path: root/src
diff options
authorSom Snytt <>2013-04-27 21:36:53 -0700
committerSom Snytt <>2013-05-25 09:51:37 -0700
commit99b4d95fe6c908ce3170ff4d090420f8e47efa1d (patch)
treef7819550cc9b9cbce24b98f1c5b085939e37883d /src
parent369f1f27ac6a27918e767e393dc6e22f7424aa38 (diff)
SI-7003 Partest redirects stderr to log file
Some scalac output is on stderr, and it's useful to see that in the log file, especially for debugging. Adds a line filter for logs, specified as "filter: pattern" in the test source. Backslashes are made forward only when detected as paths. Test alignments: Deprecations which do not pertain to the system under test are corrected in the obvious way. When testing deprecated API, suppress warnings by deprecating the Test object. Check files are updated with useful true warnings, instead of running under -nowarn. Language feature imports as required, instead of running under -language. Language feature not required, such as casual use of postfix. Heed useful warning. Ignore broken warnings. (Rarely, -nowarn.) Inliner warnings pop up under -optimise only, so for now, just filter them out where they occur. Debug output from the test required an update.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 95 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/nest/Runner.scala b/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/nest/Runner.scala
index 01e4f50981..b7cc42322b 100644
--- a/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/nest/Runner.scala
+++ b/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/nest/Runner.scala
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.reflect.internal.FatalError
-import scala.sys.process.Process
+import scala.sys.process.{ Process, ProcessLogger }
import{ envOrElse, isWin, jdkHome, javaHome, propOrElse, propOrEmpty, setProp }
import{ Settings, CompilerCommand, Global }
import{ AbstractFile, PlainFile }
@@ -222,7 +222,25 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
* error out to output file.
private def runCommand(args: Seq[String], outFile: File): Boolean = {
- (Process(args) #> outFile !) == 0
+ //(Process(args) #> outFile !) == 0 or (Process(args) ! pl) == 0
+ val pl = ProcessLogger(outFile)
+ val nonzero = 17 // rounding down from 17.3
+ def run: Int = {
+ val p = Process(args) run pl
+ try p.exitValue
+ catch {
+ case e: InterruptedException =>
+ NestUI verbose s"Interrupted waiting for command to finish (${args mkString " "})"
+ p.destroy
+ nonzero
+ case t: Throwable =>
+ NestUI verbose s"Exception waiting for command to finish: $t (${args mkString " "})"
+ p.destroy
+ throw t
+ }
+ finally pl.close()
+ }
+ (pl buffer run) == 0
private def execTest(outDir: File, logFile: File): Boolean = {
@@ -272,11 +290,17 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
val prefix = "#partest"
val margin = "> "
val leader = margin + prefix
- // use lines in block so labeled? Default to sure, go ahead.
- def retainOn(f: String) = f match {
- case "java7" => javaVersion startsWith "1.7"
- case "java6" => javaVersion startsWith "1.6"
- case _ => true
+ // use lines in block so labeled? Default to sorry, Charlie.
+ def retainOn(f: String) = {
+ val (invert, token) =
+ if (f startsWith "!") (true, f drop 1) else (false, f)
+ val cond = token match {
+ case "java7" => javaVersion startsWith "1.7"
+ case "java6" => javaVersion startsWith "1.6"
+ case "true" => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ if (invert) !cond else cond
if (d contains prefix) {
val sb = new StringBuilder
@@ -314,23 +338,45 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
catch { case t: Exception => None }
- /** This does something about absolute paths and file separator
- * chars before diffing.
+ /** Normalize the log output by applying test-specific filters
+ * and fixing filesystem-specific paths.
+ *
+ * Line filters are picked up from `filter: pattern` at the top of sources.
+ * The filtered line is detected with a simple "contains" test,
+ * and yes, "filter" means "filter out" in this context.
+ *
+ * File paths are detected using the absolute path of the test root.
+ * A string that looks like a file path is normalized by replacing
+ * the leading segments (the root) with "$ROOT" and by replacing
+ * any Windows backslashes with the one true file separator char.
def normalizeLog() {
- // squashing // in paths also munges line comments, so save this innovation for another time.
- // (There are line comments in the "stub implementations" error output.)
- //val slashes = """[/\\]+""".r
- //def squashSlashes(s: String) = slashes replaceAllIn (s, "/")
- def squashSlashes(s: String) = s replace ('\\', '/')
- val base = squashSlashes(parentFile.getAbsolutePath + File.separator)
- val quoted = """\Q%s\E""" format base
- val baseless = (if (isWin) "(?i)" + quoted else quoted).r
- def canonicalize(s: String) = baseless replaceAllIn (squashSlashes(s), "")
- logFile mapInPlace canonicalize
+ // Apply judiciously; there are line comments in the "stub implementations" error output.
+ val slashes = """[/\\]+""".r
+ def squashSlashes(s: String) = slashes replaceAllIn (s, "/")
+ // this string identifies a path and is also snipped from log output.
+ // to preserve more of the path, could use fileManager.testRootPath
+ val elided = parentFile.getAbsolutePath
+ // something to mark the elision in the log file (disabled)
+ val ellipsis = "" //".../" // using * looks like a comment
+ // no spaces in test file paths below root, because otherwise how to detect end of path string?
+ val pathFinder = raw"""(?i)\Q${elided}${File.separator}\E([\${File.separator}\w]*)""".r
+ def canonicalize(s: String): String = (
+ pathFinder replaceAllIn (s, m => ellipsis + squashSlashes(m group 1))
+ )
+ val filters = toolArgs("filter", split = false)
+ def lineFilter(s: String): Boolean = !(filters exists (s contains _))
+ logFile.mapInPlace(canonicalize)(lineFilter)
def diffIsOk: Boolean = {
+ // always normalize the log first
+ normalizeLog()
val diff = currentDiff
// if diff is not empty, is update needed?
val updating: Option[Boolean] = (
@@ -372,16 +418,21 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
/** Grouped files in group order, and lex order within each group. */
- def groupedFiles(files: List[File]): List[List[File]] = (
- if (files.tail.nonEmpty) {
- val grouped = files filter (_.isJavaOrScala) groupBy (
+ def groupedFiles(sources: List[File]): List[List[File]] = (
+ if (sources.tail.nonEmpty) {
+ val grouped = sources groupBy (
grouped.keys.toList.sorted map (k => grouped(k) sortBy (_.getName))
- else List(files)
+ else List(sources)
/** Source files for the given test file. */
- def sources(file: File): List[File] = if (file.isDirectory) file.listFiles.toList else List(file)
+ def sources(file: File): List[File] = (
+ if (file.isDirectory)
+ file.listFiles.toList filter (_.isJavaOrScala)
+ else
+ List(file)
+ )
def newCompiler = new DirectCompiler(fileManager)
@@ -403,6 +454,23 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
perTest ++ perGroup
+ def toolArgs(tool: String, split: Boolean = true): List[String] = {
+ def argsplitter(s: String) = if (split) words(s) filter (_.nonEmpty) else List(s)
+ def argsFor(f: File): List[String] = {
+ import scala.util.matching.Regex
+ val p = new Regex(s"(?:.*\\s)?${tool}:(?:\\s*)(.*)?", "args")
+ val max = 10
+ val src = Path(f).toFile.chars(codec)
+ val args = try {
+ src.getLines take max collectFirst {
+ case s if (p findFirstIn s).nonEmpty => for (m <- p findFirstMatchIn s) yield m group "args"
+ }
+ } finally src.close()
+ args.flatten map argsplitter getOrElse Nil
+ }
+ sources(testFile) flatMap argsFor
+ }
abstract class CompileRound {
def fs: List[File]
def result: TestState
@@ -455,7 +523,7 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
// or, OK, we'll let you crash the compiler with a FatalError if you supply a check file
def checked(r: CompileRound) = r.result match {
case Crash(_, t, _) if !checkFile.canRead || !t.isInstanceOf[FatalError] => false
- case _ => normalizeLog(); diffIsOk
+ case _ => diffIsOk
failing map (checked) getOrElse nextTestActionFailing("expected compilation failure")
@@ -529,22 +597,6 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
val logWriter = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(logFile), true)
- def toolArgs(tool: String): List[String] = {
- def argsplitter(s: String) = words(s) filter (_.nonEmpty)
- def argsFor(f: File): List[String] = {
- import scala.util.matching.Regex
- val p = new Regex(s"(?:.*\\s)?${tool}:(.*)?", "args")
- val max = 10
- val src = Path(f).toFile.chars(codec)
- val args = try {
- src.getLines take max collectFirst {
- case s if (p findFirstIn s).nonEmpty => for (m <- p findFirstMatchIn s) yield m group "args"
- }
- } finally src.close()
- args.flatten map argsplitter getOrElse Nil
- }
- sources(testFile) flatMap argsFor
- }
def runInFramework(): Boolean = {
import org.scalatools.testing._
val f: Framework = loader.instantiate[Framework]("org.scalacheck.ScalaCheckFramework")
@@ -647,7 +699,6 @@ class Runner(val testFile: File, fileManager: FileManager, val testRunParams: Te
if (!Output.withRedirected(logWriter)(try loop() finally resReader.close()))
- normalizeLog // put errors in a normal form
(diffIsOk, LogContext(logFile, swr, wr))
diff --git a/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/package.scala b/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/package.scala
index 4a516d620b..5a1afeb77f 100644
--- a/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/package.scala
+++ b/src/partest/scala/tools/partest/package.scala
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ package object partest {
f.toString split """[/\\]+""" takeRight 2 mkString "/" // e.g. pos/t1234
- def mapInPlace(mapFn: String => String): Unit =
- writeAll( => mapFn(x) + "\n"): _*)
+ def mapInPlace(mapFn: String => String)(filterFn: String => Boolean = _ => true): Unit =
+ writeAll(fileLines filter filterFn map (x => mapFn(x) + EOL): _*)
def appendAll(strings: String*): Unit = sf.appendAll(strings: _*)
def writeAll(strings: String*): Unit = sf.writeAll(strings: _*)