path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode
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authorSimon Ochsenreither <>2015-09-16 19:43:46 +0200
committerSimon Ochsenreither <>2015-10-31 08:29:55 +0100
commitd38d31badcb136f24198b1e84f76c2d7a898f5ed (patch)
treecdb023d05ed592a85d3ec719652b2d20d1d810f2 /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode
parent72538aaed4258b2a91920903cbc50033a07982ec (diff)
Remove ICode
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode')
22 files changed, 4 insertions, 7106 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/BasicBlocks.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/BasicBlocks.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ad1975ef23..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/BasicBlocks.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend
-package icode
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import mutable.ListBuffer
-import backend.icode.analysis.ProgramPoint
-import scala.language.postfixOps
-trait BasicBlocks {
- self: ICodes =>
- import opcodes._
- import global._
- /** Override Array creation for efficiency (to not go through reflection). */
- private implicit val instructionTag: scala.reflect.ClassTag[Instruction] = new scala.reflect.ClassTag[Instruction] {
- def runtimeClass: java.lang.Class[Instruction] = classOf[Instruction]
- final override def newArray(len: Int): Array[Instruction] = new Array[Instruction](len)
- }
- object NoBasicBlock extends BasicBlock(-1, null)
- /** This class represents a basic block. Each
- * basic block contains a list of instructions that are
- * either executed all, or none. No jumps
- * to/from the "middle" of the basic block are allowed (modulo exceptions).
- */
- class BasicBlock(val label: Int, val method: IMethod) extends ProgramPoint[BasicBlock] {
- outer =>
- import BBFlags._
- def code = if (method eq null) NoCode else method.code
- private final class SuccessorList() {
- private var successors: List[BasicBlock] = Nil
- /** This method is very hot! Handle with care. */
- private def updateConserve() {
- var lb: ListBuffer[BasicBlock] = null
- var matches = 0
- var remaining = successors
- val direct = directSuccessors
- var scratchHandlers: List[ExceptionHandler] = method.exh
- var scratchBlocks: List[BasicBlock] = direct
- def addBlock(bb: BasicBlock) {
- if (matches < 0)
- lb += bb
- else if (remaining.isEmpty || bb != remaining.head) {
- lb = ListBuffer[BasicBlock]() ++= (successors take matches) += bb
- matches = -1
- }
- else {
- matches += 1
- remaining = remaining.tail
- }
- }
- while (scratchBlocks ne Nil) {
- addBlock(scratchBlocks.head)
- scratchBlocks = scratchBlocks.tail
- }
- /* Return a list of successors for 'b' that come from exception handlers
- * covering b's (non-exceptional) successors. These exception handlers
- * might not cover 'b' itself. This situation corresponds to an
- * exception being thrown as the first thing of one of b's successors.
- */
- while (scratchHandlers ne Nil) {
- val handler = scratchHandlers.head
- if (handler covers outer)
- addBlock(handler.startBlock)
- scratchBlocks = direct
- while (scratchBlocks ne Nil) {
- if (handler covers scratchBlocks.head)
- addBlock(handler.startBlock)
- scratchBlocks = scratchBlocks.tail
- }
- scratchHandlers = scratchHandlers.tail
- }
- // Blocks did not align: create a new list.
- if (matches < 0)
- successors = lb.toList
- // Blocks aligned, but more blocks remain. Take a prefix of the list.
- else if (remaining.nonEmpty)
- successors = successors take matches
- // Otherwise the list is unchanged, leave it alone.
- }
- /** This is called millions of times: it is performance sensitive. */
- def updateSuccs() {
- if (isEmpty) {
- if (successors.nonEmpty)
- successors = Nil
- }
- else updateConserve()
- }
- def toList = successors
- }
- /** Flags of this basic block. */
- private[this] var flags: Int = 0
- /** Does this block have the given flag? */
- def hasFlag(flag: Int): Boolean = (flags & flag) != 0
- /** Set the given flag. */
- private def setFlag(flag: Int): Unit = flags |= flag
- private def resetFlag(flag: Int) {
- flags &= ~flag
- }
- /** Is this block closed? */
- def closed: Boolean = hasFlag(CLOSED)
- def closed_=(b: Boolean) = if (b) setFlag(CLOSED) else resetFlag(CLOSED)
- /** When set, the `emit` methods will be ignored. */
- def ignore: Boolean = hasFlag(IGNORING)
- def ignore_=(b: Boolean) = if (b) setFlag(IGNORING) else resetFlag(IGNORING)
- /** Is this block the head of a while? */
- def loopHeader = hasFlag(LOOP_HEADER)
- def loopHeader_=(b: Boolean) =
- if (b) setFlag(LOOP_HEADER) else resetFlag(LOOP_HEADER)
- /** Is this block the start block of an exception handler? */
- def exceptionHandlerStart = hasFlag(EX_HEADER)
- def exceptionHandlerStart_=(b: Boolean) =
- if (b) setFlag(EX_HEADER) else resetFlag(EX_HEADER)
- /** Has this basic block been modified since the last call to 'successors'? */
- def touched = hasFlag(DIRTYSUCCS)
- def touched_=(b: Boolean) = if (b) {
- } else {
- }
- // basic blocks start in a dirty state
- /** Cached predecessors. */
- var preds: List[BasicBlock] = Nil
- /** Local variables that are in scope at entry of this basic block. Used
- * for debugging information.
- */
- val varsInScope: mutable.Set[Local] = new mutable.LinkedHashSet()
- /** ICode instructions, used as temporary storage while emitting code.
- * Once closed is called, only the `instrs` array should be used.
- */
- private var instructionList: List[Instruction] = Nil
- private var instrs: Array[Instruction] = _
- def take(n: Int): Seq[Instruction] =
- if (closed) instrs take n else instructionList takeRight n reverse
- def toList: List[Instruction] =
- if (closed) instrs.toList else instructionList.reverse
- /** Return an iterator over the instructions in this basic block. */
- def iterator: Iterator[Instruction] =
- if (closed) instrs.iterator else instructionList.reverseIterator
- /** return the underlying array of instructions */
- def getArray: Array[Instruction] = {
- assert(closed, this)
- instrs
- }
- def fromList(is: List[Instruction]) {
- code.touched = true
- instrs = is.toArray
- closed = true
- }
- /** Return the index of inst. Uses reference equality.
- * Returns -1 if not found.
- */
- def indexOf(inst: Instruction): Int = {
- assert(closed, this)
- instrs indexWhere (_ eq inst)
- }
- /** Apply a function to all the instructions of the block. */
- final def foreach[U](f: Instruction => U) = {
- if (!closed) dumpMethodAndAbort(method, this)
- else instrs foreach f
- // !!! If I replace "instrs foreach f" with the following:
- // var i = 0
- // val len = instrs.length
- // while (i < len) {
- // f(instrs(i))
- // i += 1
- // }
- //
- // Then when compiling under -optimise, quick.plugins fails as follows:
- //
- // quick.plugins:
- // [mkdir] Created dir: /scratch/trunk6/build/quick/classes/continuations-plugin
- // [scalacfork] Compiling 5 files to /scratch/trunk6/build/quick/classes/continuations-plugin
- // [scalacfork] error: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits$ImplicitSearch, method: typedImplicit0 signature: (Lscala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits$ImplicitInfo;Z)Lscala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits$SearchResult;) Incompatible object argument for function call
- // [scalacfork] at$class.inferImplicit(Implicits.scala:67)
- // [scalacfork] at$$anon$1.inferImplicit(Global.scala:419)
- // [scalacfork] at$Typer.wrapImplicit$1(Typers.scala:170)
- // [scalacfork] at$Typer.inferView(Typers.scala:174)
- // [scalacfork] at$Typer.adapt(Typers.scala:963)
- // [scalacfork] at$Typer.typed(Typers.scala:4378)
- //
- // This is bad and should be understood/eliminated.
- }
- /** The number of instructions in this basic block so far. */
- def length = if (closed) instrs.length else instructionList.length
- def size = length
- /** Return the n-th instruction. */
- def apply(n: Int): Instruction =
- if (closed) instrs(n) else instructionList.reverse(n)
- ///////////////////// Substitutions ///////////////////////
- /**
- * Replace the instruction at the given position. Used by labels when they are anchored.
- * The replacing instruction is given the nsc.util.Position of the instruction it replaces.
- */
- def replaceInstruction(pos: Int, instr: Instruction): Boolean = {
- assert(closed, "Instructions can be replaced only after the basic block is closed")
- instr.setPos(instrs(pos).pos)
- instrs(pos) = instr
- code.touched = true
- true
- }
- /**
- * Replace the given instruction with the new one.
- * Returns `true` if it actually changed something.
- * The replacing instruction is given the nsc.util.Position of the instruction it replaces.
- */
- def replaceInstruction(oldInstr: Instruction, newInstr: Instruction): Boolean = {
- assert(closed, "Instructions can be replaced only after the basic block is closed")
- indexOf(oldInstr) match {
- case -1 => false
- case idx =>
- newInstr setPos oldInstr.pos
- instrs(idx) = newInstr
- code.touched = true
- true
- }
- }
- /** Replaces `oldInstr` with `is`. It does not update
- * the position field in the newly inserted instructions, so it behaves
- * differently than the one-instruction versions of this function.
- */
- def replaceInstruction(oldInstr: Instruction, is: List[Instruction]): Boolean = {
- assert(closed, "Instructions can be replaced only after the basic block is closed")
- indexOf(oldInstr) match {
- case -1 => false
- case idx =>
- instrs = instrs.patch(idx, is, 1)
- code.touched = true
- true
- }
- }
- /** Removes instructions found at the given positions.
- */
- def removeInstructionsAt(positions: Int*) {
- assert(closed, this)
- instrs = instrs.indices.toArray filterNot positions.toSet map instrs
- code.touched = true
- }
- /** Remove the last instruction of this basic block. It is
- * fast for an open block, but slower when the block is closed.
- */
- def removeLastInstruction() {
- if (closed)
- removeInstructionsAt(length)
- else {
- instructionList = instructionList.tail
- code.touched = true
- }
- }
- /** Replaces all instructions found in the map.
- */
- def subst(map: Map[Instruction, Instruction]): Unit =
- if (!closed)
- instructionList = instructionList map (x => map.getOrElse(x, x))
- else
- instrs.iterator.zipWithIndex foreach {
- case (oldInstr, i) =>
- if (map contains oldInstr) {
- // SI-6288 clone important here because `replaceInstruction` assigns
- // a position to `newInstr`. Without this, a single instruction can
- // be added twice, and the position last position assigned clobbers
- // all previous positions in other usages.
- val newInstr = map(oldInstr).clone()
- code.touched |= replaceInstruction(i, newInstr)
- }
- }
- ////////////////////// Emit //////////////////////
- /** Add a new instruction at the end of the block,
- * using the same source position as the last emitted instruction
- */
- def emit(instr: Instruction) {
- val pos = if (instructionList.isEmpty) NoPosition else instructionList.head.pos
- emit(instr, pos)
- }
- /** Emitting does not set touched to true. During code generation this is a hotspot and
- * setting the flag for each emit is a waste. Caching should happen only after a block
- * is closed, which sets the DIRTYSUCCS flag.
- */
- def emit(instr: Instruction, pos: Position) {
- assert(!closed || ignore, this)
- if (ignore) {
- if (settings.debug) {
- /* Trying to pin down what it's likely to see after a block has been
- * put into ignore mode so we hear about it if there's a problem.
- */
- instr match {
- case JUMP(_) | RETURN(_) | THROW(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) => // ok
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) if nme.isExceptionResultName( => // ok
- case x => log("Ignoring instruction, possibly at our peril, at " + pos + ": " + x)
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- instr.setPos(pos)
- instructionList ::= instr
- }
- }
- def emit(is: Seq[Instruction]) {
- is foreach (i => emit(i, i.pos))
- }
- /** The semantics of this are a little odd but it's designed to work
- * seamlessly with the existing code. It emits each supplied instruction,
- * then closes the block. The odd part is that if the instruction has
- * pos == NoPosition, it calls the 1-arg emit, but otherwise it calls
- * the 2-arg emit. This way I could retain existing behavior exactly by
- * calling setPos on any instruction using the two arg version which
- * I wanted to include in a call to emitOnly.
- */
- def emitOnly(is: Instruction*) {
- is foreach (i => if (i.pos == NoPosition) emit(i) else emit(i, i.pos))
- this.close()
- }
- /** do nothing if block is already closed */
- def closeWith(instr: Instruction) {
- if (!closed) {
- emit(instr)
- close()
- }
- }
- def closeWith(instr: Instruction, pos: Position) {
- if (!closed) {
- emit(instr, pos)
- close()
- }
- }
- /** Close the block */
- def close() {
- assert(!closed || ignore, this)
- if (ignore && closed) { // redundant `ignore &&` for clarity -- we should never be in state `!ignore && closed`
- // not doing anything to this block is important...
- // because the else branch reverses innocent blocks, which is wrong when they're in ignore mode (and closed)
- // reversing the instructions when (closed && ignore) wreaks havoc for nested label jumps (see comments in genLoad)
- } else {
- closed = true
- instructionList = instructionList.reverse
- instrs = instructionList.toArray
- if (instructionList.isEmpty) {
- debuglog(s"Removing empty block $this")
- code removeBlock this
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * if cond is true, closes this block, entersIgnoreMode, and removes the block from
- * its list of blocks. Used to allow a block to be started and then cancelled when it
- * is discovered to be unreachable.
- */
- def killIf(cond: Boolean) {
- if (!settings.YdisableUnreachablePrevention && cond) {
- debuglog(s"Killing block $this")
- assert(instructionList.isEmpty, s"Killing a non empty block $this")
- // only checked under debug because fetching predecessor list is moderately expensive
- if (settings.debug)
- assert(predecessors.isEmpty, s"Killing block $this which is referred to from ${predecessors.mkString}")
- close()
- enterIgnoreMode()
- }
- }
- /**
- * Same as killIf but with the logic of the condition reversed
- */
- def killUnless(cond: Boolean) {
- this killIf !cond
- }
- def open() {
- assert(closed, this)
- closed = false
- ignore = false
- touched = true
- instructionList = instructionList.reverse // prepare for appending to the head
- }
- def clear() {
- instructionList = Nil
- instrs = null
- preds = Nil
- }
- final def isEmpty = instructionList.isEmpty
- final def nonEmpty = !isEmpty
- /** Enter ignore mode: new 'emit'ted instructions will not be
- * added to this basic block. It makes the generation of THROW
- * and RETURNs easier.
- */
- def enterIgnoreMode() = {
- ignore = true
- }
- /** Return the last instruction of this basic block. */
- def lastInstruction =
- if (closed) instrs(instrs.length - 1)
- else instructionList.head
- def exceptionSuccessors: List[BasicBlock] =
- exceptionSuccessorsForBlock(this)
- def exceptionSuccessorsForBlock(block: BasicBlock): List[BasicBlock] =
- method.exh collect { case x if x covers block => x.startBlock }
- /** Cached value of successors. Must be recomputed whenever a block in the current method is changed. */
- private val succs = new SuccessorList
- def successors: List[BasicBlock] = {
- if (touched) {
- succs.updateSuccs()
- resetFlag(DIRTYSUCCS)
- }
- succs.toList
- }
- def directSuccessors: List[BasicBlock] =
- if (isEmpty) Nil else lastInstruction match {
- case JUMP(whereto) => whereto :: Nil
- case CJUMP(succ, fail, _, _) => fail :: succ :: Nil
- case CZJUMP(succ, fail, _, _) => fail :: succ :: Nil
- case SWITCH(_, labels) => labels
- case RETURN(_) => Nil
- case THROW(_) => Nil
- case _ =>
- if (closed)
- devWarning(s"$lastInstruction/${lastInstruction.getClass.getName} is not a control flow instruction")
- Nil
- }
- /** Returns the predecessors of this block. */
- def predecessors: List[BasicBlock] = {
- if (hasFlag(DIRTYPREDS)) {
- resetFlag(DIRTYPREDS)
- preds = code.blocks.iterator filter (_.successors contains this) toList
- }
- preds
- }
- override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
- case that: BasicBlock => (that.label == label) && (that.code == code)
- case _ => false
- }
- override def hashCode = label * 41 + code.hashCode
- private def succString = if (successors.isEmpty) "[S: N/A]" else successors.distinct.mkString("[S: ", ", ", "]")
- private def predString = if (predecessors.isEmpty) "[P: N/A]" else predecessors.distinct.mkString("[P: ", ", ", "]")
- override def toString(): String = "" + label
- def blockContents = {
- def posStr(p: Position) = if (p.isDefined) p.line.toString else "<??>"
- val xs = this.toList map (instr => posStr(instr.pos) + "\t" + instr)
- xs.mkString(fullString + " {\n ", "\n ", "\n}")
- }
- def predContents = + " preds:\n", "\n", "\n")
- def succContents = + " succs:\n", "\n", "\n")
- def fullString: String = List("Block", label, succString, predString, flagsString) mkString " "
- def flagsString: String = BBFlags.flagsToString(flags)
- }
-object BBFlags {
- /** This block is a loop header (was translated from a while). */
- final val LOOP_HEADER = (1 << 0)
- /** Ignoring mode: emit instructions are dropped. */
- final val IGNORING = (1 << 1)
- /** This block is the header of an exception handler. */
- final val EX_HEADER = (1 << 2)
- /** This block is closed. No new instructions can be added. */
- final val CLOSED = (1 << 3)
- /** Code has been changed, recompute successors. */
- final val DIRTYSUCCS = (1 << 4)
- /** Code has been changed, recompute predecessors. */
- final val DIRTYPREDS = (1 << 5)
- val flagMap = Map[Int, String](
- LOOP_HEADER -> "loopheader",
- IGNORING -> "ignore",
- EX_HEADER -> "exheader",
- CLOSED -> "closed",
- DIRTYSUCCS -> "dirtysuccs",
- DIRTYPREDS -> "dirtypreds"
- )
- def flagsToString(flags: Int) = {
- flagMap collect { case (bit, name) if (bit & flags) != 0 => "<" + name + ">" } mkString " "
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/CheckerException.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/CheckerException.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bcdb6dbd2..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/CheckerException.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend
-package icode
-class CheckerException(s: String) extends Exception(s)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ExceptionHandlers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ExceptionHandlers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7243264773..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ExceptionHandlers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend
-package icode
-import scala.collection.immutable
- * Exception handlers are pieces of code that `handle` exceptions on
- * the covered basic blocks. Since Scala's exception handling uses
- * pattern matching instead of just class names to identify handlers,
- * all our handlers will catch `Throwable` and rely on proper ordering
- * in the generated code to preserve nesting.
- */
-trait ExceptionHandlers {
- self: ICodes =>
- import global._
- import definitions.{ ThrowableClass }
- class ExceptionHandler(val method: IMethod, val label: TermName, val cls: Symbol, val pos: Position) {
- def loadExceptionClass = if (cls == NoSymbol) ThrowableClass else cls
- private var _startBlock: BasicBlock = _
- var finalizer: Finalizer = _
- def setStartBlock(b: BasicBlock) = {
- _startBlock = b
- b.exceptionHandlerStart = true
- }
- def startBlock = _startBlock
- /** The list of blocks that are covered by this exception handler */
- var covered: immutable.Set[BasicBlock] = immutable.HashSet.empty[BasicBlock]
- def addCoveredBlock(b: BasicBlock): this.type = {
- covered = covered + b
- this
- }
- /** Is `b` covered by this exception handler? */
- def covers(b: BasicBlock): Boolean = covered(b)
- /** The body of this exception handler. May contain 'dead' blocks (which will not
- * make it into generated code because linearizers may not include them) */
- var blocks: List[BasicBlock] = Nil
- def addBlock(b: BasicBlock): Unit = blocks = b :: blocks
- override def toString() = "exh_" + label + "(" + cls.simpleName + ")"
- /** A standard copy constructor */
- def this(other: ExceptionHandler) = {
- this(other.method, other.label, other.cls, other.pos)
- covered = other.covered
- setStartBlock(other.startBlock)
- finalizer = other.finalizer
- }
- def dup: ExceptionHandler = new ExceptionHandler(this)
- }
- class Finalizer(method: IMethod, label: TermName, pos: Position) extends ExceptionHandler(method, label, NoSymbol, pos) {
- override def toString() = "finalizer_" + label
- override def dup: Finalizer = new Finalizer(method, label, pos)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/GenICode.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/GenICode.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a927097b62..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/GenICode.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2239 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala
-package tools.nsc
-package backend
-package icode
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import scala.collection.mutable.{ ListBuffer, Buffer }
-import scala.annotation.switch
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- * @version 1.0
- */
-abstract class GenICode extends SubComponent {
- import global._
- import icodes._
- import icodes.opcodes._
- import definitions._
- import scalaPrimitives.{
- isArrayOp, isComparisonOp, isLogicalOp,
- isUniversalEqualityOp, isReferenceEqualityOp
- }
- import platform.isMaybeBoxed
- private val bCodeICodeCommon: jvm.BCodeICodeCommon[global.type] = new jvm.BCodeICodeCommon(global)
- import bCodeICodeCommon._
- val phaseName = "icode"
- override def newPhase(prev: Phase) = new ICodePhase(prev)
- @inline private def debugassert(cond: => Boolean, msg: => Any) {
- if (settings.debug)
- assert(cond, msg)
- }
- class ICodePhase(prev: Phase) extends StdPhase(prev) {
- override def description = "Generate ICode from the AST"
- var unit: CompilationUnit = NoCompilationUnit
- override def run() {
- if (!settings.isBCodeActive) {
- scalaPrimitives.init()
- classes.clear()
- }
- }
- override def apply(unit: CompilationUnit): Unit = {
- if (settings.isBCodeActive) { return }
- this.unit = unit
- unit.icode.clear()
- informProgress("Generating icode for " + unit)
- gen(unit.body)
- this.unit = NoCompilationUnit
- }
- def gen(tree: Tree): Context = gen(tree, new Context())
- def gen(trees: List[Tree], ctx: Context): Context = {
- var ctx1 = ctx
- for (t <- trees) ctx1 = gen(t, ctx1)
- ctx1
- }
- /** If the selector type has a member with the right name,
- * it is the host class; otherwise the symbol's owner.
- */
- def findHostClass(selector: Type, sym: Symbol) = selector member match {
- case NoSymbol => debuglog(s"Rejecting $selector as host class for $sym") ; sym.owner
- case _ => selector.typeSymbol
- }
- /////////////////// Code generation ///////////////////////
- def gen(tree: Tree, ctx: Context): Context = tree match {
- case EmptyTree => ctx
- case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
- gen(stats, ctx setPackage
- case ClassDef(mods, name, _, impl) =>
- debuglog("Generating class: " + tree.symbol.fullName)
- val outerClass = ctx.clazz
- ctx setClass (new IClass(tree.symbol) setCompilationUnit unit)
- addClassFields(ctx, tree.symbol)
- classes += (tree.symbol -> ctx.clazz)
- unit.icode += ctx.clazz
- gen(impl, ctx)
- ctx.clazz.methods = ctx.clazz.methods.reverse // preserve textual order
- ctx.clazz.fields = ctx.clazz.fields.reverse // preserve textual order
- ctx setClass outerClass
- // !! modules should be eliminated by refcheck... or not?
- case ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) =>
- abort("Modules should not reach backend! " + tree)
- case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
- ctx // we use the symbol to add fields
- case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
- debuglog("Entering method " + name)
- val m = new IMethod(tree.symbol)
- m.sourceFile = unit.source
- m.returnType = if (tree.symbol.isConstructor) UNIT
- else toTypeKind(
- ctx.clazz.addMethod(m)
- var ctx1 = ctx.enterMethod(m, tree.asInstanceOf[DefDef])
- addMethodParams(ctx1, vparamss)
- m.native = m.symbol.hasAnnotation(definitions.NativeAttr)
- if (!m.isAbstractMethod && !m.native) {
- ctx1 = genLoad(rhs, ctx1, m.returnType)
- // reverse the order of the local variables, to match the source-order
- m.locals = m.locals.reverse
- rhs match {
- case Block(_, Return(_)) => ()
- case Return(_) => ()
- case EmptyTree =>
- globalError("Concrete method has no definition: " + tree + (
- if (settings.debug) "(found: " +", ") + ")"
- else "")
- )
- case _ => if (
-, rhs.pos)
- else
- }
- if (!
- prune(ctx1.method)
- } else
- ctx1.method.setCode(NoCode)
- ctx1
- case Template(_, _, body) =>
- gen(body, ctx)
- case _ =>
- abort("Illegal tree in gen: " + tree)
- }
- private def genStat(trees: List[Tree], ctx: Context): Context =
- trees.foldLeft(ctx)((currentCtx, t) => genStat(t, currentCtx))
- /**
- * Generate code for the given tree. The trees should contain statements
- * and not produce any value. Use genLoad for expressions which leave
- * a value on top of the stack.
- *
- * @return a new context. This is necessary for control flow instructions
- * which may change the current basic block.
- */
- private def genStat(tree: Tree, ctx: Context): Context = tree match {
- case Assign(lhs @ Select(_, _), rhs) =>
- val isStatic = lhs.symbol.isStaticMember
- var ctx1 = if (isStatic) ctx else genLoadQualifier(lhs, ctx)
- ctx1 = genLoad(rhs, ctx1, toTypeKind(
-, isStatic), tree.pos)
- ctx1
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- val ctx1 = genLoad(rhs, ctx, toTypeKind(
- val Some(l) = ctx.method.lookupLocal(lhs.symbol)
-, tree.pos)
- ctx1
- case _ =>
- genLoad(tree, ctx, UNIT)
- }
- private def genThrow(expr: Tree, ctx: Context): (Context, TypeKind) = {
- require(expr.tpe <:< ThrowableTpe, expr.tpe)
- val thrownKind = toTypeKind(expr.tpe)
- val ctx1 = genLoad(expr, ctx, thrownKind)
-, expr.pos)
- (ctx1, NothingReference)
- }
- /**
- * Generate code for primitive arithmetic operations.
- * Returns (Context, Generated Type)
- */
- private def genArithmeticOp(tree: Tree, ctx: Context, code: Int): (Context, TypeKind) = {
- val Apply(fun @ Select(larg, _), args) = tree
- var ctx1 = ctx
- var resKind = toTypeKind(larg.tpe)
- debugassert(args.length <= 1,
- "Too many arguments for primitive function: " + fun.symbol)
- debugassert(resKind.isNumericType | resKind == BOOL,
- resKind.toString() + " is not a numeric or boolean type " +
- "[operation: " + fun.symbol + "]")
- args match {
- // unary operation
- case Nil =>
- ctx1 = genLoad(larg, ctx1, resKind)
- code match {
- case scalaPrimitives.POS =>
- () // nothing
- case scalaPrimitives.NEG =>
-, larg.pos)
- case scalaPrimitives.NOT =>
-, resKind)), larg.pos)
- case _ =>
- abort("Unknown unary operation: " + fun.symbol.fullName +
- " code: " + code)
- }
- // binary operation
- case rarg :: Nil =>
- resKind = getMaxType(larg.tpe :: rarg.tpe :: Nil)
- if (scalaPrimitives.isShiftOp(code) || scalaPrimitives.isBitwiseOp(code))
- assert(resKind.isIntegralType | resKind == BOOL,
- resKind.toString() + " incompatible with arithmetic modulo operation: " + ctx1)
- ctx1 = genLoad(larg, ctx1, resKind)
- ctx1 = genLoad(rarg,
- ctx1, // check .NET size of shift arguments!
- if (scalaPrimitives.isShiftOp(code)) INT else resKind)
- val primitiveOp = code match {
- case scalaPrimitives.ADD => Arithmetic(ADD, resKind)
- case scalaPrimitives.SUB => Arithmetic(SUB, resKind)
- case scalaPrimitives.MUL => Arithmetic(MUL, resKind)
- case scalaPrimitives.DIV => Arithmetic(DIV, resKind)
- case scalaPrimitives.MOD => Arithmetic(REM, resKind)
- case scalaPrimitives.OR => Logical(OR, resKind)
- case scalaPrimitives.XOR => Logical(XOR, resKind)
- case scalaPrimitives.AND => Logical(AND, resKind)
- case scalaPrimitives.LSL => Shift(LSL, resKind)
- case scalaPrimitives.LSR => Shift(LSR, resKind)
- case scalaPrimitives.ASR => Shift(ASR, resKind)
- case _ => abort("Unknown primitive: " + fun.symbol + "[" + code + "]")
- }
-, tree.pos)
- case _ =>
- abort("Too many arguments for primitive function: " + tree)
- }
- (ctx1, resKind)
- }
- /** Generate primitive array operations.
- */
- private def genArrayOp(tree: Tree, ctx: Context, code: Int, expectedType: TypeKind): (Context, TypeKind) = {
- import scalaPrimitives._
- val Apply(Select(arrayObj, _), args) = tree
- val k = toTypeKind(arrayObj.tpe)
- val ARRAY(elem) = k
- var ctx1 = genLoad(arrayObj, ctx, k)
- val elementType = typeOfArrayOp.getOrElse(code, abort("Unknown operation on arrays: " + tree + " code: " + code))
- var generatedType = expectedType
- if (scalaPrimitives.isArrayGet(code)) {
- // load argument on stack
- debugassert(args.length == 1,
- "Too many arguments for array get operation: " + tree)
- ctx1 = genLoad(args.head, ctx1, INT)
- generatedType = elem
-, tree.pos)
- // it's tempting to just drop array loads of type Null instead
- // of adapting them but array accesses can cause
- // ArrayIndexOutOfBounds so we can't. Besides, Array[Null]
- // probably isn't common enough to figure out an optimization
- adaptNullRef(generatedType, expectedType, ctx1, tree.pos)
- }
- else if (scalaPrimitives.isArraySet(code)) {
- debugassert(args.length == 2,
- "Too many arguments for array set operation: " + tree)
- ctx1 = genLoad(args.head, ctx1, INT)
- ctx1 = genLoad(args.tail.head, ctx1, toTypeKind(args.tail.head.tpe))
- // the following line should really be here, but because of bugs in erasure
- // we pretend we generate whatever type is expected from us.
- //generatedType = UNIT
-, tree.pos)
- }
- else {
- generatedType = INT
-, tree.pos)
- }
- (ctx1, generatedType)
- }
- private def genSynchronized(tree: Apply, ctx: Context, expectedType: TypeKind): (Context, TypeKind) = {
- val Apply(fun, args) = tree
- val monitor = ctx.makeLocal(tree.pos, ObjectTpe, "monitor")
- var monitorResult: Local = null
- val argTpe = args.head.tpe
- val hasResult = expectedType != UNIT
- if (hasResult)
- monitorResult = ctx.makeLocal(tree.pos, argTpe, "monitorResult")
- var ctx1 = genLoadQualifier(fun, ctx)
- DUP(ObjectReference),
- STORE_LOCAL(monitor),
- MONITOR_ENTER() setPos tree.pos
- ))
- ctx1.enterSynchronized(monitor)
- debuglog("synchronized block start")
- ctx1 = ctx1.Try(
- bodyCtx => {
- val ctx2 = genLoad(args.head, bodyCtx, expectedType /* toTypeKind(tree.tpe.resultType) */)
- if (hasResult)
- LOAD_LOCAL(monitor),
- MONITOR_EXIT() setPos tree.pos
- ))
- ctx2
- }, List(
- // tree.tpe / fun.tpe is object, which is no longer true after this transformation
- (ThrowableClass, expectedType, exhCtx => {
- LOAD_LOCAL(monitor),
- MONITOR_EXIT() setPos tree.pos,
- THROW(ThrowableClass)
- ))
- exhCtx
- })), EmptyTree, tree)
- debuglog("synchronized block end with block %s closed=%s".format(,
- ctx1.exitSynchronized(monitor)
- if (hasResult)
- (ctx1, expectedType)
- }
- private def genLoadIf(tree: If, ctx: Context, expectedType: TypeKind): (Context, TypeKind) = {
- val If(cond, thenp, elsep) = tree
- var thenCtx = ctx.newBlock()
- var elseCtx = ctx.newBlock()
- val contCtx = ctx.newBlock()
- genCond(cond, ctx, thenCtx, elseCtx)
- val ifKind = toTypeKind(tree.tpe)
- val thenKind = toTypeKind(thenp.tpe)
- val elseKind = if (elsep == EmptyTree) UNIT else toTypeKind(elsep.tpe)
- // we need to drop unneeded results, if one branch gives
- // unit and the other gives something on the stack, because
- // the type of 'if' is scala.Any, and its erasure would be Object.
- // But unboxed units are not Objects...
- def hasUnitBranch = thenKind == UNIT || elseKind == UNIT
- val resKind = if (hasUnitBranch) UNIT else ifKind
- if (hasUnitBranch)
- debuglog("Will drop result from an if branch")
- thenCtx = genLoad(thenp, thenCtx, resKind)
- elseCtx = genLoad(elsep, elseCtx, resKind)
- debugassert(!hasUnitBranch || expectedType == UNIT,
- "I produce UNIT in a context where " + expectedType + " is expected!")
- // alternatives may be already closed by a tail-recursive jump
- val contReachable = !( &&
- if (elsep == EmptyTree) JUMP(
- else JUMP( setPos tree.pos
- )
- killUnless contReachable
- (contCtx, resKind)
- }
- private def genLoadTry(tree: Try, ctx: Context, setGeneratedType: TypeKind => Unit): Context = {
- val Try(block, catches, finalizer) = tree
- val kind = toTypeKind(tree.tpe)
- val caseHandlers =
- for (CaseDef(pat, _, body) <- catches.reverse) yield {
- def genWildcardHandler(sym: Symbol): (Symbol, TypeKind, Context => Context) =
- (sym, kind, ctx => {
- // drop the loaded exception
- genLoad(body, ctx, kind)
- })
- pat match {
- case Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt) => genWildcardHandler(tpt.tpe.typeSymbol)
- case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => genWildcardHandler(ThrowableClass)
- case Bind(_, _) =>
- val exception = ctx.method addLocal new Local(pat.symbol, toTypeKind(pat.symbol.tpe), false) // the exception will be loaded and stored into this local
- (pat.symbol.tpe.typeSymbol, kind, {
- ctx: Context =>
-, pat.pos)
- genLoad(body, ctx, kind)
- })
- }
- }
- ctx.Try(
- bodyCtx => {
- setGeneratedType(kind)
- genLoad(block, bodyCtx, kind)
- },
- caseHandlers,
- finalizer,
- tree)
- }
- private def genPrimitiveOp(tree: Apply, ctx: Context, expectedType: TypeKind): (Context, TypeKind) = {
- val sym = tree.symbol
- val Apply(fun @ Select(receiver, _), _) = tree
- val code = scalaPrimitives.getPrimitive(sym, receiver.tpe)
- if (scalaPrimitives.isArithmeticOp(code))
- genArithmeticOp(tree, ctx, code)
- else if (code == scalaPrimitives.CONCAT)
- (genStringConcat(tree, ctx), StringReference)
- else if (code == scalaPrimitives.HASH)
- (genScalaHash(receiver, ctx), INT)
- else if (isArrayOp(code))
- genArrayOp(tree, ctx, code, expectedType)
- else if (isLogicalOp(code) || isComparisonOp(code)) {
- val trueCtx, falseCtx, afterCtx = ctx.newBlock()
- genCond(tree, ctx, trueCtx, falseCtx)
- CONSTANT(Constant(true)) setPos tree.pos,
- )
- CONSTANT(Constant(false)) setPos tree.pos,
- )
- (afterCtx, BOOL)
- }
- else if (code == scalaPrimitives.SYNCHRONIZED)
- genSynchronized(tree, ctx, expectedType)
- else if (scalaPrimitives.isCoercion(code)) {
- val ctx1 = genLoad(receiver, ctx, toTypeKind(receiver.tpe))
- genCoercion(tree, ctx1, code)
- (ctx1, scalaPrimitives.generatedKind(code))
- }
- else abort(
- "Primitive operation not handled yet: " + sym.fullName + "(" +
- fun.symbol.simpleName + ") " + " at: " + (tree.pos)
- )
- }
- /**
- * Generate code for trees that produce values on the stack
- *
- * @param tree The tree to be translated
- * @param ctx The current context
- * @param expectedType The type of the value to be generated on top of the
- * stack.
- * @return The new context. The only thing that may change is the current
- * basic block (as the labels map is mutable).
- */
- private def genLoad(tree: Tree, ctx: Context, expectedType: TypeKind): Context = {
- var generatedType = expectedType
- debuglog("at line: " + (if (tree.pos.isDefined) tree.pos.line else tree.pos))
- val resCtx: Context = tree match {
- case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
- def genLoadLabelDef = {
- val ctx1 = ctx.newBlock() // note: we cannot kill ctx1 if ctx is in ignore mode because
- // label defs can be the target of jumps from other locations.
- // that means label defs can lead to unreachable code without
- // proper reachability analysis
- if (nme.isLoopHeaderLabel(name))
- = true
- ctx1.labels.get(tree.symbol) match {
- case Some(label) =>
- debuglog("Found existing label for " + tree.symbol.fullLocationString)
- label.anchor(
- label.patch(ctx.method.code)
- case None =>
- val pair = (tree.symbol -> (new Label(tree.symbol) anchor setParams (params map (_.symbol))))
- debuglog("Adding label " + tree.symbol.fullLocationString + " in genLoad.")
- ctx1.labels += pair
- ctx.method.addLocals(params map (p => new Local(p.symbol, toTypeKind(, false)))
- }
-, tree.pos)
- genLoad(rhs, ctx1, expectedType /*toTypeKind(*/)
- }
- genLoadLabelDef
- case ValDef(_, name, _, rhs) =>
- def genLoadValDef =
- if (name == nme.THIS) {
- debuglog("skipping trivial assign to _$this: " + tree)
- ctx
- } else {
- val sym = tree.symbol
- val local = ctx.method.addLocal(new Local(sym, toTypeKind(, false))
- if (rhs == EmptyTree) {
- debuglog("Uninitialized variable " + tree + " at: " + (tree.pos))
- }
- var ctx1 = ctx
- if (rhs != EmptyTree)
- ctx1 = genLoad(rhs, ctx, local.kind)
-, tree.pos)
- ctx1.scope.add(local)
- generatedType = UNIT
- ctx1
- }
- genLoadValDef
- case t @ If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- val (newCtx, resKind) = genLoadIf(t, ctx, expectedType)
- generatedType = resKind
- newCtx
- case Return(expr) =>
- def genLoadReturn = {
- val returnedKind = toTypeKind(expr.tpe)
- debuglog("Return(" + expr + ") with returnedKind = " + returnedKind)
- var ctx1 = genLoad(expr, ctx, returnedKind)
- lazy val tmp = ctx1.makeLocal(tree.pos, expr.tpe, "tmp")
- val saved = savingCleanups(ctx1) {
- var savedFinalizer = false
- ctx1.cleanups foreach {
- case MonitorRelease(m) =>
- debuglog("removing " + m + " from cleanups: " + ctx1.cleanups)
- ctx1.exitSynchronized(m)
- case Finalizer(f, finalizerCtx) =>
- debuglog("removing " + f + " from cleanups: " + ctx1.cleanups)
- if (returnedKind != UNIT && mayCleanStack(f)) {
- log("Emitting STORE_LOCAL for " + tmp + " to save finalizer.")
- savedFinalizer = true
- }
- // duplicate finalizer (takes care of anchored labels)
- val f1 = duplicateFinalizer(Set.empty ++ ctx1.labels.keySet, ctx1, f)
- // we have to run this without the same finalizer in
- // the list, otherwise infinite recursion happens for
- // finalizers that contain 'return'
- val fctx = finalizerCtx.newBlock()
- killIf
- ctx1 = genLoad(f1, fctx, UNIT)
- }
- savedFinalizer
- }
- if (saved) {
- log("Emitting LOAD_LOCAL for " + tmp + " after saving finalizer.")
- }
- adapt(returnedKind, ctx1.method.returnType, ctx1, tree.pos)
-, tree.pos)
- generatedType = expectedType
- ctx1
- }
- genLoadReturn
- case t @ Try(_, _, _) =>
- genLoadTry(t, ctx, generatedType = _)
- case Throw(expr) =>
- val (ctx1, expectedType) = genThrow(expr, ctx)
- generatedType = expectedType
- ctx1
- case New(tpt) =>
- abort("Unexpected New(" + tpt.summaryString + "/" + tpt + ") received in icode.\n" +
- " Call was genLoad" + ((tree, ctx, expectedType)))
- case Apply(TypeApply(fun, targs), _) =>
- def genLoadApply1 = {
- val sym = fun.symbol
- val cast = sym match {
- case Object_isInstanceOf => false
- case Object_asInstanceOf => true
- case _ => abort("Unexpected type application " + fun + "[sym: " + sym.fullName + "]" + " in: " + tree)
- }
- val Select(obj, _) = fun
- val l = toTypeKind(obj.tpe)
- val r = toTypeKind(targs.head.tpe)
- val ctx1 = genLoadQualifier(fun, ctx)
- if (l.isValueType && r.isValueType)
- genConversion(l, r, ctx1, cast)
- else if (l.isValueType) {
-, fun.pos)
- if (cast) {
- NEW(REFERENCE(definitions.ClassCastExceptionClass)),
- DUP(ObjectReference),
- THROW(definitions.ClassCastExceptionClass)
- ))
- } else
- } else if (r.isValueType && cast) {
- /* Erasure should have added an unboxing operation to prevent that. */
- abort("should have been unboxed by erasure: " + tree)
- } else if (r.isValueType) {
- } else {
- genCast(l, r, ctx1, cast)
- }
- generatedType = if (cast) r else BOOL
- ctx1
- }
- genLoadApply1
- // 'super' call: Note: since constructors are supposed to
- // return an instance of what they construct, we have to take
- // special care. On JVM they are 'void', and Scala forbids (syntactically)
- // to call super constructors explicitly and/or use their 'returned' value.
- // therefore, we can ignore this fact, and generate code that leaves nothing
- // on the stack (contrary to what the type in the AST says).
- case Apply(fun @ Select(Super(_, mix), _), args) =>
- def genLoadApply2 = {
- debuglog("Call to super: " + tree)
- val invokeStyle = SuperCall(mix)
- // if (fun.symbol.isConstructor) Static(true) else SuperCall(mix);
-, tree.pos)
- val ctx1 = genLoadArguments(args,, ctx)
-, invokeStyle), tree.pos)
- generatedType =
- if (fun.symbol.isConstructor) UNIT
- else toTypeKind(
- ctx1
- }
- genLoadApply2
- // 'new' constructor call: Note: since constructors are
- // thought to return an instance of what they construct,
- // we have to 'simulate' it by DUPlicating the freshly created
- // instance (on JVM, <init> methods return VOID).
- case Apply(fun @ Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) =>
- def genLoadApply3 = {
- val ctor = fun.symbol
- debugassert(ctor.isClassConstructor,
- "'new' call to non-constructor: " +
- generatedType = toTypeKind(tpt.tpe)
- debugassert(generatedType.isReferenceType || generatedType.isArrayType,
- "Non reference type cannot be instantiated: " + generatedType)
- generatedType match {
- case arr @ ARRAY(elem) =>
- val ctx1 = genLoadArguments(args,, ctx)
- val dims = arr.dimensions
- var elemKind = arr.elementKind
- if (args.length > dims)
- reporter.error(tree.pos, "too many arguments for array constructor: found " + args.length +
- " but array has only " + dims + " dimension(s)")
- if (args.length != dims)
- for (i <- args.length until dims) elemKind = ARRAY(elemKind)
-, args.length), tree.pos)
- ctx1
- case rt @ REFERENCE(cls) =>
- debugassert(ctor.owner == cls,
- "Symbol " + ctor.owner.fullName + " is different than " + tpt)
- val nw = NEW(rt)
-, tree.pos)
- val ctx1 = genLoadArguments(args,, ctx)
- val init = CALL_METHOD(ctor, Static(onInstance = true))
- nw.init = init
-, tree.pos)
- ctx1
- case _ =>
- abort("Cannot instantiate " + tpt + " of kind: " + generatedType)
- }
- }
- genLoadApply3
- case Apply(fun @ _, List(expr)) if currentRun.runDefinitions.isBox(fun.symbol) =>
- def genLoadApply4 = {
- debuglog("BOX : " + fun.symbol.fullName)
- val ctx1 = genLoad(expr, ctx, toTypeKind(expr.tpe))
- val nativeKind = toTypeKind(expr.tpe)
- if (settings.Xdce) {
- // we store this boxed value to a local, even if not really needed.
- // boxing optimization might use it, and dead code elimination will
- // take care of unnecessary stores
- val loc1 = ctx.makeLocal(tree.pos, expr.tpe, "boxed")
- }
-, expr.pos)
- generatedType = toTypeKind(fun.symbol.tpe.resultType)
- ctx1
- }
- genLoadApply4
- case Apply(fun @ _, List(expr)) if (currentRun.runDefinitions.isUnbox(fun.symbol)) =>
- debuglog("UNBOX : " + fun.symbol.fullName)
- val ctx1 = genLoad(expr, ctx, toTypeKind(expr.tpe))
- val boxType = toTypeKind(fun.symbol.owner.linkedClassOfClass.tpe)
- generatedType = boxType
-, expr.pos)
- ctx1
- case app @ Apply(fun, args) =>
- def genLoadApply6 = {
- val sym = fun.symbol
- if (sym.isLabel) { // jump to a label
- val label = ctx.labels.getOrElse(sym, {
- // it is a forward jump, scan for labels
- resolveForwardLabel(ctx.defdef, ctx, sym)
- ctx.labels.get(sym) match {
- case Some(l) =>
- debuglog("Forward jump for " + sym.fullLocationString + ": scan found label " + l)
- l
- case _ =>
- abort("Unknown label target: " + sym + " at: " + (fun.pos) + ": ctx: " + ctx)
- }
- })
- // note: when one of the args to genLoadLabelArguments is a jump to a label,
- // it will call back into genLoad and arrive at this case, which will then set to true,
- // this is okay, since we're jumping unconditionally, so the loads and jumps emitted by the outer
- // call to genLoad (by calling genLoadLabelArguments and emitOnly) can safely be ignored,
- // however, as emitOnly will close the block, which reverses its instructions (when it's still open),
- // we better not reverse when the block has already been closed but is in ignore mode
- // (if it's not in ignore mode, double-closing is an error)
- val ctx1 = genLoadLabelArguments(args, label, ctx)
- (label.anchored) JUMP(label.block) else PJUMP(label))
- ctx1
- } else if (isPrimitive(sym)) { // primitive method call
- val (newCtx, resKind) = genPrimitiveOp(app, ctx, expectedType)
- generatedType = resKind
- newCtx
- } else { // normal method call
- debuglog("Gen CALL_METHOD with sym: " + sym + " isStaticSymbol: " + sym.isStaticMember)
- val invokeStyle =
- if (sym.isStaticMember)
- Static(onInstance = false)
- else if (sym.isPrivate || sym.isClassConstructor)
- Static(onInstance = true)
- else
- Dynamic
- var ctx1 = if (invokeStyle.hasInstance) genLoadQualifier(fun, ctx) else ctx
- ctx1 = genLoadArguments(args,, ctx1)
- val cm = CALL_METHOD(sym, invokeStyle)
- /* In a couple cases, squirrel away a little extra information in the
- * CALL_METHOD for use by GenASM.
- */
- fun match {
- case Select(qual, _) =>
- val qualSym = findHostClass(qual.tpe, sym)
- if (qualSym == ArrayClass) {
- val kind = toTypeKind(qual.tpe)
- cm setTargetTypeKind kind
- log(s"Stored target type kind for {$sym.fullName} as $kind")
- }
- else {
- cm setHostClass qualSym
- if (qual.tpe.typeSymbol != qualSym)
- log(s"Precisified host class for $sym from ${qual.tpe.typeSymbol.fullName} to ${qualSym.fullName}")
- }
- case _ =>
- }
-, tree.pos)
- ctx1.method.updateRecursive(sym)
- generatedType =
- if (sym.isClassConstructor) UNIT
- else toTypeKind(
- // deal with methods that return Null
- adaptNullRef(generatedType, expectedType, ctx1, tree.pos)
- ctx1
- }
- }
- genLoadApply6
- case ApplyDynamic(qual, args) =>
- // TODO - this is where we'd catch dynamic applies for invokedynamic.
- sys.error("No invokedynamic support yet.")
- // val ctx1 = genLoad(qual, ctx, ObjectReference)
- // genLoadArguments(args,, ctx1)
- //, InvokeDynamic), tree.pos)
- // ctx1
- case This(qual) =>
- def genLoadThis = {
- assert(tree.symbol == ctx.clazz.symbol || tree.symbol.isModuleClass,
- "Trying to access the this of another class: " +
- "tree.symbol = " + tree.symbol + ", ctx.clazz.symbol = " + ctx.clazz.symbol + " compilation unit:"+unit)
- if (tree.symbol.isModuleClass && tree.symbol != ctx.clazz.symbol) {
- genLoadModule(ctx, tree)
- generatedType = REFERENCE(tree.symbol)
- } else {
-, tree.pos)
- generatedType = REFERENCE(
- if (tree.symbol == ArrayClass) ObjectClass else ctx.clazz.symbol
- )
- }
- ctx
- }
- genLoadThis
- case Select(Ident(nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME), module) =>
- debugassert(tree.symbol.isModule,
- "Selection of non-module from empty package: " + tree +
- " sym: " + tree.symbol + " at: " + (tree.pos)
- )
- genLoadModule(ctx, tree)
- case Select(qualifier, selector) =>
- def genLoadSelect = {
- val sym = tree.symbol
- generatedType = toTypeKind(
- val hostClass = findHostClass(qualifier.tpe, sym)
- debuglog(s"Host class of $sym with qual $qualifier (${qualifier.tpe}) is $hostClass")
- val qualSafeToElide = treeInfo isQualifierSafeToElide qualifier
- def genLoadQualUnlessElidable: Context =
- if (qualSafeToElide) ctx else genLoadQualifier(tree, ctx)
- if (sym.isModule) {
- genLoadModule(genLoadQualUnlessElidable, tree)
- } else {
- val isStatic = sym.isStaticMember
- val ctx1 = if (isStatic) genLoadQualUnlessElidable
- else genLoadQualifier(tree, ctx)
-, isStatic) setHostClass hostClass, tree.pos)
- // it's tempting to drop field accesses of type Null instead of adapting them,
- // but field access can cause static class init so we can't. Besides, fields
- // of type Null probably aren't common enough to figure out an optimization
- adaptNullRef(generatedType, expectedType, ctx1, tree.pos)
- ctx1
- }
- }
- genLoadSelect
- case Ident(name) =>
- def genLoadIdent = {
- val sym = tree.symbol
- if (!sym.hasPackageFlag) {
- if (sym.isModule) {
- genLoadModule(ctx, tree)
- generatedType = toTypeKind(
- } else {
- ctx.method.lookupLocal(sym) match {
- case Some(l) =>
-, tree.pos)
- generatedType = l.kind
- case None =>
- val saved = settings.uniqid
- settings.uniqid.value = true
- try {
- val methodCode = unit.body.collect { case dd: DefDef
- if dd.symbol == ctx.method.symbol => showCode(dd);
- }.headOption.getOrElse("<unknown>")
- abort(s"symbol $sym does not exist in ${ctx.method}, which contains locals ${ctx.method.locals.mkString(",")}. \nMethod code: $methodCode")
- }
- finally settings.uniqid.value = saved
- }
- }
- }
- ctx
- }
- genLoadIdent
- case Literal(value) =>
- def genLoadLiteral = {
- if (value.tag != UnitTag) (value.tag, expectedType) match {
- case (IntTag, LONG) =>
-, tree.pos)
- generatedType = LONG
- case (FloatTag, DOUBLE) =>
-, tree.pos)
- generatedType = DOUBLE
- case (NullTag, _) =>
-, tree.pos)
- generatedType = NullReference
- case _ =>
-, tree.pos)
- generatedType = toTypeKind(tree.tpe)
- }
- ctx
- }
- genLoadLiteral
- case Block(stats, expr) =>
- ctx.enterScope()
- var ctx1 = genStat(stats, ctx)
- ctx1 = genLoad(expr, ctx1, expectedType)
- ctx1.exitScope()
- ctx1
- case Typed(Super(_, _), _) =>
- genLoad(This(ctx.clazz.symbol), ctx, expectedType)
- case Typed(expr, _) =>
- genLoad(expr, ctx, expectedType)
- case Assign(_, _) =>
- generatedType = UNIT
- genStat(tree, ctx)
- case ArrayValue(tpt @ TypeTree(), _elems) =>
- def genLoadArrayValue = {
- var ctx1 = ctx
- val elmKind = toTypeKind(tpt.tpe)
- generatedType = ARRAY(elmKind)
- val elems = _elems.toIndexedSeq
- Constant(elems.length)), tree.pos)
-, 1))
- // inline array literals
- var i = 0
- while (i < elems.length) {
-, tree.pos)
- Constant(i)))
- ctx1 = genLoad(elems(i), ctx1, elmKind)
- i = i + 1
- }
- ctx1
- }
- genLoadArrayValue
- case Match(selector, cases) =>
- def genLoadMatch = {
- debuglog("Generating SWITCH statement.")
- val ctx1 = genLoad(selector, ctx, INT) // TODO: Java 7 allows strings in switches (so, don't assume INT and don't convert the literals using intValue)
- val afterCtx = ctx1.newBlock()
- killIf
- var afterCtxReachable = false
- var caseCtx: Context = null
- generatedType = toTypeKind(tree.tpe)
- var targets: List[BasicBlock] = Nil
- var tags: List[Int] = Nil
- var default: BasicBlock =
- for (caze @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) <- cases) {
- assert(guard == EmptyTree, guard)
- val tmpCtx = ctx1.newBlock()
- killIf
- pat match {
- case Literal(value) =>
- tags = value.intValue :: tags
- targets = :: targets
- case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) =>
- default =
- case Alternative(alts) =>
- alts foreach {
- case Literal(value) =>
- tags = value.intValue :: tags
- targets = :: targets
- case _ =>
- abort("Invalid case in alternative in switch-like pattern match: " +
- tree + " at: " + tree.pos)
- }
- case _ =>
- abort("Invalid case statement in switch-like pattern match: " +
- tree + " at: " + (tree.pos))
- }
- caseCtx = genLoad(body, tmpCtx, generatedType)
- afterCtxReachable ||= !
- // close the block unless it's already been closed by the body, which closes the block if it ends in a jump (which is emitted to have alternatives share their body)
- setPos caze.pos)
- }
- afterCtxReachable ||= (default == afterCtx)
- SWITCH(tags.reverse map (x => List(x)), (default :: targets).reverse) setPos tree.pos
- )
- killUnless afterCtxReachable
- afterCtx
- }
- genLoadMatch
- case EmptyTree =>
- if (expectedType != UNIT)
- ctx
- case _ =>
- abort("Unexpected tree in genLoad: " + tree + "/" + tree.getClass + " at: " + tree.pos)
- }
- // emit conversion
- if (generatedType != expectedType) {
- tree match {
- case Literal(Constant(null)) if generatedType == NullReference && expectedType != UNIT =>
- // literal null on the stack (as opposed to a boxed null, see SI-8233),
- // we can bypass `adapt` which would otherwise emit a redundant [DROP, CONSTANT(null)]
- // except one case: when expected type is UNIT (unboxed) where we need to emit just a DROP
- case _ =>
- adapt(generatedType, expectedType, resCtx, tree.pos)
- }
- }
- resCtx
- }
- /**
- * If we have a method call, field load, or array element load of type Null then
- * we need to convince the JVM that we have a null value because in Scala
- * land Null is a subtype of all ref types, but in JVM land scala.runtime.Null$
- * is not. Note we don't have to adapt loads of locals because the JVM type
- * system for locals does have a null type which it tracks internally. As
- * long as we adapt these other things, the JVM will know that a Scala local of
- * type Null is holding a null.
- */
- private def adaptNullRef(from: TypeKind, to: TypeKind, ctx: Context, pos: Position) {
- debuglog(s"GenICode#adaptNullRef($from, $to, $ctx, $pos)")
- // Don't need to adapt null to unit because we'll just drop it anyway. Don't
- // need to adapt to Object or AnyRef because the JVM is happy with
- // upcasting Null to them.
- // We do have to adapt from NullReference to NullReference because we could be storing
- // this value into a local of type Null and we want the JVM to see that it's
- // a null value so we don't have to also adapt local loads.
- if (from == NullReference && to != UNIT && to != ObjectReference && to != AnyRefReference) {
- assert(to.isRefOrArrayType, s"Attempt to adapt a null to a non reference type $to.")
- // adapt by dropping what we've got and pushing a null which
- // will convince the JVM we really do have null
-, pos)
-, pos)
- }
- }
- private def adapt(from: TypeKind, to: TypeKind, ctx: Context, pos: Position) {
- // An awful lot of bugs explode here - let's leave ourselves more clues.
- // A typical example is an overloaded type assigned after typer.
- debuglog(s"GenICode#adapt($from, $to, $ctx, $pos)")
- def coerce(from: TypeKind, to: TypeKind) =, to)), pos)
- (from, to) match {
- // The JVM doesn't have a Nothing equivalent, so it doesn't know that a method of type Nothing can't actually return. So for instance, with
- // def f: String = ???
- // we need
- // 0: getstatic #25; //Field scala/Predef$.MODULE$:Lscala/Predef$;
- // 3: invokevirtual #29; //Method scala/Predef$.$qmark$qmark$qmark:()Lscala/runtime/Nothing$;
- // 6: athrow
- // So this case tacks on the ahtrow which makes the JVM happy because class Nothing is declared as a subclass of Throwable
- case (NothingReference, _) =>
- case (NullReference, REFERENCE(_)) =>
- // SI-8223 we can't assume that the stack contains a `null`, it might contain a Null$
-, CONSTANT(Constant(null))))
- case _ if from isAssignabledTo to =>
- ()
- case (_, UNIT) =>
-, pos)
- // otherwise we'd better be doing a primitive -> primitive coercion or there's a problem
- case _ if !from.isRefOrArrayType && !to.isRefOrArrayType =>
- coerce(from, to)
- case _ =>
- assert(false, s"Can't convert from $from to $to in unit ${unit.source} at $pos")
- }
- }
- /** Load the qualifier of `tree` on top of the stack. */
- private def genLoadQualifier(tree: Tree, ctx: Context): Context =
- tree match {
- case Select(qualifier, _) =>
- genLoad(qualifier, ctx, toTypeKind(qualifier.tpe))
- case _ =>
- abort("Unknown qualifier " + tree)
- }
- /**
- * Generate code that loads args into label parameters.
- */
- private def genLoadLabelArguments(args: List[Tree], label: Label, ctx: Context): Context = {
- debugassert(
- args.length == label.params.length,
- "Wrong number of arguments in call to label " + label.symbol
- )
- var ctx1 = ctx
- def isTrivial(kv: (Tree, Symbol)) = kv match {
- case (This(_), p) if == nme.THIS => true
- case (arg @ Ident(_), p) if arg.symbol == p => true
- case _ => false
- }
- val stores = args zip label.params filterNot isTrivial map {
- case (arg, param) =>
- val local = ctx.method.lookupLocal(param).get
- ctx1 = genLoad(arg, ctx1, local.kind)
- val store =
- if ( == nme.THIS) STORE_THIS(toTypeKind(ctx1.clazz.symbol.tpe))
- else STORE_LOCAL(local)
- store setPos arg.pos
- }
- // store arguments in reverse order on the stack
- ctx1
- }
- private def genLoadArguments(args: List[Tree], tpes: List[Type], ctx: Context): Context =
- (args zip tpes).foldLeft(ctx) {
- case (res, (arg, tpe)) =>
- genLoad(arg, res, toTypeKind(tpe))
- }
- private def genLoadModule(ctx: Context, tree: Tree): Context = {
- // Working around SI-5604. Rather than failing the compile when we see
- // a package here, check if there's a package object.
- val sym = (
- if (!tree.symbol.isPackageClass) tree.symbol
- else match {
- case NoSymbol => abort("Cannot use package as value: " + tree)
- case s =>
- devWarning(s"Found ${tree.symbol} where a package object is required. Converting to ${s.moduleClass}")
- s.moduleClass
- }
- )
- debuglog("LOAD_MODULE from %s: %s".format(tree.shortClass, sym))
-, tree.pos)
- ctx
- }
- def genConversion(from: TypeKind, to: TypeKind, ctx: Context, cast: Boolean) = {
- if (cast)
-, to)))
- else {
- == to)))
- }
- }
- def genCast(from: TypeKind, to: TypeKind, ctx: Context, cast: Boolean) =
- (cast) CHECK_CAST(to) else IS_INSTANCE(to))
- def getZeroOf(k: TypeKind): Instruction = k match {
- case UNIT => CONSTANT(Constant(()))
- case BOOL => CONSTANT(Constant(false))
- case BYTE => CONSTANT(Constant(0: Byte))
- case SHORT => CONSTANT(Constant(0: Short))
- case CHAR => CONSTANT(Constant(0: Char))
- case INT => CONSTANT(Constant(0: Int))
- case LONG => CONSTANT(Constant(0: Long))
- case FLOAT => CONSTANT(Constant(0.0f))
- case DOUBLE => CONSTANT(Constant(0.0d))
- case REFERENCE(cls) => CONSTANT(Constant(null: Any))
- case ARRAY(elem) => CONSTANT(Constant(null: Any))
- case BOXED(_) => CONSTANT(Constant(null: Any))
- case ConcatClass => abort("no zero of ConcatClass")
- }
- /** Is the given symbol a primitive operation? */
- def isPrimitive(fun: Symbol): Boolean = scalaPrimitives.isPrimitive(fun)
- /** Generate coercion denoted by "code"
- */
- def genCoercion(tree: Tree, ctx: Context, code: Int) = {
- import scalaPrimitives._
- (code: @switch) match {
- case B2B => ()
- case B2C =>, CHAR)), tree.pos)
- case B2S =>, SHORT)), tree.pos)
- case B2I =>, INT)), tree.pos)
- case B2L =>, LONG)), tree.pos)
- case B2F =>, FLOAT)), tree.pos)
- case B2D =>, DOUBLE)), tree.pos)
- case S2B =>, BYTE)), tree.pos)
- case S2S => ()
- case S2C =>, CHAR)), tree.pos)
- case S2I =>, INT)), tree.pos)
- case S2L =>, LONG)), tree.pos)
- case S2F =>, FLOAT)), tree.pos)
- case S2D =>, DOUBLE)), tree.pos)
- case C2B =>, BYTE)), tree.pos)
- case C2S =>, SHORT)), tree.pos)
- case C2C => ()
- case C2I =>, INT)), tree.pos)
- case C2L =>, LONG)), tree.pos)
- case C2F =>, FLOAT)), tree.pos)
- case C2D =>, DOUBLE)), tree.pos)
- case I2B =>, BYTE)), tree.pos)
- case I2S =>, SHORT)), tree.pos)
- case I2C =>, CHAR)), tree.pos)
- case I2I => ()
- case I2L =>, LONG)), tree.pos)
- case I2F =>, FLOAT)), tree.pos)
- case I2D =>, DOUBLE)), tree.pos)
- case L2B =>, BYTE)), tree.pos)
- case L2S =>, SHORT)), tree.pos)
- case L2C =>, CHAR)), tree.pos)
- case L2I =>, INT)), tree.pos)
- case L2L => ()
- case L2F =>, FLOAT)), tree.pos)
- case L2D =>, DOUBLE)), tree.pos)
- case F2B =>, BYTE)), tree.pos)
- case F2S =>, SHORT)), tree.pos)
- case F2C =>, CHAR)), tree.pos)
- case F2I =>, INT)), tree.pos)
- case F2L =>, LONG)), tree.pos)
- case F2F => ()
- case F2D =>, DOUBLE)), tree.pos)
- case D2B =>, BYTE)), tree.pos)
- case D2S =>, SHORT)), tree.pos)
- case D2C =>, CHAR)), tree.pos)
- case D2I =>, INT)), tree.pos)
- case D2L =>, LONG)), tree.pos)
- case D2F =>, FLOAT)), tree.pos)
- case D2D => ()
- case _ => abort("Unknown coercion primitive: " + code)
- }
- }
- /** The Object => String overload.
- */
- private lazy val String_valueOf: Symbol = getMember(StringModule, nme.valueOf) filter (sym =>
- match {
- case List(pt) => pt.typeSymbol == ObjectClass
- case _ => false
- }
- )
- // I wrote it this way before I realized all the primitive types are
- // boxed at this point, so I'd have to unbox them. Keeping it around in
- // case we want to get more precise.
- //
- // private def valueOfForType(tp: Type): Symbol = {
- // val xs = getMember(StringModule, nme.valueOf) filter (sym =>
- // // We always exclude the Array[Char] overload because java throws an NPE if
- // // you pass it a null. It will instead find the Object one, which doesn't.
- // match {
- // case List(pt) => pt.typeSymbol != ArrayClass && (tp <:< pt)
- // case _ => false
- // }
- // )
- // xs.alternatives match {
- // case List(sym) => sym
- // case _ => NoSymbol
- // }
- // }
- /** Generate string concatenation.
- */
- def genStringConcat(tree: Tree, ctx: Context): Context = {
- liftStringConcat(tree) match {
- // Optimization for expressions of the form "" + x. We can avoid the StringBuilder.
- case List(Literal(Constant("")), arg) =>
- debuglog("Rewriting \"\" + x as String.valueOf(x) for: " + arg)
- val ctx1 = genLoad(arg, ctx, ObjectReference)
-, Static(onInstance = false)), arg.pos)
- ctx1
- case concatenations =>
- debuglog("Lifted string concatenations for " + tree + "\n to: " + concatenations)
- var ctx1 = ctx
-, tree.pos)
- for (elem <- concatenations) {
- val kind = toTypeKind(elem.tpe)
- ctx1 = genLoad(elem, ctx1, kind)
-, elem.pos)
- }
-, tree.pos)
- ctx1
- }
- }
- /** Generate the scala ## method.
- */
- def genScalaHash(tree: Tree, ctx: Context): Context = {
- val hashMethod = {
- getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.hash_)
- }
- val ctx1 = genLoad(tree, ctx, ObjectReference)
-, Static(onInstance = false)))
- ctx1
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of trees that each should be concatenated, from
- * left to right. It turns a chained call like "a".+("b").+("c") into
- * a list of arguments.
- */
- def liftStringConcat(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = tree match {
- case Apply(fun @ Select(larg, method), rarg) =>
- if (isPrimitive(fun.symbol) &&
- scalaPrimitives.getPrimitive(fun.symbol) == scalaPrimitives.CONCAT)
- liftStringConcat(larg) ::: rarg
- else
- List(tree)
- case _ =>
- List(tree)
- }
- /**
- * Find the label denoted by `lsym` and enter it in context `ctx`.
- *
- * We only enter one symbol at a time, even though we might traverse the same
- * tree more than once per method. That's because we cannot enter labels that
- * might be duplicated (for instance, inside finally blocks).
- *
- * TODO: restrict the scanning to smaller subtrees than the whole method.
- * It is sufficient to scan the trees of the innermost enclosing block.
- */
- private def resolveForwardLabel(tree: Tree, ctx: Context, lsym: Symbol): Unit = tree foreachPartial {
- case t @ LabelDef(_, params, rhs) if t.symbol == lsym =>
- ctx.labels.getOrElseUpdate(t.symbol, {
- val locals = params map (p => new Local(p.symbol, toTypeKind(, false))
- ctx.method addLocals locals
- new Label(t.symbol) setParams (params map (_.symbol))
- })
- rhs
- }
- /**
- * Generate code for conditional expressions. The two basic blocks
- * represent the continuation in case of success/failure of the
- * test.
- */
- private def genCond(tree: Tree,
- ctx: Context,
- thenCtx: Context,
- elseCtx: Context): Boolean =
- {
- /**
- * Generate the de-sugared comparison mechanism that will underly an '=='
- *
- * @param l left-hand side of the '=='
- * @param r right-hand side of the '=='
- * @param code the comparison operator to use
- * @return true if either branch can continue normally to a follow on block, false otherwise
- */
- def genComparisonOp(l: Tree, r: Tree, code: Int): Boolean = {
- val op: TestOp = code match {
- case scalaPrimitives.LT => LT
- case scalaPrimitives.LE => LE
- case scalaPrimitives.GT => GT
- case scalaPrimitives.GE => GE
- case scalaPrimitives.ID | scalaPrimitives.EQ => EQ
- case scalaPrimitives.NI | scalaPrimitives.NE => NE
- case _ => abort("Unknown comparison primitive: " + code)
- }
- // special-case reference (in)equality test for null (null eq x, x eq null)
- lazy val nonNullSide = ifOneIsNull(l, r)
- if (isReferenceEqualityOp(code) && nonNullSide != null) {
- val ctx1 = genLoad(nonNullSide, ctx, ObjectReference)
- val branchesReachable = !
- CZJUMP(,, op, ObjectReference)
- )
- branchesReachable
- }
- else {
- val kind = getMaxType(l.tpe :: r.tpe :: Nil)
- var ctx1 = genLoad(l, ctx, kind)
- ctx1 = genLoad(r, ctx1, kind)
- val branchesReachable = !
- CJUMP(,, op, kind) setPos r.pos
- )
- branchesReachable
- }
- }
- debuglog("Entering genCond with tree: " + tree)
- // the default emission
- def default(): Boolean = {
- val ctx1 = genLoad(tree, ctx, BOOL)
- val branchesReachable = !
-,, NE, BOOL) setPos tree.pos)
- branchesReachable
- }
- tree match {
- // The comparison symbol is in ScalaPrimitives's "primitives" map
- case Apply(fun, args) if isPrimitive(fun.symbol) =>
- import scalaPrimitives.{ ZNOT, ZAND, ZOR, EQ, getPrimitive }
- // lhs and rhs of test
- lazy val Select(lhs, _) = fun
- lazy val rhs = args.head
- def genZandOrZor(and: Boolean): Boolean = {
- val ctxInterm = ctx.newBlock()
- val lhsBranchesReachable = if (and) genCond(lhs, ctx, ctxInterm, elseCtx)
- else genCond(lhs, ctx, thenCtx, ctxInterm)
- // If lhs is known to throw, we can kill the just created ctxInterm.
- killUnless lhsBranchesReachable
- val rhsBranchesReachable = genCond(rhs, ctxInterm, thenCtx, elseCtx)
- // Reachable means "it does not always throw", i.e. "it might not throw".
- // In an expression (a && b) or (a || b), the b branch might not be evaluated.
- // Such an expression is therefore known to throw only if both expressions throw. Or,
- // successors are reachable if either of the two is reachable (SI-8625).
- lhsBranchesReachable || rhsBranchesReachable
- }
- def genRefEq(isEq: Boolean) = {
- val f = genEqEqPrimitive(lhs, rhs, ctx) _
- if (isEq) f(thenCtx, elseCtx)
- else f(elseCtx, thenCtx)
- }
- getPrimitive(fun.symbol) match {
- case ZNOT => genCond(lhs, ctx, elseCtx, thenCtx)
- case ZAND => genZandOrZor(and = true)
- case ZOR => genZandOrZor(and = false)
- case code =>
- // x == y where LHS is reference type
- if (isUniversalEqualityOp(code) && toTypeKind(lhs.tpe).isReferenceType) {
- if (code == EQ) genRefEq(isEq = true)
- else genRefEq(isEq = false)
- }
- else if (isComparisonOp(code))
- genComparisonOp(lhs, rhs, code)
- else
- default()
- }
- case _ => default()
- }
- }
- /**
- * Generate the "==" code for object references. It is equivalent of
- * if (l eq null) r eq null else l.equals(r);
- *
- * @param l left-hand side of the '=='
- * @param r right-hand side of the '=='
- * @param ctx current context
- * @param thenCtx target context if the comparison yields true
- * @param elseCtx target context if the comparison yields false
- * @return true if either branch can continue normally to a follow on block, false otherwise
- */
- def genEqEqPrimitive(l: Tree, r: Tree, ctx: Context)(thenCtx: Context, elseCtx: Context): Boolean = {
- def getTempLocal = ctx.method.lookupLocal(nme.EQEQ_LOCAL_VAR) getOrElse {
- ctx.makeLocal(l.pos, AnyRefTpe, nme.EQEQ_LOCAL_VAR.toString)
- }
- /* True if the equality comparison is between values that require the use of the rich equality
- * comparator (scala.runtime.Comparator.equals). This is the case when either side of the
- * comparison might have a run-time type subtype of java.lang.Number or java.lang.Character.
- * When it is statically known that both sides are equal and subtypes of Number of Character,
- * not using the rich equality is possible (their own equals method will do ok.)*/
- def mustUseAnyComparator: Boolean = {
- def areSameFinals = l.tpe.isFinalType && r.tpe.isFinalType && (l.tpe =:= r.tpe)
- !areSameFinals && isMaybeBoxed(l.tpe.typeSymbol) && isMaybeBoxed(r.tpe.typeSymbol)
- }
- if (mustUseAnyComparator) {
- // when -optimise is on we call the @inline-version of equals, found in ScalaRunTime
- val equalsMethod: Symbol = {
- if (!settings.optimise) {
- if (l.tpe <:< BoxedNumberClass.tpe) {
- if (r.tpe <:< BoxedNumberClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumNum
- else if (r.tpe <:< BoxedCharacterClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumChar
- else platform.externalEqualsNumObject
- } else platform.externalEquals
- } else {
- getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.inlinedEquals)
- }
- }
- val ctx1 = genLoad(l, ctx, ObjectReference)
- val ctx2 = genLoad(r, ctx1, ObjectReference)
- val branchesReachable = !
- CALL_METHOD(equalsMethod, if (settings.optimise) Dynamic else Static(onInstance = false)),
- )
- branchesReachable
- }
- else {
- if (isNull(l)) {
- // null == expr -> expr eq null
- val ctx1 = genLoad(r, ctx, ObjectReference)
- val branchesReachable = !
- emitOnly CZJUMP(,, EQ, ObjectReference)
- branchesReachable
- } else if (isNull(r)) {
- // expr == null -> expr eq null
- val ctx1 = genLoad(l, ctx, ObjectReference)
- val branchesReachable = !
- emitOnly CZJUMP(,, EQ, ObjectReference)
- branchesReachable
- } else if (isNonNullExpr(l)) {
- // Avoid null check if L is statically non-null.
- //
- // "" == expr -> "".equals(expr)
- // Nil == expr -> Nil.equals(expr)
- //
- // Common enough (through pattern matching) to treat this specially here rather than
- // hoping that -Yconst-opt is enabled. The impossible branches for null checks lead
- // to spurious "branch not covered" warnings in Jacoco code coverage.
- var ctx1 = genLoad(l, ctx, ObjectReference)
- val branchesReachable = !
- ctx1 = genLoad(r, ctx1, ObjectReference)
- emitOnly(
- CALL_METHOD(Object_equals, Dynamic),
- )
- branchesReachable
- } else {
- val eqEqTempLocal = getTempLocal
- var ctx1 = genLoad(l, ctx, ObjectReference)
- val branchesReachable = !
- lazy val nonNullCtx = {
- val block = ctx1.newBlock()
- killUnless branchesReachable
- block
- }
- // l == r -> if (l eq null) r eq null else l.equals(r)
- ctx1 = genLoad(r, ctx1, ObjectReference)
- val nullCtx = ctx1.newBlock()
- killUnless branchesReachable
- STORE_LOCAL(eqEqTempLocal) setPos l.pos,
- DUP(ObjectReference),
- CZJUMP(,, EQ, ObjectReference)
- )
- DROP(ObjectReference) setPos l.pos, // type of AnyRef
- LOAD_LOCAL(eqEqTempLocal),
- CZJUMP(,, EQ, ObjectReference)
- )
- LOAD_LOCAL(eqEqTempLocal) setPos l.pos,
- CALL_METHOD(Object_equals, Dynamic),
- )
- branchesReachable
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Add all fields of the given class symbol to the current ICode
- * class.
- */
- private def addClassFields(ctx: Context, cls: Symbol) {
- debugassert(ctx.clazz.symbol eq cls,
- "Classes are not the same: " + ctx.clazz.symbol + ", " + cls)
- /* Non-method term members are fields, except for module members. Module
- * members can only happen on .NET (no flatten) for inner traits. There,
- * a module symbol is generated (transformInfo in mixin) which is used
- * as owner for the members of the implementation class (so that the
- * backend emits them as static).
- * No code is needed for this module symbol.
- */
- for (f <- ; if !f.isMethod && f.isTerm && !f.isModule)
- ctx.clazz addField new IField(f)
- }
- /**
- * Add parameters to the current ICode method. It is assumed the methods
- * have been uncurried, so the list of lists contains just one list.
- */
- private def addMethodParams(ctx: Context, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]) {
- vparamss match {
- case Nil => ()
- case vparams :: Nil =>
- for (p <- vparams) {
- val lv = new Local(p.symbol, toTypeKind(, true)
- ctx.method.addParam(lv)
- ctx.scope.add(lv)
- += lv
- }
- ctx.method.params = ctx.method.params.reverse
- case _ =>
- abort("Malformed parameter list: " + vparamss)
- }
- }
- /** Does this tree have a try-catch block? */
- def mayCleanStack(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree exists {
- case Try(_, _, _) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /**
- * If the block consists of a single unconditional jump, prune
- * it by replacing the instructions in the predecessor to jump
- * directly to the JUMP target of the block.
- */
- def prune(method: IMethod) = {
- var changed = false
- var n = 0
- def prune0(block: BasicBlock): Unit = {
- val optCont = block.lastInstruction match {
- case JUMP(b) if (b != block) => Some(b)
- case _ => None
- }
- if (block.size == 1 && optCont.isDefined) {
- val Some(cont) = optCont
- val pred = block.predecessors
- debuglog("Preds: " + pred + " of " + block + " (" + optCont + ")")
- pred foreach { p =>
- changed = true
- p.lastInstruction match {
- case CJUMP(succ, fail, cond, kind) if (succ == block || fail == block) =>
- debuglog("Pruning empty if branch.")
- p.replaceInstruction(p.lastInstruction,
- if (block == succ)
- if (block == fail)
- CJUMP(cont, cont, cond, kind)
- else
- CJUMP(cont, fail, cond, kind)
- else if (block == fail)
- CJUMP(succ, cont, cond, kind)
- else
- abort("Could not find block in preds: " + method + " " + block + " " + pred + " " + p))
- case CZJUMP(succ, fail, cond, kind) if (succ == block || fail == block) =>
- debuglog("Pruning empty ifz branch.")
- p.replaceInstruction(p.lastInstruction,
- if (block == succ)
- if (block == fail)
- CZJUMP(cont, cont, cond, kind)
- else
- CZJUMP(cont, fail, cond, kind)
- else if (block == fail)
- CZJUMP(succ, cont, cond, kind)
- else
- abort("Could not find block in preds"))
- case JUMP(b) if (b == block) =>
- debuglog("Pruning empty JMP branch.")
- val replaced = p.replaceInstruction(p.lastInstruction, JUMP(cont))
- debugassert(replaced, "Didn't find p.lastInstruction")
- case SWITCH(tags, labels) if (labels contains block) =>
- debuglog("Pruning empty SWITCH branch.")
- p.replaceInstruction(p.lastInstruction,
- SWITCH(tags, labels map (l => if (l == block) cont else l)))
- // the last instr of the predecessor `p` is not a jump to the block `block`.
- // this happens when `block` is part of an exception handler covering `b`.
- case _ => ()
- }
- }
- if (changed) {
- debuglog("Removing block: " + block)
- method.code.removeBlock(block)
- for (e <- method.exh) {
- e.covered = e.covered filter (_ != block)
- e.blocks = e.blocks filter (_ != block)
- if (e.startBlock eq block)
- e setStartBlock cont
- }
- }
- }
- }
- do {
- changed = false
- n += 1
- method.blocks foreach prune0
- } while (changed)
- debuglog("Prune fixpoint reached in " + n + " iterations.")
- }
- def getMaxType(ts: List[Type]): TypeKind =
- ts map toTypeKind reduceLeft (_ maxType _)
- /** Tree transformer that duplicates code and at the same time creates
- * fresh symbols for existing labels. Since labels may be used before
- * they are defined (forward jumps), all labels found are mapped to fresh
- * symbols. References to the same label (use or definition) will remain
- * consistent after this transformation (both the use and the definition of
- * some label l will be mapped to the same label l').
- *
- * Note: If the tree fragment passed to the duplicator contains unbound
- * label names, the bind to the outer labeldef will be lost! That's because
- * a use of an unbound label l will be transformed to l', and the corresponding
- * label def, being outside the scope of this transformation, will not be updated.
- *
- * All LabelDefs are entered into the context label map, since it makes no sense
- * to delay it any more: they will be used at some point.
- */
- class DuplicateLabels(boundLabels: Set[Symbol]) extends Transformer {
- val labels = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]()
- var method: Symbol = _
- var ctx: Context = _
- def apply(ctx: Context, t: Tree) = {
- this.method = ctx.method.symbol
- this.ctx = ctx
- transform(t)
- }
- override def transform(t: Tree): Tree = {
- val sym = t.symbol
- def getLabel(pos: Position, name: Name) =
- labels.getOrElseUpdate(sym,
- method.newLabel(unit.freshTermName(name.toString), sym.pos) setInfo sym.tpe
- )
- t match {
- case t @ Apply(_, args) if sym.isLabel && !boundLabels(sym) =>
- val newSym = getLabel(sym.pos,
- Apply(global.gen.mkAttributedRef(newSym), transformTrees(args)) setPos t.pos setType t.tpe
- case t @ LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
- val newSym = getLabel(t.pos, name)
- val tree = treeCopy.LabelDef(t,, params, transform(rhs))
- tree.symbol = newSym
- val pair = (newSym -> (new Label(newSym) setParams (params map (_.symbol))))
- log("Added " + pair + " to labels.")
- ctx.labels += pair
- ctx.method.addLocals(params map (p => new Local(p.symbol, toTypeKind(, false)))
- tree
- case _ => super.transform(t)
- }
- }
- }
- /////////////////////// Context ////////////////////////////////
- sealed abstract class Cleanup(val value: AnyRef) {
- def contains(x: AnyRef) = value == x
- }
- case class MonitorRelease(m: Local) extends Cleanup(m) { }
- case class Finalizer(f: Tree, ctx: Context) extends Cleanup (f) { }
- def duplicateFinalizer(boundLabels: Set[Symbol], targetCtx: Context, finalizer: Tree) = {
- (new DuplicateLabels(boundLabels))(targetCtx, finalizer)
- }
- def savingCleanups[T](ctx: Context)(body: => T): T = {
- val saved = ctx.cleanups
- try body
- finally ctx.cleanups = saved
- }
- /**
- * The Context class keeps information relative to the current state
- * in code generation
- */
- class Context {
- /** The current package. */
- var packg: Name = _
- /** The current class. */
- var clazz: IClass = _
- /** The current method. */
- var method: IMethod = _
- /** The current basic block. */
- var bb: BasicBlock = _
- /** Map from label symbols to label objects. */
- var labels = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Label]()
- /** Current method definition. */
- var defdef: DefDef = _
- /** current exception handlers */
- var handlers: List[ExceptionHandler] = Nil
- /** The current monitors or finalizers, to be cleaned up upon `return`. */
- var cleanups: List[Cleanup] = Nil
- /** The exception handlers we are currently generating code for */
- var currentExceptionHandlers: List[ExceptionHandler] = Nil
- /** The current local variable scope. */
- var scope: Scope = EmptyScope
- var handlerCount = 0
- override def toString =
- s"package $packg { class $clazz { def $method { bb=$bb } } }"
- def loadException(ctx: Context, exh: ExceptionHandler, pos: Position) = {
- debuglog("Emitting LOAD_EXCEPTION for class: " + exh.loadExceptionClass)
- setPos pos, pos)
- }
- def this(other: Context) = {
- this()
- this.packg = other.packg
- this.clazz = other.clazz
- this.method = other.method
- =
- this.labels = other.labels
- this.defdef = other.defdef
- this.handlers = other.handlers
- this.handlerCount = other.handlerCount
- this.cleanups = other.cleanups
- this.currentExceptionHandlers = other.currentExceptionHandlers
- this.scope = other.scope
- }
- def setPackage(p: Name): this.type = {
- this.packg = p
- this
- }
- def setClass(c: IClass): this.type = {
- this.clazz = c
- this
- }
- def setMethod(m: IMethod): this.type = {
- this.method = m
- this
- }
- def setBasicBlock(b: BasicBlock): this.type = {
- = b
- this
- }
- def enterSynchronized(monitor: Local): this.type = {
- cleanups = MonitorRelease(monitor) :: cleanups
- this
- }
- def exitSynchronized(monitor: Local): this.type = {
- assert(cleanups.head contains monitor,
- "Bad nesting of cleanup operations: " + cleanups + " trying to exit from monitor: " + monitor)
- cleanups = cleanups.tail
- this
- }
- def addFinalizer(f: Tree, ctx: Context): this.type = {
- cleanups = Finalizer(f, ctx) :: cleanups
- this
- }
- /** Prepare a new context upon entry into a method.
- */
- def enterMethod(m: IMethod, d: DefDef): Context = {
- val ctx1 = new Context(this) setMethod(m)
- ctx1.labels = mutable.HashMap()
- ctx1.method.code = new Code(m)
- = ctx1.method.startBlock
- ctx1.defdef = d
- ctx1.scope = EmptyScope
- ctx1.enterScope()
- ctx1
- }
- /** Return a new context for a new basic block. */
- def newBlock(): Context = {
- val block = method.code.newBlock()
- handlers foreach (_ addCoveredBlock block)
- currentExceptionHandlers foreach (_ addBlock block)
- block.varsInScope.clear()
- block.varsInScope ++= scope.varsInScope
- new Context(this) setBasicBlock block
- }
- def enterScope() {
- scope = new Scope(scope)
- }
- def exitScope() {
- if (bb.nonEmpty) {
- scope.locals foreach { lv => bb.emit(SCOPE_EXIT(lv)) }
- }
- scope = scope.outer
- }
- /** Create a new exception handler and adds it in the list
- * of current exception handlers. All new blocks will be
- * 'covered' by this exception handler (in addition to the
- * previously active handlers).
- */
- private def newExceptionHandler(cls: Symbol, pos: Position): ExceptionHandler = {
- handlerCount += 1
- val exh = new ExceptionHandler(method, newTermNameCached("" + handlerCount), cls, pos)
- method.addHandler(exh)
- handlers = exh :: handlers
- debuglog("added handler: " + exh)
- exh
- }
- /** Add an active exception handler in this context. It will cover all new basic blocks
- * created from now on. */
- private def addActiveHandler(exh: ExceptionHandler) {
- handlerCount += 1
- handlers = exh :: handlers
- debuglog("added handler: " + exh)
- }
- /** Return a new context for generating code for the given
- * exception handler.
- */
- private def enterExceptionHandler(exh: ExceptionHandler): Context = {
- currentExceptionHandlers ::= exh
- val ctx = newBlock()
- exh.setStartBlock(
- ctx
- }
- def endHandler() {
- currentExceptionHandlers = currentExceptionHandlers.tail
- }
- /** Clone the current context */
- def dup: Context = new Context(this)
- /** Make a fresh local variable. It ensures the 'name' is unique. */
- def makeLocal(pos: Position, tpe: Type, name: String): Local = {
- val sym = method.symbol.newVariable(unit.freshTermName(name), pos, Flags.SYNTHETIC) setInfo tpe
- this.method.addLocal(new Local(sym, toTypeKind(tpe), false))
- }
- /**
- * Generate exception handlers for the body. Body is evaluated
- * with a context where all the handlers are active. Handlers are
- * evaluated in the 'outer' context.
- *
- * It returns the resulting context, with the same active handlers as
- * before the call. Use it like:
- *
- * ` ctx.Try( ctx => {
- * // protected block
- * }, (ThrowableClass,
- * ctx => {
- *; // exception handler
- * }), (AnotherExceptionClass,
- * ctx => {...
- * } ))`
- *
- * The resulting structure will look something like
- *
- * outer:
- * // this 'useless' jump will be removed later,
- * // for now it separates the try body's blocks from previous
- * // code since the try body needs its own exception handlers
- * JUMP body
- *
- * body:
- * [ try body ]
- * JUMP normalExit
- *
- * catch[i]:
- * [ handler[i] body ]
- * JUMP normalExit
- *
- * catchAll:
- * STORE exception
- * [ finally body ]
- * THROW exception
- *
- * normalExit:
- * [ finally body ]
- *
- * each catch[i] will cover body. catchAll will cover both body and each catch[i]
- * Additional finally copies are created on the emission of every RETURN in the try body and exception handlers.
- *
- * This could result in unreachable code which has to be cleaned up later, e.g. if the try and all the exception
- * handlers always end in RETURN then there will be no "normal" flow out of the try/catch/finally.
- * Later reachability analysis will remove unreachable code.
- */
- def Try(body: Context => Context,
- handlers: List[(Symbol, TypeKind, Context => Context)],
- finalizer: Tree,
- tree: Tree) = {
- val outerCtx = this.dup // context for generating exception handlers, covered by the catch-all finalizer
- val finalizerCtx = this.dup // context for generating finalizer handler
- val normalExitCtx = outerCtx.newBlock() // context where flow will go on a "normal" (non-return, non-throw) exit from a try or catch handler
- var normalExitReachable = false
- var tmp: Local = null
- val kind = toTypeKind(tree.tpe)
- val guardResult = kind != UNIT && mayCleanStack(finalizer)
- // we need to save bound labels before any code generation is performed on
- // the current context (otherwise, any new labels in the finalizer that need to
- // be duplicated would be incorrectly considered bound -- see #2850).
- val boundLabels: Set[Symbol] = Set.empty ++ labels.keySet
- if (guardResult) {
- tmp = this.makeLocal(tree.pos, tree.tpe, "tmp")
- }
- def emitFinalizer(ctx: Context): Context = if (!finalizer.isEmpty) {
- val ctx1 = finalizerCtx.dup.newBlock()
- killIf
- if (guardResult) {
- val ctx2 = genLoad(duplicateFinalizer(boundLabels, ctx1, finalizer), ctx1, UNIT)
- ctx2
- } else
- genLoad(duplicateFinalizer(boundLabels, ctx1, finalizer), ctx1, UNIT)
- } else ctx
- // Generate the catch-all exception handler that deals with uncaught exceptions coming
- // from the try or exception handlers. It catches the exception, runs the finally code, then rethrows
- // the exception
- if (settings.YdisableUnreachablePrevention || ! {
- if (finalizer != EmptyTree) {
- val exh = outerCtx.newExceptionHandler(NoSymbol, finalizer.pos) // finalizer covers exception handlers
- this.addActiveHandler(exh) // .. and body as well
- val exhStartCtx = finalizerCtx.enterExceptionHandler(exh)
- killIf
- val exception = exhStartCtx.makeLocal(finalizer.pos, ThrowableTpe, "exc")
- loadException(exhStartCtx, exh, finalizer.pos)
- val exhEndCtx = genLoad(finalizer, exhStartCtx, UNIT)
- finalizerCtx.endHandler()
- }
- // Generate each exception handler
- for ((sym, kind, handler) <- handlers) {
- val exh = this.newExceptionHandler(sym, tree.pos)
- val exhStartCtx = outerCtx.enterExceptionHandler(exh)
- killIf
- exhStartCtx.addFinalizer(finalizer, finalizerCtx)
- loadException(exhStartCtx, exh, tree.pos)
- val exhEndCtx = handler(exhStartCtx)
- normalExitReachable ||= !
- outerCtx.endHandler()
- }
- }
- val bodyCtx = this.newBlock()
- killIf
- if (finalizer != EmptyTree)
- bodyCtx.addFinalizer(finalizer, finalizerCtx)
- val bodyEndCtx = body(bodyCtx)
- normalExitReachable ||= !
- killUnless normalExitReachable
- emitFinalizer(normalExitCtx)
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Represent a label in the current method code. In order
- * to support forward jumps, labels can be created without
- * having a designated target block. They can later be attached
- * by calling `anchor`.
- */
- class Label(val symbol: Symbol) {
- var anchored = false
- var block: BasicBlock = _
- var params: List[Symbol] = _
- private var toPatch: List[Instruction] = Nil
- /** Fix this label to the given basic block. */
- def anchor(b: BasicBlock): Label = {
- assert(!anchored, "Cannot anchor an already anchored label!")
- anchored = true
- this.block = b
- this
- }
- def setParams(p: List[Symbol]): Label = {
- assert(params eq null, "Cannot set label parameters twice!")
- params = p
- this
- }
- /** Add an instruction that refers to this label. */
- def addCallingInstruction(i: Instruction) =
- toPatch = i :: toPatch
- /**
- * Patch the code by replacing pseudo call instructions with
- * jumps to the given basic block.
- */
- def patch(code: Code) {
- val map = mapFrom(toPatch)(patch)
- code.blocks foreach (_ subst map)
- }
- /**
- * Return the patched instruction. If the given instruction
- * jumps to this label, replace it with the basic block. Otherwise,
- * return the same instruction. Conditional jumps have more than one
- * label, so they are replaced only if all labels are anchored.
- */
- def patch(instr: Instruction): Instruction = {
- assert(anchored, "Cannot patch until this label is anchored: " + this)
- instr match {
- case PJUMP(self)
- if (self == this) => JUMP(block)
- case PCJUMP(self, failure, cond, kind)
- if (self == this && failure.anchored) =>
- CJUMP(block, failure.block, cond, kind)
- case PCJUMP(success, self, cond, kind)
- if (self == this && success.anchored) =>
- CJUMP(success.block, block, cond, kind)
- case PCZJUMP(self, failure, cond, kind)
- if (self == this && failure.anchored) =>
- CZJUMP(block, failure.block, cond, kind)
- case PCZJUMP(success, self, cond, kind)
- if (self == this && success.anchored) =>
- CZJUMP(success.block, block, cond, kind)
- case _ => instr
- }
- }
- override def toString() = symbol.toString()
- }
- ///////////////// Fake instructions //////////////////////////
- /**
- * Pseudo jump: it takes a Label instead of a basic block.
- * It is used temporarily during code generation. It is replaced
- * by a real JUMP instruction when all labels are resolved.
- */
- abstract class PseudoJUMP(label: Label) extends Instruction {
- override def toString = s"PJUMP(${label.symbol})"
- override def consumed = 0
- override def produced = 0
- // register with the given label
- if (!label.anchored)
- label.addCallingInstruction(this)
- }
- case class PJUMP(whereto: Label) extends PseudoJUMP(whereto)
- case class PCJUMP(success: Label, failure: Label, cond: TestOp, kind: TypeKind)
- extends PseudoJUMP(success) {
- override def toString(): String =
- "PCJUMP (" + kind + ") " + success.symbol.simpleName +
- " : " + failure.symbol.simpleName
- if (!failure.anchored)
- failure.addCallingInstruction(this)
- }
- case class PCZJUMP(success: Label, failure: Label, cond: TestOp, kind: TypeKind)
- extends PseudoJUMP(success) {
- override def toString(): String =
- "PCZJUMP (" + kind + ") " + success.symbol.simpleName +
- " : " + failure.symbol.simpleName
- if (!failure.anchored)
- failure.addCallingInstruction(this)
- }
- /** Local variable scopes. Keep track of line numbers for debugging info. */
- class Scope(val outer: Scope) {
- val locals: ListBuffer[Local] = new ListBuffer
- def add(l: Local) = locals += l
- /** Return all locals that are in scope. */
- def varsInScope: Buffer[Local] = outer.varsInScope.clone() ++= locals
- override def toString() = locals.mkString(outer.toString + "[", ", ", "]")
- }
- object EmptyScope extends Scope(null) {
- override def toString() = "[]"
- override def varsInScope: Buffer[Local] = new ListBuffer
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodeCheckers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodeCheckers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f17b5d694..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodeCheckers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,711 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend
-package icode
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-abstract class ICodeCheckers {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- /** <p>
- * This class performs a set of checks similar to what the bytecode
- * verifier does. For each basic block, it checks that:
- * </p>
- * <ul>
- * <li>
- * for primitive operations: the type and number of operands match
- * the type of the operation
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * for method calls: the method exists in the type of the receiver
- * and the number and type of arguments match the declared type of
- * the method.
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * for object creation: the constructor can be called.
- * </li>
- * <li>
- * for load/stores: the field/local/param exists and the type
- * of the value matches that of the target.
- * </li>
- * </ul>
- * <p>
- * For a control flow graph it checks that type stacks at entry to
- * each basic block 'agree':
- * </p>
- * <ul>
- * <li>they have the same length</li>
- * <li>there exists a lub for all types at the same position in stacks.</li>
- * </ul>
- *
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- * @version 1.0, 06/09/2005
- *
- * @todo Better checks for `MONITOR_ENTER/EXIT`
- * Better checks for local var initializations
- *
- * @todo Iulian says: I think there's some outdated logic in the checker.
- * The issue with exception handlers being special for least upper
- * bounds pointed out some refactoring in the lattice class. Maybe
- * a worthwhile refactoring would be to make the checker use the
- * DataFlowAnalysis class, and use the lattice trait. In the
- * implementation of LUB, there's a flag telling if one of the
- * successors is 'exceptional'. The inliner is using this mechanism.
- */
- class ICodeChecker {
- import icodes._
- import opcodes._
- var clasz: IClass = _
- var method: IMethod = _
- var code: Code = _
- val in: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, TypeStack] = perRunCaches.newMap()
- val out: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, TypeStack] = perRunCaches.newMap()
- val emptyStack = new TypeStack() {
- override def toString = "<empty>"
- }
- /** The presence of emptyStack means that path has not yet been checked
- * (and may not be empty).
- */
- def notChecked(ts: TypeStack) = ts eq emptyStack
- def initMaps(bs: Seq[BasicBlock]): Unit = {
- in.clear()
- out.clear()
- bs foreach { b =>
- in(b) = emptyStack
- out(b) = emptyStack
- }
- }
- /** A wrapper to route log messages to debug output also.
- */
- def logChecker(msg: String) = {
- log(msg)
- checkerDebug(msg)
- }
- def checkICodes(): Unit = {
- if (settings.verbose)
- println("[[consistency check at the beginning of phase " + + "]]")
- classes.values foreach check
- }
- private def posStr(p: Position) =
- if (p.isDefined) p.line.toString else "<??>"
- private def indent(s: String, prefix: String): String = {
- val lines = s split "\\n"
- lines map (prefix + _) mkString "\n"
- }
- /** Only called when m1 < m2, so already known that (m1 ne m2).
- */
- private def isConflict(m1: IMember, m2: IMember, canOverload: Boolean) = (
- ( == &&
- (!canOverload || (m1.symbol.tpe =:= m2.symbol.tpe))
- )
- def check(cls: IClass) {
- logChecker("\n<<-- Checking class " + cls + " -->>")
- clasz = cls
- for (f1 <- cls.fields ; f2 <- cls.fields ; if f1 < f2)
- if (isConflict(f1, f2, canOverload = false))
- icodeError("Repetitive field name: " + f1.symbol.fullName)
- for (m1 <- cls.methods ; m2 <- cls.methods ; if m1 < m2)
- if (isConflict(m1, m2, canOverload = true))
- icodeError("Repetitive method: " + m1.symbol.fullName)
- clasz.methods foreach check
- }
- def check(m: IMethod) {
- logChecker("\n<< Checking method " + + " >>")
- method = m
- if (!m.isAbstractMethod)
- check(m.code)
- }
- def check(c: Code) {
- val worklist = new ListBuffer[BasicBlock]
- def append(elems: List[BasicBlock]) =
- worklist ++= (elems filterNot (worklist contains _))
- code = c
- worklist += c.startBlock
- initMaps(c.blocks)
- while (worklist.nonEmpty) {
- val block = worklist remove 0
- val output = check(block, in(block))
- if (output != out(block) || notChecked(out(block))) {
- if (block.successors.nonEmpty)
- logChecker("** Output change for %s: %s -> %s".format(block, out(block), output))
- out(block) = output
- append(block.successors)
- block.successors foreach meet
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Apply the meet operator of the stack lattice on bl's predecessors.
- * :-). Compute the input to bl by checking that all stacks have the
- * same length, and taking the lub of types at the same positions.
- */
- def meet(bl: BasicBlock) {
- val preds = bl.predecessors
- def hasNothingType(s: TypeStack) = s.nonEmpty && (s.head == NothingReference)
- /* XXX workaround #1: one stack empty, the other has BoxedUnit.
- * One example where this arises is:
- *
- * def f(b: Boolean): Unit = synchronized { if (b) () }
- */
- def allUnits(s: TypeStack) = s.types forall (_ == BoxedUnitReference)
- def ifAthenB[T](f: T => Boolean): PartialFunction[(T, T), T] = {
- case (x1, x2) if f(x1) => x2
- case (x1, x2) if f(x2) => x1
- }
- /* XXX workaround #2: different stacks heading into an exception
- * handler which will clear them anyway. Examples where it arises:
- *
- * var bippy: Int = synchronized { if (b) 5 else 10 }
- */
- def isHandlerBlock() = bl.exceptionHandlerStart
- def meet2(s1: TypeStack, s2: TypeStack): TypeStack = {
- def workaround(msg: String) = {
- checkerDebug(msg + ": " + method + " at block " + bl)
- checkerDebug(" s1: " + s1)
- checkerDebug(" s2: " + s2)
- new TypeStack()
- }
- def incompatibleString = (
- "Incompatible stacks: " + s1 + " and " + s2 + " in " + method + " at entry to block " + bl.label + ":\n" +
- indent(bl.predContents, "// ") +
- indent(bl.succContents, "// ") +
- indent(bl.blockContents, "// ")
- )
- val f: ((TypeStack, TypeStack)) => TypeStack = {
- ifAthenB(notChecked) orElse ifAthenB(hasNothingType) orElse {
- case (s1: TypeStack, s2: TypeStack) =>
- if (s1.length != s2.length) {
- if (allUnits(s1) && allUnits(s2))
- workaround("Ignoring mismatched boxed units")
- else if (isHandlerBlock())
- workaround("Ignoring mismatched stacks entering exception handler")
- else
- throw new CheckerException(incompatibleString)
- }
- else {
- val newStack: TypeStack = try {
- new TypeStack((s1.types, s2.types).zipped map lub)
- } catch {
- case t: Exception =>
- checkerDebug(t.toString + ": " + s1.types.toString + " vs " + s2.types.toString)
- new TypeStack(s1.types)
- }
- if (newStack.isEmpty || s1.types == s2.types) () // not interesting to report
- else checkerDebug("Checker created new stack:\n (%s, %s) => %s".format(s1, s2, newStack))
- newStack
- }
- }
- }
- f((s1, s2))
- }
- if (preds.nonEmpty) {
- in(bl) = (preds map out.apply) reduceLeft meet2
- log("Input changed for block: " + bl +" to: " + in(bl))
- }
- }
- private var instruction: Instruction = null
- private var basicBlock: BasicBlock = null
- private var stringConcatDepth = 0
- private def stringConcatIndent() = " " * stringConcatDepth
- private def currentInstrString: String = {
- val (indent, str) = this.instruction match {
- case CALL_PRIMITIVE(StartConcat) =>
- val x = stringConcatIndent()
- stringConcatDepth += 1
- (x, "concat(")
- case CALL_PRIMITIVE(EndConcat) =>
- if (stringConcatDepth > 0) {
- stringConcatDepth -= 1
- (stringConcatIndent(), ") // end concat")
- }
- else ("", "")
- case _ =>
- (stringConcatIndent(), this.instruction match {
- case CALL_PRIMITIVE(StringConcat(el)) => "..."
- case null => "null"
- case cm @ CALL_METHOD(_, _) => if (clasz.symbol == cm.hostClass) cm.toShortString else cm.toString
- case x => x.toString
- })
- }
- indent + str
- }
- /** A couple closure creators to reduce noise in the output: when multiple
- * items are pushed or popped, this lets us print something short and sensible
- * for those beyond the first.
- */
- def mkInstrPrinter(f: Int => String): () => String = {
- var counter = -1
- val indent = stringConcatIndent()
- () => {
- counter += 1
- if (counter == 0) currentInstrString
- else indent + f(counter)
- }
- }
- def defaultInstrPrinter: () => String = mkInstrPrinter(_ => "\"\"\"")
- /**
- * Check the basic block to be type correct and return the
- * produced type stack.
- */
- def check(b: BasicBlock, initial: TypeStack): TypeStack = {
- this.basicBlock = b
- logChecker({
- val prefix = "** Checking " + b.fullString
- if (initial.isEmpty) prefix
- else prefix + " with initial stack " + initial.types.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
- })
- val stack = new TypeStack(initial)
- def checkStack(len: Int) {
- if (stack.length < len)
- ICodeChecker.this.icodeError("Expected at least " + len + " elements on the stack", stack)
- }
- def sizeString(push: Boolean) = {
- val arrow = if (push) "-> " else "<- "
- val sp = " " * stack.length
- sp + stack.length + arrow
- }
- def printStackString(isPush: Boolean, value: TypeKind, instrString: String) = {
- val pushString = if (isPush) "+" else "-"
- val posString = posStr(this.instruction.pos)
- checkerDebug("%-70s %-4s %s %s".format(sizeString(isPush) + value, posString, pushString, instrString))
- }
- def _popStack: TypeKind = {
- if (stack.isEmpty) {
- icodeError("Popped empty stack in " + b.fullString + ", throwing a Unit")
- return UNIT
- }
- stack.pop
- }
- def popStackN(num: Int, instrFn: () => String = defaultInstrPrinter) = {
- List.range(0, num) map { _ =>
- val res = _popStack
- printStackString(isPush = false, res, instrFn())
- res
- }
- }
- def pushStackN(xs: Seq[TypeKind], instrFn: () => String) = {
- xs foreach { x =>
- stack push x
- printStackString(isPush = true, x, instrFn())
- }
- }
- def popStack = { checkStack(1) ; (popStackN(1): @unchecked) match { case List(x) => x } }
- def popStack2 = { checkStack(2) ; (popStackN(2): @unchecked) match { case List(x, y) => (x, y) } }
- def popStack3 = { checkStack(3) ; (popStackN(3): @unchecked) match { case List(x, y, z) => (x, y, z) } }
- /* Called by faux instruction LOAD_EXCEPTION to wipe out the stack. */
- def clearStack() = {
- if (stack.nonEmpty)
- logChecker("Wiping out the " + stack.length + " element stack for exception handler: " + stack)
- 1 to stack.length foreach (_ => popStack)
- }
- def pushStack(xs: TypeKind*): Unit = {
- pushStackN(xs filterNot (_ == UNIT), defaultInstrPrinter)
- }
- def typeError(k1: TypeKind, k2: TypeKind) {
- icodeError("\n expected: " + k1 + "\n found: " + k2)
- }
- def isSubtype(k1: TypeKind, k2: TypeKind) = (k1 isAssignabledTo k2) || {
- import platform.isMaybeBoxed
- (k1, k2) match {
- case (REFERENCE(_), REFERENCE(_)) if k1.isInterfaceType || k2.isInterfaceType =>
- logChecker("Considering %s <:< %s because at least one is an interface".format(k1, k2))
- true
- case (REFERENCE(cls1), REFERENCE(cls2)) if isMaybeBoxed(cls1) || isMaybeBoxed(cls2) =>
- logChecker("Considering %s <:< %s because at least one might be a boxed primitive".format(cls1, cls2))
- true
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- }
- def subtypeTest(k1: TypeKind, k2: TypeKind): Unit =
- if (isSubtype(k1, k2)) ()
- else typeError(k2, k1)
- for (instr <- b) {
- this.instruction = instr
- def checkLocal(local: Local) {
- if ((method lookupLocal
- icodeError(s" $local is not defined in method $method")
- }
- def checkField(obj: TypeKind, field: Symbol): Unit = obj match {
- case REFERENCE(sym) =>
- if ( == NoSymbol)
- icodeError(" " + field + " is not defined in class " + clasz)
- case _ =>
- icodeError(" expected reference type, but " + obj + " found")
- }
- /* Checks that tpe is a subtype of one of the allowed types */
- def checkType(tpe: TypeKind, allowed: TypeKind*) = (
- if (allowed exists (k => isSubtype(tpe, k))) ()
- else icodeError(tpe + " is not one of: " + allowed.mkString("{ ", ", ", " }"))
- )
- def checkNumeric(tpe: TypeKind) =
- /* Checks that the 2 topmost elements on stack are of the kind TypeKind. */
- def checkBinop(kind: TypeKind) {
- val (a, b) = popStack2
- checkType(a, kind)
- checkType(b, kind)
- }
- /* Check that arguments on the stack match method params. */
- def checkMethodArgs(method: Symbol) {
- val params =
- checkStack(params.length)
- (
- popStackN(params.length, mkInstrPrinter(num => "<arg" + num + ">")),
- params.reverse map toTypeKind).zipped foreach ((x, y) => checkType(x, y)
- )
- }
- /* Checks that the object passed as receiver has a method
- * `method` and that it is callable from the current method.
- */
- def checkMethod(receiver: TypeKind, method: Symbol) =
- receiver match {
- case REFERENCE(sym) =>
- checkBool( != NoSymbol,
- "Method " + method + " does not exist in " + sym.fullName)
- if (method.isPrivate)
- checkBool(method.owner == clasz.symbol,
- "Cannot call private method of " + method.owner.fullName
- + " from " + clasz.symbol.fullName)
- else if (method.isProtected) {
- val isProtectedOK = (
- (clasz.symbol isSubClass method.owner) ||
- (clasz.symbol.typeOfThis.typeSymbol isSubClass method.owner) // see pos/bug780.scala
- )
- checkBool(isProtectedOK,
- "Cannot call protected method of " + method.owner.fullName
- + " from " + clasz.symbol.fullName)
- }
- case ARRAY(_) =>
- checkBool(receiver.toType.member( != NoSymbol,
- "Method " + method + " does not exist in " + receiver)
- case t =>
- icodeError("Not a reference type: " + t)
- }
- def checkBool(cond: Boolean, msg: String) =
- if (!cond) icodeError(msg)
- if (settings.debug) {
- log("PC: " + instr)
- log("stack: " + stack)
- log("================")
- }
- instr match {
- case THIS(clasz) =>
- pushStack(toTypeKind(clasz.tpe))
- case CONSTANT(const) =>
- pushStack(toTypeKind(const.tpe))
- case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
- popStack2 match {
- case (INT, ARRAY(elem)) =>
- subtypeTest(elem, kind)
- pushStack(elem)
- case (a, b) =>
- icodeError(" expected an INT and an array reference, but " +
- a + ", " + b + " found")
- }
- case LOAD_LOCAL(local) =>
- checkLocal(local)
- pushStack(local.kind)
- case LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
- // the symbol's owner should contain its field, but
- // this is already checked by the type checker, no need
- // to redo that here
- if (isStatic) ()
- else checkField(popStack, field)
- pushStack(toTypeKind(field.tpe))
- case LOAD_MODULE(module) =>
- checkBool((module.isModule || module.isModuleClass),
- "Expected module: " + module + " flags: " + module.flagString)
- pushStack(toTypeKind(module.tpe))
- case STORE_THIS(kind) =>
- val actualType = popStack
- if (actualType.isReferenceType) subtypeTest(actualType, kind)
- else icodeError("Expected this reference but found: " + actualType)
- case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
- popStack3 match {
- case (k, INT, ARRAY(elem)) =>
- subtypeTest(k, kind)
- subtypeTest(k, elem)
- case (a, b, c) =>
- icodeError(" expected and array reference, and int and " + kind +
- " but " + a + ", " + b + ", " + c + " found")
- }
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) =>
- checkLocal(local)
- val actualType = popStack
- if (local.kind != NullReference)
- subtypeTest(actualType, local.kind)
- case STORE_FIELD(field, true) => // static
- val fieldType = toTypeKind(field.tpe)
- val actualType = popStack
- subtypeTest(actualType, fieldType)
- case STORE_FIELD(field, false) => // not static
- val (value, obj) = popStack2
- checkField(obj, field)
- val fieldType = toTypeKind(field.tpe)
- if (fieldType == NullReference) ()
- else subtypeTest(value, fieldType)
- case CALL_PRIMITIVE(primitive) =>
- checkStack(instr.consumed)
- primitive match {
- case Negation(kind) =>
- checkType(popStack, kind)
- pushStack(kind)
- case Test(op, kind, zero) =>
- if (zero) checkType(popStack, kind)
- else checkBinop(kind)
- pushStack(BOOL)
- case Comparison(op, kind) =>
- checkNumeric(kind)
- checkBinop(kind)
- pushStack(INT)
- case Arithmetic(op, kind) =>
- checkNumeric(kind)
- if (op == NOT)
- checkType(popStack, kind)
- else
- checkBinop(kind)
- pushStack(kind)
- case Logical(op, kind) =>
- checkType(kind, BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG)
- checkBinop(kind)
- pushStack(kind)
- case Shift(op, kind) =>
- checkType(kind, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, INT, LONG)
- val (a, b) = popStack2
- checkType(a, INT)
- checkType(b, kind)
- pushStack(kind)
- case Conversion(src, dst) =>
- checkNumeric(src)
- checkNumeric(dst)
- checkType(popStack, src)
- pushStack(dst)
- case ArrayLength(kind) =>
- popStack match {
- case ARRAY(elem) => checkType(elem, kind)
- case arr => icodeError(" array reference expected, but " + arr + " found")
- }
- pushStack(INT)
- case StartConcat =>
- pushStack(ConcatClass)
- case EndConcat =>
- checkType(popStack, ConcatClass)
- pushStack(StringReference)
- case StringConcat(el) =>
- checkType(popStack, el)
- checkType(popStack, ConcatClass)
- pushStack(ConcatClass)
- }
- case CALL_METHOD(method, style) =>
- // PP to ID: I moved the if (!method.isConstructor) check to cover all
- // the styles to address checker failure. Can you confirm if the change
- // was correct? If I remember right it's a matter of whether some brand
- // of supercall should leave a value on the stack, and I know there is some
- // trickery performed elsewhere regarding this.
- val paramCount = match {
- case x if style.hasInstance => x + 1
- case x => x
- }
- if (style == Static(onInstance = true))
- checkBool(method.isPrivate || method.isConstructor, "Static call to non-private method.")
- checkStack(paramCount)
- checkMethodArgs(method)
- if (style.hasInstance)
- checkMethod(popStack, method)
- if (!method.isConstructor)
- pushStack(toTypeKind(
- case NEW(kind) =>
- pushStack(kind)
- case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, dims) =>
- checkStack(dims)
- stack.pop(dims) foreach (checkType(_, INT))
- pushStack(ARRAY(elem))
- case IS_INSTANCE(tpe) =>
- val ref = popStack
- checkBool(!ref.isValueType, "IS_INSTANCE on primitive type: " + ref)
- checkBool(!tpe.isValueType, "IS_INSTANCE on primitive type: " + tpe)
- pushStack(BOOL)
- case CHECK_CAST(tpe) =>
- val ref = popStack
- checkBool(!ref.isValueType, "CHECK_CAST to primitive type: " + ref)
- checkBool(!tpe.isValueType, "CHECK_CAST to primitive type: " + tpe)
- pushStack(tpe)
- case SWITCH(tags, labels) =>
- checkType(popStack, INT)
- checkBool(tags.length == labels.length - 1,
- "The number of tags and labels does not coincide.")
- checkBool(labels forall (b => code.blocks contains b),
- "Switch target cannot be found in code.")
- case JUMP(whereto) =>
- checkBool(code.blocks contains whereto,
- "Jump to non-existant block " + whereto)
- case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- checkBool(code.blocks contains success,
- "Jump to non-existant block " + success)
- checkBool(code.blocks contains failure,
- "Jump to non-existant block " + failure)
- checkBinop(kind)
- case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- checkBool(code.blocks contains success,
- "Jump to non-existant block " + success)
- checkBool(code.blocks contains failure,
- "Jump to non-existant block " + failure)
- checkType(popStack, kind)
- case RETURN(UNIT) => ()
- case RETURN(kind) =>
- val top = popStack
- if (kind.isValueType) checkType(top, kind)
- else checkBool(!top.isValueType, "" + kind + " is a reference type, but " + top + " is not")
- case THROW(clasz) =>
- checkType(popStack, toTypeKind(clasz.tpe))
- pushStack(NothingReference)
- case DROP(kind) =>
- checkType(popStack, kind)
- case DUP(kind) =>
- val top = popStack
- checkType(top, kind)
- pushStack(top)
- pushStack(top)
- case MONITOR_ENTER() =>
- checkBool(popStack.isReferenceType, "MONITOR_ENTER on non-reference type")
- case MONITOR_EXIT() =>
- checkBool(popStack.isReferenceType, "MONITOR_EXIT on non-reference type")
- case BOX(kind) =>
- checkType(popStack, kind)
- pushStack(REFERENCE(definitions.boxedClass(kind.toType.typeSymbol)))
- case UNBOX(kind) =>
- popStack
- pushStack(kind)
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(clasz) =>
- clearStack()
- pushStack(REFERENCE(clasz))
- case SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) =>
- ()
- case _ =>
- abort("Unknown instruction: " + instr)
- }
- }
- stack
- }
- //////////////// Error reporting /////////////////////////
- def icodeError(msg: String) {
- "!! ICode checker fatality in " + method +
- "\n at: " + basicBlock.fullString +
- "\n error message: " + msg
- )
- }
- def icodeError(msg: String, stack: TypeStack) {
- icodeError(msg + "\n type stack: " + stack)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodes.scala
index 10f0c6ee00..69fe828be8 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodes.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/ICodes.scala
@@ -7,97 +7,17 @@ package
package backend
package icode
-import analysis.{ Liveness, ReachingDefinitions }
/** Glue together ICode parts.
* @author Iulian Dragos
abstract class ICodes extends AnyRef
with Members
- with BasicBlocks
- with Opcodes
- with TypeStacks
with TypeKinds
- with ExceptionHandlers
with Primitives
- with Linearizers
- with Printers
- with Repository
val global: Global
- import global.{ log, definitions, settings, perRunCaches, devWarning }
- /** The ICode representation of classes */
- val classes = perRunCaches.newMap[global.Symbol, IClass]()
- /** Debugging flag */
- def shouldCheckIcode = settings.check contains global.genicode.phaseName
- def checkerDebug(msg: String) = if (shouldCheckIcode && global.settings.debug) println(msg)
- /** The ICode linearizer. */
- val linearizer: Linearizer = settings.Xlinearizer.value match {
- case "rpo" => new ReversePostOrderLinearizer()
- case "dfs" => new DepthFirstLinerizer()
- case "normal" => new NormalLinearizer()
- case "dump" => new DumpLinearizer()
- case x => global.abort("Unknown linearizer: " + x)
- }
- def newTextPrinter() =
- new TextPrinter(new PrintWriter(Console.out, true), new DumpLinearizer)
- /** Have to be careful because dump calls around, possibly
- * re-entering methods which initiated the dump (like foreach
- * in BasicBlocks) which leads to the icode output olympics.
- */
- private var alreadyDumping = false
- /** Print all classes and basic blocks. Used for debugging. */
- def dumpClassesAndAbort(msg: String): Nothing = {
- if (alreadyDumping) global.abort(msg)
- else alreadyDumping = true
- Console.println(msg)
- val printer = newTextPrinter()
- classes.values foreach printer.printClass
- global.abort(msg)
- }
- def dumpMethodAndAbort(m: IMethod, msg: String): Nothing = {
- Console.println("Fatal bug in inlinerwhile traversing " + m + ": " + msg)
- m.dump()
- global.abort("" + m)
- }
- def dumpMethodAndAbort(m: IMethod, b: BasicBlock): Nothing =
- dumpMethodAndAbort(m, "found open block " + b + " " + b.flagsString)
- def checkValid(m: IMethod) {
- // always slightly dicey to iterate over mutable structures
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- if (!b.closed) {
- // Something is leaving open/empty blocks around (see SI-4840) so
- // let's not kill the deal unless it's nonempty.
- if (b.isEmpty) {
- devWarning(s"Found open but empty block while inlining $m: removing from block list.")
- m.code removeBlock b
- }
- else dumpMethodAndAbort(m, b)
- }
- }
- }
- object liveness extends Liveness {
- val global: =
- }
- object reachingDefinitions extends ReachingDefinitions {
- val global: =
- }
+ import global.definitions
lazy val AnyRefReference: TypeKind = REFERENCE(definitions.AnyRefClass)
lazy val BoxedUnitReference: TypeKind = REFERENCE(definitions.BoxedUnitClass)
@@ -105,25 +25,5 @@ abstract class ICodes extends AnyRef
lazy val NullReference: TypeKind = REFERENCE(definitions.NullClass)
lazy val ObjectReference: TypeKind = REFERENCE(definitions.ObjectClass)
lazy val StringReference: TypeKind = REFERENCE(definitions.StringClass)
- object icodeReader extends ICodeReader {
- lazy val global: =
- import global._
- def lookupMemberAtTyperPhaseIfPossible(sym: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol =
- global.loaders.lookupMemberAtTyperPhaseIfPossible(sym, name)
- lazy val symbolTable: global.type = global
- lazy val loaders: global.loaders.type = global.loaders
- def classFileLookup: util.ClassFileLookup[AbstractFile] = global.classPath
- }
- /** A phase which works on icode. */
- abstract class ICodePhase(prev: Phase) extends global.GlobalPhase(prev) {
- override def erasedTypes = true
- override def apply(unit: global.CompilationUnit): Unit =
- unit.icode foreach apply
- def apply(cls: global.icodes.IClass): Unit
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Linearizers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Linearizers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 54be9d18f1..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Linearizers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala
-package tools.nsc
-package backend
-package icode
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import mutable.ListBuffer
-trait Linearizers {
- self: ICodes =>
- import global.debuglog
- import opcodes._
- abstract class Linearizer {
- def linearize(c: IMethod): List[BasicBlock]
- def linearizeAt(c: IMethod, start: BasicBlock): List[BasicBlock]
- }
- /**
- * A simple linearizer which predicts all branches to
- * take the 'success' branch and tries to schedule those
- * blocks immediately after the test. This is in sync with
- * how 'while' statements are translated (if the test is
- * 'true', the loop continues).
- */
- class NormalLinearizer extends Linearizer with WorklistAlgorithm {
- type Elem = BasicBlock
- val worklist: WList = new mutable.Stack()
- var blocks: List[BasicBlock] = Nil
- def linearize(m: IMethod): List[BasicBlock] = {
- val b = m.startBlock
- blocks = Nil
- run {
- worklist pushAll (m.exh map (_.startBlock))
- worklist.push(b)
- }
- blocks.reverse
- }
- def linearizeAt(m: IMethod, start: BasicBlock): List[BasicBlock] = {
- blocks = Nil
- worklist.clear()
- linearize(start)
- }
- /** Linearize another subtree and append it to the existing blocks. */
- def linearize(startBlock: BasicBlock): List[BasicBlock] = {
- //blocks = startBlock :: Nil;
- run( { worklist.push(startBlock); } )
- blocks.reverse
- }
- def processElement(b: BasicBlock) =
- if (b.nonEmpty) {
- add(b)
- b.lastInstruction match {
- case JUMP(whereto) =>
- add(whereto)
- case CJUMP(success, failure, _, _) =>
- add(success)
- add(failure)
- case CZJUMP(success, failure, _, _) =>
- add(success)
- add(failure)
- case SWITCH(_, labels) =>
- add(labels)
- case RETURN(_) => ()
- case THROW(clasz) => ()
- }
- }
- def dequeue: Elem = worklist.pop()
- /**
- * Prepend b to the list, if not already scheduled.
- * TODO: use better test than linear search
- */
- def add(b: BasicBlock) {
- if (blocks.contains(b))
- ()
- else {
- blocks = b :: blocks
- worklist push b
- }
- }
- def add(bs: List[BasicBlock]): Unit = bs foreach add
- }
- /**
- * Linearize code using a depth first traversal.
- */
- class DepthFirstLinerizer extends Linearizer {
- var blocks: List[BasicBlock] = Nil
- def linearize(m: IMethod): List[BasicBlock] = {
- blocks = Nil
- dfs(m.startBlock)
- m.exh foreach (b => dfs(b.startBlock))
- blocks.reverse
- }
- def linearizeAt(m: IMethod, start: BasicBlock): List[BasicBlock] = {
- blocks = Nil
- dfs(start)
- blocks.reverse
- }
- def dfs(b: BasicBlock): Unit =
- if (b.nonEmpty && add(b))
- b.successors foreach dfs
- /**
- * Prepend b to the list, if not already scheduled.
- * TODO: use better test than linear search
- * @return Returns true if the block was added.
- */
- def add(b: BasicBlock): Boolean =
- !(blocks contains b) && {
- blocks = b :: blocks
- true
- }
- }
- /**
- * Linearize code in reverse post order. In fact, it does
- * a post order traversal, prepending visited nodes to the list.
- * This way, it is constructed already in reverse post order.
- */
- class ReversePostOrderLinearizer extends Linearizer {
- var blocks: List[BasicBlock] = Nil
- val visited = new mutable.HashSet[BasicBlock]
- val added = new mutable.BitSet
- def linearize(m: IMethod): List[BasicBlock] = {
- blocks = Nil
- visited.clear()
- added.clear()
- m.exh foreach (b => rpo(b.startBlock))
- rpo(m.startBlock)
- // if the start block has predecessors, it won't be the first one
- // in the linearization, so we need to enforce it here
- if (m.startBlock.predecessors eq Nil)
- blocks
- else
- m.startBlock :: (blocks.filterNot(_ == m.startBlock))
- }
- def linearizeAt(m: IMethod, start: BasicBlock): List[BasicBlock] = {
- blocks = Nil
- visited.clear()
- added.clear()
- rpo(start)
- blocks
- }
- def rpo(b: BasicBlock): Unit =
- if (b.nonEmpty && !visited(b)) {
- visited += b
- b.successors foreach rpo
- add(b)
- }
- /**
- * Prepend b to the list, if not already scheduled.
- * @return Returns true if the block was added.
- */
- def add(b: BasicBlock) = {
- debuglog("Linearizer adding block " + b.label)
- if (!added(b.label)) {
- added += b.label
- blocks = b :: blocks
- }
- }
- }
- /** A 'dump' of the blocks in this method, which does not
- * require any well-formedness of the basic blocks (like
- * the last instruction being a jump).
- */
- class DumpLinearizer extends Linearizer {
- def linearize(m: IMethod): List[BasicBlock] = m.blocks
- def linearizeAt(m: IMethod, start: BasicBlock): List[BasicBlock] = sys.error("not implemented")
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Members.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Members.scala
index c0e0240210..4df21626f8 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Members.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Members.scala
@@ -12,95 +12,11 @@ import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.reflect.internal.Flags
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{ SourceFile, NoSourceFile }
-trait ReferenceEquality {
- override def hashCode = System.identityHashCode(this)
- override def equals(that: Any) = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
trait Members {
self: ICodes =>
import global._
- object NoCode extends Code(null, TermName("NoCode")) {
- override def blocksList: List[BasicBlock] = Nil
- }
- /**
- * This class represents the intermediate code of a method or
- * other multi-block piece of code, like exception handlers.
- */
- class Code(method: IMethod, name: Name) {
- def this(method: IMethod) = this(method,
- /** The set of all blocks */
- val blocks = mutable.ListBuffer[BasicBlock]()
- /** The start block of the method */
- var startBlock: BasicBlock = NoBasicBlock
- private var currentLabel: Int = 0
- private var _touched = false
- def blocksList: List[BasicBlock] = blocks.toList
- def instructions = blocksList flatMap (_.iterator)
- def blockCount = blocks.size
- def instructionCount = (blocks map (_.length)).sum
- def touched = _touched
- def touched_=(b: Boolean): Unit = {
- @annotation.tailrec def loop(xs: List[BasicBlock]) {
- xs match {
- case Nil =>
- case x :: xs => x.touched = true ; loop(xs)
- }
- }
- if (b) loop(blocks.toList)
- _touched = b
- }
- // Constructor code
- startBlock = newBlock()
- def removeBlock(b: BasicBlock) {
- if (settings.debug) {
- // only do this sanity check when debug is turned on because it's moderately expensive
- val referers = blocks filter (_.successors contains b)
- assert(referers.isEmpty, s"Trying to removing block $b (with preds ${b.predecessors.mkString}) but it is still refered to from block(s) ${referers.mkString}")
- }
- if (b == startBlock) {
- assert(b.successors.length == 1,
- s"Removing start block ${b} with ${b.successors.length} successors (${b.successors.mkString})."
- )
- startBlock = b.successors.head
- }
- blocks -= b
- assert(!blocks.contains(b))
- method.exh filter (_ covers b) foreach (_.covered -= b)
- touched = true
- }
- /** This methods returns a string representation of the ICode */
- override def toString = "ICode '" + name.decoded + "'"
- /* Compute a unique new label */
- def nextLabel: Int = {
- currentLabel += 1
- currentLabel
- }
- /* Create a new block and append it to the list
- */
- def newBlock(): BasicBlock = {
- touched = true
- val block = new BasicBlock(nextLabel, method)
- blocks += block
- block
- }
- }
/** Common interface for IClass/IField/IMethod. */
trait IMember extends Ordered[IMember] {
def symbol: Symbol
@@ -120,178 +36,5 @@ trait Members {
/** Represent a class in ICode */
- class IClass(val symbol: Symbol) extends IMember {
- var fields: List[IField] = Nil
- var methods: List[IMethod] = Nil
- var cunit: CompilationUnit = _
- def addField(f: IField): this.type = {
- fields = f :: fields
- this
- }
- def addMethod(m: IMethod): this.type = {
- methods = m :: methods
- this
- }
- def setCompilationUnit(unit: CompilationUnit): this.type = {
- this.cunit = unit
- this
- }
- override def toString() = symbol.fullName
- def lookupMethod(s: Symbol) = methods find (_.symbol == s)
- /* returns this methods static ctor if it has one. */
- def lookupStaticCtor: Option[IMethod] = methods find (_.symbol.isStaticConstructor)
- }
- /** Represent a field in ICode */
- class IField(val symbol: Symbol) extends IMember { }
- object NoIMethod extends IMethod(NoSymbol) { }
- /**
- * Represents a method in ICode. Local variables contain
- * both locals and parameters, similar to the way the JVM
- * 'sees' them.
- *
- * Locals and parameters are added in reverse order, as they
- * are kept in cons-lists. The 'builder' is responsible for
- * reversing them and putting them back, when the generation is
- * finished (GenICode does that).
- */
- class IMethod(val symbol: Symbol) extends IMember {
- var code: Code = NoCode
- def newBlock() = code.newBlock()
- def startBlock = code.startBlock
- def lastBlock = { assert(blocks.nonEmpty, symbol); blocks.last }
- def blocks = code.blocksList
- def linearizedBlocks(lin: Linearizer = self.linearizer): List[BasicBlock] = lin linearize this
- def foreachBlock[U](f: BasicBlock => U): Unit = blocks foreach f
- var native = false
- /** The list of exception handlers, ordered from innermost to outermost. */
- var exh: List[ExceptionHandler] = Nil
- var sourceFile: SourceFile = NoSourceFile
- var returnType: TypeKind = _
- var recursive: Boolean = false
- var bytecodeHasEHs = false // set by ICodeReader only, used by Inliner to prevent inlining (SI-6188)
- var bytecodeHasInvokeDynamic = false // set by ICodeReader only, used by Inliner to prevent inlining until we have proper invoke dynamic support
- /** local variables and method parameters */
- var locals: List[Local] = Nil
- /** method parameters */
- var params: List[Local] = Nil
- def hasCode = code ne NoCode
- def setCode(code: Code): IMethod = {
- this.code = code
- this
- }
- final def updateRecursive(called: Symbol): Unit = {
- recursive ||= (called == symbol)
- }
- def addLocal(l: Local): Local = findOrElse(locals)(_ == l) { locals ::= l ; l }
- def addParam(p: Local): Unit =
- if (params contains p) ()
- else {
- params ::= p
- locals ::= p
- }
- def addLocals(ls: List[Local]) = ls foreach addLocal
- def lookupLocal(n: Name): Option[Local] = locals find ( == n)
- def lookupLocal(sym: Symbol): Option[Local] = locals find (_.sym == sym)
- def addHandler(e: ExceptionHandler) = exh ::= e
- /** Is this method deferred ('abstract' in Java sense)?
- */
- def isAbstractMethod = symbol.isDeferred || (symbol.owner.isInterface && !symbol.hasFlag(Flags.JAVA_DEFAULTMETHOD)) || native
- def isStatic: Boolean = symbol.isStaticMember
- override def toString() = symbol.fullName
- import opcodes._
- /** Merge together blocks that have a single successor which has a
- * single predecessor. Exception handlers are taken into account (they
- * might force to break a block of straight line code like that).
- *
- * This method should be most effective after heavy inlining.
- */
- def normalize(): Unit = if (this.hasCode) {
- val nextBlock: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, BasicBlock] = mutable.HashMap.empty
- for (b <- code.blocks.toList
- if b.successors.length == 1;
- succ = b.successors.head
- if succ ne b
- if succ.predecessors.length == 1
- if succ.predecessors.head eq b
- if !(exh.exists { (e: ExceptionHandler) =>
- (e.covers(succ) && !e.covers(b)) || (e.covers(b) && !e.covers(succ)) })) {
- nextBlock(b) = succ
- }
- var bb = code.startBlock
- while (!nextBlock.isEmpty) {
- if (nextBlock.isDefinedAt(bb)) {
- var succ = bb
- do {
- succ = nextBlock(succ)
- val lastInstr = bb.lastInstruction
- /* Ticket SI-5672
- * Besides removing the control-flow instruction at the end of `bb` (usually a JUMP), we have to pop any values it pushes.
- * Examples:
- * `SWITCH` consisting of just the default case, or
- * `CJUMP(targetBlock, targetBlock, _, _)` ie where success and failure targets coincide (this one consumes two stack values).
- */
- val oldTKs = lastInstr.consumedTypes
- assert(lastInstr.consumed == oldTKs.size, "Someone forgot to override consumedTypes() in " + lastInstr)
- bb.removeLastInstruction()
- for(tk <- oldTKs.reverse) { bb.emit(DROP(tk), lastInstr.pos) }
- succ.toList foreach { i => bb.emit(i, i.pos) }
- code.removeBlock(succ)
- exh foreach { e => e.covered = e.covered - succ }
- nextBlock -= bb
- } while (nextBlock.isDefinedAt(succ))
- bb.close()
- } else
- bb =
- }
- checkValid(this)
- }
- def dump() {
- Console.println("dumping IMethod(" + symbol + ")")
- newTextPrinter() printMethod this
- }
- }
- /** Represent local variables and parameters */
- class Local(val sym: Symbol, val kind: TypeKind, val arg: Boolean) {
- var index: Int = -1
- override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
- case x: Local => sym == x.sym
- case _ => false
- }
- override def hashCode = sym.hashCode
- override def toString(): String = sym.toString
- }
+ class IClass(val symbol: Symbol) extends IMember
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Opcodes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Opcodes.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 351a8e33d3..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Opcodes.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,767 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala
-package tools.nsc
-package backend
-package icode
-import scala.reflect.internal.util.{Position,NoPosition}
- A pattern match
- // locals
- case THIS(clasz) =>
- case STORE_THIS(kind) =>
- case LOAD_LOCAL(local) =>
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) =>
- case SCOPE_ENTER(lv) =>
- case SCOPE_EXIT(lv) =>
- // stack
- case LOAD_MODULE(module) =>
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(clasz) =>
- case DROP(kind) =>
- case DUP(kind) =>
- // constants
- case CONSTANT(const) =>
- // arithlogic
- case CALL_PRIMITIVE(primitive) =>
- // casts
- case IS_INSTANCE(tpe) =>
- case CHECK_CAST(tpe) =>
- // objs
- case NEW(kind) =>
- case MONITOR_ENTER() =>
- case MONITOR_EXIT() =>
- case BOX(boxType) =>
- case UNBOX(tpe) =>
- // flds
- case LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
- case STORE_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
- // mthds
- case CALL_METHOD(method, style) =>
- // arrays
- case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
- case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
- case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, dims) =>
- // jumps
- case SWITCH(tags, labels) =>
- case JUMP(whereto) =>
- case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- // ret
- case RETURN(kind) =>
- case THROW(clasz) =>
- * The ICode intermediate representation. It is a stack-based
- * representation, very close to the JVM and .NET. It uses the
- * erased types of Scala and references Symbols to refer named entities
- * in the source files.
- */
-trait Opcodes { self: ICodes =>
- import global.{Symbol, NoSymbol, Name, Constant}
- // categories of ICode instructions
- final val localsCat = 1
- final val stackCat = 2
- final val constCat = 3
- final val arilogCat = 4
- final val castsCat = 5
- final val objsCat = 6
- final val fldsCat = 7
- final val mthdsCat = 8
- final val arraysCat = 9
- final val jumpsCat = 10
- final val retCat = 11
- private lazy val ObjectReferenceList = ObjectReference :: Nil
- /** This class represents an instruction of the intermediate code.
- * Each case subclass will represent a specific operation.
- */
- abstract class Instruction extends Cloneable {
- // Vlad: I used these for checking the quality of the implementation, and we should regularly run a build with them
- // enabled. But for production these should definitely be disabled, unless we enjoy getting angry emails from Greg :)
- //if (!this.isInstanceOf[opcodes.LOAD_EXCEPTION])
- // assert(consumed == consumedTypes.length)
- //assert(produced == producedTypes.length)
- def category: Int = 0 // undefined
- /** This abstract method returns the number of used elements on the stack */
- def consumed : Int = 0
- /** This abstract method returns the number of produced elements on the stack */
- def produced : Int = 0
- /** This instruction consumes these types from the top of the stack, the first
- * element in the list is the deepest element on the stack.
- */
- def consumedTypes: List[TypeKind] = Nil
- /** This instruction produces these types on top of the stack. */
- // Vlad: I wonder why we keep producedTypes around -- it looks like an useless thing to have
- def producedTypes: List[TypeKind] = Nil
- /** The corresponding position in the source file */
- private var _pos: Position = NoPosition
- def pos: Position = _pos
- def setPos(p: Position): this.type = {
- _pos = p
- this
- }
- /** Clone this instruction. */
- override def clone(): Instruction =
- super.clone.asInstanceOf[Instruction]
- }
- object opcodes {
- /** Loads "this" on top of the stack.
- * Stack: ...
- * ->: ...:ref
- */
- case class THIS(clasz: Symbol) extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this constant */
- override def toString = "THIS(" + + ")"
- override def consumed = 0
- override def produced = 1
- override def producedTypes =
- // we're not allowed to have REFERENCE(Array), but what about compiling the Array class? Well, we use object for it.
- if (clasz != global.definitions.ArrayClass)
- REFERENCE(clasz) :: Nil
- else
- ObjectReference :: Nil
- override def category = localsCat
- }
- /** Loads a constant on the stack.
- * Stack: ...
- * ->: ...:constant
- */
- case class CONSTANT(constant: Constant) extends Instruction {
- override def toString = "CONSTANT(" + constant.escapedStringValue + ")"
- override def consumed = 0
- override def produced = 1
- override def producedTypes = toTypeKind(constant.tpe) :: Nil
- override def category = constCat
- }
- /** Loads an element of an array. The array and the index should
- * be on top of the stack.
- * Stack: ...:array[a](Ref):index(Int)
- * ->: ...:element(a)
- */
- case class LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction {
- override def consumed = 2
- override def produced = 1
- override def consumedTypes = ARRAY(kind) :: INT :: Nil
- override def producedTypes = kind :: Nil
- override def category = arraysCat
- }
- /** Load a local variable on the stack. It can be a method argument.
- * Stack: ...
- * ->: ...:value
- */
- case class LOAD_LOCAL(local: Local) extends Instruction {
- override def consumed = 0
- override def produced = 1
- override def producedTypes = local.kind :: Nil
- override def category = localsCat
- }
- /** Load a field on the stack. The object to which it refers should be
- * on the stack.
- * Stack: ...:ref (assuming isStatic = false)
- * ->: ...:value
- */
- case class LOAD_FIELD(field: Symbol, isStatic: Boolean) extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String =
- "LOAD_FIELD " + (if (isStatic) field.fullName else field.toString())
- override def consumed = if (isStatic) 0 else 1
- override def produced = 1
- override def consumedTypes = if (isStatic) Nil else REFERENCE(field.owner) :: Nil
- override def producedTypes = toTypeKind(field.tpe) :: Nil
- // more precise information about how to load this field
- // see #4283
- var hostClass: Symbol = field.owner
- def setHostClass(cls: Symbol): this.type = { hostClass = cls; this }
- override def category = fldsCat
- }
- case class LOAD_MODULE(module: Symbol) extends Instruction {
- assert(module != NoSymbol, "Invalid module symbol")
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String = "LOAD_MODULE " + module
- override def consumed = 0
- override def produced = 1
- override def producedTypes = REFERENCE(module) :: Nil
- override def category = stackCat
- }
- /** Store a value into an array at a specified index.
- * Stack: ...:array[a](Ref):index(Int):value(a)
- * ->: ...
- */
- case class STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction {
- override def consumed = 3
- override def produced = 0
- override def consumedTypes = ARRAY(kind) :: INT :: kind :: Nil
- override def category = arraysCat
- }
- /** Store a value into a local variable. It can be an argument.
- * Stack: ...:value
- * ->: ...
- */
- case class STORE_LOCAL(local: Local) extends Instruction {
- override def consumed = 1
- override def produced = 0
- override def consumedTypes = local.kind :: Nil
- override def category = localsCat
- }
- /** Store a value into a field.
- * Stack: ...:ref:value (assuming isStatic=false)
- * ->: ...
- */
- case class STORE_FIELD(field: Symbol, isStatic: Boolean) extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String =
- "STORE_FIELD "+field + (if (isStatic) " (static)" else " (dynamic)")
- override def consumed = if(isStatic) 1 else 2
- override def produced = 0
- override def consumedTypes =
- if (isStatic)
- toTypeKind(field.tpe) :: Nil
- else
- REFERENCE(field.owner) :: toTypeKind(field.tpe) :: Nil
- override def category = fldsCat
- }
- /** Store a value into the 'this' pointer.
- * Stack: ...:ref
- * ->: ...
- */
- case class STORE_THIS(kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction {
- override def consumed = 1
- override def produced = 0
- override def consumedTypes = kind :: Nil
- override def category = localsCat
- }
- /** Call a primitive function.
- * Stack: ...:arg1:arg2:...:argn
- * ->: ...:result
- */
- case class CALL_PRIMITIVE(primitive: Primitive) extends Instruction {
- override def consumed = primitive match {
- case Negation(_) => 1
- case Test(_,_, true) => 1
- case Test(_,_, false) => 2
- case Comparison(_,_) => 2
- case Arithmetic(NOT,_) => 1
- case Arithmetic(_,_) => 2
- case Logical(_,_) => 2
- case Shift(_,_) => 2
- case Conversion(_,_) => 1
- case ArrayLength(_) => 1
- case StringConcat(_) => 2
- case StartConcat => 0
- case EndConcat => 1
- }
- override def produced = 1
- override def consumedTypes = primitive match {
- case Negation(kind) => kind :: Nil
- case Test(_, kind, true) => kind :: Nil
- case Test(_, kind, false) => kind :: kind :: Nil
- case Comparison(_, kind) => kind :: kind :: Nil
- case Arithmetic(NOT, kind) => kind :: Nil
- case Arithmetic(_, kind) => kind :: kind :: Nil
- case Logical(_, kind) => kind :: kind :: Nil
- case Shift(_, kind) => kind :: INT :: Nil
- case Conversion(from, _) => from :: Nil
- case ArrayLength(kind) => ARRAY(kind) :: Nil
- case StringConcat(kind) => ConcatClass :: kind :: Nil
- case StartConcat => Nil
- case EndConcat => ConcatClass :: Nil
- }
- override def producedTypes = primitive match {
- case Negation(kind) => kind :: Nil
- case Test(_, _, true) => BOOL :: Nil
- case Test(_, _, false) => BOOL :: Nil
- case Comparison(_, _) => INT :: Nil
- case Arithmetic(_, kind) => kind :: Nil
- case Logical(_, kind) => kind :: Nil
- case Shift(_, kind) => kind :: Nil
- case Conversion(_, to) => to :: Nil
- case ArrayLength(_) => INT :: Nil
- case StringConcat(_) => ConcatClass :: Nil
- case StartConcat => ConcatClass :: Nil
- case EndConcat => REFERENCE(global.definitions.StringClass) :: Nil
- }
- override def category = arilogCat
- }
- /** This class represents a CALL_METHOD instruction
- * STYLE: dynamic / static(StaticInstance)
- * Stack: ...:ref:arg1:arg2:...:argn
- * ->: ...:result
- *
- * STYLE: static(StaticClass)
- * Stack: ...:arg1:arg2:...:argn
- * ->: ...:result
- *
- */
- case class CALL_METHOD(method: Symbol, style: InvokeStyle) extends Instruction with ReferenceEquality {
- def toShortString =
- "CALL_METHOD " + +" ("+style+")"
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String =
- "CALL_METHOD " + method.fullName +" ("+style+")"
- var hostClass: Symbol = method.owner
- def setHostClass(cls: Symbol): this.type = { hostClass = cls; this }
- /** This is specifically for preserving the target native Array type long
- * enough that clone() can generate the right call.
- */
- var targetTypeKind: TypeKind = UNIT // the default should never be used, so UNIT should fail fast.
- def setTargetTypeKind(tk: TypeKind) = targetTypeKind = tk
- private def params =
- private def consumesInstance = style match {
- case Static(false) => 0
- case _ => 1
- }
- override def consumed = params.length + consumesInstance
- override def consumedTypes = {
- val args = params map toTypeKind
- if (consumesInstance > 0) ObjectReference :: args
- else args
- }
- private val producedList = toTypeKind( match {
- case UNIT => Nil
- case _ if method.isConstructor => Nil
- case kind => kind :: Nil
- }
- override def produced = producedList.size
- override def producedTypes = producedList
- /** object identity is equality for CALL_METHODs. Needed for
- * being able to store such instructions into maps, when more
- * than one CALL_METHOD to the same method might exist.
- */
- override def category = mthdsCat
- }
- /**
- * A place holder entry that allows us to parse class files with invoke dynamic
- * instructions. Because the compiler doesn't yet really understand the
- * behavior of invokeDynamic, this op acts as a poison pill. Any attempt to analyze
- * this instruction will cause a failure. The only optimization that
- * should ever look at non-Scala generated icode is the inliner, and it
- * has been modified to not examine any method with invokeDynamic
- * instructions. So if this poison pill ever causes problems then
- * there's been a serious misunderstanding
- */
- // TODO do the real thing
- case class INVOKE_DYNAMIC(poolEntry: Int) extends Instruction {
- private def error = sys.error("INVOKE_DYNAMIC is not fully implemented and should not be analyzed")
- override def consumed = error
- override def produced = error
- override def producedTypes = error
- override def category = error
- }
- case class BOX(boxType: TypeKind) extends Instruction {
- assert(boxType.isValueType && (boxType ne UNIT)) // documentation
- override def toString(): String = "BOX " + boxType
- override def consumed = 1
- override def consumedTypes = boxType :: Nil
- override def produced = 1
- override def producedTypes = BOXED(boxType) :: Nil
- override def category = objsCat
- }
- case class UNBOX(boxType: TypeKind) extends Instruction {
- assert(boxType.isValueType && !boxType.isInstanceOf[BOXED] && (boxType ne UNIT)) // documentation
- override def toString(): String = "UNBOX " + boxType
- override def consumed = 1
- override def consumedTypes = ObjectReferenceList
- override def produced = 1
- override def producedTypes = boxType :: Nil
- override def category = objsCat
- }
- /** Create a new instance of a class through the specified constructor
- * Stack: ...:arg1:arg2:...:argn
- * ->: ...:ref
- */
- case class NEW(kind: REFERENCE) extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String = "NEW "+ kind
- override def consumed = 0
- override def produced = 1
- override def producedTypes = kind :: Nil
- /** The corresponding constructor call. */
- var init: CALL_METHOD = _
- override def category = objsCat
- }
- /** This class represents a CREATE_ARRAY instruction
- * Stack: ...:size_1:size_2:..:size_n
- * ->: ...:arrayref
- */
- case class CREATE_ARRAY(elem: TypeKind, dims: Int) extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String ="CREATE_ARRAY "+elem + " x " + dims
- override def consumed = dims
- override def consumedTypes = List.fill(dims)(INT)
- override def produced = 1
- override def producedTypes = ARRAY(elem) :: Nil
- override def category = arraysCat
- }
- /** This class represents a IS_INSTANCE instruction
- * Stack: ...:ref
- * ->: ...:result(boolean)
- */
- case class IS_INSTANCE(typ: TypeKind) extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String ="IS_INSTANCE "+typ
- override def consumed = 1
- override def produced = 1
- override def consumedTypes = ObjectReferenceList
- override def producedTypes = BOOL :: Nil
- override def category = castsCat
- }
- /** This class represents a CHECK_CAST instruction
- * Stack: ...:ref(oldtype)
- * ->: ...:ref(typ <=: oldtype)
- */
- case class CHECK_CAST(typ: TypeKind) extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String ="CHECK_CAST "+typ
- override def consumed = 1
- override def produced = 1
- override def consumedTypes = ObjectReferenceList
- override def producedTypes = typ :: Nil
- override def category = castsCat
- }
- /** This class represents a SWITCH instruction
- * Stack: ...:index(int)
- * ->: ...:
- *
- * The tags array contains one entry per label, each entry consisting of
- * an array of ints, any of which will trigger the jump to the corresponding label.
- * labels should contain an extra label, which is the 'default' jump.
- */
- case class SWITCH(tags: List[List[Int]], labels: List[BasicBlock]) extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String ="SWITCH ..."
- override def consumed = 1
- override def produced = 0
- override def consumedTypes = INT :: Nil
- def flatTagsCount: Int = { var acc = 0; var rest = tags; while(rest.nonEmpty) { acc += rest.head.length; rest = rest.tail }; acc } // a one-liner
- override def category = jumpsCat
- }
- /** This class represents a JUMP instruction
- * Stack: ...
- * ->: ...
- */
- case class JUMP(whereto: BasicBlock) extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String ="JUMP "+whereto.label
- override def consumed = 0
- override def produced = 0
- override def category = jumpsCat
- }
- /** This class represents a CJUMP instruction
- * It compares the two values on the stack with the 'cond' test operator
- * Stack: ...:value1:value2
- * ->: ...
- */
- case class CJUMP(successBlock: BasicBlock,
- failureBlock: BasicBlock,
- cond: TestOp,
- kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction
- {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String = (
- "CJUMP (" + kind + ")" +
- cond + " ? "+successBlock.label+" : "+failureBlock.label
- )
- override def consumed = 2
- override def produced = 0
- override def consumedTypes = kind :: kind :: Nil
- override def category = jumpsCat
- }
- /** This class represents a CZJUMP instruction
- * It compares the one value on the stack and zero with the 'cond' test operator
- * Stack: ...:value:
- * ->: ...
- */
- case class CZJUMP(successBlock: BasicBlock,
- failureBlock: BasicBlock,
- cond: TestOp,
- kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String = (
- "CZJUMP (" + kind + ")" +
- cond + " ? "+successBlock.label+" : "+failureBlock.label
- )
- override def consumed = 1
- override def produced = 0
- override def consumedTypes = kind :: Nil
- override def category = jumpsCat
- }
- /** This class represents a RETURN instruction
- * Stack: ...
- * ->: ...
- */
- case class RETURN(kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction {
- override def consumed = if (kind == UNIT) 0 else 1
- override def produced = 0
- override def consumedTypes = if (kind == UNIT) Nil else kind :: Nil
- override def category = retCat
- }
- /** This class represents a THROW instruction
- * Stack: ...:Throwable(Ref)
- * ->: ...:
- */
- case class THROW(clasz: Symbol) extends Instruction {
- /** PP to ID: We discussed parameterizing LOAD_EXCEPTION but
- * not THROW, which came about organically. It seems like the
- * right thing, but can you confirm?
- */
- override def toString = "THROW(" + + ")"
- override def consumed = 1
- override def produced = 0
- override def consumedTypes = toTypeKind(clasz.tpe) :: Nil
- override def category = retCat
- }
- /** This class represents a DROP instruction
- * Stack: ...:something
- * ->: ...
- */
- case class DROP (typ: TypeKind) extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String ="DROP "+typ
- override def consumed = 1
- override def produced = 0
- override def consumedTypes = typ :: Nil
- override def category = stackCat
- }
- /** This class represents a DUP instruction
- * Stack: ...:something
- * ->: ...:something:something
- */
- case class DUP (typ: TypeKind) extends Instruction {
- override def consumed = 1
- override def produced = 2
- override def consumedTypes = typ :: Nil
- override def producedTypes = typ :: typ :: Nil
- override def category = stackCat
- }
- /** This class represents a MONITOR_ENTER instruction
- * Stack: ...:object(ref)
- * ->: ...:
- */
- case class MONITOR_ENTER() extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String ="MONITOR_ENTER"
- override def consumed = 1
- override def produced = 0
- override def consumedTypes = ObjectReference :: Nil
- override def category = objsCat
- }
- /** This class represents a MONITOR_EXIT instruction
- * Stack: ...:object(ref)
- * ->: ...:
- */
- case class MONITOR_EXIT() extends Instruction {
- /** Returns a string representation of this instruction */
- override def toString(): String ="MONITOR_EXIT"
- override def consumed = 1
- override def produced = 0
- override def consumedTypes = ObjectReference :: Nil
- override def category = objsCat
- }
- /** A local variable becomes visible at this point in code.
- * Used only for generating precise local variable tables as
- * debugging information.
- */
- case class SCOPE_ENTER(lv: Local) extends Instruction {
- override def toString(): String = "SCOPE_ENTER " + lv
- override def consumed = 0
- override def produced = 0
- override def category = localsCat
- }
- /** A local variable leaves its scope at this point in code.
- * Used only for generating precise local variable tables as
- * debugging information.
- */
- case class SCOPE_EXIT(lv: Local) extends Instruction {
- override def toString(): String = "SCOPE_EXIT " + lv
- override def consumed = 0
- override def produced = 0
- override def category = localsCat
- }
- /** Fake instruction. It designates the VM who pushes an exception
- * on top of the /empty/ stack at the beginning of each exception handler.
- * Note: Unlike other instructions, it consumes all elements on the stack!
- * then pushes one exception instance.
- */
- case class LOAD_EXCEPTION(clasz: Symbol) extends Instruction {
- override def consumed = sys.error("LOAD_EXCEPTION does clean the whole stack, no idea how many things it consumes!")
- override def produced = 1
- override def producedTypes = REFERENCE(clasz) :: Nil
- override def category = stackCat
- }
- /** This class represents a method invocation style. */
- sealed abstract class InvokeStyle {
- /** Is this a dynamic method call? */
- def isDynamic: Boolean = false
- /** Is this a static method call? */
- def isStatic: Boolean = false
- def isSuper: Boolean = false
- /** Is this an instance method call? */
- def hasInstance: Boolean = true
- /** Returns a string representation of this style. */
- override def toString(): String
- }
- /** Virtual calls.
- * On JVM, translated to either `invokeinterface` or `invokevirtual`.
- */
- case object Dynamic extends InvokeStyle {
- override def isDynamic = true
- override def toString(): String = "dynamic"
- }
- /**
- * Special invoke:
- * Static(true) is used for calls to private members, ie `invokespecial` on JVM.
- * Static(false) is used for calls to class-level instance-less static methods, ie `invokestatic` on JVM.
- */
- case class Static(onInstance: Boolean) extends InvokeStyle {
- override def isStatic = true
- override def hasInstance = onInstance
- override def toString(): String = {
- if(onInstance) "static-instance"
- else "static-class"
- }
- }
- /** Call through super[mix].
- * On JVM, translated to `invokespecial`.
- */
- case class SuperCall(mix: Name) extends InvokeStyle {
- override def isSuper = true
- override def toString(): String = { "super(" + mix + ")" }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Primitives.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Primitives.scala
index 27bf836484..2785f893ad 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Primitives.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Primitives.scala
@@ -8,102 +8,8 @@ package
package backend
package icode
trait Primitives { self: ICodes =>
- /** This class represents a primitive operation. */
- class Primitive {
- }
- // type : (type) => type
- // range: type <- { BOOL, Ix, Ux, Rx }
- // jvm : {i, l, f, d}neg
- case class Negation(kind: TypeKind) extends Primitive
- // type : zero ? (type) => BOOL : (type,type) => BOOL
- // range: type <- { BOOL, Ix, Ux, Rx, REF }
- // jvm : if{eq, ne, lt, ge, le, gt}, if{null, nonnull}
- // if_icmp{eq, ne, lt, ge, le, gt}, if_acmp{eq,ne}
- case class Test(op: TestOp, kind: TypeKind, zero: Boolean) extends Primitive
- // type : (type,type) => I4
- // range: type <- { Ix, Ux, Rx }
- // jvm : lcmp, {f, d}cmp{l, g}
- case class Comparison(op: ComparisonOp, kind: TypeKind) extends Primitive
- // type : (type,type) => type
- // range: type <- { Ix, Ux, Rx }
- // jvm : {i, l, f, d}{add, sub, mul, div, rem}
- case class Arithmetic(op: ArithmeticOp, kind: TypeKind) extends Primitive
- // type : (type,type) => type
- // range: type <- { BOOL, Ix, Ux }
- // jvm : {i, l}{and, or, xor}
- case class Logical(op: LogicalOp, kind: TypeKind) extends Primitive
- // type : (type,I4) => type
- // range: type <- { Ix, Ux }
- // jvm : {i, l}{shl, ushl, shr}
- case class Shift(op: ShiftOp, kind: TypeKind) extends Primitive
- // type : (src) => dst
- // range: src,dst <- { Ix, Ux, Rx }
- // jvm : i2{l, f, d}, l2{i, f, d}, f2{i, l, d}, d2{i, l, f}, i2{b, c, s}
- case class Conversion(src: TypeKind, dst: TypeKind) extends Primitive
- // type : (Array[REF]) => I4
- // range: type <- { BOOL, Ix, Ux, Rx, REF }
- // jvm : arraylength
- case class ArrayLength(kind: TypeKind) extends Primitive
- // type : (buf,el) => buf
- // range: lf,rg <- { BOOL, Ix, Ux, Rx, REF, STR }
- // jvm : It should call the appropriate 'append' method on StringBuffer
- case class StringConcat(el: TypeKind) extends Primitive
- /** Signals the beginning of a series of concatenations.
- * On the JVM platform, it should create a new StringBuffer
- */
- case object StartConcat extends Primitive
- /**
- * type: (buf) => STR
- * jvm : It should turn the StringBuffer into a String.
- */
- case object EndConcat extends Primitive
- /** Pretty printer for primitives */
- class PrimitivePrinter(out: PrintWriter) {
- def print(s: String): PrimitivePrinter = {
- out.print(s)
- this
- }
- }
- /** This class represents a comparison operation. */
- class ComparisonOp {
- /** Returns a string representation of this operation. */
- override def toString(): String = this match {
- case CMPL => "CMPL"
- case CMP => "CMP"
- case CMPG => "CMPG"
- case _ => throw new RuntimeException("ComparisonOp unknown case")
- }
- }
- /** A comparison operation with -1 default for NaNs */
- case object CMPL extends ComparisonOp
- /** A comparison operation with no default for NaNs */
- case object CMP extends ComparisonOp
- /** A comparison operation with +1 default for NaNs */
- case object CMPG extends ComparisonOp
/** This class represents a test operation. */
sealed abstract class TestOp {
@@ -118,7 +24,6 @@ trait Primitives { self: ICodes =>
/** used only from GenASM */
def opcodeIFICMP(): Int
/** An equality test */
@@ -201,47 +106,5 @@ trait Primitives { self: ICodes =>
/** Bitwise negation. */
case object NOT extends ArithmeticOp
- /** This class represents a shift operation. */
- class ShiftOp {
- /** Returns a string representation of this operation. */
- override def toString(): String = this match {
- case LSL => "LSL"
- case ASR => "ASR"
- case LSR => "LSR"
- case _ => throw new RuntimeException("ShitOp unknown case")
- }
- }
- /** A logical shift to the left */
- case object LSL extends ShiftOp
- /** An arithmetic shift to the right */
- case object ASR extends ShiftOp
- /** A logical shift to the right */
- case object LSR extends ShiftOp
- /** This class represents a logical operation. */
- class LogicalOp {
- /** Returns a string representation of this operation. */
- override def toString(): String = this match {
- case AND => "AND"
- case OR => "OR"
- case XOR => "XOR"
- case _ => throw new RuntimeException("LogicalOp unknown case")
- }
- }
- /** A bitwise AND operation */
- case object AND extends LogicalOp
- /** A bitwise OR operation */
- case object OR extends LogicalOp
- /** A bitwise XOR operation */
- case object XOR extends LogicalOp
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Printers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Printers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe33f78e7..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Printers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend
-package icode
-trait Printers { self: ICodes =>
- import global._
- class TextPrinter(writer: PrintWriter, lin: Linearizer) {
- private var margin = 0
- private var out = writer
- final val TAB = 2
- def setWriter(w: PrintWriter) { out = w }
- def indent() { margin += TAB }
- def undent() { margin -= TAB }
- def print(s: String) { out.print(s) }
- def print(o: Any) { print(o.toString()) }
- def println(s: String) {
- print(s)
- println()
- }
- def println() {
- out.println()
- var i = 0
- while (i < margin) {
- print(" ")
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def printList[A](l: List[A], sep: String): Unit = l match {
- case Nil =>
- case x :: Nil => print(x)
- case x :: xs => print(x); print(sep); printList(xs, sep)
- }
- def printList[A](pr: A => Unit)(l: List[A], sep: String): Unit = l match {
- case Nil =>
- case x :: Nil => pr(x)
- case x :: xs => pr(x); print(sep); printList(pr)(xs, sep)
- }
- def printClass(cls: IClass) {
- print(cls.symbol.toString()); print(" extends ")
- printList(, ", ")
- indent(); println(" {")
- println("// fields:")
- cls.fields.foreach(printField); println()
- println("// methods")
- cls.methods.foreach(printMethod)
- undent(); println()
- println("}")
- }
- def printField(f: IField) {
- print(f.symbol.keyString); print(" ")
- print(f.symbol.nameString); print(": ")
- println(
- }
- def printMethod(m: IMethod) {
- print("def "); print(
- print("("); printList(printParam)(m.params, ", "); print(")")
- print(": "); print(
- if (!m.isAbstractMethod) {
- println(" {")
- println("locals: " + m.locals.mkString("", ", ", ""))
- println("startBlock: " + m.startBlock)
- println("blocks: " + m.code.blocks.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
- println()
- lin.linearize(m) foreach printBlock
- println("}")
- indent(); println("Exception handlers: ")
- m.exh foreach printExceptionHandler
- undent(); println()
- } else
- println()
- }
- def printParam(p: Local) {
- print(; print(": "); print(
- print(" ("); print(p.kind); print(")")
- }
- def printExceptionHandler(e: ExceptionHandler) {
- indent()
- println("catch (" + e.cls.simpleName + ") in " + e.covered.toSeq.sortBy(_.label) + " starting at: " + e.startBlock)
- println("consisting of blocks: " + e.blocks)
- undent()
- println("with finalizer: " + e.finalizer)
- // linearizer.linearize(e.startBlock) foreach printBlock;
- }
- def printBlock(bb: BasicBlock) {
- print(bb.label)
- if (bb.loopHeader) print("[loop header]")
- print(": ")
- if (settings.debug) print("pred: " + bb.predecessors + " succs: " + bb.successors + " flags: " + bb.flagsString)
- indent(); println()
- bb.toList foreach printInstruction
- undent(); println()
- }
- def printInstruction(i: Instruction) {
-// if (settings.Xdce.value)
-// print(if (i.useful) " " else " * ");
- if (i.pos.isDefined) print(i.pos.line.toString + "\t") else print("?\t")
- println(i.toString())
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Repository.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Repository.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 10d57df4a3..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Repository.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend
-package icode
-import scala.collection._
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- */
-trait Repository {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- import icodes._
- val loaded: mutable.Map[Symbol, IClass] = perRunCaches.newMap()
- /** Is the given class available as icode? */
- def available(sym: Symbol) = classes.contains(sym) || loaded.contains(sym)
- /** The icode of the given class, if available */
- def icode(sym: Symbol): Option[IClass] = (classes get sym) orElse (loaded get sym)
- /** Load bytecode for given symbol. */
- def load(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
- try {
- val (c1, c2) = icodeReader.readClass(sym)
- assert(c1.symbol == sym || c2.symbol == sym, "c1.symbol = %s, c2.symbol = %s, sym = %s".format(c1.symbol, c2.symbol, sym))
- loaded += (c1.symbol -> c1)
- loaded += (c2.symbol -> c2)
- true
- } catch {
- case e: Throwable => // possible exceptions are MissingRequirementError, IOException and TypeError -> no better common supertype
- log("Failed to load %s. [%s]".format(sym.fullName, e.getMessage))
- if (settings.debug) { e.printStackTrace }
- false
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/TypeKinds.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/TypeKinds.scala
index a6d0d3b9fa..602d17d711 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/TypeKinds.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/TypeKinds.scala
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ trait TypeKinds { self: ICodes =>
/** Reverse map for toType */
private lazy val reversePrimitiveMap: Map[TypeKind, Symbol] =
- (primitiveTypeMap map (_.swap)).toMap
/** This class represents a type kind. Type kinds
* represent the types that the VM know (or the ICode
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ trait TypeKinds { self: ICodes =>
else if (b.isNullType) a
else toTypeKind(lub0(a, b))
- else throw new CheckerException("Incompatible types: " + a + " with " + b)
+ else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Incompatible types: " + a + " with " + b)
/** The unit value */
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/TypeStacks.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/TypeStacks.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d51dad49..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/TypeStacks.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend
-package icode
-/** This trait ...
- *
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- * @version 1.0
- */
-trait TypeStacks {
- self: ICodes =>
- /* This class simulates the type of the operand
- * stack of the ICode.
- */
- type Rep = List[TypeKind]
- class TypeStack(var types: Rep) {
- if (types.nonEmpty)
- checkerDebug("Created " + this)
- def this() = this(Nil)
- def this(that: TypeStack) = this(that.types)
- def length: Int = types.length
- def isEmpty = length == 0
- def nonEmpty = length != 0
- /** Push a type on the type stack. UNITs are ignored. */
- def push(t: TypeKind) = {
- if (t != UNIT)
- types = t :: types
- }
- def head: TypeKind = types.head
- /** Removes the value on top of the stack, and returns it. It assumes
- * the stack contains at least one element.
- */
- def pop: TypeKind = {
- val t = types.head
- types = types.tail
- t
- }
- /** Return the topmost two values on the stack. It assumes the stack
- * is large enough. Topmost element first.
- */
- def pop2: (TypeKind, TypeKind) = (pop, pop)
- /** Return the topmost three values on the stack. It assumes the stack
- * is large enough. Topmost element first.
- */
- def pop3: (TypeKind, TypeKind, TypeKind) = (pop, pop, pop)
- /** Drop the first n elements of the stack. */
- def pop(n: Int): List[TypeKind] = {
- val prefix = types.take(n)
- types = types.drop(n)
- prefix
- }
- def apply(n: Int): TypeKind = types(n)
- /* This method returns a String representation of the stack */
- override def toString() =
- if (types.isEmpty) "[]"
- else types.mkString("[", " ", "]")
- override def hashCode() = types.hashCode()
- override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
- case x: TypeStack => x.types == types
- case _ => false
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/CopyPropagation.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/CopyPropagation.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d48d7a0d3..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/CopyPropagation.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala
-package tools.nsc
-package backend.icode.analysis
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-/** A modified copy-propagation like analysis. It
- * is augmented with a record-like value which is used
- * to represent closures.
- *
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- */
-abstract class CopyPropagation {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- import icodes._
- /** Locations can be local variables, this, and fields. */
- abstract sealed class Location
- case class LocalVar(l: Local) extends Location
- case class Field(r: Record, sym: Symbol) extends Location
- case object This extends Location
- /** Values that can be on the stack. */
- sealed abstract class Value { }
- case class Record(cls: Symbol, bindings: mutable.Map[Symbol, Value]) extends Value { }
- /** The value of some location in memory. */
- case class Deref(l: Location) extends Value
- /** The boxed value of some location. */
- case class Boxed(l: Location) extends Value
- /** The constant value c. */
- case class Const(c: Constant) extends Value
- /** Unknown. */
- case object Unknown extends Value
- /** The bottom record. */
- object AllRecords extends Record(NoSymbol, mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Value]())
- /** The lattice for this analysis. */
- object copyLattice extends SemiLattice {
- type Bindings = mutable.Map[Location, Value]
- def emptyBinding = mutable.HashMap[Location, Value]()
- class State(val bindings: Bindings, var stack: List[Value]) {
- override def hashCode = bindings.hashCode + stack.hashCode
- /* comparison with bottom is reference equality! */
- override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
- case x: State =>
- if ((this eq bottom) || (this eq top) || (x eq bottom) || (x eq top)) this eq x
- else bindings == x.bindings && stack == x.stack
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- /* Return an alias for the given local. It returns the last
- * local in the chain of aliased locals. Cycles are not allowed
- * to exist (by construction).
- */
- def getAlias(l: Local): Local = {
- var target = l
- var stop = false
- while (bindings.isDefinedAt(LocalVar(target)) && !stop) {
- bindings(LocalVar(target)) match {
- case Deref(LocalVar(t)) => target = t
- case _ => stop = true
- }
- }
- target
- }
- /* Return the value bound to the given local. */
- def getBinding(l: Local): Value = {
- def loop(lv: Local): Option[Value] = (bindings get LocalVar(lv)) match {
- case Some(Deref(LocalVar(t))) => loop(t)
- case x => x
- }
- loop(l) getOrElse Deref(LocalVar(l))
- }
- /** Return a local which contains the same value as this field, if any.
- * If the field holds a reference to a local, the returned value is the
- * binding of that local.
- */
- def getFieldValue(r: Record, f: Symbol): Option[Value] = r.bindings get f map {
- case Deref(LocalVar(l)) => getBinding(l)
- case target @ Deref(Field(r1, f1)) => getFieldValue(r1, f1) getOrElse target
- case target => target
- }
- /** The same as getFieldValue, but never returns Record/Field values. Use
- * this when you want to find a replacement for a field value (either a local,
- * or a constant/this value).
- */
- def getFieldNonRecordValue(r: Record, f: Symbol): Option[Value] = {
- assert(r.bindings contains f, "Record " + r + " does not contain a field " + f)
- r.bindings(f) match {
- case Deref(LocalVar(l)) =>
- val alias = getAlias(l)
- val derefAlias = Deref(LocalVar(alias))
- Some(getBinding(alias) match {
- case Record(_, _) => derefAlias
- case Deref(Field(r1, f1)) => getFieldNonRecordValue(r1, f1) getOrElse derefAlias
- case Boxed(_) => derefAlias
- case v => v
- })
- case Deref(Field(r1, f1)) => getFieldNonRecordValue(r1, f1)
- case target @ Deref(This) => Some(target)
- case target @ Const(k) => Some(target)
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- override def toString(): String =
- "\nBindings: " + bindings + "\nStack: " + stack
- def dup: State = {
- val b: Bindings = mutable.HashMap()
- b ++= bindings
- new State(b, stack)
- }
- }
- type Elem = State
- val top = new State(emptyBinding, Nil)
- val bottom = new State(emptyBinding, Nil)
- val exceptionHandlerStack = Unknown :: Nil
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem): Elem = {
- if (a eq bottom) b
- else if (b eq bottom) a
- else if (a == b) a
- else {
- //assert(!(a.stack eq exceptionHandlerStack) && !(b.stack eq exceptionHandlerStack))
- val resStack =
- if (exceptional) exceptionHandlerStack
- else {
-// if (a.stack.length != b.stack.length)
-// throw new LubException(a, b, "Invalid stacks in states: ");
- (a.stack, b.stack).zipped map { (v1, v2) =>
- if (v1 == v2) v1 else Unknown
- }
- }
-/* if (a.stack.length != b.stack.length)
- throw new LubException(a, b, "Invalid stacks in states: ");
- val resStack = List.map2(a.stack, b.stack) { (v1, v2) =>
- if (v1 == v2) v1 else Unknown
- }
- */
- val resBindings = mutable.HashMap[Location, Value]()
- for ((k, v) <- a.bindings if b.bindings.isDefinedAt(k) && v == b.bindings(k))
- resBindings += (k -> v)
- new State(resBindings, resStack)
- }
- }
- }
- final class CopyAnalysis extends DataFlowAnalysis[copyLattice.type] {
- type P = BasicBlock
- val lattice = copyLattice
- var method: IMethod = _
- def init(m: IMethod) {
- this.method = m
- init {
- worklist += m.startBlock
- worklist ++= (m.exh map (_.startBlock))
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- in(b) = lattice.bottom
- out(b) = lattice.bottom
- assert(out.contains(b), out)
- debuglog("CopyAnalysis added point: " + b)
- }
- m.exh foreach { e =>
- in(e.startBlock) = new copyLattice.State(copyLattice.emptyBinding, copyLattice.exceptionHandlerStack)
- }
- // first block is special: it's not bottom, but a precisely defined state with no bindings
- in(m.startBlock) = new lattice.State(lattice.emptyBinding, Nil)
- }
- }
- override def run() {
- forwardAnalysis(blockTransfer)
- if (settings.debug) {
- linearizer.linearize(method).foreach(b => if (b != method.startBlock)
- assert(in(b) != lattice.bottom,
- "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited?"))
- }
- }
- def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, in: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem =
- b.iterator.foldLeft(in)(interpret)
- import opcodes._
- private def retain[A, B](map: mutable.Map[A, B])(p: (A, B) => Boolean) = {
- for ((k, v) <- map ; if !p(k, v)) map -= k
- map
- }
- /** Abstract interpretation for one instruction. */
- def interpret(in: copyLattice.Elem, i: Instruction): copyLattice.Elem = {
- var out = in.dup
- debuglog("- " + i + "\nin: " + in + "\n")
- i match {
- case THIS(_) =>
- out.stack = Deref(This) :: out.stack
- case CONSTANT(k) =>
- if (k.tag != UnitTag)
- out.stack = Const(k) :: out.stack
- case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(_) =>
- out.stack = (Unknown :: out.stack.drop(2))
- case LOAD_LOCAL(local) =>
- out.stack = Deref(LocalVar(local)) :: out.stack
- case LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
- if (isStatic)
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack; /* ignore static fields */
- else {
- val v1 = in.stack match {
- case (r @ Record(cls, bindings)) :: xs =>
- Deref(Field(r, field))
- case Deref(LocalVar(l)) :: _ =>
- in.getBinding(l) match {
- case r @ Record(cls, bindings) => Deref(Field(r, field))
- case _ => Unknown
- }
- case Deref(Field(r, f)) :: _ =>
- val fld = in.getFieldValue(r, f)
- fld match {
- case Some(r @ Record(cls, bindings)) if bindings.isDefinedAt(f) =>
- in.getFieldValue(r, f).getOrElse(Unknown)
- case _ => Unknown
- }
- case _ => Unknown
- }
- out.stack = v1 :: out.stack.drop(1)
- }
- case LOAD_MODULE(module) =>
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack
- case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(3)
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) =>
- cleanReferencesTo(out, LocalVar(local))
- in.stack match {
- case Unknown :: xs => ()
- case v :: vs =>
- v match {
- case Deref(LocalVar(other)) =>
- if (other != local)
- out.bindings += (LocalVar(local) -> v)
- case _ =>
- out.bindings += (LocalVar(local) -> v)
- }
- case Nil =>
- sys.error("Incorrect icode in " + method + ". Expecting something on the stack.")
- }
- out.stack = out.stack drop 1
- case STORE_THIS(_) =>
- cleanReferencesTo(out, This)
- out.stack = out.stack drop 1
- case STORE_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
- if (isStatic)
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- else {
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(2)
- cleanReferencesTo(out, Field(AllRecords, field))
- in.stack match {
- case v :: Record(_, bindings) :: vs =>
- bindings += (field -> v)
- case _ => ()
- }
- }
- case CALL_PRIMITIVE(primitive) =>
- // TODO: model primitives
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack.drop(i.consumed)
- case CALL_METHOD(method, style) => style match {
- case Dynamic =>
- out = simulateCall(in, method, static = false)
- case Static(onInstance) =>
- if (onInstance) {
- val obj = out.stack.drop(
-// if (method.isPrimaryConstructor) {
- if (method.isPrimaryConstructor) {
- obj match {
- case Record(_, bindings) =>
- for (v <- out.stack.take( + 1)
- if v ne obj) {
- bindings ++= getBindingsForPrimaryCtor(in, method)
- }
- case _ => ()
- }
- // put the Record back on the stack and remove the 'returned' value
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1 +
- } else
- out = simulateCall(in, method, static = false)
- } else
- out = simulateCall(in, method, static = true)
- case SuperCall(_) =>
- out = simulateCall(in, method, static = false)
- }
- case BOX(tpe) =>
- val top = out.stack.head match {
- case Deref(loc) => Boxed(loc)
- case _ => Unknown
- }
- out.stack = top :: out.stack.tail
- case UNBOX(tpe) =>
- val top = out.stack.head
- top match {
- case Boxed(loc) => Deref(loc) :: out.stack.tail
- case _ => out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack.drop(1)
- }
- case NEW(kind) =>
- val v1 = kind match {
- case REFERENCE(cls) => Record(cls, mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Value]())
- case _ => Unknown
- }
- out.stack = v1 :: out.stack
- case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, dims) =>
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack.drop(dims)
- case IS_INSTANCE(tpe) =>
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack.drop(1)
- case CHECK_CAST(tpe) =>
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack.drop(1)
- case SWITCH(tags, labels) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case JUMP(whereto) =>
- ()
- case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(2)
- case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case RETURN(kind) =>
- if (kind != UNIT)
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case THROW(_) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case DROP(kind) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case DUP(kind) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.head :: out.stack
- case MONITOR_ENTER() =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case MONITOR_EXIT() =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) =>
- ()
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) =>
- out.stack = Unknown :: Nil
- case _ =>
- dumpClassesAndAbort("Unknown instruction: " + i)
- }
- out
- } /* def interpret */
- /** Remove all references to this local variable from both stack
- * and bindings. It is called when a new assignment destroys
- * previous copy-relations.
- */
- final def cleanReferencesTo(s: copyLattice.State, target: Location) {
- def cleanRecord(r: Record): Record = {
- retain(r.bindings) { (loc, value) =>
- (value match {
- case Deref(loc1) if (loc1 == target) => false
- case Boxed(loc1) if (loc1 == target) => false
- case _ => true
- }) && (target match {
- case Field(AllRecords, sym1) => !(loc == sym1)
- case _ => true
- })
- }
- r
- }
- s.stack = s.stack map { v => v match {
- case Record(_, bindings) =>
- cleanRecord(v.asInstanceOf[Record])
- case Boxed(loc1) if (loc1 == target) => Unknown
- case _ => v
- }}
- retain(s.bindings) { (loc, value) =>
- (value match {
- case Deref(loc1) if (loc1 == target) => false
- case Boxed(loc1) if (loc1 == target) => false
- case rec @ Record(_, _) =>
- cleanRecord(rec)
- true
- case _ => true
- }) &&
- (loc match {
- case l: Location if (l == target) => false
- case _ => true
- })
- }
- }
- /** Update the state `s` after the call to `method`.
- * The stack elements are dropped and replaced by the result of the call.
- * If the method is impure, all bindings to record fields are cleared.
- */
- final def simulateCall(state: copyLattice.State, method: Symbol, static: Boolean): copyLattice.State = {
- val out = new copyLattice.State(state.bindings, state.stack)
- out.stack = out.stack.drop( + (if (static) 0 else 1))
- if ( != definitions.UnitTpe && !method.isConstructor)
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack
- if (!isPureMethod(method))
- invalidateRecords(out)
- out
- }
- /** Drop everything known about mutable record fields.
- *
- * A simple escape analysis would help here. Some of the records we
- * track never leak to other methods, therefore they can not be changed.
- * We should not drop their bindings in this case. A closure object
- * would be such an example. Some complications:
- *
- * - outer pointers. An closure escapes as an outer pointer to another
- * nested closure.
- */
- final def invalidateRecords(state: copyLattice.State) {
- def shouldRetain(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
- if (sym.isMutable)
- log("dropping binding for " + sym.fullName)
- !sym.isMutable
- }
- state.stack = state.stack map { v => v match {
- case Record(cls, bindings) =>
- retain(bindings) { (sym, _) => shouldRetain(sym) }
- Record(cls, bindings)
- case _ => v
- }}
- retain(state.bindings) { (loc, value) =>
- value match {
- case Deref(Field(rec, sym)) => shouldRetain(sym)
- case Boxed(Field(rec, sym)) => shouldRetain(sym)
- case _ => true
- }
- }
- }
- /** Return bindings from an object fields to the values on the stack. This
- * method has to find the correct mapping from fields to the order in which
- * they are passed on the stack. It works for primary constructors.
- */
- private def getBindingsForPrimaryCtor(in: copyLattice.State, ctor: Symbol): mutable.Map[Symbol, Value] = {
- val paramAccessors = ctor.owner.constrParamAccessors
- var values = in.stack.take(1 +
- val bindings = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Value]()
- debuglog("getBindings for: " + ctor + " acc: " + paramAccessors)
- var paramTypes = ctor.tpe.paramTypes
- val diff = paramTypes.length - paramAccessors.length
- diff match {
- case 0 => ()
- case 1 if ctor.tpe.paramTypes.head == ctor.owner.rawowner.tpe =>
- // it's an unused outer
- debuglog("considering unused outer at position 0 in " + ctor.tpe.paramTypes)
- paramTypes = paramTypes.tail
- values = values.tail
- case _ =>
- debuglog("giving up on " + ctor + "(diff: " + diff + ")")
- return bindings
- }
- // this relies on having the same order in paramAccessors and
- // the arguments on the stack. It should be the same!
- for ((p, i) <- paramAccessors.zipWithIndex) {
-// assert(p.tpe == paramTypes(i), "In: " + ctor.fullName
-// + " having acc: " + (paramAccessors map (_.tpe))+ " vs. params" + paramTypes
-// + "\n\t failed at pos " + i + " with " + p.tpe + " == " + paramTypes(i))
- if (p.tpe == paramTypes(i))
- bindings += (p -> values.head)
- values = values.tail
- }
- debuglog("\t" + bindings)
- bindings
- }
- /** Is symbol `m` a pure method?
- */
- final def isPureMethod(m: Symbol): Boolean =
- m.isGetter // abstract getters are still pure, as we 'know'
- final override def toString() = (
- if (method eq null) List("<null>")
- else method.blocks map { b =>
- "\nIN(%s):\t Bindings: %s".format(b.label, in(b).bindings) +
- "\nIN(%s):\t Stack: %s".format(b.label, in(b).stack)
- }
- ).mkString
- } /* class CopyAnalysis */
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/DataFlowAnalysis.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/DataFlowAnalysis.scala
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index a378998f8f..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/DataFlowAnalysis.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala
-package tools.nsc
-package backend.icode.analysis
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-/** A generic framework for data flow analysis.
- */
-trait DataFlowAnalysis[L <: SemiLattice] {
- /** A type for program points. */
- type P <: ProgramPoint[P]
- val lattice: L
- val worklist: mutable.Set[P] = new mutable.LinkedHashSet
- val in: mutable.Map[P, lattice.Elem] = new mutable.HashMap
- val out: mutable.Map[P, lattice.Elem] = new mutable.HashMap
- val visited: mutable.HashSet[P] = new mutable.HashSet
- /** collect statistics? */
- var stat = true
- /** the number of times we iterated before reaching a fixpoint. */
- var iterations = 0
- /* Implement this function to initialize the worklist. */
- def init(f: => Unit): Unit = {
- iterations = 0
- in.clear(); out.clear(); worklist.clear(); visited.clear()
- f
- }
- def run(): Unit
- /** Implements forward dataflow analysis: the transfer function is
- * applied when inputs to a Program point change, to obtain the new
- * output value.
- *
- * @param f the transfer function.
- */
- def forwardAnalysis(f: (P, lattice.Elem) => lattice.Elem): Unit = try {
- while (!worklist.isEmpty) {
- if (stat) iterations += 1
- //Console.println("worklist in: " + worklist);
- val point =; worklist -= point; visited += point
- //Console.println("taking out point: " + point + " worklist out: " + worklist);
- val output = f(point, in(point))
- if ((lattice.bottom == out(point)) || output != out(point)) {
- // Console.println("Output changed at " + point
- // + " from: " + out(point) + " to: " + output
- // + " for input: " + in(point) + " and they are different: " + (output != out(point)))
- out(point) = output
- val succs = point.successors
- succs foreach { p =>
- val updated = lattice.lub(in(p) :: (p.predecessors map out.apply), p.exceptionHandlerStart)
- if(updated != in(p)) {
- in(p) = updated
- if (!worklist(p)) { worklist += p; }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } catch {
- case e: NoSuchElementException =>
- Console.println("in: " + in.mkString("", "\n", ""))
- Console.println("out: " + out.mkString("", "\n", ""))
- e.printStackTrace
- sys.error("Could not find element " + e.getMessage)
- }
- def backwardAnalysis(f: (P, lattice.Elem) => lattice.Elem): Unit =
- while (worklist.nonEmpty) {
- if (stat) iterations += 1
- val point = worklist.head
- worklist -= point
- out(point) = lattice.lub(point.successors map in.apply, exceptional = false) // TODO check for exception handlers
- val input = f(point, out(point))
- if ((lattice.bottom == in(point)) || input != in(point)) {
- in(point) = input
- worklist ++= point.predecessors
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/Liveness.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/Liveness.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 939641c3eb..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/Liveness.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend.icode
-package analysis
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import immutable.ListSet
- * Compute liveness information for local variables.
- *
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- */
-abstract class Liveness {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- import icodes._
- /** The lattice for this analysis. */
- object livenessLattice extends SemiLattice {
- type Elem = Set[Local]
- object top extends ListSet[Local] with ReferenceEquality
- object bottom extends ListSet[Local] with ReferenceEquality
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem): Elem = a ++ b
- }
- final class LivenessAnalysis extends DataFlowAnalysis[livenessLattice.type] {
- type P = BasicBlock
- val lattice = livenessLattice
- var method: IMethod = _
- val gen: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Set[Local]] = perRunCaches.newMap()
- val kill: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Set[Local]] = perRunCaches.newMap()
- def init(m: IMethod) {
- this.method = m
- gen.clear()
- kill.clear()
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- val (g, k) = genAndKill(b)
- gen += (b -> g)
- kill += (b -> k)
- }
- init {
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- worklist += b
- in(b) = lattice.bottom
- out(b) = lattice.bottom
- }
- }
- }
- import opcodes._
- /** Return the gen and kill sets for this block. */
- def genAndKill(b: BasicBlock): (Set[Local], Set[Local]) = {
- var genSet = new ListSet[Local]
- var killSet = new ListSet[Local]
- for (i <- b) i match {
- case LOAD_LOCAL(local) if (!killSet(local)) => genSet = genSet + local
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) if (!genSet(local)) => killSet = killSet + local
- case _ => ()
- }
- (genSet, killSet)
- }
- override def run() {
- backwardAnalysis(blockTransfer)
- if (settings.debug) {
- linearizer.linearize(method).foreach(b => if (b != method.startBlock)
- assert(lattice.bottom != in(b),
- "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited?"))
- }
- }
- def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, out: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem =
- gen(b) ++ (out -- kill(b))
- /** Abstract interpretation for one instruction. Very important:
- * liveness is a backward DFA, so this method should be used to compute
- * liveness *before* the given instruction `i`.
- */
- def interpret(out: lattice.Elem, i: Instruction): lattice.Elem = {
- debuglog("- " + i + "\nout: " + out + "\n")
- i match {
- case LOAD_LOCAL(l) => out + l
- case STORE_LOCAL(l) => out - l
- case _ => out
- }
- }
- override def toString() =
- (method.blocks map (b => "\nlive-in(%s)=%s\nlive-out(%s)=%s".format(b, in(b), b, out(b)))).mkString
- } /* Liveness analysis */
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/LubException.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/LubException.scala
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index e91bf7a044..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/LubException.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend.icode.analysis
-class LubException(a: Any, b: Any, msg: String) extends Exception {
- override def toString() = "Lub error: " + msg + a + b
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-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend.icode.analysis
-/** Program points are locations in the program where we want to
- * assert certain properties through data flow analysis, e.g.
- * basic blocks.
- */
-trait ProgramPoint[a <: ProgramPoint[a]] {
- def predecessors: List[a]
- def successors: List[a]
- def exceptionHandlerStart: Boolean
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-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend.icode
-package analysis
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import immutable.ListSet
-/** Compute reaching definitions. We are only interested in reaching
- * definitions for local variables, since values on the stack
- * behave as-if in SSA form: the closest instruction which produces a value
- * on the stack is a reaching definition.
- */
-abstract class ReachingDefinitions {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- import icodes._
- /** The lattice for reaching definitions. Elements are
- * a triple (local variable, basic block, index of instruction of that basic block)
- */
- object rdefLattice extends SemiLattice {
- type Definition = (Local, BasicBlock, Int)
- type Elem = IState[ListSet[Definition], Stack]
- type StackPos = ListSet[(BasicBlock, Int)]
- type Stack = List[StackPos]
- private def referenceEqualSet(name: String) = new ListSet[Definition] with ReferenceEquality {
- override def toString = "<" + name + ">"
- }
- val top: Elem = IState(referenceEqualSet("top"), Nil)
- val bottom: Elem = IState(referenceEqualSet("bottom"), Nil)
- /** The least upper bound is set inclusion for locals, and pairwise set inclusion for stacks. */
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem): Elem = {
- if (bottom == a) b
- else if (bottom == b) a
- else IState(a.vars ++ b.vars,
- if (a.stack.isEmpty) b.stack
- else if (b.stack.isEmpty) a.stack
- else {
- // !!! These stacks are with some frequency not of the same size.
- // I can't reverse engineer the logic well enough to say whether this
- // indicates a problem. Even if it doesn't indicate a problem,
- // it'd be nice not to call zip with mismatched sequences because
- // it makes it harder to spot the real problems.
- val result = (a.stack, b.stack).zipped map (_ ++ _)
- if (settings.debug && (a.stack.length != b.stack.length))
- devWarning(s"Mismatched stacks in ReachingDefinitions#lub2: ${a.stack}, ${b.stack}, returning $result")
- result
- }
- )
- }
- }
- class ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis extends DataFlowAnalysis[rdefLattice.type] {
- type P = BasicBlock
- val lattice = rdefLattice
- import lattice.{ Definition, Stack, Elem, StackPos }
- var method: IMethod = _
- val gen = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, ListSet[Definition]]()
- val kill = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, ListSet[Local]]()
- val drops = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Int]()
- val outStack = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Stack]()
- def init(m: IMethod) {
- this.method = m
- gen.clear()
- kill.clear()
- drops.clear()
- outStack.clear()
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- val (g, k) = genAndKill(b)
- val (d, st) = dropsAndGen(b)
- gen += (b -> g)
- kill += (b -> k)
- drops += (b -> d)
- outStack += (b -> st)
- }
- init {
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- worklist += b
- in(b) = lattice.bottom
- out(b) = lattice.bottom
- }
- m.exh foreach { e =>
- in(e.startBlock) = lattice.IState(new ListSet[Definition], List(new StackPos))
- }
- }
- }
- import opcodes._
- def genAndKill(b: BasicBlock): (ListSet[Definition], ListSet[Local]) = {
- var genSet = ListSet[Definition]()
- var killSet = ListSet[Local]()
- for ((STORE_LOCAL(local), idx) <- b.toList.zipWithIndex) {
- killSet = killSet + local
- genSet = updateReachingDefinition(b, idx, genSet)
- }
- (genSet, killSet)
- }
- private def dropsAndGen(b: BasicBlock): (Int, Stack) = {
- var depth, drops = 0
- var stackOut: Stack = Nil
- for ((instr, idx) <- b.toList.zipWithIndex) {
- instr match {
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) => ()
- case _ if instr.consumed > depth =>
- drops += (instr.consumed - depth)
- depth = 0
- stackOut = Nil
- case _ =>
- stackOut = stackOut.drop(instr.consumed)
- depth -= instr.consumed
- }
- var prod = instr.produced
- depth += prod
- while (prod > 0) {
- stackOut ::= ListSet((b, idx))
- prod -= 1
- }
- }
-// Console.println("drops(" + b + ") = " + drops)
-// Console.println("stackout(" + b + ") = " + stackOut)
- (drops, stackOut)
- }
- override def run() {
- forwardAnalysis(blockTransfer)
- if (settings.debug) {
- linearizer.linearize(method).foreach(b => if (b != method.startBlock)
- assert(lattice.bottom != in(b),
- "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited? " + in(b)
- + ": bot: " + lattice.bottom
- + "\nin(b) == bottom: " + (in(b) == lattice.bottom)
- + "\nbottom == in(b): " + (lattice.bottom == in(b))))
- }
- }
- import opcodes._
- import lattice.IState
- def updateReachingDefinition(b: BasicBlock, idx: Int, rd: ListSet[Definition]): ListSet[Definition] = {
- val STORE_LOCAL(local) = b(idx)
- val tmp = local
- (rd filter { case (l, _, _) => l != tmp }) + ((tmp, b, idx))
- }
- private def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, in: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem = {
- var locals: ListSet[Definition] = (in.vars filter { case (l, _, _) => !kill(b)(l) }) ++ gen(b)
- if (locals eq lattice.bottom.vars) locals = new ListSet[Definition]
- IState(locals, outStack(b) ::: in.stack.drop(drops(b)))
- }
- /** Return the reaching definitions corresponding to the point after idx. */
- def interpret(b: BasicBlock, idx: Int, in: lattice.Elem): Elem = {
- var locals = in.vars
- var stack = in.stack
- val instr = b(idx)
- instr match {
- case STORE_LOCAL(l1) =>
- locals = updateReachingDefinition(b, idx, locals)
- stack = stack.drop(instr.consumed)
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) =>
- stack = Nil
- case _ =>
- stack = stack.drop(instr.consumed)
- }
- var prod = instr.produced
- while (prod > 0) {
- stack ::= ListSet((b, idx))
- prod -= 1
- }
- IState(locals, stack)
- }
- /** Return the instructions that produced the 'm' elements on the stack, below given 'depth'.
- * for instance, findefs(bb, idx, 1, 1) returns the instructions that might have produced the
- * value found below the topmost element of the stack.
- */
- def findDefs(bb: BasicBlock, idx: Int, m: Int, depth: Int): List[(BasicBlock, Int)] = if (idx > 0) {
- assert(bb.closed, bb)
- val instrs = bb.getArray
- var res: List[(BasicBlock, Int)] = Nil
- var i = idx
- var n = m
- var d = depth
- // "I look for who produced the 'n' elements below the 'd' topmost slots of the stack"
- while (n > 0 && i > 0) {
- i -= 1
- val prod = instrs(i).produced
- if (prod > d) {
- res = (bb, i) :: res
- n = n - (prod - d)
- instrs(i) match {
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) => ()
- case _ => d = instrs(i).consumed
- }
- } else {
- d -= prod
- d += instrs(i).consumed
- }
- }
- if (n > 0) {
- val stack =
- assert(stack.length >= n, "entry stack is too small, expected: " + n + " found: " + stack)
- stack.drop(d).take(n) foreach { defs =>
- res = defs.toList ::: res
- }
- }
- res
- } else {
- val stack =
- assert(stack.length >= m, "entry stack is too small, expected: " + m + " found: " + stack)
- stack.drop(depth).take(m) flatMap (_.toList)
- }
- /** Return the definitions that produced the topmost 'm' elements on the stack,
- * and that reach the instruction at index 'idx' in basic block 'bb'.
- */
- def findDefs(bb: BasicBlock, idx: Int, m: Int): List[(BasicBlock, Int)] =
- findDefs(bb, idx, m, 0)
- override def toString: String = {
- if (method eq null) "<null>"
- else method.code.blocks map { b =>
- " entry(%s) = %s\n".format(b, in(b)) +
- " exit(%s) = %s\n".format(b, out(b))
- } mkString ("ReachingDefinitions {\n", "\n", "\n}")
- }
- }
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-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend.icode
-package analysis
-/** A complete lattice.
- */
-trait SemiLattice {
- type Elem <: AnyRef
- /** Hold together local variable and stack state. The
- * equals method uses reference equality for top and bottom,
- * and structural equality for other values.
- */
- final case class IState[V, S](vars: V, stack: S) {
- override def hashCode = vars.hashCode + stack.hashCode
- override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
- case x: IState[_, _] =>
- if ((this eq bottom) || (this eq top) || (x eq bottom) || (x eq top)) this eq x
- else stack == x.stack && vars == x.vars
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- private def tstring(x: Any): String = x match {
- case xs: TraversableOnce[_] => xs map tstring mkString " "
- case _ => "" + x
- }
- override def toString = "IState(" + tstring(vars) + ", " + tstring(stack) + ")"
- }
- /** Return the least upper bound of a and b. */
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem): Elem
- /** Return the top element. */
- def top: Elem
- /** Return the bottom element. */
- def bottom: Elem
- /** Compute the least upper bound of a list of elements. */
- def lub(xs: List[Elem], exceptional: Boolean): Elem =
- if (xs.isEmpty) bottom
- else try xs reduceLeft lub2(exceptional)
- catch { case e: LubException => Console.println("Lub on blocks: " + xs) ; throw e }
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-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala
-package tools.nsc
-package backend.icode.analysis
-import scala.collection.{mutable, immutable}
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
-/** A data-flow analysis on types, that works on `ICode`.
- *
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- */
-abstract class TypeFlowAnalysis {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- import definitions.{ ObjectClass, NothingClass, AnyRefClass, StringClass, ThrowableClass }
- /** The lattice of ICode types.
- */
- object typeLattice extends SemiLattice {
- type Elem = icodes.TypeKind
- val top = icodes.REFERENCE(ObjectClass)
- val bottom = icodes.REFERENCE(NothingClass)
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem) =
- if (a eq bottom) b
- else if (b eq bottom) a
- else icodes.lub(a, b)
- }
- /** The lattice of type stacks. It is a straight forward extension of
- * the type lattice (lub is pairwise lub of the list elements).
- */
- object typeStackLattice extends SemiLattice {
- import icodes._
- type Elem = TypeStack
- val top = new TypeStack
- val bottom = new TypeStack
- val exceptionHandlerStack = new TypeStack(List(REFERENCE(AnyRefClass)))
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(s1: TypeStack, s2: TypeStack) = {
- if (s1 eq bottom) s2
- else if (s2 eq bottom) s1
- else if ((s1 eq exceptionHandlerStack) || (s2 eq exceptionHandlerStack)) sys.error("merging with exhan stack")
- else {
-// if (s1.length != s2.length)
-// throw new CheckerException("Incompatible stacks: " + s1 + " and " + s2);
- new TypeStack((s1.types, s2.types).zipped map icodes.lub)
- }
- }
- }
- /** A map which returns the bottom type for unfound elements */
- class VarBinding extends mutable.HashMap[icodes.Local, icodes.TypeKind] {
- override def default(l: icodes.Local) = typeLattice.bottom
- def this(o: VarBinding) = {
- this()
- this ++= o
- }
- }
- /** The type flow lattice contains a binding from local variable
- * names to types and a type stack.
- */
- object typeFlowLattice extends SemiLattice {
- type Elem = IState[VarBinding, icodes.TypeStack]
- val top = new Elem(new VarBinding,
- val bottom = new Elem(new VarBinding, typeStackLattice.bottom)
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem) = {
- val IState(env1, _) = a
- val IState(env2, _) = b
- val resultingLocals = new VarBinding
- env1 foreach { case (k, v) =>
- resultingLocals += ((k, typeLattice.lub2(exceptional)(v, env2(k))))
- }
- env2 collect { case (k, v) if resultingLocals(k) eq typeLattice.bottom =>
- resultingLocals += ((k, typeLattice.lub2(exceptional)(v, env1(k))))
- }
- val stack =
- if (exceptional) typeStackLattice.exceptionHandlerStack
- else typeStackLattice.lub2(exceptional)(a.stack, b.stack)
- IState(resultingLocals, stack)
- }
- }
- val timer = new Timer
- class MethodTFA extends DataFlowAnalysis[typeFlowLattice.type] {
- import icodes._
- import icodes.opcodes._
- type P = BasicBlock
- val lattice = typeFlowLattice
- val STRING = icodes.REFERENCE(StringClass)
- var method: IMethod = _
- /** Initialize the in/out maps for the analysis of the given method. */
- def init(m: icodes.IMethod) {
- this.method = m
- //typeFlowLattice.lubs = 0
- init {
- worklist += m.startBlock
- worklist ++= (m.exh map (_.startBlock))
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- in(b) = typeFlowLattice.bottom
- out(b) = typeFlowLattice.bottom
- }
- // start block has var bindings for each of its parameters
- val entryBindings = new VarBinding ++= (m.params map (p => ((p, p.kind))))
- in(m.startBlock) = lattice.IState(entryBindings, typeStackLattice.bottom)
- m.exh foreach { e =>
- in(e.startBlock) = lattice.IState(in(e.startBlock).vars, typeStackLattice.exceptionHandlerStack)
- }
- }
- }
- def this(m: icodes.IMethod) {
- this()
- init(m)
- }
- def run() = {
- timer.start()
- // icodes.lubs0 = 0
- forwardAnalysis(blockTransfer)
- timer.stop
- if (settings.debug) {
- linearizer.linearize(method).foreach(b => if (b != method.startBlock)
- assert(visited.contains(b),
- "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited? .." + visited))
- }
- // log("" + method.symbol.fullName + " [" + method.code.blocks.size + " blocks] "
- // + "\n\t" + iterations + " iterations: " + t + " ms."
- // + "\n\tlubs: " + typeFlowLattice.lubs + " out of which " + icodes.lubs0 + " typer lubs")
- }
- def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, in: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem = {
- var result = lattice.IState(new VarBinding(in.vars), new TypeStack(in.stack))
- var instrs = b.toList
- while(!instrs.isEmpty) {
- val i = instrs.head
- result = mutatingInterpret(result, i)
- instrs = instrs.tail
- }
- result
- }
- /** Abstract interpretation for one instruction. */
- def interpret(in: typeFlowLattice.Elem, i: Instruction): typeFlowLattice.Elem = {
- val out = lattice.IState(new VarBinding(in.vars), new TypeStack(in.stack))
- mutatingInterpret(out, i)
- }
- def mutatingInterpret(out: typeFlowLattice.Elem, i: Instruction): typeFlowLattice.Elem = {
- val bindings = out.vars
- val stack = out.stack
- if (settings.debug) {
- // Console.println("[before] Stack: " + stack);
- // Console.println(i);
- }
- i match {
- case THIS(clasz) => stack push toTypeKind(clasz.tpe)
- case CONSTANT(const) => stack push toTypeKind(const.tpe)
- case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
- stack.pop2 match {
- case (idxKind, ARRAY(elem)) =>
- assert(idxKind == INT || idxKind == CHAR || idxKind == SHORT || idxKind == BYTE)
- stack.push(elem)
- case (_, _) =>
- stack.push(kind)
- }
- case LOAD_LOCAL(local) =>
- val t = bindings(local)
- stack push (if (t == typeLattice.bottom) local.kind else t)
- case LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
- if (!isStatic) { stack.pop }
- stack push toTypeKind(field.tpe)
- case LOAD_MODULE(module) => stack push toTypeKind(module.tpe)
- case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) => stack.pop3
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) => val t = stack.pop; bindings += (local -> t)
- case STORE_THIS(_) => stack.pop
- case STORE_FIELD(field, isStatic) => if (isStatic) stack.pop else stack.pop2
- case CALL_PRIMITIVE(primitive) =>
- primitive match {
- case Negation(kind) => stack.pop; stack.push(kind)
- case Test(_, kind, zero) =>
- stack.pop
- if (!zero) { stack.pop }
- stack push BOOL
- case Comparison(_, _) => stack.pop2; stack push INT
- case Arithmetic(op, kind) =>
- stack.pop
- if (op != NOT) { stack.pop }
- val k = kind match {
- case BYTE | SHORT | CHAR => INT
- case _ => kind
- }
- stack push k
- case Logical(op, kind) => stack.pop2; stack push kind
- case Shift(op, kind) => stack.pop2; stack push kind
- case Conversion(src, dst) => stack.pop; stack push dst
- case ArrayLength(kind) => stack.pop; stack push INT
- case StartConcat => stack.push(ConcatClass)
- case EndConcat => stack.pop; stack.push(STRING)
- case StringConcat(el) => stack.pop2; stack push ConcatClass
- }
- case cm @ CALL_METHOD(_, _) =>
- stack pop cm.consumed
- cm.producedTypes foreach (stack push _)
- case BOX(kind) => stack.pop; stack.push(BOXED(kind))
- case UNBOX(kind) => stack.pop; stack.push(kind)
- case NEW(kind) => stack.push(kind)
- case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, dims) => stack.pop(dims); stack.push(ARRAY(elem))
- case IS_INSTANCE(tpe) => stack.pop; stack.push(BOOL)
- case CHECK_CAST(tpe) => stack.pop; stack.push(tpe)
- case _: SWITCH => stack.pop
- case _: JUMP => ()
- case _: CJUMP => stack.pop2
- case _: CZJUMP => stack.pop
- case RETURN(kind) => if (kind != UNIT) { stack.pop }
- case THROW(_) => stack.pop
- case DROP(kind) => stack.pop
- case DUP(kind) => stack.push(stack.head)
- case MONITOR_ENTER() | MONITOR_EXIT() => stack.pop
- case SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) => ()
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(clasz) =>
- stack.pop(stack.length)
- stack.push(toTypeKind(clasz.tpe))
- case _ =>
- dumpClassesAndAbort("Unknown instruction: " + i)
- }
- out
- } // interpret
- abstract class InferredType {
- /** Return the type kind pointed by this inferred type. */
- def getKind(in: lattice.Elem): icodes.TypeKind = this match {
- case Const(k) =>
- k
- case TypeOfVar(l: icodes.Local) =>
- if (in.vars.isDefinedAt(l)) in.vars(l) else l.kind
- case TypeOfStackPos(n: Int) =>
- assert(in.stack.length >= n)
- in.stack(n)
- }
- }
- /** A type that does not depend on input to the transfer function. */
- case class Const(t: icodes.TypeKind) extends InferredType
- /** The type of a given local variable. */
- case class TypeOfVar(l: icodes.Local) extends InferredType
- /** The type found at a stack position. */
- case class TypeOfStackPos(n: Int) extends InferredType
- abstract class Gen
- case class Bind(l: icodes.Local, t: InferredType) extends Gen
- case class Push(t: InferredType) extends Gen
- /** A flow transfer function of a basic block. */
- class TransferFunction(consumed: Int, gens: List[Gen]) extends (lattice.Elem => lattice.Elem) {
- def apply(in: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem = {
- val out = lattice.IState(new VarBinding(in.vars), new TypeStack(in.stack))
- val stack = out.stack
- out.stack.pop(consumed)
- for (g <- gens) g match {
- case Bind(l, t) =>
- out.vars += (l -> t.getKind(in))
- case Push(t) =>
- stack.push(t.getKind(in))
- }
- out
- }
- }
- }
- case class CallsiteInfo(bb: icodes.BasicBlock, receiver: Symbol, stackLength: Int, concreteMethod: Symbol)
- /**
- A full type-flow analysis on a method computes in- and out-flows for each basic block (that's what MethodTFA does).
- For the purposes of Inliner, doing so guarantees that an abstract typestack-slot is available by the time an inlining candidate (a CALL_METHOD instruction) is visited.
- This subclass (MTFAGrowable) of MethodTFA also aims at performing such analysis on CALL_METHOD instructions, with some differences:
- (a) early screening is performed while the type-flow is being computed (in an override of `blockTransfer`) by testing a subset of the conditions that Inliner checks later.
- The reasoning here is: if the early check fails at some iteration, there's no chance a follow-up iteration (with a yet more lub-ed typestack-slot) will succeed.
- Failure is sufficient to remove that particular CALL_METHOD from the typeflow's `remainingCALLs`.
- A forward note: in case inlining occurs at some basic block B, all blocks reachable from B get their CALL_METHOD instructions considered again as candidates
- (because of the more precise types that -- perhaps -- can be computed).
- (b) in case the early check does not fail, no conclusive decision can be made, thus the CALL_METHOD stays `isOnwatchlist`.
- In other words, `remainingCALLs` tracks those callsites that still remain as candidates for inlining, so that Inliner can focus on those.
- `remainingCALLs` also caches info about the typestack just before the callsite, so as to spare computing them again at inlining time.
- Besides caching, a further optimization involves skipping those basic blocks whose in-flow and out-flow isn't needed anyway (as explained next).
- A basic block lacking a callsite in `remainingCALLs`, when visited by the standard algorithm, won't cause any inlining.
- But as we know from the way type-flows are computed, computing the in- and out-flow for a basic block relies in general on those of other basic blocks.
- In detail, we want to focus on that sub-graph of the CFG such that control flow may reach a remaining candidate callsite.
- Those basic blocks not in that subgraph can be skipped altogether. That's why:
- - `forwardAnalysis()` in `MTFAGrowable` now checks for inclusion of a basic block in `relevantBBs`
- - same check is performed before adding a block to the worklist, and as part of choosing successors.
- The bookkeeping supporting on-the-fly pruning of irrelevant blocks requires overriding most methods of the dataflow-analysis.
- The rest of the story takes place in Inliner, which does not visit all of the method's basic blocks but only on those represented in `remainingCALLs`.
- @author Miguel Garcia,
- */
- class MTFAGrowable extends MethodTFA {
- import icodes._
- val remainingCALLs = mutable.Map.empty[opcodes.CALL_METHOD, CallsiteInfo]
- val preCandidates = mutable.Set.empty[BasicBlock]
- var callerLin: Traversable[BasicBlock] = null
- override def run {
- timer.start()
- forwardAnalysis(blockTransfer)
- timer.stop
- /* Now that `forwardAnalysis(blockTransfer)` has finished, all inlining candidates can be found in `remainingCALLs`,
- whose keys are callsites and whose values are pieces of information about the typestack just before the callsite in question.
- In order to keep `analyzeMethod()` simple, we collect in `preCandidates` those basic blocks containing at least one candidate. */
- preCandidates.clear()
- for(rc <- remainingCALLs) {
- preCandidates +=
- }
- if (settings.debug) {
- for(b <- callerLin; if (b != method.startBlock) && preCandidates(b)) {
- assert(visited.contains(b),
- "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited? .." + visited)
- }
- }
- }
- var shrinkedWatchlist = false
- /*
- This is the method where information cached elsewhere is put to use. References are given those other places that populate those caches.
- The goal is avoiding computing type-flows for blocks we don't need (ie blocks not tracked in `relevantBBs`). The method used to add to `relevantBBs` is `putOnRadar`.
- Moreover, it's often the case that the last CALL_METHOD of interest ("of interest" equates to "being tracked in `isOnWatchlist`) isn't the last instruction on the block.
- There are cases where the typeflows computed past this `lastInstruction` are needed, and cases when they aren't.
- The reasoning behind this decision is described in `populatePerimeter()`. All `blockTransfer()` needs to do (in order to know at which instruction it can stop)
- is querying `isOnPerimeter`.
- Upon visiting a CALL_METHOD that's an inlining candidate, the relevant pieces of information about the pre-instruction typestack are collected for future use.
- That is, unless the candidacy test fails. The reasoning here is: if such early check fails at some iteration, there's no chance a follow-up iteration
- (with a yet more lub-ed typestack-slot) will succeed. In case of failure we can safely remove the CALL_METHOD from both `isOnWatchlist` and `remainingCALLs`.
- */
- override def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, in: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem = {
- var result = lattice.IState(new VarBinding(in.vars), new TypeStack(in.stack))
- val stopAt = if(isOnPerimeter(b)) lastInstruction(b) else null
- var isPastLast = false
- var instrs = b.toList
- while(!isPastLast && !instrs.isEmpty) {
- val i = instrs.head
- if(isOnWatchlist(i)) {
- val cm = i.asInstanceOf[opcodes.CALL_METHOD]
- val msym = cm.method
- val paramsLength =
- val receiver = result.stack.types.drop(paramsLength).head match {
- case REFERENCE(s) => s
- case _ => NoSymbol // e.g. the scrutinee is BOX(s) or ARRAY
- }
- val concreteMethod = inliner.lookupImplFor(msym, receiver)
- val isCandidate = {
- ( inliner.isClosureClass(receiver) || concreteMethod.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden || receiver.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden ) &&
- !blackballed(concreteMethod)
- }
- if(isCandidate) {
- remainingCALLs(cm) = CallsiteInfo(b, receiver, result.stack.length, concreteMethod)
- } else {
- remainingCALLs.remove(cm)
- isOnWatchlist.remove(cm)
- shrinkedWatchlist = true
- }
- }
- isPastLast = (i eq stopAt)
- if(!isPastLast) {
- result = mutatingInterpret(result, i)
- instrs = instrs.tail
- }
- }
- result
- } // end of method blockTransfer
- val isOnWatchlist = mutable.Set.empty[Instruction]
- val warnIfInlineFails = mutable.Set.empty[opcodes.CALL_METHOD] // cache for a given IMethod (ie cleared on Inliner.analyzeMethod).
- /* Each time CallerCalleeInfo.isSafeToInline determines a concrete callee is unsafe to inline in the current caller,
- the fact is recorded in this TFA instance for the purpose of avoiding devoting processing to that callsite next time.
- The condition of "being unsafe to inline in the current caller" sticks across inlinings and TFA re-inits
- because it depends on the instructions of the callee, which stay unchanged during the course of `analyzeInc(caller)`
- (with the caveat of the side-effecting `makePublic` in `helperIsSafeToInline`).*/
- val knownUnsafe = mutable.Set.empty[Symbol]
- val knownSafe = mutable.Set.empty[Symbol]
- val knownNever = mutable.Set.empty[Symbol] // `knownNever` needs be cleared only at the very end of the inlining phase (unlike `knownUnsafe` and `knownSafe`)
- final def blackballed(msym: Symbol): Boolean = { knownUnsafe(msym) || knownNever(msym) }
- val relevantBBs = mutable.Set.empty[BasicBlock]
- /*
- * Rationale to prevent some methods from ever being inlined:
- *
- * (1) inlining getters and setters results in exposing a private field,
- * which may itself prevent inlining of the caller (at best) or
- * lead to situations like SI-5442 ("IllegalAccessError when mixing optimized and unoptimized bytecode")
- *
- * (2) only invocations having a receiver object are considered (ie no static-methods are ever inlined).
- * This is taken care of by checking `isDynamic` (ie virtual method dispatch) and `Static(true)` (ie calls to private members)
- */
- private def isPreCandidate(cm: opcodes.CALL_METHOD): Boolean = {
- val msym = cm.method
- val style =
- !blackballed(msym) &&
- !msym.isConstructor &&
- (!msym.isAccessor || inliner.isClosureClass(msym.owner)) &&
- (style.isDynamic || (style.hasInstance && style.isStatic))
- }
- override def init(m: icodes.IMethod) {
- super.init(m)
- remainingCALLs.clear()
- knownUnsafe.clear()
- knownSafe.clear()
- // initially populate the watchlist with all callsites standing a chance of being inlined
- isOnWatchlist.clear()
- relevantBBs.clear()
- warnIfInlineFails.clear()
- /* TODO Do we want to perform inlining in non-finally exception handlers?
- * Seems counterproductive (the larger the method the less likely it will be JITed.
- * It's not that putting on radar only `linearizer linearizeAt (m, m.startBlock)` makes for much shorter inlining times (a minor speedup nonetheless)
- * but the effect on method size could be explored. */
- putOnRadar(m.linearizedBlocks(linearizer))
- populatePerimeter()
- // usually but not always true (counterexample in SI-6015) `(relevantBBs.isEmpty || relevantBBs.contains(m.startBlock))`
- }
- def conclusives(b: BasicBlock): List[opcodes.CALL_METHOD] = {
- knownBeforehand(b) filter { cm => inliner.isMonadicMethod(cm.method) || inliner.hasInline(cm.method) }
- }
- def knownBeforehand(b: BasicBlock): List[opcodes.CALL_METHOD] = {
- b.toList collect { case c : opcodes.CALL_METHOD => c } filter { cm => isPreCandidate(cm) && isReceiverKnown(cm) }
- }
- private def isReceiverKnown(cm: opcodes.CALL_METHOD): Boolean = {
- cm.method.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden && cm.method.owner.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden
- }
- private def putOnRadar(blocks: Traversable[BasicBlock]) {
- for(bb <- blocks) {
- val calls = bb.toList collect { case cm : opcodes.CALL_METHOD => cm }
- for(c <- calls; if(inliner.hasInline(c.method))) {
- warnIfInlineFails += c
- }
- val preCands = calls filter isPreCandidate
- isOnWatchlist ++= preCands
- }
- relevantBBs ++= blocks
- }
- /* those BBs in the argument are also included in the result */
- private def transitivePreds(starters: Traversable[BasicBlock]): Set[BasicBlock] = {
- val result = mutable.Set.empty[BasicBlock]
- var toVisit: List[BasicBlock] = starters.toList.distinct
- while(toVisit.nonEmpty) {
- val h = toVisit.head
- toVisit = toVisit.tail
- result += h
- for(p <- h.predecessors; if !result(p) && !toVisit.contains(p)) { toVisit = p :: toVisit }
- }
- result.toSet
- }
- /* A basic block B is "on the perimeter" of the current control-flow subgraph if none of its successors belongs to that subgraph.
- * In that case, for the purposes of inlining, we're interested in the typestack right before the last inline candidate in B, not in those afterwards.
- * In particular we can do without computing the outflow at B. */
- private def populatePerimeter() {
- isOnPerimeter.clear()
- var done = true
- do {
- val (frontier, toPrune) = (relevantBBs filter hasNoRelevantSuccs) partition isWatching
- isOnPerimeter ++= frontier
- relevantBBs --= toPrune
- done = toPrune.isEmpty
- } while(!done)
- lastInstruction.clear()
- for (b <- isOnPerimeter; lastIns = b.toList.reverse find isOnWatchlist) {
- lastInstruction += (b -> lastIns.get.asInstanceOf[opcodes.CALL_METHOD])
- }
- // assertion: "no relevant block can have a predecessor that is on perimeter"
- assert((for (b <- relevantBBs; if transitivePreds(b.predecessors) exists isOnPerimeter) yield b).isEmpty)
- }
- private val isOnPerimeter = mutable.Set.empty[BasicBlock]
- private val lastInstruction = mutable.Map.empty[BasicBlock, opcodes.CALL_METHOD]
- def hasNoRelevantSuccs(x: BasicBlock): Boolean = { !(x.successors exists relevantBBs) }
- def isWatching(x: BasicBlock): Boolean = (x.toList exists isOnWatchlist)
- /**
- This method is invoked after one or more inlinings have been performed in basic blocks whose in-flow is non-bottom (this makes a difference later).
- What we know about those inlinings is given by:
- - `staleOut`: These are the blocks where a callsite was inlined.
- For each callsite, all instructions in that block before the callsite were left in the block, and the rest moved to an `afterBlock`.
- The out-flow of these basic blocks is thus in general stale, that's why we'll add them to the TFA worklist.
- - `inlined` : These blocks were spliced into the method's CFG as part of inlining. Being new blocks, they haven't been visited yet by the typeflow analysis.
- - `staleIn` : These blocks are what `doInline()` calls `afterBlock`s, ie the new home for instructions that previously appeared
- after a callsite in a `staleOut` block.
- Based on the above information, we have to bring up-to-date the caches that `forwardAnalysis` and `blockTransfer` use to skip blocks and instructions.
- Those caches are `relevantBBs` and `isOnPerimeter` (for blocks) and `isOnWatchlist` and `lastInstruction` (for CALL_METHODs).
- Please notice that all `inlined` and `staleIn` blocks are reachable from `staleOut` blocks.
- The update takes place in two steps:
- (1) `staleOut foreach { so => putOnRadar(linearizer linearizeAt (m, so)) }`
- This results in initial populations for `relevantBBs` and `isOnWatchlist`.
- Because of the way `isPreCandidate` reuses previous decision-outcomes that are still valid,
- this already prunes some candidates standing no chance of being inlined.
- (2) `populatePerimeter()`
- Based on the CFG-subgraph determined in (1) as reflected in `relevantBBs`,
- this method detects some blocks whose typeflows aren't needed past a certain CALL_METHOD
- (not needed because none of its successors is relevant for the purposes of inlining, see `hasNoRelevantSuccs`).
- The blocks thus chosen are said to be "on the perimeter" of the CFG-subgraph.
- For each of them, its `lastInstruction` (after which no more typeflows are needed) is found.
- */
- def reinit(m: icodes.IMethod, staleOut: List[BasicBlock], inlined: scala.collection.Set[BasicBlock], staleIn: scala.collection.Set[BasicBlock]) {
- if (this.method == null || this.method.symbol != m.symbol) {
- init(m)
- return
- } else if(staleOut.isEmpty && inlined.isEmpty && staleIn.isEmpty) {
- // this promotes invoking reinit if in doubt, no performance degradation will ensue!
- return
- }
- worklist.clear() // calling reinit(f: => Unit) would also clear visited, thus forgetting about blocks visited before reinit.
- // asserts conveying an idea what CFG shapes arrive here:
- // staleIn foreach (p => assert( !in.isDefinedAt(p), p))
- // staleIn foreach (p => assert(!out.isDefinedAt(p), p))
- // inlined foreach (p => assert( !in.isDefinedAt(p), p))
- // inlined foreach (p => assert(!out.isDefinedAt(p), p))
- // inlined foreach (p => assert(!p.successors.isEmpty || p.lastInstruction.isInstanceOf[icodes.opcodes.THROW], p))
- // staleOut foreach (p => assert( in.isDefinedAt(p), p))
- // remainingCALLs.clear()
- isOnWatchlist.clear()
- relevantBBs.clear()
- // never rewrite in(m.startBlock)
- staleOut foreach { b =>
- enqueue(b)
- out(b) = typeFlowLattice.bottom
- }
- // nothing else is added to the worklist, bb's reachable via succs will be tfa'ed
- blankOut(inlined)
- blankOut(staleIn)
- // no need to add startBlocks from m.exh
- staleOut foreach { so => putOnRadar(linearizer linearizeAt (m, so)) }
- populatePerimeter()
- } // end of method reinit
- /* this is not a general purpose method to add to the worklist,
- * because the assert is expected to hold only when called from MTFAGrowable.reinit() */
- private def enqueue(b: BasicBlock) {
- assert(in(b) ne typeFlowLattice.bottom)
- if(!worklist.contains(b)) { worklist += b }
- }
- private def blankOut(blocks: scala.collection.Set[BasicBlock]) {
- blocks foreach { b =>
- in(b) = typeFlowLattice.bottom
- out(b) = typeFlowLattice.bottom
- }
- }
- /*
- This is basically the plain-old forward-analysis part of a dataflow algorithm,
- adapted to skip non-relevant blocks (as determined by `reinit()` via `populatePerimeter()`).
- The adaptations are:
- - only relevant blocks dequeued from the worklist move on to have the transfer function applied
- - `visited` now means the transfer function was applied to the block,
- but please notice that this does not imply anymore its out-flow to be different from bottom,
- because a block on the perimeter will have per-instruction typeflows computed only up to its `lastInstruction`.
- In case you need to know whether a visted block `v` has been "fully visited", evaluate `out(v) ne typeflowLattice.bottom`
- - given that the transfer function may remove callsite-candidates from the watchlist (thus, they are not candidates anymore)
- there's an opportunity to detect whether a previously relevant block has been left without candidates.
- That's what `shrinkedWatchlist` detects. Provided the block was on the perimeter, we know we can skip it from now now,
- and we can also constrain the CFG-subgraph by finding a new perimeter (thus the invocation to `populatePerimeter()`).
- */
- override def forwardAnalysis(f: (P, lattice.Elem) => lattice.Elem): Unit = {
- while (!worklist.isEmpty && relevantBBs.nonEmpty) {
- if (stat) iterations += 1
- val point =; worklist -= point
- if(relevantBBs(point)) {
- shrinkedWatchlist = false
- val output = f(point, in(point))
- visited += point
- if(isOnPerimeter(point)) {
- if(shrinkedWatchlist && !isWatching(point)) {
- relevantBBs -= point
- populatePerimeter()
- }
- } else {
- val propagate = ((lattice.bottom == out(point)) || output != out(point))
- if (propagate) {
- out(point) = output
- val succs = point.successors filter relevantBBs
- succs foreach { p =>
- assert((p.predecessors filter isOnPerimeter).isEmpty)
- val existing = in(p)
- // TODO move the following assertion to typeFlowLattice.lub2 for wider applicability (ie MethodTFA in addition to MTFAGrowable).
- assert(existing == lattice.bottom ||
- p.exceptionHandlerStart ||
- (output.stack.length == existing.stack.length),
- "Trying to merge non-bottom type-stacks with different stack heights. For a possible cause see SI-6157.")
- val updated = lattice.lub(List(output, existing), p.exceptionHandlerStart)
- if(updated != in(p)) {
- in(p) = updated
- enqueue(p)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- class Timer {
- var millis = 0L
- private var lastStart = 0L
- def start() {
- lastStart = System.nanoTime()
- }
- /** Stop the timer and return the number of milliseconds since the last
- * call to start. The 'millis' field is increased by the elapsed time.
- */
- def stop: Long = {
- val elapsed = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - lastStart)
- millis += elapsed
- elapsed
- }
- }