path: root/spec/
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authorAdriaan Moors <>2014-03-28 16:45:45 -0700
committerAdriaan Moors <>2014-03-28 17:40:57 -0700
commit0b48dc203e0e789646841880f49cd8ae08f6412d (patch)
treefd0bed2defecbe4d3d79cb8154d2343095fc2add /spec/
parent0f1dcc41cb445eac182c8101a3e0c95594b0f95e (diff)
Number files like chapters. Consolidate toc & preface.
Aside from the consolidation of title & preface in, this commit was produced as follows: ``` cd spec/ g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv perl -pi -e 's/03-lexical-syntax/01-lexical-syntax/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/04-identifiers-names-and-scopes/02-identifiers-names-and-scopes/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/05-types/03-types/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/06-basic-declarations-and-definitions/04-basic-declarations-and-definitions/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/07-classes-and-objects/05-classes-and-objects/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/08-expressions/06-expressions/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/09-implicit-parameters-and-views/07-implicit-parameters-and-views/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/10-pattern-matching/08-pattern-matching/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/11-top-level-definitions/09-top-level-definitions/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/12-xml-expressions-and-patterns/10-xml-expressions-and-patterns/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/13-user-defined-annotations/11-user-defined-annotations/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/14-the-scala-standard-library/12-the-scala-standard-library/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/15-syntax-summary/13-syntax-summary/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/16-references/14-references/g' *.md ```
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/')
1 files changed, 614 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/ b/spec/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64afd9e457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+title: Lexical Syntax
+layout: default
+chapter: 1
+# Lexical Syntax
+Scala programs are written using the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane
+(_BMP_) character set; Unicode supplementary characters are not
+presently supported. This chapter defines the two modes of Scala's
+lexical syntax, the Scala mode and the _XML mode_. If not
+otherwise mentioned, the following descriptions of Scala tokens refer
+to _Scala mode_, and literal characters `‘c’` refer to the ASCII fragment `\u0000` – `\u007F`.
+In Scala mode, _Unicode escapes_ are replaced by the corresponding
+Unicode character with the given hexadecimal code.
+UnicodeEscape ::= ‘\‘ ‘u‘ {‘u‘} hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit
+hexDigit ::= ‘0’ | … | ‘9’ | ‘A’ | … | ‘F’ | ‘a’ | … | ‘f’
+TODO SI-4583: UnicodeEscape used to allow additional backslashes,
+and there is something in the code `evenSlashPrefix` that alludes to it,
+but I can't make it work nor can I imagine how this would make sense,
+so I removed it for now.
+To construct tokens, characters are distinguished according to the following
+classes (Unicode general category given in parentheses):
+1. Whitespace characters. `\u0020 | \u0009 | \u000D | \u000A`.
+1. Letters, which include lower case letters (`Ll`), upper case letters (`Lu`),
+ titlecase letters (`Lt`), other letters (`Lo`), letter numerals (`Nl`) and the
+ two characters `\u0024 ‘$’` and `\u005F ‘_’`, which both count as upper case
+ letters.
+1. Digits `‘0’ | … | ‘9’`.
+1. Parentheses `‘(’ | ‘)’ | ‘[’ | ‘]’ | ‘{’ | ‘}’ `.
+1. Delimiter characters ``‘`’ | ‘'’ | ‘"’ | ‘.’ | ‘;’ | ‘,’ ``.
+1. Operator characters. These consist of all printable ASCII characters
+ `\u0020 - \u007F` which are in none of the sets above, mathematical symbols (`Sm`)
+ and other symbols (`So`).
+## Identifiers
+op ::= opchar {opchar}
+varid ::= lower idrest
+plainid ::= upper idrest
+ | varid
+ | op
+id ::= plainid
+ | ‘`’ stringLiteral ‘`’
+idrest ::= {letter | digit} [‘_’ op]
+There are three ways to form an identifier. First, an identifier can
+start with a letter which can be followed by an arbitrary sequence of
+letters and digits. This may be followed by underscore `‘_’`
+characters and another string composed of either letters and digits or
+of operator characters. Second, an identifier can start with an operator
+character followed by an arbitrary sequence of operator characters.
+The preceding two forms are called _plain_ identifiers. Finally,
+an identifier may also be formed by an arbitrary string between
+back-quotes (host systems may impose some restrictions on which
+strings are legal for identifiers). The identifier then is composed
+of all characters excluding the backquotes themselves.
+As usual, a longest match rule applies. For instance, the string
+decomposes into the three identifiers `big_bob`, `++=`, and
+`def`. The rules for pattern matching further distinguish between
+_variable identifiers_, which start with a lower case letter, and
+_constant identifiers_, which do not.
+The `‘$’` character is reserved for compiler-synthesized identifiers.
+User programs should not define identifiers which contain `‘$’` characters.
+The following names are reserved words instead of being members of the
+syntactic class `id` of lexical identifiers.
+abstract case catch class def
+do else extends false final
+finally for forSome if implicit
+import lazy match new null
+object override package private protected
+return sealed super this throw
+trait try true type val
+var while with yield
+_ : = => <- <: <% >: # @
+The Unicode operators `\u21D2 $\Rightarrow$` and `\u2190 $\leftarrow$`, which have the ASCII
+equivalents `=>` and `<-`, are also reserved.
+### Example
+ x Object maxIndex p2p empty_?
+ + `yield` αρετη _y dot_product_*
+ __system _MAX_LEN_
+### Example
+When one needs to access Java identifiers that are reserved words in Scala, use backquote-enclosed strings.
+For instance, the statement `Thread.yield()` is illegal, since
+`yield` is a reserved word in Scala. However, here's a
+work-around: `` Thread.`yield`() ``
+## Newline Characters
+semi ::= ‘;’ | nl {nl}
+Scala is a line-oriented language where statements may be terminated by
+semi-colons or newlines. A newline in a Scala source text is treated
+as the special token “nl” if the three following criteria are satisfied:
+1. The token immediately preceding the newline can terminate a statement.
+1. The token immediately following the newline can begin a statement.
+1. The token appears in a region where newlines are enabled.
+The tokens that can terminate a statement are: literals, identifiers
+and the following delimiters and reserved words:
+this null true false return type <xml-start>
+_ ) ] }
+The tokens that can begin a statement are all Scala tokens _except_
+the following delimiters and reserved words:
+catch else extends finally forSome match
+with yield , . ; : = => <- <: <%
+>: # [ ) ] }
+A `case` token can begin a statement only if followed by a
+`class` or `object` token.
+Newlines are enabled in:
+1. all of a Scala source file, except for nested regions where newlines
+ are disabled, and
+1. the interval between matching `{` and `}` brace tokens,
+ except for nested regions where newlines are disabled.
+Newlines are disabled in:
+1. the interval between matching `(` and `)` parenthesis tokens, except for
+ nested regions where newlines are enabled, and
+1. the interval between matching `[` and `]` bracket tokens, except for nested
+ regions where newlines are enabled.
+1. The interval between a `case` token and its matching
+ `=>` token, except for nested regions where newlines are
+ enabled.
+1. Any regions analyzed in [XML mode](#xml-mode).
+Note that the brace characters of `{...}` escapes in XML and
+string literals are not tokens,
+and therefore do not enclose a region where newlines
+are enabled.
+Normally, only a single `nl` token is inserted between two
+consecutive non-newline tokens which are on different lines, even if there are multiple lines
+between the two tokens. However, if two tokens are separated by at
+least one completely blank line (i.e a line which contains no
+printable characters), then two `nl` tokens are inserted.
+The Scala grammar (given in full [here](#scala-syntax-summary))
+contains productions where optional `nl` tokens, but not
+semicolons, are accepted. This has the effect that a newline in one of these
+positions does not terminate an expression or statement. These positions can
+be summarized as follows:
+Multiple newline tokens are accepted in the following places (note
+that a semicolon in place of the newline would be illegal in every one
+of these cases):
+- between the condition of a
+ [conditional expression](06-expressions.html#conditional-expressions)
+ or [while loop](06-expressions.html#while-loop-expressions) and the next
+ following expression,
+- between the enumerators of a
+ [for-comprehension](06-expressions.html#for-comprehensions-and-for-loops)
+ and the next following expression, and
+- after the initial `type` keyword in a
+ [type definition or declaration](04-basic-declarations-and-definitions.html#type-declarations-and-type-aliases).
+A single new line token is accepted
+- in front of an opening brace ‘{’, if that brace is a legal
+ continuation of the current statement or expression,
+- after an [infix operator](06-expressions.html#prefix-infix-and-postfix-operations),
+ if the first token on the next line can start an expression,
+- in front of a [parameter clause](04-basic-declarations-and-definitions.html#function-declarations-and-definitions), and
+- after an [annotation](11-user-defined-annotations.html#user-defined-annotations).
+### Example
+The newline tokens between the two lines are not
+treated as statement separators.
+if (x > 0)
+ x = x - 1
+while (x > 0)
+ x = x / 2
+for (x <- 1 to 10)
+ println(x)
+ IntList = List[Int]
+### Example
+new Iterator[Int]
+ private var x = 0
+ def hasNext = true
+ def next = { x += 1; x }
+With an additional newline character, the same code is interpreted as
+an object creation followed by a local block:
+new Iterator[Int]
+ private var x = 0
+ def hasNext = true
+ def next = { x += 1; x }
+### Example
+ x < 0 ||
+ x > 10
+With an additional newline character, the same code is interpreted as
+two expressions:
+ x < 0 ||
+ x > 10
+### Example
+def func(x: Int)
+ (y: Int) = x + y
+With an additional newline character, the same code is interpreted as
+an abstract function definition and a syntactically illegal statement:
+def func(x: Int)
+ (y: Int) = x + y
+### Example
+protected class Data { ... }
+With an additional newline character, the same code is interpreted as
+an attribute and a separate statement (which is syntactically
+protected class Data { ... }
+## Literals
+There are literals for integer numbers, floating point numbers,
+characters, booleans, symbols, strings. The syntax of these literals is in
+each case as in Java.
+<!-- TODO
+ say that we take values from Java, give examples of some lits in
+ particular float and double.
+Literal ::= [‘-’] integerLiteral
+ | [‘-’] floatingPointLiteral
+ | booleanLiteral
+ | characterLiteral
+ | stringLiteral
+ | symbolLiteral
+ | ‘null’
+### Integer Literals
+integerLiteral ::= (decimalNumeral | hexNumeral | octalNumeral)
+ [‘L’ | ‘l’]
+decimalNumeral ::= ‘0’ | nonZeroDigit {digit}
+hexNumeral ::= ‘0’ ‘x’ hexDigit {hexDigit}
+octalNumeral ::= ‘0’ octalDigit {octalDigit}
+digit ::= ‘0’ | nonZeroDigit
+nonZeroDigit ::= ‘1’ | … | ‘9’
+octalDigit ::= ‘0’ | … | ‘7’
+Integer literals are usually of type `Int`, or of type
+`Long` when followed by a `L` or
+`l` suffix. Values of type `Int` are all integer
+numbers between $-2^{31}$ and $2^{31}-1$, inclusive. Values of
+type `Long` are all integer numbers between $-2^{63}$ and
+$2^{63}-1$, inclusive. A compile-time error occurs if an integer literal
+denotes a number outside these ranges.
+However, if the expected type [_pt_](06-expressions.html#expression-typing) of a literal
+in an expression is either `Byte`, `Short`, or `Char`
+and the integer number fits in the numeric range defined by the type,
+then the number is converted to type _pt_ and the literal's type
+is _pt_. The numeric ranges given by these types are:
+| | |
+|`Byte` | $-2^7$ to $2^7-1$ |
+|`Short` | $-2^{15}$ to $2^{15}-1$|
+|`Char` | $0$ to $2^{16}-1$ |
+### Example
+0 21 0xFFFFFFFF -42L
+### Floating Point Literals
+floatingPointLiteral ::= digit {digit} ‘.’ digit {digit} [exponentPart] [floatType]
+ | ‘.’ digit {digit} [exponentPart] [floatType]
+ | digit {digit} exponentPart [floatType]
+ | digit {digit} [exponentPart] floatType
+exponentPart ::= (‘E’ | ‘e’) [‘+’ | ‘-’] digit {digit}
+floatType ::= ‘F’ | ‘f’ | ‘D’ | ‘d’
+Floating point literals are of type `Float` when followed by
+a floating point type suffix `F` or `f`, and are
+of type `Double` otherwise. The type `Float`
+consists of all IEEE 754 32-bit single-precision binary floating point
+values, whereas the type `Double` consists of all IEEE 754
+64-bit double-precision binary floating point values.
+If a floating point literal in a program is followed by a token
+starting with a letter, there must be at least one intervening
+whitespace character between the two tokens.
+### Example
+0.0 1e30f 3.14159f 1.0e-100 .1
+### Example
+The phrase `1.toString` parses as three different tokens:
+the integer literal `1`, a `.`, and the identifier `toString`.
+### Example
+`1.` is not a valid floating point literal because the mandatory digit after the `.` is missing.
+### Boolean Literals
+booleanLiteral ::= ‘true’ | ‘false’
+The boolean literals `true` and `false` are
+members of type `Boolean`.
+### Character Literals
+characterLiteral ::= ‘'’ (printableChar | charEscapeSeq) ‘'’
+A character literal is a single character enclosed in quotes.
+The character is either a printable unicode character or is described
+by an [escape sequence](#escape-sequences).
+### Example
+'a' '\u0041' '\n' '\t'
+Note that `'\u000A'` is _not_ a valid character literal because
+Unicode conversion is done before literal parsing and the Unicode
+character \\u000A (line feed) is not a printable
+character. One can use instead the escape sequence `'\n'` or
+the octal escape `'\12'` ([see here](#escape-sequences)).
+### String Literals
+stringLiteral ::= ‘"’ {stringElement} ‘"’
+stringElement ::= printableCharNoDoubleQuote | charEscapeSeq
+A string literal is a sequence of characters in double quotes. The
+characters are either printable unicode character or are described by
+[escape sequences](#escape-sequences). If the string literal
+contains a double quote character, it must be escaped,
+i.e. `"\""`. The value of a string literal is an instance of
+class `String`.
+### Example
+"This string contains a \" character."
+#### Multi-Line String Literals
+stringLiteral ::= ‘"""’ multiLineChars ‘"""’
+multiLineChars ::= {[‘"’] [‘"’] charNoDoubleQuote} {‘"’}
+A multi-line string literal is a sequence of characters enclosed in
+triple quotes `""" ... """`. The sequence of characters is
+arbitrary, except that it may contain three or more consuctive quote characters
+only at the very end. Characters
+must not necessarily be printable; newlines or other
+control characters are also permitted. Unicode escapes work as everywhere else, but none
+of the escape sequences [here](#escape-sequences) are interpreted.
+### Example
+ """the present string
+ spans three
+ lines."""
+This would produce the string:
+the present string
+ spans three
+ lines.
+The Scala library contains a utility method `stripMargin`
+which can be used to strip leading whitespace from multi-line strings.
+The expression
+ """the present string
+ |spans three
+ |lines.""".stripMargin
+evaluates to
+the present string
+spans three
+Method `stripMargin` is defined in class
+Because there is a predefined
+[implicit conversion](06-expressions.html#implicit-conversions) from `String` to
+`StringLike`, the method is applicable to all strings.
+### Escape Sequences
+The following escape sequences are recognized in character and string literals.
+| charEscapeSeq | unicode | name | char |
+| `‘\‘ ‘b‘` | `\u0008` | backspace | `BS` |
+| `‘\‘ ‘t‘` | `\u0009` | horizontal tab | `HT` |
+| `‘\‘ ‘n‘` | `\u000a` | linefeed | `LF` |
+| `‘\‘ ‘f‘` | `\u000c` | form feed | `FF` |
+| `‘\‘ ‘r‘` | `\u000d` | carriage return | `CR` |
+| `‘\‘ ‘"‘` | `\u0022` | double quote | `"` |
+| `‘\‘ ‘'‘` | `\u0027` | single quote | `'` |
+| `‘\‘ ‘\‘` | `\u005c` | backslash | `\` |
+A character with Unicode between 0 and 255 may also be represented by
+an octal escape, i.e. a backslash ‘\’ followed by a
+sequence of up to three octal characters.
+It is a compile time error if a backslash character in a character or
+string literal does not start a valid escape sequence.
+### Symbol literals
+symbolLiteral ::= ‘'’ plainid
+A symbol literal `'x` is a shorthand for the expression
+`scala.Symbol("x")`. `Symbol` is a [case class](05-classes-and-objects.html#case-classes),
+which is defined as follows.
+package scala
+final case class Symbol private (name: String) {
+ override def toString: String = "'" + name
+The `apply` method of `Symbol`'s companion object
+caches weak references to `Symbol`s, thus ensuring that
+identical symbol literals are equivalent with respect to reference
+## Whitespace and Comments
+Tokens may be separated by whitespace characters
+and/or comments. Comments come in two forms:
+A single-line comment is a sequence of characters which starts with
+`//` and extends to the end of the line.
+A multi-line comment is a sequence of characters between
+`/*` and `*/`. Multi-line comments may be nested,
+but are required to be properly nested. Therefore, a comment like
+`/* /* */` will be rejected as having an unterminated
+## XML mode
+In order to allow literal inclusion of XML fragments, lexical analysis
+switches from Scala mode to XML mode when encountering an opening
+angle bracket '<' in the following circumstance: The '<' must be
+preceded either by whitespace, an opening parenthesis or an opening
+brace and immediately followed by a character starting an XML name.
+ ( whitespace | ‘(’ | ‘{’ ) ‘<’ (XNameStart | ‘!’ | ‘?’)
+ XNameStart ::= ‘_’ | BaseChar | Ideographic // as in W3C XML, but without ‘:’
+The scanner switches from XML mode to Scala mode if either
+- the XML expression or the XML pattern started by the initial ‘<’ has been
+ successfully parsed, or if
+- the parser encounters an embedded Scala expression or pattern and
+ forces the Scanner
+ back to normal mode, until the Scala expression or pattern is
+ successfully parsed. In this case, since code and XML fragments can be
+ nested, the parser has to maintain a stack that reflects the nesting
+ of XML and Scala expressions adequately.
+Note that no Scala tokens are constructed in XML mode, and that comments are interpreted
+as text.
+### Example
+The following value definition uses an XML literal with two embedded
+Scala expressions:
+val b = <book>
+ <title>The Scala Language Specification</title>
+ <version>{scalaBook.version}</version>
+ <authors>{scalaBook.authors.mkList("", ", ", "")}</authors>
+ </book>