path: root/test/files/run/various-flat-classpath-types.scala
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authormpociecha <>2014-11-30 22:59:04 +0100
committermpociecha <>2014-12-05 01:16:28 +0100
commit04620a0e2a0cf64f2d33e32007d85afabad5e201 (patch)
tree3c417f0d96a866b20299252572712319e371ef74 /test/files/run/various-flat-classpath-types.scala
parent3f94c77a8c257db23fc1be3203946a1b865104ed (diff)
Integrate flat classpath with the compiler
This commit integrates with the compiler the whole flat classpath representation build next to the recursive one as an alternative. From now flat classpath really works and can be turned on. There's added flag -YclasspathImpl with two options: recursive (the default one) and flat. It was needed to make the dynamic dispatch to the particular classpath representation according to the chosen type of a classpath representation. There's added PathResolverFactory which is used instead of a concrete implementation of a path resolver. It turned out that only a small subset of path resolvers methods is used outside this class in Scala sources. Therefore, PathResolverFactory returns an instance of a base interface PathResolverResult providing only these used methods. PathResolverFactory in combination with matches in some other places ensures that in all places using classpath we create/get the proper representation. Also the classPath method in Global is modified to use the dynamic dispatch. This is very important change as a return type changed to the base ClassFileLookup providing subset of old ClassPath public methods. It can be problematic if someone was using in his project the explicit ClassPath type or public methods which are not provided via ClassFileLookup. I tested flat classpath with sbt and Scala IDE and there were no problems. Also was looking at sources of some other projects like e.g. Scala plugin for IntelliJ and there shouldn't be problems, I think, but it would be better to check these changes using the community build. Scalap's Main.scala is changed to be able to use both implementations and also to use flags related to the classpath implementation. The classpath invalidation is modified to work properly with the old (recursive) classpath representation after changes made in a Global. In the case of the attempt to use the invalidation for the flat cp it just throws exception with a message that the flat one currently doesn't support the invalidation. And also that's why the partest's test for the invalidation has been changed to use (always) the old implementation. There's added an adequate comment with TODO to this file. There's added partest test generating various dependencies (directories, zips and jars with sources and class files) and testing whether the compilation and further running an application works correctly, when there are these various types of entries specified as -classpath and -sourcepath. It should be a good approximation of real use cases.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/files/run/various-flat-classpath-types.scala')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/run/various-flat-classpath-types.scala b/test/files/run/various-flat-classpath-types.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d39019e885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/various-flat-classpath-types.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+import{File => JFile, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream}
+import{ZipEntry, ZipOutputStream}
+import{Directory, File}
+ * Generates directories, jars and zip files containing sources and classes
+ * (the result of a compilation which is executed here)
+ * and use them as a class- and sourcepath during compilation and running
+ * created application. At the end everything is cleaned up.
+ *
+ * It can test also current, recursive classpath. Just right now we force
+ * flat classpath to test it also when the recursive one would be set as a default.
+ */
+object Test {
+ private implicit class JFileOps(file: JFile) {
+ def createDir(newDirName: String) = {
+ val newDir = new JFile(file, newDirName)
+ newDir.mkdir()
+ newDir
+ }
+ def createSrcFile(newFileName: String) = createFile(newFileName + ".scala")
+ def createFile(fullFileName: String) = {
+ val newFile = new JFile(file, fullFileName)
+ newFile.createNewFile()
+ newFile
+ }
+ def writeAll(text: String): Unit = File(file) writeAll text
+ def moveContentToZip(zipName: String): Unit = {
+ val newZip = zipsDir createFile s"$"
+ val outputStream = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(newZip))
+ def addFileToZip(dirPrefix: String = "")(fileToAdd: JFile): Unit =
+ if (fileToAdd.isDirectory) {
+ val dirEntryName = fileToAdd.getName + "/"
+ outputStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(dirEntryName))
+ fileToAdd.listFiles() foreach addFileToZip(dirEntryName)
+ } else {
+ val inputStream = new FileInputStream(fileToAdd)
+ outputStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(dirPrefix + fileToAdd.getName))
+ val buffer = new Array[Byte](1024)
+ var count =
+ while (count > 0) {
+ outputStream.write(buffer, 0, count)
+ count =
+ }
+ inputStream.close()
+ }
+ file.listFiles() foreach addFileToZip()
+ outputStream.close()
+ cleanDir(file)
+ }
+ def moveContentToJar(jarName: String): Unit = {
+ val newJar = jarsDir createFile s"$jarName.jar"
+ Jar.create(file = File(newJar), sourceDir = Directory(file), mainClass = "won't be used")
+ cleanDir(file)
+ }
+ def path: String = file.getAbsolutePath
+ }
+ private case class DirRep(name: String, nestedDirs: Seq[DirRep] = Nil, sourceFiles: Seq[String] = Nil)
+ private val compiler = new
+ private val appRunner = new
+ private val classPathImplFlag = "-YclasspathImpl:flat"
+ private val javaClassPath = sys.props("java.class.path")
+ // creates a test dir in a temporary dir containing compiled files of this test
+ // root dir will be automatically deleted after the end of test
+ private val rootDir = new JFile(sys.props("partest.output"))
+ private val testDir = rootDir createDir s"cp-tests-${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
+ private val jarsDir = testDir createDir "jars"
+ private val zipsDir = testDir createDir "zips"
+ private val srcDir = testDir createDir "src"
+ private val binDir = testDir createDir "bin"
+ private val outDir = testDir createDir "out"
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ createClassesZipInZipsDir()
+ createClassesJarInJarsDir()
+ createClassesInBinDir()
+ createSourcesZipInZipsDir()
+ createSourcesJarInJarsDir()
+ createSourcesInSrcDir()
+ compileFinalApp()
+ runApp()
+ // at the end all created files will be deleted automatically
+ }
+ private def createClassesZipInZipsDir(): Unit = {
+ val baseFileName = "ZipBin"
+ createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName)
+ compileSrc(baseFileName)
+ outDir moveContentToZip "Bin"
+ cleanDir(srcDir)
+ }
+ private def createClassesJarInJarsDir(): Unit = {
+ val baseFileName = "JarBin"
+ createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName)
+ compileSrc(baseFileName)
+ outDir moveContentToJar "Bin"
+ cleanDir(srcDir)
+ }
+ private def createClassesInBinDir(): Unit = {
+ val baseFileName = "DirBin"
+ createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName)
+ compileSrc(baseFileName, destination = binDir)
+ cleanDir(srcDir)
+ }
+ private def createSourcesZipInZipsDir(): Unit = {
+ createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName = "ZipSrc")
+ srcDir moveContentToZip "Src"
+ }
+ private def createSourcesJarInJarsDir(): Unit = {
+ createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName = "JarSrc")
+ srcDir moveContentToJar "Src"
+ }
+ private def createSourcesInSrcDir(): Unit = {
+ createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName = "DirSrc")
+ val appFile = srcDir createSrcFile "Main"
+ appFile writeAll s"""import nested._
+ | object Main extends App {
+ | println(new ZipBin)
+ | println(new JarBin)
+ | println(new DirBin)
+ | println(new ZipSrc)
+ | println(new JarSrc)
+ | println(new DirSrc)
+ |
+ | println(new NestedZipBin)
+ | println(new NestedJarBin)
+ | println(new NestedDirBin)
+ | println(new NestedZipSrc)
+ | println(new NestedJarSrc)
+ | println(new NestedDirSrc)
+ | }
+ """.stripMargin
+ }
+ private def compileFinalApp(): Unit = {
+ val classPath = mkPath(javaClassPath, binDir.path, zipsDir.path + "/", jarsDir.path + "/Bin.jar")
+ val sourcePath = mkPath(srcDir.path, zipsDir.path + "/", jarsDir.path + "/Src.jar")
+ compiler.process(Array(classPathImplFlag, "-cp", classPath, "-sourcepath", sourcePath,
+ "-d", outDir.path, s"${srcDir.path}/Main.scala"))
+ }
+ private def runApp(): Unit = {
+ val classPath = mkPath(javaClassPath, outDir.path, binDir.path, zipsDir.path + "/", jarsDir.path + "/Bin.jar")
+ appRunner.process(Array(classPathImplFlag, "-cp", classPath, "Main"))
+ }
+ private def createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName: String): Unit =
+ createSources(RootPackage, srcDir,
+ DirRep("",
+ nestedDirs = Seq(DirRep("nested", sourceFiles = Seq("Nested" + baseFileName))),
+ sourceFiles = Seq(baseFileName)
+ )
+ )
+ private def createSources(pkg: String, dirFile: JFile, dirRep: DirRep): Unit = {
+ dirRep.nestedDirs foreach { rep =>
+ val nestedDir = dirFile createDir
+ val nestedPkg = PackageNameUtils.packagePrefix(pkg) +
+ createSources(nestedPkg, nestedDir, rep)
+ }
+ val pkgHeader = if (pkg == RootPackage) "" else s"package $pkg\n\n"
+ dirRep.sourceFiles foreach { srcName =>
+ val text = s"""${pkgHeader}case class $srcName(x: String = "")"""
+ val srcFile = dirFile createSrcFile srcName
+ srcFile writeAll text
+ }
+ }
+ private def compileSrc(baseFileName: String, destination: JFile = outDir): Unit = {
+ val srcDirPath = srcDir.path
+ compiler.process(Array(classPathImplFlag, "-cp", javaClassPath, "-d", destination.path,
+ s"$srcDirPath/$baseFileName.scala", s"$srcDirPath/nested/Nested$baseFileName.scala"))
+ }
+ private def cleanDir(dir: JFile): Unit =
+ dir.listFiles().foreach { file =>
+ if (file.isDirectory) cleanDir(file)
+ file.delete()
+ }
+ private def mkPath(pathEntries: String*) = pathEntries.mkString(File.pathSeparator)