path: root/src
diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2012-05-15 10:21:26 -0700
committerPaul Phillips <>2012-05-15 11:12:40 -0700
commit317a1056cd8062331964d1bc65f1bfd945538551 (patch)
treed3682713ea5fd99579eb7240ec587cdc92bf2fed /src
parent8a3ed4cc955dd85f37cc148265e920435b009a29 (diff)
Removing extraneous files.
Culling accumulated unnecessary code.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
71 files changed, 56 insertions, 5380 deletions
diff --git a/src/attic/README b/src/attic/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fb600ae57..0000000000
--- a/src/attic/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-This is a holding area for source files which aren't used in
-trunk anymore but which we're keeping available for a time. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/models/SemanticTokens.scala b/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/models/SemanticTokens.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a94188a3c1..0000000000
--- a/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/models/SemanticTokens.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,701 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package models
-import java.lang.Character.isJavaIdentifierPart
-import java.lang.Thread
-import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, HashSet}
-import{Flags, Names}
-import{BatchSourceFile, SourceFile}
-class SemanticTokens(val compiler: Global) {
- import compiler._
- object walker extends symtab.SymbolWalker {
- lazy val global : compiler.type = compiler
- }
- abstract class Kind {}
- object OBJECT extends Kind
- object CLASS extends Kind
- object TRAIT extends Kind
- object DEF extends Kind
- object VAL extends Kind
- object VAR extends Kind
- object ARG extends Kind
- object TPARAM extends Kind
- type AnyClass = Class[_]
- // static constants here
- abstract class Token {
- def length: Int
- def prev: HasNext
- def next: HasPrev
- }
- def eatKeyword(source: BatchSourceFile, pos: Int, keywords: List[String]) : Int = {
- if (keywords.isEmpty)
- pos
- else if (pos == source.length)
- -1
- else if (source.beginsWith(pos, " "))
- eatKeywords(source, pos + 1)
- else if (source.beginsWith(pos, keywords.head + " "))
- eatKeywords(source, pos + keywords.head.length + 1)
- else
- eatKeyword(source, pos, keywords.tail)
- }
- def eatKeywords(source: BatchSourceFile, pos: Int): Int = {
- val keywords =
- "package" :: "val" :: "var" :: "def" :: "class" :: "trait" :: "override" :: "case" ::
- "object" :: "sealed" :: "private" :: "protected" :: Nil
- if (pos != -1) eatKeyword(source, pos, keywords)
- else pos
- }
- trait HasNext extends Token {
- var next0: HasPrev = _
- def next = next0
- }
- trait HasPrev extends Token {
- var prev0: HasNext = _
- def prev = prev0
- }
- abstract class Actual extends HasNext with HasPrev {
- def convertToGap: (Int, Actual) = {
- val nextGap = next.isInstanceOf[Gap]
- val prevGap = prev.isInstanceOf[Gap]
- if (prevGap) {
- val ret = prev.length
- val gap = prev.asInstanceOf[Gap]
- gap.setLength(gap.length + length)
- if (nextGap) {
- gap.setLength(gap.length + next.length)
- gap.next0 =
- = gap
- } else {
- gap.next0 = next
- next.prev0 = gap
- }
- (ret, gap)
- }
- else if (nextGap) {
- val gap = next.asInstanceOf[Gap]
- gap.setLength(gap.length + length)
- gap.prev0 = prev
- prev.next0 = gap
- (0, gap)
- }
- else {
- prev.next0 = next
- next.prev0 = prev
- val gap = new Gap(prev)
- gap.setLength(length)
- (0, gap)
- }
- }
- def insert(prev1: HasNext) {
- next0 =
- prev0 = prev1
- prev0.next0 = this
- next0.prev0 = this
- }
- } // Actual
- final class Gap extends Actual {
- def this(prev1: HasNext) = {
- this()
- insert(prev1)
- }
- override def toString() = "gap-" + length
- var length0: Int = -1
- def length: Int = length0
- def setLength(length1: Int) = length0 = length1
- // already gap
- override def convertToGap: (Int, Actual) = (0, this)
- }
- def Process(unit: CompilationUnit) = new Process(unit)
- class Process(val unit: CompilationUnit) {
- private var doLog = true
- def source = unit.source
- def dbg(tree: Tree) = {
- def treePos: Position = if (tree ne null) tree.pos else NoPosition;
- (
- "TREE=" + tree +
- (if (tree ne null) (" CLASS=" + tree.getClass()) else "") +
- " SYM=" + tree.symbol +
- " POS=" +
- treePos.dbgString
- )}
- val symbols = new HashMap[Symbol, Info]
- class Info(val symbol: Symbol) {
- var defined : Def = _
- val uses = new HashSet[Use]
- symbols.update(symbol, this)
- }
- def info(symbol: Symbol): Info =
- if (symbols.contains(symbol)) symbols(symbol)
- else new Info(symbol)
- abstract class Semantic(val symbol: Symbol) extends Actual {
- val name =
- assert(symbol != NoSymbol)
- def myOuter = Process.this
- def tpe: Type = symbol.tpe
- def length = name.length()
- def info: Info = if (symbols.contains(symbol)) symbols(symbol) else new Info(symbol)
- def kind = {
- val term0 = symbol
- if (false) null
- else if (term0.isVariable) VAR
- else if (term0.isValueParameter) ARG
- else if (term0.isMethod) DEF
- else if (term0.isClass) CLASS
- else if (term0.isModule) OBJECT
- else if (term0.isValue) VAL
- else if (term0.isTypeParameter) TPARAM
- else if (term0.isType ) TPARAM
- else {
- // Console.err.println("UNRECOGNIZED SYMBOL: " + term0 + " " + name);
- null
- }
- }
- }
- class Def(symbol0: Symbol) extends Semantic(symbol0) {
- info.defined = this
- override def toString() = "def-" + name + "-" + symbol.getClass()
- }
- class Use(symbol0: Symbol, tpe0: Type) extends Semantic(symbol0) {
- info.uses += this
- override def tpe : Type = if (tpe0 ne null) tpe0 else super.tpe;
- override def toString() = "use-" + name + "-" + symbol.getClass();
- }
- val list = new TokenList
- //build(unit.body)
- val map = new scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int,Symbol]
- map.clear // populate the map.
- class visitor extends walker.Visitor {
- def contains(pos : Position) = map.contains(pos.point)
- def apply(pos : Position) = map(pos.point)
- def update(pos : Position, sym : Symbol) : Unit = if (pos.isDefined) {
- val offset = pos.point
- map(offset) = sym
- val isDef = pos.point == sym.pos.point
- list.put(offset, (if (isDef) new Def(sym) else new Use(sym, NoType)));
- }
- }
- walker.walk(unit.body, new visitor)(offset => unit.source.identifier(offset, compiler))
- // ok start building....
- def build[T <: Tree](trees: List[T]) {
- for (tree <- trees) build(tree)
- }
- def build(tree0: Tree): Unit = try {
- /* if (tree0.pos != NoPosition) */ tree0 match {
- case tree: ImplDef =>
- val pos = eatKeywords(unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile], tree.pos.point)
- if (pos == -1) {
- } else buildDef(tree.symbol, eatKeywords(unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile], tree.pos.point));
- tree match {
- case cdef: ClassDef => build(cdef.tparams)
- case _ => ;
- }
- build(tree.impl.parents)
- build(tree.impl.body)
- case tree: ValOrDefDef =>
- if (!tree.symbol.hasAccessorFlag || tree.symbol.isDeferred) {
- // MO: I added !tree.symbol.hasFlag(DEFERRED) in a refactoring where
- // getters now can be abstract whereas before they could not.
- // Adding the condition thus keeps the old behavior.
- // todo: review whether this is correct, or whether abstract getters should be included.
- {
- val pos : Int = if ("<init>")) -1 else
- eatKeywords(unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile], tree.pos.point);
- if (false) Console.err.println("VALDEF: tree=" + tree + " sym=" + tree.symbol + " pos0=" +
- tree.symbol.pos + " alias=" + tree.symbol.alias + " pos1=" +
- pos + " pos2=" + tree.pos.dbgString + " " + tree.symbol.isSynthetic);
- if (pos != -1 && !tree.isSynthetic)
- buildDef(tree.symbol, pos);
- }
- if (tree.isInstanceOf[DefDef]) {
- val ddef = tree.asInstanceOf[DefDef];
- build(ddef.tparams);
- for (l0 <- ddef.vparamss; arg <- l0) {
- val pos0 : Int = if (!unit.source.beginsWith(arg.pos.point, "val ")) arg.pos.point;
- else unit.source.skipWhitespace(arg.pos.point + ("val ").length());
- buildDef(arg.symbol, pos0);
- build(arg.tpt);
- }
- }
- //TPT=scala.Iterator[DocGenerator.this.compiler0.CompilationUnit] 260 class$TypeTree scala.Iterator[DocGenerator.this.compiler0.CompilationUnit] class$$anon$5
- if ((tree.tpt eq null) || (tree.tpt.tpe eq null)) {
- //Console.err.println("BAD: " + tree.tpt + " in " + tree);
- } else {
- //Console.err.println("TPT=" + tree.tpt + " " + tree.tpt.pos + " " + tree.tpt.getClass() + " " + tree.tpt.tpe + " " + tree.tpt.tpe.getClass() + " " + tree.tpt.tpe.getClass().getSuperclass());
- build(tree.tpt);
- }
- //Console.err.println("RHS: " + tree.rhs + " " + tree.rhs.getClass() + " " + tree.rhs.getClass().getSuperclass());
- build(tree.rhs);
- }
- case tree: PackageDef =>
- //Console.err.println("PACKAGE: " +;
- if (false) {
- val pos = eatKeywords(unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile], tree.pos.pointOrElse(-1))
- if (pos != -1)
- buildDef(tree.symbol, pos)
- }
- build(tree.stats)
- case tree: Function =>
- for (arg <- tree.vparams if arg.pos != NoPosition) {
- val name =
- val pos: Int =
- if (unit.source.beginsWith(arg.pos.pointOrElse(-1), "val "))
- unit.source.skipWhitespace(arg.pos.pointOrElse(-1) + ("val ").length())
- else if (unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile].content(arg.pos.point) == ':') {
- var posx : Int = arg.pos.point
- while (unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile].content(posx - 1).isWhitespace) posx = posx - 1
- posx - name.length()
- } else arg.pos.point
- buildDef(arg.symbol, pos)
- build(arg.tpt)
- }
- build(tree.body)
- case tree : TypeTree =>
- val treex = tree
- val tree1 = if (tree.original ne null) tree.original else tree
- def classes(clazz: AnyClass): List[AnyClass] =
- if (clazz eq null) Nil
- else clazz :: classes(clazz.getSuperclass())
- if (tree.original eq null) {
- if (false) Console.err.println("NO_ORIGINAL: " + tree + " " + tree.tpe + " " + classes(tree.tpe.getClass()));
- }
- if (tree.tpe ne null) buildT(tree1, tree.tpe);
- def buildT( tree : Tree, tpe : Type) : Unit = if (tree.pos != NoPosition) tpe match {
- case tpe0 : TypeRef => tree match {
- case apt : AppliedTypeTree =>
- buildUse(tpe.typeSymbol, apt.tpt.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tpe0);
- //Console.err.println("APT: " + treex + " vs. " + treex.original);
- //Console.err.println("APT: " + treex.pos + " vs. " + treex.original.pos + " " + unit.source.dbg(treex.original.pos));
- //Console.err.println("APT: " + apt.tpt + " sym0=" + apt.tpt.symbol + " sym1=" + tpe0.sym + " apt.args=" + apt.args + " tpe0.args=" + tpe0.args);
- buildTs (apt.args, tpe0.args);
- case ident : Ident => buildUse(tpe0.sym, ident.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tpe0);
- case select : Select =>
- if (select.symbol == NoSymbol)
- try {
- // build(select);
- buildUse(tpe0.typeSymbol, selectPos(select), tpe0);
- //Console.err.println("QUALIFIER: " + select.qualifier + " " + unit.source.dbg(select.qualifier.pos) + " " + tpe0.prefix + " " + tpe0.prefix.getClass() + " " + tpe0.prefix.getClass().getSuperclass() +" " + tpe0.prefix.widen + " " + tpe0.prefix.toLongString);
- buildT(select.qualifier, tpe0.prefix);
- } catch {
- case e : Error =>
- Console.err.println("BUILD_SELECT: " + select + " @ " + tpe0 + " " + (select.pos).dbgString);
- throw e;
- }
- case tpt : TypeTree =>
- if (tpt.symbol ne null) {
- Console.err.println("SYM0 " + tpt.symbol + " " + (tpt.pos).dbgString);
- buildUse(tpt.symbol, tpt.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tpe0);
- } else if (tpe0.typeSymbol ne null) {
- //Console.err.println("TYPE_SYM1 " + tpe0.symbol + " " + unit.source.dbg(tpt.pos));
- buildUse(tpe0.typeSymbol, tpt.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tpe0);
- } else {
- Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPT0: " + (tpt.pos).dbgString + " tpt=" + tpt + " " + tpt.symbol + " tpe0="+ tpe0 + " " + tpe0.typeSymbol + " tpe0.args=" + tpe0.args);
- }
- case sft : SelectFromTypeTree =>
- build(sft.qualifier); // XXX: broken
- if (false) Console.err.println("SFTT: " + sft + " sym=" + sft.symbol + " name=" + + " qual=" + sft.qualifier + " qual.sym=" +
- sft.qualifier.symbol +
- " qual.pos=" + (sft.qualifier.pos).dbgString + " symbol=" + sft.symbol + " type=" + tpe0 +
- " type.sym=" + tpe0.typeSymbol);
- case _ => Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPT2: " + tree + " vs. " + tpe0 + " " + tree.getClass() + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- }
- case tpe0 : MethodType => tree match {
- case tpt: TypeTree =>
- if (tpt.original ne null) buildT(tpt.original, tpe);
- else {
- Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPT3: " + tree + " vs. " + tpe0 + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- }
- case ident : Ident => buildT(ident, tpe0.resultType);
- case select : Select => buildT(select, tpe0.resultType);
- case _ => Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE: " + tree + " vs. " + tpe0 + " " + tree.getClass());
- }
- case tpe0 : RefinedType => tree match {
- case cpt : CompoundTypeTree =>
- buildTs(cpt.templ.parents, tpe0.parents);
- case _ : TypeTree =>
- // Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE13: " + dbg(tree) + " tpe0=" + tpe0 + " " + tpe0.parents);
- case _ =>
- if (false) Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE5: " + dbg(tree) + " tpe0=" + tpe0 + " " + tpe0.parents);
- }
- case tpe0 : ThisType => tree match {
- case stt : SingletonTypeTree => stt.ref match {
- case ths : This => build(ths);
- case _ => Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE11: " + tpe0 + " " + stt + " " + stt.ref + " " + stt.ref.getClass() + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- }
- case tt : This =>
- case _ : Ident =>
- case _ : Select =>
- case tt : TypeTree =>
- if (false) Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE12: " + tpe0 + " " + tree + " " + tree.getClass() + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- case _ =>
- if (false) Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE10: " + tpe0 + " " + tree + " " + tree.getClass() + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- }
- case tpe0 : SingleType => tree match {
- case ident : Ident => buildUse(tpe0.sym, ident.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tpe0);
- case select : Select =>
- buildUse(tpe0.termSymbol, selectPos(select), tpe0);
- //Console.err.println("QUALIFIER-0: " + select.qualifier + " " + unit.source.dbg(select.qualifier.pos) + " " + tpe0.prefix + " " + tpe0.prefix.getClass() + " " + tpe0.prefix.getClass().getSuperclass() +" " + tpe0.prefix.widen + " " + tpe0.prefix.toLongString);
- buildT(select.qualifier, tpe0.prefix);
- case _ =>
- if (false) Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE8: " + tree + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString + " TPE=" + tpe0 + " PRE=" + tpe0.pre + " SYM=" + tpe0.sym);
- }
- case ctype : ConstantType =>
- case ErrorType =>
- case _ => {
- if (false) Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE4: " + tree + " " + tpe + " " + tpe.getClass() + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- }
- };
- def buildTs(trees : List[Tree], types : List[Type]): Unit = if (!trees.isEmpty && !types.isEmpty) {
- buildT (trees.head, types.head);
- buildTs(trees.tail, types.tail);
- } else if (trees.isEmpty != types.isEmpty) {
- if (false && doLog) {
- Console.println("" + treex + " vs. " + treex.original);
- if (treex.original ne null)
- Console.println("" + treex.tpe + " vs. " + treex.original.tpe);
- logError("Tree vs. Type mismatch: " + trees + " " + types + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString, null);
- doLog = false;
- }
- };
- case tree: Bind =>
- buildDef(tree.symbol, tree.pos.pointOrElse(-1))
- build(tree.body)
- case tree: Ident =>
- buildUse(tree.symbol, tree.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tree.tpe)
- case tree: Select =>
- try {
- build(tree.qualifier)
- } catch {
- case e : Error => Console.err.println("SELECTQ: " + tree + " " + tree.qualifier + " " + (tree.qualifier.pos).dbgString); throw e;
- }
- try {
- if (tree.pos.isDefined && tree.pos.point >= unit.source.length) {
- if (false) Console.err.println("BAD_SELECT_QUALIFIER " + tree + " @ " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- } else {
- //Console.err.println("SELECT-0: " + tree.symbol + " " + tree.pos.dbgString + " " + (tree.pos - selectPos(tree)));
- buildUse(tree.symbol, selectPos(tree), tree.tpe);
- }
- } catch {
- case e : Error => Console.err.println("SELECTU: " + tree + " " + tree.symbol + " " + tree.pos.dbgString); throw e;
- }
- case tree: TypeApply =>
- //Console.err.println("TYPE_APPLY: " + tree + " " + tree.pos.dbgString);
- if (!tree.args.isEmpty) {
- //Console.err.println("ARGS: " + unit.source.dbg(tree.args0.head.pos));
- }
- build(
- build(tree.args)
- case tree: Apply =>
- build(
- build(tree.args)
- case tree: GenericApply =>
- build(
- build(tree.args)
- case tree: Typed =>
- build(tree.expr)
- build(tree.tpt)
- case tree: Block =>
- if (false) {
- if (!tree.stats.isEmpty)
- Console.err.println("BLOCKS: " + tree.stats.head + " " + tree.stats.head.getClass());
- Console.err.println("BLOCKE: " + tree.expr + " " + tree.expr.getClass())
- }
- build(tree.stats)
- build(tree.expr)
- case tree: CaseDef =>
- build(tree.pat)
- build(tree.guard)
- build(tree.body)
- case tree : Assign => build(tree.lhs); build(tree.rhs);
- case tree : If => build(tree.cond); build(tree.thenp); build(tree.elsep);
- case tree : New =>
- //Console.err.println("NEW: " + tree.tpt + " " + tree.tpt.getClass());
- build(tree.tpt);
- case tree : Match => build(tree.selector); build(tree.cases);
- case tree : Return => build(tree.expr);
- case tree : LabelDef => build(tree.rhs);
- case tree : Throw => build(tree.expr);
- case tree : Try => build(tree.block); build(tree.catches); build(tree.finalizer);
- case tree : Alternative => build(tree.trees);
- case tree : This =>
- if (tree.symbol ne null) buildUse(tree.symbol, tree.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tree.tpe);
- //Thread.dumpStack();
- case tree : TypeDef =>
- //Console.err.println("ALIAS: " + tree);
- build(tree.rhs); build(tree.tparams); buildDef(tree.symbol, tree.pos.pointOrElse(-1));
- case tree : DocDef => build(tree.definition);
- case tree: Import => build(tree.expr)
- case tree: AppliedTypeTree => ;
- case tree: Annotated => ;
- case tree: SingletonTypeTree => ;
- case tree: Super => ;
- case tree: Literal => ;
- case EmptyTree => ;
- case _ => ;
- Console.err.println("BAIL: " + (tree0.pos) + " " + tree0 + " " + tree0.getClass());
- }
- } catch {
- case t: Throwable =>
- logError("Error occured at " + (tree0.pos), t)
- }
- def buildUse(term: Symbol, pos: Int, tpe: Type) = buildSym(term, pos, false, tpe)
- def buildDef(term: Symbol, pos: Int) = buildSym(term, pos, true, null)
- def buildSym(term: Symbol, pos: Int, isDef: Boolean, tpe: Type): Unit =
- if (term.hasAccessorFlag)
- buildSym(analyzer.underlying(term), pos, isDef, tpe)
- else if (pos == -1) {
- //Console.err.println("NOPOS: " + term)
- //Thread.dumpStack()
- }
- else if (term != NoSymbol) {
- val name =
- val buf = unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile].content
- val cs = name.toChars
- var idx = 0
- if (cs.length + pos > buf.length) return
- else while (idx < cs.length) {
- if (buf(pos + idx) != cs(idx)) {
- //Console.err.println("MISMATCH: " + name + "[" + idx + "] " + unit.source.dbg(pos));
- //Thread.dumpStack();
- return;
- }
- else idx = idx + 1;
- }
- if (cs.length + pos + 1 < buf.length) {
- if (isJavaIdentifierPart(buf(pos + cs.length))) {
- //Console.err.println("MISMATCH: " + name + "[last] " + unit.source.dbg(pos));
- return;
- }
- }
- try {
- list.put(pos, (if (isDef) new Def(term) else new Use(term, tpe)));
- } catch {
- case e : Error => e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- def selectPos(tree: Select): Int = if (tree.pos == NoPosition) -1 else {
- val buf = unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile].content
- if (tree.pos.point >= buf.length) {
- if (false) {
- Console.err.println("" + tree + "@" + tree.pos + " not in " +
- + "[" + buf.length + "]");
- Thread.dumpStack()
- abort()
- }
- return 0
- }
- val pos : Int =
- if (buf(tree.pos.point) != '.') tree.pos.point
- else {
- def f(x : Int) : Int = {
- if (buf(x).isWhitespace) f(x + 1)
- else x
- }
- f(tree.pos.point + 1)
- }
- pos
- };
- class TokenList {
- object begin extends HasNext {
- def prev = this
- def length = 0
- }
- object end extends HasPrev {
- def next = this
- def length = 0
- }
- // initialize
- begin.next0 = end
- end.prev0 = begin
- def tokenAt(offset: Int) = {
- if (cursor.token.isInstanceOf[Semantic]) cursor.token.asInstanceOf[Semantic]
- else null
- }
- def put(offset: Int, tok: Actual): Unit = tok match {
- case tok0: Semantic => put(offset, tok0)
- case gap: Gap =>
- }
- def put(offset: Int, tok: Semantic) {
- if (cursor.token == end) {
- assert(offset >= cursor.offset);
- if (offset > cursor.offset) {
- // add a gap.
- val gap = new Gap(end.prev);
- gap.setLength(offset - cursor.offset);
- cursor.offset = offset;
- }
- // append.
- tok.insert(end.prev);
- cursor.offset = cursor.offset + tok.length;
- } else if (!cursor.token.isInstanceOf[Gap]) {
- val sem = cursor.token.asInstanceOf[Semantic];
- if (sem.symbol == tok.symbol) return;
- if (sem.symbol != tok.symbol &&
- sem.symbol.getClass() == tok.symbol.getClass() &&
- sem.symbol.pos == tok.symbol.pos) return;
- } else {
- val gap = cursor.token.asInstanceOf[Gap];
- if (!(offset - cursor.offset + tok.length <= gap.length)) {
- Console.err.println("LIST =" + this);
- Console.err.println("OFFSET=" + offset + " " + tok + " " + tok.length);
- Console.err.println(" " + cursor.offset + " " + gap.length);
- gap.length0 = offset - cursor.offset + tok.length
- //abort();
- }
- if (offset == cursor.offset) {
- // replace or prepend
- tok.prev0 = gap.prev0;
- if (tok.length == gap.length) { // replace gap
- tok.next0 = gap.next0;
- } else {
- gap.setLength(gap.length - tok.length);
- tok.next0 = gap;
- }
- tok.next0.prev0 = tok;
- tok.prev0.next0 = tok;
- cursor.token = tok;
- } else {
- // append
- val diff = (cursor.offset + gap.length) - (offset + tok.length);
- gap.setLength(gap.length - tok.length - diff);
- tok.prev0 = gap;
- tok.next0 =;
- tok.next0.prev0 = tok;
- tok.prev0.next0 = tok;
- if (diff != 0) {
- val gap0 = new Gap(tok);
- gap0.setLength(diff);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- override def toString(): String = {
- var node =
- var str = ""
- while (node != end) {
- str = str + " " + node
- node =
- }
- str
- }
- object cursor {
- var token: Token = end
- var offset: Int = 0
- def next(): Unit = if (token == end) end else {
- offset = offset + token.length
- token =
- }
- def prev(): Unit = if (token.prev == begin) token else {
- offset = offset - token.prev.length
- token = token.prev
- }
- def seek(soffset: Int): Unit = if (soffset == 0) {
- token =
- offset = 0
- } else {
- assert(soffset > 0)
- while (offset > soffset) prev;
- while (offset + token.length <= soffset && token != end) {
- val len0 = offset;
- next;
- }
- }
- def convertToGap = if (token.isInstanceOf[Actual]) {
- val ret = token.asInstanceOf[Actual].convertToGap;
- offset = offset - ret._1;
- token = ret._2;
- }
- }
- // add or delete characters
- def adjust(offset: Int, /* where */
- length: Int, /* how many characters are modified */
- to : Int /* length of new string */) = {
- if (cursor.token != end) {
- cursor.convertToGap
- while (cursor.offset + cursor.token.length < offset + length && != end) {
- val save = cursor.offset
- cursor.convertToGap
- assert(cursor.offset == save)
- }
- if (length != to && cursor.token != end) {
- val diff = to - length;
- val gap = cursor.token.asInstanceOf[Gap];
- gap.setLength(gap.length + diff);
- };
- }
- }
- } // TokenList
- }
diff --git a/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/models/Signatures.scala b/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/models/Signatures.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a5dfce6c56..0000000000
--- a/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/models/Signatures.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package models
-import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, HashSet}
-import{Global => Compiler}
-import{Flags, Names}
-import{ Position, SourceFile }
-/** This class ...
- *
- * @author Sean McDirmid
- * @version 1.0
- */
-class Signatures(val compiler: Compiler) {
- import compiler._
- class Signature(val name: String, val children: List[Signature]) {
- def asString: String = name + "[" + asString0(children) + "]"
- }
- def sort(sigs: List[Signature]) = sigs sortBy ( reverse
- def asString0(sigs: List[Signature]): String =
- sort(sigs) map (_.asString) mkString
- def signature(unit: CompilationUnit): String =
- asString0(signature(unit.body, Nil))
- def signature(trees: List[Tree]): List[Signature] = {
- var ret : List[Signature] = Nil
- for (tree <- trees) ret = signature(tree, ret)
- ret
- }
- /**
- * @param tree0 ...
- * @param rest ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def signature(tree0: Tree, rest: List[Signature]): List[Signature] = tree0 match {
- case tree: MemberDef => if (!tree.mods.isPrivate) {
- val name = "" + + "::" +
- (tree.mods &~ Flags.SYNTHETIC)
- val children: List[Signature] = tree match {
- case impl: ImplDef
- //if (!"$anonfun$")) =>
- if ("$anonfun$") == name.length) =>
- val supers = new Signature("$$supers", signature(impl.impl.parents))
- val body = new Signature("$$body", signature(impl.impl.body))
- val ret = supers :: body :: Nil
- impl match {
- case cdef: ClassDef =>
- new Signature("$$tparams", signature(cdef.tparams)) :: ret
- case _ =>
- ret
- }
- case vdef: ValOrDefDef =>
- val ret = signature(vdef.tpt, Nil)
- vdef match {
- case ddef : DefDef =>
- val tparams = new Signature("$$tparams", signature(ddef.tparams))
- var vparamss : List[Signature] = Nil
- for (list <- ddef.vparamss)
- vparamss = signature(list) ::: vparamss
- new Signature("$$ret", ret) :: tparams :: vparamss
- case _ =>
- ret
- }
- case pdef: PackageDef => signature(pdef.stats)
- case _ => Nil
- }
- new Signature(name, children) :: rest
- } else rest
- case tree: TypeTree => new Signature("" + tree.tpe, Nil) :: rest
- case _ => rest
- }
diff --git a/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolWalker.scala b/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolWalker.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 01b5c76cdc..0000000000
--- a/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolWalker.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-package symtab
-trait SymbolWalker {
- val global : Global
- import global._
- import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
- trait Visitor {
- def update(pos : Position, sym : Symbol) : Unit
- def contains(pos : Position) : Boolean
- def apply(pos : Position) : Symbol
- def putDef(sym : Symbol, pos : Position) : Unit = ()
- }
- /*
- implicit def map2use(map : Map[Position,Symbol]) = new Visitor {
- def update(pos : Position, sym : Symbol) : Unit = map.update(pos, sym)
- def contains(pos : Position) : Boolean = map.contains(pos)
- def apply(pos : Position) : Symbol = map.apply(pos)
- }
- */
- private def validSym(t: Tree) = t.symbol != NoSymbol && t.symbol != null
- private def validSym(tp: Type) = tp != null && tp.typeSymbol != NoSymbol && tp.typeSymbol != null
- private def notNull(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol != null
- private def isNoSymbol(t: Tree) = t.symbol eq NoSymbol
- def walk(tree: Tree, visitor : Visitor)(fid : (util.Position) => Option[String]) : Unit = {
- val visited = new LinkedHashSet[Tree]
- def f(t : Tree) : Unit = {
- if (visited.add(t)) return
- def fs(l: List[Tree]) = l foreach f
- def fss(l: List[List[Tree]]) = l foreach fs
- val sym = (t, t.tpe) match {
- case (Super(_,_),SuperType(_,supertp)) if validSym(supertp) => supertp.typeSymbol
- case _ if validSym(t) => t.symbol
- case (t: TypeTree, tp) if validSym(tp) => tp.typeSymbol
- case (t: TypeTree, tp) if validSym(tp.resultType) => tp.resultType.typeSymbol
- case (t, tpe: Type) if isNoSymbol(t) && tpe.termSymbol != null =>
- if (t.isTerm) tpe.termSymbol
- else t.tpe match {
- case x: TypeRef => x.sym // XXX: looks like a bug
- case _ => tpe.typeSymbol
- }
- case _ => NoSymbol
- }
- if (sym != null && sym != NoSymbol /* && !sym.hasFlag(SYNTHETIC) */) {
- var id = fid(t.pos)
- val doAdd = if (id.isDefined) {
- if (id.get.charAt(0) == '`') id = Some(id.get.substring(1, id.get.length - 1))
- val name =
- if ((name startsWith id.get) || (id.get startsWith name)) true
- else {
- false
- }
- } else false
- if (doAdd) {
- if (!visitor.contains(t.pos)) {
- visitor(t.pos) = sym
- } else {
- val existing = visitor(t.pos)
- if (sym.sourceFile != existing.sourceFile || sym.pos != existing.pos) {
- (sym,existing) match {
- case (sym,existing) if sym.pos == existing.pos =>
- case (sym : TypeSymbol ,_ : ClassSymbol) => visitor(t.pos) = sym
- case (_ : ClassSymbol,_ : TypeSymbol) => // nothing
- case _ if sym.isModule && existing.isValue => // nothing
- case _ if sym.isClass && existing.isMethod => // nothing
- case _ =>
- assert(true)
- }
- }
- }}
- }
- t match {
- case t : DefTree if t.symbol != NoSymbol =>
- if (t.pos != NoPosition)
- visitor.putDef(t.symbol, t.pos)
- if (t.symbol.isClass) {
- val factory = NoSymbol // XXX: t.symbol.caseFactory
- if (factory != NoSymbol) {
- visitor.putDef(factory, t.pos)
- }
- }
- case t : TypeBoundsTree => f(t.lo); f(t.hi)
- case t : TypeTree if t.original != null =>
- def h(original : Tree, tpe : Type): Unit = try {
- if (original.tpe == null)
- original.tpe = tpe
- (original) match {
- case (AppliedTypeTree(_,trees)) if tpe.isInstanceOf[TypeRef] =>
- val types = tpe.asInstanceOf[TypeRef].args
- case (tree,tpe) => assert(tree != null && tpe != null); h(tree, tpe)
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- if (t.original.tpe == null) {
- val dup = t.original.duplicate
- h(dup,t.tpe)
- f(dup)
- } else f(t.original)
- ()
- case _ =>
- }
- (t) match {
- case (t : MemberDef) if t.symbol != null && t.symbol != NoSymbol =>
- val annotated = if (sym.isModule) sym.moduleClass else sym
- val i = t.mods.annotations.iterator
- val j = annotated.annotations.iterator
- while (i.hasNext && j.hasNext) {
- val tree =
- val ainfo =
- val sym = ainfo.atp.typeSymbol
- tree.setType(ainfo.atp)
- tree.setSymbol(sym)
- f(tree)
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- t match {
- case tree: ImplDef =>
- fs(tree.impl.parents); f(tree.impl.self); fs(tree.impl.body)
- tree match {
- case tree : ClassDef => fs(tree.tparams)
- case _ =>
- }
- case tree: PackageDef => fs(tree.stats)
- case tree: ValOrDefDef =>
- f(tree.rhs);
- if (tree.tpt != null) {
- f(tree.tpt)
- }
- tree match {
- case tree : DefDef => fs(tree.tparams); fss(tree.vparamss)
- case _ =>
- }
- case tree: Function => fs(tree.vparams); f(tree.body)
- case tree : Bind => f(tree.body)
- case tree : Select =>
- val qualifier = if (tree.tpe != null && tree.qualifier.tpe == null) {
- val pre = tree.tpe.prefix
- val qualifier = tree.qualifier.duplicate
- qualifier.tpe = pre
- qualifier
- } else tree.qualifier
- f(qualifier)
- case tree : Annotated => f(tree.annot); f(tree.arg)
- case tree : GenericApply => f(; fs(tree.args)
- case tree : UnApply => f(; fs(tree.args)
- case tree : AppliedTypeTree =>
- if (tree.tpe != null) {
- val i = tree.tpe.typeArgs.iterator
- val j = tree.args.iterator
- while (i.hasNext && j.hasNext) {
- val tpe =
- val arg =
- if (arg.tpe == null) {
- arg.tpe = tpe
- }
- }
- if (tree.tpt.tpe == null) {
- tree.tpt.tpe = tree.tpe
- }
- }
- f(tree.tpt); fs(tree.args)
- case tree : ExistentialTypeTree=>
- if (tree.tpt.tpe == null) {
- tree.tpt.tpe = tree.tpe
- }
- f(tree.tpt)
- fs(tree.whereClauses)
- case tree : SingletonTypeTree =>
- if (tree.ref.tpe == null) {
- val dup = tree.ref.duplicate
- dup.tpe = tree.tpe
- f(dup)
- } else f(tree.ref)
- case tree : CompoundTypeTree =>
- if (tree.tpe != null && tree.tpe.typeSymbol != null && tree.tpe.typeSymbol.isRefinementClass) match {
- case tpe : RefinedType =>
- case (tpe,tree) =>
- if (tree.hasSymbol && (tree.symbol == NoSymbol || tree.symbol == null)) {
- tree.symbol = tpe.typeSymbol
- }
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- f(tree.templ)
- case tree : Template => fs(tree.parents); f(tree.self); fs(tree.body)
- case tree : SelectFromTypeTree => {
- if (tree.qualifier.tpe == null) tree.tpe match {
- case tpe : TypeRef =>
- // give it a type!
- tree.qualifier.tpe = tpe.prefix
- case _ =>
- // tree.tpe.pre
- }
- f(tree.qualifier)
- }
- case tree : Literal =>
- /*
- if (tree.tpe != null && tree.tpe.typeSymbol == definitions.ClassClass) {
- // nothing we can do without original tree.
- }
- */
- case tree : Typed => f(tree.expr); f(tree.tpt)
- case tree : Block => fs(tree.stats); f(tree.expr)
- case tree: CaseDef => f(tree.pat);f(tree.guard);f(tree.body)
- case tree : Assign => f(tree.lhs); f(tree.rhs);
- case tree : If => f(tree.cond); f(tree.thenp); f(tree.elsep);
- case tree : New => f(tree.tpt);
- case tree : Match => f(tree.selector); fs(tree.cases);
- case tree : Return => f(tree.expr);
- case tree : LabelDef => f(tree.rhs);
- case tree : Throw => f(tree.expr);
- case tree : Try => f(tree.block); fs(tree.catches); f(tree.finalizer);
- case tree : Alternative => fs(tree.trees);
- case tree : TypeDef =>
- (tree.tpe,sym) match {
- case (null,sym : TypeSymbol) if (sym.rawInfo.isComplete) =>
- if (tree.tparams.isEmpty) {
- if (tree.rhs.tpe == null) tree.rhs.tpe =
- f(tree.rhs)
- } else {
- val tree0 = AppliedTypeTree(tree.rhs, tree.tparams)
- tree0.tpe =
- f(tree0)
- }
- case _ => f(tree.rhs); fs(tree.tparams)
- }
- case tree : DocDef => f(tree.definition);
- case tree: Import => f(tree.expr)
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- f(tree)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/ClassfileModel.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/ClassfileModel.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c96459037f..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/ClassfileModel.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package scala.reflect.internal
-import ConstantPool._
-import ClassfileConstants._
-trait ClassfileModel {
- type Result
- type Entry
- type InterfaceInfo
- type MemberInfo
- type AttributeInfo
- type InnerClassInfo
- protected implicit def EntryArrayTag: ArrayTag[Entry]
- protected implicit def InterfaceInfoArrayTag: ArrayTag[InterfaceInfo]
- protected implicit def MemberInfoArrayTag: ArrayTag[MemberInfo]
- protected implicit def AttributeInfoArrayTag: ArrayTag[AttributeInfo]
- protected implicit def InnerClassInfoArrayTag: ArrayTag[InnerClassInfo]
- // These could be implemented to jump forward in the stream if the
- // result is not wanted.
- def readConstantPoolEntry(): Entry
- def readInterface(): InterfaceInfo
- def readMember(): MemberInfo
- def readAttribute(): AttributeInfo
- def readInnerClass(): InnerClassInfo
- def createInfo(
- version: JvmVersion,
- entries: Array[Entry],
- flags: Int,
- name: String,
- superName: String,
- interfaces: Array[InterfaceInfo],
- fields: Array[MemberInfo],
- methods: Array[MemberInfo],
- attributes: Array[AttributeInfo]
- ): Result
-abstract class StreamingClassfileModel extends ClassfileModel {
- protected[this] val in: DataInput
- private[this] var name: String = _
- private[this] var entries: Array[PoolEntry] = _
- type Entry = PoolEntry
- // These translate null into "", it's less troublesome.
- protected def nameAt(idx: Int) = entries(idx) match {
- case x: Name_Info => stringAt(x.name_index).replace('/', '.')
- case _ => ""
- }
- protected def stringAt(idx: Int) = entries(idx) match {
- case x: Utf8_info => x.stringValue
- case _ => ""
- }
- protected def u4 = in.readInt
- protected def u2 = in.readUnsignedShort.toChar
- protected def u1 = in.readUnsignedByte
- // The constant_pool table is indexed from 1 to constant_pool_count−1.
- protected def readConstantPool(): Array[Entry] = {
- val count = u2
- val entries = new Array[Entry](count)
- var i = 1
- while (i < count) {
- val entry = readConstantPoolEntry()
- entries(i) = entry
- i += entry.width
- }
- entries
- }
- protected def readInterfaces() = {
- val count = u2
- val interfaces = new Array[InterfaceInfo](count)
- var i = 0
- while (i < count) {
- interfaces(i) = readInterface()
- i += 1
- }
- interfaces
- }
- protected def readMembers() = {
- val count = u2
- val arr = new Array[MemberInfo](count)
- var i = 0
- while (i < count) {
- arr(i) = readMember()
- i += 1
- }
- arr
- }
- protected def readAttributes(): Array[AttributeInfo] = {
- val count = u2
- val arr = new Array[AttributeInfo](count)
- var i = 0
- while (i < count) {
- arr(i) = readAttribute()
- i += 1
- }
- arr
- }
- protected def readInnerClasses() = {
- val count = u2
- val arr = new Array[InnerClassInfo](count)
- var i = 0
- while (i < count) {
- arr(i) = readInnerClass()
- i += 1
- }
- arr
- }
- protected def thisClass = name
- def parse() = {
- assert(u4 == JAVA_MAGIC, "Bad magic number")
- val version = JvmVersion(u2, u2)
- this.entries = readConstantPool()
- val flags = u2.toShort
- = nameAt(u2)
- val superName = nameAt(u2)
- val interfaces = readInterfaces()
- val fields = readMembers()
- val methods = readMembers()
- val attributes = readAttributes()
- try createInfo(version, entries, flags, name, superName, interfaces, fields, methods, attributes)
- finally entries = null
- }
-abstract class ScalacClassfileModel extends StreamingClassfileModel {
- type Result = JvmClassInfo
- type InterfaceInfo = String
- type MemberInfo = JvmMemberInfo
- type AttributeInfo = JvmAttributeInfo
- type InnerClassInfo = JvmInnerClassInfo
- protected implicit def EntryArrayTag = arrayTag[PoolEntry]
- protected implicit def InterfaceInfoArrayTag = arrayTag[InterfaceInfo]
- protected implicit def MemberInfoArrayTag = arrayTag[MemberInfo]
- protected implicit def AttributeInfoArrayTag = arrayTag[AttributeInfo]
- protected implicit def InnerClassInfoArrayTag = arrayTag[InnerClassInfo]
- def readConstantPoolEntry(): PoolEntry
- def readInterface(): String
- def readMember(): JvmMemberInfo
- def readAttribute(): JvmAttributeInfo
- def readInnerClass(): JvmInnerClassInfo
- def createInfo(
- version: JvmVersion,
- entries: Array[PoolEntry],
- flags: Int,
- name: String,
- superName: String,
- interfaces: Array[String],
- fields: Array[JvmMemberInfo],
- methods: Array[JvmMemberInfo],
- attributes: Array[JvmAttributeInfo]
- ): JvmClassInfo = new JvmClassInfo(name, superName, interfaces, fields, methods, attributes)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/ConstantPool.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/ConstantPool.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f8dd7b9845..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/ConstantPool.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package scala.reflect.internal
-import ClassfileConstants._
-object ConstantPool {
- final case class JvmVersion(minorVersion: Int, majorVersion: Int)
- type UShort = Char
- final val CONSTANT_Utf8 = 1
- final val CONSTANT_Integer = 3
- final val CONSTANT_Float = 4
- final val CONSTANT_Long = 5
- final val CONSTANT_Double = 6
- final val CONSTANT_Class = 7
- final val CONSTANT_String = 8
- final val CONSTANT_Fieldref = 9
- final val CONSTANT_Methodref = 10
- final val CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref = 11
- final val CONSTANT_NameAndType = 12
- /*
- 4.2.2 Unqualified Names
- Names of methods, fields and local variables are stored as unqualified
- names. Unqualified names must not contain the characters '.', ';', '['
- or '/'. Method names are further constrained so that, with the exception
- of the special method names <init> and <clinit> (§3.9), they must not
- contain the characters '<' or '>'.
- 4.3 Descriptors and Signatures
- A descriptor is a string representing the type of a field or method.
- Descriptors are represented in the class file format using modified
- UTF-8 strings (§4.4.7) and thus may be drawn, where not further
- constrained, from the entire Unicode character set. A signature is a
- string representing the generic type of a field or method, or generic
- type information for a class declaration.
- */
- abstract class Name_Info(tag: Byte) extends PoolEntry(tag) {
- def name_index: UShort
- }
- abstract class Ref_Info(tag: Byte) extends PoolEntry(tag) {
- def class_index: UShort
- def name_and_type_index: UShort
- }
- class Class_info(val name_index: UShort) extends Name_Info(CONSTANT_Class) { }
- class Double_info(val value: Double) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_Double) {
- override def width = 2
- }
- class Fieldref_info(val class_index: UShort, val name_and_type_index: UShort) extends Ref_Info(CONSTANT_Fieldref)
- class Float_info(val value: Float) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_Float)
- class Integer_info(val value: Int) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_Integer)
- class InterfaceMethodref_info(val class_index: UShort, val name_and_type_index: UShort) extends Ref_Info(CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref)
- class Long_info(val value: Long) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_Long) {
- override def width = 2
- }
- class Methodref_info(val class_index: UShort, val name_and_type_index: UShort) extends Ref_Info(CONSTANT_Methodref)
- class NameAndType_info(val name_index: UShort, val descriptor_index: UShort) extends Name_Info(CONSTANT_NameAndType) {
- override def toString = "NameAndType #%s:#%s;".format(name_index, descriptor_index)
- }
- class String_info(val string_index: UShort) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_String) { }
- class Utf8_info(override val stringValue: String) extends PoolEntry(CONSTANT_Utf8) {
- override def toString = ("Asciz " + stringValue).trim
- }
- abstract class PoolEntry(tag: Byte) {
- def width = 1
- def stringValue: String = sys.error("Not a String-valued constant pool entry: " + this)
- override def toString = (
- getClass.getName.split("[.$]").last + "/" + tag
- )
- }
- object NoEntry extends PoolEntry(-1) { }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/JvmClassInfo.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/JvmClassInfo.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 80d868f666..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/JvmClassInfo.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package scala.reflect.internal
-import{ DataInput, InputStream, DataInputStream, ByteArrayInputStream, BufferedInputStream, FileInputStream }
-import{ Directory }
-import scala.reflect.NameTransformer.decode
-import ConstantPool._
-import ClassfileConstants._
-abstract class JvmInfo(attributes: Array[JvmAttributeInfo]) {
- // def flags: Short
- def name: String
- val signature = attributes collectFirst { case x: SignatureAttr => x.value } getOrElse ""
- val innerClasses = attributes collectFirst { case x: InnerClassesAttr => x.value } getOrElse Array()
-abstract class JvmAttributeInfo {
- // attribute_info {
- // u2 attribute_name_index;
- // u4 attribute_length;
- // u1 info[attribute_length];
- // }
- def name: String
- def value: Any
-class JvmClassInfo(
- val name: String,
- val superName: String,
- val interfaces: Array[String],
- val fields: Array[JvmMemberInfo],
- val methods: Array[JvmMemberInfo],
- attributes: Array[JvmAttributeInfo]
-) extends JvmInfo(attributes) {
- def members = fields ++ methods sortBy (_.decodedName)
- def memberDescriptors = members map (_.toErasedString)
- def memberSignatures = members filter (_.hasSignature) map (_.toGenericString)
- def descriptorsString = if (memberDescriptors.nonEmpty) memberDescriptors.mkString("\n-- Member Descriptors --\n", "\n", "\n") else ""
- def signaturesString = if (memberSignatures.nonEmpty) memberSignatures.mkString("\n-- Member Signatures --\n", "\n", "\n") else ""
- def innersString = if (innerClasses.isEmpty) "" else innerClasses.mkString("\n-- Inner Classes --\n", "\n", "\n")
- def membersString = descriptorsString + signaturesString
- def extendsString = if (superName == "") "" else " extends " + superName
- def implementsString = if (interfaces.isEmpty) "" else interfaces.mkString("Implements: ", ", ", "")
- private def group(label: String, xs: Traversable[(String, String)]) =
- xs map { case (name, value) => line(label, name, value) } mkString "\n"
- private def line(label: String, name: String, data: String) =
- trimTrailingSpace(" %-15s %30s %s".format(label, name, data))
- override def toString = (
- List(
- "class " + name + extendsString,
- if (signature == "") "" else line("class sig", "", signature),
- group("interface", interfaces map (x => (("", x)))),
- (innerClasses map (ic => line(ic.kind, ic.innerName, ic.nestString))).sorted.mkString("\n"),
- group("descriptor", members map (x => (, x.descriptor))),
- group("signature", members filter (_.hasSignature) map (x => (, x.signature)))
- ) map trimTrailingSpace filterNot (_ == "") mkString ("", "\n", "\n")
- )
-// method_info or field_info {
-// u2 access_flags;
-// u2 name_index;
-// u2 descriptor_index;
-// u2 attributes_count;
-// attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];
-// }
-class JvmMemberInfo(
- val flags: Short,
- val name: String,
- val descriptor: String,
- attributes: Array[JvmAttributeInfo]
-) extends JvmInfo(attributes) {
- final def isAbstract = (flags & JAVA_ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0
- final def isAnnotated = (flags & JAVA_ACC_ANNOTATION) != 0
- final def isFinal = (flags & JAVA_ACC_FINAL) != 0
- final def isPrivate = (flags & JAVA_ACC_PRIVATE) != 0
- final def isProtected = (flags & JAVA_ACC_PROTECTED) != 0
- final def isPublic = (flags & JAVA_ACC_PUBLIC) != 0
- final def isStatic = (flags & JAVA_ACC_STATIC) != 0
- final def isSynthetic = (flags & JAVA_ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0
- final def isVarargs = (flags & JAVA_ACC_VARARGS) != 0
- // method only
- final def isBridge = (flags & JAVA_ACC_BRIDGE) != 0
- // field only
- final def isEnum = (flags & JAVA_ACC_ENUM) != 0
- final def isTransient = (flags & JAVA_ACC_TRANSIENT) != 0
- def isMethod = descriptor startsWith "(" // )
- def isField = !isMethod
- def scalaFlags = toScalaMethodFlags(flags)
- def decodedName = decode(name)
- def hasSignature = signature != ""
- def toErasedString = "%-30s %s".format(decodedName, descriptor)
- def toGenericString = "%-30s %s".format(decodedName, signature)
- override def toString = (
- if (hasSignature) toGenericString else toErasedString
- )
-class GenericAttr(val name: String, val value: Array[Byte]) extends JvmAttributeInfo { }
-class SignatureAttr(val value: String) extends JvmAttributeInfo { def name = "Signature" }
-class InnerClassesAttr(val value: Array[JvmInnerClassInfo]) extends JvmAttributeInfo { def name = "InnerClasses" }
-// package foo { class Foo { class Bar } }
-// javap would say
-// Bar = class foo.Foo$Bar of class foo.Foo
-// which is translated as
-// innerClass = foo.Foo$Bar
-// outerClass = foo.Foo
-// innerName = Bar
-class JvmInnerClassInfo(
- thisClass: String, // classfile which is being parsed
- val innerClass: String, // the full name of the inner/nested class
- val outerClass: String, // the full name of the outer class - must be a prefix of innerClass
- val innerName: String, // the simple name of the inner class - should (?) be a suffix of innerClass
- val flags: Short // flags
-) {
- val isEntryOfEnclosingClass = !isAnonymousClass && (innerClass == thisClass)
- val isEntryOfNestedClass = !isAnonymousClass && (outerClass == thisClass)
- def isTopLevelClass = outerClass == ""
- def isAnonymousClass = innerName == ""
- def isMemberClass = !isTopLevelClass
- def kind = (
- if (isEntryOfEnclosingClass) "inner/enclosing"
- else if (isEntryOfNestedClass) "inner/nested"
- else if (isAnonymousClass) "inner/anon"
- else "inner"
- )
- def nestString = (
- if (isEntryOfEnclosingClass) "enclosing class: " + outerClass
- else if (isEntryOfNestedClass) "member class: " + innerClass
- else if (isAnonymousClass) "anonymous class: " + innerClass
- else innerClass + " in " + outerClass
- )
- override def toString = innerName + "=" + nestString
-object JvmClassInfo {
- class Builder(protected[this] val in: DataInput) extends ScalacClassfileModel {
- def readInterface(): InterfaceInfo = nameAt(u2)
- def readMember(): JvmMemberInfo = new JvmMemberInfo(u2.toShort, stringAt(u2), stringAt(u2), readAttributes())
- def readInnerClass(): JvmInnerClassInfo = new JvmInnerClassInfo(thisClass, nameAt(u2), nameAt(u2), stringAt(u2), u2.toShort)
- def readConstantPoolEntry(): Entry = (u1: @annotation.switch) match {
- case CONSTANT_Utf8 => new Utf8_info(in.readUTF)
- case CONSTANT_Integer => new Integer_info(in.readInt)
- case CONSTANT_Float => new Float_info(in.readFloat)
- case CONSTANT_Long => new Long_info(in.readLong)
- case CONSTANT_Double => new Double_info(in.readDouble)
- case CONSTANT_Class => new Class_info(u2)
- case CONSTANT_String => new String_info(u2)
- case CONSTANT_Fieldref => new Fieldref_info(u2, u2)
- case CONSTANT_Methodref => new Methodref_info(u2, u2)
- case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref => new InterfaceMethodref_info(u2, u2)
- case CONSTANT_NameAndType => new NameAndType_info(u2, u2)
- }
- // field_info attributes:
- // ConstantValue (§4.7.2), Synthetic (§4.7.8), Signature (§4.7.9), Deprecated (§4.7.15),
- // RuntimeVisibleAnnotations (§4.7.16) and RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations (§4.7.17).
- //
- // method_info attributes:
- // Code (§4.7.3), Exceptions (§4.7.5), Synthetic (§4.7.8), Signature (§4.7.9), Deprecated (§4.7.15),
- // RuntimeVisibleAnnotations (§4.7.16), RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations (§4.7.17), RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations (§4.7.18),
- // RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations (§4.7.19) and AnnotationDefault (§4.7.20).
- def readAttribute(): AttributeInfo = {
- val name = stringAt(u2)
- val len = u4
- name match {
- case "Signature" => new SignatureAttr(stringAt(u2))
- case "InnerClasses" => new InnerClassesAttr(readInnerClasses())
- case name => val bytes = new Array[Byte](len) ; in.readFully(bytes) ; new GenericAttr(name, bytes)
- }
- }
- }
- private def classFiles(path: String) =
- Directory(path).deepFiles filter (_ hasExtension "class")
- def classInfoMap(path: String): Map[String, JvmClassInfo] = {
- classFiles(path) map (f => (f.path, JvmClassInfo fromFile f.jfile)) toMap
- }
- def classInfoList(path: String): List[(String, JvmClassInfo)] = {
- classInfoMap(path).toList sortBy (_._1)
- }
- def fromFile(file: =
- fromStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)))
- def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]) =
- fromStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))
- def fromPath(path: String) =
- fromStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(path)))
- def fromStream(in0: InputStream) = {
- val in = new DataInputStream(in0)
- try fromDataInput(in) finally in.close()
- }
- def fromDataInput(in: DataInput): JvmClassInfo = {
- new Builder(in) parse
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/SymbolFlags.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/SymbolFlags.scala
index 4ce8ac40df..e14c508fec 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/SymbolFlags.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/SymbolFlags.scala
@@ -17,101 +17,6 @@ trait SymbolFlags {
import definitions._
- /** Not mixed in under normal conditions; a powerful debugging aid.
- */
- trait FlagVerifier extends Symbol {
- private def assert0(cond: Boolean, message: => Any) {
- if (!cond) {
- Console.err.println("[flag verification failure]\n%s\n%s\n".format(atPhaseStackMessage, message))
- (new Throwable).getStackTrace.take(13).drop(3).foreach(println)
- println("")
- }
- }
- protected def verifyChange(isAdd: Boolean, mask: Long, before: Long) {
- val after = if (isAdd) before | mask else before & ~mask
- val added = after & ~before
- val removed = before & ~after
- val ignored = mask & ~added & ~removed
- val error = (
- (added & OverloadedFlagsMask) != 0 || (removed & OverloadedFlagsMask) != 0
- // || (ignored != 0)
- )
- val addString = if (added == 0) "" else "+(" + flagsToString(added) + ")"
- val removeString = if (removed == 0) "" else "-(" + flagsToString(removed) + ")"
- val changeString = if (added == 0 && removed == 0) "no change" else addString + " " + removeString
- if (error) {
- val templ = (
- """| symbol: %s %s in %s
- | call: %s(%s)
- | flags: %s
- | result: %s""".stripMargin
- )
- assert0(false, templ.format(
- shortSymbolClass,
- name.decode,
- owner,
- if (isAdd) "+" else "-",
- flagsToString(mask),
- flagsToString(before),
- changeString
- ))
- }
- }
- protected def verifyFlags(what: String) {
- assert0(this hasAllFlags alwaysHasFlags, symbolCreationString + "\n always=%s, what=%s\n".format(flagsToString(alwaysHasFlags), what))
- if (this hasFlag neverHasFlags) {
- val hasRaw = (rawflags & neverHasFlags) != 0
- assert0(!hasRaw, symbolCreationString + "\n never=%s, what=%s".format(flagsToString(neverHasFlags), what))
- }
- }
- abstract override def initFlags(mask: Long): this.type = {
- super.initFlags(mask)
- verifyFlags("initFlags(" + flagsToString(mask) + ")")
- this
- }
- abstract override def setFlag(mask: Long): this.type = {
- verifyChange(true, mask, rawflags)
- super.setFlag(mask)
- verifyFlags("setFlag(" + flagsToString(mask) + ")")
- this
- }
- abstract override def resetFlag(mask: Long): this.type = {
- verifyChange(false, mask, rawflags)
- super.resetFlag(mask)
- verifyFlags("resetFlag(" + flagsToString(mask) + ")")
- this
- }
- abstract override def flags_=(fs: Long) {
- if ((fs & ~rawflags) != 0)
- verifyChange(true, fs & ~rawflags, rawflags)
- if ((rawflags & ~fs) != 0)
- verifyChange(false, rawflags & ~fs, rawflags)
- super.flags_=(fs)
- verifyFlags("flags_=(" + flagsToString(fs) + ")")
- }
- }
- /** Flags which should always be present on a particular class of
- * Symbol, and never be present on any others.
- */
- def AllDistinguishingFlags: Long = METHOD | MODULE | IMPLCLASS
- /** A distinguishing flag is one which the mixing class must always
- * have, and which no other symbol class is allowed to have.
- */
- trait DistinguishingFlag extends SymbolFlagLogic {
- this: Symbol =>
- def distinguishingFlag: Long
- override protected def alwaysHasFlags = super.alwaysHasFlags | distinguishingFlag
- override protected def neverHasFlags = super.neverHasFlags & ~distinguishingFlag
- }
trait SymbolFlagLogic {
this: Symbol =>
@@ -128,9 +33,6 @@ trait SymbolFlags {
protected def resolveOverloadedFlag(flag: Long): String
protected def calculateFlagString(basis: Long): String
- protected def alwaysHasFlags: Long = 0L
- protected def neverHasFlags: Long = AllDistinguishingFlags
def rawFlagString(mask: Long): String = calculateFlagString(rawflags & mask)
def rawFlagString: String = rawFlagString(flagMask)
def debugFlagString: String = flagString(AllFlags)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/SymbolTable.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/SymbolTable.scala
index 76b4f5f53e..c2f90fff45 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/SymbolTable.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/SymbolTable.scala
@@ -290,35 +290,14 @@ abstract class SymbolTable extends api.Universe
// letting us know when a cache is really out of commission.
private val caches = mutable.HashSet[WeakReference[Clearable]]()
- private def dumpCaches() {
- println(caches.size + " structures are in perRunCaches.")
- caches.zipWithIndex foreach { case (ref, index) =>
- val cache = ref.get()
- cache match {
- case xs: Traversable[_] =>
- println("(" + index + ")" + (
- if (cache == null) " has been collected."
- else " has " + xs.size + " entries:\n" + stringOf(xs)
- ))
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- }
- // if (settings.debug.value) {
- // println(Signallable("dump compiler caches")(dumpCaches()))
- // }
def recordCache[T <: Clearable](cache: T): T = {
caches += new WeakReference(cache)
def clearAll() = {
- if (settings.debug.value) {
- // val size = caches flatMap (ref => Option(ref.get)) map (_.size) sum;
- log("Clearing " + caches.size + " caches.")
- // totalling " + size + " entries.")
- }
+ debuglog("Clearing " + caches.size + " caches.")
caches foreach { ref =>
val cache = ref.get()
if (cache == null)
@@ -334,11 +313,6 @@ abstract class SymbolTable extends api.Universe
def newWeakSet[K <: AnyRef]() = recordCache(new WeakHashSet[K]())
- /** Break into repl debugger if assertion is true. */
- // def breakIf(assertion: => Boolean, args: Any*): Unit =
- // if (assertion)
- // ILoop.break(args.toList)
/** The set of all installed infotransformers. */
var infoTransformers = new InfoTransformer {
val pid =
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
index 240dedc658..4e12b96ca0 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
@@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
with HasFlags
with SymbolFlagLogic
with SymbolCreator
- // with FlagVerifier // DEBUG
with Annotatable[Symbol] {
type AccessBoundaryType = Symbol
@@ -628,7 +627,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
override def setFlag(mask: Long): this.type = { _rawflags |= mask ; this }
override def resetFlag(mask: Long): this.type = { _rawflags &= ~mask ; this }
- override def resetFlags() { rawflags &= (TopLevelCreationFlags | alwaysHasFlags) }
+ override def resetFlags() { rawflags &= TopLevelCreationFlags }
/** Default implementation calls the generic string function, which
* will print overloaded flags as <flag1/flag2/flag3>. Subclasses
@@ -2434,8 +2433,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
/** A class for module symbols */
class ModuleSymbol protected[Symbols] (initOwner: Symbol, initPos: Position, initName: TermName)
- extends TermSymbol(initOwner, initPos, initName) with DistinguishingFlag with ModuleSymbolApi {
- def distinguishingFlag = MODULE
+ extends TermSymbol(initOwner, initPos, initName) with ModuleSymbolApi {
private var flatname: TermName = null
override def associatedFile = moduleClass.associatedFile
@@ -2462,19 +2460,13 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
class PackageSymbol protected[Symbols] (owner0: Symbol, pos0: Position, name0: TermName)
- extends ModuleSymbol(owner0, pos0, name0) with DistinguishingFlag with PackageSymbolApi {
- override def distinguishingFlag = super.distinguishingFlag | PACKAGE
+ extends ModuleSymbol(owner0, pos0, name0) with PackageSymbolApi {
override def isPackage = true
/** A class for method symbols */
class MethodSymbol protected[Symbols] (initOwner: Symbol, initPos: Position, initName: TermName)
- extends TermSymbol(initOwner, initPos, initName) with DistinguishingFlag with MethodSymbolApi {
- def distinguishingFlag = METHOD
- // MethodSymbols pick up MODULE when trait-owned object accessors are cloned
- // during mixin composition.
- override protected def neverHasFlags = super.neverHasFlags & ~MODULE
+ extends TermSymbol(initOwner, initPos, initName) with MethodSymbolApi {
private[this] var mtpePeriod = NoPeriod
private[this] var mtpePre: Type = _
private[this] var mtpeResult: Type = _
@@ -2743,9 +2735,6 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
private[this] var thisTypeCache: Type = _
private[this] var thisTypePeriod = NoPeriod
- override protected def alwaysHasFlags: Long = 0L
- override protected def neverHasFlags: Long = 0L
override def resolveOverloadedFlag(flag: Long) = flag match {
case EXISTENTIAL => "<existential>" // EXISTENTIAL / MIXEDIN
@@ -2904,13 +2893,11 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
* plain class symbols!
class ModuleClassSymbol protected[Symbols] (owner: Symbol, pos: Position, name: TypeName)
- extends ClassSymbol(owner, pos, name) with DistinguishingFlag {
+ extends ClassSymbol(owner, pos, name) {
private[this] var module: Symbol = _
private[this] var typeOfThisCache: Type = _
private[this] var typeOfThisPeriod = NoPeriod
- def distinguishingFlag = MODULE
private var implicitMembersCacheValue: List[Symbol] = Nil
private var implicitMembersCacheKey1: Type = NoType
private var implicitMembersCacheKey2: ScopeEntry = null
@@ -2965,8 +2952,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
class PackageClassSymbol protected[Symbols] (owner0: Symbol, pos0: Position, name0: TypeName)
- extends ModuleClassSymbol(owner0, pos0, name0) with DistinguishingFlag {
- override def distinguishingFlag = super.distinguishingFlag | PACKAGE
+ extends ModuleClassSymbol(owner0, pos0, name0) {
override def sourceModule = companionModule
override def enclClassChain = Nil
override def isPackageClass = true
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/program/DumpClass.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/program/DumpClass.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a583f1d3ea..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/program/DumpClass.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* NEST (New Scala Test)
- * Copyright 2007-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package cmd
-package program
-import scala.reflect.internal.JvmClassInfo
-object DumpClass {
- private val usage = """
- |Usage: dump-class [options] <path> <path> ...
- |
- |Parses and dumps the bytecode of all classes found at the given paths.
- |""".stripMargin
- private val unaryOps = List(
- "signatures" -> "dump signatures"
- )
- private val info = Simple.scalaProgramInfo("dump-class", usage)
- private val spec = Simple(info, unaryOps, Nil, null)
- def deepInfos(dir: String) = {
- val files = Directory(dir).deepFiles.toList filter (_ hasExtension "class")
- files.sortBy(_.path) map (f => (f.path, JvmClassInfo fromPath f.path))
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- val runner = spec instance args
- import runner._
- if (args.isEmpty)
- println(usage)
- else
- (residualArgs flatMap deepInfos) sortBy (_._1) map (_._2) foreach println
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/program/Scmp.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/program/Scmp.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f39c29a77..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/program/Scmp.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* NEST (New Scala Test)
- * Copyright 2007-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package cmd
-package program
-import scala.sys.process._
-object Scmp {
- private val scmpUsage = """
- |Usage: scmp [options] <cmd line>
- |Example: scmp --p1 '-no-specialization -Ydebug' scalac src/library/scala/Function1.scala
- |
- |Note: the command line must start with a path to scalac.
- |""".stripMargin
- private val scmpOptions = List(
- "p1" -> "options for the first run only",
- "p2" -> "options for the second run only"
- )
- private val scmpInfo = Simple.scalaProgramInfo("scmp", scmpUsage)
- lazy val ScmpSpec = Simple(scmpInfo, Nil, scmpOptions, x => returning(x)(_.onlyKnownOptions = false))
- def main(args0: Array[String]): Unit = {
- if (args0.isEmpty)
- return println(scmpUsage)
- val runner = ScmpSpec instance args0
- import runner._
- val p1args = parsed.getOrElse("--p1", "")
- val p2args = parsed.getOrElse("--p2", "")
- if (p1args.isEmpty && p2args.isEmpty)
- return println("At least one of --p1 and --p2 must be given.")
- if (residualArgs.isEmpty)
- return println("There is no command to run.")
- def createCmd(extras: String) =
- fromArgs(residualArgs.patch(1, toArgs(extras), 0))
- def runCmd(cmd: String) = {
- val tmpfile = File.makeTemp()
- (cmd #> tmpfile.jfile !)
- tmpfile
- }
- val cmds = List(p1args, p2args) map createCmd
- println(cmds.mkString("Running command lines:\n ", "\n ", ""))
- val files = cmds map runCmd map (_.path)
- val diff = "diff %s %s".format(files: _*).!!
- if (diff.isEmpty) println("No differences.")
- else println(diff)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/program/Simple.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/program/Simple.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f2095d64b8..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/program/Simple.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* NEST (New Scala Test)
- * Copyright 2007-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package cmd
-package program
-import Spec.Info
-/** A boilerplate reducer for commands with simple requirements. For examples,
- * see Scmp and Tokens in this package.
- */
-object Simple {
- type CommandLineTransform = SimpleCommandLine => SimpleCommandLine
- abstract class SimpleSpec(val programInfo: Info) extends Spec with Meta.StdOpts with Interpolation
- trait SimpleInstance extends SimpleSpec with Instance {
- val parsed: CommandLine
- }
- class SimpleReference(
- programInfo: Info,
- unary: List[(String, String)] = Nil,
- binary: List[(String, String)] = Nil,
- postCreation: CommandLineTransform = null
- ) extends SimpleSpec(programInfo) with Reference {
- spec =>
- if (programInfo.usage != "") help(programInfo.usage)
- unary foreach { case (option, help) => option / help --? }
- binary foreach { case (option, help) => option / help --| }
- type ThisCommandLine = SimpleCommandLine
- def creator(args: List[String]) = new SimpleCommandLine(spec, args)
- def instance(args: Array[String]): SimpleInstance = instance(args.toList)
- def instance(args: List[String]): SimpleInstance =
- new {
- val parsed = spec(args: _*)
- } with SimpleSpec(programInfo) with SimpleInstance {
- lazy val referenceSpec = spec
- }
- lazy val referenceSpec = spec
- }
- def apply(info: Info, unary: List[(String, String)], binary: List[(String, String)], postCreation: CommandLineTransform): SimpleReference = {
- new SimpleReference(info, unary, binary, postCreation) {
- override def creator(args: List[String]) = {
- val obj = super.creator(args)
- if (postCreation == null) obj
- else postCreation(obj)
- }
- }
- }
- def scalaProgramInfo(name: String, help: String) =
- Spec.Info(name, help, "" + name.capitalize)
- /** You can't override a def with a var unless a setter exists. We cleverly
- * sidestep this by mixing in a trait with dummy setters which will be
- * inaccessible due to the overriding var.
- */
- trait Ticket2338WontFixWorkaround {
- def enforceArity_=(x: Boolean): Unit = sys.error("unreachable")
- def onlyKnownOptions_=(x: Boolean): Unit = sys.error("unreachable")
- }
- /** Configurability simplicity achieved by turning defs into vars and letting
- * the spec creator apply a transformation. This way there's no need to create
- * custom subclasses of CommandLine.
- */
- class SimpleCommandLine(spec: Reference, args: List[String]) extends CommandLine(spec, args) with Ticket2338WontFixWorkaround {
- override var enforceArity: Boolean = true
- override var onlyKnownOptions: Boolean = true
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/program/Tokens.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/program/Tokens.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index be494bba3a..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/cmd/program/Tokens.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package cmd
-package program
-import nsc._
-import scala.reflect.internal.Chars.char2uescape
-import io._
-import ast.parser.Tokens._
-/** Given paths on the command line, tokenizes any scala files found
- * and prints one token per line.
- */
-object Tokens {
- private val tokensUsage = "Usage: tokens [options] <path1 path2 ...>\n\nOptions:"
- private val tokensUnary = List(
- "verbose" -> "be more verbose",
- "freq" -> "combine token lists and sort by frequency",
- "stats" -> "output some stats"
- )
- private val tokensBinary = List(
- "sliding" -> "print tokens in groups of given size"
- )
- private val tokensInfo = Simple.scalaProgramInfo("tokens", tokensUsage)
- private lazy val TokensSpec = Simple(tokensInfo, tokensUnary, tokensBinary, null)
- def sanitize(x: Any): String = sanitize(x.toString)
- def sanitize(str: String): String = str flatMap (x => if (x.isControl) char2uescape(x) else x.toString)
- def main(args0: Array[String]): Unit = {
- if (args0.isEmpty)
- return println(TokensSpec.helpMsg)
- val runner = TokensSpec instance args0
- import runner._
- val files = (residualArgs flatMap walk).distinct
- if (parsed isSet "--verbose")
- println("Tokenizing: " + (files map ( mkString " "))
- if (parsed isSet "--stats")
- println("Stats not yet implemented.")
- def raw = files flatMap fromScalaSource
- def tokens: List[Any] =
- if (parsed isSet "--sliding") raw sliding parsed("--sliding").toInt map (_ map sanitize mkString " ") toList
- else raw
- def output =
- if (parsed isSet "--freq")
- (tokens groupBy (x => x) mapValues (_.length)).toList sortBy (-_._2) map (x => x._2 + " " + x._1)
- else
- tokens
- output foreach println
- }
- def fromPaths(paths: String*): List[Any] =
- (paths.toList flatMap walk).distinct flatMap fromScalaSource
- /** Given a path, returns all .scala files underneath it.
- */
- private def walk(arg: String): List[File] = {
- def traverse = Path(arg) ifDirectory (_.deepList()) getOrElse Iterator(File(arg))
- Path onlyFiles traverse filter (_ hasExtension "scala") toList
- }
- def fromScalaString(code: String): List[Any] = {
- val f = File.makeTemp("tokens")
- f writeAll code
- fromScalaSource(f)
- }
- /** Tokenizes a single scala file.
- */
- def fromScalaSource(file: Path): List[Any] = fromScalaSource(file.path)
- def fromScalaSource(file: String): List[Any] = {
- val global = new Global(new Settings())
- import global._
- import syntaxAnalyzer.{ UnitScanner, token2string }
- val in = new UnitScanner(new CompilationUnit(getSourceFile(file)))
- in.init()
- Iterator continually {
- val token = in.token match {
- case CHARLIT | INTLIT | LONGLIT => in.intVal
- case DOUBLELIT | FLOATLIT => in.floatVal
- case STRINGLIT => "\"" + in.strVal + "\""
- case SEMI | NEWLINE => ";"
- case NEWLINES => ";;"
- case COMMA => ","
- case EOF => null
- case x => token2string(x)
- }
- in.nextToken()
- token
- } takeWhile (_ != null) toList
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
index bdc5384078..c917ec9984 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ package
import{ File, FileOutputStream, PrintWriter, IOException, FileNotFoundException }
import java.nio.charset.{ Charset, CharsetDecoder, IllegalCharsetNameException, UnsupportedCharsetException }
import compat.Platform.currentTime
-import{ Profiling, PathResolver }
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import io.{ SourceReader, AbstractFile, Path }
import reporters.{ Reporter, ConsoleReporter }
-import util.{ NoPosition, Exceptional, ClassPath, SourceFile, NoSourceFile, Statistics, StatisticsInfo, BatchSourceFile, ScriptSourceFile, ShowPickled, ScalaClassLoader, returning }
+import util.{ NoPosition, Exceptional, ClassPath, SourceFile, NoSourceFile, Statistics, StatisticsInfo, BatchSourceFile, ScriptSourceFile, ScalaClassLoader, returning }
import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.{ PickleBuffer, PickleFormat }
import settings.{ AestheticSettings }
import symtab.{ Flags, SymbolTable, SymbolLoaders, SymbolTrackers }
@@ -266,9 +266,7 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
def logThrowable(t: Throwable): Unit = globalError(throwableAsString(t))
- override def throwableAsString(t: Throwable): String =
- if (opt.richExes) Exceptional(t).force().context()
- else util.stackTraceString(t)
+ override def throwableAsString(t: Throwable) = util.stackTraceString(t)
// ------------ File interface -----------------------------------------
@@ -356,19 +354,6 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
def showTrees = settings.Xshowtrees.value || settings.XshowtreesCompact.value || settings.XshowtreesStringified.value
val showClass = optSetting[String](settings.Xshowcls) map (x => splitClassAndPhase(x, false))
val showObject = optSetting[String](settings.Xshowobj) map (x => splitClassAndPhase(x, true))
- // profiling
- def profCPUPhase = isActive(settings.Yprofile) && !profileAll
- def profileAll = settings.Yprofile.doAllPhases
- def profileAny = !settings.Yprofile.isDefault || !settings.YprofileMem.isDefault
- def profileClass = settings.YprofileClass.value
- def profileMem = settings.YprofileMem.value
- // shortish-term property based options
- def timings = (sys.props contains "scala.timings")
- def inferDebug = (sys.props contains "scalac.debug.infer") || settings.Yinferdebug.value
- def typerDebug = (sys.props contains "scalac.debug.typer") || settings.Ytyperdebug.value
- def lubDebug = (sys.props contains "scalac.debug.lub")
// The current division between scala.reflect.* and* is pretty
@@ -410,14 +395,7 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
def run() {
- currentRun.units foreach { unit =>
- if (opt.timings) {
- val start = System.nanoTime
- try applyPhase(unit)
- finally unitTimings(unit) += (System.nanoTime - start)
- }
- else applyPhase(unit)
- }
+ currentRun.units foreach applyPhase
def apply(unit: CompilationUnit): Unit
@@ -461,8 +439,8 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
/** Switch to turn on detailed type logs */
- var printTypings = opt.typerDebug
- var printInfers = opt.inferDebug
+ var printTypings = settings.Ytyperdebug.value
+ var printInfers = settings.Yinferdebug.value
// phaseName = "parser"
object syntaxAnalyzer extends {
@@ -770,20 +748,6 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
protected lazy val phasesSet = new mutable.HashSet[SubComponent]
protected lazy val phasesDescMap = new mutable.HashMap[SubComponent, String] withDefaultValue ""
private lazy val phaseTimings = new Phases.TimingModel // tracking phase stats
- private lazy val unitTimings = mutable.HashMap[CompilationUnit, Long]() withDefaultValue 0L // tracking time spent per unit
- private def unitTimingsFormatted(): String = {
- def toMillis(nanos: Long) = "%.3f" format nanos / 1000000d
- val formatter = new util.TableDef[(String, String)] {
- >> ("ms" -> (_._1)) >+ " "
- << ("path" -> (_._2))
- }
- "" + (
- new formatter.Table(unitTimings.toList sortBy (-_._2) map {
- case (unit, nanos) => (toMillis(nanos), unit.source.path)
- })
- )
- }
protected def addToPhasesSet(sub: SubComponent, descr: String) {
phasesSet += sub
@@ -1292,14 +1256,7 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
def units: Iterator[CompilationUnit] = unitbuf.iterator
- def registerPickle(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
- // Convert all names to the type name: objects don't store pickled data
- if (opt.showPhase && (opt.showNames exists (x => findNamedMember(x.toTypeName, sym) != NoSymbol))) {
- symData get sym foreach { pickle =>
-"\n<<-- " + sym.fullName + " -->>\n", pickle, false)
- }
- }
- }
+ def registerPickle(sym: Symbol): Unit = ()
/** does this run compile given class, module, or case factory? */
def compiles(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
@@ -1334,9 +1291,6 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
private def showMembers() =
opt.showNames foreach (x => showDef(x, opt.declsOnly, globalPhase))
- // If -Yprofile isn't given this will never be triggered.
- lazy val profiler = Class.forName(opt.profileClass).newInstance().asInstanceOf[Profiling]
// Similarly, this will only be created under -Yshow-syms.
object trackerFactory extends SymbolTrackers {
val global: Global.this.type = Global.this
@@ -1400,10 +1354,6 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
private def compileUnitsInternal(units: List[CompilationUnit], fromPhase: Phase) {
units foreach addUnit
- if (opt.profileAll) {
- inform("starting CPU profiling on compilation run")
- profiler.startProfiling()
- }
val startTime = currentTime
@@ -1413,16 +1363,7 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
while (globalPhase.hasNext && !reporter.hasErrors) {
val startTime = currentTime
phase = globalPhase
- if (opt.profCPUPhase) {
- inform("starting CPU profiling on phase " +
- profiler profile
- }
- else
- // Create a profiling generation for each phase's allocations
- if (opt.profileAny)
- profiler.advanceGeneration(
// progress update
informTime(globalPhase.description, startTime)
@@ -1462,13 +1403,6 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
- if (opt.profileAll)
- profiler.stopProfiling()
- if (opt.timings) {
- inform(phaseTimings.formatted)
- inform(unitTimingsFormatted)
- }
if (traceSymbolActivity)
units map (_.body) foreach (traceSymbols recordSymbolsInTree _)
@@ -1481,15 +1415,6 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
symSource.keys foreach (x => resetPackageClass(x.owner))
informTime("total", startTime)
- // save heap snapshot if requested
- if (opt.profileMem) {
- inform("Saving heap snapshot, this could take a while...")
- System.gc()
- profiler.captureSnapshot()
- inform("...done saving heap snapshot.")
- specializeTypes.printSpecStats()
- }
// record dependency data
if (!
@@ -1697,35 +1622,5 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter) extends Symb
object Global {
- /** If possible, instantiate the global specified via -Yglobal-class.
- * This allows the use of a custom Global subclass with the software which
- * wraps Globals, such as scalac, fsc, and the repl.
- */
- def fromSettings(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter): Global = {
- // !!! The classpath isn't known until the Global is created, which is too
- // late, so we have to duplicate it here. Classpath is too tightly coupled,
- // it is a construct external to the compiler and should be treated as such.
- val parentLoader = settings.explicitParentLoader getOrElse getClass.getClassLoader
- val loader = ScalaClassLoader.fromURLs(new PathResolver(settings).result.asURLs, parentLoader)
- val name = settings.globalClass.value
- val clazz = Class.forName(name, true, loader)
- val cons = clazz.getConstructor(classOf[Settings], classOf[Reporter])
- cons.newInstance(settings, reporter).asInstanceOf[Global]
- }
- /** A global instantiated this way honors -Yglobal-class setting, and
- * falls back on calling the Global constructor directly.
- */
- def apply(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter): Global = {
- val g = (
- if (settings.globalClass.isDefault) null
- else try fromSettings(settings, reporter) catch { case x =>
- reporter.warning(NoPosition, "Failed to instantiate " + settings.globalClass.value + ": " + x)
- null
- }
- )
- if (g != null) g
- else new Global(settings, reporter)
- }
+ def apply(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter): Global = new Global(settings, reporter)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/InterpreterCommand.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/InterpreterCommand.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e25a83e08b..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/InterpreterCommand.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import interpreter._
-/** A compatibility stub.
- */
-@deprecated("Use a class in the package.", "2.9.0")
-class InterpreterCommand(arguments: List[String], error: String => Unit) extends CommandLine(arguments, error) { } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/NodePrinters.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/NodePrinters.scala
index 5d849b9622..ce3106ab29 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/NodePrinters.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/NodePrinters.scala
@@ -25,43 +25,12 @@ abstract class NodePrinters {
var infolevel = InfoLevel.Quiet
- def nodeToString: Tree => String =
- if (sys.props contains "scala.colors") nodeToColorizedString
- else nodeToRegularString
+ def nodeToString: Tree => String = nodeToRegularString
object nodeToRegularString extends DefaultPrintAST with (Tree => String) {
def apply(tree: Tree) = stringify(tree)
- object nodeToColorizedString extends ColorPrintAST with (Tree => String) {
- def apply(tree: Tree) = stringify(tree)
- }
- trait ColorPrintAST extends DefaultPrintAST {
- import
- def keywordColor = Cyan
- def typeColor = Yellow
- def termColor = Blue
- def flagColor = Red
- def literalColor = Green
- override def showFlags(tree: MemberDef) =
- super.showFlags(tree) in flagColor.bright
- override def showDefTreeName(tree: DefTree) =
- if ( in termColor.bright
- else in typeColor.bright
- override def showName(name: Name) =
- if (name == nme.EMPTY || name == tpnme.EMPTY) "<empty>" in keywordColor
- else if (name.isTermName) name.decode in termColor
- else name.decode in typeColor
- override def showLiteral(lit: Literal) =
- super.showLiteral(lit) in literalColor.bright
- }
trait DefaultPrintAST extends PrintAST {
val printPos = settings.Xprintpos.value || settings.Yposdebug.value
@@ -133,7 +102,6 @@ abstract class NodePrinters {
if (settings.XshowtreesStringified.value) buf.append(tree.toString + EOL)
if (settings.XshowtreesCompact.value) {
- // todo. colors for compact representation
} else {
level = 0
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenJVM.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenJVM.scala
index 7f5b7aaf62..17c244ee82 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenJVM.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenJVM.scala
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import{ByteArrayOutputStream, DataOutputStream, OutputStream }
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.{ PickleFormat, PickleBuffer }
import{ SourceFile, NoSourceFile }
import scala.reflect.internal.ClassfileConstants._
@@ -122,9 +121,6 @@ abstract class GenJVM extends SubComponent with GenJVMUtil with GenAndroid with
if (settings.debug.value)
inform("[running phase " + name + " on icode]")
- if (settings.Xverify.value && !SigParser.isParserAvailable)
- global.warning("signature verification requested by signature parser unavailable: signatures not checked")
if (settings.Xdce.value)
for ((sym, cls) <- icodes.classes if inliner.isClosureClass(sym) && !deadCode.liveClosures(sym))
icodes.classes -= sym
@@ -722,14 +718,6 @@ abstract class GenJVM extends SubComponent with GenJVMUtil with GenAndroid with
- /** Run the signature parser to catch bogus signatures.
- */
- def isValidSignature(sym: Symbol, sig: String) = (
- if (sym.isMethod) SigParser verifyMethod sig
- else if (sym.isTerm) SigParser verifyType sig
- else SigParser verifyClass sig
- )
// @M don't generate java generics sigs for (members of) implementation
// classes, as they are monomorphic (TODO: ok?)
private def needsGenericSignature(sym: Symbol) = !(
@@ -751,19 +739,6 @@ abstract class GenJVM extends SubComponent with GenJVMUtil with GenAndroid with
erasure.javaSig(sym, memberTpe) foreach { sig =>
// This seems useful enough in the general case.
- /** Since we're using a sun internal class for signature validation,
- * we have to allow for it not existing or otherwise malfunctioning:
- * in which case we treat every signature as valid. Medium term we
- * should certainly write independent signature validation.
- */
- if (settings.Xverify.value && SigParser.isParserAvailable && !isValidSignature(sym, sig)) {
- clasz.cunit.warning(sym.pos,
- """|compiler bug: created invalid generic signature for %s in %s
- |signature: %s
- |if this is reproducible, please report bug at
- """.trim.stripMargin.format(sym, sym.owner.skipPackageObject.fullName, sig))
- return
- }
if (checkSignatures) {
val normalizedTpe = beforeErasure(erasure.prepareSigMap(memberTpe))
val bytecodeTpe = owner.thisType.memberInfo(sym)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Dossiers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Dossiers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d889cadf47..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Dossiers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package interpreter
-// Coming soon
-trait Dossiers {
- val intp: IMain
- import intp._
- import
- import definitions._
- trait Dossier {
- def symbol: Symbol
- def staticType: Type
- def id = name.toString
- def name =
- def normalizedType = staticType.typeSymbolDirect.tpe.normalize
- def simpleNameOfType = staticType.typeSymbol.simpleName
- def staticTypeString = staticType.toString
- override def toString = "Dossier on %s:\n static type %s (normalized %s)".format(
- symbol, staticType, normalizedType
- )
- }
- class TypeDossier(val symbol: TypeSymbol, val staticType: Type) extends Dossier {
- override def toString = super.toString
- }
- class TermDossier(val symbol: TermSymbol, val staticType: Type, val value: AnyRef) extends Dossier {
- def runtimeClass: JClass = value.getClass
- def runtimeSymbol: Symbol = getClassIfDefined(runtimeClass.getName)
- def runtimeType: Type = runtimeSymbol.tpe
- def runtimeTypeString = TypeStrings.fromClazz(runtimeClass)
- def runtimeTypedParam = NamedParamClass(id, runtimeTypeString, value)
- def staticTypedParam = NamedParamClass(id, staticTypeString, value)
- def isRuntimeTypeTighter = runtimeSymbol.ancestors contains normalizedType.typeSymbol
- override def toString = super.toString + (
- "\n runtime type %s/%s\n value %s".format(
- runtimeType, runtimeTypeString, value
- )
- )
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ExprTyper.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ExprTyper.scala
index 0cd918b6a5..4a36a4b6f3 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ExprTyper.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ExprTyper.scala
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ trait ExprTyper {
val repl: IMain
import repl._
- import replTokens.{ Tokenizer }
import global.{ reporter => _, Import => _, _ }
import definitions._
import syntaxAnalyzer.{ UnitParser, UnitScanner, token2name }
@@ -30,12 +29,6 @@ trait ExprTyper {
- def tokens(code: String) = {
- reporter.reset()
- val in = newUnitScanner(code)
- in.init()
- new Tokenizer(in) tokenIterator
- }
def defns(code: String) = stmts(code) collect { case x: DefTree => x }
def expr(code: String) = applyRule(code, _.expr())
@@ -111,13 +104,4 @@ trait ExprTyper {
finally typeOfExpressionDepth -= 1
- def tokens(line: String) = beQuietDuring(codeParser.tokens(line))
- // In the todo column
- //
- // def compileAndTypeExpr(expr: String): Option[Typer] = {
- // class TyperRun extends Run {
- // override def stopPhase(name: String) = name == "superaccessors"
- // }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoop.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoop.scala
index 297d6ad1b9..4badb90968 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoop.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoop.scala
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import scala.sys.process.Process
import session._
import scala.util.Properties.{ jdkHome, javaVersion }
-import{ Signallable, Javap }
+import{ Javap }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.concurrent.ops
import util.{ ClassPath, Exceptional, stringFromWriter, stringFromStream }
import interpreter._
-import io.{ File, Sources, Directory }
+import io.{ File, Directory }
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer._
import util.ScalaClassLoader
import ScalaClassLoader._
@@ -118,12 +118,6 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
/** The context class loader at the time this object was created */
protected val originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader
- // Install a signal handler so we can be prodded.
- private val signallable =
- if (isReplDebug)
- Signallable("Dump repl state.")(dumpCommand())
- else null
// classpath entries added via :cp
var addedClasspath: String = ""
@@ -152,32 +146,15 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
if (intp ne null) {
intp = null
- removeSigIntHandler()
class ILoopInterpreter extends IMain(settings, out) {
outer =>
- private class ThreadStoppingLineManager(classLoader: ClassLoader) extends Line.Manager(classLoader) {
- override def onRunaway(line: Line[_]): Unit = {
- val template = """
- |// She's gone rogue, captain! Have to take her out!
- |// Calling Thread.stop on runaway %s with offending code:
- |// scala> %s""".stripMargin
- echo(template.format(line.thread, line.code))
- // XXX no way to suppress the deprecation warning
- line.thread.stop()
- in.redrawLine()
- }
- }
override lazy val formatting = new Formatting {
def prompt = ILoop.this.prompt
- override protected def createLineManager(classLoader: ClassLoader): Line.Manager =
- new ThreadStoppingLineManager(classLoader)
override protected def parentClassLoader =
settings.explicitParentLoader.getOrElse( classOf[ILoop].getClassLoader )
@@ -603,14 +580,6 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
private val crashRecovery: PartialFunction[Throwable, Boolean] = {
case ex: Throwable =>
- if (settings.YrichExes.value) {
- val sources = implicitly[Sources]
- echo("\n" + ex.getMessage)
- echo(
- if (isReplDebug) "[searching " + sources.path + " for exception contexts...]"
- else "[searching for exception contexts...]"
- )
- }
ex match {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoopInit.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoopInit.scala
index 6a9654732b..9072eaae46 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoopInit.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoopInit.scala
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ package
package interpreter
import util.Position
import scala.util.control.Exception.ignoring
@@ -33,37 +32,6 @@ trait ILoopInit {
- /** Try to install sigint handler: ignore failure. Signal handler
- * will interrupt current line execution if any is in progress.
- *
- * Attempting to protect the repl from accidental exit, we only honor
- * a single ctrl-C if the current buffer is empty: otherwise we look
- * for a second one within a short time.
- */
- protected def installSigIntHandler() {
- def onExit() {
- Console.println("") // avoiding "shell prompt in middle of line" syndrome
- sys.exit(1)
- }
- ignoring(classOf[Exception]) {
- SignalManager("INT") = {
- if (intp == null || intp.lineManager == null)
- onExit()
- else if (intp.lineManager.running)
- intp.lineManager.cancel()
- else if (in.currentLine != "") {
- // non-empty buffer, so make them hit ctrl-C a second time
- SignalManager("INT") = onExit()
- io.timer(5)(installSigIntHandler()) // and restore original handler if they don't
- }
- else onExit()
- }
- }
- }
- protected def removeSigIntHandler() {
- squashAndLog("removeSigIntHandler")(SignalManager("INT") = null)
- }
private val initLock = new java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock()
private val initCompilerCondition = initLock.newCondition() // signal the compiler is initialized
private val initLoopCondition = initLock.newCondition() // signal the whole repl is initialized
@@ -105,9 +73,7 @@ trait ILoopInit {
protected def postInitThunks = List[Option[() => Unit]](
Some(intp.setContextClassLoader _),
- if (isReplPower) Some(() => enablePowerMode(true)) else None,
- // do this last to avoid annoying uninterruptible startups
- Some(installSigIntHandler _)
+ if (isReplPower) Some(() => enablePowerMode(true)) else None
// ++ (
// warningsThunks
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala
index a9c2ce0d09..ce11712134 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ import reporters._
import symtab.Flags
import scala.reflect.internal.Names
-import{ ScalaClassLoader, Exceptional, Indenter }
import ScalaClassLoader.URLClassLoader
-import Exceptional.unwrap
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.util.control.Exception.{ ultimately }
import IMain._
@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ class IMain(initialSettings: Settings, protected val out: JPrintWriter) extends
* on the future.
private var _classLoader: AbstractFileClassLoader = null // active classloader
- private var _lineManager: Line.Manager = null // logic for individual lines
private val _compiler: Global = newCompiler(settings, reporter) // our private compiler
private val nextReqId = {
@@ -233,11 +232,6 @@ class IMain(initialSettings: Settings, protected val out: JPrintWriter) extends
val global: =
} with StructuredTypeStrings
- // object dossiers extends {
- // val intp: imain.type = imain
- // } with Dossiers { }
- // import dossiers._
lazy val memberHandlers = new {
val intp: imain.type = imain
} with MemberHandlers
@@ -272,15 +266,10 @@ class IMain(initialSettings: Settings, protected val out: JPrintWriter) extends
def executionWrapper = _executionWrapper
def setExecutionWrapper(code: String) = _executionWrapper = code
def clearExecutionWrapper() = _executionWrapper = ""
- def lineManager = _lineManager
/** interpreter settings */
lazy val isettings = new ISettings(this)
- /** Create a line manager. Overridable. */
- protected def noLineManager = ReplPropsKludge.noThreadCreation(settings)
- protected def createLineManager(classLoader: ClassLoader): Line.Manager = new Line.Manager(classLoader)
/** Instantiate a compiler. Overridable. */
protected def newCompiler(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter): ReplGlobal = {
settings.outputDirs setSingleOutput virtualDirectory
@@ -311,10 +300,8 @@ class IMain(initialSettings: Settings, protected val out: JPrintWriter) extends
final def ensureClassLoader() {
- if (_classLoader == null) {
+ if (_classLoader == null)
_classLoader = makeClassLoader()
- _lineManager = if (noLineManager) null else createLineManager(_classLoader)
- }
def classLoader: AbstractFileClassLoader = {
@@ -725,33 +712,14 @@ class IMain(initialSettings: Settings, protected val out: JPrintWriter) extends
val printName = sessionNames.print
val resultName = sessionNames.result
- class LineExceptional(ex: Throwable) extends Exceptional(ex) {
- private def showReplInternal = isettings.showInternalStackTraces
- override def spanFn(frame: JavaStackFrame) =
- if (showReplInternal) super.spanFn(frame)
- else !(frame.className startsWith evalPath)
- override def contextPrelude = super.contextPrelude + (
- if (showReplInternal) ""
- else "/* The repl internal portion of the stack trace is elided. */\n"
- )
- }
def bindError(t: Throwable) = {
if (!bindExceptions) // avoid looping if already binding
throw t
val unwrapped = unwrap(t)
- if (opt.richExes) {
- val ex = new LineExceptional(unwrapped)
- directBind[Exceptional]("lastException", ex)
- ex.contextHead + "\n(access lastException for the full trace)"
- }
- else {
- directBind[Throwable]("lastException", unwrapped)
- util.stackTraceString(unwrapped)
- }
+ directBind[Throwable]("lastException", unwrapped)
+ util.stackTraceString(unwrapped)
}, util.stackTraceString(unwrapped))
@@ -1027,24 +995,8 @@ class IMain(initialSettings: Settings, protected val out: JPrintWriter) extends
/** load and run the code using reflection */
def loadAndRun: (String, Boolean) = {
- if (lineManager == null) return {
- try { ("" + (lineRep call sessionNames.print), true) }
- catch { case ex => (lineRep.bindError(ex), false) }
- }
- import interpreter.Line._
- try {
- val execution = lineManager.set(originalLine)(lineRep call sessionNames.print)
- execution.await()
- execution.state match {
- case Done => ("" + execution.get(), true)
- case Threw => (lineRep.bindError(execution.caught()), false)
- case Cancelled => ("Execution interrupted by signal.\n", false)
- case Running => ("Execution still running! Seems impossible.", false)
- }
- }
- finally lineManager.clear()
+ try { ("" + (lineRep call sessionNames.print), true) }
+ catch { case ex => (lineRep.bindError(ex), false) }
override def toString = "Request(line=%s, %s trees)".format(line, trees.size)
@@ -1138,10 +1090,6 @@ class IMain(initialSettings: Settings, protected val out: JPrintWriter) extends
- object replTokens extends {
- val global: =
- } with ReplTokens { }
object exprTyper extends {
val repl: IMain.this.type = imain
} with ExprTyper { }
@@ -1154,9 +1102,6 @@ class IMain(initialSettings: Settings, protected val out: JPrintWriter) extends
def typeOfExpression(expr: String, silent: Boolean = true): Type =
exprTyper.typeOfExpression(expr, silent)
- def prettyPrint(code: String) =
- replTokens.prettyPrint(exprTyper tokens code)
protected def onlyTerms(xs: List[Name]) = xs collect { case x: TermName => x }
protected def onlyTypes(xs: List[Name]) = xs collect { case x: TypeName => x }
@@ -1238,12 +1183,6 @@ class IMain(initialSettings: Settings, protected val out: JPrintWriter) extends
def isShow = code.lines exists (_.trim endsWith "// show")
def isShowRaw = code.lines exists (_.trim endsWith "// raw")
- // checking for various debug signals
- if (isShowRaw)
- replTokens withRawTokens prettyPrint(code)
- else if (repllog.isTrace || isShow)
- prettyPrint(code)
// old style
beSilentDuring(parse(code)) foreach { ts =>
ts foreach { t =>
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Line.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Line.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3062c95dae..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Line.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package interpreter
-import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
-import Exceptional.unwrap
-import Line._
-/** Encapsulation of a single line in the repl. The concurrency
- * infrastructure arose to deal with signals so SIGINT could be
- * trapped without losing the repl session, but it will be useful
- * in ways beyond that. Each line obtains a thread and the repl
- * waits on a condition indicating that either the line has
- * completed or failed.
- */
-class Line[+T](val code: String, classLoader: ClassLoader, body: => T) {
- private var _state: State = Running
- private var _result: Option[Any] = None
- private var _caught: Option[Throwable] = None
- private val lock = new ReentrantLock()
- private val finished = lock.newCondition()
- private def withLock[T](body: => T) = {
- lock.lock()
- try body
- finally lock.unlock()
- }
- private def setState(state: State) = withLock {
- _state = state
- finished.signal()
- }
- // private because it should be called by the manager.
- private def cancel() = if (running) setState(Cancelled)
- private def runAndSetState[T](body: => T) {
- try { _result = Some(body) ; setState(Done) }
- catch { case t => _caught = Some(t) ; setState(Threw) }
- }
- // This is where the line thread is created and started.
- private val _thread: Thread =
- io.newThread(_ setContextClassLoader classLoader)(runAndSetState(body))
- def state = _state
- def thread = _thread
- def alive = thread.isAlive
- def runaway = !success && alive
- def success = _state == Done
- def running = _state == Running
- def caught() = { await() ; _caught.orNull }
- def get() = {
- await()
- _result getOrElse sys.error("Called get with no result. Code: " + code)
- }
- def await() = withLock { while (running) finished.await() }
-object Line {
- // seconds to let a runaway thread live before calling stop()
- private val HUNTER_KILLER_DELAY = 5
- // A line opens in state Running, and will eventually
- // transition to Threw (an exception was caught), Cancelled
- // (the line was explicitly cancelled, presumably by SIGINT)
- // or Done (success).
- sealed abstract class State
- case object Running extends State
- case object Threw extends State
- case object Cancelled extends State
- case object Done extends State
- class Manager(classLoader: ClassLoader) {
- /** Override to add behavior for runaway lines. This method will
- * be called if a line thread is still running five seconds after
- * it has been cancelled.
- */
- def onRunaway(line: Line[_]): Unit = ()
- private var _current: Option[Line[_]] = None
- def current = _current
- def clear() = {
- _current foreach (_.cancel())
- _current = None
- }
- def set[T](code: String)(body: => T) = {
- val line = new Line(code, classLoader, body)
- _current = Some(line)
- line
- }
- def running = _current.isDefined
- def cancel() = {
- current foreach { line =>
- line.thread.interrupt()
- line.cancel()
- if (line.runaway)
- io.timer(HUNTER_KILLER_DELAY) { if (line.alive) onRunaway(line) }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala
index 659caad1e1..9c4c05f1ee 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala
@@ -321,8 +321,6 @@ class Power[ReplValsImpl <: ReplVals : TypeTag](val intp: IMain, replVals: ReplV
class RichReplString(s: String) {
- // pretty print the string
- def pp() { intp.prettyPrint(s) }
// make an url out of the string
def u: URL = (
if (s contains ":") new URL(s)
@@ -337,7 +335,6 @@ class Power[ReplValsImpl <: ReplVals : TypeTag](val intp: IMain, replVals: ReplV
class RichReplURL(url: URL)(implicit codec: Codec) {
def slurp(): String = io.Streamable.slurp(url)
- def pp() { intp prettyPrint slurp() }
class RichSymbolList(syms: List[Symbol]) {
def sigs = syms map (_.defString)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ReplProps.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ReplProps.scala
index 99489b7c99..5eb1e0ae18 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ReplProps.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ReplProps.scala
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ class ReplProps {
val jlineDebug = bool("")
val jlineTrace = bool("")
- val noThreads = bool("")
val info = bool("")
val debug = bool("scala.repl.debug")
@@ -24,9 +23,3 @@ class ReplProps {
val powerInitCode = Prop[JFile]("scala.repl.power.initcode")
val powerBanner = Prop[JFile]("scala.repl.power.banner")
-object ReplPropsKludge {
- // !!! short term binary compatibility hack for 2.9.1 to put this
- // here - needed a not previously existing object.
- def noThreadCreation(settings: Settings) = replProps.noThreads || settings.Yreplsync.value
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ReplTokens.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ReplTokens.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e63fabf151..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ReplTokens.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package interpreter
-import util.{ BatchSourceFile, Indenter }
-import java.lang.Integer.toOctalString
-import language.{implicitConversions, existentials}
-/** This began as an attempt at a completely minimal
- * pretty printer for a token stream, but as it turns out
- * it's "minimal, pretty, scala: pick any two." So
- * now it's an unattractive hybrid between minimalism
- * and other things. Still, it's a big improvement on the
- * way I was printing source in the repl, so in it goes.
- *
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-abstract class ReplTokens {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- import syntaxAnalyzer.{ UnitScanner, token2name }
- // Mostly, this means print <NL> so we can see where
- // semicolon inference took place.
- private var rawTokens: Boolean = false
- def withRawTokens[T](body: => T): T = {
- rawTokens = true
- try body
- finally rawTokens = false
- }
- // There's the seed of a good idea in here, but you wouldn't
- // know it from the current implementation. The objects are
- // trying to depict what feelings of coziness a given token
- // might have toward its immediate neighbors. But it lacks
- // sufficient granularity and a good resolution mechanism.
- sealed abstract class Cozy(l: => Boolean, r: => Boolean) {
- def left = l
- def right = r
- }
- object Cozy {
- def unapply(x: Cozy) = Some((x.left, x.right))
- }
- case object |--*--| extends Cozy(false, false)
- case object <*--| extends Cozy(true, false)
- case object |--*> extends Cozy(false, true)
- case object <*> extends Cozy(true, true)
- @annotation.switch def escapedChar(ch: Char): String = ch match {
- case '\b' => "\\b"
- case '\t' => "\\t"
- case '\n' => "\\n"
- case '\f' => "\\f"
- case '\r' => "\\r"
- case '"' => "\\\""
- case '\'' => "\\\'"
- case '\\' => "\\\\"
- case _ => String.valueOf(ch)
- }
- def escape(text: String): String = {
- text map { ch =>
- if (ch.isControl) "\\0" + toOctalString(ch)
- else escapedChar(ch)
- } mkString ""
- }
- private class Arrow(code: Int) {
- def ->(str: String): (Int, ReplToken) = (code, Token(code)(str))
- def ->(tok: ReplToken): (Int, ReplToken) = (code, tok)
- }
- private val symbolTokenMap = {
- implicit def liftToken(code: Int): Arrow = new Arrow(code)
- Map[Int, ReplToken](
- AT -> At,
- CASECLASS -> "case class",
- CASEOBJECT -> "case object",
- COLON -> Colon,
- COMMA -> Comma,
- DOT -> Dot,
- EOF -> Eof,
- ERROR -> "<error>",
- FALSE -> False,
- IMPORT -> Import,
- LBRACE -> LBrace,
- LBRACKET -> LBracket,
- LPAREN -> LParen,
- NEWLINE -> Newline,
- NEWLINES -> Newlines,
- NULL -> Null,
- RBRACE -> RBrace,
- RBRACKET -> RBracket,
- RPAREN -> RParen,
- SEMI -> Semi,
- SUBTYPE -> Subtype,
- SUPERTYPE -> Supertype,
- TRUE -> True,
- VIEWBOUND -> ViewBound,
- XMLSTART -> "<xmlstart>"
- )
- }
- def isAlphaId(t: ReplToken) = t match {
- case Id(name) => name forall (ch => ch.isDigit || ch.isLetter || ch == '_')
- case _ => false
- }
- def isOperatorId(t: ReplToken) = t match {
- case Id(name) => !isAlphaId(t)
- case _ => false
- }
- sealed abstract class ReplToken(val tokenString: String, val cozy: Cozy) {
- def this(str: String) = this(str, |--*--| )
- def insistsOnSpace = false
- def cozyRight(other: ReplToken) = (cozy.right || other.cozy.left)
- def cozyLeft(other: ReplToken) = (cozy.left || other.cozy.right)
- final def <--?-->(other: ReplToken) = {
- !(insistsOnSpace || other.insistsOnSpace) && (
- (this cozyRight other) ||
- (other cozyLeft this)
- )
- }
- // to show invisibles
- def rawString = tokenString
- override def toString = (
- if (rawTokens) rawString
- else tokenString
- )
- }
- trait InsistCozyRight extends ReplToken {
- final override def cozyRight(other: ReplToken) = true
- }
- trait InsistCozyLeft extends ReplToken {
- final override def cozyLeft(other: ReplToken) = true
- }
- trait InsistCozy extends InsistCozyLeft with InsistCozyRight { }
- trait InsistSpaced extends ReplToken {
- final override def insistsOnSpace = true
- }
- trait CozyWithLetters extends ReplToken {
- override def cozyRight(other: ReplToken) = isAlphaId(other) || super.cozyRight(other)
- override def cozyLeft(other: ReplToken) = isAlphaId(other) || super.cozyLeft(other)
- }
- trait Brackets extends ReplToken {
- private def isCozyToken(t: ReplToken) = t == LBracket || t == RBracket || isAlphaId(t)
- override def cozyRight(other: ReplToken) = isCozyToken(other) || super.cozyRight(other)
- override def cozyLeft(other: ReplToken) = isCozyToken(other) || super.cozyLeft(other)
- }
- case class Token(value: Int)(str: String) extends ReplToken(str) { }
- case class Id(name: String) extends ReplToken(name) { }
- case class Lit[T](value: T) extends ReplToken(value match {
- case s: String => "\"" + s + "\""
- case _ => "" + value
- })
- case object At extends ReplToken("@") with InsistCozyRight { }
- case object Colon extends ReplToken(":", <*--|)
- case object Comma extends ReplToken(",", <*--|) with InsistCozyLeft { }
- case object Dot extends ReplToken(".", <*>) with InsistCozy { }
- case object Eof extends ReplToken("EOF")
- case object ErrorToken extends ReplToken("<internal error>")
- case object False extends ReplToken("false")
- case object Import extends ReplToken("import")
- case object LBrace extends ReplToken("{") with InsistSpaced { }
- case object LBracket extends ReplToken("[") with Brackets { }
- case object LParen extends ReplToken("(", |--*>)
- case object Newline extends ReplToken("\n", <*>) with InsistCozy { override def rawString = "<NL>\n" }
- case object Newlines extends ReplToken("\n\n", <*>) with InsistCozy { override def rawString = "<NLS>\n\n" }
- case object Null extends ReplToken("null")
- case object RBrace extends ReplToken("}", |--*>) with InsistSpaced { }
- case object RBracket extends ReplToken("]") with Brackets { }
- case object RParen extends ReplToken(")", <*--|)
- case object Semi extends ReplToken(";", <*--|)
- case object Subtype extends ReplToken("<:") with InsistSpaced { }
- case object Supertype extends ReplToken(">:") with InsistSpaced { }
- case object True extends ReplToken("true")
- case object ViewBound extends ReplToken("<%") with InsistSpaced { }
- class Tokenizer(in: UnitScanner) {
- private def translate(tokenCode: Int): ReplToken = tokenCode match {
- case CHARLIT | INTLIT | LONGLIT => Lit(in.intVal)
- case DOUBLELIT | FLOATLIT => Lit(in.floatVal)
- case STRINGLIT => Lit(escape(in.strVal))
- case SYMBOLLIT => Lit(scala.Symbol(in.strVal))
- case _ =>
- symbolTokenMap.getOrElse(
- tokenCode,
- token2name get tokenCode match {
- case Some(name) => Token(tokenCode)("" + name)
- case _ => Token(tokenCode)("<unknown: " + tokenCode + ">")
- }
- )
- }
- def tokenIterator: Iterator[ReplToken] = (
- Iterator continually {
- try translate(in.token)
- finally in.nextToken()
- } takeWhile (_ ne Eof)
- )
- }
- def prettyPrintRaw(tokens: TraversableOnce[ReplToken]) {
- withRawTokens(prettyPrint(tokens))
- }
- def prettyPrint(tokens: TraversableOnce[ReplToken]) {
- new TokenPrinter prettyPrint tokens
- }
- private class TokenPrinter {
- type TokenTriple = (ReplToken, ReplToken, ReplToken)
- val writer = new Indenter
- var prev: List[ReplToken] = Nil
- def isIdentPart(t: ReplToken) = t match {
- case Dot | Id(_) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- def prevNonIdent = prev dropWhile isIdentPart match {
- case Nil => ErrorToken
- case t :: _ => t
- }
- def inImport = prevNonIdent == Import
- def printToken(left: ReplToken, token: ReplToken) = token match {
- case LBrace =>
- writer openIndent (
- if (writer.atStartOfLine) token
- else " " + token
- )
- case RBrace =>
- writer.closeIndent(token)
- case tok @ (Newline | Newlines) =>
- writer.nextIndent(tok)
- case _ =>
- writer print (
- if (writer.atStartOfLine) token
- else if (left <--?--> token) token
- else " " + token
- )
- }
- def prettyPrint(tokens: TraversableOnce[ReplToken]) {
- val it = Iterator(Newline) ++ tokens.toIterator ++ Iterator(Newline) sliding 3 map { x =>
- val List(x1, x2, x3) = x
- ((x1, x2, x3))
- }
- prettyPrint(it)
- }
- def prettyPrint(it: Iterator[TokenTriple]) {
- while (it.hasNext) match {
- // special casing to avoid newline on empty blocks
- case (left, LBrace, RBrace) =>
- writer print " { }"
- // special casing to avoid newlines on import x.{ y, z, q }
- case (left, LBrace, _) if inImport =>
- writer print LBrace
- def loop() {
- if (it.hasNext) {
- val (_, tok, _) =
- if (tok != Comma) {
- writer print " "
- }
- writer print tok
- if (tok != RBrace)
- loop()
- }
- }
- loop()
- case (left, token, right) =>
- printToken(left, token)
- if (it.hasNext) prev ::= token
- else printToken(token, right)
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/session/JLineHistory.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/session/JLineHistory.scala
index a09182319c..795ca79668 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/session/JLineHistory.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/session/JLineHistory.scala
@@ -45,11 +45,5 @@ object JLineHistory {
override def toString = "History(size = " + size + ", index = " + index + ")"
- def apply(): JLineHistory =
- try { new JLineFileHistory }
- catch { case x: Exception =>
- Console.println("Error creating file history: memory history only. " + x)
- util.Exceptional(x).show()
- new SimpleHistory()
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ def apply(): JLineHistory = try new JLineFileHistory catch { case x: Exception => new SimpleHistory() }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/NullPrintStream.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/NullPrintStream.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 52c7ddc74b..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/NullPrintStream.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package io
-import{ PrintStream, ByteArrayOutputStream }
-/** A sink for when you want to discard all output.
- */
-class NullPrintStream extends PrintStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { }
-object NullPrintStream extends NullPrintStream {
- def setOut() = Console setOut this
- def setErr() = Console setErr this
- def setOutAndErr() = { setOut() ; setErr() }
- def sinkingOutAndErr[T](body: => T): T =
- Console.withOut(this) {
- Console.withErr(this) {
- body
- }
- }
- def sinkingSystemOutAndErr[T](body: => T): T = {
- val savedOut = System.out
- val savedErr = System.err
- System setOut NullPrintStream
- System setErr NullPrintStream
- try body
- finally {
- System setOut savedOut
- System setErr savedErr
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Sources.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Sources.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 25d27acae8..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/Sources.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-package io
-import util.ClassPath
-import java.util.concurrent.{ Future, ConcurrentHashMap, ExecutionException }
-import collection.JavaConverters._
-import Properties.{ envOrElse, propOrElse }
-class Sources(val path: String) {
- val expandedPath = ClassPath.join(ClassPath expandPath path: _*)
- val cache = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, List[Fileish]]
- def allNames = cache.keys.asScala.toList.sorted
- def apply(name: String) = get(name)
- def size = cache.asScala.values map (_.length) sum
- def isEmpty = path == ""
- private var debug = false
- private def dbg(msg: => Any) = if (debug) Console println msg
- private val partitioned = ClassPath toPaths expandedPath partition (_.isDirectory)
- val dirs = partitioned._1 map (_.toDirectory)
- val jars = partitioned._2 filter Jar.isJarOrZip map (_.toFile)
- val (isDone, force) = (
- if (path == "") (() => true, () => ())
- else {
- val f1 = spawn(calculateDirs())
- val f2 = spawn(calculateJars())
- val fn1 = () => { f1.isDone() && f2.isDone() }
- val fn2 = () => { f1.get() ; f2.get() ; () }
- (fn1, fn2)
- }
- )
- private def catchZip(body: => Unit): Unit = {
- try body
- catch { case x: ZipException => dbg("Caught: " + x) }
- }
- private def calculateDirs() =
- dirs foreach { d => dbg(d) ; catchZip(addSources(d.deepFiles map (x => Fileish(x)))) }
- private def calculateJars() =
- jars foreach { j => dbg(j) ; catchZip(addSources(new Jar(j).fileishIterator)) }
- private def addSources(fs: TraversableOnce[Fileish]) =
- fs foreach { f => if (f.isSourceFile) add(, f) }
- private def get(key: String): List[Fileish] =
- if (cache containsKey key) cache.get(key) else Nil
- private def add(key: String, value: Fileish) = {
- if (cache containsKey key) cache.replace(key, value :: cache.get(key))
- else cache.put(key, List(value))
- }
- override def toString = "Sources(%d dirs, %d jars, %d sources)".format(
- dirs.size, jars.size, cache.asScala.values map (_.length) sum
- )
-trait LowPrioritySourcesImplicits {
- self: Sources.type =>
- implicit def fallbackSources: Sources = defaultSources
-object Sources extends LowPrioritySourcesImplicits {
- val empty = new Sources("")
- private def libraryInits = ClassPath.scalaLibrary.toList flatMap (_.toAbsolute.parents)
- private def librarySourceDir = libraryInits map (_ / "src") find (_.isDirectory)
- private def expandedSourceDir = librarySourceDir.toList flatMap (ClassPath expandDir _.path)
- private val initialPath = sys.props.traceSourcePath.value
- private val initialSources = apply(expandedSourceDir :+ initialPath: _*)
- def defaultSources = {
- val path = sys.props.traceSourcePath.value
- if (path == "") empty
- else if (path == initialPath) initialSources
- else apply(expandedSourceDir :+ path: _*)
- }
- def apply(paths: String*): Sources = new Sources(ClassPath.join(paths: _*))
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/package.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/package.scala
index 52e6de0bed..d29030603e 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/package.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/io/package.scala
@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ package object io {
def callable[T](body: => T): Callable[T] = new Callable[T] { override def call() = body }
def spawn[T](body: => T): Future[T] = daemonThreadPool submit callable(body)
def submit(runnable: Runnable) = daemonThreadPool submit runnable
- def runnableFn(f: () => Unit): Runnable = runnable(f())
- def callableFn[T](f: () => T): Callable[T] = callable(f())
- def spawnFn[T](f: () => T): Future[T] = spawn(f())
// Create, start, and return a daemon thread
def daemonize(body: => Unit): Thread = newThread(_ setDaemon true)(body)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/reporters/ReporterTimer.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/reporters/ReporterTimer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f55d0684c8..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/reporters/ReporterTimer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2002-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package reporters
- * This class implements a timer that uses a Reporter to issue
- * timings.
- */
-class ReporterTimer(reporter: Reporter) extends AbstractTimer {
- def issue(msg: String, duration: Long) =
-, "[" + msg + " in " + duration + "ms]", false)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/AestheticSettings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/AestheticSettings.scala
index 63775ff1c5..2baff0bb1c 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/AestheticSettings.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/AestheticSettings.scala
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ trait AestheticSettings {
def future = settings.future.value
def logClasspath = settings.Ylogcp.value
def printStats = settings.Ystatistics.value
- def richExes = settings.YrichExes.value || sys.props.traceSourcePath.isSet
def target =
def unchecked = settings.unchecked.value
def verbose = settings.verbose.value
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ImmutableSettings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ImmutableSettings.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4de0c2332c..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ImmutableSettings.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package settings
-/** TODO.
- */
-class ImmutableSettings
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala
index 0a9d25af7e..4aa30038f6 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ trait ScalaSettings extends AbsScalaSettings
val Xmigration28 = BooleanSetting ("-Xmigration", "Warn about constructs whose behavior may have changed between 2.7 and 2.8.")
val nouescape = BooleanSetting ("-Xno-uescape", "Disable handling of \\u unicode escapes.")
val Xnojline = BooleanSetting ("-Xnojline", "Do not use JLine for editing.")
- val Xverify = BooleanSetting ("-Xverify", "Verify generic signatures in generated bytecode.")
+ val Xverify = BooleanSetting ("-Xverify", "Verify generic signatures in generated bytecode (asm backend only.)")
val plugin = MultiStringSetting("-Xplugin", "file", "Load one or more plugins from files.")
val disable = MultiStringSetting("-Xplugin-disable", "plugin", "Disable the given plugin(s).")
val showPlugins = BooleanSetting ("-Xplugin-list", "Print a synopsis of loaded plugins.")
@@ -146,9 +146,6 @@ trait ScalaSettings extends AbsScalaSettings
val noimports = BooleanSetting ("-Yno-imports", "Compile without importing scala.*, java.lang.*, or Predef.")
val nopredef = BooleanSetting ("-Yno-predef", "Compile without importing Predef.")
val noAdaptedArgs = BooleanSetting ("-Yno-adapted-args", "Do not adapt an argument list (either by inserting () or creating a tuple) to match the receiver.")
- val Yprofile = PhasesSetting ("-Yprofile", "(Requires jvm -agentpath to contain yjgpagent) Profile CPU usage of")
- val YprofileMem = BooleanSetting ("-Yprofile-memory", "Profile memory, get heap snapshot after each compiler run (requires yjpagent, see above).")
- val YprofileClass = StringSetting ("-Yprofile-class", "class", "Name of profiler class.", "")
val Yrecursion = IntSetting ("-Yrecursion", "Set recursion depth used when locking symbols.", 0, Some((0, Int.MaxValue)), (_: String) => None)
val selfInAnnots = BooleanSetting ("-Yself-in-annots", "Include a \"self\" identifier inside of annotations.")
val Xshowtrees = BooleanSetting ("-Yshow-trees", "(Requires -Xprint:) Print detailed ASTs in formatted form.")
@@ -167,9 +164,7 @@ trait ScalaSettings extends AbsScalaSettings
val stopBefore = PhasesSetting ("-Ystop-before", "Stop before")
val refinementMethodDispatch
= ChoiceSetting ("-Ystruct-dispatch", "policy", "structural method dispatch policy", List("no-cache", "mono-cache", "poly-cache", "invoke-dynamic"), "poly-cache")
- val globalClass = StringSetting ("-Yglobal-class", "class", "subclass of to use for compiler", "")
val Yrangepos = BooleanSetting ("-Yrangepos", "Use range positions for syntax trees.")
- val YrichExes = BooleanSetting ("-Yrich-exceptions", "Fancier exceptions. Set source search path with -D" + sys.SystemProperties.traceSourcePath.key)
val Ybuilderdebug = ChoiceSetting ("-Ybuilder-debug", "manager", "Compile using the specified build manager.", List("none", "refined", "simple"), "none")
val Yreifycopypaste = BooleanSetting ("-Yreify-copypaste", "Dump the reified trees in copypasteable representation.")
val Yreplsync = BooleanSetting ("-Yrepl-sync", "Do not use asynchronous code for repl startup")
@@ -180,7 +175,6 @@ trait ScalaSettings extends AbsScalaSettings
val YvirtClasses = false // too embryonic to even expose as a -Y //BooleanSetting ("-Yvirtual-classes", "Support virtual classes")
val exposeEmptyPackage = BooleanSetting("-Yexpose-empty-package", "Internal only: expose the empty package.").internalOnly()
- val YnoProductN = BooleanSetting ("-Yno-productN", "Do not add ProductN to case classes")
def stop = stopAfter
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
index ef73d6db1a..7c61ec032e 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.collection.mutable.{ ListBuffer, ArrayBuffer }
import scala.annotation.switch
import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.{PickleBuffer, ByteCodecs}
-import scala.reflect.internal.{ JvmClassInfo, JvmMemberInfo }
/** This abstract class implements a class file parser.
@@ -47,8 +46,6 @@ abstract class ClassfileParser {
private def currentIsTopLevel = currentClass.toString.indexOf('$') < 0
- private var jvmInfo: JvmClassInfo = _
private object unpickler extends scala.reflect.internal.pickling.UnPickler {
val global: =
@@ -98,7 +95,6 @@ abstract class ClassfileParser { = new AbstractFileReader(file)
this.clazz = if (root.isModule) root.companionClass else root
this.staticModule = clazz.companionModule
- this.jvmInfo = JvmClassInfo.fromBytes(file.toByteArray)
this.isScala = false
@@ -1245,9 +1241,6 @@ abstract class ClassfileParser {
in.skip(2 * ifaces)
- protected def getOwner(info: JvmMemberInfo): Symbol =
- if (info.isStatic) moduleClass else clazz
protected def getOwner(flags: Int): Symbol =
if (isStatic(flags)) moduleClass else clazz
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
index 3de287e58c..ea66dbedd6 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
package transform
import scala.reflect.internal.ClassfileConstants._
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import symtab._
@@ -66,16 +65,6 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
- // for debugging signatures: traces logic given system property
- // performance: get the value here
- val traceSignatures = (sys.BooleanProp keyExists "scalac.sigs.trace").value
- private object traceSig extends util.Tracer(() => traceSignatures) {
- override def stringify(x: Any) = x match {
- case tp: Type => super.stringify(dropAllRefinements(tp))
- case _ => super.stringify(x)
- }
- }
override protected def verifyJavaErasure = settings.Xverify.value || settings.debug.value
def needsJavaSig(tp: Type) = !settings.Ynogenericsig.value && NeedsSigCollector.collect(tp)
@@ -173,21 +162,6 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
- /** Run the signature parser to catch bogus signatures.
- */
- def isValidSignature(sym: Symbol, sig: String) = (
- /** Since we're using a sun internal class for signature validation,
- * we have to allow for it not existing or otherwise malfunctioning:
- * in which case we treat every signature as valid. Medium term we
- * should certainly write independent signature validation.
- */
- SigParser.isParserAvailable && (
- if (sym.isMethod) SigParser verifyMethod sig
- else if (sym.isTerm) SigParser verifyType sig
- else SigParser verifyClass sig
- )
- )
private def hiBounds(bounds: TypeBounds): List[Type] = bounds.hi.normalize match {
case RefinedType(parents, _) => parents map (_.normalize)
case tp => tp :: Nil
@@ -199,7 +173,7 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
def javaSig(sym0: Symbol, info: Type): Option[String] = beforeErasure {
val isTraitSignature = sym0.enclClass.isTrait
- def superSig(parents: List[Type]) = traceSig("superSig", parents) {
+ def superSig(parents: List[Type]) = {
val ps = (
if (isTraitSignature) {
// java is unthrilled about seeing interfaces inherit from classes
@@ -213,7 +187,7 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
(ps map boxedSig).mkString
def boxedSig(tp: Type) = jsig(tp, primitiveOK = false)
- def boundsSig(bounds: List[Type]) = traceSig("boundsSig", bounds) {
+ def boundsSig(bounds: List[Type]) = {
val (isTrait, isClass) = bounds partition (_.typeSymbol.isTrait)
val classPart = isClass match {
case Nil => ":" // + boxedSig(ObjectClass.tpe)
@@ -222,7 +196,7 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
classPart :: (isTrait map boxedSig) mkString ":"
def paramSig(tsym: Symbol) = + boundsSig(hiBounds(
- def polyParamSig(tparams: List[Symbol]) = traceSig("polyParamSig", tparams) (
+ def polyParamSig(tparams: List[Symbol]) = (
if (tparams.isEmpty) ""
else tparams map paramSig mkString ("<", "", ">")
@@ -315,22 +289,11 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
else jsig(etp)
- val result = traceSig("javaSig", (sym0, info)) {
- if (needsJavaSig(info)) {
- try Some(jsig(info, toplevel = true))
- catch { case ex: UnknownSig => None }
- }
- else None
- }
- // Debugging: immediately verify signatures when tracing.
- if (traceSignatures) {
- result foreach { sig =>
- if (!isValidSignature(sym0, sig))
- println("**** invalid signature for " + sym0 + ": " + sig)
- }
+ if (needsJavaSig(info)) {
+ try Some(jsig(info, toplevel = true))
+ catch { case ex: UnknownSig => None }
- result
+ else None
class UnknownSig extends Exception
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
index 08bf581256..0c1638b76f 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ package typechecker
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import{ countElementsAsString, countAsString }
import symtab.Flags.{ PRIVATE, PROTECTED }
trait ContextErrors {
self: Analyzer =>
@@ -171,36 +170,7 @@ trait ContextErrors {
NormalTypeError(tree, "reference to " + name + " is ambiguous;\n" + msg)
def SymbolNotFoundError(tree: Tree, name: Name, owner: Symbol, startingIdentCx: Context) = {
- /*** Disabled pending investigation of performance impact.
- // This laborious determination arrived at to keep the tests working.
- val calcSimilar = (
- name.length > 2 && (
- startingIdentCx.reportErrors
- || startingIdentCx.enclClassOrMethod.reportErrors
- )
- )
- // avoid calculating if we're in "silent" mode.
- // name length check to limit unhelpful suggestions for e.g. "x" and "b1"
- val similar = {
- if (!calcSimilar) ""
- else {
- val allowed = (
- startingIdentCx.enclosingContextChain
- flatMap (ctx => ctx.scope.toList ++ ctx.imports.flatMap(_.allImportedSymbols))
- filter (sym => sym.isTerm == name.isTermName)
- filterNot (sym => sym.isPackage || sym.isSynthetic || sym.hasMeaninglessName)
- )
- val allowedStrings = (
-"" +
- filterNot (s => (s contains '$') || (s contains ' '))
- )
- similarString("" + name, allowedStrings)
- }
- }
- */
- val similar = ""
- NormalTypeError(tree, "not found: "+decodeWithKind(name, owner) + similar)
+ NormalTypeError(tree, "not found: "+decodeWithKind(name, owner))
// typedAppliedTypeTree
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala
index 793b85da18..8f025336bb 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala
@@ -764,12 +764,14 @@ trait Implicits {
* so that if there is a best candidate it can still be selected.
private var divergence = false
- private val MaxDiverges = 1 // not sure if this should be > 1
- private val divergenceHandler = util.Exceptional.expiringHandler(MaxDiverges) {
- case x: DivergentImplicit =>
- divergence = true
- log("discarding divergent implicit during implicit search")
- SearchFailure
+ private val divergenceHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, SearchResult] = {
+ var remaining = 1;
+ { case x: DivergentImplicit if remaining > 0 =>
+ remaining -= 1
+ divergence = true
+ log("discarding divergent implicit during implicit search")
+ SearchFailure
+ }
/** Sorted list of eligible implicits.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/Exceptional.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/Exceptional.scala
index 7452aa1b67..7c093b7866 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/Exceptional.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/Exceptional.scala
@@ -3,141 +3,10 @@ package util
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException
import java.lang.reflect.{ InvocationTargetException, UndeclaredThrowableException }
-import io.{ Sources, Fileish }
import language.implicitConversions
-/** A simple throwable wrapper so it looks more like a parade of
- * glittering frame-shaped beauties than the other thing.
- */
-class Exceptional(val ex: Throwable)(implicit prefs: ScalaPrefs) {
- val formatter = prefs.exceptionFormatter(ex)
- val unwrapped = Exceptional.unwrap(ex)
- val table = formatter.newTable(unwrapped)
- def rawTrace() = unwrapped.printStackTrace()
- def isScanDone = prefs.codeSources.isDone()
- /** Block until the scanning is complete. */
- def force(): this.type = {
- prefs.codeSources.force()
- this
- }
- /** Stack frame contexts are only shown as long as this is true. */
- def spanFn(frame: JavaStackFrame): Boolean = true
- /** The result of this will be printed before a context trace. */
- def contextPrelude: String =
- if (isScanDone || prefs.codeSources.isEmpty) ""
- else "/* Still scanning source path: there may be more momentarily. */\n"
- /** Frames with surrounding context. */
- private def contextFrames = toList takeWhile spanFn
- def contextHead(): String = contextElems.headOption getOrElse ""
- def contextElems() = contextFrames map formatter.inContext
- def context(): String = context(length)
- def context(num: Int): String = contextPrelude + ojoinOr(contextFrames take num map formatter.inContext, "\n", "No stack trace.")
- /** Exceptional doesn't extend Seq because it turns out to be super
- * annoying in the repl: tab-completion sees all the Seq methods.
- */
- def length = toList.length
- def toList = table.toList
- def iterator = table.iterator
- def apply(index: Int) = table(index)
- def causes = Exceptional.causes(ex)
- def summary = unwrapped.toString + "\n at " + apply(0).shortNameString
- private def println(msg: Any) = {
- Console println msg
- Console.flush()
- }
- def show(): Unit = println(context())
- def show(num: Int): Unit = println(context(num))
- def showCauses() = println((ex :: causes).mkString("", "\n caused by -> ", ""))
- def showTable() = println(table)
- def showSummary() = println(summary)
- override def toString = summary
object Exceptional {
- type Catcher[+T] = PartialFunction[Throwable, T]
- /** Creates an exception handler which will only ever catch the given
- * number of exceptions (if the given pf is defined there) and after
- * that will disable itself.
- */
- def expiringHandler[T](numCatches: Int)(pf: Catcher[T]): Catcher[T] = {
- var remaining = numCatches;
- { case ex: Throwable if remaining > 0 && pf.isDefinedAt(ex) =>
- remaining -= 1
- pf(ex)
- }
- }
- /** The Throwable => Exceptional implicit plus the associated factory. */
- implicit def throwableToExceptional(ex: Throwable)(implicit prefs: ScalaPrefs): Exceptional = apply(ex)(prefs)
- def apply(ex: Throwable)(implicit prefs: ScalaPrefs) = new Exceptional(ex)(prefs)
- /** Some handy functions. */
- def stack() = JavaStackFrame frames ((new Throwable).getStackTrace dropWhile isLocal)
- def showme() = apply(new Throwable).show()
- def showstack() = apply(new Throwable).showTable()
- /** A frame formatter with more refined aesthetics than the default.
- * Come, let us be civilized.
- */
- object ScalaFormat extends TableDef[JavaStackFrame] {
- >> ("file" -> (_.fileName)) >+ ":"
- << ("line" -> (_.line))
- >> ("class" -> (_.shortestName)) >+ "."
- << ("method" -> (_.methodName))
- }
- trait Calibrated {
- def newTable(ex: Throwable): TableDef[JavaStackFrame]#Table
- def inContext(frame: JavaStackFrame): String
- }
- trait Formatter extends (Throwable => Calibrated) {
- def apply(ex: Throwable): Calibrated
- }
- object Formatter {
- def apply(implicit prefs: ScalaPrefs): Formatter = new Formatter {
- def apply(ex: Throwable) = new Calibrated {
- def newTable(ex: Throwable) = new ScalaFormat.Table(JavaStackFrame frames ex)
- def inContext(frame: JavaStackFrame) = new FrameContext(frame, prefs.codeSources) toString
- }
- }
- }
- /** Java stack traces have the interesting property of using only the name
- * of the file, no paths. This makes it a bit of a gamble to try to associate
- * a stack frame with a specific file. Witness the heuristic.
- */
- def locateSources(sources: Sources, frame: JavaStackFrame): List[Fileish] = {
- // if only one has a matching path, that's fairly sure to be the one
- val matches = sources(frame.fileName) filter (_.pkgFromPath endsWith frame.pkgName)
- if (matches.isEmpty || matches.tail.isEmpty)
- return matches
- // otherwise we'll drink them in and look for a package name
- matches filter (_.pkgFromSource endsWith frame.pkgName)
- }
- /** Right now this punts if more than one match and it accepts the first at random.
- */
- def locateSource(sources: Sources, frame: JavaStackFrame): Option[Fileish] =
- locateSources(sources, frame).headOption
- def isLocal(ste: StackTraceElement) = ste.getClassName startsWith this.getClass.getName
- def causes(x: Throwable): List[Throwable] = x.getCause match {
- case null => Nil
- case ex => x :: causes(ex)
- }
def unwrap(x: Throwable): Throwable = x match {
case _: InvocationTargetException |
_: ExceptionInInitializerError |
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/FlagsUtil.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/FlagsUtil.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b615775468..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/FlagsUtil.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package util
-// Overloading invariants: these are "pseudoinvariants" because many of the
-// methods do not exist on Modifiers, only on Symbol, not to mention it is only
-// speculative that they are mutually exclusive: but is here to provide a
-// starting point for further refinement.
-// x.isParameter ==> BYNAMEPARAM
-// x.isMutable ==> CAPTURED
-// x.isType ==> COVARIANT
-// x.isType ==> CONTRAVARIANT
-// x.isClass ==> INCONSTRUCTOR
-// x.isMethod ==> LABEL
-// x.isParameter ==> DEFAULTPARAM
-// x.isClass ==> TRAIT
-// x.isType ==> EXISTENTIAL
-// x.isTerm ==> MIXEDIN
-// x.isClass ==> IMPLCLASS
-// x.isTerm ==> PRESUPER
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import symtab.Flags.ExplicitFlags
-class TransFlagManager[T <: Global](val global: T) {
- import global._
- import definitions._
- private var trackerStack: List[FlagTracker] = Nil
- private def trackerString = trackerStack.mkString(" ")
- class FlagTracker(val name: String) {
- private val mask = symtab.Flags.TRANS_FLAG
- private val seen = new mutable.HashSet[Symbol]
- private def doWeOwnFlag = trackerStack.headOption exists (_ eq this)
- private def isOK = trackerStack.isEmpty || (trackerStack.head eq this)
- def apply(sym: Symbol) = {
- if (!isOK)
- log("Testing " + + " for " + name + " flag, but not at top of stack: " + trackerString)
- sym hasFlag mask
- }
- def set(sym: Symbol) = {
- if (!isOK)
- log("Tried to set " + name + " but not at top of stack: " + trackerString)
- seen += sym
- sym setFlag mask
- }
- def reset(sym: Symbol) = {
- if (!isOK)
- log("Tried to clear " + name + " but not at top of stack: " + trackerString)
- seen -= sym
- sym resetFlag mask
- }
- def clear() {
- if (!doWeOwnFlag && seen.nonEmpty)
- log("Clearing " + seen.size + " " + name + " flags even though the stack is: " + trackerString)
- seen foreach (_ resetFlag mask)
- seen.clear()
- }
- }
- def forceClear() = {
- if (trackerStack.nonEmpty) {
- log("Warning: force clearing the stack at " + phase + ": " + trackerString)
- trackerStack foreach (_.clear())
- trackerStack = Nil
- }
- }
- def claimTransFlag(label: String): FlagTracker = {
- if (trackerStack.isEmpty || != label)
- trackerStack ::= new FlagTracker(label)
- trackerStack.head
- }
- def releaseTransFlag(label: String): Boolean = {
- trackerStack.isEmpty || {
- if ( == label) {
- trackerStack.head.clear()
- trackerStack = trackerStack.tail
- true
- }
- else {
- log("Warning: trying to release " + label + " flag but the stack is: " + trackerStack.mkString(" "))
- false
- }
- }
- }
- def holdingTransFlag[U](label: String)(f: FlagTracker => U): U = {
- try {
- val t = claimTransFlag(label)
- f(t)
- }
- finally {
- releaseTransFlag(label)
- }
- }
-/** Some functions for generating comments and methods involving flags,
- * with the output determined by reflection so we can have a little more
- * assurance that documentation and debugging output match up with reality.
- *
- * For the compiler, the output can be generated with:
- * scala
- */
-class FlagsUtil(flagsObject: AnyRef) {
- /** Override to tweak flag strings before output. */
- def addFlagMetadata(name: String) = name
- /** Runs the generative methods in this class. */
- def reflectiveAnalyzeFlags() = {
- mkFlagsTable()
- println("")
- mkFlagToStringMethod()
- }
- /** A list of the flag names found at each bit position.
- */
- def reflectiveFlagNames: List[List[String]] = {
- val pairs = flagMethods map { m =>
- m.getName -> ((m invoke flagsObject) match {
- case x: java.lang.Integer => x.intValue: Long
- case x: java.lang.Long => x.longValue
- })
- }
- (0 to 63).toList map { idx =>
- pairs collect { case (name, value) if value == (1L << idx) => name }
- }
- }
- /** Prints a comment table identifying all the flags (as seen
- * via reflection) and at what bit each is located.
- */
- def mkFlagsTable() = {
- val markedFlagNames = reflectiveFlagNames map (_ map addFlagMetadata)
- val widths = 0 to 2 map { column =>
- markedFlagNames collect { case xs if xs.length > column =>
- xs(column).length
- } max
- }
- val fmt = "// %2d: " + (widths map ("%" + _ + "s") mkString " ")
- def padded(xs: List[String]) = xs match {
- case Nil => List("", "", "")
- case x :: Nil => List(x, "", "")
- case x1 :: x2 :: Nil => List(x1, x2, "")
- case _ => xs take 3
- }
- println("// Generated by mkFlagsTable() at " + now + "\n//")
- // prints the grid showing which flags are at each index
- for ((names, idx) <- markedFlagNames.zipWithIndex) {
- println(fmt.format(idx :: padded(names) : _*))
- }
- }
- /** Prints an implementation of flagToString based on the reflectively
- * determined contents of the flags class.
- */
- def mkFlagToStringMethod() = {
- def key(xs: List[String], flag: Long) = xs match {
- case Nil => "%19s".format("0x" + "%x".format(flag) + "L")
- case x :: _ =>
- if (x.head.isLower) "`" + x + "`"
- else x
- }
- def value(xs: List[String], flag: Long) = "\"" + (xs match {
- case Nil => ""
- case x :: Nil if (flag & ExplicitFlags) != 0 => x.toLowerCase
- case xs =>"<", "/", ">")
- }) + "\""
- val pairs: List[(String, String)] = reflectiveFlagNames.zipWithIndex map {
- case (xs, idx) => (key(xs, 1L << idx), value(xs, 1L << idx))
- }
- val keyWidth = pairs map (_._1.length) max
- val bodyWidth = pairs map (_._2.length) max
- val fmt = " case %" + keyWidth + "s => %-" + bodyWidth + "s // (1L << %d)"
- println("// Generated by mkFlagToStringMethod() at " + now)
- println("@annotation.switch override def flagToString(flag: Long): String = flag match {")
- for (((key, body), idx) <- pairs.zipWithIndex) {
- print(fmt.format(key, body, idx))
- println("")
- }
- println(" case _ => \"\"")
- println("}")
- }
- def isFlagName(s: String) = s stripPrefix "late" stripPrefix "not" forall (x => x.isUpper || x == '_')
- def flagMethods = flagsObject.getClass.getMethods.toList filter (x => isFlagName(x.getName)) sortBy (_.getName)
- private def now = new java.util.Date toString
-object FlagsUtil {
- import reflect.internal.ModifierFlags
- trait MarkModifiers extends FlagsUtil {
- lazy val isModifiersFlag = classOf[ModifierFlags].getMethods map (_.getName) filter isFlagName toSet
- override def addFlagMetadata(name: String) = {
- if (isModifiersFlag(name)) name + "/M"
- else name
- }
- }
-/** Convenience standalone programs.
- */
-object FlagsUtilCompiler extends FlagsUtil(symtab.Flags) with FlagsUtil.MarkModifiers {
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = reflectiveAnalyzeFlags()
-object FlagsUtilLibrary extends FlagsUtil(reflect.internal.Flags) with FlagsUtil.MarkModifiers {
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = reflectiveAnalyzeFlags()
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/Indenter.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/Indenter.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f9ddc4a194..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/Indenter.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-package util
-class Indenter(var stringFn: Any => String) {
- def this() = this("" + _)
- def out: PrintStream = System.out
- var indentSpaces = 2
- var isSorted = false
- var openString = ""
- var closeString = ""
- def braces: this.type = {
- openString = " {"
- closeString = "}"
- this
- }
- def sorted: this.type = { isSorted = true ; this }
- def stringify(fn: Any => String): this.type = {
- stringFn = fn
- this
- }
- def atStartOfLine = startOfLine
- private var indentLevel = 0
- private var startOfLine = true
- def indent: this.type = { indentLevel += 1 ; this }
- def undent: this.type = { indentLevel -= 1 ; this }
- def currentIndent = " " * indentLevel * indentSpaces
- def printIndent() = {
- out.print(currentIndent)
- startOfLine = true
- }
- // Execute the given body indented one level further.
- def >>[T](body: => T): T = {
- indentLevel += 1
- try body
- finally indentLevel -= 1
- }
- def openIndent(token: Any) {
- print(token + "\n")
- indent
- printIndent()
- }
- def closeIndent(token: Any) {
- print("\n")
- undent
- printIndent()
- print(token)
- }
- def finishLine(token: Any) {
- print(token)
- printIndent()
- }
- def nextIndent(endOfLine: Any) = finishLine(endOfLine)
- def block(label: String)(body: => Unit) {
- if (label != "" || openString != "")
- pp(label + openString)
- this >> body
- if (closeString != "")
- pp(closeString)
- }
- def print(x: Any) = {
- out print stringFn(x)
- out.flush()
- startOfLine = false
- }
- def pps(xs: TraversableOnce[Any]) {
- if (isSorted) xs.toSeq.sortBy("" + _) foreach pp
- else xs foreach pp
- }
- def pp(x: Any) {
- printIndent()
- out println stringFn(x)
- out.flush()
- startOfLine = false
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/JavaStackFrame.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/JavaStackFrame.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d25698ed38..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/JavaStackFrame.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package util
-import io.{ Fileish, Sources }
-import Exceptional._
-class FrameContext(frame: JavaStackFrame, codeSources: Sources) {
- val sourceFile = locateSource(codeSources, frame)
- import frame._
- def windowWidth = 3
- def windowSize = windowWidth * 2 + 1
- lazy val context = sourceFile collect {
- case f if line > 0 =>
- val start = math.max(0, line - windowWidth)
- f.lines().toList.slice(start, start + windowSize)
- } getOrElse Nil
- protected def fallbackContext = "%s (%s:%s)".format(tag, fileName, line)
- private def linestr(index: Int) = {
- val current = line - windowWidth + index
- val marker = if (current == line) "*" else " "
- marker + current
- }
- private def contextLines = context.zipWithIndex map {
- case (l, i) => linestr(i) + ": " + l + "\n"
- }
- override def toString =
- if (context.isEmpty) fallbackContext
- else contextLines.mkString(tag + "\n", "", "")
-object FrameContext {
- def apply(elem: StackTraceElement): FrameContext = apply(new JavaStackFrame(elem))
- def apply(frame: JavaStackFrame): FrameContext = new FrameContext(frame, Sources())
-class JavaStackFrame(val elem: StackTraceElement) {
- def className: String = elem.getClassName()
- def methodName: String = elem.getMethodName()
- def fileName: String = elem.getFileName()
- def line: Int = elem.getLineNumber()
- private def segs = className takeWhile (ch => ch != '$' && ch != '(') split '.' toList ;
- lazy val pkgName = segs.init mkString "."
- lazy val shortName = segs.last
- lazy val shortestName = if (fileName startsWith (shortName + ".")) "<--" else shortName
- private def standardString(which: String) =
- "%s.%s(%s:%s)".format(which, methodName, fileName, line)
- def locationString = fileName + ":" + line
- def javaString = standardString(className)
- def shortNameString = standardString(shortName)
- def tag = "[%s.%s]".format(shortName, methodName)
- override def toString = shortNameString
-object JavaStackFrame {
- def apply(elem: StackTraceElement) = new JavaStackFrame(elem)
- def frames(xs: Array[StackTraceElement]): Array[JavaStackFrame] = xs map (x => new JavaStackFrame(x))
- def frames(t: Throwable): Array[JavaStackFrame] = frames(Exceptional.unwrap(t).getStackTrace)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ProxyReport.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ProxyReport.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fc86c3a32..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ProxyReport.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package util
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable, generic }
-/** A class for analyzing forwarding/proxy relationships.
- */
-trait ProxyReport {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- import definitions._
- private object classes {
- def isIgnorable(sym: Symbol) = sym :: sym.allOverriddenSymbols exists { s =>
- ObjectClass isSubClass s.owner
- }
- def nonPrivateMethods(sym: Symbol) = {
- val methods = sym.initialize.tpe.nonPrivateMembers filter { x =>
- x.isMethod && !x.isConstructor && !x.isPrivate && !isIgnorable(x)
- }
- methods foreach (m => foreach (_.initialize))
- methods
- }
- lazy val GlobalClass = getRequiredClass(classOf[Global].getName)
- lazy val GenericClass = getRequiredModule("scala.collection.generic").moduleClass
- lazy val CollectionClass = getRequiredModule("scala.collection").moduleClass
- def getType(name: String) = getMember(GlobalClass, newTypeName(name))
- def getColl(name: String) = getMember(CollectionClass, newTypeName(name))
- def getGeneric(name: String) = getMember(GenericClass, newTypeName(name))
- // the following operations + those in RewrappingTypeProxy are all operations
- // in class Type that are overridden in some subclass
- // Important to keep this up-to-date when new operations are added!
- def TypeClass = getType("Type")
- def SimpleTypeProxy = getType("SimpleTypeProxy")
- def RewrappingTypeProxy = getType("RewrappingTypeProxy")
- def TraversableForwarder = getGeneric("TraversableForwarder")
- def IterableForwarder = getGeneric("IterableForwarder")
- def SeqForwarder = getGeneric("SeqForwarder")
- def TraversableLike = getColl("TraversableLike")
- def TraversableProxy = getColl("TraversableProxyLike")
- def IterableLike = getColl("IterableLike")
- def IterableProxy = getColl("IterableProxyLike")
- def MapLike = getColl("MapLike")
- def MapProxy = getColl("MapProxyLike")
- def SeqLike = getColl("SeqLike")
- def SeqProxy = getColl("SeqProxyLike")
- def SetLike = getColl("SetLike")
- def SetProxy = getColl("SetProxyLike")
- }
- import classes._
- val wrappedHeader = """
-/** With respect to %s, %s wraps:
- */
-trait Wrapped {
- """.trim
- val unwrappedHeader = """
-/** With respect to %s, %s does NOT wrap:
- */
-trait Unwrapped {
- """.trim
- def wrapReport(underlying: Symbol, proxy: Symbol) = {
- val underlyingMs = nonPrivateMethods(underlying)
- val proxyMs = nonPrivateMethods(proxy) filterNot (_.owner == underlying)
- val (wrapped, unwrapped) = underlyingMs partition (m =>
- proxyMs exists (p =>
- ( == && {
- val self = proxy.thisType
- val memberTp = self.memberType(p)
- val parentTp = self.memberType(m)
- refChecks.overridesTypeInPrefix(memberTp, parentTp, self)
- // || {
- // // if (p.paramss.flatten.length == m.paramss.flatten.length)
- // // println("names equal, overridesType false:\n " + ((p, m, memberTp, parentTp, self)) + "\n")
- //
- // false
- // }
- }
- )
- )
- def show(xs: List[Symbol], template: String) = {
- val lines =" " + _ + "\n")
- lines.mkString(template.format(underlying, proxy) + "\n", "", "}")
- }
- show(wrapped, wrappedHeader) + "\n\n" + show(unwrapped, unwrappedHeader)
- }
- lazy val wrappers = List(
- TypeClass -> SimpleTypeProxy,
- TypeClass -> RewrappingTypeProxy,
- TraversableClass -> TraversableForwarder,
- IterableClass -> IterableForwarder,
- SeqClass -> SeqForwarder,
- TraversableLike -> TraversableProxy,
- IterableLike -> IterableProxy,
- MapLike -> MapProxy,
- SetLike -> SetProxy,
- SeqLike -> SeqProxy
- )
- def generate(dir: io.Directory) = {
- /** A proxy for a type (identified by field `underlying`) that forwards most
- * operations to it (for exceptions, see WrappingProxy, which forwards even more operations).
- * every operation that is overridden for some kind of types should be forwarded.
- */
- for ((clazz, proxy) <- wrappers) {
- val text = wrapReport(clazz, proxy)
- val file = dir / (proxy.fullName + ".scala") toFile;
- file writeAll text
- println("Created " + file)
- }
- }
-object ProxyReportRunner {
- class ProxyGlobal(s: Settings) extends Global(s) {
- object proxyReport extends {
- val global: ProxyGlobal.this.type = ProxyGlobal.this
- } with util.ProxyReport
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- if (args.isEmpty)
- return println("Give an output directory as argument.")
- val dir = io.Directory(args(0)).createDirectory()
- val s = new Settings()
- s.processArguments(args.toList.tail, true)
- val g = new ProxyGlobal(s)
- val run = new g.Run()
- g.afterTyper(g.proxyReport.generate(dir))
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/RegexCache.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/RegexCache.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 896c1a536f..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/RegexCache.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Lex Spoon
- */
-package util
-import java.util.regex.Pattern
-import scala.collection.mutable
-object RegexCache {
- /** Maps patterns to compiled regexes */
- private val regexMap = mutable.Map.empty[String, Pattern]
- /** Lists the regexes that have been recorded in order */
- private val regexList = new mutable.Queue[String]
- private val regexesToCache = 1000
- /** Compile a regex and add it to the cache */
- private def compileAndAdd(regex: String): Pattern = {
- val pattern = Pattern.compile(regex)
- regexMap += (regex -> pattern)
- regexList += regex
- if (regexMap.size > regexesToCache)
- regexMap -= regexList.dequeue()
- pattern
- }
- /** Compile a regex, caching */
- def apply(regex: String): Pattern =
- regexMap.get(regex) match {
- case Some(pattern) => pattern
- case None => compileAndAdd(regex)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ScalaClassLoader.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ScalaClassLoader.scala
index 120cceb238..47f759830e 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ScalaClassLoader.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ScalaClassLoader.scala
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ import ScalaClassLoader._
import scala.util.control.Exception.{ catching }
import language.implicitConversions
-// import Exceptional.unwrap
trait HasClassPath {
def classPathURLs: Seq[URL]
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ScalaPrefs.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ScalaPrefs.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 03e0f54606..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ScalaPrefs.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package util
-import io.Sources
-trait ScalaPrefs {
- def codeSources: Sources
- def exceptionFormatter: Exceptional.Formatter
-trait LowPriorityScalaPrefs {
- implicit object DefaultScalaPrefs extends ScalaPrefs {
- def codeSources = Sources.defaultSources
- def exceptionFormatter = Exceptional.Formatter(this)
- }
-object ScalaPrefs extends LowPriorityScalaPrefs {
- def apply(implicit prefs: ScalaPrefs): ScalaPrefs = prefs
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ShowPickled.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ShowPickled.scala
index fc39a218f8..53ed96d0d3 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ShowPickled.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/ShowPickled.scala
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ import{File, FileInputStream, PrintStream}
import java.lang.Long.toHexString
import java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat
import java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble
-import cmd.program.Simple
import scala.reflect.internal.{Flags, Names}
import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.{ PickleBuffer, PickleFormat }
import interpreter.ByteCode.scalaSigBytesForPath
@@ -119,21 +117,18 @@ object ShowPickled extends Names {
- def printFile(buf: PickleBuffer, out: PrintStream): Unit = printFile(buf, out, false)
- def printFile(buf: PickleBuffer, out: PrintStream, bare: Boolean) {
+ def printFile(buf: PickleBuffer, out: PrintStream) {
out.println("Version " + buf.readNat() + "." + buf.readNat())
val index = buf.createIndex
val entryList = makeEntryList(buf, index)
buf.readIndex = 0
- /** A print wrapper which discards everything if bare is true.
- */
- def p(s: String) = if (!bare) out print s
+ def p(s: String) = out print s
def printNameRef() {
val idx = buf.readNat()
val name = entryList nameAt idx
- val toPrint = if (bare) " " + name else " %s(%s)".format(idx, name)
+ val toPrint = " %s(%s)".format(idx, name)
out print toPrint
@@ -156,7 +151,7 @@ object ShowPickled extends Names {
val accessBoundary = (
for (idx <- privateWithin) yield {
val s = entryList nameAt idx
- if (bare) s else idx + "(" + s + ")"
+ idx + "(" + s + ")"
val flagString = {
@@ -283,31 +278,18 @@ object ShowPickled extends Names {
try Some(new PickleBuffer(data, 0, data.length))
catch { case _: Exception => None }
- def show(what: String, pickle: PickleBuffer, bare: Boolean) = {
+ def show(what: String, pickle: PickleBuffer) = {
val saved = pickle.readIndex
pickle.readIndex = 0
- printFile(pickle, Console.out, bare)
+ printFile(pickle, Console.out)
pickle.readIndex = saved
- private lazy val ShowPickledSpec =
- Simple(
- Simple.scalaProgramInfo("showPickled", "Usage: showPickled [--bare] <classname>"),
- List("--bare" -> "suppress numbers in output"),
- Nil,
- null
- )
- /** Option --bare suppresses numbers so the output can be diffed.
- */
def main(args: Array[String]) {
- val runner = ShowPickledSpec instance args
- import runner._
- residualArgs foreach { arg =>
+ args foreach { arg =>
(fromFile(arg) orElse fromName(arg)) match {
- case Some(pb) => show(arg + ":", pb, parsed isSet "--bare")
+ case Some(pb) => show(arg + ":", pb)
case _ => Console.println("Cannot read " + arg)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/Tracer.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/Tracer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index acbf60da5b..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/Tracer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package util
-import scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime
-class Tracer(enabled: () => Boolean) {
- def out: PrintStream = System.out
- def stringify(x: Any) = ScalaRunTime stringOf x
- // So can pass tuples, lists, whatever as arguments and don't
- // get a lot of extra parens or noisy prefixes.
- def stringifyArgs(x: Any) = {
- x match {
- case x: TraversableOnce[_] => x map stringify mkString ", "
- case x: Product => x.productIterator map stringify mkString ", "
- case _ => stringify(x)
- }
- }
- private val LBRACE = "{"
- private val RBRACE = "}"
- private var indentLevel = 0
- private def spaces = " " * (indentLevel * 2)
- private def pblock(result: Any) = {
- p(LBRACE + "\n")
- indented(p(spaces + stringify(result) + "\n"))
- p(spaces + RBRACE + "\n")
- }
- private def passign(name: String, args: String) =
- p(spaces + name + "(" + args + ") = ")
- private def indented[T](body: => T): T = {
- indentLevel += 1
- try body
- finally indentLevel -= 1
- }
- private def p(s: String) = {
- out.print(s)
- out.flush()
- }
- def apply[T](name: String, args: => Any)(body: => T): T = {
- val result = body
- if (enabled()) {
- passign(name, stringifyArgs(args))
- val resultToPrint = result match {
- case Some(x) => x
- case _ => result
- }
- // concise output optimization
- val isOneliner = resultToPrint match {
- case _: Boolean | _: None.type => true
- case s: String => s.length < 40
- case _ => false
- }
- if (isOneliner) p(stringify(resultToPrint) + "\n")
- else pblock(resultToPrint)
- }
- result
- }
-object Tracer {
- def apply(enabled: => Boolean): Tracer = new Tracer(() => enabled)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/Invoked.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/Invoked.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 516c6b9bf6..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/Invoked.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package reflect
-import java.lang.reflect.{ Method, Proxy }
-/** A class representing a single method call. It is primarily for use
- * in tandem with Mock. If the invocation did not target an InvocationHandler,
- * proxy will be null.
- */
-class Invoked private (val proxy: AnyRef, val m: Method, val args: List[AnyRef]) {
- def name = m.getName
- def arity = m.getParameterTypes.size
- def returnType = m.getReturnType
- def returns[T: ClassTag] = returnType == classTag[T].erasure
- def invokeOn(target: AnyRef) = m.invoke(target, args: _*)
- def isObjectMethod = Set("toString", "equals", "hashCode") contains name
- override def toString = "Invoked: %s called with %s".format(
- m.getName,
- if (args.isEmpty) "no args" else "args '%s'".format(args mkString ", ")
- )
-object Invoked {
- def apply(m: Method, args: Seq[Any]): Invoked = apply(null, m, args)
- def apply(proxy: AnyRef, m: Method, args: Seq[Any]): Invoked = {
- val fixedArgs = if (args == null) Nil else args.toList map (_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
- new Invoked(proxy, m, fixedArgs)
- }
- def unapply(x: Any) = x match {
- case x: Invoked => Some((x.proxy, x.m, x.args))
- case _ => None
- }
- object NameAndArgs {
- def unapply(x: Any) = x match {
- case x: Invoked => Some((, x.args))
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- object NameAndArity {
- def unapply(x: Any) = x match {
- case x: Invoked => Some((, x.arity))
- case _ => None
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/Mock.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/Mock.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 52c052b8a2..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/Mock.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package reflect
-import java.lang.reflect.{ Method, Proxy, InvocationHandler }
-/** A wrapper around java dynamic proxies to make it easy to pose
- * as an interface. See SignalManager for an example usage.
- */
-trait Mock extends (Invoked => AnyRef) {
- mock =>
- def interfaces: List[Class[_]]
- def classLoader: ClassLoader
- def apply(invoked: Invoked): AnyRef
- def newProxyInstance(handler: InvocationHandler): AnyRef =
- Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, interfaces.toArray, handler)
- def newProxyInstance(): AnyRef =
- newProxyInstance(newInvocationHandler())
- def newInvocationHandler() = new InvocationHandler {
- def invoke(proxy: AnyRef, method: Method, args: Array[AnyRef]) =
- try { mock(Invoked(proxy, method, args)) }
- catch { case _: NoClassDefFoundError => sys.exit(1) }
- }
-/** The methods in Mock create the actual proxy instance which can be used
- * in place of the associated interface(s).
- */
-object Mock {
- /** The default implementation calls the partial function if defined, and
- * routes Object methods to the proxy: otherwise it throws an exception.
- */
- def fromInterfaces(clazz: Class[_], clazzes: Class[_]*)(pf: PartialFunction[Invoked, AnyRef]): AnyRef = {
- val ints = clazz :: clazzes.toList
- require(ints forall (_.isInterface), "All class objects must represent interfaces")
- val mock = new Mock {
- val interfaces = ints
- def classLoader = clazz.getClassLoader
- def apply(invoked: Invoked) =
- if (pf.isDefinedAt(invoked)) pf(invoked)
- else if (invoked.isObjectMethod) invoked invokeOn this
- else throw new NoSuchMethodException("" + invoked)
- }
- mock.newProxyInstance()
- }
- /** Tries to implement all the class's interfaces.
- */
- def fromClass(clazz: Class[_])(pf: PartialFunction[Invoked, AnyRef]): AnyRef = allInterfaces(clazz) match {
- case Nil => sys.error(clazz + " implements no interfaces.")
- case x :: xs => fromInterfaces(x, xs: _*)(pf)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/Shield.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/Shield.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f9c7e54454..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/Shield.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package reflect
-import java.lang.reflect.Constructor
-import nsc.util.ScalaClassLoader
-/** A support class for simplifying the otherwise disbelief-inspiring
- * process of working with classes completely reflectively. This is
- * the case with e.g. sun.misc.Signal* due to environments which are
- * antagonistic to their use. See SignalManager for an example.
- *
- * The name "Shield" is a reference to shielding the JVM from knowledge
- * of what we're doing.
- */
-trait Shield {
- def className: String
- def classLoader: ScalaClassLoader
- // Override this if you are more ambitious about logging or throwing.
- def onError[T >: Null](msg: String): T = null
- /** This is handy because all reflective calls want back an AnyRef but
- * we will often be generating Units.
- */
- protected implicit def boxedUnit(x: Unit): AnyRef = scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT
- lazy val clazz: Class[_] = classLoader.tryToLoadClass(className) getOrElse onError("Failed to load " + className)
- lazy val methods = clazz.getMethods.toList
- def constructor(paramTypes: Class[_]*) = clazz.getConstructor(paramTypes: _*).asInstanceOf[Constructor[AnyRef]]
- def method(name: String, arity: Int) = uniqueMethod(name, arity)
- def field(name: String) = clazz getField name
- def matchingMethods(name: String, arity: Int) = methods filter (m => nameAndArity(m) == ((name, arity)))
- def uniqueMethod(name: String, arity: Int) = matchingMethods(name, arity) match {
- case List(x) => x
- case _ => onError("No unique match for " + name)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/SigParser.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/SigParser.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d85778570..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/SigParser.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package reflect
-import java.lang.reflect.{ GenericSignatureFormatError, Method }
-/** The usual reflection song and dance to avoid referencing
- * any sun.* classes.
- */
-class SigParser {
- val SunSignatureParser = "sun.reflect.generics.parser.SignatureParser"
- private lazy val makeMethod: Method =
- try Class.forName(SunSignatureParser) getMethod "make"
- catch { case t => null }
- def make() = makeMethod.invoke(null).asInstanceOf[SignatureParserInterface]
- private def wrap(op: => Any) =
- try { op ; true }
- catch { case _: GenericSignatureFormatError => false }
- def isParserAvailable = makeMethod != null
- def verifyClass(s: String) = isParserAvailable && wrap(make() parseClassSig s)
- def verifyMethod(s: String) = isParserAvailable && wrap(make() parseMethodSig s)
- def verifyType(s: String) = isParserAvailable && wrap(make() parseTypeSig s)
- type ClassSignature <: AnyRef
- type MethodTypeSignature <: AnyRef
- type TypeSignature <: AnyRef
- type SignatureParserInterface = {
- def isParserAvailable: Boolean
- def parseClassSig(s: String): ClassSignature
- def parseMethodSig(s: String): MethodTypeSignature
- def parseTypeSig(s: String): TypeSignature
- }
-object SigParser extends SigParser { }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/UniversalFn.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/UniversalFn.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b0c2a19021..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/UniversalFn.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package reflect
-import java.lang.reflect.{ Method, InvocationTargetException }
-import java.{ lang => jl }
-/** For certain reflection tasks it is convenient to treat all methods
- * as having the same signature: (Seq[AnyRef]) => AnyRef
- *
- * That is the "universal signature" and UniversalFn exists to provide
- * it without abandoning the information we had before we needed it.
- * One place this is used: closures can pose as arbitrary interfaces,
- * and this is how we route the arguments from the actual method
- * invocation (which targets a proxy object) to the original closure.
- */
-class UniversalFn private (val closure: AnyRef, val method: Method) extends (Seq[AnyRef] => AnyRef) {
- universal =>
- /** Given an interface type argument, creates a proxy object of the
- * type of the interface which implements all its methods by routing
- * them to this universal function. Will throw an exception in the
- * face of any bad data.
- */
- def as[T: ClassTag] : T = {
- val clazz = classTag[T].erasure
- require(clazz.isInterface, "Type argument must be an interface.")
- val interfaceMethods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods.toSet
- val proxy = Mock.fromInterfaces(clazz) {
- case Invoked(_, m, args) if interfaceMethods(m) => universal(args)
- }
- proxy.asInstanceOf[T]
- }
- def apply(xs: Seq[AnyRef]): AnyRef =
- try method.invoke(closure, xs: _*)
- catch { case x: InvocationTargetException => throw x.getCause() }
-object UniversalFn {
- /** We use a private constructor so we can enforce some rules: we don't want
- * universal functions to stack up, and right now we will only allow objects
- * which appear to be closures (there's no reason not to eventually lift
- * this restriction, but it should be harder to shoot your foot first.)
- */
- def apply(closure: AnyRef): UniversalFn = closure match {
- case x: UniversalFn => x
- case _ =>
- val m = uniqueApply(closure) getOrElse {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument must have exactly one non-bridge apply method.")
- }
- new UniversalFn(closure, m)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/package.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/package.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b0c0905cb..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/package.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-import java.lang.reflect.Method
-import java.{ lang => jl }
-package object reflect {
- def nameAndArity(m: Method) = (m.getName, m.getParameterTypes.size)
- def allInterfaces(cl: Class[_]): List[Class[_]] =
- if (cl == null) Nil
- else cl.getInterfaces.toList ++ allInterfaces(cl.getSuperclass) distinct
- def methodsNamed(target: AnyRef, name: String): List[Method] =
- target.getClass.getMethods filter (x => x.getName == name) toList
- /** If there is a single non-bridge apply method in the given instance,
- * return it: otherwise None.
- */
- def uniqueApply(target: AnyRef) = {
- methodsNamed(target, "apply") filterNot (_.isBridge) match {
- case List(x) => Some(x)
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- def zeroOfClass(clazz: Class[_]) = zeroOf(ClassTag(clazz))
- def zeroOf[T](implicit t: ClassTag[T]): AnyRef = {
- if (t == classTag[Boolean] || t == classTag[jl.Boolean]) false: jl.Boolean
- else if (t == classTag[Unit] || t == classTag[jl.Void] || t == classTag[scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]) scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT
- else if (t == classTag[Char] || t == classTag[jl.Character]) 0.toChar: jl.Character
- else if (t == classTag[Byte] || t == classTag[jl.Byte]) 0.toByte: jl.Byte
- else if (t == classTag[Short] || t == classTag[jl.Short]) 0.toShort: jl.Short
- else if (t == classTag[Int] || t == classTag[jl.Integer]) 0: jl.Integer
- else if (t == classTag[Long] || t == classTag[jl.Long]) 0l: jl.Long
- else if (t == classTag[Float] || t == classTag[jl.Float]) 0f: jl.Float
- else if (t == classTag[Double] || t == classTag[jl.Double]) 0d: jl.Double
- else null
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/AbstractTimer.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/AbstractTimer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 210a1ee53c..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/AbstractTimer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2011, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-import compat.Platform.currentTime
-import scala.collection.mutable
- * This abstract class implements the collection of timings. How the
- * collected timings are issued has to be implemented in subclasses.
- *
- * @author Philippe Altherr
- * @version 1.0
- */
-abstract class AbstractTimer {
- //########################################################################
- // Private Fields
- /** A stack for maintaining start times */
- private val starts = new mutable.Stack[Long]()
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods
- /** Issues a timing information (duration in milliseconds). */
- def issue(message: String, duration: Long): Unit
- /** Starts a new timer. */
- def start() {
- starts push currentTime
- }
- /** Ends the current timer. */
- def stop(message: String) {
- val stop = currentTime
- issue(message, stop - starts.pop)
- }
- /** Drops the current timer. */
- def drop() {
- starts.pop
- }
- //########################################################################
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/ClassPathSettings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/ClassPathSettings.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d202279ea1..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/ClassPathSettings.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2006-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package util
-trait ClassPathSettings {
- def javabootclasspath: String // -javabootclasspath
- def javaextdirs: String // -javaextdirs
- def bootclasspath: String // -bootclasspath
- def extdirs: String // -extdirs
- def classpath: String // -classpath
- def sourcepath: String // -sourcepath
-// val debugLogger = {
-// val f = File("/tmp/path-resolve-log.txt")
-// if (f.exists) f.truncate()
-// else f.createFile()
-// val res = f.bufferedWriter()
-// res write ("Started debug log: %s\n".format(new java.util.Date))
-// res
-// }
-// def log(msg: Any) = {
-// Console println msg
-// debugLogger.write(msg.toString + "\n")
-// debugLogger flush
-// }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/EditDistance.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/EditDistance.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0af34020a8..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/EditDistance.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package util
-object EditDistance {
- import java.lang.Character.{ toLowerCase => lower }
- def similarString(name: String, allowed: TraversableOnce[String]): String = {
- val suggested = suggestions(name, allowed.toSeq, maxDistance = 1, maxSuggestions = 2)
- if (suggested.isEmpty) ""
- else suggested.mkString(" (similar: ", ", ", ")")
- }
- def suggestions(a: String, bs: Seq[String], maxDistance: Int, maxSuggestions: Int): Seq[String] = (
- bs map (b => (b, distance(a, b)))
- filter (_._2 <= maxDistance)
- sortBy (_._2)
- take (maxSuggestions)
- map (_._1)
- )
- def distance(a: String, b: String): Int = levenshtein(a, b, transpositions = true)
- def levenshtein(s: String, t: String, transpositions: Boolean): Int = {
- val n = s.length
- val m = t.length
- if (n == 0) return m
- if (m == 0) return n
- val d = Array.ofDim[Int](n + 1, m + 1)
- var i = 0
- val max = math.max(m, n)
- while (i <= max) {
- if (i <= n)
- d(i)(0) = i
- if (i <= m)
- d(0)(i) = i
- i += 1
- }
- i = 1
- while (i <= n) {
- val s_i = s(i - 1)
- var j = 1
- while (j <= m) {
- val t_j = t(j - 1)
- val cost = if (lower(s_i) == lower(t_j)) 0 else 1
- val c1 = d(i - 1)(j) + 1
- val c2 = d(i)(j - 1) + 1
- val c3 = d(i - 1)(j - 1) + cost
- d(i)(j) = c1 min c2 min c3
- if (transpositions) {
- if (i > 1 && j > 1 && s(i - 1) == t(j - 2) && s(i - 2) == t(j - 1))
- d(i)(j) = d(i)(j) min (d(i - 2)(j - 2) + cost)
- }
- j += 1
- }
- i += 1
- }
- d(n)(m)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Javap.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Javap.scala
index 6d5988d1dd..42d8a910f0 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Javap.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Javap.scala
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import java.lang.reflect.{ GenericSignatureFormatError, Method, Constructor }
import java.lang.{ ClassLoader => JavaClassLoader }
import{ InputStream, PrintWriter, ByteArrayInputStream, FileNotFoundException }
-import{ File, NullPrintStream }
import Javap._
trait Javap {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Profiling.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Profiling.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 44393eef20..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Profiling.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package util
-/** This is a (very) minimal stub for profiling, the purpose
- * of which is making it possible to integrate profiling hooks in
- * the compiler without creating a dependency on any particular
- * profiler. You can specify a profiler class (which must be an
- * instance of this class) like so:
- *
- * // or -Yprofile:phase to profile individual phases
- * scalac -Yprofile-class your.profiler.Class -Yprofile:all <files>
- *
- */
-abstract class Profiling {
- def isActive: Boolean
- def startProfiling(): Unit
- def stopProfiling(): Unit
- def captureSnapshot(): Unit
- def allocationFreq: Option[Int] // record every Nth allocation
- def startRecordingAllocations(): Unit
- def stopRecordingAllocations(): Unit
- def profile[T](body: => T): T = profileCPU(body)
- def profileCPU[T](body: => T): T = {
- startProfiling()
- val result = body
- stopProfiling()
- captureSnapshot()
- result
- }
- def profileMem[T](body: => T): T = {
- startRecordingAllocations()
- val result = body
- stopRecordingAllocations()
- result
- }
- /** Advance the current object generation.
- *
- * Each object on the heap is associated to a generation number. Generations
- * start at 1, and are automatically advanced on each snapshot capture.
- */
- def advanceGeneration(desc: String = ""): Unit
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/SignalManager.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/SignalManager.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e93297386a..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/SignalManager.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package util
-import java.lang.reflect.{ Method, Constructor }
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import nsc.util.{ ScalaClassLoader, Exceptional }
-import Exceptional.unwrap
-import scala.util.Random
-/** Signal handling code. 100% clean of any references to sun.misc:
- * it's all reflection and proxies and invocation handlers and lasers,
- * so even the choosiest runtimes will be cool with it.
- *
- * Sun/Oracle says sun.misc.* is unsupported and therefore so is all
- * of this. Simple examples:
- * {{{
- val manager = // or you could make your own
- // Assignment clears any old handlers; += chains them.
- manager("HUP") = println("HUP 1!")
- manager("HUP") += println("HUP 2!")
- // Use raise() to raise a signal: this will print both lines
- manager("HUP").raise()
- // See a report on every signal's current handler
- manager.dump()
- * }}}
- */
-class SignalManager(classLoader: ScalaClassLoader) {
- def this() = this(ScalaClassLoader.appLoader)
- private val illegalArgHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, Boolean] = {
- case x if unwrap(x).isInstanceOf[IllegalArgumentException] => false
- }
- private def fail(msg: String) = new SignalError(msg)
- object rSignalHandler extends Shield {
- val className = "sun.misc.SignalHandler"
- val classLoader = SignalManager.this.classLoader
- lazy val SIG_DFL = field("SIG_DFL") get null
- lazy val SIG_IGN = field("SIG_IGN") get null
- /** Create a new signal handler based on the function.
- */
- def apply(action: Invoked => Unit) = Mock.fromInterfaces(clazz) {
- case inv @ Invoked.NameAndArgs("handle", _ :: Nil) => action(inv)
- }
- def empty = rSignalHandler(_ => ())
- }
- import rSignalHandler.{ SIG_DFL, SIG_IGN }
- object rSignal extends Shield {
- val className = "sun.misc.Signal"
- val classLoader = SignalManager.this.classLoader
- lazy val handleMethod = method("handle", 2)
- lazy val raiseMethod = method("raise", 1)
- lazy val numberMethod = method("getNumber", 0)
- /** Create a new Signal with the given name.
- */
- def apply(name: String) = constructor(classOf[String]) newInstance name
- def handle(signal: AnyRef, current: AnyRef) = {
- if (signal == null || current == null) fail("Signals cannot be null")
- else handleMethod.invoke(null, signal, current)
- }
- def raise(signal: AnyRef) = {
- if (signal == null) fail("Signals cannot be null")
- else raiseMethod.invoke(null, signal)
- }
- def number(signal: AnyRef): Int = numberMethod.invoke(signal).asInstanceOf[Int]
- class WSignal(val name: String) {
- lazy val signal = rSignal apply name
- def number = rSignal number signal
- def raise() = rSignal raise signal
- def handle(handler: AnyRef) = rSignal.handle(signal, handler)
- def isError = false
- def setTo(body: => Unit) = register(name, false, body)
- def +=(body: => Unit) = register(name, true, body)
- /** It's hard to believe there's no way to get a signal's current
- * handler without replacing it, but if there is I couldn't find
- * it, so we have this swapping code.
- */
- def withCurrentHandler[T](f: AnyRef => T): T = {
- val swap = handle(rSignalHandler.empty)
- try f(swap)
- finally handle(swap)
- }
- def isDefault = try withCurrentHandler {
- case SIG_DFL => true
- case _ => false
- } catch illegalArgHandler
- def isIgnored = try withCurrentHandler {
- case SIG_IGN => true
- case _ => false
- } catch illegalArgHandler
- def isSetTo(ref: AnyRef) =
- try withCurrentHandler { _ eq ref }
- catch illegalArgHandler
- def handlerString() = withCurrentHandler {
- case SIG_DFL => "Default"
- case SIG_IGN => "Ignore"
- case x => "" + x
- }
- override def toString = "%10s %s".format("SIG" + name,
- try handlerString()
- catch { case x: Exception => "VM threw " + unwrap(x) }
- )
- override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
- case x: WSignal => name ==
- case _ => false
- }
- override def hashCode = name.##
- }
- }
- type WSignal = rSignal.WSignal
- /** Adds a handler for the named signal. If shouldChain is true,
- * the installed handler will call the previous handler after the
- * new one has executed. If false, the old handler is dropped.
- */
- private def register(name: String, shouldChain: Boolean, body: => Unit) = {
- val signal = rSignal(name)
- val current = rSignalHandler(_ => body)
- val prev = rSignal.handle(signal, current)
- if (shouldChain) {
- val chainer = rSignalHandler { inv =>
- val signal = inv.args.head
- inv invokeOn current
- prev match {
- case SIG_IGN | SIG_DFL => ()
- case _ => inv invokeOn prev
- }
- }
- rSignal.handle(signal, chainer)
- chainer
- }
- else current
- }
- /** Use apply and update to get and set handlers.
- */
- def apply(name: String): WSignal =
- try { new WSignal(name) }
- catch { case x: IllegalArgumentException => new SignalError(x.getMessage) }
- def update(name: String, body: => Unit): Unit = apply(name) setTo body
- class SignalError(message: String) extends WSignal("") {
- override def isError = true
- override def toString = message
- }
- def public(name: String, description: String)(body: => Unit): Unit = {
- try {
- val wsig = apply(name)
- if (wsig.isError)
- return
- wsig setTo body
- registerInfoHandler()
- addPublicHandler(wsig, description)
- }
- catch {
- case x: Exception => () // ignore failure
- }
- }
- /** Makes sure the info handler is registered if we see activity. */
- private def registerInfoHandler() = {
- val INFO = apply("INFO")
- if (publicHandlers.isEmpty && INFO.isDefault) {
- INFO setTo Console.println(info())
- addPublicHandler(INFO, "Print signal handler registry on console.")
- }
- }
- private def addPublicHandler(wsig: WSignal, description: String) = {
- if (publicHandlers contains wsig) ()
- else publicHandlers = publicHandlers.updated(wsig, description)
- }
- private var publicHandlers: Map[WSignal, String] = Map()
- def info(): String = {
- registerInfoHandler()
- val xs = publicHandlers.toList sortBy ( map {
- case (wsig, descr) => " %2d %5s %s".format(wsig.number,, descr)
- }
- xs.mkString("\nSignal handler registry:\n", "\n", "")
- }
-object SignalManager extends SignalManager {
- private implicit def mkWSignal(name: String): WSignal = this(name)
- private lazy val signalNumberMap = all map (x => x.number -> x) toMap
- def all = List(
- )
- /** Signals which are either inaccessible or which seem like
- * particularly bad choices when looking for an open one.
- */
- def reserved = Set(QUIT, TRAP, ABRT, KILL, BUS, SEGV, ALRM, STOP, INT)
- def unreserved = all filterNot reserved
- def defaultSignals() = unreserved filter (_.isDefault)
- def ignoredSignals() = unreserved filter (_.isIgnored)
- def findOpenSignal() = Random.shuffle(defaultSignals()).head
- def dump() = all foreach (x => println("%2s %s".format(x.number, x)))
- def apply(sigNumber: Int): WSignal = signalNumberMap(sigNumber)
- def HUP: WSignal = "HUP"
- def INT: WSignal = "INT"
- def QUIT: WSignal = "QUIT"
- def ILL: WSignal = "ILL"
- def TRAP: WSignal = "TRAP"
- def ABRT: WSignal = "ABRT"
- def EMT: WSignal = "EMT"
- def FPE: WSignal = "FPE"
- def KILL: WSignal = "KILL"
- def BUS: WSignal = "BUS"
- def SEGV: WSignal = "SEGV"
- def SYS: WSignal = "SYS"
- def PIPE: WSignal = "PIPE"
- def ALRM: WSignal = "ALRM"
- def TERM: WSignal = "TERM"
- def URG: WSignal = "URG"
- def STOP: WSignal = "STOP"
- def TSTP: WSignal = "TSTP"
- def CONT: WSignal = "CONT"
- def CHLD: WSignal = "CHLD"
- def TTIN: WSignal = "TTIN"
- def TTOU: WSignal = "TTOU"
- def IO: WSignal = "IO"
- def XCPU: WSignal = "XCPU"
- def XFSZ: WSignal = "XFSZ"
- def VTALRM: WSignal = "VTALRM"
- def PROF: WSignal = "PROF"
- def WINCH: WSignal = "WINCH"
- def INFO: WSignal = "INFO"
- def USR1: WSignal = "USR1"
- def USR2: WSignal = "USR2"
- /** Given a number of seconds, a signal, and a function: sets up a handler which upon
- * receiving the signal once, calls the function with argument true, and if the
- * signal is received again within the allowed time, calls it with argument false.
- * (Otherwise it calls it with true and starts the timer over again.)
- */
- def requireInterval(seconds: Int, wrapper: WSignal)(fn: Boolean => Unit) = {
- var received = false
- wrapper setTo {
- if (received) fn(false)
- else {
- received = true
- fn(true)
- timer(seconds)(received = false)
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Signallable.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Signallable.scala
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index af98bfac83..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Signallable.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package util
-/** A class for things which are signallable.
- */
-abstract class Signallable[T] private (val signal: String, val description: String) {
- private var last: Option[T] = None
- private def lastString = last match {
- case Some(()) => ""
- case Some(x) => "" + x
- case _ => ""
- }
- /** The most recent result from the signal handler. */
- def lastResult: Option[T] = last
- /** Method to be executed when the associated signal is received. */
- def onSignal(): T
- // todo:
- // def unregister(): Boolean
- override def toString = " SIG(%s) => %s%s".format(
- signal, description, if (lastString == "") "" else " (" + lastString + ")"
- )
-object Signallable {
- /** Same as the other apply, but an open signal is found for you.
- */
- def apply[T](description: String)(body: => T): Signallable[T] = wrap {
- apply(SignalManager.findOpenSignal().name, description)(body)
- }
- /** Given a signal name, a description, and a handler body, this
- * registers a signal handler and returns the Signallable instance.
- * The signal handler registry is thereafter available by calling
- *, or sending SIGINFO to the manager will
- * dump it to console.
- */
- def apply[T](signal: String, description: String)(body: => T): Signallable[T] = wrap {
- val result = create[T](signal, description, body)
- SignalManager.public(signal, description)(result.onSignal())
- result
- }
- private def wrap[T](body: => Signallable[T]): Signallable[T] =
- try body catch { case _: AccessControlException => null }
- private def create[T](signal: String, description: String, body: => T): Signallable[T] =
- new Signallable[T](signal, description) {
- def onSignal = {
- val result = body
- last = Some(result)
- result
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/SocketConnection.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/SocketConnection.scala
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index 6b56be569c..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/SocketConnection.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2011, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-import{PrintWriter, InputStreamReader, BufferedReader}
-import{Socket, InetAddress}
-/** This class implements the connection to the server.
- *
- * @author Martin Odersky
- * @version 1.0
- */
-class SocketConnection(hostname: String, port: Int) {
- def this(port: Int) = this(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(), port)
- private var socket: Socket = _
- var out: PrintWriter = _
- var in: BufferedReader = _
- var errorMessage: String = _
- def open(): Boolean = {
- try {
- socket = new Socket(hostname, port)
- out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true)
- in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()))
- true
- } catch {
- case e: UnknownHostException =>
- errorMessage = "Don't know about host: " + hostname + "."
- false
- case e: IOException =>
- errorMessage = "Couldn't get I/O for the connection to: " + hostname + "."
- false
- }
- }
- def close() {
- in.close()
- out.close()
- socket.close()
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Which.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Which.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cafe156b5..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/Which.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package util
-/** A tool for identifying which classfile is being used.
- * under the given conditions.
- */
-object Which {
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- val settings = new Settings()
- val names = settings.processArguments(args.toList, true)._2
- val global = new Global(settings)
- val cp = global.classPath
- import cp._
- for (name <- names) {
- def fail() = println("Could not find: %s".format(name))
- (cp findClass name) match {
- case Some(classRep) => classRep.binary match {
- case Some(f) => println("%s is %s".format(name, f))
- case _ => fail
- }
- case _ => fail
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/Ansi.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/Ansi.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ed43579bb..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/Ansi.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2012 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package color
-import collection.mutable
-object Ansi {
- final val ESC = '\u001b' // <esc>
- final val LBR = '\u005b' // [
- final val CSI = new String(Array(ESC, LBR)) // control sequence introducer
- final val CSI_FINAL = "m" // control sequence final byte
- def colors = List(Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, White)
- def effects = List(Reset, Bright, Faint, Italic, Underline, Blink, Inverse, Hidden, Strikethrough)
- // No, that's not the finale of "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation."
- def colorizerFor(codes: Seq[Int]): String => String =
- s => ansiCodeToString(codes) + s + ansiCodeToString(0)
- def ansiCodeToString(code: Int): String = CSI + code + CSI_FINAL
- def ansiCodeToString(codes: Seq[Int]): String = codes.mkString(CSI, ";", CSI_FINAL)
-/** An ansi control sequence. The colorize function prepends
- * the control sequence to the given String and appends a
- * reset sequence.
- */
-class Ansi(atoms0: List[AnsiAtom]) {
- val atoms = atoms0 sortBy (x => (!x.isAttr, x.isInstanceOf[AnsiBackground]))
- val colorize = Ansi colorizerFor codes
- def codes = atoms map (_.code)
- def /(that: AnsiAtom) = new Ansi(atoms :+ that)
- // This looks redundant with / , but isn't - it is a way
- // to ensure that the argument will be a background color,
- // even if a foreground color is passed as an argument
- // (as it will be implicitly converted.)
- def on(that: AnsiBackground) = this / that
- // Convenience functions.
- def reset = this / Reset
- def bright = this / Bright
- def faint = this / Faint
- def italic = this / Italic
- def underline = this / Underline
- def blink = this / Blink
- def inverse = this / Inverse
- def hidden = this / Hidden
- def strikethrough = this / Strikethrough
- // adjectives first
- override def toString = atoms mkString " "
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/AnsiAtom.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/AnsiAtom.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d5490f6e9..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/AnsiAtom.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2012 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package color
-case object Reset extends AnsiAttr(0)
-case object Bright extends AnsiAttr(1)
-case object Faint extends AnsiAttr(2)
-case object Italic extends AnsiAttr(3)
-case object Underline extends AnsiAttr(4)
-case object Blink extends AnsiAttr(5)
-case object Inverse extends AnsiAttr(7)
-case object Hidden extends AnsiAttr(8)
-case object Strikethrough extends AnsiAttr(9)
-case object Black extends AnsiForeground(30)
-case object Red extends AnsiForeground(31)
-case object Green extends AnsiForeground(32)
-case object Yellow extends AnsiForeground(33)
-case object Blue extends AnsiForeground(34)
-case object Magenta extends AnsiForeground(35)
-case object Cyan extends AnsiForeground(36)
-case object White extends AnsiForeground(37)
-case object Default extends AnsiForeground(39)
-/** One piece of an ansi control sequence. Either a color
- * (foreground or background) or an attribute (e.g. bright, underline.)
- * Control sequences are created from AnsiAtoms with the / operator.
- */
-trait AnsiAtom {
- def code: Int
- def isAttr: Boolean
-sealed abstract class AnsiAttr(val code: Int) extends AnsiAtom {
- final def isAttr = true
-sealed abstract class AnsiColor(val code: Int) extends AnsiAtom {
- final def isAttr = false
- def flip: AnsiColor
-sealed abstract class AnsiForeground(code: Int) extends AnsiColor(code) {
- require(30 <= code && code <= 39, code)
- val flip: AnsiBackground = new AnsiBackground(this)
-sealed class AnsiBackground(val flip: AnsiForeground) extends AnsiColor(flip.code + 10) {
- require(40 <= code && code <= 49, code)
- override def toString = "(on " + flip + " background)"
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/CString.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/CString.scala
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index fa57229f09..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/CString.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package color
-/** A colorized String. It's difficult to achieve precise
- * formatting and selective string colorization simultaneously,
- * because all length-based calculations will break down in
- * the face of the ansi controls. It doesn't do much yet, but
- * this is here to eventually make that transparent.
- */
-final class CString(val uncolorized: String, val colorized: String) {
- def visibleLength = uncolorized.length
- def colorizedLength = colorized.length
- def show() = Console println colorized
- def bytes() = colorized map (_.toByte)
- def >() = show()
- def append(x: CString): CString = new CString(uncolorized + x.uncolorized, colorized + x.colorized)
- def +(other: CString): CString = this append other
- override def toString = colorized
-class CStringOps(str: String) {
- /** String to String operation.
- * println("foo" in Red)
- * println("bar" in Magenta.bright)
- */
- def in(ansi: Ansi): String = ansi colorize str
- /** Gave in to one bit of punctuation, because everyone adds
- * strings with '+' and we need something which higher precedence
- * for it to be at all satisfying.
- *
- * "foo" %> Red + "bar" %> Magenta.bright
- */
- def %>(ansi: Ansi): CString = new CString(str, in(ansi))
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/ColorNames.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/ColorNames.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ff4b01a9df..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/ColorNames.scala
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@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2012 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-/** Raw data adapted from perl's Term-ExtendedColor, which is published
- * under perl's Artistic license:
- *
- * These aren't actually in use yet.
- */
-trait ColorNames {
- type ColorType
- def translateCode(ansiCode: String): ColorType
- private implicit def liftAnsiCode(code: String): ColorType = translateCode(code)
- // Possible alternative names or aliases, also from the perl:
- //
- // reset, clear, normal reset all attributes
- // bold, bright bold or bright, depending on implementation
- // faint decreased intensity (not widely supported)
- // italic, cursive italic or cursive
- // underline, underscore underline
- // blink slow blink
- // blink_ms rapid blink (only supported in MS DOS)
- // reverse, inverse, negative reverse video
- // conceal conceal, or hide (not widely supported)
- // Brightest to darkest color
- val red1: ColorType = "5;196"
- val red2: ColorType = "5;160"
- val red3: ColorType = "5;124"
- val red4: ColorType = "5;088"
- val red5: ColorType = "5;052"
- val green1: ColorType = "5;156"
- val green2: ColorType = "5;150"
- val green3: ColorType = "5;120"
- val green4: ColorType = "5;114"
- val green5: ColorType = "5;084"
- val green6: ColorType = "5;078"
- val green7: ColorType = "5;155"
- val green8: ColorType = "5;149"
- val green9: ColorType = "5;119"
- val green10: ColorType = "5;113"
- val green11: ColorType = "5;083"
- val green12: ColorType = "5;077"
- val green13: ColorType = "5;047"
- val green14: ColorType = "5;041"
- val green15: ColorType = "5;118"
- val green16: ColorType = "5;112"
- val green17: ColorType = "5;082"
- val green18: ColorType = "5;076"
- val green19: ColorType = "5;046"
- val green20: ColorType = "5;040"
- val green21: ColorType = "5;034"
- val green22: ColorType = "5;028"
- val green23: ColorType = "5;022"
- val green24: ColorType = "5;107"
- val green25: ColorType = "5;071"
- val green26: ColorType = "5;070"
- val green27: ColorType = "5;064"
- val green28: ColorType = "5;065"
- val blue1: ColorType = "5;075"
- val blue2: ColorType = "5;074"
- val blue3: ColorType = "5;073"
- val blue4: ColorType = "5;039"
- val blue5: ColorType = "5;038"
- val blue6: ColorType = "5;037"
- val blue7: ColorType = "5;033"
- val blue8: ColorType = "5;032"
- val blue9: ColorType = "5;031"
- val blue10: ColorType = "5;027"
- val blue11: ColorType = "5;026"
- val blue12: ColorType = "5;025"
- val blue13: ColorType = "5;021"
- val blue14: ColorType = "5;020"
- val blue15: ColorType = "5;019"
- val blue16: ColorType = "5;018"
- val blue17: ColorType = "5;017"
- val yellow1: ColorType = "5;228"
- val yellow2: ColorType = "5;222"
- val yellow3: ColorType = "5;192"
- val yellow4: ColorType = "5;186"
- val yellow5: ColorType = "5;227"
- val yellow6: ColorType = "5;221"
- val yellow7: ColorType = "5;191"
- val yellow8: ColorType = "5;185"
- val yellow9: ColorType = "5;226"
- val yellow10: ColorType = "5;220"
- val yellow11: ColorType = "5;190"
- val yellow12: ColorType = "5;184"
- val yellow13: ColorType = "5;214"
- val yellow14: ColorType = "5;178"
- val yellow15: ColorType = "5;208"
- val yellow16: ColorType = "5;172"
- val yellow17: ColorType = "5;202"
- val yellow18: ColorType = "5;166"
- val magenta1: ColorType = "5;219"
- val magenta2: ColorType = "5;183"
- val magenta3: ColorType = "5;218"
- val magenta4: ColorType = "5;182"
- val magenta5: ColorType = "5;217"
- val magenta6: ColorType = "5;181"
- val magenta7: ColorType = "5;213"
- val magenta8: ColorType = "5;177"
- val magenta9: ColorType = "5;212"
- val magenta10: ColorType = "5;176"
- val magenta11: ColorType = "5;211"
- val magenta12: ColorType = "5;175"
- val magenta13: ColorType = "5;207"
- val magenta14: ColorType = "5;171"
- val magenta15: ColorType = "5;205"
- val magenta16: ColorType = "5;169"
- val magenta17: ColorType = "5;201"
- val magenta18: ColorType = "5;165"
- val magenta19: ColorType = "5;200"
- val magenta20: ColorType = "5;164"
- val magenta21: ColorType = "5;199"
- val magenta22: ColorType = "5;163"
- val magenta23: ColorType = "5;198"
- val magenta24: ColorType = "5;162"
- val magenta25: ColorType = "5;197"
- val magenta26: ColorType = "5;161"
- val gray1: ColorType = "5;255"
- val gray2: ColorType = "5;254"
- val gray3: ColorType = "5;253"
- val gray4: ColorType = "5;252"
- val gray5: ColorType = "5;251"
- val gray6: ColorType = "5;250"
- val gray7: ColorType = "5;249"
- val gray8: ColorType = "5;248"
- val gray9: ColorType = "5;247"
- val gray10: ColorType = "5;246"
- val gray11: ColorType = "5;245"
- val gray12: ColorType = "5;244"
- val gray13: ColorType = "5;243"
- val gray14: ColorType = "5;242"
- val gray15: ColorType = "5;241"
- val gray16: ColorType = "5;240"
- val gray17: ColorType = "5;239"
- val gray18: ColorType = "5;238"
- val gray19: ColorType = "5;237"
- val gray20: ColorType = "5;236"
- val gray21: ColorType = "5;235"
- val gray22: ColorType = "5;234"
- val gray23: ColorType = "5;233"
- val gray24: ColorType = "5;232"
- val purple1: ColorType = "5;147"
- val purple2: ColorType = "5;146"
- val purple3: ColorType = "5;145"
- val purple4: ColorType = "5;141"
- val purple5: ColorType = "5;140"
- val purple6: ColorType = "5;139"
- val purple7: ColorType = "5;135"
- val purple8: ColorType = "5;134"
- val purple9: ColorType = "5;133"
- val purple10: ColorType = "5;129"
- val purple11: ColorType = "5;128"
- val purple12: ColorType = "5;127"
- val purple13: ColorType = "5;126"
- val purple14: ColorType = "5;125"
- val purple15: ColorType = "5;111"
- val purple16: ColorType = "5;110"
- val purple17: ColorType = "5;109"
- val purple18: ColorType = "5;105"
- val purple19: ColorType = "5;104"
- val purple20: ColorType = "5;103"
- val purple21: ColorType = "5;099"
- val purple22: ColorType = "5;098"
- val purple23: ColorType = "5;097"
- val purple24: ColorType = "5;096"
- val purple25: ColorType = "5;093"
- val purple26: ColorType = "5;092"
- val purple27: ColorType = "5;091"
- val purple28: ColorType = "5;090"
- val purple29: ColorType = "5;055"
- val purple30: ColorType = "5;054"
- val cyan1: ColorType = "5;159"
- val cyan2: ColorType = "5;158"
- val cyan3: ColorType = "5;157"
- val cyan4: ColorType = "5;153"
- val cyan5: ColorType = "5;152"
- val cyan6: ColorType = "5;151"
- val cyan7: ColorType = "5;123"
- val cyan8: ColorType = "5;122"
- val cyan9: ColorType = "5;121"
- val cyan10: ColorType = "5;117"
- val cyan11: ColorType = "5;116"
- val cyan12: ColorType = "5;115"
- val cyan13: ColorType = "5;087"
- val cyan14: ColorType = "5;086"
- val cyan15: ColorType = "5;085"
- val cyan16: ColorType = "5;081"
- val cyan17: ColorType = "5;080"
- val cyan18: ColorType = "5;079"
- val cyan19: ColorType = "5;051"
- val cyan20: ColorType = "5;050"
- val cyan21: ColorType = "5;049"
- val cyan22: ColorType = "5;045"
- val cyan23: ColorType = "5;044"
- val cyan24: ColorType = "5;043"
- val orange1: ColorType = "5;208"
- val orange2: ColorType = "5;172"
- val orange3: ColorType = "5;202"
- val orange4: ColorType = "5;166"
- val orange5: ColorType = "5;130"
- // Approximations of X11 color mappings
- //
- val aquamarine1: ColorType = "5;086"
- val aquamarine3: ColorType = "5;079"
- val blueviolet: ColorType = "5;057"
- val cadetblue1: ColorType = "5;072"
- val cadetblue2: ColorType = "5;073"
- val chartreuse1: ColorType = "5;118"
- val chartreuse2: ColorType = "5;082"
- val chartreuse3: ColorType = "5;070"
- val chartreuse4: ColorType = "5;064"
- val cornflowerblue: ColorType = "5;069"
- val cornsilk1: ColorType = "5;230"
- val darkblue: ColorType = "5;018"
- val darkcyan: ColorType = "5;036"
- val darkgoldenrod: ColorType = "5;136"
- val darkgreen: ColorType = "5;022"
- val darkkhaki: ColorType = "5;143"
- val darkmagenta1: ColorType = "5;090"
- val darkmagenta2: ColorType = "5;091"
- val darkolivegreen1: ColorType = "5;191"
- val darkolivegreen2: ColorType = "5;155"
- val darkolivegreen3: ColorType = "5;107"
- val darkolivegreen4: ColorType = "5;113"
- val darkolivegreen5: ColorType = "5;149"
- val darkorange3: ColorType = "5;130"
- val darkorange4: ColorType = "5;166"
- val darkorange1: ColorType = "5;208"
- val darkred1: ColorType = "5;052"
- val darkred2: ColorType = "5;088"
- val darkseagreen1: ColorType = "5;158"
- val darkseagreen2: ColorType = "5;157"
- val darkseagreen3: ColorType = "5;150"
- val darkseagreen4: ColorType = "5;071"
- val darkslategray1: ColorType = "5;123"
- val darkslategray2: ColorType = "5;087"
- val darkslategray3: ColorType = "5;116"
- val darkturquoise: ColorType = "5;044"
- val darkviolet: ColorType = "5;128"
- val deeppink1: ColorType = "5;198"
- val deeppink2: ColorType = "5;197"
- val deeppink3: ColorType = "5;162"
- val deeppink4: ColorType = "5;125"
- val deepskyblue1: ColorType = "5;039"
- val deepskyblue2: ColorType = "5;038"
- val deepskyblue3: ColorType = "5;031"
- val deepskyblue4: ColorType = "5;023"
- val dodgerblue1: ColorType = "5;033"
- val dodgerblue2: ColorType = "5;027"
- val dodgerblue3: ColorType = "5;026"
- val gold1: ColorType = "5;220"
- val gold3: ColorType = "5;142"
- val greenyellow: ColorType = "5;154"
- val grey0: ColorType = "5;016"
- val grey100: ColorType = "5;231"
- val grey11: ColorType = "5;234"
- val grey15: ColorType = "5;235"
- val grey19: ColorType = "5;236"
- val grey23: ColorType = "5;237"
- val grey27: ColorType = "5;238"
- val grey30: ColorType = "5;239"
- val grey3: ColorType = "5;232"
- val grey35: ColorType = "5;240"
- val grey37: ColorType = "5;059"
- val grey39: ColorType = "5;241"
- val grey42: ColorType = "5;242"
- val grey46: ColorType = "5;243"
- val grey50: ColorType = "5;244"
- val grey53: ColorType = "5;102"
- val grey54: ColorType = "5;245"
- val grey58: ColorType = "5;246"
- val grey62: ColorType = "5;247"
- val grey63: ColorType = "5;139"
- val grey66: ColorType = "5;248"
- val grey69: ColorType = "5;145"
- val grey70: ColorType = "5;249"
- val grey74: ColorType = "5;250"
- val grey7: ColorType = "5;233"
- val grey78: ColorType = "5;251"
- val grey82: ColorType = "5;252"
- val grey84: ColorType = "5;188"
- val grey85: ColorType = "5;253"
- val grey89: ColorType = "5;254"
- val grey93: ColorType = "5;255"
- val honeydew2: ColorType = "5;194"
- val hotpink2: ColorType = "5;169"
- val hotpink3: ColorType = "5;132"
- val hotpink: ColorType = "5;205"
- val indianred1: ColorType = "5;203"
- val indianred: ColorType = "5;167"
- val khaki1: ColorType = "5;228"
- val khaki3: ColorType = "5;185"
- val lightcoral: ColorType = "5;210"
- val lightcyan1: ColorType = "5;195"
- val lightcyan3: ColorType = "5;152"
- val lightgoldenrod1: ColorType = "5;227"
- val lightgoldenrod2: ColorType = "5;186"
- val lightgoldenrod3: ColorType = "5;179"
- val lightgreen: ColorType = "5;119"
- val lightpink1: ColorType = "5;217"
- val lightpink3: ColorType = "5;174"
- val lightpink4: ColorType = "5;095"
- val lightsalmon1: ColorType = "5;216"
- val lightsalmon3: ColorType = "5;137"
- val lightseagreen: ColorType = "5;037"
- val lightskyblue1: ColorType = "5;153"
- val lightskyblue3: ColorType = "5;109"
- val lightslateblue: ColorType = "5;105"
- val lightslategrey: ColorType = "5;103"
- val lightsteelblue1: ColorType = "5;189"
- val lightsteelblue3: ColorType = "5;146"
- val lightsteelblue: ColorType = "5;147"
- val lightyellow3: ColorType = "5;187"
- val mediumorchid1: ColorType = "5;171"
- val mediumorchid3: ColorType = "5;133"
- val mediumorchid: ColorType = "5;134"
- val mediumpurple1: ColorType = "5;141"
- val mediumpurple2: ColorType = "5;135"
- val mediumpurple3: ColorType = "5;097"
- val mediumpurple4: ColorType = "5;060"
- val mediumpurple: ColorType = "5;104"
- val mediumspringgreen: ColorType = "5;049"
- val mediumturquoise: ColorType = "5;080"
- val mediumvioletred: ColorType = "5;126"
- val mistyrose1: ColorType = "5;224"
- val mistyrose3: ColorType = "5;181"
- val navajowhite1: ColorType = "5;223"
- val navajowhite3: ColorType = "5;144"
- val navyblue: ColorType = "5;017"
- val orangered1: ColorType = "5;202"
- val orchid1: ColorType = "5;213"
- val orchid2: ColorType = "5;212"
- val orchid: ColorType = "5;170"
- val palegreen1: ColorType = "5;121"
- val palegreen3: ColorType = "5;077"
- val paleturquoise1: ColorType = "5;159"
- val paleturquoise4: ColorType = "5;066"
- val palevioletred1: ColorType = "5;211"
- val pink1: ColorType = "5;218"
- val pink3: ColorType = "5;175"
- val plum1: ColorType = "5;219"
- val plum2: ColorType = "5;183"
- val plum3: ColorType = "5;176"
- val plum4: ColorType = "5;096"
- val purple: ColorType = "5;129"
- val rosybrown: ColorType = "5;138"
- val royalblue1: ColorType = "5;063"
- val salmon1: ColorType = "5;209"
- val sandybrown: ColorType = "5;215"
- val seagreen1: ColorType = "5;084"
- val seagreen2: ColorType = "5;083"
- val seagreen3: ColorType = "5;078"
- val skyblue1: ColorType = "5;117"
- val skyblue2: ColorType = "5;111"
- val skyblue3: ColorType = "5;074"
- val slateblue1: ColorType = "5;099"
- val slateblue3: ColorType = "5;061"
- val springgreen1: ColorType = "5;048"
- val springgreen2: ColorType = "5;042"
- val springgreen3: ColorType = "5;035"
- val springgreen4: ColorType = "5;029"
- val steelblue1: ColorType = "5;075"
- val steelblue3: ColorType = "5;068"
- val steelblue: ColorType = "5;067"
- val tan: ColorType = "5;180"
- val thistle1: ColorType = "5;225"
- val thistle3: ColorType = "5;182"
- val turquoise2: ColorType = "5;045"
- val turquoise4: ColorType = "5;030"
- val violet: ColorType = "5;177"
- val wheat1: ColorType = "5;229"
- val wheat4: ColorType = "5;101"
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/package.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/package.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b3e85751e..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/util/color/package.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2012 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
- * Wrappers around ansi colors.
- *
- * @author Paul Phillips
- * @version 2.10
- */
-package object color {
- implicit def implicitLiftAnsiAtom(c: AnsiAtom): Ansi = new Ansi(List(c))
- implicit def implicitColorToBackground(c: AnsiColor): AnsiBackground = c match {
- case x: AnsiBackground => x
- case x: AnsiForeground => x.flip
- }
- implicit def implicitCStringOps(str: String): CStringOps = new CStringOps(str)
- implicit def implicitCString(str: String): CString = new CString(str, str)
diff --git a/src/library/scala/sys/SystemProperties.scala b/src/library/scala/sys/SystemProperties.scala
index 4853da3495..d5777922b4 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/sys/SystemProperties.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/sys/SystemProperties.scala
@@ -78,6 +78,5 @@ object SystemProperties {
lazy val preferIPv4Stack = bool("", "system should prefer IPv4 sockets")
lazy val preferIPv6Addresses = bool("", "system should prefer IPv6 addresses")
lazy val noTraceSupression = bool("scala.control.noTraceSuppression", "scala should not suppress any stack trace creation")
- lazy val traceSourcePath = str("scala.control.sourcepath", "sourcepath for looking up stack trace elements")
diff --git a/src/yourkit/scala/tools/util/YourkitProfiling.scala b/src/yourkit/scala/tools/util/YourkitProfiling.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 677a85112b..0000000000
--- a/src/yourkit/scala/tools/util/YourkitProfiling.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-package util
-import com.yourkit.api._
-import com.yourkit.runtime._
-class YourkitProfiling extends Profiling {
- @volatile private var active = false
- @volatile private var freq: Option[Int] = None
- lazy val controller = new Controller
- def defaultFreq = 100
- def allocationFreq = freq
- def setAllocationFreq(x: Int) = freq = if (x <= 0) None else Some(x)
- def startRecordingAllocations() = {
- controller.startAllocationRecording(true, freq getOrElse defaultFreq, false, 0)
- }
- def stopRecordingAllocations() = {
- controller.stopAllocationRecording()
- }
- def startProfiling(): Unit = {
- if (isActive)
- return
- active = true
- daemonize {
- try {
- controller.startCPUProfiling(ProfilingModes.CPU_SAMPLING, Controller.DEFAULT_FILTERS)
- if (freq.isDefined)
- startRecordingAllocations()
- }
- catch {
- case _: PresentableException => () // if it's already running, no big deal
- }
- }
- }
- def captureSnapshot() = {
- daemonize(controller.captureSnapshot(ProfilingModes.SNAPSHOT_WITH_HEAP))
- }
- def stopProfiling() = {
- try {
- if (freq.isDefined)
- stopRecordingAllocations()
- controller.stopCPUProfiling()
- }
- catch {
- case _: PresentableException => () // if it's already running, no big deal
- }
- finally active = false
- }
- def advanceGeneration(desc: String) {
- controller.advanceGeneration(desc)
- }
- def isActive = active