path: root/src/compiler
diff options
authorBurak Emir <>2007-09-26 08:36:54 +0000
committerBurak Emir <>2007-09-26 08:36:54 +0000
commitf25732f7d1d555240afd00298e2be8aa29672a42 (patch)
tree4e6afaea61b65199addde5f3ca9a9eff3d8110ee /src/compiler
parentb979e14d6e70039c9cd88091b9bdd108ecd7d0c4 (diff)
removed old pattern matcher (was dead code sinc...
removed old pattern matcher (was dead code since a while), rewrote some APIs to reflect the change
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler')
5 files changed, 63 insertions, 1877 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala
index ba7c802464..581d1e1332 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* @author Burak Emir
trait ParallelMatching {
- self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternMatchers with PatternNodes with CodeFactory =>
+ self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternNodes with CodeFactory =>
import global._
import typer.typed
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternMatchers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternMatchers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 780cc46b8c..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternMatchers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1327 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2007 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-// $Id$
-import{Position, NoPosition}
-/** This trait ...
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-trait PatternMatchers { self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternNodes with ParallelMatching =>
- import global._
- import typer.typed
- import symtab.Flags
- abstract class CantHandle // extends Exception
- object CantHandleSeq extends CantHandle
- object CantHandleUnapply extends CantHandle
- object CantHandleApply extends CantHandle
- object InternalError extends CantHandle
- object CantHandleIdent extends CantHandle
- object CantHandleGuard extends CantHandle
- object CantOptimize extends CantHandle
- //object CantHandleLiteral extends Exception
- var nPatterns = 0
- var nParallel = 0
- class PatternMatcher() {
- protected var optimize = true
- /** if this is false, will not check exhaustivity */
- protected var doCheckExhaustive = true
- /** the owner of the pattern matching expression
- */
- var owner:Symbol = _
- implicit def theOwner:Symbol = owner
- /** the selector expression
- */
- protected var selector: Tree = _
- /** the root of the pattern node structure
- */
- protected var root: PatternNode = _
- import global.{ definitions => defs }
- var handleOuter: Tree => Tree = _
- def initialize(selector: Tree, doCheckExhaustive: Boolean, owner: Symbol, _handleOuter:Tree=>Tree ): Unit = {
- this.owner = owner
- this.doCheckExhaustive = doCheckExhaustive
- this.selector = selector
- this.handleOuter = _handleOuter
- if (settings_debug) {
- Console.println("****")
- Console.println("**** initalize, selector = "+selector+" selector.tpe = "+selector.tpe)
- Console.println("**** doCheckExhaustive == "+doCheckExhaustive)
- }
- this.root = pConstrPat(selector.pos, selector.tpe.widen);
- this.root.and = pHeader(selector.pos,
- selector.tpe.widen,
- Ident(root.casted).setType(root.tpe));
- //Konsole.println("resultType = "+resultType);
- //this.optimize = this.optimize && ( == "jvm");
- }
- // factories
- def pSequencePat(pos: Position, tpe: Type, len: int) = new SequencePat(newVar(NoPosition, tpe), len) set ((pos,tpe))
- def pRightIgnoringSequencePat(pos: Position, tpe: Type, castedRest: Symbol, minlen: int) =
- new RightIgnoringSequencePat(newVar(NoPosition, tpe), castedRest, minlen) set ((pos,tpe))
- def pDefaultPat(pos: Position, tpe: Type) = new DefaultPat() set ((pos,tpe))
- def pConstrPat(pos: Position, tpe: Type) = new ConstrPat(newVar(pos, tpe)) set ((pos,tpe))
- def pUnapplyPat(pos: Position, fn: Tree) = {
- var tpe = defs.unapplyUnwrap(fn.tpe)
- if(defs.isOptionOrSomeType(tpe)) { tpe = tpe.typeArgs.head }
- new UnapplyPat(newVar(pos, tpe), fn) set ((pos,tpe))
- }
- def pConstantPat(pos: Position, tpe: Type, value: Any) = new ConstantPat(value) set ((pos,tpe))
- def pVariablePat(pos: Position, tree: Tree) = new VariablePat(tree) set ((pos,tree.tpe))
- def pAltPat(pos: Position, header: Header) = new AltPat(header) set ((pos, header.tpe))
- def pHeader(pos: Position, tpe: Type, selector: Tree) = new Header(selector, null) set ((pos,tpe))
- def pBody(pos: Position) = {
- val node = new Body(new Array[Array[ValDef]](0), new Array[Tree](0),new Array[Tree](0))
- node.pos = pos
- node
- }
- def pBody(pos: Position, bound: Array[ValDef], guard: Tree, body: Tree) = {
- val node = new Body(Array(bound), Array(guard), Array(body))
- node.pos = pos
- node
- }
- /** pretty printer */
- def print(): Unit = Console.println(root.and.print("", new StringBuilder()).toString())
- // states ---
- // states have constructors which implicitly get added to some set of states in scope
- // --- states
- var dfatree: Tree = null
- /** enters a sequence of cases into the pattern matcher */
- def construct(cases: List[Tree]): Unit = {
- nPatterns = nPatterns + 1
- if (settings_debug) {
- Console.println(cases.mkString("construct{{{\n","\n","\n}}}"))
- }
- if(settings_useParallel) {
- constructParallel(cases) match {
- case null => // ignore
- return
- case a:AssertionError =>
- cunit.error(cases.head.pos, "assertion failed while compiling this case")
- a.printStackTrace()
- throw FatalError("died in parallel match algorithm" )
- case _:AbstractMethodError =>
- cunit.error(cases.head.pos, "please recompile matcher component (explicitouter,patternmattcher, parallelmatching,codefactory)")
- throw FatalError("died in parallel match algorithm" )
- case n:NullPointerException =>
- cunit.error(cases.head.pos, "internal error (null pointer exception)")
- n.printStackTrace()
- throw FatalError("died in parallel match algorithm" )
- case _:OutOfMemoryError =>
- cunit.error(cases.head.pos, "internal error (out of memory in parallel match algorithm)")
- throw FatalError("died in parallel match algorithm" )
- case e:MatchError =>
- cunit.error(cases.head.pos, "internal error (match error in parallel match algorithm)"+e.getMessage)
- e.printStackTrace()
- throw FatalError("died in parallel match algorithm" )
- case e =>
- if(!settings_useIncr)
- throw new RuntimeException(e.toString)
- if (settings_debug) {
- Console.println("****")
- Console.println("**** falling back, cause " + e.toString )
- Console.println("****")
- for (CaseDef(pat,guard,_) <- cases)
- Console.println(pat.toString)
- }
- }
- }
- constructIncremental(cases)
- }
- def constructParallel(cases: List[Tree]): Any = {
- //var cases1 = cases; while(cases1 ne Nil) {
- // val c = cases1.head.asInstanceOf[CaseDef]
- //val e = isImplemented(c.pat, c.guard); if(e ne null) return e
- // cases1 = cases1.tail
- // }
- implicit val rep = new RepFactory(handleOuter)
- try {
- val irep = initRep(selector, cases, doCheckExhaustive, rep)
- val root = irep.temp.head
- implicit val fail: Tree = ThrowMatchError(selector.pos, mkIdent(root))
- val vdef = typed{ValDef(root, selector)}
- val mch = typed{repToTree(irep)}
- dfatree = typed{squeezedBlock(List(vdef), mch)}
- //DEBUG("**** finished\n"+dfatree.toString)
- var bx = 0; var cs = cases; while(cs ne Nil) {
- if(!rep.isReached(bx)) {
- cunit.error(cs.head.asInstanceOf[CaseDef].body.pos, "unreachable code")
- }
- cs = cs.tail
- bx += 1
- }
- dfatree = rep.cleanup(dfatree)
- resetTrav.traverse(dfatree)
- //constructParallel(cases) // ZZZ
- nParallel += 1
- return null
- } catch {
- //case e =>
- /*
- Console.println("!!!unit: "+cunit)
- Console.println("!!!selector.pos: "+selector.pos)
- cunit.warning(selector.pos, "going gaga here")
- Console.println("!!!problem: "+e.getMessage)
- */
- //Rep.cleanup()
- // return e // fallback
- //non-fallback:
- //case e: CantHandle => rep.cleanup(); return e
- case e => e.printStackTrace(); throw new FatalError(e.getMessage())
- }
- }
- /** constructs match-translation incrementally */
- private def constructIncremental(cases:List[Tree]) {
- doCheckExhaustive = false
- cases foreach enter
- }
- object resetTrav extends Traverser {
- override def traverse(x:Tree): unit = x match {
- case vd @ ValDef(_,_,_,_)=>
- if(vd.symbol.hasFlag(symtab.Flags.SYNTHETIC)) {
- vd.symbol.resetFlag(symtab.Flags.TRANS_FLAG)
- vd.symbol.resetFlag(symtab.Flags.MUTABLE)
- }
- case _ =>
- super.traverse(x)
- }
- }
- /*
- def isImplemented(xs:List[Tree], guard:Tree): CantHandle =
- if(xs eq Nil) null else {
- val e = isImplemented(xs.head, guard)
- if(e ne null) e else isImplemented(xs.tail, guard)
- }
- */
- /*
- def isImplemented(x:Tree,guard:Tree): CantHandle = {
- //Console.println("isImplemented? "+x)
- x match {
- case app @ Apply(fn,xs) =>
- if(!isCaseClass(app.tpe)) { //|| (fn.symbol ne null)
- //Console.println(app)
- //Console.println(app.tpe)
- //Console.println(app.symbol)
- //Console.println(fn.symbol)
- if(!xs.isEmpty) {
- assert(false, "this never happens")
- return CantHandleApply // this should never happen
- }
- null
- } else {
- isImplemented(xs, guard)
- }
- case p @ Ident(n) => null //if(guard eq EmptyTree) null else CantHandleGuard
- //case UnApply(fn,xs) => isImplemented(xs, guard)
- case UnApply(fn,xs) =>
- fn match {
- // List.unapply<...>(xs)
- case Apply(TypeApply(sel @ Select(stor, nme.unapplySeq),_),_) if(stor.symbol eq definitions.ListModule) =>
- (xs: @unchecked) match {
- case ArrayValue(_,ys)::Nil => isImplemented(ys, guard) // return {if(guard eq EmptyTree) isImplemented(ys, guard) else CantHandleGuard }
- }
- // ignore other unapplySeq occurrences, since will run into ArrayValue
- case _ =>
- return isImplemented(xs, guard)
- }
- case Bind(n, p) => isImplemented(p , guard)
- case Alternative(xs) => isImplemented(xs, guard)
- case p:Literal => null
- case p:Select => null // if(guard eq EmptyTree) null else CantHandleGuard
- case p:Typed => null // if(guard eq EmptyTree) null else CantHandleGuard
- // ArrayValue nodes can also appear in repeated parameter positions of case classes (e.g. xml.Elem)
- case av @ ArrayValue(_,xs) => null; //if(isRightIgnoring(av)) CantHandleSeq else isImplemented(xs,guard)
- //@todo
- //case av @ ArrayValue(_,xs) =>
- //Console.println("is Impl(av), typesym = "+av.tpe.typeSymbol+" of List?"+av.tpe.typeSymbol eq definitions.ListClass);
- //if(guard.isEmpty) isImplemented(xs, guard) else CantHandleSeq ; // null;
- //Console.println("PM:"+av+" isRI?"+isRightIgnoring(av))
- //if(isRightIgnoring(av)) CantHandleSeq else null // DEBUG
- case Star(t) => null //CantHandleSeq //isImplemented(t) //can't happen/ excluded by Transmatcher:isregular
- //case Sequence(trees) =>can't happen/ only appear below ArrayValue
- }
- }
- */
- /** enter a single case into the pattern matcher */
- protected def enter(caseDef: Tree): Unit = caseDef match {
- case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
- val env = new CaseEnv
- val target = enter1(pat, -1, root, root.casted, env)
- // if (target.and != null)
- // unit.error(pat.pos, "duplicate case");
- if (null == target.and)
- target.and = pBody(caseDef.pos, env.getBoundVars(), guard, body)
- else if (target.and.isInstanceOf[Body])
- updateBody(target.and.asInstanceOf[Body], env.getBoundVars(), guard, body)
- else target.and match {
- case _h: Header =>
- val h = _h.findLast;
- // target.and is a header
- //
- //print()
- //cunit.error(pat.pos, "duplicate case")
- h.or = pDefaultPat(caseDef.pos, target.tpe)
- h.or.and = pBody(caseDef.pos, env.getBoundVars(), guard, body)
- //print()
- //Console.println("tao = "+target.and.or)
- //Console.println("tao = "+target.and.or.or)
- case _ =>
- Predef.error("overlapping match at unit = " + cunit + "; cdef = " + caseDef)
- }
- }
- protected def updateBody(tree: Body, bound: Array[ValDef],
- guard: Tree, body: Tree): Unit =
- if (tree.guard(tree.guard.length - 1) == EmptyTree) {
- cunit.error(body.pos, "B unreachable code")
- } else {
- val bd = new Array[Array[ValDef]](tree.bound.length + 1)
- val ng = new Array[Tree](tree.guard.length + 1)
- val nb = new Array[Tree](tree.body.length + 1)
- Array.copy(tree.bound, 0, bd, 0, tree.bound.length)
- Array.copy(tree.guard, 0, ng, 0, tree.guard.length)
- Array.copy(tree.body, 0, nb, 0, tree.body.length)
- bd(bd.length - 1) = bound
- ng(ng.length - 1) = guard
- nb(nb.length - 1) = body
- tree.bound = bd
- tree.guard = ng
- tree.body = nb
- }
- protected def patternNode(tree:Tree , header:Header , env: CaseEnv ): PatternNode = {
- //Console.println("patternNode("+tree+","+header+")");
- //else scala.Predef.error("got null tree in patternNode");
- //Console.println("tree.tpe "+tree.tpe);
- //Console.println("tree.getClass() "+tree.getClass());
- val t = tree match {
- case Bind(name, Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpe)) => // x@_:Type
- // @note: safest! typer does not always use tpe.tpe, e.g. in the case of refinement type tests
- val tpe2test = tree.symbol.tpe
- // @note: if (isSubType(header.tpe, tpe2test)) then this will be translated to isNull test
- val node = pConstrPat(tree.pos, tpe2test)
- env.newBoundVar(tree.symbol, tpe2test, mkIdent(node.casted));
- node
- case Bind(name, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)) => // x @ _
- val node = pDefaultPat(tree.pos, header.tpe)
- if ((env ne null) && (tree.symbol != defs.PatternWildcard))
- env.newBoundVar( tree.symbol, tree.tpe, header.selector);
- node
- case Bind(name, pat) => // x @ p
- val node = patternNode(pat, header, env)
- if ((env ne null) && (tree.symbol != defs.PatternWildcard)) {
- val theValue = node.symbol2bind match {
- case NoSymbol => header.selector
- case x => mkIdent(x)
- }
- env.newBoundVar(tree.symbol, tree.tpe, theValue)
- }
- node
- case t @ UnApply(fn, args) =>
- pUnapplyPat(tree.pos, fn)
- case t @ Apply(fn, args) => // pattern with args
- //Console.println("Apply node: "+t);
- //Console.println("isSeqApply "+isSeqApply(t)); // todo:do seq applies still exist?
- if (isSeqApply(t)) {
- args(0) match {
- // case Sequence(ts)=>
- case av @ ArrayValue(_, ts)=>
- if(isRightIgnoring(av)) {
- //Console.println(av.toString()+" IS RIGHTIGNORING");
- val castedRest = ts.last match {
- case b:Bind => b.symbol
- case _ => null
- }
- pRightIgnoringSequencePat(tree.pos, tree.tpe, castedRest, ts.length-1);
- } else
- //Console.println(av.toString()+" IS N O T RIGHTIGNORING");
- pSequencePat(tree.pos, tree.tpe, ts.length);
- }
- } else if ((fn.symbol ne null) &&
- fn.symbol.isStable &&
- !(fn.symbol.isModule &&
- ((fn.symbol.flags & Flags.CASE) != 0))) {
- pVariablePat(tree.pos, tree);
- }
- else {
- /*
- Console.println("apply but not seqApply");
- Console.println("tree.tpe="+tree.tpe);
- Console.println("tree.symbol="+tree.symbol);
- */
- pConstrPat(tree.pos, tree.tpe);
- }
- case Typed(Ident( nme.WILDCARD ), tpe) => // x@_:Type
- val doTest = isSubType(header.tpe, tpe.tpe) // this is already an optimization
- if (doTest) pDefaultPat(tree.pos, tpe.tpe)
- else pConstrPat(tree.pos, tpe.tpe)
- case t @ Typed(ident, tpe) => // variable pattern
- // can't optimize using isSubType(header.tpe,tpe.tpe);
- // leave that (null check!) for later
- val node =
- pConstrPat(tree.pos, tpe.tpe)
- if (null != env) node match {
- case ConstrPat(casted) =>
- env.newBoundVar(t.expr.symbol,
- tpe.tpe,
- mkIdent( casted ));
- }
- node
- case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => pDefaultPat(tree.pos, header.tpe)
- case Ident(name) => // pattern without args or named constant
- assert(!tree.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor) // may not happen
- pVariablePat(tree.pos, tree); // named constant (capitalized variable Foo)
- case Select(_, name) => // named constant
- if (tree.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor)
- pConstrPat(tree.pos, tree.tpe)
- else
- pVariablePat(tree.pos, tree)
- case Literal(Constant(value)) =>
- pConstantPat(tree.pos, tree.tpe, value)
- case av @ ArrayValue(_, ts) =>
- if(isRightIgnoring(av)) {
- val castedRest = ts.last match {
- case b:Bind => b.symbol
- case _ => null
- }
- //Console.println("array value "+av+" is right ignoring!")
- pRightIgnoringSequencePat(tree.pos, tree.tpe, castedRest, ts.length-1);
- } else {
- //Console.println("array value "+av+" is not considered right ignoring")
- //lastSequencePat =
- pSequencePat(tree.pos, tree.tpe, ts.length);
- //lastSequencePat
- }
- case Alternative(ts) =>
- if (ts.length < 2)
- Predef.error("ill-formed Alternative")
- val subroot = pConstrPat(header.pos, header.tpe)
- subroot.and = { val h = pHeader(header.pos, header.tpe, header.selector.duplicate); h.isSubHeader = true; h }
- val subenv = new CaseEnv
- var i = 0; while (i < ts.length) {
- val target = enter1(ts(i), -1, subroot, subroot.casted, subenv)
- target.and = pBody(tree.pos)
- i += 1
- }
- pAltPat(tree.pos, subroot.and.asInstanceOf[Header])
- case Star(Ident(nme.WILDCARD)) =>
- header.selector match {
- case Apply(Select(t, apply), arg @ List(litconst)) =>
- Console.println(t)
- Console.println(apply)
- Console.println(litconst)
- val tree = Apply(Select(Select(t, "toList"), "drop"), arg)
- throw new OptimizeSequencePattern(tree); // ? has to be caught and rethrown by each bind
- }
- // bind the rest /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- case _ =>
- Predef.error("unit = " + cunit + "; tree = " +
- (if (tree eq null) "null" else tree))
- }
- //Console.print(t);
- t
- }
- protected def enter(pat: Tree, index: Int, target: PatternNode,
- casted: Symbol, env: CaseEnv): PatternNode =
- target match {
- case ConstrPat(newCasted) =>
- enter1(pat, index, target, newCasted, env)
- case SequencePat(newCasted, len) =>
- enter1(pat, index, target, newCasted, env)
- case _ =>
- enter1(pat, index, target, casted, env)
- }
- private def newHeader(pos: Position, casted: Symbol, index: Int): Header = {
- //Console.println("newHeader(pos,"+casted+" (has CASE flag? "+casted.tpe.symbol.hasFlag(Flags.CASE)+") of type "+casted.tpe+" with pos "+casted.pos+"(equals FIRSTPOS? "+(casted.pos == Position.FIRSTPOS)+"),"+index+")");
- val ident = mkIdent(casted)
- if (casted.pos == NoPosition) { // load the result of casted(i)
- //Console.println("FIRSTPOS");
- val t = typed(
- Apply(Select(ident, ident.tpe.member(nme.apply)),
- List(Literal(Constant(index)))))
- val seqType = t.tpe
- pHeader( pos, seqType, t )
- } else {
- //Console.println("NOT FIRSTPOS");
- //Console.println("newHeader :: ");
- if (!isCaseClass(casted.tpe)) {
- //Console.println("NOT CASE");
- //Console.println("getProductArgs? "+defs.getProductArgs(casted.tpe));
- defs.getProductArgs(casted.tpe) match {
- case Some(targs) =>
- val accSym = defs.productProj(casted.tpe.typeSymbol, index+1)
- val accTree = typed(Apply(Select(ident, accSym), List())) // nsc !
- return pHeader(pos, accTree.tpe, accTree)
- case None =>
- }
- /*
- Console.println(" newHeader :: casted="+casted);
- Console.println(" newHeader :: casted.pos="+casted.pos);
- Console.println(" newHeader :: casted.pos==Position.FIRSTPOS"+(casted.pos == Position.FIRSTPOS));
- Console.println(" newHeader :: casted.tpe="+casted.tpe);
- Console.println(" newHeader :: casted.tpe.symbol="+casted.tpe.symbol);
- throw new Error("internal problem, trying casefield access for no case class") //DBG
- }
- //Console.println("CASE");
- val caseAccs = casted.tpe.typeSymbol.caseFieldAccessors;
- if (caseAccs.length <= index) Console.println("selecting " + index + " in case fields of " + casted.tpe.typeSymbol + "=" + caseAccs);//debug
- val ts = caseAccs(index);
- val accTree = typed(Apply(Select(ident, ts), List()))
- val accType = accTree.tpe
- accType match {
- // scala case accessor
- case MethodType(_, _) =>
- //Console.println("Hello?!");
- pHeader(pos, accType.resultType, Apply(accTree, List()))
- // jaco case accessor
- case _ =>
- //Console.println("Hola?!");
- pHeader(pos, accType, accTree)
- }
- }
- }
- /** main enter function
- *
- * invariant: ( curHeader == (Header)target.and ) holds
- */
- protected def enter1(pat: Tree, index: Int, target: PatternNode, casted: Symbol, env: CaseEnv): PatternNode = {
- // special case List()
- pat match {
- case UnApply(fn, List(ArrayValue(zs, List()))) if isSameType(defs.ListModule.tpe, fn.symbol.owner.tpe) =>
- return enter1(posAssigner.atPos(pat.pos){gen.mkAttributedRef(defs.NilModule)}, index, target, casted, env)
- /*
- case UnApply(fn, List(ArrayValue(zs, pats))) if isSameType(defs.ListModule.tpe, fn.symbol.owner.tpe) =>
- Console.println("special case List"+pats)
- Console.println("special case zs = "+zs)
- def makeConsPat(p:Tree) = {
- val constpe = typeRef(defs.ConsClass.tpe.prefix, defs.ConsClass, List(zs.tpe))
- val patNode = pConstrPat(pat.pos, )
- patNode.and = newHeader(pat.pos, )
- }
- null
- */
- case _ =>
- }
- //Console.println("enter(" + pat + ", " + index + ", " + target + ", " + casted + ")");
- var bodycond: PatternNode => Body = null // in case we run into a body (combination of typed pattern and constructor pattern, see bug#644)
- val patArgs = patternArgs(pat); // get pattern arguments
- //System.err.println("patArgs = "+patArgs);
- var curHeader: Header = target.and match {
- case null => null
- case h: Header => h // advance one step in intermediate representation
- case b: Body if (b.or ne null) => b.or.asInstanceOf[Header]
- case b: Body =>
- if (b.guard(b.guard.length - 1) == EmptyTree) {
- cunit.error(pat.pos, "unreachable code")
- null
- }
- else {
- bodycond = {h => b.or = h; b} // depends on the side-effect to curHeader (*)
- null
- }
- case _ => Predef.error("cannot happen");
- }
- if (curHeader eq null) { // check if we have to add a new header
- //Console.println(" -- adding new header")
- //assert index >= 0 : casted;
- if (index < 0) { Predef.error("error entering:" + casted); return null }
- target match {
- case u @ UnapplyPat(_,_) if u.returnsOne =>
- //Console.println("u.returnsOne!"+u+ " casted:"+casted+" u.casted"+u.casted)
- assert(index==0)
- curHeader = pHeader(pat.pos, casted.tpe, mkIdent(casted))
- target.and = curHeader
- curHeader.or = patternNode(pat, curHeader, env)
- enter(patArgs, curHeader.or, casted, env)
- case _ =>
- //access the index'th child of a case class
- curHeader = newHeader(pat.pos, casted, index)
- target.and = curHeader; // (*)
- //Console.println("curHeader : "+curHeader)
- if (bodycond ne null) target.and = bodycond(target.and) // restores body with the guards
- curHeader.or = patternNode(pat, curHeader, env)
- enter(patArgs, curHeader.or, casted, env)
- }
- } else {
- //Console.println(" enter: using old header for casted = "+casted) // DBG
- // find most recent header
- curHeader = curHeader.findLastSection
- // create node
- var patNode = patternNode(pat, curHeader, env)
- var next: PatternNode = curHeader
- // add branch to curHeader, but reuse tests if possible
- while (true) {
- if (next.isSameAs(patNode)) { // test for patNode already present --> reuse
- //Console.println(" -- found the same!")
- // substitute... !!!
- patNode.casted match {
- case NoSymbol => ;
- case ocasted =>
- env.substitute(ocasted, mkIdent(next.casted));
- }
- return enter(patArgs, next, casted, env);
- } else if (next.isDefaultPat() || // default case reached, or
- ((next.or eq null) && // no more alternatives and
- (patNode.isDefaultPat() || next.subsumes(patNode)))) {
- // new node is default or subsumed
- var header = pHeader(patNode.pos,
- curHeader.tpe,
- curHeader.selector);
- { = header; header};
- header.or = patNode;
- return enter(patArgs,
- patNode,
- casted,
- env);
- }
- else if (next.or eq null) {
- //Console.println(" -- add new branch!")
- return enter(patArgs, {next.or = patNode; patNode}, casted, env); // add new branch
- } else
- next = next.or;
- }
- error("must not happen")
- null
- }
- }
- /** calls enter for an array of patterns, see enter
- *
- * @param pats ...
- * @param target1 ...
- * @param casted1 ...
- * @param env ...
- * @return ...
- */
- protected def enter(pats: List[Tree], target1: PatternNode,
- casted1: Symbol, env: CaseEnv): PatternNode = {
- var target = target1
- var casted = casted1
- target match {
- case UnapplyPat(newCasted, fn) =>
- casted = newCasted
- case ConstrPat(newCasted) =>
- casted = newCasted
- case SequencePat(newCasted, len) =>
- casted = newCasted
- case RightIgnoringSequencePat(newCasted, _, len) =>
- casted = newCasted
- case _ =>
- }
- var i = 0; while (i < pats.length) {
- target = enter1(pats(i), i, target, casted, env)
- i += 1
- }
- target
- }
- protected def nCaseComponents(tree: Tree): int = {
- tree match {
- case Apply(fn, _) =>
- val tpe = tree.tpe.typeSymbol.primaryConstructor.tpe
- //Console.println("~~~ " + tree.type() + ", " + tree.type().symbol.primaryConstructor());
- tpe match {
- // I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but obviously, currently all case classes
- // without constructor arguments have type NoType
- case NoType =>
- error("this cannot happen")
- 0
- case MethodType(args, _) =>
- args.length
- case PolyType(tvars, MethodType(args, _)) =>
- args.length
- case PolyType(tvars, _) =>
- 0
- case _ =>
- error("not yet implemented;" +
- "pattern matching for " + tree + ": " + tpe);
- }
- }
- 0
- }
- //////////// generator methods
- def toTree(): Tree = {
- if(dfatree != null) {
- return dfatree
- }
- val t = if (isSimpleIntSwitch())
- intSwitchToTree()
- // else if (false && optimize && isSimpleSwitch())
- // switchToTree()
- else {
- //print()
- generalSwitchToTree()
- }
- //if(settings.Xpatternstatistics.value) {
- // Console.print("deleted "+nremoved+" temps,")
- // Console.print("substituted "+nsubstituted+" temps")
- // Console.println("and optimized "+(nstatic)+" instance-tests to ne-null")
- //}
- return t
- }
- case class Break(res:Boolean) extends java.lang.Throwable
- case class Break2() extends java.lang.Throwable
- /*
- // TODO disentangle this
- protected def isSimpleSwitch(): Boolean = {
- print();
- var patNode = root.and;
- while (patNode ne null) {
- var node = patNode;
- while (({node = node.or; node}) ne null) {
- node match {
- case VariablePat(tree) =>
- //Konsole.println(((tree.symbol.flags & Flags.CASE) != 0));
- case ConstrPat(_) =>
- //Konsole.println(node.tpe.toString() + " / " + ((node.tpe.symbol.flags & Flags.CASE) != 0));
- var inner = node.and;
- def funct(inner: PatternNode): Boolean = {
- //outer: while (true)
- inner match {
- case _h:Header =>
- if ( ne null)
- throw Break(false);
- funct(inner.or)
- case DefaultPat() =>
- funct(inner.and)
- case b:Body =>
- if ((b.guard.length > 1) ||
- (b.guard(0) != EmptyTree))
- throw Break(false);
- throw Break2() // break outer
- case _ =>
- throw Break(false)
- }
- }
- var res = false
- var set = false
- try {
- funct(inner)
- } catch {
- case ex: Break =>
- res = ex.res
- set = true
- case ex: Break2 =>
- }
- if(set) return res;
- case _ =>
- return false;
- }
- }
- patNode = patNode.nextH()
- }
- true
- }
- protected def isSimpleIntSwitch(): Boolean =
- (isSameType(selector.tpe.widen, defs.IntClass.tpe)) && {
- root.and.asInstanceOf[Header].forEachSection {
- case patNode:Header =>
- patNode.forEachBranch {
- case n @ ConstantPat(_) if(n.and.isSingleUnguardedBody) => ;
- case n @ DefaultPat() if(n.and.isSingleUnguardedBody) => ;
- case z => return false;
- }}
- true
- }
- class TagBodyPair(tag1: Int, body1: Tree, next1: TagBodyPair ) {
- var tag: int = tag1
- var body: Tree = body1
- var next: TagBodyPair = next1
- }
- protected def defaultBody(patNode1: PatternNode, otherwise: Tree ): Tree = {
- patNode1.asInstanceOf[Header].forEachSection {
- case h:Header => h.forEachBranch {
- case n @ DefaultPat() => return n.and.bodyToTree();
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- otherwise
- }
- /** This method translates pattern matching expressions that match
- * on integers on the top level.
- */
- private def intSwitchToTree(): Tree = {
- def insert1(tag: Int, body: Tree, current: TagBodyPair): TagBodyPair = {
- if (current eq null)
- new TagBodyPair(tag, body, null)
- else if (tag > current.tag)
- new TagBodyPair(current.tag, current.body, insert1(tag, body,
- else
- new TagBodyPair(tag, body, current)
- }
- //print();
- var ncases = 0
- root.and.asInstanceOf[Header].forEachBranch {
- case DefaultPat() => ;
- case _ => ncases = ncases + 1
- }
- val matchError = ThrowMatchError(selector.pos, mkIdent(root.casted))
- // without a case, we return a match error if there is no default case
- if (ncases == 0)
- return defaultBody(root.and, matchError);
- // for one case we use a normal if-then-else instruction
- else if (ncases == 1) {
- root.and.or match {
- case ConstantPat(value) =>
- return squeezedBlock(
- List(typedValDef(root.casted, selector)),
- If(Equals(mkIdent(root.casted), Literal(value)),
- (root.and.or.and).bodyToTree(),
- defaultBody(root.and, matchError))
- )
- case _ =>
- return generalSwitchToTree();
- }
- }
- //
- // if we have more than 2 cases than use a switch statement
- val _h:Header = root.and.asInstanceOf[Header]
- val next =
- var mappings: TagBodyPair = null
- var defaultBody1: Tree = matchError
- var patNode = root.and
- while (patNode ne null) {
- var node = patNode.or
- // we have checked beforehand that certain pattern nodes do not appear
- while (node ne null) {
- node match {
- case DefaultPat() =>
- //experimental: allow default body
- //if (defaultBody1 != null)
- // scala.Predef.error("not your day today");
- defaultBody1 = node.and.bodyToTree();
- node = node.or;
- case ConstantPat( value: Int )=>
- mappings = insert1(
- value,
- node.and.bodyToTree(),
- mappings);
- node = node.or;
- case ConstantPat( value: Char )=>
- mappings = insert1(value.toInt,node.and.bodyToTree(),mappings);
- node = node.or;
- case ConstantPat( value: Byte )=>
- mappings = insert1(value.toInt,node.and.bodyToTree(),mappings);
- node = node.or;
- case ConstantPat( value: Short )=>
- mappings = insert1(value.toInt,node.and.bodyToTree(),mappings);
- node = node.or;
-*/ // these correct?
- case _ =>
- Predef.error("cannot happen")
- }
- }
- patNode = patNode.nextH()
- }
- var nCases: List[CaseDef] = Nil
- while (mappings ne null) {
- nCases = CaseDef(Literal(mappings.tag),
- mappings.body) :: nCases;
- mappings =;
- }
- // ERASURE-PROBLEM this was how it was before, perfectly equivalent code
- // nCases = CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD),Block(List(ValDef(root.casted, selector.duplicate)),defaultBody1)) :: nCases;
- // Match(selector, nCases)
- // changed to
- nCases = CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD),defaultBody1) :: nCases;
- squeezedBlock(List(typedValDef(root.casted, selector)),Match(mkIdent(root.casted), nCases))
- }
- var exit: Symbol = null
- /** simple optimization: if the last pattern is `case _' (no guards), we won't generate the ThrowMatchError
- */
- private def generalSwitchToTree(): Tree = {
- this.exit = owner.newLabel(root.pos, "exit").setInfo(new MethodType(List(resultType), resultType));
- val result = owner.newVariable(root.pos, "result").setInfo( resultType );
- squeezedBlock(
- List(
- typedValDef(root.casted, selector),
- typedValDef(result, EmptyTree),
- typed { toTree(root.and) },
- ThrowMatchError(selector.pos, mkIdent(root.casted))) ,
- LabelDef(exit, List(result), mkIdent(result)))
- }
- /*protected*/ def toTree(node1: PatternNode): Tree = {
- var node = node1;
- var res: Tree = Literal(Constant(false)); //.setInfo(defs.BooleanClass);
- var lastSelector: Tree = null
- var carryCovered: SymSet = emptySymbolSet
- while (node ne null)
- node match {
- case _h:Header =>
- //Console.println(_h.print("!!!! visit ", new StringBuilder()).toString())
- val selector = _h.selector;
- if(selector != lastSelector) {
- carryCovered = emptySymbolSet;
- }
- //Console.println(" catches all?"+_h.catchesAll)
- //Console.println("sel:"+selector+" last"+lastSelector+" - "+(selector == lastSelector))
- val next =;
- //res = And(mkNegate(res), toTree(node.or, selector));
- val (doOptimize, coveredCases, remainingCases) = _h.optimize1()
- if (doOptimize)
- res = Or(res, toOptTree(node.or, selector));
- else
- res = Or(res, toTree(node.or, selector));
- //Console.println("!carry covered "+ carryCovered)
- lastSelector = selector
- node = next;
- case _b:Body =>
- var bound = _b.bound
- val guard = _b.guard
- val body = _b.body
- if ((bound.length == 0) &&
- (guard.length == 0) &&
- (body.length == 0)) {
- return Literal(Constant(true));
- }
- var i = guard.length - 1; while(i >= 0) {
- val ts:Seq[Tree] = bound(i).asInstanceOf[Array[Tree]];
- val temp = owner.newValue(body(i).pos, cunit.fresh.newName("r$"))
- .setFlag(Flags.SYNTHETIC) .setInfo(body(i).tpe); // used to be resultType
- var res0: Tree =
- squeezedBlock(
- List(
- typedValDef(temp, body(i)),
- Apply(mkIdent(exit), List(mkIdent(temp)) )
- ),
- Literal(Constant(true))
- ); // forward jump
- if (guard(i) != EmptyTree) { // no need for handleout
- res0 = And(guard(i), res0);
- }
- res = Or(squeezedBlock(ts.toList, res0), res)
- i = i - 1
- }
- if (_b.or ne null)
- res = Or(res, toTree(_b.or))
- return res
- case _ =>
- scala.Predef.error("error in toTree");
- }
- return res
- }
- class TagNodePair(tag1: int, node1: PatternNode, next1: TagNodePair) {
- var tag: int = tag1
- var node: PatternNode = node1
- var next: TagNodePair = next1
- //def length(): Int =
- // if (null == next) 1 else (next.length() + 1)
- }
- final private def inheritsFromSealed(tpe:Type): Boolean = {
- val it = tpe.baseClasses.elements
- while(it.hasNext) {
- if( return true
- }
- return false
- }
- //@todo: can this be simplified? (in particular: drop "dup" method)
- protected def toOptTree(node1: PatternNode, selector: Tree): Tree = {
- def insert2(tag: Int, node: PatternNode, current: TagNodePair): TagNodePair = {
- if (current eq null)
- return new TagNodePair(tag, node, null);
- else if (tag > current.tag)
- return new TagNodePair(current.tag, current.node, insert2(tag, node,;
- else if (tag == current.tag) {
- val old = current.node;
- ({current.node = node; node}).or = old;
- return current;
- } else
- return new TagNodePair(tag, node, current);
- }
- def insertNode(tag: int, node: PatternNode, current:TagNodePair): TagNodePair = {
- val newnode = node.dup
- newnode.or = null
- insert2(tag, newnode, current)
- }
- var node = node1;
- //System.err.println("pm.toOptTree called"+node);
- var cases: TagNodePair = null
- var defaultCase: PatternNode = null
- while (node ne null)
- node match {
- case ConstrPat(casted) =>
- cases = insertNode(getCaseTag(node.tpe) , node, cases)
- node = node.or
- case DefaultPat() =>
- defaultCase = node
- node = node.or
- case VariablePat(tree) if node.tpe.typeSymbol hasFlag Flags.CASE =>
- cases = insertNode(getCaseTag(node.tpe), node, cases)
- node = node.or
- case _ =>
- scala.Predef.error("errare humanum est")
- }
- var nCases: List[CaseDef] = Nil
- while (cases ne null) {
- if(inheritsFromSealed(cases.node.tpe)) {
- val t = toTree_refined(cases.node, selector, true)
- //Console.println("optimize this"+t+" from this "+cases.node)
- nCases = CaseDef(Literal(Constant(cases.tag)),
- t) :: nCases;
- } else
- nCases = CaseDef(Literal(Constant(cases.tag)),
- toTree(cases.node, selector)) :: nCases;
- cases =
- }
- val defBody =
- if (defaultCase eq null) Literal(Constant(false))
- else toTree(defaultCase.and)
- nCases = CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), defBody) :: nCases;
- return Match(Apply(Select(selector.duplicate, defs.ScalaObjectClass_tag),
- List()),
- nCases)
- }
- /** why not use plain `if's? the reason is that a failing *guard* must still remain
- * on the testing path (a kind of backtracking) in order to test subsequent patterns
- * consider for instance bug#440
- *
- * @param cond ...
- * @param thenp ...
- * @param elsep ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def myIf(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree) =
- Or(And(cond, thenp), elsep)
- protected def toTree(node: PatternNode, selector:Tree): Tree = {
- val t = toTree_refined(node, selector, false)
- try {
- //Console.println("type-checking "+t)
- typed { t } // //DEBUG
- } catch {
- case e =>
- Console.println("failed with "+e.getMessage()+" on: "+t)
- t
- }
- }
- protected def toTree_refined(node: PatternNode, selector:Tree, ignoreSelectorType: Boolean): Tree = {
- //Console.println("pm.toTree("+node+","+selector+") selector.tpe = "+selector.tpe+")")
- if (selector.tpe eq null)
- scala.Predef.error("cannot go on due to internal error (type attribute set to null)")
- if (node eq null)
- return Literal(Constant(false));
- else
- node match {
- case DefaultPat() =>
- return toTree(node.and);
- case UnapplyPat(casted, Apply(fn1, appargs)) if casted.tpe.typeSymbol == defs.BooleanClass => // special case
- var useSelector = selector
- val checkType = fn1.tpe match {
- case MethodType(List(argtpe,_*),_) =>
- if(isSubType(selector.tpe, argtpe))
- Literal(Constant(true))
- else {
- useSelector = gen.mkAsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, argtpe)
- gen.mkIsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, argtpe)
- }
- }
- Or(And(checkType,
- And(Apply(handleOuter(fn1),useSelector::appargs.tail), // test
- toTree(node.and))
- ),
- toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate))
- case UnapplyPat(casted, fn @ Apply(fn1, appargs)) =>
- var useSelector = selector
- val checkType = fn1.tpe match {
- case MethodType(List(argtpe,_*),_) =>
- if(isSubType(selector.tpe, argtpe))
- Literal(Constant(true))
- else {
- useSelector = gen.mkAsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, argtpe)
- gen.mkIsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, argtpe)
- }
- }
- val fntpe = fn.tpe
- val v = newVar(fn.pos, fntpe)
- var __opt_get__ = typed(Select(mkIdent(v),nme.get))
- var __opt_nonemp__ = emptynessCheck(v)
- Or(And(checkType,
- squeezedBlock(
- List(typedValDef(v,Apply(handleOuter(fn1), useSelector::appargs.tail))),
- And(__opt_nonemp__,
- squeezedBlock(List(typedValDef(casted, __opt_get__)),toTree(node.and))))
- ),
- toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate))
- case ConstrPat(casted) =>
- val ntpe = node.tpe
- var cond: Tree = null
- // new, but doesn't work
- // cond = if(ignoreSelectorType) Literal(Constant(true))
- // else condition(ntpe, selector.duplicate)
- // if type 2 test is same as static type, then just null test
- if(isSubType(selector.tpe, ntpe) && isSubType(ntpe, defs.AnyRefClass.tpe)) {
- cond = NotNull(selector.duplicate)
- nstatic = nstatic + 1
- } else if(ignoreSelectorType) {
- cond = Literal(Constant(true))
- } else {
- cond = typed { gen.mkIsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, ntpe) }
- }
- // compare outer instance for patterns like foo1.Bar foo2.Bar if not statically known to match
- casted.tpe match {
- case TypeRef(prefix,_,_) if needsOuterTest(casted.tpe, selector.tpe, owner) =>
- //@attention, deep typer bug: if we omit "typed" here, we crash when typing the tree that contains this fragment
- cond = typed{ addOuterCondition(cond, casted.tpe, selector.duplicate, handleOuter) }
- case _ => //ignore ;
- }
- val cast_untyped = gen.mkAsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, ntpe, true)
- val vdef_untyped = typedValDef(casted,
- if(isSubType(selector.tpe,ntpe))
- selector.duplicate
- else
- cast_untyped)
- try {
- val vdef = typed { vdef_untyped }
- val succ = squeezedBlock(List(vdef),toTree(node.and))
- val fail = toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate)
- return myIf(cond, succ, fail)
- } catch {
- case e:TypeError =>
- Console.println("while typing vdef_untyped = "+vdef_untyped);
- Console.println("casted.tpe = "+casted.tpe);
- Console.println("(a) selector.tpe = "+selector.tpe);
- Console.println("(b) pattern type(ntpe) = "+ntpe);
- Console.println("isSubType(a, b) = "+isSubType(selector.tpe,ntpe))
- Console.println("cast.type = "+(typed {cast_untyped}).tpe)
- throw e
- }
- case SequencePat(casted, len) =>
- val ntpe = node.tpe
- val tpetest =
- if(!isSubType(selector.tpe, ntpe))
- gen.mkIsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, ntpe);
- else
- NotNull(selector.duplicate)
- val treeAsSeq =
- if(!isSubType(selector.tpe, ntpe))
- typed(gen.mkAsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, ntpe, true))
- else
- selector.duplicate
- val succ: Tree = squeezedBlock(
- List(typedValDef(casted, treeAsSeq)),
- toTree(node.and))
- val fail = toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate)
- return Or( And( And( tpetest, seqHasLength(treeAsSeq.duplicate, ntpe, len)), succ ),
- fail);
- case RightIgnoringSequencePat(casted, castedRest, minlen) =>
- val ntpe = node.tpe
- val tpetest =
- if(!isSubType(selector.tpe,ntpe))
- gen.mkIsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, ntpe);
- else
- Literal(Constant(true))
- val treeAsSeq =
- if (!isSubType(selector.tpe,ntpe))
- typed(gen.mkAsInstanceOf(selector.duplicate, ntpe, true))
- else
- selector.duplicate
- val cond =
- if (minlen == 0) tpetest
- else And(tpetest, seqLongerThan(treeAsSeq, ntpe, minlen))
- var bindings =
- if(castedRest ne null)
- List(typedValDef(castedRest, seqDrop(treeAsSeq.duplicate, minlen)))
- else
- List()
- bindings = typedValDef(casted, treeAsSeq.duplicate) :: bindings
- val succ = squeezedBlock(bindings, toTree(node.and))
- val fail = toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate)
- return Or(And(cond, succ), fail);
- case ConstantPat(value) =>
- val succ = toTree(node.and)
- val fail = toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate)
- return myIf(Equals(selector.duplicate,
- typed(Literal(Constant(value))).setType(node.tpe)),
- succ,
- fail);
- case VariablePat(tree) =>
- // objects are compared by eq, not ==
- val cmp = if (tree.tpe.termSymbol.isModule && selector.tpe <:< defs.AnyRefClass.tpe)
- Eq(selector.duplicate, tree)
- else
- Equals(selector.duplicate, tree)
- return myIf(cmp,
- toTree(node.and),
- toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate));
- case AltPat(header) =>
- return myIf(toTree(header),
- toTree(node.and),
- toTree(node.or, selector.duplicate));
- case _ =>
- scala.Predef.error("cannot handle pattern:"+node)
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodes.scala
index 2d5579aea8..92b59ff20f 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodes.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodes.scala
@@ -241,540 +241,4 @@ trait PatternNodes { self: transform.ExplicitOuter =>
type SymSet = collection.immutable.Set[Symbol]
type SymList = List[Symbol]
- /** returns the child patterns of a pattern
- */
- protected def patternArgs(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = {
- //Console.println("patternArgs "+tree.toString())
- /*val res = */ tree match {
- case Bind(_, pat) =>
- patternArgs(pat)
- case a @ Apply(_, List(av @ ArrayValue(_, ts))) if isSeqApply(a) && isRightIgnoring(av) =>
- ts.reverse.drop(1).reverse
- case a @ Apply(_, List(av @ ArrayValue(_, ts))) if isSeqApply(a) =>
- ts
- case a @ Apply(_, args) =>
- args
- case a @ UnApply(_, args) =>
- args
- case av @ ArrayValue(_, ts) if isRightIgnoring(av) =>
- ts.reverse.drop(1).reverse
- case av @ ArrayValue(_, ts) =>
- ts
- case _ =>
- List()
- }
- //Console.println("patternArgs returns "+res.toString()) ; res
- }
- /** Intermediate data structure for algebraic + pattern matcher
- */
- sealed class PatternNode {
- var pos : Position = NoPosition
- var tpe: Type = _
- var or: PatternNode = _
- var and: PatternNode = _
- def casted: Symbol = NoSymbol
- def symbol2bind: Symbol = casted
- def forEachAlternative(f: PatternNode => Unit) { // only for header?
- var z = this;
- while (z ne null) {
- f(z)
- z = z.or
- }
- }
- def isUnguardedBody = this match {
- case b:Body => b.hasUnguarded
- case _ => false
- }
- def isSingleUnguardedBody = this match {
- case b:Body => b.isSingleUnguarded
- case _ => false
- }
- def bodyToTree(): Tree = this match {
- case _b:Body =>
- _b.body(0)
- case _ =>
- error("bodyToTree called for pattern node "+this)
- null
- }
- def set(p:(Position,Type)): this.type = {
- /*assert(tpe ne null); */
- this.pos = p._1; this.tpe = p._2; this
- }
- def dup(): PatternNode = {
- var res: PatternNode = this match {
- case h:Header =>
- new Header(h.selector,
- case b:Body=>
- new Body(b.bound, b.guard, b.body)
- case DefaultPat() =>
- DefaultPat()
- case ConstrPat(casted) =>
- ConstrPat(casted)
- case SequencePat(casted, len) =>
- SequencePat(casted, len)
- case ConstantPat(value) =>
- ConstantPat(value)
- case VariablePat(tree) =>
- VariablePat(tree)
- case AltPat(subheader) =>
- AltPat(subheader)
- case _ =>
- error("unexpected pattern"); null
- }
- res set ((pos, tpe))
- res.or = or
- res.and = and
- res
- }
- /*
- def _symbol: Symbol = this match { // @todo
- case UnapplyPat(casted, fn) =>
- casted
- case ConstrPat(casted) =>
- casted
- case SequencePat(casted, _) =>
- casted
- case RightIgnoringSequencePat(casted, _, _) =>
- casted
- case _ =>
- NoSymbol //.NONE
- }
- */
- def nextH(): PatternNode = this match {
- case _h:Header =>
- case _ => null
- }
- def isDefaultPat(): Boolean = this match {
- case DefaultPat() => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** returns true if
- * p and q are equal (constructor | sequence) type tests, or
- * "q matches" => "p matches"
- */
- def isSameAs(q: PatternNode): Boolean = this match {
- case ConstrPat(_) =>
- q match {
- case ConstrPat(_) =>
- isSameType(q.tpe, this.tpe)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case SequencePat(_, plen) =>
- q match {
- case SequencePat(_, qlen) =>
- (plen == qlen) && isSameType(q.tpe, this.tpe)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case _ =>
- subsumes(q)
- }
- /** returns true if "q matches" => "p matches"
- */
- def subsumes(q:PatternNode): Boolean = this match {
- case DefaultPat() =>
- q match {
- case DefaultPat() =>
- true
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case ConstrPat(_) =>
- q match {
- case ConstrPat(_) =>
- isSubType(q.tpe, this.tpe)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case SequencePat(_, plen) =>
- q match {
- case SequencePat(_, qlen) =>
- (plen == qlen) && isSubType(q.tpe, this.tpe)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case ConstantPat(pval) =>
- q match {
- case ConstantPat(qval) =>
- pval == qval
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case VariablePat(tree) =>
- q match {
- case VariablePat(other) =>
- (tree.symbol ne null) &&
- (tree.symbol != NoSymbol) &&
- (!tree.symbol.isError) &&
- (tree.symbol == other.symbol)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- override def toString(): String = this match {
- case _h:Header =>
- "Header(" + _h.selector + ")";
- case _b:Body =>
- "Body"
- case DefaultPat() =>
- "DefaultPat"
- case ConstrPat(casted) =>
- "ConstrPat(" + casted + ")"
- case SequencePat(casted, len) =>
- "SequencePat(" + casted + ", " + len + "...)"
- case RightIgnoringSequencePat(casted, castedRest, minlen) =>
- "RightIgnoringSequencePat(" + casted + ", " + castedRest + ", "+ minlen + "...)"
- case ConstantPat(value) =>
- "ConstantPat(" + value + ")"
- case VariablePat(tree) =>
- "VariablePat"
- case UnapplyPat(casted, fn) =>
- "UnapplyPat(" + casted + ")"
- case AltPat(alts) =>
- "Alternative("+alts+")"
- }
- def print(indent: String, sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- val patNode = this
- def cont = if (patNode.or ne null) patNode.or.print(indent, sb) else sb
- def newIndent(s: String) = {
- val removeBar: Boolean = (null == patNode.or)
- val sb = new StringBuilder()
- sb.append(indent)
- if (removeBar)
- sb.setCharAt(indent.length() - 1, ' ')
- var i = 0; while (i < s.length()) {
- sb.append(' ')
- i += 1
- }
- sb.toString()
- }
- if (patNode eq null)
- sb.append(indent).append("NULL")
- else
- patNode match {
- case UnapplyPat(_,fn) =>
- sb.append(indent + "UNAPPLY(" + fn + ")").append('\n')
- case _h: Header =>
- val selector = _h.selector
- val next =
- sb.append(indent + "HEADER(" + patNode.tpe +
- ", " + selector + ")").append('\n')
- if(patNode.or ne null) patNode.or.print(indent + "|", sb)
- if (next ne null)
- next.print(indent, sb)
- else
- sb
- case ConstrPat(casted) =>
- val s = ("-- " + +
- "(" + patNode.tpe + ", " + casted + ") -> ")
- val nindent = newIndent(s)
- sb.append(nindent + s).append('\n')
- patNode.and.print(nindent, sb)
- cont
- case SequencePat( casted, plen ) =>
- val s = ("-- " + + "(" +
- patNode.tpe +
- ", " + casted + ", " + plen + ") -> ")
- val nindent = newIndent(s)
- sb.append(indent + s).append('\n')
- patNode.and.print(nindent, sb)
- cont
- case RightIgnoringSequencePat( casted, castedRest, plen ) =>
- val s = ("-- ri " + + "(" +
- patNode.tpe +
- ", " + casted + ", " + plen + ") -> ")
- val nindent = newIndent(s)
- sb.append(indent + s).append('\n')
- patNode.and.print(nindent, sb)
- cont
- case DefaultPat() =>
- sb.append(indent + "-- _ -> ").append('\n')
- patNode.and.print(indent.substring(0, indent.length() - 1) +
- " ", sb)
- cont
- case ConstantPat(value) =>
- val s = "-- CONST(" + value + ") -> "
- val nindent = newIndent(s)
- sb.append(indent + s).append('\n')
- patNode.and.print( nindent, sb)
- cont
- case VariablePat(tree) =>
- val s = "-- STABLEID(" + tree + ": " + patNode.tpe + ") -> "
- val nindent = newIndent(s)
- sb.append(indent + s).append('\n')
- patNode.and.print(nindent, sb)
- cont
- case AltPat(header) =>
- sb.append(indent + "-- ALTERNATIVES:").append('\n')
- header.print(indent + " * ", sb)
- patNode.and.print(indent + " * -> ", sb)
- cont
- case _b:Body =>
- if ((_b.guard.length == 0) && (_b.body.length == 0))
- sb.append(indent + "true").append('\n')
- else
- sb.append(indent + "BODY(" + _b.body.length + ")").append('\n')
- }
- } // def print
- } // class PatternNode
- class Header(sel1: Tree, next1: Header) extends PatternNode {
- var selector: Tree = sel1
- var next: Header = next1
- def findLast: PatternNode = {
- var g: PatternNode = findLastSection
- while(g.or != null) { g = g.or }
- g
- }
- def findLastSection: Header = {
- var h: Header = this
- while( != null) { h = }
- h
- }
- var isSubHeader = false
- /* returns true if this header node has a catch all case
- def catchesAll: Boolean = {
- //Console.println(this.print(" catchesAll %%%%", new StringBuilder()).toString)
- val p = findLast
- (p.isDefaultPat && p.and.isUnguardedBody)
- }
- */
- // executes an action for every or branch
- def forEachBranch(f: PatternNode => Unit) { if(or ne null) or.forEachAlternative(f) }
- // executes an action for every header section
- def forEachSection(f: Header => Unit) { var h = this; while (h ne null) {f(h); h =}}
- /** returns true if this tree is optimizable
- * throws a warning if is not exhaustive
- */
- def optimize1(): (Boolean, SymSet, SymSet) = {
- import symtab.Flags
- val selType = this.tpe
- if (!isSubType(selType, definitions.ScalaObjectClass.tpe))
- return (false, null, emptySymbolSet)
- if(this.or eq null)
- return (false, null, emptySymbolSet) // only case _
- def checkExCoverage(tpesym:Symbol): SymSet =
- if(!tpesym.hasFlag(Flags.SEALED)) emptySymbolSet else
- tpesym.children.flatMap { x =>
- val z = checkExCoverage(x)
- if(x.hasFlag(Flags.ABSTRACT)) z else z + x
- }
- def andIsUnguardedBody(p1:PatternNode) = p1.and match {
- case p: Body => p.hasUnguarded
- case _ => false
- }
- //Console.println("optimize1("+selType+","+alternatives1+")")
- var res = true
- var coveredCases: SymSet = emptySymbolSet
- var remainingCases = checkExCoverage(selType.typeSymbol)
- var cases = 0
- def traverse(alts:PatternNode) {
- //Console.println("traverse, alts="+alts)
- alts match {
- case ConstrPat(_) =>
- //Console.print("ConstPat! of"+alts.tpe.typeSymbol)
- if (alts.tpe.typeSymbol.hasFlag(Flags.CASE)) {
- coveredCases = coveredCases + alts.tpe.typeSymbol
- remainingCases = remainingCases - alts.tpe.typeSymbol
- cases = cases + 1
- } else {
- val covered = remainingCases.filter { x =>
- //Console.println("x.tpe is "+x.tpe)
- val y = alts.tpe.prefix.memberType(x)
- //Console.println(y + " is sub of "+alts.tpe+" ? "+isSubType(y, alts.tpe));
- isSubType(y, alts.tpe)
- }
- //Console.println(" covered : "+covered)
- coveredCases = coveredCases ++ covered
- remainingCases = remainingCases -- covered
- res = false
- }
- // Nil is also a "constructor pattern" somehow
- case VariablePat(tree) if (tree.tpe.typeSymbol.hasFlag(Flags.MODULE)) => // Nil
- coveredCases = coveredCases + tree.tpe.typeSymbol
- remainingCases = remainingCases - tree.tpe.typeSymbol
- cases = cases + 1
- res = res && tree.tpe.typeSymbol.hasFlag(Flags.CASE)
- case DefaultPat() =>
- if(andIsUnguardedBody(alts) || alts.and.isInstanceOf[Header]) {
- coveredCases = emptySymbolSet
- remainingCases = emptySymbolSet
- }
- case UnapplyPat(_,_) | SequencePat(_, _) | RightIgnoringSequencePat(_, _, _) =>
- res = false
- remainingCases = emptySymbolSet
- case ConstantPat(_) =>
- res = false
- case AltPat(branchesHeader) =>
- res = false
- //Console.println("----------bfore: "+coveredCases)
- branchesHeader.forEachBranch(traverse) // branchesHeader is header
- //Console.println("----------after: "+coveredCases)
- case VariablePat(_) =>
- res = false
- case _:Header | _:Body =>
- Predef.error("cannot happen")
- }
- }
- this.forEachBranch(traverse)
- return (res && (cases > 2), coveredCases, remainingCases)
- } // def optimize
- }
- /** contains at least one body, so arrays are always nonempty
- */
- class Body(bound1: Array[Array[ValDef]], guard1:Array[Tree], body1:Array[Tree]) extends PatternNode {
- var bound = bound1
- var guard = guard1
- var body = body1
- def hasUnguarded = guard.exists { x => x == EmptyTree }
- def isSingleUnguarded = (guard.length == 1) && (guard(0) == EmptyTree) && (bound(0).length == 0)
- }
- case class DefaultPat()extends PatternNode
- case class ConstrPat(override val casted:Symbol) extends PatternNode
- case class UnapplyPat(override val casted:Symbol, fn:Tree) extends PatternNode {
- override def symbol2bind = NoSymbol
- def returnsOne = {
- /*val res =*/ definitions.getProductArgs(casted.tpe) match {
- case Some(Nil) => true // n = 0
- case Some(x::Nil) => true // n = 1
- case Some(_) => false
- case _ => true
- }
- //Console.println("returns one? "+casted.tpe)
- //Console.println(" I say: "+res)
- //res
- }
- }
- case class ConstantPat(value: Any /*AConstant*/) extends PatternNode
- case class VariablePat(tree: Tree) extends PatternNode
- case class AltPat(subheader: Header) extends PatternNode
- case class SequencePat(override val casted: Symbol, len: Int) extends PatternNode // only used in PatternMatcher
- case class RightIgnoringSequencePat(override val casted: Symbol, castedRest: Symbol, minlen: int) extends PatternNode //PM
- /** the environment for a body of a case
- * @param owner the owner of the variables created here
- */
- class CaseEnv {
-// (val owner:Symbol, unit:CompilationUnit)
- private var boundVars: Array[ValDef] = new Array[ValDef](4)
- private var numVars = 0
- def substitute(oldSym: Symbol, newInit: Tree) {
- var i = 0; while (i < numVars) {
- if (boundVars(i).rhs.symbol == oldSym) {
- boundVars(i) = ValDef(boundVars(i).symbol, newInit)
- return
- }
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def newBoundVar(sym: Symbol, tpe: Type, init: Tree) {
- //if(sym == Symbol.NoSymbol ) {
- // scala.Predef.Error("can't add variable with NoSymbol");
- //}
- //sym.setOwner( owner ); // FIXME should be corrected earlier
- //@maybe is corrected now? bq
- if (numVars == boundVars.length) {
- val newVars = new Array[ValDef](numVars * 2)
- Array.copy(boundVars, 0, newVars, 0, numVars)
- this.boundVars = newVars
- }
- sym.setInfo(tpe)
- this.boundVars(numVars) = ValDef(sym, init.duplicate)
- numVars += 1
- }
- def getBoundVars(): Array[ValDef] = {
- val newVars = new Array[ValDef](numVars)
- Array.copy(boundVars, 0, newVars, 0, numVars)
- newVars
- }
- override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
- if (!(obj.isInstanceOf[CaseEnv]))
- return false
- val env = obj.asInstanceOf[CaseEnv]
- if (env.numVars != numVars)
- return false
- var i = 0; while (i < numVars) {
- if ((boundVars(i).name != env.boundVars(i).name) ||
- !isSameType(boundVars(i).tpe, env.boundVars(i).tpe) ||
- (boundVars(i).rhs != env.boundVars(i).rhs))
- return false
- i += 1
- }
- true
- }
- } // class CaseEnv
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala
index 8d099455a6..8d34031136 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala
@@ -10,12 +10,13 @@ package
* @author Burak Emir
-trait TransMatcher { self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternNodes with CodeFactory =>
+trait TransMatcher { self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternNodes with ParallelMatching with CodeFactory =>
import global._
import definitions._
import posAssigner.atPos
import symtab.Flags
+ import typer.typed
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ trait TransMatcher { self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternNodes with CodeFa
def fresh = cunit.fresh
+ var nPatterns = 0
var resultType: Type = _
// cache these
@@ -222,7 +225,7 @@ trait TransMatcher { self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternNodes with CodeFa
/** handles all translation of pattern matching
- def handlePattern(sel: Tree, ocases: List[CaseDef], doCheckExhaustive: Boolean,
+ def handlePattern(selector: Tree, ocases: List[CaseDef], doCheckExhaustive: Boolean,
owner: Symbol, handleOuter: Tree => Tree): Tree = {
//new NewMatcher().toIR(sel, ocases)
@@ -234,18 +237,64 @@ trait TransMatcher { self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternNodes with CodeFa
// @todo: remove unused variables
if (containsReg) {
- cunit.error(sel.pos, "regular expressions not yet implemented")
+ cunit.error(selector.pos, "regular expressions not yet implemented")
} else {
- val pm = new PatternMatcher()
- pm.initialize(sel, doCheckExhaustive, owner, handleOuter)
- pm.constructParallel(cases)
- //if (global.log()) {
- // global.log("internal pattern matching structure");
- // pm.print();
- //}
- pm.toTree()
+ implicit val theOwner = owner
+ if (settings_debug) {
+ Console.println("****")
+ Console.println("**** initalize, selector = "+selector+" selector.tpe = "+selector.tpe)
+ Console.println("**** doCheckExhaustive == "+doCheckExhaustive)
+ }
+ implicit val rep = new RepFactory(handleOuter)
+ try {
+ val irep = initRep(selector, cases, doCheckExhaustive, rep)
+ val root = irep.temp.head
+ implicit val fail: Tree = ThrowMatchError(selector.pos, mkIdent(root))
+ val vdef = typed{ValDef(root, selector)}
+ val mch = typed{repToTree(irep)}
+ var dfatree = typed{squeezedBlock(List(vdef), mch)}
+ //DEBUG("**** finished\n"+dfatree.toString)
+ var bx = 0; var cs = cases; while(cs ne Nil) {
+ if(!rep.isReached(bx)) {
+ cunit.error(cs.head.asInstanceOf[CaseDef].body.pos, "unreachable code")
+ }
+ cs = cs.tail
+ bx += 1
+ }
+ dfatree = rep.cleanup(dfatree)
+ resetTrav.traverse(dfatree)
+ //constructParallel(cases) // ZZZ
+ return dfatree
+ } catch {
+ case e => e.printStackTrace(); throw new FatalError(e.getMessage())
+ }
+ }
+ object resetTrav extends Traverser {
+ override def traverse(x:Tree): unit = x match {
+ case vd @ ValDef(_,_,_,_)=>
+ if(vd.symbol.hasFlag(symtab.Flags.SYNTHETIC)) {
+ vd.symbol.resetFlag(symtab.Flags.TRANS_FLAG)
+ vd.symbol.resetFlag(symtab.Flags.MUTABLE)
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ super.traverse(x)
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
index 8c6a5a585c..113c5f1296 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ package
import symtab._
import Flags._
import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer}
-import matching.{TransMatcher, PatternNodes, CodeFactory, ParallelMatching, PatternMatchers}
+import matching.{TransMatcher, PatternNodes, CodeFactory, ParallelMatching}
/** This class ...
* @author Martin Odersky
* @version 1.0
-abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform with TransMatcher with PatternNodes with CodeFactory with PatternMatchers with ParallelMatching with TypingTransformers {
+abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform with TransMatcher with PatternNodes with CodeFactory with ParallelMatching with TypingTransformers {
import global._
import definitions._
import posAssigner.atPos