path: root/sources
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authorMartin Odersky <>2003-02-19 15:31:55 +0000
committerMartin Odersky <>2003-02-19 15:31:55 +0000
commiteac21ad76df4442e7610cbc6c2433c55898ac05b (patch)
tree4dcbefe935cfc57c05752ba5e1780f4f56d44f4d /sources
parentee273f5e7373fa54dc6e81f4488519635344e2e3 (diff)
Bug fixes in lambda lifter, test classes
Diffstat (limited to 'sources')
7 files changed, 433 insertions, 362 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scala/Iterator.scala b/sources/scala/Iterator.scala
index f5ef4b0f0b..e42ddb6bfb 100644
--- a/sources/scala/Iterator.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/Iterator.scala
@@ -1,35 +1,96 @@
-package scala {
+package scala;
trait Iterator[a] {
def hasNext: Boolean;
def next: a;
- def filter(p: a => Boolean): Iterator[a] = new BufferedIterator[a] with {
- private val source = new Buffered(Iterator.this);
- private def skip: Unit = while (source.hasNext && !p(source.head)) {; () }
- def hasNext: Boolean = { skip; source.hasNext }
- def next: a = { skip; }
- def head: a = { skip; source.head; }
+ def foreach(f: a => Unit): Unit =
+ while (hasNext) { f(next) }
+ def map[b](f: a => b): Iterator[b] = new Iterator[b] {
+ def hasNext = Iterator.this.hasNext;
+ def next = f(
-trait BufferedIterator[a] extends Iterator[a] {
- def head: a;
+ def flatMap[b](f: a => Iterator[b]): Iterator[b] = new Iterator[b] {
+ private var cur: Iterator[b] = Iterator.empty;
+ def hasNext: Boolean =
+ if (cur.hasNext) True
+ else if (Iterator.this.hasNext) { cur = f(; hasNext }
+ else False;
+ def next: b =
+ if (cur.hasNext)
+ else if (Iterator.this.hasNext) { cur = f(; next }
+ else error("next on empty iterator");
+ }
-class Buffered[a](it: Iterator[a]) extends Iterator[a] {
- private var hd: a = _;
- private var ahead: Boolean = False;
- def head: a = {
- if (!ahead) { hd =; ahead = True }
- hd
+ def filter(p: a => Boolean): Iterator[a] = new BufferedIterator[a] {
+ private val source =
+ Iterator.this.buffered;
+ private def skip: Unit =
+ while (source.hasNext && !p(source.head)) {; () }
+ def hasNext: Boolean =
+ { skip; source.hasNext }
+ def next: a =
+ { skip; }
+ def head: a =
+ { skip; source.head; }
- def next: a =
- if (ahead) { ahead = False; hd }
- else head;
- def hasNext: Boolean =
- ahead || it.hasNext;
+ def zip[b](that: Iterator[b]) = new Iterator[Pair[a, b]] with {
+ def hasNext = Iterator.this.hasNext && that.hasNext;
+ def next = Pair(,;
+ }
+ def buffered: BufferedIterator[a] = new BufferedIterator[a] {
+ private var hd: a = _;
+ private var ahead: Boolean = False;
+ def head: a = {
+ if (!ahead) { hd =; ahead = True }
+ hd
+ }
+ def next: a =
+ if (ahead) { ahead = False; hd }
+ else head;
+ def hasNext: Boolean =
+ ahead || Iterator.this.hasNext;
+ override def buffered = this;
+ }
+module Iterator {
+ def empty[a] = new Iterator[a] {
+ def hasNext = False;
+ def next: a = error("next on empty iterator");
+ }
+ def fromArray[a](xs: Array[a]) = new Iterator[a] {
+ private var i = 0;
+ def hasNext: Boolean =
+ i < xs.length;
+ def next: a =
+ if (i < xs.length) { val x = xs(i) ; i = i + 1 ; x }
+ else error("next on empty iterator");
+ }
+ def range(lo: Int, hi: Int) = new Iterator[Int] {
+ private var i = 0;
+ def hasNext: Boolean =
+ i <= hi;
+ def next: Int =
+ if (i <= hi) { i = i + 1 ; i - 1 }
+ else error("next on empty iterator");
+ }
+ def from(lo: Int) = new Iterator[Int] {
+ private var i = 0;
+ def hasNext: Boolean =
+ True;
+ def next: Int =
+ { i = i + 1 ; i - 1 }
+ }
diff --git a/sources/scala/List.scala b/sources/scala/List.scala
index a6b44d9dfe..a36ab98813 100644
--- a/sources/scala/List.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/List.scala
@@ -1,345 +1,352 @@
-package scala {
- /* An abstract class representing an ordered collection of elements
- * of type <code>a</code>.
- * This class comes with two implementing case classes {link scala.Nil/} and
- * {@link scala.::_class/} that implement the abstract members <code>isEmpty</code>,
- * <code>head</code> and <code>tail</code>. But instead of this
- *
- * @arg a the type of the elements contained in the list.
+package scala;
+/* An abstract class representing an ordered collection of elements
+* of type <code>a</code>.
+* This class comes with two implementing case classes {link scala.Nil/} and
+* {@link scala.::_class/} that implement the abstract members <code>isEmpty</code>,
+* <code>head</code> and <code>tail</code>. But instead of this
+* @arg a the type of the elements contained in the list.
+trait List[a] extends Seq[a] {
+ /** Tests if this list is empty.
+ * @return True iff the list contains no element.
- trait List[a] extends Seq[a] {
- /** Tests if this list is empty.
- * @return True iff the list contains no element.
- */
- def isEmpty: Boolean;
- /** Returns this first element of the list.
- * @return the first element of this list.
- * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is empty.
- */
- def head: a;
- /** Returns this list without its first element.
- * @return this list without its first element.
- * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is empty.
- */
- def tail: List[a];
- /** Add an element <code>x</code> at the beginning of this list.
- * <p>
- * Ex:<br>
- * <code>1 :: [2, 3] = [2, 3].::(1) = [1, 2, 3]</code>.
- * @param x the element to append.
- * @return the list with <code>x</code> appended at the beginning.
- */
- def ::(x: a): List[a] =
- new scala.::[a](x, this);
- /** Returns a list resulting from the concatenation of the given
- * list <code>prefix</code> and this list.
- * <p>
- * Ex:<br>
- * <code>[1, 2] ::: [3, 4] = [3, 4].:::([1, 2]) = [1, 2, 3, 4]</code>.
- * @param prefix the list to concatenate at the beginning of this list.
- * @return the concatenation of the two lists.
- */
- def :::(prefix: List[a]): List[a] =
- if (prefix.isEmpty) this
- else prefix.head :: (prefix.tail ::: this);
- /** Returns the number of elements in the list.
- * @return the number of elements in the list.
- */
- def length: Int = this match {
- case Nil() => 0
- case _ :: xs => xs.length + 1
- }
+ def isEmpty: Boolean;
- /** Returns the elements in the list as an iterator
- */
- def elements: Iterator[a] = new Iterator[a] {
- var current = List.this;
- def hasNext: Boolean = !current.isEmpty;
- def next: a = { val result = current.head; current = current.tail; result }
- }
+ /** Returns this first element of the list.
+ * @return the first element of this list.
+ * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is empty.
+ */
+ def head: a;
- /** Returns the list without its last element.
- * @return the list without its last element.
- * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is empty.
- */
- def init: List[a] =
- if (isEmpty) error("Nil.init")
- else if (tail.isEmpty) Nil()
- else head :: tail.init;
- /** Returns the last element of this list.
- * @return the last element of the list.
- * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is empty.
- */
- def last: a =
- if (isEmpty) error("Nil.last")
- else if (tail.isEmpty) head
- else tail.last;
- /** Returns the <code>n</code> first elements of this list.
- * @param n the number of elements to take.
- * @return the <code>n</code> first elements of this list.
- * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is too short.
- */
- def take(n: Int): List[a] =
- if (n == 0) Nil()
- else head :: tail.take(n-1);
- /** Returns the list without its <code>n</code> first elements.
- * @param n the number of elements to drop.
- * @return the list without its <code>n</code> first elements.
- * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is too short.
- */
- def drop(n: Int): List[a] =
- if (n == 0) this
- else tail.drop(n-1);
- /** Returns the longest prefix of this list whose elements satisfy
- * the predicate <code>p</code>.
- * @param p the test predicate.
- * @return the longest prefix of this list whose elements satisfy
- * the predicate <code>p</code>.
- */
- def takeWhile(p: a => Boolean): List[a] =
- if (isEmpty || !p(head)) Nil()
- else head :: tail.takeWhile(p);
- /** Returns the longest suffix of this list whose first element does not satisfy
- * the predicate <code>p</code>.
- * @param p the test predicate.
- * @return the longest suffix of the list whose first element does not satisfy
- * the predicate <code>p</code>.
- */
- def dropWhile(p: a => Boolean): List[a] =
- if (isEmpty || !p(head)) this
- else tail.dropWhile(p);
- /** Returns the <code>n</code>-th element of this list. The first element
- * (head of the list) is at position 0.
- * @param n index of the element to return
- * @return the element at position <code>n</code> in this list.
- * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is too short.
- */
- def at(n: Int) = drop(n).head;
- /** Returns the list resulting from applying the given function <code>f</code> to each
- * element of this list.
- * @param f function to apply to each element.
- * @return <code>[f(a0), ..., f(an)]</code> if this list is <code>[a0, ..., an]</code>.
- */
- def map[b](f: a => b): List[b] =
- if (isEmpty) Nil()
- else f(head) ::;
- /** Apply the given function <code>f</code> to each element of this list (while respecting
- * the order of the elements).
- * @param f the treatment to apply to each element.
- */
- def foreach(f: a => Unit): Unit =
- if (isEmpty) {} else { f(head); tail.foreach(f) };
- /** Returns all the elements of this list that satisfy the
- * predicate <code>p</code>. The order of the elements is preserved.
- * @param p the redicate used to filter the list.
- * @return the elements of this list satisfying <code>p</code>.
- */
- def filter(p: a => Boolean): List[a] =
- if (isEmpty) this
- else if (p(head)) head :: tail.filter(p)
- else tail.filter(p);
- /** Tests if the predicate <code>p</code> is satisfied by all elements in this
- * list.
- * @param p the test predicate.
- * @return True iff all elements of this list satisfy the predicate <code>p</code>.
- */
- def forall(p: a => Boolean): Boolean = isEmpty || (p(head) &&
- tail.forall(p));
- /** Tests the existence in this list of an element that satisfies the predicate
- * <code>p</code>.
- * @param p the test predicate.
- * @return True iff there exists an element in this list that satisfies
- * the predicate <code>p</code>.
- */
- def exists(p: a => Boolean): Boolean =
- !isEmpty && (p(head) || tail.exists(p));
- /** Combines the elements of this list together using the binary
- * operator <code>op</code>, from left to right, and starting with
- * the value <code>z</code>. Similar to <code>fold</code> but with
- * a different order of the arguments, allowing to use nice constructions like
- * <code>(z :_foldl l) { ... }</code>.
- * @return <code>op(... (op(op(z,a0),a1) ...), an)</code> if the list
- * is <code>[a0, a1, ..., an]</code>.
- */
- def :_foldl[b](z: b)(f: (b, a) => b): b = match {
- case Nil() => z
- case x :: xs => (xs.:_foldl[b](f(z, x)))(f)
- }
+ /** Returns this list without its first element.
+ * @return this list without its first element.
+ * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is empty.
+ */
+ def tail: List[a];
+ /** Add an element <code>x</code> at the beginning of this list.
+ * <p>
+ * Ex:<br>
+ * <code>1 :: [2, 3] = [2, 3].::(1) = [1, 2, 3]</code>.
+ * @param x the element to append.
+ * @return the list with <code>x</code> appended at the beginning.
+ */
+ def ::(x: a): List[a] =
+ new scala.::[a](x, this);
+ /** Returns a list resulting from the concatenation of the given
+ * list <code>prefix</code> and this list.
+ * <p>
+ * Ex:<br>
+ * <code>[1, 2] ::: [3, 4] = [3, 4].:::([1, 2]) = [1, 2, 3, 4]</code>.
+ * @param prefix the list to concatenate at the beginning of this list.
+ * @return the concatenation of the two lists.
+ */
+ def :::(prefix: List[a]): List[a] =
+ if (prefix.isEmpty) this
+ else prefix.head :: (prefix.tail ::: this);
- def foldr[b](z: b)(f: (a, b) => b): b = match {
- case Nil() => z
- case x :: xs => f(x, (xs foldr z)(f))
- }
+ /** Returns the number of elements in the list.
+ * @return the number of elements in the list.
+ */
+ def length: Int = this match {
+ case Nil() => 0
+ case _ :: xs => xs.length + 1
+ }
- def foldl1(f: (a, a) => a): a = this match {
- case Nil() => error("foldl1 of empty list")
- case x :: xs => (x :_foldl xs)(f)
- }
+ /** Returns the elements in the list as an iterator
+ */
+ def elements: Iterator[a] = new Iterator[a] {
+ var current = List.this;
+ def hasNext: Boolean = !current.isEmpty;
+ def next: a = { val result = current.head; current = current.tail; result }
+ }
+ /** Returns the list without its last element.
+ * @return the list without its last element.
+ * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is empty.
+ */
+ def init: List[a] =
+ if (isEmpty) error("Nil.init")
+ else if (tail.isEmpty) Nil()
+ else head :: tail.init;
+ /** Returns the last element of this list.
+ * @return the last element of the list.
+ * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is empty.
+ */
+ def last: a =
+ if (isEmpty) error("Nil.last")
+ else if (tail.isEmpty) head
+ else tail.last;
+ /** Returns the <code>n</code> first elements of this list.
+ * @param n the number of elements to take.
+ * @return the <code>n</code> first elements of this list.
+ * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is too short.
+ */
+ def take(n: Int): List[a] =
+ if (n == 0) Nil()
+ else head :: tail.take(n-1);
+ /** Returns the list without its <code>n</code> first elements.
+ * @param n the number of elements to drop.
+ * @return the list without its <code>n</code> first elements.
+ * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is too short.
+ */
+ def drop(n: Int): List[a] =
+ if (n == 0) this
+ else tail.drop(n-1);
+ /** Returns the longest prefix of this list whose elements satisfy
+ * the predicate <code>p</code>.
+ * @param p the test predicate.
+ * @return the longest prefix of this list whose elements satisfy
+ * the predicate <code>p</code>.
+ */
+ def takeWhile(p: a => Boolean): List[a] =
+ if (isEmpty || !p(head)) Nil()
+ else head :: tail.takeWhile(p);
+ /** Returns the longest suffix of this list whose first element does not satisfy
+ * the predicate <code>p</code>.
+ * @param p the test predicate.
+ * @return the longest suffix of the list whose first element does not satisfy
+ * the predicate <code>p</code>.
+ */
+ def dropWhile(p: a => Boolean): List[a] =
+ if (isEmpty || !p(head)) this
+ else tail.dropWhile(p);
+ /** Returns the <code>n</code>-th element of this list. The first element
+ * (head of the list) is at position 0.
+ * @param n index of the element to return
+ * @return the element at position <code>n</code> in this list.
+ * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if the list is too short.
+ */
+ def at(n: Int) = drop(n).head;
+ /** Returns the list resulting from applying the given function <code>f</code> to each
+ * element of this list.
+ * @param f function to apply to each element.
+ * @return <code>[f(a0), ..., f(an)]</code> if this list is <code>[a0, ..., an]</code>.
+ */
+ def map[b](f: a => b): List[b] =
+ if (isEmpty) Nil()
+ else f(head) ::;
+ /** Apply the given function <code>f</code> to each element of this list (while respecting
+ * the order of the elements).
+ * @param f the treatment to apply to each element.
+ */
+ def foreach(f: a => Unit): Unit =
+ if (isEmpty) {} else { f(head); tail.foreach(f) };
+ /** Returns all the elements of this list that satisfy the
+ * predicate <code>p</code>. The order of the elements is preserved.
+ * @param p the redicate used to filter the list.
+ * @return the elements of this list satisfying <code>p</code>.
+ */
+ def filter(p: a => Boolean): List[a] =
+ if (isEmpty) this
+ else if (p(head)) head :: tail.filter(p)
+ else tail.filter(p);
+ /** Tests if the predicate <code>p</code> is satisfied by all elements in this
+ * list.
+ * @param p the test predicate.
+ * @return True iff all elements of this list satisfy the predicate <code>p</code>.
+ */
+ def forall(p: a => Boolean): Boolean = isEmpty || (p(head) &&
+ tail.forall(p));
+ /** Tests the existence in this list of an element that satisfies the predicate
+ * <code>p</code>.
+ * @param p the test predicate.
+ * @return True iff there exists an element in this list that satisfies
+ * the predicate <code>p</code>.
+ */
+ def exists(p: a => Boolean): Boolean =
+ !isEmpty && (p(head) || tail.exists(p));
+ /** Combines the elements of this list together using the binary
+ * operator <code>op</code>, from left to right, and starting with
+ * the value <code>z</code>. Similar to <code>fold</code> but with
+ * a different order of the arguments, allowing to use nice constructions like
+ * <code>(z :_foldl l) { ... }</code>.
+ * @return <code>op(... (op(op(z,a0),a1) ...), an)</code> if the list
+ * is <code>[a0, a1, ..., an]</code>.
+ */
+ def :_foldl[b](z: b)(f: (b, a) => b): b = match {
+ case Nil() => z
+ case x :: xs => (xs.:_foldl[b](f(z, x)))(f)
+ }
+ def foldr[b](z: b)(f: (a, b) => b): b = match {
+ case Nil() => z
+ case x :: xs => f(x, (xs foldr z)(f))
+ }
- def foldr1(f: (a, a) => a): a = match {
- case Nil() => error("foldr1 of empty list")
- case x :: Nil() => x
- case x :: xs => f(x, xs foldr1 f)
+ def foldl1(f: (a, a) => a): a = this match {
+ case Nil() => error("foldl1 of empty list")
+ case x :: xs => (x :_foldl xs)(f)
+ }
+ def foldr1(f: (a, a) => a): a = match {
+ case Nil() => error("foldr1 of empty list")
+ case x :: Nil() => x
+ case x :: xs => f(x, xs foldr1 f)
+ }
+ /** Applies the given function <code>f</code> to each element of this list, then concatenates
+ * the results.
+ * @param f the function to apply on each element.
+ * @return <code>f(a0) ::: ... ::: f(an)</code> if this list is
+ * <code>[a0, ..., an]</code>.
+ */
+ def flatMap[b](f: a => List[b]): List[b] =
+ if (isEmpty) Nil()
+ else f(head) ::: tail.flatMap(f);
+ /** Reverses the elements of this list.
+ * <p>
+ * Ex: <br>
+ * <code>[1, 2, 3] reverse = [3, 2, 1]</code>.
+ * @return the elements of this list in reverse order.
+ */
+ def reverse: List[a] = {
+ ((Nil(): List[a]) :_foldl this)((xs: List[a], x: a) => x :: xs)
+ }
+ /** Prints on standard output a raw textual representation of this list.
+ * <p>
+ * Ex: <br>
+ * <code>[1, 2, 3] print</code> will display <code>1 :: 2 :: 3 :: []</code>.
+ */
+ def print: Unit =
+ if (isEmpty) java.lang.System.out.println("Nil()")
+ else {
+ java.lang.System.out.print(head as java.lang.Object);
+ java.lang.System.out.print(" :: ");
+ tail.print
+ /*
+ def toArray: Array[a] = {
+ val xs = new Array[a](length);
+ copyToArray(xs, 0);
+ xs
+ }
+ */
+ /** Fills the given array <code>xs</code> with the elements of
+ * this list starting at position <code>start</code>. Does not
+ * work with empty lists.
+ * @param xs the array to fill.
+ * @param start starting index.
+ * @return the given array <code>xs</code> filled with this list.
+ * @throws error if the list is empty.
+ */
+ def copyToArray(xs: Array[a], start: Int): Int = {
+ xs(start) = head;
+ tail.copyToArray(xs, start + 1)
+ }
- /** Applies the given function <code>f</code> to each element of this list, then concatenates
- * the results.
- * @param f the function to apply on each element.
- * @return <code>f(a0) ::: ... ::: f(an)</code> if this list is
- * <code>[a0, ..., an]</code>.
- */
- def flatMap[b](f: a => List[b]): List[b] =
- if (isEmpty) Nil()
- else f(head) ::: tail.flatMap(f);
- /** Reverses the elements of this list.
- * <p>
- * Ex: <br>
- * <code>[1, 2, 3] reverse = [3, 2, 1]</code>.
- * @return the elements of this list in reverse order.
- */
- def reverse: List[a] = {
- ((Nil(): List[a]) :_foldl this)((xs: List[a], x: a) => x :: xs)
+ /** Returns a string representation of this list. The resulting string
+ * begins with the string <code>start</code> and is finished by the string
+ * <code>end</code>. Inside, the string representations of elements (w.r.t.
+ * the method <code>toString()</code>) are separated by the string
+ * <code>sep</code>.
+ * <p>
+ * Ex: <br>
+ * <code>[1, 2, 3].mkString("(", "; ", ")") = "(1; 2; 3)"</code>
+ * @param start starting string.
+ * @param sep separator string.
+ * @param end ending string.
+ * @return a string representation of this list.
+ */
+ def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String =
+ start +
+ (if (isEmpty) end
+ else if (tail.isEmpty) head.toString() + end
+ else head.toString().concat(sep).concat(tail.mkString("", sep, end)));
+ /** Return a list formed from this list and the specified list
+ * <code>that</code> by associating each element of the former with
+ * the element at the same position in the latter.
+ * @param that must have the same length as the self list.
+ * @return <code>[(a0,b0), ..., (an,bn)]</code> when
+ * <code>[a0, ..., an] zip [b0, ..., bn]</code> is invoked.
+ * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if lists have different lengths.
+ */
+ def zip[b](that: List[b]): List[Tuple2[a,b]] =
+ if (this.isEmpty || that.isEmpty) Nil()
+ else Tuple2(this.head, that.head) ::;
+ /** Tests if the given value <code>elem</code> is a member of
+ * this list.
+ * @param elem element whose membership has to be tested.
+ * @return True iff there is an element of this list which is
+ * equal (w.r.t. <code>==</code>) to <code>elem</code>.
+ */
+ def contains(elem: a) = exists(
+ new Function1[a, Boolean] {
+ def apply(x: a): Boolean = x == elem;
+ });
+ /** Computes the union of this list and the given list
+ * <code>that</code>.
+ * @param that the list of elements to add to the list.
+ * @return a list without doubles containing the elements of this
+ * list and those of the given list <code>that</code>.
+ */
+ def union(that: List[a]): List[a] =
+ if (this.isEmpty) that
+ else {
+ val result = this.tail union that;
+ if (that contains this.head) result else this.head :: result;
- /** Prints on standard output a raw textual representation of this list.
- * <p>
- * Ex: <br>
- * <code>[1, 2, 3] print</code> will display <code>1 :: 2 :: 3 :: []</code>.
- */
- def print: Unit =
- if (isEmpty) java.lang.System.out.println("Nil()")
- else {
- java.lang.System.out.print(head as java.lang.Object);
- java.lang.System.out.print(" :: ");
- tail.print
- }
- /*
- def toArray: Array[a] = {
- val xs = new Array[a](length);
- copyToArray(xs, 0);
- xs
+ /** Computes the difference between this list and the given list
+ * <code>that</code>.
+ * @param that the list of elements to remove from this list.
+ * @return this list without the elements of the given list <code>that</code>.
+ */
+ def diff(that: List[a]): List[a] =
+ if (that.isEmpty) this
+ else {
+ val result = this.tail diff that;
+ if (that contains this.head) result else this.head :: result;
- */
- /** Fills the given array <code>xs</code> with the elements of
- * this list starting at position <code>start</code>. Does not
- * work with empty lists.
- * @param xs the array to fill.
- * @param start starting index.
- * @return the given array <code>xs</code> filled with this list.
- * @throws error if the list is empty.
- */
- def copyToArray(xs: Array[a], start: Int): Int = {
- xs(start) = head;
- tail.copyToArray(xs, start + 1)
+ /** Computes the intersection between this list and the given list
+ * <code>that</code>.
+ * @param that the list to intersect.
+ * @return the list of elements contained both in this list and
+ * in the given list <code>that</code>.
+ */
+ def intersect(that: List[a]): List[a] = filter(x => that contains x);
+ /** Removes redundant elements from the list. Uses the method <code>==</code>
+ * to decide if two elements are identical.
+ * @return the list without doubles.
+ */
+ def removeDuplicates: List[a] =
+ if (isEmpty) this
+ else {
+ val rest = tail.removeDuplicates;
+ if (rest contains head) rest else head :: rest
+module List {
+ def range(lo: Int, hi: Int): List[Int] =
+ if (lo > hi) scala.Predef.List()
+ else lo :: range(lo + 1, hi);
- /** Returns a string representation of this list. The resulting string
- * begins with the string <code>start</code> and is finished by the string
- * <code>end</code>. Inside, the string representations of elements (w.r.t.
- * the method <code>toString()</code>) are separated by the string
- * <code>sep</code>.
- * <p>
- * Ex: <br>
- * <code>[1, 2, 3].mkString("(", "; ", ")") = "(1; 2; 3)"</code>
- * @param start starting string.
- * @param sep separator string.
- * @param end ending string.
- * @return a string representation of this list.
- */
- def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String =
- start +
- (if (isEmpty) end
- else if (tail.isEmpty) head.toString() + end
- else head.toString().concat(sep).concat(tail.mkString("", sep, end)));
- /** Return a list formed from this list and the specified list
- * <code>that</code> by associating each element of the former with
- * the element at the same position in the latter.
- * @param that must have the same length as the self list.
- * @return <code>[(a0,b0), ..., (an,bn)]</code> when
- * <code>[a0, ..., an] zip [b0, ..., bn]</code> is invoked.
- * @throws java.lang.RuntimeException if lists have different lengths.
- */
- def zip[b](that: List[b]): List[Tuple2[a,b]] =
- if (this.isEmpty || that.isEmpty) Nil()
- else Tuple2(this.head, that.head) ::;
- /** Tests if the given value <code>elem</code> is a member of
- * this list.
- * @param elem element whose membership has to be tested.
- * @return True iff there is an element of this list which is
- * equal (w.r.t. <code>==</code>) to <code>elem</code>.
- */
- def contains(elem: a) = exists(
- new Function1[a, Boolean] {
- def apply(x: a): Boolean = x == elem;
- });
- /** Computes the union of this list and the given list
- * <code>that</code>.
- * @param that the list of elements to add to the list.
- * @return a list without doubles containing the elements of this
- * list and those of the given list <code>that</code>.
- */
- def union(that: List[a]): List[a] =
- if (this.isEmpty) that
- else {
- val result = this.tail union that;
- if (that contains this.head) result else this.head :: result;
- }
- /** Computes the difference between this list and the given list
- * <code>that</code>.
- * @param that the list of elements to remove from this list.
- * @return this list without the elements of the given list <code>that</code>.
- */
- def diff(that: List[a]): List[a] =
- if (that.isEmpty) this
- else {
- val result = this.tail diff that;
- if (that contains this.head) result else this.head :: result;
- }
- /** Computes the intersection between this list and the given list
- * <code>that</code>.
- * @param that the list to intersect.
- * @return the list of elements contained both in this list and
- * in the given list <code>that</code>.
- */
- def intersect(that: List[a]): List[a] = filter(x => that contains x);
- /** Removes redundant elements from the list. Uses the method <code>==</code>
- * to decide if two elements are identical.
- * @return the list without doubles.
- */
- def removeDuplicates: List[a] =
- if (isEmpty) this
- else {
- val rest = tail.removeDuplicates;
- if (rest contains head) rest else head :: rest
- }
- }
diff --git a/sources/scala/None.scala b/sources/scala/None.scala
index 46dd9ce704..2b935619b8 100644
--- a/sources/scala/None.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/None.scala
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-package scala with {
- final case class None[b] extends Option[b] with {
+package scala {
+ final case class None[b]() extends Option[b] {
def isNone = True;
def get: b = error("None does not have an element.");
diff --git a/sources/scala/Option.scala b/sources/scala/Option.scala
index 4e35740e48..2640ecec7b 100644
--- a/sources/scala/Option.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/Option.scala
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-package scala with {
+package scala {
- abstract class Option[a] with {
+ trait Option[a] {
- abstract def isNone: Boolean;
- abstract def get: a;
+ def isNone: Boolean;
+ def get: a;
- def map[b](f: (a)b): Option[b] = this match {
- case None =>[Option[b]]
+ def map[b](f: a => b): Option[b] = this match {
+ case None() => None()
case Some(x) => Some(f(x))
def toList: List[a] = this match {
- case None => []
- case Some(x) => [x]
+ case None() => Predef.List()
+ case Some(x) => Predef.List(x)
def print: Unit =
diff --git a/sources/scala/Predef.scala b/sources/scala/Predef.scala
index cebb909d40..911c1a6af8 100644
--- a/sources/scala/Predef.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/Predef.scala
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ package scala {
val True = Boolean.True;
val False = Boolean.False;
+ val List = scala.List;
def List[a](x: a*): List[a] = {
def mkList(elems: Iterator[a]): List[a] =
if (elems.hasNext) :: mkList(elems)
diff --git a/sources/scala/Seq.scala b/sources/scala/Seq.scala
index 2ab0d37e78..aa6b7e32e0 100644
--- a/sources/scala/Seq.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/Seq.scala
@@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ package scala;
trait Seq[a] {
def length: Int;
def elements: Iterator[a];
+ def at(index: Int): a
diff --git a/sources/scala/Some.scala b/sources/scala/Some.scala
index 5957846a5f..665830cc42 100644
--- a/sources/scala/Some.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/Some.scala
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package scala with {
+package scala {
final case class Some[c](x: c) extends Option[c] with {
def isNone = False;
def get: c = x;