path: root/
diff options
authorAdriaan Moors <>2013-07-15 23:18:13 -0700
committerAdriaan Moors <>2013-07-15 23:18:13 -0700
commitb1c9e74ed56889b03a6b401173be7ba8f3e691f2 (patch)
treeed8f9d53d82b7a5bca435955b06c8d0e9a4078a0 /
parent662baa51b5476bcaf344ac0e5589a1ea4a9f034c (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f4b9534a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+layout: default
+title: Pull Request Policy
+Hi there, pull request submitter!
+Your pull request should:
+ - (... have been discussed on scala-internals)
+ - merge cleanly
+ - consist of commits with impeccable commit messages
+ - [conventions](
+ - for a bug fix, the title must look like "SI-NNNN - don't crash when moon is in wrong phase"
+ - overall, think of the first line of the commit as a description of the action performed by the commit on the code base, so use the present tense -- that also makes them easy to reuse in release notes
+ - backports should be tagged as [backport], it's also nice to mention this when a commit purely refactors and is not intended to change behaviour
+ - come with tests (included in the same commit as the functional change), or explain in detail why it cannot be tested (discuss this on scala-internals first). The tests itself should:
+ - be minimal, deterministic, stable (unaffected by irrelevant changes), easy to understand and review
+ - have minimal dependencies: a compiler bug should not depend on, e.g. the Scala library
+ - typically fail before your fix is applied (so we see that you are fixing a legitimate bug) and should obviously pass after your fix
+ - pass the test suite (checked automatically by the build bot, run `ant test-opt` locally to verify)
+ - if the build fails, the request will be closed without further ado
+ you may not push new commits to fix the problem
+ a commit is considered a unit of useful change and must thus pass the test suite
+ (this way we stand a chance running git bisect later)
+ - be assigned to one or more reviewers (if you're not sure, see the list below or contact scala-internals)
+ - get the green light from the reviewer ("LGTM" -- looks good to me)
+ - review feedback may be addressed by pushing new commits to the request,
+ if these commits stand on their own
+Once all these conditions are met, and we agree with the change
+(we are available on scala-internals to discuss this beforehand),
+we will merge your changes.
+Please note: you are responsible for meeting these criteria (reminding your reviewer, for example).
+### Pull request bot mechanics
+* most of this will be automated, but in the mean time, please consider the following:
+ * when you push new commits, please delete the comments with the old build results to avoid confusion (this will also trigger a new build, even though the bot detects this automatically)
+ * label the issue corresponding to your pull request (if you have permission) as 'tested' when the bot has reported on a successful build, 'reviewed' when everyone has LGTM'd
+ * 'PLS REBUILD ALL' will force the bot to rebuild (handy for spurious failures)
+### List of reviewers by area:
+* library: @phaller (Philipp Haller), @axel22 (Aleksander Prokopec -- concurrent & collection)
+* specialisation: @axel22 (Aleksander Prokopec), @vladureche (Vlad Ureche), @dragos (Iulian Dragos)
+* named / default args, annotations, plugins: @lrytz (Lukas Rytz)
+* macros, reflection, manifests, string interpolation: @xeno-by (Eugene Burmako), @cvogt (Christopher Vogt)
+* type checker, inference: @odersky (Martin Odersky), @adriaanm (Adriaan Moors)
+* Language specification, value classes: @odersky (Martin Odersky)
+* new pattern matcher, implicit search: @adriaanm (Adriaan Moors)
+* partest, Continuations Plugin: @phaller (Philipp Haller)
+* error handling, lazy vals: @hubertp (Hubert Plociniczak)
+* backend: @magarciaEPFL (Miguel Garcia), @gkossakowski (Grzegorz Kossakowski), @dragos (Iulian Dragos)
+* repl, compiler performance: @paulp (Paul Phillips)
+* swing: @ingoem (Ingo Maier)
+* scaladoc: @vladureche (Vlad Ureche)
+* optimizer: @vladureche (Vlad Ureche), @magarciaEPFL (Miguel Garcia)
+* build: @jsuereth (Josh Suereth)
+* random compiler bugs: @lrytz, @adriaanm, @hubertp
+* documentation: @heathermiller (Heather Miller)
+* cps: @TiarkRompf (Tiark Rompf)