path: root/sources
diff options
authorburaq <>2004-05-14 15:42:01 +0000
committerburaq <>2004-05-14 15:42:01 +0000
commit6f2455dd9f47522130dba07b0e366e2fdfb5a4d0 (patch)
tree2143e64dbff11af78f5991af887957c2bdd84283 /sources
parentee451489515a2de9e83339fef62dd929c2c1bbdc (diff)
matching stuff
Diffstat (limited to 'sources')
7 files changed, 631 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Address.scala b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Address.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2691d27801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Address.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package scala.runtime.matching ;
+object Address {
+ def empty = new Address();
+/** Address holds the path in reverse Dewey notation
+class Address( l:Int* ) with Ordered[Address] {
+ private val list:List[Int] = l.toList;
+ def compareTo [b >: Address <% Ordered[b]](y: b): int = y match {
+ case o:Address => List.view(list.reverse) compareTo o.list.reverse;
+ case _ => -(y compareTo this)
+ }
+ def down: Address = new Address( ( 1 :: list ):_* );
+ /** precond: p is nonempty */
+ def right: Address = list.match {
+ case List( i, rest@_* ) => new Address( ((i+1) :: rest ):_* )
+ }
+ override def toString() = list.mkString("Address(",".",")");
diff --git a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Context.scala b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Context.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b50ce8c0a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Context.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+package scala.runtime.matching ;
+/** contexts fully determined which derivation was used along a path,
+* thereby allowing to select the proceed the %next% derivations.
+* we use here that derivations are ordered.
+abstract class PathContext with Ordered[PathContext] {
+ val len = 0;
+ def isCompatible( other:PathContext ):boolean ;
+ def ~( other:PathContext ):boolean ;
+ def prune( len:int ):PathContext = this;
+ def address:List[Int] = 0::Nil;
+ def toString1():String = "";
+ def compareTo [b >: PathContext <% Ordered[b]](that: b): int = that match {
+ case t:PathContext =>
+ if( rctx_inf(this,t) )
+ -1
+ else if( rctx_eq(this,t) )
+ 0
+ else
+ 1;
+ case _ => -(that compareTo this)
+ }
+ final def rctx_inf( x:PathContext, y:PathContext ):boolean = x match {
+ case EmptyContext => y match {
+ case EmptyContext => false;
+ case _ => true;
+ }
+ case RuleContext(r1, up1) => y match {
+ case RuleContext(r2,up2) =>
+ ((r1 == r2 ) && rctx_inf(up1, up2))
+ || ( r1 < r2 )
+ case _ => false;
+ }
+ }
+ final def rctx_eq( x:PathContext, y:PathContext ) = x == y;
+/** use HedgeNT H */
+case class HedgeContext( H:HedgeNT, outer:PathContext ) extends PathContext {
+ override def toString():String = outer.toString()+":"+H.toString();
+def isCompatible( other:PathContext ):boolean = error("don't call me");
+def ~( other:PathContext ) = error("don't call me");
+/** use TreeNT T */
+case class TreeContext( T:TreeNT, up:PathContext ) extends PathContext {
+ override def toString():String = up.toString()+":"+T.toString();
+def isCompatible( other:PathContext ):boolean = error("don't call me");
+def ~( other:PathContext ) = error("don't call me");
+/** the root context */
+case object EmptyContext extends PathContext {
+ override def toString1() = "()";
+ override def toString():String = "()";
+ def isCompatible( other:PathContext ):boolean = true;
+ override def ~( other:PathContext ) = true;
+/* inv: up is RuleContext || EmptyContext */
+case class RuleContext( r:Rule, up:PathContext ) extends PathContext {
+ override def toString1():String = { up.toString1()+";"+r.toString() }
+ override def toString():String = toString1()+"["+address.reverse+"]";
+ override val len = up.len + 1;
+ def down(li:List[Int]):List[Int] = 0::li;
+ def right(li:List[Int]):List[Int] = li match {
+ case i::is => i+1::is
+ }
+ override def address:List[Int] = r match {
+ case HedgeRule( _, _ ) => right( up.address );
+ case AnyNodeRule( _, _ ) => down( up.address );
+ case TreeRule( _, _ ) => down( up.address );
+ case AnyTreeRule( _ ) => down( up.address );
+ }
+ /* if have common prefix */
+ override def isCompatible( other:PathContext ):boolean = {
+ Console.println( "isCompatible called\nthis:"+this+" len="+this.len+"\nother"+other+" len = "+other.len);
+ val q = {
+ if( this.len > other.len ) {
+ Console.println("this.prune(otherlen) = "+ this.prune( other.len ));
+ val tmp = this.prune( other.len );
+ ( tmp == other )||( tmp ~ other )
+ } else if( this.len < other.len ) {
+ val tmp = other.prune( this.len );
+ Console.println("other.prune(thislen) = "+ tmp);
+ ( this == tmp )||( this ~ tmp );
+ } else
+ (this == other )|| this ~ other
+ // ^ for x @ y @ p
+ };
+ Console.println("result: "+q);
+ q
+ }
+ override def ~( other:PathContext ) = {
+ def matchesH( H:HedgeNT, r2:Rule ) = r2 match {
+ case HedgeRule( H, _ ) => true
+ case _ => false;
+ };
+ def matchesT( T:TreeNT, r2:Rule ) = r2 match {
+ case TreeRule( T, _ ) => true
+ case AnyTreeRule( T ) => true
+ case AnyNodeRule( T, _ ) => true
+ case _ => false;
+ };
+ (other match {
+ case RuleContext( r2, up2 ) =>
+ ( (up == up2) && (this.up match {
+ case RuleContext(HedgeRule(h, Pair(t1,h1)),_) =>
+ ( matchesT( t1, this.r ) && matchesH( h1, r2 ) )
+ ||( matchesT( t1, r2 ) && matchesH( h1, this.r ) )
+ case _ => false;
+ }) || up ~ up2 )
+ case EmptyContext => true;/*other match {
+ case EmptyContext => true;
+ case _ => false;
+ }*/
+ })
+ }
+ override def prune( len:int ):PathContext = {
+ if( this.len > len ) up.prune( len ) else this;
+ }
+def ctx_inf( x:PathContext, y:PathContext ):boolean = {
+ x match {
+ case EmptyContext => y match {
+ case EmptyContext => false;
+case _ => true;
+ }
+case HedgeContext( h:HedgeNT, out:PathContext ) => y match {
+ case HedgeContext( h2:HedgeNT, out2:PathContext ) =>
+ (ctx_eq(out,out2) &&( h.i < h2.i )) || ctx_inf( out,out2 )
+case _ => false
+case TreeContext( t:TreeNT, up:PathContext ) => y match {
+ case TreeContext( t2:TreeNT, up2:PathContext ) =>
+ (ctx_eq(up,up2) && (t.i < t2.i)) || ctx_inf( up, up2 )
+case _ => true
+ }
+def ctx_eq( x:PathContext, y:PathContext ):boolean = {
+ x match {
+ case EmptyContext => y match {
+ case EmptyContext => true;
+case _ => true;
+ }
+case HedgeContext( h:HedgeNT, out:PathContext ) => y match {
+ case HedgeContext( h2:HedgeNT, out2:PathContext ) =>
+ ctx_eq(out,out2) &&( h.i == h2.i )
+case _ => false
+case TreeContext( t:TreeNT, up:PathContext ) => y match {
+ case TreeContext( t2:TreeNT, up2:PathContext ) =>
+ ctx_eq(up,up2) && (t.i == t2.i)
+case _ => false
+ }
+//val contextOrder = new Order[PathContext]( ctx_inf, ctx_eq ) ;
+// val ruleContextOrder = new Order[PathContext]( rctx_inf, rctx_eq ) ;
+/* matcher needs this operations
+ given string s, and set of TreeNTs A, return a A'(\subseteq A) and a set B'
+ such that for every t' in A' grammar has a rule t' -> s < h' >
+maybe grammar is a map Str -> Pow(P x Q) rather than P -> Str x Q or
+array P x Str_Index -> Q (use hashmap for strings that appear in a pattern!)
+(P = treents, Q = hedgeNTs) and a map Q x P -> Q rather than Q -> P x Q
+ given a set B'' ( subseteq B' ) of hedgeNTs, and s and A' like above,
+ return A''(\subseteq A') with those rules that have nonterminals from B''.
+see above
+ get epsilon closure of hedgeNTs (followChainRules) ?? needed ??
+ given set B of hedgeNTs h, return a set A of treeNTs t such that
+ there is rule h -> ( t , _ )
+ given set B and set A'(subseteq A), return a set C of hedgeNTs h2 such that
+ there is rule h -> ( t' , h2 )
+ given set C' (\subseteq C) extract B' (subseteq B) such that there is
+ rule h' -> ( _ , h2' )
diff --git a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Grammar.scala b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Grammar.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69a7c10a27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Grammar.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+package scala.runtime.matching ;
+import scala.collection.Set;
+import scala.collection.Map ;
+import scala.collection.immutable;
+import scala.collection.mutable;
+//val ruleOrder = new Order( rule_smaller, rule_eq );
+case class PatternGrammar( treeRules:Set[Rule],
+ treeTransitions:Map[Int,Set[Rule]],
+ hedgeRules:Set[Rule],
+ hedgeTransitions:Map[Int,Set[Rule]],
+ thVars:mutable.Map[Int,List[Int]],
+ typeMapping:immutable.Map[Int,String/*Type*/],
+ make:NonTermFactory) {
+ val isSequenceType = false;
+ /** this mapping is only for debugging purposes. Given a variable index,
+ ** it prints out the string representation of this variable
+ */
+ val debugVarMapping:mutable.Map[Int,String] =
+ new mutable.HashMap[Int,String]();
+ def hedgeRulesToString:String = {
+ hedgeRules.foldLeft ("") {
+ (s:String,r:Rule) => s + (r match {
+ case HedgeRule( h, _ ) if ( make.hedgeInitials contains h ) => "*"
+ case _ => " "
+ }) + r.toString() + "\n"
+ } ;
+ }
+ def treeRulesToString:String = {
+ treeRules.foldLeft ("") {
+ (s:String,r:Rule) => s + r.toString() + "\n"
+ } ;
+ }
+ def toString:String = {
+ val sb = new StringBuffer();
+ sb.append( { if( treeRules.isEmpty )
+ "Set of rules is EMPTY.\n" else treeRulesToString });
+ sb.append( { if( hedgeRules.isEmpty )
+ "Set of rules is EMPTY.\n" else hedgeRulesToString });
+ /*
+ sb.append( { if( bindMap.isEmpty )
+ "Binding mapping is EMPTY.\n" else mapsToString });
+ */
+ sb.append( "hedgeInitials:"+make.hedgeInitials );
+ sb.append( "treeInitials:"+make.treeInitials );
+ sb.append( "\ntreeTransitions:"+treeTransitions );
+ sb.append( "\nhedgeTransitions:"+hedgeTransitions );
+ sb.append( "\nvariables :"+( thVars( 0 ).map { debugVarMapping }) );
+ sb.append( "\ntypeMapping :"+ typeMapping.toString() );
+ sb.toString()
+ }
+def followChainRules( nset:Set[HedgeNT],
+ gram:Set[Rule] ):immutable.Set[HedgeNT] = {
+ //Console.println("followChainRules");
+ var dirty = false;
+var newnset = immutable.ListSet.Empty[HedgeNT].incl( nset );
+for( val nt <- nset ) {
+ for( val rule <- gram ) {
+ val NT = nt;
+rule match {
+ case HedgeChainRule( NT, h ) => {
+ if( !newnset.contains( h ) ) {
+ dirty = true;
+newnset = newnset + h;
+ }
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+if( dirty ) {
+ followChainRules( newnset, gram );
+} else {
+ //Console.println("followChainRules output" + newnset);
+ newnset
+ }
diff --git a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Match.scala b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Match.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6674c3157a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Match.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+package scala.runtime.matching ;
+import scala.collection.Map ;
+import scala.collection.immutable ;
+import scala.xml.Node ;
+object Match {
+ def res2string(res:immutable.Map[ Int, PathContext ]):String = {
+ val sb = new StringBuffer();
+ sb.append( "binding {\n" );
+ for( val vble <- res.keys ) {
+ val pc = res.get( vble ).get;
+ sb.append( " " );
+ sb.append( vble );
+ sb.append( " <- " );
+ sb.append( pc.address.reverse );
+ sb.append( '\n' );
+ }
+ sb.append( "}\n" );
+ sb.toString();
+ }
+ /* pm: remaining pebbles
+ */
+ def printSol( vble:Int,
+ b2:PathContext,
+ vctx:immutable.Set[PathContext],
+ pm:immutable.Map[ Int, immutable.Set[PathContext] ],
+ result:immutable.Map[ Int, PathContext] ):unit = {
+ Console.println("printSol("+vble+","+vctx+","+pm+","+result+")");
+ for( val b <- vctx.elements; {if( b2!=null ) b.isCompatible( b2 ) else true}) {
+ val nres = result.update( vble, b );
+ if( pm.isEmpty ) {
+ Console.println( nres );
+ Console.println( res2string(nres) );
+ } else for( val nextVar <- pm.keys;
+ val nextCtx <- pm.get( nextVar )) {
+ printSol( nextVar, b, nextCtx, pm - nextVar, nres )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def decode( pebblesMap:immutable.Map[ Int, immutable.Set[PathContext] ] ) = {
+ val it = pebblesMap.keys;
+ if( it.hasNext ) {
+ val first = ;
+ val fctx = pebblesMap.get( first ).get;
+ printSol( first,
+ null,
+ fctx,
+ pebblesMap - first,
+ new immutable.TreeMap[Int,PathContext] )
+ }
+ }
+class Match( k:Int,it:Iterator[Seq[scala.xml.Node]] ) {
+ def equals( o:Object ) = o match {
+ case that:Match =>
+ ( this.index == that.index )&&( this.iter.toList == that.iter.toList )
+ case _ => false;
+ }
+ val index = k;
+ val iter = it;
+ /** this method is destructive
+ **/
+ def toString_DEBUG( vx2str:Int => String ) = {
+ if( !iter.hasNext ) {
+ "<empty binding>"
+ } else {
+ val sb = new StringBuffer("<match> with binding");
+ var vx = 0;
+ while( iter.hasNext ) {
+ sb.append( vx2str( vx ) + " <- " + + "\n" );
+ }
+ sb.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ /** this method is destructive
+ **/
+ def same( that:Match ) = {
+ ( this.index == that.index )&&( this.iter.toList == that.iter.toList )
+ }
+ /** this method is destructive
+ **/
+ override def toString() = {
+ val sb = new StringBuffer("Match("+index);
+ while( iter.hasNext ) {
+ sb.append( "," );
+ sb.append( );
+ }
+ sb.append(")");
+ sb.toString();
+ }
diff --git a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/NonTerm.scala b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/NonTerm.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f79ae7a79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/NonTerm.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+package scala.runtime.matching ;
+import scala.collection.immutable ;
+abstract class NonTerm {
+ override def toString() = this match {
+ case TreeNT( i ) => "t"+i;
+ case HedgeNT( i ) => "h"+i;
+ }
+case class TreeNT(i:int) extends NonTerm with Ordered[TreeNT] {
+ def compareTo [b >: TreeNT <% Ordered[b]](y: b): int = y match {
+ case TreeNT( y1 ) => i compareTo y1;
+ case _ => -(y compareTo this)
+ }
+ var vset:immutable.Set[Int] = immutable.ListSet.Empty ;
+case class HedgeNT(i:int) extends NonTerm with Ordered[HedgeNT] {
+ def compareTo [b >: HedgeNT <% Ordered[b]](y: b): int = y match {
+ case HedgeNT( y1 ) => i compareTo y1;
+ case _ => -(y compareTo this)
+ }
+ var nullable:boolean = false;
+ //val vset:immutable.Set[Int] = immutable.ListSet.Empty ;
+object EmptySeqNT extends HedgeNT(0) {
+ override val nullable = true;
+ };
+object AnyHedgeNT extends HedgeNT(1); // for the "anytree-rule": (A,("",AnyTreeNT))
+object ANYTREE extends TreeNT(1);
+// for the "anynode-rule": (A,("",HedgeNT B))
+class NonTermFactory {
+ var treeInitials:immutable.Set[TreeNT] = new immutable.TreeSet[TreeNT]();
+ var hedgeInitials:immutable.Set[HedgeNT] = new immutable.TreeSet[HedgeNT]();
+ //private var counter = 4;
+ private var treeCounter = 2;
+ private var hedgCounter = 2;
+ def HedgeNT: HedgeNT = {
+ val x = new HedgeNT( hedgCounter );
+ hedgCounter = hedgCounter + 1;
+ x
+ }
+ def TreeNT( vs:immutable.Set[Int] ): TreeNT = {
+ /*
+ val x = new TreeNT( treeCounter ) {
+ override var vset = vs;
+ };
+ */
+ val x = new TreeNT( treeCounter );
+ x.vset = vs;
+ treeCounter = treeCounter + 1;
+ x
+ }
+ def initialHedgeNT = {
+ val h = HedgeNT;
+ hedgeInitials = hedgeInitials + h;
+ h
+ }
+ def initialTreeNT = {
+ val t = TreeNT( immutable.ListSet.Empty[Int] );
+ treeInitials = treeInitials + t;
+ t
+ }
diff --git a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Pebble.scala b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Pebble.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42f7c01c78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Pebble.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package scala.runtime.matching ;
+case class Pebble(vx:Int,p:Address) with Ordered[Pebble] {
+ def compareTo[ b >: Pebble <% Ordered[b] ]( y:b ) = y match {
+ case Pebble( vx2, p2 ) =>
+ if( vx == vx2 )
+ p compareTo p2
+ else
+ vx compareTo vx2
+ case _ => -( y compareTo this )
+ }
diff --git a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Rule.scala b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Rule.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ac1991022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/Rule.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+package scala.runtime.matching ;
+/* hedge grammar rules */
+abstract class Rule with Ordered[Rule] {
+ def compareTo [b >: Rule <% Ordered[b]](that: b): int = that match {
+ case r:Rule =>
+ if( rule_smaller( this, r ) )
+ -1
+ else if( rule_eq( this, r ) )
+ 0
+ else
+ 1
+ case _ => -(that compareTo this)
+ }
+ final def rule_smaller( r1:Rule, r2:Rule ):boolean = r1 match {
+ case HedgeRule( h1, Pair(_, hh1) ) => r2 match {
+ case HedgeRule( h2, Pair(_,hh2) ) =>
+ ((h1 == h2)&&( hh1.i < hh2.i )) || h1.i < h2.i;
+ case HedgeChainRule( h2, hh2 ) =>
+ ((h1 == h2)&&( hh1.i < hh2.i )) || h1.i < h2.i;
+ case _ => false;
+ }
+ case HedgeChainRule( h1, hh1 ) => r2 match {
+ case HedgeRule( h2, Pair(_,hh2) ) =>
+ ((h1 == h2)&&( hh1.i < hh2.i )) || h1.i < h2.i;
+ case HedgeChainRule( h2, hh2 ) =>
+ ((h1 == h2)&&( hh1.i < hh2.i )) || h1.i < h2.i;
+ case _ => false;
+ }
+ case TreeRule( t1, Pair(_,hh1) ) => r2 match {
+ case TreeRule( t2, Pair(_,hh2) ) =>
+ ((t1 == t2 )&&(hh1.i < hh2.i )) || t1.i < t2.i;
+ case AnyTreeRule( t2 ) => false;
+ case AnyNodeRule( t2, hh2 ) =>
+ ((t1 == t2 )&&(hh1.i < hh2.i )) || t1.i < t2.i;
+ case _ => true;
+ }
+ case AnyTreeRule( t1 ) => r2 match {
+ case TreeRule( _, _ ) => true;
+ case AnyTreeRule( t2 ) => t1.i < t2.i;
+ case AnyNodeRule( t2, _ ) => true
+ case _ => true;
+ }
+ case AnyNodeRule( t1, hh1 ) => r2 match {
+ case TreeRule( t2, Pair(_, hh2) ) =>
+ ((t1 == t2 )&&(hh1.i < hh2.i )) || t1.i < t2.i;
+ case AnyTreeRule( t2 ) => false;
+ case AnyNodeRule( t2, hh2 ) =>
+ ((t1 == t2 )&&(hh1.i < hh2.i )) || t1.i < t2.i;
+ case _ => true;
+ }
+ };
+ final def rule_eq( r1:Rule, r2:Rule ):boolean = r1 == r2;
+ override def toString() = this match {
+ case HedgeChainRule( n, m ) =>
+ n.toString()+" ::= "+m.toString();
+ case TreeRule( n, Pair( label, n2 ) ) =>
+ n.toString()+{ if( !n.vset.isEmpty ) n.vset.toString() else "" }+
+ " ::= "+label+"( "+n2.toString()+{if( n2.nullable ) "~" else ""}+" )";
+ case AnyTreeRule( n ) =>
+ n.toString()+{ if( !n.vset.isEmpty ) n.vset.toString() else "" }+
+ " ::= _ ";
+ case AnyNodeRule( n, h ) =>
+ n.toString()+{ if( !n.vset.isEmpty ) n.vset.toString() else "" }+
+ " ::= _ ( "+h.toString()+" )";
+ case HedgeRule( n, Pair( t, h ) ) =>
+ n.toString()+{
+ if( n.nullable ) "~" else " "
+ }+" ::= "+{
+ if( t == ANYTREE ) "_" else t.toString()
+ }+" "+h.toString();
+ }
+a tree rule is of the from A -> s(B)
+where A,B are TreeNTs and s is an identifier (string).
+If s is the empty string, then the node label is arbitrary
+If HedgeNT is AnyHedgeNT, then the tree is arbitrary
+case class HedgeChainRule( n: HedgeNT, rhs: HedgeNT ) extends Rule;
+case class TreeRule( n:TreeNT, rhs:Pair[Int,HedgeNT] ) extends Rule {
+ def this(i:int, s:Int, n:int ) = {
+ this( new TreeNT(i), new Pair(s, new HedgeNT(n)));
+ }
+case class AnyTreeRule( n:TreeNT ) extends Rule {
+case class AnyNodeRule( n:TreeNT, h:HedgeNT ) extends Rule {
+case class HedgeRule( n:HedgeNT, rhs:Pair[TreeNT,HedgeNT] ) extends Rule;