path: root/src
diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2011-03-18 21:07:37 +0000
committerPaul Phillips <>2011-03-18 21:07:37 +0000
commit0e064a7a5626ccdfeb0a6ba9cea4bf9b1b836883 (patch)
tree97cd9eb41636967d37813dadae8f394cb845fc7d /src
parent86e8f5ae1dccc9f628b6a3f1bdab7e4e81ae9cbb (diff)
A minor overhaul of power mode.
minute now. No review.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala
index 8ad799a265..6dc8cee219 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ package
package interpreter
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
+import scala.util.matching.Regex
import{ BatchSourceFile }
import session.{ History }
@@ -17,29 +18,68 @@ class Power(repl: ILoop, intp: IMain) {
def this(intp: IMain) = this(null, intp)
val global: =
import global._
- import definitions.{ getMember, getModule, getClass => getCompilerClass }
import intp.{ beQuietDuring, interpret, parse }
- object phased extends Phased {
- val global: =
- }
- class ReplSnippet[T](val path: String, initial: T) {
- var code: String = ""
- var value: T = initial
+ abstract class SymSlurper {
+ def isKeep(sym: Symbol): Boolean
+ def isIgnore(sym: Symbol): Boolean
+ def isRecur(sym: Symbol): Boolean
+ def isFinished(): Boolean
+ val keep = mutable.HashSet[Symbol]()
+ val seen = mutable.HashSet[Symbol]()
+ def processed = keep.size + seen.size
+ def discarded = seen.size - keep.size
+ def members(x: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
+ if (x.rawInfo.isComplete)
+ else Nil
+ var lastCount = -1
+ var pass = 0
+ val unseenHistory = new mutable.ListBuffer[Int]
+ def loop(todo: Set[Symbol]): Set[Symbol] = {
+ pass += 1
+ val (repeats, unseen) = todo partition seen
+ unseenHistory += unseen.size
+ if (opt.verbose) {
+ println("%3d %s accumulated, %s discarded. This pass: %s unseen, %s repeats".format(
+ pass, keep.size, discarded, unseen.size, repeats.size))
+ }
+ if (lastCount == processed || unseen.isEmpty || isFinished())
+ return keep.toSet
+ lastCount = processed
+ keep ++= (unseen filter isKeep filterNot isIgnore)
+ seen ++= unseen
+ loop(unseen filter isRecur flatMap members)
+ }
- def set(code: String) = interpret(path + ".value = " + code)
- def get: T = value
- override def toString = "intp." + path + ".value = \"" + code + "\""
+ def apply(sym: Symbol): Set[Symbol] = {
+ keep.clear()
+ seen.clear()
+ loop(Set(sym))
+ }
- object vars {
- private def create[T](name: String, initial: T): ReplSnippet[T] =
- new ReplSnippet[T]("power.vars." + name, initial)
+ class PackageSlurper(pkgName: String) extends SymSlurper {
+ val pkgSymbol = getCompilerModule(pkgName)
+ val modClass = pkgSymbol.moduleClass
+ /** Looking for dwindling returns */
+ def droppedEnough() = unseenHistory.size >= 4 && (
+ unseenHistory.takeRight(4).sliding(2) map (_.toList) forall {
+ case List(a, b) => a > b
+ }
+ )
- val symfilter = create("symfilter", (s: Symbol) => true)
+ def isRecur(sym: Symbol) = true
+ def isIgnore(sym: Symbol) = sym.isAnonOrRefinementClass || ( contains "$mc")
+ def isKeep(sym: Symbol) = sym.hasTransOwner(modClass)
+ def isFinished() = droppedEnough()
+ def slurp() = apply(modClass)
def banner = """
@@ -56,7 +96,8 @@ class Power(repl: ILoop, intp: IMain) {
|val global: =
|import global._
|import definitions._
- |import power.{ phased, show, clazz, module }
+ |import power.phased
+ |import power.Implicits._
/** Starts up power mode and runs whatever is in init.
@@ -74,62 +115,94 @@ class Power(repl: ILoop, intp: IMain) {
init split '\n' foreach interpret
- object show {
- private def defStrings(sym: Symbol, p: Symbol => Boolean) =
- phased( filter p map (_.defString))
- private def display(sym: Symbol, p: Symbol => Boolean) =
- defStrings(sym, p) foreach println
- def methods[T: Manifest] = display(clazz[T], _.isMethod)
- def apply[T: Manifest] = display(clazz[T], vars.symfilter.get)
- }
- abstract class NameBased[T <: Name] {
- def mkName(s: String): T
- def mkSymbol(s: String): Symbol
- def apply[T: Manifest] = mkSymbol(manifest[T].erasure.getName)
- def tpe[T: Manifest] = apply[T].tpe
- def members[T: Manifest] = tpe[T].members
- def member[T: Manifest](name: Name) = getMember(apply[T], name)
- def vmember[T: Manifest](name: String) = member[T](newTermName(name))
- def tmember[T: Manifest](name: String) = member[T](newTypeName(name))
- }
private def missingWrap(op: => Symbol): Symbol =
try op
catch { case _: MissingRequirementError => NoSymbol }
- object clazz extends NameBased[TypeName] {
- def mkName(s: String) = newTypeName(s)
- def mkSymbol(s: String): Symbol = missingWrap(getCompilerClass(s))
+ private def getCompilerClass(name: String) = missingWrap(definitions.getClass(name))
+ private def getCompilerModule(name: String) = missingWrap(definitions.getModule(name))
+ object InternalInfo {
+ implicit def apply[T: Manifest] : InternalInfo[T] = new InternalInfo[T](None)
- object module extends NameBased[TermName] {
- def mkName(s: String) = newTermName(s)
- def mkSymbol(s: String): Symbol = missingWrap(getModule(s))
+ /** Todo: translate manifest type arguments into applied types. */
+ class InternalInfo[T: Manifest](value: Option[T] = None) {
+ def companion = symbol.companionSymbol
+ def info =
+ def module = symbol.moduleClass
+ def owner = symbol.owner
+ def symDef = symbol.defString
+ def symName =
+ def tpe = symbol.tpe
+ def declares = members filter (_.owner == symbol)
+ def inherits = members filterNot (_.owner == symbol)
+ def types = members filter (
+ def methods = members filter (_.isMethod)
+ def overrides = declares filter (_.isOverride)
+ def erasure = manifest[T].erasure
+ def symbol = getCompilerClass(erasure.getName)
+ def members = tpe.members
+ def bts = info.baseTypeSeq.toList
+ def btsmap = bts map (x => (x, x.decls.toList)) toMap
+ def pkgName = erasure.getPackage.getName
+ def pkg = getCompilerModule(pkgName)
+ def pkgmates = pkg.tpe.members
+ def pkgslurp = new PackageSlurper(pkgName) slurp()
+ def ? = this
+ def whoHas(name: String) = bts filter (_.decls.toList exists ( == name))
+ def <:<[U: Manifest](other: U) = tpe <:< InternalInfo[U].tpe
+ def lub[U: Manifest](other: U) = global.lub(List(tpe, InternalInfo[U].tpe))
+ def glb[U: Manifest](other: U) = global.glb(List(tpe, InternalInfo[U].tpe))
+ def shortClass = erasure.getName split "[$.]" last
+ override def toString = value match {
+ case Some(x) => "%s (%s)".format(x, shortClass)
+ case _ => erasure.getName
+ }
- def mkContext(code: String = "") = analyzer.rootContext(mkUnit(code))
- def mkAlias(name: String, what: String) = interpret("type %s = %s".format(name, what))
- def mkSourceFile(code: String) = new BatchSourceFile("<console>", code)
- def mkUnit(code: String) = new CompilationUnit(mkSourceFile(code))
- def mkTree(code: String): Tree = mkTrees(code).headOption getOrElse EmptyTree
- def mkTrees(code: String): List[Tree] = parse(code) getOrElse Nil
- def mkTypedTrees(code: String*): List[Tree] = {
- class TyperRun extends Run {
- override def stopPhase(name: String) = name == "superaccessors"
+ trait PCFormatter extends (Any => List[String]) {
+ def apply(x: Any): List[String]
+ def show(x: Any): Unit = grep(x, _ => true)
+ def grep(x: Any, p: String => Boolean): Unit = apply(x) filter p foreach println
+ }
+ class PrintingConvenience[T](value: T)(implicit fmt: PCFormatter) {
+ def > : Unit = >(_ => true)
+ def >(s: String): Unit = >(_ contains s)
+ def >(r: Regex): Unit = >(_ matches r.pattern.toString)
+ def >(p: String => Boolean): Unit = fmt.grep(value, p)
+ }
+ object Implicits {
+ implicit lazy val powerNameOrdering: Ordering[Name] = Ordering[String] on (_.toString)
+ implicit object powerSymbolOrdering extends Ordering[Symbol] {
+ def compare(s1: Symbol, s2: Symbol) =
+ if (s1 eq s2) 0
+ else if (s1 isLess s2) -1
+ else 1
+ }
+ implicit def replPrinting[T](x: T)(implicit fmt: PCFormatter) = new PrintingConvenience[T](x)
+ implicit def replInternalInfo[T: Manifest](x: T): InternalInfo[T] = new InternalInfo[T](Some(x))
+ implicit object ReplDefaultFormatter extends PCFormatter {
+ def apply(x: Any): List[String] = x match {
+ case Tuple2(k, v) => apply(k) + " -> " + apply(v)
+ case xs: Traversable[_] => (xs.toList flatMap apply).sorted.distinct
+ case x => List("" + x)
+ }
+ }
- reporter.reset()
- val run = new TyperRun
- run compileSources (code.toList.zipWithIndex map {
- case (s, i) => new BatchSourceFile("<console %d>".format(i), s)
- })
- run.units.toList map (_.body)
+ object phased extends Phased {
+ val global: =
- def mkTypedTree(code: String) = mkTypedTrees(code).head
- def mkType(id: String): Type = intp.typeOfExpression(id) getOrElse NoType
+ def context(code: String) = analyzer.rootContext(unit(code))
+ def source(code: String) = new BatchSourceFile("<console>", code)
+ def unit(code: String) = new CompilationUnit(source(code))
+ def trees(code: String): List[Tree] = parse(code) getOrElse Nil
+ def typeOf(id: String): Type = intp.typeOfExpression(id) getOrElse NoType
override def toString = """
|** Power mode status **