path: root/src
diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2009-07-05 12:51:47 +0000
committerPaul Phillips <>2009-07-05 12:51:47 +0000
commite373d268a5a15daab4ee2aef8f45eccca908b026 (patch)
tree34917676b77d29a567ccf9314b4c04b41948d975 /src
parent3ba0e87fed08f64066bf3412580fcdf635762f31 (diff)
Removed a pile of gratuitous implicit parameter...
Removed a pile of gratuitous implicit parameters from the pattern matcher. Moved many things to more believable locations. Transitioned everything in CodeFactory and deleted it.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
6 files changed, 936 insertions, 897 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/TreeDSL.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/TreeDSL.scala
index 229a650477..d25861ee39 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/TreeDSL.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/TreeDSL.scala
@@ -19,10 +19,20 @@ trait TreeDSL {
import gen.{ scalaDot }
object CODE {
+ // clarity aliases
+ type TreeFunction1 = Tree => Tree
+ type TreeFunction2 = (Tree, Tree) => Tree
// Create a conditional based on a partial function - for values not defined
// on the partial, it is false.
def cond[T](x: T)(f: PartialFunction[T, Boolean]) = (f isDefinedAt x) && f(x)
+ // strip bindings to find what lies beneath
+ final def unbind(x: Tree): Tree = x match {
+ case Bind(_, y) => unbind(y)
+ case y => y
+ }
object LIT extends (Any => Literal) {
def apply(x: Any) = Literal(Constant(x))
def unapply(x: Any) = x match {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/CodeFactory.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/CodeFactory.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b25b2c49c..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/CodeFactory.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2009 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-// $Id$
-/** Helper methods that build trees for pattern matching.
- *
- * @author Burak Emir
- */
-trait CodeFactory extends ast.TreeDSL
- self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternNodes =>
- import global.{ typer => _, _ }
- import analyzer.Typer
- import definitions._
- import CODE._
- // strip bindings to find what tree lies underneath
- def unbind(x: Tree): Tree = x match {
- case Bind(_, y) => unbind(y)
- case y => y
- }
- final def typedValDef(x: Symbol, rhs: Tree)(implicit typer: Typer) = {
- val finalRhs = x.tpe match {
- case WildcardType =>
- rhs setType null
- x setInfo (typer typed rhs).tpe
- rhs
- case _ =>
- typer.typed(rhs, x.tpe)
- }
- typer typed (VAL(x) === finalRhs)
- }
- final def squeezedBlock(vds: List[Tree], exp: Tree)(implicit theOwner: Symbol): Tree =
- if (settings_squeeze) Block(Nil, squeezedBlock1(vds, exp))
- else Block(vds, exp)
- final def squeezedBlock1(vds: List[Tree], exp: Tree)(implicit theOwner: Symbol): Tree = {
- class RefTraverser(sym: Symbol) extends Traverser {
- var nref, nsafeRef = 0
- override def traverse(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case t: Ident if t.symbol eq sym =>
- nref += 1
- if (sym.owner == currentOwner) // oldOwner should match currentOwner
- nsafeRef += 1
- case LabelDef(_, args, rhs) =>
- (args dropWhile(_.symbol ne sym)) match {
- case Nil =>
- case _ => nref += 2 // cannot substitute this one
- }
- traverse(rhs)
- case t if nref > 1 => // abort, no story to tell
- case t =>
- super.traverse(t)
- }
- }
- class Subst(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree) extends Transformer {
- var stop = false
- override def transform(tree: Tree) = tree match {
- case t: Ident if t.symbol == sym =>
- stop = true
- rhs
- case _ => if (stop) tree else super.transform(tree)
- }
- }
- lazy val squeezedTail = squeezedBlock(vds.tail, exp)
- def default = squeezedTail match {
- case Block(vds2, exp2) => Block(vds.head :: vds2, exp2)
- case exp2 => Block(vds.head :: Nil, exp2)
- }
- if (vds.isEmpty) exp
- else vds.head match {
- case vd: ValDef =>
- val sym = vd.symbol
- val rt = new RefTraverser(sym)
- rt.atOwner (theOwner) (rt traverse squeezedTail)
- rt.nref match {
- case 0 => squeezedTail
- case 1 if rt.nsafeRef == 1 => new Subst(sym, vd.rhs) transform squeezedTail
- case _ => default
- }
- case _ =>
- default
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala
index 7ce01f9c48..d6b0592989 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala
@@ -26,10 +26,16 @@ import MatchUtil._
* Row( p_m1 ... p_mn g_m b_m ) + subst
+ * Implementation based on the algorithm described in
+ *
+ * "A Term Pattern-Match Compiler Inspired by Finite Automata Theory"
+ * Mikael Pettersson
+ *
+ *
* @author Burak Emir
trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
- self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternNodes with CodeFactory =>
+ self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternNodes =>
// debugging var, set to true to see how sausages are made
private var trace = false
@@ -40,61 +46,22 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
import Types._
import CODE._
- type TreeFunction1 = Tree => Tree
- type TreeFunction2 = (Tree, Tree) => Tree
object Implicits {
implicit def mkPattern(t: Tree) = Pattern(t)
import Implicits._
def ifDebug(body: => Unit): Unit = { if (settings.debug.value) body }
- def DBG(msg: String): Unit = { ifDebug(println(msg)) }
+ def DBG(msg: => String): Unit = { ifDebug(println(msg)) }
def TRACE(f: String, xs: Any*): Unit = { if (trace) println(if (xs.isEmpty) f else f.format(xs : _*)) }
def logAndReturn[T](s: String, x: T): T = { log(s + x.toString) ; x }
def traceAndReturn[T](s: String, x: T): T = { TRACE(s + x.toString) ; x }
- /**
- * Encapsulates a symbol being matched on.
- *
- * sym match { ... }
- *
- * results in Scrutinee(sym).
- *
- * Note that we only ever match on Symbols, not Trees: a temporary variable
- * is created for any expressions being matched on.
- */
- case class Scrutinee(val sym: Symbol) {
- import definitions._
- // presenting a face of our symbol
- def tpe = sym.tpe
- def pos = sym.pos
- def accessors = sym.caseFieldAccessors
- def id = ID(sym) // attributed ident
- // tests
- def isDefined = sym ne NoSymbol
- def isSimple = tpe.isChar || tpe.isInt
- // sequences
- def seqType = tpe.widen baseType SeqClass
- def elemType = tpe typeArgs 0 // can this happen? if (seqType == NoType) error("...")
- // for propagating "unchecked" to synthetic vars
- def flags: List[Long] = if (sym hasFlag Flags.TRANS_FLAG) List(Flags.TRANS_FLAG) else Nil
- def assertIsSubtype(other: Type) = assert(isSubType(tpe, other), "problem "+tpe+" not <: "+other)
- def casted(headType: Type)(implicit theOwner: Symbol) =
- if (tpe =:= headType) this
- else new Scrutinee(newVar(pos, headType, flags = flags))
- }
+ def isRightIgnoring(t: Tree) = t.isRightIgnoring
case class Pattern(tree: Tree) {
import definitions._
lazy val sym = tree.symbol
lazy val tpe = tree.tpe
- lazy val symtpe = sym.tpe
lazy val prefix = tpe.prefix
lazy val tpeIfHead = stripped.tree match {
case p @ (_:Ident | _:Select) => singleType(stripped.prefix, stripped.sym) //should be singleton object
@@ -114,6 +81,13 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
final def isDefault = isDefaultPattern(tree)
final def isEquals = cond(tpe) { case TypeRef(_, EqualsPatternClass, _) => true }
+ /* a Seq ending in _* */
+ final def isRightIgnoring = {
+ def isStar(t: Tree) = cond(unbind(t)) { case Star(q) => isDefaultPattern(q) }
+ cond(tree) { case ArrayValue(_, xs) if !xs.isEmpty => isStar(xs.last) }
+ }
final def getAlternativeBranches: List[Tree] = {
def get_BIND(pctx: TreeFunction1, p: Tree): List[Tree] = p match {
case b @ Bind(n, p) => get_BIND((x: Tree) => pctx(treeCopy.Bind(b, n, x) setType x.tpe), p)
@@ -142,573 +116,17 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
(sym ne null) && (sym != NoSymbol) && prefix.isStable && (head =:= singleType(prefix, sym))
- case class Patterns(scrut: Scrutinee, ps: List[Pattern]) {
- private lazy val column = ps map (_.tree)
- lazy val head = ps.head
- lazy val tail = Patterns(scrut, ps.tail)
- lazy val last = ps.last
- lazy val headType = head.tpeIfHead
- lazy val isCaseHead = headType.isCaseClass
- lazy val dummies = if (isCaseHead) getDummies(headType.typeSymbol.caseFieldAccessors.length) else Nil
- lazy val size = ps.length
- def apply(i: Int): Tree = ps(i).tree
- def zip() = column.zipWithIndex
- def zip[T](ys: List[T]) = column zip ys
- def isObjectTest(pat: Pattern) = pat isObjectTest headType
- def isObjectTest(pat: Tree) = Pattern(pat) isObjectTest headType
- // an unapply for which we don't need a type test
- def isUnapplyHead = cond (head.tree) { case __UnApply(_,tpe,_) => scrut.tpe <:< tpe }
- def isSimpleSwitch: Boolean =
- scrut.isSimple && ps.init.forall(_.isSimpleSwitchCandidate) &&
- // TODO: This needs to also allow the case that the last is a compatible type pattern.
- (last.isSimpleSwitchCandidate || last.isDefault)
- def mkRule(rest: Rep)(implicit rep: RepFactory): RuleApplication =
- logAndReturn("mkRule: ", head match {
- case x if x.isEquals => new MixEquals(this, rest)
- case Pattern(x: ArrayValue) => if (isRightIgnoring(x)) new MixSequenceStar(this, rest)
- else new MixSequence(this, rest)
- case _ if isSimpleSwitch => new MixLiterals(this, rest)
- case _ if isUnapplyHead => new MixUnapply(this, rest)
- case _ => new MixTypes(this, rest)
- }
- )
- }
- /**
- * Class encapsulating a guard expression in a pattern match:
- * case ... if(tree) => ...
- */
- case class Guard(tree: Tree) {
- def isEmpty = tree eq EmptyTree
- def duplicate = Guard(tree.duplicate)
- override def toString() = if (isEmpty) "" else " // if %s" format tree
- }
- val NoGuard = Guard(EmptyTree)
- /** picks which rewrite rule to apply
- * @precondition: column does not contain alternatives (ensured by initRep)
- */
- def MixtureRule(scrut: Scrutinee, column: List[Tree], rest: Rep)(implicit rep: RepFactory): RuleApplication =
- Patterns(scrut, column map Pattern) mkRule rest
- sealed abstract class RuleApplication(rep: RepFactory) {
- implicit def typer = rep.typer
- def pats: Patterns
- def rest: Rep
- lazy val Patterns(scrut, patterns) = pats
- lazy val head = pats.head
- private lazy val sym = scrut.sym
- def mkFail(xs: List[Row])(implicit theOwner: Symbol) =
- rep.make(sym :: rest.temp, xs)
- def mkNewRep(pre: List[Symbol], post: List[Symbol], rows: List[Row])(implicit theOwner: Symbol) =
- rep.make(pre ::: sym :: post, rows)
- /** translate outcome of the rule application into code (possible involving recursive application of rewriting) */
- def tree(implicit theOwner: Symbol, failTree: Tree): Tree
- }
- case class ErrorRule(implicit rep:RepFactory) extends RuleApplication(rep) {
- def pats: Patterns = impossible
- def rest: Rep = impossible
- final def tree(implicit theOwner: Symbol, failTree: Tree) = failTree
- }
- /** {case ... if guard => bx} else {guardedRest} */
- case class VariableRule(subst: Bindings, guard: Guard, guardedRest: Rep, bx: Int)(implicit rep:RepFactory) extends RuleApplication(rep) {
- def pats: Patterns = impossible
- def rest: Rep = guardedRest
- final def tree(implicit theOwner: Symbol, failTree: Tree): Tree = {
- val body = typer typed rep.requestBody(bx, subst)
- def vdefs = subst.targetParams
- def typedElse = guardedRest.toTree
- def typedIf = typer typed (IF (guard.duplicate.tree) THEN body ELSE typedElse)
- if (guard.isEmpty) body
- else typer typed squeezedBlock(vdefs, typedIf)
- }
- }
- /** mixture rule for literals
- */
- class MixLiterals(val pats: Patterns, val rest: Rep)(implicit rep:RepFactory) extends RuleApplication(rep) {
- // e.g. (1,1) (1,3) (42,2) for column { case ..1.. => ;; case ..42..=> ;; case ..1.. => }
- var defaultV: Set[Symbol] = emptySymbolSet
- var defaultIndexSet = new BitSet(pats.size)
- def insertDefault(tag: Int, vs: Traversable[Symbol]) {
- defaultIndexSet += tag
- defaultV = defaultV ++ vs
- }
- def haveDefault: Boolean = !defaultIndexSet.isEmpty
- def defaultRows: List[Row] = defaultIndexSet.toList reverseMap grabRow
- protected var tagIndices = IntMap.empty[List[Int]]
- protected def grabRow(index: Int): Row = {
- val r = rest.row(index)
- if (defaultV.isEmpty) r
- else r.insert2(Nil, pats(index).boundVariables, scrut.sym) // get vars
- }
- /** inserts row indices using in to list of tagIndices */
- protected def tagIndicesToReps(implicit theOwner: Symbol) : List[(Int, Rep)] =
- tagIndices map { case (k, v) => (k, rep.make(rest.temp, v.reverseMap(grabRow) ::: defaultRows)) } toList
- protected def defaultsToRep(implicit theOwner: Symbol) = rep.make(rest.temp, defaultRows)
- protected def insertTagIndexPair(tag: Int, index: Int) =
- tagIndices = tagIndices.update(tag, index :: tagIndices.getOrElse(tag, Nil))
- /** returns
- * @return list of continuations,
- * @return variables bound to default continuation,
- * @return optionally, a default continuation
- **/
- def getTransition(implicit theOwner: Symbol): (List[(Int,Rep)], Set[Symbol], Option[Rep]) =
- (tagIndicesToReps, defaultV, if (haveDefault) Some(defaultsToRep) else None)
- val varMap: List[(Int, List[Symbol])] =
- (for ((x, i) <- yield x.stripped match {
- case p @ LIT(c: Int) => insertTagIndexPair(c, i) ; Some(c, definedVars(x))
- case p @ LIT(c: Char) => insertTagIndexPair(c.toInt, i) ; Some(c.toInt, definedVars(x))
- case p if isDefaultPattern(p) => insertDefault(i, x.boundVariables) ; None
- }) . flatMap(x => x) . reverse
- // lazy
- private def bindVars(Tag: Int, orig: Bindings): Bindings = {
- def myBindVars(rest:List[(Int,List[Symbol])], bnd: Bindings): Bindings = rest match {
- case Nil => bnd
- case (Tag,vs)::xs => myBindVars(xs, bnd.add(vs, scrut.sym))
- case (_, vs)::xs => myBindVars(xs, bnd)
- }
- myBindVars(varMap, orig)
- }
- final def tree(implicit theOwner: Symbol, failTree: Tree): Tree = {
- val (branches, defaultV, defaultRep) = this.getTransition // tag body pairs
- val cases = for ((tag, r) <- branches) yield {
- val r2 = rep.make(r.temp, r.row map (x => x rebind bindVars(tag, x.subst)))
- CASE(Literal(tag)) ==> r2.toTree
- }
- lazy val ndefault = defaultRep map (_.toTree) getOrElse (failTree)
- lazy val casesWithDefault = cases ::: List(CASE(WILD(definitions.IntClass.tpe)) ==> ndefault)
- cases match {
- case CaseDef(lit,_,body) :: Nil => IF ( ANY_== lit) THEN body ELSE ndefault
- case _ =>
- val target: Tree = if (scrut.tpe.isChar) DOT nme.toInt else // chars to ints
- target MATCH (casesWithDefault: _*)
- }
- }
- override def toString = {
- "MixLiterals {\n pats: %s\n varMap: %s\n}".format(
- pats, varMap
- )
- }
- }
- /** mixture rule for unapply pattern
- */
- class MixUnapply(val pats: Patterns, val rest: Rep)(implicit rep: RepFactory)
- extends RuleApplication(rep) {
- lazy val Strip(vs, ua @ UnApply(app @ Apply(fxn, _ :: applyTail), args)) = head.tree
- object sameUnapplyCall {
- def sameFunction(fn1: Tree) = fxn.symbol == fn1.symbol && (fxn equalsStructure fn1)
- def unapply(t: Tree) = t match {
- case UnApply(Apply(fn1, _), args) if sameFunction(fn1) => Some(args)
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- def newVarCapture(pos: Position, tpe: Type)(implicit theOwner: Symbol) =
- newVar(pos, tpe, flags = scrut.flags)
- /** returns (unapply-call, success-rep, optional fail-rep*/
- final def getTransition(implicit theOwner: Symbol): Branch[UnapplyCall] = {
- val unapplyRes = newVarCapture(ua.pos, app.tpe)
- val rhs = Apply(fxn, :: applyTail) setType unapplyRes.tpe
- val zipped = pats zip rest.row
- val nrowsOther = zipped.tail flatMap {
- case (Stripped(sameUnapplyCall(_)), _) => Nil
- case (pat, r) => List(r insert pat)
- }
- def mkTransition(vdefs: List[Tree], ntemps: List[Symbol], nrows: List[Row]) =
- Branch(
- UnapplyCall(typedValDef(unapplyRes, rhs), vdefs),
- mkNewRep(ntemps, rest.temp, nrows),
- if (nrowsOther.isEmpty) None else Some(mkFail(nrowsOther))
- )
- // Second argument is number of dummies to prepend in the default case
- def mkNewRows(sameFilter: (List[Tree]) => List[Tree], dum: Int) =
- for ((pat @ Strip(vs, p), r) <- zipped) yield p match {
- case sameUnapplyCall(args) => r.insert2(sameFilter(args) ::: List(EmptyTree), vs, scrut.sym)
- case _ => r insert (getDummies(dum) ::: List(pat))
- }
- def mkGet(s: Symbol) = typedValDef(s, fn(ID(unapplyRes), nme.get))
- def mkVar(tpe: Type) = newVarCapture(ua.pos, tpe)
- import definitions.{ getProductArgs, productProj }
- // 0 args => Boolean, 1 => Option[T], >1 => Option[? <: ProductN[T1,...,Tn]]
- args.length match {
- case 0 =>
- mkTransition(Nil, Nil, mkNewRows((xs) => Nil, 0))
- case 1 =>
- val vsym = mkVar(app.tpe typeArgs 0)
- val nrows = mkNewRows(xs => List(xs.head), 1)
- val vdef = mkGet(vsym)
- mkTransition(List(vdef), List(vsym), nrows)
- case _ =>
- val uresGet = mkVar(app.tpe typeArgs 0)
- val vdefHead = mkGet(uresGet)
- val ts = getProductArgs(uresGet.tpe).get
- // val ts = analyzer.unapplyTypeListFromReturnType(uresGet.tpe)
- val nrows = mkNewRows(identity, ts.size)
- val (vdefs: List[Tree], vsyms: List[Symbol]) = List.unzip(
- for ((vtpe, i) <- to ts.size).toList)) yield {
- val vchild = mkVar(vtpe)
- val accSym = productProj(uresGet, i)
- val rhs = typer typed fn(ID(uresGet), accSym)
- (typedValDef(vchild, rhs), vchild)
- })
- mkTransition(vdefHead :: vdefs, vsyms, nrows)
- }
- } /* def getTransition(...) */
- final def tree(implicit theOwner: Symbol, failTree: Tree) = {
- val Branch(UnapplyCall(uacall, vdefs), srep, frep) = this.getTransition
- val succ = srep.toTree
- val fail = frep map (_.toTree) getOrElse (failTree)
- val cond =
- if (uacall.symbol.tpe.isBoolean) typer typed ID(uacall.symbol)
- else uacall.symbol IS_DEFINED
- typer typed (squeezedBlock(
- List(rep handleOuter uacall),
- IF(cond) THEN squeezedBlock(vdefs, succ) ELSE fail
- ))
- }
- override def toString = {
- "MixUnapply {\n pats: %s\n ua: %s\n}".format(
- pats, ua
- )
- }
- }
- /** handle sequence pattern and ArrayValue (but not star patterns)
- */
- sealed class MixSequence(val pats: Patterns, val rest: Rep)(implicit rep: RepFactory) extends RuleApplication(rep) {
- def compareOp = head.tpe member nme.lengthCompare // symbol for length comparison
- final def removeStar(xs: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
- xs.init ::: makeBind(xs.last.boundVariables, WILD(scrut.seqType)) :: Nil
- protected def getSubPatterns(len: Int, x: Tree): Option[List[Tree]] = x match {
- case av @ ArrayValue(_,xs) if (!isRightIgnoring(av) && xs.length == len) => Some(xs ::: List(EmptyTree))
- case av @ ArrayValue(_,xs) if ( isRightIgnoring(av) && xs.length == len+1) => Some(removeStar(xs)) // (*)
- case EmptyTree | Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => Some(getDummies(len+1))
- case _ => None
- }
- protected def makeSuccRep(vs: List[Symbol], tail: Symbol, nrows: List[Row])(implicit theOwner: Symbol) =
- rep.make(vs ::: tail :: rest.temp, nrows)
- /** True if x must be checked even if y failed to match after passing its length test
- * (the conditional supplied by getCond)
- */
- protected def mustCheck(x:Tree, y:Tree): Boolean =
- isDefaultPattern(x) || ((x, y) match {
- case (av @ ArrayValue(_,xs), bv @ ArrayValue(_,ys)) =>
- // if they are both right-ignoring, x must be more general if it has fewer literals - bug #889
- if (isRightIgnoring(av) && isRightIgnoring(bv) && xs.length < ys.length) true
- // otherwise, x is more general only if it is y plus a star
- else isRightIgnoring(av) && !isRightIgnoring(bv) && xs.length == ys.length+1 // see (*)
- case _ =>
- false
- })
- case class TransitionContext(f: TreeFunction2)
- // context (to be used in IF), success and failure Rep
- def getTransition(implicit theOwner: Symbol): Branch[TransitionContext] = {
- scrut assertIsSubtype head.tpe // scrut.tpe <:< column.head.tpe confirmed by assertion
- val av @ ArrayValue(_, xs) = head.tree
- val ys = if (isRightIgnoring(av)) xs.init else xs
- val vs = ys map (y => newVar(y.stripped.pos, scrut.elemType))
- def scrutineeCopy =
- lazy val tail = newVar(scrut.pos, scrut.seqType)
- lazy val lastBinding = typedValDef(tail, scrutineeCopy DROP ys.size)
- def elemAt(i: Int) = typer typed ((scrutineeCopy DOT (scrutineeCopy.tpe member nme.apply))(LIT(i)))
- val bindings =
- (vs.zipWithIndex map { case (v,i) => typedValDef(v, elemAt(i)) }) ::: List(lastBinding)
- val (nrows, frows) = List.unzip(
- for ((c, row) <- pats zip rest.row) yield getSubPatterns(ys.size, c) match {
- case Some(ps) => (Some(row insert ps), if (mustCheck(c, av)) Some(row insert c) else None)
- case None => (None, Some(row insert c))
- })
- val succ = makeSuccRep(vs, tail, nrows.flatMap(x => x))
- val fail = mkFail(frows flatMap (x => x))
- def context = (thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree) =>
- IF (getPrecondition(scrutineeCopy, xs.length)) THEN squeezedBlock(bindings, thenp) ELSE elsep
- Branch(TransitionContext(context), succ, Some(fail))
- }
- protected def lengthCheck(tree: Tree, len: Int, op: TreeFunction2) =
- typer typed op((tree.duplicate DOT compareOp)(LIT(len)), ZERO)
- // precondition for matching: sequence is exactly length of arg
- protected def getPrecondition(tree: Tree, lengthArg: Int) =
- lengthCheck(tree, lengthArg, _ ANY_== _)
- final def tree(implicit theOwner: Symbol, failTree: Tree) = {
- val Branch(TransitionContext(context), succ, Some(fail)) = this.getTransition
- context(succ.toTree, fail.toTree)
- }
- }
- /** handle sequence pattern and ArrayValue with star patterns
- */
- final class MixSequenceStar(pats: Patterns, rest:Rep)(implicit rep:RepFactory) extends MixSequence(pats, rest) {
- // in principle, we could optimize more, but variable binding gets complicated (@todo use finite state methods instead)
- override def getSubPatterns(minlen:Int, x:Tree) = x match {
- case av @ ArrayValue(_,xs) if (!isRightIgnoring(av) && xs.length == minlen) => // Seq(p1,...,pN)
- Some(xs ::: gen.mkNil :: EmptyTree :: Nil)
- case av @ ArrayValue(_,xs) if ( isRightIgnoring(av) && xs.length-1 == minlen) => // Seq(p1,...,pN,_*)
- Some( removeStar(xs) ::: EmptyTree :: Nil)
- case av @ ArrayValue(_,xs) if ( isRightIgnoring(av) && xs.length-1 < minlen) => // Seq(p1..,pJ,_*) J < N
- Some( getDummies(minlen + 1) ::: x :: Nil)
- case EmptyTree | Ident(nme.WILDCARD) =>
- Some( getDummies(minlen + 1 + 1))
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- override protected def makeSuccRep(vs:List[Symbol], tail:Symbol, nrows:List[Row])(implicit theOwner: Symbol) =
- mkNewRep(vs ::: List(tail), rest.temp, nrows)
- // precondition for matching - sequence is at least length of (arg - 1)
- // I believe the "- 1" is to remove the _* term.
- override protected def getPrecondition(tree: Tree, lengthArg: Int) =
- lengthCheck(tree, lengthArg - 1, _ ANY_>= _)
- }
- // @todo: equals test for same constant
- class MixEquals(val pats: Patterns, val rest: Rep)(implicit rep: RepFactory) extends RuleApplication(rep) {
- /** condition (to be used in IF), success and failure Rep */
- final def getTransition(implicit theOwner: Symbol): (Branch[Tree], Symbol) = {
- val vlue = (head.tpe: @unchecked) match {
- case TypeRef(_,_,List(SingleType(pre,sym))) => REF(pre, sym)
- case TypeRef(_,_,List(PseudoType(o))) => o.duplicate
- }
- assert(vlue.tpe ne null, "value tpe is null")
- val vs = head.boundVariables
- val nsuccFst = rest.row.head.insert2(List(EmptyTree), vs, scrut.sym)
- val failLabel = theOwner.newLabel(scrut.pos, newName(scrut.pos, "failCont%")) // warning, untyped
- val sx = rep shortCut failLabel // register shortcut
- val nsuccRow = nsuccFst :: Row(getDummies( 1 /* scrutinee */ + rest.temp.length), NoBinding, NoGuard, sx) :: Nil
- // todo: optimize if no guard, and no further tests
- val nsucc = mkNewRep(Nil, rest.temp, nsuccRow)
- val nfail = mkFail(List.map2(rest.row.tail, insert _))
- (Branch(typer typed ( ANY_== vlue), nsucc, Some(nfail)), failLabel)
- }
- final def tree(implicit theOwner: Symbol, failTree: Tree) = {
- val (Branch(cond, srep, Some(frep)), failLabel) = this.getTransition
- val cond2 = typer typed (rep handleOuter cond)
- val fail = typer typed frep.toTree
- failLabel setInfo MethodType(Nil, fail.tpe)
- typer typed { IF (cond2) THEN srep.toTree ELSE LabelDef(failLabel, Nil, fail) }
- }
- }
- /** mixture rule for type tests
- **/
- class MixTypes(val pats: Patterns, val rest: Rep)(implicit rep: RepFactory) extends RuleApplication(rep) {
- private def subpatterns(p: Tree): List[Tree] = p match {
- case Bind(_, p) => subpatterns(p)
- case app @ Apply(fn, ps) if app.tpe.isCaseClass && fn.isType => if (pats.isCaseHead) ps else pats.dummies
- case Apply(fn, xs) if !xs.isEmpty || fn.isType => abort("strange Apply")
- case _ => pats.dummies
- }
- // moreSpecific: more specific patterns
- // subsumed: more general patterns (subsuming current), row index and subpatterns
- // remaining: remaining, row index and pattern
- def join[T](xs: List[Option[T]]): List[T] = xs.flatMap(x => x)
- val (moreSpecific, subsumed, remaining) : (List[Tree], List[(Int, List[Tree])], List[(Int, Tree)]) = unzip3(
- for ((pat @ Stripped(spat), j) <- yield {
- def eqHead(tpe: Type) = pats.headType =:= tpe
- def alts(yes: Tree, no: Tree) = if (eqHead(pat.tpe)) yes else no
- lazy val isDef = isDefaultPattern(pat)
- lazy val cmp: TypeComparison = spat.tpe cmp pats.headType // contains type info about pattern's type vs. head pattern
- lazy val dummy = (j, pats.dummies)
- lazy val pass = (j, pat)
- lazy val subs = (j, subpatterns(pat))
- import cmp._ // imports xIsaY, etc.
- // each pattern will yield a triple of options corresponding to the three lists,
- // which will be flattened down to the values
- implicit def mkOpt[T](x: T): Option[T] = Some(x) // limits noise from Some(value)
- (spat match {
- case LIT(null) if !eqHead(spat.tpe) => (None, None, pass) // special case for constant null
- case _ if pats.isObjectTest(pat) => (EmptyTree, dummy, None) // matching an object
- case Typed(p @ Stripped(_: UnApply), _) if xIsaY => (p, dummy, None) // <:< is never <equals>
- case q @ Typed(pp, _) if xIsaY => (alts(pp, q), dummy, None) // never =:= for <equals>
- // this next line inflicted great suffering upon innocents
- // case z: UnApply => (None, None, pass)
- // XXX note - while removing the above line fixed the abhorrent "wrong answer" behavior
- // illustrated in bug #1697, it then led to "consistency problem in target generation"
- // failures with extractors in the first position (see classifyPat.)
- case z: UnApply => (EmptyTree, dummy, pass)
- case _ if erased.xIsaY || xIsaY && !isDef => (alts(EmptyTree, pat), subs, None) // never =:= for <equals>
- case _ if erased.yIsaX || yIsaX || isDef => (EmptyTree, dummy, pass) // subsuming (matched *and* remaining pattern)
- case _ => (None, None, pass)
- }) : (Option[Tree], Option[(Int, List[Tree])], Option[(Int, Tree)])
- }
- ) match { case (x,y,z) => (join(x), join(y), join(z)) }
- override def toString = {
- "MixTypes(%s: %s) {\n moreSpecific: %s\n subsumed: %s\n remaining: %s\n}".format(
- scrut, scrut.tpe, moreSpecific, subsumed, remaining
- )
- }
- /** returns casted symbol, success matrix and optionally fail matrix for type test on the top of this column */
- final def getTransition(implicit theOwner: Symbol): Branch[Scrutinee] = {
- val casted = scrut casted pats.headType
- // succeeding => transition to translate(subsumed) (taking into account more specific)
- val nmatrix = {
- val ms = moreSpecific exists (_ != EmptyTree)
- val accessorTemps =
- if (!pats.isCaseHead) Nil
- else casted.accessors map (meth => newVar(scrut.pos, (casted.tpe memberType meth).resultType, scrut.flags))
- val subtestTemps = if (!ms) Nil else List(casted.sym)
- val subtests =
- if (!ms) subsumed
- else map { case (mspat, (j, pats)) => (j, mspat::pats) }
- val ntriples =
- for ((j, ps) <- subtests ; val Strip(vs, thePat) = pats(j)) yield
- (rest row j).insert2(ps, vs, casted.sym)
- rep.make(subtestTemps ::: accessorTemps ::: rest.temp, ntriples)
- }
- // fails => transition to translate(remaining)
- val nmatrixFail: Option[Rep] = {
- val ntriples = for ((j, pat) <- remaining) yield (rest row j) insert pat
- if (ntriples.isEmpty) None else Some(mkFail(ntriples))
- }
- Branch(casted, nmatrix, nmatrixFail)
- }
- final def tree(implicit theOwner: Symbol, failTree: Tree): Tree = {
- val Branch(casted, srep, frep) = this.getTransition
- val cond = condition(casted.tpe, scrut)
- val succ = srep.toTree
- val fail = frep map (_.toTree) getOrElse (failTree)
- // dig out case field accessors that were buried in (***)
- val cfa = if (!pats.isCaseHead) Nil else casted.accessors
- val caseTemps = srep.temp match { case x :: xs if x == casted.sym => xs ; case x => x }
- def needCast = if (casted.sym ne scrut.sym) List(VAL(casted.sym) === ( AS_ANY casted.tpe)) else Nil
- val vdefs = needCast ::: (
- for ((tmp, accessor) <- caseTemps zip cfa) yield
- typedValDef(tmp, typer typed fn(, accessor))
- )
- typer typed (IF (cond) THEN squeezedBlock(vdefs, succ) ELSE fail)
- }
- }
- case class Row(pat: List[Tree], subst: Bindings, guard: Guard, bx: Int) {
- def insert(h: Tree) = copy(pat = h :: pat)
- def insert(hs: List[Tree]) = copy(pat = hs ::: pat) // prepends supplied tree
- def replace(hs: List[Tree]) = copy(pat = hs) // substitutes for patterns
- def rebind(b: Bindings) = copy(subst = b) // substitutes for bindings
- def insert2(hs: List[Tree], vs: Iterable[Symbol], temp: Symbol) = // prepends and prepends
- copy(pat = hs ::: pat, subst = subst.add(vs, temp))
- def insert(p: Pattern) = copy(pat = p.tree :: pat) // transitioning to patterns
- /** returns true if the patterns in this row cover a type symbols "combination" and there is no guard
- * @param comb pairs of (column index, type symbol)
- */
- def covers(comb: List[Combo]) = {
- val results = for (Combo(i, sym) <- comb ; val p = pat(i).stripped) yield p match {
- case _ if isDefaultPattern(p) => true
- case _: UnApply | _: ArrayValue => true
- case _ => p.tpe coversSym sym
- }
- guard.isEmpty && (results forall (true ==))
- }
- // returns this row with alternatives expanded
- def expand(classifyPat: (Tree, Int) => Tree): List[Row] = {
- def isAlternative(p: Tree) = cond(p.stripped) { case Alternative(_) => true }
- def getAlternativeBranches(p: Tree): List[Tree] = {
- def get_BIND(pctx: TreeFunction1, p:Tree): List[Tree] = p match {
- case b @ Bind(n,p) => get_BIND((x: Tree) => pctx(treeCopy.Bind(b, n, x) setType x.tpe), p)
- case Alternative(ps) => ps map pctx
- }
- logAndReturn("get_BIND: ", get_BIND(x => x, p))
- }
- val indexOfAlternative = pat findIndexOf isAlternative
- val pats: List[Tree] = List.map2(pat, pat.indices.toList)(classifyPat)
- lazy val (prefix, alts :: suffix) = pats splitAt indexOfAlternative
- lazy val alternativeBranches = getAlternativeBranches(alts) map (x => replace(prefix ::: x :: suffix))
- if (indexOfAlternative == -1) List(replace(pats)) else alternativeBranches
- }
- override def toString() = {
- val patStr = pat.mkString
- val others = List(subst, guard) map (_.toString) filter (_ != "")
- val otherStr = if (others.isEmpty) "" else " // " + others.mkString(" ")
- "Row(%d) %s%s".format(bx, patStr, otherStr)
- }
- }
import collection.mutable.HashMap
- class RepFactory(val handleOuter: TreeFunction1, val typer: Typer) {
+ class MatchMatrix(context: MatchMatrixContext, failTree: Tree) {
+ import context._
var vss: List[List[Symbol]] = _
val labels: HashMap[Int, Symbol] = new HashMap
var targets: List[Tree] = _
var reached: BitSet = _
var shortCuts: List[Symbol] = _
- final def make(temp: List[Symbol], row:List[Row], targets: List[Tree], vss: List[List[Symbol]])(implicit theOwner: Symbol): Rep = {
+ final def make(temp: List[Symbol], row:List[Row], targets: List[Tree], vss: List[List[Symbol]]): Rep = {
// ensured that labels(i) eq null for all i, cleanup() has to be called after translation
this.vss = vss
@@ -724,7 +142,7 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
- final def cleanup(tree: Tree)(implicit theOwner: Symbol): Tree = {
+ final def cleanup(tree: Tree): Tree = {
// Extractors which can spot pure true/false expressions
// even through the haze of braces
abstract class SeeThroughBlocks[T] {
@@ -792,7 +210,7 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
/** first time bx is requested, a LabelDef is returned. next time, a jump.
* the function takes care of binding
- final def requestBody(bx: Int, subst: Bindings)(implicit theOwner: Symbol): Tree = {
+ final def requestBody(bx: Int, subst: Bindings): Tree = {
if (bx < 0) { // is shortcut
val jlabel = shortCuts(-bx-1)
return Apply(ID(jlabel), Nil)
@@ -801,15 +219,14 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
// might be bound elsewhere
val (vsyms, vdefs) : (List[Symbol], List[Tree]) = List.unzip(
for (v <- vss(bx) ; substv <- subst(v)) yield
- (v, typedValDef(v, substv)(typer))
+ (v, typedValDef(v, substv))
val body = targets(bx)
// @bug: typer is not able to digest a body of type Nothing being assigned result type Unit
val tpe = if (body.tpe.isNothing) body.tpe else resultType
- // val label = theOwner.newLabel(body.pos, "body%"+bx) setInfo MethodType(vsyms, tpe)
val newType = MethodType(vsyms, tpe)
- val label = theOwner.newLabel(body.pos, "body%"+bx) setInfo newType
+ val label = owner.newLabel(body.pos, "body%"+bx) setInfo newType
labels(bx) = label
return logAndReturn("requestBody(%d) first time: ".format(bx), squeezedBlock(vdefs, (
@@ -848,14 +265,14 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
cunit.error(body.pos, msg)
- def vds = for (v <- vss(bx) ; substv <- subst(v)) yield typedValDef(v, substv)(typer)
+ def vds = for (v <- vss(bx) ; substv <- subst(v)) yield typedValDef(v, substv)
if (isLabellable(body)) ID(label) APPLY (args)
else squeezedBlock(vds, body.duplicate setType resultType)
/** the injection here handles alternatives and unapply type tests */
- final def make(temp: List[Symbol], row1: List[Row])(implicit theOwner: Symbol): Rep = {
+ final def make(temp: List[Symbol], row1: List[Row]): Rep = {
// equals check: call singleType(NoPrefix, o.symbol) `stpe'. Then we could also return
// `typeRef(definitions.ScalaPackageClass.tpe, definitions.EqualsPatternClass, List(stpe))'
// and force an equality check. However, exhaustivity checking would not work anymore.
@@ -954,215 +371,822 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
) filterNot (_._2.isEmpty)
val strs = toPrint map { case (k, v) => " %s = %s\n".format(k, v) }
- if (toPrint.isEmpty) "RepFactory()"
- else "RepFactory(\n%s)".format(strs mkString)
+ if (toPrint.isEmpty) "MatchMatrix()"
+ else "MatchMatrix(\n%s)".format(strs mkString)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Encapsulates a symbol being matched on.
+ *
+ * sym match { ... }
+ *
+ * results in Scrutinee(sym).
+ *
+ * Note that we only ever match on Symbols, not Trees: a temporary variable
+ * is created for any expressions being matched on.
+ */
+ case class Scrutinee(val sym: Symbol) {
+ import definitions._
+ // presenting a face of our symbol
+ def tpe = sym.tpe
+ def pos = sym.pos
+ def accessors = sym.caseFieldAccessors
+ def id = ID(sym) // attributed ident
+ // tests
+ def isDefined = sym ne NoSymbol
+ def isSimple = tpe.isChar || tpe.isInt
+ // sequences
+ def seqType = tpe.widen baseType SeqClass
+ def elemType = tpe typeArgs 0 // can this happen? if (seqType == NoType) error("...")
+ // for propagating "unchecked" to synthetic vars
+ def flags: List[Long] = List(Flags.TRANS_FLAG) filter (sym hasFlag _)
+ def assertIsSubtype(other: Type) = assert(isSubType(tpe, other), "problem "+tpe+" not <: "+other)
+ def casted(headType: Type) =
+ if (tpe =:= headType) this
+ else new Scrutinee(newVar(pos, headType, flags = flags))
- }
- case class Combo(index: Int, sym: Symbol) {}
- case class SetCombo(index: Int, syms: Set[Symbol]) {}
- case class Branch[T](action: T, succ: Rep, fail: Option[Rep])
- case class UnapplyCall(ua: Tree, args: List[Tree])
+ case class Patterns(scrut: Scrutinee, ps: List[Pattern]) {
+ private lazy val column = ps map (_.tree)
+ lazy val head = ps.head
+ lazy val tail = Patterns(scrut, ps.tail)
+ lazy val last = ps.last
+ lazy val headType = head.tpeIfHead
+ lazy val isCaseHead = headType.isCaseClass
+ lazy val dummies = if (isCaseHead) getDummies(headType.typeSymbol.caseFieldAccessors.length) else Nil
+ lazy val size = ps.length
+ def apply(i: Int): Tree = ps(i).tree
+ def zip() = column.zipWithIndex
+ def zip[T](ys: List[T]) = column zip ys
+ def isObjectTest(pat: Pattern) = pat isObjectTest headType
+ def isObjectTest(pat: Tree) = Pattern(pat) isObjectTest headType
+ // an unapply for which we don't need a type test
+ def isUnapplyHead = cond (head.tree) { case __UnApply(_,tpe,_) => scrut.tpe <:< tpe }
+ def isSimpleSwitch: Boolean =
+ scrut.isSimple && ps.init.forall(_.isSimpleSwitchCandidate) &&
+ // TODO: This needs to also allow the case that the last is a compatible type pattern.
+ (last.isSimpleSwitchCandidate || last.isDefault)
+ def mkRule(rest: Rep): RuleApplication =
+ logAndReturn("mkRule: ", head match {
+ case x if x.isEquals => new MixEquals(this, rest)
+ case Pattern(x: ArrayValue) => if (x.isRightIgnoring) new MixSequenceStar(this, rest)
+ else new MixSequence(this, rest)
+ case _ if isSimpleSwitch => new MixLiterals(this, rest)
+ case _ if isUnapplyHead => new MixUnapply(this, rest)
+ case _ => new MixTypes(this, rest)
+ }
+ )
+ }
- case class Rep(val temp: List[Symbol], val row: List[Row]) {
- /** converts this to a tree - performs recursive call to translation in the process to get sub reps
+ /**
+ * Class encapsulating a guard expression in a pattern match:
+ * case ... if(tree) => ...
- final def toTree(implicit theOwner: Symbol, failTree: Tree, rep: RepFactory): Tree =
- this.applyRule.tree
- private def toUse(s: Symbol) =
- (s hasFlag Flags.MUTABLE) && // indicates that have not yet checked exhaustivity
- !(s hasFlag Flags.TRANS_FLAG) && // indicates @unchecked
- (s.tpe.typeSymbol hasFlag Flags.SEALED)
- // the superclass is taken if it is not abstract
- private def countSuper(s: Symbol): Set[Symbol] = if (s hasFlag Flags.ABSTRACT) emptySymbolSet else Set(s)
- private def countSymbol(s: Symbol): Set[Symbol] = candidates(s) ++ countSuper(s)
- private def candidates(s: Symbol): Set[Symbol] =
- if (s hasFlag Flags.SEALED) s.children flatMap countSymbol
- else emptySymbolSet
- private def setsToCombine: List[(Int, Set[Symbol])] =
- for ((sym, i) <- temp.zipWithIndex ; if toUse(sym)) yield {
- sym resetFlag Flags.MUTABLE
- (i, candidates(sym.tpe.typeSymbol))
- }
+ case class Guard(tree: Tree) {
+ def isEmpty = tree eq EmptyTree
+ def duplicate = Guard(tree.duplicate)
+ override def toString() = if (isEmpty) "" else " // if %s" format tree
+ }
+ val NoGuard = Guard(EmptyTree)
+ /** "The Mixture Rule"
+ {v=pat1, pats1 .. } {q1}
+ match {.. } {..}
+ {v=patn, patsn .. } {qn}
+ The is the real work-horse of the algorithm. There is some column whose top-most pattern is a
+ constructor. (Forsimplicity, itisdepicted above asthe left-most column, but anycolumn will do.)
+ The goal is to build a test state with the variablevand some outgoing arcs (one for each construc-
+ tor and possibly a default arc). Foreach constructorcin the selected column, its arc is defined as
+ follows:
+ Let {i1,...,ij} be the row-indices of the patterns in the column that matchc. Since the pat-
+ terns are viewed as regular expressions, this will be the indices of the patterns that either
+ have the same constructor c, or are wildcards.
+ Let {pat1,...,patj} be the patterns in the column corresponding to the indices computed
+ above, and let nbe the arity of the constructor c, i.e. the number of sub-patterns it has. For
+ eachpati, its n sub-patterns are extracted; if pat i is a wildcard, nwildcards are produced
+ instead, each tagged with the right path variable. This results in a pattern matrix with n
+ columns and j rows. This matrix is then appended to the result of selecting, from each col-
+ umn in the rest of the original matrix, those rows whose indices are in {i1,...,ij}. Finally
+ the indices are used to select the corresponding final states that go with these rows. Note
+ that the order of the indices is significant; selected rows do not change their relative orders.
+ The arc for the constructor c is now defined as (c’,state), where c’ is cwith any
+ immediate sub-patterns replaced by their path variables (thus c’ is a simple pattern), and
+ state is the result of recursively applying match to the new matrix and the new sequence
+ of final states.
+ Finally, the possibility for matching failure is considered. If the set of constructors is exhaustive,
+ then no more arcs are computed. Otherwise, a default arc(_,state)is the last arc. If there are
+ any wildcard patterns in the selected column, then their rows are selected from the rest of the
+ matrix and the final states, and the state is the result of applying match to the new matrix and
+ states. Otherwise,the error state is used after its reference count has been incremented.
+ **/
+ /** picks which rewrite rule to apply
+ * @precondition: column does not contain alternatives (ensured by initRep)
+ */
+ def MixtureRule(scrut: Scrutinee, column: List[Tree], rest: Rep): RuleApplication =
+ Patterns(scrut, column map Pattern) mkRule rest
+ sealed abstract class RuleApplication {
+ def pats: Patterns
+ def rest: Rep
+ lazy val Patterns(scrut, patterns) = pats
+ lazy val head = pats.head
+ private lazy val sym = scrut.sym
+ def mkFail(xs: List[Row]) =
+ make(sym :: rest.temp, xs)
+ def mkNewRep(pre: List[Symbol], post: List[Symbol], rows: List[Row]) =
+ make(pre ::: sym :: post, rows)
+ /** translate outcome of the rule application into code (possible involving recursive application of rewriting) */
+ def tree(): Tree
+ }
+ case class ErrorRule() extends RuleApplication {
+ def pats: Patterns = impossible
+ def rest: Rep = impossible
+ final def tree() = failTree
+ }
+ /** {case ... if guard => bx} else {guardedRest} */
+ /** VariableRule: The top-most row has only variable (non-constructor) patterns. */
+ case class VariableRule(subst: Bindings, guard: Guard, guardedRest: Rep, bx: Int) extends RuleApplication {
+ def pats: Patterns = impossible
+ def rest: Rep = guardedRest
- // computes cartesian product, keeps indices available
- private def combine(colcom: List[(Int, Set[Symbol])]): List[List[Combo]] = colcom match {
- case Nil => Nil
- case (i, syms) :: Nil => syms.toList map (s => List(Combo(i, s)))
- case (i, syms) :: cs => for (s <- syms.toList; rest <- combine(cs)) yield Combo(i, s) :: rest
+ final def tree(): Tree = {
+ def body = requestBody(bx, subst)
+ def guardTest = IF (guard.duplicate.tree) THEN body ELSE guardedRest.toTree
+ typer typed(
+ if (guard.isEmpty) body
+ else squeezedBlock(subst.targetParams(typer), guardTest)
+ )
+ }
- private def comboCovers(combo: List[Combo]) = row exists (_ covers combo)
+ /** mixture rule for literals
+ */
+ class MixLiterals(val pats: Patterns, val rest: Rep) extends RuleApplication {
+ // e.g. (1,1) (1,3) (42,2) for column { case ..1.. => ;; case ..42..=> ;; case ..1.. => }
+ var defaultV: Set[Symbol] = emptySymbolSet
+ var defaultIndexSet = new BitSet(pats.size)
+ def insertDefault(tag: Int, vs: Traversable[Symbol]) {
+ defaultIndexSet += tag
+ defaultV = defaultV ++ vs
+ }
+ def haveDefault: Boolean = !defaultIndexSet.isEmpty
+ def defaultRows: List[Row] = defaultIndexSet.toList reverseMap grabRow
- def init: this.type = {
- val allcomb = combine(setsToCombine)
- if (allcomb forall comboCovers) return this
+ protected var tagIndices = IntMap.empty[List[Int]]
+ protected def grabRow(index: Int): Row = {
+ val r = rest.row(index)
+ if (defaultV.isEmpty) r
+ else r.insert2(Nil, pats(index).boundVariables, scrut.sym) // get vars
+ }
- // if we reach here, patterns were not exhaustive
- def mkPad(xs: List[Combo], i: Int): String = xs match {
- case Nil => pad("*")
- case Combo(j, sym) :: rest => if (j == i) pad( else mkPad(rest, i)
+ /** inserts row indices using in to list of tagIndices */
+ protected def tagIndicesToReps() : List[(Int, Rep)] =
+ tagIndices map { case (k, v) => (k, make(rest.temp, (v reverseMap grabRow) ::: defaultRows)) } toList
+ protected def defaultsToRep() = make(rest.temp, defaultRows)
+ protected def insertTagIndexPair(tag: Int, index: Int) =
+ tagIndices = tagIndices.update(tag, index :: tagIndices.getOrElse(tag, Nil))
+ /** returns
+ * @return list of continuations,
+ * @return variables bound to default continuation,
+ * @return optionally, a default continuation
+ **/
+ def getTransition(): (List[(Int,Rep)], Set[Symbol], Option[Rep]) =
+ (tagIndicesToReps, defaultV, if (haveDefault) Some(defaultsToRep) else None)
+ val varMap: List[(Int, List[Symbol])] =
+ (for ((x, i) <- yield x.stripped match {
+ case p @ LIT(c: Int) => insertTagIndexPair(c, i) ; Some(c, definedVars(x))
+ case p @ LIT(c: Char) => insertTagIndexPair(c.toInt, i) ; Some(c.toInt, definedVars(x))
+ case p if isDefaultPattern(p) => insertDefault(i, x.boundVariables) ; None
+ }) flatMap (x => x) reverse
+ // lazy
+ private def bindVars(Tag: Int, orig: Bindings): Bindings = {
+ def myBindVars(rest:List[(Int,List[Symbol])], bnd: Bindings): Bindings = rest match {
+ case Nil => bnd
+ case (Tag,vs)::xs => myBindVars(xs, bnd.add(vs, scrut.sym))
+ case (_, vs)::xs => myBindVars(xs, bnd)
+ }
+ myBindVars(varMap, orig)
- def mkMissingStr(open: List[Combo]) =
- "missing combination " +, _)).mkString + "\n"
- val missingCombos = (allcomb filter (open => row.forall(!_.covers(open))) map mkMissingStr).mkString
- cunit.warning(temp.head.pos, "match is not exhaustive!\n" + missingCombos)
- this
+ final def tree(): Tree = {
+ val (branches, defaultV, defaultRep) = this.getTransition // tag body pairs
+ val cases = for ((tag, r) <- branches) yield {
+ val r2 = make(r.temp, r.row map (x => x rebind bindVars(tag, x.subst)))
+ CASE(Literal(tag)) ==> r2.toTree
+ }
+ lazy val ndefault = defaultRep map (_.toTree) getOrElse (failTree)
+ lazy val casesWithDefault = cases ::: List(CASE(WILD(definitions.IntClass.tpe)) ==> ndefault)
+ cases match {
+ case CaseDef(lit,_,body) :: Nil => IF ( ANY_== lit) THEN body ELSE ndefault
+ case _ =>
+ val target: Tree = if (scrut.tpe.isChar) DOT nme.toInt else // chars to ints
+ target MATCH (casesWithDefault: _*)
+ }
+ }
+ override def toString = {
+ "MixLiterals {\n pats: %s\n varMap: %s\n}".format(
+ pats, varMap
+ )
+ }
- /* internal representation is (temp:List[Symbol], row:List[Row])
- *
- * tmp1 tmp_m
+ /** mixture rule for unapply pattern
- final def applyRule(implicit theOwner: Symbol, rep: RepFactory): RuleApplication = {
- def dropIndex[T](xs: List[T], n: Int) = (xs take n) ::: (xs drop (n + 1))
- row match {
- case Nil => ErrorRule()
- case Row(pats, subst, g, bx) :: xs =>
- var bnd = subst
- for (((rpat, t), px) <- pats zip temp zipWithIndex) {
- val Strip(vs, p) = rpat
- if (isDefaultPattern(p)) bnd = bnd.add(vs, t)
- else {
- // Row( _ ... _ p_1i ... p_1n g_m b_m ) :: rows
- // cut out column px that contains the non-default pattern
- val column = rpat :: (row.tail map (_ pat px))
- val restTemp = dropIndex(temp, px)
- val restRows = row map (r => r replace dropIndex(r.pat, px))
- val mr = MixtureRule(new Scrutinee(t), column, rep.make(restTemp, restRows))
- // TRACE("Mixture rule is = " + mr.getClass)
- return mr
- }
+ class MixUnapply(val pats: Patterns, val rest: Rep) extends RuleApplication {
+ lazy val Strip(vs, ua @ UnApply(app @ Apply(fxn, _ :: applyTail), args)) = head.tree
+ object sameUnapplyCall {
+ def sameFunction(fn1: Tree) = fxn.symbol == fn1.symbol && (fxn equalsStructure fn1)
+ def unapply(t: Tree) = t match {
+ case UnApply(Apply(fn1, _), args) if sameFunction(fn1) => Some(args)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ def newVarCapture(pos: Position, tpe: Type) =
+ newVar(pos, tpe, flags = scrut.flags)
+ /** returns (unapply-call, success-rep, optional fail-rep*/
+ final def getTransition(): Branch[UnapplyCall] = {
+ val unapplyRes = newVarCapture(ua.pos, app.tpe)
+ val rhs = Apply(fxn, :: applyTail) setType unapplyRes.tpe
+ val zipped = pats zip rest.row
+ val nrowsOther = zipped.tail flatMap {
+ case (Stripped(sameUnapplyCall(_)), _) => Nil
+ case (pat, r) => List(r insert pat)
+ }
+ def mkTransition(vdefs: List[Tree], ntemps: List[Symbol], nrows: List[Row]) =
+ Branch(
+ UnapplyCall(typedValDef(unapplyRes, rhs), vdefs),
+ mkNewRep(ntemps, rest.temp, nrows),
+ if (nrowsOther.isEmpty) None else Some(mkFail(nrowsOther))
+ )
+ // Second argument is number of dummies to prepend in the default case
+ def mkNewRows(sameFilter: (List[Tree]) => List[Tree], dum: Int) =
+ for ((pat @ Strip(vs, p), r) <- zipped) yield p match {
+ case sameUnapplyCall(args) => r.insert2(sameFilter(args) ::: List(EmptyTree), vs, scrut.sym)
+ case _ => r insert (getDummies(dum) ::: List(pat))
- // Row( _ ... _ g_1 b_1 ) :: rows it's all default patterns
- val rest = if (g.isEmpty) null else rep.make(temp, xs) // TODO - why null?
- VariableRule (bnd, g, rest, bx)
+ def mkGet(s: Symbol) = typedValDef(s, fn(ID(unapplyRes), nme.get))
+ def mkVar(tpe: Type) = newVarCapture(ua.pos, tpe)
+ import definitions.{ getProductArgs, productProj }
+ // 0 args => Boolean, 1 => Option[T], >1 => Option[? <: ProductN[T1,...,Tn]]
+ args.length match {
+ case 0 =>
+ mkTransition(Nil, Nil, mkNewRows((xs) => Nil, 0))
+ case 1 =>
+ val vsym = mkVar(app.tpe typeArgs 0)
+ val nrows = mkNewRows(xs => List(xs.head), 1)
+ val vdef = mkGet(vsym)
+ mkTransition(List(vdef), List(vsym), nrows)
+ case _ =>
+ val uresGet = mkVar(app.tpe typeArgs 0)
+ val vdefHead = mkGet(uresGet)
+ val ts = getProductArgs(uresGet.tpe).get
+ val nrows = mkNewRows(identity, ts.size)
+ val (vdefs: List[Tree], vsyms: List[Symbol]) = List.unzip(
+ for ((vtpe, i) <- to ts.size).toList)) yield {
+ val vchild = mkVar(vtpe)
+ val accSym = productProj(uresGet, i)
+ val rhs = typer typed fn(ID(uresGet), accSym)
+ (typedValDef(vchild, rhs), vchild)
+ })
+ mkTransition(vdefHead :: vdefs, vsyms, nrows)
+ }
+ } /* def getTransition(...) */
+ final def tree() = {
+ val Branch(UnapplyCall(uacall, vdefs), srep, frep) = this.getTransition
+ val succ = srep.toTree
+ val fail = frep map (_.toTree) getOrElse (failTree)
+ val cond =
+ if (uacall.symbol.tpe.isBoolean) ID(uacall.symbol)
+ else uacall.symbol IS_DEFINED
+ typer typed squeezedBlock(
+ List(handleOuter(uacall)),
+ IF (cond) THEN squeezedBlock(vdefs, succ) ELSE fail
+ )
+ }
+ override def toString = {
+ "MixUnapply {\n pats: %s\n ua: %s\n}".format(
+ pats, ua
+ )
- // a fancy toString method for debugging
- override def toString() = {
- val tempStr = (temp map (t => pad(
- val underlines = tempStr.replaceAll("""\S""", "-")
- val rowStr = (
- for (Row(pat, subst, guard, bx) <- row) yield {
- val extraStr: String = guard.toString + subst
- "%s %s\n".format(pat map pad mkString, extraStr)
+ /** handle sequence pattern and ArrayValue (but not star patterns)
+ */
+ sealed class MixSequence(val pats: Patterns, val rest: Rep) extends RuleApplication {
+ final def removeStar(xs: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
+ xs.init ::: makeBind(xs.last.boundVariables, WILD(scrut.seqType)) :: Nil
+ protected def getSubPatterns(len: Int, x: Tree): Option[List[Tree]] = x match {
+ case av @ ArrayValue(_,xs) if (!isRightIgnoring(av) && xs.length == len) => Some(xs ::: List(EmptyTree))
+ case av @ ArrayValue(_,xs) if ( isRightIgnoring(av) && xs.length == len+1) => Some(removeStar(xs)) // (*)
+ case EmptyTree | Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => Some(getDummies(len+1))
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ protected def makeSuccRep(vs: List[Symbol], tail: Symbol, nrows: List[Row]) =
+ make(vs ::: tail :: rest.temp, nrows)
+ /** True if x must be checked even if y failed to match after passing its length test
+ * (the conditional supplied by getPrecondition)
+ */
+ protected def mustCheck(x:Tree, y:Tree): Boolean =
+ isDefaultPattern(x) || cond((x, y)) {
+ case (av @ ArrayValue(_, xs), bv @ ArrayValue(_, ys)) if isRightIgnoring(av) =>
+ ( isRightIgnoring(bv) && xs.length < ys.length ) || // see bug #889
+ (!isRightIgnoring(bv) && xs.length == ys.length + 1)
- ) mkString
- if (temp.size == 0) "Rep(%dx%d)".format(temp.size, row.size)
- else "Rep(%dx%d)\n%s\n%s\n%s".format(temp.size, row.size, tempStr, underlines, rowStr)
+ case class TransitionContext(f: TreeFunction2)
+ // context (to be used in IF), success and failure Rep
+ def getTransition(): Branch[TransitionContext] = {
+ scrut assertIsSubtype head.tpe // scrut.tpe <:< column.head.tpe confirmed by assertion
+ val av @ ArrayValue(_, xs) = head.tree
+ val ys = if (isRightIgnoring(av)) xs.init else xs
+ val vs = ys map (y => newVar(y.stripped.pos, scrut.elemType))
+ def scrutineeCopy =
+ lazy val tail = newVar(scrut.pos, scrut.seqType)
+ lazy val lastBinding = typedValDef(tail, scrutineeCopy DROP ys.size)
+ def elemAt(i: Int) = typer typed ((scrutineeCopy DOT (scrutineeCopy.tpe member nme.apply))(LIT(i)))
+ val bindings =
+ (vs.zipWithIndex map { case (v,i) => typedValDef(v, elemAt(i)) }) ::: List(lastBinding)
+ val (nrows, frows) = List.unzip(
+ for ((c, row) <- pats zip rest.row) yield getSubPatterns(ys.size, c) match {
+ case Some(ps) => (Some(row insert ps), if (mustCheck(c, av)) Some(row insert c) else None)
+ case None => (None, Some(row insert c))
+ })
+ val succ = makeSuccRep(vs, tail, nrows flatMap (x => x))
+ val fail = mkFail(frows flatMap (x => x))
+ def transition = (thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree) =>
+ IF (getPrecondition(scrutineeCopy, xs.length)) THEN squeezedBlock(bindings, thenp) ELSE elsep
+ Branch(TransitionContext(transition), succ, Some(fail))
+ }
+ protected def lengthCheck(tree: Tree, len: Int, op: TreeFunction2) = {
+ def compareOp = head.tpe member nme.lengthCompare // symbol for "lengthCompare" method
+ typer typed op((tree.duplicate DOT compareOp)(LIT(len)), ZERO)
+ }
+ // precondition for matching: sequence is exactly length of arg
+ protected def getPrecondition(tree: Tree, lengthArg: Int) =
+ lengthCheck(tree, lengthArg, _ ANY_== _)
+ final def tree() = {
+ val Branch(TransitionContext(transition), succ, Some(fail)) = this.getTransition
+ transition(succ.toTree, fail.toTree)
+ }
+ }
+ /** handle sequence pattern and ArrayValue with star patterns
+ */
+ final class MixSequenceStar(pats: Patterns, rest:Rep) extends MixSequence(pats, rest) {
+ // in principle, we could optimize more, but variable binding gets complicated (@todo use finite state methods instead)
+ override def getSubPatterns(minlen: Int, x: Tree) = x match {
+ case av @ ArrayValue(_,xs) if (!isRightIgnoring(av) && xs.length == minlen) => // Seq(p1,...,pN)
+ Some(xs ::: gen.mkNil :: EmptyTree :: Nil)
+ case av @ ArrayValue(_,xs) if ( isRightIgnoring(av) && xs.length-1 == minlen) => // Seq(p1,...,pN,_*)
+ Some( removeStar(xs) ::: EmptyTree :: Nil)
+ case av @ ArrayValue(_,xs) if ( isRightIgnoring(av) && xs.length-1 < minlen) => // Seq(p1..,pJ,_*) J < N
+ Some( getDummies(minlen + 1) ::: x :: Nil)
+ case EmptyTree | Ident(nme.WILDCARD) =>
+ Some( getDummies(minlen + 1 + 1))
+ case _ =>
+ None
+ }
+ override protected def makeSuccRep(vs: List[Symbol], tail: Symbol, nrows: List[Row]) =
+ mkNewRep(vs ::: List(tail), rest.temp, nrows)
+ // precondition for matching - sequence is at least length of (arg - 1)
+ // I believe the "- 1" is to remove the _* term.
+ override protected def getPrecondition(tree: Tree, lengthArg: Int) =
+ lengthCheck(tree, lengthArg - 1, _ ANY_>= _)
- private val NPAD = 15
+ // @todo: equals test for same constant
+ class MixEquals(val pats: Patterns, val rest: Rep) extends RuleApplication {
+ /** condition (to be used in IF), success and failure Rep */
+ final def getTransition(): (Branch[Tree], Symbol) = {
+ val vlue = (head.tpe: @unchecked) match {
+ case TypeRef(_,_,List(SingleType(pre,sym))) => REF(pre, sym)
+ case TypeRef(_,_,List(PseudoType(o))) => o.duplicate
+ }
+ assert(vlue.tpe ne null, "value tpe is null")
+ val vs = head.boundVariables
+ val nsuccFst = rest.row.head.insert2(List(EmptyTree), vs, scrut.sym)
+ val failLabel = owner.newLabel(scrut.pos, newName(scrut.pos, "failCont%")) // warning, untyped
+ val sx = shortCut(failLabel) // register shortcut
+ val nsuccRow = nsuccFst :: Row(getDummies( 1 /* scrutinee */ + rest.temp.length), NoBinding, NoGuard, sx) :: Nil
+ // todo: optimize if no guard, and no further tests
+ val nsucc = mkNewRep(Nil, rest.temp, nsuccRow)
+ val nfail = mkFail(List.map2(rest.row.tail, insert _))
+ (Branch(typer typed ( ANY_== vlue), nsucc, Some(nfail)), failLabel)
+ }
- private def typeToString(t: Type): String = t match {
- case NoType => "x"
- case x => x.toString
+ final def tree() = {
+ val (Branch(cond, srep, Some(frep)), failLabel) = this.getTransition
+ val fail = typer typed frep.toTree
+ failLabel setInfo MethodType(Nil, fail.tpe)
+ typer typed(
+ IF (handleOuter(cond)) THEN srep.toTree ELSE LabelDef(failLabel, Nil, fail)
+ )
+ }
- private def symbolToString(s: Symbol): String = s match {
- case x => x.toString
+ /** mixture rule for type tests
+ **/
+ class MixTypes(val pats: Patterns, val rest: Rep) extends RuleApplication {
+ private def subpatterns(p: Tree): List[Tree] = p match {
+ case Bind(_, p) => subpatterns(p)
+ case app @ Apply(fn, ps) if app.tpe.isCaseClass && fn.isType => if (pats.isCaseHead) ps else pats.dummies
+ case Apply(fn, xs) if !xs.isEmpty || fn.isType => abort("strange Apply")
+ case _ => pats.dummies
+ }
+ // moreSpecific: more specific patterns
+ // subsumed: more general patterns (subsuming current), row index and subpatterns
+ // remaining: remaining, row index and pattern
+ def join[T](xs: List[Option[T]]): List[T] = xs.flatMap(x => x)
+ val (moreSpecific, subsumed, remaining) : (List[Tree], List[(Int, List[Tree])], List[(Int, Tree)]) = unzip3(
+ for ((pat @ Stripped(spat), j) <- yield {
+ def eqHead(tpe: Type) = pats.headType =:= tpe
+ def alts(yes: Tree, no: Tree) = if (eqHead(pat.tpe)) yes else no
+ lazy val isDef = isDefaultPattern(pat)
+ lazy val cmp: TypeComparison = spat.tpe cmp pats.headType // contains type info about pattern's type vs. head pattern
+ lazy val dummy = (j, pats.dummies)
+ lazy val pass = (j, pat)
+ lazy val subs = (j, subpatterns(pat))
+ import cmp._ // imports xIsaY, etc.
+ // each pattern will yield a triple of options corresponding to the three lists,
+ // which will be flattened down to the values
+ implicit def mkOpt[T](x: T): Option[T] = Some(x) // limits noise from Some(value)
+ (spat match {
+ case LIT(null) if !eqHead(spat.tpe) => (None, None, pass) // special case for constant null
+ case _ if pats.isObjectTest(pat) => (EmptyTree, dummy, None) // matching an object
+ case Typed(p @ Stripped(_: UnApply), _) if xIsaY => (p, dummy, None) // <:< is never <equals>
+ case q @ Typed(pp, _) if xIsaY => (alts(pp, q), dummy, None) // never =:= for <equals>
+ // this next line inflicted great suffering upon innocents
+ // case z: UnApply => (None, None, pass)
+ // XXX note - while removing the above line fixed the abhorrent "wrong answer" behavior
+ // illustrated in bug #1697, it then led to "consistency problem in target generation"
+ // failures with extractors in the first position (see classifyPat.)
+ case z: UnApply => (EmptyTree, dummy, pass)
+ case _ if erased.xIsaY || xIsaY && !isDef => (alts(EmptyTree, pat), subs, None) // never =:= for <equals>
+ case _ if erased.yIsaX || yIsaX || isDef => (EmptyTree, dummy, pass) // subsuming (matched *and* remaining pattern)
+ case _ => (None, None, pass)
+ }) : (Option[Tree], Option[(Int, List[Tree])], Option[(Int, Tree)])
+ }
+ ) match { case (x,y,z) => (join(x), join(y), join(z)) }
+ override def toString = {
+ "MixTypes(%s: %s) {\n moreSpecific: %s\n subsumed: %s\n remaining: %s\n}".format(
+ scrut, scrut.tpe, moreSpecific, subsumed, remaining
+ )
+ }
+ /** returns casted symbol, success matrix and optionally fail matrix for type test on the top of this column */
+ final def getTransition(): Branch[Scrutinee] = {
+ val casted = scrut casted pats.headType
+ // succeeding => transition to translate(subsumed) (taking into account more specific)
+ val nmatrix = {
+ val ms = moreSpecific exists (_ != EmptyTree)
+ val accessorTemps =
+ if (!pats.isCaseHead) Nil
+ else casted.accessors map (meth => newVar(scrut.pos, (casted.tpe memberType meth).resultType, scrut.flags))
+ val subtestTemps = if (!ms) Nil else List(casted.sym)
+ val subtests =
+ if (!ms) subsumed
+ else map { case (mspat, (j, pats)) => (j, mspat::pats) }
+ val ntriples =
+ for ((j, ps) <- subtests ; val Strip(vs, thePat) = pats(j)) yield
+ (rest row j).insert2(ps, vs, casted.sym)
+ make(subtestTemps ::: accessorTemps ::: rest.temp, ntriples)
+ }
+ // fails => transition to translate(remaining)
+ val nmatrixFail: Option[Rep] = {
+ val ntriples = for ((j, pat) <- remaining) yield (rest row j) insert pat
+ if (ntriples.isEmpty) None else Some(mkFail(ntriples))
+ }
+ Branch(casted, nmatrix, nmatrixFail)
+ }
+ final def tree(): Tree = {
+ val Branch(casted, srep, frep) = this.getTransition
+ val cond = condition(casted.tpe, scrut)
+ val succ = srep.toTree
+ val fail = frep map (_.toTree) getOrElse (failTree)
+ // dig out case field accessors that were buried in (***)
+ val cfa = if (!pats.isCaseHead) Nil else casted.accessors
+ val caseTemps = srep.temp match { case x :: xs if x == casted.sym => xs ; case x => x }
+ def needCast = if (casted.sym ne scrut.sym) List(VAL(casted.sym) === ( AS_ANY casted.tpe)) else Nil
+ val vdefs = needCast ::: (
+ for ((tmp, accessor) <- caseTemps zip cfa) yield
+ typedValDef(tmp, typer typed fn(, accessor))
+ )
+ typer typed (IF (cond) THEN squeezedBlock(vdefs, succ) ELSE fail)
+ }
- private def treeToString(t: Tree): String = t.stripped match {
- case EmptyTree => "?"
- case WILD() => "_"
- case Literal(Constant(x)) => "LIT(%s)".format(x)
- case Apply(fn, args) => "%s(%s)".format(treeToString(fn), args map treeToString mkString ",")
- case x: TypeTree => "TT(%s)".format(symbolToString(x.symbol))
- case Typed(expr, tpt) => "%s: %s".format(treeToString(expr), treeToString(tpt))
- case x => x.toString + " (" + x.getClass + ")"
+ case class Row(pat: List[Tree], subst: Bindings, guard: Guard, bx: Int) {
+ def insert(h: Tree) = copy(pat = h :: pat)
+ def insert(hs: List[Tree]) = copy(pat = hs ::: pat) // prepends supplied tree
+ def replace(hs: List[Tree]) = copy(pat = hs) // substitutes for patterns
+ def rebind(b: Bindings) = copy(subst = b) // substitutes for bindings
+ def insert2(hs: List[Tree], vs: Iterable[Symbol], temp: Symbol) = // prepends and prepends
+ copy(pat = hs ::: pat, subst = subst.add(vs, temp))
+ def insert(p: Pattern) = copy(pat = p.tree :: pat) // transitioning to patterns
+ /** returns true if the patterns in this row cover a type symbols "combination" and there is no guard
+ * @param comb pairs of (column index, type symbol)
+ */
+ def covers(comb: List[Combo]) = {
+ val results = for (Combo(i, sym) <- comb ; val p = pat(i).stripped) yield p match {
+ case _ if isDefaultPattern(p) => true
+ case _: UnApply | _: ArrayValue => true
+ case _ => p.tpe coversSym sym
+ }
+ guard.isEmpty && (results forall (true ==))
+ }
+ // returns this row with alternatives expanded
+ def expand(classifyPat: (Tree, Int) => Tree): List[Row] = {
+ def isAlternative(p: Tree) = cond(p.stripped) { case Alternative(_) => true }
+ def getAlternativeBranches(p: Tree): List[Tree] = {
+ def get_BIND(pctx: TreeFunction1, p:Tree): List[Tree] = p match {
+ case b @ Bind(n,p) => get_BIND((x: Tree) => pctx(treeCopy.Bind(b, n, x) setType x.tpe), p)
+ case Alternative(ps) => ps map pctx
+ }
+ logAndReturn("get_BIND: ", get_BIND(x => x, p))
+ }
+ val indexOfAlternative = pat findIndexOf isAlternative
+ val pats: List[Tree] = List.map2(pat, pat.indices.toList)(classifyPat)
+ lazy val (prefix, alts :: suffix) = pats splitAt indexOfAlternative
+ lazy val alternativeBranches = getAlternativeBranches(alts) map (x => replace(prefix ::: x :: suffix))
+ if (indexOfAlternative == -1) List(replace(pats)) else alternativeBranches
+ }
+ override def toString() = {
+ val patStr = pat.mkString
+ val others = List(subst, guard) map (_.toString) filter (_ != "")
+ val otherStr = if (others.isEmpty) "" else " // " + others.mkString(" ")
+ "Row(%d) %s%s".format(bx, patStr, otherStr)
+ }
+ case class Combo(index: Int, sym: Symbol) {}
+ case class SetCombo(index: Int, syms: Set[Symbol]) {}
+ case class Branch[T](action: T, succ: Rep, fail: Option[Rep])
+ case class UnapplyCall(ua: Tree, args: List[Tree])
+ case class Rep(val temp: List[Symbol], val row: List[Row]) {
+ /** converts this to a tree - performs recursive call to translation in the process to get sub reps
+ */
+ final def toTree(): Tree =
+ this.applyRule.tree
+ private def toUse(s: Symbol) =
+ (s hasFlag Flags.MUTABLE) && // indicates that have not yet checked exhaustivity
+ !(s hasFlag Flags.TRANS_FLAG) && // indicates @unchecked
+ (s.tpe.typeSymbol hasFlag Flags.SEALED)
+ // the superclass is taken if it is not abstract
+ private def countSuper(s: Symbol): Set[Symbol] = if (s hasFlag Flags.ABSTRACT) emptySymbolSet else Set(s)
+ private def countSymbol(s: Symbol): Set[Symbol] = candidates(s) ++ countSuper(s)
+ private def candidates(s: Symbol): Set[Symbol] =
+ if (s hasFlag Flags.SEALED) s.children flatMap countSymbol
+ else emptySymbolSet
+ private def setsToCombine: List[(Int, Set[Symbol])] =
+ for ((sym, i) <- temp.zipWithIndex ; if toUse(sym)) yield {
+ sym resetFlag Flags.MUTABLE
+ (i, candidates(sym.tpe.typeSymbol))
+ }
- private def pad(s: Any): String = pad(s match {
- case x: Tree => treeToString(x)
- // case x: AnyRef => x.toString + " (" + x.getClass + ")"
- case x => x.toString
- })
- private def pad(s: String): String = "%%%ds" format (NPAD - 1) format s
- }
+ // computes cartesian product, keeps indices available
+ private def combine(colcom: List[(Int, Set[Symbol])]): List[List[Combo]] = colcom match {
+ case Nil => Nil
+ case (i, syms) :: Nil => syms.toList map (s => List(Combo(i, s)))
+ case (i, syms) :: cs => for (s <- syms.toList; rest <- combine(cs)) yield Combo(i, s) :: rest
+ }
+ private def comboCovers(combo: List[Combo]) = row exists (_ covers combo)
- /** creates initial clause matrix
- */
- final def initRep(roots: List[Symbol], cases: List[Tree], rep: RepFactory)(implicit theOwner: Symbol) = {
- val (rows, targets, vss): (List[Option[Row]], List[Tree], List[List[Symbol]]) = unzip3(
- for ((CaseDef(pat, g, b), bx) <- cases.zipWithIndex) yield { // stash away pvars and bodies for later
- def mkRow(ps: List[Tree]) = Some(Row(ps, NoBinding, Guard(g), bx))
- def rowForPat: Option[Row] = pat match {
- case _ if roots.length <= 1 => mkRow(List(pat))
- case Apply(fn, pargs) => mkRow(pargs)
- case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => mkRow(getDummies(roots.length))
- case _ => None
+ def init: this.type = {
+ val allcomb = combine(setsToCombine)
+ if (allcomb forall comboCovers) return this
+ // if we reach here, patterns were not exhaustive
+ def mkPad(xs: List[Combo], i: Int): String = xs match {
+ case Nil => pad("*")
+ case Combo(j, sym) :: rest => if (j == i) pad( else mkPad(rest, i)
+ def mkMissingStr(open: List[Combo]) =
+ "missing combination " +, _)).mkString + "\n"
- (rowForPat, b, definedVars(pat))
+ val missingCombos = (allcomb filter (open => row.forall(!_.covers(open))) map mkMissingStr).mkString
+ cunit.warning(temp.head.pos, "match is not exhaustive!\n" + missingCombos)
+ this
- )
- // flatMap the list of options yields the list of values
- rep.make(roots, rows.flatMap(x => x), targets, vss)
- }
+ /* internal representation is (temp:List[Symbol], row:List[Row])
+ *
+ * tmp1 tmp_m
+ */
+ final def applyRule(): RuleApplication = {
+ def dropIndex[T](xs: List[T], n: Int) = (xs take n) ::: (xs drop (n + 1))
+ if (row.isEmpty)
+ return ErrorRule()
+ val Row(pats, subst, g, bx) :: xs = row
+ var bnd = subst
+ for (((rpat, t), px) <- pats zip temp zipWithIndex) {
+ val Strip(vs, p) = rpat
+ if (isDefaultPattern(p)) bnd = bnd.add(vs, t)
+ else {
+ // Row( _ ... _ p_1i ... p_1n g_m b_m ) :: rows
+ // cut out column px that contains the non-default pattern
+ val column = rpat :: (row.tail map (_ pat px))
+ val restTemp = dropIndex(temp, px)
+ val restRows = row map (r => r replace dropIndex(r.pat, px))
+ val mr = MixtureRule(new Scrutinee(t), column, make(restTemp, restRows))
+ // TRACE("Mixture rule is = " + mr.getClass)
+ return mr
+ }
+ }
+ // Row( _ ... _ g_1 b_1 ) :: rows it's all default patterns
+ val rest = if (g.isEmpty) null else make(temp, xs) // TODO - why null?
+ VariableRule(bnd, g, rest, bx)
+ }
- final def newVar(
- pos: Position,
- tpe: Type,
- flags: List[Long] = Nil,
- name: Name = null
- )(implicit theOwner: Symbol): Symbol = {
- val n: Name = if (name == null) newName(pos, "temp") else name
- // careful: pos has special meaning
- theOwner.newVariable(pos, n) setInfo tpe setFlag (0L /: flags)(_|_)
- }
+ // a fancy toString method for debugging
+ override def toString() = {
+ val tempStr = (temp map (t => pad(
+ val underlines = tempStr.replaceAll("""\S""", "-")
+ val rowStr = (
+ for (Row(pat, subst, guard, bx) <- row) yield {
+ val extraStr: String = guard.toString + subst
+ "%s %s\n".format(pat map pad mkString, extraStr)
+ }
+ ) mkString
- /** returns the condition in "if (cond) k1 else k2"
- */
- final def condition(tpe: Type, scrut: Scrutinee)(implicit typer: Typer, theOwner: Symbol, rep: RepFactory): Tree = {
- assert(scrut.isDefined)
- val cond = rep handleOuter (typer typed condition(tpe,
+ if (temp.size == 0) "Rep(%dx%d)".format(temp.size, row.size)
+ else "Rep(%dx%d)\n%s\n%s\n%s".format(temp.size, row.size, tempStr, underlines, rowStr)
+ }
- if (!needsOuterTest(tpe, scrut.tpe, theOwner)) cond
- else addOuterCondition(cond, tpe,, rep.handleOuter)
- }
+ private val NPAD = 15
- final def condition(tpe: Type, scrutTree: Tree)(implicit typer: Typer): Tree = {
- assert((tpe ne NoType) && (scrutTree.tpe ne NoType))
- def equalsRef = REF(tpe.termSymbol) ANY_== scrutTree
- def isInst = scrutTree IS tpe
- def isAnyRef(t: Type) = t <:< definitions.AnyRefClass.tpe
+ private def typeToString(t: Type): String = t match {
+ case NoType => "x"
+ case x => x.toString
+ }
+ private def symbolToString(s: Symbol): String = s match {
+ case x => x.toString
+ }
+ private def treeToString(t: Tree): String = t.stripped match {
+ case EmptyTree => "?"
+ case WILD() => "_"
+ case Literal(Constant(x)) => "LIT(%s)".format(x)
+ case Apply(fn, args) => "%s(%s)".format(treeToString(fn), args map treeToString mkString ",")
+ case x: TypeTree => "TT(%s)".format(symbolToString(x.symbol))
+ case Typed(expr, tpt) => "%s: %s".format(treeToString(expr), treeToString(tpt))
+ case x => x.toString + " (" + x.getClass + ")"
+ }
+ private def pad(s: Any): String = pad(s match {
+ case x: Tree => treeToString(x)
+ // case x: AnyRef => x.toString + " (" + x.getClass + ")"
+ case x => x.toString
+ })
+ private def pad(s: String): String = "%%%ds" format (NPAD - 1) format s
+ }
+ /** Executes the match algorithm. */
+ final def execute(roots: List[Symbol], cases: List[Tree]) = {
+ val (rows, targets, vss): (List[Option[Row]], List[Tree], List[List[Symbol]]) = unzip3(
+ for ((CaseDef(pat, g, b), bx) <- cases.zipWithIndex) yield { // stash away pvars and bodies for later
+ def mkRow(ps: List[Tree]) = Some(Row(ps, NoBinding, Guard(g), bx))
+ def rowForPat: Option[Row] = pat match {
+ case _ if roots.length <= 1 => mkRow(List(pat))
+ case Apply(fn, pargs) => mkRow(pargs)
+ case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => mkRow(getDummies(roots.length))
+ case _ => None
+ }
- tpe match {
- case ct: ConstantType => ct.value match { // constant
- case v @ Constant(null) if isAnyRef(scrutTree.tpe) => scrutTree ANY_EQ NULL
- case v => scrutTree ANY_== Literal(v)
+ (rowForPat, b, definedVars(pat))
- case _: SingletonType =>
- if (tpe.termSymbol.isModule) equalsRef // object
- else typer typed { if (tpe.prefix ne NoPrefix) isInst else equalsRef }
- case _ =>
- if (scrutTree.tpe <:< tpe && isAnyRef(tpe)) typer typed (scrutTree OBJ_!= NULL)
- else isInst
+ )
+ // flatMap the list of options yields the list of values
+ make(roots, rows.flatMap(x => x), targets, vss)
- }
- /** adds a test comparing the dynamic outer to the static outer */
- final def addOuterCondition(cond: Tree, tpe2test: Type, scrut: Tree, handleOuter: Tree=>Tree) = {
- val theRef = handleOuter(tpe2test match {
- case TypeRef(NoPrefix, _, _) => abort("assertion failed: NoPrefix")
- case TypeRef(ThisType(clazz), _, _) => THIS(clazz)
- case TypeRef(prefix, _, _) => REF(prefix.prefix, prefix.termSymbol)
- })
- outerAccessor(tpe2test.typeSymbol) match {
- case NoSymbol => ifDebug(cunit.warning(scrut.pos, "no outer acc for "+tpe2test.typeSymbol)) ; cond
- case outerAcc => cond AND (((scrut AS_ANY tpe2test) DOT outerAcc)() ANY_EQ theRef)
+ /** returns the condition in "if (cond) k1 else k2"
+ */
+ final def condition(tpe: Type, scrut: Scrutinee): Tree = {
+ assert(scrut.isDefined)
+ val cond = handleOuter(condition(tpe,
+ if (!needsOuterTest(tpe, scrut.tpe, owner)) cond
+ else addOuterCondition(cond, tpe,, handleOuter)
+ }
+ final def condition(tpe: Type, scrutTree: Tree): Tree = {
+ assert((tpe ne NoType) && (scrutTree.tpe ne NoType))
+ def isAnyRef(t: Type) = t <:< definitions.AnyRefClass.tpe
+ def useEqTest = tpe.termSymbol.isModule || (tpe.prefix eq NoPrefix)
+ typer typed (tpe match {
+ case ct: ConstantType => ct.value match {
+ case v @ Constant(null) if isAnyRef(scrutTree.tpe) => scrutTree ANY_EQ NULL
+ case v => scrutTree ANY_== Literal(v)
+ }
+ case _: SingletonType if useEqTest => REF(tpe.termSymbol) ANY_== scrutTree
+ case _ if scrutTree.tpe <:< tpe && isAnyRef(tpe) => scrutTree OBJ_!= NULL
+ case _ => scrutTree IS tpe
+ })
+ }
+ /** adds a test comparing the dynamic outer to the static outer */
+ final def addOuterCondition(cond: Tree, tpe2test: Type, scrut: Tree, handleOuter: Tree=>Tree) = {
+ val theRef = handleOuter(tpe2test match {
+ case TypeRef(NoPrefix, _, _) => abort("assertion failed: NoPrefix")
+ case TypeRef(ThisType(clazz), _, _) => THIS(clazz)
+ case TypeRef(prefix, _, _) => REF(prefix.prefix, prefix.termSymbol)
+ })
+ outerAccessor(tpe2test.typeSymbol) match {
+ case NoSymbol => ifDebug(cunit.warning(scrut.pos, "no outer acc for "+tpe2test.typeSymbol)) ; cond
+ case outerAcc => cond AND (((scrut AS_ANY tpe2test) DOT outerAcc)() ANY_EQ theRef)
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodes.scala
index be92626aef..4eabab920a 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodes.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/PatternNodes.scala
@@ -105,8 +105,6 @@ trait PatternNodes extends ast.TreeDSL
- final def DBG(x: => String) = if (settings.debug.value) Console.println(x)
final def getDummies(i: Int): List[Tree] = List.fill(i)(EmptyTree)
def makeBind(vs: List[Symbol], pat: Tree): Tree = vs match {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala
index 3fe0f908a9..c4c5cbf047 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala
@@ -5,6 +5,26 @@
// $Id$
+ * Simple pattern types:
+ *
+ * 1 Variable x
+ * 3 Literal 56
+ *
+ * Types which must be decomposed into conditionals and simple types:
+ *
+ * 2 Typed x: Int
+ * 4 Stable Identifier Bob
+ * 5 Constructor Symbol("abc")
+ * 6 Tuple (5, 5)
+ * 7 Extractor List(1, 2)
+ * 8 Sequence List(1, 2, _*)
+ * 9 Infix 5 :: xs
+ * 10 Alternative "foo" | "bar"
+ * 11 XML --
+ * 12 Regular Expression --
+ */
import util.Position
@@ -18,7 +38,7 @@ import scala.util.NameTransformer.decode
* @author Burak Emir
trait TransMatcher extends ast.TreeDSL with CompactTreePrinter {
- self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternNodes with ParallelMatching with CodeFactory =>
+ self: transform.ExplicitOuter with PatternNodes with ParallelMatching =>
import global.{ typer => _, _ }
import analyzer.Typer;
@@ -33,9 +53,95 @@ trait TransMatcher extends ast.TreeDSL with CompactTreePrinter {
final val settings_squeeze = settings.Xsqueeze.value == "on"
- // check special case Seq(p1,...,pk,_*)
- protected def isRightIgnoring(p: ArrayValue): Boolean =
- !p.elems.isEmpty && cond(unbind(p.elems.last)) { case Star(q) => isDefaultPattern(q) }
+ /** Contains data structures which the match algorithm implementation
+ * requires but which aren't essential to the algorithm itself.
+ */
+ case class MatchMatrixContext(
+ handleOuter: TreeFunction1,
+ typer: Typer,
+ owner: Symbol)
+ {
+ def newVar(
+ pos: Position,
+ tpe: Type,
+ flags: List[Long] = Nil,
+ name: Name = null): Symbol =
+ {
+ val n: Name = if (name == null) newName(pos, "temp") else name
+ // careful: pos has special meaning
+ owner.newVariable(pos, n) setInfo tpe setFlag (0L /: flags)(_|_)
+ }
+ def typedValDef(x: Symbol, rhs: Tree) = {
+ val finalRhs = x.tpe match {
+ case WildcardType =>
+ rhs setType null
+ x setInfo (typer typed rhs).tpe
+ rhs
+ case _ =>
+ typer.typed(rhs, x.tpe)
+ }
+ typer typed (VAL(x) === finalRhs)
+ }
+ def squeezedBlock(vds: List[Tree], exp: Tree): Tree =
+ if (settings_squeeze) Block(Nil, squeezedBlock1(vds, exp))
+ else Block(vds, exp)
+ private def squeezedBlock1(vds: List[Tree], exp: Tree): Tree = {
+ class RefTraverser(sym: Symbol) extends Traverser {
+ var nref, nsafeRef = 0
+ override def traverse(tree: Tree) = tree match {
+ case t: Ident if t.symbol eq sym =>
+ nref += 1
+ if (sym.owner == currentOwner) // oldOwner should match currentOwner
+ nsafeRef += 1
+ case LabelDef(_, args, rhs) =>
+ (args dropWhile(_.symbol ne sym)) match {
+ case Nil =>
+ case _ => nref += 2 // cannot substitute this one
+ }
+ traverse(rhs)
+ case t if nref > 1 => // abort, no story to tell
+ case t =>
+ super.traverse(t)
+ }
+ }
+ class Subst(sym: Symbol, rhs: Tree) extends Transformer {
+ var stop = false
+ override def transform(tree: Tree) = tree match {
+ case t: Ident if t.symbol == sym =>
+ stop = true
+ rhs
+ case _ => if (stop) tree else super.transform(tree)
+ }
+ }
+ lazy val squeezedTail = squeezedBlock(vds.tail, exp)
+ def default = squeezedTail match {
+ case Block(vds2, exp2) => Block(vds.head :: vds2, exp2)
+ case exp2 => Block(vds.head :: Nil, exp2)
+ }
+ if (vds.isEmpty) exp
+ else vds.head match {
+ case vd: ValDef =>
+ val sym = vd.symbol
+ val rt = new RefTraverser(sym)
+ rt.atOwner (owner) (rt traverse squeezedTail)
+ rt.nref match {
+ case 0 => squeezedTail
+ case 1 if rt.nsafeRef == 1 => new Subst(sym, vd.rhs) transform squeezedTail
+ case _ => default
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ default
+ }
+ }
+ }
/** handles all translation of pattern matching
@@ -44,12 +150,13 @@ trait TransMatcher extends ast.TreeDSL with CompactTreePrinter {
cases: List[CaseDef],
doCheckExhaustive: Boolean,
owner: Symbol,
- handleOuter: Tree => Tree)
- (implicit typer: Typer): Tree =
+ handleOuter: TreeFunction1,
+ localTyper: Typer): Tree =
- implicit val theOwner = owner
- implicit val rep = new RepFactory(handleOuter, typer)
- val flags = if (doCheckExhaustive) Nil else List(Flags.TRANS_FLAG)
+ val flags = if (doCheckExhaustive) Nil else List(Flags.TRANS_FLAG)
+ val context = MatchMatrixContext(handleOuter, localTyper, owner)
+ import context._
def matchError(obj: Tree) = atPos(selector.pos)(THROW(MatchErrorClass, obj))
def caseIsOk(c: CaseDef) = cond(c.pat) { case _: Apply | Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => true }
@@ -80,9 +187,9 @@ trait TransMatcher extends ast.TreeDSL with CompactTreePrinter {
(List(root), List(vdef), failTree)
- implicit val fail: Tree = theFailTree
- val irep = initRep(tmps, cases, rep)
- val mch = typer typed irep.toTree
+ val matrix = new MatchMatrix(context, theFailTree)
+ val rep = matrix.execute(tmps, cases)
+ val mch = typer typed rep.toTree
var dfatree = typer typed Block(vds, mch)
// TRACE("handlePattern(\n tmps = %s\n cases = %s\n rep = %s\n initRep = %s\n)",
@@ -91,9 +198,9 @@ trait TransMatcher extends ast.TreeDSL with CompactTreePrinter {
// cannot use squeezedBlock because of side-effects, see t275
for ((cs, bx) <- cases.zipWithIndex)
- if (!rep.isReached(bx)) cunit.error(cs.body.pos, "unreachable code")
+ if (!matrix.isReached(bx)) cunit.error(cs.body.pos, "unreachable code")
- dfatree = rep cleanup dfatree
+ dfatree = matrix cleanup dfatree
resetTraverser traverse dfatree
// TRACE("dfatree(2) = " + toCompactString(dfatree))
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
index a27f6989e1..bd5e71d23c 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ package
import symtab._
import Flags.{ CASE => _, _ }
-import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer}
-import matching.{TransMatcher, PatternNodes, CodeFactory, ParallelMatching}
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
+import matching.{ TransMatcher, PatternNodes, ParallelMatching }
/** This class ...
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import matching.{TransMatcher, PatternNodes, CodeFactory, ParallelMatching}
abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
with TransMatcher
with PatternNodes
- with CodeFactory
with ParallelMatching
with TypingTransformers
with ast.TreeDSL
@@ -460,7 +459,7 @@ abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
ExplicitOuter.this.resultType = tree.tpe
val t = atPos(tree.pos) {
- val t_untyped = handlePattern(nselector, ncases, checkExhaustive, currentOwner, transform)(localTyper)
+ val t_untyped = handlePattern(nselector, ncases, checkExhaustive, currentOwner, transform, localTyper)
/* if @switch annotation is present, verify the resulting tree is a Match */
if (requireSwitch) t_untyped match {
case Block(_, Match(_, _)) => // ok