path: root/src/compiler
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authorPaul Phillips <>2011-07-15 23:28:59 +0000
committerPaul Phillips <>2011-07-15 23:28:59 +0000
commit31108f7518b510ed4e7a1cf3293a7e079945bdbf (patch)
tree341b0dd7c1cd1f7cd6f395b735e4412053e5d974 /src/compiler
parent21c0730f7f08e7e2d236700428f3062a2d3ce0cc (diff)
Add documentation to Boolean.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/gen/AnyVals.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/gen/AnyVals.scala
index 31b44744da..3d374b901c 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/gen/AnyVals.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/gen/AnyVals.scala
@@ -234,17 +234,93 @@ class AnyVals extends AnyValReps with AnyValTemplates {
object D extends AnyValNum("Double")
object Z extends AnyValRep("Boolean") {
def classLines = """
+ * Negates a Boolean expression.
+ *
+ * - `!a` results in `false` if and only if `a` evaluates to `true` and
+ * - `!a` results in `true` if and only if `a` evaluates to `false`.
+ *
+ * @return the negated expression
+ */
def unary_! : Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ * Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if they evaluate to the same value.
+ *
+ * `a == b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` and `b` are `true` or
+ * - `a` and `b` are `false`.
+ */
def ==(x: Boolean): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ * Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if they evaluate to a different value.
+ *
+ * `a != b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` is `true` and `b` is `false` or
+ * - `a` is `false` and `b` is `true`.
+ */
def !=(x: Boolean): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ * Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if one or both of them evaluate to true.
+ *
+ * `a || b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` is `true` or
+ * - `b` is `true` or
+ * - `a` and `b` are `true`.
+ *
+ * @note This method uses 'short-circuit' evaluation and
+ * behaves as if it was declared as `def ||(x: => Boolean): Boolean`.
+ * If `a` evaluates to `true`, `true` is returned without evaluating `b`.
+ */
def ||(x: Boolean): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ * Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if both of them evaluate to true.
+ *
+ * `a && b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` and `b` are `true`.
+ *
+ * @note This method uses 'short-circuit' evaluation and
+ * behaves as if it was declared as `def &&(x: => Boolean): Boolean`.
+ * If `a` evaluates to `false`, `false` is returned without evaluating `b`.
+ */
def &&(x: Boolean): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
// Compiler won't build with these seemingly more accurate signatures
// def ||(x: => Boolean): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
// def &&(x: => Boolean): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ * Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if one or both of them evaluate to true.
+ *
+ * `a | b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` is `true` or
+ * - `b` is `true` or
+ * - `a` and `b` are `true`.
+ *
+ * @note This method evaluates both `a` and `b`, even if the result is already determined after evaluating `a`.
+ */
def |(x: Boolean): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ * Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if both of them evaluate to true.
+ *
+ * `a & b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` and `b` are `true`.
+ *
+ * @note This method evaluates both `a` and `b`, even if the result is already determined after evaluating `a`.
+ */
def &(x: Boolean): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ * Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if they evaluate to a different value.
+ *
+ * `a ^ b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` is `true` and `b` is `false` or
+ * - `a` is `false` and `b` is `true`.
+ */
def ^(x: Boolean): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
def getClass(): Class[Boolean] = sys.error("stub")
@@ -284,4 +360,3 @@ def getClass(): Class[Boolean] = sys.error("stub")
object AnyVals extends AnyVals { }