path: root/src/reflect
diff options
authorDen Shabalin <>2013-07-08 20:48:17 +0200
committerEugene Burmako <>2013-07-08 21:20:28 +0200
commit7184fe0d3740ac8558067c18bdf449a65a8a26b9 (patch)
tree34afa3886443f46121710eccde1be74c553dc386 /src/reflect
parent32949c496e2703e05ff07fae8d19bf91fe733e71 (diff)
implements quasiquotes
- Additions to the reflection API: - The Quasiquotes implicit class that defines `q`, `tq`, `pq` and `cq` interpolators which now become a part of the `scala.reflect.api. Universe`. - Implementations of the interpolators are macro-based and are hardwired through `FastTrack`. - The `Liftable` class and the `StandardLiftables` slice of the cake that provide a type class and a bunch of its instances that allow to easily splice user-defined types into quasiquotes. - Additional methods in `BuildUtils` that are used by the quasiquote macro to generate trees, notably: - `SyntacticClassDef`. An extractor/constructor that allows to construct and deconstruct classes using arguments that mirror syntactic form of ClassDefs (e.g. constructor outside of the body). - `TupleN`, `TupleTypeN`. Extractor/constructor for easy construction of ast that represents a tuple term or type with given amount of elements. - Actual implementation of quasiquotes in the ` quasiquotes` package which is organized into a cake called `Quasiquotes` with slices introducing core abstractions necessary to splice into Scala syntax, routines for interfacing with the parser, and customized reifiers for tree construction and deconstruction.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/reflect')
8 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/BuildUtils.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/BuildUtils.scala
index 2e95a01176..c568cf74c0 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/BuildUtils.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/BuildUtils.scala
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ private[reflect] trait BuildUtils { self: Universe =>
def Ident(sym: Symbol): Ident
+ def Block(stats: List[Tree]): Block
def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree
def thisPrefix(sym: Symbol): Type
@@ -73,5 +75,45 @@ private[reflect] trait BuildUtils { self: Universe =>
def setType[T <: Tree](tree: T, tpe: Type): T
def setSymbol[T <: Tree](tree: T, sym: Symbol): T
+ def mkAnnotationCtor(tree: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Tree
+ val FlagsAsBits: FlagsAsBitsExtractor
+ trait FlagsAsBitsExtractor {
+ def unapply(flags: Long): Option[Long]
+ }
+ val TypeApplied: TypeAppliedExtractor
+ trait TypeAppliedExtractor {
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[(Tree, List[Tree])]
+ }
+ val Applied: AppliedExtractor
+ trait AppliedExtractor {
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[(Tree, List[List[Tree]])]
+ }
+ val SyntacticClassDef: SyntacticClassDefExtractor
+ trait SyntacticClassDefExtractor {
+ def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef],
+ constrMods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], parents: List[Tree],
+ selfdef: ValDef, body: List[Tree]): Tree
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TypeName, List[TypeDef], Modifiers,
+ List[List[ValDef]], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])]
+ }
+ val TupleN: TupleNExtractor
+ val TupleTypeN: TupleNExtractor
+ trait TupleNExtractor {
+ def apply(args: List[Tree]): Tree
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[Tree]]
+ }
+ def RefTree(qual: Tree, sym: Symbol): Tree
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Liftable.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Liftable.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f6fe066dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Liftable.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package scala.reflect
+package api
+trait Liftable[T] {
+ def apply(universe: api.Universe, value: T): universe.Tree
+object Liftable {
+ private class LiftableConstant[T] extends Liftable[T] {
+ def apply(universe: Universe, value: T): universe.Tree =
+ universe.Literal(universe.Constant(value))
+ }
+ implicit lazy val liftByte: Liftable[Byte] = new LiftableConstant[Byte]
+ implicit lazy val liftShort: Liftable[Short] = new LiftableConstant[Short]
+ implicit lazy val liftChar: Liftable[Char] = new LiftableConstant[Char]
+ implicit lazy val liftInt: Liftable[Int] = new LiftableConstant[Int]
+ implicit lazy val liftLong: Liftable[Long] = new LiftableConstant[Long]
+ implicit lazy val liftFloat: Liftable[Float] = new LiftableConstant[Float]
+ implicit lazy val liftDouble: Liftable[Double] = new LiftableConstant[Double]
+ implicit lazy val liftBoolean: Liftable[Boolean] = new LiftableConstant[Boolean]
+ implicit lazy val liftString: Liftable[String] = new LiftableConstant[String]
+ implicit lazy val liftUnit: Liftable[Unit] = new LiftableConstant[Unit]
+ implicit lazy val liftScalaSymbol: Liftable[scala.Symbol] = new Liftable[scala.Symbol] {
+ def apply(universe: Universe, value: scala.Symbol): universe.Tree = {
+ import universe._
+ val symbol = Select(Ident(TermName("scala")), TermName("Symbol"))
+ Apply(symbol, List(Literal(Constant(
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Quasiquotes.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Quasiquotes.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3895b8b95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Quasiquotes.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package scala.reflect
+package api
+import language.experimental.macros
+trait Quasiquotes { self: Universe =>
+ // implementation is hardwired to `dispatch` method of ``
+ // using the mechanism implemented in ``
+ implicit class Quasiquote(ctx: StringContext) {
+ protected trait api {
+ def apply(args: Any*): Any = macro ???
+ def unapply(subpatterns: Any*): Option[Any] = macro ???
+ }
+ object q extends api
+ object tq extends api
+ object cq extends api
+ object pq extends api
+ }
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/StandardLiftables.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/StandardLiftables.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecea550225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/StandardLiftables.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package scala.reflect
+package api
+trait StandardLiftables { self: Universe =>
+ private def requireSameUniverse[T](universe: Universe, tp: String, value: T) =
+ require(universe eq self, s"Can't lift $tp ${showRaw(value)} from universe ${showRaw(universe)} using lift$tp defined for ${showRaw(self)}.")
+ implicit def liftExpr[T <: Expr[_]]: Liftable[T] = new Liftable[T] {
+ def apply(universe: Universe, value: T): universe.Tree = {
+ requireSameUniverse(universe, "Expr", value)
+ value.tree.asInstanceOf[universe.Tree]
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def liftType[T <: Type]: Liftable[T] = new Liftable[T] {
+ def apply(universe: Universe, value: T): universe.Tree = {
+ requireSameUniverse(universe, "Type", value)
+ universe.TypeTree(value.asInstanceOf[universe.Type])
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def liftTypeTag[T <: WeakTypeTag[_]]: Liftable[T] = new Liftable[T] {
+ def apply(universe: Universe, value: T): universe.Tree = {
+ requireSameUniverse(universe, "TypeTag", value)
+ universe.TypeTree(value.asInstanceOf[universe.WeakTypeTag[_]].tpe)
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def liftConstant[T <: Constant]: Liftable[T] = new Liftable[T] {
+ def apply(universe: Universe, value: T): universe.Tree = {
+ requireSameUniverse(universe, "Constant", value)
+ universe.Literal(value.asInstanceOf[universe.Constant])
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Universe.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Universe.scala
index cb629f9c5a..77b4827eab 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Universe.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Universe.scala
@@ -72,10 +72,12 @@ abstract class Universe extends Symbols
with ImplicitTags
with StandardDefinitions
with StandardNames
+ with StandardLiftables
with BuildUtils
with Mirrors
with Printers
with Importers
+ with Quasiquotes
/** Use `refiy` to produce the abstract syntax tree representing a given Scala expression.
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/BuildUtils.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/BuildUtils.scala
index ece2d28be3..6526c4ce12 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/BuildUtils.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/BuildUtils.scala
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ package scala
package reflect
package internal
+import Flags._
trait BuildUtils { self: SymbolTable =>
+ import definitions.{TupleClass, MaxTupleArity, ScalaPackage, UnitClass}
class BuildImpl extends BuildApi {
@@ -52,6 +55,12 @@ trait BuildUtils { self: SymbolTable =>
def Ident(sym: Symbol): Ident = self.Ident(sym)
+ def Block(stats: List[Tree]): Block = stats match {
+ case Nil => self.Block(Nil, Literal(Constant(())))
+ case elem :: Nil => self.Block(Nil, elem)
+ case elems => self.Block(elems.init, elems.last)
+ }
def TypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree = self.TypeTree(tp)
def thisPrefix(sym: Symbol): Type = sym.thisPrefix
@@ -59,6 +68,117 @@ trait BuildUtils { self: SymbolTable =>
def setType[T <: Tree](tree: T, tpe: Type): T = { tree.setType(tpe); tree }
def setSymbol[T <: Tree](tree: T, sym: Symbol): T = { tree.setSymbol(sym); tree }
+ def mkAnnotationCtor(tree: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Tree = tree match {
+ case ident: Ident => Apply(self.Select(New(ident), nme.CONSTRUCTOR: TermName), args)
+ case call @ Apply(Select(New(ident: Ident), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), _) =>
+ if (args.nonEmpty)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't splice annotation that already contains args with extra args, consider merging these lists together")
+ call
+ case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Tree ${showRaw(tree)} isn't a correct representation of annotation, consider passing Ident as a first argument")
+ }
+ object FlagsAsBits extends FlagsAsBitsExtractor {
+ def unapply(flags: Long): Option[Long] = Some(flags)
+ }
+ object TypeApplied extends TypeAppliedExtractor {
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[(Tree, List[Tree])] = tree match {
+ case TypeApply(fun, targs) => Some((fun, targs))
+ case _ => Some((tree, Nil))
+ }
+ }
+ object Applied extends AppliedExtractor {
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[(Tree, List[List[Tree]])] = {
+ val treeInfo.Applied(fun, targs, argss) = tree
+ targs match {
+ case Nil => Some((fun, argss))
+ case _ => Some((TypeApply(fun, targs), argss))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ object SyntacticClassDef extends SyntacticClassDefExtractor {
+ def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[TypeDef],
+ constrMods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], parents: List[Tree],
+ selfdef: ValDef, body: List[Tree]): Tree =
+ ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, gen.mkTemplate(parents, selfdef, constrMods, vparamss, body, NoPosition))
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TypeName, List[TypeDef], Modifiers,
+ List[List[ValDef]], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])] = tree match {
+ case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, Template(parents, selfdef, tbody)) =>
+ // extract generated fieldDefs and constructor
+ val (defs, (ctor: DefDef) :: body) = tbody.splitAt(tbody.indexWhere {
+ case DefDef(_, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, _, _, _, _) => true
+ case _ => false
+ })
+ val (earlyDefs, fieldDefs) = defs.span(treeInfo.isEarlyDef)
+ // undo conversion from (implicit ... ) to ()(implicit ... ) when its the only parameter section
+ val vparamssRestoredImplicits = ctor.vparamss match {
+ case Nil :: rest if !rest.isEmpty && !rest.head.isEmpty && rest.head.head.mods.isImplicit => rest
+ case other => other
+ }
+ // undo flag modifications by mergeing flag info from constructor args and fieldDefs
+ val modsMap = { case ValDef(mods, name, _, _) => name -> mods }.toMap
+ val vparamss = mmap(vparamssRestoredImplicits) { vd =>
+ val originalMods = modsMap( | (vd.mods.flags & DEFAULTPARAM)
+ atPos(vd.pos)(ValDef(originalMods,, vd.tpt, vd.rhs))
+ }
+ Some((mods, name, tparams, ctor.mods, vparamss, parents, selfdef, earlyDefs ::: body))
+ case _ =>
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ object TupleN extends TupleNExtractor {
+ def apply(args: List[Tree]): Tree = args match {
+ case Nil => Literal(Constant(()))
+ case _ =>
+ require(args.length <= MaxTupleArity, s"Tuples with arity bigger than $MaxTupleArity aren't supported")
+ self.Apply(TupleClass(args.length).companionModule, args: _*)
+ }
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[Tree]] = tree match {
+ case Literal(Constant(())) =>
+ Some(Nil)
+ case Apply(id: Ident, args)
+ if args.length <= MaxTupleArity && id.symbol == TupleClass(args.length).companionModule =>
+ Some(args)
+ case Apply(Select(Ident(nme.scala_), TermName(tuple)), args)
+ if args.length <= MaxTupleArity && tuple == TupleClass(args.length).name =>
+ Some(args)
+ case _ =>
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ object TupleTypeN extends TupleNExtractor {
+ def apply(args: List[Tree]): Tree = args match {
+ case Nil => self.Select(self.Ident(nme.scala_), tpnme.Unit)
+ case _ =>
+ require(args.length <= MaxTupleArity, s"Tuples with arity bigger than $MaxTupleArity aren't supported")
+ AppliedTypeTree(Ident(TupleClass(args.length)), args)
+ }
+ def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[Tree]] = tree match {
+ case Select(Ident(nme.scala_), tpnme.Unit) =>
+ Some(Nil)
+ case AppliedTypeTree(id: Ident, args)
+ if args.length <= MaxTupleArity && id.symbol == TupleClass(args.length) =>
+ Some(args)
+ case AppliedTypeTree(Select(id @ Ident(nme.scala_), TermName(tuple)), args)
+ if args.length <= MaxTupleArity && id.symbol == ScalaPackage && tuple == TupleClass(args.length).name =>
+ Some(args)
+ case _ =>
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ def RefTree(qual: Tree, sym: Symbol) = self.RefTree(qual, setSymbol sym
val build: BuildApi = new BuildImpl
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
index bf8ef79a63..d3b9c38ee1 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
@@ -442,6 +442,7 @@ trait Definitions extends api.StandardDefinitions {
// collections classes
lazy val ConsClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.immutable.::[_]]
lazy val IteratorClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.Iterator[_]]
+ lazy val IterableClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.Iterable[_]]
lazy val ListClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.immutable.List[_]]
lazy val SeqClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.Seq[_]]
lazy val StringBuilderClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder]
@@ -520,6 +521,7 @@ trait Definitions extends api.StandardDefinitions {
lazy val TypeCreatorClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.TypeCreator") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful
lazy val TreeCreatorClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.TreeCreator") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful
+ lazy val LiftableClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.Liftable") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful
lazy val MacroClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.macros.Macro") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful
lazy val MacroContextClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.macros.Context") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful
@@ -534,6 +536,11 @@ trait Definitions extends api.StandardDefinitions {
lazy val StringContextClass = requiredClass[scala.StringContext]
def StringContext_f = getMemberMethod(StringContextClass, nme.f)
+ lazy val QuasiquoteClass = if (ApiUniverseClass != NoSymbol) getMember(ApiUniverseClass, tpnme.Quasiquote) else NoSymbol
+ lazy val QuasiquoteClass_api = if (QuasiquoteClass != NoSymbol) getMember(QuasiquoteClass, tpnme.api) else NoSymbol
+ lazy val QuasiquoteClass_api_apply = if (QuasiquoteClass_api != NoSymbol) getMember(QuasiquoteClass_api, nme.apply) else NoSymbol
+ lazy val QuasiquoteClass_api_unapply = if (QuasiquoteClass_api != NoSymbol) getMember(QuasiquoteClass_api, nme.unapply) else NoSymbol
lazy val ScalaSignatureAnnotation = requiredClass[scala.reflect.ScalaSignature]
lazy val ScalaLongSignatureAnnotation = requiredClass[scala.reflect.ScalaLongSignature]
@@ -645,6 +652,10 @@ trait Definitions extends api.StandardDefinitions {
isNonTrivial && isMacroCompatible
+ def isLiftableType(tp: Type) = tp <:< classExistentialType(LiftableClass)
+ def isIterableType(tp: Type) = tp <:< classExistentialType(IterableClass)
lazy val ProductRootClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass[scala.Product]
def Product_productArity = getMemberMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.productArity)
def Product_productElement = getMemberMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.productElement)
@@ -1185,5 +1196,28 @@ trait Definitions extends api.StandardDefinitions {
val _ = symbolsNotPresentInBytecode
isInitialized = true
} //init
+ class UniverseDependentTypes(universe: Tree) {
+ lazy val universeType = universe.tpe
+ lazy val universeSym = universe.symbol
+ lazy val nameType = universeMemberType(tpnme.Name)
+ lazy val termNameType = universeMemberType(tpnme.TypeName)
+ lazy val typeNameType = universeMemberType(tpnme.TermName)
+ lazy val modsType = universeMemberType(tpnme.Modifiers)
+ lazy val flagsType = universeMemberType(tpnme.FlagSet)
+ lazy val symbolType = universeMemberType(tpnme.Symbol)
+ lazy val treeType0 = universeMemberType(tpnme.Tree)
+ lazy val treeType = universeMemberType(tpnme.Tree)
+ lazy val typeDefType = universeMemberType(tpnme.TypeDef)
+ lazy val caseDefType = universeMemberType(tpnme.CaseDef)
+ lazy val iterableTreeType = appliedType(IterableClass, treeType)
+ lazy val iterableCaseDefType = appliedType(IterableClass, caseDefType)
+ lazy val iterableIterableTreeType = appliedType(IterableClass, iterableTreeType)
+ lazy val listTreeType = appliedType(ListClass, treeType)
+ lazy val listListTreeType = appliedType(ListClass, listTreeType)
+ lazy val optionTreeType = appliedType(OptionClass, treeType)
+ lazy val optionNameType = appliedType(OptionClass, nameType)
+ def universeMemberType(name: TypeName) = universe.tpe.memberType(getTypeMember(universe.symbol, name))
+ }
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
index 30aaaa1f3a..64713b8d41 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
@@ -216,23 +216,39 @@ trait StdNames {
final val Any: NameType = "Any"
final val AnyVal: NameType = "AnyVal"
+ final val FlagSet: NameType = "FlagSet"
final val Mirror: NameType = "Mirror"
+ final val Modifiers: NameType = "Modifiers"
final val Nothing: NameType = "Nothing"
final val Null: NameType = "Null"
final val Object: NameType = "Object"
+ final val Option: NameType = "Option"
final val PrefixType: NameType = "PrefixType"
final val Product: NameType = "Product"
final val Serializable: NameType = "Serializable"
final val Singleton: NameType = "Singleton"
final val Throwable: NameType = "Throwable"
+ final val api: NameType = "api"
final val Annotation: NameType = "Annotation"
+ final val CaseDef: NameType = "CaseDef"
final val ClassfileAnnotation: NameType = "ClassfileAnnotation"
final val ClassManifest: NameType = "ClassManifest"
final val Enum: NameType = "Enum"
final val Group: NameType = "Group"
+ final val Name: NameType = "Name"
final val Tree: NameType = "Tree"
+ final val TermName: NameType = "TermName"
final val Type : NameType = "Type"
+ final val TypeName: NameType = "TypeName"
+ final val TypeDef: NameType = "TypeDef"
+ final val Tuple: NameType = "Tuple"
+ final val Universe: NameType = "Universe"
+ final val Quasiquote: NameType = "Quasiquote"
+ // quasiquote-specific names
+ final val QUASIQUOTE_MODS: NameType = "$quasiquote$mods$"
+ final val QUASIQUOTE_TUPLE: NameType = "$quasiquote$tuple$"
// Annotation simple names, used in Namer
final val BeanPropertyAnnot: NameType = "BeanProperty"
@@ -304,6 +320,10 @@ trait StdNames {
val REIFY_FREE_THIS_SUFFIX: NameType = "$this"
val REIFY_FREE_VALUE_SUFFIX: NameType = "$value"
val REIFY_SYMDEF_PREFIX: NameType = "symdef$"
+ val QUASIQUOTE_PREFIX: String = "qq$"
+ val QUASIQUOTE_FILE: String = "<quasiquote>"
+ val QUASIQUOTE_TUPLE: NameType = "$quasiquote$tuple$"
+ val QUASIQUOTE_CASE: NameType = "$quasiquote$case$"
val MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR: NameType = "$init$"
val OUTER: NameType = "$outer"
@@ -539,17 +559,23 @@ trait StdNames {
val Annotation: NameType = "Annotation"
val Any: NameType = "Any"
val AnyVal: NameType = "AnyVal"
+ val Apply: NameType = "Apply"
+ val Applied: NameType = "Applied"
val ArrayAnnotArg: NameType = "ArrayAnnotArg"
+ val Block: NameType = "Block"
val ConstantType: NameType = "ConstantType"
val EmptyPackage: NameType = "EmptyPackage"
val EmptyPackageClass: NameType = "EmptyPackageClass"
+ val False : NameType = "False"
val Flag : NameType = "Flag"
+ val FlagsAsBits: NameType = "FlagsAsBits"
val Ident: NameType = "Ident"
val Import: NameType = "Import"
val Literal: NameType = "Literal"
val LiteralAnnotArg: NameType = "LiteralAnnotArg"
val Modifiers: NameType = "Modifiers"
val NestedAnnotArg: NameType = "NestedAnnotArg"
+ val New: NameType = "New"
val NoFlags: NameType = "NoFlags"
val NoSymbol: NameType = "NoSymbol"
val Nothing: NameType = "Nothing"
@@ -560,10 +586,15 @@ trait StdNames {
val Select: NameType = "Select"
val SelectFromTypeTree: NameType = "SelectFromTypeTree"
val StringContext: NameType = "StringContext"
+ val SyntacticClassDef: NameType = "SyntacticClassDef"
val This: NameType = "This"
val ThisType: NameType = "ThisType"
+ val True : NameType = "True"
val Tuple2: NameType = "Tuple2"
+ val TupleN: NameType = "TupleN"
+ val TupleTypeN: NameType = "TupleTypeN"
val TYPE_ : NameType = "TYPE"
+ val TypeApplied: NameType = "TypeApplied"
val TypeRef: NameType = "TypeRef"
val TypeTree: NameType = "TypeTree"
val UNIT : NameType = "UNIT"
@@ -593,6 +624,7 @@ trait StdNames {
val checkInitialized: NameType = "checkInitialized"
val classOf: NameType = "classOf"
val clone_ : NameType = "clone"
+ val collection: NameType = "collection"
val conforms: NameType = "conforms"
val copy: NameType = "copy"
val create: NameType = "create"
@@ -619,10 +651,13 @@ trait StdNames {
val find_ : NameType = "find"
val flagsFromBits : NameType = "flagsFromBits"
val flatMap: NameType = "flatMap"
+ val flatten: NameType = "flatten"
+ val foldLeft: NameType = "foldLeft"
val foreach: NameType = "foreach"
val get: NameType = "get"
val hashCode_ : NameType = "hashCode"
val hash_ : NameType = "hash"
+ val immutable: NameType = "immutable"
val implicitly: NameType = "implicitly"
val in: NameType = "in"
val inlinedEquals: NameType = "inlinedEquals"
@@ -644,12 +679,15 @@ trait StdNames {
val materializeWeakTypeTag: NameType = "materializeWeakTypeTag"
val materializeTypeTag: NameType = "materializeTypeTag"
val moduleClass : NameType = "moduleClass"
+ val mkAnnotationCtor: NameType = "mkAnnotationCtor"
val ne: NameType = "ne"
val newArray: NameType = "newArray"
val newFreeTerm: NameType = "newFreeTerm"
val newFreeType: NameType = "newFreeType"
val newNestedSymbol: NameType = "newNestedSymbol"
val newScopeWith: NameType = "newScopeWith"
+ val nmeNme: NameType = "nme"
val notifyAll_ : NameType = "notifyAll"
val notify_ : NameType = "notify"
val null_ : NameType = "null"
@@ -665,6 +703,7 @@ trait StdNames {
val runtime: NameType = "runtime"
val runtimeClass: NameType = "runtimeClass"
val runtimeMirror: NameType = "runtimeMirror"
+ val RefTree: NameType = "RefTree"
val scala_ : NameType = "scala"
val selectDynamic: NameType = "selectDynamic"
val selectOverloadedMethod: NameType = "selectOverloadedMethod"
@@ -684,6 +723,7 @@ trait StdNames {
val this_ : NameType = "this"
val thisPrefix : NameType = "thisPrefix"
val toArray: NameType = "toArray"
+ val toList: NameType = "toList"
val toObjectArray : NameType = "toObjectArray"
val TopScope: NameType = "TopScope"
val toString_ : NameType = "toString"
@@ -694,6 +734,7 @@ trait StdNames {
val typedProductIterator: NameType = "typedProductIterator"
val TypeName: NameType = "TypeName"
val typeTagToManifest: NameType = "typeTagToManifest"
val unapply: NameType = "unapply"
val unapplySeq: NameType = "unapplySeq"
val unbox: NameType = "unbox"
@@ -708,6 +749,12 @@ trait StdNames {
val withFilter: NameType = "withFilter"
val zero: NameType = "zero"
+ // quasiquote interpolators:
+ val q: NameType = "q"
+ val tq: NameType = "tq"
+ val cq: NameType = "cq"
+ val pq: NameType = "pq"
// unencoded operators
object raw {
final val BANG : NameType = "!"
@@ -744,6 +791,7 @@ trait StdNames {
val ADD = encode("+")
val AND = encode("&")
val ASR = encode(">>")
+ val CONS = encode("::")
val DIV = encode("/")
val EQ = encode("==")
val EQL = encode("=")
@@ -760,6 +808,7 @@ trait StdNames {
val NE = encode("!=")
val OR = encode("|")
val PLUS = ADD // technically redundant, but ADD looks funny with MINUS
+ val PLUSPLUS = encode("++")
val SUB = MINUS // ... as does SUB with PLUS
val XOR = encode("^")
val ZAND = encode("&&")