path: root/docs/man/man1/fsc.1
diff options
authorLukas Rytz <>2008-05-06 17:49:33 +0000
committerLukas Rytz <>2008-05-06 17:49:33 +0000
commitd3aec2477d50b18608201e13075ab104066cefec (patch)
tree1a7b5204ec27142dbdf82dd98a1455c46a85da72 /docs/man/man1/fsc.1
parent733eeaa6ce099b500796158885aeb0ecc151fb4b (diff)
changed directory structure of manpages
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/man/man1/fsc.1')
1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/man/man1/fsc.1 b/docs/man/man1/fsc.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b42952a6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/man/man1/fsc.1
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+.\" ##########################################################################
+.\" # __ #
+.\" # ________ ___ / / ___ Scala 2 On-line Manual Pages #
+.\" # / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2007, LAMP/EPFL #
+.\" # __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | #
+.\" # /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | #
+.\" # |/ #
+.\" ##########################################################################
+.\" Process this file with nroff -man scala.1
+.TH fsc 1 "January 18, 2007" "version 0.4" "USER COMMANDS"
+.\" ############################## NAME ###############################
+\fBfsc\fR \- Fast offline compiler for the Scala 2 language
+.\" ############################## SYNOPSIS ###############################
+\fBfsc\fR [ <\fIoptions\fR> ] <\fIsource files\fR>
+.\" ############################## PARAMETERS ###############################
+Command line options. See \fBOPTIONS\fR below.
+<\fIsource files\fR>
+One or more source files to be compiled (such as MyClass.scala).
+.\" ############################## OPTIONS ###############################
+The offline compiler supports all options of \fBscalac\fR plus the following:
+Reset compile server caches.
+Shut down the compilation daemon. The daemon attempts to restart itself as necessary, but sometimes an explicit shutdown is required. A common example is if jars on the class path have changed.
+\fB\-server\fR <\fIhostname:portnumber\fR>
+Specify compile server host at port number. Usually this option is not needed. Note that the hostname must be for a host that shares the same filesystem.
+\fB\-J\fR <\fIflag\fR>
+Pass <flag> directly to the Java VM for the compilation daemon.
+.\" ############################## DESCRIPTION ###############################
+The \fBfsc\fR tool submits Scala compilation jobs to a compilation daemon. The first time it is executed, the daemon is started automatically. On subsequent runs, the same daemon can be reused, thus resulting in a faster compilation. The tool is especially effective when repeatedly compiling with the same class paths, because the compilation daemon can reuse a compiler instance.
+The compilation daemon is smart enough to flush its cached compiler when the class path changes. However, if the contents of the class path change, for example due to upgrading a library, then the daemon should be explicitly shut down with \fB-shutdown\fR.
+Note that the \fBscala\fR script runner will also use the offline compiler by default, with the same advantages and caveats.
+.\" ############################## EXAMPLE ###############################
+The following session shows a typical speed up due to using the offline compiler.
+> fsc -verbose -d /tmp test.scala
+[Port number: 32834]
+[Starting new Scala compile server instance]
+[Classpath = ...]
+[loaded directory path ... in 692ms]
+[parsing test.scala]
+[total in 943ms]
+> fsc -verbose -d /tmp test.scala
+[Port number: 32834]
+[parsing test.scala]
+[total in 60ms]
+> fsc -verbose -d /tmp test.scala
+[Port number: 32834]
+[parsing test.scala]
+[total in 42ms]
+> fsc -verbose -shutdown
+[Scala compile server exited]
+.\" ############################## ENVIRONMENT ###############################
+Specify the \fBjava\fR command to be used for running the Scala code. Arguments may be specified as part of the environment variable; spaces, quotation marks, etc., will be passed directly to the shell for expansion.
+Specify the options to be passed to the \fBjava\fR command defined by \fBJAVACMD\fR.
+With Java 1.5 (or newer) one may for example configure the memory usage of the JVM as follows: JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512M -Xms16M -Xss16M"
+With GNU Java one may configure the memory usage of the GIJ as follows: JAVA_OPTS="--mx512m --ms16m"
+.\" ############################## EXIT STATUS ###############################
+\fBfsc\fR returns a zero exit status if it succeeds to compile the specified input files. Non zero is returned in case of failure.
+.\" ############################## AUTHOR ###############################
+Written by Martin Odersky and other members of the Scala team.
+.\" ############################## REPORTING BUGS ###############################
+Report bugs to <>.
+.\" ############################## COPYRIGHT ###############################
+This is open-source software, available to you under a BSD-like license. See accomponying "copyright" or "LICENSE" file for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+.\" ############################## SEE ALSO ###############################
+\fBsbaz\fR(1), \fBscala\fR(1), \fBscalac\fR(1), \fBscaladoc\fR(1), \fBscalap\fR(1)