path: root/src
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authorPaul Phillips <>2011-06-03 08:24:09 +0000
committerPaul Phillips <>2011-06-03 08:24:09 +0000
commit6ebd6c4c072209f84ed1e71dd5ca2cccadeea9c6 (patch)
tree8444b56caad991a932875b2184df59f87e60c4dd /src
parent6b67a342ab5b9f1630cff1d8b20491fed3c2a5f5 (diff)
A few more items so that all may enjoy power mo...
A few more items so that all may enjoy power mode in the way nature intended. No review.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala
index d706cb8245..5fb756c26c 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala
@@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ abstract class Power[G <: Global](
"global.{ error => _, _ }",
- "power.Implicits._"
+ "power.Implicits._",
+ "power.rutil._"
def init = customInit getOrElse "import " + initImports.mkString(", ")
@@ -229,7 +230,8 @@ abstract class Power[G <: Global](
def prettify(x: Any): TraversableOnce[String] = x match {
case x: Name => List(x.decode)
case Tuple2(k, v) => List(prettify(k).toIterator ++ Iterator("->") ++ prettify(v) mkString " ")
- case xs: TraversableOnce[_] => (xs.toList flatMap prettify).sorted
+ case xs: Array[_] => xs.iterator flatMap prettify
+ case xs: TraversableOnce[_] => xs flatMap prettify
case x => List(Prettifier.stringOf(x))
@@ -255,7 +257,6 @@ abstract class Power[G <: Global](
abstract class PrettifierClass[T: Prettifier]() {
- private implicit val ord: Ordering[T] = Ordering[String] on (_.toString)
val pretty = implicitly[Prettifier[T]]
import pretty._
@@ -267,21 +268,29 @@ abstract class Power[G <: Global](
def freq[U](p: T => U) = (value.toSeq groupBy p mapValues (_.size)).toList sortBy (-_._2) map (_.swap)
def ppfreq[U](p: T => U): Unit = freq(p) foreach { case (count, key) => println("%5d %s".format(count, key)) }
- def |[U](f: Seq[T] => Seq[U]): Seq[U] = f(value)
- def ^^[U](f: T => U): Seq[U] = value map f
+ def |[U](f: Seq[T] => Seq[U]): Seq[U] = f(value)
+ def ^^[U](f: T => U): Seq[U] = value map f
def ^?[U](pf: PartialFunction[T, U]): Seq[U] = value collect pf
- def >>!(): Unit = pp(_.sorted.distinct)
- def >>(): Unit = pp(_.sorted)
- def >!(): Unit = pp(_.distinct)
- def >(): Unit = pp(identity)
+ def >>!(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): Unit = pp(_.sorted.distinct)
+ def >>(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): Unit = pp(_.sorted)
+ def >!(): Unit = pp(_.distinct)
+ def >(): Unit = pp(identity)
- def >#(): Unit = this ># (identity[T] _)
- def >#[U](p: T => U): Unit = this ppfreq p
+ def >#(): Unit = this ># (identity[T] _)
+ def >#[U](p: T => U): Unit = this ppfreq p
- def >?(p: T => Boolean): Unit = pp(_ filter p)
- def >?(s: String): Unit = pp(_ filter (_.toString contains s))
- def >?(r: Regex): Unit = pp(_ filter (_.toString matches r.pattern.toString))
+ def >?(p: T => Boolean): Unit = pp(_ filter p)
+ def >?(s: String): Unit = pp(_ filter (_.toString contains s))
+ def >?(r: Regex): Unit = pp(_ filter (_.toString matches fixRegex(r)))
+ private def fixRegex(r: scala.util.matching.Regex): String = {
+ val s = r.pattern.toString
+ val prefix = if (s startsWith "^") "" else """^.*?"""
+ val suffix = if (s endsWith "$") "" else """.*$"""
+ prefix + s + suffix
+ }
class MultiPrettifierClass[T: Prettifier](val value: Seq[T]) extends PrettifierClass[T]() { }
@@ -289,11 +298,17 @@ abstract class Power[G <: Global](
val value = List(single)
+ class RichReplString(s: String) {
+ def u: URL = (
+ if (s contains ":") new
+ else if (new exists) new
+ else new"http://" + s)
+ )
+ }
class RichInputStream(in: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec) {
- def bytes(): Array[Byte] = io.Streamable.bytes(in)
- def slurp(): String = io.Streamable.slurp(in)
- def <(url: URL): String = io.Streamable.slurp(url)
- def <(): String = slurp()
+ def bytes(): Array[Byte] = io.Streamable.bytes(in)
+ def slurp(): String = io.Streamable.slurp(in)
+ def <<(): String = slurp()
protected trait Implicits1 {
@@ -316,17 +331,19 @@ abstract class Power[G <: Global](
implicit lazy val powerSymbolOrdering: Ordering[Symbol] = Ordering[Name] on (
implicit lazy val powerTypeOrdering: Ordering[Type] = Ordering[Symbol] on (_.typeSymbol)
+ implicit def replEnhancedStrings(s: String): RichReplString = new RichReplString(s)
implicit def replMultiPrinting[T: Prettifier](xs: TraversableOnce[T]): MultiPrettifierClass[T] =
new MultiPrettifierClass[T](xs.toSeq)
implicit def replInternalInfo[T: Manifest](x: T): InternalInfo[T] = new InternalInfo[T](Some(x))
implicit def replPrettifier[T] : Prettifier[T] = Prettifier.default[T]
implicit def replTypeApplication(sym: Symbol): RichSymbol = new RichSymbol(sym)
- implicit def replInputStream(in: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec): RichInputStream = new RichInputStream(in)
- implicit def replInputStreamURL(url: URL)(implicit codec: Codec) = replInputStream(url.openStream())
+ implicit def replInputStream(in: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec) = new RichInputStream(in)
+ implicit def replInputStreamURL(url: URL)(implicit codec: Codec) = new RichInputStream(url.openStream())
object Implicits extends Implicits2 { }
trait ReplUtilities {
+ def info[T: Manifest] = InternalInfo[T]
def ?[T: Manifest] = InternalInfo[T]
def url(s: String) = {
try new URL(s)