path: root/test/benchmarks
diff options
authorJason Zaugg <>2015-07-16 13:06:38 +1000
committerAdriaan Moors <>2015-07-15 22:32:43 -0700
commita2973dfd954c0c094f956becb05a82bee5f7da01 (patch)
tree2135ee1616ff3920d00c35046be2037af9aa3a3f /test/benchmarks
parentfa8012d28687986902ce1255a19f9f49affb3bca (diff)
Remove further references to forkjoin
Use j.u.c.Forkjoin directly in active and disabled tests Remove bitrotted benchmarks code I was going to update these to use `java.util.concurrent.ForkJoin` directly, instead of our deprecated stubs. But most of them don't compile anymore (e.g. scala.testing.Benchmark has been removed, ClassTag imports missing). While I'm all for benchmarks, we should have large swathes of code checked in that isn't at compiled and run automatically. I'm happy to help someone resurrect these in a suitable form.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/benchmarks')
86 files changed, 0 insertions, 64147 deletions
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/bench b/test/benchmarks/bench
deleted file mode 100755
index 3aa7e7468c..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/bench
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# A simple script used to rebuild benchmarks using fsc and then run them.
-# If you need to rebuild, use:
-# ./bench <arguments>
-# Omitting <arguments> will print more information.
-# If you don't want to rebuild:
-# ./bench skip <same-args-as-above>
-# build/pack for ant, target/pack for sbt
-if [ "$1" != "skip" ]
- # fetch source file list
- find $SRC_DIR -name *.scala -print > source.list
- # recompile with fsc
- $FSC -cp $CLASSPATH -d $CLASS_DIR @source.list
- # copy files
- cd $SRC_DIR
- cp -r * ../$CLASS_DIR
- cd ..
- # jar it up
- jar cf $ARTIFACT .
- cd $TOP_DIR
-# run a benchmark
-RUNCOMMAND="java -Xms256m -Xmx512m -server -cp $CLASSPATH:$ARTIFACT_PATH scala.collection.parallel.Benchmarking "
-if [ "$1" != skip ]
- $RUNCOMMAND $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/lib/jsr166_and_extra.jar.desired.sha1 b/test/benchmarks/lib/jsr166_and_extra.jar.desired.sha1
deleted file mode 100644
index c879571eae..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/lib/jsr166_and_extra.jar.desired.sha1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-0392ecdeb306263c471ce51fa368223388b82b61 ?jsr166_and_extra.jar
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/source.list b/test/benchmarks/source.list
deleted file mode 100644
index c5d5f7f8fe..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/source.list
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/immutable/range-bench.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/immutable/range-bench.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e167ff04e8..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/immutable/range-bench.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.immutable
-package benchmarks
-object RangeTest {
- // not inlined any more, needs investigation
- //
- // class XXS {
- // private val array = Array.range(0, 100)
- // def tst = { var sum = 0; for (i <- 0 until array.length) sum += array(i); sum }
- // }
- var x: Int = 0
- def foreachSum(max: Int): Int = {
- var sum = 0
- 1 to max foreach (sum += _)
- sum
- }
- def whileSum(max: Int) = {
- var sum = 0
- var num = 1
- while (num <= max) {
- sum += num
- num += 1
- }
- sum
- }
- def show(max: Int, foreachNanos: Long, whileNanos: Long) {
- val winner = if (foreachNanos < whileNanos) "foreachSum" else "whileSum"
- val ratio = if (foreachNanos < whileNanos) foreachNanos.toDouble / whileNanos else whileNanos.toDouble / foreachNanos
- println("1 to %d:, %12s wins, %.3f: foreach %.3f while %.3f".format(
- max, winner, ratio,
- foreachNanos.toDouble / 1000000L,
- whileNanos.toDouble / 1000000L)
- )
- }
- def run(max: Int) = {
- val foreachFirst = util.Random.nextBoolean
- val t1 = System.nanoTime
- x = if (foreachFirst) foreachSum(max) else whileSum(max)
- val t2 = System.nanoTime
- x = if (foreachFirst) whileSum(max) else foreachSum(max)
- val t3 = System.nanoTime
- val foreachNanos = if (foreachFirst) t2 - t1 else t3 - t2
- val whileNanos = if (foreachFirst) t3 - t2 else t2 - t1
- show(max, foreachNanos, whileNanos)
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- var max = if (args.isEmpty) 100 else args(0).toInt
- while (max > 0) {
- run(max)
- run(max)
- run(max)
- max += (max / 7)
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/mutable/hashtable-bench.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/mutable/hashtable-bench.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c01e7cb46e..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/mutable/hashtable-bench.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
-object Test {
- var dummy: Long = 0L
- var _foreach: Long = 0L
- var _iterator: Long = 0L
- def numbers: Seq[Int] = 1 to 1000000
- val map: HashMap[Int, Int] = HashMap(numbers zip numbers: _*)
- @inline final def timed(body: => Unit): Long = {
- val start = System.nanoTime
- body
- System.nanoTime - start
- }
- def go(xs: Iterable[Int], reps: Int) = {
- _foreach = 0L
- _iterator = 0L
- 0 until reps foreach { _ =>
- _foreach += timed(xs foreach (dummy += _))
- _iterator += timed(xs.iterator foreach (dummy += _))
- }
- " foreach avg " + (_foreach / reps) + "\n iterator avg " + (_iterator / reps) + "\n"
- }
- def go2(xs: collection.Map[Int, Int], reps: Int) = {
- _foreach = 0L
- _iterator = 0L
- def incDummy(nums: (Int, Int)) = {
- dummy += nums._1
- dummy -= nums._2
- }
- 0 until reps foreach { _ =>
- _foreach += timed(xs foreach incDummy)
- _iterator += timed(xs.iterator foreach incDummy)
- }
- " foreach avg " + (_foreach / reps) + "\n iterator avg " + (_iterator / reps) + "\n"
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- println("map.keys:")
- go(map.keys, 10) // warm
- println(go(map.keys, 10))
- println("map.values:")
- go(map.values, 10) // warm
- println(go(map.values, 10))
- println("map:")
- go2(map, 10) // warm
- println(go2(map, 10))
- println("// pay me no mind ... " + dummy)
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/Benchmarking.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/Benchmarking.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index bd75764636..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/Benchmarking.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel
-import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
-import benchmarks._
- * All benchmarks are registered here.
- *
- * @author prokopec
- */
-trait BenchmarkRegister {
- val benchcreators = LinkedHashSet[BenchCompanion]()
- def register(companion: BenchCompanion) = benchcreators += companion
- // parallel array benchmarks
- register(parallel_array.ReduceLight)
- register(parallel_array.ReduceNew)
- register(parallel_array.ReduceList)
- register(parallel_array.ReducePrime)
- register(parallel_array.ReduceHeavy)
- register(parallel_array.CountLight)
- register(parallel_array.CountList)
- register(parallel_array.CountHeavy)
- register(parallel_array.ForeachLight)
- register(parallel_array.ForeachHeavy)
- register(parallel_array.SumLight)
- register(parallel_array.MinLight)
- register(parallel_array.MapLight)
- register(parallel_array.FilterLight)
- register(parallel_array.PartitionLight)
- register(parallel_array.PartialMapLight)
- register(parallel_array.FlatMapLight)
- register(parallel_array.PlusPlus)
- register(parallel_array.ForallLight)
- register(parallel_array.ForallQuickStop)
- register(parallel_array.ForallStop80k)
- register(parallel_array.ForallHeavy)
- register(parallel_array.ExistsLight)
- register(parallel_array.FindLight)
- register(parallel_array.TakeMany)
- register(parallel_array.DropMany)
- register(parallel_array.SliceMany)
- register(parallel_array.SliceMedium)
- register(parallel_array.SliceFew)
- register(parallel_array.SplitHalf)
- register(parallel_array.TakeWhileLight)
- register(parallel_array.SpanLight)
- register(parallel_array.CopyToArray)
- register(parallel_array.SegmentLength)
- register(parallel_array.IndexWhere)
- register(parallel_array.LastIndexWhere)
- register(parallel_array.Reverse)
- register(parallel_array.ReverseMap)
- register(parallel_array.SameElementsLong)
- register(parallel_array.Corresponds)
- register(parallel_array.DiffHalf)
- register(parallel_array.IntersectHalf)
- register(parallel_array.RemoveDuplicates)
- register(parallel_array.PatchHalf)
- register(parallel_array.PadToDouble)
- register(parallel_array.AggregateLight)
- register(parallel_array.ScanLight)
- register(parallel_array.ScanMedium)
- register(parallel_array.GroupByLight)
- register(parallel_array.MatrixMultiplication)
- // parallel views
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.Reduce)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.MediumReduce)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.ModifyThenReduce)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.ModifyThenForce)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.Iteration)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.IterationS)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.IterationM)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.IterationA)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.IterationZ)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.IterationP)
- // parallel ranges
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.Reduce)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.ReduceMedium)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.ForeachAdd)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.ForeachAddCollatz)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.ForeachModify)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.ForeachModifyMedium)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.ForeachModifyHeavy)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.MapLight)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.MapMedium)
- // array benchmarks
- register(arrays.ObjectAccess)
- register(arrays.IntAccess)
- // hash benchmarks
- register(hashtries.Foreach)
- register(hashtries.Iterate)
- register(hashtries.Construct)
- register(hashtries.Lookup)
- register(hashtries.Combine)
- register(hashtries.MultipleCombine)
- // parallel hash trie benchmarks
- register(hashtries.RefParHashTrieBenches.Reduce)
- register(hashtries.RefParHashTrieBenches.ReduceMedium)
- register(hashtries.RefParHashTrieBenches.Reduce2)
- register(hashtries.RefParHashTrieBenches.Map)
- register(hashtries.RefParHashTrieBenches.Map2)
- // parallel hash table map benchmarks
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.Reduce)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.Reduce2)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.Foreach)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.ForeachSet)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.Map)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.Map2)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.HeavyMap)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.Filter)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.FlatMap)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.FlatMap2)
- // parallel hash table set benchmarks
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.Reduce)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.Reduce2)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.Foreach)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.ForeachSet)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.Map)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.Map2)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.HeavyMap)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.Filter)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.FlatMap)
- // general examples
- register(misc.Coder)
- register(misc.Loader)
- * Serves as an entrypoint to run all the benchmarks.
- */
-object Benchmarking extends BenchmarkRegister {
- def printHelp {
- println("Must enter at least four arguments: <collection> <benchmark> <size of the collection> <type>")
- println(" Example: ParArray reduce-light 50000 par")
- println(" Example: ParArray -all 50000 par")
- println
- println("General synthax: <collection> <benchmark> <size> <type> <parallelism-level>")
- println(" <collection> - name of the collection to test, `-all` runs benchmarks for all collections")
- println(" <benchmark> - name of the specific benchmark, `-all` runs all benchmarks for the chosen collections")
- println(" <size> - the size (number of elements) of the collection, or `-default` for default size per benchmark")
- println(" <type> - `seq` for benchmarking sequential version of the functionality")
- println(" `par` for benchmarking parallel version of the functionality")
- println(" `<something-else>` for running comparison benchmarks")
- println(" `-all` for running sequential, parallel and comparison benchmarks")
- println(" <parallelism-level> - the level of parallelism used (default 2)")
- }
- def otherOptions(args: Array[String]) {
- if (args.length == 0) printHelp
- else args(0) match {
- case "-list" => // lists all benchmarks
- for (bc <- benchcreators) println(bc.fullname)
- case _ => printHelp
- }
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- if (args.length < 4) {
- otherOptions(args)
- return
- }
- val collname = args(0)
- val benchname = args(1)
- val size = if (args(2) == "-default") -1 else args(2).toInt
- val tpe = args(3)
- val parlevel = if (args.length >= 5) args(4).toInt else 2
- // find all benchmarks to run
- val benches = benchcreators.filter(comp => {
- (collname, benchname) match {
- case ("-all", "-all") => true
- case ("-all", bn) if (benchname != "-all") => bn == comp.benchName
- case (cn, "-all") if (collname != "-all") => cn == comp.collectionName
- case (cn, bn) => cn == comp.collectionName && bn == comp.benchName
- }
- }).flatMap(comp => {
- val collsz = if (size != -1) size else comp.defaultSize
- if (tpe != "-all") List(comp.apply(collsz, parlevel, tpe))
- else for (benchtype <- "seq" :: "par" :: comp.comparisons)
- yield comp.apply(collsz, parlevel, benchtype)
- })
- println("Running benchmarks...")
- for (b <- benches) b.executeBenchmark
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/Bench.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/Bench.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c20bbaeef1..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/Bench.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-import scala.collection._
-import scala.testing.Benchmark
-trait BenchCompanion {
- def benchName: String
- def collectionName: String
- def fullname = collectionName + "." + benchName
- def defaultSize = 100000
- def comparisons = List[String]()
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String): Bench
- * An interface for all benchmark classes.
- * A benchmark runs some functionality a prespecified number of times.
- */
-trait Bench extends Benchmark {
- val size: Int
- val parallelism: Int
- val runWhat: String
- /**
- * Name of the benchmark. Convention is for it to start with the name of the collection being
- * tested, continuing '.' and ending with the name of the specific functionality being benchmarked.
- * @return
- */
- def name: String = companion.fullname
- def collectionName: String = companion.collectionName
- def benchName: String = companion.benchName
- def companion: BenchCompanion
- def runseq: Unit
- def runpar: Unit
- /**
- * Describes the number of runs of the test.
- */
- val runs = 10
- /**
- * Returns the number of repetitions for this benchmark.
- */
- def repetitionsPerRun = 500
- /**
- * Resets the benchmark object. Typically, this means recreating
- * the collection being tested.
- */
- def reset: Unit
- /**
- * Returns a map of available comparison tests.
- */
- def comparisons: List[String] = companion.comparisons
- def comparison(name: String): Option[() => Unit] = comparisonMap.get(name)
- def comparisonMap: Map[String, () => Unit]
- def run = runWhat match {
- case "seq" => for (i <- 0 until repetitionsPerRun) runseq
- case "par" => for (i <- 0 until repetitionsPerRun) runpar
- case _ => comparison(runWhat) match {
- case Some(fun) => for (i <- 0 until repetitionsPerRun) fun()
- case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown bench option: `" + runWhat +
- "`, need `seq`, `par` or one of: " + comparisons.mkString("`", "`, `", "`"))
- }
- }
- /**
- * Prints results of the benchmark. May be overridden in benchmarks.
- */
- def printResults {}
- def onEnd {}
- def executeBenchmark = {
- println("-----------------------")
- print(name + ", " + runWhat + ", par.=" + parallelism + ", sz=" + niceSize + ": ")
- val times = runBenchmark(runs)
- onEnd
- for (t <- times) print(t + " ")
- println
- printResults
- }
- private def niceSize = if (size < 1000 || size % 1000 != 0) size.toString else size / 1000 + "k"
-trait HavingResult[T] extends Bench {
- var runresult: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
- abstract override def printResults {
- println("result: " + (if (runresult != null) runresult else "<not set>"))
- super.printResults
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Arrays.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Arrays.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 39232122a9..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Arrays.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.arrays
-object Arrays {
- @inline def genericApply[T](xs: Array[T], idx: Int): T = xs.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] match {
- case x: Array[AnyRef] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case _ => genericApplyNotAnyRef(xs, idx)
- }
- @noinline private def genericApplyNotAnyRef[T](xs: Array[T], idx: Int): T = xs.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] match {
- case x: Array[Int] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Double] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Long] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Float] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Char] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Byte] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Short] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Boolean] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Unit] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case null => throw new NullPointerException
- }
- @inline def apply(xs: AnyRef, idx: Int): Any = xs match {
- case x: Array[AnyRef] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case _ => applyNotAnyRef(xs, idx)
- }
- @noinline private def applyNotAnyRef(xs: AnyRef, idx: Int): Any = xs match {
- case x: Array[Int] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Double] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Long] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Float] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Char] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Byte] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Short] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Boolean] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Unit] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case null => throw new NullPointerException
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Dummy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Dummy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 56af7b9d85..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Dummy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.arrays
-case class Dummy(in: Int) {
- def op = {}
-object Dummy {
- def dummyOp(a: Int) = { if (a < 0) -1 }
- def dummyOp(d: Dummy) = { if ( < 0) d.op }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/IntAccess.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/IntAccess.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f0e4da03..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/IntAccess.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.arrays
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object IntAccess extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "array";
- def benchName = "access-int";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new IntAccess(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List("any", "cast", "manif", "unknown")
- override def defaultSize = 100000
-class IntAccess(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resetting(n => n, sz, p, what) with UnknownManif[Int] {
- def companion = IntAccess
- def runseq {}
- def runpar {}
- def runany = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = anyarray(i).asInstanceOf[Int]
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def runcast = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = Arrays.apply(castarray, i).asInstanceOf[Int]
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def runmanif = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = manifarray(i)
- if (op(d)) i += 1
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def op(a: Int) = a < 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("any" -> runany _, "cast" -> runcast _,
- "manif" -> runmanif _, "unknown" -> rununknown _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/ObjectAccess.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/ObjectAccess.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 29251f3719..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/ObjectAccess.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.arrays
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object ObjectAccess extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "array";
- def benchName = "access-obj";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new ObjectAccess(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List("any", "cast", "gencast", "manif", "unknown")
- override def defaultSize = 100000
-class ObjectAccess(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resetting(Dummy(_), sz, p, what) with UnknownManif[Dummy] {
- def companion = ObjectAccess
- def runseq {}
- def runpar {}
- def runany = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = anyarray(i).asInstanceOf[Dummy]
- Dummy.dummyOp(d)
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def runcast = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = Arrays.apply(castarray, i).asInstanceOf[Dummy]
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def rungenericcast = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = Arrays.genericApply(gencastarray, i)
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def runmanif = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = manifarray(i)
- if ( < 0) i += 1
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("any" -> runany _, "cast" -> runcast _, "gencast" -> rungenericcast _,
- "manif" -> runmanif _, "unknown" -> rununknown _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Resetting.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Resetting.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 22d2107f62..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Resetting.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.arrays
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-abstract class Resetting[T: ClassTag](elemcreate: Int => T, sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Bench {
- val size = sz
- val parallelism = p
- val runWhat = what
- var anyarray: Array[Any] = null
- var castarray: AnyRef = null
- var gencastarray: Array[T] = null
- var manifarray: Array[T] = null
- reset
- def reset = what match {
- case "any" =>
- anyarray = new Array[Any](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) anyarray(i) = elemcreate(i)
- case "cast" =>
- val arr = new Array[T](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) arr(i) = elemcreate(i)
- castarray = arr
- case "gencast" =>
- gencastarray = new Array[T](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) gencastarray(i) = elemcreate(i)
- case "manif" =>
- manifarray = new Array[T](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) manifarray(i) = elemcreate(i)
- case "unknown" =>
- manifarray = new Array[T](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) manifarray(i) = elemcreate(i)
- case _ =>
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/UnknownManif.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/UnknownManif.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 46a28ae111..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/UnknownManif.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.arrays
-trait UnknownManif[T] {
- def manifarray: Array[T]
- def size: Int
- def rununknown {
- val arr = manifarray
- val sz = size
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = arr(i)
- op(d)
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def op(d: Any) {}
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/Dummy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/Dummy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b5308f8c2..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/Dummy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic
-class Dummy(val in: Int) {
- var num = in
- override def toString = in.toString
- override def hashCode = in
- def dummy = num + in
- def one = "1".length
-object DummyOperators extends Operators[Dummy] {
- val foreachFun = (a: Dummy) => {
- a
- ()
- }
- val reducer = (a: Dummy, b: Dummy) => {
- var i = 0
- if ( > {
- a.num = + + i
- a
- } else {
- b.num = + + i
- b
- }
- }
- private def rec(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
- val result = if (b == 0) a else {
- rec(b, a - b * (a / b))
- }
- result + 1000
- }
- val mediumreducer = (a: Dummy, b: Dummy) => {
- var i = 0
- var sum = a.num + b.num
- b.num = rec(a.num, b.num)
- b
- }
- val filterer = (a: Dummy) => {
- % 2 == 0
- }
- val mapper = (a: Dummy) => {
- a.num = a.dummy + a.num + +
- a
- }
- override val mapper2 = (a: Dummy) => {
- val x = 1
- new Dummy( * -2 + x)
- }
- val heavymapper = (a: Dummy) => {
- var i = -100
- while (i < 0) {
- if ( < i) a.num += 1
- i += 1
- }
- a
- }
- val flatmapper = (a: Dummy) => {
- List(a, a, a, a, a)
- }
- val taker = (a: Dummy) => {
- >= 0
- }
- val eachFun: Dummy => Unit = (d: Dummy) => {
- d.dummy
- }
- override val eachPairFun: ((Dummy, Dummy)) => Unit = p => {
- p._1.dummy
- p._2.dummy
- }
- override def sequence(sz: Int): Seq[Dummy] = {
- val pa = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Dummy](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) pa(i) = new Dummy(i)
- pa
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/Operators.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/Operators.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 539e3f6972..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/Operators.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic
-trait Operators[T] {
- def foreachFun: T => Unit
- def reducer: (T, T) => T
- def mediumreducer: (T, T) => T
- def filterer: T => Boolean
- def mapper: T => T
- def mapper2: T => T = error("unsupported")
- def heavymapper: T => T
- def flatmapper: T => Seq[T]
- def taker: T => Boolean
- def eachFun: T => Unit
- def eachPairFun: ((T, T)) => Unit = error("unsupported")
- def sequence(sz: Int): Seq[T] = error("unsupported")
-trait IntOperators extends Operators[Int] {
- val foreachFun: Int => Unit = x => ()
- val reducer: (Int, Int) => Int = _ + _
- val mediumreducer: (Int, Int) => Int = (a: Int, b: Int) => {
- val result = if (b == 0) a else {
- mediumreducer.apply(b, a - b * (a / b))
- }
- result + 1000
- }
- val filterer: Int => Boolean = _ % 2 == 0
- val mapper: Int => Int = _ * 2
- val heavymapper: Int => Int = (n: Int) => {
- var i = -10
- var sum = 0
- while (i < 0) {
- sum += -i
- i += 1
- }
- n + sum
- }
- val flatmapper: Int => Seq[Int] = (n: Int) => {
- List(n, n, n, n, n)
- }
- val taker: Int => Boolean = _ < 10000
- val eachFun: Int => Unit = { n =>
- n % 2 == 0
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/ParallelBenches.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/ParallelBenches.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c39c384927..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/ParallelBenches.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel
-package benchmarks
-package generic
-import scala.collection.SeqView
-trait ParIterableBenches[T, Coll <: ParIterable[T]] {
-self =>
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int): Iterable[T]
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int): Coll
- def nameOfCollection: String
- def operators: Operators[T]
- trait IterableBenchCompanion extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = self.nameOfCollection
- }
- trait IterableBench extends collection.parallel.benchmarks.Bench {
- protected var seqcoll: Iterable[T] = null
- protected var parcoll: Coll = null.asInstanceOf[Coll]
- reset
- def reset = runWhat match {
- case "seq" => this.seqcoll = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- case "par" => this.parcoll = createParallel(size, parallelism)
- case _ =>
- }
- def nameOfCollection = self.nameOfCollection
- def operators = self.operators
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = self.createSequential(size, parallelism)
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int) = self.createParallel(size, parallelism)
- def forkJoinPool: scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool = self.forkJoinPool
- override def printResults {
- println(" --- Fork join pool state --- ")
- println("Parallelism: " + forkJoinPool.getParallelism)
- println("Active threads: " + forkJoinPool.getActiveThreadCount)
- println("Work stealings: " + forkJoinPool.getStealCount)
- }
- }
- def forkJoinPool: scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
-trait ParSeqBenches[T, Coll <: ParSeq[T]] extends ParIterableBenches[T, Coll] {
-self =>
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int): Seq[T]
- trait SeqBenchCompanion extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = self.nameOfCollection
- }
- trait SeqBench extends IterableBench {
- def seqcollAsSeq = seqcoll.asInstanceOf[Seq[T]]
- override def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = self.createSequential(sz, p)
- }
-/** Standard benchmarks for collections.
- */
-trait StandardParIterableBenches[T, Coll <: ParIterable[T]] extends ParIterableBenches[T, Coll] {
- object Reduce extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- def benchName = "reduce";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Reduce(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Reduce(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.reducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.reducer)
- def companion = Reduce
- }
- object ReduceMedium extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "reduce-medium";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ReduceMedium(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ReduceMedium(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.mediumreducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.mediumreducer)
- def companion = ReduceMedium
- }
- object Map extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "map";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Map(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Map(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq =
- def runpar =
- def companion = Map
- }
- object Filter extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "filter";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Filter(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Filter(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.filter(operators.filterer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.filter(operators.filterer)
- def companion = Filter
- }
- object FlatMap extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "flatmap";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new FlatMap(sz, p, w)
- }
- class FlatMap(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.flatMap(operators.flatmapper)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.flatMap(operators.flatmapper)
- def companion = FlatMap
- }
-/** Benchmarks for sequence views.
- */
-trait ParSeqViewBenches[T, Coll <: ParSeqView[T, ParSeq[T], CollSeq], CollSeq] extends ParSeqBenches[T, Coll] {
-self =>
- trait SeqViewBench extends SeqBench {
- lazy val seqview: SeqView[T, Seq[T]] = createSeqView(size, parallelism)
- def createSeqView(sz: Int, p: Int) = self.createSeqView(sz, p)
- }
- def createSeqView(sz: Int, p: Int): SeqView[T, Seq[T]]
- object Iteration extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 250000
- def benchName = "iter"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Iteration(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Iteration(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seqview" -> runseqview _)
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.foreach(operators.eachFun)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.pforeach(operators.eachFun)
- def runseqview = {
- this.seqview.foreach(operators.eachFun)
- }
- def companion = Iteration
- }
- object IterationS extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 250000
- def benchName = "iter-s"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new IterationS(sz, p, w)
- }
- class IterationS(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seqview" -> runseqview _)
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.slice(0, size / 2).foreach(operators.eachFun)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.slice(0, size / 2).pforeach(operators.eachFun)
- def runseqview = this.seqview.slice(0, size / 2).foreach(operators.eachFun)
- def companion = IterationS
- }
- object IterationM extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 100000
- def benchName = "iter-m"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new IterationM(sz, p, w)
- }
- class IterationM(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seqview" -> runseqview _)
- def runseq =
- def runpar =
- def runseqview =
- def companion = IterationM
- }
- object IterationA extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- def benchName = "iter-a"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new IterationA(sz, p, w)
- }
- class IterationA(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- val appended = operators.sequence(size)
- val sqappended = appended.toSeq
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seqview" -> runseqview _)
- def runseq = {
- val withapp = this.seqcoll.++(sqappended)
- withapp.foreach(operators.eachFun)
- }
- def runpar = this.parcoll.++(appended).pforeach(operators.eachFun)
- def runseqview = this.seqview.++(appended).foreach(operators.eachFun)
- def companion = IterationA
- }
- object IterationZ extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- def benchName = "iter-z"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new IterationZ(sz, p, w)
- }
- class IterationZ(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- val zipped = operators.sequence(size)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seqview" -> runseqview _)
- def runseq = {
- val withzip =
- withzip.foreach(operators.eachPairFun)
- }
- def runpar =
- def runseqview =
- def companion = IterationZ
- }
- object IterationP extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- def benchName = "iter-p"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new IterationP(sz, p, w)
- }
- class IterationP(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- val patch = operators.sequence(size / 4)
- val sqpatch = patch.toSeq
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seqview" -> runseqview _)
- def runseq = {
- val withpatch = this.seqcollAsSeq.patch(size / 4, sqpatch, size / 2)
- withpatch.foreach(operators.eachFun)
- }
- def runpar = this.parcoll.patch(size / 4, patch, size / 2).pforeach(operators.eachFun)
- def runseqview = this.seqview.patch(size / 4, patch, size / 2).foreach(operators.eachFun)
- def companion = IterationP
- }
- object Reduce extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- def benchName = "reduce";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Reduce(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Reduce(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.reducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.reducer)
- def companion = Reduce
- }
- object MediumReduce extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- def benchName = "reduce-medium";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new MediumReduce(sz, p, w)
- }
- class MediumReduce(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.mediumreducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.mediumreducer)
- def companion = Reduce
- }
- object ModifyThenReduce extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 20000
- def benchName = "modify-then-reduce";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ModifyThenReduce(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ModifyThenReduce(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- val toadd = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = {
- val modified = (seqcoll ++ toadd).drop(size).map(operators.mapper).++(toadd).take(size)
- modified.reduceLeft(operators.reducer)
- }
- def runpar = {
- val modified = (parcoll ++ toadd).drop(size).map(operators.mapper).++(toadd).take(size)
- modified.reduce(operators.reducer)
- }
- def companion = ModifyThenReduce
- }
- object ModifyThenForce extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 20000
- def benchName = "modify-then-force";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ModifyThenForce(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ModifyThenForce(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- val toadd = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = (seqcoll ++ toadd).drop(size).map(operators.mapper).++(toadd).take(size)
- def runpar = {
- val r: ParSeqView[T, ParSeq[T], Seq[T]] = (parcoll ++ toadd).drop(size).map(operators.mapper).++(toadd).take(size)
- r.force
- }
- def companion = ModifyThenForce
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtables/ParallelHashTableSets.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtables/ParallelHashTableSets.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f0315103..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtables/ParallelHashTableSets.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.hashtables
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.StandardParIterableBenches
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.Dummy
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.DummyOperators
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParHashSet
-trait ParHashTableSetBenches[T] extends StandardParIterableBenches[T, ParHashSet[T]] {
- def nameOfCollection = "mutable.ParHashSet"
- def comparisonMap = collection.mutable.Set()
- val forkJoinPool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
- object Map2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "map2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Map2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Map2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- var result: Int = 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = {
- val r = this.seqcoll.asInstanceOf[collection.mutable.HashSet[T]].map(operators.mapper2)
- result = r.size
- }
- def runpar = {
- result =
- }
- def companion = Map2
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- override def printResults {
- println("Size of last result: " + result)
- }
- }
- object HeavyMap extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "heavy-map";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new HeavyMap(sz, p, w)
- }
- class HeavyMap(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- var result: Int = 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = {
- val r = this.seqcoll.asInstanceOf[collection.mutable.HashSet[T]].map(operators.heavymapper)
- result = r.size
- }
- def runpar = {
- result =
- }
- def companion = HeavyMap
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- }
- object Reduce2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "reduce2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Reduce2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Reduce2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.mediumreducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.mediumreducer)
- def companion = Reduce2
- }
- object Foreach extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "foreach";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Foreach(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Foreach(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.foreach(operators.foreachFun)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.pforeach(operators.foreachFun)
- def companion = Foreach
- }
-object RefParHashTableSetBenches extends ParHashTableSetBenches[Dummy] {
- object ForeachSet extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "foreach-set";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachSet(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ForeachSet(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val array = new Array[Int](size)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (x <- this.seqcoll) array( += 1
- def runpar = this.parcoll.pforeach { x => array( += 1 }
- def companion = ForeachSet
- override def onEnd {
- for (i <- 0 until array.length) {
- assert(array(i) == repetitionsPerRun * runs)
- }
- }
- }
- val operators = DummyOperators
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val ht = new collection.mutable.HashSet[Dummy]
- for (i <- 0 until sz) ht += new Dummy(i)
- ht
- }
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val phm = new ParHashSet[Dummy]
- for (i <- 0 until sz) phm += new Dummy(i)
- forkJoinPool.setParallelism(p)
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkJoinPool
- phm
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtables/ParallelHashTables.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtables/ParallelHashTables.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 79d038bf3d..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtables/ParallelHashTables.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.hashtables
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.StandardParIterableBenches
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.Dummy
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.Operators
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParHashMap
-trait ParHashTableBenches[K, V] extends StandardParIterableBenches[(K, V), ParHashMap[K, V]] {
- def nameOfCollection = "mutable.ParHashMap"
- def comparisonMap = collection.mutable.Map()
- val forkJoinPool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
- object Map2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 40000
- override def comparisons = List("jhashtable")
- def benchName = "map2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Map2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Map2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- var result: Int = 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jhashtable" -> runjhashtable _)
- def runseq = {
- val r = this.seqcoll.asInstanceOf[collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V]].map(operators.mapper2)
- result = r.size
- }
- def runpar = {
- result =
- }
- def runjhashtable = {
- val jumap = new java.util.HashMap[K, V]()
- val it = this.seqcoll.iterator
- val f = operators.mapper2
- while (it.hasNext) {
- val p = f(
- jumap.put(p._1, p._2)
- }
- result = jumap.size
- }
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "jhashtable" => this.seqcoll = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- case _ => super.reset
- }
- def companion = Map2
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- override def printResults {
- println("Size of last result: " + result)
- }
- }
- object FlatMap2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "flatmap2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new FlatMap2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class FlatMap2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 25
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.flatMap(operators.flatmapper)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.flatMap(operators.flatmapper)
- def companion = FlatMap2
- }
- object HeavyMap extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "heavy-map";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new HeavyMap(sz, p, w)
- }
- class HeavyMap(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- var result: Int = 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = {
- val r = this.seqcoll.asInstanceOf[collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V]].map(operators.heavymapper)
- result = r.size
- }
- def runpar = {
- result =
- }
- def companion = HeavyMap
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- }
- object Reduce2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "reduce2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Reduce2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Reduce2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.mediumreducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.mediumreducer)
- def companion = Reduce2
- }
- object Foreach extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "foreach";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Foreach(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Foreach(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.foreach(operators.foreachFun)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.pforeach(operators.foreachFun)
- def companion = Foreach
- }
-object RefParHashTableBenches extends ParHashTableBenches[Dummy, Dummy] {
- type DPair = (Dummy, Dummy);
- object ForeachSet extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "foreach-set";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachSet(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ForeachSet(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val array = new Array[Int](size)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (p <- this.seqcoll) array( += 1
- def runpar = this.parcoll.pforeach { p => array( += 1 }
- def companion = ForeachSet
- override def onEnd {
- for (i <- 0 until array.length) {
- assert(array(i) == repetitionsPerRun * runs)
- }
- }
- }
- object operators extends Operators[DPair] {
- def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
- val result = if (b == 0) a else {
- gcd(b, a - b * (a / b))
- }
- result + 1000
- }
- def heavy(a: Int): Int = {
- var i = 0
- var sum = a
- while (i < 3000) {
- i += 1
- sum += a + i
- }
- sum
- }
- val foreachFun = (t: DPair) => {
- t
- ()
- }
- val reducer = (x: DPair, y: DPair) => {
- //y._2.num = +
- y
- }
- val mediumreducer = (x: DPair, y: DPair) => {
- y._2.num = gcd(,
- y
- }
- val filterer = (p: DPair) => {
- p._1.num % 2 == 0
- }
- val mapper = (p: DPair) => {
- val a = p._1
- a.num = % 2
- (a, p._2)
- }
- val flatmapper = (p: DPair) => {
- for (i <- 0 until 20) yield p
- }
- override val mapper2 = (p: DPair) => {
- val a = 1 //heavy(
- (new Dummy( * -2 + a), p._2)
- }
- val heavymapper = (p: DPair) => {
- var i = -2000
- var t =
- while (i < 0) {
- t += (p._2.num - p._1.num) / 500
- p._1.num += p._2.num + t
- i += 1
- }
- (p._1, new Dummy(0))
- }
- val taker = (p: DPair) => true
- val eachFun: DPair => Unit = { dp =>
- dp._1.dummy
- }
- }
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val ht = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Dummy, Dummy]
- for (i <- 0 until sz) ht += ((new Dummy(i), new Dummy(i)))
- ht
- }
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val phm = new ParHashMap[Dummy, Dummy]
- for (i <- 0 until sz) phm += ((new Dummy(i), new Dummy(i)))
- forkJoinPool.setParallelism(p)
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkJoinPool
- phm
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Combine.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Combine.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 96598840fd..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Combine.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-class Combine(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench with IntInit {
- var thattrie = new HashTrie[Int, Int]
- for (i <- size until 2 * size) thattrie += ((i, i))
- val thatmap = new HashMap[Int, Int]
- for (i <- size until 2 * size) thatmap += ((i, i))
- def runpar = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runseq = runhashtrie
- def runhashtrie = {
- hashtrie merge thattrie
- // println
- // println("both tries: " + HashTrie.bothtries)
- // println("one trie, one item: " + HashTrie.onetrie)
- // println("both single: " + HashTrie.bothsingle)
- // System exit 1
- }
- def rundestructive = {
- hashtrie merge thattrie
- }
- def runappendtrie = hashtrie ++ thattrie
- def runhashmap = hashmap ++ thatmap
- def companion = Combine
- def comparisonMap = Map("hashtrie" -> runhashtrie _, "hashmap" -> runhashmap _, "destruct" -> rundestructive _, "appendtrie" -> runappendtrie _)
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "appendtrie" => initHashTrie
- case "destruct" => initHashTrie
- case _ => super.reset
- }
-object Combine extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "HashTrie"
- def benchName = "combine";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Combine(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 5000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Construct.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Construct.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f65a349ec5..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Construct.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-class Construct(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench {
- def reset {}
- def runpar = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runseq = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runhashmap = {
- val hashmap = new HashMap[Int, Int]
- for (i <- 0 until size) hashmap += ((i, i))
- }
- def runhashtrie = {
- var hashtrie = new HashTrie[Int, Int]
- for (i <- 0 until size) hashtrie += ((i, i))
- }
- def companion = Construct
- def comparisonMap = Map("hashmap" -> runhashmap _, "hashtrie" -> runhashtrie _)
-object Construct extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "HashTrie"
- def benchName = "construct";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Construct(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 5000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Foreach.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Foreach.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f53ea02e36..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Foreach.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-class Foreach(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench with IntInit {
- def runpar = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runseq = runhashtrie
- def runhashmap = hashmap.foreach(n => ())
- def runhashtrie = hashtrie.foreach(n => ())
- def companion = Foreach
- def comparisonMap = Map("hashmap" -> runhashmap _, "hashtrie" -> runhashtrie _)
-object Foreach extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "HashTrie"
- def benchName = "foreach-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Foreach(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 25000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/IntInit.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/IntInit.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 79ebd0e98c..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/IntInit.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-trait IntInit extends Bench {
- var hashmap: HashMap[Int, Int] = null
- var hashtrie: HashTrie[Int, Int] = null
- reset
- def reset = runWhat match {
- case "hashmap" => initHashMap
- case "hashtrie" => initHashTrie
- case "seq" => initHashTrie
- }
- def initHashTrie = {
- hashtrie = new HashTrie
- for (i <- 0 until size) hashtrie += ((i, i))
- }
- def initHashMap = {
- hashmap = new HashMap
- for (i <- 0 until size) hashmap += ((i, i))
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Iterate.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Iterate.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d27aa200b8..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Iterate.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-class Iterate(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench with IntInit {
- def runpar = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runseq = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runhashmap = {
- val it = hashmap.iterator
- while (it.hasNext)
- }
- def runhashtrie = {
- val it = hashtrie.iterator
- while (it.hasNext)
- }
- def companion = Iterate
- def comparisonMap = Map("hashmap" -> runhashmap _, "hashtrie" -> runhashtrie _)
-object Iterate extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "HashTrie"
- def benchName = "iterate-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Iterate(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 25000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Lookup.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Lookup.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ee8c17118..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Lookup.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-class Lookup(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench with IntInit {
- def runpar = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runseq = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runhashmap = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < size) {
- hashmap(i)
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def runhashtrie = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < size) {
- hashtrie(i)
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def companion = Iterate
- def comparisonMap = Map("hashmap" -> runhashmap _, "hashtrie" -> runhashtrie _)
-object Lookup extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "HashTrie"
- def benchName = "lookup";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Lookup(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 25000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/MultipleCombine.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/MultipleCombine.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c08d6b5cad..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/MultipleCombine.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-class MultipleCombine(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench with IntInit {
- var combines = 10
- var thattries = new Array[HashTrie[Int, Int]](combines)
- def initTries = for (r <- 0 until combines) {
- var thattrie = new HashTrie[Int, Int]
- for (i <- ((r + 1) * size) until ((r + 2) * size)) thattrie += ((i, i))
- thattries(r) = thattrie
- }
- initTries
- val thatmaps = new Array[HashMap[Int, Int]](10)
- def initMaps = for (r <- 0 until combines) {
- var thatmap = new HashMap[Int, Int]
- for (i <- ((r + 1) * size) until ((r + 2) * size)) thatmap += ((i, i))
- thatmaps(r) = thatmap
- }
- initMaps
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 25
- def runpar = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runseq = runhashtrie
- def runhashtrie = {
- initHashTrie
- var trie = hashtrie
- for (r <- 0 until combines) trie = trie merge thattries(r)
- }
- def runappendtrie = {
- initHashTrie
- var trie = hashtrie
- for (r <- 0 until combines) trie = trie ++ thattries(r)
- }
- def runhashmap = {
- initHashMap
- var map = hashmap
- for (r <- 0 until combines) map = map ++ thatmaps(r)
- }
- def rundestructive = {
- initHashTrie
- var trie = hashtrie
- for (r <- 0 until combines) trie = trie merge thattries(r)
- }
- def companion = MultipleCombine
- def comparisonMap = Map("hashtrie" -> runhashtrie _, "hashmap" -> runhashmap _, "appendtrie" -> runappendtrie _, "destruct" -> rundestructive _)
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "appendtrie" => initHashTrie
- case "destruct" => initHashTrie
- case _ => super.reset
- }
-object MultipleCombine extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "HashTrie"
- def benchName = "multi-combine";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new MultipleCombine(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 5000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/ParallelHashTries.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/ParallelHashTries.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index dc8804cf57..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/ParallelHashTries.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.hashtries
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.StandardParIterableBenches
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.Dummy
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.Operators
-import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParHashMap
-trait ParHashTrieBenches[K, V] extends StandardParIterableBenches[(K, V), ParHashMap[K, V]] {
- def nameOfCollection = "immutable.ParHashMap"
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val forkJoinPool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
- object Map2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- override def comparisons = List("jhashtable", "hashtable")
- def benchName = "map2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Map2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Map2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- var result: Int = 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jhashtable" -> runjhashtable _, "hashtable" -> runhashtable _)
- def runseq = {
- val r = this.seqcoll.asInstanceOf[collection.immutable.HashMap[K, V]].map(operators.mapper2)
- result = r.size
- }
- def runpar = {
- result =
- }
- def runjhashtable = {
- val jumap = new java.util.HashMap[K, V]()
- val it = this.seqcoll.iterator
- while (it.hasNext) {
- val p =
- jumap.put(p._1, p._2)
- }
- result = jumap.size
- }
- def runhashtable = {
- val smap = collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V]()
- val it = this.seqcoll.iterator
- while (it.hasNext) {
- val p =
- smap.put(p._1, p._2)
- }
- result = smap.size
- }
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "jhashtable" => this.seqcoll = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- case "hashtable" => this.seqcoll = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- case _ => super.reset
- }
- def companion = Map2
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- override def printResults {
- println("Size of last result: " + result)
- }
- }
- object Reduce2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List("hashtable")
- def benchName = "reduce2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Reduce2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Reduce2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- private var ht: collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V] = _
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("hashtable" -> runhashtable _)
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.reducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.reducer)
- def runhashtable = ht.reduceLeft(operators.reducer)
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "hashtable" => ht = createHashTable(size)
- case _ => super.reset
- }
- def companion = Reduce2
- }
- def createHashTable(sz: Int): collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V]
-object RefParHashTrieBenches extends ParHashTrieBenches[Dummy, Dummy] {
- type DPair = (Dummy, Dummy)
- object operators extends Operators[DPair] {
- def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
- val result = if (b == 0) a else {
- gcd(b, a - b * (a / b))
- }
- result + 1000
- }
- def heavy(a: Int): Int = {
- var i = 0
- var sum = a
- while (i < 3000) {
- i += 1
- sum += a + i
- }
- sum
- }
- val foreachFun = (t: DPair) => {
- t
- ()
- }
- val reducer = (x: DPair, y: DPair) => {
- //y._2.num = +
- y
- }
- val mediumreducer = (x: DPair, y: DPair) => {
- y._2.num = gcd(,
- y
- }
- val filterer = (p: DPair) => {
- p._1.num % 2 == 0
- }
- val mapper = (p: DPair) => {
- val a = p._1
- a.num = % 2
- (a, p._2)
- }
- val flatmapper = (p: DPair) => {
- List(p, p, p, p, p)
- }
- override val mapper2 = (p: DPair) => {
- val a = 1 //heavy(
- (new Dummy( * -2 + a), p._2)
- }
- val heavymapper = (p: DPair) => {
- val a = p._1
- var i = -100
- while (i < 0) {
- if ( < i) a.num += 1
- i += 1
- }
- (a, p._2)
- }
- val taker = (p: DPair) => true
- val eachFun: DPair => Unit = { dp =>
- dp._1.dummy
- }
- }
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- var ht = new collection.immutable.HashMap[Dummy, Dummy]
- for (i <- 0 until sz) ht += ((new Dummy(i), new Dummy(i)))
- ht
- }
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- var pht = new ParHashMap[Dummy, Dummy]
- for (i <- 0 until sz) pht += ((new Dummy(i), new Dummy(i)))
- forkJoinPool.setParallelism(p)
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkJoinPool
- pht
- }
- def createHashTable(sz: Int) = {
- val hm = collection.mutable.HashMap[Dummy, Dummy]()
- for (i <- 0 until sz) hm.put(new Dummy(i), new Dummy(i))
- hm
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Coder.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Coder.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 04e37085b8..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Coder.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package misc
-import collection._ //immutable._
-import collection.parallel._//immutable._
-class SeqCoder(words: List[String]) {
- private val m = Map(
- '2' -> "ABC", '3' -> "DEF", '4' -> "GHI", '5' -> "JKL",
- '6' -> "MNO", '7' -> "PQRS", '8' -> "TUV", '9' -> "WXYZ")
- /** Invert the mnemonics map to give a map from chars 'A' ... 'Z' to '2' ... '9' */
- private val charCode: Map[Char, Char] =
- for ((digit, letters) <- m; letter <- letters) yield letter -> digit
- /** Maps a word to the digit string it represents,
- * e.g. `Java` -> `5282` */
- private def wordCode(word: String): String = word.toUpperCase map charCode
- /** A map from digit strings to the words that represent
- * them e.g. `5282` -> List(`Java`, `Kata`, `Lava`, ...)
- */
- val wordsForNum: Map[String, Seq[String]] =
- (words groupBy wordCode).map(t => (t._1, t._2.toSeq)) withDefaultValue Seq()
- /** All ways to encode a number as a list of words */
- def encode(number: String): Set[Seq[String]] =
- if (number.isEmpty) Set(Seq())
- else {
- val splits = (1 to number.length).toSet
- // for {
- // split <- splits
- // word <- wordsForNum(number take split)
- // rest <- encode(number drop split)
- // } yield word :: rest
- val r = splits.flatMap(split => {
- val wfn = wordsForNum(number take split).flatMap(word => {
- val subs = encode(number drop split)
- => word +: rest)
- })
- wfn
- })
- r
- }
- /** Maps a number to a list of all word phrases that can
- * represent it */
- def translate(number: String) = encode(number)// map (_ mkString " ")
- def ??? : Nothing = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
-class ParCoder(words: List[String]) {
- private val m = Map(
- '2' -> "ABC", '3' -> "DEF", '4' -> "GHI", '5' -> "JKL",
- '6' -> "MNO", '7' -> "PQRS", '8' -> "TUV", '9' -> "WXYZ")
- /** Invert the mnemonics map to give a map from chars 'A' ... 'Z' to '2' ... '9' */
- private val charCode: Map[Char, Char] =
- for ((digit, letters) <- m; letter <- letters) yield letter -> digit
- /** Maps a word to the digit string it represents,
- * e.g. `Java` -> `5282` */
- private def wordCode(word: String): String = word.toUpperCase map charCode
- /** A map from digit strings to the words that represent
- * them e.g. `5282` -> List(`Java`, `Kata`, `Lava`, ...)
- */
- val wordsForNum: Map[String, Seq[String]] =
- (words groupBy wordCode).map(t => (t._1, t._2)) withDefaultValue Seq()
- /** All ways to encode a number as a list of words */
- def encode(number: String): Set[Seq[String]] = if (number.length > 12) {
- if (number.isEmpty) ParSet(ParSeq())
- else {
- val splits = (1 to number.length).toParSet
- for {
- split <- splits
- word <- wordsForNum(number take split)
- rest <- encode(number drop split)
- } yield word +: rest
- }
- } else {
- if (number.isEmpty) Set(Seq())
- else {
- val splits = (1 to number.length).toSet
- for {
- split <- splits
- word <- wordsForNum(number take split)
- rest <- encode(number drop split)
- } yield word +: rest
- }
- }
- /** Maps a number to a list of all word phrases that can
- * represent it */
- def translate(number: String) = {
- encode(number)// map (_ mkString " ")
- }
- def ??? : Nothing = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
-object Coder extends BenchCompanion {
- def benchName = "Coder"
- def collectionName = "General"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Coder(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 100
-class Coder(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench {
- def companion = Coder
- var seqcoder: SeqCoder = null
- var parcoder: ParCoder = null
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 1
- val code = "23284374729473626268379762538"
- reset
- def runseq {
- val translations = seqcoder.translate(code)
- //println(translations)
- }
- def runpar {
- val translations = parcoder.translate(code)
- //println(translations)
- }
- def reset = runWhat match {
- case "seq" =>
- seqcoder = new SeqCoder(Dictionary.wordlist)
- val t = seqcoder.translate(code)
- println("Translation check: " + t.size)
- //println(t)
- case "par" =>
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment.asInstanceOf[concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool].setParallelism(parallelism)
- parcoder = new ParCoder(Dictionary.wordlist)
- val t = parcoder.translate(code)
- println("Translation check: " + t.size)
- //println(t)
- }
- def comparisonMap = Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Dictionary.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Dictionary.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e6ff55d234..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Dictionary.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.misc
-object Dictionary {
- val wordlist = wordlines.split(System.getProperty("line.separator")).filter(_.trim != "").toList
- val wordarray = wordlist.toArray
- def wordlines = {
- val is = getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/dict.txt")
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Loader.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Loader.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c7e4723e64..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Loader.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package misc
-import collection._ //immutable._
-import collection.parallel._//immutable._
-object Loader extends BenchCompanion {
- def benchName = "Loader"
- def collectionName = "General"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Loader(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 100
-class Loader(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench {
- def companion = Loader
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 1
- reset
- val wa = Dictionary.wordarray ++ Dictionary.wordarray ++ Dictionary.wordarray
- def runseq {
- val m = Map(
- '2' -> "ABC", '3' -> "DEF", '4' -> "GHI", '5' -> "JKL",
- '6' -> "MNO", '7' -> "PQRS", '8' -> "TUV", '9' -> "WXYZ"
- )
- val charCode: Map[Char, Char] = for ((digit, letters) <- m; letter <- letters) yield letter -> digit
- def wordCode(word: String): String = (word.toUpperCase.toList map charCode).toString
- wa groupBy wordCode
- }
- def runpar {
- val m = Map(
- '2' -> "ABC", '3' -> "DEF", '4' -> "GHI", '5' -> "JKL",
- '6' -> "MNO", '7' -> "PQRS", '8' -> "TUV", '9' -> "WXYZ"
- )
- val charCode: Map[Char, Char] = for ((digit, letters) <- m; letter <- letters) yield letter -> digit
- def wordCode(word: String): String = (word.toUpperCase.toList map charCode).toString
- wa.par groupBy wordCode
- }
- def reset = runWhat match {
- case "seq" =>
- case "par" =>
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment.asInstanceOf[concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool].setParallelism(parallelism)
- }
- def comparisonMap = Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/dict.txt b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/dict.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 46e95c907f..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/dict.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58111 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/AggregateLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/AggregateLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eaddd7572..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/AggregateLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
-import extra166y.{ParallelArray => JSR166Array}
-object AggregateLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "aggregate-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new AggregateLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 200000
- val seqop = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => b
- val combop = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => a
-class AggregateLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = AggregateLight
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 350
- override val runs = 20
- def runpar = pa.aggregate(new Cont(0))(companion.seqop, companion.combop)
- def runseq = sequentialReduce(companion.seqop, sz, new Cont(0))
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Companion.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Companion.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f5d6c75abb..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Companion.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-trait Companion extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "ParArray"
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CopyToArray.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CopyToArray.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 033921d451..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CopyToArray.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object CopyToArray extends Companion {
- def benchName = "copytoarray";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new CopyToArray(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 200000
-class CopyToArray(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = CopyToArray
- val destarr = new Array[Any](sz)
- def runpar = pa.copyToArray(destarr, 0, sz)
- def runseq = sequentialCopyToArray(destarr, 0, sz)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Corresponds.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Corresponds.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c9b3f07ff3..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Corresponds.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class Corresponds(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Boolean] {
- def companion = Corresponds
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- val same = {
- val p = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) p(i) = what match {
- case "seq" => arr(i).asInstanceOf[Cont]
- case "par" => pa(i)
- }
- p
- }
- def runpar = runresult = pa.corresponds(same)(corr)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialCorresponds(same, corr, sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val corr = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => ==
-object Corresponds extends Companion {
- def benchName = "corresponds";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Corresponds(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountHeavy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountHeavy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7438be8447..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountHeavy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object CountHeavy extends Companion {
- def benchName = "count-heavy";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new CountHeavy(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 16
- val pred = (a: Cont) => heavyCheck(a)
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = heavyCheck(a)
- }
- def heavyCheck(a: Cont) = {
- val n =
- (n until (n + 200)).map(checkPrime(_)).reduceLeft(_ && _)
- }
- def checkPrime(n: Int) = {
- var isPrime = true
- for (i <- 2 until (scala.math.sqrt(n).toInt + 1)) if (n % i == 0) isPrime = false
- isPrime
- }
-class CountHeavy(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = CountHeavy
- def runpar = pa.count(CountHeavy.pred)
- def runseq = sequentialCount(CountHeavy.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.withFilter(CountHeavy.predjsr).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 21c64358b4..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object CountLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "count-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new CountLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 200000
-class CountLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = CountLight
- def runpar = pa.count(Cont.pred)
- def runseq = sequentialCount(Cont.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.withFilter(Cont.predjsr).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountList.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountList.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c6ac19229..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountList.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object CountList extends Companion {
- def benchName = "count-list";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new CountList(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 1000
- val listCreator = (i: Int) => (0 until (i % 50 + 50)).toList
- val pred = (lst: List[Int]) => check(lst)
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[List[Int]] {
- def op(lst: List[Int]) = check(lst)
- }
- def check(lst: List[Int]) = lst.foldLeft(0)((sum, n) => sum + n * n) % 2 == 0
-class CountList(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, CountList.listCreator, new Array[Any](_), classOf[List[Int]]) {
- def companion = CountList
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 250
- def runpar = pa.count(CountList.pred)
- def runseq = sequentialCount(CountList.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.withFilter(CountList.predjsr).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/DiffHalf.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/DiffHalf.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b27569239..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/DiffHalf.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class DiffHalf(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = DiffHalf
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- val similar = {
- val p = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) p(i) = what match {
- case "seq" => arr(i).asInstanceOf[Cont]
- case "par" => pa(i)
- }
- p.drop(p.size / 2)
- }
- def runpar = runresult = pa.diff(similar).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialDiff(similar, sz).size
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val corr = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => ==
-object DiffHalf extends Companion {
- def benchName = "diff-half";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new DiffHalf(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 10000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/DropMany.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/DropMany.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 443ef2b500..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/DropMany.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object DropMany extends Companion {
- def benchName = "drop-many";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new DropMany(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 50000
-class DropMany(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = DropMany
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.drop(pa.size / 2).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialDrop(sz / 2, sz).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ExistsLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ExistsLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2749216735..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ExistsLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object ExistsLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "exists-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ExistsLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 200000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => < 0
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = < 0
- }
-class ExistsLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Boolean] {
- def companion = ExistsLight
- runresult = false
- def runpar = runresult = pa.exists(ExistsLight.pred)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialExists(ExistsLight.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = runresult = jsrarr.withFilter(ExistsLight.predjsr).size > 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FilterLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FilterLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d4c8395951..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FilterLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object FilterLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "filter-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new FilterLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 10000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => check(
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = check(
- }
- def check(n: Int) = {
- var res = n
-// var i = 1
-// while (i < 10) {
-// res += n % i
-// i += 1
-// }
- res % 2 == 0
- }
-class FilterLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = FilterLight
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 250
- override val runs = 30
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.filter(FilterLight.pred).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialFilter(FilterLight.pred, sz).size
- def runjsr = runresult = { jsrarr.withFilter(FilterLight.predjsr).all.size }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FindLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FindLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f08ddf29e3..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FindLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object FindLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "find-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new FindLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 200000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => < -10
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = < -10
- }
-class FindLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Option[Cont]] {
- def companion = FindLight
- runresult = None
- def runpar = runresult = pa.find(FindLight.pred)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialFind(FindLight.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = runresult = { jsrarr.withFilter(FindLight.predjsr).size > 0; None }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FlatMapLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FlatMapLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 01ecbbf016..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FlatMapLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object FlatMapLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "flatmap-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new FlatMapLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 10000
- def fun = (a: Cont) => { List(1, 2, 3, 4, }
-class FlatMapLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = FlatMapLight
- def runpar = pa.flatMap(
- def runseq = sequentialFlatMap(, sz)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallHeavy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallHeavy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d61e5aeb5..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallHeavy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object ForallHeavy extends Companion {
- def benchName = "forall-heavy";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ForallHeavy(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 16
- val pred = (a: Cont) => heavyCheck(a)
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = heavyCheck(a)
- }
- def heavyCheck(a: Cont) = {
- val init = + 1
- var cnt = init
- var i = 0
- while (i < 10000) {
- cnt = -2 * cnt
- cnt /= 2
- i += 1
- }
- cnt += init * 5 + 10
- cnt >= 0
- }
-class ForallHeavy(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ForallHeavy
- def runpar = pa.forall(ForallHeavy.pred)
- def runseq = sequentialForall(ForallHeavy.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.withFilter(ForallHeavy.predjsr).size == sz
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 19671d2bc4..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object ForallLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "forall-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ForallLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 200000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => >= 0
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = >= 0
- }
-class ForallLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ForallLight
- def runpar = pa.forall(ForallLight.pred)
- def runseq = sequentialForall(ForallLight.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.withFilter(ForallLight.predjsr).size == sz
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallQuickStop.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallQuickStop.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 624266e49d..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallQuickStop.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object ForallQuickStop extends Companion {
- def benchName = "forall-quickstop";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ForallQuickStop(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def defaultSize = 200000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => != 50
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = != 50
- }
-class ForallQuickStop(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Boolean] {
- def companion = ForallQuickStop
- def runpar = runresult = pa.forall(ForallQuickStop.pred)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialForall(ForallQuickStop.pred, sz)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallStop80k.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallStop80k.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c7462ed04b..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallStop80k.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object ForallStop80k extends Companion {
- def benchName = "forall-stop80k";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ForallStop80k(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def defaultSize = 100000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => != 80000
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = != 80000
- }
-class ForallStop80k(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Boolean] {
- def companion = ForallStop80k
- def runpar = runresult = pa.forall(ForallStop80k.pred)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialForall(ForallStop80k.pred, sz)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForeachHeavy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForeachHeavy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d1a3f8085c..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForeachHeavy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object ForeachHeavy extends Companion {
- def benchName = "foreach-heavy";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ForeachHeavy(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 2048
- @volatile var z = 0
- val fun = (a: Cont) => heavyOperation(a)
- val funjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Procedure[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = heavyOperation(a)
- }
- def heavyOperation(a: Cont) {
- checkPrime( + 1000000000)
- }
- def checkPrime(n: Int) = {
- var isPrime = true
- var i = 2
- val until = 550
- while (i < until) {
- if (n % i == 0) isPrime = false
- i += 1
- }
- if (isPrime && (n.toString == z)) z += 1
- isPrime
- }
-class ForeachHeavy(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ForeachHeavy
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 250
- def runpar = pa.pforeach(
- def runseq = sequentialForeach(, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.apply(ForeachHeavy.funjsr)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForeachLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForeachLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d0c5c45c4..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForeachLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object ForeachLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "foreach-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ForeachLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 200000
- val fun = (a: Cont) => a.num =
- val funjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Procedure[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = a.num =
- }
-class ForeachLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ForeachLight
- def runpar = pa.pforeach(
- def runseq = sequentialForeach(, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.apply(ForeachLight.funjsr)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/GroupBy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/GroupBy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a90227a6e4..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/GroupBy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-object GroupByLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "groupby-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new GroupByLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 10000
- val fun = (a: Cont) => % 32
-class GroupByLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = GroupByLight
- runresult = -1
- val array = new Array[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) array(i) = new Cont(i)
- def runpar = runresult = pa.groupBy(
- def runseq = runresult = array.asInstanceOf[Array[Cont]].groupBy(
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/IndexWhere.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/IndexWhere.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a22bdd1db..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/IndexWhere.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class IndexWhere(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = IndexWhere
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- def runpar = runresult = pa.indexWhere(IndexWhere.pred2, 0)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialIndexWhere(IndexWhere.pred2, 0, sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object IndexWhere extends Companion {
- def benchName = "index-where";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new IndexWhere(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- val pred = (c: Cont) => {
- var in =
- var i = 2
- while (i < 5) {
- if (in % i == 0) in = 0
- i += 1
- }
- >= 0 && in == -1
- }
- val pred2 = (c: Cont) => == 280000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/IntersectHalf.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/IntersectHalf.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e429fb288e..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/IntersectHalf.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class IntersectHalf(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = IntersectHalf
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- val similar = {
- val p = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) p(i) = what match {
- case "seq" => arr(i).asInstanceOf[Cont]
- case "par" => pa(i)
- }
- p.drop(p.size / 2)
- }
- def runpar = runresult = pa.intersect(similar).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialIntersect(similar, sz).size
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val corr = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => ==
-object IntersectHalf extends Companion {
- def benchName = "intersect-half";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new IntersectHalf(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 10000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/LastIndexWhere.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/LastIndexWhere.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 427afa5571..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/LastIndexWhere.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class LastIndexWhere(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = LastIndexWhere
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- def runpar = runresult = pa.lastIndexWhere(LastIndexWhere.pred2, pa.size - 1)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialLastIndexWhere(LastIndexWhere.pred2, sz - 1, sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object LastIndexWhere extends Companion {
- def benchName = "last-index-where";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new LastIndexWhere(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- val pred = (c: Cont) => {
- var in =
- var i = 2
- while (i < 5) {
- if (in % i == 0) in = 0
- i += 1
- }
- >= 0 || in == 0
- }
- val pred2 = (c: Cont) => == 500
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MapLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MapLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1451f6a57a..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MapLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object MapLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "map-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new MapLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 100000
- def fun = (a: Cont) => { a }
- def funjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Op[Cont, Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = { a }
- }
-class MapLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = MapLight
- def runpar =
- def runseq = sequentialMap(, sz)
-// def runseq = sequentialMapOpt(, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.replaceWithMapping(MapLight.funjsr).all
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MatrixMultiplication.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MatrixMultiplication.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d5b189c3a..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MatrixMultiplication.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import collection.parallel.immutable.ParRange
-object MatrixMultiplication extends Companion {
- def benchName = "matrix-mult";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new MatrixMultiplication(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 100
-class MatrixMultiplication(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = MatrixMultiplication
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkjoinpool
- val a = Matrix.unit[Int](sz)
- val b = Matrix.unit[Int](sz)
- var c = new Matrix[Int](sz)
- def runpar = c = a * b //{ c.assignProduct(a, b) } //; println("--------"); c.output }
- def runseq = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- class Matrix[T](n: Int)(implicit num: Numeric[T], tag: ClassTag[T]) {
- val array = new Array[T](n * n)
- def apply(y: Int, x: Int) = array(y * n + x)
- def update(y: Int, x: Int, elem: T) = array(y * n + x) = elem
- def *(b: Matrix[T]) = {
- val m = new Matrix[T](n)
- m.assignProduct(this, b)
- m
- }
- def assignProduct(a: Matrix[T], b: Matrix[T]) = {
- val range = ParRange(0, n * n, 1, false)
- for (i <- range) this(i / n, i % n) = calcProduct(a, b, i / n, i % n);
- }
- private def calcProduct(a: Matrix[T], b: Matrix[T], y: Int, x: Int): T = {
- import num._
- var sum = zero
- for (i <- 0 until n) sum += a(y, i) * b(i, x)
- sum
- }
- def output = for (y <- 0 until n) {
- for (x <- 0 until n) print(this(y, x))
- println
- }
- }
- object Matrix {
- def unit[T](n: Int)(implicit num: Numeric[T], tag: ClassTag[T]) = {
- val m = new Matrix[T](n)
- for (i <- 0 until n) m(i, i) =
- m
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MinLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MinLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a51b5d6176..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MinLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-/** Tests reduce method using an operator creating an object as a result. */
-class MinLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Int](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => i, new Array[Any](_), classOf[Int]) {
- def companion = MinLight
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- def runpar = pa.min(Ordering[Int])
- def runseq = sequentialMin(sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object MinLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "min-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new MinLight(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PadToDouble.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PadToDouble.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f8a985c349..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PadToDouble.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class PadToDouble(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = PadToDouble
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- val similar = {
- val p = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) p(i) = what match {
- case "seq" => arr(i).asInstanceOf[Cont]
- case "par" => pa(i)
- }
- p.drop(p.size / 2)
- }
- def runpar = runresult = pa.padTo(size * 2, padder).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialPadTo(size * 2, padder, size).size
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val padder = new Cont(0)
-object PadToDouble extends Companion {
- def benchName = "padto-double";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new PadToDouble(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 25000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PartialMapLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PartialMapLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 57f8536b9e..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PartialMapLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object PartialMapLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "partmap-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new PartialMapLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 100000
- def fun: PartialFunction[Cont, Cont] = {
- case c: Cont if >= 0 => c
- }
-class PartialMapLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = PartialMapLight
- def runpar = pa.collect(
- def runseq = sequentialPartialMap(, sz)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PartitionLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PartitionLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b99a25b285..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PartitionLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object PartitionLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "partition-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new PartitionLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 20000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => check(
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = check(
- }
- def check(n: Int) = {
- var res = n
- var i = 1
- while (i < 5) {
- res += n % i
- i += 1
- }
- (res % 2 == 0) && (res % 312 == 0)
- }
-class PartitionLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = PartitionLight
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.partition(PartitionLight.pred)._1.size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialPartition(PartitionLight.pred, sz)._1.size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PatchHalf.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PatchHalf.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 55cc71f129..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PatchHalf.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class PatchHalf(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = PatchHalf
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- val similar = {
- val p = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) p(i) = what match {
- case "seq" => arr(i).asInstanceOf[Cont]
- case "par" => pa(i)
- }
- p.drop(p.size / 2)
- }
- def runpar = runresult = pa.patch(size / 2, similar, 0).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialPatch(size / 2, similar, 0, size).size
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object PatchHalf extends Companion {
- def benchName = "patch-half";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new PatchHalf(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 25000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PlusPlus.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PlusPlus.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2574621212..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PlusPlus.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
-object PlusPlus extends Companion {
- def benchName = "plusplus";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new PlusPlus(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 50000
-class PlusPlus(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = PlusPlus
- val thatarr = new Array[Cont](sz)
- val thatpa = new ParArray[Cont](sz)
- def runpar = pa ++ thatpa
- def runseq = arr ++ thatarr
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceHeavy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceHeavy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index dd660ba8e0..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceHeavy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-class ReduceHeavy(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ReduceHeavy
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 100
- def runseq = sequentialReduce(Cont.opheavy, sz, new Cont(0))
- def runpar = pa.reduce(Cont.opheavy)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.reduce(Cont.reducerheavy, new Cont(0))
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
-object ReduceHeavy extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reduce-heavy";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new ReduceHeavy(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 16
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f1f2a32403..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
-import extra166y.{ParallelArray => JSR166Array}
-object ReduceLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reduce-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ReduceLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 200000
-class ReduceLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ReduceLight
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 350
- override val runs = 20
- def runpar = {
- pa.reduce(Cont.op)
-// updatePar
- }
- def runjsr = {
- jsrarr.reduce(Cont.reducer, new Cont(0))
-// updateJsr
- }
- def runseq = {
- sequentialReduce(Cont.op, sz, new Cont(0))
-// updateSeq
- }
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceList.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceList.scala
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index f095797d1c..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceList.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object ReduceList extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reduce-list";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new ReduceList(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 20000
-object ListCreator extends (Int => List[Int]) {
- def apply(idx: Int) = {
- val len = 50 + idx % 100
- (for (i <- 0 until len) yield i).toList
- }
-object ListOps {
- val redop = (a: List[Int], b: List[Int]) => combineLists(a, b)
- val reducer = new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[List[Int]] {
- def op(a: List[Int], b: List[Int]) = combineLists(a, b)
- }
- def combineLists(a: List[Int], b: List[Int]) = {
- if (a.foldLeft(0)(_ + _) > b.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)) a else b
- }
-class ReduceList(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[List[Int]](sz, p, what, ListCreator, new Array[Any](_), classOf[List[Int]]) {
- def companion = ReduceList
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 10
- override val runs = 15
- def runpar = pa.reduce(ListOps.redop)
- def runseq = sequentialReduce(ListOps.redop, sz, List[Int]())
- def runjsr = jsrarr.reduce(ListOps.reducer, List[Int]())
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceNew.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceNew.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cf4f4169a..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceNew.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-/** Tests reduce method using an operator creating an object as a result. */
-class ReduceNew(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i),
- new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ReduceNew
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 200
- def runpar = pa.reduce(Cont.opnew)
- def runseq = sequentialReduce(Cont.opnew, sz, new Cont(0))
- def runjsr = jsrarr.reduce(Cont.reducernew, new Cont(0))
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
-object ReduceNew extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reduce-new";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new ReduceNew(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReducePrime.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReducePrime.scala
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index 8fb90981ac..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReducePrime.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object IntWrapCreator extends (Int => IntWrap) {
- def apply(idx: Int) = new IntWrap(shiftaround(idx))
- def shiftaround(idx: Int) = idx * 40192 + 717
-case class IntWrap(val num: Int)
-object IntOps {
- val op = (a: IntWrap, b: IntWrap) => primereduce(a, b)
- val reducer = new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[IntWrap] {
- def op(a: IntWrap, b: IntWrap) = primereduce(a, b)
- }
- def primereduce(a: IntWrap, b: IntWrap) = {
- val check = (checkPrime(a.num), checkPrime(b.num))
- if (a.num > b.num) a else b
- }
- def checkPrime(n: Int) = {
- var isPrime = true
- var i = 2
- val until = scala.math.sqrt(n).toInt + 1
- while (i < until) {
- if (n % i == 0) isPrime = false
- i += 1
- }
- isPrime
- }
-class ReducePrime(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[IntWrap](sz, p, what, IntWrapCreator, new Array[Any](_), classOf[IntWrap])
-with HavingResult[IntWrap] {
- def companion = ReducePrime
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialReduce(IntOps.op, sz, new IntWrap(0))
- def runpar = runresult = pa.reduce(IntOps.op)
- def runjsr = runresult = jsrarr.reduce(IntOps.reducer, new IntWrap(0))
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
-object ReducePrime extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reduce-prime";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new ReducePrime(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 100
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/RemoveDuplicates.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/RemoveDuplicates.scala
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index feb1bd9466..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/RemoveDuplicates.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class RemoveDuplicates(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = RemoveDuplicates
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- def runpar = runresult = pa.distinct.size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialRemoveDuplicates(size).size
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object RemoveDuplicates extends Companion {
- def benchName = "remove-duplicates";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new RemoveDuplicates(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 10000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Resettable.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Resettable.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b4403fcb9c..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Resettable.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
-import extra166y.{ParallelArray => JSR166Array}
-class Cont(val in: Int) {
- var num = in
- override def toString = in.toString
-object Cont {
- val pred = (a: Cont) => > 100
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = > 100
- }
- val op = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => {
- b.num = +
- b
- }
- val opnew = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => new Cont( +
- val opheavy = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => {
- heavyComputation(a, b)
- }
- val reducer = new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont, b: Cont) = {
- b.num = +
- b
- }
- }
- val reducernew = new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont, b: Cont) = new Cont( +
- }
- val reducerheavy = new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont, b: Cont) = heavyComputation(a, b)
- }
- def heavyComputation(a: Cont, b: Cont) = {
- val f =
- val s =
- var i = 0
- var res = f * s
- while (i < 50000) {
- if ((i + f) % 3 == 0) res += s
- else res -= f
- i += 1
- }
- b.num = res
- b
- }
-abstract class Resettable[T](val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String,
- elemcreator: Int => T, arrcreator: Int => Array[Any], cls: Class[T])
-extends Bench with SequentialOps[T] {
- val forkjoinpool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool(parallelism)
- forkjoinpool.setMaximumPoolSize(parallelism)
- val papool = new jsr166y.ForkJoinPool(parallelism)
- papool.setMaximumPoolSize(parallelism)
- var pa: ParArray[T] = null
- var jsrarr: JSR166Array[T] = null
- reset
- def reset = runWhat match {
- case "seq" =>
- arr = arrcreator(size)
- for (i <- 0 until size) arr(i) = elemcreator(i)
- case "par" =>
- pa = new ParArray[T](size)
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkjoinpool
- for (i <- 0 until size) pa(i) = elemcreator(i)
- case "jsr" =>
- jsrarr = JSR166Array.create(size, cls, papool)
- for (i <- 0 until size) jsrarr.set(i, elemcreator(i))
- case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type: " + runWhat)
- }
- var updateCounter = 0
- def incUpdateCounter {
- updateCounter += 1
- if (updateCounter > size) updateCounter = 0
- }
- def updateSeq {
- val tmp = arr(updateCounter)
- arr(updateCounter) = arr(size - updateCounter - 1)
- arr(size - updateCounter - 1) = tmp
- incUpdateCounter
- }
- def updatePar {
- val tmp = pa(updateCounter)
- pa(updateCounter) = pa(size - updateCounter - 1)
- pa(size - updateCounter - 1) = tmp
- incUpdateCounter
- }
- def updateJsr {
- val tmp = jsrarr.get(updateCounter)
- jsrarr.set(updateCounter, jsrarr.get(size - updateCounter - 1))
- jsrarr.set(size - updateCounter - 1, tmp)
- incUpdateCounter
- }
- override def printResults {
- println(" --- Fork join pool state --- ")
- println("Parallelism: " + forkjoinpool.getParallelism)
- println("Active threads: " + forkjoinpool.getActiveThreadCount)
- println("Work stealings: " + forkjoinpool.getStealCount)
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Reverse.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Reverse.scala
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index ec690d4b2d..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Reverse.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class Reverse(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = Reverse
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- def runpar = pa.reverse
- def runseq = sequentialReverse(sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object Reverse extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reverse";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Reverse(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReverseMap.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReverseMap.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 47ae108c45..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReverseMap.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class ReverseMap(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ReverseMap
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 100
- def runpar = pa.reverseMap(compl)
- def runseq = sequentialReverseMap(compl, sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val id = (c: Cont) => c
- val compl = (c: Cont) => {
- var in =
- var i = 2
- while (i < 6) {
- if (in % i == 0) in = 0
- i += 1
- }
- if (in < 0) null
- else c
- }
-object ReverseMap extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reverse-map";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new ReverseMap(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 100000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SameElementsLong.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SameElementsLong.scala
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index d22c4df661..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SameElementsLong.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class SameElementsLong(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Boolean] {
- def companion = SameElementsLong
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- val same = {
- val p = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) p(i) = what match {
- case "seq" => arr(i).asInstanceOf[Cont]
- case "par" => pa(i)
- }
- p
- }
- def runpar = runresult = pa.sameElements(same)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSameElements(same, sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object SameElementsLong extends Companion {
- def benchName = "same-elements-long";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new SameElementsLong(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ScanLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ScanLight.scala
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index d0ddf9f70e..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ScanLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
-object ScanLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "scan-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ScanLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 40000
- val op = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => {
- operation(a, b)
- }
- def operation(a: Cont, b: Cont) = {
- val m = if ( < 0) 1 else 0
- new Cont( + + m * (0 until 2).reduceLeft(_ + _))
- }
-class ScanLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ScanLight
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- override val runs = 12
- def runpar = pa.scan(new Cont(0))(ScanLight.op)
- def runseq = sequentialScan(new Cont(0), ScanLight.op, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.cumulate(new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont, b: Cont) = ScanLight.operation(a, b)
- }, new Cont(0))
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ScanMedium.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ScanMedium.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a60ba7aa33..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ScanMedium.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
-object ScanMedium extends Companion {
- def benchName = "scan-medium";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ScanMedium(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- val op = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => {
- operation(a, b)
- }
- def operation(a: Cont, b: Cont) = {
- val m = if ( < 0) 1 else 0
- val k = calc(,, m)
- new Cont( + + k * m * (0 until 2).reduceLeft(_ + _))
- }
- private def calc(x: Int, y: Int, n: Int) = {
- var sum = x
- for (i <- 0 until 500) {
- sum += y + (if (sum % 2 == 0) n * x else y)
- if (sum % 5 == 0) sum -= x * y - n * (x + y)
- }
- sum
- }
-class ScanMedium(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ScanMedium
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- override val runs = 12
- def runpar = pa.scan(new Cont(0))(ScanMedium.op)
- def runseq = sequentialScan(new Cont(0), ScanMedium.op, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.cumulate(new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont, b: Cont) = ScanMedium.operation(a, b)
- }, new Cont(0))
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SegmentLength.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SegmentLength.scala
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index 8fae899b45..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SegmentLength.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class SegmentLength(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = SegmentLength
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- def runpar = runresult = pa.segmentLength(SegmentLength.pred2, 0)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSegmentLength(SegmentLength.pred2, 0, sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object SegmentLength extends Companion {
- def benchName = "segment-length";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new SegmentLength(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- val pred = (c: Cont) => {
- var in =
- var i = 2
- while (i < 5) {
- if (in % i == 0) in = 0
- i += 1
- }
- >= 0 || in == 0
- }
- val pred2 = (c: Cont) => >= 0
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SequentialOps.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SequentialOps.scala
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index 9300851b5f..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SequentialOps.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,562 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-trait SequentialOps[T] {
- var arr: Array[Any] = null
- def sequentialReduce(op: (T, T) => T, sz: Int, init: T) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var sum = init
- while (i < until) {
- sum = op(sum, arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i += 1
- }
- sum
- }
- def sequentialScan(z: T, op: (T, T) => T, sz: Int) = {
- var outarr = new Array[Any](sz + 1)
- outarr(0) = z
- var last = z
- var i = 0
- var j = 1
- val until = sz
- while (i < until) {
- last = op(last, arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- outarr(j) = last
- i += 1
- j += 1
- }
- }
- def sequentialCount(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var sum = 0
- while (i < until) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) sum += 1
- i += 1
- }
- sum
- }
- def sequentialForeach[U](f: T => U, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var sum = 0
- while (i < until) {
- f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def sequentialSum[U >: T](sz: Int)(implicit num: Numeric[U]) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var sum =
- while (i < until) {
- sum =, arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i += 1
- }
- sum
- }
- def sequentialMin[U >: T](sz: Int)(implicit ord: Ordering[U]) = {
- var i = 1
- val until = sz
- var min = arr(0).asInstanceOf[U]
- while (i < until) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[U]
- if (, min)) min = elem
- i += 1
- }
- min
- }
- def sequentialForall(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var all = true
- while (i < until) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) i += 1
- else {
- all = false
- i = until
- }
- }
- all
- }
- def sequentialExists(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var some = false
- while (i < until) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
- some = true
- i = until
- } else i += 1
- }
- some
- }
- def sequentialFind(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var opt: Option[T] = None
- while (i < until) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
- opt = Some(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i = until
- } else i += 1
- }
- opt
- }
- def sequentialFilter(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val buff = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (pred(elem)) buff += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val resarr = new Array[Any](buff.size)
- buff.copyToArray(resarr, 0)
- resarr
- }
- def sequentialPartition(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val btrue = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- val bfalse = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (pred(elem)) btrue += elem
- else bfalse += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val restrue = new Array[Any](btrue.size)
- val resfalse = new Array[Any](bfalse.size)
- btrue.copyToArray(restrue, 0)
- bfalse.copyToArray(resfalse, 0)
- (restrue, resfalse)
- }
- def sequentialTakeOpt(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = if (n < sz) n else sz
- val res = new Array[Any](until)
- Array.copy(arr, 0, res, 0, until)
-// while (i < until) {
-// res(i) = arr(i)
-// i += 1
-// }
- res
- }
- def sequentialTake(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- val until = if (n < sz) n else sz
- b.sizeHint(until)
- while (i < until) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- b += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](n)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialDrop(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = n
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- b.sizeHint(sz - n)
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- b += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](n)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialSlice(from: Int, until: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = from
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- b.sizeHint(until - from)
- while (i < until) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- b += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](until - from)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialSplitAtOpt(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val before = new Array[Any](n)
- val after = new Array[Any](sz - n)
- Array.copy(arr, 0, before, 0, n)
- Array.copy(arr, n, after, 0, sz - n)
- (before, after)
- }
- def sequentialSplitAt(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val before = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- before.sizeHint(n)
- val after = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- after.sizeHint(sz - n)
- while (i < sz) {
- if (i < n) before += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- else after += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- i += 1
- }
- val resbef = new Array[Any](n)
- val resaft = new Array[Any](sz - n)
- before.copyToArray(resbef, 0)
- after.copyToArray(resaft, 0)
- (resbef, resaft)
- }
- def sequentialTakeWhile(p: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (p(elem)) {
- b += elem
- i += 1
- } else i = sz
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](sz)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialSpan(p: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- val bpref = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- val brest = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- var i = 0
- var prefix = true
- var pos = sz
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (prefix) {
- if (p(elem)) bpref += elem
- else {
- pos = i
- prefix = false
- brest += elem
- }
- } else brest += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val respref = new Array[Any](pos)
- val resrest = new Array[Any](sz - pos)
- bpref.copyToArray(respref, 0)
- brest.copyToArray(resrest, 0)
- (respref, resrest)
- }
- def sequentialMap(f: T => T, sz: Int) = {
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T](sz)
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- b += f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](sz)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialMapOpt(f: T => T, sz: Int) = {
- val res = new Array[Any](sz)
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- res(i) = f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i += 1
- }
- res
- }
- def sequentialPartialMap(f: PartialFunction[T, T], sz: Int) = {
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T](sz)
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (f.isDefinedAt(elem)) b += f(elem)
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialFlatMap(f: T => Traversable[Int], sz: Int) = {
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int](sz)
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val ts = f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- for (elem <- ts) b += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialCopyToArray(destarr: Array[Any], pos: Int, sz: Int) = {
- Array.copy(arr, 0, destarr, pos, sz)
- }
- def sequentialSegmentLength(pred: T => Boolean, from: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = from
- var cnt = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
- cnt += 1
- i += 1
- } else i = sz
- }
- cnt
- }
- def sequentialIndexWhere(pred: T => Boolean, from: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = from
- var pos = -1
- while (i < sz) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
- pos = i
- i = sz
- } else i += 1
- }
- pos
- }
- def sequentialLastIndexWhere(pred: T => Boolean, end: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = end
- var pos = -1
- while (i >= 0) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
- pos = i
- i = -1
- } else i -= 1
- }
- pos
- }
- def sequentialReverse(sz: Int) = {
- val res = new Array[Any](sz)
- var i = sz - 1
- var j = 0
- while (i >= 0) {
- res(j) = arr(i)
- i -= 1
- j += 1
- }
- res
- }
- def sequentialReverseMap(f: T => T, sz: Int) = {
- val res = new Array[Any](sz)
- var i = sz - 1
- var j = 0
- while (i >= 0) {
- res(j) = f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i -= 1
- j += 1
- }
- res
- }
- def sequentialSameElements(sq: Seq[T], sz: Int): Boolean = {
- if (sz != sq.length) false
- else {
- var i = 0
- val jt = sq.iterator
- while (i < sz) {
- if (arr(i) == i += 1
- else i = sz + 1
- }
- if (i == sz) true
- else false
- }
- }
- def sequentialCorresponds(sq: Seq[T], f: (T, T) => Boolean, sz: Int): Boolean = {
- if (sz != sq.length) false
- else {
- var i = 0
- val jt = sq.iterator
- while (i < sz) {
- if (f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T], i += 1
- else i = sz + 1
- }
- if (i == sz) true
- else false
- }
- }
- def sequentialDiff(sq: Seq[T], sz: Int) = {
- val occmap = occurrences(sq)
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (occmap(elem) == 0) b += elem
- else occmap(elem) -= 1
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialIntersect(sq: Seq[T], sz: Int) = {
- val occmap = occurrences(sq)
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- val num = occmap(elem)
- if (num > 0) {
- b += elem
- occmap(elem) = num - 1
- }
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- private def occurrences(sq: Seq[T]) = {
- val occmap = new collection.mutable.HashMap[T, Int] { override def default(k: T) = 0 }
- for (elem <- sq.iterator) occmap(elem) += 1
- occmap
- }
- def sequentialRemoveDuplicates(sz: Int) = {
- val occ = new collection.mutable.HashSet[T]
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (!occ.contains(elem)) {
- b += elem
- occ.add(elem)
- }
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialPatch(from: Int, p: Seq[T], replaced: Int, sz: Int) = {
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- b.sizeHint(from + (sz - from - replaced) + p.size)
- var i = 0
- while (i < from) {
- b += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- i += 1
- }
- val jt = p.iterator
- while (jt.hasNext) b +=
- val skipto = from + replaced
- while (i < from + replaced) i += 1
- while (i < sz) {
- b += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialPadTo(tosize: Int, elem: T, sz: Int) = {
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- b.sizeHint(tosize)
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- b += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- i += 1
- }
- while (i < tosize) {
- b += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceFew.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceFew.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 450d640b8d..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceFew.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object SliceFew extends Companion {
- def benchName = "slice-few";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new SliceFew(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 50000
-class SliceFew(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = SliceFew
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 200
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.slice(5, 25).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSlice(5, 25, sz).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceMany.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceMany.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a30b60e1f..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceMany.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object SliceMany extends Companion {
- def benchName = "slice-many";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new SliceMany(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 50000
-class SliceMany(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = SliceMany
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 200
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.slice(pa.size / 4, pa.size * 3 / 4).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSlice(sz / 4, sz * 3 / 4, sz).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceMedium.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceMedium.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e16002f15d..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceMedium.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object SliceMedium extends Companion {
- def benchName = "slice-medium";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new SliceMedium(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 50000
-class SliceMedium(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = SliceMedium
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 200
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.slice(pa.size / 7, pa.size * 4 / 7).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSlice(sz / 7, sz * 4 / 7, sz).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SpanLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SpanLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f1e631bce..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SpanLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object SpanLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "span-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new SpanLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 20000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => check(
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = check(
- }
- def check(n: Int) = {
- var res = n
- var i = 1
- while (i < 10) {
- res += n % i
- i += 1
- }
- if (n != 10000) res % 2 == 0 || n != 10000
- else false
- }
-class SpanLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = SpanLight
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.span(SpanLight.pred)._1.size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSpan(SpanLight.pred, sz)._1.size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SplitHalf.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SplitHalf.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ff1e009481..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SplitHalf.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object SplitHalf extends Companion {
- def benchName = "split-half";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new SplitHalf(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 50000
-class SplitHalf(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = SplitHalf
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 300
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.splitAt(pa.size / 2)._1.size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSplitAtOpt(sz / 2, sz)._1.size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SumLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SumLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ed6d14370..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SumLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-/** Tests reduce method using an operator creating an object as a result. */
-class SumLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Int](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => i, new Array[Any](_), classOf[Int]) {
- def companion = SumLight
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 500
- def runpar = pa.sum
- def runseq = sequentialSum(sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object SumLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "sum-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new SumLight(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/TakeMany.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/TakeMany.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ddfb77a9d..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/TakeMany.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object TakeMany extends Companion {
- def benchName = "take-many";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new TakeMany(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 250000
-class TakeMany(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = TakeMany
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.take(pa.size / 2).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialTake(sz / 2, sz).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/TakeWhileLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/TakeWhileLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a86c67d0d8..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/TakeWhileLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object TakeWhileLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "takewhile-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new TakeWhileLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 10000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => check(
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = check(
- }
- def check(n: Int) = {
- var res = n
- var i = 1
- while (i < 10) {
- res += n % i
- i += 1
- }
- res % 2 == 0 || n > 0
- }
-class TakeWhileLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = TakeWhileLight
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.takeWhile(TakeWhileLight.pred).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialTakeWhile(TakeWhileLight.pred, sz).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_range/RangeBenches.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_range/RangeBenches.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index af852ce992..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_range/RangeBenches.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_range
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic._
-import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParRange
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.StandardParIterableBenches
-object RangeBenches extends StandardParIterableBenches[Int, ParRange] {
- def nameOfCollection = "ParRange"
- def operators = new IntOperators {}
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val forkJoinPool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = new collection.immutable.Range(0, sz, 1)
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val pr = collection.parallel.immutable.ParRange(0, sz, 1, false)
- forkJoinPool.setParallelism(p)
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkJoinPool
- pr
- }
- object MapLight extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 20000
- def benchName = "map-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new MapLight(sz, p, w)
- }
- class MapLight(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def calc(n: Int) = n % 2 + 1
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (n <- this.seqcoll) yield calc(n)
- def runpar = for (n <- this.parcoll) yield calc(n)
- def companion = MapLight
- }
- object MapMedium extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "map-medium";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new MapMedium(sz, p, w)
- }
- class MapMedium(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def calc(n: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- var sum = n
- while (i < 40) {
- i += 1
- sum += n % i
- }
- sum
- }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (n <- this.seqcoll) yield calc(n)
- def runpar = for (n <- this.parcoll) yield calc(n)
- def companion = MapMedium
- }
- object ForeachModify extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 150000
- def benchName = "foreach-modify";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachModify(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ForeachModify(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val array = new Array[Int](size)
- def modify(n: Int) = array(n) += 1
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (n <- this.seqcoll) modify(n)
- def runpar = for (n <- this.parcoll.asInstanceOf[ParRange]) {
- modify(n)
- ()
- }
- def companion = ForeachModify
- }
- object ForeachModifyMedium extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 20000
- def benchName = "foreach-modify-medium";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachModifyMedium(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ForeachModifyMedium(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val array = new Array[Int](size)
- def modify(n: Int) = array(n) = {
- var i = 0
- var sum = 0
- while (i < 15) {
- sum += i % 3
- i += i + 1
- }
- sum
- }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (n <- this.seqcoll) modify(n)
- def runpar = for (n <- this.parcoll) modify(n)
- def companion = ForeachModifyMedium
- }
- object ForeachModifyHeavy extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 1000
- def benchName = "foreach-modify-heavy";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachModifyHeavy(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ForeachModifyHeavy(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val array = new Array[Int](size)
- def modify(n: Int) = array(n) = collatz(10000 + array(n))
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (n <- this.seqcoll) modify(n)
- def runpar = for (n <- this.parcoll) modify(n)
- def companion = ForeachModifyHeavy
- }
- object ForeachAdd extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 10000
- def benchName = "foreach-add";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachAdd(sz, p, w)
- override def comparisons = List("seq-hashmap")
- }
- class ForeachAdd(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val cmap = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[Int, Int]
- val hmap = new java.util.HashMap[Int, Int]
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "seq-hashmap" => seqcoll = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- case _ => super.reset
- }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seq-hashmap" -> runseqhashmap _)
- def runseqhashmap = for (i <- seqcoll) hmap put (i, onesum(i))
- def runseq = for (i <- seqcoll) cmap put (i, onesum(i))
- def runpar = for (i <- parcoll) cmap put (i, onesum(i))
- def companion = ForeachAdd
- }
- object ForeachAddCollatz extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "foreach-add-collatz";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachAddCollatz(sz, p, w)
- override def comparisons = List("seq-hashmap")
- }
- class ForeachAddCollatz(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val cmap = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[Int, Int]
- val hmap = new java.util.HashMap[Int, Int]
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "seq-hashmap" => seqcoll = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- case _ => super.reset
- }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seq-hashmap" -> runseqhashmap _)
- def runseqhashmap = for (i <- seqcoll) hmap put (i, collatz(i))
- def runseq = for (i <- seqcoll) cmap put (i, collatz(i))
- def runpar = for (i <- parcoll) cmap put (i, collatz(i))
- def companion = ForeachAddCollatz
- }
- def collatz(n: Int) = {
- var curr = n
- var sum = 0
- while (curr > 1) {
- sum += curr
- if (curr % 2 == 0) curr = curr / 2
- else curr = curr * 3 + 1
- }
- sum
- }
- def onesum(n: Int) = {
- var left = n
- var sum = 0
- while (left > 0) {
- sum += left % 2
- left /= 2
- }
- sum
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_view/SeqViewBenches.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_view/SeqViewBenches.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c1cd52120..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_view/SeqViewBenches.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel
-package benchmarks.parallel_view
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic._
-import scala.collection.SeqView
-trait DummyViewBenches
-extends ParSeqViewBenches[Dummy, ParSeqView[Dummy, ParSeq[Dummy], Seq[Dummy]], Seq[Dummy]] {
- def nameOfCollection = "ParView"
- def operators = DummyOperators
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val forkJoinPool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val s = new Array[Dummy](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) s(i) = new Dummy(i)
- s
- }
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val pa = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Dummy](sz)
- forkJoinPool.setParallelism(p)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) pa(i) = new Dummy(i)
- val v = pa.view
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkJoinPool
- v
- }
- def createSeqView(sz: Int, p: Int) = createSequential(sz, p).view
-object DummyViewBenchList extends DummyViewBenches
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/util/HashSpeedTest.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/util/HashSpeedTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a4d310e6d1..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/util/HashSpeedTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-object HashSpeedTest {
- import System.{ nanoTime => now }
- def time[A](f: => A) = {
- val t0 = now
- val ans = f
- (ans, now - t0)
- }
- def ptime[A](f: => A) = {
- val (ans, dt) = time(f)
- printf("Elapsed: %.3f\n", dt * 1e-9)
- ans
- }
- object HashHist {
- var enabled = true
- val counts = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Int, Int]
- def add(i: Int) { if (enabled) counts(i) = counts.get(i).getOrElse(0) + 1 }
- def resultAndReset = {
- var s = 0L
- var o = 0L
- var m = 0
- counts.valuesIterator.foreach(i => {
- s += i
- if (i > 0) o += 1
- if (i > m) m = i
- })
- counts.clear
- (s, o, m)
- }
- }
- def report(s: String, res: (Long, Long, Int)) {
- println("Hash quality of " + s)
- printf(" %5.2f%% of entries are collisions\n", 100 * (res._1 - res._2).toDouble / res._1)
- printf(" Max of %d entries mapped to the same value\n", res._3)
- }
- // If you have MurmurHash3 installed, uncomment below (and in main)
- import scala.util.{ MurmurHash3 => MH3 }
- val justCountString: String => Unit = str => {
- var s, i = 0
- while (i < str.length) { s += str.charAt(i); i += 1 }
- HashHist.add(s)
- }
- val defaultHashString: String => Unit = str => HashHist.add(str.hashCode)
- val murmurHashString: String => Unit = str => HashHist.add(MH3.stringHash(str))
- def makeCharStrings = {
- val a = new Array[Byte](4)
- val buffer = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]
- var i: Int = 'A'
- while (i <= 'Z') {
- a(0) = (i & 0xFF).toByte
- var j: Int = 'a'
- while (j <= 'z') {
- a(1) = (j & 0xFF).toByte
- var k: Int = 'A'
- while (k <= 'z') {
- a(2) = (k & 0xFF).toByte
- var l: Int = 'A'
- while (l <= 'z') {
- a(3) = (l & 0xFF).toByte
- buffer += new String(a)
- l += 1
- }
- k += 1
- }
- j += 1
- }
- i += 1
- }
- buffer.toArray
- }
- def hashCharStrings(ss: Array[String], hash: String => Unit) {
- var i = 0
- while (i < ss.length) {
- hash(ss(i))
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def justCountList: List[List[Int]] => Unit = lli => {
- var s = 0
- lli.foreach(_.foreach(s += _))
- HashHist.add(s)
- }
- def defaultHashList: List[List[Int]] => Unit = lli => HashHist.add(lli.hashCode)
- def makeBinaryLists = {
- def singleLists(depth: Int): List[List[Int]] = {
- if (depth <= 0) List(Nil)
- else {
- val set = singleLists(depth - 1)
- val longest = set filter (_.length == depth - 1)
- set ::: ( :: _)) ::: ( :: _))
- }
- }
- val buffer = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[List[List[Int]]]
- val blocks = singleLists(4).toArray
- buffer += List(Nil)
- var i = 0
- while (i < blocks.length) {
- val li = blocks(i) :: Nil
- buffer += li
- var j = 0
- while (j < blocks.length) {
- val lj = blocks(j) :: li
- buffer += lj
- var k = 0
- while (k < blocks.length) {
- val lk = blocks(k) :: lj
- buffer += lk
- var l = 0
- while (l < blocks.length) {
- val ll = blocks(l) :: lk
- buffer += ll
- l += 1
- }
- k += 1
- }
- j += 1
- }
- i += 1
- }
- buffer.toArray
- }
- def hashBinaryLists(ls: Array[List[List[Int]]], hash: List[List[Int]] => Unit) {
- var i = 0
- while (i < ls.length) {
- hash(ls(i))
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def justCountSets: Set[Int] => Unit = si => {
- var s = 0
- si.foreach(s += _)
- HashHist.add(s)
- }
- def defaultHashSets: Set[Int] => Unit = si => HashHist.add(si.hashCode)
- def makeIntSets = {
- def sets(depth: Int): List[Set[Int]] = {
- if (depth <= 0) List(Set.empty[Int])
- else {
- val set = sets(depth - 1)
- set ::: + depth)
- }
- }
- sets(20).toArray
- }
- def hashIntSets(ss: Array[Set[Int]], hash: Set[Int] => Unit) {
- var i = 0
- while (i < ss.length) {
- hash(ss(i))
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def defaultHashTuples: (Product with Serializable) => Unit = p => HashHist.add(p.hashCode)
- def makeNestedTuples = {
- val basic = Array(
- (0, 0),
- (0, 1),
- (1, 0),
- (1, 1),
- (0, 0, 0),
- (0, 0, 1),
- (0, 1, 0),
- (1, 0, 0),
- (0, 0, 0, 0),
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
- (false, false),
- (true, false),
- (false, true),
- (true, true),
- (0.7, true, "fish"),
- ((), true, 'c', 400, 9.2, "galactic"))
- basic ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic) yield (i, j)) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic) yield (i, j, k)) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic) yield ((i, j), k)) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic) yield (i, (j, k))) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic) yield (i, j, k, l)) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic) yield ((i, j), (k, l))) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic) yield (i, (j, k, l))) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic; m <- basic) yield (i, j, k, l, m)) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic; m <- basic) yield (i, (j, (k, (l, m)))))
- }
- def hashNestedTuples(ts: Array[Product with Serializable], hash: (Product with Serializable) => Unit) {
- var i = 0
- while (i < ts.length) {
- hash(ts(i))
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def findSpeed[A](n: Int, h: (Array[A], A => Unit) => Unit, aa: Array[A], f: A => Unit) = {
- (time { for (i <- 1 to n) { h(aa, f) } }._2, aa.length.toLong * n)
- }
- def reportSpeed[A](repeats: Int, xs: List[(String, () => (Long, Long))]) {
- val tn = Array.fill(xs.length)((0L, 0L))
- for (j <- 1 to repeats) {
- for ((l, i) <- xs zipWithIndex) {
- val x = l._2()
- tn(i) = (tn(i)._1 + x._1, tn(i)._2 + x._2)
- }
- }
- for (((t, n), (title, _)) <- (tn zip xs)) {
- val rate = (n * 1e-6) / (t * 1e-9)
- printf("Hash rate for %s: %4.2f million/second\n", title, rate)
- }
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- val bl = makeBinaryLists
- val is = makeIntSets
- val nt = makeNestedTuples
- // Uncomment the following for string stats if MurmurHash3 available
- val cs = makeCharStrings
- report("Java String hash for strings", { hashCharStrings(cs, defaultHashString); HashHist.resultAndReset })
- report("MurmurHash3 for strings", { hashCharStrings(cs, murmurHashString); HashHist.resultAndReset })
- HashHist.enabled = false
- reportSpeed(3, List(
- ("Java string hash", () => findSpeed[String](30, (x, y) => hashCharStrings(x, y), cs, defaultHashString)),
- ("MurmurHash3 string hash", () => findSpeed[String](30, (x, y) => hashCharStrings(x, y), cs, murmurHashString))))
- // reportSpeed("Java string hash",30,hashCharStrings.tupled,cs,defaultHashString)
- // reportSpeed("MurmurHash3 string hash",30,hashCharStrings.tupled,cs,murmurHashString)
- HashHist.enabled = true
- report("lists of binary int lists", { hashBinaryLists(bl, defaultHashList); HashHist.resultAndReset })
- report("small integer sets", { hashIntSets(is, defaultHashSets); HashHist.resultAndReset })
- report("small nested tuples", { hashNestedTuples(nt, defaultHashTuples); HashHist.resultAndReset })
- HashHist.enabled = false
- reportSpeed(3, List(
- ("lists of lists of binary ints", () => findSpeed(20, hashBinaryLists, bl, defaultHashList)),
- ("small integer sets", () => findSpeed(10, hashIntSets, is, defaultHashSets)),
- ("small nested tuples", () => findSpeed(5, hashNestedTuples, nt, defaultHashTuples))))
- }