path: root/project/Versions.scala
diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2013-06-13 05:54:44 -0400
committerPaul Phillips <>2013-06-13 11:47:43 -0400
commit77bf3a09328709f702bc066fe93fc3e12cd64ba2 (patch)
treeee5f6b47e416b2a5c09cef0aa8ae4bdc42757599 /project/Versions.scala
parent5345eb27373953a3c171a7e2f9ff302db9045d33 (diff)
Removed sbt build.
Difficult though it may be to accept, it must go. We couldn't keep it working with active maintenance; after eight months of neglect there is no chance. Nobody is working on it or using it. The code will remain in the history if anyone wants it. One of the most annoying experiences one can have when building a new project is finding out one has been fiddling with an abandoned build system which isn't even expected to work. Sometimes I check out a scala project and there is a build.xml, a pom.xml, and a project directory. We should not be among those who sow such build confusion.
Diffstat (limited to 'project/Versions.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/project/Versions.scala b/project/Versions.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 57e274c15c..0000000000
--- a/project/Versions.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-import sbt._
-import Keys._
-import java.util.Properties
-import scala.util.control.Exception.catching
-import java.lang.{NumberFormatException => NFE}
-import com.jsuereth.git.GitRunner
-import com.jsuereth.git.GitKeys.gitRunner
-case class VersionInfo(canonical: String,
- maven: String,
- osgi: String)
-/** this file is responsible for setting up Scala versioning schemes and updating all the necessary bits. */
-object Versions {
- val buildNumberFile = SettingKey[File]("scala-build-number-file")
- // TODO - Make this a setting?
- val buildNumberProps = SettingKey[BaseBuildNumber]("scala-build-number-props")
- val buildRelease = SettingKey[Boolean]("scala-build-release", "This is set to true if we're building a release.")
- val mavenSuffix = SettingKey[String]("scala-maven-suffix", "This is set to whatever maven suffix is required.")
- val gitSha = TaskKey[String]("scala-git-sha", "The sha of the current git commit.")
- val gitDate = TaskKey[String]("scala-git-date", "The date of the current git commit.")
- val mavenVersion = SettingKey[String]("scala-maven-version", "The maven version number.")
- val osgiVersion = TaskKey[String]("scala-osgi-version", "The OSGi version number.")
- val canonicalVersion = TaskKey[String]("scala-canonical-version", "The canonical version number.")
- val scalaVersions = TaskKey[VersionInfo]("scala-version-info", "The scala versions used for this build.")
- def settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
- buildNumberFile <<= baseDirectory apply (_ / "build.number"),
- buildNumberProps <<= buildNumberFile apply loadBuildNumberProps,
- buildRelease := Option(System.getProperty("build.release")) map (!_.isEmpty) getOrElse false,
- mavenSuffix <<= buildRelease apply pickMavenSuffix,
- mavenVersion <<= (buildNumberProps, mavenSuffix) apply makeMavenVersion,
- gitSha <<= (gitRunner, baseDirectory, streams) map getGitSha,
- gitDate <<= (gitRunner, baseDirectory, streams) map getGitDate,
- osgiVersion <<= (buildNumberProps, gitDate, gitSha) map makeOsgiVersion,
- canonicalVersion <<= (buildRelease, mavenVersion, buildNumberProps, gitDate, gitSha) map makeCanonicalVersion,
- scalaVersions <<= (canonicalVersion, mavenVersion, osgiVersion) map VersionInfo.apply
- )
- /** This generates a properties file, if it does not already exist, with the maximum lastmodified timestamp
- * of any source file. */
- def generateVersionPropertiesFile(name: String)(dir: File, versions: VersionInfo, skip: Boolean, s: TaskStreams): Seq[File] = {
- // TODO - We can probably clean this up by moving caching bits elsewhere perhaps....
- val target = dir / name
- // TODO - Regenerate on triggers, like recompilation or something...
- def hasSameVersion: Boolean = {
- val props = new java.util.Properties
- val in = new
- try props.load(in) finally in.close()
- versions.canonical == (props getProperty "version.number")
- }
- if (!target.exists || !(skip || hasSameVersion)) {
- makeVersionPropertiesFile(target, versions)
- }
- target :: Nil
- }
- // This creates the *.properties file used to determine the current version of scala at runtime. TODO - move these somewhere utility like.
- def makeVersionPropertiesFile(f: File, versions: VersionInfo): Unit =
- IO.write(f, "version.number = "+versions.canonical+"\n"+
- "osgi.number = "+versions.osgi+"\n"+
- "maven.number = "+versions.maven+"\n"+
- "copyright.string = Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL")
- def makeCanonicalVersion(isRelease: Boolean, mvnVersion: String, base: BaseBuildNumber, gitDate: String, gitSha: String): String =
- if(isRelease) mvnVersion
- else {
- val suffix = if(base.bnum > 0) "-%d".format(base.bnum) else ""
- "%s.%s.%s%s-%s-%s" format (base.major, base.minor, base.patch, suffix, gitDate, gitSha)
- }
- def makeMavenVersion(base: BaseBuildNumber, suffix: String): String = {
- val firstSuffix = if(base.bnum > 0) "-%d".format(base.bnum) else ""
- "%d.%d.%d%s%s" format (base.major, base.minor, base.patch, firstSuffix, suffix)
- }
- def makeOsgiVersion(base: BaseBuildNumber, gitDate: String, gitSha: String): String = {
- val suffix = if(base.bnum > 0) "-%d".format(base.bnum) else ""
- "%s.%s.%s.v%s%s-%s" format (base.major, base.minor, base.patch, gitDate, suffix, gitSha)
- }
- /** Determines what the maven sufffix should be for this build. */
- def pickMavenSuffix(isRelease: Boolean): String = {
- def default = if(isRelease) "" else "-SNAPSHOT"
- Option(System.getProperty("maven.version.suffix")) getOrElse default
- }
- /** Loads the build.number properties file into SBT. */
- def loadBuildNumberProps(file: File): BaseBuildNumber = {
- val fin = new FileInputStream(file)
- try {
- val props = new Properties()
- props.load(fin)
- def getProp(name: String): Int =
- (for {
- v <- Option(props.getProperty(name))
- v2 <- catching(classOf[NFE]) opt v.toInt
- } yield v2) getOrElse sys.error("Could not convert %s to integer!" format (name))
- BaseBuildNumber(
- major=getProp("version.major"),
- minor=getProp("version.minor"),
- patch=getProp("version.patch"),
- bnum =getProp("version.bnum")
- )
- } finally fin.close()
- }
- def getGitDate(git: GitRunner, baseDirectory: File, s: TaskStreams): String = {
- val lines = getGitLines("log","-1","--format=\"%ci\"")(git,baseDirectory, s)
- val line = if(lines.isEmpty) sys.error("Could not retreive git commit sha!") else lines.head
- // Lines *always* start with " for some reason...
- line drop 1 split "\\s+" match {
- case Array(date, time, _*) => "%s-%s" format (date.replaceAll("\\-", ""), time.replaceAll(":",""))
- case _ => sys.error("Could not parse git date: " + line)
- }
- }
- def getGitSha(git: GitRunner, baseDirectory: File, s: TaskStreams): String = {
- val lines = getGitLines("log","-1","--format=\"%H\"", "HEAD")(git,baseDirectory, s)
- val line = if(lines.isEmpty) sys.error("Could not retreive git commit sha!") else lines.head
- val noquote = if(line startsWith "\"") line drop 1 else line
- val nog = if(noquote startsWith "g") noquote drop 1 else noquote
- nog take 10
- }
- def getGitLines(args: String*)(git: GitRunner, baseDirectory: File, s: TaskStreams): Seq[String] =
- git(args: _*)(baseDirectory, s.log) split "[\r\n]+"
-case class BaseBuildNumber(major: Int, minor: Int, patch: Int, bnum: Int) {
- override def toString = "BaseBuildNumber(%d.%d.%d-%d)" format (major, minor, patch, bnum)