path: root/src
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authorJosh Suereth <>2011-09-02 18:34:47 +0000
committerJosh Suereth <>2011-09-02 18:34:47 +0000
commit9183117cb473712218565468f33b966437e5d3df (patch)
tree76338808e32013d85cb8e2b6f375f2435c6d4c38 /src
parent6d10bd53c5eaccd48197f8195472cdd480668783 (diff)
Some great AnyVal class hierarchy documentation...
Some great AnyVal class hierarchy documentation from Iain McGinniss. No Review.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
10 files changed, 2862 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/gen/AnyVals.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/gen/AnyVals.scala
index 3d374b901c..70603bfda6 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/gen/AnyVals.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/gen/AnyVals.scala
@@ -11,13 +11,113 @@ package gen
trait AnyValReps {
self: AnyVals =>
- sealed abstract class AnyValNum(name: String) extends AnyValRep(name) {
+ sealed abstract class AnyValNum(name: String, repr: Option[String], javaEquiv: String) extends AnyValRep(name,repr,javaEquiv) {
+ case class Op(val op : String, val doc : String)
def isCardinal: Boolean = isIntegerType(this)
- def unaryOps = if (isCardinal) List("+", "-", "~") else List("+", "-")
- def bitwiseOps = if (isCardinal) List("|", "&", "^") else Nil
- def shiftOps = if (isCardinal) List("<<", ">>>", ">>") else Nil
- def comparisonOps = List("==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=")
- def otherOps = List("+", "-" ,"*", "/", "%")
+ def unaryOps = {
+ val ops = List(
+ Op("+", "/**\n" +
+ " * @return this value, unmodified\n" +
+ " */"),
+ Op("-", "/**\n" +
+ " * @return the negation of this value\n" +
+ " */"))
+ if(isCardinal)
+ Op("~", "/**\n" +
+ " * @return the bitwise negation of this value\n" +
+ " * @example {{{\n" +
+ " * ~5 == -6\n" +
+ " * // in binary: ~00000101 == \n" +
+ " * // 11111010\n" +
+ " * }}}\n" +
+ " */") :: ops
+ else ops
+ }
+ def bitwiseOps =
+ if (isCardinal)
+ List(
+ Op("|", "/**\n" +
+ " * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x\n" +
+ " * @example {{{\n" +
+ " * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa\n" +
+ " * // in binary: 11110000 \n" +
+ " * // | 10101010 \n" +
+ " * // -------- \n" +
+ " * // 11111010\n" +
+ " * }}}\n" +
+ " */"),
+ Op("&", "/**\n" +
+ " * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x\n" +
+ " * @example {{{\n" +
+ " * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0\n" +
+ " * // in binary: 11110000 \n" +
+ " * // & 10101010 \n" +
+ " * // -------- \n" +
+ " * // 10100000\n" +
+ " * }}}\n" +
+ " */"),
+ Op("^", "/**\n" +
+ " * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x\n" +
+ " * @example {{{\n" +
+ " * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a\n" +
+ " * // in binary: 11110000 \n" +
+ " * // ^ 10101010 \n" +
+ " * // -------- \n" +
+ " * // 01011010\n" +
+ " * }}}\n" +
+ " */"))
+ else Nil
+ def shiftOps =
+ if (isCardinal)
+ List(
+ Op("<<", "/**\n" +
+ " * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,\n" +
+ " * filling in the new right bits with zeroes.\n" +
+ " * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}\n" +
+ " */"),
+ Op(">>>", "/**\n" +
+ " * @return this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,\n" +
+ " * filling the new left bits with zeroes. \n" +
+ " * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}\n" +
+ " * @example {{{\n" +
+ " * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909 \n" +
+ " * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 == \n" +
+ " * // 00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101\n" +
+ " * }}}\n" +
+ " */"),
+ Op(">>", "/**\n" +
+ " * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,\n" +
+ " * filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.\n" +
+ " * The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.\n" +
+ " * @example {{{\n" +
+ " * -21 >> 3 == -3 \n" +
+ " * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 == \n" +
+ " * // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101\n" +
+ " * }}}\n" +
+ " */"))
+ else Nil
+ def comparisonOps = List(
+ Op("==", "/**\n * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise\n */"),
+ Op("!=", "/**\n * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise\n */"),
+ Op("<", "/**\n * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise\n */"),
+ Op("<=", "/**\n * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise\n */"),
+ Op(">", "/**\n * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise\n */"),
+ Op(">=", "/**\n * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise\n */"))
+ def otherOps = List(
+ Op("+", "/**\n * @return the sum of this value and x\n */"),
+ Op("-", "/**\n * @return the difference of this value and x\n */"),
+ Op("*", "/**\n * @return the product of this value and x\n */"),
+ Op("/", "/**\n * @return the quotient of this value and x\n */"),
+ Op("%", "/**\n * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x\n */"))
// Given two numeric value types S and T , the operation type of S and T is defined as follows:
// If both S and T are subrange types then the operation type of S and T is Int.
@@ -33,11 +133,11 @@ trait AnyValReps {
def mkCoercions = numeric map (x => "def to%s: %s".format(x, x))
- def mkUnaryOps = unaryOps map (x => "def unary_%s : %s".format(x, this opType I))
+ def mkUnaryOps = unaryOps map (x => "%s\n def unary_%s : %s".format(x.doc, x.op, this opType I))
def mkStringOps = List("def +(x: String): String")
def mkShiftOps = (
for (op <- shiftOps ; arg <- List(I, L)) yield
- "def %s(x: %s): %s".format(op, arg, this opType I)
+ "%s\n def %s(x: %s): %s".format(op.doc, op.op, arg, this opType I)
def clumps: List[List[String]] = {
@@ -70,14 +170,15 @@ trait AnyValReps {
* @param resultFn function which calculates return type based on arg type
* @return list of function definitions
- def mkBinOpsGroup(ops: List[String], args: List[AnyValNum], resultFn: AnyValNum => AnyValRep): List[String] = (
+ def mkBinOpsGroup(ops: List[Op], args: List[AnyValNum], resultFn: AnyValNum => AnyValRep): List[String] = (
ops flatMap (op =>
- => "def %s(x: %s): %s".format(op, arg, resultFn(arg))) :+ ""
+ =>
+ "%s\n def %s(x: %s): %s".format(op.doc, op.op, arg, resultFn(arg))) :+ ""
- sealed abstract class AnyValRep(val name: String) {
+ sealed abstract class AnyValRep(val name: String, val repr: Option[String], val javaEquiv: String) {
def classLines: List[String]
def objectLines: List[String]
def commonClassLines = List(
@@ -98,6 +199,8 @@ trait AnyValReps {
case _ => "0"
+ def representation =", a " + _).getOrElse("")
def indent(s: String) = if (s == "") "" else " " + s
def indentN(s: String) = s.lines map indent mkString "\n"
@@ -108,6 +211,8 @@ trait AnyValReps {
def interpolations = Map(
"@name@" -> name,
+ "@representation@" -> representation,
+ "@javaequiv@" -> javaEquiv,
"@boxed@" -> boxedName,
"@lcname@" -> lcname,
"@zero@" -> zeroRep
@@ -156,8 +261,9 @@ package scala
""".trim.format(timestampString) + "\n\n")
def classDocTemplate = ("""
-/** `@name@` is a member of the value classes, those whose instances are
- * not represented as objects by the underlying host system.
+/** `@name@`@representation@ (equivalent to Java's `@javaequiv@` primitive type) is a
+ * subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]], meaning that instances of `@name@` are not
+ * represented by an object in the underlying runtime system.
* There is an implicit conversion from [[scala.@name@]] => [[scala.runtime.Rich@name@]]
* which provides useful non-primitive operations.
@@ -225,14 +331,14 @@ final val MaxValue = @boxed@.MAX_VALUE
class AnyVals extends AnyValReps with AnyValTemplates {
- object B extends AnyValNum("Byte")
- object S extends AnyValNum("Short")
- object C extends AnyValNum("Char")
- object I extends AnyValNum("Int")
- object L extends AnyValNum("Long")
- object F extends AnyValNum("Float")
- object D extends AnyValNum("Double")
- object Z extends AnyValRep("Boolean") {
+ object B extends AnyValNum("Byte", Some("8-bit signed integer"), "byte")
+ object S extends AnyValNum("Short", Some("16-bit signed integer"), "short")
+ object C extends AnyValNum("Char", Some("16-bit unsigned integer"), "char")
+ object I extends AnyValNum("Int", Some("32-bit signed integer"), "int")
+ object L extends AnyValNum("Long", Some("64-bit signed integer"), "long")
+ object F extends AnyValNum("Float", Some("32-bit IEEE-754 floating point number"), "float")
+ object D extends AnyValNum("Double", Some("64-bit IEEE-754 floating point number"), "double")
+ object Z extends AnyValRep("Boolean", None, "boolean") {
def classLines = """
* Negates a Boolean expression.
@@ -328,11 +434,11 @@ def getClass(): Class[Boolean] = sys.error("stub")
def objectLines = interpolate(allCompanions).lines.toList
- object U extends AnyValRep("Unit") {
+ object U extends AnyValRep("Unit", None, "void") {
override def classDoc = """
-/** Unit is a member of the value classes, those whose instances are
- * not represented as objects by the underlying host system. There is
- * only one value of type Unit: `()`.
+/** `Unit` (equivalent to Java's `void` type) is a subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]], meaning that
+ * it is not represented by an object in the underlying runtime system. There is
+ * only one value of type `Unit`: `()`.
def classLines = List(
diff --git a/src/library/scala/Boolean.scala b/src/library/scala/Boolean.scala
index dd5439d537..be96377a21 100755
--- a/src/library/scala/Boolean.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/Boolean.scala
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
package scala
-/** `Boolean` is a member of the value classes, those whose instances are
- * not represented as objects by the underlying host system.
+/** `Boolean` (equivalent to Java's `boolean` primitive type) is a
+ * subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]], meaning that instances of `Boolean` are not
+ * represented by an object in the underlying runtime system.
* There is an implicit conversion from [[scala.Boolean]] => [[scala.runtime.RichBoolean]]
* which provides useful non-primitive operations.
diff --git a/src/library/scala/Byte.scala b/src/library/scala/Byte.scala
index 8c598e044a..b9e36b0136 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/Byte.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/Byte.scala
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
package scala
-/** `Byte` is a member of the value classes, those whose instances are
- * not represented as objects by the underlying host system.
+/** `Byte`, a 8-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java's `byte` primitive type) is a
+ * subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]], meaning that instances of `Byte` are not
+ * represented by an object in the underlying runtime system.
* There is an implicit conversion from [[scala.Byte]] => [[scala.runtime.RichByte]]
* which provides useful non-primitive operations.
@@ -25,123 +26,568 @@ final class Byte extends AnyVal {
def toFloat: Float = sys.error("stub")
def toDouble: Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise negation of this value
+ * @example {{{
+ * ~5 == -6
+ * // in binary: ~00000101 ==
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
+ def unary_~ : Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value, unmodified
+ */
def unary_+ : Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the negation of this value
+ */
def unary_- : Int = sys.error("stub")
- def unary_~ : Int = sys.error("stub")
def +(x: String): String = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the new right bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}
+ */
def <<(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the new right bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}
+ */
def <<(x: Long): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling the new left bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==
+ * // 00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>>(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling the new left bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==
+ * // 00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>>(x: Long): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.
+ * The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >> 3 == -3
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==
+ * // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.
+ * The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >> 3 == -3
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==
+ * // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>(x: Long): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
def getClass(): Class[Byte] = sys.error("stub")
diff --git a/src/library/scala/Char.scala b/src/library/scala/Char.scala
index a8f15125bf..4bbf02a215 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/Char.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/Char.scala
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
package scala
-/** `Char` is a member of the value classes, those whose instances are
- * not represented as objects by the underlying host system.
+/** `Char`, a 16-bit unsigned integer (equivalent to Java's `char` primitive type) is a
+ * subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]], meaning that instances of `Char` are not
+ * represented by an object in the underlying runtime system.
* There is an implicit conversion from [[scala.Char]] => [[scala.runtime.RichChar]]
* which provides useful non-primitive operations.
@@ -25,123 +26,568 @@ final class Char extends AnyVal {
def toFloat: Float = sys.error("stub")
def toDouble: Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise negation of this value
+ * @example {{{
+ * ~5 == -6
+ * // in binary: ~00000101 ==
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
+ def unary_~ : Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value, unmodified
+ */
def unary_+ : Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the negation of this value
+ */
def unary_- : Int = sys.error("stub")
- def unary_~ : Int = sys.error("stub")
def +(x: String): String = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the new right bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}
+ */
def <<(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the new right bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}
+ */
def <<(x: Long): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling the new left bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==
+ * // 00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>>(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling the new left bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==
+ * // 00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>>(x: Long): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.
+ * The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >> 3 == -3
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==
+ * // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.
+ * The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >> 3 == -3
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==
+ * // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>(x: Long): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
def getClass(): Class[Char] = sys.error("stub")
diff --git a/src/library/scala/Double.scala b/src/library/scala/Double.scala
index 108c6207bb..b4bb9f0432 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/Double.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/Double.scala
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
package scala
-/** `Double` is a member of the value classes, those whose instances are
- * not represented as objects by the underlying host system.
+/** `Double`, a 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point number (equivalent to Java's `double` primitive type) is a
+ * subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]], meaning that instances of `Double` are not
+ * represented by an object in the underlying runtime system.
* There is an implicit conversion from [[scala.Double]] => [[scala.runtime.RichDouble]]
* which provides useful non-primitive operations.
@@ -25,97 +26,334 @@ final class Double extends AnyVal {
def toFloat: Float = sys.error("stub")
def toDouble: Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value, unmodified
+ */
def unary_+ : Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the negation of this value
+ */
def unary_- : Double = sys.error("stub")
def +(x: String): String = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Byte): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Short): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Char): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Int): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Long): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Float): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Byte): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Short): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Char): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Int): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Long): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Float): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Byte): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Short): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Char): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Int): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Long): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Float): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Byte): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Short): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Char): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Int): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Long): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Float): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Byte): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Short): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Char): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Int): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Long): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Float): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
def getClass(): Class[Double] = sys.error("stub")
diff --git a/src/library/scala/Float.scala b/src/library/scala/Float.scala
index 9ef7181806..ed61168e90 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/Float.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/Float.scala
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
package scala
-/** `Float` is a member of the value classes, those whose instances are
- * not represented as objects by the underlying host system.
+/** `Float`, a 32-bit IEEE-754 floating point number (equivalent to Java's `float` primitive type) is a
+ * subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]], meaning that instances of `Float` are not
+ * represented by an object in the underlying runtime system.
* There is an implicit conversion from [[scala.Float]] => [[scala.runtime.RichFloat]]
* which provides useful non-primitive operations.
@@ -25,97 +26,334 @@ final class Float extends AnyVal {
def toFloat: Float = sys.error("stub")
def toDouble: Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value, unmodified
+ */
def unary_+ : Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the negation of this value
+ */
def unary_- : Float = sys.error("stub")
def +(x: String): String = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Byte): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Short): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Char): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Int): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Long): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Byte): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Short): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Char): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Int): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Long): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Byte): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Short): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Char): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Int): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Long): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Byte): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Short): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Char): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Int): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Long): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Byte): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Short): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Char): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Int): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Long): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
def getClass(): Class[Float] = sys.error("stub")
diff --git a/src/library/scala/Int.scala b/src/library/scala/Int.scala
index 4546934149..8ad678acfe 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/Int.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/Int.scala
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
package scala
-/** `Int` is a member of the value classes, those whose instances are
- * not represented as objects by the underlying host system.
+/** `Int`, a 32-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java's `int` primitive type) is a
+ * subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]], meaning that instances of `Int` are not
+ * represented by an object in the underlying runtime system.
* There is an implicit conversion from [[scala.Int]] => [[scala.runtime.RichInt]]
* which provides useful non-primitive operations.
@@ -25,123 +26,568 @@ final class Int extends AnyVal {
def toFloat: Float = sys.error("stub")
def toDouble: Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise negation of this value
+ * @example {{{
+ * ~5 == -6
+ * // in binary: ~00000101 ==
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
+ def unary_~ : Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value, unmodified
+ */
def unary_+ : Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the negation of this value
+ */
def unary_- : Int = sys.error("stub")
- def unary_~ : Int = sys.error("stub")
def +(x: String): String = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the new right bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}
+ */
def <<(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the new right bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}
+ */
def <<(x: Long): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling the new left bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==
+ * // 00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>>(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling the new left bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==
+ * // 00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>>(x: Long): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.
+ * The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >> 3 == -3
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==
+ * // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.
+ * The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >> 3 == -3
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==
+ * // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>(x: Long): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
def getClass(): Class[Int] = sys.error("stub")
diff --git a/src/library/scala/Long.scala b/src/library/scala/Long.scala
index 12b8a25b8a..2a2bc896ac 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/Long.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/Long.scala
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
package scala
-/** `Long` is a member of the value classes, those whose instances are
- * not represented as objects by the underlying host system.
+/** `Long`, a 64-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java's `long` primitive type) is a
+ * subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]], meaning that instances of `Long` are not
+ * represented by an object in the underlying runtime system.
* There is an implicit conversion from [[scala.Long]] => [[scala.runtime.RichLong]]
* which provides useful non-primitive operations.
@@ -25,123 +26,568 @@ final class Long extends AnyVal {
def toFloat: Float = sys.error("stub")
def toDouble: Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise negation of this value
+ * @example {{{
+ * ~5 == -6
+ * // in binary: ~00000101 ==
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
+ def unary_~ : Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value, unmodified
+ */
def unary_+ : Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the negation of this value
+ */
def unary_- : Long = sys.error("stub")
- def unary_~ : Long = sys.error("stub")
def +(x: String): String = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the new right bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}
+ */
def <<(x: Int): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the new right bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}
+ */
def <<(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling the new left bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==
+ * // 00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>>(x: Int): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling the new left bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==
+ * // 00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>>(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.
+ * The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >> 3 == -3
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==
+ * // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>(x: Int): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.
+ * The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >> 3 == -3
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==
+ * // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Byte): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Short): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Char): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Int): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Byte): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Short): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Char): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Int): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Byte): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Short): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Char): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Int): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Byte): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Short): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Char): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Int): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Byte): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Short): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Char): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Int): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Byte): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Short): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Char): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Int): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Byte): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Short): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Char): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Int): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Byte): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Short): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Char): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Int): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
def getClass(): Class[Long] = sys.error("stub")
diff --git a/src/library/scala/Short.scala b/src/library/scala/Short.scala
index 81953505b7..0cba03db37 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/Short.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/Short.scala
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
package scala
-/** `Short` is a member of the value classes, those whose instances are
- * not represented as objects by the underlying host system.
+/** `Short`, a 16-bit signed integer (equivalent to Java's `short` primitive type) is a
+ * subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]], meaning that instances of `Short` are not
+ * represented by an object in the underlying runtime system.
* There is an implicit conversion from [[scala.Short]] => [[scala.runtime.RichShort]]
* which provides useful non-primitive operations.
@@ -25,123 +26,568 @@ final class Short extends AnyVal {
def toFloat: Float = sys.error("stub")
def toDouble: Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise negation of this value
+ * @example {{{
+ * ~5 == -6
+ * // in binary: ~00000101 ==
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
+ def unary_~ : Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value, unmodified
+ */
def unary_+ : Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the negation of this value
+ */
def unary_- : Int = sys.error("stub")
- def unary_~ : Int = sys.error("stub")
def +(x: String): String = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the new right bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}
+ */
def <<(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the new right bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}
+ */
def <<(x: Long): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling the new left bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==
+ * // 00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>>(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling the new left bits with zeroes.
+ * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==
+ * // 00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>>(x: Long): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.
+ * The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >> 3 == -3
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==
+ * // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,
+ * filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.
+ * The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.
+ * @example {{{
+ * -21 >> 3 == -3
+ * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==
+ * // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101
+ * }}}
+ */
def >>(x: Long): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is equal x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def ==(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def !=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def <=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Byte): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Short): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Char): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Int): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Long): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Float): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise
+ */
def >=(x: Double): Boolean = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise OR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // | 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 11111010
+ * }}}
+ */
def |(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise AND of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // & 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 10100000
+ * }}}
+ */
def &(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the bitwise XOR of this value and x
+ * @example {{{
+ * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a
+ * // in binary: 11110000
+ * // ^ 10101010
+ * // --------
+ * // 01011010
+ * }}}
+ */
def ^(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the sum of this value and x
+ */
def +(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the difference of this value and x
+ */
def -(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the product of this value and x
+ */
def *(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the quotient of this value and x
+ */
def /(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Byte): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Short): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Char): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Int): Int = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Long): Long = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Float): Float = sys.error("stub")
+ /**
+ * @return the remainder of the division of this value by x
+ */
def %(x: Double): Double = sys.error("stub")
def getClass(): Class[Short] = sys.error("stub")
diff --git a/src/library/scala/Unit.scala b/src/library/scala/Unit.scala
index c5d12afeba..0059ded33a 100755
--- a/src/library/scala/Unit.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/Unit.scala
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
package scala
-/** Unit is a member of the value classes, those whose instances are
- * not represented as objects by the underlying host system. There is
- * only one value of type Unit: `()`.
+/** `Unit` (equivalent to Java's `void` type) is a subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]], meaning that
+ * it is not represented by an object in the underlying runtime system. There is
+ * only one value of type `Unit`: `()`.
final class Unit extends AnyVal {
def getClass(): Class[Unit] = sys.error("stub")