path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BackendReporting.scala
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authorLukas Rytz <>2015-03-11 11:38:17 -0700
committerLukas Rytz <>2015-03-11 15:18:22 -0700
commitf8731c5b17274d68de3469e34727e24a937ffc84 (patch)
treeee0659cee396cc334a3015c21c9c46cdbc83e847 /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BackendReporting.scala
parent57c07204ca452564b930085cfa9e8b099e45b2a9 (diff)
Issue inliner warnings for callsites that cannot be inlined
Issue precise warnings when the inliner fails to inline or analyze a callsite. Inline failures may have various causes, for example because some class cannot be found on the classpath when building the call graph. So we need to store problems that happen early in the optimizer (when building the necessary data structures, call graph, ClassBTypes) to be able to report them later in case the inliner accesses the related data. We use Either to store these warning messages. The commit introduces an implicit class `RightBiasedEither` to make Either easier to use for error propagation. This would be subsumed by a biased either in the standard library (or could use a Validation). The `info` of each ClassBType is now an Either. There are two cases where the info is not available: - The type info should be parsed from a classfile, but the class cannot be found on the classpath - SI-9111, the type of a Java source originating class symbol cannot be completed This means that the operations on ClassBType that query the info now return an Either, too. Each Callsite in the call graph now stores the source position of the call instruction. Since the call graph is built after code generation, we build a map from invocation nodes to positions during code gen and query it when building the call graph. The new inliner can report a large number of precise warnings when a callsite cannot be inlined, or if the inlining metadata cannot be computed precisely, for example due to a missing classfile. The new -Yopt-warnings multi-choice option allows configuring inliner warnings. By default (no option provided), a one-line summary is issued in case there were callsites annotated @inline that could not be inlined.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BackendReporting.scala')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BackendReporting.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BackendReporting.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a06fb4bab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BackendReporting.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+package backend.jvm
+import{AbstractInsnNode, MethodNode}
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
+ * Interface for emitting inline warnings. The interface is required because the implementation
+ * depends on Global, which is not available in BTypes (only in BTypesFromSymbols).
+ */
+sealed abstract class BackendReporting {
+ def inlinerWarning(pos: Position, message: String): Unit
+final class BackendReportingImpl(val global: Global) extends BackendReporting {
+ import global._
+ def inlinerWarning(pos: Position, message: String): Unit = {
+ currentRun.reporting.inlinerWarning(pos, message)
+ }
+ * Utilities for error reporting.
+ *
+ * Defines some tools to make error reporting with Either easier. Would be subsumed by a right-biased
+ * Either in the standard library (or scalaz \/) (Validation is different, it accumulates multiple
+ * errors).
+ */
+object BackendReporting {
+ def methodSignature(classInternalName: InternalName, name: String, desc: String) = {
+ classInternalName + "::" + name + desc
+ }
+ def methodSignature(classInternalName: InternalName, method: MethodNode): String = {
+ methodSignature(classInternalName,, method.desc)
+ }
+ def assertionError(message: String): Nothing = throw new AssertionError(message)
+ implicit class RightBiasedEither[A, B](val v: Either[A, B]) extends AnyVal {
+ def map[U](f: B => U) =
+ def flatMap[BB](f: B => Either[A, BB]) = v.right.flatMap(f)
+ def filter(f: B => Boolean)(implicit empty: A): Either[A, B] = v match {
+ case Left(_) => v
+ case Right(e) => if (f(e)) v else Left(empty) // scalaz.\/ requires an implicit Monoid m to get m.empty
+ }
+ def foreach[U](f: B => U) = v.right.foreach(f)
+ def getOrElse[BB >: B](alt: => BB): BB = v.right.getOrElse(alt)
+ /**
+ * Get the value, fail with an assertion if this is an error.
+ */
+ def get: B = {
+ assert(v.isRight, v.left.get)
+ v.right.get
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the right value of an `Either` by throwing a potential error message. Can simplify the
+ * implementation of methods that act on multiple `Either` instances. Instead of flat-mapping,
+ * the first error can be collected as
+ *
+ * tryEither {
+ * eitherOne.orThrow .... eitherTwo.orThrow ... eitherThree.orThrow
+ * }
+ */
+ def orThrow: B = v match {
+ case Left(m) => throw Invalid(m)
+ case Right(t) => t
+ }
+ }
+ case class Invalid[A](e: A) extends Exception
+ /**
+ * See documentation of orThrow above.
+ */
+ def tryEither[A, B](op: => Either[A, B]): Either[A, B] = try { op } catch { case Invalid(e) => Left(e.asInstanceOf[A]) }
+ final case class WarnSettings(atInlineFailed: Boolean, noInlineMixed: Boolean, noInlineMissingBytecode: Boolean, noInlineMissingScalaInlineInfoAttr: Boolean)
+ sealed trait OptimizerWarning {
+ def emitWarning(settings: WarnSettings): Boolean
+ }
+ // Method filter in RightBiasedEither requires an implicit empty value. Taking the value here
+ // in scope allows for-comprehensions that desugar into filter calls (for example when using a
+ // tuple de-constructor).
+ implicit object emptyOptimizerWarning extends OptimizerWarning {
+ def emitWarning(settings: WarnSettings): Boolean = false
+ }
+ sealed trait MissingBytecodeWarning extends OptimizerWarning {
+ override def toString = this match {
+ case ClassNotFound(internalName, definedInJavaSource) =>
+ s"The classfile for $internalName could not be found on the compilation classpath." + {
+ if (definedInJavaSource) "\nThe class is defined in a Java source file that is being compiled (mixed compilation), therefore no bytecode is available."
+ else ""
+ }
+ case MethodNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalName, missingClasses) =>
+ val (javaDef, others) = missingClasses.partition(_.definedInJavaSource)
+ s"The method $name$descriptor could not be found in the class $ownerInternalName or any of its parents." +
+ (if (others.isEmpty) "" else"\nNote that the following parent classes could not be found on the classpath: ", ", ", "")) +
+ (if (javaDef.isEmpty) "" else"\nNote that the following parent classes are defined in Java sources (mixed compilation), no bytecode is available: ", ",", ""))
+ case FieldNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalName, missingClass) =>
+ s"The field node $name$descriptor could not be found because the classfile $ownerInternalName cannot be found on the classpath." +
+ => s" Reason:\n$c").getOrElse("")
+ }
+ def emitWarning(settings: WarnSettings): Boolean = this match {
+ case ClassNotFound(_, javaDefined) =>
+ if (javaDefined) settings.noInlineMixed
+ else settings.noInlineMissingBytecode
+ case m @ MethodNotFound(_, _, _, missing) =>
+ if (m.isArrayMethod) false
+ else settings.noInlineMissingBytecode || missing.exists(_.emitWarning(settings))
+ case FieldNotFound(_, _, _, missing) =>
+ settings.noInlineMissingBytecode || missing.exists(_.emitWarning(settings))
+ }
+ }
+ case class ClassNotFound(internalName: InternalName, definedInJavaSource: Boolean) extends MissingBytecodeWarning
+ case class MethodNotFound(name: String, descriptor: String, ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor: InternalName, missingClasses: List[ClassNotFound]) extends MissingBytecodeWarning {
+ def isArrayMethod = ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor.charAt(0) == '['
+ }
+ case class FieldNotFound(name: String, descriptor: String, ownerInternalName: InternalName, missingClass: Option[ClassNotFound]) extends MissingBytecodeWarning
+ sealed trait NoClassBTypeInfo extends OptimizerWarning {
+ override def toString = this match {
+ case NoClassBTypeInfoMissingBytecode(cause) =>
+ cause.toString
+ case NoClassBTypeInfoClassSymbolInfoFailedSI9111(classFullName) =>
+ s"Failed to get the type of class symbol $classFullName due to SI-9111."
+ }
+ def emitWarning(settings: WarnSettings): Boolean = this match {
+ case NoClassBTypeInfoMissingBytecode(cause) => cause.emitWarning(settings)
+ case NoClassBTypeInfoClassSymbolInfoFailedSI9111(_) => settings.noInlineMissingBytecode
+ }
+ }
+ case class NoClassBTypeInfoMissingBytecode(cause: MissingBytecodeWarning) extends NoClassBTypeInfo
+ case class NoClassBTypeInfoClassSymbolInfoFailedSI9111(classFullName: String) extends NoClassBTypeInfo
+ /**
+ * Used in the CallGraph for nodes where an issue occurred determining the callee information.
+ */
+ sealed trait CalleeInfoWarning extends OptimizerWarning {
+ def declarationClass: InternalName
+ def name: String
+ def descriptor: String
+ def warningMessageSignature = BackendReporting.methodSignature(declarationClass, name, descriptor)
+ override def toString = this match {
+ case MethodInlineInfoIncomplete(_, _, _, cause) =>
+ s"The inline information for $warningMessageSignature may be incomplete:\n" + cause
+ case MethodInlineInfoMissing(_, _, _, cause) =>
+ s"No inline information for method $warningMessageSignature could be found." +
+" Possible reason:\n" + _).getOrElse("")
+ case MethodInlineInfoError(_, _, _, cause) =>
+ s"Error while computing the inline information for method $warningMessageSignature:\n" + cause
+ case RewriteTraitCallToStaticImplMethodFailed(_, _, _, cause) =>
+ cause.toString
+ }
+ def emitWarning(settings: WarnSettings): Boolean = this match {
+ case MethodInlineInfoIncomplete(_, _, _, cause) => cause.emitWarning(settings)
+ case MethodInlineInfoMissing(_, _, _, Some(cause)) => cause.emitWarning(settings)
+ case MethodInlineInfoMissing(_, _, _, None) => settings.noInlineMissingBytecode
+ case MethodInlineInfoError(_, _, _, cause) => cause.emitWarning(settings)
+ case RewriteTraitCallToStaticImplMethodFailed(_, _, _, cause) => cause.emitWarning(settings)
+ }
+ }
+ case class MethodInlineInfoIncomplete(declarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String, cause: ClassInlineInfoWarning) extends CalleeInfoWarning
+ case class MethodInlineInfoMissing(declarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String, cause: Option[ClassInlineInfoWarning]) extends CalleeInfoWarning
+ case class MethodInlineInfoError(declarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String, cause: NoClassBTypeInfo) extends CalleeInfoWarning
+ case class RewriteTraitCallToStaticImplMethodFailed(declarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String, cause: OptimizerWarning) extends CalleeInfoWarning
+ sealed trait CannotInlineWarning extends OptimizerWarning {
+ def calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName
+ def name: String
+ def descriptor: String
+ def calleeMethodSig = BackendReporting.methodSignature(calleeDeclarationClass, name, descriptor)
+ override def toString = this match {
+ case IllegalAccessInstruction(_, _, _, callsiteClass, instruction) =>
+ s"The callee $calleeMethodSig contains the instruction ${AsmUtils.textify(instruction)}" +
+ s"\nthat would cause an IllegalAccessError when inlined into class $callsiteClass."
+ case IllegalAccessCheckFailed(_, _, _, callsiteClass, instruction, cause) =>
+ s"Failed to check if $calleeMethodSig can be safely inlined to $callsiteClass without causing an IllegalAccessError. Checking instruction ${AsmUtils.textify(instruction)} failed:\n" + cause
+ case MethodWithHandlerCalledOnNonEmptyStack(_, _, _, callsiteClass, callsiteName, callsiteDesc) =>
+ s"""The operand stack at the callsite in ${BackendReporting.methodSignature(callsiteClass, callsiteName, callsiteDesc)} contains more values than the
+ |arguments expected by the callee $calleeMethodSig. These values would be discarded
+ |when entering an exception handler declared in the inlined method.""".stripMargin
+ case SynchronizedMethod(_, _, _) =>
+ s"Method $calleeMethodSig cannot be inlined because it is synchronized."
+ }
+ def emitWarning(settings: WarnSettings): Boolean = this match {
+ case _: IllegalAccessInstruction | _: MethodWithHandlerCalledOnNonEmptyStack | _: SynchronizedMethod =>
+ settings.atInlineFailed
+ case IllegalAccessCheckFailed(_, _, _, _, _, cause) =>
+ cause.emitWarning(settings)
+ }
+ }
+ case class IllegalAccessInstruction(calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String,
+ callsiteClass: InternalName, instruction: AbstractInsnNode) extends CannotInlineWarning
+ case class IllegalAccessCheckFailed(calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String,
+ callsiteClass: InternalName, instruction: AbstractInsnNode, cause: OptimizerWarning) extends CannotInlineWarning
+ case class MethodWithHandlerCalledOnNonEmptyStack(calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String,
+ callsiteClass: InternalName, callsiteName: String, callsiteDesc: String) extends CannotInlineWarning
+ case class SynchronizedMethod(calleeDeclarationClass: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String) extends CannotInlineWarning
+ /**
+ * Used in the InlineInfo of a ClassBType, when some issue occurred obtaining the inline information.
+ */
+ sealed trait ClassInlineInfoWarning extends OptimizerWarning {
+ override def toString = this match {
+ case NoInlineInfoAttribute(internalName) =>
+ s"The Scala classfile $internalName does not have a ScalaInlineInfo attribute."
+ case ClassSymbolInfoFailureSI9111(classFullName) =>
+ s"Failed to get the type of a method of class symbol $classFullName due to SI-9111."
+ case ClassNotFoundWhenBuildingInlineInfoFromSymbol(missingClass) =>
+ s"Failed to build the inline information: $missingClass."
+ case UnknownScalaInlineInfoVersion(internalName, version) =>
+ s"Cannot read ScalaInlineInfo version $version in classfile $internalName. Use a more recent compiler."
+ }
+ def emitWarning(settings: WarnSettings): Boolean = this match {
+ case NoInlineInfoAttribute(_) => settings.noInlineMissingScalaInlineInfoAttr
+ case ClassNotFoundWhenBuildingInlineInfoFromSymbol(cause) => cause.emitWarning(settings)
+ case ClassSymbolInfoFailureSI9111(_) => settings.noInlineMissingBytecode
+ case UnknownScalaInlineInfoVersion(_, _) => settings.noInlineMissingScalaInlineInfoAttr
+ }
+ }
+ case class NoInlineInfoAttribute(internalName: InternalName) extends ClassInlineInfoWarning
+ case class ClassSymbolInfoFailureSI9111(classFullName: String) extends ClassInlineInfoWarning
+ case class ClassNotFoundWhenBuildingInlineInfoFromSymbol(missingClass: ClassNotFound) extends ClassInlineInfoWarning
+ case class UnknownScalaInlineInfoVersion(internalName: InternalName, version: Int) extends ClassInlineInfoWarning