path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/analysis/NullnessAnalyzer.scala
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authorLukas Rytz <>2015-04-30 14:11:57 +0200
committerLukas Rytz <>2015-05-22 17:42:53 +0200
commit57be8a33ebbc8e7a7d64404fe5db74ef895c5891 (patch)
tree6b900fe92ec797e7b17208ee85fb32dfe5c542d6 /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/analysis/NullnessAnalyzer.scala
parentbb302833c7bad6ff7591cdf6d10ec7ffdf683d6a (diff)
Nullness Analysis
Tracks nullness of values using an ASM analyzer. Tracking nullness requires alias tracking for local variables and stack values. For example, after an instance call, local variables that point to the same object as the receiver are treated not-null.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/analysis/NullnessAnalyzer.scala')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/analysis/NullnessAnalyzer.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/analysis/NullnessAnalyzer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18c17bc992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/analysis/NullnessAnalyzer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+package backend.jvm
+package analysis
+import java.util
+import scala.annotation.switch
+import{Type, Opcodes}
+import{MethodInsnNode, LdcInsnNode, AbstractInsnNode}
+import{Frame, Analyzer, Interpreter, Value}
+import BytecodeUtils._
+ * Some notes on the ASM ananlyzer framework.
+ *
+ * Value
+ * - Abstract, needs to be implemented for each analysis.
+ * - Represents the desired information about local variables and stack values, for example:
+ * - Is this value known to be null / not null?
+ * - What are the instructions that could potentially have produced this value?
+ *
+ * Interpreter
+ * - Abstract, needs to be implemented for each analysis. Sometimes one can subclass an existing
+ * interpreter, e.g., SourceInterpreter or BasicInterpreter.
+ * - Multiple abstract methods that receive an instruction and the instruction's input values, and
+ * return a value representing the result of that instruction.
+ * - Note: due to control flow, the interpreter can be invoked multiple times for the same
+ * instruction, until reaching a fixed point.
+ * - Abstract `merge` function that computes the least upper bound of two values. Used by
+ * Frame.merge (see below).
+ *
+ * Frame
+ * - Can be used directly for many analyses, no subclass required.
+ * - Every frame has an array of values: one for each local variable and for each stack slot.
+ * - A `top` index stores the index of the current stack top
+ * - NOTE: for a size-2 local variable at index i, the local variable at i+1 is set to an empty
+ * value. However, for a size-2 value at index i on the stack, the value at i+1 holds the next
+ * stack value.
+ * - Defines the `execute(instruction)` method.
+ * - executing mutates the state of the frame according to the effect of the instruction
+ * - pop consumed values from the stack
+ * - pass them to the interpreter together with the instruction
+ * - if applicable, push the resulting value on the stack
+ * - Defines the `merge(otherFrame)` method
+ * - called by the analyzer when multiple control flow paths lead to an instruction
+ * - the frame at the branching instruction is merged into the current frame of the
+ * instruction (held by the analyzer)
+ * - mutates the values of the current frame, merges all values using interpreter.merge.
+ *
+ * Analyzer
+ * - Stores a frame for each instruction
+ * - `merge` function takes an instruction and a frame, merges the existing frame for that instr
+ * (from the frames array) with the new frame passed as argument.
+ * if the frame changed, puts the instruction on the work queue (fixpiont).
+ * - initial frame: initialized for first instr by calling[...]Value
+ * for each slot (locals and params), stored in frames[firstInstr] by calling `merge`
+ * - work queue of instructions (`queue` array, `top` index for next instruction to analyze)
+ * - analyze(method): simulate control flow. while work queue non-empty:
+ * - copy the state of `frames[instr]` into a local frame `current`
+ * - call `current.execute(instr, interpreter)`, mutating the `current` frame
+ * - if it's a branching instruction
+ * - for all potential destination instructions
+ * - merge the destination instruction frame with the `current` frame
+ * (this enqueues the destination instr if its frame changed)
+ * - invoke `newControlFlowEdge` (see below)
+ * - the analyzer also tracks active exception handlers at each instruction
+ * - the empty method `newControlFlowEdge` can be overridden to track control flow if required
+ *
+ *
+ * Some notes on nullness analysis.
+ *
+ * For an instance method, `this` is non-null at entry. So we have to return a NotNull value when
+ * the analyzer is initializing the first frame of a method (see above). This required a change of
+ * the analyzer: before it would simply call `interpreter.newValue`, where we don't have the
+ * required context. See
+ *
+ * After some operations we know that a certain value is not null (e.g. the receiver of an instance
+ * call). However, the receiver is an value on the stack and consumed while interpreting the
+ * instruction - so we can only gain some knowledge if we know that the receiver was an alias of
+ * some other local variable or stack slot. Therefore we use the AliasingFrame class.
+ *
+ * TODO:
+ * Finally, we'd also like to exploit the knowledge gained from `if (x == null)` tests: x is known
+ * to be null in one branch, not null in the other. This will make use of alias tracking as well.
+ * We still have to figure out how to do this exactly in the analyzer framework.
+ */
+ * Type to represent nullness of values.
+ */
+sealed trait Nullness {
+ final def merge(other: Nullness) = if (this == other) this else Unknown
+case object NotNull extends Nullness
+case object Unknown extends Nullness
+case object Null extends Nullness
+ * Represents the nullness state for a local variable or stack value.
+ *
+ * Note that nullness of primitive values is not tracked, it will be always [[Unknown]].
+ *
+ * @param nullness The nullness of this value.
+ * @param longOrDouble True if this value is a long or double. The Analyzer framework needs to know
+ * the size of each value when interpreting instructions, see `Frame.execute`.
+ */
+final case class NullnessValue(nullness: Nullness, longOrDouble: Boolean) extends Value {
+ def this(nullness: Nullness, insn: AbstractInsnNode) = this(nullness, longOrDouble = BytecodeUtils.instructionResultSize(insn) == 2)
+ /**
+ * The size of the slot described by this value. Cannot be 0 because no values are allocated
+ * for void-typed slots, see NullnessInterpreter.newValue.
+ **/
+ def getSize: Int = if (longOrDouble) 2 else 1
+ def merge(other: NullnessValue) = NullnessValue(nullness merge other.nullness, longOrDouble)
+object NullnessValue {
+ def apply(nullness: Nullness, insn: AbstractInsnNode) = new NullnessValue(nullness, insn)
+final class NullnessInterpreter extends Interpreter[NullnessValue](Opcodes.ASM5) {
+ def newValue(tp: Type): NullnessValue = {
+ // ASM loves giving semantics to null. The behavior here is the same as in SourceInterpreter,
+ // which is provided by the framework.
+ //
+ // (1) For the void type, the ASM framework expects newValue to return `null`.
+ // Also, the Frame.returnValue field is `null` for methods with return type void.
+ // Example callsite passing VOID_TYPE: in Analyzer, `newValue(Type.getReturnType(m.desc))`.
+ //
+ // (2) `tp` may also be `null`. When creating the initial frame, the analyzer invokes
+ // `newValue(null)` for each local variable. We have to return a value of size 1.
+ if (tp == Type.VOID_TYPE) null // (1)
+ else NullnessValue(Unknown, longOrDouble = tp != null /*(2)*/ && tp.getSize == 2 )
+ }
+ override def newParameterValue(isInstanceMethod: Boolean, local: Int, tp: Type): NullnessValue = {
+ // For instance methods, the `this` parameter is known to be not null.
+ if (isInstanceMethod && local == 0) NullnessValue(NotNull, longOrDouble = false)
+ else super.newParameterValue(isInstanceMethod, local, tp)
+ }
+ def newOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode): NullnessValue = {
+ val nullness = (insn.getOpcode: @switch) match {
+ case Opcodes.ACONST_NULL => Null
+ case Opcodes.LDC => insn.asInstanceOf[LdcInsnNode].cst match {
+ case _: String | _: Type => NotNull
+ case _ => Unknown
+ }
+ case _ => Unknown
+ }
+ // for Opcodes.NEW, we use Unknown. The value will become NotNull after the constructor call.
+ NullnessValue(nullness, insn)
+ }
+ def copyOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value: NullnessValue): NullnessValue = value
+ def unaryOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value: NullnessValue): NullnessValue = (insn.getOpcode: @switch) match {
+ case Opcodes.NEWARRAY |
+ Opcodes.ANEWARRAY => NullnessValue(NotNull, longOrDouble = false)
+ case _ => NullnessValue(Unknown, insn)
+ }
+ def binaryOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value1: NullnessValue, value2: NullnessValue): NullnessValue = {
+ NullnessValue(Unknown, insn)
+ }
+ def ternaryOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value1: NullnessValue, value2: NullnessValue, value3: NullnessValue): NullnessValue = {
+ NullnessValue(Unknown, longOrDouble = false)
+ }
+ def naryOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, values: util.List[_ <: NullnessValue]): NullnessValue = (insn.getOpcode: @switch) match {
+ case Opcodes.MULTIANEWARRAY =>
+ NullnessValue(NotNull, longOrDouble = false)
+ case _ =>
+ // TODO: use a list of methods that are known to return non-null values
+ NullnessValue(Unknown, insn)
+ }
+ def returnOperation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, value: NullnessValue, expected: NullnessValue): Unit = ()
+ def merge(a: NullnessValue, b: NullnessValue): NullnessValue = a merge b
+class NullnessFrame(nLocals: Int, nStack: Int) extends AliasingFrame[NullnessValue](nLocals, nStack) {
+ // Auxiliary constructor required for implementing `NullnessAnalyzer.newFrame`
+ def this(src: Frame[_ <: NullnessValue]) {
+ this(src.getLocals, src.getMaxStackSize)
+ init(src)
+ }
+ override def execute(insn: AbstractInsnNode, interpreter: Interpreter[NullnessValue]): Unit = {
+ import Opcodes._
+ // get the object id of the object that is known to be not-null after this operation
+ val nullCheckedAliasId: Long = (insn.getOpcode: @switch) match {
+ case IALOAD |
+ aliasId(this.stackTop - 1)
+ case IASTORE |
+ aliasId(this.stackTop - 2)
+ case GETFIELD =>
+ aliasId(this.stackTop)
+ case PUTFIELD =>
+ aliasId(this.stackTop - 1)
+ val desc = insn.asInstanceOf[MethodInsnNode].desc
+ val numArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(desc).length
+ aliasId(this.stackTop - numArgs)
+ aliasId(this.stackTop)
+ case _ =>
+ -1
+ }
+ super.execute(insn, interpreter)
+ if (nullCheckedAliasId != -1) {
+ for (i <- valuesWithAliasId(nullCheckedAliasId))
+ this.setValue(i, this.getValue(i).copy(nullness = NotNull))
+ }
+ }
+ * This class is required to override the `newFrame` methods, which makes makes sure the analyzer
+ * uses NullnessFrames.
+ */
+class NullnessAnalyzer extends Analyzer[NullnessValue](new NullnessInterpreter) {
+ override def newFrame(nLocals: Int, nStack: Int): NullnessFrame = new NullnessFrame(nLocals, nStack)
+ override def newFrame(src: Frame[_ <: NullnessValue]): NullnessFrame = new NullnessFrame(src)