path: root/test/files/run
diff options
authorLukas Rytz <>2009-05-30 07:36:31 +0000
committerLukas Rytz <>2009-05-30 07:36:31 +0000
commit390ccacfe0caa4c07af6193dec3e172c0fcd7896 (patch)
tree001ff4a00bd9d8cab651d9bf245bfc795748d829 /test/files/run
parent661f1ba10e5062fd987c4cafe43ad1f0dc3f5491 (diff)
Named and default arguments
- MethodTypes now have (params: List[Symbol]) - "copy"-methods for case classes - the "copy" object in the compiler is now called "treeCopy"
Diffstat (limited to 'test/files/run')
5 files changed, 315 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/run/constrained-types.check b/test/files/run/constrained-types.check
index 6ab12ad34c..f18ff6e3c9 100644
--- a/test/files/run/constrained-types.check
+++ b/test/files/run/constrained-types.check
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def n(y: String) = {
} // x should be existentially bound
-n: (String)java.lang.String @Annot(x) forSome { val x: String }
+n: (y: String)java.lang.String @Annot(x) forSome { val x: String }
class rep extends Annotation
diff --git a/test/files/run/names-defaults.check b/test/files/run/names-defaults.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eea0bdc51a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/names-defaults.check
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+1: @
+get: $
+get: 2
+2: $
+get: 3
+get: **
+3: **
+get: 110
+get: 11
+get: \
+get: 2.399
+11: \, 110, 2.399
+get: 14
+get: 3920
+get: }
+get: [
+14: [, 3920, }
+get: 4
+get: @
+4: @
+get: 8
+get: 9
+get: %
+get: 5
+5: %, 17
+12: ', 13, 16
+6: ~
+get: 7
+get: +
+7: +
+get: +
+get: 8
+8: +
+9: ?
+get: 39
+get: 38
+get: |
+10: |, 77
+get: 2.233
+get: <
+get: 13
+get: x
+13: x, 2.233, <
+14: /
+100: 100: nix, nix, 982, 982, 0
+100: overridden, bla, 0, 0, 555
+100: overridden, , 93.3, 93.3, -1
+2, List(4, 4, 4)
+2, List()
+get: 11
+get: 1
+get: 2
+get: 2
diff --git a/test/files/run/names-defaults.scala b/test/files/run/names-defaults.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01eebd42f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/names-defaults.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+object Test extends Application {
+ def get[T](x: T) = { println("get: "+ x); x }
+ // TESTS
+ // re-order using names, call-site evaluation order
+ test1(1, "@")
+ test1(b = get("$"), a = get(2))
+ test1(a = get(3), b = get("**")) // should not transform into a block. how to test?
+ test3(b = get(110), a = get(11))(c = get("\\"), d = get(2.399))
+ test3(get(14), get(3920))(d = get("}"), c = get("["))
+ // mixing named and positional
+ test1(get(4), b = get("@"))
+ test2(get(8), v = get(9))(get("%"), l = get(5))
+ test3(12, 13)("'", d = 16)
+ // anonymous functions
+ val f1: (Int, String) => Unit = test1(_, _); f1(6, "~")
+ val f2: Int => Unit = test1(a = _, b = get("+")); f2(get(7))
+ val f3 = test1(b = _: String, a = get(8)); f3(get("+"))
+ val f4: (Int, String) => Unit = test1(_, b = _); f4(9, "?")
+ val f5: Int => (String, Int) => Unit = test2(v = get(38), u = _)_
+ f5(get(39))(get("|"), 10)
+ val f6: (Double, String) => Unit = test3(get(13), _)(d = _, c = get("x"))
+ f6(get(2.233), get("<"))
+ test4(14)
+ // defaults: subclass overrides, adds and inherits default
+ val b = new Base
+ b.test1(b = "nix")(982)(f = 0)
+ val s = new Sub1
+ s.test1(a = new { override def toString = "bla" })(m = 0)()
+ // defaults are chosen dynamically
+ val b2: Base = new Sub1
+ b2.test1(b = "")(c = 93.3)(f = -1)
+ // overloading resolution
+ object t1 {
+ def f(a: Int, b: String) = "first"
+ def f(b: String, a: Int) = "second"
+ }
+ println(t1.f(1, "2")) // first
+ object t2 {
+ def f(a: Int, b: Double, c: Object) = "first"
+ def f(a: Int, b: Double, c: String) = "second"
+ }
+ println(t2.f(1, c = new Base(), b = 2.2)) // first
+ println(t2.f(28, b = 3.89, c = "ldksfj")) // second
+ object t3 {
+ def f(a1: Int) = "first"
+ def f(a2: Int)(b: Int) = "second"
+ }
+ println(t3.f(a1 = 10)) // first
+ println(t3.f(a2 = 20)(1)) // second
+ object t4 {
+ def f(a: Int, b: String = "foo") = "first"
+ def f(a: Int) = "second"
+ }
+ println(t4.f(109)) // second
+ println(t4.f(a = 20)) // second
+ object t5 {
+ def f(a: Object) = "first"
+ val f: String => String = a => "second"
+ }
+ println(t5.f(new Sub1())) // firsst
+ println(t5.f("dfklj")) // second
+ object t6 {
+ def f(a: String = "sdf", b: Int) = "f"
+ def f(a: Int, b: Int) = "s"
+ }
+ println(t6.f(b = 289)) // f
+ object t7 {
+ def f(a: Int, b: String*) = "first"
+ def f(a: Int) = "second"
+ def g(a: Sub1, b: Int*) = "third"
+ def g(a: Base) = "fourth"
+ def h(a: Base, b: Int*) = "fifth"
+ def h(a: Sub1) = "sixth"
+ }
+ println(t7.f(1)) // second
+ println(t7.f(a = 19)) // second
+ println(t7.f(b = "sl19", a = 28)) // first
+ println(t7.g(new Sub1(), 1, 2)) // third
+ println(t7.g(new Base())) // fourth
+ println(t7.h(new Base())) // fifth
+ println(t7.h(new Sub1())) // sixth
+ object t9 {
+ def f(a: String, b: Int = 11) = "first"
+ def f(a: Double) = "second"
+ }
+ println(t9.f("bla")) // first
+ // vararg
+ def test5(a: Int, b: Int)(c: Int, d: String*) = a +", "+ d.toList
+ println(test5(b = 1, a = 2)(3, "4", "4", "4"))
+ println(test5(b = 1, a = 2)(c = 29))
+ // tuple conversion
+ def foo(a: Int, b: Int)(c: (Int, String)) = a + c._1
+ println(foo(b = 1, a = 2)(3, "4"))
+ // by-name parameters
+ def bn1(a: Int, b: => Int) = a
+ println(bn1(b = get(10), a = get(11))) // should not see get(10)
+ def bn2(a: Int, b: => Int)(c: Int = b) = a + b
+ println(bn2(b = get(2), a = get(1))()) // should get: 1, 2, 2
+ // constructors
+ val a1 = new A(b = "dlkfj")(d = 102)
+ println(a1.print)
+ val a2 = new A[String, Nothing](2, "dkflj")(d = 2, c = "lskf")
+ println(a2.print)
+ val b1 = new B("dklfj")(e = "nixda")
+ println(b1.printB)
+ val c1 = new C(a = "dlkf", c = new { override def toString() = "struct" })(e = "???")
+ println(c1.print)
+ val c2 = C("dflkj", c = Some(209): Option[Int])(None, "!!")
+ println(c2.print)
+ val a_f: String => A[String, Nothing] = new A[String, Nothing](b = _)(d = 100)
+ println(a_f("20").print)
+ val c_f: Int => C[Int] = C("dlfkj", c = 10, b = _)(35, e = "dlkf")
+ println(c_f(11).print)
+ // "super" qualifier
+ val b10 = new B1
+ println(
+ // defaults in traits / abstract classes
+ val mn = new MN
+ println(
+ println(
+ // anonymous class
+ println((new M { def foo[T >: String](x: Int, y: T)(z: String = "2") = z ; def bar(x: Int, y: Double) = x }).foo()())
+ // copy method for case classes
+ val fact = Factory(y = "blabla")()
+ println(fact)
+ println(fact.copy(x = -1)("dldl"))
+ println(Fact2()("jyp"))
+ println(Fact2(x = 1)())
+ println(Fact2(10)().copy(y = "blabla")())
+ def test1(a: Int, b: String) = println(a +": "+ b)
+ def test2(u: Int, v: Int)(k: String, l: Int) = println(l +": "+ k +", "+ (u + v))
+ def test3[T1, T2](a: Int, b: T1)(c: String, d: T2) = println(a +": "+ c +", "+ b +", "+ d)
+ def test4(a: Int) = {
+ def inner(b: Int = a, c: String) = println(b +": "+ c)
+ inner(c = "/")
+ }
+class Base {
+ def test1[T1, T2](a: Int = 100, b: T1)(c: T2, d: String = a +": "+ b)(e: T2 = c, f: Int) =
+ println(a +": "+ d +", "+ b +", "+ c +", "+ e +", "+ f)
+class Sub1 extends Base {
+ override def test1[U1, U2](b: Int, a: U1)(m: U2, r: String = "overridden")(o: U2, f: Int = 555) =
+ println(b +": "+ r +", "+ a +", "+ m +", "+ o +", "+ f)
+class A[T <: String, U](a: Int = 0, b: T)(c: String = b, d: Int) { def print = c + a + b + d }
+class B[T](a: T, b: Int = 1)(c: T = a, e: String = "dklsf") extends A(5, e)("dlkd", 10) { def printB = super.print + e + a + b + c }
+case class C[U](a: String, b: Int = 234, c: U)(d: U = c, e: String = "dlkfj") { def print = toString + d + e }
+class A1 {
+ def foo(a: Int = 10, b: String) = b + a
+class B1 extends A1 {
+ def bar(a: String = "dflk") = = a)
+trait N {
+ def foo[T >: String](x: Int = -1, y: T = "jupee")(z: String): String
+abstract class M extends N {
+ def foo[T >: String](x: Int, y: T)(z: String = "1"): String
+ def bar(n: Int, m: Double = 1.239): Double
+class MN extends M {
+ def foo[T >: String](x: Int, y: T)(z: String) = z + x + y
+ def bar(n: Int, m: Double) = n*m
+case class Factory(x: Int = 1, y: String)(z: String = y)
+case class Fact2[T, +U](x: T = "ju", y: U = 1)(z: T = 2)
diff --git a/test/files/run/t1500.check b/test/files/run/t1500.check
index b4e94e95ee..1032649f20 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t1500.check
+++ b/test/files/run/t1500.check
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
defined class posingAs
-resolve: [A,B](A @posingAs[B])B
+resolve: [A,B](x: A @posingAs[B])B
x: Any = 7
diff --git a/test/files/run/t1501.check b/test/files/run/t1501.check
index 7ec1495292..f0fa9112a5 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t1501.check
+++ b/test/files/run/t1501.check
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
defined class xyz
-loopWhile: [T](=> Boolean)(=> Unit @xyz[T])Unit @xyz[T]
+loopWhile: [T](cond: => Boolean)(body: => Unit @xyz[T])Unit @xyz[T]
test: ()Unit @xyz[Int]