path: root/src/xml
diff options
authorAdriaan Moors <>2013-08-16 17:22:21 -0700
committerAdriaan Moors <>2013-08-27 11:10:30 -0700
commit67600a72d47900a22e97d82f236cca1b0153674e (patch)
tree7148767332d1a25146d50c65eb4d6c295a974c8e /src/xml
parent9c50dd52743b7ff4de19548669dfa7e7a0304034 (diff)
Remove scala-xml and scala-parser-combinators
These modules move to their own repositories: - (v1.0-RC3) - (v1.0-RC1) The modularization depends on the new partest, as the old one's classpath handling did not support a modularized scala. The compiler pom now depends on the artifacts published separately, with versions specified in NOTES: - The osgi tests resolve the xml and parsers jars and osgi-fy them, as they are no longer built locally. TODO: Can we move the osgification to the module builds? - Disabled local repositories: don't want to accidentally include unpublished artifacts in releases etc.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/xml')
84 files changed, 0 insertions, 7892 deletions
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Atom.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Atom.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 33e58ba7e7..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/Atom.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** The class `Atom` provides an XML node for text (`PCDATA`).
- * It is used in both non-bound and bound XML representations.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @param data the text contained in this node, may not be `'''null'''`.
- */
-class Atom[+A](val data: A) extends SpecialNode with Serializable {
- if (data == null)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot construct "+getClass.getSimpleName+" with null")
- override protected def basisForHashCode: Seq[Any] = Seq(data)
- override def strict_==(other: Equality) = other match {
- case x: Atom[_] => data ==
- case _ => false
- }
- override def canEqual(other: Any) = other match {
- case _: Atom[_] => true
- case _ => false
- }
- final override def doCollectNamespaces = false
- final override def doTransform = false
- def label = "#PCDATA"
- /** Returns text, with some characters escaped according to the XML
- * specification.
- */
- def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
- Utility.escape(data.toString, sb)
- override def text: String = data.toString
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Attribute.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Attribute.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e4b2b69fc6..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/Attribute.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** This singleton object contains the `apply` and `unapply` methods for
- * convenient construction and deconstruction.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-object Attribute {
- def unapply(x: Attribute) = x match {
- case PrefixedAttribute(_, key, value, next) => Some((key, value, next))
- case UnprefixedAttribute(key, value, next) => Some((key, value, next))
- case _ => None
- }
- /** Convenience functions which choose Un/Prefixedness appropriately */
- def apply(key: String, value: Seq[Node], next: MetaData): Attribute =
- new UnprefixedAttribute(key, value, next)
- def apply(pre: String, key: String, value: String, next: MetaData): Attribute =
- if (pre == null || pre == "") new UnprefixedAttribute(key, value, next)
- else new PrefixedAttribute(pre, key, value, next)
- def apply(pre: String, key: String, value: Seq[Node], next: MetaData): Attribute =
- if (pre == null || pre == "") new UnprefixedAttribute(key, value, next)
- else new PrefixedAttribute(pre, key, value, next)
- def apply(pre: Option[String], key: String, value: Seq[Node], next: MetaData): Attribute =
- pre match {
- case None => new UnprefixedAttribute(key, value, next)
- case Some(p) => new PrefixedAttribute(p, key, value, next)
- }
-/** The `Attribute` trait defines the interface shared by both
- * [[scala.xml.PrefixedAttribute]] and [[scala.xml.UnprefixedAttribute]].
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-abstract trait Attribute extends MetaData {
- def pre: String // will be null if unprefixed
- val key: String
- val value: Seq[Node]
- val next: MetaData
- def apply(key: String): Seq[Node]
- def apply(namespace: String, scope: NamespaceBinding, key: String): Seq[Node]
- def copy(next: MetaData): Attribute
- def remove(key: String) =
- if (!isPrefixed && this.key == key) next
- else copy(next remove key)
- def remove(namespace: String, scope: NamespaceBinding, key: String) =
- if (this.key == key && (scope getURI pre) == namespace) next
- else copy(next.remove(namespace, scope, key))
- def isPrefixed: Boolean = pre != null
- def getNamespace(owner: Node): String
- def wellformed(scope: NamespaceBinding): Boolean = {
- val arg = if (isPrefixed) scope getURI pre else null
- (next(arg, scope, key) == null) && (next wellformed scope)
- }
- /** Returns an iterator on attributes */
- override def iterator: Iterator[MetaData] = {
- if (value == null) next.iterator
- else Iterator.single(this) ++ next.iterator
- }
- override def size: Int = {
- if (value == null) next.size
- else 1 + next.size
- }
- /** Appends string representation of only this attribute to stringbuffer.
- */
- protected def toString1(sb: StringBuilder) {
- if (value == null)
- return
- if (isPrefixed)
- sb append pre append ':'
- sb append key append '='
- val sb2 = new StringBuilder()
- Utility.sequenceToXML(value, TopScope, sb2, stripComments = true)
- Utility.appendQuoted(sb2.toString, sb)
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Comment.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Comment.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b8dccdcb16..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/Comment.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** The class `Comment` implements an XML node for comments.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @param commentText the text contained in this node, may not contain "--"
- */
-case class Comment(commentText: String) extends SpecialNode {
- def label = "#REM"
- override def text = ""
- final override def doCollectNamespaces = false
- final override def doTransform = false
- if (commentText contains "--")
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("text contains \"--\"")
- /** Appends &quot;<!-- text -->&quot; to this string buffer.
- */
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder) =
- sb append "<!--" append commentText append "-->"
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Document.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Document.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a725014fc..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/Document.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** A document information item (according to InfoSet spec). The comments
- * are copied from the Infoset spec, only augmented with some information
- * on the Scala types for definitions that might have no value.
- * Also plays the role of an `XMLEvent` for pull parsing.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0, 26/04/2005
- */
-class Document extends NodeSeq with pull.XMLEvent with Serializable {
- /** An ordered list of child information items, in document
- * order. The list contains exactly one element information item. The
- * list also contains one processing instruction information item for
- * each processing instruction outside the document element, and one
- * comment information item for each comment outside the document
- * element. Processing instructions and comments within the DTD are
- * excluded. If there is a document type declaration, the list also
- * contains a document type declaration information item.
- */
- var children: Seq[Node] = _
- /** The element information item corresponding to the document element. */
- var docElem: Node = _
- /** The dtd that comes with the document, if any */
- var dtd: scala.xml.dtd.DTD = _
- /** An unordered set of notation information items, one for each notation
- * declared in the DTD. If any notation is multiply declared, this property
- * has no value.
- */
- def notations: Seq[scala.xml.dtd.NotationDecl] =
- dtd.notations
- /** An unordered set of unparsed entity information items, one for each
- * unparsed entity declared in the DTD.
- */
- def unparsedEntities: Seq[scala.xml.dtd.EntityDecl] =
- dtd.unparsedEntities
- /** The base URI of the document entity. */
- var baseURI: String = _
- /** The name of the character encoding scheme in which the document entity
- * is expressed.
- */
- var encoding: Option[String] = _
- /** An indication of the standalone status of the document, either
- * true or false. This property is derived from the optional standalone
- * document declaration in the XML declaration at the beginning of the
- * document entity, and has no value (`None`) if there is no
- * standalone document declaration.
- */
- var standAlone: Option[Boolean] = _
- /** A string representing the XML version of the document. This
- * property is derived from the XML declaration optionally present at
- * the beginning of the document entity, and has no value (`None`)
- * if there is no XML declaration.
- */
- var version: Option[String] = _
- /** 9. This property is not strictly speaking part of the infoset of
- * the document. Rather it is an indication of whether the processor
- * has read the complete DTD. Its value is a boolean. If it is false,
- * then certain properties (indicated in their descriptions below) may
- * be unknown. If it is true, those properties are never unknown.
- */
- var allDeclarationsProcessed = false
- // methods for NodeSeq
- def theSeq: Seq[Node] = this.docElem
- override def canEqual(other: Any) = other match {
- case _: Document => true
- case _ => false
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Elem.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Elem.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index e9b87e516c..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/Elem.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** This singleton object contains the `apply` and `unapplySeq` methods for
- * convenient construction and deconstruction. It is possible to deconstruct
- * any `Node` instance (that is not a `SpecialNode` or a `Group`) using the
- * syntax `case Elem(prefix, label, attribs, scope, child @ _*) => ...`
- *
- * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * @author Burak Emir <>
- */
-object Elem {
- /** Build an Elem, setting its minimizeEmpty property to `true` if it has no children. Note that this
- * default may not be exactly what you want, as some XML dialects don't permit some elements to be minimized.
- *
- * @deprecated This factory method is retained for backward compatibility; please use the other one, with which you
- * can specify your own preference for minimizeEmpty.
- */
- @deprecated("Use the other apply method in this object", "2.10.0")
- def apply(prefix: String, label: String, attributes: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, child: Node*): Elem =
- apply(prefix, label, attributes, scope, child.isEmpty, child: _*)
- def apply(prefix: String, label: String, attributes: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, minimizeEmpty: Boolean, child: Node*): Elem =
- new Elem(prefix, label, attributes, scope, minimizeEmpty, child: _*)
- def unapplySeq(n: Node) = n match {
- case _: SpecialNode | _: Group => None
- case _ => Some((n.prefix, n.label, n.attributes, n.scope, n.child))
- }
- import scala.sys.process._
- import scala.language.implicitConversions
- /** Implicitly convert a [[scala.xml.Elem]] into a
- * [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]]. This is done by obtaining the text
- * elements of the element, trimming spaces, and then converting the result
- * from string to a process. Importantly, tags are completely ignored, so
- * they cannot be used to separate parameters.
- */
- @deprecated("To create a scala.sys.process.Process from an xml.Elem, please use Process(elem.text.trim).", "2.11.0")
- implicit def xmlToProcess(command: scala.xml.Elem): ProcessBuilder = Process(command.text.trim)
- @deprecated("To create a scala.sys.process.Process from an xml.Elem, please use Process(elem.text.trim).", "2.11.0")
- implicit def processXml(p: Process.type) = new {
- /** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] from a Scala XML Element.
- * This can be used as a way to template strings.
- *
- * @example {{{
- * apply(<x> {dxPath.absolutePath} --dex --output={classesDexPath.absolutePath} {classesMinJarPath.absolutePath}</x>)
- * }}}
- */
- def apply(command: Elem): ProcessBuilder = Process(command.text.trim)
- }
-/** The case class `Elem` extends the `Node` class,
- * providing an immutable data object representing an XML element.
- *
- * @param prefix namespace prefix (may be null, but not the empty string)
- * @param label the element name
- * @param attributes1 the attribute map
- * @param scope the scope containing the namespace bindings
- * @param minimizeEmpty `true` if this element should be serialized as minimized (i.e. "&lt;el/&gt;") when
- * empty; `false` if it should be written out in long form.
- * @param child the children of this node
- *
- * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * @author Burak Emir <>
- */
-class Elem(
- override val prefix: String,
- val label: String,
- attributes1: MetaData,
- override val scope: NamespaceBinding,
- val minimizeEmpty: Boolean,
- val child: Node*)
-extends Node with Serializable
- @deprecated("This constructor is retained for backward compatibility. Please use the primary constructor, which lets you specify your own preference for `minimizeEmpty`.", "2.10.0")
- def this(prefix: String, label: String, attributes: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, child: Node*) = {
- this(prefix, label, attributes, scope, child.isEmpty, child: _*)
- }
- final override def doCollectNamespaces = true
- final override def doTransform = true
- override val attributes = MetaData.normalize(attributes1, scope)
- if (prefix == "")
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("prefix of zero length, use null instead")
- if (scope == null)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("scope is null, use scala.xml.TopScope for empty scope")
- //@todo: copy the children,
- // setting namespace scope if necessary
- // cleaning adjacent text nodes if necessary
- override protected def basisForHashCode: Seq[Any] =
- prefix :: label :: attributes :: child.toList
- /** Returns a new element with updated attributes, resolving namespace uris
- * from this element's scope. See MetaData.update for details.
- *
- * @param updates MetaData with new and updated attributes
- * @return a new symbol with updated attributes
- */
- final def %(updates: MetaData): Elem =
- copy(attributes = MetaData.update(attributes, scope, updates))
- /** Returns a copy of this element with any supplied arguments replacing
- * this element's value for that field.
- *
- * @return a new symbol with updated attributes
- */
- def copy(
- prefix: String = this.prefix,
- label: String = this.label,
- attributes: MetaData = this.attributes,
- scope: NamespaceBinding = this.scope,
- minimizeEmpty: Boolean = this.minimizeEmpty,
- child: Seq[Node] = this.child.toSeq
- ): Elem = Elem(prefix, label, attributes, scope, minimizeEmpty, child: _*)
- /** Returns concatenation of `text(n)` for each child `n`.
- */
- override def text = (child map (_.text)).mkString
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/EntityRef.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/EntityRef.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a58831075..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/EntityRef.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** The class `EntityRef` implements an XML node for entity references.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- * @param entityName the name of the entity reference, for example `amp`.
- */
-case class EntityRef(entityName: String) extends SpecialNode {
- final override def doCollectNamespaces = false
- final override def doTransform = false
- def label = "#ENTITY"
- override def text = entityName match {
- case "lt" => "<"
- case "gt" => ">"
- case "amp" => "&"
- case "apos" => "'"
- case "quot" => "\""
- case _ => Utility.sbToString(buildString)
- }
- /** Appends `"&amp; entityName;"` to this string buffer.
- *
- * @param sb the string buffer.
- * @return the modified string buffer `sb`.
- */
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder) =
- sb.append("&").append(entityName).append(";")
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Equality.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Equality.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 021d185812..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/Equality.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** In an attempt to contain the damage being inflicted on consistency by the
- * ad hoc `equals` methods spread around `xml`, the logic is centralized and
- * all the `xml` classes go through the `xml.Equality trait`. There are two
- * forms of `xml` comparison.
- *
- * 1. `'''def''' strict_==(other: scala.xml.Equality)`
- *
- * This one tries to honor the little things like symmetry and hashCode
- * contracts. The `equals` method routes all comparisons through this.
- *
- * 1. `xml_==(other: Any)`
- *
- * This one picks up where `strict_==` leaves off. It might declare any two
- * things equal.
- *
- * As things stood, the logic not only made a mockery of the collections
- * equals contract, but also laid waste to that of case classes.
- *
- * Among the obstacles to sanity are/were:
- *
- * Node extends NodeSeq extends Seq[Node]
- * MetaData extends Iterable[MetaData]
- * The hacky "Group" xml node which throws exceptions
- * with wild abandon, so don't get too close
- * Rampant asymmetry and impossible hashCodes
- * Most classes claiming to be equal to "String" if
- * some specific stringification of it was the same.
- * String was never going to return the favor.
- */
-object Equality {
- def asRef(x: Any): AnyRef = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
- /** Note - these functions assume strict equality has already failed.
- */
- def compareBlithely(x1: AnyRef, x2: String): Boolean = x1 match {
- case x: Atom[_] => == x2
- case x: NodeSeq => x.text == x2
- case _ => false
- }
- def compareBlithely(x1: AnyRef, x2: Node): Boolean = x1 match {
- case x: NodeSeq if x.length == 1 => x2 == x(0)
- case _ => false
- }
- def compareBlithely(x1: AnyRef, x2: AnyRef): Boolean = {
- if (x1 == null || x2 == null)
- return (x1 eq x2)
- x2 match {
- case s: String => compareBlithely(x1, s)
- case n: Node => compareBlithely(x1, n)
- case _ => false
- }
- }
-import Equality._
-trait Equality extends scala.Equals {
- protected def basisForHashCode: Seq[Any]
- def strict_==(other: Equality): Boolean
- def strict_!=(other: Equality) = !strict_==(other)
- /** We insist we're only equal to other `xml.Equality` implementors,
- * which heads off a lot of inconsistency up front.
- */
- override def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
- case x: Equality => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** It's be nice to make these final, but there are probably
- * people out there subclassing the XML types, especially when
- * it comes to equals. However WE at least can pretend they
- * are final since clearly individual classes cannot be trusted
- * to maintain a semblance of order.
- */
- override def hashCode() = basisForHashCode.##
- override def equals(other: Any) = doComparison(other, blithe = false)
- final def xml_==(other: Any) = doComparison(other, blithe = true)
- final def xml_!=(other: Any) = !xml_==(other)
- /** The "blithe" parameter expresses the caller's unconcerned attitude
- * regarding the usual constraints on equals. The method is thereby
- * given carte blanche to declare any two things equal.
- */
- private def doComparison(other: Any, blithe: Boolean) = {
- val strictlyEqual = other match {
- case x: AnyRef if this eq x => true
- case x: Equality => (x canEqual this) && (this strict_== x)
- case _ => false
- }
- strictlyEqual || (blithe && compareBlithely(this, asRef(other)))
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Group.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Group.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e3af615008..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/Group.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** A hack to group XML nodes in one node for output.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-final case class Group(nodes: Seq[Node]) extends Node {
- override def theSeq = nodes
- override def canEqual(other: Any) = other match {
- case x: Group => true
- case _ => false
- }
- override def strict_==(other: Equality) = other match {
- case Group(xs) => nodes sameElements xs
- case _ => false
- }
- override protected def basisForHashCode = nodes
- /** Since Group is very much a hack it throws an exception if you
- * try to do anything with it.
- */
- private def fail(msg: String) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("class Group does not support method '%s'" format msg)
- def label = fail("label")
- override def attributes = fail("attributes")
- override def namespace = fail("namespace")
- override def child = fail("child")
- def buildString(sb: StringBuilder) = fail("toString(StringBuilder)")
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/MalformedAttributeException.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/MalformedAttributeException.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d499ad3e10..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/MalformedAttributeException.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-case class MalformedAttributeException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg)
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/MetaData.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/MetaData.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b5ea187cb..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/MetaData.scala
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-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-import Utility.sbToString
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import scala.collection.{ AbstractIterable, Iterator }
- * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * @author Burak Emir <>
- */
-object MetaData {
- /**
- * appends all attributes from new_tail to attribs, without attempting to
- * detect or remove duplicates. The method guarantees that all attributes
- * from attribs come before the attributes in new_tail, but does not
- * guarantee to preserve the relative order of attribs.
- *
- * Duplicates can be removed with `normalize`.
- */
- @tailrec // temporarily marked final so it will compile under -Xexperimental
- final def concatenate(attribs: MetaData, new_tail: MetaData): MetaData =
- if (attribs eq Null) new_tail
- else concatenate(, attribs copy new_tail)
- /**
- * returns normalized MetaData, with all duplicates removed and namespace prefixes resolved to
- * namespace URIs via the given scope.
- */
- def normalize(attribs: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding): MetaData = {
- def iterate(md: MetaData, normalized_attribs: MetaData, set: Set[String]): MetaData = {
- lazy val key = getUniversalKey(md, scope)
- if (md eq Null) normalized_attribs
- else if ((md.value eq null) || set(key)) iterate(, normalized_attribs, set)
- else md copy iterate(, normalized_attribs, set + key)
- }
- iterate(attribs, Null, Set())
- }
- /**
- * returns key if md is unprefixed, pre+key is md is prefixed
- */
- def getUniversalKey(attrib: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding) = attrib match {
- case prefixed: PrefixedAttribute => scope.getURI(prefixed.pre) + prefixed.key
- case unprefixed: UnprefixedAttribute => unprefixed.key
- }
- /**
- * returns MetaData with attributes updated from given MetaData
- */
- def update(attribs: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, updates: MetaData): MetaData =
- normalize(concatenate(updates, attribs), scope)
-/** This class represents an attribute and at the same time a linked list of
- * attributes. Every instance of this class is either
- * - an instance of `UnprefixedAttribute key,value` or
- * - an instance of `PrefixedAttribute namespace_prefix,key,value` or
- * - `Null, the empty attribute list.
- *
- * Namespace URIs are obtained by using the namespace scope of the element
- * owning this attribute (see `getNamespace`).
- *
- * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * @author Burak Emir <>
- */
-abstract class MetaData
-extends AbstractIterable[MetaData]
- with Iterable[MetaData]
- with Equality
- with Serializable {
- /** Updates this MetaData with the MetaData given as argument. All attributes that occur in updates
- * are part of the resulting MetaData. If an attribute occurs in both this instance and
- * updates, only the one in updates is part of the result (avoiding duplicates). For prefixed
- * attributes, namespaces are resolved using the given scope, which defaults to TopScope.
- *
- * @param updates MetaData with new and updated attributes
- * @return a new MetaData instance that contains old, new and updated attributes
- */
- def append(updates: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope): MetaData =
- MetaData.update(this, scope, updates)
- /**
- * Gets value of unqualified (unprefixed) attribute with given key, null if not found
- *
- * @param key
- * @return value as Seq[Node] if key is found, null otherwise
- */
- def apply(key: String): Seq[Node]
- /** convenience method, same as `apply(namespace, owner.scope, key)`.
- *
- * @param namespace_uri namespace uri of key
- * @param owner the element owning this attribute list
- * @param key the attribute key
- */
- final def apply(namespace_uri: String, owner: Node, key: String): Seq[Node] =
- apply(namespace_uri, owner.scope, key)
- /**
- * Gets value of prefixed attribute with given key and namespace, null if not found
- *
- * @param namespace_uri namespace uri of key
- * @param scp a namespace scp (usually of the element owning this attribute list)
- * @param k to be looked for
- * @return value as Seq[Node] if key is found, null otherwise
- */
- def apply(namespace_uri: String, scp: NamespaceBinding, k: String): Seq[Node]
- /** returns a copy of this MetaData item with next field set to argument.
- */
- def copy(next: MetaData): MetaData
- /** if owner is the element of this metadata item, returns namespace */
- def getNamespace(owner: Node): String
- def hasNext = (Null != next)
- def length: Int = length(0)
- def length(i: Int): Int = next.length(i + 1)
- def isPrefixed: Boolean
- override def canEqual(other: Any) = other match {
- case _: MetaData => true
- case _ => false
- }
- override def strict_==(other: Equality) = other match {
- case m: MetaData => this.asAttrMap == m.asAttrMap
- case _ => false
- }
- protected def basisForHashCode: Seq[Any] = List(this.asAttrMap)
- /** filters this sequence of meta data */
- override def filter(f: MetaData => Boolean): MetaData =
- if (f(this)) copy(next filter f)
- else next filter f
- /** returns key of this MetaData item */
- def key: String
- /** returns value of this MetaData item */
- def value: Seq[Node]
- /** Returns a String containing "prefix:key" if the first key is
- * prefixed, and "key" otherwise.
- */
- def prefixedKey = this match {
- case x: Attribute if x.isPrefixed => x.pre + ":" + key
- case _ => key
- }
- /** Returns a Map containing the attributes stored as key/value pairs.
- */
- def asAttrMap: Map[String, String] =
- (iterator map (x => (x.prefixedKey, x.value.text))).toMap
- /** returns Null or the next MetaData item */
- def next: MetaData
- /**
- * Gets value of unqualified (unprefixed) attribute with given key, None if not found
- *
- * @param key
- * @return value in Some(Seq[Node]) if key is found, None otherwise
- */
- final def get(key: String): Option[Seq[Node]] = Option(apply(key))
- /** same as get(uri, owner.scope, key) */
- final def get(uri: String, owner: Node, key: String): Option[Seq[Node]] =
- get(uri, owner.scope, key)
- /** gets value of qualified (prefixed) attribute with given key.
- *
- * @param uri namespace of key
- * @param scope a namespace scp (usually of the element owning this attribute list)
- * @param key to be looked fore
- * @return value as Some[Seq[Node]] if key is found, None otherwise
- */
- final def get(uri: String, scope: NamespaceBinding, key: String): Option[Seq[Node]] =
- Option(apply(uri, scope, key))
- protected def toString1(): String = sbToString(toString1)
- // appends string representations of single attribute to StringBuilder
- protected def toString1(sb: StringBuilder): Unit
- override def toString(): String = sbToString(buildString)
- def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- sb append ' '
- toString1(sb)
- next buildString sb
- }
- /**
- */
- def wellformed(scope: NamespaceBinding): Boolean
- def remove(key: String): MetaData
- def remove(namespace: String, scope: NamespaceBinding, key: String): MetaData
- final def remove(namespace: String, owner: Node, key: String): MetaData =
- remove(namespace, owner.scope, key)
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/NamespaceBinding.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/NamespaceBinding.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b320466976..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/NamespaceBinding.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-import Utility.sbToString
-/** The class `NamespaceBinding` represents namespace bindings
- * and scopes. The binding for the default namespace is treated as a null
- * prefix. the absent namespace is represented with the null uri. Neither
- * prefix nor uri may be empty, which is not checked.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-@SerialVersionUID(0 - 2518644165573446725L)
-case class NamespaceBinding(prefix: String, uri: String, parent: NamespaceBinding) extends AnyRef with Equality
- if (prefix == "")
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("zero length prefix not allowed")
- def getURI(_prefix: String): String =
- if (prefix == _prefix) uri else parent getURI _prefix
- /** Returns some prefix that is mapped to the URI.
- *
- * @param _uri the input URI
- * @return the prefix that is mapped to the input URI, or null
- * if no prefix is mapped to the URI.
- */
- def getPrefix(_uri: String): String =
- if (_uri == uri) prefix else parent getPrefix _uri
- override def toString(): String = sbToString(buildString(_, TopScope))
- private def shadowRedefined(stop: NamespaceBinding): NamespaceBinding = {
- def prefixList(x: NamespaceBinding): List[String] =
- if ((x == null) || (x eq stop)) Nil
- else x.prefix :: prefixList(x.parent)
- def fromPrefixList(l: List[String]): NamespaceBinding = l match {
- case Nil => stop
- case x :: xs => new NamespaceBinding(x, this.getURI(x), fromPrefixList(xs))
- }
- val ps0 = prefixList(this).reverse
- val ps = ps0.distinct
- if (ps.size == ps0.size) this
- else fromPrefixList(ps)
- }
- override def canEqual(other: Any) = other match {
- case _: NamespaceBinding => true
- case _ => false
- }
- override def strict_==(other: Equality) = other match {
- case x: NamespaceBinding => (prefix == x.prefix) && (uri == x.uri) && (parent == x.parent)
- case _ => false
- }
- def basisForHashCode: Seq[Any] = List(prefix, uri, parent)
- def buildString(stop: NamespaceBinding): String = sbToString(buildString(_, stop))
- def buildString(sb: StringBuilder, stop: NamespaceBinding) {
- shadowRedefined(stop).doBuildString(sb, stop)
- }
- private def doBuildString(sb: StringBuilder, stop: NamespaceBinding) {
- if ((this == null) || (this eq stop)) return // contains?
- val s = " xmlns%s=\"%s\"".format(
- (if (prefix != null) ":" + prefix else ""),
- (if (uri != null) uri else "")
- )
- parent.doBuildString(sb append s, stop) // copy(ignore)
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Node.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Node.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index e121284252..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/Node.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** This singleton object contains the `unapplySeq` method for
- * convenient deconstruction.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-object Node {
- /** the constant empty attribute sequence */
- final def NoAttributes: MetaData = Null
- /** the empty namespace */
- val EmptyNamespace = ""
- def unapplySeq(n: Node) = Some((n.label, n.attributes, n.child))
- * An abstract class representing XML with nodes of a labelled tree.
- * This class contains an implementation of a subset of XPath for navigation.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir and others
- * @version 1.1
- */
-abstract class Node extends NodeSeq {
- /** prefix of this node */
- def prefix: String = null
- /** label of this node. I.e. "foo" for &lt;foo/&gt;) */
- def label: String
- /** used internally. Atom/Molecule = -1 PI = -2 Comment = -3 EntityRef = -5
- */
- def isAtom = this.isInstanceOf[Atom[_]]
- /** The logic formerly found in typeTag$, as best I could infer it. */
- def doCollectNamespaces = true // if (tag >= 0) DO collect namespaces
- def doTransform = true // if (tag < 0) DO NOT transform
- /**
- * method returning the namespace bindings of this node. by default, this
- * is TopScope, which means there are no namespace bindings except the
- * predefined one for "xml".
- */
- def scope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope
- /**
- * convenience, same as `getNamespace(this.prefix)`
- */
- def namespace = getNamespace(this.prefix)
- /**
- * Convenience method, same as `scope.getURI(pre)` but additionally
- * checks if scope is `'''null'''`.
- *
- * @param pre the prefix whose namespace name we would like to obtain
- * @return the namespace if `scope != null` and prefix was
- * found, else `null`
- */
- def getNamespace(pre: String): String = if (scope eq null) null else scope.getURI(pre)
- /**
- * Convenience method, looks up an unprefixed attribute in attributes of this node.
- * Same as `attributes.getValue(key)`
- *
- * @param key of queried attribute.
- * @return value of `UnprefixedAttribute` with given key
- * in attributes, if it exists, otherwise `null`.
- */
- final def attribute(key: String): Option[Seq[Node]] = attributes.get(key)
- /**
- * Convenience method, looks up a prefixed attribute in attributes of this node.
- * Same as `attributes.getValue(uri, this, key)`-
- *
- * @param uri namespace of queried attribute (may not be null).
- * @param key of queried attribute.
- * @return value of `PrefixedAttribute` with given namespace
- * and given key, otherwise `'''null'''`.
- */
- final def attribute(uri: String, key: String): Option[Seq[Node]] =
- attributes.get(uri, this, key)
- /**
- * Returns attribute meaning all attributes of this node, prefixed and
- * unprefixed, in no particular order. In class `Node`, this
- * defaults to `Null` (the empty attribute list).
- *
- * @return all attributes of this node
- */
- def attributes: MetaData = Null
- /**
- * Returns child axis i.e. all children of this node.
- *
- * @return all children of this node
- */
- def child: Seq[Node]
- /** Children which do not stringify to "" (needed for equality)
- */
- def nonEmptyChildren: Seq[Node] = child filterNot (_.toString == "")
- /**
- * Descendant axis (all descendants of this node, not including node itself)
- * includes all text nodes, element nodes, comments and processing instructions.
- */
- def descendant: List[Node] =
- child.toList.flatMap { x => x::x.descendant }
- /**
- * Descendant axis (all descendants of this node, including thisa node)
- * includes all text nodes, element nodes, comments and processing instructions.
- */
- def descendant_or_self: List[Node] = this :: descendant
- override def canEqual(other: Any) = other match {
- case x: Group => false
- case x: Node => true
- case _ => false
- }
- override protected def basisForHashCode: Seq[Any] =
- prefix :: label :: attributes :: nonEmptyChildren.toList
- override def strict_==(other: Equality) = other match {
- case _: Group => false
- case x: Node =>
- (prefix == x.prefix) &&
- (label == x.label) &&
- (attributes == x.attributes) &&
- // (scope == x.scope) // note - original code didn't compare scopes so I left it as is.
- (nonEmptyChildren sameElements x.nonEmptyChildren)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- // implementations of NodeSeq methods
- /**
- * returns a sequence consisting of only this node
- */
- def theSeq: Seq[Node] = this :: Nil
- /**
- * String representation of this node
- *
- * @param stripComments if true, strips comment nodes from result
- */
- def buildString(stripComments: Boolean): String =
- Utility.serialize(this, stripComments = stripComments).toString
- /**
- * Same as `toString('''false''')`.
- */
- override def toString(): String = buildString(stripComments = false)
- /**
- * Appends qualified name of this node to `StringBuilder`.
- */
- def nameToString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- if (null != prefix) {
- sb append prefix
- sb append ':'
- }
- sb append label
- }
- /**
- * Returns a type symbol (e.g. DTD, XSD), default `'''null'''`.
- */
- def xmlType(): TypeSymbol = null
- /**
- * Returns a text representation of this node. Note that this is not equivalent to
- * the XPath node-test called text(), it is rather an implementation of the
- * XPath function string()
- * Martin to Burak: to do: if you make this method abstract, the compiler will now
- * complain if there's no implementation in a subclass. Is this what we want? Note that
- * this would break doc/DocGenator and doc/ModelToXML, with an error message like:
- * {{{
- * doc\DocGenerator.scala:1219: error: object creation impossible, since there is a deferred declaration of method text in class Node of type => String which is not implemented in a subclass
- * new SpecialNode {
- * ^
- * }}} */
- override def text: String = super.text
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/NodeBuffer.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/NodeBuffer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ae7c7b2bf8..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/NodeBuffer.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
- * This class acts as a Buffer for nodes. If it is used as a sequence of
- * nodes `Seq[Node]`, it must be ensured that no updates occur after that
- * point, because `scala.xml.Node` is assumed to be immutable.
- *
- * Despite this being a sequence, don't use it as key in a hashtable.
- * Calling the hashcode function will result in a runtime error.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-class NodeBuffer extends scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Node] {
- /**
- * Append given object to this buffer, returns reference on this
- * `NodeBuffer` for convenience. Some rules apply:
- * - If argument `o` is `'''null'''`, it is ignored.
- * - If it is an `Iterator` or `Iterable`, its elements will be added.
- * - If `o` is a node, it is added as it is.
- * - If it is anything else, it gets wrapped in an [[scala.xml.Atom]].
- *
- * @param o converts to an xml node and adds to this node buffer
- * @return this nodebuffer
- */
- def &+(o: Any): NodeBuffer = {
- o match {
- case null | _: Unit | Text("") => // ignore
- case it: Iterator[_] => it foreach &+
- case n: Node => super.+=(n)
- case ns: Iterable[_] => this &+ ns.iterator
- case ns: Array[_] => this &+ ns.iterator
- case d => super.+=(new Atom(d))
- }
- this
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/NodeSeq.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/NodeSeq.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b8022472fb..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/NodeSeq.scala
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@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable, generic, SeqLike, AbstractSeq }
-import mutable.{ Builder, ListBuffer }
-import generic.{ CanBuildFrom }
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-/** This object ...
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-object NodeSeq {
- final val Empty = fromSeq(Nil)
- def fromSeq(s: Seq[Node]): NodeSeq = new NodeSeq {
- def theSeq = s
- }
- type Coll = NodeSeq
- implicit def canBuildFrom: CanBuildFrom[Coll, Node, NodeSeq] =
- new CanBuildFrom[Coll, Node, NodeSeq] {
- def apply(from: Coll) = newBuilder
- def apply() = newBuilder
- }
- def newBuilder: Builder[Node, NodeSeq] = new ListBuffer[Node] mapResult fromSeq
- implicit def seqToNodeSeq(s: Seq[Node]): NodeSeq = fromSeq(s)
-/** This class implements a wrapper around `Seq[Node]` that adds XPath
- * and comprehension methods.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-abstract class NodeSeq extends AbstractSeq[Node] with immutable.Seq[Node] with SeqLike[Node, NodeSeq] with Equality {
- import NodeSeq.seqToNodeSeq // import view magic for NodeSeq wrappers
- /** Creates a list buffer as builder for this class */
- override protected[this] def newBuilder = NodeSeq.newBuilder
- def theSeq: Seq[Node]
- def length = theSeq.length
- override def iterator = theSeq.iterator
- def apply(i: Int): Node = theSeq(i)
- def apply(f: Node => Boolean): NodeSeq = filter(f)
- def xml_sameElements[A](that: Iterable[A]): Boolean = {
- val these = this.iterator
- val those = that.iterator
- while (these.hasNext && those.hasNext)
- if ( xml_!=
- return false
- !these.hasNext && !those.hasNext
- }
- protected def basisForHashCode: Seq[Any] = theSeq
- override def canEqual(other: Any) = other match {
- case _: NodeSeq => true
- case _ => false
- }
- override def strict_==(other: Equality) = other match {
- case x: NodeSeq => (length == x.length) && (theSeq sameElements x.theSeq)
- case _ => false
- }
- /** Projection function, which returns elements of `this` sequence based
- * on the string `that`. Use:
- * - `this \ "foo"` to get a list of all elements that are labelled with `"foo"`;
- * - `\ "_"` to get a list of all elements (wildcard);
- * - `ns \ "@foo"` to get the unprefixed attribute `"foo"`;
- * - `ns \ "@{uri}foo"` to get the prefixed attribute `"pre:foo"` whose
- * prefix `"pre"` is resolved to the namespace `"uri"`.
- *
- * For attribute projections, the resulting [[scala.xml.NodeSeq]] attribute
- * values are wrapped in a [[scala.xml.Group]].
- *
- * There is no support for searching a prefixed attribute by its literal prefix.
- *
- * The document order is preserved.
- */
- def \(that: String): NodeSeq = {
- def fail = throw new IllegalArgumentException(that)
- def atResult = {
- lazy val y = this(0)
- val attr =
- if (that.length == 1) fail
- else if (that(1) == '{') {
- val i = that indexOf '}'
- if (i == -1) fail
- val (uri, key) = (that.substring(2,i), that.substring(i+1, that.length()))
- if (uri == "" || key == "") fail
- else y.attribute(uri, key)
- }
- else y.attribute(that drop 1)
- attr match {
- case Some(x) => Group(x)
- case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
- }
- }
- def makeSeq(cond: (Node) => Boolean) =
- NodeSeq fromSeq (this flatMap (_.child) filter cond)
- that match {
- case "" => fail
- case "_" => makeSeq(!_.isAtom)
- case _ if (that(0) == '@' && this.length == 1) => atResult
- case _ => makeSeq(_.label == that)
- }
- }
- /** Projection function, which returns elements of `this` sequence and of
- * all its subsequences, based on the string `that`. Use:
- * - `this \\ 'foo` to get a list of all elements that are labelled with `"foo"`;
- * - `\\ "_"` to get a list of all elements (wildcard);
- * - `ns \\ "@foo"` to get the unprefixed attribute `"foo"`;
- * - `ns \\ "@{uri}foo"` to get each prefixed attribute `"pre:foo"` whose
- * prefix `"pre"` is resolved to the namespace `"uri"`.
- *
- * For attribute projections, the resulting [[scala.xml.NodeSeq]] attribute
- * values are wrapped in a [[scala.xml.Group]].
- *
- * There is no support for searching a prefixed attribute by its literal prefix.
- *
- * The document order is preserved.
- */
- def \\ (that: String): NodeSeq = {
- def filt(cond: (Node) => Boolean) = this flatMap (_.descendant_or_self) filter cond
- that match {
- case "_" => filt(!_.isAtom)
- case _ if that(0) == '@' => filt(!_.isAtom) flatMap (_ \ that)
- case _ => filt(x => !x.isAtom && x.label == that)
- }
- }
- /** Convenience method which returns string text of the named attribute. Use:
- * - `that \@ "foo"` to get the string text of attribute `"foo"`;
- */
- def \@(attributeName: String): String = (this \ ("@" + attributeName)).text
- override def toString(): String = theSeq.mkString
- def text: String = (this map (_.text)).mkString
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Null.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Null.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f763c023c4..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/Null.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-import Utility.isNameStart
-import scala.collection.Iterator
-/** Essentially, every method in here is a dummy, returning Zero[T].
- * It provides a backstop for the unusual collection defined by MetaData,
- * sort of a linked list of tails.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-case object Null extends MetaData {
- override def iterator = Iterator.empty
- override def size = 0
- override def append(m: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope): MetaData = m
- override def filter(f: MetaData => Boolean): MetaData = this
- def copy(next: MetaData) = next
- def getNamespace(owner: Node) = null
- override def hasNext = false
- def next = null
- def key = null
- def value = null
- def isPrefixed = false
- override def length = 0
- override def length(i: Int) = i
- override def strict_==(other: Equality) = other match {
- case x: MetaData => x.length == 0
- case _ => false
- }
- override protected def basisForHashCode: Seq[Any] = Nil
- def apply(namespace: String, scope: NamespaceBinding, key: String) = null
- def apply(key: String) =
- if (isNameStart(key.head)) null
- else throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a valid attribute name '"+key+"', so can never match !")
- protected def toString1(sb: StringBuilder) = ()
- override protected def toString1(): String = ""
- override def toString(): String = ""
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = sb
- override def wellformed(scope: NamespaceBinding) = true
- def remove(key: String) = this
- def remove(namespace: String, scope: NamespaceBinding, key: String) = this
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/PCData.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/PCData.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 31eea2b6d7..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/PCData.scala
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@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
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-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** This class (which is not used by all XML parsers, but always used by the
- * XHTML one) represents parseable character data, which appeared as CDATA
- * sections in the input and is to be preserved as CDATA section in the output.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-class PCData(data: String) extends Atom[String](data) {
- /** Returns text, with some characters escaped according to the XML
- * specification.
- *
- * @param sb the input string buffer associated to some XML element
- * @return the input string buffer with the formatted CDATA section
- */
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
- sb append "<![CDATA[%s]]>".format(data)
-/** This singleton object contains the `apply`and `unapply` methods for
- * convenient construction and deconstruction.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-object PCData {
- def apply(data: String) = new PCData(data)
- def unapply(other: Any): Option[String] = other match {
- case x: PCData => Some(
- case _ => None
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/PrefixedAttribute.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/PrefixedAttribute.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ab79c8677..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/PrefixedAttribute.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
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-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** prefixed attributes always have a non-null namespace.
- *
- * @param pre
- * @param key
- * @param value the attribute value
- * @param next1
- */
-class PrefixedAttribute(
- val pre: String,
- val key: String,
- val value: Seq[Node],
- val next1: MetaData)
-extends Attribute
- val next = if (value ne null) next1 else next1.remove(key)
- /** same as this(pre, key, Text(value), next), or no attribute if value is null */
- def this(pre: String, key: String, value: String, next: MetaData) =
- this(pre, key, if (value ne null) Text(value) else null: NodeSeq, next)
- /** same as this(pre, key, value.get, next), or no attribute if value is None */
- def this(pre: String, key: String, value: Option[Seq[Node]], next: MetaData) =
- this(pre, key, value.orNull, next)
- /** Returns a copy of this unprefixed attribute with the given
- * next field.
- */
- def copy(next: MetaData) =
- new PrefixedAttribute(pre, key, value, next)
- def getNamespace(owner: Node) =
- owner.getNamespace(pre)
- /** forwards the call to next (because caller looks for unprefixed attribute */
- def apply(key: String): Seq[Node] = next(key)
- /** gets attribute value of qualified (prefixed) attribute with given key
- */
- def apply(namespace: String, scope: NamespaceBinding, key: String): Seq[Node] = {
- if (key == this.key && scope.getURI(pre) == namespace)
- value
- else
- next(namespace, scope, key)
- }
-object PrefixedAttribute {
- def unapply(x: PrefixedAttribute) = Some((x.pre, x.key, x.value,
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/PrettyPrinter.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/PrettyPrinter.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index 9e01905357..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/PrettyPrinter.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
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-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-import Utility.sbToString
-/** Class for pretty printing. After instantiating, you can use the
- * format() and formatNode() methods to convert XML to a formatted
- * string. The class can be reused to pretty print any number of
- * XML nodes.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- *
- * @param width the width to fit the output into
- * @param step indentation
- */
-class PrettyPrinter(width: Int, step: Int) {
- class BrokenException() extends java.lang.Exception
- class Item
- case object Break extends Item {
- override def toString() = "\\"
- }
- case class Box(col: Int, s: String) extends Item
- case class Para(s: String) extends Item
- protected var items: List[Item] = Nil
- protected var cur = 0
- protected def reset() = {
- cur = 0
- items = Nil
- }
- /** Try to cut at whitespace.
- */
- protected def cut(s: String, ind: Int): List[Item] = {
- val tmp = width - cur
- if (s.length <= tmp)
- return List(Box(ind, s))
- var i = s indexOf ' '
- if (i > tmp || i == -1) throw new BrokenException() // cannot break
- var last: List[Int] = Nil
- while (i != -1 && i < tmp) {
- last = i::last
- i = s.indexOf(' ', i+1)
- }
- var res: List[Item] = Nil
- while (Nil != last) try {
- val b = Box(ind, s.substring(0, last.head))
- cur = ind
- res = b :: Break :: cut(s.substring(last.head, s.length), ind)
- // backtrack
- last = last.tail
- } catch {
- case _:BrokenException => last = last.tail
- }
- throw new BrokenException()
- }
- /** Try to make indented box, if possible, else para.
- */
- protected def makeBox(ind: Int, s: String) =
- if (cur + s.length > width) { // fits in this line
- items ::= Box(ind, s)
- cur += s.length
- }
- else try cut(s, ind) foreach (items ::= _) // break it up
- catch { case _: BrokenException => makePara(ind, s) } // give up, para
- // dont respect indent in para, but afterwards
- protected def makePara(ind: Int, s: String) = {
- items = Break::Para(s)::Break::items
- cur = ind
- }
- // respect indent
- protected def makeBreak() = { // using wrapping here...
- items = Break :: items
- cur = 0
- }
- protected def leafTag(n: Node) = {
- def mkLeaf(sb: StringBuilder) {
- sb append '<'
- n nameToString sb
- n.attributes buildString sb
- sb append "/>"
- }
- sbToString(mkLeaf)
- }
- protected def startTag(n: Node, pscope: NamespaceBinding): (String, Int) = {
- var i = 0
- def mkStart(sb: StringBuilder) {
- sb append '<'
- n nameToString sb
- i = sb.length + 1
- n.attributes buildString sb
- n.scope.buildString(sb, pscope)
- sb append '>'
- }
- (sbToString(mkStart), i)
- }
- protected def endTag(n: Node) = {
- def mkEnd(sb: StringBuilder) {
- sb append "</"
- n nameToString sb
- sb append '>'
- }
- sbToString(mkEnd)
- }
- protected def childrenAreLeaves(n: Node): Boolean = {
- def isLeaf(l: Node) = l match {
- case _:Atom[_] | _:Comment | _:EntityRef | _:ProcInstr => true
- case _ => false
- }
- n.child forall isLeaf
- }
- protected def fits(test: String) =
- test.length < width - cur
- private def doPreserve(node: Node) =
- node.attribute(XML.namespace, == XML.preserve) getOrElse false
- protected def traverse(node: Node, pscope: NamespaceBinding, ind: Int): Unit = node match {
- case Text(s) if s.trim() == "" =>
- ;
- case _:Atom[_] | _:Comment | _:EntityRef | _:ProcInstr =>
- makeBox( ind, node.toString().trim() )
- case g @ Group(xs) =>
- traverse(xs.iterator, pscope, ind)
- case _ =>
- val test = {
- val sb = new StringBuilder()
- Utility.serialize(node, pscope, sb, stripComments = false)
- if (doPreserve(node)) sb.toString
- else TextBuffer.fromString(sb.toString).toText(0).data
- }
- if (childrenAreLeaves(node) && fits(test)) {
- makeBox(ind, test)
- } else {
- val (stg, len2) = startTag(node, pscope)
- val etg = endTag(node)
- if (stg.length < width - cur) { // start tag fits
- makeBox(ind, stg)
- makeBreak()
- traverse(node.child.iterator, node.scope, ind + step)
- makeBox(ind, etg)
- } else if (len2 < width - cur) {
- // <start label + attrs + tag + content + end tag
- makeBox(ind, stg.substring(0, len2))
- makeBreak() // todo: break the rest in pieces
- /*{ //@todo
- val sq:Seq[String] = stg.split(" ");
- val it = sq.iterator;
- for (c <- it) {
- makeBox(ind+len2-2, c)
- makeBreak()
- }
- }*/
- makeBox(ind, stg.substring(len2, stg.length))
- makeBreak()
- traverse(node.child.iterator, node.scope, ind + step)
- makeBox(cur, etg)
- makeBreak()
- } else { // give up
- makeBox(ind, test)
- makeBreak()
- }
- }
- }
- protected def traverse(it: Iterator[Node], scope: NamespaceBinding, ind: Int ): Unit =
- for (c <- it) {
- traverse(c, scope, ind)
- makeBreak()
- }
- /** Appends a formatted string containing well-formed XML with
- * given namespace to prefix mapping to the given string buffer.
- *
- * @param n the node to be serialized
- * @param sb the stringbuffer to append to
- */
- def format(n: Node, sb: StringBuilder) { // entry point
- format(n, null, sb)
- }
- def format(n: Node, pscope: NamespaceBinding, sb: StringBuilder) { // entry point
- var lastwasbreak = false
- reset()
- traverse(n, pscope, 0)
- var cur = 0
- for (b <- items.reverse) b match {
- case Break =>
- if (!lastwasbreak) sb.append('\n') // on windows: \r\n ?
- lastwasbreak = true
- cur = 0
-// while (cur < last) {
-// sb append ' '
-// cur += 1
-// }
- case Box(i, s) =>
- lastwasbreak = false
- while (cur < i) {
- sb append ' '
- cur += 1
- }
- sb.append(s)
- case Para( s ) =>
- lastwasbreak = false
- sb append s
- }
- }
- // public convenience methods
- /** Returns a formatted string containing well-formed XML with
- * given namespace to prefix mapping.
- *
- * @param n the node to be serialized
- * @param pscope the namespace to prefix mapping
- * @return the formatted string
- */
- def format(n: Node, pscope: NamespaceBinding = null): String =
- sbToString(format(n, pscope, _))
- /** Returns a formatted string containing well-formed XML.
- *
- * @param nodes the sequence of nodes to be serialized
- * @param pscope the namespace to prefix mapping
- */
- def formatNodes(nodes: Seq[Node], pscope: NamespaceBinding = null): String =
- sbToString(formatNodes(nodes, pscope, _))
- /** Appends a formatted string containing well-formed XML with
- * the given namespace to prefix mapping to the given stringbuffer.
- *
- * @param nodes the nodes to be serialized
- * @param pscope the namespace to prefix mapping
- * @param sb the string buffer to which to append to
- */
- def formatNodes(nodes: Seq[Node], pscope: NamespaceBinding, sb: StringBuilder): Unit =
- nodes foreach (n => sb append format(n, pscope))
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/ProcInstr.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/ProcInstr.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 189c1c6878..0000000000
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-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** an XML node for processing instructions (PI)
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @param target target name of this PI
- * @param proctext text contained in this node, may not contain "?>"
- */
-case class ProcInstr(target: String, proctext: String) extends SpecialNode
- if (!Utility.isName(target))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(target+" must be an XML Name")
- if (proctext contains "?>")
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(proctext+" may not contain \"?>\"")
- if (target.toLowerCase == "xml")
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(target+" is reserved")
- final override def doCollectNamespaces = false
- final override def doTransform = false
- final def label = "#PI"
- override def text = ""
- /** appends &quot;&lt;?&quot; target (&quot; &quot;+text)?+&quot;?&gt;&quot;
- * to this stringbuffer.
- */
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder) =
- sb append "<?%s%s?>".format(target, (if (proctext == "") "" else " " + proctext))
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/QNode.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/QNode.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f9e3f1854b..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/QNode.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** This object provides an extractor method to match a qualified node with
- * its namespace URI
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-object QNode {
- def unapplySeq(n: Node) = Some((n.scope.getURI(n.prefix), n.label, n.attributes, n.child))
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/SpecialNode.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/SpecialNode.scala
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** `SpecialNode` is a special XML node which represents either text
- * `(PCDATA)`, a comment, a `PI`, or an entity ref.
- *
- * `SpecialNode`s also play the role of [[scala.xml.pull.XMLEvent]]s for
- * pull-parsing.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-abstract class SpecialNode extends Node with pull.XMLEvent {
- /** always empty */
- final override def attributes = Null
- /** always Node.EmptyNamespace */
- final override def namespace = null
- /** always empty */
- final def child = Nil
- /** Append string representation to the given string buffer argument. */
- def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Text.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Text.scala
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--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/Text.scala
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** The class `Text` implements an XML node for text (PCDATA).
- * It is used in both non-bound and bound XML representations.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @param data the text contained in this node, may not be null.
- */
-class Text(data: String) extends Atom[String](data) {
- /** Returns text, with some characters escaped according to the XML
- * specification.
- */
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
- Utility.escape(data, sb)
-/** This singleton object contains the `apply`and `unapply` methods for
- * convenient construction and deconstruction.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-object Text {
- def apply(data: String) = new Text(data)
- def unapply(other: Any): Option[String] = other match {
- case x: Text => Some(
- case _ => None
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/TextBuffer.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/TextBuffer.scala
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-import Utility.isSpace
-object TextBuffer {
- def fromString(str: String): TextBuffer = new TextBuffer() append str
-/** The class `TextBuffer` is for creating text nodes without surplus
- * whitespace. All occurrences of one or more whitespace in strings
- * appended with the `append` method will be replaced by a single space
- * character, and leading and trailing space will be removed completely.
- */
-class TextBuffer
- val sb = new StringBuilder()
- /** Appends this string to the text buffer, trimming whitespaces as needed.
- */
- def append(cs: Seq[Char]): this.type = {
- cs foreach { c =>
- if (!isSpace(c)) sb append c
- else if (sb.isEmpty || !isSpace(sb.last)) sb append ' '
- }
- this
- }
- /** Returns an empty sequence if text is only whitespace.
- *
- * @return the text without whitespaces.
- */
- def toText: Seq[Text] = sb.toString.trim match {
- case "" => Nil
- case s => Seq(Text(s))
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/TopScope.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/TopScope.scala
deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** top level namespace scope. only contains the predefined binding
- * for the &quot;xml&quot; prefix which is bound to
- * &quot;;
- */
-object TopScope extends NamespaceBinding(null, null, null) {
- import XML.{ xml, namespace }
- override def getURI(prefix1: String): String =
- if (prefix1 == xml) namespace else null
- override def getPrefix(uri1: String): String =
- if (uri1 == namespace) xml else null
- override def toString() = ""
- override def buildString(stop: NamespaceBinding) = ""
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder, ignore: NamespaceBinding) = {}
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/TypeSymbol.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/TypeSymbol.scala
deleted file mode 100644
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-abstract class TypeSymbol
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Unparsed.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Unparsed.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index bc190eb724..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/Unparsed.scala
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-/* __ *\
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-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** An XML node for unparsed content. It will be output verbatim, all bets
- * are off regarding wellformedness etc.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @param data content in this node, may not be null.
- */
-class Unparsed(data: String) extends Atom[String](data) {
- /** Returns text, with some characters escaped according to XML
- * specification.
- */
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
- sb append data
-/** This singleton object contains the `apply`and `unapply` methods for
- * convenient construction and deconstruction.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-object Unparsed {
- def apply(data: String) = new Unparsed(data)
- def unapply(x: Unparsed) = Some(
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/UnprefixedAttribute.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/UnprefixedAttribute.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fa827da5f..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/UnprefixedAttribute.scala
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@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
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-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-/** Unprefixed attributes have the null namespace, and no prefix field
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-class UnprefixedAttribute(
- val key: String,
- val value: Seq[Node],
- next1: MetaData)
-extends Attribute
- final val pre = null
- val next = if (value ne null) next1 else next1.remove(key)
- /** same as this(key, Text(value), next), or no attribute if value is null */
- def this(key: String, value: String, next: MetaData) =
- this(key, if (value ne null) Text(value) else null: NodeSeq, next)
- /** same as this(key, value.get, next), or no attribute if value is None */
- def this(key: String, value: Option[Seq[Node]], next: MetaData) =
- this(key, value.orNull, next)
- /** returns a copy of this unprefixed attribute with the given next field*/
- def copy(next: MetaData) = new UnprefixedAttribute(key, value, next)
- final def getNamespace(owner: Node): String = null
- /**
- * Gets value of unqualified (unprefixed) attribute with given key, null if not found
- *
- * @param key
- * @return value as Seq[Node] if key is found, null otherwise
- */
- def apply(key: String): Seq[Node] =
- if (key == this.key) value else next(key)
- /**
- * Forwards the call to next (because caller looks for prefixed attribute).
- *
- * @param namespace
- * @param scope
- * @param key
- * @return ..
- */
- def apply(namespace: String, scope: NamespaceBinding, key: String): Seq[Node] =
- next(namespace, scope, key)
-object UnprefixedAttribute {
- def unapply(x: UnprefixedAttribute) = Some((x.key, x.value,
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Utility.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Utility.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index 9134476401..0000000000
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@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
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-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import parsing.XhtmlEntities
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
- * The `Utility` object provides utility functions for processing instances
- * of bound and not bound XML classes, as well as escaping text nodes.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-object Utility extends AnyRef with parsing.TokenTests {
- final val SU = '\u001A'
- // [Martin] This looks dubious. We don't convert StringBuilders to
- // Strings anywhere else, why do it here?
- implicit def implicitSbToString(sb: StringBuilder) = sb.toString()
- // helper for the extremely oft-repeated sequence of creating a
- // StringBuilder, passing it around, and then grabbing its String.
- private [xml] def sbToString(f: (StringBuilder) => Unit): String = {
- val sb = new StringBuilder
- f(sb)
- sb.toString
- }
- private[xml] def isAtomAndNotText(x: Node) = x.isAtom && !x.isInstanceOf[Text]
- /** Trims an element - call this method, when you know that it is an
- * element (and not a text node) so you know that it will not be trimmed
- * away. With this assumption, the function can return a `Node`, rather
- * than a `Seq[Node]`. If you don't know, call `trimProper` and account
- * for the fact that you may get back an empty sequence of nodes.
- *
- * Precondition: node is not a text node (it might be trimmed)
- */
- def trim(x: Node): Node = x match {
- case Elem(pre, lab, md, scp, child@_*) =>
- Elem(pre, lab, md, scp, (child flatMap trimProper):_*)
- }
- /** trim a child of an element. `Attribute` values and `Atom` nodes that
- * are not `Text` nodes are unaffected.
- */
- def trimProper(x:Node): Seq[Node] = x match {
- case Elem(pre,lab,md,scp,child@_*) =>
- Elem(pre,lab,md,scp, (child flatMap trimProper):_*)
- case Text(s) =>
- new TextBuffer().append(s).toText
- case _ =>
- x
- }
- /** returns a sorted attribute list */
- def sort(md: MetaData): MetaData = if((md eq Null) || ( eq Null)) md else {
- val key = md.key
- val smaller = sort(md.filter { m => m.key < key })
- val greater = sort(md.filter { m => m.key > key })
- smaller.foldRight (md copy greater) ((x, xs) => x copy xs)
- }
- /** Return the node with its attribute list sorted alphabetically
- * (prefixes are ignored) */
- def sort(n:Node): Node = n match {
- case Elem(pre,lab,md,scp,child@_*) =>
- Elem(pre,lab,sort(md),scp, (child map sort):_*)
- case _ => n
- }
- /**
- * Escapes the characters &lt; &gt; &amp; and &quot; from string.
- */
- final def escape(text: String): String = sbToString(escape(text, _))
- object Escapes {
- /** For reasons unclear escape and unescape are a long ways from
- * being logical inverses. */
- val pairs = Map(
- "lt" -> '<',
- "gt" -> '>',
- "amp" -> '&',
- "quot" -> '"'
- // enigmatic comment explaining why this isn't escaped --
- // is valid xhtml but not html, and IE doesn't know it, says jweb
- // "apos" -> '\''
- )
- val escMap = pairs map { case (s, c) => c-> ("&%s;" format s) }
- val unescMap = pairs ++ Map("apos" -> '\'')
- }
- import Escapes.{ escMap, unescMap }
- /**
- * Appends escaped string to `s`.
- */
- final def escape(text: String, s: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- // Implemented per XML spec:
- //
- // imperative code 3x-4x faster than current implementation
- // dpp (David Pollak) 2010/02/03
- val len = text.length
- var pos = 0
- while (pos < len) {
- text.charAt(pos) match {
- case '<' => s.append("&lt;")
- case '>' => s.append("&gt;")
- case '&' => s.append("&amp;")
- case '"' => s.append("&quot;")
- case '\n' => s.append('\n')
- case '\r' => s.append('\r')
- case '\t' => s.append('\t')
- case c => if (c >= ' ') s.append(c)
- }
- pos += 1
- }
- s
- }
- /**
- * Appends unescaped string to `s`, `amp` becomes `&amp;`,
- * `lt` becomes `&lt;` etc..
- *
- * @return `'''null'''` if `ref` was not a predefined entity.
- */
- final def unescape(ref: String, s: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
- ((unescMap get ref) map (s append _)).orNull
- /**
- * Returns a set of all namespaces used in a sequence of nodes
- * and all their descendants, including the empty namespaces.
- */
- def collectNamespaces(nodes: Seq[Node]): mutable.Set[String] =
- nodes.foldLeft(new mutable.HashSet[String]) { (set, x) => collectNamespaces(x, set) ; set }
- /**
- * Adds all namespaces in node to set.
- */
- def collectNamespaces(n: Node, set: mutable.Set[String]) {
- if (n.doCollectNamespaces) {
- set += n.namespace
- for (a <- n.attributes) a match {
- case _:PrefixedAttribute =>
- set += a.getNamespace(n)
- case _ =>
- }
- for (i <- n.child)
- collectNamespaces(i, set)
- }
- }
- // def toXML(
- // x: Node,
- // pscope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope,
- // sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder,
- // stripComments: Boolean = false,
- // decodeEntities: Boolean = true,
- // preserveWhitespace: Boolean = false,
- // minimizeTags: Boolean = false): String =
- // {
- // toXMLsb(x, pscope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags)
- // sb.toString()
- // }
- /**
- * Serialize the provided Node to the provided StringBuilder.
- * <p/>
- * Note that calling this source-compatible method will result in the same old, arguably almost universally unwanted,
- * behaviour.
- */
- @deprecated("Please use `serialize` instead and specify a `minimizeTags` parameter", "2.10.0")
- def toXML(
- x: Node,
- pscope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope,
- sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder,
- stripComments: Boolean = false,
- decodeEntities: Boolean = true,
- preserveWhitespace: Boolean = false,
- minimizeTags: Boolean = false): StringBuilder =
- {
- serialize(x, pscope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, if (minimizeTags) MinimizeMode.Always else MinimizeMode.Never)
- }
- /**
- * Serialize an XML Node to a StringBuilder.
- *
- * This is essentially a minor rework of `toXML` that can't have the same name due to an unfortunate
- * combination of named/default arguments and overloading.
- *
- * @todo use a Writer instead
- */
- def serialize(
- x: Node,
- pscope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope,
- sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder,
- stripComments: Boolean = false,
- decodeEntities: Boolean = true,
- preserveWhitespace: Boolean = false,
- minimizeTags: MinimizeMode.Value = MinimizeMode.Default): StringBuilder =
- {
- x match {
- case c: Comment if !stripComments => c buildString sb
- case s: SpecialNode => s buildString sb
- case g: Group => for (c <- g.nodes) serialize(c, g.scope, sb, minimizeTags = minimizeTags) ; sb
- case el: Elem =>
- // print tag with namespace declarations
- sb.append('<')
- el.nameToString(sb)
- if (el.attributes ne null) el.attributes.buildString(sb)
- el.scope.buildString(sb, pscope)
- if (el.child.isEmpty &&
- (minimizeTags == MinimizeMode.Always ||
- (minimizeTags == MinimizeMode.Default && el.minimizeEmpty)))
- {
- // no children, so use short form: <xyz .../>
- sb.append("/>")
- } else {
- // children, so use long form: <xyz ...>...</xyz>
- sb.append('>')
- sequenceToXML(el.child, el.scope, sb, stripComments)
- sb.append("</")
- el.nameToString(sb)
- sb.append('>')
- }
- case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to serialize a " + x.getClass.getName)
- }
- }
- def sequenceToXML(
- children: Seq[Node],
- pscope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope,
- sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder,
- stripComments: Boolean = false,
- decodeEntities: Boolean = true,
- preserveWhitespace: Boolean = false,
- minimizeTags: MinimizeMode.Value = MinimizeMode.Default): Unit =
- {
- if (children.isEmpty) return
- else if (children forall isAtomAndNotText) { // add space
- val it = children.iterator
- val f =
- serialize(f, pscope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags)
- while (it.hasNext) {
- val x =
- sb.append(' ')
- serialize(x, pscope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags)
- }
- }
- else children foreach { serialize(_, pscope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags) }
- }
- /**
- * Returns prefix of qualified name if any.
- */
- final def prefix(name: String): Option[String] = (name indexOf ':') match {
- case -1 => None
- case i => Some(name.substring(0, i))
- }
- /**
- * Returns a hashcode for the given constituents of a node
- */
- def hashCode(pre: String, label: String, attribHashCode: Int, scpeHash: Int, children: Seq[Node]) =
- scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3.orderedHash(label +: attribHashCode +: scpeHash +: children, pre.##)
- def appendQuoted(s: String): String = sbToString(appendQuoted(s, _))
- /**
- * Appends &quot;s&quot; if string `s` does not contain &quot;,
- * &apos;s&apos; otherwise.
- */
- def appendQuoted(s: String, sb: StringBuilder) = {
- val ch = if (s contains '"') '\'' else '"'
- sb.append(ch).append(s).append(ch)
- }
- /**
- * Appends &quot;s&quot; and escapes and &quot; i s with \&quot;
- */
- def appendEscapedQuoted(s: String, sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- sb.append('"')
- for (c <- s) c match {
- case '"' => sb.append('\\'); sb.append('"')
- case _ => sb.append(c)
- }
- sb.append('"')
- }
- def getName(s: String, index: Int): String = {
- if (index >= s.length) null
- else {
- val xs = s drop index
- if (xs.nonEmpty && isNameStart(xs.head)) xs takeWhile isNameChar
- else ""
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns `'''null'''` if the value is a correct attribute value,
- * error message if it isn't.
- */
- def checkAttributeValue(value: String): String = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < value.length) {
- value.charAt(i) match {
- case '<' =>
- return "< not allowed in attribute value"
- case '&' =>
- val n = getName(value, i+1)
- if (n eq null)
- return "malformed entity reference in attribute value ["+value+"]"
- i = i + n.length + 1
- if (i >= value.length || value.charAt(i) != ';')
- return "malformed entity reference in attribute value ["+value+"]"
- case _ =>
- }
- i = i + 1
- }
- null
- }
- def parseAttributeValue(value: String): Seq[Node] = {
- val sb = new StringBuilder
- var rfb: StringBuilder = null
- val nb = new NodeBuffer()
- val it = value.iterator
- while (it.hasNext) {
- var c =
- // entity! flush buffer into text node
- if (c == '&') {
- c =
- if (c == '#') {
- c =
- val theChar = parseCharRef ({ ()=> c },{ () => c = },{s => throw new RuntimeException(s)}, {s => throw new RuntimeException(s)})
- sb.append(theChar)
- }
- else {
- if (rfb eq null) rfb = new StringBuilder()
- rfb append c
- c =
- while (c != ';') {
- rfb.append(c)
- c =
- }
- val ref = rfb.toString()
- rfb.clear()
- unescape(ref,sb) match {
- case null =>
- if (sb.length > 0) { // flush buffer
- nb += Text(sb.toString())
- sb.clear()
- }
- nb += EntityRef(ref) // add entityref
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- }
- else sb append c
- }
- if (sb.length > 0) { // flush buffer
- val x = Text(sb.toString())
- if (nb.length == 0)
- return x
- else
- nb += x
- }
- nb
- }
- /**
- * {{{
- * CharRef ::= "&amp;#" '0'..'9' {'0'..'9'} ";"
- * | "&amp;#x" '0'..'9'|'A'..'F'|'a'..'f' { hexdigit } ";"
- * }}}
- * See [66]
- */
- def parseCharRef(ch: () => Char, nextch: () => Unit, reportSyntaxError: String => Unit, reportTruncatedError: String => Unit): String = {
- val hex = (ch() == 'x') && { nextch(); true }
- val base = if (hex) 16 else 10
- var i = 0
- while (ch() != ';') {
- ch() match {
- case '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' =>
- i = i * base + ch().asDigit
- case 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f'
- | 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' =>
- if (! hex)
- reportSyntaxError("hex char not allowed in decimal char ref\n" +
- "Did you mean to write &#x ?")
- else
- i = i * base + ch().asDigit
- case SU =>
- reportTruncatedError("")
- case _ =>
- reportSyntaxError("character '" + ch() + "' not allowed in char ref\n")
- }
- nextch()
- }
- new String(Array(i), 0, 1)
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/XML.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/XML.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index 020264e509..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/XML.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-import parsing.NoBindingFactoryAdapter
-import factory.XMLLoader
-import{ File, FileDescriptor, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream }
-import{ InputStream, Reader, StringReader, Writer }
-import java.nio.channels.Channels
-import scala.util.control.Exception.ultimately
-object Source {
- def fromFile(file: File) = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(file))
- def fromFile(fd: FileDescriptor) = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(fd))
- def fromFile(name: String) = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(name))
- def fromInputStream(is: InputStream) = new InputSource(is)
- def fromReader(reader: Reader) = new InputSource(reader)
- def fromSysId(sysID: String) = new InputSource(sysID)
- def fromString(string: String) = fromReader(new StringReader(string))
- * Governs how empty elements (i.e. those without child elements) should be serialized.
- */
-object MinimizeMode extends Enumeration {
- /** Minimize empty tags if they were originally empty when parsed, or if they were constructed
- * with [[scala.xml.Elem]]`#minimizeEmpty` == true
- */
- val Default = Value
- /** Always minimize empty tags. Note that this may be problematic for XHTML, in which
- * case [[scala.xml.Xhtml]]`#toXhtml` should be used instead.
- */
- val Always = Value
- /** Never minimize empty tags.
- */
- val Never = Value
-/** The object `XML` provides constants, and functions to load
- * and save XML elements. Use this when data binding is not desired, i.e.
- * when XML is handled using `Symbol` nodes.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0, 25/04/2005
- */
-object XML extends XMLLoader[Elem] {
- val xml = "xml"
- val xmlns = "xmlns"
- val namespace = ""
- val preserve = "preserve"
- val space = "space"
- val lang = "lang"
- val encoding = "ISO-8859-1"
- /** Returns an XMLLoader whose load* methods will use the supplied SAXParser. */
- def withSAXParser(p: SAXParser): XMLLoader[Elem] =
- new XMLLoader[Elem] { override val parser: SAXParser = p }
- /** Saves a node to a file with given filename using given encoding
- * optionally with xmldecl and doctype declaration.
- *
- * @param filename the filename
- * @param node the xml node we want to write
- * @param enc encoding to use
- * @param xmlDecl if true, write xml declaration
- * @param doctype if not null, write doctype declaration
- */
- final def save(
- filename: String,
- node: Node,
- enc: String = encoding,
- xmlDecl: Boolean = false,
- doctype: dtd.DocType = null
- ): Unit =
- {
- val fos = new FileOutputStream(filename)
- val w = Channels.newWriter(fos.getChannel(), enc)
- ultimately(w.close())(
- write(w, node, enc, xmlDecl, doctype)
- )
- }
- /** Writes the given node using writer, optionally with xml decl and doctype.
- * It's the caller's responsibility to close the writer.
- *
- * @param w the writer
- * @param node the xml node we want to write
- * @param enc the string to be used in `xmlDecl`
- * @param xmlDecl if true, write xml declaration
- * @param doctype if not null, write doctype declaration
- */
- final def write(w:, node: Node, enc: String, xmlDecl: Boolean, doctype: dtd.DocType, minimizeTags: MinimizeMode.Value = MinimizeMode.Default) {
- /* TODO: optimize by giving writer parameter to toXML*/
- if (xmlDecl) w.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='" + enc + "'?>\n")
- if (doctype ne null) w.write( doctype.toString() + "\n")
- w.write(Utility.serialize(node, minimizeTags = minimizeTags).toString)
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/Xhtml.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/Xhtml.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a12c1a89a..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/Xhtml.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-package scala
-package xml
-import parsing.XhtmlEntities
-import Utility.{ sbToString, isAtomAndNotText }
-/* (c) David Pollak 2007 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC */
-object Xhtml
- /**
- * Convenience function: same as toXhtml(node, false, false)
- *
- * @param node the node
- */
- def toXhtml(node: Node): String = sbToString(sb => toXhtml(x = node, sb = sb))
- /**
- * Convenience function: amounts to calling toXhtml(node) on each
- * node in the sequence.
- *
- * @param nodeSeq the node sequence
- */
- def toXhtml(nodeSeq: NodeSeq): String = sbToString(sb => sequenceToXML(nodeSeq: Seq[Node], sb = sb))
- /** Elements which we believe are safe to minimize if minimizeTags is true.
- * See
- */
- private val minimizableElements =
- List("base", "meta", "link", "hr", "br", "param", "img", "area", "input", "col")
- def toXhtml(
- x: Node,
- pscope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope,
- sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder,
- stripComments: Boolean = false,
- decodeEntities: Boolean = false,
- preserveWhitespace: Boolean = false,
- minimizeTags: Boolean = true): Unit =
- {
- def decode(er: EntityRef) = XhtmlEntities.entMap.get(er.entityName) match {
- case Some(chr) if chr.toInt >= 128 => sb.append(chr)
- case _ => er.buildString(sb)
- }
- def shortForm =
- minimizeTags &&
- (x.child == null || x.child.length == 0) &&
- (minimizableElements contains x.label)
- x match {
- case c: Comment => if (!stripComments) c buildString sb
- case er: EntityRef if decodeEntities => decode(er)
- case x: SpecialNode => x buildString sb
- case g: Group =>
- g.nodes foreach { toXhtml(_, x.scope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags) }
- case _ =>
- sb.append('<')
- x.nameToString(sb)
- if (x.attributes ne null) x.attributes.buildString(sb)
- x.scope.buildString(sb, pscope)
- if (shortForm) sb.append(" />")
- else {
- sb.append('>')
- sequenceToXML(x.child, x.scope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags)
- sb.append("</")
- x.nameToString(sb)
- sb.append('>')
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Amounts to calling toXhtml(node, ...) with the given parameters on each node.
- */
- def sequenceToXML(
- children: Seq[Node],
- pscope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope,
- sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder,
- stripComments: Boolean = false,
- decodeEntities: Boolean = false,
- preserveWhitespace: Boolean = false,
- minimizeTags: Boolean = true): Unit =
- {
- if (children.isEmpty)
- return
- val doSpaces = children forall isAtomAndNotText // interleave spaces
- for (c <- children.take(children.length - 1)) {
- toXhtml(c, pscope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags)
- if (doSpaces) sb append ' '
- }
- toXhtml(children.last, pscope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags)
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/ContentModel.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/ContentModel.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4007985dce..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/ContentModel.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package dtd
-import scala.xml.dtd.impl._
-import scala.xml.Utility.sbToString
-import PartialFunction._
-object ContentModel extends WordExp {
- type _labelT = ElemName
- type _regexpT = RegExp
- object Translator extends WordBerrySethi {
- override val lang: ContentModel.this.type = ContentModel.this
- }
- case class ElemName(name: String) extends Label {
- override def toString() = """ElemName("%s")""" format name
- }
- def isMixed(cm: ContentModel) = cond(cm) { case _: MIXED => true }
- def containsText(cm: ContentModel) = (cm == PCDATA) || isMixed(cm)
- def parse(s: String): ContentModel = ContentModelParser.parse(s)
- def getLabels(r: RegExp): Set[String] = {
- def traverse(r: RegExp): Set[String] = r match { // !!! check for match translation problem
- case Letter(ElemName(name)) => Set(name)
- case Star( x @ _ ) => traverse( x ) // bug if x@_*
- case Sequ( xs @ _* ) => Set(xs flatMap traverse: _*)
- case Alt( xs @ _* ) => Set(xs flatMap traverse: _*)
- }
- traverse(r)
- }
- def buildString(r: RegExp): String = sbToString(buildString(r, _))
- /* precond: rs.length >= 1 */
- private def buildString(rs: Seq[RegExp], sb: StringBuilder, sep: Char) {
- buildString(rs.head, sb)
- for (z <- rs.tail) {
- sb append sep
- buildString(z, sb)
- }
- }
- def buildString(c: ContentModel, sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = c match {
- case ANY => sb append "ANY"
- case EMPTY => sb append "EMPTY"
- case PCDATA => sb append "(#PCDATA)"
- case ELEMENTS(_) | MIXED(_) => c buildString sb
- }
- def buildString(r: RegExp, sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
- r match { // !!! check for match translation problem
- case Eps =>
- sb
- case Sequ(rs @ _*) =>
- sb.append( '(' ); buildString(rs, sb, ','); sb.append( ')' )
- case Alt(rs @ _*) =>
- sb.append( '(' ); buildString(rs, sb, '|'); sb.append( ')' )
- case Star(r: RegExp) =>
- sb.append( '(' ); buildString(r, sb); sb.append( ")*" )
- case Letter(ElemName(name)) =>
- sb.append(name)
- }
-sealed abstract class ContentModel
- override def toString(): String = sbToString(buildString)
- def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder
-case object PCDATA extends ContentModel {
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = sb.append("(#PCDATA)")
-case object EMPTY extends ContentModel {
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = sb.append("EMPTY")
-case object ANY extends ContentModel {
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = sb.append("ANY")
-sealed abstract class DFAContentModel extends ContentModel {
- import ContentModel.{ ElemName, Translator }
- def r: ContentModel.RegExp
- lazy val dfa: DetWordAutom[ElemName] = {
- val nfa = Translator.automatonFrom(r, 1)
- new SubsetConstruction(nfa).determinize
- }
-case class MIXED(r: ContentModel.RegExp) extends DFAContentModel {
- import ContentModel.{ Alt, RegExp }
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- val newAlt = r match { case Alt(rs @ _*) => Alt(rs drop 1: _*) }
- sb append "(#PCDATA|"
- ContentModel.buildString(newAlt: RegExp, sb)
- sb append ")*"
- }
-case class ELEMENTS(r: ContentModel.RegExp) extends DFAContentModel {
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
- ContentModel.buildString(r, sb)
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/ContentModelParser.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/ContentModelParser.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 71b391c422..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/ContentModelParser.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package dtd
-/** Parser for regexps (content models in DTD element declarations) */
-object ContentModelParser extends Scanner { // a bit too permissive concerning #PCDATA
- import ContentModel._
- /** parses the argument to a regexp */
- def parse(s: String): ContentModel = { initScanner(s); contentspec }
- def accept(tok: Int) = {
- if (token != tok) {
- if ((tok == STAR) && (token == END)) // common mistake
- scala.sys.error("in DTDs, \n"+
- "mixed content models must be like (#PCDATA|Name|Name|...)*")
- else
- scala.sys.error("expected "+token2string(tok)+
- ", got unexpected token:"+token2string(token))
- }
- nextToken()
- }
- // s [ '+' | '*' | '?' ]
- def maybeSuffix(s: RegExp) = token match {
- case STAR => nextToken(); Star(s)
- case PLUS => nextToken(); Sequ(s, Star(s))
- case OPT => nextToken(); Alt(Eps, s)
- case _ => s
- }
- // contentspec ::= EMPTY | ANY | (#PCDATA) | "(#PCDATA|"regexp)
- def contentspec: ContentModel = token match {
- case NAME => value match {
- case "ANY" => ANY
- case "EMPTY" => EMPTY
- case _ => scala.sys.error("expected ANY, EMPTY or '(' instead of " + value )
- }
- case LPAREN =>
- nextToken()
- sOpt()
- if (token != TOKEN_PCDATA)
- ELEMENTS(regexp)
- else {
- nextToken()
- token match {
- case RPAREN =>
- case CHOICE =>
- val res = MIXED(choiceRest(Eps))
- sOpt()
- accept( RPAREN )
- accept( STAR )
- res
- case _ =>
- scala.sys.error("unexpected token:" + token2string(token) )
- }
- }
- case _ =>
- scala.sys.error("unexpected token:" + token2string(token) )
- }
- // sopt ::= S?
- def sOpt() = if( token == S ) nextToken()
- // (' S? mixed ::= '#PCDATA' S? ')'
- // | '#PCDATA' (S? '|' S? atom)* S? ')*'
- // '(' S? regexp ::= cp S? [seqRest|choiceRest] ')' [ '+' | '*' | '?' ]
- def regexp: RegExp = {
- val p = particle
- sOpt()
- maybeSuffix(token match {
- case RPAREN => nextToken(); p
- case CHOICE => val q = choiceRest( p );accept( RPAREN ); q
- case COMMA => val q = seqRest( p ); accept( RPAREN ); q
- })
- }
- // seqRest ::= (',' S? cp S?)+
- def seqRest(p: RegExp) = {
- var k = List(p)
- while( token == COMMA ) {
- nextToken()
- sOpt()
- k = particle::k
- sOpt()
- }
- Sequ( k.reverse:_* )
- }
- // choiceRest ::= ('|' S? cp S?)+
- def choiceRest( p:RegExp ) = {
- var k = List( p )
- while( token == CHOICE ) {
- nextToken()
- sOpt()
- k = particle::k
- sOpt()
- }
- Alt( k.reverse:_* )
- }
- // particle ::= '(' S? regexp
- // | name [ '+' | '*' | '?' ]
- def particle = token match {
- case LPAREN => nextToken(); sOpt(); regexp
- case NAME => val a = Letter(ElemName(value)); nextToken(); maybeSuffix(a)
- case _ => scala.sys.error("expected '(' or Name, got:"+token2string(token))
- }
- // atom ::= name
- def atom = token match {
- case NAME => val a = Letter(ElemName(value)); nextToken(); a
- case _ => scala.sys.error("expected Name, got:"+token2string(token))
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/DTD.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/DTD.scala
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--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/DTD.scala
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-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package dtd
-import scala.collection.mutable
-/** A document type declaration.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-abstract class DTD {
- var externalID: ExternalID = null
- var decls: List[Decl] = Nil
- def notations: Seq[NotationDecl] = Nil
- def unparsedEntities: Seq[EntityDecl] = Nil
- var elem: mutable.Map[String, ElemDecl] = new mutable.HashMap[String, ElemDecl]()
- var attr: mutable.Map[String, AttListDecl] = new mutable.HashMap[String, AttListDecl]()
- var ent: mutable.Map[String, EntityDecl] = new mutable.HashMap[String, EntityDecl]()
- override def toString() =
- "DTD [\n%s%s]".format(
- Option(externalID) getOrElse "",
- decls.mkString("", "\n", "\n")
- )
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/Decl.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/Decl.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bf859c460..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/Decl.scala
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-/* __ *\
- ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
- ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
- ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
- ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
- ** |/ **
- \* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package dtd
-import Utility.sbToString
-sealed abstract class Decl
-sealed abstract class MarkupDecl extends Decl {
- def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder
-/** an element declaration
- */
-case class ElemDecl(name: String, contentModel: ContentModel)
-extends MarkupDecl {
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- sb append "<!ELEMENT " append name append ' '
- ContentModel.buildString(contentModel, sb)
- sb append '>'
- }
-case class AttListDecl(name: String, attrs:List[AttrDecl])
-extends MarkupDecl {
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- sb append "<!ATTLIST " append name append '\n' append attrs.mkString("","\n",">")
- }
-/** an attribute declaration. at this point, the tpe is a string. Future
- * versions might provide a way to access the attribute types more
- * directly.
- */
-case class AttrDecl(name: String, tpe: String, default: DefaultDecl) {
- override def toString(): String = sbToString(buildString)
- def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- sb append " " append name append ' ' append tpe append ' '
- default buildString sb
- }
-/** an entity declaration */
-sealed abstract class EntityDecl extends MarkupDecl
-/** a parsed general entity declaration */
-case class ParsedEntityDecl(name: String, entdef: EntityDef) extends EntityDecl {
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- sb append "<!ENTITY " append name append ' '
- entdef buildString sb append '>'
- }
-/** a parameter entity declaration */
-case class ParameterEntityDecl(name: String, entdef: EntityDef) extends EntityDecl {
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- sb append "<!ENTITY % " append name append ' '
- entdef buildString sb append '>'
- }
-/** an unparsed entity declaration */
-case class UnparsedEntityDecl( name:String, extID:ExternalID, notation:String ) extends EntityDecl {
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- sb append "<!ENTITY " append name append ' '
- extID buildString sb append " NDATA " append notation append '>'
- }
-/** a notation declaration */
-case class NotationDecl( name:String, extID:ExternalID ) extends MarkupDecl {
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- sb append "<!NOTATION " append name append ' '
- extID buildString sb
- }
-sealed abstract class EntityDef {
- def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder
-case class IntDef(value:String) extends EntityDef {
- private def validateValue() {
- var tmp = value
- var ix = tmp indexOf '%'
- while (ix != -1) {
- val iz = tmp.indexOf(';', ix)
- if(iz == -1 && iz == ix + 1)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("no % allowed in entity value, except for parameter-entity-references")
- else {
- val n = tmp.substring(ix, iz)
- if (!Utility.isName(n))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("internal entity def: \""+n+"\" must be an XML Name")
- tmp = tmp.substring(iz+1, tmp.length)
- ix = tmp indexOf '%'
- }
- }
- }
- validateValue()
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
- Utility.appendQuoted(value, sb)
-case class ExtDef(extID:ExternalID) extends EntityDef {
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
- extID buildString sb
-/** a parsed entity reference */
-case class PEReference(ent:String) extends MarkupDecl {
- if( !Utility.isName( ent ))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("ent must be an XML Name")
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
- sb append '%' append ent append ';'
-// default declarations for attributes
-sealed abstract class DefaultDecl {
- override def toString(): String
- def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder
-case object REQUIRED extends DefaultDecl {
- override def toString(): String = "#REQUIRED"
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder) = sb append "#REQUIRED"
-case object IMPLIED extends DefaultDecl {
- override def toString(): String = "#IMPLIED"
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder) = sb append "#IMPLIED"
-case class DEFAULT(fixed: Boolean, attValue: String) extends DefaultDecl {
- override def toString(): String = sbToString(buildString)
- override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
- if (fixed) sb append "#FIXED "
- Utility.appendEscapedQuoted(attValue, sb)
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/DocType.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/DocType.scala
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index 849d560cc9..0000000000
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package dtd
-/** An XML node for document type declaration.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- *
- * @param name name of this DOCTYPE
- * @param extID NoExternalID or the external ID of this doctype
- * @param intSubset sequence of internal subset declarations
- */
-case class DocType(name: String, extID: ExternalID, intSubset: Seq[dtd.Decl]) {
- if (!Utility.isName(name))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(name+" must be an XML Name")
- /** returns "&lt;!DOCTYPE + name + extID? + ("["+intSubSet+"]")? >" */
- final override def toString() = {
- def intString =
- if (intSubset.isEmpty) ""
- else intSubset.mkString("[", "", "]")
- """<!DOCTYPE %s %s%s>""".format(name, extID.toString(), intString)
- }
-object DocType {
- /** Creates a doctype with no external id, nor internal subset declarations. */
- def apply(name: String): DocType = apply(name, NoExternalID, Nil)
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/ElementValidator.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/ElementValidator.scala
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index 4830769a7d..0000000000
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package dtd
-import PartialFunction._
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import ContentModel.ElemName
-import MakeValidationException._ // @todo other exceptions
-import impl._
-/** validate children and/or attributes of an element
- * exceptions are created but not thrown.
- */
-class ElementValidator() extends Function1[Node,Boolean] {
- private var exc: List[ValidationException] = Nil
- protected var contentModel: ContentModel = _
- protected var dfa: DetWordAutom[ElemName] = _
- protected var adecls: List[AttrDecl] = _
- /** set content model, enabling element validation */
- def setContentModel(cm: ContentModel) = {
- contentModel = cm
- cm match {
- case ELEMENTS(r) =>
- val nfa = ContentModel.Translator.automatonFrom(r, 1)
- dfa = new SubsetConstruction(nfa).determinize
- case _ =>
- dfa = null
- }
- }
- def getContentModel = contentModel
- /** set meta data, enabling attribute validation */
- def setMetaData(adecls: List[AttrDecl]) { this.adecls = adecls }
- def getIterable(nodes: Seq[Node], skipPCDATA: Boolean): Iterable[ElemName] = {
- def isAllWhitespace(a: Atom[_]) = cond( { case s: String if s.trim == "" => true }
- nodes.filter {
- case y: SpecialNode => y match {
- case a: Atom[_] if isAllWhitespace(a) => false // always skip all-whitespace nodes
- case _ => !skipPCDATA
- }
- case x => x.namespace eq null
- } . map (x => ElemName(x.label))
- }
- /** check attributes, return true if md corresponds to attribute declarations in adecls.
- */
- def check(md: MetaData): Boolean = {
- val len: Int = exc.length
- val ok = new mutable.BitSet(adecls.length)
- for (attr <- md) {
- def attrStr = attr.value.toString
- def find(Key: String): Option[AttrDecl] = {
- adecls.zipWithIndex find {
- case (a @ AttrDecl(Key, _, _), j) => ok += j ; return Some(a)
- case _ => false
- }
- None
- }
- find(attr.key) match {
- case None =>
- exc ::= fromUndefinedAttribute(attr.key)
- case Some(AttrDecl(_, tpe, DEFAULT(true, fixedValue))) if attrStr != fixedValue =>
- exc ::= fromFixedAttribute(attr.key, fixedValue, attrStr)
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- adecls.zipWithIndex foreach {
- case (AttrDecl(key, tpe, REQUIRED), j) if !ok(j) => exc ::= fromMissingAttribute(key, tpe)
- case _ =>
- }
- exc.length == len //- true if no new exception
- }
- /** check children, return true if conform to content model
- * @note contentModel != null
- */
- def check(nodes: Seq[Node]): Boolean = contentModel match {
- case ANY => true
- case EMPTY => getIterable(nodes, skipPCDATA = false).isEmpty
- case PCDATA => getIterable(nodes, skipPCDATA = true).isEmpty
- case MIXED(ContentModel.Alt(branches @ _*)) => // @todo
- val j = exc.length
- def find(Key: String): Boolean =
- branches exists { case ContentModel.Letter(ElemName(Key)) => true ; case _ => false }
- getIterable(nodes, skipPCDATA = true) map ( filterNot find foreach {
- exc ::= MakeValidationException fromUndefinedElement _
- }
- (exc.length == j) // - true if no new exception
- case _: ELEMENTS =>
- dfa isFinal {
- getIterable(nodes, skipPCDATA = false).foldLeft(0) { (q, e) =>
- (dfa delta q).getOrElse(e, throw ValidationException("element %s not allowed here" format e))
- }
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- /** applies various validations - accumulates error messages in exc
- * @todo fail on first error, ignore other errors (rearranging conditions)
- */
- def apply(n: Node): Boolean =
- //- ? check children
- ((contentModel == null) || check(n.child)) &&
- //- ? check attributes
- ((adecls == null) || check(n.attributes))
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/ExternalID.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/ExternalID.scala
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index 880633d860..0000000000
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-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package dtd
-/** an ExternalIDs - either PublicID or SystemID
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-sealed abstract class ExternalID extends parsing.TokenTests {
- def quoted(s: String) = {
- val c = if (s contains '"') '\'' else '"'
- c + s + c
- }
- // public != null: PUBLIC " " publicLiteral " " [systemLiteral]
- // public == null: SYSTEM " " systemLiteral
- override def toString(): String = {
- lazy val quotedSystemLiteral = quoted(systemId)
- lazy val quotedPublicLiteral = quoted(publicId)
- if (publicId == null) "SYSTEM " + quotedSystemLiteral
- else "PUBLIC " + quotedPublicLiteral +
- (if (systemId == null) "" else " " + quotedSystemLiteral)
- }
- def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
- sb.append(this.toString())
- def systemId: String
- def publicId: String
-/** a system identifier
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @param systemId the system identifier literal
- */
-case class SystemID(systemId: String) extends ExternalID {
- val publicId = null
- if (!checkSysID(systemId))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't use both \" and ' in systemId")
-/** a public identifier (see
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @param publicId the public identifier literal
- * @param systemId (can be null for notation pubIDs) the system identifier literal
- */
-case class PublicID(publicId: String, systemId: String) extends ExternalID {
- if (!checkPubID(publicId))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("publicId must consist of PubidChars")
- if (systemId != null && !checkSysID(systemId))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't use both \" and ' in systemId")
- /** the constant "#PI" */
- def label = "#PI"
- /** always empty */
- def attribute = Node.NoAttributes
- /** always empty */
- def child = Nil
-/** A marker used when a `DocType` contains no external id.
- *
- * @author Michael Bayne
- */
-object NoExternalID extends ExternalID {
- val publicId = null
- val systemId = null
- override def toString = ""
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/Scanner.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/Scanner.scala
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index 5f9d1ccaed..0000000000
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package dtd
-/** Scanner for regexps (content models in DTD element declarations)
- * todo: cleanup
- */
-class Scanner extends Tokens with parsing.TokenTests {
- final val ENDCH = '\u0000'
- var token:Int = END
- var value:String = _
- private var it: Iterator[Char] = null
- private var c: Char = 'z'
- /** initializes the scanner on input s */
- final def initScanner(s: String) {
- value = ""
- it = (s).iterator
- token = 1+END
- next()
- nextToken()
- }
- /** scans the next token */
- final def nextToken() {
- if (token != END) token = readToken
- }
- // todo: see XML specification... probably isLetter,isDigit is fine
- final def isIdentChar = ( ('a' <= c && c <= 'z')
- || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z'))
- final def next() = if (it.hasNext) c = else c = ENDCH
- final def acc(d: Char) {
- if (c == d) next() else scala.sys.error("expected '"+d+"' found '"+c+"' !")
- }
- final def accS(ds: Seq[Char]) { ds foreach acc }
- final def readToken: Int =
- if (isSpace(c)) {
- while (isSpace(c)) c =
- S
- } else c match {
- case '(' => next(); LPAREN
- case ')' => next(); RPAREN
- case ',' => next(); COMMA
- case '*' => next(); STAR
- case '+' => next(); PLUS
- case '?' => next(); OPT
- case '|' => next(); CHOICE
- case '#' => next(); accS( "PCDATA" ); TOKEN_PCDATA
- case ENDCH => END
- case _ =>
- if (isNameStart(c)) name; // NAME
- else scala.sys.error("unexpected character:" + c)
- }
- final def name = {
- val sb = new StringBuilder()
- do { sb.append(c); next() } while (isNameChar(c))
- value = sb.toString()
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/Tokens.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/Tokens.scala
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index 07e888e77a..0000000000
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package dtd
-class Tokens {
- // Tokens
- final val TOKEN_PCDATA = 0
- final val NAME = 1
- final val LPAREN = 3
- final val RPAREN = 4
- final val COMMA = 5
- final val STAR = 6
- final val PLUS = 7
- final val OPT = 8
- final val CHOICE = 9
- final val END = 10
- final val S = 13
- final def token2string(i: Int): String = i match {
- case 0 => "#PCDATA"
- case 1 => "NAME"
- case 3 => "("
- case 4 => ")"
- case 5 => ","
- case 6 => "*"
- case 7 => "+"
- case 8 => "?"
- case 9 => "|"
- case 10 => "END"
- case 13 => " "
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/ValidationException.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/ValidationException.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package dtd
-case class ValidationException(e: String) extends Exception(e)
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-object MakeValidationException {
- def fromFixedAttribute(k: String, value: String, actual: String) =
- ValidationException("value of attribute " + k + " FIXED to \""+
- value+"\", but document tries \""+actual+"\"")
- def fromNonEmptyElement() =
- new ValidationException("element should be *empty*")
- def fromUndefinedElement(label: String) =
- new ValidationException("element \""+ label +"\" not allowed here")
- def fromUndefinedAttribute(key: String) =
- new ValidationException("attribute " + key +" not allowed here")
- def fromMissingAttribute(allKeys: Set[String]) = {
- val sb = new StringBuilder("missing value for REQUIRED attribute")
- if (allKeys.size > 1) sb.append('s')
- allKeys foreach (k => sb append "'%s'".format(k))
- new ValidationException(sb.toString())
- }
- def fromMissingAttribute(key: String, tpe: String) =
- new ValidationException("missing value for REQUIRED attribute %s of type %s".format(key, tpe))
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/Base.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/Base.scala
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-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml.dtd.impl
-/** Basic regular expressions.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-@deprecated("This class will be removed", "2.10.0")
-private[dtd] abstract class Base {
- type _regexpT <: RegExp
- abstract class RegExp {
- val isNullable: Boolean
- }
- object Alt {
- /** `Alt( R,R,R* )`. */
- def apply(rs: _regexpT*) =
- if (rs.size < 2) throw new SyntaxError("need at least 2 branches in Alt")
- else new Alt(rs: _*)
- // Can't enforce that statically without changing the interface
- // def apply(r1: _regexpT, r2: _regexpT, rs: _regexpT*) = new Alt(Seq(r1, r2) ++ rs: _*)
- def unapplySeq(x: Alt) = Some(
- }
- class Alt private (val rs: _regexpT*) extends RegExp {
- final val isNullable = rs exists (_.isNullable)
- }
- object Sequ {
- /** Sequ( R,R* ) */
- def apply(rs: _regexpT*) = if (rs.isEmpty) Eps else new Sequ(rs: _*)
- def unapplySeq(x: Sequ) = Some(
- }
- class Sequ private (val rs: _regexpT*) extends RegExp {
- final val isNullable = rs forall (_.isNullable)
- }
- case class Star(r: _regexpT) extends RegExp {
- final lazy val isNullable = true
- }
- // The empty Sequ.
- case object Eps extends RegExp {
- final lazy val isNullable = true
- override def toString() = "Eps"
- }
- /** this class can be used to add meta information to regexps. */
- class Meta(r1: _regexpT) extends RegExp {
- final val isNullable = r1.isNullable
- def r = r1
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/BaseBerrySethi.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/BaseBerrySethi.scala
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index f30309b037..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/BaseBerrySethi.scala
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@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml.dtd.impl
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-// todo: replace global variable pos with acc
-/** This class turns a regular expression over `A` into a
- * [[scala.util.automata.NondetWordAutom]] over `A` using the celebrated
- * position automata construction (also called ''Berry-Sethi'' or ''Glushkov'').
- */
-@deprecated("This class will be removed", "2.10.0")
-private[dtd] abstract class BaseBerrySethi {
- val lang: Base
- import lang.{ Alt, Eps, Meta, RegExp, Sequ, Star }
- protected var pos = 0
- // results which hold all info for the NondetWordAutomaton
- protected var follow: mutable.HashMap[Int, Set[Int]] = _
- protected var finalTag: Int = _
- protected var finals: immutable.Map[Int, Int] = _ // final states
- // constants --------------------------
- final val emptySet: Set[Int] = Set()
- private def doComp(r: RegExp, compFunction: RegExp => Set[Int]) = r match {
- case x: Alt => ( map compFirst).foldLeft(emptySet)(_ ++ _)
- case Eps => emptySet
- case x: Meta => compFunction(x.r)
- case x: Sequ =>
- val (l1, l2) = span (_.isNullable)
- ((l1 ++ (l2 take 1)) map compFunction).foldLeft(emptySet)(_ ++ _)
- case Star(t) => compFunction(t)
- case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected pattern " + r.getClass)
- }
- /** Computes `first(r)` for the word regexp `r`. */
- protected def compFirst(r: RegExp): Set[Int] = doComp(r, compFirst)
- /** Computes `last(r)` for the regexp `r`. */
- protected def compLast(r: RegExp): Set[Int] = doComp(r, compLast)
- /** Starts from the right-to-left
- * precondition: pos is final
- * pats are successor patterns of a Sequence node
- */
- protected def compFollow(rs: Seq[RegExp]): Set[Int] = {
- follow(0) =
- if (rs.isEmpty) emptySet
- else rs.foldRight(Set(pos))((p, fol) => {
- val first = compFollow1(fol, p)
- if (p.isNullable) fol ++ first
- else first
- })
- follow(0)
- }
- /** Returns the first set of an expression, setting the follow set along the way.
- */
- protected def compFollow1(fol1: Set[Int], r: RegExp): Set[Int] = r match {
- case x: Alt => Set(( reverseMap (compFollow1(fol1, _))).flatten: _*)
- case x: Meta => compFollow1(fol1, x.r)
- case x: Star => compFollow1(fol1 ++ compFirst(x.r), x.r)
- case x: Sequ =>
- { (p, fol) =>
- val first = compFollow1(fol, p)
- if (p.isNullable) fol ++ first
- else first
- }
- case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected pattern: " + r.getClass)
- }
- /** Returns the "Sethi-length" of a pattern, creating the set of position along the way.
- */
- protected def traverse(r: RegExp): Unit = r match {
- // (is tree automaton stuff, more than Berry-Sethi)
- case x: Alt => foreach traverse
- case x: Sequ => foreach traverse
- case x: Meta => traverse(x.r)
- case Star(t) => traverse(t)
- case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexp pattern " + r.getClass)
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/DetWordAutom.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/DetWordAutom.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f8ba4de72..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/DetWordAutom.scala
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml.dtd.impl
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-/** A deterministic automaton. States are integers, where
- * 0 is always the only initial state. Transitions are represented
- * in the delta function. A default transitions is one that
- * is taken when no other transition can be taken.
- * All states are reachable. Accepting states are those for which
- * the partial function 'finals' is defined.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-@deprecated("This class will be removed", "2.10.0")
-private[dtd] abstract class DetWordAutom[T <: AnyRef] {
- val nstates: Int
- val finals: Array[Int]
- val delta: Array[mutable.Map[T, Int]]
- val default: Array[Int]
- def isFinal(q: Int) = finals(q) != 0
- def isSink(q: Int) = delta(q).isEmpty && default(q) == q
- def next(q: Int, label: T) = delta(q).getOrElse(label, default(q))
- override def toString() = {
- val sb = new StringBuilder("[DetWordAutom nstates=")
- sb.append(nstates)
- sb.append(" finals=")
- val map = Map(finals.zipWithIndex map (_.swap): _*)
- sb.append(map.toString())
- sb.append(" delta=\n")
- for (i <- 0 until nstates) {
- sb append "%d->%s\n".format(i, delta(i))
- if (i < default.length)
- sb append "_>%s\n".format(default(i))
- }
- sb.toString
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/Inclusion.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/Inclusion.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 07b6afaeba..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/Inclusion.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml.dtd.impl
-/** A fast test of language inclusion between minimal automata.
- * inspired by the ''AMoRE automata library''.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-@deprecated("This class will be removed", "2.10.0")
-private[dtd] trait Inclusion[A <: AnyRef] {
- val labels: Seq[A]
- /** Returns true if `dfa1` is included in `dfa2`.
- */
- def inclusion(dfa1: DetWordAutom[A], dfa2: DetWordAutom[A]) = {
- def encode(q1: Int, q2: Int) = 1 + q1 + q2 * dfa1.nstates
- def decode2(c: Int) = (c-1) / (dfa1.nstates) //integer division
- def decode1(c: Int) = (c-1) % (dfa1.nstates)
- var q1 = 0 //dfa1.initstate; // == 0
- var q2 = 0 //dfa2.initstate; // == 0
- val max = 1 + dfa1.nstates * dfa2.nstates
- val mark = new Array[Int](max)
- var result = true
- var current = encode(q1, q2)
- var last = current
- mark(last) = max // mark (q1,q2)
- while (current != 0 && result) {
- //Console.println("current = [["+q1+" "+q2+"]] = "+current);
- for (letter <- labels) {
- val r1 =,letter)
- val r2 =,letter)
- if (dfa1.isFinal(r1) && !dfa2.isFinal(r2))
- result = false
- val test = encode(r1, r2)
- //Console.println("test = [["+r1+" "+r2+"]] = "+test);
- if (mark(test) == 0) {
- mark(last) = test
- mark(test) = max
- last = test
- }
- }
- val ncurrent = mark(current)
- if( ncurrent != max ) {
- q1 = decode1(ncurrent)
- q2 = decode2(ncurrent)
- current = ncurrent
- } else {
- current = 0
- }
- }
- result
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/NondetWordAutom.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/NondetWordAutom.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bb19a7e3e..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/NondetWordAutom.scala
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml.dtd.impl
-import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable }
-/** A nondeterministic automaton. States are integers, where
- * 0 is always the only initial state. Transitions are represented
- * in the delta function. Default transitions are transitions that
- * are taken when no other transitions can be applied.
- * All states are reachable. Accepting states are those for which
- * the partial function `finals` is defined.
- */
-@deprecated("This class will be removed", "2.10.0")
-private[dtd] abstract class NondetWordAutom[T <: AnyRef] {
- val nstates: Int
- val labels: Seq[T]
- val finals: Array[Int] // 0 means not final
- val delta: Array[mutable.Map[T, immutable.BitSet]]
- val default: Array[immutable.BitSet]
- /** @return true if the state is final */
- final def isFinal(state: Int) = finals(state) > 0
- /** @return tag of final state */
- final def finalTag(state: Int) = finals(state)
- /** @return true if the set of states contains at least one final state */
- final def containsFinal(Q: immutable.BitSet): Boolean = Q exists isFinal
- /** @return true if there are no accepting states */
- final def isEmpty = (0 until nstates) forall (x => !isFinal(x))
- /** @return an immutable.BitSet with the next states for given state and label */
- def next(q: Int, a: T): immutable.BitSet = delta(q).getOrElse(a, default(q))
- /** @return an immutable.BitSet with the next states for given state and label */
- def next(Q: immutable.BitSet, a: T): immutable.BitSet = next(Q, next(_, a))
- def nextDefault(Q: immutable.BitSet): immutable.BitSet = next(Q, default)
- private def next(Q: immutable.BitSet, f: (Int) => immutable.BitSet): immutable.BitSet =
- (Q map f).foldLeft(immutable.BitSet.empty)(_ ++ _)
- private def finalStates = 0 until nstates filter isFinal
- override def toString = {
- val finalString = Map(finalStates map (j => j -> finals(j)) : _*).toString
- val deltaString = (0 until nstates)
- .map(i => " %d->%s\n _>%s\n".format(i, delta(i), default(i))).mkString
- "[NondetWordAutom nstates=%d finals=%s delta=\n%s".format(nstates, finalString, deltaString)
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/PointedHedgeExp.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/PointedHedgeExp.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1720604132..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/PointedHedgeExp.scala
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml.dtd.impl
-/** Pointed regular hedge expressions, a useful subclass of regular hedge expressions.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-@deprecated("This class will be removed", "2.10.0")
-private[dtd] abstract class PointedHedgeExp extends Base {
- type _regexpT <: RegExp
- type _labelT
- case class Node(label: _labelT, r: _regexpT) extends RegExp {
- final val isNullable = false
- }
- case class TopIter(r1: _regexpT, r2: _regexpT) extends RegExp {
- final val isNullable = r1.isNullable && r2.isNullable //?
- }
- case object Point extends RegExp {
- final val isNullable = false
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/SubsetConstruction.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/SubsetConstruction.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 632ca1eb18..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/SubsetConstruction.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml.dtd.impl
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-@deprecated("This class will be removed", "2.10.0")
-private[dtd] class SubsetConstruction[T <: AnyRef](val nfa: NondetWordAutom[T]) {
- import nfa.labels
- def selectTag(Q: immutable.BitSet, finals: Array[Int]) =
- (Q map finals filter (_ > 0)).min
- def determinize: DetWordAutom[T] = {
- // for assigning numbers to bitsets
- var indexMap = scala.collection.Map[immutable.BitSet, Int]()
- var invIndexMap = scala.collection.Map[Int, immutable.BitSet]()
- var ix = 0
- // we compute the dfa with states = bitsets
- val q0 = immutable.BitSet(0) // the set { 0 }
- val sink = immutable.BitSet.empty // the set { }
- var states = Set(q0, sink) // initial set of sets
- val delta = new mutable.HashMap[immutable.BitSet, mutable.HashMap[T, immutable.BitSet]]
- var deftrans = mutable.Map(q0 -> sink, sink -> sink) // initial transitions
- var finals: mutable.Map[immutable.BitSet, Int] = mutable.Map()
- val rest = new mutable.Stack[immutable.BitSet]
- rest.push(sink, q0)
- def addFinal(q: immutable.BitSet) {
- if (nfa containsFinal q)
- finals = finals.updated(q, selectTag(q, nfa.finals))
- }
- def add(Q: immutable.BitSet) {
- if (!states(Q)) {
- states += Q
- rest push Q
- addFinal(Q)
- }
- }
- addFinal(q0) // initial state may also be a final state
- while (!rest.isEmpty) {
- val P = rest.pop()
- // assign a number to this bitset
- indexMap = indexMap.updated(P, ix)
- invIndexMap = invIndexMap.updated(ix, P)
- ix += 1
- // make transition map
- val Pdelta = new mutable.HashMap[T, immutable.BitSet]
- delta.update(P, Pdelta)
- labels foreach { label =>
- val Q =, label)
- Pdelta.update(label, Q)
- add(Q)
- }
- // collect default transitions
- val Pdef = nfa nextDefault P
- deftrans = deftrans.updated(P, Pdef)
- add(Pdef)
- }
- // create DetWordAutom, using indices instead of sets
- val nstatesR = states.size
- val deltaR = new Array[mutable.Map[T, Int]](nstatesR)
- val defaultR = new Array[Int](nstatesR)
- val finalsR = new Array[Int](nstatesR)
- for (Q <- states) {
- val q = indexMap(Q)
- val trans = delta(Q)
- val transDef = deftrans(Q)
- val qDef = indexMap(transDef)
- val ntrans = new mutable.HashMap[T, Int]()
- for ((label, value) <- trans) {
- val p = indexMap(value)
- if (p != qDef)
- ntrans.update(label, p)
- }
- deltaR(q) = ntrans
- defaultR(q) = qDef
- }
- finals foreach { case (k,v) => finalsR(indexMap(k)) = v }
- new DetWordAutom [T] {
- val nstates = nstatesR
- val delta = deltaR
- val default = defaultR
- val finals = finalsR
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/SyntaxError.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/SyntaxError.scala
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index a5b8a5aba0..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/SyntaxError.scala
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml.dtd.impl
-/** This runtime exception is thrown if an attempt to instantiate a
- * syntactically incorrect expression is detected.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-@deprecated("This class will be removed", "2.10.0")
-private[dtd] class SyntaxError(e: String) extends RuntimeException(e)
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/WordBerrySethi.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/WordBerrySethi.scala
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index 9bf3fa518b..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/WordBerrySethi.scala
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml.dtd.impl
-import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable }
-/** This class turns a regular expression into a [[scala.util.automata.NondetWordAutom]]
- * celebrated position automata construction (also called ''Berry-Sethi'' or ''Glushkov'').
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-@deprecated("This class will be removed", "2.10.0")
-private[dtd] abstract class WordBerrySethi extends BaseBerrySethi {
- override val lang: WordExp
- import lang.{ Alt, Eps, Letter, RegExp, Sequ, Star, _labelT }
- protected var labels: mutable.HashSet[_labelT] = _
- // don't let this fool you, only labelAt is a real, surjective mapping
- protected var labelAt: Map[Int, _labelT] = _ // new alphabet "gamma"
- protected var deltaq: Array[mutable.HashMap[_labelT, List[Int]]] = _ // delta
- protected var defaultq: Array[List[Int]] = _ // default transitions
- protected var initials: Set[Int] = _
- /** Computes `first(r)` where the word regexp `r`.
- *
- * @param r the regular expression
- * @return the computed set `first(r)`
- */
- protected override def compFirst(r: RegExp): Set[Int] = r match {
- case x: Letter => Set(x.pos)
- case _ => super.compFirst(r)
- }
- /** Computes `last(r)` where the word regexp `r`.
- *
- * @param r the regular expression
- * @return the computed set `last(r)`
- */
- protected override def compLast(r: RegExp): Set[Int] = r match {
- case x: Letter => Set(x.pos)
- case _ => super.compLast(r)
- }
- /** Returns the first set of an expression, setting the follow set along
- * the way.
- *
- * @param r the regular expression
- * @return the computed set
- */
- protected override def compFollow1(fol1: Set[Int], r: RegExp): Set[Int] = r match {
- case x: Letter => follow(x.pos) = fol1 ; Set(x.pos)
- case Eps => emptySet
- case _ => super.compFollow1(fol1, r)
- }
- /** Returns "Sethi-length" of a pattern, creating the set of position
- * along the way
- */
- /** Called at the leaves of the regexp */
- protected def seenLabel(r: RegExp, i: Int, label: _labelT) {
- labelAt = labelAt.updated(i, label)
- this.labels += label
- }
- // overridden in BindingBerrySethi
- protected def seenLabel(r: RegExp, label: _labelT): Int = {
- pos += 1
- seenLabel(r, pos, label)
- pos
- }
- // todo: replace global variable pos with acc
- override def traverse(r: RegExp): Unit = r match {
- case a @ Letter(label) => a.pos = seenLabel(r, label)
- case Eps => // ignore
- case _ => super.traverse(r)
- }
- protected def makeTransition(src: Int, dest: Int, label: _labelT) {
- val q = deltaq(src)
- q.update(label, dest :: q.getOrElse(label, Nil))
- }
- protected def initialize(subexpr: Seq[RegExp]): Unit = {
- this.labelAt = immutable.Map()
- this.follow = mutable.HashMap()
- this.labels = mutable.HashSet()
- this.pos = 0
- // determine "Sethi-length" of the regexp
- subexpr foreach traverse
- this.initials = Set(0)
- }
- protected def initializeAutom() {
- finals = immutable.Map.empty[Int, Int] // final states
- deltaq = new Array[mutable.HashMap[_labelT, List[Int]]](pos) // delta
- defaultq = new Array[List[Int]](pos) // default transitions
- for (j <- 0 until pos) {
- deltaq(j) = mutable.HashMap[_labelT, List[Int]]()
- defaultq(j) = Nil
- }
- }
- protected def collectTransitions(): Unit = // make transitions
- for (j <- 0 until pos ; fol = follow(j) ; k <- fol) {
- if (pos == k) finals = finals.updated(j, finalTag)
- else makeTransition(j, k, labelAt(k))
- }
- def automatonFrom(pat: RegExp, finalTag: Int): NondetWordAutom[_labelT] = {
- this.finalTag = finalTag
- pat match {
- case x: Sequ =>
- // (1,2) compute follow + first
- initialize(
- pos += 1
- compFollow( // this used to be assigned to var globalFirst and then never used.
- // (3) make automaton from follow sets
- initializeAutom()
- collectTransitions()
- if (x.isNullable) // initial state is final
- finals = finals.updated(0, finalTag)
- val delta1 = immutable.Map(deltaq.zipWithIndex map (_.swap): _*)
- val finalsArr = (0 until pos map (k => finals.getOrElse(k, 0))).toArray // 0 == not final
- val deltaArr: Array[mutable.Map[_labelT, immutable.BitSet]] =
- (0 until pos map { x =>
- mutable.HashMap(delta1(x).toSeq map { case (k, v) => k -> immutable.BitSet(v: _*) } : _*)
- }).toArray
- val defaultArr = (0 until pos map (k => immutable.BitSet(defaultq(k): _*))).toArray
- new NondetWordAutom[_labelT] {
- val nstates = pos
- val labels = WordBerrySethi.this.labels.toList
- val finals = finalsArr
- val delta = deltaArr
- val default = defaultArr
- }
- case z =>
- automatonFrom(Sequ(z.asInstanceOf[this.lang._regexpT]), finalTag)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/WordExp.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/WordExp.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a4bb54c1ea..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/dtd/impl/WordExp.scala
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml.dtd.impl
- * The class `WordExp` provides regular word expressions.
- *
- * Users have to instantiate type member `_regexpT <;: RegExp`
- * (from class `Base`) and a type member `_labelT <;: Label`.
- *
- * Here is a short example:
- * {{{
- * import scala.util.regexp._
- * import scala.util.automata._
- * object MyLang extends WordExp {
- * type _regexpT = RegExp
- * type _labelT = MyChar
- *
- * case class MyChar(c:Char) extends Label
- * }
- * import MyLang._
- * // (a* | b)*
- * val rex = Star(Alt(Star(Letter(MyChar('a'))),Letter(MyChar('b'))))
- * object MyBerriSethi extends WordBerrySethi {
- * override val lang = MyLang
- * }
- * val nfa = MyBerriSethi.automatonFrom(Sequ(rex), 1)
- * }}}
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-@deprecated("This class will be removed", "2.10.0")
-private[dtd] abstract class WordExp extends Base {
- abstract class Label
- type _regexpT <: RegExp
- type _labelT <: Label
- case class Letter(a: _labelT) extends RegExp {
- final lazy val isNullable = false
- var pos = -1
- }
- case class Wildcard() extends RegExp {
- final lazy val isNullable = false
- var pos = -1
- }
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package factory
-import parsing.ValidatingMarkupHandler
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-abstract class Binder(val preserveWS: Boolean) extends ValidatingMarkupHandler {
- var result: NodeBuffer = new NodeBuffer()
- def reportSyntaxError(pos:Int, str:String) = {}
- final def procInstr(pos: Int, target: String, txt: String) =
- ProcInstr(target, txt)
- final def comment(pos: Int, txt: String) =
- Comment(txt)
- final def entityRef(pos: Int, n: String) =
- EntityRef(n)
- final def text(pos: Int, txt: String) =
- Text(txt)
- final def traverse(n:Node): Unit = n match {
- case x:ProcInstr =>
- result &+ procInstr(0,, x.text)
- case x:Comment =>
- result &+ comment(0, x.text)
- case x:Text =>
- result &+ text(0,
- case x:EntityRef =>
- result &+ entityRef(0, x.entityName)
- case x:Elem =>
- elemStart(0, x.prefix, x.label, x.attributes, x.scope)
- val old = result
- result = new NodeBuffer()
- for (m <- x.child) traverse(m)
- result = old &+ elem(0, x.prefix, x.label, x.attributes, x.scope, x.minimizeEmpty, NodeSeq.fromSeq(result)).toList
- elemEnd(0, x.prefix, x.label)
- }
- final def validate(n: Node): Node = {
- this.rootLabel = n.label
- traverse(n)
- result(0)
- }
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package factory
-/** This class logs what the nodefactory is actually doing.
- * If you want to see what happens during loading, use it like this:
-object testLogged extends App {
- val x = new scala.xml.parsing.NoBindingFactoryAdapter
- with scala.xml.factory.LoggedNodeFactory[scala.xml.Elem] {
- override def log(s: String) = println(s)
- }
- Console.println("Start")
- val doc = x.load(new""))
- Console.println("End")
- Console.println(doc)
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-@deprecated("This trait will be removed.", "2.11")
-trait LoggedNodeFactory[A <: Node] extends NodeFactory[A] {
- // configuration values
- val logNode = true
- val logText = false
- val logComment = false
- val logProcInstr = false
- final val NONE = 0
- final val CACHE = 1
- final val FULL = 2
- /** 0 = no logging, 1 = cache hits, 2 = detail */
- val logCompressLevel = 1
- // methods of NodeFactory
- /** logged version of makeNode method */
- override def makeNode(pre: String, label: String, attrSeq: MetaData,
- scope: NamespaceBinding, children: Seq[Node]): A = {
- if (logNode)
- log("[makeNode for "+label+"]")
- val hash = Utility.hashCode(pre, label, attrSeq.##, scope.##, children)
- /*
- if(logCompressLevel >= FULL) {
- log("[hashcode total:"+hash);
- log(" elem name "+uname+" hash "+ ? ));
- log(" attrs "+attrSeq+" hash "+attrSeq.hashCode());
- log(" children :"+children+" hash "+children.hashCode());
- }
- */
- if (!cache.get( hash ).isEmpty && (logCompressLevel >= CACHE))
- log("[cache hit !]")
- super.makeNode(pre, label, attrSeq, scope, children)
- }
- override def makeText(s: String) = {
- if (logText)
- log("[makeText:\""+s+"\"]")
- super.makeText(s)
- }
- override def makeComment(s: String): Seq[Comment] = {
- if (logComment)
- log("[makeComment:\""+s+"\"]")
- super.makeComment(s)
- }
- override def makeProcInstr(t: String, s: String): Seq[ProcInstr] = {
- if (logProcInstr)
- log("[makeProcInstr:\""+t+" "+ s+"\"]")
- super.makeProcInstr(t, s)
- }
- @deprecated("This method and its usages will be removed. Use a debugger to debug code.", "2.11")
- def log(msg: String): Unit = {}
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package factory
-import parsing.{ FactoryAdapter, NoBindingFactoryAdapter }
-import{ InputStream, Reader, StringReader, File, FileDescriptor, FileInputStream }
-trait NodeFactory[A <: Node] {
- val ignoreComments = false
- val ignoreProcInstr = false
- /* default behaviour is to use hash-consing */
- val cache = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[Int, List[A]]
- protected def create(pre: String, name: String, attrs: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, children:Seq[Node]): A
- protected def construct(hash: Int, old:List[A], pre: String, name: String, attrSeq:MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, children:Seq[Node]): A = {
- val el = create(pre, name, attrSeq, scope, children)
- cache.update(hash, el :: old)
- el
- }
- def eqElements(ch1: Seq[Node], ch2: Seq[Node]): Boolean =
- ch1.view.zipAll(ch2.view, null, null) forall { case (x,y) => x eq y }
- def nodeEquals(n: Node, pre: String, name: String, attrSeq:MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, children: Seq[Node]) =
- n.prefix == pre &&
- n.label == name &&
- n.attributes == attrSeq &&
- // scope?
- eqElements(n.child, children)
- def makeNode(pre: String, name: String, attrSeq: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, children: Seq[Node]): A = {
- val hash = Utility.hashCode( pre, name, attrSeq.##, scope.##, children)
- def cons(old: List[A]) = construct(hash, old, pre, name, attrSeq, scope, children)
- (cache get hash) match {
- case Some(list) => // find structurally equal
- list.find(nodeEquals(_, pre, name, attrSeq, scope, children)) match {
- case Some(x) => x
- case _ => cons(list)
- }
- case None => cons(Nil)
- }
- }
- def makeText(s: String) = Text(s)
- def makeComment(s: String): Seq[Comment] =
- if (ignoreComments) Nil else List(Comment(s))
- def makeProcInstr(t: String, s: String): Seq[ProcInstr] =
- if (ignoreProcInstr) Nil else List(ProcInstr(t, s))
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package factory
-import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
-import parsing.{ FactoryAdapter, NoBindingFactoryAdapter }
-import{ InputStream, Reader, File, FileDescriptor }
-/** Presents collection of XML loading methods which use the parser
- * created by "def parser".
- */
-trait XMLLoader[T <: Node]
- import scala.xml.Source._
- def adapter: FactoryAdapter = new NoBindingFactoryAdapter()
- /* Override this to use a different SAXParser. */
- def parser: SAXParser = {
- val f = SAXParserFactory.newInstance()
- f.setNamespaceAware(false)
- f.newSAXParser()
- }
- /** Loads XML from the given InputSource, using the supplied parser.
- * The methods available in scala.xml.XML use the XML parser in the JDK.
- */
- def loadXML(source: InputSource, parser: SAXParser): T = {
- val newAdapter = adapter
- newAdapter.scopeStack push TopScope
- parser.parse(source, newAdapter)
- newAdapter.scopeStack.pop()
- newAdapter.rootElem.asInstanceOf[T]
- }
- /** Loads XML from the given file, file descriptor, or filename. */
- def loadFile(file: File): T = loadXML(fromFile(file), parser)
- def loadFile(fd: FileDescriptor): T = loadXML(fromFile(fd), parser)
- def loadFile(name: String): T = loadXML(fromFile(name), parser)
- /** loads XML from given InputStream, Reader, sysID, InputSource, or URL. */
- def load(is: InputStream): T = loadXML(fromInputStream(is), parser)
- def load(reader: Reader): T = loadXML(fromReader(reader), parser)
- def load(sysID: String): T = loadXML(fromSysId(sysID), parser)
- def load(source: InputSource): T = loadXML(source, parser)
- def load(url: URL): T = loadXML(fromInputStream(url.openStream()), parser)
- /** Loads XML from the given String. */
- def loadString(string: String): T = loadXML(fromString(string), parser)
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package include
- * A `CircularIncludeException` is thrown when an included document attempts
- * to include itself or one of its ancestor documents.
- */
-class CircularIncludeException(message: String) extends XIncludeException {
- /**
- * Constructs a `CircularIncludeException` with `'''null'''`.
- * as its error detail message.
- */
- def this() = this(null)
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/include/UnavailableResourceException.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/include/UnavailableResourceException.scala
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package include
- * An `UnavailableResourceException` is thrown when an included document
- * cannot be found or loaded.
- */
-class UnavailableResourceException(message: String)
-extends XIncludeException(message) {
- def this() = this(null)
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package include
- * `XIncludeException` is the generic superclass for all checked exceptions
- * that may be thrown as a result of a violation of XInclude's rules.
- *
- * Constructs an `XIncludeException` with the specified detail message.
- * The error message string `message` can later be retrieved by the
- * `{@link java.lang.Throwable#getMessage}`
- * method of class `java.lang.Throwable`.
- *
- * @param message the detail message.
- */
-class XIncludeException(message: String) extends Exception(message) {
- /**
- * uses `'''null'''` as its error detail message.
- */
- def this() = this(null)
- private var rootCause: Throwable = null
- /**
- * When an `IOException`, `MalformedURLException` or other generic
- * exception is thrown while processing an XML document for XIncludes,
- * it is customarily replaced by some form of `XIncludeException`.
- * This method allows you to store the original exception.
- *
- * @param nestedException the underlying exception which
- * caused the XIncludeException to be thrown
- */
- def setRootCause(nestedException: Throwable ) {
- this.rootCause = nestedException
- }
- /**
- * When an `IOException`, `MalformedURLException` or other generic
- * exception is thrown while processing an XML document for XIncludes,
- * it is customarily replaced by some form of `XIncludeException`.
- * This method allows you to retrieve the original exception.
- * It returns null if no such exception caused this `XIncludeException`.
- *
- * @return Throwable the underlying exception which caused the
- * `XIncludeException` to be thrown
- */
- def getRootCause(): Throwable = this.rootCause
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package include.sax
-import scala.util.matching.Regex
-/** `EncodingHeuristics` reads from a stream
- * (which should be buffered) and attempts to guess
- * what the encoding of the text in the stream is.
- * If it fails to determine the type of the encoding,
- * it returns the default UTF-8.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-object EncodingHeuristics
- object EncodingNames {
- // UCS-4 isn't yet implemented in java releases anyway...
- val bigUCS4 = "UCS-4"
- val littleUCS4 = "UCS-4"
- val unusualUCS4 = "UCS-4"
- val bigUTF16 = "UTF-16BE"
- val littleUTF16 = "UTF-16LE"
- val utf8 = "UTF-8"
- val default = utf8
- }
- import EncodingNames._
- /** This utility method attempts to determine the XML character encoding
- * by examining the input stream, as specified at
- * [[ w3]].
- *
- * @param in `InputStream` to read from.
- * @throws IOException if the stream cannot be reset
- * @return the name of the encoding.
- */
- def readEncodingFromStream(in: InputStream): String = {
- var ret: String = null
- val bytesToRead = 1024 // enough to read most XML encoding declarations
- def resetAndRet = { in.reset ; ret }
- // This may fail if there are a lot of space characters before the end
- // of the encoding declaration
- in mark bytesToRead
- val bytes = (,,,
- // first look for byte order mark
- ret = bytes match {
- case (0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xFF) => bigUCS4
- case (0xFF, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00) => littleUCS4
- case (0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFE) => unusualUCS4
- case (0xFE, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00) => unusualUCS4
- case (0xFE, 0xFF, _ , _ ) => bigUTF16
- case (0xFF, 0xFE, _ , _ ) => littleUTF16
- case (0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF, _ ) => utf8
- case _ => null
- }
- if (ret != null)
- return resetAndRet
- def readASCIIEncoding: String = {
- val data = new Array[Byte](bytesToRead - 4)
- val length =, 0, bytesToRead - 4)
- // Use Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) because all byte sequences are legal.
- val declaration = new String(data, 0, length, "ISO-8859-1")
- val regexp = """(?m).*?encoding\s*=\s*["'](.+?)['"]""".r
- (regexp findFirstMatchIn declaration) match {
- case None => default
- case Some(md) => md.subgroups(0)
- }
- }
- // no byte order mark present; first character must be '<' or whitespace
- ret = bytes match {
- case (0x00, 0x00, 0x00, '<' ) => bigUCS4
- case ('<' , 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) => littleUCS4
- case (0x00, 0x00, '<' , 0x00) => unusualUCS4
- case (0x00, '<' , 0x00, 0x00) => unusualUCS4
- case (0x00, '<' , 0x00, '?' ) => bigUTF16 // XXX must read encoding
- case ('<' , 0x00, '?' , 0x00) => littleUTF16 // XXX must read encoding
- case ('<' , '?' , 'x' , 'm' ) => readASCIIEncoding
- case (0x4C, 0x6F, 0xA7, 0x94) => utf8 // XXX EBCDIC
- case _ => utf8 // no XML or text declaration present
- }
- resetAndRet
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/include/sax/XIncludeFilter.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/include/sax/XIncludeFilter.scala
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-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package include.sax
-import scala.xml.include._
-import org.xml.sax.{ Attributes, XMLReader, Locator }
-import org.xml.sax.helpers.{ XMLReaderFactory, XMLFilterImpl, NamespaceSupport, AttributesImpl }
-import{ InputStream, BufferedInputStream, InputStreamReader, IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException }
-import java.util.Stack
-import{ URL, MalformedURLException }
-/** This is a SAX filter which resolves all XInclude include elements before
- * passing them on to the client application. Currently this class has the
- * following known deviation from the XInclude specification:
- *
- * 1. XPointer is not supported.
- *
- * Furthermore, I would definitely use a new instance of this class for each
- * document you want to process. I doubt it can be used successfully on
- * multiple documents. Furthermore, I can virtually guarantee that this
- * class is not thread safe. You have been warned.
- *
- * Since this class is not designed to be subclassed, and since I have not
- * yet considered how that might affect the methods herein or what other
- * protected methods might be needed to support subclasses, I have declared
- * this class final. I may remove this restriction later, though the use-case
- * for subclassing is weak. This class is designed to have its functionality
- * extended via a horizontal chain of filters, not a vertical hierarchy of
- * sub and superclasses.
- *
- * To use this class:
- *
- * - Construct an `XIncludeFilter` object with a known base URL
- * - Pass the `XMLReader` object from which the raw document will be read to
- * the `setParent()` method of this object.
- * - Pass your own `ContentHandler` object to the `setContentHandler()`
- * method of this object. This is the object which will receive events
- * from the parsed and included document.
- * - Optional: if you wish to receive comments, set your own `LexicalHandler`
- * object as the value of this object's
- * `` property.
- * Also make sure your `LexicalHandler` asks this object for the status of
- * each comment using `insideIncludeElement` before doing anything with the
- * comment.
- * - Pass the URL of the document to read to this object's `parse()` method
- *
- * e.g.
- * {{{
- * val includer = new XIncludeFilter(base)
- * includer setParent parser
- * includer setContentHandler new SAXXIncluder(System.out)
- * includer parse args(i)
- * }}}
- * translated from Elliotte Rusty Harold's Java source.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-class XIncludeFilter extends XMLFilterImpl {
- final val XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE = ""
- private val bases = new Stack[URL]()
- private val locators = new Stack[Locator]()
-/* private EntityResolver resolver;
- public XIncludeFilter() {
- this(null);
- }
- public XIncludeFilter(EntityResolver resolver) {
- this.resolver = resolver;
- } */
- // what if this isn't called????
- // do I need to check this in startDocument() and push something
- // there????
- override def setDocumentLocator(locator: Locator) {
- locators push locator
- val base = locator.getSystemId()
- try {
- bases.push(new URL(base))
- }
- catch {
- case e:MalformedURLException =>
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unrecognized SYSTEM ID: " + base)
- }
- super.setDocumentLocator(locator)
- }
- // necessary to throw away contents of non-empty XInclude elements
- private var level = 0
- /** This utility method returns true if and only if this reader is
- * currently inside a non-empty include element. (This is '''not''' the
- * same as being inside the node set which replaces the include element.)
- * This is primarily needed for comments inside include elements.
- * It must be checked by the actual `LexicalHandler` to see whether
- * a comment is passed or not.
- *
- * @return boolean
- */
- def insideIncludeElement(): Boolean = level != 0
- override def startElement(uri: String, localName: String, qName: String, atts1: Attributes) {
- var atts = atts1
- if (level == 0) { // We're not inside an xi:include element
- // Adjust bases stack by pushing either the new
- // value of xml:base or the base of the parent
- val base = atts.getValue(NamespaceSupport.XMLNS, "base")
- val parentBase = bases.peek().asInstanceOf[URL]
- var currentBase = parentBase
- if (base != null) {
- try {
- currentBase = new URL(parentBase, base)
- }
- catch {
- case e: MalformedURLException =>
- throw new SAXException("Malformed base URL: "
- + currentBase, e)
- }
- }
- bases push currentBase
- if (uri.equals(XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE) && localName.equals("include")) {
- // include external document
- val href = atts.getValue("href")
- // Verify that there is an href attribute
- if (href == null) {
- throw new SAXException("Missing href attribute")
- }
- var parse = atts getValue "parse"
- if (parse == null) parse = "xml"
- if (parse equals "text") {
- val encoding = atts getValue "encoding"
- includeTextDocument(href, encoding)
- }
- else if (parse equals "xml") {
- includeXMLDocument(href)
- }
- // Need to check this also in DOM and JDOM????
- else {
- throw new SAXException(
- "Illegal value for parse attribute: " + parse)
- }
- level += 1
- }
- else {
- if (atRoot) {
- // add xml:base attribute if necessary
- val attsImpl = new AttributesImpl(atts)
- attsImpl.addAttribute(NamespaceSupport.XMLNS, "base",
- "xml:base", "CDATA", currentBase.toExternalForm())
- atts = attsImpl
- atRoot = false
- }
- super.startElement(uri, localName, qName, atts)
- }
- }
- }
- override def endElement(uri: String, localName: String, qName: String) {
- if (uri.equals(XINCLUDE_NAMESPACE)
- && localName.equals("include")) {
- level -= 1
- }
- else if (level == 0) {
- bases.pop()
- super.endElement(uri, localName, qName)
- }
- }
- private var depth = 0
- override def startDocument() {
- level = 0
- if (depth == 0) super.startDocument()
- depth += 1
- }
- override def endDocument() {
- locators.pop()
- bases.pop() // pop the URL for the document itself
- depth -= 1
- if (depth == 0) super.endDocument()
- }
- // how do prefix mappings move across documents????
- override def startPrefixMapping(prefix: String , uri: String) {
- if (level == 0) super.startPrefixMapping(prefix, uri)
- }
- override def endPrefixMapping(prefix: String) {
- if (level == 0) super.endPrefixMapping(prefix)
- }
- override def characters(ch: Array[Char], start: Int, length: Int) {
- if (level == 0) super.characters(ch, start, length)
- }
- override def ignorableWhitespace(ch: Array[Char], start: Int, length: Int) {
- if (level == 0) super.ignorableWhitespace(ch, start, length)
- }
- override def processingInstruction(target: String, data: String) {
- if (level == 0) super.processingInstruction(target, data)
- }
- override def skippedEntity(name: String) {
- if (level == 0) super.skippedEntity(name)
- }
- // convenience method for error messages
- private def getLocation(): String = {
- var locationString = ""
- val locator = locators.peek().asInstanceOf[Locator]
- var publicID = ""
- var systemID = ""
- var column = -1
- var line = -1
- if (locator != null) {
- publicID = locator.getPublicId()
- systemID = locator.getSystemId()
- line = locator.getLineNumber()
- column = locator.getColumnNumber()
- }
- locationString = (" in document included from " + publicID
- + " at " + systemID
- + " at line " + line + ", column " + column)
- locationString
- }
- /** This utility method reads a document at a specified URL and fires off
- * calls to `characters()`. It's used to include files with `parse="text"`.
- *
- * @param url URL of the document that will be read
- * @param encoding1 Encoding of the document; e.g. UTF-8,
- * ISO-8859-1, etc.
- * @return void
- * @throws SAXException if the requested document cannot
- be downloaded from the specified URL
- or if the encoding is not recognized
- */
- private def includeTextDocument(url: String, encoding1: String) {
- var encoding = encoding1
- if (encoding == null || encoding.trim().equals("")) encoding = "UTF-8"
- var source: URL = null
- try {
- val base = bases.peek().asInstanceOf[URL]
- source = new URL(base, url)
- }
- catch {
- case e: MalformedURLException =>
- val ex = new UnavailableResourceException("Unresolvable URL " + url
- + getLocation())
- ex.setRootCause(e)
- throw new SAXException("Unresolvable URL " + url + getLocation(), ex)
- }
- try {
- val uc = source.openConnection()
- val in = new BufferedInputStream(uc.getInputStream())
- val encodingFromHeader = uc.getContentEncoding()
- var contentType = uc.getContentType()
- if (encodingFromHeader != null)
- encoding = encodingFromHeader
- else {
- // What if file does not have a MIME type but name ends in .xml????
- // MIME types are case-insensitive
- // Java may be picking this up from file URL
- if (contentType != null) {
- contentType = contentType.toLowerCase()
- if (contentType.equals("text/xml")
- || contentType.equals("application/xml")
- || (contentType.startsWith("text/") && contentType.endsWith("+xml") )
- || (contentType.startsWith("application/") && contentType.endsWith("+xml"))) {
- encoding = EncodingHeuristics.readEncodingFromStream(in)
- }
- }
- }
- val reader = new InputStreamReader(in, encoding)
- val c = new Array[Char](1024)
- var charsRead: Int = 0 // bogus init value
- do {
- charsRead =, 0, 1024)
- if (charsRead > 0) this.characters(c, 0, charsRead)
- } while (charsRead != -1)
- }
- catch {
- case e: UnsupportedEncodingException =>
- throw new SAXException("Unsupported encoding: "
- + encoding + getLocation(), e)
- case e: IOException =>
- throw new SAXException("Document not found: "
- + source.toExternalForm() + getLocation(), e)
- }
- }
- private var atRoot = false
- /** This utility method reads a document at a specified URL
- * and fires off calls to various `ContentHandler` methods.
- * It's used to include files with `parse="xml"`.
- *
- * @param url URL of the document that will be read
- * @return void
- * @throws SAXException if the requested document cannot
- be downloaded from the specified URL.
- */
- private def includeXMLDocument(url: String) {
- val source =
- try new URL(bases.peek(), url)
- catch {
- case e: MalformedURLException =>
- val ex = new UnavailableResourceException("Unresolvable URL " + url + getLocation())
- ex setRootCause e
- throw new SAXException("Unresolvable URL " + url + getLocation(), ex)
- }
- try {
- val parser: XMLReader =
- try XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader()
- catch {
- case e: SAXException =>
- try XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(XercesClassName)
- catch { case _: SAXException => return System.err.println("Could not find an XML parser") }
- }
- parser setContentHandler this
- val resolver = this.getEntityResolver()
- if (resolver != null)
- parser setEntityResolver resolver
- // save old level and base
- val previousLevel = level
- this.level = 0
- if (bases contains source)
- throw new SAXException(
- "Circular XInclude Reference",
- new CircularIncludeException("Circular XInclude Reference to " + source + getLocation())
- )
- bases push source
- atRoot = true
- parser parse source.toExternalForm()
- // restore old level and base
- this.level = previousLevel
- bases.pop()
- }
- catch {
- case e: IOException =>
- throw new SAXException("Document not found: " + source.toExternalForm() + getLocation(), e)
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/include/sax/XIncluder.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/include/sax/XIncluder.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1939fa1875..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/include/sax/XIncluder.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package include.sax
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import org.xml.sax.{ ContentHandler, XMLReader, Locator, Attributes }
-import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler
-import{ File, OutputStream, OutputStreamWriter, Writer, IOException }
-/** XIncluder is a SAX `ContentHandler` that writes its XML document onto
- * an output stream after resolving all `xinclude:include` elements.
- *
- * Based on Eliotte Rusty Harold's SAXXIncluder.
- */
-class XIncluder(outs: OutputStream, encoding: String) extends ContentHandler with LexicalHandler {
- var out = new OutputStreamWriter(outs, encoding)
- def setDocumentLocator(locator: Locator) {}
- def startDocument() {
- try {
- out.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='"
- + encoding + "'?>\r\n")
- }
- catch {
- case e:IOException =>
- throw new SAXException("Write failed", e)
- }
- }
- def endDocument() {
- try {
- out.flush()
- }
- catch {
- case e:IOException =>
- throw new SAXException("Flush failed", e)
- }
- }
- def startPrefixMapping(prefix: String , uri: String) {}
- def endPrefixMapping(prefix: String) {}
- def startElement(namespaceURI: String, localName: String, qualifiedName: String, atts: Attributes) = {
- try {
- out.write("<" + qualifiedName)
- var i = 0; while (i < atts.getLength()) {
- out.write(" ")
- out.write(atts.getQName(i))
- out.write("='")
- val value = atts.getValue(i)
- // @todo Need to use character references if the encoding
- // can't support the character
- out.write(scala.xml.Utility.escape(value))
- out.write("'")
- i += 1
- }
- out.write(">")
- }
- catch {
- case e:IOException =>
- throw new SAXException("Write failed", e)
- }
- }
- def endElement(namespaceURI: String, localName:String, qualifiedName: String) {
- try {
- out.write("</" + qualifiedName + ">")
- }
- catch {
- case e: IOException =>
- throw new SAXException("Write failed", e)
- }
- }
- // need to escape characters that are not in the given
- // encoding using character references????
- def characters(ch: Array[Char], start: Int, length: Int) {
- try {
- var i = 0; while (i < length) {
- val c = ch(start+i)
- if (c == '&') out.write("&amp;")
- else if (c == '<') out.write("&lt;")
- // This next fix is normally not necessary.
- // However, it is required if text contains ]]>
- // (The end CDATA section delimiter)
- else if (c == '>') out.write("&gt;")
- else out.write(c.toInt)
- i += 1
- }
- }
- catch {
- case e: IOException =>
- throw new SAXException("Write failed", e)
- }
- }
- def ignorableWhitespace(ch: Array[Char], start: Int , length: Int) {
- this.characters(ch, start, length)
- }
- // do I need to escape text in PI????
- def processingInstruction(target: String, data: String) {
- try {
- out.write("<?" + target + " " + data + "?>")
- }
- catch {
- case e:IOException =>
- throw new SAXException("Write failed", e)
- }
- }
- def skippedEntity(name: String) {
- try {
- out.write("&" + name + ";")
- }
- catch {
- case e:IOException =>
- throw new SAXException("Write failed", e)
- }
- }
- // LexicalHandler methods
- private var inDTD: Boolean = false
- private val entities = new mutable.Stack[String]()
- def startDTD(name: String, publicID: String, systemID: String) {
- inDTD = true
- // if this is the source document, output a DOCTYPE declaration
- if (entities.isEmpty) {
- var id = ""
- if (publicID != null) id = " PUBLIC \"" + publicID + "\" \"" + systemID + '"'
- else if (systemID != null) id = " SYSTEM \"" + systemID + '"'
- try {
- out.write("<!DOCTYPE " + name + id + ">\r\n")
- }
- catch {
- case e:IOException =>
- throw new SAXException("Error while writing DOCTYPE", e)
- }
- }
- }
- def endDTD() {}
- def startEntity(name: String) {
- entities push name
- }
- def endEntity(name: String) {
- entities.pop()
- }
- def startCDATA() {}
- def endCDATA() {}
- // Just need this reference so we can ask if a comment is
- // inside an include element or not
- private var filter: XIncludeFilter = null
- def setFilter(filter: XIncludeFilter) {
- this.filter = filter
- }
- def comment(ch: Array[Char], start: Int, length: Int) {
- if (!inDTD && !filter.insideIncludeElement()) {
- try {
- out.write("<!--")
- out.write(ch, start, length)
- out.write("-->")
- }
- catch {
- case e: IOException =>
- throw new SAXException("Write failed", e)
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/package.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/package.scala
deleted file mode 100644
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package object xml {
- val XercesClassName = "org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"
- type SAXException = org.xml.sax.SAXException
- type SAXParseException = org.xml.sax.SAXParseException
- type EntityResolver = org.xml.sax.EntityResolver
- type InputSource = org.xml.sax.InputSource
- type SAXParser = javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/ConstructingHandler.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/ConstructingHandler.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index ba416e4301..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/ConstructingHandler.scala
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@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
-/** Implementation of MarkupHandler that constructs nodes.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-abstract class ConstructingHandler extends MarkupHandler
- val preserveWS: Boolean
- def elem(pos: Int, pre: String, label: String, attrs: MetaData,
- pscope: NamespaceBinding, empty: Boolean, nodes: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
- Elem(pre, label, attrs, pscope, empty, nodes:_*)
- def procInstr(pos: Int, target: String, txt: String) =
- ProcInstr(target, txt)
- def comment(pos: Int, txt: String) = Comment(txt)
- def entityRef(pos: Int, n: String) = EntityRef(n)
- def text(pos: Int, txt: String) = Text(txt)
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/ConstructingParser.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/ConstructingParser.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3caeddabf4..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/ConstructingParser.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
-object ConstructingParser {
- def fromFile(inp: File, preserveWS: Boolean) =
- new ConstructingParser(Source.fromFile(inp), preserveWS).initialize
- def fromSource(inp: Source, preserveWS: Boolean) =
- new ConstructingParser(inp, preserveWS).initialize
-/** An xml parser. parses XML and invokes callback methods of a MarkupHandler.
- * Don't forget to call on a freshly instantiated parser in order to
- * initialize it. If you get the parser from the object method, initialization
- * is already done for you.
- *
- * {{{
- * object parseFromURL {
- * def main(args: Array[String]) {
- * val url = args(0)
- * val src =
- * val cpa = scala.xml.parsing.ConstructingParser.fromSource(src, false) // fromSource initializes automatically
- * val doc = cpa.document()
- *
- * // let's see what it is
- * val ppr = new scala.xml.PrettyPrinter(80, 5)
- * val ele = doc.docElem
- * println("finished parsing")
- * val out = ppr.format(ele)
- * println(out)
- * }
- * }
- * }}} */
-class ConstructingParser(val input: Source, val preserveWS: Boolean)
-extends ConstructingHandler
-with ExternalSources
-with MarkupParser {
- // default impl. of Logged
- override def log(msg: String): Unit = {}
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/DefaultMarkupHandler.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/DefaultMarkupHandler.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index 6ec7474843..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/DefaultMarkupHandler.scala
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@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
-/** Default implementation of markup handler always returns `NodeSeq.Empty` */
-abstract class DefaultMarkupHandler extends MarkupHandler {
- def elem(pos: Int, pre: String, label: String, attrs: MetaData,
- scope:NamespaceBinding, empty: Boolean, args: NodeSeq) = NodeSeq.Empty
- def procInstr(pos: Int, target: String, txt: String) = NodeSeq.Empty
- def comment(pos: Int, comment: String ): NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty
- def entityRef(pos: Int, n: String) = NodeSeq.Empty
- def text(pos: Int, txt:String) = NodeSeq.Empty
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/ExternalSources.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/ExternalSources.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index bb939bca95..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/ExternalSources.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-trait ExternalSources {
- self: ExternalSources with MarkupParser with MarkupHandler =>
- def externalSource(systemId: String): Source = {
- if (systemId startsWith "http:")
- return Source fromURL new URL(systemId)
- val fileStr: String = input.descr match {
- case x if x startsWith "file:" => x drop 5
- case x => x take ((x lastIndexOf separator) + 1)
- }
- Source.fromFile(fileStr + systemId)
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/FactoryAdapter.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/FactoryAdapter.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2154bdf5ba..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/FactoryAdapter.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
-import{ InputStream, Reader, File, FileDescriptor, FileInputStream }
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, Iterator }
-import org.xml.sax.Attributes
-import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
-// can be mixed into FactoryAdapter if desired
-trait ConsoleErrorHandler extends DefaultHandler {
- // ignore warning, crimson warns even for entity resolution!
- override def warning(ex: SAXParseException): Unit = { }
- override def error(ex: SAXParseException): Unit = printError("Error", ex)
- override def fatalError(ex: SAXParseException): Unit = printError("Fatal Error", ex)
- protected def printError(errtype: String, ex: SAXParseException): Unit =
- Console.withOut(Console.err) {
- val s = "[%s]:%d:%d: %s".format(
- errtype, ex.getLineNumber, ex.getColumnNumber, ex.getMessage)
- Console.println(s)
- Console.flush()
- }
-/** SAX adapter class, for use with Java SAX parser. Keeps track of
- * namespace bindings, without relying on namespace handling of the
- * underlying SAX parser.
- */
-abstract class FactoryAdapter extends DefaultHandler with factory.XMLLoader[Node] {
- var rootElem: Node = null
- val buffer = new StringBuilder()
- val attribStack = new mutable.Stack[MetaData]
- val hStack = new mutable.Stack[Node] // [ element ] contains siblings
- val tagStack = new mutable.Stack[String]
- var scopeStack = new mutable.Stack[NamespaceBinding]
- var curTag : String = null
- var capture: Boolean = false
- // abstract methods
- /** Tests if an XML element contains text.
- * @return true if element named `localName` contains text.
- */
- def nodeContainsText(localName: String): Boolean // abstract
- /** creates an new non-text(tree) node.
- * @param elemName
- * @param attribs
- * @param chIter
- * @return a new XML element.
- */
- def createNode(pre: String, elemName: String, attribs: MetaData,
- scope: NamespaceBinding, chIter: List[Node]): Node // abstract
- /** creates a Text node.
- * @param text
- * @return a new Text node.
- */
- def createText(text: String): Text // abstract
- /** creates a new processing instruction node.
- */
- def createProcInstr(target: String, data: String): Seq[ProcInstr]
- //
- // ContentHandler methods
- //
- val normalizeWhitespace = false
- /** Characters.
- * @param ch
- * @param offset
- * @param length
- */
- override def characters(ch: Array[Char], offset: Int, length: Int): Unit = {
- if (!capture) return
- // compliant: report every character
- else if (!normalizeWhitespace) buffer.appendAll(ch, offset, length)
- // normalizing whitespace is not compliant, but useful
- else {
- var it = ch.slice(offset, offset + length).iterator
- while (it.hasNext) {
- val c =
- val isSpace = c.isWhitespace
- buffer append (if (isSpace) ' ' else c)
- if (isSpace)
- it = it dropWhile (_.isWhitespace)
- }
- }
- }
- private def splitName(s: String) = {
- val idx = s indexOf ':'
- if (idx < 0) (null, s)
- else (s take idx, s drop (idx + 1))
- }
- /* ContentHandler methods */
- /* Start element. */
- override def startElement(
- uri: String,
- _localName: String,
- qname: String,
- attributes: Attributes): Unit =
- {
- captureText()
- tagStack push curTag
- curTag = qname
- val localName = splitName(qname)._2
- capture = nodeContainsText(localName)
- hStack push null
- var m: MetaData = Null
- var scpe: NamespaceBinding =
- if (scopeStack.isEmpty) TopScope
- else
- for (i <- 0 until attributes.getLength()) {
- val qname = attributes getQName i
- val value = attributes getValue i
- val (pre, key) = splitName(qname)
- def nullIfEmpty(s: String) = if (s == "") null else s
- if (pre == "xmlns" || (pre == null && qname == "xmlns")) {
- val arg = if (pre == null) null else key
- scpe = new NamespaceBinding(arg, nullIfEmpty(value), scpe)
- }
- else
- m = Attribute(Option(pre), key, Text(value), m)
- }
- scopeStack push scpe
- attribStack push m
- }
- /** captures text, possibly normalizing whitespace
- */
- def captureText(): Unit = {
- if (capture && buffer.length > 0)
- hStack push createText(buffer.toString)
- buffer.clear()
- }
- /** End element.
- * @param uri
- * @param _localName
- * @param qname
- * @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException if ..
- */
- override def endElement(uri: String , _localName: String, qname: String): Unit = {
- captureText()
- val metaData = attribStack.pop()
- // reverse order to get it right
- val v = (Iterator continually hStack.pop takeWhile (_ != null)).toList.reverse
- val (pre, localName) = splitName(qname)
- val scp = scopeStack.pop()
- // create element
- rootElem = createNode(pre, localName, metaData, scp, v)
- hStack push rootElem
- curTag = tagStack.pop()
- capture = curTag != null && nodeContainsText(curTag) // root level
- }
- /** Processing instruction.
- */
- override def processingInstruction(target: String, data: String) {
- hStack pushAll createProcInstr(target, data)
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/FatalError.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/FatalError.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ab3cb2a74d..0000000000
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
-/** !!! This is poorly named, but I guess it's in the API.
- */
-case class FatalError(msg: String) extends java.lang.RuntimeException(msg)
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/MarkupHandler.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/MarkupHandler.scala
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index 1ebffb9c90..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/MarkupHandler.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.xml.dtd._
-/** class that handles markup - provides callback methods to MarkupParser.
- * the default is nonvalidating behaviour
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- *
- * @todo can we ignore more entity declarations (i.e. those with extIDs)?
- * @todo expanding entity references
- */
-abstract class MarkupHandler {
- /** returns true is this markup handler is validating */
- val isValidating: Boolean = false
- var decls: List[Decl] = Nil
- var ent: mutable.Map[String, EntityDecl] = new mutable.HashMap[String, EntityDecl]()
- def lookupElemDecl(Label: String): ElemDecl = {
- for (z @ ElemDecl(Label, _) <- decls)
- return z
- null
- }
- def replacementText(entityName: String): Source =
- Source fromString ((ent get entityName) match {
- case Some(ParsedEntityDecl(_, IntDef(value))) => value
- case Some(ParameterEntityDecl(_, IntDef(value))) => " %s " format value
- case Some(_) => "<!-- %s; -->" format entityName
- case None => "<!-- unknown entity %s; -->" format entityName
- })
- def endDTD(n: String): Unit = ()
- /** callback method invoked by MarkupParser after start-tag of element.
- *
- * @param pos the position in the sourcefile
- * @param pre the prefix
- * @param label the local name
- * @param attrs the attributes (metadata)
- */
- def elemStart(pos: Int, pre: String, label: String, attrs: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding): Unit = ()
- /** callback method invoked by MarkupParser after end-tag of element.
- *
- * @param pos the position in the source file
- * @param pre the prefix
- * @param label the local name
- */
- def elemEnd(pos: Int, pre: String, label: String): Unit = ()
- /** callback method invoked by MarkupParser after parsing an element,
- * between the elemStart and elemEnd callbacks
- *
- * @param pos the position in the source file
- * @param pre the prefix
- * @param label the local name
- * @param attrs the attributes (metadata)
- * @param empty `true` if the element was previously empty; `false` otherwise.
- * @param args the children of this element
- */
- def elem(pos: Int, pre: String, label: String, attrs: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, empty: Boolean, args: NodeSeq): NodeSeq
- /** callback method invoked by MarkupParser after parsing PI.
- */
- def procInstr(pos: Int, target: String, txt: String): NodeSeq
- /** callback method invoked by MarkupParser after parsing comment.
- */
- def comment(pos: Int, comment: String): NodeSeq
- /** callback method invoked by MarkupParser after parsing entity ref.
- * @todo expanding entity references
- */
- def entityRef(pos: Int, n: String): NodeSeq
- /** callback method invoked by MarkupParser after parsing text.
- */
- def text(pos: Int, txt: String): NodeSeq
- // DTD handler methods
- def elemDecl(n: String, cmstr: String): Unit = ()
- def attListDecl(name: String, attList: List[AttrDecl]): Unit = ()
- private def someEntityDecl(name: String, edef: EntityDef, f: (String, EntityDef) => EntityDecl): Unit =
- edef match {
- case _: ExtDef if !isValidating => // ignore (cf REC-xml 4.4.1)
- case _ =>
- val y = f(name, edef)
- decls ::= y
- ent.update(name, y)
- }
- def parameterEntityDecl(name: String, edef: EntityDef): Unit =
- someEntityDecl(name, edef, ParameterEntityDecl.apply _)
- def parsedEntityDecl(name: String, edef: EntityDef): Unit =
- someEntityDecl(name, edef, ParsedEntityDecl.apply _)
- def peReference(name: String) { decls ::= PEReference(name) }
- def unparsedEntityDecl(name: String, extID: ExternalID, notat: String): Unit = ()
- def notationDecl(notat: String, extID: ExternalID): Unit = ()
- def reportSyntaxError(pos: Int, str: String): Unit
- @deprecated("This method and its usages will be removed. Use a debugger to debug code.", "2.11")
- def log(msg: String): Unit = {}
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deleted file mode 100755
index 3bbd136b67..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/MarkupParser.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,938 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
-import scala.xml.dtd._
-import Utility.Escapes.{ pairs => unescape }
- * An XML parser.
- *
- * Parses XML 1.0, invokes callback methods of a `MarkupHandler` and returns
- * whatever the markup handler returns. Use `ConstructingParser` if you just
- * want to parse XML to construct instances of `scala.xml.Node`.
- *
- * While XML elements are returned, DTD declarations - if handled - are
- * collected using side-effects.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-trait MarkupParser extends MarkupParserCommon with TokenTests
- self: MarkupParser with MarkupHandler =>
- type PositionType = Int
- type InputType = Source
- type ElementType = NodeSeq
- type AttributesType = (MetaData, NamespaceBinding)
- type NamespaceType = NamespaceBinding
- def truncatedError(msg: String): Nothing = throw FatalError(msg)
- def errorNoEnd(tag: String) = throw FatalError("expected closing tag of " + tag)
- def xHandleError(that: Char, msg: String) = reportSyntaxError(msg)
- val input: Source
- /** if true, does not remove surplus whitespace */
- val preserveWS: Boolean
- def externalSource(systemLiteral: String): Source
- //
- // variables, values
- //
- protected var curInput: Source = input
- // See ticket #3720 for motivations.
- private class WithLookAhead(underlying: Source) extends Source {
- private val queue = scala.collection.mutable.Queue[Char]()
- def lookahead(): BufferedIterator[Char] = {
- val iter = queue.iterator ++ new Iterator[Char] {
- def hasNext = underlying.hasNext
- def next() = { val x =; queue += x; x }
- }
- iter.buffered
- }
- val iter = new Iterator[Char] {
- def hasNext = underlying.hasNext || !queue.isEmpty
- def next() = if (!queue.isEmpty) queue.dequeue() else
- }
- }
- def lookahead(): BufferedIterator[Char] = curInput match {
- case curInputWLA:WithLookAhead =>
- curInputWLA.lookahead()
- case _ =>
- val newInput = new WithLookAhead(curInput)
- curInput = newInput
- newInput.lookahead()
- }
- /** the handler of the markup, returns this */
- private val handle: MarkupHandler = this
- /** stack of inputs */
- var inpStack: List[Source] = Nil
- /** holds the position in the source file */
- var pos: Int = _
- /* used when reading external subset */
- var extIndex = -1
- /** holds temporary values of pos */
- var tmppos: Int = _
- /** holds the next character */
- var nextChNeeded: Boolean = false
- var reachedEof: Boolean = false
- var lastChRead: Char = _
- def ch: Char = {
- if (nextChNeeded) {
- if (curInput.hasNext) {
- lastChRead =
- pos = curInput.pos
- } else {
- val ilen = inpStack.length
- //Console.println(" ilen = "+ilen+ " extIndex = "+extIndex);
- if ((ilen != extIndex) && (ilen > 0)) {
- /* for external source, inpStack == Nil ! need notify of eof! */
- pop()
- } else {
- reachedEof = true
- lastChRead = 0.asInstanceOf[Char]
- }
- }
- nextChNeeded = false
- }
- lastChRead
- }
- /** character buffer, for names */
- protected val cbuf = new StringBuilder()
- var dtd: DTD = null
- protected var doc: Document = null
- def eof: Boolean = { ch; reachedEof }
- //
- // methods
- //
- /** {{{
- * <? prolog ::= xml S ... ?>
- * }}} */
- def xmlProcInstr(): MetaData = {
- xToken("xml")
- xSpace()
- val (md,scp) = xAttributes(TopScope)
- if (scp != TopScope)
- reportSyntaxError("no xmlns definitions here, please.")
- xToken('?')
- xToken('>')
- md
- }
- /** Factored out common code.
- */
- private def prologOrTextDecl(isProlog: Boolean): (Option[String], Option[String], Option[Boolean]) = {
- var info_ver: Option[String] = None
- var info_enc: Option[String] = None
- var info_stdl: Option[Boolean] = None
- val m = xmlProcInstr()
- var n = 0
- if (isProlog)
- xSpaceOpt()
- m("version") match {
- case null =>
- case Text("1.0") => info_ver = Some("1.0"); n += 1
- case _ => reportSyntaxError("cannot deal with versions != 1.0")
- }
- m("encoding") match {
- case null =>
- case Text(enc) =>
- if (!isValidIANAEncoding(enc))
- reportSyntaxError("\"" + enc + "\" is not a valid encoding")
- else {
- info_enc = Some(enc)
- n += 1
- }
- }
- if (isProlog) {
- m("standalone") match {
- case null =>
- case Text("yes") => info_stdl = Some(true); n += 1
- case Text("no") => info_stdl = Some(false); n += 1
- case _ => reportSyntaxError("either 'yes' or 'no' expected")
- }
- }
- if (m.length - n != 0) {
- val s = if (isProlog) "SDDecl? " else ""
- reportSyntaxError("VersionInfo EncodingDecl? %sor '?>' expected!" format s)
- }
- (info_ver, info_enc, info_stdl)
- }
- /** {{{
- * <? prolog ::= xml S?
- * // this is a bit more lenient than necessary...
- * }}} */
- def prolog(): (Option[String], Option[String], Option[Boolean]) =
- prologOrTextDecl(isProlog = true)
- /** prolog, but without standalone */
- def textDecl(): (Option[String], Option[String]) =
- prologOrTextDecl(isProlog = false) match { case (x1, x2, _) => (x1, x2) }
- /** {{{
- * [22] prolog ::= XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedecl Misc*)?
- * [23] XMLDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>'
- * [24] VersionInfo ::= S 'version' Eq ("'" VersionNum "'" | '"' VersionNum '"')
- * [25] Eq ::= S? '=' S?
- * [26] VersionNum ::= '1.0'
- * [27] Misc ::= Comment | PI | S
- * }}} */
- def document(): Document = {
- doc = new Document()
- this.dtd = null
- var info_prolog: (Option[String], Option[String], Option[Boolean]) = (None, None, None)
- if ('<' != ch) {
- reportSyntaxError("< expected")
- return null
- }
- nextch() // is prolog ?
- var children: NodeSeq = null
- if ('?' == ch) {
- nextch()
- info_prolog = prolog()
- doc.version = info_prolog._1
- doc.encoding = info_prolog._2
- doc.standAlone = info_prolog._3
- children = content(TopScope) // DTD handled as side effect
- }
- else {
- val ts = new NodeBuffer()
- content1(TopScope, ts) // DTD handled as side effect
- ts &+ content(TopScope)
- children = NodeSeq.fromSeq(ts)
- }
- //println("[MarkupParser::document] children now: "+children.toList)
- var elemCount = 0
- var theNode: Node = null
- for (c <- children) c match {
- case _:ProcInstr =>
- case _:Comment =>
- case _:EntityRef => // todo: fix entities, shouldn't be "special"
- reportSyntaxError("no entity references allowed here")
- case s:SpecialNode =>
- if (s.toString.trim().length > 0) //non-empty text nodes not allowed
- elemCount += 2
- case m:Node =>
- elemCount += 1
- theNode = m
- }
- if (1 != elemCount) {
- reportSyntaxError("document must contain exactly one element")
- Console.println(children.toList)
- }
- doc.children = children
- doc.docElem = theNode
- doc
- }
- /** append Unicode character to name buffer*/
- protected def putChar(c: Char) = cbuf append c
- /** As the current code requires you to call nextch once manually
- * after construction, this method formalizes that suboptimal reality.
- */
- def initialize: this.type = {
- nextch()
- this
- }
- protected def ch_returning_nextch: Char = { val res = ch; nextch(); res }
- def mkAttributes(name: String, pscope: NamespaceBinding): AttributesType =
- if (isNameStart (ch)) xAttributes(pscope)
- else (Null, pscope)
- def mkProcInstr(position: Int, name: String, text: String): ElementType =
- handle.procInstr(position, name, text)
- /** this method tells ch to get the next character when next called */
- def nextch() {
- // Read current ch if needed
- ch
- // Mark next ch to be required
- nextChNeeded = true
- }
- /** parse attribute and create namespace scope, metadata
- * {{{
- * [41] Attributes ::= { S Name Eq AttValue }
- * }}}
- */
- def xAttributes(pscope: NamespaceBinding): (MetaData, NamespaceBinding) = {
- var scope: NamespaceBinding = pscope
- var aMap: MetaData = Null
- while (isNameStart(ch)) {
- val qname = xName
- xEQ() // side effect
- val value = xAttributeValue()
- Utility.prefix(qname) match {
- case Some("xmlns") =>
- val prefix = qname.substring(6 /*xmlns:*/ , qname.length)
- scope = new NamespaceBinding(prefix, value, scope)
- case Some(prefix) =>
- val key = qname.substring(prefix.length+1, qname.length)
- aMap = new PrefixedAttribute(prefix, key, Text(value), aMap)
- case _ =>
- if( qname == "xmlns" )
- scope = new NamespaceBinding(null, value, scope)
- else
- aMap = new UnprefixedAttribute(qname, Text(value), aMap)
- }
- if ((ch != '/') && (ch != '>') && ('?' != ch))
- xSpace()
- }
- if(!aMap.wellformed(scope))
- reportSyntaxError( "double attribute")
- (aMap,scope)
- }
- /** entity value, terminated by either ' or ". value may not contain &lt;.
- * {{{
- * AttValue ::= `'` { _ } `'`
- * | `"` { _ } `"`
- * }}}
- */
- def xEntityValue(): String = {
- val endch = ch
- nextch()
- while (ch != endch && !eof) {
- putChar(ch)
- nextch()
- }
- nextch()
- val str = cbuf.toString()
- cbuf.length = 0
- str
- }
- /** {{{
- * '<! CharData ::= [CDATA[ ( {char} - {char}"]]>"{char} ) ']]>'
- *
- * see [15]
- * }}} */
- def xCharData: NodeSeq = {
- xToken("[CDATA[")
- def mkResult(pos: Int, s: String): NodeSeq = {
- handle.text(pos, s)
- PCData(s)
- }
- xTakeUntil(mkResult, () => pos, "]]>")
- }
- /** {{{
- * Comment ::= '<!--' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->'
- *
- * see [15]
- * }}} */
- def xComment: NodeSeq = {
- val sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder()
- xToken("--")
- while (true) {
- if (ch == '-' && { sb.append(ch); nextch(); ch == '-' }) {
- sb.length = sb.length - 1
- nextch()
- xToken('>')
- return handle.comment(pos, sb.toString())
- } else sb.append(ch)
- nextch()
- }
- throw FatalError("this cannot happen")
- }
- /* todo: move this into the NodeBuilder class */
- def appendText(pos: Int, ts: NodeBuffer, txt: String): Unit = {
- if (preserveWS)
- ts &+ handle.text(pos, txt)
- else
- for (t <- TextBuffer.fromString(txt).toText) {
- ts &+ handle.text(pos, t.text)
- }
- }
- /** {{{
- * '<' content1 ::= ...
- * }}} */
- def content1(pscope: NamespaceBinding, ts: NodeBuffer) {
- ch match {
- case '!' =>
- nextch()
- if ('[' == ch) // CDATA
- ts &+ xCharData
- else if ('D' == ch) // doctypedecl, parse DTD // @todo REMOVE HACK
- parseDTD()
- else // comment
- ts &+ xComment
- case '?' => // PI
- nextch()
- ts &+ xProcInstr
- case _ =>
- ts &+ element1(pscope) // child
- }
- }
- /** {{{
- * content1 ::= '<' content1 | '&' charref ...
- * }}} */
- def content(pscope: NamespaceBinding): NodeSeq = {
- val ts = new NodeBuffer
- var exit = eof
- // todo: optimize seq repr.
- def done = new NodeSeq { val theSeq = ts.toList }
- while (!exit) {
- tmppos = pos
- exit = eof
- if (eof)
- return done
- ch match {
- case '<' => // another tag
- nextch(); ch match {
- case '/' => exit = true // end tag
- case _ => content1(pscope, ts)
- }
- // postcond: xEmbeddedBlock == false!
- case '&' => // EntityRef or CharRef
- nextch(); ch match {
- case '#' => // CharacterRef
- nextch()
- val theChar = handle.text(tmppos, xCharRef(() => ch, () => nextch()))
- xToken(';')
- ts &+ theChar
- case _ => // EntityRef
- val n = xName
- xToken(';')
- if (unescape contains n) {
- handle.entityRef(tmppos, n)
- ts &+ unescape(n)
- } else push(n)
- }
- case _ => // text content
- appendText(tmppos, ts, xText)
- }
- }
- done
- } // content(NamespaceBinding)
- /** {{{
- * externalID ::= SYSTEM S syslit
- * PUBLIC S pubid S syslit
- * }}} */
- def externalID(): ExternalID = ch match {
- case 'S' =>
- nextch()
- xToken("YSTEM")
- xSpace()
- val sysID = systemLiteral()
- new SystemID(sysID)
- case 'P' =>
- nextch(); xToken("UBLIC")
- xSpace()
- val pubID = pubidLiteral()
- xSpace()
- val sysID = systemLiteral()
- new PublicID(pubID, sysID)
- }
- /** parses document type declaration and assigns it to instance variable
- * dtd.
- * {{{
- * <! parseDTD ::= DOCTYPE name ... >
- * }}} */
- def parseDTD() { // dirty but fast
- var extID: ExternalID = null
- if (this.dtd ne null)
- reportSyntaxError("unexpected character (DOCTYPE already defined")
- xToken("DOCTYPE")
- xSpace()
- val n = xName
- xSpace()
- //external ID
- if ('S' == ch || 'P' == ch) {
- extID = externalID()
- xSpaceOpt()
- }
- /* parse external subset of DTD
- */
- if ((null != extID) && isValidating) {
- pushExternal(extID.systemId)
- extIndex = inpStack.length
- extSubset()
- pop()
- extIndex = -1
- }
- if ('[' == ch) { // internal subset
- nextch()
- /* TODO */
- intSubset()
- // TODO: do the DTD parsing?? ?!?!?!?!!
- xToken(']')
- xSpaceOpt()
- }
- xToken('>')
- this.dtd = new DTD {
- /*override var*/ externalID = extID
- /*override val */decls = handle.decls.reverse
- }
- //this.dtd.initializeEntities();
- if (doc ne null)
- doc.dtd = this.dtd
- handle.endDTD(n)
- }
- def element(pscope: NamespaceBinding): NodeSeq = {
- xToken('<')
- element1(pscope)
- }
- /** {{{
- * '<' element ::= xmlTag1 '>' { xmlExpr | '{' simpleExpr '}' } ETag
- * | xmlTag1 '/' '>'
- * }}} */
- def element1(pscope: NamespaceBinding): NodeSeq = {
- val pos = this.pos
- val (qname, (aMap, scope)) = xTag(pscope)
- val (pre, local) = Utility.prefix(qname) match {
- case Some(p) => (p, qname drop p.length+1)
- case _ => (null, qname)
- }
- val ts = {
- if (ch == '/') { // empty element
- xToken("/>")
- handle.elemStart(pos, pre, local, aMap, scope)
- NodeSeq.Empty
- }
- else { // element with content
- xToken('>')
- handle.elemStart(pos, pre, local, aMap, scope)
- val tmp = content(scope)
- xEndTag(qname)
- tmp
- }
- }
- val res = handle.elem(pos, pre, local, aMap, scope, ts == NodeSeq.Empty, ts)
- handle.elemEnd(pos, pre, local)
- res
- }
- /** Parse character data.
- *
- * precondition: `xEmbeddedBlock == false` (we are not in a scala block)
- */
- private def xText: String = {
- var exit = false
- while (! exit) {
- putChar(ch)
- nextch()
- exit = eof || ( ch == '<' ) || ( ch == '&' )
- }
- val str = cbuf.toString
- cbuf.length = 0
- str
- }
- /** attribute value, terminated by either ' or ". value may not contain &lt;.
- * {{{
- * AttValue ::= `'` { _ } `'`
- * | `"` { _ } `"`
- * }}} */
- def systemLiteral(): String = {
- val endch = ch
- if (ch != '\'' && ch != '"')
- reportSyntaxError("quote ' or \" expected")
- nextch()
- while (ch != endch && !eof) {
- putChar(ch)
- nextch()
- }
- nextch()
- val str = cbuf.toString()
- cbuf.length = 0
- str
- }
- /** {{{
- * [12] PubidLiteral ::= '"' PubidChar* '"' | "'" (PubidChar - "'")* "'"
- * }}} */
- def pubidLiteral(): String = {
- val endch = ch
- if (ch!='\'' && ch != '"')
- reportSyntaxError("quote ' or \" expected")
- nextch()
- while (ch != endch && !eof) {
- putChar(ch)
- //println("hello '"+ch+"'"+isPubIDChar(ch))
- if (!isPubIDChar(ch))
- reportSyntaxError("char '"+ch+"' is not allowed in public id")
- nextch()
- }
- nextch()
- val str = cbuf.toString
- cbuf.length = 0
- str
- }
- //
- // dtd parsing
- //
- def extSubset(): Unit = {
- var textdecl: (Option[String],Option[String]) = null
- if (ch == '<') {
- nextch()
- if (ch == '?') {
- nextch()
- textdecl = textDecl()
- } else
- markupDecl1()
- }
- while (!eof)
- markupDecl()
- }
- def markupDecl1() = {
- def doInclude() = {
- xToken('['); while(']' != ch) markupDecl(); nextch() // ']'
- }
- def doIgnore() = {
- xToken('['); while(']' != ch) nextch(); nextch() // ']'
- }
- if ('?' == ch) {
- nextch()
- xProcInstr // simply ignore processing instructions!
- } else {
- xToken('!')
- ch match {
- case '-' =>
- xComment // ignore comments
- case 'E' =>
- nextch()
- if ('L' == ch) {
- nextch()
- elementDecl()
- } else
- entityDecl()
- case 'A' =>
- nextch()
- attrDecl()
- case 'N' =>
- nextch()
- notationDecl()
- case '[' if inpStack.length >= extIndex =>
- nextch()
- xSpaceOpt()
- ch match {
- case '%' =>
- nextch()
- val ent = xName
- xToken(';')
- xSpaceOpt()
- push(ent)
- xSpaceOpt()
- val stmt = xName
- xSpaceOpt()
- stmt match {
- // parameter entity
- case "INCLUDE" => doInclude()
- case "IGNORE" => doIgnore()
- }
- case 'I' =>
- nextch()
- ch match {
- case 'G' =>
- nextch()
- xToken("NORE")
- xSpaceOpt()
- doIgnore()
- case 'N' =>
- nextch()
- xToken("NCLUDE")
- doInclude()
- }
- }
- xToken(']')
- xToken('>')
- case _ =>
- curInput.reportError(pos, "unexpected character '"+ch+"', expected some markupdecl")
- while (ch!='>')
- nextch()
- }
- }
- }
- def markupDecl(): Unit = ch match {
- case '%' => // parameter entity reference
- nextch()
- val ent = xName
- xToken(';')
- if (!isValidating)
- handle.peReference(ent) // n-v: just create PE-reference
- else
- push(ent) // v: parse replacementText
- //peReference
- case '<' =>
- nextch()
- markupDecl1()
- case _ if isSpace(ch) =>
- xSpace()
- case _ =>
- reportSyntaxError("markupdecl: unexpected character '"+ch+"' #" + ch.toInt)
- nextch()
- }
- /** "rec-xml/#ExtSubset" pe references may not occur within markup declarations
- */
- def intSubset() {
- //Console.println("(DEBUG) intSubset()")
- xSpace()
- while (']' != ch)
- markupDecl()
- }
- /** &lt;! element := ELEMENT
- */
- def elementDecl() {
- xToken("EMENT")
- xSpace()
- val n = xName
- xSpace()
- while ('>' != ch) {
- //Console.println("["+ch+"]")
- putChar(ch)
- nextch()
- }
- //Console.println("END["+ch+"]")
- nextch()
- val cmstr = cbuf.toString()
- cbuf.length = 0
- handle.elemDecl(n, cmstr)
- }
- /** {{{
- * <! attlist := ATTLIST
- * }}} */
- def attrDecl() = {
- xToken("TTLIST")
- xSpace()
- val n = xName
- xSpace()
- var attList: List[AttrDecl] = Nil
- // later: find the elemDecl for n
- while ('>' != ch) {
- val aname = xName
- xSpace()
- // could be enumeration (foo,bar) parse this later :-/
- while ('"' != ch && '\'' != ch && '#' != ch && '<' != ch) {
- if (!isSpace(ch))
- cbuf.append(ch)
- nextch()
- }
- val atpe = cbuf.toString
- cbuf.length = 0
- val defdecl: DefaultDecl = ch match {
- case '\'' | '"' =>
- DEFAULT(fixed = false, xAttributeValue())
- case '#' =>
- nextch()
- xName match {
- case "FIXED" => xSpace() ; DEFAULT(fixed = true, xAttributeValue())
- }
- case _ =>
- null
- }
- xSpaceOpt()
- attList ::= AttrDecl(aname, atpe, defdecl)
- cbuf.length = 0
- }
- nextch()
- handle.attListDecl(n, attList.reverse)
- }
- /** {{{
- * <! element := ELEMENT
- * }}} */
- def entityDecl() = {
- var isParameterEntity = false
- xToken("NTITY")
- xSpace()
- if ('%' == ch) {
- nextch()
- isParameterEntity = true
- xSpace()
- }
- val n = xName
- xSpace()
- ch match {
- case 'S' | 'P' => //sy
- val extID = externalID()
- if (isParameterEntity) {
- xSpaceOpt()
- xToken('>')
- handle.parameterEntityDecl(n, ExtDef(extID))
- } else { // notation?
- xSpace()
- if ('>' != ch) {
- xToken("NDATA")
- xSpace()
- val notat = xName
- xSpaceOpt()
- xToken('>')
- handle.unparsedEntityDecl(n, extID, notat)
- } else {
- nextch()
- handle.parsedEntityDecl(n, ExtDef(extID))
- }
- }
- case '"' | '\'' =>
- val av = xEntityValue()
- xSpaceOpt()
- xToken('>')
- if (isParameterEntity)
- handle.parameterEntityDecl(n, IntDef(av))
- else
- handle.parsedEntityDecl(n, IntDef(av))
- }
- {}
- } // entityDecl
- /** {{{
- * 'N' notationDecl ::= "OTATION"
- * }}} */
- def notationDecl() {
- xToken("OTATION")
- xSpace()
- val notat = xName
- xSpace()
- val extID = if (ch == 'S') {
- externalID()
- }
- else if (ch == 'P') {
- /* PublicID (without system, only used in NOTATION) */
- nextch()
- xToken("UBLIC")
- xSpace()
- val pubID = pubidLiteral()
- xSpaceOpt()
- val sysID = if (ch != '>')
- systemLiteral()
- else
- null
- new PublicID(pubID, sysID)
- } else {
- reportSyntaxError("PUBLIC or SYSTEM expected")
- scala.sys.error("died parsing notationdecl")
- }
- xSpaceOpt()
- xToken('>')
- handle.notationDecl(notat, extID)
- }
- def reportSyntaxError(pos: Int, str: String) { curInput.reportError(pos, str) }
- def reportSyntaxError(str: String) { reportSyntaxError(pos, str) }
- def reportValidationError(pos: Int, str: String) { reportSyntaxError(pos, str) }
- def push(entityName: String) {
- if (!eof)
- inpStack = curInput :: inpStack
- // can't push before getting next character if needed
- ch
- curInput = replacementText(entityName)
- nextch()
- }
- def pushExternal(systemId: String) {
- if (!eof)
- inpStack = curInput :: inpStack
- // can't push before getting next character if needed
- ch
- curInput = externalSource(systemId)
- nextch()
- }
- def pop() {
- curInput = inpStack.head
- inpStack = inpStack.tail
- lastChRead =
- nextChNeeded = false
- pos = curInput.pos
- reachedEof = false // must be false, because of places where entity refs occur
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/MarkupParserCommon.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/MarkupParserCommon.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 57c1651558..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/MarkupParserCommon.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
-import scala.annotation.switch
-import Utility.Escapes.{ pairs => unescape }
-import Utility.SU
-/** This is not a public trait - it contains common code shared
- * between the library level XML parser and the compiler's.
- * All members should be accessed through those.
- */
-private[scala] trait MarkupParserCommon extends TokenTests {
- protected def unreachable = scala.sys.error("Cannot be reached.")
- // type HandleType // MarkupHandler, SymbolicXMLBuilder
- type InputType // Source, CharArrayReader
- type PositionType // Int, Position
- type ElementType // NodeSeq, Tree
- type NamespaceType // NamespaceBinding, Any
- type AttributesType // (MetaData, NamespaceBinding), mutable.Map[String, Tree]
- def mkAttributes(name: String, pscope: NamespaceType): AttributesType
- def mkProcInstr(position: PositionType, name: String, text: String): ElementType
- /** parse a start or empty tag.
- * [40] STag ::= '<' Name { S Attribute } [S]
- * [44] EmptyElemTag ::= '<' Name { S Attribute } [S]
- */
- protected def xTag(pscope: NamespaceType): (String, AttributesType) = {
- val name = xName
- xSpaceOpt()
- (name, mkAttributes(name, pscope))
- }
- /** '<?' ProcInstr ::= Name [S ({Char} - ({Char}'>?' {Char})]'?>'
- *
- * see [15]
- */
- def xProcInstr: ElementType = {
- val n = xName
- xSpaceOpt()
- xTakeUntil(mkProcInstr(_, n, _), () => tmppos, "?>")
- }
- /** attribute value, terminated by either `'` or `"`. value may not contain `<`.
- @param endCh either `'` or `"`
- */
- def xAttributeValue(endCh: Char): String = {
- val buf = new StringBuilder
- while (ch != endCh) {
- // well-formedness constraint
- if (ch == '<') return errorAndResult("'<' not allowed in attrib value", "")
- else if (ch == SU) truncatedError("")
- else buf append ch_returning_nextch
- }
- ch_returning_nextch
- // @todo: normalize attribute value
- buf.toString
- }
- def xAttributeValue(): String = {
- val str = xAttributeValue(ch_returning_nextch)
- // well-formedness constraint
- normalizeAttributeValue(str)
- }
- private def takeUntilChar(it: Iterator[Char], end: Char): String = {
- val buf = new StringBuilder
- while (it.hasNext) match {
- case `end` => return buf.toString
- case ch => buf append ch
- }
- scala.sys.error("Expected '%s'".format(end))
- }
- /** [42] '<' xmlEndTag ::= '<' '/' Name S? '>'
- */
- def xEndTag(startName: String) {
- xToken('/')
- if (xName != startName)
- errorNoEnd(startName)
- xSpaceOpt()
- xToken('>')
- }
- /** actually, Name ::= (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)* but starting with ':' cannot happen
- * Name ::= (Letter | '_') (NameChar)*
- *
- * see [5] of XML 1.0 specification
- *
- * pre-condition: ch != ':' // assured by definition of XMLSTART token
- * post-condition: name does neither start, nor end in ':'
- */
- def xName: String = {
- if (ch == SU)
- truncatedError("")
- else if (!isNameStart(ch))
- return errorAndResult("name expected, but char '%s' cannot start a name" format ch, "")
- val buf = new StringBuilder
- do buf append ch_returning_nextch
- while (isNameChar(ch))
- if (buf.last == ':') {
- reportSyntaxError( "name cannot end in ':'" )
- buf.toString dropRight 1
- }
- else buf.toString
- }
- private def attr_unescape(s: String) = s match {
- case "lt" => "<"
- case "gt" => ">"
- case "amp" => "&"
- case "apos" => "'"
- case "quot" => "\""
- case "quote" => "\""
- case _ => "&" + s + ";"
- }
- /** Replaces only character references right now.
- * see spec 3.3.3
- */
- private def normalizeAttributeValue(attval: String): String = {
- val buf = new StringBuilder
- val it = attval.iterator.buffered
- while (it.hasNext) buf append ( match {
- case ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' => " "
- case '&' if it.head == '#' => ; xCharRef(it)
- case '&' => attr_unescape(takeUntilChar(it, ';'))
- case c => c
- })
- buf.toString
- }
- /** CharRef ::= "&#" '0'..'9' {'0'..'9'} ";"
- * | "&#x" '0'..'9'|'A'..'F'|'a'..'f' { hexdigit } ";"
- *
- * see [66]
- */
- def xCharRef(ch: () => Char, nextch: () => Unit): String =
- Utility.parseCharRef(ch, nextch, reportSyntaxError _, truncatedError _)
- def xCharRef(it: Iterator[Char]): String = {
- var c =
- Utility.parseCharRef(() => c, () => { c = }, reportSyntaxError _, truncatedError _)
- }
- def xCharRef: String = xCharRef(() => ch, () => nextch())
- /** Create a lookahead reader which does not influence the input */
- def lookahead(): BufferedIterator[Char]
- /** The library and compiler parsers had the interesting distinction of
- * different behavior for nextch (a function for which there are a total
- * of two plausible behaviors, so we know the design space was fully
- * explored.) One of them returned the value of nextch before the increment
- * and one of them the new value. So to unify code we have to at least
- * temporarily abstract over the nextchs.
- */
- def ch: Char
- def nextch(): Unit
- protected def ch_returning_nextch: Char
- def eof: Boolean
- // def handle: HandleType
- var tmppos: PositionType
- def xHandleError(that: Char, msg: String): Unit
- def reportSyntaxError(str: String): Unit
- def reportSyntaxError(pos: Int, str: String): Unit
- def truncatedError(msg: String): Nothing
- def errorNoEnd(tag: String): Nothing
- protected def errorAndResult[T](msg: String, x: T): T = {
- reportSyntaxError(msg)
- x
- }
- def xToken(that: Char) {
- if (ch == that) nextch()
- else xHandleError(that, "'%s' expected instead of '%s'".format(that, ch))
- }
- def xToken(that: Seq[Char]) { that foreach xToken }
- /** scan [S] '=' [S]*/
- def xEQ() = { xSpaceOpt(); xToken('='); xSpaceOpt() }
- /** skip optional space S? */
- def xSpaceOpt() = while (isSpace(ch) && !eof) nextch()
- /** scan [3] S ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+ */
- def xSpace() =
- if (isSpace(ch)) { nextch(); xSpaceOpt() }
- else xHandleError(ch, "whitespace expected")
- /** Apply a function and return the passed value */
- def returning[T](x: T)(f: T => Unit): T = { f(x); x }
- /** Execute body with a variable saved and restored after execution */
- def saving[A, B](getter: A, setter: A => Unit)(body: => B): B = {
- val saved = getter
- try body
- finally setter(saved)
- }
- /** Take characters from input stream until given String "until"
- * is seen. Once seen, the accumulated characters are passed
- * along with the current Position to the supplied handler function.
- */
- protected def xTakeUntil[T](
- handler: (PositionType, String) => T,
- positioner: () => PositionType,
- until: String): T =
- {
- val sb = new StringBuilder
- val head = until.head
- val rest = until.tail
- while (true) {
- if (ch == head && peek(rest))
- return handler(positioner(), sb.toString)
- else if (ch == SU)
- truncatedError("") // throws TruncatedXMLControl in compiler
- sb append ch
- nextch()
- }
- unreachable
- }
- /** Create a non-destructive lookahead reader and see if the head
- * of the input would match the given String. If yes, return true
- * and drop the entire String from input; if no, return false
- * and leave input unchanged.
- */
- private def peek(lookingFor: String): Boolean =
- (lookahead() take lookingFor.length sameElements lookingFor.iterator) && {
- // drop the chars from the real reader (all lookahead + orig)
- (0 to lookingFor.length) foreach (_ => nextch())
- true
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/NoBindingFactoryAdapter.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/NoBindingFactoryAdapter.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 56ac185f47..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/NoBindingFactoryAdapter.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
-import factory.NodeFactory
-/** nobinding adaptor providing callbacks to parser to create elements.
-* implements hash-consing
-class NoBindingFactoryAdapter extends FactoryAdapter with NodeFactory[Elem]
- /** True. Every XML node may contain text that the application needs */
- def nodeContainsText(label: String) = true
- /** From NodeFactory. Constructs an instance of scala.xml.Elem */
- protected def create(pre: String, label: String, attrs: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, children: Seq[Node]): Elem =
- Elem(pre, label, attrs, scope, children: _*)
- /** From FactoryAdapter. Creates a node. never creates the same node twice, using hash-consing. */
- def createNode(pre: String, label: String, attrs: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding, children: List[Node]): Elem =
- Elem(pre, label, attrs, scope, children: _*)
- /** Creates a text node. */
- def createText(text: String) = Text(text)
- /** Creates a processing instruction. */
- def createProcInstr(target: String, data: String) = makeProcInstr(target, data)
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/TokenTests.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/TokenTests.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dd9cdfaa3..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/TokenTests.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
- * Helper functions for parsing XML fragments
- */
-trait TokenTests {
- /** {{{
- * (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)
- * }}} */
- final def isSpace(ch: Char): Boolean = ch match {
- case '\u0009' | '\u000A' | '\u000D' | '\u0020' => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /** {{{
- * (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
- * }}} */
- final def isSpace(cs: Seq[Char]): Boolean = cs.nonEmpty && (cs forall isSpace)
- /** These are 99% sure to be redundant but refactoring on the safe side. */
- def isAlpha(c: Char) = (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
- def isAlphaDigit(c: Char) = isAlpha(c) || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- /** {{{
- * NameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':'
- * | CombiningChar | Extender
- * }}}
- * See [4] and Appendix B of XML 1.0 specification.
- */
- def isNameChar(ch: Char) = {
- import java.lang.Character._
- // The constants represent groups Mc, Me, Mn, Lm, and Nd.
- isNameStart(ch) || (getType(ch).toByte match {
- case _ => ".-:" contains ch
- })
- }
- /** {{{
- * NameStart ::= ( Letter | '_' )
- * }}}
- * where Letter means in one of the Unicode general
- * categories `{ Ll, Lu, Lo, Lt, Nl }`.
- *
- * We do not allow a name to start with `:`.
- * See [3] and Appendix B of XML 1.0 specification
- */
- def isNameStart(ch: Char) = {
- import java.lang.Character._
- getType(ch).toByte match {
- case _ => ch == '_'
- }
- }
- /** {{{
- * Name ::= ( Letter | '_' ) (NameChar)*
- * }}}
- * See [5] of XML 1.0 specification.
- */
- def isName(s: String) =
- s.nonEmpty && isNameStart(s.head) && (s.tail forall isNameChar)
- def isPubIDChar(ch: Char): Boolean =
- isAlphaDigit(ch) || (isSpace(ch) && ch != '\u0009') ||
- ("""-\()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%""" contains ch)
- /**
- * Returns `true` if the encoding name is a valid IANA encoding.
- * This method does not verify that there is a decoder available
- * for this encoding, only that the characters are valid for an
- * IANA encoding name.
- *
- * @param ianaEncoding The IANA encoding name.
- */
- def isValidIANAEncoding(ianaEncoding: Seq[Char]) = {
- def charOK(c: Char) = isAlphaDigit(c) || ("._-" contains c)
- ianaEncoding.nonEmpty && isAlpha(ianaEncoding.head) &&
- (ianaEncoding.tail forall charOK)
- }
- def checkSysID(s: String) = List('"', '\'') exists (c => !(s contains c))
- def checkPubID(s: String) = s forall isPubIDChar
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/ValidatingMarkupHandler.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/ValidatingMarkupHandler.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b20901249..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/ValidatingMarkupHandler.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
-import scala.xml.dtd._
-abstract class ValidatingMarkupHandler extends MarkupHandler {
- var rootLabel:String = _
- var qStack: List[Int] = Nil
- var qCurrent: Int = -1
- var declStack: List[ElemDecl] = Nil
- var declCurrent: ElemDecl = null
- final override val isValidating = true
- override def endDTD(n:String) = {
- rootLabel = n
- }
- override def elemStart(pos: Int, pre: String, label: String, attrs: MetaData, scope:NamespaceBinding) {
- def advanceDFA(dm:DFAContentModel) = {
- val trans =
- log("advanceDFA(dm): " + dm)
- log("advanceDFA(trans): " + trans)
- trans.get(ContentModel.ElemName(label)) match {
- case Some(qNew) => qCurrent = qNew
- case _ => reportValidationError(pos, "DTD says, wrong element, expected one of "+trans.keys)
- }
- }
- // advance in current automaton
- log("[qCurrent = "+qCurrent+" visiting "+label+"]")
- if (qCurrent == -1) { // root
- log(" checking root")
- if (label != rootLabel)
- reportValidationError(pos, "this element should be "+rootLabel)
- } else {
- log(" checking node")
- declCurrent.contentModel match {
- case ANY =>
- case EMPTY =>
- reportValidationError(pos, "DTD says, no elems, no text allowed here")
- case PCDATA =>
- reportValidationError(pos, "DTD says, no elements allowed here")
- case m @ MIXED(r) =>
- advanceDFA(m)
- case e @ ELEMENTS(r) =>
- advanceDFA(e)
- }
- }
- // push state, decl
- qStack = qCurrent :: qStack
- declStack = declCurrent :: declStack
- declCurrent = lookupElemDecl(label)
- qCurrent = 0
- log(" done now")
- }
- override def elemEnd(pos: Int, pre: String, label: String) {
- log(" elemEnd")
- qCurrent = qStack.head
- qStack = qStack.tail
- declCurrent = declStack.head
- declStack = declStack.tail
- log(" qCurrent now" + qCurrent)
- log(" declCurrent now" + declCurrent)
- }
- final override def elemDecl(name: String, cmstr: String) {
- decls = ElemDecl(name, ContentModel.parse(cmstr)) :: decls
- }
- final override def attListDecl(name: String, attList: List[AttrDecl]) {
- decls = AttListDecl(name, attList) :: decls
- }
- final override def unparsedEntityDecl(name: String, extID: ExternalID, notat: String) {
- decls = UnparsedEntityDecl(name, extID, notat) :: decls
- }
- final override def notationDecl(notat: String, extID: ExternalID) {
- decls = NotationDecl(notat, extID) :: decls
- }
- final override def peReference(name: String) {
- decls = PEReference(name) :: decls
- }
- /** report a syntax error */
- def reportValidationError(pos: Int, str: String): Unit
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/XhtmlEntities.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/XhtmlEntities.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3683af202c..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/XhtmlEntities.scala
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-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
-import scala.xml.dtd.{ IntDef, ParsedEntityDecl }
- * @author (c) David Pollak 2007 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC.
- *
- */
-object XhtmlEntities {
- val entList = List(("quot",34), ("amp",38), ("lt",60), ("gt",62), ("nbsp",160), ("iexcl",161), ("cent",162), ("pound",163), ("curren",164), ("yen",165),
- ("euro",8364), ("brvbar",166), ("sect",167), ("uml",168), ("copy",169), ("ordf",170), ("laquo",171), ("shy",173), ("reg",174), ("trade",8482),
- ("macr",175), ("deg",176), ("plusmn",177), ("sup2",178), ("sup3",179), ("acute",180), ("micro",181), ("para",182), ("middot",183), ("cedil",184),
- ("sup1",185), ("ordm",186), ("raquo",187), ("frac14",188), ("frac12",189), ("frac34",190), ("iquest",191), ("times",215), ("divide",247),
- ("Agrave",192), ("Aacute",193), ("Acirc",194), ("Atilde",195), ("Auml",196), ("Aring",197), ("AElig",198), ("Ccedil",199), ("Egrave",200),
- ("Eacute",201), ("Ecirc",202), ("Euml",203), ("Igrave",204), ("Iacute",205), ("Icirc",206), ("Iuml",207), ("ETH",208), ("Ntilde",209),
- ("Ograve",210), ("Oacute",211), ("Ocirc",212), ("Otilde",213), ("Ouml",214), ("Oslash",216), ("Ugrave",217), ("Uacute",218), ("Ucirc",219),
- ("Uuml",220), ("Yacute",221), ("THORN",222), ("szlig",223), ("agrave",224), ("aacute",225), ("acirc",226), ("atilde",227), ("auml",228),
- ("aring",229), ("aelig",230), ("ccedil",231), ("egrave",232), ("eacute",233), ("ecirc",234), ("euml",235), ("igrave",236), ("iacute",237),
- ("icirc",238), ("iuml",239), ("eth",240), ("ntilde",241), ("ograve",242), ("oacute",243), ("ocirc",244), ("otilde",245), ("ouml",246),
- ("oslash",248), ("ugrave",249), ("uacute",250), ("ucirc",251), ("uuml",252), ("yacute",253), ("thorn",254), ("yuml",255), ("OElig",338),
- ("oelig",339), ("Scaron",352), ("scaron",353), ("Yuml",376), ("circ",710), ("ensp",8194), ("emsp",8195), ("zwnj",204), ("zwj",8205), ("lrm",8206),
- ("rlm",8207), ("ndash",8211), ("mdash",8212), ("lsquo",8216), ("rsquo",8217), ("sbquo",8218), ("ldquo",8220), ("rdquo",8221), ("bdquo",8222),
- ("dagger",8224), ("Dagger",8225), ("permil",8240), ("lsaquo",8249), ("rsaquo",8250), ("fnof",402), ("bull",8226), ("hellip",8230), ("prime",8242),
- ("Prime",8243), ("oline",8254), ("frasl",8260), ("weierp",8472), ("image",8465), ("real",8476), ("alefsym",8501), ("larr",8592), ("uarr",8593),
- ("rarr",8594), ("darr",8495), ("harr",8596), ("crarr",8629), ("lArr",8656), ("uArr",8657), ("rArr",8658), ("dArr",8659), ("hArr",8660),
- ("forall",8704), ("part",8706), ("exist",8707), ("empty",8709), ("nabla",8711), ("isin",8712), ("notin",8713), ("ni",8715), ("prod",8719),
- ("sum",8721), ("minus",8722), ("lowast",8727), ("radic",8730), ("prop",8733), ("infin",8734), ("ang",8736), ("and",8743), ("or",8744),
- ("cap",8745), ("cup",8746), ("int",8747), ("there4",8756), ("sim",8764), ("cong",8773), ("asymp",8776), ("ne",8800), ("equiv",8801), ("le",8804),
- ("ge",8805), ("sub",8834), ("sup",8835), ("nsub",8836), ("sube",8838), ("supe",8839), ("oplus",8853), ("otimes",8855), ("perp",8869), ("sdot",8901),
- ("lceil",8968), ("rceil",8969), ("lfloor",8970), ("rfloor",8971), ("lang",9001), ("rang",9002), ("loz",9674), ("spades",9824), ("clubs",9827),
- ("hearts",9829), ("diams",9830), ("Alpha",913), ("Beta",914), ("Gamma",915), ("Delta",916), ("Epsilon",917), ("Zeta",918), ("Eta",919),
- ("Theta",920), ("Iota",921), ("Kappa",922), ("Lambda",923), ("Mu",924), ("Nu",925), ("Xi",926), ("Omicron",927), ("Pi",928), ("Rho",929),
- ("Sigma",931), ("Tau",932), ("Upsilon",933), ("Phi",934), ("Chi",935), ("Psi",936), ("Omega",937), ("alpha",945), ("beta",946), ("gamma",947),
- ("delta",948), ("epsilon",949), ("zeta",950), ("eta",951), ("theta",952), ("iota",953), ("kappa",954), ("lambda",955), ("mu",956), ("nu",957),
- ("xi",958), ("omicron",959), ("pi",960), ("rho",961), ("sigmaf",962), ("sigma",963), ("tau",964), ("upsilon",965), ("phi",966), ("chi",967),
- ("psi",968), ("omega",969), ("thetasym",977), ("upsih",978), ("piv",982))
- val entMap: Map[String, Char] = Map.empty[String, Char] ++ { case (name, value) => (name, value.toChar)}
- val entities = entList.
- map { case (name, value) => (name, new ParsedEntityDecl(name, new IntDef(value.toChar.toString)))}
- def apply() = entities
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/XhtmlParser.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/XhtmlParser.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ce5bec8d0..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/parsing/XhtmlParser.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package parsing
-/** An XML Parser that preserves `CDATA` blocks and knows about
- * [[scala.xml.parsing.XhtmlEntities]].
- *
- * @author (c) David Pollak, 2007 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC.
- */
-class XhtmlParser(val input: Source) extends ConstructingHandler with MarkupParser with ExternalSources {
- val preserveWS = true
- ent ++= XhtmlEntities()
-/** Convenience method that instantiates, initializes and runs an `XhtmlParser`.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-object XhtmlParser {
- def apply(source: Source): NodeSeq = new XhtmlParser(source).initialize.document()
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/persistent/CachedFileStorage.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/persistent/CachedFileStorage.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a1489ef3f4..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/persistent/CachedFileStorage.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package persistent
-import{ File, FileOutputStream }
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer
-import java.nio.channels.Channels
-import java.lang.Thread
-import scala.collection.Iterator
-/** Mutable storage of immutable xml trees. Everything is kept in memory,
- * with a thread periodically checking for changes and writing to file.
- *
- * To ensure atomicity, two files are used, `filename1` and `'$'+filename1`.
- * The implementation switches between the two, deleting the older one
- * after a complete dump of the database has been written.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-abstract class CachedFileStorage(private val file1: File) extends Thread {
- private val file2 = new File(file1.getParent, file1.getName+"$")
- /** Either equals `file1` or `file2`, references the next file in which
- * updates will be stored.
- */
- private var theFile: File = null
- private def switch() = { theFile = if (theFile == file1) file2 else file1; }
- /** this storage modified since last modification check */
- protected var dirty = false
- /** period between modification checks, in milliseconds */
- protected val interval = 1000
- /** finds and loads the storage file. subclasses should call this method
- * prior to any other, but only once, to obtain the initial sequence of nodes.
- */
- protected def initialNodes: Iterator[Node] = (file1.exists, file2.exists) match {
- case (false,false) =>
- theFile = file1
- Iterator.empty
- case (true, true ) if (file1.lastModified < file2.lastModified) =>
- theFile = file2
- load
- case (true, _ ) =>
- theFile = file1
- load
- case _ =>
- theFile = file2
- load
- }
- /** returns an iterator over the nodes in this storage */
- def nodes: Iterator[Node]
- /** adds a node, setting this.dirty to true as a side effect */
- def += (e: Node): Unit
- /** removes a tree, setting this.dirty to true as a side effect */
- def -= (e: Node): Unit
- /* loads and parses XML from file */
- private def load: Iterator[Node] = {
- import
- import scala.xml.parsing.ConstructingParser
- log("[load]\nloading "+theFile)
- val src = Source.fromFile(theFile)
- log("parsing "+theFile)
- val res = ConstructingParser.fromSource(src,preserveWS = false).document.docElem(0)
- switch()
- log("[load done]")
- res.child.iterator
- }
- /** saves the XML to file */
- private def save() = if (this.dirty) {
- log("[save]\ndeleting "+theFile)
- theFile.delete()
- log("creating new "+theFile)
- theFile.createNewFile()
- val fos = new FileOutputStream(theFile)
- val c = fos.getChannel()
- // @todo: optimize
- val storageNode = <nodes>{ nodes.toList }</nodes>
- val w = Channels.newWriter(c, "utf-8")
- XML.write(w, storageNode, "utf-8", xmlDecl = true, doctype = null)
- log("writing to "+theFile)
- w.close
- c.close
- fos.close
- dirty = false
- switch()
- log("[save done]")
- }
- /** Run method of the thread. remember to use `start()` to start a thread,
- * not `run`. */
- override def run = {
- log("[run]\nstarting storage thread, checking every "+interval+" ms")
- while (true) {
- Thread.sleep( this.interval.toLong )
- save()
- }
- }
- /** Force writing of contents to the file, even if there has not been any
- * update. */
- def flush() = {
- this.dirty = true
- save()
- }
- @deprecated("This method and its usages will be removed. Use a debugger to debug code.", "2.11")
- def log(msg: String): Unit = {}
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/persistent/Index.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/persistent/Index.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ee45e7086..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/persistent/Index.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
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-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package persistent
-/** an Index returns some unique key that is part of a node
- */
-abstract class Index[A] extends Function1[Node,A] {}
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/persistent/SetStorage.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/persistent/SetStorage.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8db56a2e71..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/persistent/SetStorage.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package persistent
-import scala.collection.mutable
-/** A persistent store with set semantics. This class allows to add and remove
- * trees, but never contains two structurally equal trees.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-class SetStorage(file: File) extends CachedFileStorage(file) {
- private val theSet = mutable.HashSet[Node]()
- // initialize
- {
- val it = super.initialNodes
- dirty = it.hasNext
- theSet ++= it
- }
- /* forwarding methods to hashset*/
- def += (e: Node): Unit = synchronized { this.dirty = true; theSet += e }
- def -= (e: Node): Unit = synchronized { this.dirty = true; theSet -= e }
- def nodes = synchronized { theSet.iterator }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/pull/XMLEvent.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/pull/XMLEvent.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3beb3648e7..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/pull/XMLEvent.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package pull
-/** An XML event for pull parsing. All events received during
- * parsing will be one of the subclasses of this trait.
- */
-trait XMLEvent
- * An Element's start tag was encountered.
- * @param pre prefix, if any, on the element. This is the `xs` in `<xs:string>foo</xs:string>`.
- * @param label the name of the element, not including the prefix
- * @param attrs any attributes on the element
- */
-case class EvElemStart(pre: String, label: String, attrs: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding) extends XMLEvent
- * An Element's end tag was encountered.
- * @param pre prefix, if any, on the element. This is the `xs` in `<xs:string>foo</xs:string>`.
- * @param label the name of the element, not including the prefix
- */
-case class EvElemEnd(pre: String, label: String) extends XMLEvent
- * A text node was encountered.
- * @param text the text that was found
- */
-case class EvText(text: String) extends XMLEvent
-/** An entity reference was encountered.
- * @param entity the name of the entity, e.g. `gt` when encountering the entity `&gt;`
- */
-case class EvEntityRef(entity: String) extends XMLEvent
- * A processing instruction was encountered.
- * @param target the "PITarget" of the processing instruction. For the instruction `<?foo bar="baz"?>`, the target would
- * be `foo`
- * @param text the remainder of the instruction. For the instruction `<?foo bar="baz"?>`, the text would
- * be `bar="baz"`
- * @see [[]]
- */
-case class EvProcInstr(target: String, text: String) extends XMLEvent
- * A comment was encountered
- * @param text the text of the comment
- */
-case class EvComment(text: String) extends XMLEvent
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/pull/XMLEventReader.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/pull/XMLEventReader.scala
deleted file mode 100755
index 76e51e17fd..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/pull/XMLEventReader.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package pull
-import java.lang.Thread
-import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue
-import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
-import scala.xml.parsing.{ ExternalSources, MarkupHandler, MarkupParser }
- * Main entry point into creating an event-based XML parser. Treating this
- * as a [[scala.collection.Iterator]] will provide access to the generated events.
- * @param src A [[]] for XML data to parse
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-class XMLEventReader(src: Source)
-extends scala.collection.AbstractIterator[XMLEvent]
- with ProducerConsumerIterator[XMLEvent] {
- // We implement a pull parser as an iterator, but since we may be operating on
- // a stream (e.g. XML over a network) there may be arbitrarily long periods when
- // the queue is empty. Fortunately the ProducerConsumerIterator is ideally
- // suited to this task, possibly because it was written for use by this class.
- // to override as necessary
- val preserveWS = true
- override val MaxQueueSize = 1000
- protected case object POISON extends XMLEvent
- val EndOfStream = POISON
- // thread machinery
- private[this] val parser = new Parser(src)
- private[this] val parserThread = new Thread(parser, "XMLEventReader")
- parserThread.start
- // enqueueing the poison object is the reliable way to cause the
- // iterator to terminate; hasNext will return false once it sees it.
- // Calling interrupt() on the parserThread is the only way we can get
- // it to stop producing tokens since it's lost deep in document() -
- // we cross our fingers the interrupt() gets to its target, but if it
- // fails for whatever reason the iterator correctness is not impacted,
- // only performance (because it will finish the entire XML document,
- // or at least as much as it can fit in the queue.)
- def stop() = {
- produce(POISON)
- parserThread.interrupt()
- }
- private class Parser(val input: Source) extends MarkupHandler with MarkupParser with ExternalSources with Runnable {
- val preserveWS = XMLEventReader.this.preserveWS
- // track level for elem memory usage optimization
- private var level = 0
- // this is Parser's way to add to the queue - the odd return type
- // is to conform to MarkupHandler's interface
- def setEvent(es: XMLEvent*): NodeSeq = {
- es foreach produce
- NodeSeq.Empty
- }
- override def elemStart(pos: Int, pre: String, label: String, attrs: MetaData, scope: NamespaceBinding) {
- level += 1
- setEvent(EvElemStart(pre, label, attrs, scope))
- }
- override def elemEnd(pos: Int, pre: String, label: String) {
- setEvent(EvElemEnd(pre, label))
- level -= 1
- }
- // this is a dummy to satisfy MarkupHandler's API
- // memory usage optimization return one <ignore/> for top level to satisfy
- // MarkupParser.document() otherwise NodeSeq.Empty
- private var ignoreWritten = false
- final def elem(pos: Int, pre: String, label: String, attrs: MetaData, pscope: NamespaceBinding, empty: Boolean, nodes: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
- if (level == 1 && !ignoreWritten) {ignoreWritten = true; <ignore/> } else NodeSeq.Empty
- def procInstr(pos: Int, target: String, txt: String) = setEvent(EvProcInstr(target, txt))
- def comment(pos: Int, txt: String) = setEvent(EvComment(txt))
- def entityRef(pos: Int, n: String) = setEvent(EvEntityRef(n))
- def text(pos: Int, txt:String) = setEvent(EvText(txt))
- override def run() {
- curInput = input
- interruptibly { this.initialize.document() }
- setEvent(POISON)
- }
- }
-// An iterator designed for one or more producers to generate
-// elements, and a single consumer to iterate. Iteration will continue
-// until closeIterator() is called, after which point producers
-// calling produce() will receive interruptions.
-// Since hasNext may block indefinitely if nobody is producing,
-// there is also an available() method which will return true if
-// the next call hasNext is guaranteed not to block.
-// This is not thread-safe for multiple consumers!
-trait ProducerConsumerIterator[T >: Null] extends Iterator[T] {
- // abstract - iterator-specific distinguished object for marking eos
- val EndOfStream: T
- // defaults to unbounded - override to positive Int if desired
- val MaxQueueSize = -1
- def interruptibly[T](body: => T): Option[T] = try Some(body) catch {
- case _: InterruptedException => Thread.currentThread.interrupt(); None
- case _: ClosedChannelException => None
- }
- private[this] lazy val queue =
- if (MaxQueueSize < 0) new LinkedBlockingQueue[T]()
- else new LinkedBlockingQueue[T](MaxQueueSize)
- private[this] var buffer: T = _
- private def fillBuffer() = {
- buffer = interruptibly(queue.take) getOrElse EndOfStream
- isElement(buffer)
- }
- private def isElement(x: T) = x != null && x != EndOfStream
- private def eos() = buffer == EndOfStream
- // public producer interface - this is the only method producers call, so
- // LinkedBlockingQueue's synchronization is all we need.
- def produce(x: T): Unit = if (!eos) interruptibly(queue put x)
- // consumer/iterator interface - we need not synchronize access to buffer
- // because we required there to be only one consumer.
- def hasNext = !eos && (buffer != null || fillBuffer)
- def next() = {
- if (eos()) throw new NoSuchElementException("ProducerConsumerIterator")
- if (buffer == null) fillBuffer()
- drainBuffer()
- }
- def available() = isElement(buffer) || isElement(queue.peek)
- private def drainBuffer() = {
- assert(!eos)
- val res = buffer
- buffer = null
- res
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/pull/package.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/pull/package.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e3019446b..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/pull/package.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package scala
-package xml
- * Classes needed to view an XML document as a series of events. The document
- * is parsed by an [[scala.xml.pull.XMLEventReader]] instance. You can treat it as
- * an [[scala.collection.Iterator]] to retrieve the events, which are all
- * subclasses of [[scala.xml.pull.XMLEvent]].
- *
- * {{{
- * scala> val source = Source.fromString("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
- * <?instruction custom value="customvalue"?>
- * <!DOCTYPE foo [
- * <!ENTITY bar "BAR">
- * ]><foo>Hello<!-- this is a comment --><bar>&bar;</bar><bar>&gt;</bar></foo>""")
- *
- * source: = non-empty iterator
- *
- * scala> val reader = new XMLEventReader(source)
- * reader: scala.xml.pull.XMLEventReader = non-empty iterator
- *
- * scala> reader.foreach{ println(_) }
- * EvProcInstr(instruction,custom value="customvalue")
- * EvText(
- * )
- * EvElemStart(null,foo,,)
- * EvText(Hello)
- * EvComment( this is a comment )
- * EvElemStart(null,bar,,)
- * EvText(BAR)
- * EvElemEnd(null,bar)
- * EvElemStart(null,bar,,)
- * EvEntityRef(gt)
- * EvElemEnd(null,bar)
- * EvElemEnd(null,foo)
- * EvText(
- *
- * )
- *
- * }}}
- */
-package object pull
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/transform/BasicTransformer.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/transform/BasicTransformer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c98339fd67..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/transform/BasicTransformer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
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-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package transform
-/** A class for XML transformations.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-abstract class BasicTransformer extends Function1[Node,Node]
- protected def unchanged(n: Node, ns: Seq[Node]) =
- ns.length == 1 && (ns.head == n)
- /** Call transform(Node) for each node in ns, append results
- * to NodeBuffer.
- */
- def transform(it: Iterator[Node], nb: NodeBuffer): Seq[Node] =
- it.foldLeft(nb)(_ ++= transform(_)).toSeq
- /** Call transform(Node) to each node in ns, yield ns if nothing changes,
- * otherwise a new sequence of concatenated results.
- */
- def transform(ns: Seq[Node]): Seq[Node] = {
- val (xs1, xs2) = ns span (n => unchanged(n, transform(n)))
- if (xs2.isEmpty) ns
- else xs1 ++ transform(xs2.head) ++ transform(xs2.tail)
- }
- def transform(n: Node): Seq[Node] = {
- if (n.doTransform) n match {
- case Group(xs) => Group(transform(xs)) // un-group the hack Group tag
- case _ =>
- val ch = n.child
- val nch = transform(ch)
- if (ch eq nch) n
- else Elem(n.prefix, n.label, n.attributes, n.scope, nch: _*)
- }
- else n
- }
- def apply(n: Node): Node = {
- val seq = transform(n)
- if (seq.length > 1)
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("transform must return single node for root")
- else seq.head
- }
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/transform/RewriteRule.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/transform/RewriteRule.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1399ee538d..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/transform/RewriteRule.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package transform
-/** A RewriteRule, when applied to a term, yields either
- * the result of rewriting the term or the term itself if the rule
- * is not applied.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- * @version 1.0
- */
-abstract class RewriteRule extends BasicTransformer {
- /** a name for this rewrite rule */
- val name = this.toString()
- override def transform(ns: Seq[Node]): Seq[Node] = super.transform(ns)
- override def transform(n: Node): Seq[Node] = n
diff --git a/src/xml/scala/xml/transform/RuleTransformer.scala b/src/xml/scala/xml/transform/RuleTransformer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a222ba759..0000000000
--- a/src/xml/scala/xml/transform/RuleTransformer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala
-package xml
-package transform
-class RuleTransformer(rules: RewriteRule*) extends BasicTransformer {
- override def transform(n: Node): Seq[Node] =
- rules.foldLeft(super.transform(n)) { (res, rule) => rule transform res }