path: root/test/files/presentation/doc
diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2013-03-06 09:35:04 -0800
committerAdriaan Moors <>2013-03-09 11:59:12 -0800
commit2352814d4be064d67794899cf5494d3324a131ec (patch)
treef7638ccbd978d8b4ddc2611cd518304fea33c1dc /test/files/presentation/doc
parente01c7eff032150f8460a76700542c214847ba115 (diff)
Eliminated all forInteractive/forScaladoc uses.
This is the commit which brings it all together. The booleans forInteractive and forScaladoc are now deprecated and are not inspected for any purpose. All behavioral changes formerly accomplished via tests of those flags are embodied in the globals built specifically for those tasks.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/files/presentation/doc')
4 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/presentation/doc/doc.scala b/test/files/presentation/doc/doc.scala
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..7a2eb9a588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/presentation/doc/doc.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+object Test extends InteractiveTest {
+ val tags = Seq(
+ "@example `\"abb\".permutations = Iterator(abb, bab, bba)`",
+ "@version 1.0, 09/07/2012",
+ "@since 2.10",
+ "@todo this is unsafe!",
+ "@note Don't inherit!",
+ "@see something else"
+ )
+ val names = Seq("Class", "Def", "Val", "Var", "AbstracType", "TypeAlias", "Trait", "InnerClass")
+ val bareText =
+ """abstract class %s {
+ | def %s = ""
+ | val %s = ""
+ | var %s: String = _
+ | type %s
+ | type %s = String
+ | class %s
+ |}
+ |trait %s""".stripMargin.format(names: _*)
+ def docComment(nTags: Int) = "/**\n%s*/".format(tags.take(nTags).mkString("\n"))
+ def text(name: String, nTags: Int) = {
+ val nameIndex = bareText.indexOf(name)
+ val (pre, post) = bareText.splitAt(nameIndex)
+ val crIndex = pre.lastIndexOf("\n")
+ val (prepre, prepost) = pre.splitAt(crIndex)
+ prepre + docComment(nTags) + prepost + post
+ }
+ override lazy val compiler = {
+ prepareSettings(settings)
+ new Global(settings, compilerReporter) with MemberLookupBase with CommentFactoryBase with doc.ScaladocGlobalTrait {
+ outer =>
+ val global: this.type = this
+ override lazy val analyzer = new {
+ val global: outer.type = outer
+ } with doc.ScaladocAnalyzer with InteractiveAnalyzer {
+ override def newTyper(context: Context): InteractiveTyper with ScaladocTyper =
+ new Typer(context) with InteractiveTyper with ScaladocTyper
+ }
+ override lazy val loaders = new {
+ val global: outer.type = outer
+ }
+ def chooseLink(links: List[LinkTo]): LinkTo = links.head
+ def internalLink(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol) = None
+ def toString(link: LinkTo) = link.toString
+ def warnNoLink = false
+ def findExternalLink(sym: Symbol, name: String) = None
+ override def forScaladoc = true
+ def getComment(sym: Symbol, source: SourceFile, fragments: List[(Symbol,SourceFile)]): Option[Comment] = {
+ val docResponse = new Response[(String, String, Position)]
+ askDocComment(sym, source, sym.owner, fragments, docResponse)
+ docResponse.get.left.toOption flatMap {
+ case (expanded, raw, pos) =>
+ if (expanded.isEmpty)
+ None
+ else
+ Some(ask { () => parseAtSymbol(expanded, raw, pos, Some(sym.owner)) })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override def runDefaultTests() {
+ import compiler._
+ def findSource(name: String) = sourceFiles.find( == name).get
+ val className = names.head
+ for (name <- names;
+ i <- 1 to tags.length) {
+ val newText = text(name, i)
+ val source = findSource("Class.scala")
+ val batch = new BatchSourceFile(source.file, newText.toCharArray)
+ val reloadResponse = new Response[Unit]
+ compiler.askReload(List(batch), reloadResponse)
+ reloadResponse.get.left.toOption match {
+ case None =>
+ println("Couldn't reload")
+ case Some(_) =>
+ val parseResponse = new Response[Tree]
+ askParsedEntered(batch, true, parseResponse)
+ parseResponse.get.left.toOption match {
+ case None =>
+ println("Couldn't parse")
+ case Some(_) =>
+ val sym = compiler.ask { () =>
+ val toplevel =
+ if (toplevel eq NoSymbol) {
+ val clazz =
+ val term =
+ if (term eq NoSymbol) else
+ if (term.isAccessor) term.accessed else term
+ } else toplevel
+ }
+ getComment(sym, batch, (sym,batch)::Nil) match {
+ case None => println(s"Got no doc comment for $name")
+ case Some(comment) =>
+ import comment._
+ def cnt(bodies: Iterable[Body]) = bodies.size
+ val actual = cnt(example) + cnt(version) + cnt(since) + cnt(todo) + cnt(note) + cnt(see)
+ if (actual != i)
+ println(s"Got docComment with $actual tags instead of $i, file text:\n$newText")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check inter-classes documentation one-time retrieved ok.
+ val baseSource = findSource("Base.scala")
+ val derivedSource = findSource("Derived.scala")
+ def existsText(where: Any, text: String): Boolean = where match {
+ case `text` => true
+ case s: Seq[_] => s exists (existsText(_, text))
+ case p: Product => p.productIterator exists (existsText(_, text))
+ }
+ val (derived, base) = compiler.ask { () =>
+ val derived ="p")).info.decl(newTypeName("Derived"))
+ (derived, derived.ancestors(0))
+ }
+ val cmt1 = getComment(derived, derivedSource, (base, baseSource)::(derived, derivedSource)::Nil)
+ if (!existsText(cmt1, "Derived comment."))
+ println("Unexpected Derived class comment:"+cmt1)
+ val (fooDerived, fooBase) = compiler.ask { () =>
+ val decl = derived.tpe.decl(newTermName("foo"))
+ (decl, decl.allOverriddenSymbols(0))
+ }
+ val cmt2 = getComment(fooDerived, derivedSource, (fooBase, baseSource)::(fooDerived, derivedSource)::Nil)
+ if (!existsText(cmt2, "Base method has documentation."))
+ println("Unexpected foo method comment:"+cmt2)
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/presentation/doc/src/Class.scala b/test/files/presentation/doc/src/Class.scala
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a974bd6f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/presentation/doc/src/Class.scala
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+object Class \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/presentation/doc/src/p/Base.scala b/test/files/presentation/doc/src/p/Base.scala
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9031de3e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/presentation/doc/src/p/Base.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+package p
+ * @define BaseComment $BaseVar comment.
+ */
+trait Base {
+ /**
+ * Base method has documentation.
+ */
+ def foo: String
diff --git a/test/files/presentation/doc/src/p/Derived.scala b/test/files/presentation/doc/src/p/Derived.scala
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..1a9c9a26d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/presentation/doc/src/p/Derived.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package p
+ * $BaseComment
+ * @define BaseVar Derived
+ */
+class Derived extends Base {
+ def foo = ""