path: root/sources/scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/MarkupParsers.scala
diff options
authorBurak Emir <>2005-11-03 15:06:02 +0000
committerBurak Emir <>2005-11-03 15:06:02 +0000
commite2bffd2133a3af96028bab2f90d9cea1c24bae05 (patch)
tree7cf175a0a5e36196910cb3efe2b3133cc4f8a8ff /sources/scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/MarkupParsers.scala
parent6df648d4035a433afae83188956f1ae359dbddf2 (diff)
reactivate xml literal parsing
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/MarkupParsers.scala')
1 files changed, 583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/MarkupParsers.scala b/sources/scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/MarkupParsers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe43e39398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/MarkupParsers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author buraq
+ */
+// $Id$
+//import java.lang.{Integer, Long, Float, Double};
+//import scalac._;
+//import scalac.ast._;
+//import scalac.atree.AConstant;
+//import scalac.symtab.Modifiers;
+import scala.Iterator;
+import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap ;
+import scala.collection.mutable;
+import scala.xml.{Text,TextBuffer};
+trait MarkupParsers: SyntaxAnalyzer {
+ import global._ ;
+ import posAssigner.atPos;
+class MarkupParser(unit: CompilationUnit, s: Scanner, p: Parser, presWS: boolean) /*with scala.xml.parsing.MarkupParser[Tree,Tree] */{
+ import Tokens.{EMPTY, LBRACE, RBRACE};
+ final val preserveWS = presWS;
+ import p.{symbXMLBuilder => handle};
+ import s.token;
+ /** the XML tree factory */
+ //final val handle: SymbolicXMLBuilder = p.symbXMLBuilder;
+ //new SymbolicXMLBuilder(,, p, presWS);
+ /** holds the position in the source file */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ var pos: Int = _;
+ /** holds temporary values of pos */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ var tmppos: Int = _;
+ /** holds the next character */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ var ch: Char = _;
+ /** character buffer, for names */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ protected val cbuf = new StringBuffer();
+ /** append Unicode character to name buffer*/
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ protected def putChar(c: char) = cbuf.append( c );
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ var xEmbeddedBlock = false;
+ /** munch expected XML token, report syntax error for unexpected */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xToken(that: Char): Unit = {
+ if( ch == that )
+ nextch;
+ else
+ reportSyntaxError("'" + that + "' expected instead of '" + ch + "'");
+ }
+ var debugLastStartElement = new mutable.Stack[Pair[Int,String]];
+ /** checks whether next character starts a Scala block, if yes, skip it.
+ * @return true if next character starts a scala block
+ */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xCheckEmbeddedBlock:Boolean = {
+ xEmbeddedBlock =
+ enableEmbeddedExpressions && ( ch == '{' ) && { nextch;( ch != '{' ) };
+ return xEmbeddedBlock;
+ }
+ /** parse attribute and add it to listmap
+ * [41] Attributes ::= { S Name Eq AttValue }
+ * AttValue ::= `'` { _ } `'`
+ * | `"` { _ } `"`
+ * | `{` scalablock `}`
+ */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xAttributes = {
+ var aMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, Tree]();
+ while (xml.Parsing.isNameStart(ch)) {
+ val key = xName;
+ xEQ;
+ val delim = ch;
+ val pos1 = pos;
+ val value: /* AttribValue[*/Tree/*]*/ = ch match {
+ case '"' | '\'' =>
+ nextch;
+ val tmp = xAttributeValue( delim );
+ nextch;
+ Literal(Constant(tmp));
+ case '{' if enableEmbeddedExpressions =>
+ nextch;
+ xEmbeddedExpr;
+ case _ =>
+ reportSyntaxError( "' or \" delimited attribute value or '{' scala-expr '}' expected" );
+ Literal(Constant("<syntax-error>"))
+ };
+ // well-formedness constraint: unique attribute names
+ if( aMap.contains( key ))
+ reportSyntaxError( "attribute "+key+" may only be defined once" );
+ aMap.update( key, value );
+ if(( ch != '/' )&&( ch != '>' ))
+ xSpace;
+ };
+ aMap
+ }
+ /** attribute value, terminated by either ' or ". value may not contain <.
+ * @param endch either ' or "
+ */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xAttributeValue(endCh: char): String = {
+ while (ch != endCh) {
+ putChar(ch);
+ nextch;
+ };
+ val str = cbuf.toString();
+ cbuf.setLength(0);
+ // @todo: normalize attribute value
+ // well-formedness constraint
+ if (str.indexOf('<') != -1) {
+ reportSyntaxError( "'<' not allowed in attrib value" ); ""
+ } else {
+ str
+ }
+ }
+ /** parse a start or empty tag.
+ * [40] STag ::= '<' Name { S Attribute } [S]
+ * [44] EmptyElemTag ::= '<' Name { S Attribute } [S]
+ */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xTag: Pair[String, mutable.Map[String, Tree]] = {
+ val elemName = xName;
+ xSpaceOpt;
+ val aMap = if (xml.Parsing.isNameStart(ch)) {
+ xAttributes;
+ } else {
+ new mutable.HashMap[String, Tree]();
+ }
+ Tuple2( elemName, aMap );
+ }
+ /* [42] '<' xmlEndTag ::= '<' '/' Name S? '>' */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xEndTag(n: String) = {
+ xToken('/');
+ val m = xName;
+ if(n != m) reportSyntaxError( "expected closing tag of " + n/* +", not "+m*/);
+ xSpaceOpt;
+ xToken('>')
+ }
+ /** '<! CharData ::= [CDATA[ ( {char} - {char}"]]>"{char} ) ']]>'
+ *
+ * see [15]
+ */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xCharData: Tree = {
+ xToken('[');
+ xToken('C');
+ xToken('D');
+ xToken('A');
+ xToken('T');
+ xToken('A');
+ xToken('[');
+ val pos1 = pos;
+ val sb:StringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
+ while (true) {
+ if (ch==']' &&
+ { sb.append( ch ); nextch; ch == ']' } &&
+ { sb.append( ch ); nextch; ch == '>' } ) {
+ sb.setLength( sb.length() - 2 );
+ nextch;
+ return handle.charData( pos1, sb.toString() );
+ } else sb.append( ch );
+ nextch;
+ }
+ Predef.error("this cannot happen");
+ };
+ /** CharRef ::= "&#" '0'..'9' {'0'..'9'} ";"
+ * | "&#x" '0'..'9'|'A'..'F'|'a'..'f' { hexdigit } ";"
+ *
+ * see [66]
+ */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xCharRef:String = {
+ val hex = ( ch == 'x' ) && { nextch; true };
+ val base = if (hex) 16 else 10;
+ var i = 0;
+ while (ch != ';') {
+ ch match {
+ case '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' =>
+ i = i * base + Character.digit( ch, base );
+ case 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f'
+ | 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' =>
+ if( !hex )
+ reportSyntaxError("hex char not allowed in decimal char ref\n"
+ +"Did you mean to write &#x ?");
+ else
+ i = i * base + Character.digit( ch, base );
+ case _ =>
+ reportSyntaxError("character '"+ch+" not allowed in char ref\n");
+ }
+ nextch;
+ }
+ new String(Predef.Array(i.asInstanceOf[char]))
+ }
+/** Comment ::= '<!--' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->'
+ *
+ * see [15]
+ */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xComment: Tree = {
+ val sb:StringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
+ xToken('-');
+ xToken('-');
+ while (true) {
+ if( ch=='-' && { sb.append( ch ); nextch; ch == '-' } ) {
+ sb.setLength( sb.length() - 1 );
+ nextch;
+ xToken('>');
+ return handle.comment( pos, sb.toString() );
+ } else sb.append( ch );
+ nextch;
+ }
+ Predef.error("this cannot happen");
+ };
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def appendText(pos: int, ts:mutable.Buffer[Tree], txt:String):Unit = {
+ if( !preserveWS )
+ for( val t <- TextBuffer.fromString( txt ).toText ) {
+ ts.append( handle.text( pos, t.text ) );
+ }
+ else
+ ts.append( handle.text( pos, txt ));
+ }
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def content: mutable.Buffer[Tree] = {
+ var ts = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Tree];
+ var exit = false;
+ while( !exit ) {
+ if( xEmbeddedBlock ) {
+ ts.append( xEmbeddedExpr );
+ } else {
+ tmppos = pos;
+ ch match {
+ case '<' => // another tag
+ nextch;
+ ch match {
+ case '/' =>
+ exit = true; // end tag
+ case '!' =>
+ nextch;
+ if( '[' == ch ) // CDATA
+ ts.append( xCharData );
+ else // comment
+ ts.append( xComment );
+ case '?' => // PI
+ nextch;
+ ts.append( xProcInstr );
+ case _ =>
+ ts.append( element ); // child
+ }
+ case '{' =>
+ if( xCheckEmbeddedBlock ) {
+ ts.append(xEmbeddedExpr);
+ } else {
+ val str = new StringBuffer("{");
+ str.append( xText );
+ appendText(tmppos, ts, str.toString());
+ }
+ // postcond: xEmbeddedBlock == false!
+ case '&' => // EntityRef or CharRef
+ nextch;
+ ch match {
+ case '#' => // CharacterRef
+ nextch;
+ val theChar = handle.text( tmppos, xCharRef );
+ xToken(';');
+ ts.append( theChar );
+ case _ => // EntityRef
+ val n = xName ;
+ xToken(';');
+ ts.append( handle.entityRef( tmppos, n ) );
+ }
+ case _ => // text content
+ appendText(tmppos, ts, xText);
+ // here xEmbeddedBlock might be true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ts
+ } /* end content */
+ /** '<' element ::= xmlTag1 '>' { xmlExpr | '{' simpleExpr '}' } ETag
+ * | xmlTag1 '/' '>'
+ */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def element: Tree = {
+ val pos1 = pos;
+ val Tuple2(qname, attrMap) = xTag;
+ //Console.println("MarkupParser::element("+qname+","+attrMap+")");
+ if (ch == '/') { // empty element
+ xToken('/');
+ xToken('>');
+ handle.element( pos1, qname, attrMap, new mutable.ListBuffer[Tree] );
+ }
+ else { // handle content
+ xToken('>');
+ debugLastStartElement.push(Pair(pos1,qname));
+ val ts = content;
+ xEndTag( qname );
+ debugLastStartElement.pop;
+ handle.element( pos1, qname, attrMap, ts );
+ }
+ }
+ /** Name ::= (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)*
+ *
+ * see [5] of XML 1.0 specification
+ */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xName: String = {
+ if( xml.Parsing.isNameStart( ch ) ) {
+ do {
+ putChar( ch );
+ nextch;
+ } while( xml.Parsing.isNameChar( ch ) );
+ val n = cbuf.toString().intern();
+ cbuf.setLength( 0 );
+ n
+ } else {
+ reportSyntaxError( "name expected, but char '"+ch+"' cannot start a name" );
+ new String();
+ }
+ }
+ /** scan [S] '=' [S]*/
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xEQ = { xSpaceOpt; xToken('='); xSpaceOpt }
+ /** skip optional space S? */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xSpaceOpt = { while( xml.Parsing.isSpace( ch ) ) { nextch; }}
+ /** scan [3] S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+ */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xSpace = {
+ if (xml.Parsing.isSpace(ch)) {
+ nextch; xSpaceOpt
+ }
+ else {
+ reportSyntaxError("whitespace expected");
+ }
+ }
+/** '<?' ProcInstr ::= Name [S ({Char} - ({Char}'>?' {Char})]'?>'
+ *
+ * see [15]
+ */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xProcInstr: Tree = {
+ val sb:StringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
+ val n = xName;
+ if( xml.Parsing.isSpace( ch ) ) {
+ xSpace;
+ while( true ) {
+ if( ch=='?' && { sb.append( ch ); nextch; ch == '>' } ) {
+ sb.setLength( sb.length() - 1 );
+ nextch;
+ return handle.procInstr(tmppos, n.toString(), sb.toString());
+ } else
+ sb.append( ch );
+ nextch;
+ }
+ };
+ xToken('?');
+ xToken('>');
+ return handle.procInstr(tmppos, n.toString(), sb.toString());
+ }
+ /** parse character data.
+ * precondition: xEmbeddedBlock == false (we are not in a scala block)
+ */
+ /*[Duplicate]*/ def xText: String = {
+ if( xEmbeddedBlock ) Predef.error("internal error: encountered embedded block"); // assert
+ if( xCheckEmbeddedBlock )
+ return ""
+ else {
+ var exit = false;
+ while( !exit ) {
+ putChar( ch );
+ exit = { nextch; xCheckEmbeddedBlock }||( ch == '<' ) || ( ch == '&' );
+ }
+ val str = cbuf.toString();
+ cbuf.setLength( 0 );
+ str
+ }
+ }
+ //override type Tree = handle.Tree;
+ //override type Tree = handle.Tree;
+ final val PATTERN = true;
+ final val EXPR = false;
+ val enableEmbeddedExpressions: Boolean = true;
+ //val cbuf = new StringBuffer();
+ /** append Unicode character to name buffer*/
+ //private def putChar(c: char) = cbuf.append( c );
+ /** xLiteral = element { element }
+ * @return Scala representation of this xml literal
+ * precondition: s.xStartsXML == true
+ */
+ def xLiteral: Tree = try {
+ init;
+ handle.isPattern = false;
+ val pos = s.pos;
+ var tree = element;
+ xSpaceOpt;
+ // parse more XML ?
+ if (ch == '<') {
+ val ts = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Tree]();
+ ts.append( tree );
+ while( ch == '<' ) {
+ nextch;
+ //Console.println("DEBUG 1: I am getting char '"+ch+"'"); // DEBUG
+ ts.append( element );
+ xSpaceOpt;
+ }
+ tree = handle.makeXMLseq( pos, ts );
+ }
+ //Console.println("out of xLiteral, parsed:"+tree.toString());
+ = EMPTY;
+ s.nextToken(); /* s.fetchToken(); */
+ tree
+ }
+ catch {
+ case _:ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException =>
+ s.syntaxError(,
+ "missing end tag in XML literal for <"
+ EmptyTree;
+ }
+ /** @see xmlPattern. resynchronizes after succesful parse
+ * @return this xml pattern
+ * precondition: s.xStartsXML == true
+ */
+ def xLiteralPattern:Tree = try {
+ init;
+ val oldMode = handle.isPattern;
+ handle.isPattern = true;
+ val pos = s.pos;
+ var tree = xPattern; xSpaceOpt;
+ //if (ch == '<') {
+ var ts: List[Tree] = List();
+ ts = tree :: ts;
+ = EMPTY; s.nextToken(); /* ?????????? */
+ while( token == Tokens.XMLSTART ) {// ???????????????????????????
+ //while (ch == '<' /* && lookahead != '-'*/) {
+ nextch;
+ //Console.println("DEBUG 2: I am getting char '"+ch+"'"); // DEBUG
+ ts = xPattern :: ts;
+ //xSpaceOpt; // ????
+ = EMPTY; s.nextToken(); /* ?????????? */
+ //Console.println("DEBUG 3: resync'ed, token = '"+s+"'"); // DEBUG
+ }
+ //Console.println("current token == "+s);
+ tree = handle.makeXMLseqPat( pos, ts.reverse );
+ //}
+ handle.isPattern = oldMode;
+ //Console.println("out of xLiteralPattern, parsed:"+tree.toString());
+ // = EMPTY; // ??
+ // s.nextToken(); /* s.fetchToken(); */ // ??
+ tree
+ }catch {
+ case _:ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException =>
+ s.syntaxError(,
+ "missing end tag in XML literal for <"
+ EmptyTree;
+ }
+ def xEmbeddedExpr:Tree = {
+ sync;
+ val b = p.expr(true,false);
+ if(/*s.*/token != RBRACE)
+ reportSyntaxError(" expected end of Scala block");
+ init;
+ //Console.println("[out of xScalaExpr = "" ch="+ch+"]");
+ return b
+ }
+ /** xScalaPatterns ::= patterns
+ */
+ def xScalaPatterns: List[Tree] = {
+ sync;
+ val b = p.patterns();
+ if (/*s.*/token != RBRACE)
+ reportSyntaxError(" expected end of Scala patterns");
+ init;
+ return b
+ }
+ //var ch: Char = _;
+ /** this method assign the next character to ch and advances in input */
+ def nextch: Unit = {; /*s.xNext;*/ ch = ; pos = s.pos; }
+ //def lookahead = { s.xLookahead }
+ def init: Unit = {
+ ch =;
+ pos = s.pos;
+ //Console.println("\ninit! ch = "+ch);
+ }
+ def reportSyntaxError(str: String) = {
+ s.syntaxError("in XML literal: " + str);
+ nextch;
+ }
+ def sync: Unit = {
+ xEmbeddedBlock = false;
+ s.xSync;
+ }
+ /** '<' xPattern ::= Name [S] { xmlPattern | '{' pattern3 '}' } ETag
+ * | Name [S] '/' '>'
+ */
+ def xPattern:Tree = {
+ //Console.println("xPattern");
+ val pos1 = pos;
+ val qname = xName;
+ debugLastStartElement.push(Pair(pos1,qname));
+ xSpaceOpt;
+ if( ch == '/' ) { // empty tag
+ nextch;
+ xToken('>');
+ return handle.makeXMLpat( pos1, qname, new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Tree]() );
+ };
+ // else: tag with content
+ xToken('>');
+ var ts = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Tree];
+ var exit = false;
+ while (! exit) {
+ val pos2 = pos;
+ if( xEmbeddedBlock ) {
+ ts ++ xScalaPatterns;
+ } else
+ ch match {
+ case '<' => { // tag
+ nextch;
+ if( ch != '/' ) { //child
+ ts.append( xPattern );
+ } else {
+ exit = true
+ }
+ }
+ case '{' => // embedded Scala patterns
+ while( ch == '{' ) {
+ ts ++ xScalaPatterns;
+ }
+ // postcond: xEmbeddedBlock = false;
+ if (xEmbeddedBlock) Predef.error("problem with embedded block"); // assert
+ case _ => // teMaxt
+ appendText( pos2, ts, xText );
+ // here xEmbeddedBlock might be true;
+ //if( xEmbeddedBlock ) throw new ApplicationError("after:"+text); // assert
+ }
+ }
+ xEndTag(qname);
+ debugLastStartElement.pop;
+ handle.makeXMLpat(pos1, qname, ts);
+ }
+} /* class MarkupParser */