path: root/src
diff options
authorJason Zaugg <>2014-01-31 13:46:57 +0100
committerAdriaan Moors <>2014-02-10 14:34:39 -0800
commitaebe379a14ab7b2a3bce35a6faa9d9232c748154 (patch)
treeb8565509294f13756f0528356d4b0969dd0f729a /src
parentdb9fd559ec70f033b475b0d91c6049b68955e095 (diff)
SI-7475 findMember and findMembers: estranged no more
Swathes of important logic are duplicated between `findMember` and `findMembers` after they separated on grounds of irreconcilable differences about how fast they should run: d905558 Variation #10 to optimze findMember fcb0c01 Attempt #9 to opimize findMember. 71d2ceb Attempt #8 to opimize findMember. 77e5692 Attempty #7 to optimize findMember 275115e Fixing problem that caused fingerprints to fail in e94252e Attemmpt #6 to optimize findMember 73e61b8 Attempt #5 to optimize findMember. 04f0b65 Attempt #4 to optimize findMember 0e3c70f Attempt #3 to optimize findMember 41f4497 Attempt #2 to optimize findMember 1a73aa0 Attempt #1 to optimize findMember This didn't actually bear fruit, and the intervening years have seen the implementations drift. Now is the time to reunite them under the banner of `FindMemberBase`. Each has a separate subclass to customise the behaviour. This is primarily used by `findMember` to cache member types and to assemble the resulting list of symbols in an low-allocation manner. While there I have introduced some polymorphic calls, the call sites are only bi-morphic, and our typical pattern of compilation involves far more `findMember` calls, so I expect that JIT will keep the virtual call cost to an absolute minimum. Test results have been updated now that `findMembers` correctly excludes constructors and doesn't inherit privates. Coming up next: we can actually fix SI-7475!
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 27 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala
index b7cf8d2197..21ce5114e0 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala
@@ -990,65 +990,7 @@ trait Types
def findMembers(excludedFlags: Long, requiredFlags: Long): Scope = {
- // TODO refactor to use `FindMemberBase`
- def findMembersInternal: Scope = {
- var members: Scope = null
- if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(findMembersCount)
- val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.pushTimer(typeOpsStack, findMembersNanos) else null
- //Console.println("find member " + name.decode + " in " + this + ":" + this.baseClasses)//DEBUG
- var required = requiredFlags
- var excluded = excludedFlags | DEFERRED
- var retryForDeferred = true
- var self: Type = null
- while (retryForDeferred) {
- retryForDeferred = false
- val bcs0 = baseClasses
- var bcs = bcs0
- while (!bcs.isEmpty) {
- val decls =
- var entry = decls.elems
- while (entry ne null) {
- val sym = entry.sym
- val flags = sym.flags
- if ((flags & required) == required) {
- val excl = flags & excluded
- if (excl == 0L &&
- (// omit PRIVATE LOCALS unless selector class is contained in class owning the def.
- (bcs eq bcs0) ||
- (flags & PrivateLocal) != PrivateLocal ||
- (bcs0.head.hasTransOwner(bcs.head)))) {
- if (members eq null) members = newFindMemberScope
- var others: ScopeEntry = members.lookupEntry(
- var symtpe: Type = null
- while ((others ne null) && {
- val other = others.sym
- (other ne sym) &&
- ((other.owner eq sym.owner) ||
- (flags & PRIVATE) != 0 || {
- if (self eq null) self = narrowForFindMember(this)
- if (symtpe eq null) symtpe = self.memberType(sym)
- !(self.memberType(other) matches symtpe)
- })}) {
- others = members lookupNextEntry others
- }
- if (others eq null) members enter sym
- } else if (excl == DEFERRED) {
- retryForDeferred = (excludedFlags & DEFERRED) == 0
- }
- }
- entry =
- } // while (entry ne null)
- // excluded = excluded | LOCAL
- bcs = bcs.tail
- } // while (!bcs.isEmpty)
- required |= DEFERRED
- excluded &= ~(DEFERRED.toLong)
- } // while (retryForDeferred)
- if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.popTimer(typeOpsStack, start)
- if (members eq null) EmptyScope else members
- }
+ def findMembersInternal = new FindMembers(this, excludedFlags, requiredFlags).apply()
if (this.isGround) findMembersInternal
else suspendingTypeVars(typeVarsInType(this))(findMembersInternal)
@@ -1063,115 +1005,7 @@ trait Types
* @param stableOnly If set, return only members that are types or stable values
def findMember(name: Name, excludedFlags: Long, requiredFlags: Long, stableOnly: Boolean): Symbol = {
- def findMemberInternal = {
- // TODO delete `findMemberInternalOld`
- val resultOld = findMemberInternalOld
- val resultNew = findMemberInternalNew
- if (resultOld.alternatives != resultNew.alternatives) {
- findMemberInternalOld
- findMemberInternalNew
- }
- assert(resultOld.alternatives == resultNew.alternatives, s"\nOLD:${resultOld.alternatives}\nNEW${resultNew.alternatives}")
- resultNew
- }
- def findMemberInternalNew = new FindMember(this, name, excludedFlags, requiredFlags, stableOnly).apply()
- def findMemberInternalOld: Symbol = {
- var member: Symbol = NoSymbol
- var members: List[Symbol] = null
- var lastM: ::[Symbol] = null
- if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(findMemberCount)
- val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.pushTimer(typeOpsStack, findMemberNanos) else null
- //Console.println("find member " + name.decode + " in " + this + ":" + this.baseClasses)//DEBUG
- var membertpe: Type = null
- var required = requiredFlags
- var excluded = excludedFlags | DEFERRED
- var continue = true
- var self: Type = null
- while (continue) {
- continue = false
- val bcs0 = baseClasses
- var bcs = bcs0
- // omit PRIVATE LOCALS unless selector class is contained in class owning the def.
- def admitPrivateLocal(owner: Symbol): Boolean = {
- val selectorClass = this match {
- case tt: ThisType => tt.sym // SI-7507 the first base class is not necessarily the selector class.
- case _ => bcs0.head
- }
- selectorClass.hasTransOwner(owner)
- }
- while (!bcs.isEmpty) {
- val decls =
- var entry = decls.lookupEntry(name)
- while (entry ne null) {
- val sym = entry.sym
- val flags = sym.flags
- if ((flags & required) == required) {
- val excl = flags & excluded
- if (excl == 0L &&
- (
- (bcs eq bcs0) ||
- (flags & PrivateLocal) != PrivateLocal ||
- admitPrivateLocal(bcs.head))) {
- if (name.isTypeName || (stableOnly && sym.isStable && !sym.hasVolatileType)) {
- if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.popTimer(typeOpsStack, start)
- return sym
- } else if (member eq NoSymbol) {
- member = sym
- } else if (members eq null) {
- if ((member ne sym) &&
- ((member.owner eq sym.owner) ||
- (flags & PRIVATE) != 0 || {
- if (self eq null) self = narrowForFindMember(this)
- if (membertpe eq null) membertpe = self.memberType(member)
- !(membertpe matches self.memberType(sym))
- })) {
- lastM = new ::(sym, null)
- members = member :: lastM
- }
- } else {
- var others: List[Symbol] = members
- var symtpe: Type = null
- while ((others ne null) && {
- val other = others.head
- (other ne sym) &&
- ((other.owner eq sym.owner) ||
- (flags & PRIVATE) != 0 || {
- if (self eq null) self = narrowForFindMember(this)
- if (symtpe eq null) symtpe = self.memberType(sym)
- !(self.memberType(other) matches symtpe)
- })}) {
- others = others.tail
- }
- if (others eq null) {
- val lastM1 = new ::(sym, null)
- = lastM1
- lastM = lastM1
- }
- }
- } else if (excl == DEFERRED) {
- continue = true
- }
- }
- entry = decls lookupNextEntry entry
- } // while (entry ne null)
- // excluded = excluded | LOCAL
- bcs = if (name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) Nil else bcs.tail
- } // while (!bcs.isEmpty)
- required |= DEFERRED
- excluded &= ~(DEFERRED.toLong)
- } // while (continue)
- if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.popTimer(typeOpsStack, start)
- if (members eq null) {
- if (member == NoSymbol) if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(noMemberCount)
- member
- } else {
- if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(multMemberCount)
- = Nil
- baseClasses.head.newOverloaded(this, members)
- }
- }
+ def findMemberInternal = new FindMember(this, name, excludedFlags, requiredFlags, stableOnly).apply()
if (this.isGround) findMemberInternal
else suspendingTypeVars(typeVarsInType(this))(findMemberInternal)
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/tpe/FindMembers.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/tpe/FindMembers.scala
index 380e11e0d7..be5a3f0983 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/tpe/FindMembers.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/tpe/FindMembers.scala
@@ -150,6 +150,31 @@ trait FindMembers {
protected def memberTypeLow(sym: Symbol): Type = self.memberType(sym)
+ private[reflect] final class FindMembers(tpe: Type, excludedFlags: Long, requiredFlags: Long)
+ extends FindMemberBase[Scope](tpe, nme.ANYname, excludedFlags, requiredFlags) {
+ private[this] var _membersScope: Scope = null
+ private def membersScope: Scope = {
+ if (_membersScope eq null) _membersScope = newFindMemberScope
+ _membersScope
+ }
+ protected def shortCircuit(sym: Symbol): Boolean = false
+ protected def result: Scope = membersScope
+ protected def addMemberIfNew(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
+ val members = membersScope
+ var others = members.lookupEntry(
+ var isNew = true
+ while (others ne null) {
+ val member = others.sym
+ if (!isNewMember(member, sym))
+ isNew = false
+ others = members lookupNextEntry others // next existing member with the same name.
+ }
+ if (isNew) members.enter(sym)
+ }
+ }
private[reflect] final class FindMember(tpe: Type, name: Name, excludedFlags: Long, requiredFlags: Long, stableOnly: Boolean)
extends FindMemberBase[Symbol](tpe, name, excludedFlags, requiredFlags) {
// Gathering the results into a hand rolled ListBuffer