path: root/sources/scalac/atree/
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authorGilles Dubochet <>2005-12-18 18:33:03 +0000
committerGilles Dubochet <>2005-12-18 18:33:03 +0000
commitd3819b93ab8b2de3d5cc35c33b8258ccdb5a931a (patch)
treedfc6f7f497e58ea3321e6f687b11313d2afa86b5 /sources/scalac/atree/
parent0e82079908655682e5140ad521cef0572cb6d2a4 (diff)
Removed old Scalac code in sources and various ...
Removed old Scalac code in sources and various other obsolete elements.
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/scalac/atree/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 553 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scalac/atree/ b/sources/scalac/atree/
deleted file mode 100644
index 83e50eb7e1..0000000000
--- a/sources/scalac/atree/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
-** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
-** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL **
-** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
-\* */
-// $Id$
-package scalac.atree;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import scalac.CompilationUnit;
-import scalac.ast.Tree;
-import scalac.ast.Tree.Ident;
-import scalac.ast.Tree.Template;
-import scalac.symtab.Definitions;
-import scalac.symtab.Symbol;
-import scalac.symtab.Type;
-import scalac.util.Debug;
-import scalac.util.Name;
-/** This class translates syntax trees into attributed trees. */
-public class ATreeFromSTree {
- //########################################################################
- // Private Fields
- /** The global definitions */
- private final Definitions definitions;
- /** The attributed tree factory */
- private final ATreeFactory make;
- /** A mapping from primitive classes to initialization state */
- private final Map/*<Symbol,Boolean>*/ states;
- /** A mapping from primitive methods to generators */
- private final Map/*<Symbol,Generator>*/ generators;
- //########################################################################
- // Public Constructors
- /** Initializes this instance. */
- public ATreeFromSTree(Definitions definitions) {
- this.definitions = definitions;
- this.make = new ATreeFactory();
- this.states = new HashMap();
- this.generators = new HashMap();
- Symbol[] classes = {
- definitions.ANY_CLASS,
- definitions.OBJECT_CLASS,
- definitions.STRING_CLASS,
- definitions.THROWABLE_CLASS,
- definitions.ARRAY_CLASS,
- definitions.UNIT_CLASS,
- definitions.BOOLEAN_CLASS,
- definitions.BYTE_CLASS,
- definitions.SHORT_CLASS,
- definitions.CHAR_CLASS,
- definitions.INT_CLASS,
- definitions.LONG_CLASS,
- definitions.FLOAT_CLASS,
- definitions.DOUBLE_CLASS,
- };
- for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
- states.put(classes[i], Boolean.FALSE);
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Translating units
- /** Translates the unit's body and stores the result in it. */
- public void translate(CompilationUnit unit) {
- template(unit.repository = new ARepository(), unit.body);
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Methods - Translating templates
- /** Translates the templates and adds them to the repository. */
- private void template(ARepository repository, Tree[] trees) {
- for (int i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) template(repository, trees[i]);
- }
- /** Translates the template and adds it to the repository. */
- private void template(ARepository repository, Tree tree) {
- switch (tree) {
- case Empty:
- return;
- case ClassDef(_, _, _, _, _, Template(_, Tree[] body)):
- AClass clasz = new AClass(tree.symbol());
- // !!! add static field to global modules
- repository.addClass(clasz);
- member(clasz, body);
- return;
- case PackageDef(_, Template(_, Tree[] body)):
- template(repository, body);
- return;
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("illegal case", tree);
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Methods - Translating members
- /** Translates the members and adds them to the class. */
- private void member(AClass clasz, Tree[] trees) {
- for (int i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) member(clasz, trees[i]);
- }
- /** Translates the member and adds it to the class. */
- private void member(AClass clasz, Tree tree) {
- switch (tree) {
- case Empty:
- return;
- case ClassDef(_, _, _, _, _, _):
- template(clasz, tree);
- return;
- case ValDef(_, _, _, Tree rhs):
- AField field = new AField(tree.symbol(), false);
- clasz.addField(field);
- return;
- case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, Tree rhs):
- AMethod method = new AMethod(tree.symbol(), false);
- clasz.addMethod(method);
- if (!method.isAbstract()) method.setCode(expression(rhs));
- return;
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("illegal case", tree);
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Methods - Translating statements
- /** Translates the statements. */
- private ACode[] statement(List locals, Tree[] trees) {
- List codes = new ArrayList();
- for (int i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) {
- ACode code = statement(locals, trees[i]);
- if (code != ACode.Void) codes.add(code);
- }
- return (ACode[])codes.toArray(new ACode[codes.size()]);
- }
- /** Translates the statement. */
- private ACode statement(List locals, Tree tree) {
- switch (tree) {
- case Empty:
- return make.Void;
- case ValDef(_, _, _, Tree rhs):
- Symbol symbol = tree.symbol();
- locals.add(symbol);
- ALocation location = ALocation.Local(symbol, false);
- return make.Store(tree, location, expression(rhs));
- default:
- return ACode.Drop(expression(tree), tree.type());
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Methods - Translating expressions
- /** Translates the expressions. */
- private ACode[] expression(Tree[] trees) {
- ACode[] codes = new ACode[trees.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) codes[i] = expression(trees[i]);
- return codes;
- }
- /** Translates the expression. */
- private ACode expression(Tree tree) {
- switch (tree) {
- case LabelDef(_, Ident[] idents, Tree rhs):
- Symbol[] locals = Tree.symbolOf(idents);
- return make.Label(tree, tree.symbol(), locals, expression(rhs));
- case Block(Tree[] stats, Tree value):
- List locals = new ArrayList();
- ACode[] codes = statement(locals, stats);
- ACode code = expression(value);
- if (locals.size() == 0 && codes.length == 0) return code;
- Symbol[] symbols =
- (Symbol[])locals.toArray(new Symbol[locals.size()]);
- return make.Block(tree, symbols, codes, code);
- case Assign(Tree lhs, Tree rhs):
- return make.Block(tree, Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, new ACode[] {
- make.Store(tree, location(lhs), expression(rhs))},
- make.Void);
- case If(Tree cond, Tree thenp, Tree elsep):
- ACode test = expression(cond);
- return make.If(tree, test, expression(thenp), expression(elsep));
- case Switch(Tree test, int[] tags, Tree[] bodies, Tree otherwise):
- int[][] tagss = new int[tags.length][];
- for (int i = 0; i < tagss.length; i++)
- tagss[i] = new int[] {tags[i]};
- ACode[] codes = new ACode[bodies.length + 1];
- for (int i = 0; i < bodies.length; i++)
- codes[i] = expression(bodies[i]);
- codes[tags.length] = expression(otherwise);
- return make.Switch(tree, expression(test), tagss, codes);
- case Return(Tree value):
- return make.Return(tree, tree.symbol(), expression(value));
- case Throw(Tree value):
- return make.Throw(tree, expression(value));
- case New(Apply(Tree fun, Tree[] vargs)):
- switch (fun) {
- case Select(Create(_, Tree[] targs), _):
- return apply(tree, fun, targs, vargs);
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("illegal case", tree);
- }
- case Apply(TypeApply(Tree fun, Tree[] targs), Tree[] vargs):
- return apply(tree, fun, targs, vargs);
- case Apply(Tree fun, Tree[] vargs):
- return apply(tree, fun, Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY, vargs);
- case Super(_, _):
- case This(_):
- return make.This(tree, tree.symbol());
- case Select(_, _):
- case Ident(_):
- return make.Load(tree, location(tree));
- case Literal(AConstant value):
- return make.Constant(tree, value);
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("illegal case", tree);
- }
- }
- /** Translates the application. */
- private ACode apply(Tree tree, Tree fun, Tree[] targs, Tree[] vargs) {
- Symbol symbol = fun.symbol();
- ACode[] codes = expression(vargs);
- if (symbol.isLabel()) return make.Goto(tree, symbol, codes);
- Type[] types = Tree.typeOf(targs);
- AFunction function = function(fun);
- switch (function) {
- case Method(ACode object, Symbol method, AInvokeStyle style):
- if (!style.isDynamic()) break;
- Symbol clasz = method.owner();
- Object state = states.get(clasz);
- if (state == null) break;
- if (state != Boolean.TRUE) addGeneratorsOf(clasz);
- Object generator = generators.get(method);
- if (generator == null) break;
- return generate((Generator)generator, tree, object, types, vargs);
- }
- return make.Apply(tree, function, types, codes);
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Methods - Translating functions
- /** Translates the method. */
- private AFunction function(Tree tree) {
- Symbol symbol = tree.symbol();
- switch (tree) {
- case Select(Create(_, _), _):
- AInvokeStyle style = AInvokeStyle.New;
- return AFunction.Method(make.Void, symbol, style);
- case Select(Tree qualifier, _):
- AInvokeStyle style = invokeStyle(qualifier);
- return AFunction.Method(expression(qualifier), symbol, style);
- case Ident(_):
- AInvokeStyle style = AInvokeStyle.StaticClass;
- return AFunction.Method(make.Void, symbol, style);
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("illegal case", tree);
- }
- }
- /** Returns the InvokeStyle to use for the qualifier. */
- private AInvokeStyle invokeStyle(Tree qualifier) {
- switch (qualifier) {
- case Super(_, _):
- return AInvokeStyle.StaticInstance;
- default:
- return AInvokeStyle.Dynamic;
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Methods - Translating locations
- /** Translates the location. */
- private ALocation location(Tree tree) {
- Symbol symbol = tree.symbol();
- switch (tree) {
- case Select(Tree qualifier, _):
- return ALocation.Field(expression(qualifier), symbol, false);
- case Ident(_):
- if (symbol.isModule()) return ALocation.Module(symbol);
- return symbol.owner().isClass()
- ? ALocation.Field(make.Void, symbol, true)
- : ALocation.Local(symbol, symbol.isParameter());
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("illegal case", tree);
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Methods - Translating constants
- /** Translates the constant. */
- private AConstant constant(Object value) {
- if (value instanceof Boolean ) return make.BOOLEAN((Boolean )value);
- if (value instanceof Byte ) return make.BYTE (((Byte )value));
- if (value instanceof Short ) return make.SHORT ((Short )value);
- if (value instanceof Character) return make.CHAR ((Character)value);
- if (value instanceof Integer ) return make.INT ((Integer )value);
- if (value instanceof Long ) return make.LONG ((Long )value);
- if (value instanceof Float ) return make.FLOAT ((Float )value);
- if (value instanceof Double ) return make.DOUBLE ((Double )value);
- if (value instanceof String ) return make.STRING ((String )value);
- throw Debug.abort("illegal constant", value +" -- "+ value.getClass());
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Methods - Generating code for primitive methods
- /** Applies generator to given object and arguments. */
- private ACode generate(Generator generator, Tree tree, ACode object,
- Type[] targs, Tree[] vargs)
- {
- switch (generator) {
- case ANYID:
- assert targs.length == 0 && vargs.length == 1: tree;
- return make.EQ(tree, ATypeKind.REF, object, expression(vargs[0]));
- case ANYNI:
- assert targs.length == 0 && vargs.length == 1: tree;
- return make.NE(tree, ATypeKind.REF, object, expression(vargs[0]));
- case ANYEQ:
- Symbol lf = newLocal(tree, definitions.ANY_TYPE());
- Symbol rg = newLocal(tree, definitions.ANY_TYPE());
- return make.Block(tree,
- new Symbol[] {lf, rg},
- new ACode[] {
- store(tree, lf, object),
- store(tree, rg, expression(vargs[0]))},
- make.If(tree,
- make.EQ(tree, ATypeKind.REF, load(tree, lf)),
- make.EQ(tree, ATypeKind.REF, load(tree, rg)),
- make.Apply(tree,
- AFunction.Method(
- load(tree, lf),
- definitions.ANY_EQUALS,
- AInvokeStyle.Dynamic),
- new ACode[] {load(tree, rg)})));
- case ANYNE:
- Symbol lf = newLocal(tree, definitions.ANY_TYPE());
- Symbol rg = newLocal(tree, definitions.ANY_TYPE());
- return make.Block(tree,
- new Symbol[] {lf, rg},
- new ACode[] {
- store(tree, lf, object),
- store(tree, rg, expression(vargs[0]))},
- make.If(tree,
- make.EQ(tree, ATypeKind.REF, load(tree, lf)),
- make.NE(tree, ATypeKind.REF, load(tree, rg)),
- make.NOT(tree,
- ATypeKind.BOOL,
- make.Apply(tree,
- AFunction.Method(
- load(tree, lf),
- definitions.ANY_EQUALS,
- AInvokeStyle.Dynamic),
- new ACode[] {load(tree, rg)}))));
- case ISAS(boolean cast):
- assert targs.length == 1 && vargs.length == 0: tree;
- return make.IsAs(tree, object, targs[0], cast);
- assert targs.length == 1 && vargs.length == 1: tree;
- return make.Synchronized(tree, object, expression(vargs[0]));
- case THROW:
- assert targs.length == 0 && vargs.length == 0: tree;
- return make.Throw(tree, object);
- case CONCAT(ATypeKind prefix):
- assert targs.length == 0 && vargs.length == 1: tree;
- ATypeKind suffix = kind(vargs[0].type());
- ACode argument = expression(vargs[0]);
- return make.CONCAT(tree, prefix, suffix, object, argument);
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("unknown case", generator);
- }
- }
- /** Generates a load operation with given variable. */
- private ACode load(Tree tree, Symbol local) {
- assert local.owner().isNone():;
- return make.Load(tree, ALocation.Local(local, false));
- }
- /** Generates a store operation with given variable and value. */
- private ACode store(Tree tree, Symbol local, ACode value) {
- assert local.owner().isNone():;
- return make.Store(tree, ALocation.Local(local, false), value);
- }
- /** Creates a variable with tree's position and given type. */
- private Symbol newLocal(Tree tree, Type type) {
- Symbol owner = Symbol.NONE; // !!!
- Name name = Name.fromString("local"); // !!!
- return owner.newTerm(tree.pos, 0, name).setType(type);
- }
- /** Returns the type kind of given type. */
- private ATypeKind kind(Type type) {
- switch (type) {
- case SingleType(_, _):
- case ConstantType(_, _):
- return kind(type.singleDeref());
- case TypeRef(_, Symbol clasz, _):
- if (clasz == definitions.BOOLEAN_CLASS) return ATypeKind.BOOL;
- if (clasz == definitions.BYTE_CLASS) return ATypeKind.I1;
- if (clasz == definitions.SHORT_CLASS) return ATypeKind.I2;
- if (clasz == definitions.CHAR_CLASS) return ATypeKind.U2;
- if (clasz == definitions.INT_CLASS) return ATypeKind.I4;
- if (clasz == definitions.LONG_CLASS) return ATypeKind.I8;
- if (clasz == definitions.FLOAT_CLASS) return ATypeKind.R4;
- if (clasz == definitions.DOUBLE_CLASS) return ATypeKind.R8;
- if (clasz == definitions.STRING_CLASS) return ATypeKind.STR;
- return ATypeKind.REF;
- default:
- return ATypeKind.REF;
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Methods - Collecting primitive methods
- /** Associates generators to primitive methods of given class. */
- private void addGeneratorsOf(Symbol clasz) {
- if (clasz == definitions.ANY_CLASS) {
- addGenerator(definitions.ANY_EQEQ, Generator.ANYEQ);
- addGenerator(definitions.ANY_BANGEQ, Generator.ANYNE);
- addGenerator(definitions.ANY_IS_ERASED, Generator.ISAS(false));
- addGenerator(definitions.ANY_AS_ERASED, Generator.ISAS(true));
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.OBJECT_CLASS) {
- addGenerator(definitions.OBJECT_EQ, Generator.ANYID);
- addGenerator(definitions.OBJECT_NE, Generator.ANYNI);
- addGenerator(definitions.OBJECT_SYNCHRONIZED, Generator.SYNCHRONIZED);
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.STRING_CLASS) {
- addGenerator(definitions.STRING_PLUS, Generator.CONCAT(ATypeKind.STR));
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.THROWABLE_CLASS) {
- addGenerator(definitions.THROWABLE_THROW, Generator.THROW);
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.ARRAY_CLASS) {
- // !!! addAll(defs.ARRAY_CLASS, Names.length, Primitive.LENGTH, 1);
- // !!! addAll(defs.ARRAY_CLASS, Names.apply, Primitive.APPLY, 2);
- // !!! addAll(defs.ARRAY_CLASS, Names.update, Primitive.UPDATE, 1);
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.UNIT_CLASS) {
- // !!!
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.BOOLEAN_CLASS) {
- // !!!
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.BYTE_CLASS) {
- // !!!
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.SHORT_CLASS) {
- // !!!
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.CHAR_CLASS) {
- // !!!
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.INT_CLASS) {
- // !!!
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.LONG_CLASS) {
- // !!!
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.FLOAT_CLASS) {
- // !!!
- }
- if (clasz == definitions.DOUBLE_CLASS) {
- // !!!
- }
- states.put(clasz, Boolean.TRUE);
- }
- /** Associates given generator to given primitive method. */
- private void addGenerator(Symbol method, Generator generator) {
- generators.put(method, generator);
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Class - Code generators
- /** Code generators for primitive methods. */
- private static class Generator {
- case ANYID;
- case ANYNI;
- case ANYEQ;
- case ANYNE;
- case ISAS(boolean cast);
- case THROW;
- case CONCAT(ATypeKind prefix);
- }
- //########################################################################