path: root/docs/examples/typeinf.scala
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authorJason Zaugg <>2013-12-11 19:56:22 +0100
committerJason Zaugg <>2013-12-11 19:56:22 +0100
commit3bfd83971ec48102fd1e711236f5a313c6a1ce3e (patch)
treea75d929d7fc7e2c0ac4b5e620a4019a4936abeeb /docs/examples/typeinf.scala
parente1c6dd965aa4249f715bbb2832df182cc5505853 (diff)
parent9cdbe28c00b39c51ae9afe3066c8b44a6e5f6f96 (diff)
Merge commit '9cdbe28' into merge/2.10.x-to-master
Conflicts: build.examples.xml build.xml docs/examples/actors/pingpong.scala docs/examples/fors.scala docs/examples/iterators.scala docs/examples/jolib/Ref.scala docs/examples/jolib/parallelOr.scala docs/examples/monads/callccInterpreter.scala docs/examples/monads/directInterpreter.scala docs/examples/monads/errorInterpreter.scala docs/examples/monads/simpleInterpreter.scala docs/examples/monads/stateInterpreter.scala docs/examples/parsing/ArithmeticParser.scala docs/examples/patterns.scala docs/examples/pilib/elasticBuffer.scala docs/examples/pilib/handover.scala docs/examples/pilib/piNat.scala docs/examples/typeinf.scala src/build/pack.xml
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/examples/typeinf.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 253 deletions
diff --git a/docs/examples/typeinf.scala b/docs/examples/typeinf.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ac6cc35f6b..0000000000
--- a/docs/examples/typeinf.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-package examples
-object typeinf {
-trait Term {}
-case class Var(x: String) extends Term {
- override def toString() = x
-case class Lam(x: String, e: Term) extends Term {
- override def toString() = "(\\" + x + "." + e + ")"
-case class App(f: Term, e: Term) extends Term {
- override def toString() = "(" + f + " " + e + ")"
-case class Let(x: String, e: Term, f: Term) extends Term {
- override def toString() = "let " + x + " = " + e + " in " + f
-sealed trait Type {}
-case class Tyvar(a: String) extends Type {
- override def toString() = a
-case class Arrow(t1: Type, t2: Type) extends Type {
- override def toString() = "(" + t1 + "->" + t2 + ")"
-case class Tycon(k: String, ts: List[Type]) extends Type {
- override def toString() =
- k + (if (ts.isEmpty) "" else ts.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
-object typeInfer {
- private var n: Int = 0
- def newTyvar(): Type = { n += 1; Tyvar("a" + n) }
- trait Subst extends Function1[Type, Type] {
- def lookup(x: Tyvar): Type
- def apply(t: Type): Type = t match {
- case tv @ Tyvar(a) => val u = lookup(tv); if (t == u) t else apply(u)
- case Arrow(t1, t2) => Arrow(apply(t1), apply(t2))
- case Tycon(k, ts) => Tycon(k, ts map apply)
- }
- def extend(x: Tyvar, t: Type) = new Subst {
- def lookup(y: Tyvar): Type = if (x == y) t else Subst.this.lookup(y)
- }
- }
- val emptySubst = new Subst { def lookup(t: Tyvar): Type = t }
- case class TypeScheme(tyvars: List[Tyvar], tpe: Type) {
- def newInstance: Type =
- (emptySubst /: tyvars) ((s, tv) => s.extend(tv, newTyvar())) (tpe)
- }
- type Env = List[Tuple2[String, TypeScheme]]
- def lookup(env: Env, x: String): TypeScheme = env match {
- case List() => null
- case (y, t) :: env1 => if (x == y) t else lookup(env1, x)
- }
- def gen(env: Env, t: Type): TypeScheme =
- TypeScheme(tyvars(t) diff tyvars(env), t)
- def tyvars(t: Type): List[Tyvar] = t match {
- case tv @ Tyvar(a) => List(tv)
- case Arrow(t1, t2) => tyvars(t1) union tyvars(t2)
- case Tycon(k, ts) => (List[Tyvar]() /: ts) ((tvs, t) => tvs union tyvars(t))
- }
- def tyvars(ts: TypeScheme): List[Tyvar] =
- tyvars(ts.tpe) diff ts.tyvars;
- def tyvars(env: Env): List[Tyvar] =
- (List[Tyvar]() /: env) ((tvs, nt) => tvs union tyvars(nt._2))
- def mgu(t: Type, u: Type, s: Subst): Subst = (s(t), s(u)) match {
- case (Tyvar(a), Tyvar(b)) if (a == b) =>
- s
- case (Tyvar(a), _) if !(tyvars(u) contains a) =>
- s.extend(Tyvar(a), u)
- case (_, Tyvar(a)) =>
- mgu(u, t, s)
- case (Arrow(t1, t2), Arrow(u1, u2)) =>
- mgu(t1, u1, mgu(t2, u2, s))
- case (Tycon(k1, ts), Tycon(k2, us)) if (k1 == k2) =>
- (s /: (ts zip us)) ((s, tu) => mgu(tu._1, tu._2, s))
- case _ =>
- throw new TypeError("cannot unify " + s(t) + " with " + s(u))
- }
- case class TypeError(s: String) extends Exception(s) {}
- def tp(env: Env, e: Term, t: Type, s: Subst): Subst = {
- current = e
- e match {
- case Var(x) =>
- val u = lookup(env, x)
- if (u == null) throw new TypeError("undefined: " + x)
- else mgu(u.newInstance, t, s)
- case Lam(x, e1) =>
- val a, b = newTyvar()
- val s1 = mgu(t, Arrow(a, b), s)
- val env1 = (x, TypeScheme(List(), a)) :: env
- tp(env1, e1, b, s1)
- case App(e1, e2) =>
- val a = newTyvar()
- val s1 = tp(env, e1, Arrow(a, t), s)
- tp(env, e2, a, s1)
- case Let(x, e1, e2) =>
- val a = newTyvar()
- val s1 = tp(env, e1, a, s)
- tp((x, gen(env, s1(a))) :: env, e2, t, s1)
- }
- }
- var current: Term = null
- def typeOf(env: Env, e: Term): Type = {
- val a = newTyvar()
- tp(env, e, a, emptySubst)(a)
- }
- object predefined {
- val booleanType = Tycon("Boolean", List())
- val intType = Tycon("Int", List())
- def listType(t: Type) = Tycon("List", List(t))
- private def gen(t: Type): typeInfer.TypeScheme = typeInfer.gen(List(), t)
- private val a = typeInfer.newTyvar()
- val env = List(
- ("true", gen(booleanType)),
- ("false", gen(booleanType)),
- ("if", gen(Arrow(booleanType, Arrow(a, Arrow(a, a))))),
- ("zero", gen(intType)),
- ("succ", gen(Arrow(intType, intType))),
- ("nil", gen(listType(a))),
- ("cons", gen(Arrow(a, Arrow(listType(a), listType(a))))),
- ("isEmpty", gen(Arrow(listType(a), booleanType))),
- ("head", gen(Arrow(listType(a), a))),
- ("tail", gen(Arrow(listType(a), listType(a)))),
- ("fix", gen(Arrow(Arrow(a, a), a)))
- )
- }
- trait MiniMLParsers extends CharParsers {
- /** whitespace */
- def whitespace = rep{chr(' ') ||| chr('\t') ||| chr('\n')}
- /** A given character, possible preceded by whitespace */
- def wschr(ch: char) = whitespace &&& chr(ch)
- def isLetter = (c: char) => Character.isLetter(c)
- def isLetterOrDigit: char => boolean = Character.isLetterOrDigit
- /** identifiers or keywords */
- def id: Parser[String] =
- for (
- c: char <- rep(chr(' ')) &&& chr(isLetter);
- cs: List[char] <- rep(chr(isLetterOrDigit))
- ) yield (c :: cs).mkString("", "", "")
- /** Non-keyword identifiers */
- def ident: Parser[String] =
- for (s <- id if s != "let" && s != "in") yield s
- /** term = '\' ident '.' term | term1 {term1} | let ident "=" term in term */
- def term: Parser[Term] = (
- ( for (
- _ <- wschr('\\');
- x <- ident;
- _ <- wschr('.');
- t <- term)
- yield Lam(x, t): Term )
- |||
- ( for (
- letid <- id if letid == "let";
- x <- ident;
- _ <- wschr('=');
- t <- term;
- inid <- id; if inid == "in";
- c <- term)
- yield Let(x, t, c) )
- |||
- ( for (
- t <- term1;
- ts <- rep(term1))
- yield (t /: ts)((f, arg) => App(f, arg)) )
- )
- /** term1 = ident | '(' term ')' */
- def term1: Parser[Term] = (
- ( for (s <- ident)
- yield Var(s): Term )
- |||
- ( for (
- _ <- wschr('(');
- t <- term;
- _ <- wschr(')'))
- yield t )
- )
- /** all = term ';' */
- def all: Parser[Term] =
- for (
- t <- term;
- _ <- wschr(';'))
- yield t
- }
- class ParseString(s: String) extends Parsers {
- type inputType = int
- val input = 0
- def any = new Parser[char] {
- def apply(in: int): Parser[char]#Result =
- if (in < s.length()) Some((s charAt in, in + 1)) else None
- }
- }
- def showType(e: Term): String =
- try {
- typeInfer.typeOf(predefined.env, e).toString()
- }
- catch {
- case typeInfer.TypeError(msg) =>
- "\n cannot type: " + typeInfer.current +
- "\n reason: " + msg
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- Console.println(
- if (args.length == 1) {
- val ps = new ParseString(args(0)) with MiniMLParsers
- ps.all(ps.input) match {
- case Some((term, _)) =>
- "" + term + ": " + showType(term)
- case None =>
- "syntax error"
- }
- }
- else
- "usage: java examples.typeinf <expr-string>"
- )
- }