path: root/spec/
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authorAdriaan Moors <>2014-03-28 16:45:45 -0700
committerAdriaan Moors <>2014-03-28 17:40:57 -0700
commit0b48dc203e0e789646841880f49cd8ae08f6412d (patch)
treefd0bed2defecbe4d3d79cb8154d2343095fc2add /spec/
parent0f1dcc41cb445eac182c8101a3e0c95594b0f95e (diff)
Number files like chapters. Consolidate toc & preface.
Aside from the consolidation of title & preface in, this commit was produced as follows: ``` cd spec/ g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv g mv perl -pi -e 's/03-lexical-syntax/01-lexical-syntax/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/04-identifiers-names-and-scopes/02-identifiers-names-and-scopes/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/05-types/03-types/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/06-basic-declarations-and-definitions/04-basic-declarations-and-definitions/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/07-classes-and-objects/05-classes-and-objects/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/08-expressions/06-expressions/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/09-implicit-parameters-and-views/07-implicit-parameters-and-views/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/10-pattern-matching/08-pattern-matching/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/11-top-level-definitions/09-top-level-definitions/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/12-xml-expressions-and-patterns/10-xml-expressions-and-patterns/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/13-user-defined-annotations/11-user-defined-annotations/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/14-the-scala-standard-library/12-the-scala-standard-library/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/15-syntax-summary/13-syntax-summary/g' *.md perl -pi -e 's/16-references/14-references/g' *.md ```
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 850 deletions
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--- a/spec/
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-title: The Scala Standard Library
-layout: default
-chapter: 12
-# The Scala Standard Library
-The Scala standard library consists of the package `scala` with a
-number of classes and modules. Some of these classes are described in
-the following.
-![Class hierarchy of Scala](public/images/classhierarchy.pdf)
-## Root Classes
-The root of this hierarchy is formed by class `Any`.
-Every class in a Scala execution environment inherits directly or
-indirectly from this class. Class `Any` has two direct
-subclasses: `AnyRef` and AnyVal`.
-The subclass `AnyRef` represents all values which are represented
-as objects in the underlying host system. Classes written in other languages
-inherit from `scala.AnyRef`.
-The predefined subclasses of class `AnyVal` describe
-values which are not implemented as objects in the underlying host
-User-defined Scala classes which do not explicitly inherit from
-`AnyVal` inherit directly or indirectly from `AnyRef`. They can
-not inherit from both `AnyRef` and `AnyVal`.
-Classes `AnyRef` and `AnyVal` are required to provide only
-the members declared in class `Any`, but implementations may add
-host-specific methods to these classes (for instance, an
-implementation may identify class `AnyRef` with its own root
-class for objects).
-The signatures of these root classes are described by the following
-package scala
-/** The universal root class */
-abstract class Any {
- /** Defined equality; abstract here */
- def equals(that: Any): Boolean
- /** Semantic equality between values */
- final def == (that: Any): Boolean =
- if (null eq this) null eq that else this equals that
- /** Semantic inequality between values */
- final def != (that: Any): Boolean = !(this == that)
- /** Hash code; abstract here */
- def hashCode: Int = $\ldots$
- /** Textual representation; abstract here */
- def toString: String = $\ldots$
- /** Type test; needs to be inlined to work as given */
- def isInstanceOf[a]: Boolean
- /** Type cast; needs to be inlined to work as given */ */
- def asInstanceOf[A]: A = this match {
- case x: A => x
- case _ => if (this eq null) this
- else throw new ClassCastException()
- }
-/** The root class of all value types */
-final class AnyVal extends Any
-/** The root class of all reference types */
-class AnyRef extends Any {
- def equals(that: Any): Boolean = this eq that
- final def eq(that: AnyRef): Boolean = $\ldots$ // reference equality
- final def ne(that: AnyRef): Boolean = !(this eq that)
- def hashCode: Int = $\ldots$ // hashCode computed from allocation address
- def toString: String = $\ldots$ // toString computed from hashCode and class name
- def synchronized[T](body: => T): T // execute `body` in while locking `this`.
-The type test `$x$.isInstanceOf[$T$]` is equivalent to a typed
-pattern match
-$x$ match {
- case _: $T'$ => true
- case _ => false
-where the type $T'$ is the same as $T$ except if $T$ is
-of the form $D$ or $D[\mathit{tps}]$ where $D$ is a type member of some outer class $C$.
-In this case $T'$ is `$C$#$D$` (or `$C$#$D[tps]$`, respectively), whereas $T$ itself would expand to `$C$.this.$D[tps]$`.
-In other words, an `isInstanceOf` test does not check that types have the same enclosing instance.
-The test `$x$.asInstanceOf[$T$]` is treated specially if $T$ is a
-[numeric value type](#value-classes). In this case the cast will
-be translated to an application of a [conversion method](#numeric-value-types)
-`$T$`. For non-numeric values $x$ the operation will raise a
-## Value Classes
-Value classes are classes whose instances are not represented as
-objects by the underlying host system. All value classes inherit from
-class `AnyVal`. Scala implementations need to provide the
-value classes `Unit`, `Boolean`, `Double`, `Float`,
-`Long`, `Int`, `Char`, `Short`, and `Byte`
-(but are free to provide others as well).
-The signatures of these classes are defined in the following.
-### Numeric Value Types
-Classes `Double`, `Float`,
-`Long`, `Int`, `Char`, `Short`, and `Byte`
-are together called _numeric value types_. Classes `Byte`,
-`Short`, or `Char` are called _subrange types_.
-Subrange types, as well as `Int` and `Long` are called _integer types_, whereas `Float` and `Double` are called _floating point types_.
-Numeric value types are ranked in the following partial order:
-Byte - Short
- \
- Int - Long - Float - Double
- /
- Char
-`Byte` and `Short` are the lowest-ranked types in this order,
-whereas `Double` is the highest-ranked. Ranking does _not_
-imply a [conformance relationship](05-types.html#conformance); for
-instance `Int` is not a subtype of `Long`. However, object
-[`Predef`](#the-predef-object) defines [views](09-implicit-parameters-and-views.html#views)
-from every numeric value type to all higher-ranked numeric value types.
-Therefore, lower-ranked types are implicitly converted to higher-ranked types
-when required by the [context](08-expressions.html#implicit-conversions).
-Given two numeric value types $S$ and $T$, the _operation type_ of
-$S$ and $T$ is defined as follows: If both $S$ and $T$ are subrange
-types then the operation type of $S$ and $T$ is `Int`. Otherwise
-the operation type of $S$ and $T$ is the larger of the two types wrt
-ranking. Given two numeric values $v$ and $w$ the operation type of
-$v$ and $w$ is the operation type of their run-time types.
-Any numeric value type $T$ supports the following methods.
- * Comparison methods for equals (`==`), not-equals (`!=`),
- less-than (`<`), greater-than (`>`), less-than-or-equals
- (`<=`), greater-than-or-equals (`>=`), which each exist in 7
- overloaded alternatives. Each alternative takes a parameter of some
- numeric value type. Its result type is type `Boolean`. The
- operation is evaluated by converting the receiver and its argument to
- their operation type and performing the given comparison operation of
- that type.
- * Arithmetic methods addition (`+`), subtraction (`-`),
- multiplication (`*`), division (`/`), and remainder
- (`%`), which each exist in 7 overloaded alternatives. Each
- alternative takes a parameter of some numeric value type $U$. Its
- result type is the operation type of $T$ and $U$. The operation is
- evaluated by converting the receiver and its argument to their
- operation type and performing the given arithmetic operation of that
- type.
- * Parameterless arithmethic methods identity (`+`) and negation
- (`-`), with result type $T$. The first of these returns the
- receiver unchanged, whereas the second returns its negation.
- * Conversion methods `toByte`, `toShort`, `toChar`,
- `toInt`, `toLong`, `toFloat`, `toDouble` which
- convert the receiver object to the target type, using the rules of
- Java's numeric type cast operation. The conversion might truncate the
- numeric value (as when going from `Long` to `Int` or from
- `Int` to `Byte`) or it might lose precision (as when going
- from `Double` to `Float` or when converting between
- `Long` and `Float`).
-Integer numeric value types support in addition the following operations:
- * Bit manipulation methods bitwise-and (`&`), bitwise-or
- {`|`}, and bitwise-exclusive-or (`^`), which each exist in 5
- overloaded alternatives. Each alternative takes a parameter of some
- integer numeric value type. Its result type is the operation type of
- $T$ and $U$. The operation is evaluated by converting the receiver and
- its argument to their operation type and performing the given bitwise
- operation of that type.
- * A parameterless bit-negation method (`~`). Its result type is
- the reciver type $T$ or `Int`, whichever is larger.
- The operation is evaluated by converting the receiver to the result
- type and negating every bit in its value.
- * Bit-shift methods left-shift (`<<`), arithmetic right-shift
- (`>>`), and unsigned right-shift (`>>>`). Each of these
- methods has two overloaded alternatives, which take a parameter $n$
- of type `Int`, respectively `Long`. The result type of the
- operation is the receiver type $T$, or `Int`, whichever is larger.
- The operation is evaluated by converting the receiver to the result
- type and performing the specified shift by $n$ bits.
-Numeric value types also implement operations `equals`,
-`hashCode`, and `toString` from class `Any`.
-The `equals` method tests whether the argument is a numeric value
-type. If this is true, it will perform the `==` operation which
-is appropriate for that type. That is, the `equals` method of a
-numeric value type can be thought of being defined as follows:
-def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
- case that: Byte => this == that
- case that: Short => this == that
- case that: Char => this == that
- case that: Int => this == that
- case that: Long => this == that
- case that: Float => this == that
- case that: Double => this == that
- case _ => false
-The `hashCode` method returns an integer hashcode that maps equal
-numeric values to equal results. It is guaranteed to be the identity for
-for type `Int` and for all subrange types.
-The `toString` method displays its receiver as an integer or
-floating point number.
-### Example
-This is the signature of the numeric value type `Int`:
-package scala
-abstract sealed class Int extends AnyVal {
- def == (that: Double): Boolean // double equality
- def == (that: Float): Boolean // float equality
- def == (that: Long): Boolean // long equality
- def == (that: Int): Boolean // int equality
- def == (that: Short): Boolean // int equality
- def == (that: Byte): Boolean // int equality
- def == (that: Char): Boolean // int equality
- /* analogous for !=, <, >, <=, >= */
- def + (that: Double): Double // double addition
- def + (that: Float): Double // float addition
- def + (that: Long): Long // long addition
- def + (that: Int): Int // int addition
- def + (that: Short): Int // int addition
- def + (that: Byte): Int // int addition
- def + (that: Char): Int // int addition
- /* analogous for -, *, /, % */
- def & (that: Long): Long // long bitwise and
- def & (that: Int): Int // int bitwise and
- def & (that: Short): Int // int bitwise and
- def & (that: Byte): Int // int bitwise and
- def & (that: Char): Int // int bitwise and
- /* analogous for |, ^ */
- def << (cnt: Int): Int // int left shift
- def << (cnt: Long): Int // long left shift
- /* analogous for >>, >>> */
- def unary_+ : Int // int identity
- def unary_- : Int // int negation
- def unary_~ : Int // int bitwise negation
- def toByte: Byte // convert to Byte
- def toShort: Short // convert to Short
- def toChar: Char // convert to Char
- def toInt: Int // convert to Int
- def toLong: Long // convert to Long
- def toFloat: Float // convert to Float
- def toDouble: Double // convert to Double
-### Class `Boolean`
-Class `Boolean` has only two values: `true` and
-`false`. It implements operations as given in the following
-class definition.
-package scala
-abstract sealed class Boolean extends AnyVal {
- def && (p: => Boolean): Boolean = // boolean and
- if (this) p else false
- def || (p: => Boolean): Boolean = // boolean or
- if (this) true else p
- def & (x: Boolean): Boolean = // boolean strict and
- if (this) x else false
- def | (x: Boolean): Boolean = // boolean strict or
- if (this) true else x
- def == (x: Boolean): Boolean = // boolean equality
- if (this) x else x.unary_!
- def != (x: Boolean): Boolean = // boolean inequality
- if (this) x.unary_! else x
- def unary_!: Boolean = // boolean negation
- if (this) false else true
-The class also implements operations `equals`, `hashCode`,
-and `toString` from class `Any`.
-The `equals` method returns `true` if the argument is the
-same boolean value as the receiver, `false` otherwise. The
-`hashCode` method returns a fixed, implementation-specific hash-code when invoked on `true`,
-and a different, fixed, implementation-specific hash-code when invoked on `false`. The `toString` method
-returns the receiver converted to a string, i.e. either `"true"` or `"false"`.
-### Class `Unit`
-Class `Unit` has only one value: `()`. It implements only
-the three methods `equals`, `hashCode`, and `toString`
-from class `Any`.
-The `equals` method returns `true` if the argument is the
-unit value `()`, `false` otherwise. The
-`hashCode` method returns a fixed, implementation-specific hash-code,
-The `toString` method returns `"()"`.
-## Standard Reference Classes
-This section presents some standard Scala reference classes which are
-treated in a special way in Scala compiler -- either Scala provides
-syntactic sugar for them, or the Scala compiler generates special code
-for their operations. Other classes in the standard Scala library are
-documented in the Scala library documentation by HTML pages.
-### Class `String`
-Scala's `String` class is usually derived from the standard String
-class of the underlying host system (and may be identified with
-it). For Scala clients the class is taken to support in each case a
-def + (that: Any): String
-which concatenates its left operand with the textual representation of its
-right operand.
-### The `Tuple` classes
-Scala defines tuple classes `Tuple$n$` for $n = 2 , \ldots , 22$.
-These are defined as follows.
-package scala
-case class Tuple$n$[+T_1, ..., +T_n](_1: T_1, ..., _$n$: T_$n$) {
- def toString = "(" ++ _1 ++ "," ++ $\ldots$ ++ "," ++ _$n$ ++ ")"
-The implicitly imported [`Predef`](#the-predef-object) object defines
-the names `Pair` as an alias of `Tuple2` and `Triple`
-as an alias for `Tuple3`.
-### The `Function` Classes
-Scala defines function classes `Function$n$` for $n = 1 , \ldots , 22$.
-These are defined as follows.
-package scala
-trait Function$n$[-T_1, ..., -T_$n$, +R] {
- def apply(x_1: T_1, ..., x_$n$: T_$n$): R
- def toString = "<function>"
-The `PartialFunction` subclass of `Function1` represents functions that (indirectly) specify their domain.
-Use the `isDefined` method to query whether the partial function is defined for a given input (i.e., whether the input is part of the function's domain).
-class PartialFunction[-A, +B] extends Function1[A, B] {
- def isDefinedAt(x: A): Boolean
-The implicitly imported [`Predef`](#the-predef-object) object defines the name
-`Function` as an alias of `Function1`.
-### Class `Array`
-All operations on arrays desugar to the corresponding operations of the
-underlying platform. Therefore, the following class definition is given for
-informational purposes only:
-final class Array[T](_length: Int)
-extends with java.lang.Cloneable {
- def length: Int = $\ldots$
- def apply(i: Int): T = $\ldots$
- def update(i: Int, x: T): Unit = $\ldots$
- override def clone(): Array[T] = $\ldots$
-If $T$ is not a type parameter or abstract type, the type `Array[T]`
-is represented as the array type `|T|[]` in the
-underlying host system, where `|T|` is the erasure of `T`.
-If $T$ is a type parameter or abstract type, a different representation might be
-used (it is `Object` on the Java platform).
-#### Operations
-`length` returns the length of the array, `apply` means subscripting,
-and `update` means element update.
-Because of the syntactic sugar for `apply` and `update` operations,
-we have the following correspondences between Scala and Java/C# code for
-operations on an array `xs`:
-| | |
-|_Scala_ |_Java/C#_ |
-|`xs.length` |`xs.length` |
-|`xs(i)` |`xs[i]` |
-|`xs(i) = e` |`xs[i] = e` |
-Two implicit conversions exist in `Predef` that are frequently applied to arrays:
-a conversion to `scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps` and a conversion to
-`scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray` (a subtype of `scala.collection.Seq`).
-Both types make many of the standard operations found in the Scala
-collections API available. The conversion to `ArrayOps` is temporary, as all operations
-defined on `ArrayOps` return a value of type `Array`, while the conversion to `WrappedArray`
-is permanent as all operations return a value of type `WrappedArray`.
-The conversion to `ArrayOps` takes priority over the conversion to `WrappedArray`.
-Because of the tension between parametrized types in Scala and the ad-hoc
-implementation of arrays in the host-languages, some subtle points
-need to be taken into account when dealing with arrays. These are
-explained in the following.
-#### Variance
-Unlike arrays in Java or C#, arrays in Scala are _not_
-co-variant; That is, $S <: T$ does not imply
-`Array[$S$] $<:$ Array[$T$]` in Scala.
-However, it is possible to cast an array
-of $S$ to an array of $T$ if such a cast is permitted in the host
-For instance `Array[String]` does not conform to
-`Array[Object]`, even though `String` conforms to `Object`.
-However, it is possible to cast an expression of type
-`Array[String]` to `Array[Object]`, and this
-cast will succeed without raising a `ClassCastException`. Example:
-val xs = new Array[String](2)
-// val ys: Array[Object] = xs // **** error: incompatible types
-val ys: Array[Object] = xs.asInstanceOf[Array[Object]] // OK
-The instantiation of an array with a polymorphic element type $T$ requires
-information about type $T$ at runtime.
-This information is synthesized by adding a [context bound](09-implicit-parameters-and-views.html#context-bounds-and-view-bounds)
-of `scala.reflect.ClassTag` to type $T$.
-An example is the
-following implementation of method `mkArray`, which creates
-an array of an arbitrary type $T$, given a sequence of $T$`s which
-defines its elements:
-import reflect.ClassTag
-def mkArray[T : ClassTag](elems: Seq[T]): Array[T] = {
- val result = new Array[T](elems.length)
- var i = 0
- for (elem <- elems) {
- result(i) = elem
- i += 1
- }
- result
-If type $T$ is a type for which the host platform offers a specialized array
-representation, this representation is used.
-###### Example
-On the Java Virtual Machine, an invocation of `mkArray(List(1,2,3))`
-will return a primitive array of `int`s, written as `int[]` in Java.
-#### Companion object
-`Array`'s companion object provides various factory methods for the
-instantiation of single- and multi-dimensional arrays, an extractor method
-[`unapplySeq`](10-pattern-matching.html#extractor-patterns) which enables pattern matching
-over arrays and additional utility methods:
-package scala
-object Array {
- /** copies array elements from `src` to `dest`. */
- def copy(src: AnyRef, srcPos: Int,
- dest: AnyRef, destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit = $\ldots$
- /** Returns an array of length 0 */
- def empty[T: ClassTag]: Array[T] =
- /** Create an array with given elements. */
- def apply[T: ClassTag](xs: T*): Array[T] = $\ldots$
- /** Creates array with given dimensions */
- def ofDim[T: ClassTag](n1: Int): Array[T] = $\ldots$
- /** Creates a 2-dimensional array */
- def ofDim[T: ClassTag](n1: Int, n2: Int): Array[Array[T]] = $\ldots$
- $\ldots$
- /** Concatenate all argument arrays into a single array. */
- def concat[T: ClassTag](xss: Array[T]*): Array[T] = $\ldots$
- /** Returns an array that contains the results of some element computation a number
- * of times. */
- def fill[T: ClassTag](n: Int)(elem: => T): Array[T] = $\ldots$
- /** Returns a two-dimensional array that contains the results of some element
- * computation a number of times. */
- def fill[T: ClassTag](n1: Int, n2: Int)(elem: => T): Array[Array[T]] = $\ldots$
- $\ldots$
- /** Returns an array containing values of a given function over a range of integer
- * values starting from 0. */
- def tabulate[T: ClassTag](n: Int)(f: Int => T): Array[T] = $\ldots$
- /** Returns a two-dimensional array containing values of a given function
- * over ranges of integer values starting from `0`. */
- def tabulate[T: ClassTag](n1: Int, n2: Int)(f: (Int, Int) => T): Array[Array[T]] = $\ldots$
- $\ldots$
- /** Returns an array containing a sequence of increasing integers in a range. */
- def range(start: Int, end: Int): Array[Int] = $\ldots$
- /** Returns an array containing equally spaced values in some integer interval. */
- def range(start: Int, end: Int, step: Int): Array[Int] = $\ldots$
- /** Returns an array containing repeated applications of a function to a start value. */
- def iterate[T: ClassTag](start: T, len: Int)(f: T => T): Array[T] = $\ldots$
- /** Enables pattern matching over arrays */
- def unapplySeq[A](x: Array[A]): Option[IndexedSeq[A]] = Some(x)
-## Class Node
-package scala.xml
-trait Node {
- /** the label of this node */
- def label: String
- /** attribute axis */
- def attribute: Map[String, String]
- /** child axis (all children of this node) */
- def child: Seq[Node]
- /** descendant axis (all descendants of this node) */
- def descendant: Seq[Node] = child.toList.flatMap {
- x => x::x.descendant.asInstanceOf[List[Node]]
- }
- /** descendant axis (all descendants of this node) */
- def descendant_or_self: Seq[Node] = this::child.toList.flatMap {
- x => x::x.descendant.asInstanceOf[List[Node]]
- }
- override def equals(x: Any): Boolean = x match {
- case that:Node =>
- that.label == this.label &&
- that.attribute.sameElements(this.attribute) &&
- that.child.sameElements(this.child)
- case _ => false
- }
- /** XPath style projection function. Returns all children of this node
- * that are labeled with 'that'. The document order is preserved.
- */
- def \(that: Symbol): NodeSeq = {
- new NodeSeq({
- match {
- case "_" => child.toList
- case _ =>
- var res:List[Node] = Nil
- for (x <- child.elements if x.label == {
- res = x::res
- }
- res.reverse
- }
- })
- }
- /** XPath style projection function. Returns all nodes labeled with the
- * name 'that' from the 'descendant_or_self' axis. Document order is preserved.
- */
- def \\(that: Symbol): NodeSeq = {
- new NodeSeq(
- match {
- case "_" => this.descendant_or_self
- case _ => this.descendant_or_self.asInstanceOf[List[Node]].
- filter(x => x.label ==
- })
- }
- /** hashcode for this XML node */
- override def hashCode =
- Utility.hashCode(label, attribute.toList.hashCode, child)
- /** string representation of this node */
- override def toString = Utility.toXML(this)
-## The `Predef` Object
-The `Predef` object defines standard functions and type aliases
-for Scala programs. It is always implicitly imported, so that all its
-defined members are available without qualification. Its definition
-for the JVM environment conforms to the following signature:
-package scala
-object Predef {
- // classOf ---------------------------------------------------------
- /** Returns the runtime representation of a class type. */
- def classOf[T]: Class[T] = null
- // this is a dummy, classOf is handled by compiler.
- // Standard type aliases ---------------------------------------------
- type String = java.lang.String
- type Class[T] = java.lang.Class[T]
- // Miscellaneous -----------------------------------------------------
- type Function[-A, +B] = Function1[A, B]
- type Map[A, +B] = collection.immutable.Map[A, B]
- type Set[A] = collection.immutable.Set[A]
- val Map = collection.immutable.Map
- val Set = collection.immutable.Set
- // Manifest types, companions, and incantations for summoning ---------
- type ClassManifest[T] = scala.reflect.ClassManifest[T]
- type Manifest[T] = scala.reflect.Manifest[T]
- type OptManifest[T] = scala.reflect.OptManifest[T]
- val ClassManifest = scala.reflect.ClassManifest
- val Manifest = scala.reflect.Manifest
- val NoManifest = scala.reflect.NoManifest
- def manifest[T](implicit m: Manifest[T]) = m
- def classManifest[T](implicit m: ClassManifest[T]) = m
- def optManifest[T](implicit m: OptManifest[T]) = m
- // Minor variations on identity functions -----------------------------
- def identity[A](x: A): A = x // @see `conforms` for the implicit version
- def implicitly[T](implicit e: T) = e // for summoning implicit values from the nether world
- @inline def locally[T](x: T): T = x // to communicate intent and avoid unmoored statements
- // Asserts, Preconditions, Postconditions -----------------------------
- def assert(assertion: Boolean) {
- if (!assertion)
- throw new java.lang.AssertionError("assertion failed")
- }
- def assert(assertion: Boolean, message: => Any) {
- if (!assertion)
- throw new java.lang.AssertionError("assertion failed: " + message)
- }
- def assume(assumption: Boolean) {
- if (!assumption)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("assumption failed")
- }
- def assume(assumption: Boolean, message: => Any) {
- if (!assumption)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(message.toString)
- }
- def require(requirement: Boolean) {
- if (!requirement)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("requirement failed")
- }
- def require(requirement: Boolean, message: => Any) {
- if (!requirement)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("requirement failed: "+ message)
- }
- // tupling ---------------------------------------------------------
- type Pair[+A, +B] = Tuple2[A, B]
- object Pair {
- def apply[A, B](x: A, y: B) = Tuple2(x, y)
- def unapply[A, B](x: Tuple2[A, B]): Option[Tuple2[A, B]] = Some(x)
- }
- type Triple[+A, +B, +C] = Tuple3[A, B, C]
- object Triple {
- def apply[A, B, C](x: A, y: B, z: C) = Tuple3(x, y, z)
- def unapply[A, B, C](x: Tuple3[A, B, C]): Option[Tuple3[A, B, C]] = Some(x)
- }
- // Printing and reading -----------------------------------------------
- def print(x: Any) = Console.print(x)
- def println() = Console.println()
- def println(x: Any) = Console.println(x)
- def printf(text: String, xs: Any*) = Console.printf(text.format(xs: _*))
- def readLine(): String = Console.readLine()
- def readLine(text: String, args: Any*) = Console.readLine(text, args)
- def readBoolean() = Console.readBoolean()
- def readByte() = Console.readByte()
- def readShort() = Console.readShort()
- def readChar() = Console.readChar()
- def readInt() = Console.readInt()
- def readLong() = Console.readLong()
- def readFloat() = Console.readFloat()
- def readDouble() = Console.readDouble()
- def readf(format: String) = Console.readf(format)
- def readf1(format: String) = Console.readf1(format)
- def readf2(format: String) = Console.readf2(format)
- def readf3(format: String) = Console.readf3(format)
- // Implict conversions ------------------------------------------------
- ...
-### Predefined Implicit Definitions
-The `Predef` object also contains a number of implicit definitions, which are available by default (because `Predef` is implicitly imported).
-Implicit definitions come in two priorities. High-priority implicits are defined in the `Predef` class itself whereas low priority implicits are defined in a class inherited by `Predef`. The rules of
-static [overloading resolution](08-expressions.html#overloading-resolution)
-stipulate that, all other things being equal, implicit resolution
-prefers high-priority implicits over low-priority ones.
-The available low-priority implicits include definitions falling into the following categories.
-1. For every primitive type, a wrapper that takes values of that type
- to instances of a `runtime.Rich*` class. For instance, values of type `Int`
- can be implicitly converted to instances of class `runtime.RichInt`.
-1. For every array type with elements of primitive type, a wrapper that
- takes the arrays of that type to instances of a `runtime.WrappedArray` class. For instance, values of type `Array[Float]` can be implicitly converted to instances of class `runtime.WrappedArray[Float]`.
- There are also generic array wrappers that take elements
- of type `Array[T]` for arbitrary `T` to `WrappedArray`s.
-1. An implicit conversion from `String` to `WrappedString`.
-The available high-priority implicits include definitions falling into the following categories.
- * An implicit wrapper that adds `ensuring` methods
- with the following overloaded variants to type `Any`.
- ```
- def ensuring(cond: Boolean): A = { assert(cond); x }
- def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: Any): A = { assert(cond, msg); x }
- def ensuring(cond: A => Boolean): A = { assert(cond(x)); x }
- def ensuring(cond: A => Boolean, msg: Any): A = { assert(cond(x), msg); x }
- ```
- * An implicit wrapper that adds a `->` method with the following implementation
- to type `Any`.
- ```
- def -> [B](y: B): (A, B) = (x, y)
- ```
- * For every array type with elements of primitive type, a wrapper that
- takes the arrays of that type to instances of a `runtime.ArrayOps`
- class. For instance, values of type `Array[Float]` can be implicitly
- converted to instances of class `runtime.ArrayOps[Float]`. There are
- also generic array wrappers that take elements of type `Array[T]` for
- arbitrary `T` to `ArrayOps`s.
- * An implicit wrapper that adds `+` and `formatted` method with the following
- implementations to type `Any`.
- ```
- def +(other: String) = String.valueOf(self) + other
- def formatted(fmtstr: String): String = fmtstr format self
- ```
- * Numeric primitive conversions that implement the transitive closure of the
- following mappings:
- ```
- Byte -> Short
- Short -> Int
- Char -> Int
- Int -> Long
- Long -> Float
- Float -> Double
- ```
- * Boxing and unboxing conversions between primitive types and their boxed
- versions:
- ```
- Byte <-> java.lang.Byte
- Short <-> java.lang.Short
- Char <-> java.lang.Character
- Int <-> java.lang.Integer
- Long <-> java.lang.Long
- Float <-> java.lang.Float
- Double <-> java.lang.Double
- Boolean <-> java.lang.Boolean
- ```
- * An implicit definition that generates instances of type `T <:< T`, for
- any type `T`. Here, `<:<` is a class defined as follows.
- ```
- sealed abstract class <:<[-From, +To] extends (From => To)
- ```
- Implicit parameters of `<:<` types are typically used to implement type constraints.