path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Members.scala
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authorSimon Ochsenreither <>2015-09-16 19:43:46 +0200
committerSimon Ochsenreither <>2015-10-31 08:29:55 +0100
commitd38d31badcb136f24198b1e84f76c2d7a898f5ed (patch)
treecdb023d05ed592a85d3ec719652b2d20d1d810f2 /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Members.scala
parent72538aaed4258b2a91920903cbc50033a07982ec (diff)
Remove ICode
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Members.scala')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 258 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Members.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Members.scala
index c0e0240210..4df21626f8 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Members.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Members.scala
@@ -12,95 +12,11 @@ import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.reflect.internal.Flags
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{ SourceFile, NoSourceFile }
-trait ReferenceEquality {
- override def hashCode = System.identityHashCode(this)
- override def equals(that: Any) = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
trait Members {
self: ICodes =>
import global._
- object NoCode extends Code(null, TermName("NoCode")) {
- override def blocksList: List[BasicBlock] = Nil
- }
- /**
- * This class represents the intermediate code of a method or
- * other multi-block piece of code, like exception handlers.
- */
- class Code(method: IMethod, name: Name) {
- def this(method: IMethod) = this(method,
- /** The set of all blocks */
- val blocks = mutable.ListBuffer[BasicBlock]()
- /** The start block of the method */
- var startBlock: BasicBlock = NoBasicBlock
- private var currentLabel: Int = 0
- private var _touched = false
- def blocksList: List[BasicBlock] = blocks.toList
- def instructions = blocksList flatMap (_.iterator)
- def blockCount = blocks.size
- def instructionCount = (blocks map (_.length)).sum
- def touched = _touched
- def touched_=(b: Boolean): Unit = {
- @annotation.tailrec def loop(xs: List[BasicBlock]) {
- xs match {
- case Nil =>
- case x :: xs => x.touched = true ; loop(xs)
- }
- }
- if (b) loop(blocks.toList)
- _touched = b
- }
- // Constructor code
- startBlock = newBlock()
- def removeBlock(b: BasicBlock) {
- if (settings.debug) {
- // only do this sanity check when debug is turned on because it's moderately expensive
- val referers = blocks filter (_.successors contains b)
- assert(referers.isEmpty, s"Trying to removing block $b (with preds ${b.predecessors.mkString}) but it is still refered to from block(s) ${referers.mkString}")
- }
- if (b == startBlock) {
- assert(b.successors.length == 1,
- s"Removing start block ${b} with ${b.successors.length} successors (${b.successors.mkString})."
- )
- startBlock = b.successors.head
- }
- blocks -= b
- assert(!blocks.contains(b))
- method.exh filter (_ covers b) foreach (_.covered -= b)
- touched = true
- }
- /** This methods returns a string representation of the ICode */
- override def toString = "ICode '" + name.decoded + "'"
- /* Compute a unique new label */
- def nextLabel: Int = {
- currentLabel += 1
- currentLabel
- }
- /* Create a new block and append it to the list
- */
- def newBlock(): BasicBlock = {
- touched = true
- val block = new BasicBlock(nextLabel, method)
- blocks += block
- block
- }
- }
/** Common interface for IClass/IField/IMethod. */
trait IMember extends Ordered[IMember] {
def symbol: Symbol
@@ -120,178 +36,5 @@ trait Members {
/** Represent a class in ICode */
- class IClass(val symbol: Symbol) extends IMember {
- var fields: List[IField] = Nil
- var methods: List[IMethod] = Nil
- var cunit: CompilationUnit = _
- def addField(f: IField): this.type = {
- fields = f :: fields
- this
- }
- def addMethod(m: IMethod): this.type = {
- methods = m :: methods
- this
- }
- def setCompilationUnit(unit: CompilationUnit): this.type = {
- this.cunit = unit
- this
- }
- override def toString() = symbol.fullName
- def lookupMethod(s: Symbol) = methods find (_.symbol == s)
- /* returns this methods static ctor if it has one. */
- def lookupStaticCtor: Option[IMethod] = methods find (_.symbol.isStaticConstructor)
- }
- /** Represent a field in ICode */
- class IField(val symbol: Symbol) extends IMember { }
- object NoIMethod extends IMethod(NoSymbol) { }
- /**
- * Represents a method in ICode. Local variables contain
- * both locals and parameters, similar to the way the JVM
- * 'sees' them.
- *
- * Locals and parameters are added in reverse order, as they
- * are kept in cons-lists. The 'builder' is responsible for
- * reversing them and putting them back, when the generation is
- * finished (GenICode does that).
- */
- class IMethod(val symbol: Symbol) extends IMember {
- var code: Code = NoCode
- def newBlock() = code.newBlock()
- def startBlock = code.startBlock
- def lastBlock = { assert(blocks.nonEmpty, symbol); blocks.last }
- def blocks = code.blocksList
- def linearizedBlocks(lin: Linearizer = self.linearizer): List[BasicBlock] = lin linearize this
- def foreachBlock[U](f: BasicBlock => U): Unit = blocks foreach f
- var native = false
- /** The list of exception handlers, ordered from innermost to outermost. */
- var exh: List[ExceptionHandler] = Nil
- var sourceFile: SourceFile = NoSourceFile
- var returnType: TypeKind = _
- var recursive: Boolean = false
- var bytecodeHasEHs = false // set by ICodeReader only, used by Inliner to prevent inlining (SI-6188)
- var bytecodeHasInvokeDynamic = false // set by ICodeReader only, used by Inliner to prevent inlining until we have proper invoke dynamic support
- /** local variables and method parameters */
- var locals: List[Local] = Nil
- /** method parameters */
- var params: List[Local] = Nil
- def hasCode = code ne NoCode
- def setCode(code: Code): IMethod = {
- this.code = code
- this
- }
- final def updateRecursive(called: Symbol): Unit = {
- recursive ||= (called == symbol)
- }
- def addLocal(l: Local): Local = findOrElse(locals)(_ == l) { locals ::= l ; l }
- def addParam(p: Local): Unit =
- if (params contains p) ()
- else {
- params ::= p
- locals ::= p
- }
- def addLocals(ls: List[Local]) = ls foreach addLocal
- def lookupLocal(n: Name): Option[Local] = locals find ( == n)
- def lookupLocal(sym: Symbol): Option[Local] = locals find (_.sym == sym)
- def addHandler(e: ExceptionHandler) = exh ::= e
- /** Is this method deferred ('abstract' in Java sense)?
- */
- def isAbstractMethod = symbol.isDeferred || (symbol.owner.isInterface && !symbol.hasFlag(Flags.JAVA_DEFAULTMETHOD)) || native
- def isStatic: Boolean = symbol.isStaticMember
- override def toString() = symbol.fullName
- import opcodes._
- /** Merge together blocks that have a single successor which has a
- * single predecessor. Exception handlers are taken into account (they
- * might force to break a block of straight line code like that).
- *
- * This method should be most effective after heavy inlining.
- */
- def normalize(): Unit = if (this.hasCode) {
- val nextBlock: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, BasicBlock] = mutable.HashMap.empty
- for (b <- code.blocks.toList
- if b.successors.length == 1;
- succ = b.successors.head
- if succ ne b
- if succ.predecessors.length == 1
- if succ.predecessors.head eq b
- if !(exh.exists { (e: ExceptionHandler) =>
- (e.covers(succ) && !e.covers(b)) || (e.covers(b) && !e.covers(succ)) })) {
- nextBlock(b) = succ
- }
- var bb = code.startBlock
- while (!nextBlock.isEmpty) {
- if (nextBlock.isDefinedAt(bb)) {
- var succ = bb
- do {
- succ = nextBlock(succ)
- val lastInstr = bb.lastInstruction
- /* Ticket SI-5672
- * Besides removing the control-flow instruction at the end of `bb` (usually a JUMP), we have to pop any values it pushes.
- * Examples:
- * `SWITCH` consisting of just the default case, or
- * `CJUMP(targetBlock, targetBlock, _, _)` ie where success and failure targets coincide (this one consumes two stack values).
- */
- val oldTKs = lastInstr.consumedTypes
- assert(lastInstr.consumed == oldTKs.size, "Someone forgot to override consumedTypes() in " + lastInstr)
- bb.removeLastInstruction()
- for(tk <- oldTKs.reverse) { bb.emit(DROP(tk), lastInstr.pos) }
- succ.toList foreach { i => bb.emit(i, i.pos) }
- code.removeBlock(succ)
- exh foreach { e => e.covered = e.covered - succ }
- nextBlock -= bb
- } while (nextBlock.isDefinedAt(succ))
- bb.close()
- } else
- bb =
- }
- checkValid(this)
- }
- def dump() {
- Console.println("dumping IMethod(" + symbol + ")")
- newTextPrinter() printMethod this
- }
- }
- /** Represent local variables and parameters */
- class Local(val sym: Symbol, val kind: TypeKind, val arg: Boolean) {
- var index: Int = -1
- override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
- case x: Local => sym == x.sym
- case _ => false
- }
- override def hashCode = sym.hashCode
- override def toString(): String = sym.toString
- }
+ class IClass(val symbol: Symbol) extends IMember