path: root/test/files/jvm
diff options
authorEugene Burmako <>2012-04-22 18:49:09 +0200
committerEugene Burmako <>2012-04-23 17:55:26 +0200
commitf54e5c8bbdd719b5c9375c64c2f66b841984456e (patch)
tree975475778e6102c8f2dbbff0f25a2f114204cbbb /test/files/jvm
parent0f0144c74088e396fc1440166bed5a7c6d5f44f4 (diff)
resurrects manifests in their pre-2.10 glory
Diffstat (limited to 'test/files/jvm')
4 files changed, 1128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/manifests-old.check b/test/files/jvm/manifests-old.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54f504b929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/jvm/manifests-old.check
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+x=(), m=Unit
+x=true, m=Boolean
+x=a, m=Char
+x=1, m=Int
+x=abc, m=java.lang.String
+x='abc, m=scala.Symbol
+x=List(()), m=scala.collection.immutable.List[Unit]
+x=List(true), m=scala.collection.immutable.List[Boolean]
+x=List(1), m=scala.collection.immutable.List[Int]
+x=List(abc), m=scala.collection.immutable.List[java.lang.String]
+x=List('abc), m=scala.collection.immutable.List[scala.Symbol]
+x=[Z, m=Array[Boolean]
+x=[C, m=Array[Char]
+x=[I, m=Array[Int]
+x=[Ljava.lang.String;, m=Array[java.lang.String]
+x=[Lscala.Symbol;, m=Array[scala.Symbol]
+x=((),()), m=scala.Tuple2[Unit, Unit]
+x=(true,false), m=scala.Tuple2[Boolean, Boolean]
+x=(1,2), m=scala.Tuple2[Int, Int]
+x=(abc,xyz), m=scala.Tuple2[java.lang.String, java.lang.String]
+x=('abc,'xyz), m=scala.Tuple2[scala.Symbol, scala.Symbol]
+x=Foo, m=Foo[Int]
+x=Foo, m=Foo[scala.collection.immutable.List[Int]]
+x=Foo, m=Foo[Foo[Int]]
+x=Foo, m=Foo[scala.collection.immutable.List[Foo[Int]]]
+x=Test1$$anon$1, m=Object with Bar[java.lang.String]
+List(List(1), List(2))=List(List(1), List(2))
+Array(Array(1), Array(2))=Array(Array(1), Array(2))
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/manifests-old.scala b/test/files/jvm/manifests-old.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..241966fd9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/jvm/manifests-old.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+object Test extends App {
+ Test1
+ Test2
+class Foo[T](x: T)
+trait Bar[T] { def f: T }
+object Test1 extends TestUtil {
+ print(())
+ print(true)
+ print('a')
+ print(1)
+ print("abc")
+ print('abc)
+ println()
+ print(List(()))
+ print(List(true))
+ print(List(1))
+ print(List("abc"))
+ print(List('abc))
+ println()
+ //print(Array(())) //Illegal class name "[V" in class file Test$
+ print(Array(true))
+ print(Array('a'))
+ print(Array(1))
+ print(Array("abc"))
+ print(Array('abc))
+ println()
+ print(((), ()))
+ print((true, false))
+ print((1, 2))
+ print(("abc", "xyz"))
+ print(('abc, 'xyz))
+ println()
+ // Disabled: should these work? changing the inference for objects from
+ // "object Test" to "Test.type" drags in a singleton manifest which for
+ // some reason leads to serialization failure.
+ // print(Test)
+ // print(List)
+ println()
+ print(new Foo(2))
+ print(new Foo(List(2)))
+ print(new Foo(new Foo(2)))
+ print(new Foo(List(new Foo(2))))
+ println()
+ print(new Bar[String] { def f = "abc" })
+ println()
+object Test2 {
+ import scala.util.Marshal._
+ println("()="+load[Unit](dump(())))
+ println("true="+load[Boolean](dump(true)))
+ println("a="+load[Char](dump('a')))
+ println("1="+load[Int](dump(1)))
+ println("'abc="+load[Symbol](dump('abc)))
+ println()
+ println("List(())="+load[List[Unit]](dump(List(()))))
+ println("List(true)="+load[List[Boolean]](dump(List(true))))
+ println("List('abc)="+load[List[Symbol]](dump(List('abc))))
+ println()
+ def loadArray[T](x: Array[Byte])(implicit m: reflect.Manifest[Array[T]]) =
+ load[Array[T]](x)(m).deep.toString
+ println("Array()="+loadArray[Int](dump(Array(): Array[Int])))
+ println("Array(true)="+loadArray[Boolean](dump(Array(true))))
+ println("Array(a)="+loadArray[Char](dump(Array('a'))))
+ println("Array(1)="+loadArray[Int](dump(Array(1))))
+ println()
+ println("((),())="+load[(Unit, Unit)](dump(((), ()))))
+ println("(true,false)="+load[(Boolean, Boolean)](dump((true, false))))
+ println()
+ println("List(List(1), List(2))="+load[List[List[Int]]](dump(List(List(1), List(2)))))
+ println()
+ println("Array(Array(1), Array(2))="+loadArray[Array[Int]](dump(Array(Array(1), Array(2)))))
+ println()
+trait TestUtil {
+ import
+ def write[A](o: A): Array[Byte] = {
+ val ba = new ByteArrayOutputStream(512)
+ val out = new ObjectOutputStream(ba)
+ out.writeObject(o)
+ out.close()
+ ba.toByteArray()
+ }
+ def read[A](buffer: Array[Byte]): A = {
+ val in = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer))
+ in.readObject().asInstanceOf[A]
+ }
+ import scala.reflect._
+ def print[T](x: T)(implicit m: Manifest[T]) {
+ val m1: Manifest[T] = read(write(m))
+ val x1 = x.toString.replaceAll("@[0-9a-z]+$", "")
+ println("x="+x1+", m="+m1)
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/serialization.check b/test/files/jvm/serialization.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa51c6a879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/jvm/serialization.check
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+a1 = Array[1,2,3]
+_a1 = Array[1,2,3]
+arrayEquals(a1, _a1): true
+e1 = Left(1)
+_e1 = Left(1)
+e1 eq _e1: false, _e1 eq e1: false
+e1 equals _e1: true, _e1 equals e1: true
+x7 = RoundingMode
+y7 = RoundingMode
+x7 eq y7: true, y7 eq x7: true
+x7 equals y7: true, y7 equals x7: true
+x8 = WeekDay
+y8 = WeekDay
+x8 eq y8: true, y8 eq x8: true
+x8 equals y8: true, y8 equals x8: true
+x9 = UP
+y9 = UP
+x9 eq y9: true, y9 eq x9: true
+x9 equals y9: true, y9 equals x9: true
+x10 = Monday
+y10 = Monday
+x10 eq y10: true, y10 eq x10: true
+x10 equals y10: true, y10 equals x10: true
+x9 eq x10: false, x10 eq x9: false
+x9 equals x10: false, x10 equals x9: false
+x9 eq y10: false, y10 eq x9: false
+x9 equals y10: false, y10 equals x9: false
+f1 = <na>
+_f1 = <na>
+f1(2): 4, _f1(2): 4
+xs0 = List(1, 2, 3)
+_xs0 = List(1, 2, 3)
+xs0 eq _xs0: false, _xs0 eq xs0: false
+xs0 equals _xs0: true, _xs0 equals xs0: true
+xs1 = List()
+_xs1 = List()
+xs1 eq _xs1: true, _xs1 eq xs1: true
+o1 = None
+_o1 = None
+o1 eq _o1: true, _o1 eq o1: true
+o2 = Some(1)
+_o2 = Some(1)
+o2 eq _o2: false, _o2 eq o2: false
+o2 equals _o2: true, _o2 equals o2: true
+s1 = 'hello
+_s1 = 'hello
+s1 eq _s1: true, _s1 eq s1: true
+s1 equals _s1: true, _s1 equals s1: true
+t1 = (BannerLimit,12345)
+_t1 = (BannerLimit,12345)
+t1 eq _t1: false, _t1 eq t1: false
+t1 equals _t1: true, _t1 equals t1: true
+x = BitSet(1, 2)
+y = BitSet(1, 2)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = BitSet(2, 3)
+y = BitSet(2, 3)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Map(1 -> A, 2 -> B, 3 -> C)
+y = Map(1 -> A, 2 -> B, 3 -> C)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Set(1, 2)
+y = Set(1, 2)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = List((buffers,20), (layers,2), (title,3))
+y = List((buffers,20), (layers,2), (title,3))
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Map(buffers -> 20, layers -> 2, title -> 3)
+y = Map(buffers -> 20, layers -> 2, title -> 3)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ListSet(5, 3)
+y = ListSet(5, 3)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Queue(a, b, c)
+y = Queue(a, b, c)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Range(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
+y = Range(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = NumericRange(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
+y = NumericRange(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Map(1 -> A, 2 -> B, 3 -> C)
+y = Map(1 -> A, 2 -> B, 3 -> C)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = TreeSet(1, 2, 3)
+y = TreeSet(1, 2, 3)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Stack(c, b, a)
+y = Stack(c, b, a)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Stream(0, ?)
+y = Stream(0, ?)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Map(42 -> FortyTwo)
+y = Map(42 -> FortyTwo)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = TreeSet(0, 2)
+y = TreeSet(0, 2)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Vector('a, 'b, 'c)
+y = Vector('a, 'b, 'c)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ArrayBuffer(one, two)
+y = ArrayBuffer(one, two)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ArrayBuilder.ofLong
+y = ArrayBuilder.ofLong
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ArrayBuilder.ofFloat
+y = ArrayBuilder.ofFloat
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ArraySeq(1, 2, 3)
+y = ArraySeq(1, 2, 3)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ArrayStack(3, 2, 20)
+y = ArrayStack(3, 2, 20)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = BitSet(0, 8, 9)
+y = BitSet(0, 8, 9)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Map(A -> 1, C -> 3, B -> 2)
+y = Map(A -> 1, C -> 3, B -> 2)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Set(buffers, title, layers)
+y = Set(buffers, title, layers)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = History()
+y = History()
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ListBuffer(white, black)
+y = ListBuffer(white, black)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Queue(20, 2, 3)
+y = Queue(20, 2, 3)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Stack(3, 2, 20)
+y = Stack(3, 2, 20)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = abc
+y = abc
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = WrappedArray(1, 2, 3)
+y = WrappedArray(1, 2, 3)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = TreeSet(1, 2, 3)
+y = TreeSet(1, 2, 3)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = TrieMap(1 -> one, 2 -> two, 3 -> three)
+y = TrieMap(1 -> one, 2 -> two, 3 -> three)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = xml:src="hello"
+y = xml:src="hello"
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = <title></title>
+y = <title></title>
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = <html><title>title</title><body></body></html>
+y = <html><title>title</title><body></body></html>
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = <html>
+ <body>
+ <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Last Name</th>
+ <th>First Name</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> Tom </td>
+ <td> 20 </td>
+ </tr><tr>
+ <td> Bob </td>
+ <td> 22 </td>
+ </tr><tr>
+ <td> James </td>
+ <td> 19 </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </body>
+ </html>
+y = <html>
+ <body>
+ <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Last Name</th>
+ <th>First Name</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td> Tom </td>
+ <td> 20 </td>
+ </tr><tr>
+ <td> Bob </td>
+ <td> 22 </td>
+ </tr><tr>
+ <td> James </td>
+ <td> 19 </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </body>
+ </html>
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Tim
+y = Tim
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Bob
+y = Bob
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = John
+y = John
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Bill
+y = Bill
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = Paul
+y = Paul
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = UnrolledBuffer(one, two)
+y = UnrolledBuffer(one, two)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ParArray(abc, def, etc)
+y = ParArray(abc, def, etc)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ParHashMap(2 -> 4, 1 -> 2)
+y = ParHashMap(2 -> 4, 1 -> 2)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ParTrieMap(1 -> 2, 2 -> 4)
+y = ParTrieMap(1 -> 2, 2 -> 4)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ParHashSet(1, 2, 3)
+y = ParHashSet(1, 2, 3)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ParRange(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+y = ParRange(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ParRange(0, 1, 2, 3)
+y = ParRange(0, 1, 2, 3)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ParMap(5 -> 1, 10 -> 2)
+y = ParMap(5 -> 1, 10 -> 2)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
+x = ParSet(two, one)
+y = ParSet(two, one)
+x equals y: true, y equals x: true
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/serialization.scala b/test/files/jvm/serialization.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c2f2acdbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/jvm/serialization.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+// Serialization
+object Serialize {
+ @throws(classOf[])
+ def write[A](o: A): Array[Byte] = {
+ val ba = new
+ val out = new
+ out.writeObject(o)
+ out.close()
+ ba.toByteArray()
+ }
+ @throws(classOf[])
+ @throws(classOf[ClassNotFoundException])
+ def read[A](buffer: Array[Byte]): A = {
+ val in =
+ new
+ in.readObject().asInstanceOf[A]
+ }
+ def check[A, B](x: A, y: B) {
+ println("x = " + x)
+ println("y = " + y)
+ println("x equals y: " + (x equals y) + ", y equals x: " + (y equals x))
+ assert((x equals y) && (y equals x))
+ println()
+ }
+import Serialize._
+// Test classes in package "scala"
+object Test1_scala {
+ private def arrayToString[A](arr: Array[A]): String =
+ arr.mkString("Array[",",","]")
+ private def arrayEquals[A, B](a1: Array[A], a2: Array[B]): Boolean =
+ (a1.length == a2.length) &&
+ (Iterator.range(0, a1.length) forall { i => a1(i) == a2(i) })
+ object WeekDay extends Enumeration {
+ type WeekDay = Value
+ val Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thusday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday = Value
+ }
+ import WeekDay._, BigDecimal._, RoundingMode._
+ // in alphabetic order
+ try {
+ // Array
+ val a1 = Array(1, 2, 3)
+ val _a1: Array[Int] = read(write(a1))
+ println("a1 = " + arrayToString(a1))
+ println("_a1 = " + arrayToString(_a1))
+ println("arrayEquals(a1, _a1): " + arrayEquals(a1, _a1))
+ println()
+ // Either
+ val e1 = Left(1)
+ val _e1: Either[Int, String] = read(write(e1))
+ println("e1 = " + e1)
+ println("_e1 = " + _e1)
+ println("e1 eq _e1: " + (e1 eq _e1) + ", _e1 eq e1: " + (_e1 eq e1))
+ println("e1 equals _e1: " + (e1 equals _e1) + ", _e1 equals e1: " + (_e1 equals e1))
+ println()
+ // Enumeration
+ val x7 = BigDecimal.RoundingMode
+ val y7: RoundingMode.type = read(write(x7))
+ println("x7 = " + x7)
+ println("y7 = " + y7)
+ println("x7 eq y7: " + (x7 eq y7) + ", y7 eq x7: " + (y7 eq x7))
+ println("x7 equals y7: " + (x7 equals y7) + ", y7 equals x7: " + (y7 equals x7))
+ println()
+ val x8 = WeekDay
+ val y8: WeekDay.type = read(write(x8))
+ println("x8 = " + x8)
+ println("y8 = " + y8)
+ println("x8 eq y8: " + (x8 eq y8) + ", y8 eq x8: " + (y8 eq x8))
+ println("x8 equals y8: " + (x8 equals y8) + ", y8 equals x8: " + (y8 equals x8))
+ println()
+ val x9 = UP
+ val y9: RoundingMode = read(write(x9))
+ println("x9 = " + x9)
+ println("y9 = " + y9)
+ println("x9 eq y9: " + (x9 eq y9) + ", y9 eq x9: " + (y9 eq x9))
+ println("x9 equals y9: " + (x9 equals y9) + ", y9 equals x9: " + (y9 equals x9))
+ println()
+ val x10 = Monday
+ val y10: WeekDay = read(write(x10))
+ println("x10 = " + x10)
+ println("y10 = " + y10)
+ println("x10 eq y10: " + (x10 eq y10) + ", y10 eq x10: " + (y10 eq x10))
+ println("x10 equals y10: " + (x10 equals y10) + ", y10 equals x10: " + (y10 equals x10))
+ println()
+ println("x9 eq x10: " + (x9 eq x10) + ", x10 eq x9: " + (x10 eq x9))
+ println("x9 equals x10: " + (x9 equals x10) + ", x10 equals x9: " + (x10 equals x9))
+ println("x9 eq y10: " + (x9 eq y10) + ", y10 eq x9: " + (y10 eq x9))
+ println("x9 equals y10: " + (x9 equals y10) + ", y10 equals x9: " + (y10 equals x9))
+ println()
+ // Function
+ val f1 = { x: Int => 2 * x }
+ val _f1: Function[Int, Int] = read(write(f1))
+ println("f1 = <na>")
+ println("_f1 = <na>")
+ println("f1(2): " + f1(2) + ", _f1(2): " + _f1(2))
+ println()
+ // List
+ val xs0 = List(1, 2, 3)
+ val _xs0: List[Int] = read(write(xs0))
+ println("xs0 = " + xs0)
+ println("_xs0 = " + _xs0)
+ println("xs0 eq _xs0: " + (xs0 eq _xs0) + ", _xs0 eq xs0: " + (_xs0 eq xs0))
+ println("xs0 equals _xs0: " + (xs0 equals _xs0) + ", _xs0 equals xs0: " + (_xs0 equals xs0))
+ println()
+ val xs1 = Nil
+ val _xs1: List[Nothing] = read(write(xs1))
+ println("xs1 = " + xs1)
+ println("_xs1 = " + _xs1)
+ println("xs1 eq _xs1: " + (xs1 eq _xs1) + ", _xs1 eq xs1: " + (_xs1 eq xs1))
+ println()
+ // Option
+ val o1 = None
+ val _o1: Option[Nothing] = read(write(o1))
+ println("o1 = " + o1)
+ println("_o1 = " + _o1)
+ println("o1 eq _o1: " + (o1 eq _o1) + ", _o1 eq o1: " + (_o1 eq o1))
+ println()
+ val o2 = Some(1)
+ val _o2: Option[Int] = read(write(o2))
+ println("o2 = " + o2)
+ println("_o2 = " + _o2)
+ println("o2 eq _o2: " + (o2 eq _o2) + ", _o2 eq o2: " + (_o2 eq o2))
+ println("o2 equals _o2: " + (o2 equals _o2) + ", _o2 equals o2: " + (_o2 equals o2))
+ println()
+ // Responder
+ val r1 = Responder.constant("xyz")
+ val _r1: Responder[String] = read(write(r1))
+ check(r1, _r1)
+ // Symbol
+ val s1 = 'hello
+ val _s1: Symbol = read(write(s1))
+ println("s1 = " + s1)
+ println("_s1 = " + _s1)
+ println("s1 eq _s1: " + (s1 eq _s1) + ", _s1 eq s1: " + (_s1 eq s1))
+ println("s1 equals _s1: " + (s1 equals _s1) + ", _s1 equals s1: " + (_s1 equals s1))
+ println()
+ // Tuple
+ val t1 = ("BannerLimit", 12345)
+ val _t1: (String, Int) = read(write(t1))
+ println("t1 = " + t1)
+ println("_t1 = " + _t1)
+ println("t1 eq _t1: " + (t1 eq _t1) + ", _t1 eq t1: " + (_t1 eq t1))
+ println("t1 equals _t1: " + (t1 equals _t1) + ", _t1 equals t1: " + (_t1 equals t1))
+ println()
+ }
+ catch {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ println("Error in Test1_scala: " + e)
+ throw e
+ }
+// Test classes in package "scala.collection.immutable"
+object Test2_immutable {
+ import scala.collection.immutable.{
+ BitSet, HashMap, HashSet, ListMap, ListSet, Queue, Range, SortedMap,
+ SortedSet, Stack, Stream, TreeMap, TreeSet, Vector}
+ // in alphabetic order
+ try {
+ // BitSet
+ val bs1 = BitSet.empty + 1 + 2
+ val _bs1: BitSet = read(write(bs1))
+ check(bs1, _bs1)
+ val bs2 = {
+ val bs = new collection.mutable.BitSet()
+ bs += 2; bs += 3
+ bs.toImmutable
+ }
+ val _bs2: BitSet = read(write(bs2))
+ check(bs2, _bs2)
+ // HashMap
+ val hm1 = new HashMap[Int, String] + (1 -> "A", 2 -> "B", 3 -> "C")
+ val _hm1: HashMap[Int, String] = read(write(hm1))
+ check(hm1, _hm1)
+ // HashSet
+ val hs1 = new HashSet[Int] + 1 + 2
+ val _hs1: HashSet[Int] = read(write(hs1))
+ check(hs1, _hs1)
+ // List
+ val xs1 = List(("buffers", 20), ("layers", 2), ("title", 3))
+ val _xs1: List[(String, Int)] = read(write(xs1))
+ check(xs1, _xs1)
+ // ListMap
+ val lm1 = new ListMap[String, Int] + ("buffers" -> 20, "layers" -> 2, "title" -> 3)
+ val _lm1: ListMap[String, Int] = read(write(lm1))
+ check(lm1, _lm1)
+ // ListSet
+ val ls1 = new ListSet[Int] + 3 + 5
+ val _ls1: ListSet[Int] = read(write(ls1))
+ check(ls1, _ls1)
+ // Queue
+ val q1 = Queue("a", "b", "c")
+ val _q1: Queue[String] = read(write(q1))
+ check(q1, _q1)
+ // Range
+ val r1 = 0 until 10
+ val _r1: Range = read(write(r1))
+ check(r1, _r1)
+ val r2 = Range.Long(0L, 10L, 1)
+ val _r2: r2.type = read(write(r2))
+ check(r2, _r2)
+ // SortedMap
+ val sm1 = SortedMap.empty[Int, String] + (2 -> "B", 3 -> "C", 1 -> "A")
+ val _sm1: SortedMap[Int, String] = read(write(sm1))
+ check(sm1, _sm1)
+ // SortedSet
+ val ss1 = SortedSet.empty[Int] + 2 + 3 + 1
+ val _ss1: SortedSet[Int] = read(write(ss1))
+ check(ss1, _ss1)
+ // Stack
+ val s1 = new Stack().push("a", "b", "c")
+ val _s1: Stack[String] = read(write(s1))
+ check(s1, _s1)
+ // Stream
+ val st1 = Stream.range(0, 10)
+ val _st1: Stream[Int] = read(write(st1))
+ check(st1, _st1)
+ // TreeMap
+ val tm1 = new TreeMap[Int, String] + (42 -> "FortyTwo")
+ val _tm1: TreeMap[Int, String] = read(write(tm1))
+ check(tm1, _tm1)
+ // TreeSet
+ val ts1 = new TreeSet[Int]() + 2 + 0
+ val _ts1: TreeSet[Int] = read(write(ts1))
+ check(ts1, _ts1)
+ // Vector
+ val v1 = Vector('a, 'b, 'c)
+ val _v1: Vector[Symbol] = read(write(v1))
+ check(v1, _v1)
+ }
+ catch {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ println("Error in Test2_immutable: " + e)
+ throw e
+ }
+// Test classes in package "scala.collection.mutable"
+object Test3_mutable {
+ import scala.reflect.ClassManifest
+ import scala.collection.mutable.{
+ ArrayBuffer, ArrayBuilder, ArraySeq, ArrayStack, BitSet, DoubleLinkedList,
+ HashMap, HashSet, History, LinkedList, ListBuffer, Publisher, Queue,
+ Stack, StringBuilder, WrappedArray, TreeSet}
+ import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
+ // in alphabetic order
+ try {
+ // ArrayBuffer
+ val ab1 = new ArrayBuffer[String]
+ ab1 ++= List("one", "two")
+ val _ab1: ArrayBuffer[String] = read(write(ab1))
+ check(ab1, _ab1)
+ // ArrayBuilder
+ val abu1 = ArrayBuilder.make[Long]
+ val _abu1: ArrayBuilder[ClassManifest[Long]] = read(write(abu1))
+ check(abu1, _abu1)
+ val abu2 = ArrayBuilder.make[Float]
+ val _abu2: ArrayBuilder[ClassManifest[Float]] = read(write(abu2))
+ check(abu2, _abu2)
+ // ArraySeq
+ val aq1 = ArraySeq(1, 2, 3)
+ val _aq1: ArraySeq[Int] = read(write(aq1))
+ check(aq1, _aq1)
+ // ArrayStack
+ val as1 = new ArrayStack[Int]
+ as1 ++= List(20, 2, 3).iterator
+ val _as1: ArrayStack[Int] = read(write(as1))
+ check(as1, _as1)
+ // BitSet
+ val bs1 = new BitSet()
+ bs1 += 0
+ bs1 += 8
+ bs1 += 9
+ val _bs1: BitSet = read(write(bs1))
+ check(bs1, _bs1)
+ // DoubleLinkedList
+ val dl1 = new DoubleLinkedList[Int](2, null)
+ dl1.append(new DoubleLinkedList(3, null))
+ val _dl1: DoubleLinkedList[Int] = read(write(dl1))
+ check(dl1, _dl1)
+ // HashMap
+ val hm1 = new HashMap[String, Int]
+ hm1 ++= List(("A", 1), ("B", 2), ("C", 3)).iterator
+ val _hm1: HashMap[String, Int] = read(write(hm1))
+ check(hm1, _hm1)
+ // HashSet
+ val hs1 = new HashSet[String]
+ hs1 ++= List("layers", "buffers", "title").iterator
+ val _hs1: HashSet[String] = read(write(hs1))
+ check(hs1, _hs1)
+ val h1 = new History[String, Int]
+ val _h1: History[String, Int] = read(write(h1))
+ check(h1, _h1)
+ // LinkedList
+ val ll1 = new LinkedList[Int](2, null)
+ ll1.append(new LinkedList(3, null))
+ val _ll1: LinkedList[Int] = read(write(ll1))
+ check(ll1, _ll1)
+ // ListBuffer
+ val lb1 = new ListBuffer[String]
+ lb1 ++= List("white", "black")
+ val _lb1: ListBuffer[String] = read(write(lb1))
+ check(lb1, _lb1)
+ // Queue
+ val q1 = new Queue[Int]
+ q1 ++= List(20, 2, 3).iterator
+ val _q1: Queue[Int] = read(write(q1))
+ check(q1, _q1)
+ // Stack
+ val s1 = new Stack[Int]
+ s1 pushAll q1
+ val _s1: Stack[Int] = read(write(s1))
+ check(s1, _s1)
+ // StringBuilder
+ val sb1 = new StringBuilder
+ sb1 append "abc"
+ val _sb1: StringBuilder = read(write(sb1))
+ check(sb1, _sb1)
+ // WrappedArray
+ val wa1 = WrappedArray.make(Array(1, 2, 3))
+ val _wa1: WrappedArray[Int] = read(write(wa1))
+ check(wa1, _wa1)
+ // TreeSet
+ val ts1 = TreeSet[Int]() ++= Array(1, 2, 3)
+ val _ts1: TreeSet[Int] = read(write(ts1))
+ check(ts1, _ts1)
+ // concurrent.TrieMap
+ val ct1 = TrieMap[Int, String]() ++= Array(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two", 3 -> "three")
+ val _ct1: TrieMap[Int, String] = read(write(ct1))
+ check(ct1, _ct1)
+ }
+ catch {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ println("Error in Test3_mutable: " + e)
+ throw e
+ }
+// Test classes in package "scala.xml"
+object Test4_xml {
+ import scala.xml.{Attribute, Document, Elem, Null, PrefixedAttribute, Text}
+ case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
+ try {
+ // Attribute
+ val a1 = new PrefixedAttribute("xml", "src", Text("hello"), Null)
+ val _a1: Attribute = read(write(a1))
+ check(a1, _a1)
+ // Document
+ val d1 = new Document
+ d1.docElem = <title></title>
+ d1.encoding = Some("UTF-8")
+ val _d1: Document = read(write(d1))
+ check(d1, _d1)
+ // Elem
+ val e1 = <html><title>title</title><body></body></html>;
+ val _e1: Elem = read(write(e1))
+ check(e1, _e1)
+ class AddressBook(a: Person*) {
+ private val people: List[Person] = a.toList
+ def toXHTML =
+ <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Last Name</th>
+ <th>First Name</th>
+ </tr>
+ { for (p <- people) yield
+ <tr>
+ <td> { } </td>
+ <td> { p.age.toString() } </td>
+ </tr> }
+ </table>;
+ }
+ val people = new AddressBook(
+ Person("Tom", 20),
+ Person("Bob", 22),
+ Person("James", 19))
+ val e2 =
+ <html>
+ <body>
+ { people.toXHTML }
+ </body>
+ </html>;
+ val _e2: Elem = read(write(e2))
+ check(e2, _e2)
+ }
+ catch {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ println("Error in Test4_xml: " + e)
+ throw e
+ }
+// Test user-defined classes WITHOUT nesting
+class Person(_name: String) extends Serializable {
+ private var name = _name
+ override def toString() = name
+ override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
+ that.isInstanceOf[Person] &&
+ (name == that.asInstanceOf[Person].name)
+class Employee(_name: String) extends Serializable {
+ private var name = _name
+ override def toString() = name
+object bob extends Employee("Bob")
+object Test5 {
+ val x1 = new Person("Tim")
+ val x2 = bob
+ try {
+ val y1: Person = read(write(x1))
+ val y2: Employee = read(write(x2))
+ check(x1, y1)
+ check(x2, y2)
+ }
+ catch {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ println("Error in Test5: " + e)
+ }
+// Test user-defined classes WITH nesting
+object Test6 {
+ object bill extends Employee("Bill") {
+ val x = paul
+ }
+ object paul extends Person("Paul") {
+ val x = 4 // bill; => StackOverflowException !!!
+ }
+ val x1 = new Person("John")
+ val x2 = bill
+ val x3 = paul
+ try {
+ val y1: Person = read(write(x1))
+ val y2: Employee = read(write(x2))
+ val y3: Person = read(write(x3))
+ check(x1, y1)
+ check(x2, y2)
+ check(x3, y3)
+ }
+ catch {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ println("Error in Test6: " + e)
+ }
+// Nested objects cannot get readresolve automatically because after deserialization
+// they would be null (they are treated as lazy vals)
+class Outer extends Serializable {
+ object Inner extends Serializable
+object Test7 {
+ val x = new Outer
+ x.Inner // initialize
+ val y:Outer = read(write(x))
+ if (y.Inner == null)
+ println("Inner object is null")
+// Verify that transient lazy vals don't get serialized
+class WithTransient extends Serializable {
+ @transient lazy val a1 = 1
+ @transient private lazy val a2 = 2
+ @transient object B extends Serializable
+ @transient private object C extends Serializable
+ def test = {
+ println(a1)
+ println(a2)
+ if (B == null || C == null)
+ println("Transient nested object failed to serialize properly")
+ }
+object Test8 {
+ val x = new WithTransient
+ x.test
+ try {
+ val y:WithTransient = read(write(x))
+ y.test
+ }
+ catch {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ println("Error in Test8: " + e)
+ }
+// Test code
+object Test {
+ def main(args: Array[String]) {
+ Test1_scala
+ Test2_immutable
+ Test3_mutable
+ Test4_xml
+ Test5
+ Test6
+ Test7
+ Test8
+ Test9_parallel
+ }
+// Test classes in package "scala.collection.parallel" and subpackages
+object Test9_parallel {
+ import scala.collection.parallel._
+ try {
+ println()
+ // UnrolledBuffer
+ val ub = new collection.mutable.UnrolledBuffer[String]
+ ub ++= List("one", "two")
+ val _ub: collection.mutable.UnrolledBuffer[String] = read(write(ub))
+ check(ub, _ub)
+ // mutable.ParArray
+ val pa = mutable.ParArray("abc", "def", "etc")
+ val _pa: mutable.ParArray[String] = read(write(pa))
+ check(pa, _pa)
+ // mutable.ParHashMap
+ val mpm = mutable.ParHashMap(1 -> 2, 2 -> 4)
+ val _mpm: mutable.ParHashMap[Int, Int] = read(write(mpm))
+ check(mpm, _mpm)
+ // mutable.ParTrieMap
+ val mpc = mutable.ParTrieMap(1 -> 2, 2 -> 4)
+ val _mpc: mutable.ParTrieMap[Int, Int] = read(write(mpc))
+ check(mpc, _mpc)
+ // mutable.ParHashSet
+ val mps = mutable.ParHashSet(1, 2, 3)
+ val _mps: mutable.ParHashSet[Int] = read(write(mps))
+ check(mps, _mps)
+ // immutable.ParRange
+ val pr1 = immutable.ParRange(0, 4, 1, true)
+ val _pr1: immutable.ParRange = read(write(pr1))
+ check(pr1, _pr1)
+ val pr2 = immutable.ParRange(0, 4, 1, false)
+ val _pr2: immutable.ParRange = read(write(pr2))
+ check(pr2, _pr2)
+ // immutable.ParHashMap
+ val ipm = immutable.ParHashMap(5 -> 1, 10 -> 2)
+ val _ipm: immutable.ParHashMap[Int, Int] = read(write(ipm))
+ check(ipm, _ipm)
+ // immutable.ParHashSet
+ val ips = immutable.ParHashSet("one", "two")
+ val _ips: immutable.ParHashSet[String] = read(write(ips))
+ check(ips, _ips)
+ } catch {
+ case e: Exception =>
+ println("Error in Test5_parallel: " + e)
+ throw e
+ }