path: root/project
diff options
authorJason Zaugg <>2013-05-17 17:01:20 +0200
committerPaul Phillips <>2013-05-17 11:16:39 -0700
commitb7c352a57f65458c66c78a368f75aaaa4a08e443 (patch)
tree4b2b7fcea439948c5de65b05a392091a66eea0a4 /project
parent4f8c306aca703c63282295c9f74f0cb35f9f85d4 (diff)
parentbe405eed9bef9736f0142d6ddf53b6bf8af08696 (diff)
Merge v2.10.1-326-g4f8c306' into merge/v2.10.1-326-g4f8c306-to-master
================================================================ Merge commit 'v2.10.1-326-g4f8c306' into merge/v2.10.1-326-g4f8c306-to-master Conflicts: src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/SuperAccessors.scala src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala ================================================================ Merge -s ours 4e64a27 ([nomaster commit range]) ================================================================ Merge commit '0ae7e55' into merge/v2.10.1-326-g4f8c306-to-master Conflicts: src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Macros.scala
Diffstat (limited to 'project')
7 files changed, 34 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/project/Build.scala b/project/Build.scala
index a50a572d54..efa8a7a038 100644
--- a/project/Build.scala
+++ b/project/Build.scala
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
override lazy val settings = super.settings ++ Versions.settings ++ Seq(
autoScalaLibrary := false,
resolvers += Resolver.url(
- "Typesafe nightlies",
+ "Typesafe nightlies",
resolvers ++= Seq(
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
organization := "org.scala-lang",
version <<= Versions.mavenVersion,
pomExtra := epflPomExtra
- )
+ )
// Collections of projects to run 'compile' on.
- lazy val compiledProjects = Seq(quickLib, quickComp, continuationsLibrary, actors, swing, forkjoin, fjbg)
+ lazy val compiledProjects = Seq(quickLib, quickComp, continuationsLibrary, actors, swing, forkjoin)
// Collection of projects to 'package' and 'publish' together.
lazy val packagedBinaryProjects = Seq(scalaLibrary, scalaCompiler, swing, actors, continuationsPlugin, jline, scalap)
lazy val partestRunProjects = Seq(testsuite, continuationsTestsuite)
private def epflPomExtra = (
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
// Settings used to make sure publishing goes smoothly.
def publishSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
ivyScala ~= ((is: Option[IvyScala]) => = false))),
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
makeExplodedDist <<= (makeExplodedDist in scaladist).identity,
// Note: We override unmanagedSources so that ~ compile will look at all these sources, then run our aggregated compile...
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile <<= baseDirectory apply (_ / "src") apply { dir =>
- Seq("library/scala","actors","compiler","fjbg","swing","continuations/library","forkjoin") map (dir / _)
+ Seq("library/scala","actors","compiler","swing","continuations/library","forkjoin") map (dir / _)
// TODO - Make exported products == makeDist so we can use this when creating a *real* distribution.
commands += Release.pushStarr
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
lazy val aaa_root = Project("scala", file(".")) settings(projectSettings: _*) settings(ShaResolve.settings: _*)
// External dependencies used for various projects
- lazy val externalDeps: Setting[_] = libraryDependencies <<= (sbtVersion)(v =>
+ lazy val externalDeps: Setting[_] = libraryDependencies <<= (sbtVersion)(v =>
"org.apache.ant" % "ant" % "1.8.2",
"org.scala-sbt" % "compiler-interface" % v % "provided"
@@ -132,9 +132,7 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
// Jline nested project. Compile this sucker once and be done.
lazy val jline = Project("jline", file("src/jline"))
- // Fast Java Bytecode Generator (nested in every scala-compiler.jar)
- lazy val fjbg = Project("fjbg", file(".")) settings(settingOverrides : _*)
- // Our wrapped version of msil.
+ // Our wrapped version of asm.
lazy val asm = Project("asm", file(".")) settings(settingOverrides : _*)
// Forkjoin backport
lazy val forkjoin = Project("forkjoin", file(".")) settings(settingOverrides : _*)
@@ -175,9 +173,9 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Projects dependent on layered compilation (quick)
// --------------------------------------------------------------
- def addCheaterDependency(projectName: String): Setting[_] =
- pomPostProcess <<= (version, organization, pomPostProcess) apply { (v,o,k) =>
- val dependency: scala.xml.Node =
+ def addCheaterDependency(projectName: String): Setting[_] =
+ pomPostProcess <<= (version, organization, pomPostProcess) apply { (v,o,k) =>
+ val dependency: scala.xml.Node =
@@ -193,10 +191,10 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
case n: scala.xml.Elem if n.label == "dependencies" => n
} isEmpty)
// TODO - Keep namespace on project...
- k andThen {
+ k andThen {
case n @ <project>{ nested@_*}</project> if hasDependencies(n) =>
<project xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">{nested}<dependencies>{dependency}</dependencies></project>
- case <project>{ nested@_*}</project> =>
+ case <project>{ nested@_*}</project> =>
<project xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">{ nested map fixDependencies }</project>
@@ -205,7 +203,7 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
lazy val dependentProjectSettings = settingOverrides ++ Seq(quickScalaInstance, quickScalaLibraryDependency, addCheaterDependency("scala-library"))
lazy val actors = Project("scala-actors", file(".")) settings(dependentProjectSettings:_*) dependsOn(forkjoin % "provided")
lazy val swing = Project("scala-swing", file(".")) settings(dependentProjectSettings:_*) dependsOn(actors % "provided")
- // This project will generate man pages (in man1 and html) for scala.
+ // This project will generate man pages (in man1 and html) for scala.
lazy val manmakerSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = dependentProjectSettings :+ externalDeps
lazy val manmaker = Project("manual", file(".")) settings(manmakerSettings:_*)
@@ -234,7 +232,7 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
lazy val continuationsPlugin = Project("continuations-plugin", file(".")) settings(continuationsPluginSettings:_*)
lazy val continuationsLibrarySettings = dependentProjectSettings ++ Seq(
scalaSource in Compile <<= baseDirectory(_ / "src/continuations/library/"),
- scalacOptions in Compile <++= (exportedProducts in Compile in continuationsPlugin) map {
+ scalacOptions in Compile <++= (exportedProducts in Compile in continuationsPlugin) map {
case Seq(cpDir) => Seq("-Xplugin-require:continuations", "-P:continuations:enable", "-Xplugin:"
@@ -283,7 +281,7 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Real Compiler Artifact
// --------------------------------------------------------------
- lazy val packageScalaBinTask = Seq(quickComp, fjbg, asm).map(p => products in p in Compile)
+ lazy val packageScalaBinTask = Seq(quickComp, asm).map(p => products in p in Compile)
lazy val scalaBinArtifactSettings : Seq[Setting[_]] = inConfig(Compile)(Defaults.packageTasks(packageBin, packageScalaBinTask)) ++ Seq(
name := "scala-compiler",
crossPaths := false,
@@ -297,11 +295,11 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
lazy val scalaCompiler = Project("scala-compiler", file(".")) settings(publishSettings:_*) settings(scalaBinArtifactSettings:_*) dependsOn(scalaReflect)
lazy val fullQuickScalaReference = makeScalaReference("pack", scalaLibrary, scalaReflect, scalaCompiler)
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Generating Documentation.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO - Migrate this into the dist project.
// Scaladocs
lazy val documentationSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = dependentProjectSettings ++ Seq(
@@ -331,6 +329,6 @@ object ScalaBuild extends Build with Layers with Packaging with Testing {
lazy val documentation = (
Project("documentation", file("."))
settings (documentationSettings: _*)
- dependsOn(quickLib, quickComp, actors, fjbg, forkjoin, swing, continuationsLibrary)
+ dependsOn(quickLib, quickComp, actors, forkjoin, swing, continuationsLibrary)
diff --git a/project/Layers.scala b/project/Layers.scala
index 35cc79c130..6c939d0ff7 100644
--- a/project/Layers.scala
+++ b/project/Layers.scala
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ trait Layers extends Build {
def jline: Project
/** Reference to forkjoin library */
def forkjoin: Project
- /** Reference to Fast-Java-Bytecode-Generator library */
- def fjbg: Project
/** Reference to the ASM wrapped project. */
def asm: Project
/** A setting that adds some external dependencies. */
@@ -23,7 +21,7 @@ trait Layers extends Build {
def aaa_root: Project
/** Creates a reference Scala version that can be used to build other projects. This takes in the raw
- * library, compiler and fjbg libraries as well as a string representing the layer name (used for compiling the compile-interface).
+ * library, compiler as well as a string representing the layer name (used for compiling the compile-interface).
def makeScalaReference(layer: String, library: Project, reflect: Project, compiler: Project) =
scalaInstance <<= (appConfiguration in library,
@@ -31,10 +29,9 @@ trait Layers extends Build {
(exportedProducts in library in Compile),
(exportedProducts in reflect in Compile),
(exportedProducts in compiler in Compile),
- (exportedProducts in fjbg in Compile),
(fullClasspath in jline in Runtime),
(exportedProducts in asm in Runtime)) map {
- (app, version: String, lib: Classpath, reflect: Classpath, comp: Classpath, fjbg: Classpath, jline: Classpath, asm: Classpath) =>
+ (app, version: String, lib: Classpath, reflect: Classpath, comp: Classpath, jline: Classpath, asm: Classpath) =>
val launcher = app.provider.scalaProvider.launcher
(lib,comp) match {
case (Seq(libraryJar), Seq(compilerJar)) =>
@@ -43,14 +40,14 @@ trait Layers extends Build {,,
- ((fjbg.files ++ jline.files ++ asm.files ++ reflect.files):_*))
+ ((jline.files ++ asm.files ++ reflect.files):_*))
case _ => error("Cannot build a ScalaReference with more than one classpath element")
/** Creates a "layer" of Scala compilation. That is, this will build the next version of Scala from a previous version.
* Returns the library project and compiler project from the next layer.
- * Note: The library and compiler are not *complete* in the sense that they are missing things like "actors" and "fjbg".
+ * Note: The library and compiler are not *complete* in the sense that they are missing things like "actors".
def makeLayer(layer: String, referenceScala: Setting[Task[ScalaInstance]], autoLock: Boolean = false) : (Project, Project, Project) = {
val autoLockSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] =
@@ -96,7 +93,6 @@ trait Layers extends Build {
version := layer,
scalaSource in Compile <<= (baseDirectory) apply (_ / "src" / "compiler"),
resourceDirectory in Compile <<= baseDirectory apply (_ / "src" / "compiler"),
- unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile <+= (baseDirectory) apply (_ / "src" / "msil"),
defaultExcludes := ("tests"),
defaultExcludes in unmanagedResources := "*.scala",
resourceGenerators in Compile <+= (resourceManaged, Versions.scalaVersions, skip in Compile, streams) map Versions.generateVersionPropertiesFile(""),
@@ -108,7 +104,7 @@ trait Layers extends Build {
dirs.descendentsExcept( ("*.xml" | "*.html" | "*.gif" | "*.png" | "*.js" | "*.css" | "*.tmpl" | "*.swf" | "*.properties" | "*.txt"),"*.scala").get
// TODO - Use depends on *and* SBT's magic dependency mechanisms...
- unmanagedClasspath in Compile <<= Seq(forkjoin, library, reflect, fjbg, jline, asm).map(exportedProducts in Compile in _),
+ unmanagedClasspath in Compile <<= Seq(forkjoin, library, reflect, jline, asm).map(exportedProducts in Compile in _),
diff --git a/project/Packaging.scala b/project/Packaging.scala
index eb4e69f99e..b0060283ac 100644
--- a/project/Packaging.scala
+++ b/project/Packaging.scala
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ trait Packaging { self: ScalaBuild.type =>
genBin <<= genBinTask(genBinRunner, binDir, fullClasspath in Runtime, false),
binDir in genBinQuick <<= baseDirectory apply (_ / "target" / "bin"),
// Configure the classpath this way to avoid having .jar files and previous layers on the classpath.
- fullClasspath in Runtime in genBinQuick <<= Seq(quickComp,quickLib,scalap,actors,swing,fjbg,jline,forkjoin).map(classDirectory in Compile in _),
+ fullClasspath in Runtime in genBinQuick <<= Seq(quickComp,quickLib,scalap,actors,swing,jline,forkjoin).map(classDirectory in Compile in _),
fullClasspath in Runtime in genBinQuick <++= (fullClasspath in Compile in jline),
genBinQuick <<= genBinTask(genBinRunner, binDir in genBinQuick, fullClasspath in Runtime in genBinQuick, true),
runManmakerMan <<= runManmakerTask(fullClasspath in Runtime in manmaker, runner in manmaker, "", "man1", ".1"),
runManmakerHtml <<= runManmakerTask(fullClasspath in Runtime in manmaker, runner in manmaker, "", "doc", ".html"),
- // TODO - We could *really* clean this up in many ways. Let's look into making a a Seq of "direct jars" (scalaLibrary, scalaCompiler, jline, scalap)
+ // TODO - We could *really* clean this up in many ways. Let's look into making a Seq of "direct jars" (scalaLibrary, scalaCompiler, jline, scalap)
// a seq of "plugin jars" (continuationsPlugin) and "binaries" (genBin) and "documentation" mappings (genBin) that this can aggregate.
// really need to figure out a better way to pull jline + jansi.
makeDistMappings <<= (genBin,
diff --git a/project/Partest.scala b/project/Partest.scala
index fbb0a2a980..2ea41ba80b 100644
--- a/project/Partest.scala
+++ b/project/Partest.scala
@@ -33,11 +33,10 @@ object partest {
// What's fun here is that we want "*.scala" files *and* directories in the base directory...
def partestResources(base: File, testType: String): PathFinder = testType match {
case "res" => base ** "*.res"
- case "buildmanager" => base * "*"
// TODO - Only allow directories that have "*.scala" children...
case _ => base * "*" filter { f => !f.getName.endsWith(".obj") && (f.isDirectory || f.getName.endsWith(".scala")) }
- lazy val partestTestTypes = Seq("run", "jvm", "pos", "neg", "buildmanager", "res", "shootout", "scalap", "specialized", "presentation", "scalacheck")
+ lazy val partestTestTypes = Seq("run", "jvm", "pos", "neg", "res", "shootout", "scalap", "specialized", "presentation", "scalacheck")
// TODO - Figure out how to specify only a subset of resources...
def partestTestsTask(testDirs: ScopedSetting[Map[String,File]]): Project.Initialize[Task[Map[String, Seq[File]]]] =
diff --git a/project/ShaResolve.scala b/project/ShaResolve.scala
index cea2b2d6cc..e5b25a29cf 100644
--- a/project/ShaResolve.scala
+++ b/project/ShaResolve.scala
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ object ShaResolve {
def parseShaFile(file: File): (File, String) ="\\s") match {
case Array(sha, filename) if filename.startsWith("?") => (new File(file.getParentFile, filename.drop(1)), sha)
+ case Array(sha, filename) if filename.startsWith("*") => (new File(file.getParentFile, filename.drop(1)), sha)
case Array(sha, filename) => (new File(file.getParentFile, filename), sha)
case _ => error(file.getAbsolutePath + " is an invalid sha file")
diff --git a/project/Testing.scala b/project/Testing.scala
index 5de72116a3..5b4135a31a 100644
--- a/project/Testing.scala
+++ b/project/Testing.scala
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ trait Testing { self: ScalaBuild.type =>
autoScalaLibrary := false
lazy val continuationsTestsuiteSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = testsuiteSettings ++ Seq(
- scalacOptions in Test <++= (exportedProducts in Compile in continuationsPlugin) map {
+ scalacOptions in Test <++= (exportedProducts in Compile in continuationsPlugin) map {
case Seq(cpDir) => Seq("-Xplugin-require:continuations", "-P:continuations:enable", "-Xplugin:"
partestDirs <<= baseDirectory apply { bd =>
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ trait Testing { self: ScalaBuild.type =>
val testsuite = (
- Project("testsuite", file("."))
+ Project("testsuite", file("."))
settings (testsuiteSettings:_*)
- dependsOn (scalaLibrary, scalaCompiler, fjbg, partest, scalacheck)
+ dependsOn (scalaLibrary, scalaCompiler, partest, scalacheck)
val continuationsTestsuite = (
Project("continuations-testsuite", file("."))
- settings (continuationsTestsuiteSettings:_*)
- dependsOn (partest, scalaLibrary, scalaCompiler, fjbg)
+ settings (continuationsTestsuiteSettings:_*)
+ dependsOn (partest, scalaLibrary, scalaCompiler)
diff --git a/project/project/Build.scala b/project/project/Build.scala
index 902e8b0fb3..d3a08b62ba 100644
--- a/project/project/Build.scala
+++ b/project/project/Build.scala
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ object PluginDef extends Build {
override def projects = Seq(root)
lazy val root = Project("plugins", file(".")) dependsOn(proguard, git)
lazy val proguard = uri("git://")
- lazy val git = uri("git://")
+ lazy val git = uri("git://")