path: root/src
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authorAdriaan Moors <>2013-07-12 12:09:54 -0700
committerAdriaan Moors <>2013-07-12 12:09:54 -0700
commit2247593472031fd9712b652bab0b978a788e46ef (patch)
tree580d7404c3996f4d0fa2ccf7c7a8f4cdb2236bc9 /src
parent1035bb3916474d5beb955dde23e6ed45be8cfd05 (diff)
parent48c677ceb3177d93e700b399c00af6b8bb6419e4 (diff)
Merge pull request #2674 from richdougherty/2.10.x-si7336-try2
SI-7336 Link flatMapped promises to avoid memory leaks
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 197 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/src/library/scala/concurrent/Future.scala b/src/library/scala/concurrent/Future.scala
index bc3a241ce7..caf91fbb0f 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/concurrent/Future.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/concurrent/Future.scala
@@ -247,10 +247,15 @@ trait Future[+T] extends Awaitable[T] {
* $forComprehensionExamples
def flatMap[S](f: T => Future[S])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[S] = {
- val p = Promise[S]()
+ import impl.Promise.DefaultPromise
+ val p = new DefaultPromise[S]()
onComplete {
case f: Failure[_] => p complete f.asInstanceOf[Failure[S]]
- case Success(v) => try f(v) onComplete p.complete catch { case NonFatal(t) => p failure t }
+ case Success(v) => try f(v) match {
+ // If possible, link DefaultPromises to avoid space leaks
+ case dp: DefaultPromise[_] => dp.asInstanceOf[DefaultPromise[S]].linkRootOf(p)
+ case fut => fut onComplete p.complete
+ } catch { case NonFatal(t) => p failure t }
diff --git a/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala b/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala
index ed4039e2a5..c9b2a15f2f 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala
@@ -55,8 +55,10 @@ private[concurrent] object Promise {
case e: Error => Failure(new ExecutionException("Boxed Error", e))
case t => Failure(t)
- /*
+ /**
+ * Latch used to implement waiting on a DefaultPromise's result.
+ *
* Inspired by:
* Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166
* Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at
@@ -73,10 +75,122 @@ private[concurrent] object Promise {
/** Default promise implementation.
+ *
+ * A DefaultPromise has three possible states. It can be:
+ *
+ * 1. Incomplete, with an associated list of callbacks waiting on completion.
+ * 2. Complete, with a result.
+ * 3. Linked to another DefaultPromise.
+ *
+ * If a DefaultPromise is linked it another DefaultPromise then it will
+ * delegate all its operations to that other promise. This means that two
+ * DefaultPromises that are linked will appear, to external callers, to have
+ * exactly the same state and behaviour. E.g. they will both appear to be
+ * either complete or incomplete, and with the same values.
+ *
+ * A DefaultPromise stores its state entirely in the AnyRef cell exposed by
+ * AbstractPromise. The type of object stored in the cell fully describes the
+ * current state of the promise.
+ *
+ * 1. List[CallbackRunnable] - The promise is incomplete and has zero or more callbacks
+ * to call when it is eventually completed.
+ * 2. Try[T] - The promise is complete and now contains its value.
+ * 3. DefaultPromise[T] - The promise is linked to another promise.
+ *
+ * The ability to link DefaultPromises is needed to prevent memory leaks when
+ * using Future.flatMap. The previous implementation of Future.flatMap used
+ * onComplete handlers to propagate the ultimate value of a flatMap operation
+ * to its promise. Recursive calls to flatMap built a chain of onComplete
+ * handlers and promises. Unfortunately none of the handlers or promises in
+ * the chain could be collected until the handlers had been called and
+ * detached, which only happened when the final flatMap future was completed.
+ * (In some situations, such as infinite streams, this would never actually
+ * happen.) Because of the fact that the promise implementation internally
+ * created references between promises, and these references were invisible to
+ * user code, it was easy for user code to accidentally build large chains of
+ * promises and thereby leak memory.
+ *
+ * The problem of leaks is solved by automatically breaking these chains of
+ * promises, so that promises don't refer to each other in a long chain. This
+ * allows each promise to be individually collected. The idea is to "flatten"
+ * the chain of promises, so that instead of each promise pointing to its
+ * neighbour, they instead point directly the promise at the root of the
+ * chain. This means that only the root promise is referenced, and all the
+ * other promises are available for garbage collection as soon as they're no
+ * longer referenced by user code.
+ *
+ * To make the chains flattenable, the concept of linking promises together
+ * needed to become an explicit feature of the DefaultPromise implementation,
+ * so that the implementation to navigate and rewire links as needed. The idea
+ * of linking promises is based on the [[Twitter promise implementation
+ *]].
+ *
+ * In practice, flattening the chain cannot always be done perfectly. When a
+ * promise is added to the end of the chain, it scans the chain and links
+ * directly to the root promise. This prevents the chain from growing forwards
+ * But the root promise for a chain can change, causing the chain to grow
+ * backwards, and leaving all previously-linked promise pointing at a promise
+ * which is no longer the root promise.
+ *
+ * To mitigate the problem of the root promise changing, whenever a promise's
+ * methods are called, and it needs a reference to its root promise it calls
+ * the `compressedRoot()` method. This method re-scans the promise chain to
+ * get the root promise, and also compresses its links so that it links
+ * directly to whatever the current root promise is. This ensures that the
+ * chain is flattened whenever `compressedRoot()` is called. And since
+ * `compressedRoot()` is called at every possible opportunity (when getting a
+ * promise's value, when adding an onComplete handler, etc), this will happen
+ * frequently. Unfortunately, even this eager relinking doesn't absolutely
+ * guarantee that the chain will be flattened and that leaks cannot occur.
+ * However eager relinking does greatly reduce the chance that leaks will
+ * occur.
+ *
+ * Future.flatMap links DefaultPromises together by calling the `linkRootOf`
+ * method. This is the only externally visible interface to linked
+ * DefaultPromises, and `linkedRootOf` is currently only designed to be called
+ * by Future.flatMap.
class DefaultPromise[T] extends AbstractPromise with Promise[T] { self =>
- updateState(null, Nil) // Start at "No callbacks"
+ updateState(null, Nil) // The promise is incomplete and has no callbacks
+ /** Get the root promise for this promise, compressing the link chain to that
+ * promise if necessary.
+ *
+ * For promises that are not linked, the result of calling
+ * `compressedRoot()` will the promise itself. However for linked promises,
+ * this method will traverse each link until it locates the root promise at
+ * the base of the link chain.
+ *
+ * As a side effect of calling this method, the link from this promise back
+ * to the root promise will be updated ("compressed") to point directly to
+ * the root promise. This allows intermediate promises in the link chain to
+ * be garbage collected. Also, subsequent calls to this method should be
+ * faster as the link chain will be shorter.
+ */
+ @tailrec
+ private def compressedRoot(): DefaultPromise[T] = {
+ getState match {
+ case linked: DefaultPromise[_] =>
+ val target = linked.asInstanceOf[DefaultPromise[T]].root
+ if (linked eq target) target else if (updateState(linked, target)) target else compressedRoot()
+ case _ => this
+ }
+ }
+ /** Get the promise at the root of the chain of linked promises. Used by `compressedRoot()`.
+ * The `compressedRoot()` method should be called instead of this method, as it is important
+ * to compress the link chain whenever possible.
+ */
+ @tailrec
+ private def root: DefaultPromise[T] = {
+ getState match {
+ case linked: DefaultPromise[_] => linked.asInstanceOf[DefaultPromise[T]].root
+ case _ => this
+ }
+ }
+ /** Try waiting for this promise to be completed.
+ */
protected final def tryAwait(atMost: Duration): Boolean = if (!isCompleted) {
import Duration.Undefined
import scala.concurrent.Future.InternalCallbackExecutor
@@ -108,42 +222,96 @@ private[concurrent] object Promise {
def result(atMost: Duration)(implicit permit: CanAwait): T =
ready(atMost).value.get.get // ready throws TimeoutException if timeout so value.get is safe here
- def value: Option[Try[T]] = getState match {
+ def value: Option[Try[T]] = value0
+ @tailrec
+ private def value0: Option[Try[T]] = getState match {
case c: Try[_] => Some(c.asInstanceOf[Try[T]])
+ case _: DefaultPromise[_] => compressedRoot().value0
case _ => None
- override def isCompleted: Boolean = getState.isInstanceOf[Try[_]]
+ override def isCompleted: Boolean = isCompleted0
+ @tailrec
+ private def isCompleted0: Boolean = getState match {
+ case _: Try[_] => true
+ case _: DefaultPromise[_] => compressedRoot().isCompleted0
+ case _ => false
+ }
def tryComplete(value: Try[T]): Boolean = {
val resolved = resolveTry(value)
- @tailrec
- def tryComplete(v: Try[T]): List[CallbackRunnable[T]] = {
- getState match {
- case raw: List[_] =>
- val cur = raw.asInstanceOf[List[CallbackRunnable[T]]]
- if (updateState(cur, v)) cur else tryComplete(v)
- case _ => null
- }
- }
- tryComplete(resolved) match {
+ tryCompleteAndGetListeners(resolved) match {
case null => false
case rs if rs.isEmpty => true
case rs => rs.foreach(r => r.executeWithValue(resolved)); true
+ /** Called by `tryComplete` to store the resolved value and get the list of
+ * listeners, or `null` if it is already completed.
+ */
+ @tailrec
+ private def tryCompleteAndGetListeners(v: Try[T]): List[CallbackRunnable[T]] = {
+ getState match {
+ case raw: List[_] =>
+ val cur = raw.asInstanceOf[List[CallbackRunnable[T]]]
+ if (updateState(cur, v)) cur else tryCompleteAndGetListeners(v)
+ case _: DefaultPromise[_] =>
+ compressedRoot().tryCompleteAndGetListeners(v)
+ case _ => null
+ }
+ }
def onComplete[U](func: Try[T] => U)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Unit = {
val preparedEC = executor.prepare
val runnable = new CallbackRunnable[T](preparedEC, func)
+ dispatchOrAddCallback(runnable)
+ }
+ /** Tries to add the callback, if already completed, it dispatches the callback to be executed.
+ * Used by `onComplete()` to add callbacks to a promise and by `link()` to transfer callbacks
+ * to the root promise when linking two promises togehter.
+ */
+ @tailrec
+ private def dispatchOrAddCallback(runnable: CallbackRunnable[T]): Unit = {
+ getState match {
+ case r: Try[_] => runnable.executeWithValue(r.asInstanceOf[Try[T]])
+ case _: DefaultPromise[_] => compressedRoot().dispatchOrAddCallback(runnable)
+ case listeners: List[_] => if (updateState(listeners, runnable :: listeners)) () else dispatchOrAddCallback(runnable)
+ }
+ }
+ /** Link this promise to the root of another promise using `link()`. Should only be
+ * be called by Future.flatMap.
+ */
+ protected[concurrent] final def linkRootOf(target: DefaultPromise[T]): Unit = link(target.compressedRoot())
- @tailrec //Tries to add the callback, if already completed, it dispatches the callback to be executed
- def dispatchOrAddCallback(): Unit =
- getState match {
- case r: Try[_] => runnable.executeWithValue(r.asInstanceOf[Try[T]])
- case listeners: List[_] => if (updateState(listeners, runnable :: listeners)) () else dispatchOrAddCallback()
- }
- dispatchOrAddCallback()
+ /** Link this promise to another promise so that both promises share the same
+ * externally-visible state. Depending on the current state of this promise, this
+ * may involve different things. For example, any onComplete listeners will need
+ * to be transferred.
+ *
+ * If this promise is already completed, then the same effect as linking -
+ * sharing the same completed value - is achieved by simply sending this
+ * promise's result to the target promise.
+ */
+ @tailrec
+ private def link(target: DefaultPromise[T]): Unit = if (this ne target) {
+ getState match {
+ case r: Try[_] =>
+ if (!target.tryComplete(r.asInstanceOf[Try[T]])) {
+ // Currently linking is done from Future.flatMap, which should ensure only
+ // one promise can be completed. Therefore this situation is unexpected.
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot link completed promises together")
+ }
+ case _: DefaultPromise[_] =>
+ compressedRoot().link(target)
+ case listeners: List[_] => if (updateState(listeners, target)) {
+ if (!listeners.isEmpty) listeners.asInstanceOf[List[CallbackRunnable[T]]].foreach(target.dispatchOrAddCallback(_))
+ } else link(target)
+ }