path: root/test/junit/scala/lang
diff options
authorLukas Rytz <>2016-05-20 15:19:50 +0200
committerLukas Rytz <>2016-05-20 16:44:34 +0200
commit2537027195fd1702bbd12ba8e9d6cb3262b03482 (patch)
treee3e9c6ae78cc676da66f1e8fc12a30c618cb5179 /test/junit/scala/lang
parent46d523b47ad835e4124a7d3e1f03f103917fe89d (diff)
Split RunTest and BytecodeTest into parts, put in matching packages.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/junit/scala/lang')
7 files changed, 934 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/lang/annotations/BytecodeTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/lang/annotations/BytecodeTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09fc1d3572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/lang/annotations/BytecodeTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+package scala.lang.annotations
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+class BytecodeTest extends BytecodeTesting {
+ import compiler._
+ @Test
+ def t8731(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """class C {
+ | def f(x: Int) = (x: @annotation.switch) match {
+ | case 1 => 0
+ | case 2 => 1
+ | case 3 => 2
+ | }
+ | final val K = 10
+ | def g(x: Int) = (x: @annotation.switch) match {
+ | case K => 0
+ | case 1 => 10
+ | case 2 => 20
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val c = compileClass(code)
+ assertTrue(getInstructions(c, "f").count(_.isInstanceOf[TableSwitch]) == 1)
+ assertTrue(getInstructions(c, "g").count(_.isInstanceOf[LookupSwitch]) == 1)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t8926(): Unit = {
+ import scala.reflect.internal.util.BatchSourceFile
+ // this test cannot be implemented using partest because of its mixed-mode compilation strategy:
+ // partest first compiles all files with scalac, then the java files, and then again the scala
+ // using the output classpath. this shadows the bug SI-8926.
+ val annotA =
+ """import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
+ |import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
+ |@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
+ |public @interface AnnotA { }
+ """.stripMargin
+ val annotB = "public @interface AnnotB { }"
+ val scalaSrc =
+ """@AnnotA class A
+ |@AnnotB class B
+ """.stripMargin
+ val run = new global.Run()
+ run.compileSources(List(new BatchSourceFile("", annotA), new BatchSourceFile("", annotB), new BatchSourceFile("Test.scala", scalaSrc)))
+ val outDir = global.settings.outputDirs.getSingleOutput.get
+ val outfiles = (for (f <- outDir.iterator if !f.isDirectory) yield (, f.toByteArray)).toList
+ def check(classfile: String, annotName: String) = {
+ val f = (outfiles collect { case (`classfile`, bytes) => AsmUtils.readClass(bytes) }).head
+ val descs =
+ assertTrue(descs.toString, descs exists (_ contains annotName))
+ }
+ check("A.class", "AnnotA")
+ // known issue SI-8928: the visibility of AnnotB should be CLASS, but annotation classes without
+ // a @Retention annotation are currently emitted as RUNTIME.
+ check("B.class", "AnnotB")
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/lang/annotations/RunTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/lang/annotations/RunTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d9c0c4713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/lang/annotations/RunTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+package scala.lang.annotations
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+class RunTest extends RunTesting {
+ import runner._
+ @Test
+ def annotationInfoNotErased(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """import javax.annotation.Resource
+ |import scala.annotation.meta.getter
+ |class C {
+ | type Rg = Resource @getter
+ | @(Resource @getter)(`type` = classOf[Int]) def a = 0
+ | @Rg(`type` = classOf[Int]) def b = 0
+ |}
+ |val c = classOf[C]
+ |def typeArg(meth: String) = c.getDeclaredMethod(meth).getDeclaredAnnotation(classOf[Resource]).`type`
+ |List("a", "b") map typeArg
+ |""".stripMargin
+ val i = Integer.TYPE
+ assertEquals(run[List[Class[_]]](code), List(i, i))
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/lang/primitives/BoxUnboxTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/lang/primitives/BoxUnboxTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23c9326989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/lang/primitives/BoxUnboxTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+package scala.lang.primitives
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+object BoxUnboxTest {
+ class VCI(val x: Int) extends AnyVal { override def toString = "" + x }
+class BoxUnboxTest extends RunTesting {
+ import runner._
+ def genericNull[T] = null.asInstanceOf[T] // allowed, see SI-4437, point 2
+ @Test
+ def boxUnboxInt(): Unit = {
+ val b = new Integer(1)
+ val u = 1
+ assertEquals(1.toInt, u)
+ assertEquals(Predef.int2Integer(1), b)
+ assertEquals(1: Integer, b)
+ assertEquals(, b)
+ assertEquals(1.asInstanceOf[Object], b)
+ assertThrows[ClassCastException]("".asInstanceOf[Integer])
+ assertEquals(Predef.Integer2int(b), u)
+ assertEquals(b: Int, u)
+ assertEquals(Int.unbox(b), u)
+ assertEquals(b.asInstanceOf[Int], u)
+ assertEquals(b.intValue, u)
+ assertEquals(b.toInt, u)
+ intWrapper(b).toInt
+ assertThrows[ClassCastException](Int.unbox(""))
+ assertThrows[ClassCastException]("".asInstanceOf[Int])
+ // null unboxing in various positions
+ val n1 = Int.unbox(null)
+ assertEquals(n1, 0)
+ val n2 = Predef.Integer2int(null)
+ assertEquals(n2, 0)
+ val n3 = (null: Integer): Int
+ assertEquals(n3, 0)
+ val n4 = null.asInstanceOf[Int]
+ assertEquals(n4, 0)
+ val n5 = null.asInstanceOf[Int] == 0
+ assertTrue(n5)
+ val n6 = null.asInstanceOf[Int] == null
+ assertFalse(n6)
+ val n7 = null.asInstanceOf[Int] != 0
+ assertFalse(n7)
+ val n8 = null.asInstanceOf[Int] != null
+ assertTrue(n8)
+ val mp = new java.util.HashMap[Int, Int]
+ val n9 = mp.get(0)
+ assertEquals(n9, 0)
+ val n10 = mp.get(0) == null // SI-602
+ assertThrows[AssertionError](assertFalse(n10)) // should not throw
+ def f(a: Any) = "" + a
+ val n11 = f(null.asInstanceOf[Int])
+ assertEquals(n11, "0")
+ def n12 = genericNull[Int]
+ assertEquals(n12, 0)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def numericConversions(): Unit = {
+ val i1 = 1L.asInstanceOf[Int]
+ assertEquals(i1, 1)
+ assertThrows[ClassCastException] {
+ val i2 = (1L: Any).asInstanceOf[Int] // SI-1448, should not throw. see also SI-4437 point 1.
+ assertEquals(i2, 1)
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ def boxUnboxBoolean(): Unit = {
+ val n1 = Option(null.asInstanceOf[Boolean])
+ assertEquals(n1, Some(false))
+ }
+ @Test
+ def boxUnboxUnit(): Unit = {
+ // should not use assertEquals in this test: it takes two Object parameters. normally, Unit does
+ // not conform to Object, but for Java-defined methods scalac makes an exception and treats them
+ // as Any. passing a Unit as Any makes the compiler go through another layer of boxing, so it
+ // can hide some bugs (where we actually have a null, but the compiler makes it a ()).
+ var v = 0
+ def eff() = { v = 1 }
+ def chk() = { assert(v == 1); v = 0 }
+ val b = runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT
+ assert(eff() == b); chk()
+ assert( == b); chk()
+ assert(().asInstanceOf[Object] == b)
+ Unit.unbox({eff(); b}); chk()
+ Unit.unbox({eff(); null}); chk()
+ assertThrows[ClassCastException](Unit.unbox({eff(); ""})); chk()
+ val n1 = null.asInstanceOf[Unit]
+ assert(n1 == b)
+ val n2 = null.asInstanceOf[Unit] == b
+ assert(n2)
+ def f(a: Any) = "" + a
+ val n3 = f(null.asInstanceOf[Unit])
+ assertEquals(n3, "()")
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t9671(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """import scala.lang.primitives.BoxUnboxTest.VCI
+ |
+ |def f1(a: Any) = "" + a
+ |def f2(a: AnyVal) = "" + a
+ |def f3[T](a: T) = "" + a
+ |def f4(a: Int) = "" + a
+ |def f5(a: VCI) = "" + a
+ |def f6(u: Unit) = "" + u
+ |
+ |def n1: AnyRef = null
+ |def n2: Null = null
+ |def n3: Any = null
+ |def n4[T]: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
+ |
+ |def npe(s: => String) = try { s; throw new Error() } catch { case _: NullPointerException => "npe" }
+ |
+ | f1(null.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f1( n1.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f1( n2.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f1( n3.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f1( n4[Int]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f1(null.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f1( n1.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f1( n2.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f1( n3.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f1( n4[VCI]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f1(null.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f1( n1.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f1( n2.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f1( n3.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f1( n4[Unit]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f2(null.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f2( n1.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f2( n2.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f2( n3.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f2( n4[Int]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f2(null.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f2( n1.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f2( n2.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f2( n3.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f2( n4[VCI]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f2(null.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f2( n1.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f2( n2.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f2( n3.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f2( n4[Unit]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f3(null.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f3( n1.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f3( n2.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f3( n3.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f3( n4[Int]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f3(null.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f3( n1.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f3( n2.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f3( n3.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f3( n4[VCI]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f3(null.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f3( n1.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f3( n2.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f3( n3.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f3( n4[Unit]) + // "null"
+ |"-" +
+ | f4(null.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f4( n1.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f4( n2.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f4( n3.asInstanceOf[Int]) +
+ | f4( n4[Int]) +
+ |"-" +
+ | f5(null.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f5( n1.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ | f5( n2.asInstanceOf[VCI]) +
+ |npe(f5( n3.asInstanceOf[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ |npe(f5( n4[VCI])) + // SI-8097
+ |"-" +
+ | f6(null.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f6( n1.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f6( n2.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f6( n3.asInstanceOf[Unit]) +
+ | f6( n4[Unit]) // "null"
+ """.stripMargin
+ assertEquals(run[String](code),
+ "0000null-0npe0npenull-()()()()null-0000null-0npe0npenull-()()()()null-0000null-0npe0npenull-()()()()null-00000-0npe0npenpe-()()()()null")
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/lang/primitives/PredefAutoboxingTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/lang/primitives/PredefAutoboxingTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab31a9e8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/lang/primitives/PredefAutoboxingTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package scala.lang.primitives
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+class PredefAutoboxingTest {
+ @Test def unboxNullByte() =
+ assertEquals(Predef.Byte2byte(null), 0.toByte)
+ @Test def unboxNullShort() =
+ assertEquals(Predef.Short2short(null), 0.toShort)
+ @Test def unboxNullCharacter() =
+ assertEquals(Predef.Character2char(null), 0.toChar)
+ @Test def unboxNullInteger() =
+ assertEquals(Predef.Integer2int(null), 0)
+ @Test def unboxNullLong() =
+ assertEquals(Predef.Long2long(null), 0L)
+ @Test def unboxNullFloat() =
+ assertEquals(Predef.Float2float(null), 0F, 0F)
+ @Test def unboxNullDouble() =
+ assertEquals(Predef.Double2double(null), 0D, 0D)
+ @Test def unboxNullBoolean() =
+ assertEquals(Predef.Boolean2boolean(null), false)
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/lang/stringinterpol/StringContextTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/lang/stringinterpol/StringContextTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2cb8149d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/lang/stringinterpol/StringContextTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+package scala.lang.stringinterpol
+import java.text.DecimalFormat
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+object StringContextTestUtils {
+ private val decimalSeparator: Char = new DecimalFormat().getDecimalFormatSymbols().getDecimalSeparator()
+ private val numberPattern = """(\d+)\.(\d+.*)""".r
+ implicit class StringContextOps(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
+ // Use this String interpolator to avoid problems with a locale-dependent decimal mark.
+ def locally(numbers: String*): String = {
+ val numbersWithCorrectLocale =
+ sc.s(numbersWithCorrectLocale: _*)
+ }
+ // Handles cases like locally"3.14" - it's prettier than locally"${"3.14"}".
+ def locally(): String =
+ private def applyProperLocale(number: String): String = {
+ val numberPattern(intPart, fractionalPartAndSuffix) = number
+ s"$intPart$decimalSeparator$fractionalPartAndSuffix"
+ }
+ }
+class StringContextTest {
+ import StringContext._
+ import StringContextTestUtils.StringContextOps
+ @Test def noEscape() = {
+ val s = "string"
+ val res = processEscapes(s)
+ assertEquals(s, res)
+ }
+ @Test def tabbed() = {
+ val s = """a\tb"""
+ val res = processEscapes(s)
+ assertEquals("a\tb", res)
+ }
+ @Test def quoted() = {
+ val s = """hello, \"world\""""
+ val res = processEscapes(s)
+ assertEquals("""hello, "world"""", res)
+ }
+ @Test def octal() = {
+ val s = """\123cala"""
+ val res = treatEscapes(s)
+ assertEquals("Scala", res)
+ }
+ @Test def doubled() = {
+ val s = """\123cala\123yntax"""
+ val res = treatEscapes(s)
+ assertEquals("ScalaSyntax", res)
+ }
+ @Test def badly() = assertThrows[InvalidEscapeException] {
+ val s = """Scala\"""
+ val res = treatEscapes(s)
+ assertEquals("Scala", res)
+ }
+ @Test def noOctal() = assertThrows[InvalidEscapeException] {
+ val s = """\123cala"""
+ val res = processEscapes(s)
+ assertEquals("Scala", res)
+ }
+ @Test def t6631_baseline() = assertEquals("\f\r\n\t", s"""\f\r\n\t""")
+ @Test def t6631_badEscape() = assertThrows[InvalidEscapeException] {
+ s"""\x"""
+ }
+ // verifying that the standard interpolators can be supplanted
+ @Test def antiHijack_?() = {
+ object AllYourStringsAreBelongToMe { case class StringContext(args: Any*) { def s(args: Any) = "!!!!" } }
+ import AllYourStringsAreBelongToMe._
+ //assertEquals("????", s"????")
+ assertEquals("!!!!", s"????") // OK to hijack core interpolator ids
+ }
+ @Test def fIf() = {
+ val res = f"${if (true) 2.5 else 2.5}%.2f"
+ val expected = locally"2.50"
+ assertEquals(expected, res)
+ }
+ @Test def fIfNot() = {
+ val res = f"${if (false) 2.5 else 3.5}%.2f"
+ val expected = locally"3.50"
+ assertEquals(expected, res)
+ }
+ @Test def fHeteroArgs() = {
+ val res = f"${3.14}%.2f rounds to ${3}%d"
+ val expected = locally"${"3.14"} rounds to 3"
+ assertEquals(expected, res)
+ }
+ @Test def `f interpolator baseline`(): Unit = {
+ implicit def stringToBoolean(s: String): Boolean = java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(s)
+ implicit def stringToChar(s: String): Char = s(0)
+ implicit def str2fmt(s: String): java.util.Formattable = new java.util.Formattable {
+ def formatTo(f: java.util.Formatter, g: Int, w: Int, p: Int) = f.format("%s", s)
+ }
+ val b_true = true
+ val b_false = false
+ val i = 42
+ val f_zero = 0.0
+ val f_zero_- = -0.0
+ val s = "Scala"
+ val fff = new java.util.Formattable {
+ def formatTo(f: java.util.Formatter, g: Int, w: Int, p: Int) = f.format("4")
+ }
+ import java.util.{Calendar, Locale}
+ val c = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.US)
+ c.set(2012, Calendar.MAY, 26)
+ implicit def strToDate(x: String): Calendar = c
+ val ss = List[(String, String)] (
+ // 'b' / 'B' (category: general)
+ // -----------------------------
+ f"${b_false}%b" -> "false",
+ f"${b_true}%b" -> "true",
+ f"${null}%b" -> "false",
+ f"${false}%b" -> "false",
+ f"${true}%b" -> "true",
+ f"${true && false}%b" -> "false",
+ f"${new java.lang.Boolean(false)}%b" -> "false",
+ f"${new java.lang.Boolean(true)}%b" -> "true",
+ f"${null}%B" -> "FALSE",
+ f"${false}%B" -> "FALSE",
+ f"${true}%B" -> "TRUE",
+ f"${new java.lang.Boolean(false)}%B" -> "FALSE",
+ f"${new java.lang.Boolean(true)}%B" -> "TRUE",
+ f"${"true"}%b" -> "true",
+ f"${"false"}%b"-> "false",
+ // 'h' | 'H' (category: general)
+ // -----------------------------
+ f"${null}%h" -> "null",
+ f"${f_zero}%h" -> "0",
+ f"${f_zero_-}%h" -> "80000000",
+ f"${s}%h" -> "4c01926",
+ f"${null}%H" -> "NULL",
+ f"${s}%H" -> "4C01926",
+ // 's' | 'S' (category: general)
+ // -----------------------------
+ f"${null}%s" -> "null",
+ f"${null}%S" -> "NULL",
+ f"${s}%s" -> "Scala",
+ f"${s}%S" -> "SCALA",
+ f"${5}" -> "5",
+ f"${i}" -> "42",
+ f"${'foo}" -> "'foo",
+ f"${Thread.State.NEW}" -> "NEW",
+ // 'c' | 'C' (category: character)
+ // -------------------------------
+ f"${120:Char}%c" -> "x",
+ f"${120:Byte}%c" -> "x",
+ f"${120:Short}%c" -> "x",
+ f"${120:Int}%c" -> "x",
+ f"${new java.lang.Character('x')}%c" -> "x",
+ f"${new java.lang.Byte(120:Byte)}%c" -> "x",
+ f"${new java.lang.Short(120:Short)}%c" -> "x",
+ f"${new java.lang.Integer(120)}%c" -> "x",
+ f"${'x' : java.lang.Character}%c" -> "x",
+ f"${(120:Byte) : java.lang.Byte}%c" -> "x",
+ f"${(120:Short) : java.lang.Short}%c" -> "x",
+ f"${120 : java.lang.Integer}%c" -> "x",
+ f"${"Scala"}%c" -> "S",
+ // 'd' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' (category: integral)
+ // ------------------------------------------
+ f"${120:Byte}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${120:Short}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${120:Int}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${120:Long}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${60 * 2}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${new java.lang.Byte(120:Byte)}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${new java.lang.Short(120:Short)}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${new java.lang.Integer(120)}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${new java.lang.Long(120)}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${120 : java.lang.Integer}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${120 : java.lang.Long}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${BigInt(120)}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${new java.math.BigInteger("120")}%d" -> "120",
+ f"${4}%#10X" -> " 0X4",
+ f"She is ${fff}%#s feet tall." -> "She is 4 feet tall.",
+ f"Just want to say ${"hello, world"}%#s..." -> "Just want to say hello, world...",
+ { implicit val strToShort = (s: String) => java.lang.Short.parseShort(s) ; f"${"120"}%d" } -> "120",
+ { implicit val strToInt = (s: String) => 42 ; f"${"120"}%d" } -> "42",
+ // 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' | 'f' | 'a' | 'A' (category: floating point)
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ f"${3.4f}%e" -> locally"3.400000e+00",
+ f"${3.4}%e" -> locally"3.400000e+00",
+ f"${3.4f : java.lang.Float}%e" -> locally"3.400000e+00",
+ f"${3.4 : java.lang.Double}%e" -> locally"3.400000e+00",
+ f"${BigDecimal(3.4)}%e" -> locally"3.400000e+00",
+ f"${new java.math.BigDecimal(3.4)}%e" -> locally"3.400000e+00",
+ f"${3}%e" -> locally"3.000000e+00",
+ f"${3L}%e" -> locally"3.000000e+00",
+ // 't' | 'T' (category: date/time)
+ // -------------------------------
+ f"${c}%TD" -> "05/26/12",
+ f"${c.getTime}%TD" -> "05/26/12",
+ f"${c.getTime.getTime}%TD" -> "05/26/12",
+ f"""${"1234"}%TD""" -> "05/26/12",
+ // literals and arg indexes
+ f"%%" -> "%",
+ f" mind%n------%nmatter" ->
+ """| mind
+ |------
+ |matter""".stripMargin.lines.mkString(compat.Platform.EOL),
+ f"${i}%d %<d ${9}%d" -> "42 42 9",
+ f"${7}%d %<d ${9}%d" -> "7 7 9",
+ f"${7}%d %2$$d ${9}%d" -> "7 9 9",
+ f"${null}%d %<B" -> "null FALSE",
+ f"${5: Any}" -> "5",
+ f"${5}%s%<d" -> "55",
+ f"${3.14}%s,%<f" -> locally"3.14,${"3.140000"}",
+ f"z" -> "z"
+ )
+ for ((f, s) <- ss) assertEquals(s, f)
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/lang/traits/BytecodeTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/lang/traits/BytecodeTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f47fc9c127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/lang/traits/BytecodeTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+package scala.lang.traits
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+class BytecodeTest extends BytecodeTesting {
+ import compiler._
+ def checkForwarder(classes: Map[String, ClassNode], clsName: Symbol, target: String) = {
+ val List(f) = getMethods(classes(, "f")
+ assertSameCode(f, List(VarOp(ALOAD, 0), Invoke(INVOKESPECIAL, target, "f", "()I", false), Op(IRETURN)))
+ }
+ @Test
+ def traitMethodForwarders(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """trait T1 { def f = 1 }
+ |trait T2 extends T1 { override def f = 2 }
+ |trait T3 { self: T1 => override def f = 3 }
+ |
+ |abstract class A1 { def f: Int }
+ |class A2 { def f: Int = 4 }
+ |
+ |trait T4 extends A1 { def f = 5 }
+ |trait T5 extends A2 { override def f = 6 }
+ |
+ |trait T6 { def f: Int }
+ |trait T7 extends T6 { abstract override def f = super.f + 1 }
+ |
+ |trait T8 { override def clone() = super.clone() }
+ |
+ |class A3 extends T1 { override def f = 7 }
+ |
+ |class C1 extends T1
+ |class C2 extends T2
+ |class C3 extends T1 with T2
+ |class C4 extends T2 with T1
+ |class C5 extends T1 with T3
+ |
+ |// traits extending a class that defines f
+ |class C6 extends T4
+ |class C7 extends T5
+ |class C8 extends A1 with T4
+ |class C9 extends A2 with T5
+ |
+ |// T6: abstract f in trait
+ |class C10 extends T6 with T1
+ |class C11 extends T6 with T2
+ |abstract class C12 extends A1 with T6
+ |class C13 extends A2 with T6
+ |class C14 extends T4 with T6
+ |class C15 extends T5 with T6
+ |
+ |// superclass overrides a trait method
+ |class C16 extends A3
+ |class C17 extends A3 with T1
+ |
+ |// abstract override
+ |class C18 extends T6 { def f = 22 }
+ |class C19 extends C18 with T7
+ |
+ |class C20 extends T8
+ """.stripMargin
+ val c = compileClasses(code).map(c => (, c)).toMap
+ val noForwarder = List('C1, 'C2, 'C3, 'C4, 'C10, 'C11, 'C12, 'C13, 'C16, 'C17)
+ for (cn <- noForwarder) assertEquals(getMethods(c(, "f"), Nil)
+ checkForwarder(c, 'C5, "T3")
+ checkForwarder(c, 'C6, "T4")
+ checkForwarder(c, 'C7, "T5")
+ checkForwarder(c, 'C8, "T4")
+ checkForwarder(c, 'C9, "T5")
+ checkForwarder(c, 'C14, "T4")
+ checkForwarder(c, 'C15, "T5")
+ assertSameSummary(getMethod(c("C18"), "f"), List(BIPUSH, IRETURN))
+ checkForwarder(c, 'C19, "T7")
+ assertSameCode(getMethod(c("C19"), "T7$$super$f"), List(VarOp(ALOAD, 0), Invoke(INVOKESPECIAL, "C18", "f", "()I", false), Op(IRETURN)))
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c("C20"), "clone"), "T8", "clone") // mixin forwarder
+ }
+ @Test
+ def noTraitMethodForwardersForOverloads(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """trait T1 { def f(x: Int) = 0 }
+ |trait T2 { def f(x: String) = 1 }
+ |class C extends T1 with T2
+ """.stripMargin
+ val List(c, t1, t2) = compileClasses(code)
+ assertEquals(getMethods(c, "f"), Nil)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def traitMethodForwardersForJavaDefaultMethods(): Unit = {
+ val j1 = ("interface J1 { int f(); }", "")
+ val j2 = ("interface J2 { default int f() { return 1; } }", "")
+ val j3 = ("interface J3 extends J1 { default int f() { return 2; } }", "")
+ val j4 = ("interface J4 extends J2 { default int f() { return 3; } }", "")
+ val code =
+ """trait T1 extends J2 { override def f = 4 }
+ |trait T2 { self: J2 => override def f = 5 }
+ |
+ |class K1 extends J2
+ |class K2 extends J1 with J2
+ |class K3 extends J2 with J1
+ |
+ |class K4 extends J3
+ |class K5 extends J3 with J1
+ |class K6 extends J1 with J3
+ |
+ |class K7 extends J4
+ |class K8 extends J4 with J2
+ |class K9 extends J2 with J4
+ |
+ |class K10 extends T1 with J2
+ |class K11 extends J2 with T1
+ |
+ |class K12 extends J2 with T2
+ """.stripMargin
+ val c = compileClasses(code, List(j1, j2, j3, j4)).map(c => (, c)).toMap
+ val noForwarder = List('K1, 'K2, 'K3, 'K4, 'K5, 'K6, 'K7, 'K8, 'K9, 'K10, 'K11)
+ for (cn <- noForwarder) assertEquals(getMethods(c(, "f"), Nil)
+ checkForwarder(c, 'K12, "T2")
+ }
+ @Test
+ def invocationReceivers(): Unit = {
+ val List(c1, c2, t, u) = compileClasses(invocationReceiversTestCode.definitions("Object"))
+ // mixin forwarder in C1
+ assertSameCode(getMethod(c1, "clone"), List(VarOp(ALOAD, 0), Invoke(INVOKESPECIAL, "T", "clone", "()Ljava/lang/Object;", false), Op(ARETURN)))
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c1, "f1"), "T", "clone")
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c1, "f2"), "T", "clone")
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c1, "f3"), "C1", "clone")
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c2, "f1"), "T", "clone")
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c2, "f2"), "T", "clone")
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c2, "f3"), "C1", "clone")
+ val List(c1b, c2b, tb, ub) = compileClasses(invocationReceiversTestCode.definitions("String"))
+ def ms(c: ClassNode, n: String) = c.methods.asScala.toList.filter( == n)
+ assert(ms(tb, "clone").length == 1)
+ assert(ms(ub, "clone").isEmpty)
+ val List(c1Clone) = ms(c1b, "clone")
+ assertEquals(c1Clone.desc, "()Ljava/lang/Object;")
+ assert((c1Clone.access | Opcodes.ACC_BRIDGE) != 0)
+ assertSameCode(convertMethod(c1Clone), List(VarOp(ALOAD, 0), Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "C1", "clone", "()Ljava/lang/String;", false), Op(ARETURN)))
+ def iv(m: Method) = getInstructions(c1b, "f1").collect({case i: Invoke => i})
+ assertSameCode(iv(getMethod(c1b, "f1")), List(Invoke(INVOKEINTERFACE, "T", "clone", "()Ljava/lang/String;", true)))
+ assertSameCode(iv(getMethod(c1b, "f2")), List(Invoke(INVOKEINTERFACE, "T", "clone", "()Ljava/lang/String;", true)))
+ // invokeinterface T.clone in C1 is OK here because it is not an override of Object.clone (different siganture)
+ assertSameCode(iv(getMethod(c1b, "f3")), List(Invoke(INVOKEINTERFACE, "T", "clone", "()Ljava/lang/String;", true)))
+ }
+ @Test
+ def invocationReceiversProtected(): Unit = {
+ // / 9954eaf
+ // also / 0bea2ab (same but with interfaces)
+ val aC =
+ """package a;
+ |/*package private*/ abstract class A {
+ | public int f() { return 1; }
+ | public int t;
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val bC =
+ """package a;
+ |public class B extends A { }
+ """.stripMargin
+ val iC =
+ """package a;
+ |/*package private*/ interface I { int f(); }
+ """.stripMargin
+ val jC =
+ """package a;
+ |public interface J extends I { }
+ """.stripMargin
+ val cC =
+ """package b
+ |class C {
+ | def f1(b: a.B) = b.f
+ | def f2(b: a.B) = { b.t = b.t + 1 }
+ | def f3(j: a.J) = j.f
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val c = compileClass(cC, javaCode = List((aC, ""), (bC, ""), (iC, ""), (jC, "")))
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c, "f1"), "a/B", "f") // receiver needs to be B (A is not accessible in class C, package b)
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c, "f3"), "a/J", "f") // receiver needs to be J
+ }
+ @Test
+ def specialInvocationReceivers(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """class C {
+ | def f1(a: Array[String]) = a.clone()
+ | def f2(a: Array[Int]) = a.hashCode()
+ | def f3(n: Nothing) = n.hashCode()
+ | def f4(n: Null) = n.toString()
+ |
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val c = compileClass(code)
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c, "f1"), "[Ljava/lang/String;", "clone") // array descriptor as receiver
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c, "f2"), "java/lang/Object", "hashCode") // object receiver
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c, "f3"), "java/lang/Object", "hashCode")
+ assertInvoke(getMethod(c, "f4"), "java/lang/Object", "toString")
+ }
+ @Test
+ def superConstructorArgumentInSpecializedClass(): Unit = {
+ // see comment in SpecializeTypes.forwardCtorCall
+ val code = "case class C[@specialized(Int) T](_1: T)"
+ val List(c, cMod, cSpec) = compileClasses(code)
+ assertSameSummary(getMethod(cSpec, "<init>"),
+ // pass `null` to super constructor, no box-unbox, no Integer created
+ }
+object invocationReceiversTestCode {
+ // if cloneType is more specific than Object (e.g., String), a bridge method is generated.
+ def definitions(cloneType: String) =
+ s"""trait T { override def clone(): $cloneType = "hi" }
+ |trait U extends T
+ |class C1 extends U with Cloneable {
+ | // The comments below are true when $cloneType is Object.
+ | // C1 gets a forwarder for clone that invokes T.clone. this is needed because JVM method
+ | // resolution always prefers class members, so it would resolve to Object.clone, even if
+ | // C1 is a subtype of the interface T which has an overriding default method for clone.
+ |
+ | // invokeinterface T.clone
+ | def f1 = (this: T).clone()
+ |
+ | // cannot invokeinterface U.clone (NoSuchMethodError). Object.clone would work here, but
+ | // not in the example in C2 (illegal access to protected). T.clone works in all cases and
+ | // resolves correctly.
+ | def f2 = (this: U).clone()
+ |
+ | // invokevirtual C1.clone()
+ | def f3 = (this: C1).clone()
+ |}
+ |
+ |class C2 {
+ | def f1(t: T) = t.clone() // invokeinterface T.clone
+ | def f2(t: U) = t.clone() // invokeinterface T.clone -- Object.clone would be illegal (protected, explained in C1)
+ | def f3(t: C1) = t.clone() // invokevirtual C1.clone -- Object.clone would be illegal
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val runCode =
+ """
+ |val r = new StringBuffer()
+ |val c1 = new C1
+ |r.append(c1.f1)
+ |r.append(c1.f2)
+ |r.append(c1.f3)
+ |val t = new T { }
+ |val u = new U { }
+ |val c2 = new C2
+ |r.append(c2.f1(t))
+ |r.append(c2.f1(u))
+ |r.append(c2.f1(c1))
+ |r.append(c2.f2(u))
+ |r.append(c2.f2(c1))
+ |r.append(c2.f3(c1))
+ |r.toString
+ """.stripMargin
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/lang/traits/RunTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/lang/traits/RunTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d27dc15e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/lang/traits/RunTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package scala.lang.traits
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+class RunTest extends RunTesting {
+ import runner._
+ @Test
+ def invocationReceivers(): Unit = {
+ import invocationReceiversTestCode._
+ assertEquals(run[String](definitions("Object") + runCode), "hi" * 9)
+ assertEquals(run[String](definitions("String") + runCode), "hi" * 9) // bridge method for clone generated
+ }