path: root/test/benchmarks/src
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authorPaul Phillips <>2011-01-25 19:41:34 +0000
committerPaul Phillips <>2011-01-25 19:41:34 +0000
commit5f905da8b66fe69b09d8b62c917970cde14e23ba (patch)
treec1670e8ca407b3e3f8a17fc6c42a87364cbd64e9 /test/benchmarks/src
parentdea65103bf06c0a91527692ac053d0d2cb9a9ddd (diff)
A new murmur3 hashcode implementation contribut...
A new murmur3 hashcode implementation contributed by rex kerr. I'm really happy with it. There is benchmarking code included but you can use the pudding for proof: the compiler compiling itself is clearly faster. I deleted the existing murmur2 implementation which has never left trunk in a release. There remain some possible points of improvement with inlining and/or synthetic method generation, but this is a major improvement over the status quo. Closes #2537, review by prokopec.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/benchmarks/src')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/util/HashSpeedTest.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/util/HashSpeedTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..615bd47aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/util/HashSpeedTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+object HashSpeedTest {
+ import System.{nanoTime => now}
+ def time[A](f: => A) = {
+ val t0 = now
+ val ans = f
+ (ans, now - t0)
+ }
+ def ptime[A](f: => A) = {
+ val (ans,dt) = time(f)
+ printf("Elapsed: %.3f\n",dt*1e-9)
+ ans
+ }
+ object HashHist {
+ var enabled = true
+ val counts = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Int,Int]
+ def add (i: Int) { if (enabled) counts(i) = counts.get(i).getOrElse(0)+1 }
+ def resultAndReset = {
+ var s = 0L
+ var o = 0L
+ var m = 0
+ counts.valuesIterator.foreach(i => {
+ s += i
+ if (i>0) o += 1
+ if (i>m) m = i
+ })
+ counts.clear
+ (s,o,m)
+ }
+ }
+ def report(s: String,res: (Long,Long,Int)) {
+ println("Hash quality of "+s)
+ printf(" %5.2f%% of entries are collisions\n",100*(res._1 - res._2).toDouble/res._1)
+ printf(" Max of %d entries mapped to the same value\n",res._3)
+ }
+ // If you have MurmurHash3 installed, uncomment below (and in main)
+ import scala.util.{MurmurHash3 => MH3}
+ val justCountString: String => Unit = str => {
+ var s,i = 0
+ while (i < str.length) { s += str.charAt(i); i += 1 }
+ HashHist.add(s)
+ }
+ val defaultHashString: String => Unit = str => HashHist.add(str.hashCode)
+ val murmurHashString: String => Unit = str => HashHist.add(MH3.stringHash(str))
+ def makeCharStrings = {
+ val a = new Array[Byte](4)
+ val buffer = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]
+ var i: Int = 'A'
+ while (i <= 'Z') {
+ a(0) = (i&0xFF).toByte
+ var j: Int = 'a'
+ while (j <= 'z') {
+ a(1) = (j&0xFF).toByte
+ var k: Int = 'A'
+ while (k <= 'z') {
+ a(2) = (k&0xFF).toByte
+ var l: Int = 'A'
+ while (l <= 'z') {
+ a(3) = (l&0xFF).toByte
+ buffer += new String(a)
+ l += 1
+ }
+ k += 1
+ }
+ j += 1
+ }
+ i += 1
+ }
+ buffer.toArray
+ }
+ def hashCharStrings(ss: Array[String], hash: String => Unit) {
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < ss.length) {
+ hash(ss(i))
+ i += 1
+ }
+ }
+ def justCountList: List[List[Int]] => Unit = lli => {
+ var s = 0
+ lli.foreach(_.foreach(s += _))
+ HashHist.add(s)
+ }
+ def defaultHashList: List[List[Int]] => Unit = lli => HashHist.add(lli.hashCode)
+ def makeBinaryLists = {
+ def singleLists(depth: Int): List[List[Int]] = {
+ if (depth <= 0) List(Nil)
+ else {
+ val set = singleLists(depth-1)
+ val longest = set filter (_.length == depth-1)
+ set ::: ( :: _)) ::: ( :: _))
+ }
+ }
+ val buffer = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[List[List[Int]]]
+ val blocks = singleLists(4).toArray
+ buffer += List(Nil)
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < blocks.length) {
+ val li = blocks(i) :: Nil
+ buffer += li
+ var j = 0
+ while (j < blocks.length) {
+ val lj = blocks(j) :: li
+ buffer += lj
+ var k = 0
+ while (k < blocks.length) {
+ val lk = blocks(k) :: lj
+ buffer += lk
+ var l = 0
+ while (l < blocks.length) {
+ val ll = blocks(l) :: lk
+ buffer += ll
+ l += 1
+ }
+ k += 1
+ }
+ j += 1
+ }
+ i += 1
+ }
+ buffer.toArray
+ }
+ def hashBinaryLists(ls: Array[List[List[Int]]], hash: List[List[Int]] => Unit) {
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < ls.length) {
+ hash(ls(i))
+ i += 1
+ }
+ }
+ def justCountSets: Set[Int] => Unit = si => {
+ var s = 0
+ si.foreach(s += _)
+ HashHist.add(s)
+ }
+ def defaultHashSets: Set[Int] => Unit = si => HashHist.add(si.hashCode)
+ def makeIntSets = {
+ def sets(depth: Int): List[Set[Int]] = {
+ if (depth <= 0) List(Set.empty[Int])
+ else {
+ val set = sets(depth-1)
+ set ::: + depth)
+ }
+ }
+ sets(20).toArray
+ }
+ def hashIntSets(ss: Array[Set[Int]], hash: Set[Int] => Unit) {
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < ss.length) {
+ hash(ss(i))
+ i += 1
+ }
+ }
+ def defaultHashTuples: (Product with Serializable) => Unit = p => HashHist.add(p.hashCode)
+ def makeNestedTuples = {
+ val basic = Array(
+ (0,0),
+ (0,1),
+ (1,0),
+ (1,1),
+ (0,0,0),
+ (0,0,1),
+ (0,1,0),
+ (1,0,0),
+ (0,0,0,0),
+ (0,0,0,0,0),
+ (false,false),
+ (true,false),
+ (false,true),
+ (true,true),
+ (0.7,true,"fish"),
+ ((),true,'c',400,9.2,"galactic")
+ )
+ basic ++
+ (for (i <- basic; j <- basic) yield (i,j)) ++
+ (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic) yield (i,j,k)) ++
+ (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic) yield ((i,j),k)) ++
+ (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic) yield (i,(j,k))) ++
+ (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic) yield (i,j,k,l)) ++
+ (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic) yield ((i,j),(k,l))) ++
+ (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic) yield (i,(j,k,l))) ++
+ (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic; m <- basic) yield (i,j,k,l,m)) ++
+ (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic; m <- basic) yield (i,(j,(k,(l,m)))))
+ }
+ def hashNestedTuples(ts: Array[Product with Serializable], hash: (Product with Serializable) => Unit) {
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < ts.length) {
+ hash(ts(i))
+ i += 1
+ }
+ }
+ def findSpeed[A](n: Int, h: (Array[A],A=>Unit)=>Unit, aa: Array[A], f: A=>Unit) = {
+ (time { for (i <- 1 to n) { h(aa,f) } }._2, aa.length.toLong*n)
+ }
+ def reportSpeed[A](repeats: Int, xs: List[(String, ()=>(Long,Long))]) {
+ val tn = Array.fill(xs.length)((0L,0L))
+ for (j <- 1 to repeats) {
+ for ((l,i) <- xs zipWithIndex) {
+ val x = l._2()
+ tn(i) = (tn(i)._1 + x._1, tn(i)._2 + x._2)
+ }
+ }
+ for (((t,n),(title,_)) <- (tn zip xs)) {
+ val rate = (n*1e-6)/(t*1e-9)
+ printf("Hash rate for %s: %4.2f million/second\n",title,rate)
+ }
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]) {
+ val bl = makeBinaryLists
+ val is = makeIntSets
+ val nt = makeNestedTuples
+ // Uncomment the following for string stats if MurmurHash3 available
+ val cs = makeCharStrings
+ report("Java String hash for strings",{ hashCharStrings(cs,defaultHashString); HashHist.resultAndReset })
+ report("MurmurHash3 for strings",{ hashCharStrings(cs,murmurHashString); HashHist.resultAndReset })
+ HashHist.enabled = false
+ reportSpeed(3, List(
+ ("Java string hash", () => findSpeed[String](30, (x, y) => hashCharStrings(x, y),cs,defaultHashString)),
+ ("MurmurHash3 string hash", () => findSpeed[String](30,(x, y) => hashCharStrings(x, y),cs,murmurHashString))
+ ))
+ // reportSpeed("Java string hash",30,hashCharStrings.tupled,cs,defaultHashString)
+ // reportSpeed("MurmurHash3 string hash",30,hashCharStrings.tupled,cs,murmurHashString)
+ HashHist.enabled = true
+ report("lists of binary int lists",{ hashBinaryLists(bl,defaultHashList); HashHist.resultAndReset })
+ report("small integer sets",{ hashIntSets(is,defaultHashSets); HashHist.resultAndReset })
+ report("small nested tuples",{ hashNestedTuples(nt,defaultHashTuples); HashHist.resultAndReset })
+ HashHist.enabled = false
+ reportSpeed(3,List(
+ ("lists of lists of binary ints", () => findSpeed(20,hashBinaryLists,bl,defaultHashList)),
+ ("small integer sets", () => findSpeed(10,hashIntSets,is,defaultHashSets)),
+ ("small nested tuples", () => findSpeed(5,hashNestedTuples,nt,defaultHashTuples))
+ ))
+ }