path: root/src
diff options
authorTiark Rompf <>2010-03-11 16:55:38 +0000
committerTiark Rompf <>2010-03-11 16:55:38 +0000
commitf584d243487dcd1214291167707e2f53fef5ab5e (patch)
treeaf3e926d301193b259d27567470b4c483efbecbe /src
parent356540e284e9c9407151a44afdb9480d8eb137a1 (diff)
moved the continuations plugin into trunk.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
7 files changed, 1349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/continuations/library/scala/util/continuations/package.scala b/src/continuations/library/scala/util/continuations/package.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d924565c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/continuations/library/scala/util/continuations/package.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// $Id$
+// TODO: scaladoc
+package scala.util
+package object continuations {
+ type cps[A] = cpsParam[A,A]
+ type suspendable = cps[Unit]
+ def shift[A,B,C](fun: (A => B) => C): A @cpsParam[B,C] = {
+ throw new NoSuchMethodException("this code has to be compiled with the Scala continuations plugin enabled")
+ }
+ def reset[A,C](ctx: =>(A @cpsParam[A,C])): C = {
+ val ctxR = reify[A,A,C](ctx)
+ if (ctxR.isTrivial)
+ ctxR.getTrivialValue.asInstanceOf[C]
+ else
+ ctxR.foreach((x:A) => x)
+ }
+ def reset0[A](ctx: =>(A @cpsParam[A,A])): A = reset(ctx)
+ def run[A](ctx: =>(Any @cpsParam[Unit,A])): A = {
+ val ctxR = reify[Any,Unit,A](ctx)
+ if (ctxR.isTrivial)
+ ctxR.getTrivialValue.asInstanceOf[A]
+ else
+ ctxR.foreach((x:Any) => ())
+ }
+ // methods below are primarily implementation details and are not
+ // needed frequently in client code
+ def shiftUnit0[A,B](x: A): A @cpsParam[B,B] = {
+ shiftUnit[A,B,B](x)
+ }
+ def shiftUnit[A,B,C>:B](x: A): A @cpsParam[B,C] = {
+ throw new NoSuchMethodException("this code has to be compiled with the Scala continuations plugin enabled")
+ }
+ def reify[A,B,C](ctx: =>(A @cpsParam[B,C])): ControlContext[A,B,C] = {
+ throw new NoSuchMethodException("this code has to be compiled with the Scala continuations plugin enabled")
+ }
+ def shiftUnitR[A,B](x: A): ControlContext[A,B,B] = {
+ new ControlContext(null, x)
+ }
+ def shiftR[A,B,C](fun: (A => B) => C): ControlContext[A,B,C] = {
+ new ControlContext(fun, null.asInstanceOf[A])
+ }
+ def reifyR[A,B,C](ctx: => ControlContext[A,B,C]): ControlContext[A,B,C] = {
+ ctx
+ }
diff --git a/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/CPSAnnotationChecker.scala b/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/CPSAnnotationChecker.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc7c297b92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/CPSAnnotationChecker.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+// $Id$
+import scala.collection.mutable.{Map, HashMap}
+import{StringWriter, PrintWriter}
+abstract class CPSAnnotationChecker extends CPSUtils {
+ val global: Global
+ import global._
+ import definitions._
+ //override val verbose = true
+ /**
+ * Checks whether @cps annotations conform
+ */
+ object checker extends AnnotationChecker {
+ /** Check annotations to decide whether tpe1 <:< tpe2 */
+ def annotationsConform(tpe1: Type, tpe2: Type): Boolean = {
+ if (!cpsEnabled) return true
+ vprintln("check annotations: " + tpe1 + " <:< " + tpe2)
+ // Nothing is least element, but Any is not the greatest
+ if (tpe1.typeSymbol eq NothingClass)
+ return true
+ val annots1 = filterAttribs(tpe1,MarkerCPSTypes)
+ val annots2 = filterAttribs(tpe2,MarkerCPSTypes)
+ // @plus and @minus should only occur at the left, and never together
+ // TODO: insert check
+ val adaptPlusAnnots1 = filterAttribs(tpe1,MarkerCPSAdaptPlus)
+ val adaptMinusAnnots1 = filterAttribs(tpe1,MarkerCPSAdaptMinus)
+ // @minus @cps is the same as no annotations
+ if (!adaptMinusAnnots1.isEmpty)
+ return annots2.isEmpty
+ // to handle answer type modification, we must make @plus <:< @cps
+ if (!adaptPlusAnnots1.isEmpty && annots1.isEmpty)
+ return true
+ // @plus @cps will fall through and compare the @cps type args
+ // @cps parameters must match exactly
+ if ((annots1 corresponds annots2) { _.atp <:< _.atp })
+ return true
+ hack no longer needed since introduction of adaptBoundsToAnnotations!
+ // special treatment of type parameter bounds
+ if ((tpe2.typeSymbol eq AnyClass)) {
+ // This is an ugly hack to allow instantiating Functions with an @cps
+ // return type. A better way would be to make sure everything goes through adapt,
+ // but that's a bit of work. Alternatively, an explicit hook could be added in
+ // Inferencer.checkBounds
+ val w = new StringWriter()
+ new Exception().printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(w, true))
+ if (w.toString.contains("$Inferencer.checkBounds")) {
+ vprintln("Testing whether " + tpe1 + " <:< " + tpe2 + ". We're inside Inferencer.checkBounds, so we just return true.")
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ false
+ }
+ /** Refine the computed least upper bound of a list of types.
+ * All this should do is add annotations. */
+ override def annotationsLub(tpe: Type, ts: List[Type]): Type = {
+ if (!cpsEnabled) return tpe
+ val annots1 = filterAttribs(tpe, MarkerCPSTypes)
+ val annots2 = ts flatMap (filterAttribs(_, MarkerCPSTypes))
+ if (annots2.nonEmpty) {
+ val cpsLub = AnnotationInfo(global.lub(annots1:::annots2 map (_.atp)), Nil, Nil)
+ val tpe1 = if (annots1.nonEmpty) removeAttribs(tpe, MarkerCPSTypes) else tpe
+ tpe1.withAnnotation(cpsLub)
+ } else tpe
+ }
+ /** Refine the bounds on type parameters to the given type arguments. */
+ override def adaptBoundsToAnnotations(bounds: List[TypeBounds], tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type]): List[TypeBounds] = {
+ if (!cpsEnabled) return bounds
+ val anyAtCPS = AnnotationInfo(appliedType(MarkerCPSTypes.tpe, List(NothingClass.tpe, AnyClass.tpe)), Nil, Nil)
+ if (isFunctionType(tparams.head.owner.tpe) || tparams.head.owner == PartialFunctionClass) {
+ vprintln("function bound: " + tparams.head.owner.tpe + "/"+bounds+"/"+targs)
+ if (targs.last.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSTypes))
+ bounds.reverse match {
+ case res::b if !res.hi.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSTypes) =>
+ (TypeBounds(res.lo, res.hi.withAnnotation(anyAtCPS))::b).reverse
+ case _ => bounds
+ }
+ else
+ bounds
+ } else if (tparams.head.owner == ByNameParamClass) {
+ vprintln("byname bound: " + tparams.head.owner.tpe + "/"+bounds+"/"+targs)
+ if (targs.head.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSTypes) && !bounds.head.hi.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSTypes))
+ TypeBounds(bounds.head.lo, bounds.head.hi.withAnnotation(anyAtCPS))::Nil
+ else bounds
+ } else
+ bounds
+ }
+ override def canAdaptAnnotations(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Boolean = {
+ if (!cpsEnabled) return false
+ vprintln("can adapt annotations? " + tree + " / " + tree.tpe + " / " + Integer.toHexString(mode) + " / " + pt)
+ val annots1 = filterAttribs(tree.tpe,MarkerCPSTypes)
+ val annots2 = filterAttribs(pt,MarkerCPSTypes)
+ if ((mode & global.analyzer.PATTERNmode) != 0) {
+ //println("can adapt pattern annotations? " + tree + " / " + tree.tpe + " / " + Integer.toHexString(mode) + " / " + pt)
+ if (!annots1.isEmpty) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ //not precise enough
+ if ((mode & global.analyzer.TYPEmode) != 0 && (mode & global.analyzer.BYVALmode) != 0) {
+ //println("can adapt pattern annotations? " + tree + " / " + tree.tpe + " / " + Integer.toHexString(mode) + " / " + pt)
+ if (!annots1.isEmpty) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ if ((mode & global.analyzer.EXPRmode) == 0) {
+ vprintln("only handling EXPRmode")
+ return false
+ }
+ this interferes with overloading resolution
+ if ((mode & global.analyzer.BYVALmode) != 0 && tree.tpe <:< pt) {
+ vprintln("already compatible, can't adapt further")
+ return false
+ }
+ if ((mode & global.analyzer.EXPRmode) != 0) {
+ if ((annots1 corresponds annots2) { case (a1,a2) => a1.atp <:< a2.atp }) {
+ vprintln("already same, can't adapt further")
+ return false
+ }
+ if (annots1.isEmpty && !annots2.isEmpty && ((mode & global.analyzer.BYVALmode) == 0)) {
+ //println("can adapt annotations? " + tree + " / " + tree.tpe + " / " + Integer.toHexString(mode) + " / " + pt)
+ val adapt = AnnotationInfo(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus.tpe, Nil, Nil)
+ if (!tree.tpe.annotations.contains(adapt)) {
+ // val base = tree.tpe <:< removeAllCPSAnnotations(pt)
+ // val known = global.analyzer.isFullyDefined(pt)
+ // println(same + "/" + base + "/" + known)
+ val same = true//annots2 forall { case AnnotationInfo(atp: TypeRef, _, _) => atp.typeArgs(0) =:= atp.typeArgs(1) }
+ // TBD: use same or not?
+ if (same) {
+ vprintln("yes we can!! (unit)")
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (!annots1.isEmpty && ((mode & global.analyzer.BYVALmode) != 0)) {
+ val adapt = AnnotationInfo(MarkerCPSAdaptMinus.tpe, Nil, Nil)
+ if (!tree.tpe.annotations.contains(adapt)) {
+ vprintln("yes we can!! (byval)")
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ false
+ }
+ override def adaptAnnotations(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
+ if (!cpsEnabled) return tree
+ // FIXME: there seems to be a problem when mode == 1 (expr, no poly) and
+ // there are wildcards inside an annotation (which we don't resolve yet)
+ // can we just instantiate things? <--- need to check this is still valid
+ vprintln("adapt annotations " + tree + " / " + tree.tpe + " / " + Integer.toHexString(mode) + " / " + pt)
+ val annots1 = filterAttribs(tree.tpe,MarkerCPSTypes)
+ val annots2 = filterAttribs(pt,MarkerCPSTypes)
+ if ((mode & global.analyzer.PATTERNmode) != 0) {
+ if (!annots1.isEmpty) {
+ return tree.setType(removeAllCPSAnnotations(tree.tpe))
+ }
+ }
+ // doesn't work correctly -- still relying on addAnnotations to remove things from ValDef symbols
+ if ((mode & global.analyzer.TYPEmode) != 0 && (mode & global.analyzer.BYVALmode) != 0) {
+ if (!annots1.isEmpty) {
+ println("removing annotation from " + tree + "/" + tree.tpe)
+ val s = tree.setType(removeAllCPSAnnotations(tree.tpe))
+ println(s)
+ s
+ }
+ }
+ if ((mode & global.analyzer.EXPRmode) != 0) {
+ if (annots1.isEmpty && !annots2.isEmpty && ((mode & global.analyzer.BYVALmode) == 0)) { // shiftUnit
+ // add a marker annotation that will make tree.tpe behave as pt, subtyping wise
+ // tree will look like having any possible annotation
+ //println("adapt annotations " + tree + " / " + tree.tpe + " / " + Integer.toHexString(mode) + " / " + pt)
+ val adapt = AnnotationInfo(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus.tpe, Nil, Nil)
+ val same = true//annots2 forall { case AnnotationInfo(atp: TypeRef, _, _) => atp.typeArgs(0) =:= atp.typeArgs(1) }
+ // TBD: use same or not? see infer0.scala/infer1.scala
+ // CAVEAT:
+ // for monomorphic answer types we want to have @plus @cps (for better checking)
+ // for answer type modification we want to have only @plus (because actual answer type may differ from pt)
+ // if (tree.tpe <:< removeAllCPSAnnotations(pt)) {
+ //val known = global.analyzer.isFullyDefined(pt)
+ if (same && !tree.tpe.annotations.contains(adapt)) {
+ if (true /*known*/)
+ return tree.setType(tree.tpe.withAnnotations(adapt::annots2)) // needed for #1807
+ else
+ return tree.setType(tree.tpe.withAnnotations(adapt::Nil))
+ }
+ tree
+ } else if (!annots1.isEmpty && ((mode & global.analyzer.BYVALmode) != 0)) { // dropping annotation
+ // add a marker annotation that will make tree.tpe behave as pt, subtyping wise
+ // tree will look like having no annotation
+ if (!tree.tpe.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptMinus)) {
+ val adapt = AnnotationInfo(MarkerCPSAdaptMinus.tpe, Nil, Nil)
+ return tree.setType(tree.tpe.withAnnotations(adapt::Nil))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tree
+ }
+ def updateAttributesFromChildren(tpe: Type, childAnnots: List[AnnotationInfo], byName: List[Tree]): Type = {
+ tpe match {
+ // Need to push annots into each alternative of overloaded type
+ // But we can't, since alternatives aren't types but symbols, which we
+ // can't change (we'd be affecting symbols globally)
+ /*
+ case OverloadedType(pre, alts) =>
+ OverloadedType(pre, Symbol) => updateAttributes(pre.memberType(sym), annots)))
+ */
+ case _ =>
+ assert(childAnnots forall (_.atp.typeSymbol == MarkerCPSTypes), childAnnots)
+ /*
+ [] + [] = []
+ plus + [] = plus
+ cps + [] = cps
+ plus cps + [] = plus cps
+ minus cps + [] = minus cp
+ synth cps + [] = synth cps // <- synth on left - does it happen?
+ [] + cps = cps
+ plus + cps = synth cps
+ cps + cps = cps! <- lin
+ plus cps + cps = synth cps! <- unify
+ minus cps + cps = minus cps! <- lin
+ synth cps + cps = synth cps! <- unify
+ */
+ val plus = tpe.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus) || (tpe.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSTypes) &&
+ byName.nonEmpty && byName.forall(_.tpe.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus)))
+ // move @plus annotations outward from by-name children
+ if (childAnnots.isEmpty) {
+ if (plus) { // @plus or @plus @cps
+ for (t <- byName) {
+ //println("removeAnnotation " + t + " / " + t.tpe)
+ t.setType(removeAttribs(t.tpe, MarkerCPSAdaptPlus, MarkerCPSTypes))
+ }
+ return tpe.withAnnotation(AnnotationInfo(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus.tpe, Nil, Nil))
+ } else
+ return tpe
+ }
+ val annots1 = filterAttribs(tpe, MarkerCPSTypes)
+ if (annots1.isEmpty) { // nothing or @plus
+ val synth = MarkerCPSSynth.tpe
+ val annots2 = List(linearize(childAnnots))
+ removeAttribs(tpe,MarkerCPSAdaptPlus).withAnnotations(AnnotationInfo(synth, Nil, Nil)::annots2)
+ } else {
+ val annot1 = single(annots1)
+ if (plus) { // @plus @cps
+ val synth = AnnotationInfo(MarkerCPSSynth.tpe, Nil, Nil)
+ val annot2 = linearize(childAnnots)
+ if (!(annot2.atp <:< annot1.atp))
+ throw new TypeError(annot2 + " is not a subtype of " + annot1)
+ val res = removeAttribs(tpe, MarkerCPSAdaptPlus, MarkerCPSTypes).withAnnotations(List(synth, annot2))
+ for (t <- byName) {
+ //println("removeAnnotation " + t + " / " + t.tpe)
+ t.setType(removeAttribs(t.tpe, MarkerCPSAdaptPlus, MarkerCPSTypes))
+ }
+ res
+ } else if (tpe.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSSynth)) { // @synth @cps
+ val annot2 = linearize(childAnnots)
+ if (!(annot2.atp <:< annot1.atp))
+ throw new TypeError(annot2 + " is not a subtype of " + annot1)
+ removeAttribs(tpe, MarkerCPSTypes).withAnnotation(annot2)
+ } else { // @cps
+ removeAttribs(tpe, MarkerCPSTypes).withAnnotation(linearize(childAnnots:::annots1))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def transArgList(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): List[List[Tree]] = {
+ val formals = fun.tpe.paramTypes
+ val overshoot = args.length - formals.length
+ for ((a,tp) <- ::: List.fill(overshoot)(NoType))) yield {
+ tp match {
+ case TypeRef(_, sym, List(elemtp)) if sym == ByNameParamClass =>
+ Nil // TODO: check conformance??
+ case _ =>
+ List(a)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def transStms(stms: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = stms match {
+ case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs)::xs =>
+ rhs::transStms(xs)
+ case Assign(lhs, rhs)::xs =>
+ rhs::transStms(xs)
+ case x::xs =>
+ x::transStms(xs)
+ case Nil =>
+ Nil
+ }
+ def single(xs: List[AnnotationInfo]) = xs match {
+ case List(x) => x
+ case _ =>
+ global.error("not a single cps annotation: " + xs)// FIXME: error message
+ xs(0)
+ }
+ def transChildrenInOrder(tree: Tree, tpe: Type, childTrees: List[Tree], byName: List[Tree]) = {
+ val children = childTrees.flatMap { t =>
+ if (t.tpe eq null) Nil else {
+ val types = filterAttribs(t.tpe, MarkerCPSTypes)
+ // TODO: check that it has been adapted and if so correctly
+ if (types.isEmpty) Nil else List(single(types))
+ }
+ }
+ val newtpe = updateAttributesFromChildren(tpe, children, byName)
+ if (!newtpe.annotations.isEmpty)
+ vprintln("[checker] inferred " + tree + " / " + tpe + " ===> "+ newtpe)
+ newtpe
+ }
+ /** Modify the type that has thus far been inferred
+ * for a tree. All this should do is add annotations. */
+ override def addAnnotations(tree: Tree, tpe: Type): Type = {
+ if (!cpsEnabled) return tpe
+// if (tree.tpe.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus))
+// println("addAnnotation " + tree + "/" + tpe)
+ tree match {
+ case Apply(fun @ Select(qual, name), args) if (fun.tpe ne null) && !fun.tpe.isErroneous =>
+ // HACK: With overloaded methods, fun will never get annotated. This is because
+ // the 'overloaded' type gets annotated, but not the alternatives (among which
+ // fun's type is chosen)
+ vprintln("[checker] checking select apply " + tree + "/" + tpe)
+ transChildrenInOrder(tree, tpe, qual::(transArgList(fun, args).flatten), Nil)
+ case Apply(fun, args) if (fun.tpe ne null) && !fun.tpe.isErroneous =>
+ vprintln("[checker] checking unknown apply " + tree + "/" + tpe)
+ transChildrenInOrder(tree, tpe, fun::(transArgList(fun, args).flatten), Nil)
+ case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
+ vprintln("[checker] checking type apply " + tree + "/" + tpe)
+ transChildrenInOrder(tree, tpe, List(fun), Nil)
+ case Select(qual, name) =>
+ vprintln("[checker] checking select " + tree + "/" + tpe)
+ // FIXME: put it back in?? (problem with test cases select.scala and Test2.scala)
+ // transChildrenInOrder(tree, tpe, List(qual))
+ tpe
+ case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
+ transChildrenInOrder(tree, tpe, List(cond), List(thenp, elsep))
+ case Match(select, cases) =>
+ transChildrenInOrder(tree, tpe, List(select), cases:::cases map { case CaseDef(_, _, body) => body })
+ case Block(stms, expr) =>
+ // if any stm has annotation, so does block
+ transChildrenInOrder(tree, tpe, transStms(stms), List(expr))
+ case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
+ vprintln("[checker] checking valdef " + name + "/"+tpe+"/"+tpt+"/"+tree.symbol.tpe)
+ // ValDef symbols must *not* have annotations!
+ if (hasAnswerTypeAnn( { // is it okay to modify sym here?
+ vprintln("removing annotation from sym " + tree.symbol + "/" + tree.symbol.tpe + "/" + tpt)
+ tpt.setType(removeAllCPSAnnotations(tpt.tpe))
+ tree.symbol.setInfo(removeAllCPSAnnotations(
+ }
+ tpe
+ case _ =>
+ tpe
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/CPSUtils.scala b/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/CPSUtils.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e1f05e731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/CPSUtils.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// $Id$
+trait CPSUtils {
+ val global: Global
+ import global._
+ import definitions._
+ var cpsEnabled = false
+ val verbose: Boolean = System.getProperty("cpsVerbose", "false") == "true"
+ def vprintln(x: =>Any): Unit = if (verbose) println(x)
+ lazy val MarkerCPSSym = definitions.getClass("scala.util.continuations.cpsSym")
+ lazy val MarkerCPSTypes = definitions.getClass("scala.util.continuations.cpsParam")
+ lazy val MarkerCPSSynth = definitions.getClass("scala.util.continuations.cpsSynth")
+ lazy val MarkerCPSAdaptPlus = definitions.getClass("scala.util.continuations.cpsPlus")
+ lazy val MarkerCPSAdaptMinus = definitions.getClass("scala.util.continuations.cpsMinus")
+ lazy val Context = definitions.getClass("scala.util.continuations.ControlContext")
+ lazy val ModCPS = definitions.getModule("scala.util.continuations")
+ lazy val MethShiftUnit = definitions.getMember(ModCPS, "shiftUnit")
+ lazy val MethShiftUnitR = definitions.getMember(ModCPS, "shiftUnitR")
+ lazy val MethShift = definitions.getMember(ModCPS, "shift")
+ lazy val MethShiftR = definitions.getMember(ModCPS, "shiftR")
+ lazy val MethReify = definitions.getMember(ModCPS, "reify")
+ lazy val MethReifyR = definitions.getMember(ModCPS, "reifyR")
+ lazy val allCPSAnnotations = List(MarkerCPSSym, MarkerCPSTypes, MarkerCPSSynth,
+ MarkerCPSAdaptPlus, MarkerCPSAdaptMinus)
+ // annotation checker
+ def filterAttribs(tpe:Type, cls:Symbol) =
+ tpe.annotations.filter(_.atp.typeSymbol == cls)
+ def removeAttribs(tpe:Type, cls:Symbol*) =
+ tpe.withoutAnnotations.withAnnotations(tpe.annotations.filterNot(cls contains _.atp.typeSymbol))
+ def removeAllCPSAnnotations(tpe: Type) = removeAttribs(tpe, allCPSAnnotations:_*)
+ def linearize(ann: List[AnnotationInfo]): AnnotationInfo = {
+ ann.reduceLeft { (a, b) =>
+ val atp0::atp1::Nil = a.atp.normalize.typeArgs
+ val btp0::btp1::Nil = b.atp.normalize.typeArgs
+ val (u0,v0) = (atp0, atp1)
+ val (u1,v1) = (btp0, btp1)
+ val (u0,v0) = (a.atp.typeArgs(0), a.atp.typeArgs(1))
+ val (u1,v1) = (b.atp.typeArgs(0), b.atp.typeArgs(1))
+ vprintln("check lin " + a + " andThen " + b)
+ vprintln("check lin " + a + " andThen " + b)
+ if (!(v1 <:< u0))
+ throw new TypeError("illegal answer type modification: " + a + " andThen " + b)
+ // TODO: improve error message (but it is not very common)
+ AnnotationInfo(appliedType(MarkerCPSTypes.tpe, List(u1,v0)),Nil,Nil)
+ }
+ }
+ // anf transform
+ def getExternalAnswerTypeAnn(tp: Type) = {
+ tp.annotations.find(a => a.atp.typeSymbol == MarkerCPSTypes) match {
+ case Some(AnnotationInfo(atp, _, _)) =>
+ val atp0::atp1::Nil = atp.normalize.typeArgs
+ Some((atp0, atp1))
+ case None =>
+ if (tp.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus))
+ global.warning("trying to instantiate type " + tp + " to unknown cps type")
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ def getAnswerTypeAnn(tp: Type) = {
+ tp.annotations.find(a => a.atp.typeSymbol == MarkerCPSTypes) match {
+ case Some(AnnotationInfo(atp, _, _)) =>
+ if (!tp.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus)) {//&& !tp.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptMinus))
+ val atp0::atp1::Nil = atp.normalize.typeArgs
+ Some((atp0, atp1))
+ } else
+ None
+ case None => None
+ }
+ }
+ def hasAnswerTypeAnn(tp: Type) = {
+ tp.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSTypes) && !tp.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus) /*&&
+ !tp.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptMinus)*/
+ }
+ def hasSynthAnn(tp: Type) = {
+ tp.annotations.exists(a => a.atp.typeSymbol == MarkerCPSSynth)
+ }
+ def updateSynthFlag(tree: Tree) = { // remove annotations if *we* added them (@synth present)
+ if (hasSynthAnn(tree.tpe)) {
+ log("removing annotation from " + tree)
+ tree.setType(removeAllCPSAnnotations(tree.tpe))
+ } else
+ tree
+ }
+ type CPSInfo = Option[(Type,Type)]
+ def linearize(a: CPSInfo, b: CPSInfo)(implicit unit: CompilationUnit, pos: Position): CPSInfo = {
+ (a,b) match {
+ case (Some((u0,v0)), Some((u1,v1))) =>
+ vprintln("check lin " + a + " andThen " + b)
+ if (!(v1 <:< u0)) {
+ unit.error(pos,"cannot change answer type in composition of cps expressions " +
+ "from " + u1 + " to " + v0 + " because " + v1 + " is not a subtype of " + u0 + ".")
+ throw new Exception("check lin " + a + " andThen " + b)
+ }
+ Some((u1,v0))
+ case (Some(_), _) => a
+ case (_, Some(_)) => b
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ // cps transform
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/SelectiveANFTransform.scala b/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/SelectiveANFTransform.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b6ce67ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/SelectiveANFTransform.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+// $Id$
+ * In methods marked @cps, explicitly name results of calls to other @cps methods
+ */
+abstract class SelectiveANFTransform extends PluginComponent with Transform with
+ TypingTransformers with CPSUtils {
+ // inherits abstract value `global' and class `Phase' from Transform
+ import global._ // the global environment
+ import definitions._ // standard classes and methods
+ import typer.atOwner // methods to type trees
+ /** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */
+ val phaseName: String = "selectiveanf"
+ protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
+ new ANFTransformer(unit)
+ class ANFTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
+ implicit val _unit = unit // allow code in CPSUtils.scala to report errors
+ var cpsAllowed: Boolean = false // detect cps code in places we do not handle (yet)
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ if (!cpsEnabled) return tree
+ tree match {
+ // TODO: Maybe we should further generalize the transform and move it over
+ // to the regular Transformer facility. But then, actual and required cps
+ // state would need more complicated (stateful!) tracking.
+ // Making the default case use transExpr(tree, None, None) instead of
+ // calling super.transform() would be a start, but at the moment,
+ // this would cause infinite recursion. But we could remove the
+ // ValDef case here.
+ case dd @ DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
+ log("transforming " + dd.symbol)
+ atOwner(dd.symbol) {
+ val rhs1 = transExpr(rhs, None, getExternalAnswerTypeAnn(tpt.tpe))
+ log("result "+rhs1)
+ log("result is of type "+rhs1.tpe)
+ treeCopy.DefDef(dd, mods, name, transformTypeDefs(tparams), transformValDefss(vparamss),
+ transform(tpt), rhs1)
+ }
+ case ff @ Function(vparams, body) =>
+ log("transforming anon function " + ff.symbol)
+ atOwner(ff.symbol) {
+ val body1 = transExpr(body, None, getExternalAnswerTypeAnn(body.tpe))
+ log("result "+body1)
+ log("result is of type "+body1.tpe)
+ treeCopy.Function(ff, transformValDefs(vparams), body1)
+ }
+ case vd @ ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) => // object-level valdefs
+ log("transforming valdef " + vd.symbol)
+ atOwner(vd.symbol) {
+ assert(getExternalAnswerTypeAnn(tpt.tpe) == None)
+ val rhs1 = transExpr(rhs, None, None)
+ treeCopy.ValDef(vd, mods, name, transform(tpt), rhs1)
+ }
+ case TypeTree() =>
+ // circumvent cpsAllowed here
+ super.transform(tree)
+ case Apply(_,_) =>
+ // this allows reset { ... } in object constructors
+ // it's kind of a hack to put it here (see note above)
+ transExpr(tree, None, None)
+ case _ =>
+ if (hasAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe)) {
+ if (!cpsAllowed)
+ unit.error(tree.pos, "cps code not allowed here / " + tree.getClass + " / " + tree)
+ log(tree)
+ }
+ cpsAllowed = false
+ super.transform(tree)
+ }
+ }
+ def transExpr(tree: Tree, cpsA: CPSInfo, cpsR: CPSInfo): Tree = {
+ transTailValue(tree, cpsA, cpsR) match {
+ case (Nil, b) => b
+ case (a, b) =>
+ treeCopy.Block(tree, a,b)
+ }
+ }
+ def transArgList(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree], cpsA: CPSInfo): (List[List[Tree]], List[Tree], CPSInfo) = {
+ val formals = fun.tpe.paramTypes
+ val overshoot = args.length - formals.length
+ var spc: CPSInfo = cpsA
+ val (stm,expr) = (for ((a,tp) <- ::: List.fill(overshoot)(NoType))) yield {
+ tp match {
+ case TypeRef(_, sym, List(elemtp)) if sym == ByNameParamClass =>
+ (Nil, transExpr(a, None, getAnswerTypeAnn(elemtp)))
+ case _ =>
+ val (valStm, valExpr, valSpc) = transInlineValue(a, spc)
+ spc = valSpc
+ (valStm, valExpr)
+ }
+ }).unzip
+ (stm,expr,spc)
+ }
+ def transValue(tree: Tree, cpsA: CPSInfo, cpsR: CPSInfo): (List[Tree], Tree, CPSInfo) = {
+ // return value: (stms, expr, spc), where spc is CPSInfo after stms but *before* expr
+ implicit val pos = tree.pos
+ tree match {
+ case Block(stms, expr) =>
+ val (cpsA2, cpsR2) = (cpsA, linearize(cpsA, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe))) // tbd
+// val (cpsA2, cpsR2) = (None, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe))
+ val (a, b) = transBlock(stms, expr, cpsA2, cpsR2)
+ val tree1 = (treeCopy.Block(tree, a, b)) // no updateSynthFlag here!!!
+ (Nil, tree1, cpsA)
+ case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
+ val (condStats, condVal, spc) = transInlineValue(cond, cpsA)
+ val (cpsA2, cpsR2) = (spc, linearize(spc, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe)))
+// val (cpsA2, cpsR2) = (None, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe))
+ val thenVal = transExpr(thenp, cpsA2, cpsR2)
+ val elseVal = transExpr(elsep, cpsA2, cpsR2)
+ // check that then and else parts agree (not necessary any more, but left as sanity check)
+ if (cpsR.isDefined) {
+ if (elsep == EmptyTree)
+ unit.error(tree.pos, "always need else part in cps code")
+ }
+ if (hasAnswerTypeAnn(thenVal.tpe) != hasAnswerTypeAnn(elseVal.tpe)) {
+ unit.error(tree.pos, "then and else parts must both be cps code or neither of them")
+ }
+ (condStats, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.If(tree, condVal, thenVal, elseVal)), spc)
+ case Match(selector, cases) =>
+ val (selStats, selVal, spc) = transInlineValue(selector, cpsA)
+ val (cpsA2, cpsR2) = (spc, linearize(spc, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe)))
+// val (cpsA2, cpsR2) = (None, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe))
+ val caseVals = for {
+ cd @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) <- cases
+ val bodyVal = transExpr(body, cpsA2, cpsR2)
+ } yield {
+ treeCopy.CaseDef(cd, transform(pat), transform(guard), bodyVal)
+ }
+ (selStats, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Match(tree, selVal, caseVals)), spc)
+ case ldef @ LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
+ if (hasAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe)) {
+ val sym = currentOwner.newMethod(tree.pos, name)//unit.fresh.newName(tree.pos, "myloopvar"))
+ .setInfo(
+ .setFlag(Flags.SYNTHETIC)
+ val subst = new TreeSymSubstituter(List(ldef.symbol), List(sym))
+ val rhsVal = transExpr(subst(rhs), None, getAnswerTypeAnn(tree.tpe))
+ val stm1 = localTyper.typed(DefDef(sym, rhsVal))
+ val expr = localTyper.typed(Apply(Ident(sym), List()))
+ (List(stm1), expr, cpsA)
+ } else {
+ val rhsVal = transExpr(rhs, None, None)
+ (Nil, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.LabelDef(tree, name, params, rhsVal)), cpsA)
+ }
+ case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
+ // no cps code allowed in try/catch/finally!
+ val blockVal = transExpr(block, None, None)
+ val catchVals = for {
+ cd @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) <- catches
+ val bodyVal = transExpr(body, None, None)
+ } yield {
+ treeCopy.CaseDef(cd, transform(pat), transform(guard), bodyVal)
+ }
+ val finallyVal = transExpr(finalizer, None, None)
+ (Nil, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Try(tree, blockVal, catchVals, finallyVal)), cpsA)
+ case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
+ // allow cps code in rhs only
+ val (stms, expr, spc) = transInlineValue(rhs, cpsA)
+ (stms, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Assign(tree, transform(lhs), expr)), spc)
+ case Return(expr0) =>
+ val (stms, expr, spc) = transInlineValue(expr0, cpsA)
+ (stms, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Return(tree, expr)), spc)
+ case Throw(expr0) =>
+ val (stms, expr, spc) = transInlineValue(expr0, cpsA)
+ (stms, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Throw(tree, expr)), spc)
+ case Typed(expr0, tpt) =>
+ // TODO: should x: A @cps[B,C] have a special meaning?
+ val (stms, expr, spc) = transInlineValue(expr0, cpsA)
+ val tpt1 = treeCopy.TypeTree(tpt).setType(removeAllCPSAnnotations(tpt.tpe))
+ (stms, treeCopy.Typed(tree, expr, tpt1).setType(removeAllCPSAnnotations(tree.tpe)), spc)
+ case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
+ val (stms, expr, spc) = transInlineValue(fun, cpsA)
+ (stms, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.TypeApply(tree, expr, args)), spc)
+ case Select(qual, name) =>
+ val (stms, expr, spc) = transInlineValue(qual, cpsA)
+ (stms, updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Select(tree, expr, name)), spc)
+ case Apply(fun, args) =>
+ val (funStm, funExpr, funSpc) = transInlineValue(fun, cpsA)
+ val (argStm, argExpr, argSpc) = transArgList(fun, args, funSpc)
+ (funStm ::: (argStm.flatten), updateSynthFlag(treeCopy.Apply(tree, funExpr, argExpr)),
+ argSpc)
+ case _ =>
+ cpsAllowed = true
+ (Nil, transform(tree), cpsA)
+ }
+ }
+ def transTailValue(tree: Tree, cpsA: CPSInfo, cpsR: CPSInfo): (List[Tree], Tree) = {
+ val (stms, expr, spc) = transValue(tree, cpsA, cpsR)
+ val bot = linearize(spc, getAnswerTypeAnn(expr.tpe))(unit, tree.pos)
+ val plainTpe = removeAllCPSAnnotations(expr.tpe)
+ if (cpsR.isDefined && !bot.isDefined) {
+ if (!expr.isEmpty && (expr.tpe.typeSymbol ne NothingClass)) {
+ // must convert!
+ log("cps type conversion (has: " + cpsA + "/" + spc + "/" + expr.tpe + ")")
+ log("cps type conversion (expected: " + cpsR.get + "): " + expr)
+ if (!expr.tpe.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus))
+ unit.warning(tree.pos, "expression " + tree + " is cps-transformed unexpectedly")
+ try {
+ val Some((a, b)) = cpsR
+ val res = localTyper.typed(atPos(tree.pos) {
+ Apply(TypeApply(gen.mkAttributedRef(MethShiftUnit),
+ List(TypeTree(plainTpe), TypeTree(a), TypeTree(b))),
+ List(expr))
+ })
+ return (stms, res)
+ } catch {
+ case ex:TypeError =>
+ unit.error(ex.pos, "cannot cps-transform expression " + tree + ": " + ex.msg)
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (!cpsR.isDefined && bot.isDefined) {
+ // error!
+ log("cps type error: " + expr)
+ println("cps type error: " + expr + "/" + expr.tpe + "/" + getAnswerTypeAnn(expr.tpe))
+ println(cpsR + "/" + spc + "/" + bot)
+ unit.error(tree.pos, "found cps expression in non-cps position")
+ } else {
+ // all is well
+ if (expr.tpe.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSAdaptPlus)) {
+ unit.warning(tree.pos, "expression " + expr + "/" + expr.tpe + " should not have cps-plus annotation")
+ expr.setType(removeAllCPSAnnotations(expr.tpe))
+ }
+ // TODO: sanity check that types agree
+ }
+ (stms, expr)
+ }
+ def transInlineValue(tree: Tree, cpsA: CPSInfo): (List[Tree], Tree, CPSInfo) = {
+ val (stms, expr, spc) = transValue(tree, cpsA, None) // never required to be cps
+ getAnswerTypeAnn(expr.tpe) match {
+ case spcVal @ Some(_) =>
+ val valueTpe = removeAllCPSAnnotations(expr.tpe)
+ val sym = currentOwner.newValue(tree.pos, unit.fresh.newName(tree.pos, "tmp"))
+ .setInfo(valueTpe)
+ .setFlag(Flags.SYNTHETIC)
+ .setAnnotations(List(AnnotationInfo(MarkerCPSSym.tpe, Nil, Nil)))
+ (stms ::: List(ValDef(sym, expr) setType(NoType)),
+ Ident(sym) setType(valueTpe) setPos(tree.pos), linearize(spc, spcVal)(unit, tree.pos))
+ case _ =>
+ (stms, expr, spc)
+ }
+ }
+ def transInlineStm(stm: Tree, cpsA: CPSInfo): (List[Tree], CPSInfo) = {
+ stm match {
+ // TODO: what about DefDefs?
+ // TODO: relation to top-level val def?
+ // TODO: what about lazy vals?
+ case tree @ ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
+ val (stms, anfRhs, spc) = atOwner(tree.symbol) { transValue(rhs, cpsA, None) }
+ val tv = new ChangeOwnerTraverser(tree.symbol, currentOwner)
+ stms.foreach(tv.traverse(_))
+ // TODO: symbol might already have annotation. Should check conformance
+ // TODO: better yet: do without annotations on symbols
+ val spcVal = getAnswerTypeAnn(anfRhs.tpe)
+ if (spcVal.isDefined) {
+ tree.symbol.setAnnotations(List(AnnotationInfo(MarkerCPSSym.tpe, Nil, Nil)))
+ }
+ (stms:::List(treeCopy.ValDef(tree, mods, name, tpt, anfRhs)), linearize(spc, spcVal)(unit, tree.pos))
+ case _ =>
+ val (headStms, headExpr, headSpc) = transInlineValue(stm, cpsA)
+ val valSpc = getAnswerTypeAnn(headExpr.tpe)
+ (headStms:::List(headExpr), linearize(headSpc, valSpc)(unit, stm.pos))
+ }
+ }
+ def transBlock(stms: List[Tree], expr: Tree, cpsA: CPSInfo, cpsR: CPSInfo): (List[Tree], Tree) = {
+ stms match {
+ case Nil =>
+ transTailValue(expr, cpsA, cpsR)
+ case stm::rest =>
+ var (rest2, expr2) = (rest, expr)
+ val (headStms, headSpc) = transInlineStm(stm, cpsA)
+ val (restStms, restExpr) = transBlock(rest2, expr2, headSpc, cpsR)
+ (headStms:::restStms, restExpr)
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/SelectiveCPSPlugin.scala b/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/SelectiveCPSPlugin.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c56a78491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/SelectiveCPSPlugin.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// $Id$
+import nsc.Global
+import nsc.Phase
+import nsc.plugins.Plugin
+import nsc.plugins.PluginComponent
+class SelectiveCPSPlugin(val global: Global) extends Plugin {
+ import global._
+ val name = "continuations"
+ val description = "applies selective cps conversion"
+ val anfPhase = new SelectiveANFTransform() {
+ val global =
+ val runsAfter = List("pickler")
+ }
+ val cpsPhase = new SelectiveCPSTransform() {
+ val global =
+ val runsAfter = List("selectiveanf")
+ }
+ val components = List[PluginComponent](anfPhase, cpsPhase)
+ val checker = new CPSAnnotationChecker {
+ val global: =
+ }
+ global.addAnnotationChecker(checker.checker)
+ def setEnabled(flag: Boolean) = {
+ checker.cpsEnabled = flag
+ anfPhase.cpsEnabled = flag
+ cpsPhase.cpsEnabled = flag
+ }
+ // TODO: require -enabled command-line flag
+ override def processOptions(options: List[String], error: String => Unit) = {
+ var enabled = false
+ for (option <- options) {
+ if (option == "enable") {
+ enabled = true
+ } else {
+ error("Option not understood: "+option)
+ }
+ }
+ setEnabled(enabled)
+ }
+ override val optionsHelp: Option[String] =
+ Some(" -P:continuations:enable Enable continuations")
+// " -sourcepath <path> Specify where to find input source files"
diff --git a/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/SelectiveCPSTransform.scala b/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/SelectiveCPSTransform.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b906c12568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/continuations/plugin/scala/tools/selectivecps/SelectiveCPSTransform.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+// $Id$
+import scala.collection._
+ * In methods marked @cps, CPS-transform assignments introduced by ANF-transform phase.
+ */
+abstract class SelectiveCPSTransform extends PluginComponent with
+ InfoTransform with TypingTransformers with CPSUtils {
+ // inherits abstract value `global' and class `Phase' from Transform
+ import global._ // the global environment
+ import definitions._ // standard classes and methods
+ import typer.atOwner // methods to type trees
+ /** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */
+ val phaseName: String = "selectivecps"
+ protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
+ new CPSTransformer(unit)
+ /** - return symbol's transformed type,
+ */
+ def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type = {
+ if (!cpsEnabled) return tp
+ val newtp = transformCPSType(tp)
+ if (newtp != tp)
+ log("transformInfo changed type for " + sym + " to " + newtp);
+ if (sym == MethReifyR)
+ log("transformInfo (not)changed type for " + sym + " to " + newtp);
+ newtp
+ }
+ def transformCPSType(tp: Type): Type = { // TODO: use a TypeMap? need to handle more cases?
+ tp match {
+ case PolyType(params,res) => PolyType(params, transformCPSType(res))
+ case MethodType(params,res) =>
+ MethodType(params, transformCPSType(res))
+ case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => TypeRef(pre, sym,
+ case _ =>
+ getExternalAnswerTypeAnn(tp) match {
+ case Some((res, outer)) =>
+ appliedType(Context.tpe, List(removeAllCPSAnnotations(tp), res, outer))
+ case _ =>
+ removeAllCPSAnnotations(tp)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ class CPSTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
+ override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ if (!cpsEnabled) return tree
+ postTransform(mainTransform(tree))
+ }
+ def postTransform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ tree.setType(transformCPSType(tree.tpe))
+ }
+ def mainTransform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ tree match {
+ // TODO: can we generalize this?
+ case Apply(TypeApply(fun, targs), args)
+ if (fun.symbol == MethShift) =>
+ log("found shift: " + tree)
+ atPos(tree.pos) {
+ val funR = gen.mkAttributedRef(MethShiftR) // TODO: correct?
+ log(funR.tpe)
+ Apply(
+ TypeApply(funR, targs).setType(appliedType(funR.tpe, => t.tpe))),
+ ).setType(transformCPSType(tree.tpe))
+ }
+ case Apply(TypeApply(fun, targs), args)
+ if (fun.symbol == MethShiftUnit) =>
+ log("found shiftUnit: " + tree)
+ atPos(tree.pos) {
+ val funR = gen.mkAttributedRef(MethShiftUnitR) // TODO: correct?
+ log(funR.tpe)
+ Apply(
+ TypeApply(funR, List(targs(0), targs(1))).setType(appliedType(funR.tpe,
+ List(targs(0).tpe, targs(1).tpe))),
+ ).setType(appliedType(Context.tpe, List(targs(0).tpe,targs(1).tpe,targs(1).tpe)))
+ }
+ case Apply(TypeApply(fun, targs), args)
+ if (fun.symbol == MethReify) =>
+ log("found reify: " + tree)
+ atPos(tree.pos) {
+ val funR = gen.mkAttributedRef(MethReifyR) // TODO: correct?
+ log(funR.tpe)
+ Apply(
+ TypeApply(funR, targs).setType(appliedType(funR.tpe, => t.tpe))),
+ ).setType(transformCPSType(tree.tpe))
+ }
+ case Block(stms, expr) =>
+ val (stms1, expr1) = transBlock(stms, expr)
+ treeCopy.Block(tree, stms1, expr1)
+ case _ =>
+ super.transform(tree)
+ }
+ }
+ def transBlock(stms: List[Tree], expr: Tree): (List[Tree], Tree) = {
+ stms match {
+ case Nil =>
+ (Nil, transform(expr))
+ case stm::rest =>
+ stm match {
+ case vd @ ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs)
+ if (vd.symbol.hasAnnotation(MarkerCPSSym)) =>
+ log("found marked ValDef "+name+" of type " + vd.symbol.tpe)
+ val tpe = vd.symbol.tpe
+ val rhs1 = transform(rhs)
+ log("valdef symbol " + vd.symbol + " has type " + tpe)
+ log("right hand side " + rhs1 + " has type " + rhs1.tpe)
+ log("currentOwner: " + currentOwner)
+ log("currentMethod: " + currentMethod)
+ val (bodyStms, bodyExpr) = transBlock(rest, expr)
+ val specialCaseTrivial = bodyExpr match {
+ case Apply(fun, args) =>
+ // for now, look for explicit tail calls only.
+ // are there other cases that could profit from specializing on
+ // trivial contexts as well?
+ (bodyExpr.tpe.typeSymbol == Context) && (currentMethod == fun.symbol)
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def applyTrivial(ctxValSym: Symbol, body: Tree) = {
+ new TreeSymSubstituter(List(vd.symbol), List(ctxValSym)).traverse(body)
+ val body2 = localTyper.typed(atPos(vd.symbol.pos) { body })
+ if ((body2.tpe == null) || !(body2.tpe.typeSymbol.tpe <:< Context.tpe)) {
+ println(body2 + "/" + body2.tpe)
+ unit.error(rhs.pos, "cannot compute type for CPS-transformed function result")
+ }
+ body2
+ }
+ def applyCombinatorFun(ctxR: Tree, body: Tree) = {
+ val arg = currentOwner.newValueParameter(ctxR.pos, name).setInfo(tpe)
+ new TreeSymSubstituter(List(vd.symbol), List(arg)).traverse(body)
+ val fun = localTyper.typed(atPos(vd.symbol.pos) { Function(List(ValDef(arg)), body) }) // types body as well
+ arg.owner = fun.symbol
+ new ChangeOwnerTraverser(currentOwner, fun.symbol).traverse(body)
+ log("fun.symbol: "+fun.symbol)
+ log("fun.symbol.owner: "+fun.symbol.owner)
+ log("arg.owner: "+arg.owner)
+ log("fun.tpe:"+fun.tpe)
+ log("return type of fun:"+body.tpe)
+ var methodName = "map"
+ if (body.tpe != null) {
+ if (body.tpe.typeSymbol.tpe <:< Context.tpe)
+ methodName = "flatMap"
+ }
+ else
+ unit.error(rhs.pos, "cannot compute type for CPS-transformed function result")
+ log("will use method:"+methodName)
+ localTyper.typed(atPos(vd.symbol.pos) {
+ Apply(Select(ctxR, ctxR.tpe.member(methodName)), List(fun))
+ })
+ }
+ try {
+ if (specialCaseTrivial) {
+ log("will optimize possible tail call: " + bodyExpr)
+ // val ctx = <rhs>
+ // if (ctx.isTrivial)
+ // val <lhs> = ctx.getTrivialValue; ...
+ // else
+ // ctx.flatMap { <lhs> => ... }
+ val ctxSym = currentOwner.newValue( + "$shift").setInfo(rhs1.tpe)
+ val ctxDef = localTyper.typed(ValDef(ctxSym, rhs1))
+ def ctxRef = localTyper.typed(Ident(ctxSym))
+ val argSym = currentOwner.newValue(
+ val argDef = localTyper.typed(ValDef(argSym, Select(ctxRef, ctxRef.tpe.member("getTrivialValue"))))
+ val switchExpr = localTyper.typed(atPos(vd.symbol.pos) {
+ val body2 = duplicateTree(Block(bodyStms, bodyExpr)) // dup before typing!
+ If(Select(ctxRef, ctxSym.tpe.member("isTrivial")),
+ applyTrivial(argSym, Block(argDef::bodyStms, bodyExpr)),
+ applyCombinatorFun(ctxRef, body2))
+ })
+ (List(ctxDef), switchExpr)
+ } else {
+ // ctx.flatMap { <lhs> => ... }
+ // or
+ // { <lhs> => ... }
+ (Nil, applyCombinatorFun(rhs1, Block(bodyStms, bodyExpr)))
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case ex:TypeError =>
+ unit.error(ex.pos, ex.msg)
+ (bodyStms, bodyExpr)
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ val (a, b) = transBlock(rest, expr)
+ (transform(stm)::a, b)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/continuations/plugin/scalac-plugin.xml b/src/continuations/plugin/scalac-plugin.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04d42655c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/continuations/plugin/scalac-plugin.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<!-- $Id$ -->
+ <name>continuations</name>
+ <classname></classname>