path: root/src
diff options
authorAdriaan Moors <>2011-11-29 00:03:40 +0100
committerAdriaan Moors <>2011-12-24 17:36:52 +0100
commit08ec6ba4e4aeb94f6505ecb462b94362ff0af096 (patch)
treea54bad8e6b329e672b64835c5eaa1fae9d25272b /src
parentfc0c123e3560da190a3daae35214c2be50fd59e6 (diff)
[vpm] optimized codegen avoids option-boxing
introducing two mutable variables per pattern match: matchRes and keepGoing keepGoing denotes whether the result was Some or None, and matchRes holds the Some's contents or the right zero for the match's type Race(() => fastMatch(list), () => virtMatch_no_option(list))(100000).converge() is a virtual tie on my machine after this see conveniently also works around SI-5245 don't assign to Unit-typed var's, in fact, make matchRes a val when its only prospect in life is to be unit-valued propagate eventual type for matchRes thru codegen so that we can have more robust checks for unit&nothing, when assignment makes no sense also, added a hack to caseResult to avoid boxed units in if(keepGoing) { matchRes = ... } else zero after erasure, we get if(keepGoing) { matchRes = ...; BoxedUNIT } else zero genicode broke because i was sharing trees: [scalacfork] error: java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: type error: can't convert from UNIT to REF(class Object) in unit ScalaSig.scala at source-/Users/adriaan/git/scala-dev/src/scalap/scala/tools/scalap/scalax/rules/scalasig/ScalaSig.scala,line-26,offset=868 fixed by duplicating -- so be it (for now -- make this more fine-grained, more efficient) dodging inliner issues with one/zero (it won't inline, so also directly inline those methods)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 160 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala
index 1c93a904c0..e537c6b83f 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala
@@ -154,9 +154,13 @@ abstract class TreeGen {
debuglog("casting " + tree + ":" + tree.tpe + " to " + pt + " at phase: " + phase)
assert(!tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[MethodType], tree)
assert(!pt.typeSymbol.isPackageClass && !pt.typeSymbol.isPackageObjectClass, pt)
- // @MAT only called during erasure, which already takes care of that
- // @PP: "only called during erasure" is not very true these days.
- // In addition, at least, are: typer, uncurry, explicitouter, cleanup.
+ // called during (at least): typer, uncurry, explicitouter, cleanup.
+ // TODO: figure out the truth table for any/wrapInApply
+ // - the `any` flag seems to relate to erasure's adaptMember: "x.asInstanceOf[T] becomes x.$asInstanceOf[T]",
+ // where asInstanceOf is Any_asInstanceOf and $asInstanceOf is Object_asInstanceOf
+ // erasure will only unbox the value in a tree made by mkCast if `any && wrapInApply`
+ // - the `wrapInApply` flag need not be true if the tree will be adapted to have the empty argument list added before it gets to erasure
+ // in fact, I think it should be false for trees that will be type checked during typer
assert(pt eq pt.normalize, tree +" : "+ debugString(pt) +" ~>"+ debugString(pt.normalize))
atPos(tree.pos)(mkAsInstanceOf(tree, pt, any = false, wrapInApply = true))
@@ -262,6 +266,25 @@ abstract class TreeGen {
tree setType tp
+ def mkZeroContravariantAfterTyper(tp: Type): Tree = {
+ // contravariant -- for replacing an argument in a method call
+ // must use subtyping, as otherwise we miss types like `Any with Int`
+ val tree =
+ if (NullClass.tpe <:< tp) Literal(Constant(null))
+ else if (UnitClass.tpe <:< tp) Literal(Constant())
+ else if (BooleanClass.tpe <:< tp) Literal(Constant(false))
+ else if (FloatClass.tpe <:< tp) Literal(Constant(0.0f))
+ else if (DoubleClass.tpe <:< tp) Literal(Constant(0.0d))
+ else if (ByteClass.tpe <:< tp) Literal(Constant(0.toByte))
+ else if (ShortClass.tpe <:< tp) Literal(Constant(0.toShort))
+ else if (IntClass.tpe <:< tp) Literal(Constant(0))
+ else if (LongClass.tpe <:< tp) Literal(Constant(0L))
+ else if (CharClass.tpe <:< tp) Literal(Constant(0.toChar))
+ else mkCast(Literal(Constant(null)), tp)
+ tree
+ }
/** Builds a tuple */
def mkTuple(elems: List[Tree]): Tree =
if (elems.isEmpty) Literal(Constant())
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
index f319abd060..769ef79546 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
@@ -310,27 +310,34 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
case Apply(fun, List(a)) if fun.symbol == one =>
// blow one's argument away since all we want to know is whether the match succeeds or not
// (the alternative, making `one` CBN, would entail moving away from Option)
- val zero = // must use subtyping (no need for equality thanks to covariance), as otherwise we miss types like `Any with Int`
- if (UnitClass.tpe <:< a.tpe) Literal(Constant())
- else if (BooleanClass.tpe <:< a.tpe) Literal(Constant(false))
- else if (FloatClass.tpe <:< a.tpe) Literal(Constant(0.0f))
- else if (DoubleClass.tpe <:< a.tpe) Literal(Constant(0.0d))
- else if (ByteClass.tpe <:< a.tpe) Literal(Constant(0.toByte))
- else if (ShortClass.tpe <:< a.tpe) Literal(Constant(0.toShort))
- else if (IntClass.tpe <:< a.tpe) Literal(Constant(0))
- else if (LongClass.tpe <:< a.tpe) Literal(Constant(0L))
- else if (CharClass.tpe <:< a.tpe) Literal(Constant(0.toChar))
- else {
- val tpA = a.tpe.normalize
- if (NullClass.tpe <:< tpA) NULL
- else gen.mkCast(NULL, tpA) // must cast, at least when a.tpe <:< NothingClass.tpe
- }
- Apply(fun.duplicate, List(zero))
+ Apply(fun.duplicate, List(gen.mkZeroContravariantAfterTyper(a.tpe)))
case _ =>
substTree(Apply(Apply(TypeApply(Select(tgt.duplicate, tgt.tpe.member("isSuccess".toTermName)), targs map (_.duplicate)), args_scrut map (_.duplicate)), args_pm map (noOne.transform)))
+ // for no-option version of virtpatmat
+ case Block(List(zero: ValDef, x: ValDef, matchRes: ValDef, keepGoing: ValDef, stats@_*), _) if opt.virtPatmat => import CODE._
+ object dropMatchResAssign extends Transformer {
+ // override val treeCopy = newStrictTreeCopier // will duplicate below
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
+ // don't compute the result of the match -- remove the caseResult block, except for the assignment to keepGoing
+ case Block(List(matchRes, ass@Assign(keepGoingLhs, falseLit)), zero) if keepGoingLhs.symbol eq keepGoing.symbol =>
+ Block(List(ass), zero)
+ case _ =>
+ super.transform(tree)
+ }
+ }
+ val statsNoMatchRes: List[Tree] = stats map (dropMatchResAssign.transform) toList
+ val idaBlock = Block(
+ zero ::
+ x ::
+ /* drop matchRes def */
+ keepGoing ::
+ statsNoMatchRes,
+ NOT(REF(keepGoing.symbol)) // replace `if (keepGoing) throw new MatchError(...) else matchRes` by `!keepGoing`
+ )
+ substTree(idaBlock.duplicate) // duplicate on block as a whole to ensure valdefs are properly cloned and substed
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatMatVirtualiser.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatMatVirtualiser.scala
index c04e4796c4..05a85e97fe 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatMatVirtualiser.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatMatVirtualiser.scala
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ trait PatMatVirtualiser extends ast.TreeDSL { self: Analyzer =>
val scrutType = repeatedToSeq(elimAnonymousClass(scrut.tpe.widen))
val scrutSym = freshSym(scrut.pos, scrutType)
+ val okPt = repeatedToSeq(pt)
// pt = Any* occurs when compiling test/files/pos/annotDepMethType.scala with -Xexperimental
- fixerUpper(context.owner, scrut.pos)(combineCases(scrut, scrutSym, cases map translateCase(scrutSym), repeatedToSeq(pt)))
+ fixerUpper(context.owner, scrut.pos)(combineCases(scrut, scrutSym, cases map translateCase(scrutSym, okPt), okPt))
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ trait PatMatVirtualiser extends ast.TreeDSL { self: Analyzer =>
* a function that will take care of binding and substitution of the next ast (to the right).
- def translateCase(scrutSym: Symbol)(caseDef: CaseDef) = caseDef match { case CaseDef(pattern, guard, body) =>
- (translatePattern(scrutSym, pattern) ++ translateGuard(guard), translateBody(body))
+ def translateCase(scrutSym: Symbol, pt: Type)(caseDef: CaseDef) = caseDef match { case CaseDef(pattern, guard, body) =>
+ (translatePattern(scrutSym, pattern) ++ translateGuard(guard), translateBody(body, pt))
def translatePattern(patBinder: Symbol, patTree: Tree): List[TreeMaker] = {
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ trait PatMatVirtualiser extends ast.TreeDSL { self: Analyzer =>
// `one(x) : T` where x is the binder before this pattern, which will be replaced by the binder for the alternative by TreeMaker.singleBinder below
// T is the widened type of the previous binder -- this ascription is necessary to infer a clean type for `or` -- the alternative combinator -- in the presence of existential types
// see pos/virtpatmat_exist1.scala
- combineExtractors(translatePattern(patBinder, alt),,
+ combineExtractors(translatePattern(patBinder, alt),, // only RHS of actual case should use caseResult, else the optimized codegen breaks
noFurtherSubPats(AlternativesTreeMaker(patBinder, altTrees : _*))
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ trait PatMatVirtualiser extends ast.TreeDSL { self: Analyzer =>
// so that we can return Option's from a match without ambiguity whether this indicates failure in the monad, or just some result in the monad
// 2) body.tpe is the type of the body after applying the substitution that represents the solution of GADT type inference
// need the explicit cast in case our substitutions in the body change the type to something that doesn't take GADT typing into account
- def translateBody(body: Tree): Tree = atPos(body.pos)(pmgen.caseResult(body, body.tpe))
+ def translateBody(body: Tree, matchPt: Type): Tree = atPos(body.pos)(pmgen.caseResult(body, body.tpe, matchPt))
@@ -762,10 +762,15 @@ defined class Foo */
pmgen.or(wrapFunSubst(next), alts.toList) setPos alts.head.pos
- case class GuardTreeMaker(guardTree: Tree) extends SingleExtractorTreeMaker {
+ case class GuardTreeMaker(guardTree: Tree) extends /*SingleExtractor*/TreeMaker {
val initialSubstitution: Substitution = EmptySubstitution
- val nextBinder = freshSym(guardTree.pos, UnitClass.tpe)
- val extractor = pmgen.guard(guardTree)
+ // val nextBinder = freshSym(guardTree.pos, UnitClass.tpe)
+ // val extractor = pmgen.guard(guardTree)
+ def chainBefore(next: Tree): Tree = { import CODE._
+ IF (guardTree) THEN next ELSE
+ }
+ override def toString = "G("+ guardTree +")"
// combineExtractors changes the current substitution's of the tree makers in `treeMakers`
@@ -901,7 +906,7 @@ defined class Foo */
lazy val pmgen: CommonCodeGen with MatchingStrategyGen with MonadInstGen =
- if (matchingMonadType.typeSymbol eq OptionClass) (new CommonCodeGen with MatchingStrategyGenOpt with MonadInstGenOpt {})
+ if (matchingMonadType.typeSymbol eq OptionClass) (new CommonCodeGen with OptimizedCodeGen {})
else (new CommonCodeGen with MatchingStrategyGen with MonadInstGen {})
var ctr = 0
@@ -967,13 +972,13 @@ defined class Foo */
trait MatchingStrategyGen { self: CommonCodeGen with MatchingStrategyGen with MonadInstGen =>
// methods in MatchingStrategy (the monad companion) -- used directly in translation
def runOrElse(scrut: Tree, matcher: Tree, scrutTp: Type, resTp: Type): Tree = genTypeApply(matchingStrategy DOT vpmName.runOrElse, scrutTp, resTp) APPLY (scrut) APPLY (matcher) // matchingStrategy.runOrElse(scrut)(matcher)
- def zero: Tree = matchingStrategy DOT //
- def one(res: Tree): Tree = one(res, NoType)
+ def zero: Tree = matchingStrategy DOT //
+ def one(res: Tree): Tree = one(res, NoType)
def one(res: Tree, tp: Type = NoType, oneName: Name = Tree = genTypeApply(matchingStrategy DOT oneName, tp) APPLY (res) //
- def or(f: Tree, as: List[Tree]): Tree = (matchingStrategy DOT vpmName.or)((f :: as): _*) // matchingStrategy.or(f, as)
- def guard(c: Tree): Tree = (matchingStrategy DOT vpmName.guard)(c, UNIT) // matchingStrategy.guard(c, then) -- a user-defined guard
+ def or(f: Tree, as: List[Tree]): Tree = (matchingStrategy DOT vpmName.or)((f :: as): _*) // matchingStrategy.or(f, as)
+ def guard(c: Tree): Tree = (matchingStrategy DOT vpmName.guard)(c, UNIT) // matchingStrategy.guard(c, then) -- a user-defined guard
// TODO: get rid of the cast when it's unnecessary, but this requires type checking `body` -- maybe this should be one of the optimisations we perform after generating the tree
- def caseResult(res: Tree, tp: Type): Tree = (matchingStrategy DOT vpmName.caseResult) (_asInstanceOf(res, tp, force = true)) // matchingStrategy.caseResult(res), like one, but blow this one away for isDefinedAt (since it's the RHS of a case)
+ def caseResult(res: Tree, bodyPt: Type, matchPt: Type): Tree = (matchingStrategy DOT vpmName.caseResult) (_asInstanceOf(res, bodyPt, force = true)) // matchingStrategy.caseResult(res), like one, but blow this one away for isDefinedAt (since it's the RHS of a case)
// an internal guard TODO: use different method call so exhaustiveness can distinguish it from user-defined guards
def cond(c: Tree, then: Tree = UNIT, tp: Type = NoType): Tree = genTypeApply((matchingStrategy DOT vpmName.guard), repackExistential(tp)) APPLY (c, then) // matchingStrategy.guard(c, then)
@@ -991,30 +996,98 @@ defined class Foo */
// `o.flatMap(f)` becomes `if(o == None) None else f(o.get)`, similarly for orElse and guard
// this is a special instance of the advanced inlining optimization that takes a method call on
// an object of a type that only has two concrete subclasses, and inlines both bodies, guarded by an if to distinguish the two cases
- trait MatchingStrategyGenOpt extends MatchingStrategyGen { self: CommonCodeGen with MatchingStrategyGen with MonadInstGen =>
+ trait OptimizedCodeGen extends CommonCodeGen with MatchingStrategyGen with MonadInstGen {
override def guard(c: Tree): Tree = condOptimized(c, one(UNIT))
override def cond(c: Tree, then: Tree = UNIT, tp: Type = NoType): Tree = condOptimized(c, one(then, repackExistential(tp)))
- // override def runOrElse(scrut: Tree, matcher: Tree): Tree = matcher match {
- // case Function(List(x: ValDef), body) =>
- // val tp = x.symbol.tpe
- // val restp = appliedType(matchingMonadType, List(pt)) // don't always know pt....
- // val isEmpty = restp member vpmName.isEmpty
- // val get = restp member vpmName.get
- //
- // val vs = freshSym(scrut.pos, tp, "s")
- // val vres = freshSym(scrut.pos, restp, "res")
- // val s = VAL(vs) === scrut
- // val res = VAL(vres) === typedSubst(body, List(x.symbol), List(REF(vs)))
- //
- // BLOCK(
- // s,
- // res,
- // IF (res DOT isEmpty) THEN ELSE (res DOT get)
- // )
- // }
- }
- trait MonadInstGenOpt extends MonadInstGen { self: CommonCodeGen with MatchingStrategyGen with MonadInstGen =>
+ lazy val zeroSym = freshSym(NoPosition, optionType(NothingClass.tpe), "zero")
+ override def zero: Tree = REF(zeroSym)
+ override def one(res: Tree, tp: Type = NoType, oneName: Name = Tree = Apply(genTypeApply(REF(SomeModule), tp), List(res))
+ // duplicated out of frustration with cast generation
+ private def mkZero(tp: Type): Tree = {
+ tp.typeSymbol match {
+ case UnitClass => Literal(Constant())
+ case BooleanClass => Literal(Constant(false))
+ case FloatClass => Literal(Constant(0.0f))
+ case DoubleClass => Literal(Constant(0.0d))
+ case ByteClass => Literal(Constant(0.toByte))
+ case ShortClass => Literal(Constant(0.toShort))
+ case IntClass => Literal(Constant(0))
+ case LongClass => Literal(Constant(0L))
+ case CharClass => Literal(Constant(0.toChar))
+ case _ => gen.mkAsInstanceOf(Literal(Constant(null)), tp, any = true, wrapInApply = false) // the magic incantation is true/false here
+ }
+ }
+ /** Inline runOrElse and get rid of Option allocations
+ *
+ * runOrElse(scrut: scrutTp)(matcher): resTp = matcher(scrut) getOrElse (throw new MatchError(x))
+ * the matcher's optional result is encoded as a flag, keepGoing, where keepGoing == true encodes result.isEmpty,
+ * if keepGoing is false, the result Some(x) of the naive translation is encoded as matchRes == x
+ */
+ @inline private def dontStore(tp: Type) = (tp.typeSymbol eq UnitClass) || (tp.typeSymbol eq NothingClass)
+ lazy val keepGoing = freshSym(NoPosition, BooleanClass.tpe, "keepGoing") setFlag MUTABLE
+ lazy val matchRes = freshSym(NoPosition, AnyClass.tpe, "matchRes") setFlag MUTABLE
+ override def runOrElse(scrut: Tree, matcher: Tree, scrutTp: Type, resTp: Type) = matcher match {
+ case Function(List(x: ValDef), body) =>
+ = if (resTp ne NoType) resTp.widen else AnyClass.tpe // we don't always know resTp, and it might be AnyVal, in which case we can't assign NULL
+ if (dontStore(resTp)) matchRes resetFlag MUTABLE // don't assign to Unit-typed var's, in fact, make it a val -- conveniently also works around SI-5245
+ VAL(zeroSym) === REF(NoneModule), // TODO: can we just get rid of explicitly emitted zero? don't know how to do that as a local rewrite...
+ VAL(x.symbol) === scrut, // reuse the symbol of the function's argument to avoid creating a fresh one and substituting it for x.symbol in body -- the owner structure is repaired by fixerUpper
+ VAL(matchRes) === mkZero(, // must cast to deal with GADT typing, hence the private mkZero above
+ VAL(keepGoing) === TRUE,
+ body,
+ IF (REF(keepGoing)) THEN MATCHERROR(REF(x.symbol)) ELSE REF(matchRes)
+ )
+ }
+ override def caseResult(res: Tree, bodyPt: Type, matchPt: Type): Tree = {
+ if (dontStore(matchPt)) res // runOrElse hasn't been called yet, so matchRes.isMutable is irrelevant, also, tp may be a subtype of resTp used in runOrElse...
+ else (REF(matchRes) === res), // _asInstanceOf(res, tp.widen, force = true)
+ REF(keepGoing) === FALSE,
+ zero // to have a nice lub for lubs -- otherwise we'll get a boxed unit here -- TODO: get rid of all those dangling else zero's
+ )
+ }
+ override def typedOrElse(pt: Type)(thisCase: Tree, elseCase: Tree): Tree = {
+ thisCase,
+ IF (REF(keepGoing)) THEN elseCase ELSE zero // leave trailing zero for now, otherwise typer adds () anyway
+ )
+ }
+ /* TODO: make more efficient --
+ val i = 0
+ while(keepGoing && i < alts.length) {
+ val altOpt = @switch i match { case 0 => alt_0 .... case alts.length-1 => alt_N-1 }
+ if (altOpt ne zero) {
+ val alt = altOpt.get
+ nextBody
+ }
+ i += 1
+ }
+ */
+ override def or(next: Tree, alts: List[Tree]): Tree = {
+ val Function(List(nextVD: ValDef), nextBody) = next
+ val thunks = (REF(ListModule) DOT List_apply) APPLY (alts map (Function(Nil, _)))
+ val alt = nextVD.symbol
+ val altTp =
+ val altThunk = freshSym(alts.head.pos, functionType(List(), optionType(altTp)), "altThunk")
+ val altOpt = freshSym(alts.head.pos, optionType(altTp), "altOpt")
+ val altGet = optionType(altTp) member vpmName.get
+ (thunks DOT "dropWhile".toTermName) APPLY (Function(List(ValDef(altThunk)),
+ VAL(altOpt) === (REF(altThunk) APPLY ()),
+ IF (REF(altOpt) OBJ_NE zero) THEN BLOCK(VAL(alt) === (REF(altOpt) DOT altGet), nextBody) ENDIF,
+ REF(keepGoing)
+ )))
+ }
override def flatMap(opt: Tree, fun: Tree): Tree = fun match {
case Function(List(x: ValDef), body) =>
val tp = appliedType(matchingMonadType, List(x.symbol.tpe))
@@ -1025,20 +1098,11 @@ defined class Foo */
- IF (vs DOT isEmpty) THEN zero ELSE typedSubst(body, List(x.symbol), List(vs DOT get))
+ IF (vs DOT isEmpty) THEN zero ELSE typedSubst(body, List(x.symbol), List(vs DOT get)) // must be isEmpty and get as we don't control the target of the call (could be the result of a user-defined extractor)
case _ => println("huh?")
(opt DOT vpmName.flatMap)(fun)
- override def typedOrElse(pt: Type)(thisCase: Tree, elseCase: Tree): Tree = {
- val vs = freshSym(thisCase.pos, pt, "o")
- val isEmpty = pt member vpmName.isEmpty
- val v = VAL(vs) === thisCase // genTyped(, pt)
- v,
- IF (vs DOT isEmpty) THEN elseCase /*genTyped(, pt)*/ ELSE REF(vs)
- )
- }
def genTypeApply(tfun: Tree, args: Type*): Tree = if(args contains NoType) tfun else TypeApply(tfun, args.toList map TypeTree)
diff --git a/src/library/scala/MatchingStrategy.scala b/src/library/scala/MatchingStrategy.scala
index 4eaf7852b8..2c713e4850 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/MatchingStrategy.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/MatchingStrategy.scala
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ abstract class MatchingStrategy[M[+x]] {
// find the first alternative to successfully flatMap f
// to avoid code explosion due to alternatives
+ // TODO: should be alts: => M[T]*
def or[T, U](f: T => M[U], alts: M[T]*) = (alts foldLeft (zero: M[U]))(altFlatMap(f))
def caseResult[T](x: T): M[T] = one(x) // used as a marker to distinguish the RHS of a case (case pat => RHS) and intermediate successes