path: root/test/files/scalacheck/process.scala
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authorPaul Phillips <>2011-01-12 02:49:08 +0000
committerPaul Phillips <>2011-01-12 02:49:08 +0000
commit5bada810b4c7eda186aa40b94a78326520b3fa92 (patch)
treeeee2227bf7f53a6b04e9732d887961b403975ab5 /test/files/scalacheck/process.scala
parent566fefb05abe31e90f765d1fb0a89b264302d9ce (diff)
Imported sbt.Process into trunk, in the guise o...
Imported sbt.Process into trunk, in the guise of package scala.sys.process. It is largely indistinguishable from the version in sbt, at least from the outside. Also, I renamed package system to sys. I wanted to do that from the beginning and the desire has only grown since then. Sometimes a short identifier is just critical to usability: with a function like error("") called from hundreds of places, the difference between system.error and sys.error is too big. sys.error and sys.exit have good vibes (at least as good as the vibes can be for functions which error and exit.) Note: this is just the first cut. I need to check this in to finish fixing partest. I will be going over it with a comb and writing documentation which will leave you enchanted, as well as removing other bits which are now redundant or inferior. No review.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/files/scalacheck/process.scala')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/process.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/process.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e06c4669e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/process.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+/** process tests.
+ */
+import{ File, FileNotFoundException, IOException, InputStream, OutputStream, FileInputStream }
+import{ URI, URISyntaxException, URL }
+import org.scalacheck._
+import Prop._
+import sys.process._
+import{ File => SFile }
+/** This has scrounged bits of sbt to flesh it out enough to run.
+ */
+package processtest {
+ object exit
+ {
+ def fn(code: Int) = System.exit(code)
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = exit.fn(java.lang.Integer.parseInt(args(0)))
+ }
+ object cat
+ {
+ def main(args: Array[String])
+ {
+ try {
+ if (args.length == 0)
+ IO.transfer(, System.out)
+ else
+ catFiles(args.toList)
+ exit.fn(0)
+ } catch {
+ case e =>
+ e.printStackTrace()
+ System.err.println("Error: " + e.toString)
+ exit.fn(1)
+ }
+ }
+ private def catFiles(filenames: List[String]): Option[String] = filenames match {
+ case head :: tail =>
+ val file = new File(head)
+ if (file.isDirectory)
+ throw new IOException("Is directory: " + file)
+ else if (file.exists) {
+ IO.transfer(file, System.out)
+ catFiles(tail)
+ }
+ else
+ throw new FileNotFoundException("No such file or directory: " + file)
+ case Nil => None
+ }
+ }
+ object echo
+ {
+ def main(args: Array[String])
+ {
+ System.out.println(args.mkString(" "))
+ }
+ }
+object IO {
+ def transfer(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream): Unit = BasicIO.transferFully(in, out)
+ def transfer(in: File, out: OutputStream): Unit = BasicIO.transferFully(new FileInputStream(in), out)
+ def classLocation(cl: Class[_]): URL = {
+ val codeSource = cl.getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource
+ if(codeSource == null) sys.error("No class location for " + cl)
+ else codeSource.getLocation
+ }
+ def classLocationFile(cl: Class[_]): File = toFile(classLocation(cl))
+ def classLocation[T](implicit mf: Manifest[T]): URL = classLocation(mf.erasure)
+ def classLocationFile[T](implicit mf: Manifest[T]): File = classLocationFile(mf.erasure)
+ def toFile(url: URL) =
+ try { new File(url.toURI) }
+ catch { case _: URISyntaxException => new File(url.getPath) }
+class ProcessSpecification extends Properties("Process I/O") {
+ implicit val exitCodeArb: Arbitrary[Array[Byte]] = Arbitrary(Gen.choose(0, 10) flatMap { size =>
+ Gen.resize(size, Arbitrary.arbArray[Byte].arbitrary)
+ })
+ /*property("Correct exit code") = forAll( (exitCode: Byte) => checkExit(exitCode))
+ property("#&& correct") = forAll( (exitCodes: Array[Byte]) => checkBinary(exitCodes)(_ #&& _)(_ && _))
+ property("#|| correct") = forAll( (exitCodes: Array[Byte]) => checkBinary(exitCodes)(_ #|| _)(_ || _))
+ property("### correct") = forAll( (exitCodes: Array[Byte]) => checkBinary(exitCodes)(_ ### _)( (x,latest) => latest))*/
+ property("Pipe to output file") = forAll( (data: Array[Byte]) => checkFileOut(data))
+ property("Pipe to input file") = forAll( (data: Array[Byte]) => checkFileIn(data))
+ property("Pipe to process") = forAll( (data: Array[Byte]) => checkPipe(data))
+ private def checkBinary(codes: Array[Byte])(reduceProcesses: (ProcessBuilder, ProcessBuilder) => ProcessBuilder)(reduceExit: (Boolean, Boolean) => Boolean) =
+ {
+ (codes.length > 1) ==>
+ {
+ val unsignedCodes =
+ val exitCode = => Process(process("processtest.exit " + code))).reduceLeft(reduceProcesses) !
+ val expectedExitCode =
+ toBoolean(exitCode) == expectedExitCode
+ }
+ }
+ private def toBoolean(exitCode: Int) = exitCode == 0
+ private def checkExit(code: Byte) =
+ {
+ val exitCode = unsigned(code)
+ (process("processtest.exit " + exitCode) !) == exitCode
+ }
+ private def checkFileOut(data: Array[Byte]) =
+ {
+ withData(data) { (temporaryFile, temporaryFile2) =>
+ val catCommand = process(" " + temporaryFile.getAbsolutePath)
+ catCommand #> temporaryFile2
+ }
+ }
+ private def checkFileIn(data: Array[Byte]) =
+ {
+ withData(data) { (temporaryFile, temporaryFile2) =>
+ val catCommand = process("")
+ temporaryFile #> catCommand #> temporaryFile2
+ }
+ }
+ private def checkPipe(data: Array[Byte]) =
+ {
+ withData(data) { (temporaryFile, temporaryFile2) =>
+ val catCommand = process("")
+ temporaryFile #> catCommand #| catCommand #> temporaryFile2
+ }
+ }
+ private def temp() = SFile(File.createTempFile("processtest", ""))
+ private def withData(data: Array[Byte])(f: (File, File) => ProcessBuilder) =
+ {
+ val temporaryFile1 = temp()
+ val temporaryFile2 = temp()
+ try {
+ temporaryFile1 writeBytes data
+ val process = f(temporaryFile1.jfile, temporaryFile2.jfile)
+ ( process ! ) == 0 &&
+ {
+ val b1 = temporaryFile1.slurp()
+ val b2 = temporaryFile2.slurp()
+ b1 == b2
+ }
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ temporaryFile1.delete()
+ temporaryFile2.delete()
+ }
+ }
+ private def unsigned(b: Byte): Int = ((b: Int) +256) % 256
+ private def process(command: String) = {
+ val thisClasspath = List(getSource[ScalaObject], getSource[IO.type], getSource[SourceTag]).mkString(File.pathSeparator)
+ "java -cp " + thisClasspath + " " + command
+ }
+ private def getSource[T : Manifest]: String =
+ IO.classLocationFile[T].getAbsolutePath
+private trait SourceTag
+object Test extends ProcessSpecification { }