path: root/src
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authorJason Zaugg <>2015-04-24 15:41:31 +1000
committerJason Zaugg <>2015-05-15 16:56:54 +1000
commit6ad9b44b27ede70ec723204bd80361d60f448c1a (patch)
tree223b11452c2d68470d6ae8768969098dd14502d1 /src
parent99d3ab3be01ccd347d79162ed412aaf1ff0dff36 (diff)
[indylambda] Relieve LambdaMetafactory of boxing duties
`LambdaMetafactory` generates code to perform a limited number of type adaptations when delegating from its implementation of the functional interface method to the lambda target method. These adaptations are: numeric widening, casting, boxing and unboxing. However, the semantics of unboxing numerics in Java differs to Scala: they treat `UNBOX(null)` as cause to raise a `NullPointerException`, Scala (in `BoxesRuntime.unboxTo{Byte,Short,...}`) reinterprets the null as zero. Furthermore, Java has no idea how to adapt between a value class and its wrapped type, nor from a void return to `BoxedUnit`. This commit detects when the lambda target method would require such adaptation. If it does, an extra method, `$anonfun$1$adapted` is created to perform the adaptation, and this is used as the target of the lambda. This obviates the use of `JProcedureN` for `Unit` returning lambdas, we know use `JFunctionN` as the functional interface and bind this to an `$adapted` method that summons the instance of `BoxedUnit` after calling the `void` returning lambda target. The enclosed test cases fail without boxing changes. They don't execute with indylambda enabled under regular partest runs yet, you need to add scala-java8-compat to scala-library and pass the SCALAC_OPTS to partest manually to try this out, as described in Once we enable indylambda by default, however, this test will exercise the code in this patch all the time. It is also possible to run the tests with: ``` % curl > scala-java8-compat_2.11-0.4.0.jar % export INDYLAMBDA="-Ydelambdafy:method -Ybackend:GenBCode -target:jvm-1.8 -classpath .:scala-java8-compat_2.11-0.4.0.jar" qscalac $INDYLAMBDA test/files/run/indylambda-boxing/*.scala && qscala $INDYLAMBDA Test ```
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 118 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Delambdafy.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Delambdafy.scala
index 92db57c533..17fad78972 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Delambdafy.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Delambdafy.scala
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.Tre
case class DelambdafyAnonClass(lambdaClassDef: ClassDef, newExpr: Tree) extends TransformedFunction
case class InvokeDynamicLambda(tree: Apply) extends TransformedFunction
+ private val boxingBridgeMethods = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Tree]()
// here's the main entry point of the transform
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
// the main thing we care about is lambdas
@@ -105,6 +107,12 @@ abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.Tre
// ... or an invokedynamic call
+ case Template(_, _, _) =>
+ try {
+ // during this call boxingBridgeMethods will be populated from the Function case
+ val Template(parents, self, body) = super.transform(tree)
+ Template(parents, self, body ++ boxingBridgeMethods)
+ } finally boxingBridgeMethods.clear()
case _ => super.transform(tree)
@@ -137,6 +145,61 @@ abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.Tre
val isStatic = target.hasFlag(STATIC)
+ def createBoxingBridgeMethod(functionParamTypes: List[Type], functionResultType: Type): Tree = {
+ val methSym = oldClass.newMethod("$adapted").toTermName, target.pos, target.flags | FINAL | ARTIFACT)
+ var neededAdaptation = false
+ def boxedType(tpe: Type): Type = {
+ if (isPrimitiveValueClass(tpe.typeSymbol)) {neededAdaptation = true; ObjectTpe}
+ else if (enteringErasure(tpe.typeSymbol.isDerivedValueClass)) {neededAdaptation = true; ObjectTpe}
+ else tpe
+ }
+ val targetParams: List[Symbol] = target.paramss.head
+ val numCaptures = targetParams.length - functionParamTypes.length
+ val (targetCaptureParams, targetFunctionParams) = targetParams.splitAt(numCaptures)
+ val bridgeParams: List[Symbol] =
+ => methSym.newSyntheticValueParam(param.tpe, :::
+ map2(targetFunctionParams, functionParamTypes)((param, tp) => methSym.newSyntheticValueParam(boxedType(tp),
+ val bridgeResultType: Type = {
+ if ( == UnitTpe && functionResultType != UnitTpe) {
+ neededAdaptation = true
+ ObjectTpe
+ } else
+ boxedType(functionResultType)
+ }
+ val methodType = MethodType(bridgeParams, bridgeResultType)
+ methSym setInfo methodType
+ if (!neededAdaptation)
+ EmptyTree
+ else {
+ val bridgeParamTrees =
+ enter methSym
+ val body = localTyper.typedPos(originalFunction.pos) {
+ val newTarget = Select(gen.mkAttributedThis(oldClass), target)
+ val args: List[Tree] = mapWithIndex(bridgeParams) { (param, i) =>
+ if (i < numCaptures) {
+ gen.mkAttributedRef(param)
+ } else {
+ val functionParam = functionParamTypes(i - numCaptures)
+ val targetParam = targetParams(i)
+ if (enteringErasure(functionParam.typeSymbol.isDerivedValueClass)) {
+ val casted = cast(gen.mkAttributedRef(param), functionParam)
+ val unboxed = unbox(casted, ErasedValueType(functionParam.typeSymbol, targetParam.tpe)).modifyType(postErasure.elimErasedValueType)
+ unboxed
+ } else adaptToType(gen.mkAttributedRef(param), targetParam.tpe)
+ }
+ }
+ gen.mkMethodCall(newTarget, args)
+ }
+ val body1 = if (enteringErasure(functionResultType.typeSymbol.isDerivedValueClass))
+ adaptToType(box(body.setType(ErasedValueType(functionResultType.typeSymbol, body.tpe)), "boxing lambda target"), bridgeResultType)
+ else adaptToType(body, bridgeResultType)
+ val methDef0 = DefDef(methSym, List(bridgeParamTrees), body1)
+ postErasure.newTransformer(unit).transform(methDef0).asInstanceOf[DefDef]
+ }
+ }
* Creates the apply method for the anonymous subclass of FunctionN
@@ -292,22 +355,56 @@ abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.Tre
thisArg ::: captureArgs
- val functionalInterface = java8CompatFunctionalInterface(target, originalFunction.tpe)
+ val arity = originalFunction.vparams.length
+ // Reconstruct the type of the function entering erasure.
+ // We do this by taking the type after erasure, and re-boxing `ErasedValueType`.
+ //
+ // Unfortunately, the more obvious `enteringErasure(` doesn't work
+ // as we would like, value classes in parameter position show up as the unboxed types.
+ val (functionParamTypes, functionResultType) = exitingErasure {
+ def boxed(tp: Type) = tp match {
+ case ErasedValueType(valueClazz, _) => TypeRef(NoPrefix, valueClazz, Nil)
+ case _ => tp
+ }
+ // We don't need to deeply map `boxedValueClassType` over the infos as `ErasedValueType`
+ // will only appear directly as a parameter type in a method signature, as shown
+ //
+ val info =
+ val boxedParamTypes = info.paramTypes.takeRight(arity).map(boxed)
+ (boxedParamTypes, boxed(info.resultType))
+ }
+ val functionType = definitions.functionType(functionParamTypes, functionResultType)
+ val (functionalInterface, isSpecialized) = java8CompatFunctionalInterface(target, functionType)
if (functionalInterface.exists) {
// Create a symbol representing a fictional lambda factory method that accepts the captured
// arguments and returns a Function.
- val msym = currentOwner.newMethod(nme.ANON_FUN_NAME, originalFunction.pos, ARTIFACT)
+ val msym = currentOwner.newMethod(nme.ANON_FUN_NAME, originalFunction.pos, ARTIFACT)
val argTypes: List[Type] =
val params = msym.newSyntheticValueParams(argTypes)
- msym.setInfo(MethodType(params, originalFunction.tpe))
+ msym.setInfo(MethodType(params, functionType))
val arity = originalFunction.vparams.length
+ val lambdaTarget =
+ if (isSpecialized)
+ target
+ else {
+ createBoxingBridgeMethod(functionParamTypes, functionResultType) match {
+ case EmptyTree =>
+ target
+ case bridge =>
+ boxingBridgeMethods += bridge
+ bridge.symbol
+ }
+ }
// We then apply this symbol to the captures.
val apply = localTyper.typedPos(originalFunction.pos)(Apply(Ident(msym), allCaptureArgs)).asInstanceOf[Apply]
// The backend needs to know the target of the lambda and the functional interface in order
// to emit the invokedynamic instruction. We pass this information as tree attachment.
- apply.updateAttachment(LambdaMetaFactoryCapable(target, arity, functionalInterface))
+ apply.updateAttachment(LambdaMetaFactoryCapable(lambdaTarget, arity, functionalInterface))
} else {
val anonymousClassDef = makeAnonymousClass
@@ -469,34 +566,24 @@ abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.Tre
final case class LambdaMetaFactoryCapable(target: Symbol, arity: Int, functionalInterface: Symbol)
// The functional interface that can be used to adapt the lambda target method `target` to the
- // given function type. Returns `NoSymbol` if the compiler settings are unsuitable, or `LambdaMetaFactory`
- // would be unable to generate the correct implementation (e.g. functions referring to derived value classes)
- private def java8CompatFunctionalInterface(target: Symbol, functionType: Type): Symbol = {
+ // given function type. Returns `NoSymbol` if the compiler settings are unsuitable.
+ private def java8CompatFunctionalInterface(target: Symbol, functionType: Type): (Symbol, Boolean) = {
val canUseLambdaMetafactory: Boolean = {
- val hasValueClass = exitingErasure {
- val methodType: Type =
- methodType.exists(_.isInstanceOf[ErasedValueType])
- }
val isTarget18 ="jvm-1.8")
- settings.isBCodeActive && isTarget18 && !hasValueClass
+ settings.isBCodeActive && isTarget18
- def functionalInterface: Symbol = {
- val sym = functionType.typeSymbol
- val pack = currentRun.runDefinitions.Scala_Java8_CompatPackage
- val name1 = specializeTypes.specializedFunctionName(sym, functionType.typeArgs)
- val paramTps :+ restpe = functionType.typeArgs
- val arity = paramTps.length
- if (name1.toTypeName == {
- val returnUnit = restpe.typeSymbol == UnitClass
- val functionInterfaceArray =
- if (returnUnit) currentRun.runDefinitions.Scala_Java8_CompatPackage_JProcedure
- else currentRun.runDefinitions.Scala_Java8_CompatPackage_JFunction
- functionInterfaceArray.apply(arity)
- } else {
- }
+ val sym = functionType.typeSymbol
+ val pack = currentRun.runDefinitions.Scala_Java8_CompatPackage
+ val name1 = specializeTypes.specializedFunctionName(sym, functionType.typeArgs)
+ val paramTps :+ restpe = functionType.typeArgs
+ val arity = paramTps.length
+ val isSpecialized = name1.toTypeName !=
+ val functionalInterface = if (!isSpecialized) {
+ currentRun.runDefinitions.Scala_Java8_CompatPackage_JFunction(arity)
+ } else {
- if (canUseLambdaMetafactory) functionalInterface else NoSymbol
+ (if (canUseLambdaMetafactory) functionalInterface else NoSymbol, isSpecialized)
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
index 5b20d9db8e..73ffb267a9 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
@@ -1515,8 +1515,7 @@ trait Definitions extends api.StandardDefinitions {
private lazy val PolySigMethods: Set[Symbol] = Set[Symbol](,
lazy val Scala_Java8_CompatPackage = rootMirror.getPackageIfDefined("scala.compat.java8")
- lazy val Scala_Java8_CompatPackage_JFunction = (0 to MaxTupleArity).toArray map (i => getMemberIfDefined(Scala_Java8_CompatPackage.moduleClass, TypeName("JFunction" + i)))
- lazy val Scala_Java8_CompatPackage_JProcedure = (0 to MaxTupleArity).toArray map (i => getMemberIfDefined(Scala_Java8_CompatPackage.moduleClass, TypeName("JProcedure" + i)))
+ lazy val Scala_Java8_CompatPackage_JFunction = (0 to MaxFunctionArity).toArray map (i => getMemberIfDefined(Scala_Java8_CompatPackage.moduleClass, TypeName("JFunction" + i)))
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/transform/PostErasure.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/transform/PostErasure.scala
index dd4f044818..466c6133b2 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/transform/PostErasure.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/transform/PostErasure.scala
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ trait PostErasure {
object elimErasedValueType extends TypeMap {
def apply(tp: Type) = tp match {
case ConstantType(Constant(tp: Type)) => ConstantType(Constant(apply(tp)))
- case ErasedValueType(_, underlying) => underlying
+ case ErasedValueType(_, underlying) =>
+ underlying
case _ => mapOver(tp)