path: root/sources
diff options
authorburaq <>2004-11-12 11:46:33 +0000
committerburaq <>2004-11-12 11:46:33 +0000
commit4ba5a222f53f03fab58b4991c3ddf5f556e2c080 (patch)
tree170021811ad23b63b68734b74b119d0bcc51fe38 /sources
parent09c3cc4c365829403c8c26a3292e25d91a05b9fb (diff)
scala.util cleanup
Diffstat (limited to 'sources')
23 files changed, 89 insertions, 885 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/PatternGrammar.scala b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/PatternGrammar.scala
index e1fe1f85c6..c98ac350cd 100644
--- a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/PatternGrammar.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/PatternGrammar.scala
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ object PatternGrammar {
* following pre-order of occurrence in pattern
* @caseVars an array, field i holding the number of variables in case i
-abstract class PatternGrammar extends scala.util.grammar.ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar[TestAlphabet] {
+abstract class PatternGrammar extends scala.util.grammar.ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar {
val vars:Array[Int];
diff --git a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/TestAlphabet.scala b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/TestAlphabet.scala
index c0c070d378..9ef4698ebc 100644
--- a/sources/scala/runtime/matching/TestAlphabet.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/runtime/matching/TestAlphabet.scala
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
package scala.runtime.matching ;
-import scala.util.alphabet.{ AlphabetPlusWildcard, WildcardLabel };
-trait TestAlphabet extends AlphabetPlusWildcard ;
+trait TestAlphabet;
case class TestLabel(i: Int) extends TestAlphabet ;
-case object AnyNode extends TestAlphabet with WildcardLabel ;
-object TestAlphabetView {
+case object AnyNode extends TestAlphabet {
def view(x: Int): TestLabel = TestLabel(x);
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/dtd2scala/DeclToScala.scala b/sources/scala/tools/dtd2scala/DeclToScala.scala
index 7b21cb01ca..282909064b 100644
--- a/sources/scala/tools/dtd2scala/DeclToScala.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/dtd2scala/DeclToScala.scala
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import scala.collection.Map ;
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap ;
import scala.xml._ ;
-import scala.xml.dtd.{AttrDecl, ContentModel, ElemName, ElemDecl};
+import scala.xml.dtd.{AttrDecl, ContentModel, ElemDecl};
import ContentModel._ ;
import scala.xml.dtd.{REQUIRED,IMPLIED,DEFAULT};
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/TransMatch.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/TransMatch.scala
index 6cfc0d2122..1ec204f240 100644
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/TransMatch.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/TransMatch.scala
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ import scalac.transformer.matching.AlgebraicMatcher ;
package {
-import matching.FullRegularTranslator ;
+//import matching.FullRegularTranslator ;
class TransMatch( global:scalac_Global )
extends scalac_transformer_OwnerTransformer( global ) {
@@ -112,14 +111,14 @@ class TransMatch( global:scalac_Global )
def transform( root:Tree, cases:Array[CaseDef], restpe:Type ):Tree = {
if( global.newMatch ) {
- val fm = new FullRegularTranslator( global );
- val gram = fm.MakeGrammar( scala.Iterator.fromArray( cases ) );
- Console.println("writing out the grammar to /tmp/encodedGrammar.bin");
- //val f = new FileOutputStream(new File("/tmp/encodedGrammar.bin"));
- //f.write( gram.encode );
- //f.close();
- // val gram = Predef.decode( Predef.Array[] );
- Console.println( gram.encode);
+ //val fm = new FullRegularTranslator( global );
+ //val gram = fm.MakeGrammar( scala.Iterator.fromArray( cases ) );
+ //Console.println("writing out the grammar to /tmp/encodedGrammar.bin");
+ ////val f = new FileOutputStream(new File("/tmp/encodedGrammar.bin"));
+ ////f.write( gram.encode );
+ ////f.close();
+ //// val gram = Predef.decode( Predef.Array[] );
+ //Console.println( gram.encode);
throw new ApplicationError("not impl.");
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/FullRegularTranslator.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/FullRegularTranslator.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e5ce6b867d..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/FullRegularTranslator.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-import scala.runtime.matching._ ;
-import scala.collection.Set;
-import scala.collection.Map;
-import scala.collection.mutable;
-import scala.collection.immutable;
-import scalac.ast._ ;
-import scalac.{Global => scalac_Global}
-import scalac.symtab._;
-import scalac.util.Names ;
-package {
-/** generates from a pattern (with variable names v_1,..,v_k)
- * a set of regular hedge grammar rules,
- * together with an variable index mapping 1,..,k
- * @todo: handle x @ z @ p correctly
- */
-class FullRegularTranslator(global: scalac_Global) {
- val pe = new matching.PatternExp( global.definitions );
- import pe._ ;
- /* --- real variables --- */
- /** the grammar that we build up incrementally */
- var cur:MutableGrammar = _;
- var isSequenceType = false;
- /** counter for variables indices */
- var varCounter = 0;
- /** counter for test indices */
- var testCounter = 0;
- /* initialized when Subst is encountered */
- var iteration:HedgeNT = _;
- /* initialized when Iter is encountered */
- var iterationEnd:HedgeNT = _;
- /* --- methods --- */
- /** returns a variable index for this variable */
- def newVar( vble:Symbol ):Int =
- cur.varMap.get( vble ) match {
- case Some( x ) => x
- case None =>
- val v = varCounter;
- varCounter = v + 1;
- cur.varMap.update( vble, v );
- v
- }
- /** returns a test index for this variable */
- def newTest( test:PatternTest ):Int =
- cur.invTest.get( test ) match {
- case Some( x ) => x;
- case None =>
- val x = testCounter;
- testCounter = testCounter + 1;
- cur.invTest.update( test, x );
- cur.tests.update( x, test );
- x
- }
- /** returns a test index for this variable
- def newTest( test:Tree ):Int = {
- 0 // bogus
- }
- */
- /**
- * precondition: p.length > 0
- */
- def MakeGrammar( it:Iterator[Tree$CaseDef] ):PatternGrammar = {
- DEBUGPRINT("MakeGrammar");
- var k = 0;
- cur = InitialGrammar.make;
- while( it.hasNext )
- translate( pe.fromTree(, { k = k + 1; k } );
- DEBUGPRINT(cur.toString());
- cur.toGrammar;
- }
- /** p must be a pattern
- */
- protected def translate( p:RegExp, k:Int ):unit = {
- DEBUGPRINT("translate");
- this.varCounter = 0;
- this.isSequenceType = isSequenceValued( p );
- if( this.isSequenceType ) {
- MakeHedgeRule( cur.make.initialHedgeNT, EMPTYHEDGE, emptyVars, p );
- } else {
- val in = cur.make.initialTreeNT;
- try {
- MakeTreeRule( in, emptyVars, p );
- } catch {
- case _:WildcardException =>
- cur.treeRules += new AnyTreeRule( in );
- }
- }
- if( global.debug ) {
- for( val rule <- cur.treeRules ) {
- DEBUGPRINT( rule.toString() );
- }
- for( val rule <- cur.hedgeRules ) {
- DEBUGPRINT( rule.toString() );
- }
- DEBUGPRINT("=== Now Removing Chain Rules ===");
- };
- RemoveChainRules;
- // update variable array with nvariable + 1
- cur.caseVars.update( k, this.varCounter );
- }
- //val s: mutable.Set[Rule] = new mutable.HashSet[Rule](); /* the grammar */
- //s += AnyTreeRule( ANYTREE );
-Afterwards: Chain rules need not be applied anymore. They only exist with
- the unique rhs "h0" which produces empty hedge.
- So, a Chainrule of NT only means that NT can derive the empty hedge
- def RemoveChainRules: unit = {
- var replaced = true;
- while (replaced==true) {
- replaced = false;
- for( val rule <- cur.hedgeRules ) {
- rule match {
- case HedgeChainRule( a, b ) => {
- replaced = true;
- DEBUGPRINT("chain rule"+rule);
- cur.hedgeRules -= rule;
- val B = b;
- DEBUGPRINT( "b.nullable " + b.nullable);
- DEBUGPRINT( "1a.nullable" + a.nullable );
- a.nullable = a.nullable || b.nullable;
- DEBUGPRINT( "2a.nullable" + a.nullable );
- for( val brule <- cur.hedgeRules ) {
- brule match {
- case HedgeRule( B, t, h ) =>
- cur.hedgeRules += new HedgeRule( a, t, h );
- case HedgeChainRule( B, h ) =>
- cur.hedgeRules += new HedgeChainRule( a, h )
- case _ =>
- }
- };
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- };
- //Reachables;
- }
- /*
- def Reachables: unit = {
- var reached = new mutable.HashSet[HedgeNT]();
- reached += InitialHedgeNT;
- var changed = true;
- while( changed ) {
- changed = false;
- for( val rule <- rules ) {
- rule match {
- case HedgeRule( h, _,h2 ) =>
- if( !reached.contains(h2) ) {
- changed = true;
- reached += h2;
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- };
- for( val rule <- rules ) {
- rule match {
- case HedgeRule( h, _,h2 ) =>
- if( !reached.contains(h) ) {
- rules = rules - rule;
- }
- case HedgeChainRule(h , _ ) =>
- if( !reached.contains(h) ) {
- rules = rules - rule;
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- }
- */
- def sortByWidth( xs:Iterator[RegExp] ):List[RegExp] = {
- def view( x:Pair[RegExp,int] ):Ordered[Pair[RegExp,int]] =
- new Ordered[Pair[RegExp,int]] with Proxy( x ) {
- def compareTo [b >: Pair[RegExp,int] <% Ordered[b]](that: b): int =
- that match {
- case Pair(p:RegExp,i:int) =>
- if( minimalWidth( x._1 ) == minimalWidth( p ) ) {
- if( x._2 < i ) -1 else
- if( x._2 == i ) 0 else 1
- } else if ( minimalWidth( x._1 ) > minimalWidth( p ) ) {
- -1
- } else {
- 1
- }
- case _ => error("unexpected");
- }
- };
- var mySet = new immutable.TreeSet[Pair[RegExp,int]]();
- var j = 1;
- for( val p <- xs ) {
- mySet = mySet + Pair(p,j);
- j = j + 1;
- };
- {for( val Pair(p,i) <- mySet.elements ) yield p}.toList.reverse;
- }
- /* invariant: (in < out) || (out == 0)
- */
- def MakeHedgeRule( in:HedgeNT,
- out:HedgeNT,
- vset: immutable.Set[Int],
- it:Iterator[RegExp] ):unit = {
- DEBUGPRINT("MakeHedgeRule("+in+","+out+","+vset+","+it+")");
- var i = in;
- if( !it.hasNext ) {
- cur.hedgeRules += new HedgeChainRule(in, out);
- } else {
- while( it.hasNext ) {
- val pat =;
- val nt = if( it.hasNext ) { cur.make.HedgeNT } else { out };
- MakeHedgeRule( i, nt, vset, pat );
- i = nt;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- */
- def MakeHedgeRule( in:HedgeNT, nt:HedgeNT, vset:immutable.Set[Int], pat:RegExp):unit =
- pat match {
- case Eps =>
- cur.hedgeRules += new HedgeChainRule( in, nt );
- /*
- case Point() =>
- cur.hedgeRules += new HedgeChainRule(in, iteration);
- cur.hedgeRules += new HedgeChainRule(in, iterationEnd);
- */
- case x:Sequ =>
- MakeHedgeRule( in, nt, vset, );
- case x:Alt =>
- for( val z <- sortByWidth( ) ) {
- MakeHedgeRule( in, nt, vset, z );
- }
- case Star( p ) =>
- //case Tree$Bind(n, p) if TreeInfo.isNameOfStarPattern( n ) =>
- MakeHedgeRule( in, in, vset, p );
- cur.hedgeRules += new HedgeChainRule( in, nt );
- // p^[ x ], nt
- /*
- case Iter( p, x ) =>
- // sort by width - case 1
- if( minimalWidth( p ) < minimalWidth( x ) ) {
- MakeHedgeRule( i, nt, vset, x ); // no iteration ==> x, nt
- }
- iteration = cur.make.HedgeNT;
- iterationEnd = cur.make.HedgeNT;
- MakeHedgeRule( i, nt, vset, p ); // unfold p [ # <- x ], nt
- MakeHedgeRule( iteration, EMPTYHEDGE, emptyVars, p );
- // unfold p [ # <- x + p] $END
- MakeHedgeRule( iterationEnd, EMPTYHEDGE, emptyVars, x ); // x $END
- // sort by width - case 2
- if( minimalWidth( p ) >= minimalWidth( x ) ) {
- MakeHedgeRule( i, nt, vset, x ); // no iteration ==> x, nt
- }
- // cleanup
- iteration = null;
- iterationEnd = null;
- */
- case Binding( vble, p ) =>
- //case Tree$Bind( vble, p:Tree ) =>
- if (isSequenceValued( p )) {
- MakeHedgeRule( in, nt, vset + newVar( vble ), p );
- } else {
- Console.println(p);
- Console.println(isSequenceValued( p ));
- try {
- val trNT = cur.make.TreeNT( vset );
- Console.println("made treeNT:"+trNT);
- MakeTreeRule( trNT, vset, pat );
- cur.hedgeRules += new HedgeRule( in, trNT, nt );
- } catch {
- case _:WildcardException =>
- cur.hedgeRules += new HedgeRule( in, ANYTREE, nt );
- }
- }
- case _ =>
- Console.println(pat);
- Console.println(isSequenceValued( pat ));
- try {
- val trNT = cur.make.TreeNT( vset );
- Console.println("made treeNT:"+trNT);
- MakeTreeRule( trNT, vset, pat );
- cur.hedgeRules += new HedgeRule( in, trNT, nt );
- } catch {
- case _:WildcardException =>
- cur.hedgeRules += new HedgeRule( in, ANYTREE, nt );
- }
- }
- def MakeTreeRule( in:TreeNT, vset: immutable.Set[Int], pat:RegExp):unit = {
- DEBUGPRINT("MakeTreeRule("+in+","+vset+","+pat+")");
- pat match {
- case Wildcard =>
- // WildcardTree()
- // case Tree$Ident( Names.PATTERN_WILDCARD ) =>
- if( vset.isEmpty ) {
- DEBUGPRINT("WILDCARD! discarding "+in);
- throw new WildcardException(); // OPTIMIZATION to collapse _ rules
- } else
- cur.treeRules += new AnyTreeRule( in );
- // WildcardNode( x @ _* )
- case Node(WildcardTest, sequ) =>
- //case Tree$Apply( Tree$Ident( Names.PATTERN_WILDCARD ), xs ) =>
- {
- val Children = cur.make.HedgeNT;
- cur.treeRules += new AnyNodeRule( in, Children );
- MakeHedgeRule( Children, EMPTYHEDGE, emptyVars, sequ);
- }
- // Node( label:String, x @ _* ) => //p.type
- case Node( theTest, sequ ) =>
- //case Tree$Apply( theTest, xs ) =>
- val test = newTest( theTest ); //p.type
- val childrenNT = cur.make.HedgeNT; // make a new NT
- cur.treeRules += new TreeRule(in, test, childrenNT );
- MakeHedgeRule( childrenNT, EMPTYHEDGE, emptyVars, sequ);
- case x:Alt => // is tree valued
- for(val pat <- )
- MakeTreeRule( in, vset, pat );
- case Binding( vble, p ) =>
- in.vset = in.vset + newVar( vble );
- MakeTreeRule( in, in.vset, p );
- case _ => //DEBUGPRINT("error, we found "+p.getClass());
- }
- } // end MakeTreeRule
- /* misc stuff */
- def DEBUGPRINT( s:String ):unit = // misc DEBUG
- if (global.debug) Console.println( s );
- class WildcardException extends Exception ; // backtrack
- final val emptyVars = new immutable.TreeSet[Int](); // convenience
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/MutableGrammar.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/MutableGrammar.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5829c2410d..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/MutableGrammar.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-import scala.collection.immutable;
-import scala.collection.mutable;
-import scala.runtime.matching._;
-import scalac.symtab._;
-import scala.util.grammar.{ AnyTreeRHS, LabelledRHS, TreeRHS, ConsRHS, HedgeRHS };
-package {
-object InitialGrammar {
- /** returns an initial grammar, with any tree rule and any hedge rule */
- def make:MutableGrammar = {
- val initialTreeRules = new mutable.HashSet[TRule]();
- initialTreeRules += AnyTreeRule( ANYTREE );
- val initialHedgeRules = new mutable.HashSet[HRule]();
- val vars = new mutable.HashMap[Int,Int]();
- val tests = new mutable.HashMap[Int,PatternTest]() ;
- val z = new MutableGrammar(
- initialTreeRules,
- initialHedgeRules,
- vars,
- tests,
- new NonTermFactory( ANYTREE.i+1, ANYHEDGE.i+1 )
- );
- z.varMap = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Int]();
- z.invTest = new mutable.HashMap[PatternTest, Int]();
- z
- }
-/** compile-time representation of patterns. This class treats all variable
- * indices as sequence variables.
- */
-case class MutableGrammar( treeRules:mutable.Set[TRule],
- hedgeRules:mutable.Set[HRule],
- caseVars:mutable.Map[Int,Int],
- tests:mutable.Map[int,PatternTest],
- make:NonTermFactory )
- var invTest:mutable.Map[PatternTest,int] = _;
- /** from variable names to indices. */
- var varMap:mutable.Map[Symbol, Int] = _;
- final def hedgeRulesToString:String = {
- hedgeRules.foldLeft ("") {
- (s:String,r:Rule) => s + (r match {
- case HedgeRule( h, _, _ ) if ( make.hedgeInitials contains h ) => "*"
- case _ => " "
- }) + r.toString() + "\n"
- } ;
- }
- final def treeRulesToString:String = {
- treeRules.foldLeft ("") {
- (s:String,r:Rule) => s + (r match {
- case TreeRule( t, _, _ ) if ( make.treeInitials contains t ) => "*"
- case _ => " "
- }) + r.toString() + "\n"
- } ;
- }
- override def toString(): String = {
- val sb = new StringBuffer();
- sb.append( { if( treeRules.isEmpty )
- "Set of rules is EMPTY.\n" else treeRulesToString });
- sb.append( { if( hedgeRules.isEmpty )
- "Set of rules is EMPTY.\n" else hedgeRulesToString });
- sb.append( "hedgeInitials:"+make.hedgeInitials );
- sb.append( "treeInitials:"+make.treeInitials );
- //sb.append( "\nvariables :"+( caseVars( 0 ).map { debugVarMapping }) );
- sb.toString()
- }
- protected def add[A]( i:Int, r:A, m:immutable.TreeMap[Int,immutable.Set[A]] ):immutable.TreeMap[Int,immutable.Set[A]] =
- m.update( i, m.get( i ) match {
- case Some( s ) => s + r;
- case None => immutable.ListSet.Empty[A] + r;
- });
- /** converts this grammar in a pattern grammar (an ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar with variable info)
- */
- def toGrammar: PatternGrammar = {
- val rbsNullable = new mutable.BitSet();
- var tnt = 0;
- var renumber = new immutable.TreeMap[Int,Int];
- var invnum = new immutable.TreeMap[Int,Int];
- val _treeTransitions:Array[immutable.Set[TreeRHS]] = {
- val theTreeTransitionsMap: immutable.TreeMap[Int,immutable.Set[TreeRHS]] = {
- var tmp = immutable.TreeMap.Empty[Int,immutable.Set[TreeRHS]];
- val it = treeRules.elements;
- while(it.hasNext) {
- val tr =;
- //Console.print(tr.toString()+" ###");
- tr match {
- case AnyTreeRule( t ) =>
- tmp = add( tnt, AnyTreeRHS, tmp );
- //Console.println(tnt);
- //Console.println(tmp);
- renumber = renumber.update(t.i, tnt);
- invnum = invnum.update(tnt, t.i);
- tnt = tnt+1;
- case AnyNodeRule( t, _ ) =>
- Console.println("?!?! "+t);
- // ?!
- throw new RuntimeException("cannot handle!");
- case TreeRule( t, i, h ) =>
- tmp = add( tnt, LabelledRHS(TestLabel(i),h.i), tmp );
- //Console.println(tnt);
- //Console.println(tmp);
- renumber = renumber.update(t.i, tnt);
- invnum = invnum.update(tnt, t.i);
- tnt = tnt+1;
- }
- }
- tmp
- };
- //Console.println("map size"+theTreeTransitionsMap.size);
- //Console.println("mumap size"+treeRules.size);
- val arr = new Array[immutable.Set[TreeRHS]]( theTreeTransitionsMap.size );
- val it = theTreeTransitionsMap.keys;
- while( it.hasNext ) {
- val k =;
- //Console.println(k+" which is t"+invnum(k));
- arr.update( k, theTreeTransitionsMap( k ));
- }
- arr
- }
- //Console.println("renumer T "+renumber);
- //Console.println("DONE with trees");
- val _nTreeNT = _treeTransitions.length;
- var renumberH = new immutable.TreeMap[Int,Int].update(0,0);
- val it = hedgeRules.elements;
- var hnt = 1;
- while(it.hasNext)
- match {
- case HedgeRule( h, t, h2 ) =>
- if(!renumberH.contains(h.i)) {
- renumberH = renumberH.update(h.i,hnt);
- hnt = hnt + 1;
- }
- if(!renumberH.contains(h2.i)) {
- renumberH = renumberH.update(h2.i,hnt);
- hnt = hnt + 1;
- }
- }
- //Console.println("hedge renum");
- //Console.println(renumberH);
- val _hedgeTransitions: Array[immutable.Set[HedgeRHS]] = {
- val theHedgeTransitionsMap: immutable.TreeMap[Int,immutable.Set[HedgeRHS]] = {
- var tmp =
- immutable.TreeMap.Empty[Int,immutable.Set[HedgeRHS]]
- // to maintain assumption that every hedge nt is present
- .update(0, immutable.ListSet.Empty[HedgeRHS]);
- val it2 = hedgeRules.elements;
- while(it2.hasNext) {
- val hedgeRule =;
- hedgeRule match {
- case HedgeRule( h, t, h2 ) =>
- //Console.println(hedgeRule);
- //Console.println("h"+h.i+" ===> "+renumberH(h.i));
- rbsNullable.ensureSize( renumberH(h2.i) );
- rbsNullable.set( renumberH(h2.i), h2.nullable );
- tmp = add( renumberH(h.i), ConsRHS(renumber(t.i),renumberH(h2.i)), tmp );
- Console.println("tmp = "+tmp);
- }};
- tmp
- };
- Console.println("hello, "+theHedgeTransitionsMap);
- val arr = new Array[immutable.Set[HedgeRHS]]( theHedgeTransitionsMap.size );
- val it = theHedgeTransitionsMap.keys;
- while( it.hasNext ) {
- val k =;
- arr.update( k, theHedgeTransitionsMap( k ));
- }
- arr
- }
- //Console.println("DONE with hedges");
- val _nHedgeNT = _hedgeTransitions.length ;
- Console.println("caseVars: "+caseVars);
- val _vars = new Array[Int]( caseVars.size );
- val it3 = caseVars.keys;
- while( it3.hasNext ) {
- val k =;
- Console.println("caseVar: "+k);
- _vars.update( k-1, caseVars( k ));
- }
- val _treeInitials = {
- val rbs = new mutable.BitSet( _nTreeNT );
- for( val k <- make.treeInitials ) {
- rbs.set( k.i )
- }
- new immutable.BitSet(rbs)
- }
- val _hedgeInitials = {
- val rbs = new mutable.BitSet( _nHedgeNT );
- for( val k <- make.hedgeInitials ) {
- rbsNullable.ensureSize( k.i );
- rbsNullable.set( k.i, k.nullable );
- rbs.set( k.i )
- }
- new immutable.BitSet(rbs)
- }
- val _isNullable = new immutable.BitSet( rbsNullable );
- new PatternGrammar {
- val nTreeNT = _nTreeNT;
- val nHedgeNT = _nHedgeNT;
- val treeTransitions = _treeTransitions;
- val hedgeTransitions = _hedgeTransitions;
- val vars = _vars;
- val treeInitials = _treeInitials;
- val hedgeInitials = _hedgeInitials;
- val isNullable = _isNullable;
- // @todo
- def test( test:int, inp:Any ):boolean = { false; };
- }
- }
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/NonTermFactory.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/NonTermFactory.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 50197b162e..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/NonTermFactory.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-import scala.runtime.matching.{TreeNT, HedgeNT};
-import scala.collection.immutable;
-/** factory for nonterminals. maintains list of initial nonterminals
- */
-class NonTermFactory(treeInit: Int, hedgeInit: Int) {
- var treeInitials:immutable.Set[TreeNT] = new immutable.TreeSet[TreeNT]();
- var hedgeInitials:immutable.Set[HedgeNT] = new immutable.TreeSet[HedgeNT]();
- private var treeCounter = treeInit;
- private var hedgCounter = hedgeInit;
- def HedgeNT: HedgeNT = {
- val x = new HedgeNT( hedgCounter );
- hedgCounter = hedgCounter + 1;
- x
- }
- def TreeNT( vs:immutable.Set[Int] ): TreeNT = {
- val x = new TreeNT( treeCounter );
- x.vset = vs;
- treeCounter = treeCounter + 1;
- x
- }
- def initialHedgeNT = {
- val h = HedgeNT;
- hedgeInitials = hedgeInitials + h;
- h
- }
- def initialTreeNT = {
- val t = TreeNT( immutable.ListSet.Empty[Int] );
- treeInitials = treeInitials + t;
- t
- }
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/PatternExp.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/PatternExp.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d05413b799..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/PatternExp.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-import scalac.ast._ ;
-import scalac.atree.AConstant ;
-import scalac.symtab.{ Definitions, Modifiers, Symbol, Type} ;
-import scalac.util.Name ;
-package {
- import scala.util.regexp.{ PointedHedgeExp, WildcardBase };
- class PatternExp(defs: Definitions)
- extends PointedHedgeExp[PatternTest] with WildcardBase {
- type regexp = RegExp ;
- case class Binding(vble:Symbol, re:regexp) extends Meta( re ) ;
- def fromTrees( ts:Array[Tree] ):Seq[RegExp] = {
- var nts: List[RegExp] = Nil;
- val it = Iterator.fromArray( ts );
- while( it.hasNext )
- nts = fromTree( ) :: nts;
- nts.reverse
- }
- def fromTree( t:Tree ):RegExp = {
- import Tree._ ;
- t match {
- case Alternative(choices:Array[Tree]) =>
- Alt( fromTrees(choices):_* )
- case Apply(s:Ident, args) if (s.symbol() == defs.PATTERN_WILDCARD) =>
- Node(WildcardTest, mkSequ(fromTrees( args ):_*))
- case x @ Apply(_, args) =>
- if (isSeqApply( x )) // List(1,2,3)
- Node(TypeTest( x.getType() ), mkSequ(fromTrees( args ):_*))
- else if (isObjectRef( x )) // uncurry: =>
- Node(EqualsValue( t ), Eps);
- else // case class constructor
- Node(Constructor( t.getType() ), mkSequ(fromTrees( args ):_*));
- case Bind(n: Name, t:Tree) =>
- if( TreeInfo.isNameOfStarPattern( n ) )
- Star(fromTree( t ))
- else
- Binding( t.symbol(), fromTree( t ))
- case Literal( c ) =>
- Node(EqualsValue( t ), Star(Wildcard))
- case Ident( n:Name ) =>
- if( t.symbol() == defs.PATTERN_WILDCARD )
- Wildcard
- else if( TreeInfo.isNameOfStarPattern( n ) )
- Eps;
- else Node(EqualsValue( t ), Star(Wildcard))
- case Select(_,_) =>
- Node(EqualsValue( t ), Star(Wildcard))
- case Sequence( trees ) =>
- mkSequ(fromTrees( trees ):_*);
- case Typed(_,_) =>
- Node(TypeTest( t.getType() ), Eps)
- }
- }
- /** these are treated like constant value */
- final def isObjectRef( t:Tree.Apply ):Boolean = {
- val sym =;
- (sym != null)
- && sym.isStable()
- && !(sym.isModule()
- && ((sym.flags & Modifiers.CASE) != 0));
- }
- final def isSeqApply( tree:Tree.Apply ):Boolean = {
- ((tree.getType().symbol().flags & Modifiers.CASE) == 0)
- && ( tree.args.length == 1 )
- && tree.args(0).isInstanceOf[Tree.Sequence]
- }
- final def isSequenceValued( p:RegExp ):Boolean = p match {
- case x:Alt =>
- val it =;
- while (it.hasNext)
- if (isSequenceValued( ))
- return true;
- return false;
- case Binding(_,r) => isSequenceValued( r )
- case Eps => true;
- case _:Node => false;
- case _:Sequ => true;
- case TopIter(l, r) => isSequenceValued( l )||isSequenceValued( r );
- case Point => false;
- case Wildcard => false;
- }
- /** returns width */
- private def getLowerBoundWidth( it:Iterator[RegExp] ):Int = {
- if( !it.hasNext ) 0 else {
- var wid = minimalWidth( );
- for( val h <- it ) {
- val hw = minimalWidth( h );
- if( hw < wid ) {
- wid = hw
- }
- }
- wid
- }
- }
- /** @todo translate this from ems pattern
- */
- def minimalWidth( pat:RegExp ):Int = pat match {
- case x:Alt => getLowerBoundWidth( );
- case _:Node => 1
- case x:Sequ =>
- (0) {
- (s:int,x:RegExp) => s + minimalWidth( x )
- }
- case Binding( _, r ) => minimalWidth( r );
- case _ => 0
- }
- }
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/PatternInfo.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/PatternInfo.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/PatternInfo.scala
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/PatternTest.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/PatternTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d2a2f31252..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/transformer/matching/PatternTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import scalac.ast.Tree ;
-import scalac.atree.AConstant ;
-import scalac.symtab.Type ;
-import scala.util.alphabet.{ AlphabetPlusWildcard, WildcardLabel };
-package {
- abstract class PatternTest extends AlphabetPlusWildcard ;
- case class Constructor( tpe:Type ) extends PatternTest ;
- case class EqualsValue( value:Tree ) extends PatternTest;
- case class TypeTest( tpe:Type ) extends PatternTest;
- case object WildcardTest extends PatternTest with WildcardLabel;
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/alphabet/Alphabet.scala b/sources/scala/util/alphabet/Alphabet.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d10b6a7f..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/util/alphabet/Alphabet.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-package scala.util.alphabet ;
-trait Alphabet ;
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/alphabet/AlphabetPlusWildcard.scala b/sources/scala/util/alphabet/AlphabetPlusWildcard.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 32b4c6a09a..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/util/alphabet/AlphabetPlusWildcard.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-package scala.util.alphabet ;
-trait AlphabetPlusWildcard extends Alphabet ;
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/automata/NondetWordAutom.scala b/sources/scala/util/automata/NondetWordAutom.scala
index 34a0e242da..9023bbd7e2 100644
--- a/sources/scala/util/automata/NondetWordAutom.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/util/automata/NondetWordAutom.scala
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
package scala.util.automata ;
-import scala.util.alphabet.Alphabet ;
import scala.collection.{ Set, Map, mutable };
/** 0 is always the only initial state */
-abstract class NondetWordAutom[ A <: Alphabet ] {
+abstract class NondetWordAutom {
+ type T_label;
val nstates: Int;
- val labels: Set[A] ;
+ val labels: Set[T_label] ;
val finals: Map[Int,Int] ;
- val delta: Function1[Int,Map[A,List[Int]]];
+ val delta: Function1[Int,Map[T_label,List[Int]]];
val default: Array[List[Int]];
/** returns true if the state is final */
@@ -30,4 +31,24 @@ abstract class NondetWordAutom[ A <: Alphabet ] {
/** returns true if there are no finite states */
final def isEmpty = finals.isEmpty;
+ override def toString() = {
+ val sb = new StringBuffer();
+ sb.append("[nfa nstates=");
+ sb.append(nstates);
+ sb.append(" labels=");
+ sb.append(labels.toString());
+ sb.append(" finals=");
+ sb.append(finals.toString());
+ sb.append(" delta=\n");
+ for( val i <- Iterator.range(0,nstates)) {
+ sb.append( i );
+ sb.append("->");
+ sb.append(delta(i).toString());
+ sb.append('\n');
+ sb.append(" _>");
+ sb.append(default(i).mkString("",",",""));
+ sb.append('\n');
+ }
+ sb.toString();
+ }
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/automata/WordBerrySethi.scala b/sources/scala/util/automata/WordBerrySethi.scala
index 680de0b460..dd37bf47d6 100644
--- a/sources/scala/util/automata/WordBerrySethi.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/util/automata/WordBerrySethi.scala
@@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
package scala.util.automata ;
-import scala.util.alphabet.Alphabet ;
import scala.util.regexp.WordExp ;
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, Map } ;
-import scala.collection.immutable ;
+import scala.collection.{immutable,
+ mutable,
+ Map } ;
-/** this turns a regexp over A into a NondetWordAutom over A using the
+/** this turns a regexp into a NondetWordAutom using the
* celebrated position automata construction (also called Berry-Sethi or
* Glushkov)
-abstract class WordBerrySethi[ A <: Alphabet ] extends BaseBerrySethi {
+abstract class WordBerrySethi extends BaseBerrySethi {
- override val lang: WordExp[ A ];
- import lang.{Alt,Eps,Letter,Meta,RegExp,Sequ,Star} ;
+ override val lang: WordExp;
+ type T_label = this.lang.T_label;
- protected var labels:mutable.HashSet[A] = _ ;
+ import lang.{Alt, Eps, Letter, Meta, RegExp, Sequ, Star} ;
+ protected var labels:mutable.HashSet[T_label] = _ ;
// don't let this fool you, only labelAt is a real, surjective mapping
- protected var labelAt: immutable.TreeMap[int, A] = _; // new alphabet "gamma"
+ protected var labelAt: immutable.TreeMap[Int, T_label] = _; // new alphabet "gamma"
- protected var deltaq: Array[mutable.HashMap[A,List[Int]]] = _; // delta
+ protected var deltaq: Array[mutable.HashMap[T_label,List[Int]]] = _; // delta
protected var defaultq: Array[List[Int]] = _; // default transitions
@@ -60,7 +63,7 @@ abstract class WordBerrySethi[ A <: Alphabet ] extends BaseBerrySethi {
/** called at the leaves of the regexp */
- protected def seenLabel( r:RegExp, i:Int, label: A ): Unit = {
+ protected def seenLabel( r:RegExp, i:Int, label: T_label ): Unit = {
this.posMap.update( r, i );
this.labelAt = this.labelAt.update( i, label );
//@ifdef if( label != Wildcard ) {
@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ abstract class WordBerrySethi[ A <: Alphabet ] extends BaseBerrySethi {
// overriden in BindingBerrySethi
- protected def seenLabel( r: RegExp, label: A ): Unit = {
+ protected def seenLabel( r: RegExp, label: T_label ): Unit = {
pos = pos + 1;
seenLabel( r, pos, label );
@@ -82,7 +85,7 @@ abstract class WordBerrySethi[ A <: Alphabet ] extends BaseBerrySethi {
- protected def makeTransition(src: Int, dest:Int, label: A ):Unit = {
+ protected def makeTransition(src: Int, dest:Int, label: T_label ):Unit = {
//@ifdef compiler if( label == Wildcard )
//@ifdef compiler defaultq.update(src, dest::defaultq( src ))
//@ifdef compiler else
@@ -95,9 +98,9 @@ abstract class WordBerrySethi[ A <: Alphabet ] extends BaseBerrySethi {
protected def initialize(subexpr: Seq[RegExp]): Unit = {
this.posMap = new mutable.HashMap[RegExp,Int]();
- this.labelAt = new immutable.TreeMap[Int,A]();
+ this.labelAt = new immutable.TreeMap[Int,T_label]();
this.follow = new mutable.HashMap[Int,immutable.Set[Int]]();
- this.labels = new mutable.HashSet[A]();
+ this.labels = new mutable.HashSet[T_label]();
this.pos = 0;
@@ -114,26 +117,25 @@ abstract class WordBerrySethi[ A <: Alphabet ] extends BaseBerrySethi {
protected def initializeAutom(): Unit = {
finals = immutable.TreeMap.Empty[Int,Int]; // final states
- deltaq = new Array[mutable.HashMap[A,List[Int]]]( pos ); // delta
+ deltaq = new Array[mutable.HashMap[T_label,List[Int]]]( pos ); // delta
defaultq = new Array[List[Int]]( pos ); // default transitions
var j = 0;
while( j < pos ) {
- deltaq( j ) = new mutable.HashMap[A,List[Int]]();
+ deltaq( j ) = new mutable.HashMap[T_label,List[Int]]();
defaultq( j ) = Nil;
j = j + 1
protected def collectTransitions(): Unit = { // make transitions
- var j = 0;
- while( j < pos ) {
+ var j = 0; while( j < pos ) {
val fol = this.follow( j );
val it = fol.elements;
while( it.hasNext ) {
val k =;
if( pos == k )
- finals.update( k, finalTag )
+ finals = finals.update( k, finalTag )
makeTransition( j, k, labelAt( k ))
@@ -141,7 +143,7 @@ abstract class WordBerrySethi[ A <: Alphabet ] extends BaseBerrySethi {
- def automatonFrom(pat: RegExp, finalTag: Int): NondetWordAutom[ A ] = {
+ def automatonFrom(pat: RegExp, finalTag: Int): NondetWordAutom = {
this.finalTag = finalTag;
pat match {
@@ -159,8 +161,8 @@ abstract class WordBerrySethi[ A <: Alphabet ] extends BaseBerrySethi {
if( x.isNullable ) // initial state is final
finals = finals.update( 0, finalTag );
- var delta1: immutable.TreeMap[Int,Map[A,List[Int]]] =
- new immutable.TreeMap[Int,Map[A,List[Int]]];
+ var delta1: immutable.TreeMap[Int,Map[T_label,List[Int]]] =
+ new immutable.TreeMap[Int,Map[T_label,List[Int]]];
var i = 0;
while( i < deltaq.length ) {
@@ -168,7 +170,8 @@ abstract class WordBerrySethi[ A <: Alphabet ] extends BaseBerrySethi {
i = i + 1;
- new NondetWordAutom[ A ] {
+ new NondetWordAutom {
+ type T_label = WordBerrySethi.this.T_label;
val nstates = pos;
val labels = WordBerrySethi.this.labels;
val initials = WordBerrySethi.this.initials;
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/grammar/ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala b/sources/scala/util/grammar/ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala
index 85e1b779cc..74b331b1b9 100644
--- a/sources/scala/util/grammar/ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/util/grammar/ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package scala.util.grammar;
-import scala.util.alphabet.Alphabet ;
import scala.collection.immutable ;
/** a mutable representation of hedge grammars. A hedge grammar over an
@@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ import scala.collection.immutable ;
* can derive the empty hedge are called "nullable". initials tree
* or hedge nonterminals.
-abstract class ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar[ A <: Alphabet ] extends TreeHedgeGrammar {
+abstract class ImmutableTreeHedgeGrammar extends TreeHedgeGrammar {
/** number of tree nonterminals*/
val nTreeNT: Int;
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/grammar/MutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala b/sources/scala/util/grammar/MutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala
index d1ac0b0560..4eae49c01c 100644
--- a/sources/scala/util/grammar/MutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/util/grammar/MutableTreeHedgeGrammar.scala
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package scala.util.grammar;
-import scala.util.alphabet.Alphabet ;
import scala.collection.mutable ;
/** a mutable representation of hedge grammars. A hedge grammar over an
@@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ import scala.collection.mutable ;
* can derive the empty hedge are called "nullable". initials tree
* or hedge nonterminals.
-class MutableTreeHedgeGrammar[ A <: Alphabet ] extends TreeHedgeGrammar[ A ] {
+class MutableTreeHedgeGrammar[ A ] extends TreeHedgeGrammar {
/** number of tree nonterminals*/
var nTreeNT: Int = 0;
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/grammar/TreeHedgeGrammar.scala b/sources/scala/util/grammar/TreeHedgeGrammar.scala
index 06af102869..f4807a31aa 100644
--- a/sources/scala/util/grammar/TreeHedgeGrammar.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/util/grammar/TreeHedgeGrammar.scala
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package scala.util.grammar;
-import scala.util.alphabet.Alphabet ;
import scala.collection.{ BitSet, Set, mutable } ;
/** a mutable representation of hedge grammars. A hedge grammar over an
@@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ import scala.collection.{ BitSet, Set, mutable } ;
* can derive the empty hedge are called "nullable". initials tree
* or hedge nonterminals.
-abstract class TreeHedgeGrammar[ A <: Alphabet ] {
+abstract class TreeHedgeGrammar {
/** number of tree nonterminals*/
def nTreeNT: Int;
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/grammar/TreeRHS.scala b/sources/scala/util/grammar/TreeRHS.scala
index 5c50b82370..e4d391e12f 100644
--- a/sources/scala/util/grammar/TreeRHS.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/util/grammar/TreeRHS.scala
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
package scala.util.grammar;
-import scala.util.alphabet.Alphabet ;
/** right hand side of a tree production */
abstract class TreeRHS;
/** right hand side of a tree production, labelled with a letter from an alphabet */
-case class LabelledRHS[A <: Alphabet](label: A, hnt: Int) extends TreeRHS;
+case class LabelledRHS[A](label: A, hnt: Int) extends TreeRHS;
case object AnyTreeRHS extends TreeRHS;
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/regexp/Base.scala b/sources/scala/util/regexp/Base.scala
index 502efc8cf3..ccaa820663 100644
--- a/sources/scala/util/regexp/Base.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/util/regexp/Base.scala
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ trait Base {
case class Alt(rs: regexp*) extends RegExp {
// check rs \in R,R,R*
+ // @todo: flattening
if({ val it = rs.elements; !it.hasNext || {; !it.hasNext }})
throw new SyntaxError("need at least 2 branches in Alt");
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ trait Base {
case class Sequ(rs: regexp*) extends RegExp {
+ // @todo: flattening
// check rs \in R,R*
if({ val it = rs.elements; !it.hasNext })
throw new SyntaxError("need at least 1 item in Sequ");
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/regexp/PointedHedgeExp.scala b/sources/scala/util/regexp/PointedHedgeExp.scala
index 0c1ce64f8f..cd32021d7f 100644
--- a/sources/scala/util/regexp/PointedHedgeExp.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/util/regexp/PointedHedgeExp.scala
@@ -2,20 +2,18 @@
package scala.util.regexp ;
-import scala.util.alphabet.Alphabet ;
/** pointed regular hedge expressions, a useful subclass of
* regular hedge expressions.
-trait PointedHedgeExp[ A <: Alphabet ] extends Base {
- type label = A;
+trait PointedHedgeExp extends Base {
+ type T_label;
type regexp <: RegExp;
- case class Node(label: A, r: regexp) extends RegExp {
+ case class Node(label: T_label, r: regexp) extends RegExp {
final val isNullable = false;
case class TopIter(r1: regexp, r2: regexp) extends RegExp {
final val isNullable = r1.isNullable && r2.isNullable; //?
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/regexp/WildcardBase.scala b/sources/scala/util/regexp/WildcardBase.scala
index d69192221d..0c1a62545c 100644
--- a/sources/scala/util/regexp/WildcardBase.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/util/regexp/WildcardBase.scala
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ package scala.util.regexp ;
trait WildcardBase extends Base {
type regexp <: RegExp;
- case object Wildcard extends RegExp {
+ case object Wildcard extends RegExp {
final val isNullable = false;
diff --git a/sources/scala/util/regexp/WordExp.scala b/sources/scala/util/regexp/WordExp.scala
index 875dd292a1..14557d9578 100644
--- a/sources/scala/util/regexp/WordExp.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/util/regexp/WordExp.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
package scala.util.regexp ;
-import scala.util.alphabet.Alphabet ;
/** regular word expressions. use them with an alphabet: <pre>
abstract class IntLabels extends Alphabet;
object IntWordExp extends WordExp[IntLabels] {
@@ -11,9 +9,14 @@ object IntWordExp extends WordExp[IntLabels] {
* </pre>
-trait WordExp[ A <: Alphabet ] extends Base {
+trait WordExp extends Base {
+ trait Label;
+ type T_label <: Label;
+ type regexp <: RegExp ;
- case class Letter(a: A) extends RegExp {
+ case class Letter(a: T_label) extends RegExp {
final val isNullable = false;
diff --git a/sources/scala/xml/dtd/ContentModel.scala b/sources/scala/xml/dtd/ContentModel.scala
index 2f9cc60080..09fd89d7e9 100644
--- a/sources/scala/xml/dtd/ContentModel.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/xml/dtd/ContentModel.scala
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
package scala.xml.dtd ;
-abstract class ElemNames extends scala.util.alphabet.Alphabet;
-case class ElemName(name: String) extends ElemNames {
- override def toString() = "ElemName(\""+name+"\")";
-object ContentModel extends scala.util.regexp.WordExp[ElemNames] {
+object ContentModel extends scala.util.regexp.WordExp {
+ type T_label = ElemName;
type regexp = RegExp;
+ case class ElemName(name: String) extends Label {
+ override def toString() = "ElemName(\""+name+"\")";
+ }
case object PCDATA_ extends RegExp {
final val isNullable = false;
override def toString() = "PCDATA_";