path: root/src/compiler
diff options
authorMartin Odersky <>2011-07-22 17:19:07 +0000
committerMartin Odersky <>2011-07-22 17:19:07 +0000
commitf9f164d3c71aee897e7885e4c991866bd1c0c339 (patch)
treeabf088eb7ce513a7c8d1d4ebeda20158859693f7 /src/compiler
parentfb2e30e4728e6378136f2858da49a1b87ed7c60d (diff)
Reflection refactoring.ō
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler')
17 files changed, 146 insertions, 2002 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/AnnotationInfos.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/AnnotationInfos.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index 96a65606e5..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/AnnotationInfos.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-trait AnnotationInfos { self: Universe =>
- type AnnotationInfo <: AnyRef
- val AnnotationInfo: AnnotationInfoExtractor
- abstract class AnnotationInfoExtractor {
- def apply(atp: Type, args: List[Tree], assocs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]): AnnotationInfo
- def unapply(info: AnnotationInfo): Option[(Type, List[Tree], List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)])]
- }
- type ClassfileAnnotArg <: AnyRef
- implicit def classfileAnnotArgManifest: ClassManifest[ClassfileAnnotArg] // need a precise manifest to pass to UnPickle's toArray call
- type LiteralAnnotArg <: ClassfileAnnotArg
- val LiteralAnnotArg: LiteralAnnotArgExtractor
- type ArrayAnnotArg <: ClassfileAnnotArg
- val ArrayAnnotArg: ArrayAnnotArgExtractor
- type NestedAnnotArg <: ClassfileAnnotArg
- val NestedAnnotArg: NestedAnnotArgExtractor
- abstract class LiteralAnnotArgExtractor {
- def apply(const: Constant): LiteralAnnotArg
- def unapply(arg: LiteralAnnotArg): Option[Constant]
- }
- abstract class ArrayAnnotArgExtractor {
- def apply(const: Array[ClassfileAnnotArg]): ArrayAnnotArg
- def unapply(arg: ArrayAnnotArg): Option[Array[ClassfileAnnotArg]]
- }
- abstract class NestedAnnotArgExtractor {
- def apply(anninfo: AnnotationInfo): NestedAnnotArg
- def unapply(arg: NestedAnnotArg): Option[AnnotationInfo]
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index 42a0fa8a27..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Constants.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-import java.lang.Integer.toOctalString
-import annotation.switch
-trait Constants {
- self: Universe =>
- abstract class AbsConstant {
- val value: Any
- def tpe: Type
- def isNaN: Boolean
- def booleanValue: Boolean
- def byteValue: Byte
- def shortValue: Short
- def charValue: Char
- def intValue: Int
- def longValue: Long
- def floatValue: Float
- def doubleValue: Double
- def stringValue: String
- def typeValue: Type
- def symbolValue: Symbol
- def convertTo(pt: Type): Constant
- }
- type Constant <: AbsConstant
- val Constant: ConstantExtractor
- abstract class ConstantExtractor {
- def apply(const: Any): Constant
- def unapply(arg: Constant): Option[Any]
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Mirror.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Mirror.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b6a9304617..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Mirror.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-/** A mirror establishes connections of
- * runtime entities such as class names and object instances
- * with a refexive universe.
- */
-trait Mirror extends Universe {
- /** The Scala class symbol that has given fully qualified name
- * @param name The fully qualified name of the class to be returned
- * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException if no class wiht that name exists
- * to do: throws anything else?
- */
- def classWithName(name: String): Symbol
- /** The Scala class symbol corresponding to the runtime class of given object
- * @param The object from which the class is returned
- * @throws ?
- */
- def getClass(obj: AnyRef): Symbol
- /** The Scala type corresponding to the runtime type of given object.
- * If the underlying class is parameterized, this will be an existential type,
- * with unknown type arguments.
- *
- * @param The object from which the type is returned
- * @throws ?
- */
- def getType(obj: AnyRef): Type
- def getValue(receiver: AnyRef, field: Symbol): Any
- def setValue(receiver: AnyRef, field: Symbol, value: Any): Unit
- def invoke(receiver: AnyRef, meth: Symbol, args: Any*): Any
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Modifier.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Modifier.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5992e658c6..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Modifier.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect.api
-object Modifier extends Enumeration {
- val `protected`, `private`, `override`, `abstract`, `final`,
- `sealed`, `implicit`, `lazy`, `case`, `trait`,
- deferred, interface, mutable, parameter, covariant, contravariant,
- preSuper, abstractOverride, local, java, static, caseAccessor,
- defaultParameter, defaultInit, paramAccessor, bynameParameter = Value
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Names.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Names.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index 0ba5ad28f0..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Names.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-trait Names {
- type Name >: Null <: AbsName
- type TypeName <: Name
- type TermName <: Name
- abstract class AbsName {
- def isTermName: Boolean
- def isTypeName: Boolean
- def toTermName: TermName
- def toTypeName: TypeName
- }
- def newTermName(s: String): TermName
- def newTypeName(s: String): TypeName
- def EmptyTermName: TermName = newTermName("")
- def EmptyTypeName: TypeName = EmptyTermName.toTypeName
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Positions.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Positions.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 181e7c1525..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Positions.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-trait Positions {
- type Position
- val NoPosition: Position
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Scopes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Scopes.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index d4e4e24f29..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Scopes.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-trait Scopes { self: Universe =>
- type Scope <: Iterable[Symbol]
- def newScope(): Scope
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/StandardDefinitions.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/StandardDefinitions.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index 6b480ab83d..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/StandardDefinitions.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-trait StandardDefinitions { self: Universe =>
- val definitions: AbsDefinitions
- abstract class AbsDefinitions {
- // outer packages and their classes
- // Under consideration
- // def RootPackage: Symbol
- def RootClass: Symbol
- def EmptyPackage: Symbol
- def EmptyPackageClass: Symbol
- def ScalaPackage: Symbol
- def ScalaPackageClass: Symbol
- // top types
- def AnyClass : Symbol
- def AnyValClass: Symbol
- def AnyRefClass: Symbol
- def ObjectClass: Symbol
- // bottom types
- def NullClass : Symbol
- def NothingClass: Symbol
- // the scala value classes
- def UnitClass : Symbol
- def ByteClass : Symbol
- def ShortClass : Symbol
- def CharClass : Symbol
- def IntClass : Symbol
- def LongClass : Symbol
- def FloatClass : Symbol
- def DoubleClass : Symbol
- def BooleanClass: Symbol
- // fundamental reference classes
- def SymbolClass : Symbol
- def StringClass : Symbol
- def ClassClass : Symbol
- // fundamental modules
- def PredefModule: Symbol
- // fundamental type constructions
- def ClassType(arg: Type): Type
- /** The string representation used by the given type in the VM.
- */
- def signature(tp: Type): String
- /** Is symbol one of the value classes? */
- def isValueClass(sym: Symbol): Boolean
- /** Is symbol one of the numeric value classes? */
- def isNumericValueClass(sym: Symbol): Boolean
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index c841417209..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-trait Symbols { self: Universe =>
- type Symbol >: Null <: AbsSymbol
- abstract class AbsSymbol { this: Symbol =>
- /** The modifiers of this symbol
- */
- def allModifiers: Set[Modifier.Value]
- /** Does this symbol have given modifier?
- */
- def hasModifier(mod: Modifier.Value): Boolean
- /** The owner of this symbol.
- */
- def owner: Symbol
- /** The name of the symbol as a member of the `Name` type.
- */
- def name: Name
- /** The name of the symbol before decoding, e.g. `\$eq\$eq` instead of `==`.
- */
- def encodedName: String
- /** The decoded name of the symbol, e.g. `==` instead of `\$eq\$eq`.
- */
- def decodedName: String
- /** The encoded full path name of this symbol, where outer names and inner names
- * are separated by periods.
- */
- def fullName: String
- /**
- * Set when symbol has a modifier of the form private[X], NoSymbol otherwise.
- *
- * Access level encoding: there are three scala flags (PRIVATE, PROTECTED,
- * and LOCAL) which combine with value privateWithin (the "foo" in private[foo])
- * to define from where an entity can be accessed. The meanings are as follows:
- *
- * PRIVATE access restricted to class only.
- * PROTECTED access restricted to class and subclasses only.
- * LOCAL can only be set in conjunction with PRIVATE or PROTECTED.
- * Further restricts access to the same object instance.
- *
- * In addition, privateWithin can be used to set a visibility barrier.
- * When set, everything contained in the named enclosing package or class
- * has access. It is incompatible with PRIVATE or LOCAL, but is additive
- * with PROTECTED (i.e. if either the flags or privateWithin allow access,
- * then it is allowed.)
- *
- * The java access levels translate as follows:
- *
- * java private: hasFlag(PRIVATE) && !hasAccessBoundary
- * java package: !hasFlag(PRIVATE | PROTECTED) && (privateWithin == enclosing package)
- * java protected: hasFlag(PROTECTED) && (privateWithin == enclosing package)
- * java public: !hasFlag(PRIVATE | PROTECTED) && !hasAccessBoundary
- */
- def privateWithin: Symbol
- /** Whether this symbol has a "privateWithin" visibility barrier attached.
- */
- def hasAccessBoundary: Boolean
- /** A list of annotations attached to this Symbol.
- */
- def annotations: List[self.AnnotationInfo]
- /** The type of the symbol
- */
- def tpe: Type
- /** The info of the symbol. This is like tpe, except for class symbols where the `info`
- * describes the contents of the class whereas the `tpe` is a reference to the class.
- */
- def info: Type
- /** If this symbol is a class or trait, its self type, otherwise the type of the symbol itse;lf
- */
- def typeOfThis: Type
- /** For a module class its linked class, for a plain class
- * the module class of its linked module.
- * For instance
- * object Foo
- * class Foo
- *
- * Then object Foo has a `moduleClass` (invisible to the user, the backend calls it Foo$
- * linkedClassOfClass goes from class Foo$ to class Foo, and back.
- */
- def linkedClassOfClass: Symbol
- /** The module corresponding to this module class (note that this
- * is not updated when a module is cloned), or NoSymbol if this is not a ModuleClass
- */
- def sourceModule: Symbol
- /** If symbol is an object definition, it's implied associated class,
- * otherwise NoSymbol
- */
- def moduleClass: Symbol
- /** The top-level class containing this symbol. */
- def toplevelClass: Symbol
- /**
- * If symbol is a lazy val, it's lazy accessor
- */
- def lazyAccessor: Symbol
- /** The next enclosing class */
- def enclClass : Symbol
- /** The next enclosing method */
- def enclMethod : Symbol
- def isTerm : Boolean
- def isType : Boolean
- def isClass : Boolean
- def isAliasType : Boolean
- def isAbstractType : Boolean
- def isAbstractClass : Boolean
- def isBridge : Boolean
- def isConcreteClass : Boolean
- def isContravariant : Boolean
- def isCovariant : Boolean
- def isEarlyInitialized : Boolean
- def isExistentiallyBound : Boolean
- def isImplClass : Boolean
- def isLazyAccessor : Boolean
- def isMethod : Boolean
- def isModule : Boolean
- def isModuleClass : Boolean
- def isNumericValueClass : Boolean
- def isOverloaded : Boolean
- def isRefinementClass : Boolean
- def isSourceMethod : Boolean
- def isTypeParameter : Boolean
- def isValueClass : Boolean
- def isVarargsMethod : Boolean
- /** Package tests */
- def isPackage : Boolean
- def isPackageClass : Boolean
- def isRootPackage : Boolean
- def isRoot : Boolean
- def isEmptyPackage : Boolean
- def isEmptyPackageClass: Boolean
- }
- val NoSymbol: Symbol
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Trees.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Trees.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dbc09c46e..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Trees.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1381 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-import{PrintWriter, StringWriter}
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-//import{ FreshNameCreator, HashSet, SourceFile }
-trait Trees /*extends reflect.generic.Trees*/ { self: Universe =>
- private[scala] var nodeCount = 0
- type Modifiers <: AbsModifiers
- /** Hook to define what toString means on a tree
- */
- def show(tree: Tree): String
- abstract class AbsModifiers {
- def hasModifier(mod: Modifier.Value): Boolean
- def allModifiers: Set[Modifier.Value]
- def privateWithin: Name // default: EmptyTypeName
- def annotations: List[Tree] // default: List()
- def mapAnnotations(f: List[Tree] => List[Tree]): Modifiers
- }
- def Modifiers(mods: Set[Modifier.Value] = Set(),
- privateWithin: Name = EmptyTypeName,
- annotations: List[Tree] = List()): Modifiers
- /** Tree is the basis for scala's abstract syntax. The nodes are
- * implemented as case classes, and the parameters which initialize
- * a given tree are immutable: however Trees have several mutable
- * fields which are manipulated in the course of typechecking,
- * including pos, symbol, and tpe.
- *
- * Newly instantiated trees have tpe set to null (though it
- * may be set immediately thereafter depending on how it is
- * constructed.) When a tree is passed to the typer, typically via
- * `typer.typed(tree)`, under normal circumstances the tpe must be
- * null or the typer will ignore it. Furthermore, the typer is not
- * required to return the same tree it was passed.
- *
- * Trees can be easily traversed with e.g. foreach on the root node;
- * for a more nuanced traversal, subclass Traverser. Transformations
- * can be considerably trickier: see the numerous subclasses of
- * Transformer found around the compiler.
- *
- * Copying Trees should be done with care depending on whether
- * it need be done lazily or strictly (see LazyTreeCopier and
- * StrictTreeCopier) and on whether the contents of the mutable
- * fields should be copied. The tree copiers will copy the mutable
- * attributes to the new tree; calling Tree#duplicate will copy
- * symbol and tpe, but all the positions will be focused.
- *
- * Trees can be coarsely divided into four mutually exclusive categories:
- *
- * - TermTrees, representing terms
- * - TypTrees, representing types. Note that is `TypTree`, not `TypeTree`.
- * - SymTrees, which may represent types or terms.
- * - Other Trees, which have none of those as parents.
- *
- * SymTrees include important nodes Ident and Select, which are
- * used as both terms and types; they are distinguishable based on
- * whether the Name is a TermName or TypeName. The correct way for
- * to test for a type or a term (on any Tree) are the isTerm/isType
- * methods on Tree.
- *
- * "Others" are mostly syntactic or short-lived constructs. Examples
- * include CaseDef, which wraps individual match cases: they are
- * neither terms nor types, nor do they carry a symbol. Another
- * example is Parens, which is eliminated during parsing.
- */
- abstract class Tree extends Product {
- val id = nodeCount
- nodeCount += 1
- private[this] var rawpos: Position = NoPosition
- def pos = rawpos
- def pos_=(pos: Position) = rawpos = pos
- def setPos(pos: Position): this.type = { rawpos = pos; this }
- private[this] var rawtpe: Type = _
- def tpe = rawtpe
- def tpe_=(t: Type) = rawtpe = t
- /** Set tpe to give `tp` and return this.
- */
- def setType(tp: Type): this.type = { rawtpe = tp; this }
- /** Like `setType`, but if this is a previously empty TypeTree
- * that fact is remembered so that resetType will snap back.
- */
- def defineType(tp: Type): this.type = setType(tp)
- /** Note that symbol is fixed as null at this level. In SymTrees,
- * it is overridden and implemented with a var, initialized to NoSymbol.
- *
- * Trees which are not SymTrees but which carry symbols do so by
- * overriding `def symbol` to forward it elsewhere. Examples:
- *
- * Super(qual, _) // has qual's symbol
- * Apply(fun, args) // has fun's symbol
- * TypeApply(fun, args) // has fun's symbol
- * AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) // has tpt's symbol
- * TypeTree(tpe) // has tpe's typeSymbol, if tpe != null
- *
- * Attempting to set the symbol of a Tree which does not support
- * it will induce an exception.
- */
- def symbol: Symbol = null
- def symbol_=(sym: Symbol) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("symbol_= inapplicable for " + this) }
- def setSymbol(sym: Symbol): this.type = { symbol = sym; this }
- def hasSymbol = false
- def isDef = false
- def isEmpty = false
- def hasSymbolWhich(f: Symbol => Boolean) = hasSymbol && f(symbol)
- /** The canonical way to test if a Tree represents a term.
- */
- def isTerm: Boolean = this match {
- case _: TermTree => true
- case Bind(name, _) => name.isTermName
- case Select(_, name) => name.isTermName
- case Ident(name) => name.isTermName
- case Annotated(_, arg) => arg.isTerm
- case _ => false
- }
- /** The canonical way to test if a Tree represents a type.
- */
- def isType: Boolean = this match {
- case _: TypTree => true
- case Bind(name, _) => name.isTypeName
- case Select(_, name) => name.isTypeName
- case Ident(name) => name.isTypeName
- case Annotated(_, arg) => arg.isType
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Apply `f` to each subtree */
- def foreach(f: Tree => Unit) { new ForeachTreeTraverser(f).traverse(this) }
- /** Find all subtrees matching predicate `p` */
- def filter(f: Tree => Boolean): List[Tree] = {
- val ft = new FilterTreeTraverser(f)
- ft.traverse(this)
- ft.hits.toList
- }
- /** Returns optionally first tree (in a preorder traversal) which satisfies predicate `p`,
- * or None if none exists.
- */
- def find(p: Tree => Boolean): Option[Tree] = {
- val ft = new FindTreeTraverser(p)
- ft.traverse(this)
- ft.result
- }
- /** Is there part of this tree which satisfies predicate `p`? */
- def exists(p: Tree => Boolean): Boolean = !find(p).isEmpty
- def equalsStructure(that : Tree) = equalsStructure0(that)(_ eq _)
- def equalsStructure0(that: Tree)(f: (Tree,Tree) => Boolean): Boolean =
- f(this, that) || ((this.productArity == that.productArity) && {
- def equals0(this0: Any, that0: Any): Boolean = (this0, that0) match {
- case (x: Tree, y: Tree) => f(x, y) || (x equalsStructure0 y)(f)
- case (xs: List[_], ys: List[_]) => (xs corresponds ys)(equals0)
- case _ => this0 == that0
- }
- def compareOriginals() = (this, that) match {
- case (x: TypeTree, y: TypeTree) if x.original != null && y.original != null =>
- (x.original equalsStructure0 y.original)(f)
- case _ =>
- true
- }
- (this.productIterator zip that.productIterator forall { case (x, y) => equals0(x, y) }) && compareOriginals()
- })
- /** The direct child trees of this tree.
- * EmptyTrees are always omitted. Lists are flattened.
- */
- def children: List[Tree] = {
- def subtrees(x: Any): List[Tree] = x match {
- case EmptyTree => Nil
- case t: Tree => List(t)
- case xs: List[_] => xs flatMap subtrees
- case _ => Nil
- }
- productIterator.toList flatMap subtrees
- }
- /** Make a copy of this tree, keeping all attributes,
- * except that all positions are focused (so nothing
- * in this tree will be found when searching by position).
- */
- def duplicate: this.type =
- duplicateTree(this).asInstanceOf[this.type]
- private[scala] def copyAttrs(tree: Tree): this.type = {
- pos = tree.pos
- tpe = tree.tpe
- if (hasSymbol) symbol = tree.symbol
- this
- }
- override def toString: String = show(this)
- override def hashCode(): Int = System.identityHashCode(this)
- override def equals(that: Any) = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
- }
- /** A tree for a term. Not all terms are TermTrees; use isTerm
- * to reliably identify terms.
- */
- trait TermTree extends Tree
- /** A tree for a type. Not all types are TypTrees; use isType
- * to reliably identify types.
- */
- trait TypTree extends Tree
- /** A tree with a mutable symbol field, initialized to NoSymbol.
- */
- trait SymTree extends Tree {
- override def hasSymbol = true
- override var symbol: Symbol = NoSymbol
- }
- /** A tree which references a symbol-carrying entity.
- * References one, as opposed to defining one; definitions
- * are in DefTrees.
- */
- trait RefTree extends SymTree {
- def name: Name
- }
- /** A tree which defines a symbol-carrying entity.
- */
- abstract class DefTree extends SymTree {
- def name: Name
- override def isDef = true
- }
-// ----- tree node alternatives --------------------------------------
- /** The empty tree */
- case object EmptyTree extends TermTree {
- super.tpe_=(NoType)
- override def tpe_=(t: Type) =
- if (t != NoType) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("tpe_=("+t+") inapplicable for <empty>")
- override def isEmpty = true
- }
- /** Common base class for all member definitions: types, classes,
- * objects, packages, vals and vars, defs.
- */
- abstract class MemberDef extends DefTree {
- def mods: Modifiers
- def keyword: String = this match {
- case TypeDef(_, _, _, _) => "type"
- case ClassDef(mods, _, _, _) => if (mods hasModifier Modifier.`trait`) "trait" else "class"
- case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) => "def"
- case ModuleDef(_, _, _) => "object"
- case PackageDef(_, _) => "package"
- case ValDef(mods, _, _, _) => if (mods hasModifier Modifier.mutable) "var" else "val"
- case _ => ""
- }
- // final def hasFlag(mask: Long): Boolean = mods hasFlag mask
- }
- /** A packaging, such as `package pid { stats }`
- */
- case class PackageDef(pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree])
- extends MemberDef {
- def name =
- def mods = Modifiers()
- }
- /** A common base class for class and object definitions.
- */
- abstract class ImplDef extends MemberDef {
- def impl: Template
- }
- /** A class definition.
- */
- case class ClassDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template)
- extends ImplDef
- /** An object definition, e.g. `object Foo`. Internally, objects are
- * quite frequently called modules to reduce ambiguity.
- */
- case class ModuleDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, impl: Template)
- extends ImplDef
- /** A common base class for ValDefs and DefDefs.
- */
- abstract class ValOrDefDef extends MemberDef {
- def name: TermName
- def tpt: Tree
- def rhs: Tree
- }
- /** A value definition (this includes vars as well, which differ from
- * vals only in having the MUTABLE flag set in their Modifiers.)
- */
- case class ValDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) extends ValOrDefDef
- /** A method definition.
- */
- case class DefDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tparams: List[TypeDef],
- vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) extends ValOrDefDef
- /** An abstract type, a type parameter, or a type alias.
- */
- case class TypeDef(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree)
- extends MemberDef
- /** A labelled expression. Not expressible in language syntax, but
- * generated by the compiler to simulate while/do-while loops, and
- * also by the pattern matcher.
- *
- * The label acts much like a nested function, where `params` represents
- * the incoming parameters. The symbol given to the LabelDef should have
- * a MethodType, as if it were a nested function.
- *
- * Jumps are apply nodes attributed with a label's symbol. The
- * arguments from the apply node will be passed to the label and
- * assigned to the Idents.
- *
- * Forward jumps within a block are allowed.
- */
- case class LabelDef(name: TermName, params: List[Ident], rhs: Tree)
- extends DefTree with TermTree
- /** Import selector
- *
- * Representation of an imported name its optional rename and their optional positions
- *
- * @param name the imported name
- * @param namePos its position or -1 if undefined
- * @param rename the name the import is renamed to (== name if no renaming)
- * @param renamePos the position of the rename or -1 if undefined
- */
- case class ImportSelector(name: Name, namePos: Int, rename: Name, renamePos: Int)
- /** Import clause
- *
- * @param expr
- * @param selectors
- */
- case class Import(expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector])
- extends SymTree
- // The symbol of an Import is an import symbol @see Symbol.newImport
- // It's used primarily as a marker to check that the import has been typechecked.
- /** Instantiation template of a class or trait
- *
- * @param parents
- * @param body
- */
- case class Template(parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree])
- extends SymTree {
- // the symbol of a template is a local dummy. @see Symbol.newLocalDummy
- // the owner of the local dummy is the enclosing trait or class.
- // the local dummy is itself the owner of any local blocks
- // For example:
- //
- // class C {
- // def foo // owner is C
- // {
- // def bar // owner is local dummy
- // }
- // System.err.println("TEMPLATE: " + parents)
- }
- /** Block of expressions (semicolon separated expressions) */
- case class Block(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree)
- extends TermTree
- /** Case clause in a pattern match, eliminated during explicitouter
- * (except for occurrences in switch statements)
- */
- case class CaseDef(pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree)
- extends Tree
- /** Alternatives of patterns, eliminated by explicitouter, except for
- * occurrences in encoded Switch stmt (=remaining Match(CaseDef(...))
- */
- case class Alternative(trees: List[Tree])
- extends TermTree
- /** Repetition of pattern, eliminated by explicitouter */
- case class Star(elem: Tree)
- extends TermTree
- /** Bind of a variable to a rhs pattern, eliminated by explicitouter
- *
- * @param name
- * @param body
- */
- case class Bind(name: Name, body: Tree)
- extends DefTree
- case class UnApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])
- extends TermTree
- /** Array of expressions, needs to be translated in backend,
- */
- case class ArrayValue(elemtpt: Tree, elems: List[Tree])
- extends TermTree
- /** Anonymous function, eliminated by analyzer */
- case class Function(vparams: List[ValDef], body: Tree)
- extends TermTree with SymTree
- // The symbol of a Function is a synthetic value of name nme.ANON_FUN_NAME
- // It is the owner of the function's parameters.
- /** Assignment */
- case class Assign(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)
- extends TermTree
- /** Conditional expression */
- case class If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)
- extends TermTree
- /** - Pattern matching expression (before explicitouter)
- * - Switch statements (after explicitouter)
- *
- * After explicitouter, cases will satisfy the following constraints:
- *
- * - all guards are `EmptyTree`,
- * - all patterns will be either `Literal(Constant(x:Int))`
- * or `Alternative(lit|...|lit)`
- * - except for an "otherwise" branch, which has pattern
- * `Ident(nme.WILDCARD)`
- */
- case class Match(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef])
- extends TermTree
- /** Return expression */
- case class Return(expr: Tree)
- extends TermTree with SymTree
- // The symbol of a Return node is the enclosing method.
- case class Try(block: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree)
- extends TermTree
- /** Throw expression */
- case class Throw(expr: Tree)
- extends TermTree
- /** Object instantiation
- * One should always use factory method below to build a user level new.
- *
- * @param tpt a class type
- */
- case class New(tpt: Tree) extends TermTree
- /** Type annotation, eliminated by explicit outer */
- case class Typed(expr: Tree, tpt: Tree)
- extends TermTree
- /** Common base class for Apply and TypeApply. This could in principle
- * be a SymTree, but whether or not a Tree is a SymTree isn't used
- * to settle any interesting questions, and it would add a useless
- * field to all the instances (useless, since GenericApply forwards to
- * the underlying fun.)
- */
- abstract class GenericApply extends TermTree {
- val fun: Tree
- val args: List[Tree]
- }
- /** Explicit type application.
- */
- case class TypeApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])
- extends GenericApply {
- override def symbol: Symbol = fun.symbol
- override def symbol_=(sym: Symbol) { fun.symbol = sym }
- }
- /** Value application */
- case class Apply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])
- extends GenericApply {
- override def symbol: Symbol = fun.symbol
- override def symbol_=(sym: Symbol) { fun.symbol = sym }
- }
- class ApplyToImplicitArgs(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends Apply(fun, args)
- class ApplyImplicitView(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends Apply(fun, args)
- /** Dynamic value application.
- * In a dynamic application q.f(as)
- * - q is stored in qual
- * - as is stored in args
- * - f is stored as the node's symbol field.
- */
- case class ApplyDynamic(qual: Tree, args: List[Tree])
- extends TermTree with SymTree
- // The symbol of an ApplyDynamic is the function symbol of `qual`, or NoSymbol, if there is none.
- /** Super reference, qual = corresponding this reference */
- case class Super(qual: Tree, mix: TypeName) extends TermTree {
- // The symbol of a Super is the class _from_ which the super reference is made.
- // For instance in C.super(...), it would be C.
- override def symbol: Symbol = qual.symbol
- override def symbol_=(sym: Symbol) { qual.symbol = sym }
- }
- /** Self reference */
- case class This(qual: TypeName)
- extends TermTree with SymTree
- // The symbol of a This is the class to which the this refers.
- // For instance in C.this, it would be C.
- /** Designator <qualifier> . <name> */
- case class Select(qualifier: Tree, name: Name)
- extends RefTree
- /** Identifier <name> */
- case class Ident(name: Name) extends RefTree { }
- class BackQuotedIdent(name: Name) extends Ident(name)
- /** Literal */
- case class Literal(value: Constant)
- extends TermTree {
- assert(value ne null)
- }
- def Literal(value: Any): Literal =
- Literal(Constant(value))
- /** A tree that has an annotation attached to it. Only used for annotated types and
- * annotation ascriptions, annotations on definitions are stored in the Modifiers.
- * Eliminated by typechecker (typedAnnotated), the annotations are then stored in
- * an AnnotatedType.
- */
- case class Annotated(annot: Tree, arg: Tree) extends Tree
- /** Singleton type, eliminated by RefCheck */
- case class SingletonTypeTree(ref: Tree)
- extends TypTree
- /** Type selection <qualifier> # <name>, eliminated by RefCheck */
- case class SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier: Tree, name: TypeName)
- extends TypTree with RefTree
- /** Intersection type <parent1> with ... with <parentN> { <decls> }, eliminated by RefCheck */
- case class CompoundTypeTree(templ: Template)
- extends TypTree
- /** Applied type <tpt> [ <args> ], eliminated by RefCheck */
- case class AppliedTypeTree(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree])
- extends TypTree {
- override def symbol: Symbol = tpt.symbol
- override def symbol_=(sym: Symbol) { tpt.symbol = sym }
- }
- case class TypeBoundsTree(lo: Tree, hi: Tree)
- extends TypTree
- case class ExistentialTypeTree(tpt: Tree, whereClauses: List[Tree])
- extends TypTree
- /** A synthetic tree holding an arbitrary type. Not to be confused with
- * with TypTree, the trait for trees that are only used for type trees.
- * TypeTree's are inserted in several places, but most notably in
- * `RefCheck`, where the arbitrary type trees are all replaced by
- * TypeTree's. */
- case class TypeTree() extends TypTree {
- private var orig: Tree = null
- private[scala] var wasEmpty: Boolean = false
- override def symbol = if (tpe == null) null else tpe.typeSymbol
- override def isEmpty = (tpe eq null) || tpe == NoType
- def original: Tree = orig
- def setOriginal(tree: Tree): this.type = {
- def followOriginal(t: Tree): Tree = t match {
- case tt: TypeTree => followOriginal(tt.original)
- case t => t
- }
- orig = followOriginal(tree); setPos(tree.pos);
- this
- }
- override def defineType(tp: Type): this.type = {
- wasEmpty = isEmpty
- setType(tp)
- }
- }
- def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree = TypeTree() setType tp
- // ------ traversers, copiers, and transformers ---------------------------------------------
- val treeCopy = newLazyTreeCopier
- class Traverser {
- protected var currentOwner: Symbol = definitions.RootClass
- def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
- case EmptyTree =>
- ;
- case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
- traverse(pid)
- atOwner(tree.symbol.moduleClass) {
- traverseTrees(stats)
- }
- case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- traverseTrees(mods.annotations); traverseTrees(tparams); traverse(impl)
- }
- case ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol.moduleClass) {
- traverseTrees(mods.annotations); traverse(impl)
- }
- case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- traverseTrees(mods.annotations); traverse(tpt); traverse(rhs)
- }
- case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- traverseTrees(mods.annotations); traverseTrees(tparams); traverseTreess(vparamss); traverse(tpt); traverse(rhs)
- }
- case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- traverseTrees(mods.annotations); traverseTrees(tparams); traverse(rhs)
- }
- case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
- traverseTrees(params); traverse(rhs)
- case Import(expr, selectors) =>
- traverse(expr)
- case Annotated(annot, arg) =>
- traverse(annot); traverse(arg)
- case Template(parents, self, body) =>
- traverseTrees(parents)
- if (!self.isEmpty) traverse(self)
- traverseStats(body, tree.symbol)
- case Block(stats, expr) =>
- traverseTrees(stats); traverse(expr)
- case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
- traverse(pat); traverse(guard); traverse(body)
- case Alternative(trees) =>
- traverseTrees(trees)
- case Star(elem) =>
- traverse(elem)
- case Bind(name, body) =>
- traverse(body)
- case UnApply(fun, args) =>
- traverse(fun); traverseTrees(args)
- case ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees) =>
- traverse(elemtpt); traverseTrees(trees)
- case Function(vparams, body) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- traverseTrees(vparams); traverse(body)
- }
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- traverse(lhs); traverse(rhs)
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- traverse(cond); traverse(thenp); traverse(elsep)
- case Match(selector, cases) =>
- traverse(selector); traverseTrees(cases)
- case Return(expr) =>
- traverse(expr)
- case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
- traverse(block); traverseTrees(catches); traverse(finalizer)
- case Throw(expr) =>
- traverse(expr)
- case New(tpt) =>
- traverse(tpt)
- case Typed(expr, tpt) =>
- traverse(expr); traverse(tpt)
- case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
- traverse(fun); traverseTrees(args)
- case Apply(fun, args) =>
- traverse(fun); traverseTrees(args)
- case ApplyDynamic(qual, args) =>
- traverse(qual); traverseTrees(args)
- case Super(qual, _) =>
- traverse(qual)
- case This(_) =>
- ;
- case Select(qualifier, selector) =>
- traverse(qualifier)
- case Ident(_) =>
- ;
- case Literal(_) =>
- ;
- case TypeTree() =>
- ;
- case SingletonTypeTree(ref) =>
- traverse(ref)
- case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector) =>
- traverse(qualifier)
- case CompoundTypeTree(templ) =>
- traverse(templ)
- case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) =>
- traverse(tpt); traverseTrees(args)
- case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) =>
- traverse(lo); traverse(hi)
- case ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses) =>
- traverse(tpt); traverseTrees(whereClauses)
- case _ => xtraverse(this, tree)
- }
- def traverseTrees(trees: List[Tree]) {
- trees foreach traverse
- }
- def traverseTreess(treess: List[List[Tree]]) {
- treess foreach traverseTrees
- }
- def traverseStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol) {
- stats foreach (stat =>
- if (exprOwner != currentOwner) atOwner(exprOwner)(traverse(stat))
- else traverse(stat)
- )
- }
- def atOwner(owner: Symbol)(traverse: => Unit) {
- val prevOwner = currentOwner
- currentOwner = owner
- traverse
- currentOwner = prevOwner
- }
- /** Leave apply available in the generic traverser to do something else.
- */
- def apply[T <: Tree](tree: T): T = { traverse(tree); tree }
- }
- protected def xtraverse(traverser: Traverser, tree: Tree): Unit = throw new MatchError(tree)
- // to be implemented in subclasses:
- type TreeCopier <: TreeCopierOps
- def newStrictTreeCopier: TreeCopier
- def newLazyTreeCopier: TreeCopier
- trait TreeCopierOps {
- def ClassDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template): ClassDef
- def PackageDef(tree: Tree, pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree]): PackageDef
- def ModuleDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, impl: Template): ModuleDef
- def ValDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): ValDef
- def DefDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): DefDef
- def TypeDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree): TypeDef
- def LabelDef(tree: Tree, name: Name, params: List[Ident], rhs: Tree): LabelDef
- def Import(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector]): Import
- def Template(tree: Tree, parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree]): Template
- def Block(tree: Tree, stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree): Block
- def CaseDef(tree: Tree, pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef
- def Alternative(tree: Tree, trees: List[Tree]): Alternative
- def Star(tree: Tree, elem: Tree): Star
- def Bind(tree: Tree, name: Name, body: Tree): Bind
- def UnApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): UnApply
- def ArrayValue(tree: Tree, elemtpt: Tree, trees: List[Tree]): ArrayValue
- def Function(tree: Tree, vparams: List[ValDef], body: Tree): Function
- def Assign(tree: Tree, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): Assign
- def If(tree: Tree, cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree): If
- def Match(tree: Tree, selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef]): Match
- def Return(tree: Tree, expr: Tree): Return
- def Try(tree: Tree, block: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree): Try
- def Throw(tree: Tree, expr: Tree): Throw
- def New(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree): New
- def Typed(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, tpt: Tree): Typed
- def TypeApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): TypeApply
- def Apply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Apply
- def ApplyDynamic(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, args: List[Tree]): ApplyDynamic
- def Super(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, mix: TypeName): Super
- def This(tree: Tree, qual: Name): This
- def Select(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name): Select
- def Ident(tree: Tree, name: Name): Ident
- def Literal(tree: Tree, value: Constant): Literal
- def TypeTree(tree: Tree): TypeTree
- def Annotated(tree: Tree, annot: Tree, arg: Tree): Annotated
- def SingletonTypeTree(tree: Tree, ref: Tree): SingletonTypeTree
- def SelectFromTypeTree(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name): SelectFromTypeTree
- def CompoundTypeTree(tree: Tree, templ: Template): CompoundTypeTree
- def AppliedTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]): AppliedTypeTree
- def TypeBoundsTree(tree: Tree, lo: Tree, hi: Tree): TypeBoundsTree
- def ExistentialTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, whereClauses: List[Tree]): ExistentialTypeTree
- }
- class StrictTreeCopier extends TreeCopierOps {
- def ClassDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template) =
- new ClassDef(mods, name.toTypeName, tparams, impl).copyAttrs(tree)
- def PackageDef(tree: Tree, pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree]) =
- new PackageDef(pid, stats).copyAttrs(tree)
- def ModuleDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, impl: Template) =
- new ModuleDef(mods, name.toTermName, impl).copyAttrs(tree)
- def ValDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) =
- new ValDef(mods, name.toTermName, tpt, rhs).copyAttrs(tree)
- def DefDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) =
- new DefDef(mods, name.toTermName, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs).copyAttrs(tree)
- def TypeDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree) =
- new TypeDef(mods, name.toTypeName, tparams, rhs).copyAttrs(tree)
- def LabelDef(tree: Tree, name: Name, params: List[Ident], rhs: Tree) =
- new LabelDef(name.toTermName, params, rhs).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Import(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector]) =
- new Import(expr, selectors).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Template(tree: Tree, parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree]) =
- new Template(parents, self, body).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Block(tree: Tree, stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree) =
- new Block(stats, expr).copyAttrs(tree)
- def CaseDef(tree: Tree, pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree) =
- new CaseDef(pat, guard, body).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Alternative(tree: Tree, trees: List[Tree]) =
- new Alternative(trees).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Star(tree: Tree, elem: Tree) =
- new Star(elem).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Bind(tree: Tree, name: Name, body: Tree) =
- new Bind(name, body).copyAttrs(tree)
- def UnApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =
- new UnApply(fun, args).copyAttrs(tree)
- def ArrayValue(tree: Tree, elemtpt: Tree, trees: List[Tree]) =
- new ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Function(tree: Tree, vparams: List[ValDef], body: Tree) =
- new Function(vparams, body).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Assign(tree: Tree, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) =
- new Assign(lhs, rhs).copyAttrs(tree)
- def If(tree: Tree, cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree) =
- new If(cond, thenp, elsep).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Match(tree: Tree, selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef]) =
- new Match(selector, cases).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Return(tree: Tree, expr: Tree) =
- new Return(expr).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Try(tree: Tree, block: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree) =
- new Try(block, catches, finalizer).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Throw(tree: Tree, expr: Tree) =
- new Throw(expr).copyAttrs(tree)
- def New(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree) =
- new New(tpt).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Typed(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, tpt: Tree) =
- new Typed(expr, tpt).copyAttrs(tree)
- def TypeApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =
- new TypeApply(fun, args).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Apply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =
- (tree match {
- case _: ApplyToImplicitArgs => new ApplyToImplicitArgs(fun, args)
- case _: ApplyImplicitView => new ApplyImplicitView(fun, args)
- case _ => new Apply(fun, args)
- }).copyAttrs(tree)
- def ApplyDynamic(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =
- new ApplyDynamic(qual, args).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Super(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, mix: TypeName) =
- new Super(qual, mix).copyAttrs(tree)
- def This(tree: Tree, qual: Name) =
- new This(qual.toTypeName).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Select(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name) =
- new Select(qualifier, selector).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Ident(tree: Tree, name: Name) =
- new Ident(name).copyAttrs(tree)
- def Literal(tree: Tree, value: Constant) =
- new Literal(value).copyAttrs(tree)
- def TypeTree(tree: Tree) =
- new TypeTree().copyAttrs(tree)
- def Annotated(tree: Tree, annot: Tree, arg: Tree) =
- new Annotated(annot, arg).copyAttrs(tree)
- def SingletonTypeTree(tree: Tree, ref: Tree) =
- new SingletonTypeTree(ref).copyAttrs(tree)
- def SelectFromTypeTree(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name) =
- new SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector.toTypeName).copyAttrs(tree)
- def CompoundTypeTree(tree: Tree, templ: Template) =
- new CompoundTypeTree(templ).copyAttrs(tree)
- def AppliedTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =
- new AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args).copyAttrs(tree)
- def TypeBoundsTree(tree: Tree, lo: Tree, hi: Tree) =
- new TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi).copyAttrs(tree)
- def ExistentialTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, whereClauses: List[Tree]) =
- new ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses).copyAttrs(tree)
- }
- class LazyTreeCopier extends TreeCopierOps {
- val treeCopy: TreeCopier = newStrictTreeCopier
- def ClassDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template) = tree match {
- case t @ ClassDef(mods0, name0, tparams0, impl0)
- if (mods0 == mods) && (name0 == name) && (tparams0 == tparams) && (impl0 == impl) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.ClassDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, impl)
- }
- def PackageDef(tree: Tree, pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ PackageDef(pid0, stats0)
- if (pid0 == pid) && (stats0 == stats) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.PackageDef(tree, pid, stats)
- }
- def ModuleDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, impl: Template) = tree match {
- case t @ ModuleDef(mods0, name0, impl0)
- if (mods0 == mods) && (name0 == name) && (impl0 == impl) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.ModuleDef(tree, mods, name, impl)
- }
- def ValDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ ValDef(mods0, name0, tpt0, rhs0)
- if (mods0 == mods) && (name0 == name) && (tpt0 == tpt) && (rhs0 == rhs) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.ValDef(tree, mods, name, tpt, rhs)
- }
- def DefDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ DefDef(mods0, name0, tparams0, vparamss0, tpt0, rhs0)
- if (mods0 == mods) && (name0 == name) && (tparams0 == tparams) &&
- (vparamss0 == vparamss) && (tpt0 == tpt) && (rhs == rhs0) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.DefDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs)
- }
- def TypeDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: Name, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ TypeDef(mods0, name0, tparams0, rhs0)
- if (mods0 == mods) && (name0 == name) && (tparams0 == tparams) && (rhs0 == rhs) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.TypeDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, rhs)
- }
- def LabelDef(tree: Tree, name: Name, params: List[Ident], rhs: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ LabelDef(name0, params0, rhs0)
- if (name0 == name) && (params0 == params) && (rhs0 == rhs) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.LabelDef(tree, name, params, rhs)
- }
- def Import(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector]) = tree match {
- case t @ Import(expr0, selectors0)
- if (expr0 == expr) && (selectors0 == selectors) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Import(tree, expr, selectors)
- }
- def Template(tree: Tree, parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ Template(parents0, self0, body0)
- if (parents0 == parents) && (self0 == self) && (body0 == body) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Template(tree, parents, self, body)
- }
- def Block(tree: Tree, stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Block(stats0, expr0)
- if ((stats0 == stats) && (expr0 == expr)) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Block(tree, stats, expr)
- }
- def CaseDef(tree: Tree, pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ CaseDef(pat0, guard0, body0)
- if (pat0 == pat) && (guard0 == guard) && (body0 == body) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.CaseDef(tree, pat, guard, body)
- }
- def Alternative(tree: Tree, trees: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ Alternative(trees0)
- if trees0 == trees => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Alternative(tree, trees)
- }
- def Star(tree: Tree, elem: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Star(elem0)
- if elem0 == elem => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Star(tree, elem)
- }
- def Bind(tree: Tree, name: Name, body: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Bind(name0, body0)
- if (name0 == name) && (body0 == body) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Bind(tree, name, body)
- }
- def UnApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ UnApply(fun0, args0)
- if (fun0 == fun) && (args0 == args) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.UnApply(tree, fun, args)
- }
- def ArrayValue(tree: Tree, elemtpt: Tree, trees: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ ArrayValue(elemtpt0, trees0)
- if (elemtpt0 == elemtpt) && (trees0 == trees) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.ArrayValue(tree, elemtpt, trees)
- }
- def Function(tree: Tree, vparams: List[ValDef], body: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Function(vparams0, body0)
- if (vparams0 == vparams) && (body0 == body) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Function(tree, vparams, body)
- }
- def Assign(tree: Tree, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Assign(lhs0, rhs0)
- if (lhs0 == lhs) && (rhs0 == rhs) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Assign(tree, lhs, rhs)
- }
- def If(tree: Tree, cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ If(cond0, thenp0, elsep0)
- if (cond0 == cond) && (thenp0 == thenp) && (elsep0 == elsep) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.If(tree, cond, thenp, elsep)
- }
- def Match(tree: Tree, selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef]) = tree match {
- case t @ Match(selector0, cases0)
- if (selector0 == selector) && (cases0 == cases) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Match(tree, selector, cases)
- }
- def Return(tree: Tree, expr: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Return(expr0)
- if expr0 == expr => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Return(tree, expr)
- }
- def Try(tree: Tree, block: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Try(block0, catches0, finalizer0)
- if (block0 == block) && (catches0 == catches) && (finalizer0 == finalizer) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Try(tree, block, catches, finalizer)
- }
- def Throw(tree: Tree, expr: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Throw(expr0)
- if expr0 == expr => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Throw(tree, expr)
- }
- def New(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ New(tpt0)
- if tpt0 == tpt => t
- case _ => treeCopy.New(tree, tpt)
- }
- def Typed(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, tpt: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Typed(expr0, tpt0)
- if (expr0 == expr) && (tpt0 == tpt) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Typed(tree, expr, tpt)
- }
- def TypeApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ TypeApply(fun0, args0)
- if (fun0 == fun) && (args0 == args) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.TypeApply(tree, fun, args)
- }
- def Apply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ Apply(fun0, args0)
- if (fun0 == fun) && (args0 == args) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Apply(tree, fun, args)
- }
- def ApplyDynamic(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ ApplyDynamic(qual0, args0)
- if (qual0 == qual) && (args0 == args) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.ApplyDynamic(tree, qual, args)
- }
- def Super(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, mix: TypeName) = tree match {
- case t @ Super(qual0, mix0)
- if (qual0 == qual) && (mix0 == mix) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Super(tree, qual, mix)
- }
- def This(tree: Tree, qual: Name) = tree match {
- case t @ This(qual0)
- if qual0 == qual => t
- case _ => treeCopy.This(tree, qual)
- }
- def Select(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name) = tree match {
- case t @ Select(qualifier0, selector0)
- if (qualifier0 == qualifier) && (selector0 == selector) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Select(tree, qualifier, selector)
- }
- def Ident(tree: Tree, name: Name) = tree match {
- case t @ Ident(name0)
- if name0 == name => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Ident(tree, name)
- }
- def Literal(tree: Tree, value: Constant) = tree match {
- case t @ Literal(value0)
- if value0 == value => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Literal(tree, value)
- }
- def TypeTree(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ TypeTree() => t
- case _ => treeCopy.TypeTree(tree)
- }
- def Annotated(tree: Tree, annot: Tree, arg: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ Annotated(annot0, arg0)
- if (annot0==annot) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.Annotated(tree, annot, arg)
- }
- def SingletonTypeTree(tree: Tree, ref: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ SingletonTypeTree(ref0)
- if ref0 == ref => t
- case _ => treeCopy.SingletonTypeTree(tree, ref)
- }
- def SelectFromTypeTree(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, selector: Name) = tree match {
- case t @ SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier0, selector0)
- if (qualifier0 == qualifier) && (selector0 == selector) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.SelectFromTypeTree(tree, qualifier, selector)
- }
- def CompoundTypeTree(tree: Tree, templ: Template) = tree match {
- case t @ CompoundTypeTree(templ0)
- if templ0 == templ => t
- case _ => treeCopy.CompoundTypeTree(tree, templ)
- }
- def AppliedTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ AppliedTypeTree(tpt0, args0)
- if (tpt0 == tpt) && (args0 == args) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.AppliedTypeTree(tree, tpt, args)
- }
- def TypeBoundsTree(tree: Tree, lo: Tree, hi: Tree) = tree match {
- case t @ TypeBoundsTree(lo0, hi0)
- if (lo0 == lo) && (hi0 == hi) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.TypeBoundsTree(tree, lo, hi)
- }
- def ExistentialTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, whereClauses: List[Tree]) = tree match {
- case t @ ExistentialTypeTree(tpt0, whereClauses0)
- if (tpt0 == tpt) && (whereClauses0 == whereClauses) => t
- case _ => treeCopy.ExistentialTypeTree(tree, tpt, whereClauses)
- }
- }
- abstract class Transformer {
- val treeCopy: TreeCopier = newLazyTreeCopier
- protected var currentOwner: Symbol = definitions.RootClass
- protected def currentMethod = currentOwner.enclMethod
- protected def currentClass = currentOwner.enclClass
- protected def currentPackage = currentOwner.toplevelClass.owner
- def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
- case EmptyTree =>
- tree
- case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
- treeCopy.PackageDef(
- tree, transform(pid).asInstanceOf[RefTree],
- atOwner(tree.symbol.moduleClass) {
- transformStats(stats, currentOwner)
- }
- )
- case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- treeCopy.ClassDef(tree, transformModifiers(mods), name,
- transformTypeDefs(tparams), transformTemplate(impl))
- }
- case ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol.moduleClass) {
- treeCopy.ModuleDef(tree, transformModifiers(mods),
- name, transformTemplate(impl))
- }
- case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- treeCopy.ValDef(tree, transformModifiers(mods),
- name, transform(tpt), transform(rhs))
- }
- case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- treeCopy.DefDef(tree, transformModifiers(mods), name,
- transformTypeDefs(tparams), transformValDefss(vparamss),
- transform(tpt), transform(rhs))
- }
- case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- treeCopy.TypeDef(tree, transformModifiers(mods), name,
- transformTypeDefs(tparams), transform(rhs))
- }
- case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
- treeCopy.LabelDef(tree, name, transformIdents(params), transform(rhs)) //bq: Martin, once, atOwner(...) works, also change `LamdaLifter.proxy'
- case Import(expr, selectors) =>
- treeCopy.Import(tree, transform(expr), selectors)
- case Template(parents, self, body) =>
- treeCopy.Template(tree, transformTrees(parents), transformValDef(self), transformStats(body, tree.symbol))
- case Block(stats, expr) =>
- treeCopy.Block(tree, transformStats(stats, currentOwner), transform(expr))
- case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
- treeCopy.CaseDef(tree, transform(pat), transform(guard), transform(body))
- case Alternative(trees) =>
- treeCopy.Alternative(tree, transformTrees(trees))
- case Star(elem) =>
- treeCopy.Star(tree, transform(elem))
- case Bind(name, body) =>
- treeCopy.Bind(tree, name, transform(body))
- case UnApply(fun, args) =>
- treeCopy.UnApply(tree, fun, transformTrees(args)) // bq: see test/.../unapplyContexts2.scala
- case ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees) =>
- treeCopy.ArrayValue(tree, transform(elemtpt), transformTrees(trees))
- case Function(vparams, body) =>
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- treeCopy.Function(tree, transformValDefs(vparams), transform(body))
- }
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- treeCopy.Assign(tree, transform(lhs), transform(rhs))
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- treeCopy.If(tree, transform(cond), transform(thenp), transform(elsep))
- case Match(selector, cases) =>
- treeCopy.Match(tree, transform(selector), transformCaseDefs(cases))
- case Return(expr) =>
- treeCopy.Return(tree, transform(expr))
- case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
- treeCopy.Try(tree, transform(block), transformCaseDefs(catches), transform(finalizer))
- case Throw(expr) =>
- treeCopy.Throw(tree, transform(expr))
- case New(tpt) =>
- treeCopy.New(tree, transform(tpt))
- case Typed(expr, tpt) =>
- treeCopy.Typed(tree, transform(expr), transform(tpt))
- case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
- treeCopy.TypeApply(tree, transform(fun), transformTrees(args))
- case Apply(fun, args) =>
- treeCopy.Apply(tree, transform(fun), transformTrees(args))
- case ApplyDynamic(qual, args) =>
- treeCopy.ApplyDynamic(tree, transform(qual), transformTrees(args))
- case Super(qual, mix) =>
- treeCopy.Super(tree, transform(qual), mix)
- case This(qual) =>
- treeCopy.This(tree, qual)
- case Select(qualifier, selector) =>
- treeCopy.Select(tree, transform(qualifier), selector)
- case Ident(name) =>
- treeCopy.Ident(tree, name)
- case Literal(value) =>
- treeCopy.Literal(tree, value)
- case TypeTree() =>
- treeCopy.TypeTree(tree)
- case Annotated(annot, arg) =>
- treeCopy.Annotated(tree, transform(annot), transform(arg))
- case SingletonTypeTree(ref) =>
- treeCopy.SingletonTypeTree(tree, transform(ref))
- case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector) =>
- treeCopy.SelectFromTypeTree(tree, transform(qualifier), selector)
- case CompoundTypeTree(templ) =>
- treeCopy.CompoundTypeTree(tree, transformTemplate(templ))
- case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) =>
- treeCopy.AppliedTypeTree(tree, transform(tpt), transformTrees(args))
- case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) =>
- treeCopy.TypeBoundsTree(tree, transform(lo), transform(hi))
- case ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses) =>
- treeCopy.ExistentialTypeTree(tree, transform(tpt), transformTrees(whereClauses))
- case _ =>
- xtransform(this, tree)
- }
- def transformTrees(trees: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
- trees mapConserve (transform(_))
- def transformTemplate(tree: Template): Template =
- transform(tree: Tree).asInstanceOf[Template]
- def transformTypeDefs(trees: List[TypeDef]): List[TypeDef] =
- trees mapConserve (tree => transform(tree).asInstanceOf[TypeDef])
- def transformValDef(tree: ValDef): ValDef =
- if (tree.isEmpty) tree else transform(tree).asInstanceOf[ValDef]
- def transformValDefs(trees: List[ValDef]): List[ValDef] =
- trees mapConserve (transformValDef(_))
- def transformValDefss(treess: List[List[ValDef]]): List[List[ValDef]] =
- treess mapConserve (transformValDefs(_))
- def transformCaseDefs(trees: List[CaseDef]): List[CaseDef] =
- trees mapConserve (tree => transform(tree).asInstanceOf[CaseDef])
- def transformIdents(trees: List[Ident]): List[Ident] =
- trees mapConserve (tree => transform(tree).asInstanceOf[Ident])
- def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): List[Tree] =
- stats mapConserve (stat =>
- if (exprOwner != currentOwner && stat.isTerm) atOwner(exprOwner)(transform(stat))
- else transform(stat)) filter (EmptyTree !=)
- def transformModifiers(mods: Modifiers): Modifiers =
- mods.mapAnnotations(transformTrees)
- def atOwner[A](owner: Symbol)(trans: => A): A = {
- val prevOwner = currentOwner
- currentOwner = owner
- val result = trans
- currentOwner = prevOwner
- result
- }
- }
- protected def xtransform(transformer: Transformer, tree: Tree): Tree = throw new MatchError(tree)
- class ForeachTreeTraverser(f: Tree => Unit) extends Traverser {
- override def traverse(t: Tree) {
- f(t)
- super.traverse(t)
- }
- }
- class FilterTreeTraverser(p: Tree => Boolean) extends Traverser {
- val hits = new ListBuffer[Tree]
- override def traverse(t: Tree) {
- if (p(t)) hits += t
- super.traverse(t)
- }
- }
- class FindTreeTraverser(p: Tree => Boolean) extends Traverser {
- var result: Option[Tree] = None
- override def traverse(t: Tree) {
- if (result.isEmpty) {
- if (p(t)) result = Some(t)
- super.traverse(t)
- }
- }
- }
- protected def duplicateTree(tree: Tree): Tree
-/* A standard pattern match
- case EmptyTree =>
- case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
- // package pid { stats }
- case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) =>
- // mods class name [tparams] impl where impl = extends parents { defs }
- case ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) => (eliminated by refcheck)
- // mods object name impl where impl = extends parents { defs }
- case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
- // mods val name: tpt = rhs
- // note missing type information is expressed by tpt = TypeTree()
- case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
- // mods def name[tparams](vparams_1)...(vparams_n): tpt = rhs
- // note missing type information is expressed by tpt = TypeTree()
- case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) => (eliminated by erasure)
- // mods type name[tparams] = rhs
- // mods type name[tparams] >: lo <: hi, where lo, hi are in a TypeBoundsTree,
- and DEFERRED is set in mods
- case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
- // used for tailcalls and like
- // while/do are desugared to label defs as follows:
- // while (cond) body ==> LabelDef($L, List(), if (cond) { body; L$() } else ())
- // do body while (cond) ==> LabelDef($L, List(), body; if (cond) L$() else ())
- case Import(expr, selectors) => (eliminated by typecheck)
- // import expr.{selectors}
- // Selectors are a list of pairs of names (from, to).
- // The last (and maybe only name) may be a nme.WILDCARD
- // for instance
- // import qual.{x, y => z, _} would be represented as
- // Import(qual, List(("x", "x"), ("y", "z"), (WILDCARD, null)))
- case Template(parents, self, body) =>
- // extends parents { self => body }
- // if self is missing it is represented as emptyValDef
- case Block(stats, expr) =>
- // { stats; expr }
- case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => (eliminated by transmatch/explicitouter)
- // case pat if guard => body
- case Alternative(trees) => (eliminated by transmatch/explicitouter)
- // pat1 | ... | patn
- case Star(elem) => (eliminated by transmatch/explicitouter)
- // pat*
- case Bind(name, body) => (eliminated by transmatch/explicitouter)
- // name @ pat
- case UnApply(fun: Tree, args) (introduced by typer, eliminated by transmatch/explicitouter)
- // used for unapply's
- case ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees) => (introduced by uncurry)
- // used to pass arguments to vararg arguments
- // for instance, printf("%s%d", foo, 42) is translated to after uncurry to:
- // Apply(
- // Ident("printf"),
- // Literal("%s%d"),
- // ArrayValue(<Any>, List(Ident("foo"), Literal(42))))
- case Function(vparams, body) => (eliminated by lambdaLift)
- // vparams => body where vparams:List[ValDef]
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- // lhs = rhs
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- // if (cond) thenp else elsep
- case Match(selector, cases) =>
- // selector match { cases }
- case Return(expr) =>
- // return expr
- case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
- // try block catch { catches } finally finalizer where catches: List[CaseDef]
- case Throw(expr) =>
- // throw expr
- case New(tpt) =>
- // new tpt always in the context: (new tpt).<init>[targs](args)
- case Typed(expr, tpt) => (eliminated by erasure)
- // expr: tpt
- case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
- // fun[args]
- case Apply(fun, args) =>
- // fun(args)
- // for instance fun[targs](args) is expressed as Apply(TypeApply(fun, targs), args)
- case ApplyDynamic(qual, args) (introduced by erasure, eliminated by cleanup)
- // fun(args)
- case Super(qual, mix) =>
- // qual.super[mix] if qual and/or mix is empty, ther are tpnme.EMPTY
- case This(qual) =>
- // qual.this
- case Select(qualifier, selector) =>
- // qualifier.selector
- case Ident(name) =>
- // name
- // note: type checker converts idents that refer to enclosing fields or methods
- // to selects; name ==>
- case Literal(value) =>
- // value
- case TypeTree() => (introduced by refcheck)
- // a type that's not written out, but given in the tpe attribute
- case Annotated(annot, arg) => (eliminated by typer)
- // arg @annot for types, arg: @annot for exprs
- case SingletonTypeTree(ref) => (eliminated by uncurry)
- // ref.type
- case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector) => (eliminated by uncurry)
- // qualifier # selector, a path-dependent type p.T is expressed as p.type # T
- case CompoundTypeTree(templ: Template) => (eliminated by uncurry)
- // parent1 with ... with parentN { refinement }
- case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) => (eliminated by uncurry)
- // tpt[args]
- case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) => (eliminated by uncurry)
- // >: lo <: hi
- case ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses) => (eliminated by uncurry)
- // tpt forSome { whereClauses }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Types.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Types.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index 646c93ad5f..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Types.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-trait Types { self: Universe =>
- abstract class AbsType {
- def typeSymbol: Symbol
- def decl(name: Name): Symbol
- }
- type Type >: Null <: AbsType
- type SingletonType >: Null <: Type
- val NoType: Type
- val NoPrefix: Type
- type ThisType <: SingletonType
- val ThisType: ThisTypeExtractor
- type TypeRef <: Type
- val TypeRef: TypeRefExtractor
- type SingleType <: SingletonType
- val SingleType: SingleTypeExtractor
- type SuperType <: SingletonType
- val SuperType: SuperTypeExtractor
- type TypeBounds <: Type
- val TypeBounds: TypeBoundsExtractor
- type CompoundType <: Type
- type RefinedType <: CompoundType
- val RefinedType: RefinedTypeExtractor
- type ClassInfoType <: CompoundType
- val ClassInfoType: ClassInfoTypeExtractor
- type ConstantType <: Type
- val ConstantType: ConstantTypeExtractor
- type MethodType <: Type
- val MethodType: MethodTypeExtractor
- type NullaryMethodType <: Type
- val NullaryMethodType: NullaryMethodTypeExtractor
- type PolyType <: Type
- val PolyType: PolyTypeExtractor
- type ExistentialType <: Type
- val ExistentialType: ExistentialTypeExtractor
- type AnnotatedType <: Type
- val AnnotatedType: AnnotatedTypeExtractor
- abstract class ThisTypeExtractor {
- def apply(sym: Symbol): Type
- def unapply(tpe: ThisType): Option[Symbol]
- }
- abstract class SingleTypeExtractor {
- def apply(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Type
- def unapply(tpe: SingleType): Option[(Type, Symbol)]
- }
- abstract class SuperTypeExtractor {
- def apply(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type): Type
- def unapply(tpe: SuperType): Option[(Type, Type)]
- }
- abstract class TypeRefExtractor {
- def apply(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type
- def unapply(tpe: TypeRef): Option[(Type, Symbol, List[Type])]
- }
- abstract class TypeBoundsExtractor {
- def apply(lo: Type, hi: Type): TypeBounds
- def unapply(tpe: TypeBounds): Option[(Type, Type)]
- }
- abstract class RefinedTypeExtractor {
- def apply(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope): RefinedType
- def apply(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, clazz: Symbol): RefinedType
- def unapply(tpe: RefinedType): Option[(List[Type], Scope)]
- }
- abstract class ClassInfoTypeExtractor {
- def apply(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, clazz: Symbol): ClassInfoType
- def unapply(tpe: ClassInfoType): Option[(List[Type], Scope, Symbol)]
- }
- abstract class ConstantTypeExtractor {
- def apply(value: Constant): ConstantType
- def unapply(tpe: ConstantType): Option[Constant]
- }
- abstract class MethodTypeExtractor {
- def apply(params: List[Symbol], resultType: Type): MethodType
- def unapply(tpe: MethodType): Option[(List[Symbol], Type)]
- }
- abstract class NullaryMethodTypeExtractor {
- def apply(resultType: Type): NullaryMethodType
- def unapply(tpe: NullaryMethodType): Option[(Type)]
- }
- abstract class PolyTypeExtractor {
- def apply(typeParams: List[Symbol], resultType: Type): PolyType
- def unapply(tpe: PolyType): Option[(List[Symbol], Type)]
- }
- abstract class ExistentialTypeExtractor {
- def apply(quantified: List[Symbol], underlying: Type): ExistentialType
- def unapply(tpe: ExistentialType): Option[(List[Symbol], Type)]
- }
- abstract class AnnotatedTypeExtractor {
- def apply(annotations: List[AnnotationInfo], underlying: Type, selfsym: Symbol): AnnotatedType
- def unapply(tpe: AnnotatedType): Option[(List[AnnotationInfo], Type, Symbol)]
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Universe.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Universe.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index ad145b12ac..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/api/Universe.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-package scala.reflect
-package api
-abstract class Universe extends Symbols
- with Types
- with Constants
- with Scopes
- with Names
- with Trees
- with Positions
- with AnnotationInfos
- with StandardDefinitions {
- type Position
- val NoPosition: Position
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
index 92bd656ed2..f9afd164f5 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
@@ -1426,7 +1426,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
* (5) companionSymbol
- /** For a module or case factory: the class with the same name in the same package.
+ /** For a module: the class with the same name in the same package.
* For all others: NoSymbol
* Note: does not work for classes owned by methods, see Namers.companionClassOf
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaToScala.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaToScala.scala
index 33f4b08d74..60e14ecec7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaToScala.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaToScala.scala
@@ -1,15 +1,24 @@
package scala.reflect
package runtime
-import java.lang.{Class => jClass, Package => jPackage}
+import java.lang.{ Class => jClass, Package => jPackage }
import java.lang.reflect.{
- Method => jMethod, Constructor => jConstructor, Modifier => jModifier, Field => jField,
- Member => jMember, Type => jType, TypeVariable => jTypeVariable,
- GenericDeclaration, ParameterizedType, WildcardType, AnnotatedElement}
+ Method => jMethod,
+ Constructor => jConstructor,
+ Modifier => jModifier,
+ Field => jField,
+ Member => jMember,
+ Type => jType,
+ TypeVariable => jTypeVariable,
+ GenericDeclaration,
+ ParameterizedType,
+ WildcardType,
+ AnnotatedElement
import internal.pickling.ByteCodecs
import internal.ClassfileConstants._
import internal.pickling.UnPickler
-import collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer}
+import collection.mutable.{ HashMap, ListBuffer }
import internal.Flags._
trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
@@ -20,7 +29,8 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
val global: JavaToScala.this.type = self
- /** Generate types for top-level Scala root class and root companion object
+ /**
+ * Generate types for top-level Scala root class and root companion object
* from the pickled information stored in a corresponding Java class
* @param clazz The top-level Scala class for which info is unpickled
* @param module The top-level Scala companion object for which info is unpickled
@@ -28,7 +38,7 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
* ScalaSignature or ScalaLongSignature annotation.
def unpickleClass(clazz: Symbol, module: Symbol, jclazz: jClass[_]): Unit = {
- println("unpickling "+clazz+" "+module)
+ println("unpickling " + clazz + " " + module)
val ssig = jclazz.getAnnotation(classOf[scala.reflect.ScalaSignature])
if (ssig != null) {
val bytes = ssig.bytes.getBytes
@@ -48,13 +58,14 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
println("long sig")
unpickler.unpickle(bytes, 0, clazz, module, jclazz.getName)
} else { // class does not have a Scala signature; it's a Java class
- println("no sig found for "+jclazz)
+ println("no sig found for " + jclazz)
initClassModule(clazz, module, new FromJavaClassCompleter(clazz, module, jclazz))
- /** A fresh Scala type parameter that corresponds to a Java type variable.
+ /**
+ * A fresh Scala type parameter that corresponds to a Java type variable.
* The association between Scala type parameter and Java type variable is entered in the cache.
* @param jtvar The Java type variable
@@ -65,7 +76,8 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
- /** A completer that fills in the type of a Scala type parameter from the bounds of a Java type variable.
+ /**
+ * A completer that fills in the type of a Scala type parameter from the bounds of a Java type variable.
* @param jtvar The Java type variable
private class TypeParamCompleter(jtvar: jTypeVariable[_ <: GenericDeclaration]) extends LazyType {
@@ -74,7 +86,8 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
- /** Copy all annotations of Java annotated element `jann` over to Scala symbol `sym`.
+ /**
+ * Copy all annotations of Java annotated element `jann` over to Scala symbol `sym`.
* Pre: `sym` is already initialized with a concrete type.
* Note: If `sym` is a method or constructor, its parameter annotations are copied as well.
@@ -82,7 +95,8 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
// to do: implement
- /** A completer that fills in the types of a Scala class and its companion object
+ /**
+ * A completer that fills in the types of a Scala class and its companion object
* by copying corresponding type info from a Java class. This completer is used
* to reflect classes in Scala that do not have a Scala pickle info, be it
* because they are local classes or have been compiled from Java sources.
@@ -92,7 +106,7 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
private class FromJavaClassCompleter(clazz: Symbol, module: Symbol, jclazz: jClass[_]) extends LazyType {
override def complete(sym: Symbol) = {
- println("completing from Java "+sym+"/"+clazz.fullName)
+ println("completing from Java " + sym + "/" + clazz.fullName)
assert(sym == clazz || sym == module || sym == module.moduleClass, sym)
val flags = toScalaFlags(jclazz.getModifiers, isClass = true)
clazz setFlag (flags | JAVA)
@@ -125,44 +139,52 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
- /** If Java modifiers `mods` contain STATIC, return the module class
+ /**
+ * If Java modifiers `mods` contain STATIC, return the module class
* of the companion module of `clazz`, otherwise the class `clazz` itself.
private def followStatic(clazz: Symbol, mods: Int) =
if (jModifier.isStatic(mods)) clazz.companionModule.moduleClass else clazz
- /** The Scala owner of the Scala class corresponding to the Java class `jclazz`
+ /**
+ * The Scala owner of the Scala class corresponding to the Java class `jclazz`
private def sOwner(jclazz: jClass[_]): Symbol = {
if (jclazz.isMemberClass)
followStatic(classToScala(jclazz.getEnclosingClass), jclazz.getModifiers)
else if (jclazz.isLocalClass)
methodToScala(jclazz.getEnclosingMethod) orElse constrToScala(jclazz.getEnclosingConstructor)
+ else if (jclazz.isPrimitive || jclazz.isArray)
+ ScalaPackageClass
else {
assert(jclazz.getPackage != null, jclazz)
- /** The Scala owner of the Scala symbol corresponding to the Java member `jmember`
+ /**
+ * The Scala owner of the Scala symbol corresponding to the Java member `jmember`
private def sOwner(jmember: jMember): Symbol = {
followStatic(classToScala(jmember.getDeclaringClass), jmember.getModifiers)
- /** The Scala owner of the Scala type parameter corresponding to the Java type variable `jtvar`
+ /**
+ * The Scala owner of the Scala type parameter corresponding to the Java type variable `jtvar`
private def sOwner(jtvar: jTypeVariable[_ <: GenericDeclaration]): Symbol =
- /** Returns `true` if Scala name `name` equals Java name `jstr`, possibly after
+ /**
+ * Returns `true` if Scala name `name` equals Java name `jstr`, possibly after
* make-not-private expansion.
private def approximateMatch(sym: Symbol, jstr: String): Boolean =
( == jstr) ||
- sym.isPrivate && nme.expandedName(, sym.owner).toString == jstr
+ sym.isPrivate && nme.expandedName(, sym.owner).toString == jstr
- /** Find declarations or definition in class `clazz` that maps to a Java
+ /**
+ * Find declarations or definition in class `clazz` that maps to a Java
* entity with name `jname`. Because of name-mangling, this is more difficult
* than a simple name-based lookup via `decl`. If `decl` fails, members
* that start with the given name are searched instead.
@@ -170,13 +192,14 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
private def lookup(clazz: Symbol, jname: String): Symbol = orElse {
( filter (approximateMatch(_, jname))).toList match {
- case List() => NoSymbol
+ case List() => NoSymbol
case List(sym) => sym
- case alts => clazz.newOverloaded(alts.head.tpe.prefix, alts)
+ case alts => clazz.newOverloaded(alts.head.tpe.prefix, alts)
- /** The Scala method corresponding to given Java method.
+ /**
+ * The Scala method corresponding to given Java method.
* @param jmeth The Java method
* @return A Scala method object that corresponds to `jmeth`.
@@ -185,7 +208,8 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
lookup(owner, jmeth.getName) suchThat (erasesTo(_, jmeth)) orElse jmethodAsScala(jmeth)
- /** The Scala constructor corresponding to given Java constructor.
+ /**
+ * The Scala constructor corresponding to given Java constructor.
* @param jconstr The Java constructor
* @return A Scala method object that corresponds to `jconstr`.
@@ -194,20 +218,23 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
lookup(owner, "<init>") suchThat (erasesTo(_, jconstr)) orElse jconstrAsScala(jconstr)
- /** The Scala package corresponding to given Java package
+ /**
+ * The Scala package corresponding to given Java package
def packageToScala(jpkg: jPackage): Symbol = packageCache.toScala(jpkg) {
- /** The Scala package with given fully qualified name.
+ /**
+ * The Scala package with given fully qualified name.
def packageNameToScala(fullname: String): Symbol = {
val jpkg = jPackage.getPackage(fullname)
if (jpkg != null) packageToScala(jpkg) else makeScalaPackage(fullname)
- /** The Scala package with given fully qualified name. Unlike `packageNameToScala`,
+ /**
+ * The Scala package with given fully qualified name. Unlike `packageNameToScala`,
* this one bypasses the cache.
private def makeScalaPackage(fullname: String): Symbol = {
@@ -219,7 +246,8 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
- /** The Scala class that corresponds to a given Java class.
+ /**
+ * The Scala class that corresponds to a given Java class.
* @param jclazz The Java class
* @return A Scala class symbol that reflects all elements of the Java class,
* in the form they appear in the Scala pickling info, or, if that is
@@ -230,14 +258,28 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
} else if (jclazz.isLocalClass) { // local classes not preserved by unpickling - treat as Java
- } else { // jclazz is top-level - get signature
- val (clazz, module) = createClassModule(
+ } else if (jclazz.isArray) {
+ ArrayClass
+ } else jclazz match {
+ case java.lang.Void.TYPE => UnitClass
+ case java.lang.Byte.TYPE => ByteClass
+ case java.lang.Character.TYPE => CharClass
+ case java.lang.Short.TYPE => ShortClass
+ case java.lang.Integer.TYPE => IntClass
+ case java.lang.Long.TYPE => LongClass
+ case java.lang.Float.TYPE => FloatClass
+ case java.lang.Double.TYPE => DoubleClass
+ case java.lang.Boolean.TYPE => BooleanClass
+ case _ =>
+ // jclazz is top-level - get signature
+ val (clazz, module) = createClassModule(
sOwner(jclazz), newTypeName(jclazz.getSimpleName), new TopClassCompleter(_, _))
- clazz
+ clazz
- /** The Scala type parameter that corresponds to a given Java type parameter.
+ /**
+ * The Scala type parameter that corresponds to a given Java type parameter.
* @param jparam The Java type parameter
* @return A Scala type parameter symbol that has the same owner and name as the Java type parameter
@@ -248,25 +290,27 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
- /** The Scala symbol that corresponds to a given Java generic declaration (class, method, or constructor)
+ /**
+ * The Scala symbol that corresponds to a given Java generic declaration (class, method, or constructor)
def genericDeclarationToScala(jdecl: GenericDeclaration) = jdecl match {
- case jclazz: jClass[_] => classToScala(jclazz)
- case jmeth: jMethod => methodToScala(jmeth)
+ case jclazz: jClass[_] => classToScala(jclazz)
+ case jmeth: jMethod => methodToScala(jmeth)
case jconstr: jConstructor[_] => constrToScala(jconstr)
- /** Given some Java type arguments, a corresponding list of Scala types, plus potentially
+ /**
+ * Given some Java type arguments, a corresponding list of Scala types, plus potentially
* some existentially bound type variables that represent wildcard arguments.
private def targsToScala(owner: Symbol, args: List[jType]): (List[Type], List[Symbol]) = {
val tparams = new ListBuffer[Symbol]
def targToScala(arg: jType): Type = arg match {
case jwild: WildcardType =>
- val tparam = owner.newExistential(NoPosition, newTypeName("T$"+tparams.length))
+ val tparam = owner.newExistential(NoPosition, newTypeName("T$" + tparams.length))
- lub(jwild.getLowerBounds.toList map typeToScala),
- glb(jwild.getUpperBounds.toList map typeToScala)))
+ lub(jwild.getLowerBounds.toList map typeToScala),
+ glb(jwild.getUpperBounds.toList map typeToScala)))
tparams += tparam
typeRef(NoPrefix, tparam, List())
case _ =>
@@ -275,20 +319,13 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
(args map targToScala, tparams.toList)
- /** The Scala type that corresponds to given Java type
+ /**
+ * The Scala type that corresponds to given Java type
def typeToScala(jtpe: jType): Type = jtpe match {
- case java.lang.Void.TYPE => UnitClass.tpe
- case java.lang.Byte.TYPE => ByteClass.tpe
- case java.lang.Character.TYPE => CharClass.tpe
- case java.lang.Short.TYPE => ShortClass.tpe
- case java.lang.Integer.TYPE => IntClass.tpe
- case java.lang.Long.TYPE => LongClass.tpe
- case java.lang.Float.TYPE => FloatClass.tpe
- case java.lang.Double.TYPE => DoubleClass.tpe
- case java.lang.Boolean.TYPE => BooleanClass.tpe
case jclazz: jClass[_] =>
- if (jclazz.isArray) arrayType(typeToScala(jclazz.getComponentType))
+ if (jclazz.isArray)
+ arrayType(typeToScala(jclazz.getComponentType))
else {
val clazz = classToScala(jclazz)
rawToExistential(typeRef(clazz.owner.thisType, clazz, List()))
@@ -296,7 +333,7 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
case japplied: ParameterizedType =>
val (pre, sym) = typeToScala(japplied.getRawType) match {
case ExistentialType(tparams, TypeRef(pre, sym, _)) => (pre, sym)
- case TypeRef(pre, sym, _) => (pre, sym)
+ case TypeRef(pre, sym, _) => (pre, sym)
val args0 = japplied.getActualTypeArguments
val (args, bounds) = targsToScala(pre.typeSymbol, args0.toList)
@@ -306,18 +343,20 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
typeRef(NoPrefix, tparam, List())
- /** The Scala class that corresponds to given Java class without taking
+ /**
+ * The Scala class that corresponds to given Java class without taking
* Scala pickling info into account.
* @param jclazz The Java class
* @return A Scala class symbol that wraps all reflection info of `jclazz`
private def jclassAsScala(jclazz: jClass[_]): Symbol = {
val (clazz, module) = createClassModule(
- sOwner(jclazz), newTypeName(jclazz.getSimpleName), new FromJavaClassCompleter(_, _, jclazz))
+ sOwner(jclazz), newTypeName(jclazz.getSimpleName), new FromJavaClassCompleter(_, _, jclazz))
- /** The Scala field that corresponds to given Java field without taking
+ /**
+ * The Scala field that corresponds to given Java field without taking
* Scala pickling info into account.
* @param jfield The Java field
* @return A Scala value symbol that wraps all reflection info of `jfield`
@@ -330,7 +369,8 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
- /** The Scala method that corresponds to given Java method without taking
+ /**
+ * The Scala method that corresponds to given Java method without taking
* Scala pickling info into account.
* @param jmeth The Java method
* @return A Scala method symbol that wraps all reflection info of `jmethod`
@@ -347,7 +387,8 @@ trait JavaToScala extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
- /** The Scala constructor that corresponds to given Java constructor without taking
+ /**
+ * The Scala constructor that corresponds to given Java constructor without taking
* Scala pickling info into account.
* @param jconstr The Java constructor
* @return A Scala constructor symbol that wraps all reflection info of `jconstr`
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/Loaders.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/Loaders.scala
index bb2f628041..3cab02706a 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/Loaders.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/Loaders.scala
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package scala.reflect
package runtime
+import internal.Flags
import java.lang.{Class => jClass, Package => jPackage}
trait Loaders { self: Universe =>
@@ -21,9 +23,10 @@ trait Loaders { self: Universe =>
class TopClassCompleter(clazz: Symbol, module: Symbol) extends LazyType {
def makePackage() {
val ptpe = new PackageType(module.moduleClass)
- clazz setInfo ptpe
- module setInfo ptpe
- module.moduleClass setInfo ptpe
+ for (sym <- List(clazz, module, module.moduleClass)) {
+ sym setFlag Flags.PACKAGE
+ sym setInfo ptpe
+ }
override def complete(sym: Symbol) = {
println("completing "+sym+"/"+clazz.fullName)
@@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ trait Loaders { self: Universe =>
* @param completer The completer to be used to set the info of the class and the module
protected def createClassModule(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, completer: (Symbol, Symbol) => LazyType) = {
+ assert(!(name.toString endsWith "[]"), name)
val clazz = owner.newClass(NoPosition, name)
val module = owner.newModule(NoPosition, name.toTermName) enter clazz
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/Mirror.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/Mirror.scala
index 18283f3898..3d6d330cfe 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/Mirror.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/Mirror.scala
@@ -2,27 +2,43 @@ package scala.reflect
package runtime
import internal.{SomePhase, NoPhase, Phase, TreeGen}
+import java.lang.reflect.Array
/** The mirror for standard runtime reflection from Java.
class Mirror extends Universe with api.Mirror {
+ import definitions._
def classWithName(name: String): Symbol = classToScala(java.lang.Class.forName(name))
def getClass(obj: AnyRef): Symbol = classToScala(obj.getClass)
def getType(obj: AnyRef): Type = typeToScala(obj.getClass)
// to do add getClass/getType for instances of primitive types, probably like this:
// def getClass[T <: AnyVal : Manifest](x: T): Symbol = manifest[T].getClass
- def getValue(receiver: AnyRef, field: Symbol): Any = fieldToJava(field).get(receiver)
- def setValue(receiver: AnyRef, field: Symbol, value: Any): Unit = fieldToJava(field).set(receiver, value)
- def invoke(receiver: AnyRef, meth: Symbol, args: Any*): Any = methodToJava(meth).invoke(receiver, args)
+ def getValue(receiver: AnyRef, field: Symbol): Any = {
+ fieldToJava(field).get(receiver)
+ }
+ def setValue(receiver: AnyRef, field: Symbol, value: Any): Unit = {
+ fieldToJava(field).set(receiver, value)
+ }
+ def invoke(receiver: AnyRef, meth: Symbol, args: Any*): Any = {
+ if (meth.owner == ArrayClass) {
+ match {
+ case nme.length => return Array.getLength(receiver)
+ case nme.apply => return Array.get(receiver, args(0).asInstanceOf[Int])
+ case nme.update => return Array.set(receiver, args(0).asInstanceOf[Int], args(1))
+ }
+ }
+ methodToJava(meth).invoke(receiver, args.asInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef]]: _*)
+ }
object Mirror extends Mirror
/** test code; should go to tests once things settle down a bit
- */
+ *
object Test extends Mirror with App {
val sym = classToScala(classOf[scala.collection.Iterable[_]])
@@ -30,4 +46,5 @@ object Test extends Mirror with App {
println("decls = "+( map (_.defString)))
val ms = map (_.initialize)
println("members = "+(ms map (_.defString) mkString ("\n ")))
-} \ No newline at end of file
+*/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/ScalaToJava.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/ScalaToJava.scala
index b3f898e709..4155d7ee06 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/ScalaToJava.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/runtime/ScalaToJava.scala
@@ -22,12 +22,27 @@ trait ScalaToJava extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
* - top-level classes
* - Scala classes that were generated via jclassToScala
* - classes that have a class owner that has a corresponding Java class
- * @throws A `NoClassDefFoundError` for all Scala classes not in one of these categories.
+ * @throws A `ClassNotFoundException` for all Scala classes not in one of these categories.
+ @throws(classOf[ClassNotFoundException])
def classToJava(clazz: Symbol): jClass[_] = classCache.toJava(clazz) {
- def noClass = throw new NoClassDefFoundError("no Java class corresponding to "+clazz+" found")
+ def noClass = throw new ClassNotFoundException("no Java class corresponding to "+clazz+" found")
println("classToJava "+clazz+" "+clazz.owner+" "+clazz.owner.isPackageClass)
- if (clazz.owner.isPackageClass)
+ if (clazz.isValueClass)
+ clazz match {
+ case UnitClass => java.lang.Void.TYPE
+ case ByteClass => java.lang.Byte.TYPE
+ case CharClass => java.lang.Character.TYPE
+ case ShortClass => java.lang.Short.TYPE
+ case IntClass => java.lang.Integer.TYPE
+ case LongClass => java.lang.Long.TYPE
+ case FloatClass => java.lang.Float.TYPE
+ case DoubleClass => java.lang.Double.TYPE
+ case BooleanClass => java.lang.Boolean.TYPE
+ }
+ else if (clazz == ArrayClass)
+ noClass
+ else if (clazz.owner.isPackageClass)
else if (clazz.owner.isClass)
@@ -76,20 +91,7 @@ trait ScalaToJava extends ConversionUtil { self: Universe =>
def typeToJavaClass(tpe: Type): jClass[_] = tpe match {
case ExistentialType(_, rtpe) => typeToJavaClass(rtpe)
case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, List(elemtpe)) => jArrayClass(typeToJavaClass(elemtpe))
- case TypeRef(_, sym, _) => typeSymToJavaClass(sym)
+ case TypeRef(_, sym, _) => classToJava(sym)
case _ => throw new NoClassDefFoundError("no Java class corresponding to "+tpe+" found")
- private def typeSymToJavaClass(sym: Symbol): jClass[_] = sym match {
- case UnitClass => java.lang.Void.TYPE
- case ByteClass => java.lang.Byte.TYPE
- case CharClass => java.lang.Character.TYPE
- case ShortClass => java.lang.Short.TYPE
- case IntClass => java.lang.Integer.TYPE
- case LongClass => java.lang.Long.TYPE
- case FloatClass => java.lang.Float.TYPE
- case DoubleClass => java.lang.Double.TYPE
- case BooleanClass => java.lang.Boolean.TYPE
- case _ => jClass.forName(sym.fullName)
- }
} \ No newline at end of file