrSym);
+ // ifaceOwnerMembers.enter(classConstrSym);
Type.SubstThisMap thisTypeMap =
new Type.SubstThisMap(ifaceSym, classSym);
@@ -278,7 +276,7 @@ public class AddInterfacesPhase extends PhaseDescriptor {
classMembersMap.put(ifaceMemberSym, classMemberSym);
if (classMemberSym.isClass())
- classMembers.enterOrOverload(classMemberSym.constructor());
+ classMembers.enterOrOverload(classMemberSym.primaryConstructor());
// Give correct type to the class symbol by using class
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
index dc4d9a04ef..57ab76a5e9 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public class ClassExpander {
switch (parents[i]) {
case TypeRef(Type prefix, Symbol mixin, Type[] args):
map.insertSymbol(mixin, clasz);
- cloner.owners.put(mixin.constructor(), clasz);
+ cloner.owners.put(mixin.primaryConstructor(), clasz);
Tree.Apply constr = (Tree.Apply)template.parents[i];
inlineMixinVParams(mixin.valueParams(), constr.args);
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
index d60507288c..b71a063b5d 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public class ExplicitOuterClasses extends Transformer {
} else {
// Add the outer parameter to the tree (it is added to
// the type by transformInfo).
- Symbol constSym = classSym.constructor();
+ Symbol constSym = classSym.primaryConstructor();
Symbol outerSym = phase.outerSym(constSym);
assert (outerSym.owner() == constSym) : outerSym;
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
index acfa0f9c49..099b26a46d 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class LambdaLift extends OwnerTransformer
* otherwise current symbol itself
static Symbol asFunction(Symbol sym) {
- return sym.kind == CLASS ? sym.constructor() : sym;
+ return sym.kind == CLASS ? sym.primaryConstructor() : sym;
/** `asFunction' applied to the next enclosing function or class owner.
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ public class LambdaLift extends OwnerTransformer
Name newname = global.freshNameCreator.newName(; = newname;
if (sym.kind == CLASS)
- sym.constructor().name = newname.toConstrName();
+ sym.primaryConstructor().name = newname.toTypeName();
private Type.Map traverseTypeMap = new Type.Map() {
@@ -327,9 +327,9 @@ public class LambdaLift extends OwnerTransformer
((ClassDef) tree).mods &= ~LIFTED;
Tree tree1 = copy.ClassDef(
tree, sym,
- addTypeParams(transform(tparams, sym), newtparams(sym.constructor())),
+ addTypeParams(transform(tparams, sym), newtparams(sym.primaryConstructor())),
new ValDef[][]{
- addParams(transform(vparams, sym)[0], newparams(sym.constructor()))},
+ addParams(transform(vparams, sym)[0], newparams(sym.primaryConstructor()))},
transform(tpe, sym),
transform(impl, sym));
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ public class LambdaLift extends OwnerTransformer
((ClassDef) tree).mods |= LIFTED;
Symbol sym = tree.symbol();
assert sym.isLocal() : sym;
- liftSymbol(sym, ftvsParams(sym.constructor()), fvsParams(sym.constructor()));
+ liftSymbol(sym, ftvsParams(sym.primaryConstructor()), fvsParams(sym.primaryConstructor()));
case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _):
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ public class LambdaLift extends OwnerTransformer
void liftSymbol(Symbol sym, Symbol[] newtparams, Symbol[] newparams) {
Symbol enclClass = sym.owner().enclClass();
if (!sym.isPrimaryConstructor()) sym.setOwner(enclClass);
- enclClass.members().enter(sym);
+ if (!sym.isConstructor()) enclClass.members().enter(sym);
if (sym.isMethod()) {
if (newtparams.length != 0 || newparams.length != 0) {
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ public class LambdaLift extends OwnerTransformer
global.log(sym + " has now type " + sym.typeAt(descr.nextPhase));
} else if (sym.kind == CLASS) {
- liftSymbol(sym.constructor(), newtparams, newparams);
+ liftSymbol(sym.primaryConstructor(), newtparams, newparams);
} else {
throw new ApplicationError();
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ public class LambdaLift extends OwnerTransformer
- global.definitions.getClass(Names.scala_COLONCOLON).constructor()),
+ global.definitions.getClass(Names.scala_COLONCOLON).primaryConstructor()),
new Tree[]{gen.mkType(pos, elemtpe)}),
new Tree[]{hd, tl}));
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
index 563710cb51..a61011cfc9 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
@@ -85,14 +85,15 @@ public class LambdaLiftPhase extends PhaseDescriptor implements Kinds, Modifiers
case TypeRef(Type pre, Symbol sym, Type[] targs):
switch (pre) {
case ThisType(_):
- if (sym.kind == CLASS && sym.constructor().isUpdated(nextPhase)) {
+ if (sym.kind == CLASS &&
+ sym.primaryConstructor().isUpdated(nextPhase)) {
// !!! For some Java classes,
// Symbol.constructor() returns an Overloaded
// symbol. This is wrong as constructor()
// should return the primary constructor. Once
// this problem is solved, the following
// switch can be removed.
- Type constrtype = sym.constructor().infoAt(nextPhase);
+ Type constrtype = sym.primaryConstructor().infoAt(nextPhase);
Symbol[] tparams;
switch (constrtype) {
case OverloadedType(_, _):
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
index 66e68ff45b..587362e345 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class OwnerTransformer extends Transformer {
public Template transform(Template templ, Symbol owner) {
Symbol prevOwner = currentOwner;
if (owner.kind == Kinds.CLASS)
- currentOwner = owner.constructor();
+ currentOwner = owner.primaryConstructor();
Tree[] parents1 = transform(templ.parents);
currentOwner = owner;
Tree[] body1 = transformTemplateStats(templ.body, templ.symbol());
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ public class OwnerTransformer extends Transformer {
Symbol symbol = tree.symbol();
return copy.ClassDef(
tree, symbol,
- transform(tparams, symbol.constructor()),
- transform(vparams, symbol.constructor()),
+ transform(tparams, symbol.primaryConstructor()),
+ transform(vparams, symbol.primaryConstructor()),
transform(impl, symbol));
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
index 67fc972798..aba3f9d90b 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
@@ -441,8 +441,8 @@ public class AlgebraicMatcher extends PatternTool {
protected int nCaseComponents(Tree tree) {
switch (tree) {
case Apply(Tree fn, _):
- Type tpe = typeOf(tree.type.symbol().constructor());
- //System.out.println("~~~ " + tree.type() + ", " + tree.type().symbol().constructor());
+ Type tpe = typeOf(tree.type.symbol().primaryConstructor());
+ //System.out.println("~~~ " + tree.type() + ", " + tree.type().symbol().primaryConstructor());
switch (tpe) {
// I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but obviously, currently all case classes
// without constructor arguments have type NoType
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
index f3f52d8074..2420e361b3 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
@@ -589,8 +589,8 @@ public class PatternMatcher extends PatternTool {
protected int nCaseComponents(Tree tree) {
switch (tree) {
case Apply(Tree fn, _):
- Type tpe = typeOf(tree.type.symbol().constructor());
- //System.out.println("~~~ " + tree.type() + ", " + tree.type().symbol().constructor());
+ Type tpe = typeOf(tree.type.symbol().primaryConstructor());
+ //System.out.println("~~~ " + tree.type() + ", " + tree.type().symbol().primaryConstructor());
switch (tpe) {
// I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but obviously, currently all case classes
// without constructor arguments have type NoType
diff --git a/sources/scalac/typechecker/ b/sources/scalac/typechecker/
index 5e4684b423..9976f447df 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/typechecker/
+++ b/sources/scalac/typechecker/
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
// todo: use mangled name or drop.
// todo: emit warnings for unchecked.
// todo: synchronize on module instantiation.
+// todo: type select operator for superclass term access.
package scalac.typechecker;
@@ -93,10 +95,7 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
if (sym.rawInfoAt(Symbol.FIRST_ID) instanceof SourceCompleter) {
- String kind;
- if ( kind = "object ";
- else if ( kind = "class ";
- else kind = "constructor ";
+ String kind = ( ? "object " : "class ";
throw new Type.Error("file " + unit.source + " does not define public " +
kind + sym.fullName());
} else {
@@ -201,30 +200,27 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
error(pos, msg);
- void reportTypeError(int pos, Type.Error ex) {
+ Tree reportTypeError(int pos, Type.Error ex) {
if (ex instanceof CyclicReference) {
if (global.debug) ex.printStackTrace();
CyclicReference cyc = (CyclicReference) ex;
if ( instanceof LazyTreeType) {
switch (((LazyTreeType) {
case ValDef(_, _, Tree.Empty, _):
- error(pos, "recursive " + cyc.sym + " needs type");
- return;
+ return error(pos, "recursive " + cyc.sym + " needs type");
case DefDef(_, _, _, _, Tree.Empty, _):
- error(pos, "recursive function " + + " needs result type");
- return;
+ return error(pos, "recursive function " + + " needs result type");
//throw ex;//DEBUG
- error(pos, ex.msg);
+ return error(pos, ex.msg);
// Name resolution -----------------------------------------------------------
String decode(Name name) {
if (name.isTypeName()) return "type " + NameTransformer.decode(name);
- else if (name.isConstrName()) return "constructor " + NameTransformer.decode(name);
else return "value " + NameTransformer.decode(name);
@@ -640,23 +636,9 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
public void complete(Symbol sym) {
- Symbol constr = tree.symbol().constructor();
- Type constrtype = constr.type().instanceType();
- constrtype = constrtype.cloneType(constr, sym);
- sym.setInfo(constrtype);
- }
- /* todo: remove
- private Type removeMethod(Type tp) {
- switch (tp) {
- case MethodType(_, Type restp):
- return restp;
- case PolyType(Symbol[] tparams, Type restp):
- return Type.PolyType(tparams, removeMethod(restp));
- default:
- return tp;
- }
+ Symbol constr = tree.symbol().primaryConstructor();
+ sym.setInfo(constr.type().instanceType().cloneType(constr, sym));
- */
/** A lazy type for self types
@@ -731,7 +713,7 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
case ClassDef(int mods, Name name, Tree.TypeDef[] tparams, Tree.ValDef[][] vparams, _, Tree.Template templ):
ClassSymbol clazz = new ClassSymbol(tree.pos, name, owner, mods);
if (clazz.isLocalClass()) unit.mangler.setMangledName(clazz);
- enterSym(tree, clazz.constructor());
+ clazz.primaryConstructor().setInfo(new LazyTreeType(tree));
if ((mods & CASE) != 0) {
/* todo: remove
if (vparams.length == 0) {
@@ -759,7 +741,22 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
return enterSym(tree, new TermSymbol(tree.pos, name, owner, mods));
case DefDef(int mods, Name name, _, _, _, _):
- return enterSym(tree, new TermSymbol(tree.pos, name, owner, mods));
+ Symbol sym;
+ if (name == Names.this_.toTypeName()) {
+ Symbol clazz = context.enclClass.owner;
+ if (!(context.tree instanceof Template) ||
+ clazz.isModuleClass() ||
+ clazz.isAnonymousClass() ||
+ clazz.isCompoundSym() ||
+ clazz.isPackage()) {
+ error(tree.pos, "constructor definition not allowed here");
+ }
+ ((DefDef) tree).name =;
+ sym = context.enclClass.owner.addConstructor();
+ } else {
+ sym = new TermSymbol(tree.pos, name, owner, mods);
+ }
+ return enterSym(tree, sym);
case TypeDef(int mods, Name name, _, _):
Symbol tsym = ((mods & (DEFERRED | PARAM)) != 0)
@@ -784,13 +781,14 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
private Symbol enterSym(Tree tree, Symbol sym) {
//if (global.debug) System.out.println("entering " + sym);//DEBUG
sym.setInfo(new LazyTreeType(tree));
- Symbol owner = sym.owner();
- if (sym.kind == VAL && !sym.isConstructor() &&
- (sym.flags & (PRIVATE | SEALED)) == 0 &&
- owner != null && owner.kind == CLASS &&
- (owner.flags & FINAL) != 0)
- sym.flags |= FINAL;
- sym = enterInScope(sym);
+ if (!sym.isConstructor()) {
+ Symbol owner = sym.owner();
+ if (sym.kind == VAL && (sym.flags & (PRIVATE | SEALED)) == 0 &&
+ owner != null && owner.kind == CLASS &&
+ (owner.flags & FINAL) != 0)
+ sym.flags |= FINAL;
+ sym = enterInScope(sym);
+ }
// set the comment associated with a symbol
@@ -823,7 +821,10 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
if (other.isPreloaded()) {
// symbol was preloaded from package;
// need to overwrite definition.
- overwrite(sym, other);
+ if (global.debug) global.log(sym + " overwrites " + other);
+ sym.copyTo(other);
+ if (sym.isModule())
+ sym.moduleClass().copyTo(other.moduleClass());
result = other;
} else if (sym.owner().isPackage()) {
if (global.compiledNow.get(other) != null) {
@@ -857,23 +858,6 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
return result;
- /** Overwrite symbol `to' from symbol `from'
- */
- void overwrite(Symbol from, Symbol to) {
- if (Global.instance.debug) System.out.println(from + " overwrites " + to);//debug
- from.copyTo(to);
- if (from.isModule()) {
- from.moduleClass().copyTo(
- to.moduleClass());
- from.moduleClass().constructor().copyTo(
- to.moduleClass().constructor());
- to.moduleClass().constructor().setInfo(
- Type.MethodType(
- to.moduleClass().typeConstructor()));
- }
- }
/** Enter all symbols in statement list
public void enterSyms(Tree[] stats) {
@@ -939,7 +923,8 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
Type owntype;
switch (tree) {
case ClassDef(int mods, Name name, Tree.TypeDef[] tparams, Tree.ValDef[][] vparams, Tree tpe, Tree.Template templ):
- pushContext(tree, sym.constructor(), new Scope(context.scope));
+ pushContext(
+ tree, sym.primaryConstructor(), new Scope(context.scope));
Symbol[] tparamSyms = enterParams(tparams);
Symbol[][] vparamSyms = enterParams(vparams);
if (vparamSyms.length == 0)
@@ -953,9 +938,9 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
Type.TypeRef(sym.owner().thisType(), sym, Symbol.type(tparamSyms)));
//System.out.println("set info " + sym.constructor() + " to " + constrtype + " was " + sym.constructor().rawInfo());//DEBUG
- sym.constructor().setInfo(constrtype);
+ sym.primaryConstructor().setInfo(constrtype);
// necessary so that we can access tparams
- sym.constructor().flags |= INITIALIZED;
+ sym.primaryConstructor().flags |= INITIALIZED;
if (tpe != Tree.Empty)
sym.setTypeOfThis(new LazySelfType(tpe));
@@ -1000,18 +985,33 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
case DefDef(int mods, Name name, Tree.TypeDef[] tparams, Tree.ValDef[][] vparams, Tree tpe, Tree rhs):
- pushContext(tree, sym, new Scope(context.scope));
- Symbol[] tparamSyms = enterParams(tparams);
- Symbol[][] vparamSyms = enterParams(vparams);
- if (tpe != Tree.Empty) {
- ((DefDef) tree).tpe = tpe = transform(tpe, TYPEmode);
+ Symbol[] tparamSyms;
+ Symbol[][] vparamSyms;
+ Type restype;
+ if (name.isTypeName()) {
+ Context prevContext = context;
+ Symbol clazz = context.enclClass.owner;
+ context = context.enclClass.outer.outer;
+ pushContext(tree, sym, new Scope(context.scope));
+ tparamSyms = enterParams(tparams);
+ vparamSyms = enterParams(vparams);
+ restype = clazz.type().subst(
+ clazz.typeParams(), tparamSyms);
+ ((DefDef) tree).tpe = tpe = gen.mkType(tree.pos, restype);
+ context = prevContext;
} else {
- ((DefDef) tree).rhs = rhs = transform(rhs, EXPRmode);
- ((DefDef) tree).tpe = tpe = gen.mkType(tree.pos, rhs.type);
+ pushContext(tree, sym, new Scope(context.scope));
+ tparamSyms = enterParams(tparams);
+ vparamSyms = enterParams(vparams);
+ if (tpe != Tree.Empty) {
+ ((DefDef) tree).tpe = tpe = transform(tpe, TYPEmode);
+ } else {
+ ((DefDef) tree).rhs = rhs = transform(rhs, EXPRmode);
+ ((DefDef) tree).tpe = tpe = gen.mkType(tree.pos, rhs.type);
+ }
+ restype = checkNoEscape(tpe.pos, tpe.type);
+ popContext();
- Type restype = checkNoEscape(tpe.pos, tpe.type);
- popContext();
- //checkNonCyclic(tree.pos, tpe.type);
owntype = makeMethodType(tparamSyms, vparamSyms, restype);
//System.out.println("methtype " + name + ":" + owntype);//DEBUG
@@ -1042,8 +1042,7 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
for (int i = 0; i < selectors.length; i = i + 2) {
if (selectors[i] != Names.WILDCARD &&
tp.lookup(selectors[i]) == Symbol.NONE &&
- tp.lookup(selectors[i].toTypeName()) == Symbol.NONE &&
- tp.lookup(selectors[i].toConstrName()) == Symbol.NONE)
+ tp.lookup(selectors[i].toTypeName()) == Symbol.NONE)
error(tree.pos, NameTransformer.decode(selectors[i]) + " is not a member of " + expr + " of type " + expr.type);
@@ -1133,7 +1132,7 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
try {
infer.exprAlternative(tree, alts, alttypes, pt);
} catch (Type.Error ex) {
- error(tree.pos, ex.msg);
+ reportTypeError(tree.pos, ex);
switch (tree.type) {
case OverloadedType(_, _):
@@ -1178,7 +1177,7 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
if (clazz.isCaseClass()) {
// set type to instantiated case class constructor
- tree.type = clazz.constructor().type();
+ tree.type = clazz.primaryConstructor().type();
switch (tree.type) {
case PolyType(Symbol[] tparams, Type restp):
try {
@@ -1260,13 +1259,29 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
Type seqConstructorType(Type paramtp, Type resulttp) {
- Symbol constr = resulttp.symbol().constructor();
+ Symbol constr = resulttp.symbol().primaryConstructor();
Symbol param = new TermSymbol(
Position.NOPOS, Names.WILDCARD, constr, PARAM | REPEATED).setInfo(
return Type.MethodType(new Symbol[]{param}, resulttp);
+ Symbol typeToConstructor(int pos, Symbol sym) {
+ if (sym.kind == ERROR)
+ return sym;
+ else if ((mode & CONSTRmode) != 0) {
+ assert sym.isType() : sym;
+ sym.initialize();
+ Symbol constr = sym.allConstructors();
+ if (constr.kind == NONE)
+ error(pos, sym + " is abstract type; cannot be instantiated");
+ //System.out.println(sym + ":" + constr + ":" + constr.rawInfo() + " --toconstr--> " +;//DEBUG
+ return constr;
+ } else {
+ return sym;
+ }
+ }
/** Attribute an identifier consisting of a simple name or an outer reference.
* @param tree The tree representing the identifier.
* @param name The name of the identifier.
@@ -1276,6 +1291,7 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
// find applicable definition and assign to `sym'
Symbol sym = Symbol.NONE;
Type pre;
+ Tree qual = Tree.Empty;
int stopPos = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Context nextcontext = context;
@@ -1326,11 +1342,11 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
if (sym.owner().kind == CLASS) {
pre = nextcontext.enclClass.owner.thisType();
if (!sym.owner().isPackage()) {
- Tree qual = makeStableId(tree.pos, pre);
- tree = make.Select(tree.pos, qual, name);
+ Tree qual1 = makeStableId(tree.pos, pre);
+ tree = make.Select(tree.pos, qual1, name);
if (context.enclClass != nextcontext.enclClass)
sym.flags |= SELECTOR;
- //System.out.println(name + " :::> " + tree + " " + qual.symbol());//DEBUG
+ //System.out.println(name + " :::> " + tree + " " + qual1.symbol());//DEBUG
} else {
pre = Type.localThisType;
@@ -1356,12 +1372,13 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
sym = sym1;
sym.flags |= (ACCESSED | SELECTOR);
- Tree qual = lastimports.importPrefix().duplicate();
+ qual = lastimports.importPrefix().duplicate();
pre = qual.type;
//new TextTreePrinter().print(name + " => ").print(lastimports.tree).print("." + name).println().end();//DEBUG
tree = make.Select(tree.pos, qual, name);
- checkAccessible(tree.pos, sym, qual);
+ sym = typeToConstructor(tree.pos, sym);
+ if (qual != Tree.Empty) checkAccessible(tree.pos, sym, qual);
Type symtype = (sym.isType() ? sym.typeConstructor() : sym.type())
.asSeenFrom(pre, sym.owner());
if (symtype == Type.NoType)
@@ -1384,7 +1401,7 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
qual = infer.mkTypeApply(qual, tparams, restype, Symbol.type(tparams));
uninst = tparams;
- Symbol sym = qual.type.lookup(name);
+ Symbol sym = typeToConstructor(tree.pos, qual.type.lookup(name));
if (sym.kind == NONE) {
//System.out.println(qual.type + " has members " + qual.type.members());//DEBUG
return error(tree.pos,
@@ -1413,7 +1430,18 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
sym.isStable() && qual.type.isStable())
symtype = Type.singleType(qual.type, sym);
//System.out.println(qual.type + ".member: " + sym + ":" + symtype);//DEBUG
- return copy.Select(tree, sym, qual).setType(symtype);
+ Tree tree1;
+ switch (tree) {
+ case Select(_, _):
+ tree1 = copy.Select(tree, sym, qual);
+ break;
+ case SelectFromType(_, _):
+ tree1 = copy.Select(tree, sym, qual);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new ApplicationError();
+ }
+ return tree1.setType(symtype);
@@ -1554,11 +1582,6 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
Type[] argtypes = new Type[args.length];
switch (methtype) {
case MethodType(Symbol[] params, Type restp):
- if (meth != null && meth.isConstructor() &&
- params.length == 1 && params[0] == Symbol.NONE) {
- error(pos, meth + " is inaccessible");
- return null;
- }
Type[] formals = infer.formalTypes(params, args.length);
if (formals.length != args.length) {
error(pos, "wrong number of arguments for " +
@@ -1724,7 +1747,8 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
return tree.setType(Type.ErrorType);
case ClassDef(_, _, Tree.TypeDef[] tparams, Tree.ValDef[][] vparams, Tree tpe, Tree.Template templ):
- pushContext(tree, sym.constructor(), new Scope(context.scope));
+ pushContext(
+ tree, sym.primaryConstructor(), new Scope(context.scope));
Tree.TypeDef[] tparams1 = transform(tparams);
@@ -1757,16 +1781,23 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
return copy.ValDef(tree, sym, tpe, rhs1)
- case DefDef(_, _, Tree.TypeDef[] tparams, Tree.ValDef[][] vparams, Tree tpe, Tree rhs):
+ case DefDef(_, Name name, Tree.TypeDef[] tparams, Tree.ValDef[][] vparams, Tree tpe, Tree rhs):
+ Context prevContext = context;
+ if (name.isTypeName()) {
+ Symbol clazz = context.enclClass.owner;
+ context = context.enclClass.outer.outer;
+ }
pushContext(tree, sym, new Scope(context.scope));
Tree.TypeDef[] tparams1 = transform(tparams);
Tree.ValDef[][] vparams1 = transform(vparams);
Tree rhs1 = rhs;
- if (rhs != Tree.Empty)
+ if (name.isTypeName())
+ rhs1 = transform(rhs, CONSTRmode, tpe.type);
+ else if (rhs != Tree.Empty)
rhs1 = transform(rhs, EXPRmode, tpe.type);
- popContext();
+ context = prevContext;
sym.flags |= LOCKED;
checkNonCyclic(tree.pos, tpe.type);
sym.flags &= ~LOCKED;
@@ -1951,10 +1982,13 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
owntype = checkNoEscape(tree.pos, owntype);
- Tree alloc = gen.New(
- gen.Apply(
- gen.mkRef(tree.pos,
- Type.localThisType, clazz.constructor()),
+ Tree alloc =
+ gen.New(
+ gen.Apply(
+ gen.mkRef(
+ tree.pos,
+ Type.localThisType,
+ clazz.primaryConstructor()),
@@ -1982,7 +2016,8 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
tree.pos, vparams1, body1, restype, context.owner);
case TypeApply(Tree fn, Tree[] args):
- Tree fn1 = transform(fn, EXPRmode | FUNmode, Type.AnyType);
+ Tree fn1 = transform(
+ fn, (mode & (EXPRmode | CONSTRmode)) | FUNmode, Type.AnyType);
Tree[] args1 = transform(args, TYPEmode);
Type[] argtypes = Tree.typeOf(args1);
@@ -1992,7 +2027,7 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
try {
infer.polyAlternative(fn1, alts, alttypes, args.length);
} catch (Type.Error ex) {
- error(tree.pos, ex.msg);
+ reportTypeError(tree.pos, ex);
@@ -2095,7 +2130,7 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
try {
infer.methodAlternative(fn1, alts, alttypes, argtypes, pt);
} catch (Type.Error ex) {
- error(tree.pos, ex.msg);
+ reportTypeError(tree.pos, ex);
@@ -2107,7 +2142,7 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
fn1 = infer.methodInstance(fn1, tparams, restp, argtypes, pt);
//System.out.println(fn1 + ":" + fn1.type);//DEBUG
} catch (Type.Error ex) {
- error(tree.pos, ex.msg);
+ reportTypeError(tree.pos, ex);
switch (fn1.type) {
case MethodType(Symbol[] params, Type restp1):
@@ -2153,13 +2188,16 @@ public class Analyzer extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
case Select(Tree qual, Name name):
int qualmode = EXPRmode | POLYmode | QUALmode;
Tree qual1 = transform(qual, qualmode);
- if (name.isTypeName() || name.isConstrName())
+ if (name.isTypeName())
qual1 = checkStable(qual1);
return transformSelect(
tree, adapt(qual1, qualmode, Type.AnyType), name);
case Ident(Name name):
- if (((mode & (PATTERNmode | FUNmode)) == PATTERNmode) && name.isVariable()) {
+ if (name == Names.this_.toTypeName()) {
+ return transform(make.Ident(tree.pos, pt.symbol().name));
+ } else if (((mode & (PATTERNmode | FUNmode)) == PATTERNmode) &&
+ name.isVariable()) {
Symbol vble, vble2 = null;
diff --git a/sources/scalac/typechecker/ b/sources/scalac/typechecker/
index dc7e01378d..2a82dd0586 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/typechecker/
+++ b/sources/scalac/typechecker/
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public class DeSugarize implements Kinds, Modifiers {
make.Ident(tree.pos, Names.scala),
- Names.Object.toConstrName()),
+ Names.Object.toTypeName()),
Tree constr = make.Apply(
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ public class DeSugarize implements Kinds, Modifiers {
make.Ident(tree.pos, Names.scala),
- Name.fromString("Function" + length).toConstrName()),
+ Name.fromString("Function" + length).toTypeName()),
diff --git a/sources/scalac/typechecker/ b/sources/scalac/typechecker/
index 7f3e82c659..f631ade171 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/typechecker/
+++ b/sources/scalac/typechecker/
@@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ class ImportList {
if (i + 1 < selectors.length && name.toTermName() == selectors[i + 1]) {
if (name.isTypeName())
return t.lookupNonPrivate(selectors[i].toTypeName());
- else if (name.isConstrName())
- return t.lookupNonPrivate(selectors[i].toConstrName());
return t.lookupNonPrivate(selectors[i]);
} else if (name.toTermName() == selectors[i]) {
diff --git a/sources/scalac/typechecker/ b/sources/scalac/typechecker/
index 9cd8575c6b..3b5b9f7d78 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/typechecker/
+++ b/sources/scalac/typechecker/
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ public class RefCheck extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
Symbol sym = null;
switch (stat) {
case ClassDef(_, _, _, _, _, _):
- sym = stat.symbol().constructor();
+ sym = stat.symbol().primaryConstructor();
case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _):
case ModuleDef(_, _, _, _):
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ public class RefCheck extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
sym = stat.symbol();
if (sym != null && sym.isLocal()) {
- scopes[level].enter(sym);
+ scopes[level].enter(new Scope.Entry(sym, scopes[level]));
symIndex.put(sym, new Integer(index));
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ public class RefCheck extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
private Tree[] caseFields(ClassSymbol clazz) {
- Symbol[] vparams = clazz.constructor().type().firstParams();
+ Symbol[] vparams = clazz.primaryConstructor().type().firstParams();
Tree[] fields = new Tree[vparams.length];
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
fields[i] = gen.mkRef(
@@ -874,12 +874,14 @@ public class RefCheck extends Transformer implements Modifiers, Kinds {
case Apply(Tree fn, Tree[] args):
Symbol fsym = TreeInfo.methSymbol(fn);
+ assert fsym != Symbol.NONE : tree;
if (fsym != null && fsym.isMethod() && !fsym.isConstructor() &&
(fsym.flags & CASE) != 0) {
// convert case methods to new's
- Symbol constr = fsym.type().resultType().symbol().constructor();
+ Symbol constr = fsym.type().resultType().symbol().primaryConstructor();
tree = gen.New(toConstructor(tree, constr));
return super.transform(tree);
case AppliedType(Tree tpe, Tree[] args):
diff --git a/sources/scalac/util/ b/sources/scalac/util/
index fb69ad5c33..3675f359f0 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/util/
+++ b/sources/scalac/util/
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ public class FreshNameCreator {
public Name newName(Name prefixName, char separator) {
Name name = newName(prefixName.toString(), separator);
if (prefixName.isTypeName()) return name.toTypeName();
- else if (prefixName.isConstrName()) return name.toConstrName();
else return name;
diff --git a/sources/scalac/util/ b/sources/scalac/util/
index efe35a488b..988d0282b2 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/util/
+++ b/sources/scalac/util/
@@ -39,10 +39,6 @@ public final class Name {
private static Name[] typeHashtable = new Name[HASH_SIZE];
-/** hashtable for finding constructor names quickly
- */
- private static Name[] constrHashtable = new Name[HASH_SIZE];
/** Constructor
Name(int index, int len, Name[] table, int hash) {
@@ -163,16 +159,6 @@ public final class Name {
return n == this;
-/** is this name a type name?
- */
- public boolean isConstrName() {
- int h = hashValue(names, index, len) & HASH_MASK;
- Name n = constrHashtable[h];
- while (n != null && n != this)
- n =;
- return n == this;
- }
/** create a term name corresponding to this name
public Name toTermName() {
@@ -199,19 +185,6 @@ public final class Name {
return n;
-/** create a constructor name corresponding to this name
- */
- public Name toConstrName() {
- int h = hashValue(names, index, len) & HASH_MASK;
- Name n = constrHashtable[h];
- while (n != null && n.index != index)
- n =;
- if (n == null) {
- n = new Name(index, len, constrHashtable, h);
- }
- return n;
- }
/** return the string hash value of this name
public int hashCode() {
diff --git a/support/latex/ b/support/latex/
index d71b6b9d3f..5d6fd11e75 100644
--- a/support/latex/
+++ b/support/latex/
@@ -5,14 +5,13 @@ import*;
public class verbfilterScala {
static String[] reserved = {
- "abstract", "as", "case", "catch", "class",
- "def", "do", "else", "extends", "false",
- "final", "finally", "for", "if", "import",
- "is", "new", "null", "object", "override",
- "package", "private", "protected", "return",
- "sealed", "super", "this", "trait", "try",
- "true", "type", "val", "var", "with",
- "while", "yield"};
+ "abstract", "case", "catch", "class", "def",
+ "do", "else", "extends", "false", "final",
+ "finally", "for", "if", "import", "new",
+ "null", "object", "override", "package", "private",
+ "protected", "return", "sealed", "super", "this",
+ "trait", "try", "true", "type", "val",
+ "var", "with", "while", "yield"};
static final int TABINC = 8;
diff --git a/test/files/neg/S7.check b/test/files/neg/S7.check
index 22769d0fe7..59c57786b3 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/S7.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/S7.check
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
S7.scala:6: illegal cyclic reference involving class S7.A
class C() extends a.A() {}
- ^
+ ^
one error found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/bug25.check b/test/files/neg/bug25.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75ae98eac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/bug25.check
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+bug25.scala:5: constructor javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject cannot be accessed in javax.rmi.type
+class A extends javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject();
+ ^
+one error found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/bug25.scala b/test/files/neg/bug25.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96a3c7dea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/bug25.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/** Signature of PortableRemoteObject's constructor is:
+ protected PortableRemoteObject() throws RemoteException
+class A extends javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject();
diff --git a/test/files/neg/bug38.check b/test/files/neg/bug38.check
index 1f77aa8557..27c2e52586 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/bug38.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/bug38.check
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
bug38.scala:3: * is not a member of scala.xml of type scala.xml.type
import scala.xml.* ; // does not work
-bug38.scala:7: not found: constructor Element
+bug38.scala:7: not found: type Element
val foo = new Element { def getName = "hallo"; def getChildren = Nil; def getAttribs = new HashMap[String,String] };
two errors found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/bug67.check b/test/files/neg/bug67.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a1990c311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/bug67.check
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+bug67.scala:15: constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type;
+ found : D.this.ITree[A?,B?]
+ required: D.this.InsertTree[A,B]
+ val ITree(t1) = insert_1(key, value, tree, s);
+ ^
+bug67.scala:19: no type parameters for method INode of type [A,B](D.this.Tree[A,B],scala.Int,scala.Int)D.this.INode[A,B] exist so that it can be applied to arguments (D.this.Tree[A,B],scala.Int,scala.Int)
+ --- because ---
+result type D.this.INode[A,B] is incompatible with expected type D.this.InsertTree[A,B]
+ INode(t0,1,s);
+ ^
+two errors found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/bug67.scala b/test/files/neg/bug67.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48229defaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/bug67.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+class D[A <: Ord[A],B] {
+ abstract class Tree[A <: Ord[A],B]();
+ case class Node[A,B](key:A,value:B,smaller:Tree[A,B],bigger:Tree[A,B])
+ extends Tree[A,B];
+ case class Nil[A,B]() extends Tree[A,B];
+ abstract case class InsertTree[A,B]();
+ case class ITree[A,B](t:Tree[A,B]); // forgot extends InsertTree[A,B];
+ case class INode[A,B](t:Tree[A,B],height:int,size:int); // forgot extends InsertTree[A,B];
+ val tree:Tree[A,B] = Nil();
+ val s = 0;
+ def insert(key:A, value:B) = {
+ val ITree(t1) = insert_1(key, value, tree, s);
+ }
+ def insert_1(key:A, value:B, t0:Tree[A,B], s:int):InsertTree[A,B] = {
+ INode(t0,1,s);
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/neg/bug71.check b/test/files/neg/bug71.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a939dbbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/bug71.check
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+bug71.scala:3: class ga2 needs to be abstract, since method foo in class gu.ga1 is not defined
+object ga2 extends gu.ga1() {
+ ^
+one error found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/bug71.scala b/test/files/neg/bug71.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67c3cdd7f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/bug71.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// ga2
+object ga2 extends gu.ga1() {
+ // implementation of foo()
+ def foo():java.lang.String = "foo";
+ // my main inherited
+ def main( args:Array[String] ):Unit = {
+ mymain ();
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/neg/bug74.check b/test/files/neg/bug74.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dec69cd35f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/bug74.check
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+bug74.scala:2: Int is not an enclosing class
+ def f = Int.super.hashCode;
+ ^
+one error found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/bug74.scala b/test/files/neg/bug74.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e1301e5b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/bug74.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class A {
+ def f = Int.super.hashCode;
diff --git a/test/files/neg/bug75.check b/test/files/neg/bug75.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a988ebe40c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/bug75.check
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+bug75.scala:6: value tree of type F.this.Nil[A]
+ cannot override value tree in class F of type scala.AllRef
+ new F[A](){ override val tree=t;};
+ ^
+one error found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/bug75.scala b/test/files/neg/bug75.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0dc4408e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/bug75.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+class F[A]() {
+ case class Nil[B]() {}
+ val tree = null;
+ protected def mkF[A](t:Nil[A]) =
+ new F[A](){ override val tree=t;};
+ def update = {
+ mkF(Nil());
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug1.scala b/test/files/pos/bug1.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdf33ef20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug1.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+object Exceptions {
+ class CubeException(s: String) extends java.lang.RuntimeException(s);
+ def main(args: Array[String]) =
+ System.out.println(new CubeException("test"));
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug2.scala b/test/files/pos/bug2.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c58ed3f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug2.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+object main {
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ val b = true;
+ while (b == true) { }
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug20.scala b/test/files/pos/bug20.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdf33ef20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug20.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+object Exceptions {
+ class CubeException(s: String) extends java.lang.RuntimeException(s);
+ def main(args: Array[String]) =
+ System.out.println(new CubeException("test"));
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug49.scala b/test/files/pos/bug49.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..913ce06e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug49.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class C1(x: Object) {};
+class C2 extends C1({ class A extends Object {}; (new A) : Object }) {};
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug50.scala b/test/files/pos/bug50.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0989af44fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug50.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import scala.runtime.NativeMonitor;
+case class Foo[a](x: a);
+object bug {
+ Foo("");
+ NativeMonitor.synchronised(null, "");
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug53.scala b/test/files/pos/bug53.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44763ef144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug53.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+object bug {
+ def foobar[c]: Int = {
+ class Foo { def foo: Bar = new Bar(); }
+ class Bar { def bar: c = bar; }
+ 0
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug54.scala b/test/files/pos/bug54.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3dc8e161fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug54.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+class A {
+ case class B(x: C) extends A {}
+ class C {}
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug61.scala b/test/files/pos/bug61.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd3f94f30c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug61.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+object O {
+ class testClass ;
+ case class testA() extends testClass ; // works if you leave away "extends..."
+ // or if you write TestA
+ def ga( x:testClass ) = x match {
+ case testA() => ()
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug64.scala b/test/files/pos/bug64.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2ce4bf6d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug64.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+object B {
+ def main(Args:Array[String]) = {
+ val Pair(_,x) = Pair(1,2);
+ x + 1;
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug66.scala b/test/files/pos/bug66.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2153264e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug66.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class GBTree[A, B] /*with Map[A, B, GBTree[A,B]]*/ {
+ abstract class Tree[A,B];
+ case class Node[A,B](key:A,value:B,smaller:Node[A,B],bigger:Node[A,B])
+ extends Tree[A,B];
+ case class Nil[A,B]() extends Tree[A,B];
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug68.scala b/test/files/pos/bug68.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..beb2c7c0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug68.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+class E {
+ def f() = {
+ val (_::l1) = List(1,2,3);
+ l1.tail;
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug69.scala b/test/files/pos/bug69.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..113820613f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug69.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+object testCQ {
+ // why does this not work directly
+ case class Thing( name:String, contains:List[ Thing ] );
+ /* ... but this one does?
+ abstract class T;
+ case class Thing2( name:String, contains:List[ T ] ) extends T;
+ */
diff --git a/test/files/pos/bug76.scala b/test/files/pos/bug76.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07cddd714f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/bug76.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// This is extracted from a test file => don't add a new test file.
+object bug {
+ def foo(def i: Int): Int = 0;
+ def bar: Int = {
+ var i: Int = 0;
+ foo (i);
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/test4.scala b/test/files/pos/test4.scala
index 48949b7a7f..66f7a1505c 100644
--- a/test/files/pos/test4.scala
+++ b/test/files/pos/test4.scala
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ object test {
import test._;
-trait S extends o.I[D] {
+trait S extends ooo.I[D] {
def bar: E = foo(c,d);
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ class O[X]() {
val j:I[X] = null;
-object o extends O[C]() {
+object ooo extends O[C]() {
def main = {
val s: S = null;
import s._;
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ class Main() {
val s: S = null;
import s._;
diff --git a/test/neg/S7.check b/test/neg/S7.check
index 22769d0fe7..59c57786b3 100644
--- a/test/neg/S7.check
+++ b/test/neg/S7.check
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
S7.scala:6: illegal cyclic reference involving class S7.A
class C() extends a.A() {}
- ^
+ ^
one error found
diff --git a/test/neg/bug25.check b/test/neg/bug25.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75ae98eac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/neg/bug25.check
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+bug25.scala:5: constructor javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject cannot be accessed in javax.rmi.type
+class A extends javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject();
+ ^
+one error found
diff --git a/test/neg/bug25.scala b/test/neg/bug25.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96a3c7dea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/neg/bug25.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/** Signature of PortableRemoteObject's constructor is:
+ protected PortableRemoteObject() throws RemoteException
+class A extends javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject();
diff --git a/test/neg/bug38.check b/test/neg/bug38.check
index 1f77aa8557..27c2e52586 100644
--- a/test/neg/bug38.check
+++ b/test/neg/bug38.check
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
bug38.scala:3: * is not a member of scala.xml of type scala.xml.type
import scala.xml.* ; // does not work
-bug38.scala:7: not found: constructor Element
+bug38.scala:7: not found: type Element
val foo = new Element { def getName = "hallo"; def getChildren = Nil; def getAttribs = new HashMap[String,String] };
two errors found
diff --git a/test/neg/bug67.check b/test/neg/bug67.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a1990c311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/neg/bug67.check
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+bug67.scala:15: constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type;
+ found : D.this.ITree[A?,B?]
+ required: D.this.InsertTree[A,B]
+ val ITree(t1) = insert_1(key, value, tree, s);
+ ^
+bug67.scala:19: no type parameters for method INode of type [A,B](D.this.Tree[A,B],scala.Int,scala.Int)D.this.INode[A,B] exist so that it can be applied to arguments (D.this.Tree[A,B],scala.Int,scala.Int)
+ --- because ---
+result type D.this.INode[A,B] is incompatible with expected type D.this.InsertTree[A,B]
+ INode(t0,1,s);
+ ^
+two errors found
diff --git a/test/neg/bug67.scala b/test/neg/bug67.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48229defaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/neg/bug67.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+class D[A <: Ord[A],B] {
+ abstract class Tree[A <: Ord[A],B]();
+ case class Node[A,B](key:A,value:B,smaller:Tree[A,B],bigger:Tree[A,B])
+ extends Tree[A,B];
+ case class Nil[A,B]() extends Tree[A,B];
+ abstract case class InsertTree[A,B]();
+ case class ITree[A,B](t:Tree[A,B]); // forgot extends InsertTree[A,B];
+ case class INode[A,B](t:Tree[A,B],height:int,size:int); // forgot extends InsertTree[A,B];
+ val tree:Tree[A,B] = Nil();
+ val s = 0;
+ def insert(key:A, value:B) = {
+ val ITree(t1) = insert_1(key, value, tree, s);
+ }
+ def insert_1(key:A, value:B, t0:Tree[A,B], s:int):InsertTree[A,B] = {
+ INode(t0,1,s);
+ }
diff --git a/test/neg/bug71.check b/test/neg/bug71.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a939dbbae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/neg/bug71.check
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+bug71.scala:3: class ga2 needs to be abstract, since method foo in class gu.ga1 is not defined
+object ga2 extends gu.ga1() {
+ ^
+one error found
diff --git a/test/neg/bug71.scala b/test/neg/bug71.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67c3cdd7f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/neg/bug71.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// ga2
+object ga2 extends gu.ga1() {
+ // implementation of foo()
+ def foo():java.lang.String = "foo";
+ // my main inherited
+ def main( args:Array[String] ):Unit = {
+ mymain ();
+ }
diff --git a/test/neg/bug74.check b/test/neg/bug74.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dec69cd35f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/neg/bug74.check
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+bug74.scala:2: Int is not an enclosing class
+ def f = Int.super.hashCode;
+ ^
+one error found
diff --git a/test/neg/bug74.scala b/test/neg/bug74.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e1301e5b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/neg/bug74.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class A {
+ def f = Int.super.hashCode;
diff --git a/test/neg/bug75.check b/test/neg/bug75.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a988ebe40c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/neg/bug75.check
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+bug75.scala:6: value tree of type F.this.Nil[A]
+ cannot override value tree in class F of type scala.AllRef
+ new F[A](){ override val tree=t;};
+ ^
+one error found
diff --git a/test/neg/bug75.scala b/test/neg/bug75.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0dc4408e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/neg/bug75.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+class F[A]() {
+ case class Nil[B]() {}
+ val tree = null;
+ protected def mkF[A](t:Nil[A]) =
+ new F[A](){ override val tree=t;};
+ def update = {
+ mkF(Nil());
+ }
diff --git a/test/pos/bug1.scala b/test/pos/bug1.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdf33ef20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug1.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+object Exceptions {
+ class CubeException(s: String) extends java.lang.RuntimeException(s);
+ def main(args: Array[String]) =
+ System.out.println(new CubeException("test"));
diff --git a/test/pos/bug2.scala b/test/pos/bug2.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c58ed3f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug2.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+object main {
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ val b = true;
+ while (b == true) { }
+ }
diff --git a/test/pos/bug20.scala b/test/pos/bug20.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdf33ef20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug20.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+object Exceptions {
+ class CubeException(s: String) extends java.lang.RuntimeException(s);
+ def main(args: Array[String]) =
+ System.out.println(new CubeException("test"));
diff --git a/test/pos/bug49.scala b/test/pos/bug49.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..913ce06e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug49.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class C1(x: Object) {};
+class C2 extends C1({ class A extends Object {}; (new A) : Object }) {};
diff --git a/test/pos/bug50.scala b/test/pos/bug50.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0989af44fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug50.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import scala.runtime.NativeMonitor;
+case class Foo[a](x: a);
+object bug {
+ Foo("");
+ NativeMonitor.synchronised(null, "");
diff --git a/test/pos/bug53.scala b/test/pos/bug53.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44763ef144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug53.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+object bug {
+ def foobar[c]: Int = {
+ class Foo { def foo: Bar = new Bar(); }
+ class Bar { def bar: c = bar; }
+ 0
+ }
diff --git a/test/pos/bug54.scala b/test/pos/bug54.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3dc8e161fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug54.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+class A {
+ case class B(x: C) extends A {}
+ class C {}
diff --git a/test/pos/bug61.scala b/test/pos/bug61.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd3f94f30c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug61.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+object O {
+ class testClass ;
+ case class testA() extends testClass ; // works if you leave away "extends..."
+ // or if you write TestA
+ def ga( x:testClass ) = x match {
+ case testA() => ()
+ }
diff --git a/test/pos/bug64.scala b/test/pos/bug64.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2ce4bf6d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug64.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+object B {
+ def main(Args:Array[String]) = {
+ val Pair(_,x) = Pair(1,2);
+ x + 1;
+ }
diff --git a/test/pos/bug66.scala b/test/pos/bug66.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2153264e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug66.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class GBTree[A, B] /*with Map[A, B, GBTree[A,B]]*/ {
+ abstract class Tree[A,B];
+ case class Node[A,B](key:A,value:B,smaller:Node[A,B],bigger:Node[A,B])
+ extends Tree[A,B];
+ case class Nil[A,B]() extends Tree[A,B];
diff --git a/test/pos/bug68.scala b/test/pos/bug68.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..beb2c7c0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug68.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+class E {
+ def f() = {
+ val (_::l1) = List(1,2,3);
+ l1.tail;
+ }
diff --git a/test/pos/bug69.scala b/test/pos/bug69.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..113820613f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug69.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+object testCQ {
+ // why does this not work directly
+ case class Thing( name:String, contains:List[ Thing ] );
+ /* ... but this one does?
+ abstract class T;
+ case class Thing2( name:String, contains:List[ T ] ) extends T;
+ */
diff --git a/test/pos/bug76.scala b/test/pos/bug76.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07cddd714f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/pos/bug76.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// This is extracted from a test file => don't add a new test file.
+object bug {
+ def foo(def i: Int): Int = 0;
+ def bar: Int = {
+ var i: Int = 0;
+ foo (i);
+ }
diff --git a/test/pos/test4.scala b/test/pos/test4.scala
index 48949b7a7f..66f7a1505c 100644
--- a/test/pos/test4.scala
+++ b/test/pos/test4.scala
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ object test {
import test._;
-trait S extends o.I[D] {
+trait S extends ooo.I[D] {
def bar: E = foo(c,d);
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ class O[X]() {
val j:I[X] = null;
-object o extends O[C]() {
+object ooo extends O[C]() {
def main = {
val s: S = null;
import s._;
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ class Main() {
val s: S = null;
import s._;