path: root/project/Release.scala
diff options
authorJosh Suereth <>2012-04-03 11:36:07 -0400
committerJosh Suereth <>2012-04-03 11:36:07 -0400
commit4467438a58a3ce0342c1ab608b02b0f880c61aaf (patch)
tree24fbaa747309b4ea7eba029b9ccfafc62cd986ad /project/Release.scala
parent9894b2c9bcfe9cec0a6853b69148e0c8b5a2508d (diff)
Fixed up versioning scheme.
SBT build should now mimic ant build for versions.
Diffstat (limited to 'project/Release.scala')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/project/Release.scala b/project/Release.scala
index 5ed77548fc..1a17956c13 100644
--- a/project/Release.scala
+++ b/project/Release.scala
@@ -1,115 +1,15 @@
import sbt._
import Keys._
object Release {
- // TODO - move more of the dist project over here...
+ // TODO - Just make the STARR artifacts and dump the sha1 files.
lazy val pushStarr = Command.command("push-starr") { (state: State) =>
- def f(s: Setting[_]): Setting[_] = s.key.key match {
- case version.key => // TODO - use full version
- s.asInstanceOf[Setting[String]].mapInit( (_,_) => timeFormat format (new java.util.Date))
- case organization.key =>
- s.asInstanceOf[Setting[String]].mapInit( (_,_) => "org.scala-lang.bootstrapp")
- // TODO - Switch publish repo to be typesafe starr repo.
- case publishTo.key =>
- s.asInstanceOf[Setting[Option[Resolver]]].mapInit((_,_) => Some("Starr Repo" at ""))
- case _ => s
- }
- val extracted = Project.extract(state)
- import extracted._
- // Swap version on projects
- val transformed = session.mergeSettings map ( s => f(s) )
- val newStructure = Load.reapply(transformed, structure)
- val newState = Project.setProject(session, newStructure, state)
- // TODO - Run tasks. Specifically, push scala-compiler + scala-library. *Then* bump the STARR version locally.
- // The final course of this command should be:
- // publish-local
- // Project.evaluateTask(publishLocal, newState)
- // bump STARR version setting
- // TODO - Define Task
- // Rebuild quick + test to ensure it works
- // Project.evaluateTask(test, newState)
- // push STARR remotely
- Project.evaluateTask(publish, newState)
+ // TODO do something
// Revert to previous project state.
- Project.setProject(session, structure, state)
+ state
- // TODO - Autocomplete
- /*lazy val setStarrHome = Command.single("set-starr-home") { (state: State, homeDir: String) =>
- def f(s: Setting[_]): Setting[_] =
- if(s.key.key == scalaInstance.key) {
- s.asInstanceOf[Setting[ScalaInstance]] mapInit { (key, value) =>
- if(value.version == "starr")
- scalaInstance <<= appConfiguration map { app =>
- val launcher = app.provider.scalaProvider.launcher
- ScalaInstance("starr", new File(homeDir), launcher)
- }
- else value
- }
- } else s
- val extracted = Project.extract(state)
- import extracted._
- val transformed = session.mergeSettings map f
- val newStructure = Load.reapply(transformed, structure)
- Project.setProject(session, newStructure, state)
- }*/
- lazy val timeFormat = {
- val formatter = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss")
- formatter.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"))
- formatter
- }
- /** This generates a properties file, if it does not already exist, with the maximum lastmodified timestamp
- * of any source file. */
- def generatePropertiesFile(name: String)(baseDirectory: File, version: String, dir: File, git: GitRunner, s: TaskStreams): Seq[File] = {
- // TODO - We can probably clean this up by moving caching bits elsewhere perhaps....
- val target = dir / name
- // TODO - Regenerate on triggers, like recompilation or something...
- val fullVersion = makeFullVersionString(baseDirectory, version, git, s)
- def hasSameVersion: Boolean = {
- val props = new java.util.Properties
- val in = new
- try props.load(in) finally in.close()
- def withoutDate(s: String): String = s.reverse.dropWhile (_ != '.').reverse
- withoutDate(fullVersion) == withoutDate(props getProperty "version.number")
- }
- if (!target.exists || !hasSameVersion) {
- makePropertiesFile(target, fullVersion)
- }
- target :: Nil
- }
- // This creates the *.properties file used to determine the current version of scala at runtime. TODO - move these somewhere utility like.
- def makePropertiesFile(f: File, version: String): Unit =
- IO.write(f, "version.number = "+version+"\ncopyright.string = Copyright 2002-2011, LAMP/EPFL")
- def makeFullVersionString(baseDirectory: File, baseVersion: String, git: GitRunner, s: TaskStreams) = baseVersion+"."+getGitRevision(baseDirectory, git, currentDay, s)
- // TODO - do we want this in the build number?
- def currentDay = (new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss")) format (new java.util.Date)
- def getGitRevision(baseDirectory: File, git: GitRunner, date: String, s: TaskStreams) = {
- val mergeBase = {
- // TODO - Cache this value.
- // git("merge-base","v2.8.2","v2.9.1","master")(baseDirectory, s.log)
- "df13e31bbb"
- }
- // current commit sha
- val sha =
- git("rev-list", "-n", "1", "HEAD")(baseDirectory, s.log)
- val commits =
- git("--no-pager", "log", "--pretty=oneline", mergeBase +"..HEAD")(baseDirectory, s.log) split "[\r\n]+" size
- "rdev-%d-%s-g%s" format (commits, date, sha.substring(0,7))
- }