path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
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authorPaul Phillips <>2012-02-25 08:54:44 -0800
committerPaul Phillips <>2012-02-25 12:20:15 -0800
commit4573e06a278e9505b7cf1b6f1390e2833fb70fec (patch)
treeed11a0452ca502b72793d250e518051f87493996 /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
parent0c2f493804db6b594d7ec68e49e76c75a316230b (diff)
Mainstreaming phase awareness.
As I peer into various longstanding crashes involving specialization, mixin composition, and super calls, I find a very common reason for logic to go wrong is ignoring or misusing atPhase. This is hardly surprising given how much of a secret black art the whole process of atPhase-ing is. I predict with some confidence that at least half the calls to atPhase in the compiler are at best unnecessary and more likely wrong; similarly, we are missing at least as many calls in other places. Herein we find the following: 1) log messages now include not only the current "at" phase, which in isolation was very confusing because it means what is logged is dependent on the arbitrary jumps performed by atPhase, but the entire "phase stack", anchored by the "global phase". The leftmost phase is the global phase, the one set in Global which proceeds in a predictable fashion from parser to terminal. That's the one we usually mean when we talk about during which phase something happens. The others (prefixed with an arrow) are calls to atPhase which have not yet returned. // example, assuming we've given -Ylog:expl scala> atPhase(currentRun.explicitouterPhase)(log("hi mom")) [log terminal(->typer ->explicitouter)] hi mom 2) A message will be logged if either the globalPhase matches, or the current "at" phase does. So -Ylog:erasure will log all the messages from the phase we think of as erasure, and also all those from any phase run inside of atPhase(erasurePhase) { ... } (except for times when that block uses atPhase to alter the phase yet again - it only looks at the top of the atPhase stack.) // example % scalac -Ydebug -Ylog:refchecks foo.scala [log refchecks] overriding-pairs? method size in trait TraversableOnce ... [log mixin(->refchecks)] rebindsuper trait GenTraversable <none> <notype> false 3) A number of debug/power oriented functions. All of these limit their results to phase transitions during which some change took place, as measured by the result of `op`, compared with ==. def afterEachPhase[T](op: => T): List[(Phase, T)] def changesAfterEachPhase[T](op: => List[T]): List[ChangeAfterPhase[T]] def logAfterEveryPhase[T](msg: String)(op: => T) def describeAfterEachPhase[T](op: => T): List[String] def describeAfterEveryPhase[T](op: => T): String def printAfterEachPhase[T](op: => T): Unit Some examples: scala> printAfterEachPhase( [after 1/parser ] 219 [after 11/tailcalls ] 220 [after 12/specialize ] 322 [after 14/erasure ] 361 [after 18/flatten ] 357 scala> printAfterEachPhase(termMember(PredefModule, "implicitly").defString) [after 1/parser ] def implicitly[T](implicit e: T): T [after 10/uncurry ] def implicitly[T](e: T): T [after 14/erasure ] def implicitly(e: Object): Object Try this at home: scala> changesAfterEachPhase( map (_.defString)) foreach println
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
index 4493188b31..ca5604c828 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
@@ -213,10 +213,23 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
def informTime(msg: String, start: Long) = informProgress(elapsedMessage(msg, start))
def logError(msg: String, t: Throwable): Unit = ()
+ private def atPhaseStackMessage = atPhaseStack match {
+ case Nil => ""
+ case ps => ps.reverseMap("->" + _).mkString("(", " ", ")")
+ }
+ private def shouldLogAtThisPhase = (
+ (settings.log.isSetByUser)
+ && ((settings.log containsPhase globalPhase) || (settings.log containsPhase phase))
+ )
+ def logAfterEveryPhase[T](msg: String)(op: => T) {
+ log("Running operation '%s' after every phase.\n" + describeAfterEveryPhase(op))
+ }
// Over 200 closure objects are eliminated by inlining this.
@inline final def log(msg: => AnyRef): Unit =
- if (settings.log containsPhase globalPhase)
- inform("[log " + phase + "] " + msg)
+ if (shouldLogAtThisPhase)
+ inform("[log %s%s] %s".format(globalPhase, atPhaseStackMessage, msg))
def logThrowable(t: Throwable): Unit = globalError(throwableAsString(t))
def throwableAsString(t: Throwable): String =
@@ -754,6 +767,51 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
line1 :: line2 :: descs mkString
+ /** Returns List of (phase, value) pairs, including only those
+ * where the value compares unequal to the previous phase's value.
+ */
+ def afterEachPhase[T](op: => T): List[(Phase, T)] = {
+[(Phase, T)]()) { (res, ph) =>
+ val value = afterPhase(ph)(op)
+ if (res.nonEmpty && res.head._2 == value) res
+ else ((ph, value)) :: res
+ } reverse
+ }
+ /** Returns List of ChangeAfterPhase objects, encapsulating those
+ * phase transitions where the result of the operation gave a different
+ * list than it had when run during the previous phase.
+ */
+ def changesAfterEachPhase[T](op: => List[T]): List[ChangeAfterPhase[T]] = {
+ val ops = ((NoPhase, Nil)) :: afterEachPhase(op)
+ ops sliding 2 map {
+ case (_, before) :: (ph, after) :: Nil =>
+ val lost = before filterNot (after contains _)
+ val gained = after filterNot (before contains _)
+ ChangeAfterPhase(ph, lost, gained)
+ case _ => ???
+ } toList
+ }
+ private def numberedPhase(ph: Phase) = "%2d/%s".format(,
+ case class ChangeAfterPhase[+T](ph: Phase, lost: List[T], gained: List[T]) {
+ private def mkStr(what: String, xs: List[_]) = (
+ if (xs.isEmpty) ""
+ else xs.mkString(what + " after " + numberedPhase(ph) + " {\n ", "\n ", "\n}\n")
+ )
+ override def toString = mkStr("Lost", lost) + mkStr("Gained", gained)
+ }
+ def describeAfterEachPhase[T](op: => T): List[String] =
+ afterEachPhase(op) map { case (ph, t) => "[after %-15s] %s".format(numberedPhase(ph), t) }
+ def describeAfterEveryPhase[T](op: => T): String =
+ describeAfterEachPhase(op) map (" " + _ + "\n") mkString
+ def printAfterEachPhase[T](op: => T): Unit =
+ describeAfterEachPhase(op) foreach (m => println(" " + m))
// ----------- Runs ---------------------------------------
private var curRun: Run = null
@@ -1027,9 +1085,11 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
val refchecksPhase = phaseNamed("refchecks")
val uncurryPhase = phaseNamed("uncurry")
// tailcalls, specialize
+ val specializePhase = phaseNamed("specialize")
val explicitouterPhase = phaseNamed("explicitouter")
val erasurePhase = phaseNamed("erasure")
// lazyvals, lambdalift, constructors
+ val lambdaLiftPhase = phaseNamed("lambdalift")
val flattenPhase = phaseNamed("flatten")
val mixinPhase = phaseNamed("mixin")
val cleanupPhase = phaseNamed("cleanup")